2005 Benfield Guzman Mair

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Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276


Temporal mangrove dynamics in relation to coastal development

in Pacific Panama
Sarah L. Benfielda,*, Hector M. Guzmanb, James M. Maira
School of Life Sciences, School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Republica de Panama
Received 10 March 2003; revised 4 January 2005; accepted 14 February 2005

This study assessed the changes in extent of fringing mangrove located in Punta Mala Bay, Panama in relation to coastal development over
a period of two decades. Punta Mala Bay was chosen for this study, due to its social importance and its biological significance, as it is one of
the few mangrove areas left around Panama City. Fieldwork confirmed the importance of Laguncularia racemosa in the bay, which formed
nearly monospecific stands with a large number of seedlings indicating that the forest was rejuvenating. The mangrove was mapped from
1980 to 2002 using digitised aerial photographs and a GIS was used to determine the location and rates of mangrove growth and loss before
and after the construction of a road and water treatment works in 1998. The land use maps were produced with an overall accuracy of 83.8%.
The user’s accuracy of the maps for L. racemosa dominated stands was 89.7%, although the producer’s accuracy was lower due to the
omission of seedlings on intertidal areas. It was found that the mangrove was spatially dynamic and had grown substantially in the bay at a
rate ranging from 6 to 215% per year until the construction commenced. Between 1997 and 2002 there were 100% loss of mangrove in some
areas due to the coastal development. The resilience of the dominant species L. racemosa at this locality was shown by the continued growth
of two mangrove zones during the construction period 1997–2002, with one zone increasing in area by 61%. The pioneering ability of
L. racemosa after disturbance was demonstrated by the development of two new mangrove zones of 498 and 1254 m2 on bare intertidal areas
after construction finished. Future mapping and fieldwork could provide information on the development of mangrove communities and their
response to reoccurring human impacts.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mangrove; Aerial photography; Dynamics; Coastal development

Mangroves serve several important functions, including (Field, 1998) and hence, there is an increased need to assess
the maintenance of coastal water quality, reduction in and monitor these resources.
severity of storm, wave and flood damage, and as nursery There is a need for a reliable, cost-effective means of
and feeding areas for commercial and artisanal fishery mapping the extent of mangroves. This information is
species (English et al., 1997; Baran and Hambrey, 1998). crucial in long-term mangrove monitoring and to ensure
They are highly productive and their woody stems provide sustainable management. Mangrove management must
habitat, food and breeding grounds for a variety of fauna often deal with instances of rapid change, e.g. from natural
including benthic and pelagic marine animals such as fish mangrove stands to clearing for land use in shrimp farming
and shellfish (Baran and Hambrey, 1998). However, they and information is crucial for policy development, imple-
are threatened by increasing human populations, food menting conservation programmes and for increasing public
production, coastal developments and wood extraction awareness of the mangrove resource (Aschbacher et al.,
1995; Ramachandran et al., 1998). Maps can be used in
reforestation procedures and by fishery managers in their
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C44 131 451 4434; fax: C44 131 451 decision-making process (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000;
3161. Manson et al., 2001). Mapping mangrove by ground
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.L. Benfield). inventory is extremely difficult, time consuming and
0301-4797/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. expensive due to the remote location of some areas and
doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2005.02.004 the nature of the mangrove environment. Therefore, a more
264 S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276

cost-effective approach is required for gathering the study the resilience and regeneration of mangrove after
necessary information (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000). coastal development. Field data were collected to assess the
Remote sensing is an attractive management tool to mangrove’s current forest structure and stand development
obtain data for defining mangrove areas because it allows and to provide ground truth data to assess the accuracy of
quantitative and qualitative assessments of ground con- mangrove classification from the photographs.
ditions over large and inaccessible areas (Aschbacher et al.,
1995; Manson et al., 2001). Although, there have been
numerous studies using images from satellite sensors to map 1. Method
mangroves, there have been few published accounts on aerial
photographic techniques for mangrove assessment and their 1.1. Study site
accuracy, despite their long-term use. However, as Green
et al. (1998) point out, this deficiency is often due to a lack of The discontinuous fringing mangrove of Punta Mala
publications by governments, agencies and consultancies Bay, Panama City within the Bay of Panama (08856 0 45 00 N,
rather than the quality and resolution of data obtained from 079833 0 10 00 W) was the study site in this investigation. Punta
the technique. As satellite data are relatively recent, the Mala Bay is approximately 8.3 ha in size and is located to
interpretation of aerial photographs from the past is often the the west of the city, towards the entrance to the Panama
only way to determine the history of vegetation change and Canal. The Gulf of Panama is characterised by wet and dry
previous mangrove spatial dynamics in areas that do not have seasons, with the wet season lasting from May to December
any other scientific records (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000; (average monthly rainfall 350 mm) and the dry season
Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam, 2002). Aerial photographs occurs between January and April (Glynn, 1972). Panama
are advantageous due to their high spatial resolution City is subject to semi-diurnal tides (Glynn, 1972), with the
compared to satellite images from Landsat and SPOT, average range being approximately 3.76 m. The monthly
making them suitable for surveying small areas of interest, maximum range was 4.97 m and the minimum range was
and aerial photographs have been utilised by authors approximately 2.2 m for June 2002 when the study was
including Tam et al. (1997), Cardona and Botero (1998), conducted.
Chauvaud et al. (1998), Dahdouh-Guebas et al. (2000) and Most of the mangrove of the Gulf of Panama is
Manson et al. (2001). Aerial photography can also in some classified as either critical or endangered on the conserva-
cases be used to discriminate between stands of mangrove tion status scale due to losses associated with shrimp pond
genera, as shown by Dahdouh-Guebas et al. (2000). Despite construction, crops, cattle farming and tidally flooded land
this tool being available, the precise aerial extents of (D’Croz, 1993). The mangroves of Punta Mala Bay and the
mangroves are unknown in many regions, hence measuring rest of Panama Bay are threatened by reclamation projects,
loss and predicting sensitivity and recovery are difficult urbanisation, tourism developments and pollution. Punta
(Farnsworth and Ellison, 1997; Field, 1998). Mala Bay was subject to the construction of a road and
Whilst there is a need to collect field data to ground truth wastewater treatment plant, and there is currently a marina
remotely sensed information, there is also a need for more being built in Amador, approximately 500 m to the south
field studies and experiments to investigate mangrove of the bay. There are also plans for a housing development
regeneration, zonation and stand development. The dom- within the bay. Punta Mala Bay was chosen for this study
inance of studies in mature mangrove forests has resulted in as it is locally important socially and biologically. It is used
a lack of field data on mangrove stand development from by local inhabitants from the nearby Chorillo district who
colonisation, through to early development and maturity collect bivalves from within the intertidal areas and palms
(sensu Jiménez et al., 1985), and the effects of disturbance that grow at the landward edges of the mangrove area. The
during this process. The study of spatio-temporal changes in motivation for small-scale clear cutting of mangroves by
mangrove stand extent, structure and composition has these people is due to economic incentives, with collectors
recently been defined by Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam selling the cuttings for firewood in their local community
(2002) as mangrove vegetation structure dynamics. They (sensu Farnsworth and Ellison, 1997). Those trees targeted
also note that up to date field work on vegetation structure generally had larger diameters, greater than 2.5 cm. It is
(measurements of adults, saplings and seedlings) in estimated that approximately 20–30 people utilise the bay’s
conjunction with historical records of spatial dynamics via mangrove associated produce, based on observations and
remote sensing can be used to evaluate the status of the informal discussions with local fishermen in the field
mangrove as being spatially static or dynamic and (S. Benfield 2002, pers. comm.). The mangrove of the bay
rejuvenating. This study will deal with vegetation structure is also biologically important in the locality. It is one of the
dynamics in an almost monospecific stand and hence only areas of mangrove left in the Bay of Panama near to
changes in mangrove extent are the focus of this study. Panama City, a coastline that used to be fringed by
This study aimed to use aerial photography to look at the mangrove forest before coastal development started.
growth and loss of mangrove at a site in Pacific Panama Additionally Punta Mala Bay is a useful site to investigate
from 1980 to 2002. The area provides the opportunity to the application of aerial photography for mapping
S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276 265

and monitoring long-term mangrove regeneration, because Kruskal–Wallis tests and Dunn’s multiple comparison
the site is easily accessible by road and the forest is of low procedures were implemented in Minitab.
1.3. Aerial photograph image processing and GIS analysis
1.2. Field survey
Five aerial photographs used in this analysis were
obtained from the Tommy Guardia National Geographic
Field work was conducted during June 2002. Punta Mala
Institute of the Republic of Panama. Black and white images
Bay was visited twice before sampling plots were
at a scale of 1:25,000 were obtained for 1980, 1992, 1997 and
permanently established and data collected to assess the
2002 (see Fig. 1). A colour image at a scale of 1:9000 was
dominant species present and the forest structure throughout
obtained for 1990. From the image, a digital macro-
the bay. Those areas which would best represent the
photograph was taken of the area of Punta Mala Bay at
distribution, forest structure and incorporate areas which
96 dpi resolution. Photographs were imported into IDRISI32
were altered due to coastal developments were chosen as
and georeferenced via nearest neighbour resampling and a
sampling sites. Five sites were chosen for survey and at each
linear transformation. Ground control points were obtained
site one 10 m by 10 m plot was marked out using four iron from a topographic map from the Tommy Guardia National
rods. Plot locations were haphazardly chosen within the five Geographic Institute (scale of 1:50,000). Those GCPs that
sites of interest (Fig. 1). The GPS location of each point was had large RMS errors were eliminated until the RMS tended
taken but the error was G30 m as DGPS was not available, towards zero. Photogrammetric rectification techniques were
and this subsequently meant positioning the plot locations not required as the area is relatively flat and topographic
on the image relied on ground features, e.g. roads, buildings distortions and skew were minor. All the images were
(see Section 1.3). At each plot measuring tapes were laid resampled to the same size to allow further analysis.
between the iron rods to create x and y-axes for recording As the images were mostly black and white aerial
the coordinates of the trees. All live trees and saplings photographs it was decided that visual interpretation would
greater than 1 m in height were tagged with marking tape so provide more accurate results compared to supervised
they could be identified. This height restriction ensured the classifications, as local knowledge was available to assist
inclusion of saplings, defined as trees greater or equal to 1 m the process. The delineation of mangrove areas was
in height with a girth of less than 4 cm (English et al., 1997). accomplished using a combination of grey tone differences,
For each individual, the species was noted, height above location and shape. Mangrove was the classification given
ground sediment measured and the x and y coordinates taken to all mangrove areas in the bay, as preliminary field results
to allow future monitoring. The diameter of the tree was showed that the bay was almost monospecific and the only
measured at 130 cm from the ground (D130) (Brokaw and slight differences were in vertical vegetation structure (as
Thompson, 2000) and was recorded using a pre-calibrated defined by Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam, 2002), which
tape measure when D130 was greater or equal to 2.5 cm. In could not be detected from the imagery available. The
circumstances when the tree branched below this height mangrove areas could be identified on intertidal areas as
standardised rules were followed (English et al., 1997). they appeared darker than the surrounding mud and also
Trees measured for D130 were marked with a numbered tended to occur in clumps in the bay. Delineation of
stainless steel tag to assist future relocation for monitoring. mangrove was partly assisted by the fact that the area had
As the bay had many seedlings compared to mature undergone coastal development as the concrete bank and
mangrove forest the number of 1 m by 1 m subplots (within road surrounding the bay was much lighter and contrasted
the 10 m by 10 m plot) for surveying seedlings was with the darker grey mangrove stands. The main problems
increased to 25 from the standard 5 (sensu CARICOMP, in delineating mangrove occurred when separating man-
2001) to allow a greater percentage of the population to be grove from non-mangrove vegetation in the 1997 and 2002
surveyed. For all subplots the species and height of every images. This was achieved by examining the position of the
seedling was recorded and five subplots were haphazardly vegetation in the bay (i.e. was it in a potential intertidal area,
chosen and marked using four PVC poles so they could be in the seaward area of the concrete bank) and using slight
monitored. Coordinates of the seedlings in these five differences in grey tone between the mangrove and other
subplots were also recorded. vegetation such as grass and terrestrial trees (sensu
The importance value of each species in each plot for the Rolofoharinoro et al., 1998; Dahdouh-Guebas and koedam,
adult/sapling population was calculated using the equations 2002). Human land use was broken down into roads,
given by Cintrón and Schaeffer Novelli (1984). This was to residential areas, industrial and commercial areas, recrea-
ascertain the contribution of each species to the mangrove tion area (baseball) and the water treatment works. Areas
forest and the importance value was used as an indicator of covered in terrestrial vegetation either fully or partially were
the degree of monospecificity (Cintrón and Schaeffer classified as other vegetation and open ground and the
Novelli, 1984; English et al., 1997). To examine differences internal area of the bay was classified as intertidal area.
in height, D130 and species composition between plots Polygons around the various land cover types were defined
266 S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276

Fig. 1. An example of the aerial photographs used in this study. This image was taken in 2002 and shows the approximate location of the five survey plots
used to assess forest structure. The lower image shows the location of Punta Mala Bay (within box) in Panama Bay, adjacent to the Pacific entrance of the
Panama Canal.
S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276 267

by onscreen digitising in Idrisi converted to raster form

stems with D130O2.5 cm. Note that mean stand diameter is not the average diameter for the stand but is the diameter of a stem of mean basal area. The position of the plot is with respect to the mangrove zones
Species composition of

identified in the aerial photographs (see Figs. 1 and 2). Ad, adults and saplings (height greater than 1 m); S, seedlings in subplots; L, Laguncularia racemosa; A, Avicennia germinans; R, Rhizophora mangle.
The number of adults, saplings and seedlings is given per plot (10 m2), which for seedlings was extrapolated from the twenty-five 1 m2 subplots. Stand basal area and mean stand diameter calculated only for
seedling subplots (%)
upon which area calculations can be performed.

Due to the positional error of the GPS device available
(30 m) and the relatively small area of the bay, it was not

possible to use the GPS data to exactly position the plot
locations on the images. Therefore, the plots were


positioned on the 2002 map using visual clues such as the
buildings, the road and the shape of the bay. An accuracy
Species composition

assessment of the 2002 classified image was conducted

using additional sites where the presence of mangrove
of plot (%)

(seedlings, saplings or mature trees), other vegetation and


human land use were known from the field visits. The
ground truth points in mangrove areas were positioned on

the image using references such as the coastline, buildings,

rank of species

roads and the proximity to other mangrove stands. The


points were generated using onscreen digitising in Idrisi and

in plots

were then converted to a raster file. The ERRMAT function

was then used to calculate user, producer and overall
accuracies and the Kappa coefficient. It was believed that
due to the smaller nature of the seedlings and saplings they
diameter (cm)
Mean stand

would be more difficult to detect and this would affect the

accuracy of the final classified image and estimates of

mangrove area derived from it. The accuracy assessment

was only conducted for the 2002 image, as there were no
ground truth data from earlier years.
The area of each land cover type through time was
Stand basal
area (m2)

calculated between years (1980–1990, 1990–1992, 1992–


1997 and 1997–2002). This was calculated as area in

hectares and then transformed to a percentage change,
whereby the percentage increase or decrease in mangrove

extent was calculated on the basis of the area of mangrove in


the older image, i.e. 1980 when comparing change between


1980 and 1990. CROSSTAB analysis was performed to

determine the area of mangrove lost and gained between
years to specific human land cover types.
number of

(per plot)
Parameters derived from field data collected in all five plots and subplots


2. Results
No. of saplings
(D130!2.5 cm,

2.1. Forest structure in plots surveyed

heightO1 m)

A summary of adult and seedling parameters derived



from the field data is given in Table 1. All plots contained

adults, saplings and seedlings. Plot 3 had the greatest
number of stems over 1 m high (adults plus saplings Z201),
2.5 cm, height
stems (D130O
No. of adult

although this was closely followed by plot 1, which had 186

O1 m)

stems. Additionally plot 1 also has the greatest stand basal

area of 0.049 m2 in comparison to a slightly lower value of



0.039 m2 in plot 3. The lowest number of stems over 1 m

Position of plot

was in plot 5, which also had the lowest stand basal area but
in mangrove

New zone 1
New zone 1

the greatest mean stand diameter, which was biased due to

the presence of only three adults. The number of seedlings
Zone 4
Zone 2
Zone 2

was found to be greatest in plot 5 and the lowest number of

seedlings was found in plot 1 (Table 1). The trees in plot 1
Table 1

were tallest and those in plot 5 were shortest and the median

height of trees over 1 m tall was found to be significantly

268 S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276

different between all the plots (H (adjusted for ties)Z

The overall accuracy of the classified image was 83.8% and the user’s accuracy for mangrove were high, whilst the producer’s accuracy was lower than other land cover types. Intertidal areas were not classified
accuracy (%) 297.18, dfZ4, p!0.001) except for plots 2 and 4. The
median D130 was also found to be significantly different


amongst plots (H (adjusted for ties)Z22.71, dfZ4,
p!0.001). The median D130 was greatest in plot 5, although
it was based only on three trees with D130 greater than

2.5 cm. The smallest median D130 was located in plot 3.

Median seedling heights varied significantly amongst plots
(H (adjusted for ties) Z143.31, dfZ4, p!0.001) except

between plots 2 and 4 and plots 2 and 5. As reported for the

adults, the height of seedlings was also higher (median of

2 0.44 m) in plot 1, which differed significantly from the other
2 four plots and smallest seedlings were observed in plot 3
(median of 0.09 m).
Water treat-
ment works

Table 1 also shows the importance and dominance of

Laguncularia racemosa in all plots compared to the other

two species found in very low numbers which were


Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora mangle. L. racemosa

was also the most frequent species found in seedling

subplots and again R. mangle and A. germinans seedlings

were in very low numbers. No significant difference in adult

species composition was found between the plots (HZ4.59,


dfZ4, pZ0.332). However, the species composition of

seedlings amongst the plots was significantly different

(H (adjusted for ties)Z22.05, dfZ4, p!0.001). Plot 4

significantly differed from plots 2, 3 and 5, which could be

accounted for by this plot having the highest percentage of

A. germinans as well as a relatively high percentage of
Car park

as well in comparison to mangrove, other vegetation and open ground and human land use categories.

R. mangle. Plot 1 was found to differ from plot 5 and this


is perhaps due to plot 1 having only R. mangle in addition to


L. racemosa and plot 5 having only A. germinans.




2.2. Accuracy assessment

and open ground
Other vegetation

The Kappa coefficient used here as an accuracy

assessment was 0.78, indicating that the classification
avoided 78% of errors compared to a random classification

(Table 2). The user’s accuracy for mangrove was high



(89.7%), indicating that the map produced represents the

mangrove distribution in situ adequately enough so that

further calculations of mangrove area can be relied on.


Classification of other vegetation and open ground also had



a high user’s accuracy (93%), as did all the human land use
Reference data

areas (100%). However, intertidal areas had a poorer user’s

accuracy of 64.8% due to confusion with mangrove areas,

which subsequently lead to mangrove having a low

Error matrix for 2002 classified image


producer’s accuracy (70.9%) compared to the other land



cover types due to the omission of some mangrove areas.

The overall map accuracy was high at 83.8%.
Other vegetation and open

Producer’s accuracy (%)

Water treatment works

Overall accuracy (%)

2.3. Mangrove and land use distribution (1980–2002)

Image classification

Recreation area

Overall Kappa

The mangrove areas that grew over the period examined


were numbered zones 1, 2, 3, 4, new zone 1 and new zone 3


Car park
Table 2


to allow for easier discussion of the results and their position


is highlighted on Fig. 2. However, this ‘zone’ annotation

S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276 269

Fig. 2. The five land cover maps generated from classification of the aerial photographs. Four mangrove zones were identified to assist in discussions of the
results, and the ‘zone’ annotation in no way relates to the biology or field surveys conducted in the plots. The mangrove zones were almost completely dominated
by Laguncularia racemosa (see Section 2.1). Plots 1 and 2 were taken in new mangrove zone 1, plot 3 is located in Zone 4 and plots 4 and 5 are located in Zone 2.
270 S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276

Table 3
Gain/loss of mangrove for each of the four mangrove zones, in m2 for each of the time periods considered and percentage gain/loss per year (K indicates loss)

1980–1990 1990–1992 1992–1997 1997–2002

2 2 2
Area (m ) %yr K1
Area (m ) %yr K1
Area (m ) %yr K1
Area (m2) %yrK1
Mangrove zone 1/new mangrove zone 1 198.1 6.1 34.7 7.4 536.1 17.8 K1140.6 K20.0
Mangrove zone 2 98.5 31.7 108.6 37.2 2318.0 215.0 K508.15 K3.7
Mangrove zone 3/ new mangrove zone 3 827.2 10.0 729.1 36.0 1037.6 12.3 K2299.01 K20.0
Mangrove zone 4 283.2 10.0 115.3 20.4 1901.7 115.5 1402.46 12.2
Road 13.0 0.1 6152.0 35.9 K1479.0 K6.4 16300 74.8
Other vegetation and open ground 5530.0 9.0 3757.0 5.8 7394.0 9.9 13452 38.0
Human land use 8471.0 25.3 1565.0 3.7 K1789.0 K4.1 K5365 K36.5

The percentage gain/loss per year is calculated as a percentage of the area of mangrove in the earlier year (i.e. 1980 for 1980–1990). Rates are calculated
assuming equal growth rates per year.

does not correspond to the numbered field plots surveyed or between 1997 and 2002 with a 38% gain in area (Table 3).
to differences in their vegetation structure. These maps The road area increased between 1990 and 1992 with the
show that between 1980 and 1997 the mangrove in the construction of an additional strip of road in the northerly
bay was spatially dynamic in nature (as defined by area of the map. However, the largest increase in road area
Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam, 2002). In 1980 there were occurred between 1997 and 2002, which resulted in a 74.8%
two relatively small areas of mangrove (zones 1 and 2) increase in road area (Table 3). The area covered by human
located in the northerly area of the bay, which grew in area land use did not change considerably between 1990 and
by 61 and 317%, respectively, by 1990 (Table 3). Two new 1997 until the construction phase began in 1998. Between
mangrove areas also appeared during this period, one to the 1997 and 2002 human land use for residential and industrial/
eastern side of the bay (zone 3) and the other in the south of commercial purposes was reduced due to the construction of
the bay (zone 4) (Fig. 2). By 1992, zones 1, 2 and 3 were the wastewater treatment plant and the road.
becoming well established and all were increasing in area
(Fig. 2). In 1997, mangrove growth was most apparent in 2.4. Causes of mangrove loss and gain
zones 2 and 4, and mangrove in zone 2 had begun to move
towards the northeast and project itself into the bay, in Yearly rate changes for mangrove growth and loss
discontinuous clumps. The growth in zone 4 originated from (Table 3) were calculated upon the assumption that growth
the small clump that appeared in 1990 and has grown or loss was continuous over the time period (sensu
northwards and outwards to cover the channel (Fig. 2; 1990 Ramı́rez-Garcia et al., 1998). In all four zones between
and 1997). 1980 and 1997 it was found that net growth occurred
The most obvious changes in the location and expansion ranging from 6% per year (zone 1 between 1980 and 1990)
of mangrove and other land were observed in 2002 (Fig. 2). to 215% per year (zone 2, between 1992 and 1997) and the
Mangrove in zones 1 and 3 were lost and two new distinct growth rate was generally greater in zone 2 (Table 3). The
clumps colonised (Fig. 2; 2002). The new mangrove zone 1 largest gain in area was 2318.0 m2 in zone 2 between 1992
in the north-western area of the bay actually occupies part of and 1997 and the lowest growth in area was in zone 1
the area previously covered by mangrove, whilst the new between 1990 and 1992 (34.7 m2). This growth was mainly
mangrove zone 3 in the westerly part of the image is in an attributed to the reclamation of the intertidal area by
area not previously occupied by mangrove vegetation. mangrove (Fig. 3). Growth can also be attributed to
Mangrove in zone 2 experienced a loss of nearly 19% of its replacement of other vegetation and surrounding open
previous area, which was focused at its westerly end. ground (Fig. 3). The peak growth rate for zones 1, 2 and 4
However, its southerly area did not appear to be affected and was between 1992 and 1997, 17.8, 215 and 115.5% per year,
in 2002, there was a more continuous area of forest respectively. However, in zone 3 the peak growth occurred
extending towards the south and into the bay. The only between 1990 and 1992 (Table 3), when growth was
area of mangrove whose location and extent was not associated with mangrove replacing other vegetation and
affected in 2002 was zone 4. This zone grew by 61% to open ground (Fig. 3).
occupy more area in the channel and began to extend into From 1997 to 2002, new mangrove colonised zones 2 and
the southerly edge of the bay (Fig. 2, Table 3). The changes 4 by reclaiming areas of the intertidal zone, and during this
in mangrove location in zones 1, 2 and 3 areas were period the new zones 1 and 3 were also formed by this
associated with shifts in human land use. A new road and reclamation process (Figs. 3 and 4). There appears to be
water treatment works were constructed along the northerly more mangrove gain via reclamation of the intertidal zone in
edge of the bay between 1997 and 2002 (Fig. 2). the northern part of the bay. Despite these gains, zones 1, 2
Other vegetation and open ground is the dominant land and 3 all exhibited net area loss between 1997 and 2002
coverage in all years, but only substantially increased (Table 3). Zones 1 and 3 lost 100% of their area due to
2500 2500

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500

S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276

0 0
1980-1990 1990-1992 1992-1997 1997-2002 1980-1990 1990-1992 1992-1997 1997-2002
-500 -500

-1000 -1000

-1500- -1500

-2000- -2000
Mangrove Zone 1/New Mangrove Zone 1 Mangrove Zone 2
-2500- -2500
Area m2

2500 2500

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
1980-1990 0 1990-1992
- 1992-1997
- 1997-2002 1980-1990 1990-1992 1992-1997 1997-2002
-500 -500

1000 1000

-1500 -1500

-2000 -2000
Mangrove Zone 4
Mangrove Zone 3/ New mangrove Zone 3
-2500 -2500

Mangrove zone loss associated with differences in tide between images Mangrove zone gain by reclamation
Mangrove zone gain by replacing other vegetation and open ground Mangrove zone lost to other vegetation and open ground
Mangrove zone lost to new road Mangrove zone lost to water treatment works
Total gain/loss

Fig. 3. Factors influencing mangrove zone growth and decline between 1980 and 2002 in the four mangrove zones of Punta Mala Bay.

272 S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276

Fig. 4. Map produced from the result of CROSSTAB analysis in GIS, showing the location of mangrove zone gain and loss, and the influencing factors between
1997 and 2002.

the construction of the new road and the subsequent to the road construction and mangrove replacement by other
replacement of mangrove by other vegetation and open vegetation (Fig. 4). Losses were counteracted in zone 2 by
ground (Figs. 3 and 4). However, the new mangrove zone 1 seedlings established in some areas (Fig. 3). Zone 4 also
developed covering an area of 1254 m2, a similar size to the showed the greatest losses in area (583 m2) over this period
original zone 1, despite being in a different location (Fig. 2). than at any other time period studied (Fig. 3), but unlike
However, the loss of area in zone 3 was greater than in the the other three mangrove areas these losses were not directly
other zones and the new mangrove zone 3 (498 m2) did not due to the construction of the road but were due to
replace the original area lost (2299 m2). Hence, the two new replacement of mangrove by other vegetation and open
areas of mangrove that grew after construction do not yet ground (Fig. 3). Despite these losses net growth continued in
replace the original area of mangrove lost. In addition to zone 4 during the period 1997–2002, unlike the other
zone 3 losing area to the road, it also lost area during the mangrove areas. However, the area gained and the rate of
erection of a new water treatment plant, which the other gain was not as great as the previous period, 1992–1997
three zones were not subject to (Fig. 4). Although, when it grew by 578% (Table 3). The increases in area are
mangrove zone 2 also lost some area (508 m2, Table 3) mainly due to reclamation again, but mangrove replaces
this was not as great as either zones 1 or 3 but it was also due other vegetation and open ground also (Fig. 4).
S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276 273

3. Discussion Preference for A. germinans and R. mangle over

L. racemosa and the lower abundance of these in the
One of the most notable factors to emerge from this study canopy may be additional factors resulting in the dominance
is the dominance in Punta Mala Bay of L. racemosa with of L. racemosa. The improved survival of L. racemosa
A. germinans and R. mangle present in small numbers. This seedlings in disturbed areas of Punta Mala Bay would
is contrary to Jiménez (1994) who stated that this species explain its dominance in the adult population, which looks
was not commonly found on the Pacific coast of Panama. set to continue until other mangrove species become more
Results presented here and observations in Coiba Island established.
located in western Pacific Panama (H. Guzman 2002, pers. The primary growth mechanism in the bay has been via
obs) show that L. racemosa can colonise this area when reclamation of the intertidal mud banks and forest has
conditions are suitable. This dominance is not usual in such developed even where conspecifics have not been present
a low intertidal position, where one would normally expect and disturbance has occurred. The older aerial images can
to find R. mangle and A. germinans (Rabinowitz, 1978b,c; be used as evidence that historically the mangrove in the bay
Ellison and Farnsworth, 1993) but the variety of factors was spatially dynamic (Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam,
operating in mangrove environments may cause the 2002) and growth was particularly high before construction
positions of species to change (Tomlinson, 1999). One began, especially in zones 2, 3 and 4. The growth of
explanation for this dominance may lie in the wide tolerance mangrove in four distinct zones throughout the bay and their
limits of this species to soil pore salinity and substrate type. development has presumably been controlled in the past by
Additionally the propagules of L. racemosa sink more the time when they established themselves and environ-
rapidly and have a reduced stranding time compared to A. mental and biotic variables. Important environmental
germinans and R. mangle, allowing them to take root easier factors potentially controlling distribution and growth are
in areas of frequent tidal inundation (Delgado et al., 2001; tidal inundation, soil pore water salinity, sediment stability
Rabinowitz, 1978b). The distribution of L. racemosa in this and type and fresh water input as discussed by several
study counters the conclusions of Elster (2000) who felt that authors (Rabinowitz, 1978a,b,c; Jiménez et al., 1985; Smith,
it was unable to establish in open sites due to the size of its 1987a,b; Cardona and Botero, 1998; Jiménez and Sauter,
propagules and the effects of direct sun. An additional 1991; Clough, 1992; Smith, 1992; Ellison and Farnsworth,
reason for the dominance of L. racemosa may be due to its 1993; Duke et al., 1998; Elster, 2000). Additionally the
ability to thrive in disturbed environments (Bacon, 1975; importance of predation on propagules and seedlings has
Thom, 1967), which is particularly relevant in this case. been found to be important in establishment of mangrove.
Elster (2000) found that in open coastal sites in Colombia There are many grapsid crabs in the intertidal area around
disturbed by deforestation that L. racemosa seedlings had new zone 1/plot 1 and the leaves in all zones/plots were
high survival rates, suggesting higher light intensities at being attacked by herbivores (S. Benfield 2001, pers. obs), a
such sites was a causal factor. problem previously reported for Panama (Smith, 1992). It
L. racemosa continued to grow in areas of zones 2 and 4 has been noted that grapsid crabs increase in abundance
despite the disturbance of construction and two new areas when larger canopies develop (Smith, 1992; Ellison and
developed during 1997–2002. The ability of L. racemosa to Farnsworth, 1993; Elster, 2000) and this may be the cause of
colonise bare sites without conspecifics may be one the low number of seedlings in plot 1 in relation to the
explanation for its dominance over A. germinans, as number of adults. Grapsid crab predation has been identified
colonisation studies have found that certain species have as a threat to regeneration of mangrove by Dahdouh-Guebas
difficulty colonising bare areas without conspecifics, et al. (1998) and hence predation may be a limiting factor
probably due to the more favourable conditions for for future propagules and seedlings establishing.
propagule and seedling survival created by established Differences in growth were seen between new mangrove
mangrove (Bosire et al., 2003). Low numbers of parental zones 1 and 3 despite having established at the same time
A. germinans and R. mangle in the bay may be preventing (after construction). The greater growth in new zone 1 is
these species from regenerating and becoming more supported by field data collected in plot 1, which was found
important in the bay, as this has been found to be crucial to have the greatest mean stand diameter and the tallest
in the natural regeneration of other species (Kairo et al., adults and seedlings, indicating that it had developed
2001). Toledo et al. (2001) found that the natural quickly over the 5 years compared to other sites. The
regeneration of A. germinans and R. mangle was slow in a sheltered corner location of zone 1, the increased light and
clear-cut mangrove zone in Baja California and this may lower pore salinity (due to freshwater input from storm
explain the low numbers of these species in this study site drains) on the mudflats may have boosted propagule and
after disturbance. Previous studies have reported negative seedling survival and hence growth. Increases in nutrients
correlations between the predation of propagules and the from decomposing deforested mangrove and the deposition
dominance of mangrove species in the canopy and terrestrial sediment during construction work could have
variations in predation depending on availability of increased the nutrients available to developing seedlings.
preferred food (Smith, 1987a; McGuiness, 1997). The growth may have also been assisted by the presence of
274 S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276

a propagule or seedling bank left from the original zone 1 tree density and location and animal numbers will have
(Rabinowitz, 1978c; Duke and Pinzón, 1993), although this changed (Field, 1998; Kairo et al., 2001). The only way to
may not have been sufficient for regeneration on its own assess this for Punta Mala Bay is to compare its recovery in
(sensu Farnsworth and Ellison, 1997). The smaller size of terms of vegetation structure and fauna with other mangrove
new mangrove zone 3 may be due to its more exposed areas along the coast as no historic field data are available.
location across from the bay’s entrance, which would affect However, naturally regenerating mangroves tend to be more
propagule and seedling abilities to establish (Field, 1998; similar to the original mangrove vegetation (Field, 1998)
Elster, 2000). The sediment in the area was unstable when and thus the current composition may be similar to that
the tide was out and such conditions are known to be present before the disturbance. However, in other regions
detrimental to the growth of L. racemosa and A. germinans artificial regeneration and restoration techniques have been
(Elster, 2000). required (Lewis et al., 1998; Toledo et al., 2001) and these
Recently in the bay’s history, the distribution of may be needed if one wanted to assist the regeneration of
mangrove and its growth have been altered by human A. germinans and R. mangle in the bay as these species have
activities that have resulted in the total loss of mangrove in slower natural rejuvenation (Toledo et al., 2001). If growth
some areas. Additionally, growth rates were seen to slow in rates seen in previous years are repeated in the bay in the
zone 4 during the period of construction, which was not future, the mangroves could recover to an area equivalent to
directly affected by deforestation. This reduction in growth that in 1997 in approximately 5 years, allowing them to
may have been due to indirect effects of development such as continue to support firewood and food collection by local
changes in sedimentation, hydrology or clear cutting of trees people. However, changes in hydrology and sedimentation
by locals. Assuming that the rate of change in mangrove may occur if plans to develop a housing complex near zone
area was constant between years, the rates of loss during 4 and a new marine development in neighbouring Amador
1997–2002 were high, up to 20% per year in zones 1 and 3, go ahead and this may have a negative impact on mangrove
although actual rates for 1998–1999 when the construction recovery. If losses in mangroves occur in this area it may
took place would no doubt be much higher. Ramı́rez-Garcia also be detrimental to local people that utilise associated
et al. (1998) concluded the rate of loss seen in Mexico of mangrove produce, who may experience a loss of income
1.4% annually was high and Adeel and Pomeroy (2002) due to the reduction in products they can harvest from the
notes that declines of 2–8% per year were fast. bay and sell to others.
Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam (2002) explain that it is This study has highlighted the value of aerial photogra-
possible to incorporate previous maps of past mangrove phy for assessing historic mangrove dynamics, monitoring
extent with current field data on vegetation structure to gain and mapping mangroves. The lower user’s accuracy of the
insight into current and future mangrove dynamics. Using intertidal classification is most likely due to the omission
this principle, the historical aerial photographs indicate that error associated with missing clumps of small seedlings and
the mangrove has been spatially dynamic and current field saplings which cannot be detected on the image due to their
data show that all the mangrove plots examined have a lower leaf mass and small size. Whilst the missing seedling
complete vertical vegetation structure and contain unequal areas did not affect the user’s accuracy of mangrove
numbers of adults, saplings, and seedlings. This implies that classification the actual area covered by mangrove will
the majority of mangroves within Punta Mala Bay have have been underestimated. However, the overall accuracy of
J-type dynamics, and can be defined as a normal rejuvenat- the final map (83.8%) was adequate for examining
ing forest (Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam, 2002). However, mangrove extent and similar to the 92, 88.5 and 85.2%
plot 4 (zone 2) has a slightly more static forest nature due to achieved with Landsat, although different classification
it having more equal numbers of adults and saplings categories were used (Green et al., 1998; Ramı́rez-Garcia,
(Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000; Dahdouh-Guebas and 1998; Gao, 1999, respectively). Higher accuracies have
Koedam, 2002). This would indicate that the mangrove is been achieved with CASI (96% Green et al., 1998) and
recovering from the disturbance caused and will continue colour aerial photography (94% Chavaud et al., 1998) due to
to rejuvenate into the future. The pioneering nature of improved spectral resolution allowing easier discrimination
L. racemosa and the preservation of some mangrove during between mangrove, non-mangrove and intertidal areas.
this coastal development work no doubt aided the survival Whilst new satellites such as Ikonos and Quickbird and
and continued growth of mangrove forest in the bay (Bacon, alternative aerial sensors such as CASI can be used
1975; Lee et al., 1996; Tomlinson, 1999). The mangrove in effectively for mapping and monitoring smaller, fringing
the bay regenerated through natural processes and was not areas of mangrove and may allow identification of
assisted by reforestation and this disputes Farnsworth and mangroves to a species level (Green et al., 1998;
Ellison (1997) who stated that mangrove recovery is Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam, 2002) these satellites as
universally slow after disturbance unless assistance is yet do not have extensive historic archives. Hence, the
given. Despite this apparent regeneration, it is suggested potential availability of aerial photography archives for
that sites disturbed by logging are less likely to regenerate providing historic and current information on mangrove
and function like the pre-disturbed site as the mix of species, extent should not be overlooked.
S.L. Benfield et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 76 (2005) 263–276 275

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the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Additionally, Duke, N.C., Pinzón, Z.S., 1993. Mangrove forests. In: Keller, B.D.,
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