February 2022

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135 Rivonia Road, Sandown, 2196
P O Box 1144, Johannesburg, 2000, South Africa
Bank VAT Reg No 4320116074
Lost cards 0800 110 929
Client services 0860 555 111
Tax invoice

Please examine this statement soonest. If no error is reported within 30 days after receipt, the statement will be considered as being correct.

Account summary
Account type Account number
Current account 1090447868
Statement date: 18/02/2022 Envelope: 1 of 1

Statement period: 18/01/2022 – 18/02/2022 Total pages: 4
Statement frequency: Monthly Client VAT number:

Bank charges summary Cashflow Overdraft/Overdrawn

Electronic banking fees R41.50 Opening balance -R2,466.33 Current overdraft limit R15,000.00
Other charges R226.00 Funds received/Credits R17,051.80 Debit interest rate 13.200%
Bank charge(s) (total) R267.50 Funds used/Debits R28,973.50 Amount over limit R0.00
*VAT inclusive @ 15.000% Closing balance -R14,388.03
VAT calculated monthly Annual credit interest 0.000%

Total funds received/credits R17,051.80 Total funds used/debits R28,973.50

Account payments R11,597.65

Reversals credited R3.00 Cash withdrawals R500.00

Debit card purchase R3,957.59

Transfers in R17,048.80
Debit/stop orders R5,092.61

Electronic transfers R7,501.50

Other credits R0.00
Total charges and fees R267.50

Total R17,051.80 Other debits R56.65

Total R28,973.50

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

% of funds received % of utilisation

see money differently

We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution
through the Ombudsman for Banking Service. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).
Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06.
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Bank charges for the period 18 January 2022 to 18 February 2022

Narrative Description Item cost (R) VAT (R) Total (R)
Electronic banking fees 36.09 5.41 41.50
Other charges 196.52 29.48 226.00
Total Charges 267.50
Tran list no Date Description Fees (R) Debits (R) Credits (R) Balance (R)
19/01/2022 Opening balance -2,466.33
000187 19/01/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220118 22.50 -2,443.83
19/01/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220118 20.00 -2,423.83
19/01/2022 LOTTO Plus 2 (19-01-2022) 80.00 -2,503.83
19/01/2022 LOTTO Plus 2 (19-01-2022) 70.00 -2,573.83
19/01/2022 Cltx Westview 5181030004263221 521.99 -3,095.82
19/01/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 2.00 * -3,097.82
19/01/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -3,099.32
19/01/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -3,100.82
20/01/2022 LOTTERY WINNINGS 20220119 50.00 -3,050.82
20/01/2022 LIGHTMEYES.COM5181030004263221 48.45 -3,099.27
20/01/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -3,100.77
20/01/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -3,102.27
21/01/2022 Dass Distributors 16,200.00 13,097.73
21/01/2022 PowerBall Plus (21-01-2022) 90.00 13,007.73
21/01/2022 PowerBall Plus (21-01-2022) 60.00 12,947.73
21/01/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 2.00 * 12,945.73
22/01/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220121 25.20 12,970.93
22/01/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220121 5.00 12,975.93
22/01/2022 PAYJUSTNOW 5181030004263221 500.00 12,475.93
22/01/2022 NORTHGATE BOTT5181030004263221 368.10 12,107.83
000188 22/01/2022 FRANGEROS PORT5181030004263221 92.50 12,015.33
22/01/2022 Cltx Westview 5181030004263221 57.48 11,957.85
22/01/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * 11,956.35
22/01/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * 11,954.85
24/01/2022 MTN Airtime Top-up 0790449446 60.00 11,894.85
24/01/2022 ATM CASH 5181030004263221 500.00 11,394.85
24/01/2022 WOOLWORTHS MC 5181030004263221 504.94 10,889.91
24/01/2022 NORTHGATE BOTT5181030004263221 414.70 10,475.21
24/01/2022 BUILDERS EXP D5181030004263221 396.00 10,079.21
24/01/2022 LIGHTMEYES.COM5181030004263221 233.60 9,845.61
24/01/2022 Checkers Durba5181030004263221 219.50 9,626.11
24/01/2022 Ethekwini electricity 2,700.00 6,926.11
25/01/2022 NEDBPL 80046537789 220125 4,777.65 2,148.46
25/01/2022 FINCHOICE 1019586 220125 119.00 2,029.46
25/01/2022 PowerBall Plus (25-01-2022) 75.00 1,954.46
25/01/2022 PowerBall Plus (25-01-2022) 75.00 1,879.46
25/01/2022 C*CRYSTAL LIQU5181030004263221 191.00 1,688.46
25/01/2022 TWINSLIQUOR 5181030004263221 92.68 1,595.78
25/01/2022 Cltx Westview 5181030004263221 87.00 1,508.78
25/01/2022 Cltx Westview 5181030004263221 57.48 1,451.30
000189 25/01/2022 Levy Home 600.00 851.30
25/01/2022 ADT KZN 5115530528ADT1038732 350.00 501.30
25/01/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 2.00 * 499.30
25/01/2022 Prepaid Airtime 1.50 * 497.80
Balance carried forward

see money differently

We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution
through the Ombudsman for Banking Service. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).
Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06.
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Tran list no Date Description Fees (R) Debits (R) Credits (R) Balance (R)
Balance brought forward
26/01/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220125 20.00 517.80
26/01/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220125 10.00 527.80
26/01/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 250.00 277.80
26/01/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * 276.30
26/01/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * 274.80
27/01/2022 mags 511.00 785.80
27/01/2022 VAT 28/12-26/01 = R34.31 0.00 785.80
27/01/2022 INTEREST 28/12 - 26/01 56.65 729.15
27/01/2022 MAINTENANCE FEE 220.00 * 509.15
28/01/2022 Refund Notification Fee 3.00 512.15
28/01/2022 AFFINITYHE2864013388 220128 1,629.00 -1,116.85
28/01/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 450.00 -1,566.85
28/01/2022 DEBIT RATE INCREASED TO 13,20% 0.00 -1,566.85
29/01/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 2,000.00 -3,566.85
29/01/2022 happy 1,500.00 -5,066.85
31/01/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 400.00 -5,466.85
000190 31/01/2022 EPL*widegenera377121715309687 110.18 -5,577.03
31/01/2022 C*CALPOWER S/S5181030004263221 61.99 -5,639.02
01/02/2022 DMC C21945769 220201 150.60 -5,789.62
01/02/2022 PowerBall Plus (01-02-2022) 75.00 -5,864.62
01/02/2022 PowerBall Plus (01-02-2022) 75.00 -5,939.62
01/02/2022 PowerBall Plus (01-02-2022) 37.50 -5,977.12
01/02/2022 A P O PAYMENT 5898460942783770 990.00 -6,967.12
01/02/2022 MTN SP BA112544549 000000 1,916.01 -8,883.13
01/02/2022 WEBAFRICA 20220201678 359788 499.00 -9,382.13
01/02/2022 M-CHOICE M-CHOICE148979653 429.00 -9,811.13
01/02/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 3.00 * -9,814.13
01/02/2022 ROADCOVER API0132312 220201 39.00 -9,853.13
02/02/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220201 26.50 -9,826.63
02/02/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220201 23.90 -9,802.73
02/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 200.00 -10,002.73
02/02/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -10,004.23
02/02/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -10,005.73
02/02/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -10,007.23
03/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 200.00 -10,207.23
04/02/2022 MTN Airtime Top-up 0790449446 60.00 -10,267.23
000191 04/02/2022 MTN Airtime Top-up 0790449446 60.00 -10,327.23
04/02/2022 PowerBall Plus (04-02-2022) 60.00 -10,387.23
04/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 500.00 -10,887.23
04/02/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 1.00 * -10,888.23
05/02/2022 PowerBall Plus (04-02-2022) 60.00 -10,948.23
05/02/2022 Prepaid Airtime 1.50 * -10,949.73
05/02/2022 Prepaid Airtime 1.50 * -10,951.23
05/02/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -10,952.73
05/02/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 1.00 * -10,953.73
07/02/2022 LOTTO Plus 2 (05-02-2022) 100.00 -11,053.73
07/02/2022 happy 150.00 -11,203.73
07/02/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -11,205.23
07/02/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 1.00 * -11,206.23
08/02/2022 PowerBall Plus (08-02-2022) 75.00 -11,281.23
Balance carried forward

see money differently

We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution
through the Ombudsman for Banking Service. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).
Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06.
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Tran list no Date Description Fees (R) Debits (R) Credits (R) Balance (R)
Balance brought forward
08/02/2022 PowerBall Plus (08-02-2022) 67.50 -11,348.73
08/02/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 2.00 * -11,350.73
08/02/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -11,352.23
09/02/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220208 10.80 -11,341.43
09/02/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -11,342.93
09/02/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -11,344.43
000192 10/02/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220204 7.50 -11,336.93
10/02/2022 w store card 300.00 -11,636.93
10/02/2022 woolies 300.00 -11,936.93
11/02/2022 PowerBall Plus (11-02-2022) 97.50 -12,034.43
11/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 200.00 -12,234.43
11/02/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 1.00 * -12,235.43
12/02/2022 POWERBALL WINNINGS 20220211 21.40 -12,214.03
12/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 200.00 -12,414.03
12/02/2022 Nedbank Lotto Fee - CA 1.50 * -12,415.53
14/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 400.00 -12,815.53
14/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 300.00 -13,115.53
14/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 250.00 -13,365.53
14/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 200.00 -13,565.53
14/02/2022 happy 150.00 -13,715.53
17/02/2022 MTN Airtime Top-up 0790449446 60.00 -13,775.53
18/02/2022 Short falls - 2034196953 95.00 -13,680.53
18/02/2022 PowerBall Plus (18-02-2022) 75.00 -13,755.53
18/02/2022 CREDIT CARD - 377095504461703 500.00 -14,255.53
18/02/2022 happy 130.00 -14,385.53
18/02/2022 Prepaid Airtime 1.50 * -14,387.03
000193 18/02/2022 Lotto Notification Fee Email 1.00 * -14,388.03

Closing balance -14,388.03

see money differently

We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution
through the Ombudsman for Banking Service. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).
Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06.
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