Ej 1327056
Ej 1327056
Ej 1327056
Research Article
Least mastered competencies in biology: Basis for
instructional intervention
Jack Torno Delos Santos a,1, Roselyn R. Lim a,2, Danilo V. Rogayan Jr. a,3*
a College of Teacher Education, President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Zambales 2207, Philippines
1 [email protected]; 2 [email protected]; 3 [email protected]*
* Corresponding author
Teaching the students of today’s generation has been a perennial challenge for the
Article history teachers, particularly in providing these students the core competencies to be more
Received: 28 June 2021 globally competitive and functionality literate in science and in biological disciplines in
Revised: 8 September 2021 particular. The purpose of this study was to determine the least mastered competencies
Accepted: 12 September 2021 of 10 graders in different biology competencies they learned from grade 7 to grade 10.
Published: 11 October 2021 The researchers used a quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study utilizing a self-
made survey questionnaire. The respondents were 122 of 10 graders of three state-
Keywords owned secondary schools in Zambales, Philippines. The findings showed that the
Biology education biology competencies for seven and eight graders were the least mastered by graders.
Biology learning There were also significant differences of students’ least mastered competencies by
Interest in biology school and sex. There were also significant correlations among the least mastered
Mastered competencies competencies in biology. The study recommends that science teachers may consider
employing inquiry-based and hands-on learning activities to further enhance the
proficiency of students in biology and decrease students’ difficulties.
How to cite: Santos, J. T. D., Lim, R. R., & Rogayan, D. V. Jr. (2021). Least mastered competencies in biology: Basis for
instructional intervention. JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 7(2), 208-221. https://doi.org/10.22219/jpbi.v7i3.
Biology education contributes a significant impact in the society because this will define the literacy of every
individual in a particular community in terms of scientific concepts, ideas, and principles. Educating every
learner to higher standards of performance has been a perennial challenge for the teachers, specifically in
providing the students the needed competencies to become more globally competitive and functionality literate,
especially in biological disciplines.
Globally, the Philippines lags behind other countries in the quality of education, particularly in a science
subject (Millanes et al., 2017; Rogayan Jr & Dollete, 2019). The Philippines ranked 70th out of 144 participating
countries in terms of the quality of mathematics and science education, according to the World Economic
Forum by Schwab and Sala-i-Martín (2016). This was likewise reflected in the Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study (Foy et al., 2013). In comparing the Grade 8 students’ performances in
mathematics and science, the Philippines ranked 34th out of 38 countries and 43rd out of 46 countries,
One common problem faced by science students is their low mastery in content knowledge in science, most
specifically in biology. This is supported by the study of Großschedl et al. (2014) which stated that the most
challenging part for educators is to assist learners to development their knowledge in subject matter such as in
biology. They cited that these difficulties are affected by different factors such as students' background
knowledge, intelligence, and motivation.
According to Buckley (2018) the main view of studying Biology is to know about humans and nature. That is
why Biology is taught in every school to learn the essence of life and, in addition, to connect the common
learnings and new learnings and suggest methods to incorporate it in the formal learning system of formal
education (Ardan et al., 2015). Study indicates that out of all science topics, learners enjoy and have a high
interest in Biology (Awan et al., 2011; Baram & Yarden, 2005; Osborne & Collins, 2000; Prokop et al., 2007).
However, despite the popularity of Biology among students, conceptual understanding and performance are
still low (Çimer, 2004).
In the study of Etobro and Fabinu (2017), they reported that students usually have difficulties in nature
nutrient cycle, environmental management, conservation of natural resources, and pests and diseases of crops
in the reproduction of plants. Çimer (2004) argued that many Biology concepts can be seen as challenging to
pick up by high school students. Tekkaya et al (2001) found hard ideas considering the secondary students'
Mendelian genetics, nervous system, hormones, chromosomes, mitosis, genes, and meiosis. This is parallel
with the findings of Bahar et al (1999) that the transportation of water in plants and genetics were the two
science aspects that proved to be most troublesome. Moreover, during the current pandemic, learning activities
face the biggest challenge with an online learning system. Furthermore Özcan (2003) which stressed that
suffering difficulties in different topics in biology will result to negative effects on learners’ achievement and
According to SEI-DOST (2011) reported that learners from the Philippines have poor communication skills
and analytical abilities, low reasoning, poor retention of concepts, and cannot explain and express ideas in their
own words. Similarly, a local study by Lawsin and Garcia (2017) revealed that Mendelian and non-Mendelian
genetics, mitosis and meiosis, and endocrine system are the top three topics where the students have low
conceptual understanding and least mastered competencies as indicated by biology in-service teachers of
National Capital Region.
Since biology is one of the components of science subject in the K to 12 curriculums, understanding the
difficulties of the learners in this area will provide insights and directions to teachers to better design
pedagogical plans. The current curriculum, which uses spiral progression approach, provided a range of
competencies to the learners in a knowledge-based society (Antipolo & Danilo, 2021). So far, there are only a
few studies that discuss the mapping of low mastery competencies in the field of Biology, especially in junior
high schools. Hence, the present study identified the students with least mastered competencies in Biology
embedded across the junior high school in different levels along with the topics in animals and plants parts and
functions of; genetics, biodiversity and evolution; and ecosystems, inheritance and variation. The study likewise
investigated the different reasons which affect the learners from achieving the standard competencies and
classified the different areas in Biology where the students mostly experience difficulties. In the future, this
research can be used as a reference source for similar research on least mastery competencies in the field of
The study used descriptive-survey research employing both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The
survey questionnaire was used as the main instrument in gathering the required data. These methods were
used in order to describe the least mastered competencies of the students in Biology. Quantitative research
explains phenomena by collecting numerical data analyzed using mathematically based methods, particularly
statistics (Aliaga & Gunderson, 2000).
The respondents of this study were the 122 Grade 10 students of three state-owned secondary schools in
Zambales from School A with 17 respondents, School B with 66 and School C with 39 respondents. All the
schools are regulated by the Philippine Department of Education. The respondents were chosen since they
have enrolled all the biology subjects in the junior high school curriculum. The respondents were chosen
through cluster sampling. The clusters considered by the researchers are the national secondary schools found
in Southern Zambales.
The Biology Competencies survey questionnaire (BCSQ) served as the main instrument in collecting the
data. It is made up of two parts. The first part consists of the demographic profile of the respondents. The
Santos et al (Least mastered competencies in biology …)
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
profile of the respondents includes the school, age and sex. The second part assessed the students’ least
mastered competencies in Biology in Grade 7 (13 items), Grade 8 (12 items), Grade 9 (6 items), and Grade 10
(11 items). These competencies included Parts and Function of Animals and Plants; Heredity: Inheritance and
Variation; Biodiversity; Evolution; and Ecosystem. The survey tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. The
learning competencies were lifted from the K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide (Department of Education
Phillipines, 2016). The tool was subjected to construct and content validity. Three experts were tapped to check
the consistency of the items in each variable. A total number of 30 learners who were not part of the research
were asked to answer the survey questionnaire for pilot testing. The responses were processed and subjected
to reliability test.
The computation of the reliability test using Cronbach Alpha was made through SPSS version 25.0. It was
found out that the instrument has an excellent internal consistency having obtained a Cronbach’s Alpha
coefficient of 0.965. Table 1 shows the reliability coefficient of the instrument using Cronbach’s alpha.
The research was conducted before the pandemic and was completed in June 2020. The first phase was
the development of the research questionnaire. This was done by the researchers and validated by research
experts in one state university in the Philippines. After validation, the researchers revised some questions in the
research questionnaire checked by the research experts before seeking permission to the principal of a public
secondary school to conduct pilot testing. A total of 30 non-respondents were selected for the pilot testing of
the research tool. After the pilot testing, the researchers gauged the questionnaire's reliability using Cronbach’s
Alpha. After the content validity and reliability testing, the researchers administered the survey questionnaires.
The computer software SPSS version 25 and MS Excel 2016 were used for the processing of data.
Statistical tools used were fequency count, percent, weighted mean, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
Pearson-r correlation. To maintain ethics in conducting this research, the researchers strictly observed the
following: The respondents’ names were not mentioned in any portion of this research. The students were not
physically and emotionally forced or harmed just to be a respondent of the study. The researchers protected
and respected any other concerns and decision of the respondents and were not be put in any part of this
study. A communication letter was presented to the school principals to ask permission to gather the needed
data regarding students’ least mastered competencies in biology. The responses of the students were treated
with utmost confidentiality. An informed consent form was explained and signed by the respondents.
As shown in the table 2 more than half of the respondents came from School B (66, 54.10%), followed by
School C (39, 32.00%) and School A (17, 13.90%). Out of 122 student-respondents most of them are in the
aged of 16-17 (77 or 63.10%), and few aged of 18-above 7 or 5.7%. Females (66 or 54.10%) are high in
Delos Santos et al. (Least mastered competencies in biology…)
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
number of respondents than males (56 or 45.90%). The result shows that there are more female students in the
distribution. Chi et al (2017) mentioned that the analysis of ROSE (Relevance of Science Education) data
indicates a difference in science-related affective variables based on gender. Boys’ and girls’ interests are
different in context dependency and also in level of development, girls are more concerns than boys when it
comes to environment but boys are more aggressive than girls to become scientists and get a job in Sjøberg &
Schreiner (2010). As shown in Table 3, the respondents obtained "low mastery" in Grade 7 biology
competencies with an overall mean of 2.44 (SD=0.49).
Table 3. Students’ least mastered competencies in Grade 7 biology
Indicators M SD Description
1. Identify parts of the microscope and their functions. 2.40 0.79 LM
2. Focus specimens using the compound microscope. 2.08 0.84 LM
3. Describe the different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere. 2.39 0.77 LM
4. Differentiate plant and animal cells according to presence or absence of certain 2.75 0.77 MTM
5. Explain why the cell is considered the basic structural and functional unit of all 2.08 0.81 LM
6. Identify beneficial and harmful microorganisms. 2.43 0.91 LM
7. Differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in terms of number of individuals 2.73 0.90 MTM
8. Differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in terms of similarities of offspring to 2.66 0.87 MTM
9. Describe the process of fertilization. 2.79 0.90 MTM
10. Differentiate biotic from abiotic components of an ecosystem. 2.25 0.85 LM
11. Describe the different ecological relationships found in an ecosystem. 2.40 0.95 LM
12. Predict the effect of changes in one population on other populations in the 2.40 0.82 LM
13. Predict the effect of changes in abiotic factors on the ecosystem. 2.17 0.88 LM
Overall 2.44 0.49 LM
Legend: M- Mastered (3.50-4.00), MTM- Moving Towards Mastery (2.50-3.49), LM- Low Mastery (1.50-2.49), NM- No Mastery (1.00-
The highest means were acquired in the following indicators: Describe the process of fertilization (M=2.79,
SD=0.90), differentiate plant and animal cells according to presence or absence of certain organelles (M=2.75,
SD=0.77), differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in terms of number of individuals involved (M=2.73,
The lowest means were obtained in the following indicators: Focus specimens using the compound
microscope (M= 2.08, SD= 0.84), explain why the cell is considered the basic structural and functional unit of all
organisms (M= 2.08, SD=0.81), predict the effect of changes in abiotic factors on the ecosystem (M= 2.17, SD=
0.88), differentiate biotic from abiotic components of an ecosystem (M=2.25, SD=0.85), describe the different
levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere. (M= 2.39, SD= 0.77).
Based on the open-ended question, the low mastery of the students among the grade 7 biology
competencies are on identifying the parts of microscope (f=17) and focusing specimen using the compound
microscope (f=9). The reasons of the students’ low mastery include the prohibition of the use of microscope by
the teacher, lack of interest, poor retention ability, poor conceptual understanding, and lack of knowledge on
handling laboratory apparatuses.
According to the study of Čipková et al. (2018) students’ interest and their benefit for everyday life are also
necessary to consider in the selected curriculum. Teachers' teaching style, nature of the topic, attitude towards
the topic, students' learning and studying habits, and lack of resources are the main causes of learning
difficulties. If learners were not happy with the methods of how biology is taught, they may show negative
attitudes and disinterest towards biology (Çimer, 2012). Table 4 shows the students’ least mastered
competencies in Grade 8 Biology.
The respondents had “moving towards mastery” in Grade 8 biology competencies with the overall mean of
2.67 (SD=0.60). The highest means were acquired in the following indicators: Identify healthful practices that
affect the digestive system (M= 2.63, SD= 0.84), explain how diseases of the digestive system are prevented,
detected, and treated (M=2.63, SD= 0.85), explain the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability
of an ecosystem (M=2.43, SD= 0.79), analyze the roles of organisms in the cycling of materials (M=2.39, SD=
The lowest means were obtained in the following indicators: Classify organisms using the hierarchical
taxonomic system (M= 1.99, SD= 0.85), explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome
number (M=2.10, SD=0.81), explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion (M=2.11, SD=0.82),
predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance (M= 2.23, SD= 0.84).
Santos et al (Least mastered competencies in biology …)
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
As indicated in the students' responses in the open-ended question in the grade 8 biology competencies, it
is shown that the lowest mastery they have encountered are comparing mitosis and meiosis, and their role in
the cell division cycle (f=11), describing the transfer of energy through the trophic levels (f=11) and classifying
organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system (f=10). The reasons for the students' low mastery include
the lack of interest, not discussed thoroughly, poor conceptual understanding, poor retention, having poor prior
knowledge about the topic, and dislike science lessons.
Table 4. Students’ least mastered competencies in Grade 8 biology
Indicators M SD Description
1. Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion. 2.11 0.82 LM
2. Explain how diseases of the digestive system are prevented, detected, and treated. 2.63 0.85 MTM
3. Identify healthful practices that affect the digestive system. 2.63 0.84 MTM
4. Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell-division cycle. 2.29 0.88 LM
5. Explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome number. 2.10 0.81 LM
6. Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance. 2.23 0.84 LM
7. Explain the concept of a species. 2.32 0.92 LM
8. Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system. 1.99 0.85 LM
9. Explain the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability of an ecosystem. 2.43 0.79 LM
10. Describe the transfer of energy through the trophic levels. 2.26 0.80 LM
11. Analyze the roles of organisms in the cycling of materials. 2.39 0.85 LM
12. Explain how materials cycle in an ecosystem. 2.36 0.89 LM
Overall 2.67 0.60 MTM
Legend: M- Mastered (3.50-4.00), MTM- Moving Towards Mastery (2.50-3.49), LM- Low Mastery (1.50-2.49), NM- No Mastery (1.00-
As cited in the study of Çimer (2012) and Tekkaya et al (2001), that secondary students’ found that mitosis
and meiosis, hormones, genes, and chromosomes, mendelian genetics, nervous system are also found and
were considered difficult concept to study. Making biology teaching and leZarning effective may facilitate the
implementation of the new curriculum and help policy-makers and teachers to update in the line with the
learners, knowing their views of the affecting their learning needs. Moreover, teachers can see the learners
strong and weak areas regarding in learning biology (Çimer, 2012). As shown in the Table 5, the Grade 10
students obtained “low mastery” in Grade 9 competencies with an overall mean of 2.31 (SD=0.54).
The highest means were acquired in the following indicators: Explain how the respiratory and circulatory
systems work together to transport nutrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the different parts of the
body (M= 3.05, SD= 0.81), infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of respiratory and circulatory
systems (M=2.84, SD= 0.83), describe the location of genes in chromosomes (M=2.65, SD= 0.89).
The lowest means obtained in the following indicators: Explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian
inheritance (M=2.20, SD=0.88), relate species extinction to the failure of populations of organisms to adapt to
abrupt changes in the environment (M= 2.60, SD= 0.81), differentiate basic features and importance of
photosynthesis and respiration (M= 2.64, SD= 0.87).
As revealed by the student responses, in the open-ended question, the lowest mastery they have in grade 9
biology is explaining the different patterns of non-mendelian inheritance (f=18) and describing the location of
genes in chromosomes (f=10). The students' reasons for low mastery include the lack of interest in the topics,
poor retention, poor conceptual understanding, and poor prior knowledge about the topic and not thoroughly
discussed by the teacher.
Delos Santos et al. (Least mastered competencies in biology…)
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
According to Bahar et al., (1999), the chief biology examiners of Scottish Examination Board in their annual
report (1992-1995) supported the opinion of the students that the general area of genetics is still posing
problems. Protein synthesis, respiration, and photosynthesis, water transport in plants, physiological processes,
energy, oxygen transport, gaseous exchange, mendelian genetics, organs, hormonal regulation, mitosis and
meiosis, central nervous system, cells, and genetic engineering are multiple concepts in biology that high
school learners can be perceived as difficult topics to learn (Çimer, 2012). Table 6 shows the students’ least
mastered competencies in grade 10 Biology. As shown, respondents had “moving towards mastery” in Grade
10 competencies with the overall means of 2.96 (SD= 0.66).
Higher means were obtained in the following indicators: Describe the parts of the reproductive system and
their functions (M= 3.43, SD= 0.71), Explain the role of hormones involved in the female and male reproductive
systems (M= 3.33, SD=0.75), Describe the feedback mechanisms involved in regulating processes in the
female reproductive system (e.g., menstrual cycle) (M= 3.16, SD= 0.86), Explain how protein is made using
information from DNA (M= 2.98, SD= 0.89), Describe how the nervous system coordinates and regulates these
feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis (M= 2.93, SD= 0.83). It can be deduced that the students are
moving towards mastery in the concepts of the reproductive system and their functions, role of hormones,
feedback mechanisms, protein synthesis, and homeostasis.
Although moving toward there were also lower means obtained in the following indicators: Explain the
occurrence of evolution (M=2.73, SD=0.93), Explain how species diversity increases the probability of
adaptation and survival of organisms in changing environments (2.75, SD= 0.90), Explain the relationship
between population growth and carrying capacity (M= 2.81, SD= 0.88). This implies that the respondents may
further in hands their conceptual understanding in the occurrence of evolution, species diversity, and population
growth and carrying capacity.
Based on the open-ended question, the lowest mastery that the students have among the grade 10 biology
competencies are in explaining how species diversity increases the probability of adaptation and survival of
organisms in changing environments (f=7) and the explanation on the occurrence of evolution (f=5). The
reasons of the lowest mastery of the students include the poor prior knowledge about the topic, lack of interest,
depression, poor computational skills, poor conceptual understanding, and poor retention, not thoroughly
discussed by the teacher and short period of time.
Students often lack requisite background knowledge, even if the educators provides the conducive
environment to learn and support critical scientific thinking and reaasoning to do effectively (Anderman et al.,
2012). In the study of Kempa (2006), lack of interest, and inadequacy of effort and attention are other reasons
responsible in prevailing students to fail on learning. According to Lazarowitz and Penso (1992), the learners
encountered difficulty in determing the mutual relationship between several facts or collection of data but
succeeded in explaining the impact of one isolated fact.
Table 7 shows the summary of least mastered competencies in biology of Grade 10 students in each grade
level competencies.
Santos et al (Least mastered competencies in biology …)
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
The result showed Grade 9 biology competencies ranked first in the table and obtained the lowest mastery
with an overall mean of 2.31 and a standard deviation of 0.54. Grade 9 biology competencies obtained a lowest
mastery with an overall mean of 2.31 and a standard deviation of 0.54. The topics that are included are
Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Genetics, Photosynthesis and Respiration. It implies that they are not
interested in the topics that is why it can affect the students' learning process. Grade 7 biology competencies
obtained a lowest mastery with an overall mean of 2.44 and a standard deviation of 0.49. Grade 8 biology
competencies obtained a moving towards mastery with an overall mean of 2.67 and a standard deviation of
0.60. Grade 10 biology competencies also obtained a moving towards mastery with an overall mean of 2.96
and a standard deviation of 0.66. The topics that are included the Reproductive System, Nervous System,
Heredity& Evolution and Biodiversity.
Learning and schooling is not only worth listening perhaps the most important foundation is thinking about
ways of improving schools, teaching and learning based on what the students say about education. The
difficulty level depends on the understanding of a learners. In Grade 9 Biology is a time where in you start
learning about the concepts in life that you need in your entire life (Etobro & Fabinu, 2017).
A one-way analysis of variance between groups was done to explore the impact of the profile variables on
the competency mean scores in grade 7 biology (Table 8).
Table 8. One-way analysis of variance of the respondents’ least mastered competencies in grade 7 biology by profile variables
Source SS Df MS F p-value
Between Groups 1.896 2 .948 4.090 0.019*
Within Groups 27.587 119 .232
Total 29.483 121
Between Groups .010 2 .005 .020 0.980
Within Groups 29.473 119 .248
Total 29.483 121
Between Groups 1.172 1 1.172 4.954 0.028*
Within Groups 28.147 119 .237
Total 29.318 120
* Significant at p<0.050 *equal variances assumed
As shown in Table 8, there was a significant difference in the students’ least mastered competencies in
Grade 7 Biology according to school at the 0.05 level [F (2,119) = 4.090, p<0.05]. Post-hoc comparison using
Tukey LSD test indicated that significant differences were found between School A (M= 2.75) and School B
(M= 2.38); and between School A (M= 2.75) and School C (M= 2.41). This means that students in School A
have higher mastery in Grade 7 biology competencies compared with School B and School C.
There is also have significant difference in the students’ least mastered competencies in Grade 7 Biology
according to sex at the 0.05 level [F (2,119) = 4.954, p<0.05]. Female respondents (M= 2.53) have a higher
mastery compared to male respondents (M=2.33) of Grade 7 Biology competencies.
The computed p-value for age (0.980) is higher than (>) 0.05 level of significance, thus the null hypothesis
is accepted. Hence, there were no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance in the
rating mean scores of the respondents. There is no adequate evidence to show statistically significant
differences in the respondents’ rating in the least mastered competencies in Grade 7 Biology relevance by
profile variables which possibly due to the small sample size taken or might be due to the large error of
Based from the mean analysis, as to age, students in 15- below (M= 2.45) indicated higher mastery on
Grade 7 Biology competencies while those students age 18- above (M= 2.41) indicated lower mastery on
Grade 7 Biology competencies. According to Reddy (2017), in grade 7 Biology 15- below have much higher
mastery because of attitude toward learning in Science and they are more focused in scientific subject. Table 9
shows the difference in the respondents’ least mastered competencies in grade 8 Biology when grouped
according to profile variables.
Delos Santos et al. (Least mastered competencies in biology…)
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
Table 9. One-way analysis of variance of the respondents’ least mastered competencies in grade 8 biology by profile variables
Source SS Df MS F p-value
Between Groups 2.002 2 1.001 3.586 0.031*
Within Groups 33.218 119 .279
Total 35.220 121
Between Groups .196 2 .098 .333 0.718
Within Groups 35.024 119 .294
Total 35.220 121
Between Groups .263 1 .263 .902 0.344
Within Groups 34.684 119 .291
Total 34.947 120
* Significant at p<0.050 *equal variances assumed
As shown in the Table 9, there was a significant difference in the students’ least mastered competencies in
Grade 8 Biology according to school at the 0.05 level [F (2,119) = 3.586, p<0.05]. Post-hoc comparison using
Tukey LSD test indicated that significant differences were found between School A (M= 2.59) and School B
(M= 2.22). This means that students in School A have higher mastery in Grade 8 biology competencies
compared with School B. The computed p-value for age (0.718) and sex (0.344) are higher than (>) 0.05 level
of significance, thus the null hypothesis is accepted. Hence, there were no statistically significant differences at
the 0.05 level of significance in the rating mean scores of the respondents. There is no adequate evidence to
show statistically significant differences in the respondents’ rating in the least mastered competencies in Grade
8 Biology relevance by profile variables which possibly due to the small sample size taken or might be due to
the large error of measurement.
Based from the mean analysis, as to age students in 18- above (M= 2.38) indicated higher mastery on
Grade 8 Biology competencies while those aged 16-17 (M= 2.28) indicted lower mastery on Grade 8 Biology
competencies. According to Pem (2019), age 18 and above are much attentive in learning process in Biology
they can easily adopt the topic of Biology than age 15- below. As to sex, female (M= 2.76) indicated higher
mastery on Grade 8 Biology competencies than to male (M=2.55).
A one-way analysis of variance between groups was done to explore the impact of the profile variables on
the rating mean scores in grade 9 biology competencies (Table 10).
Table 10. One-way analysis of variance of the respondents’ least mastered competencies in grade 9 biology by profile variables
Source SS Df MS F p-value
Between Groups 2.137 2 1.069 3.063 0.050*
Within Groups 41.518 119 .349
Total 43.655 121
Between Groups 1.059 2 .530 1.480 0.232
Within Groups 42.596 119 .358
Total 43.655 121
Between Groups 1.314 1 1.314 3.702 0.057
Within Groups 42.228 119 .355
Total 43.542 120
* Significant at p<0.050 *equal variances assumed
As shown in the Table 10, there was a significant difference in the students’ least mastered competencies in
Grade 9 Biology according to school at the 0.05 level [F (2,119) = 3.063, p<0.05]. Post-hoc comparison using
Tukey LSD test indicated that significant differences were found between School A (M= 2.75) and School B
(M= 2.38); and between School A (M= 2.75) and School C (M= 2.41). This means that students in School A
have higher mastery in Grade 9 biology competencies compared with School B and School C.
The computed p-value for age (0.232) and sex (0.057) are higher than (>) 0.05 level of significance, thus
the null hypothesis is accepted. Hence, there were no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of
significance in the rating mean scores of the respondents. There is no adequate evidence to show statistically
significant differences in the respondents’ rating in the least mastered competencies in Grade 9 Biology
relevance by profile variables which possibly due to the small sample size taken or might be due to the large
error of measurement.
Based from the mean analysis, as to age students in 18- above (M=2.81) indicated higher mastery on
Grade 9 Biology competencies while those aged 15-below (M= 2.78) indicated lower mastery on Grade 9
Santos et al (Least mastered competencies in biology …)
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
Biology competencies. As to sex, female (M= 2.76) indicated higher mastery on Grade 9 Biology competencies
than to male (M=2.55). The higher preference for biology is female while boys are more inclined in Physics and
Chemistry, which is why females had higher mastery of Grade 8 Biology (Reddy, 2017). Table 11 shows the
difference in the respondents’ least mastered competencies in Grade 10 Biology when grouped according to
profile variables.
Table 11. One-way analysis of variance of the respondents’ least mastered competencies in grade 10 biology by profile variables
Source SS Df MS F p-value
Between Groups .976 2 .488 1.111 0.333
Within Groups 52.268 119 .439
Total 53.243 121
Between Groups .707 2 .353 0.800 0.452
Within Groups 52.537 119 .441
Total 53.243 121
Between Groups 2.088 1 2.088 4.872 0.029*
Within Groups 50.991 119 .428
Total 53.079 120
* Significant at p<0.050 *equal variances assumed
As shown, there was a significant difference in the students’ least mastered competencies in Grade 10
Biology according to sex at the 0.05 level [F (2,119) = 4.872, p<0.05]. Female (M= 2.81) have a higher mastery
compared to male respondents (M=2.33) of Grade 10 Biology competencies. The computed p-value for age
(0.452) and school (0.333) are higher than (>) 0.05 level of significance, thus the null hypothesis is accepted.
Hence, there were no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance in the rating mean
scores of the respondents.
There is no adequate evidence to show statistically significant differences in the respondents’ rating in the
least mastered competencies in Grade 10 Biology relevance by profile variables which possibly due to the
small sample size taken or might be due to the large error of measurement. Research revealed that promoting
conceptual change and engaging in deep reflective thinking plays a pivotal role as students motivation in
science learning in Grade 10 and are instrumental in enhancing students science attainment (Ali, 2012). Table
12 shows the relationship among the biology competencies per grade level.
Table 12. Correlation between the relationships among biology competencies variables
Variables Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10
Grade 7 -
Grade 8 0.667** -
Grade 9 0.587** 0.602** -
Grade 10 0.374** 0.377** 0.595** -
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
As shown from the table above, inter-correlations among all the competencies in Biology of Grade 10
students are positive moderately and low. In particular, there is a significant positive moderate correlation
between Grade 8 least mastered competencies and Grade 7 least mastered competencies (r=0.667; p<0.01)
which implies that when students have moderately least mastered competencies in Grade 8 Biology they will
likely have least mastered competencies in Grade 7 Biology. There is also positive significant moderate
correlation between Grade 9 least mastered competencies and Grade 8 least mastered competencies
(r=0.602; p<0.01) implying that when students have least mastered competencies in Grade 9, they will have
least mastered competencies in Grade 8.
Moreover, there is a moderate correlation between Grade 10 least mastered competencies and Grade 9
least mastered competencies of students (r=0.595; p<0.0) it indicates that when students have least mastered
competencies in Grade 10 Biology, they will also have least mastered competencies in Grade 9 Biology. It can
also be noted that there is a significant positive moderate correlation between Grade 9 least mastered
competencies and Grade 7 least mastered competencies (r=0.587; p<0.01), implying that when the students
have least mastered competencies in Grade 9 Biology, they will also have least mastered competencies in
Grade 7 Biology.
Although statistically significant, there is also low correlation between Grade 10 least mastered
competencies and Grade 7 least mastered competencies (r=0.374; p<0.01) implying that when the students
have least mastered competencies in Grade 10 Biology, they will also have least mastered competencies in
Delos Santos et al. (Least mastered competencies in biology…)
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
Grade 7 Biology. It can also be noted that there is low correlation between Grade 10 least mastered
competencies and Grade 8 least mastered competencies (r= 0.377; p< 0.01) it implies that when the students
have least mastered competencies in Grade 10 Biology, they will also have least mastered competencies in
Grade 8 Biology.
According to Miller (1963), high school biology is imparted to Grade 9th grade students, some evidence for
moving the biology class own from the 10th grade suggests that 9th grade students of biology show little
difference in achievement when compared to 10th grade students of biology. It said also that if 8th grade can be
easily understood; chances are quite good in 7th grade.
A proposed instructional intervention program was crafted based on the least mastered competencies in
Biology. The intervention is composed of the least mastered competencies, proposed pedagogical strategies,
suggested learning tasks and assessment tasks. Table 13 shows the proposed instructional intervention in the
least mastered competencies (LMCs) in Grade 7 Biology.
Table 13. Proposed instructional intervention in the least mastered competencies in Grade 7 Biology
Least mastered competencies/ Pedagogical
Learning task Assessment task
code strategies
• Focus specimens using the Flipped Classroom The students will conduct simple Performance-based
compound microscope (S7LT- Strategy research at home on how to use the tasks.
IIa-1). microscope properly and perform it in
the class after.
• Explain why the cell is Cell parts 3D Visual Cell parts virtual dissection Worksheet
considered the basic structural Simulation
and functional unit of all
organisms (S7LT-IIe-5).
• Predict the effect of changes Brain storming The students will share their knowledge Presentation of
in abiotic factors on the strategy about environmental events or outputs.
ecosystem (S7LT-IIh-9). dilemmas which showcase connection
on biotic and abiotic factors in the
There are three suggested pedagogical strategies to address the students’ LMCs. Flipped classroom
strategy will be utilized to address the competency on focusing specimens using the compound microscope.
The idea of flipped classroom strategy is that what is done at home as conventional learning is done in the
classroom, and what is done in the classroom as conventional learning is done at home (Bergmann & Sams,
2012).The Cell Parts 3D visual simulation will be used to explain why the cell is considered the basic structural
and functional unit of all organisms. Computer-based simulations for scientific learning can be utilized to
develop procedural knowledge for doing lab operations as well as conceptual knowledge for comprehending
and explaining the demonstration, but further study on their educational efficacy is needed (Honey & Hilton,
2011). Brain storming strategy is proposed as an intervention to be used to predict the effect of changes in
abiotic factors on the ecosystem. Brainstorming is one of the most distinctive ways to develop creative thinking,
so the nature of the brainstorming is characterized as working on the flow of ideas without criticism and try to
speed thinking, break the deadlock, and challenge the mind (Malkawi & Smadi, 2018).
Table 14. Proposed instructional intervention in the least mastered competencies in Grade 8 Biology
Least mastered Pedagogical
Learning task Assessment task
competencies/code strategies
• Classify organisms using the Gallery walk Going around inside the classroom while looking Moving exam
hierarchical taxonomic system on the pictures that are pasted on the wall which
(S8LT-IVh20). showcase scientific classification of different
• Explain the significance of Visual The students will use a technology or computer Computer mediated
meiosis in maintaining the simulation for them to see the realistic graphical Quiz
chromosome number (S8LT- representation of meiosis.
• Explain ingestion, absorption, Mini Anchor The teacher will show the students process of Short quiz
assimilation, and excretion Charts the ingestion, absorption, assimilation and
(S8LT-IVa13). excretion.
As presented in the Table 14, there are three suggested pedagogical strategies to address the students’
LMCs. Gallery walk strategy will be utilized to address the least mastered competency on classifying organisms
using the hierarchical taxonomic system. Posters or pictures are displayed around the room for a gallery walk
so all groups can see other groups’ work (Patterson & Gray, 2019). While reviewing the posters or pictures,
Santos et al (Least mastered competencies in biology …)
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
each group can check new learnings from the materials posted. The visual simulation strategy could be used to
explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome number. Visual simulation may connect real-
world actions with comparable learning settings and procedures in future academic and professional
employment (Kelly et al., 2014). The Mini Anchor Charts is proposed as an intervention to be used to explain
ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion. An anchor chart “primarily serves teachers and students in a
large written form a space where factual information is visually represented to increase comprehension of, for
example, a process, living cycle and/or for vocabulary building” (Garza & Cavazos, 2020). Table 15 shows the
proposed instructional intervention in the least mastered competencies (LMCs) in Grade 7 Biology.
Table 15. Proposed instructional intervention in the least mastered competencies in Grade 9 Biology
Least mastered competencies/code Pedagogical strategies Learning task Assessment task
• Explain the different patterns of non- Guided Discovery Debugging the different parts Problem solving.
Mendelian inheritance (S9LT-Id-29). Problems of the process.
• Relate species extinction to the Argument-based Science The students will watch video Reflection paper
failure of populations of organisms to Inquiry documentaries that will
adapt to abrupt changes in the showcase the different
environment (S9LT-Ie-f30). species extinction which is
related on the failure of
• Differentiate basic features and Field work The students will go outside Laboratory report
importance of photosynthesis and the classroom and will
respiration (S9LT-lg-j3). observe how photosynthesis
and respiration happen.
The suggested pedagogical strategies to address the students’ LMCs in Grade 9 biology are guided
discovery problems, argument-based science inquiry, and fieldwork. Guided discovery problems can be used
to explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian inheritance. Guided discovery problems encourage learners’
natural curiosity and inquisitiveness (Ignisha et al, 2021) specifically in science. Argument-based science
inquiry is proposed to address the competency on relating species extinction to the failure of populations of
organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment. It is an approach designed to engage students in
inquiry science, argumentation, and experimentation as science learning process and improving critical and
creative thinking skills (Taylor et al., 2018). Field work is suggested as an intervention to be used to differentiate
the basic features and importance of photosynthesis and respiration. Field work is the “process of observing
and collecting data about people, cultures, and natural environments” which is mostly used in scientific
disciplines. Table 16 shows the proposed instructional intervention for grade 10 Biology.
Table 16. Proposed instructional intervention in the least mastered competencies in Grade 10 Biology
Least mastered Pedagogical
Learning task Assessment task
competencies/code strategies
• Explain the occurrence of evolution Multi- The students will show the cause and Use of rubrics as
(S10LTIIIg-40). flow effect of an event through a map. assessment tool.
• Explain how species diversity Role The students will get a role of an organism Performance based which
increases the probability of adaptation Playing in the environment that will showcase their is guided by a scoring
and survival of organisms in changing way of adapting and surviving on the rubric.
environments (S10LTIIIh-41). changing environments.
• Explain the relationship between Students need to know the cause and Presentation of the
population growth and carrying Fishbone effect of the population growth and carrying outputs.
capacity (S10LTIIIi-42). capacity. The head of the fish will stand for
the change the body will serve as the
reason and the fish tail for the supportive
There are suggested pedagogical strategies to address the students’ LMCs. Multi flow maps could be used
to address the competency on explaining the occurrence of evolution. The multi-flow map is a conceptual map
that is used to highlight the interconnections between events as well as the reasons of an occurrence, which
are displayed on the left side. Role playing is proposed as an intervention to be used to explain how species
diversity increases the probability of adaptation and survival of organisms in changing environments. Role-
playing promotes the students’ contextual understanding of the scientific and social concepts and processes
Delos Santos et al. (Least mastered competencies in biology…)
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Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2021, pp. 208-221
(Sagmeister et al., 2021). Fishbone strategy is proposed to address the relationship between population growth
and carrying capacity. A fishbone diagram is a visual way to look at cause and effect.
The proposed pedagogical strategies embedded in the instructional intervention is deemed necessary to
enhance the least mastered competencies of students in biology. This intervention plan can be migrated online
as schools have shifted to flexible learning and distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
effectiveness of the pedagogical strategies may address the current situation of biology education in the current
global health crisis.
The study determined the least mastered competencies of Grade 10 students in the biology competencies
based on the different grade levels from grade 7 to grade 10. The Grade 7 and Grade 9 biology competencies
in the K12 science curriculum gained the lowest mastery among the Grade 10 students. There was significant
difference in the students least mastered competencies according to school and sex. There was a significant
relationship among the variables of least mastered competencies in biology. Science teachers may consider
employing inquiry-based, and hands-on learning activities to further enhance students' proficiency in science
and decrease their difficulty of subject matter. Teachers can design varied motivational activities to engage the
students in the science learning process fully dents may be given drills and brain exercises regarding scientific
concepts and principles for better retention. Teachers may design activity to explore prior understanding of
students and solicit their alternative conceptions and misconceptions. The proposed instructional intervention
may be implemented by science teachers to minimize students' difficulties in learning science. Administrators
may send the science teachers to seminars and workshops to update their content knowledge and pedagogy in
science. Teachers may also consider students' affective dimension in designing learning tasks and selecting
assessment tools. Since the study was conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic period, further study may
also look into the least mastered competencies of the students in biology during the COVID-19 educational
disruption. The most essential learning competencies (MELCs) identified by the Department of Education
(DepEd) may also be used as a framework to identify the least mastered competencies in biology.
The authors would like to acknowledge the school heads of the three secondary schools for their approval
to conduct the study, to the Grade 10 students for the engagement, to the College of Teacher Education of the
President Ramon Magsaysay State University – San Marcelino Campus for the support to this research
endeavor, to the editors and anonymous peer reviewers for the critical feedback and valuable insights which
enhanced this research article.
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