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Project Report
“Fire Security
Alarm System”
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
In Electronics &

Under Guidance of
Prof. D.C. Dhubkarya

Head of Department
Dr.Deepak Nagariya
Divyanka Shukla (2200430310023); Ritambhara Singh (2200430310046); Riya Yadav

Department of Electronics & Communication

Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology
Jhansi (U.P.) India – 284128
(An Autonomous Institute)
Session 2022-23
Department of Electronics & Communication
Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology
Jhansi (U.P.) India - 284128


We hereby declare the work is presented in this project entitled “Fire Security Alarm System” in
partial fulfilment of the award of degree of Bachelor of technology in Electronics and
Communication Engineering submitted in the Department of the electronics and communication
engineering, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology Jhansi Uttar Pradesh, India is our
own work carried out under the guidance of Prof. D.C. Dhubkarya and Dr. Deepak Nagariya, Head
Of Department of Electronics and communication Engineering.

Name Divyanka Shukla Ritambhara Singh Riya Yadav

Roll No. (2200430310023) (2200430310046) (2200430310047)

DATE: 30/10/ 2023

This to certify that above statements made by the candidate are correct to the best of my

Guided By, Head of Department

Prof. D.C. Dhubkarya Dr. Deepak Nagariya

Deptt. Of Electronics and Communication Engg. Head of Department of Electronics &
Communication Engg.
B.I.E.T, Jhansi (U.P.), India B.I.E.T. Jhansi (U.P.), India

I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in B.Tech Project Based Learning
Report entitled “Fire Security Alarm System”, as partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree
of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering, submitted to the
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering
& Technology Jhansi (UP), is an authentic record of my own work carried out during a period from
2022 To 2023 Under the supervision of Prof. D.C. Dhubkarya, in the Electronics and Communication
Engineering Department.
The matter presented in this project report in full or part, has not been submitted by me for the award
of any other degree elsewhere and is free from plagiarism.


Divyanka Shukla (2200430310023)

Ritambhara Singh (2200430310046)
Riya Yadav (2200430310047)


The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the participation and
assistance of so many people whose names may not all be enumerated. Their contributions are
sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

We are sincerely grateful to our head of department Dr. Deepak Nagaria who provided us the
platform to work on our project. He supported us throughout our project journey and enlightened us.
We would also like to thank our mentor Prof. D.C. Dhubkarya supported us at every stage of this
project. He supervised as well as provided all the necessary information regarding the project and
also supported in completing the project. His constant guidance and willingness to share his vast
knowledge made us understand this project. We would like to show our gratitude towards all the
Electronics and Communication Engineering Faculty members who always willingly helped us.

We would like to express my gratitude to our parents and family for their kind cooperation and
encouragement which helped us in the completion of this project.


Divyanka Shukla (2200430310023)

Ritambhara Singh (2200430310046)
Riya Yadav (2200430310047)


A server room is a hub for operations and IT infrastructure. As a lot of physical computers are stored,
operated, and accessed from a server room, it is important to take safety measures to protect the data
in this room from fire hazard. A hard-wired fire sensor is commonly placed in the server room. The
system is large and when placed at proximity, the system can be damaged by the fire easily. This
paper proposes an IoT-based fire alarm system that is smaller in size and operates independently from
the server. This system is designed to consist of temperature and gas sensors that will take readings
from its surroundings and alert the user through an IoT gateway. The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is
designed and built using KiCad software to enable integration of gas and temperature sensors
together with the IoT ESP8266 on a small footprint. The system was initially tested before the PCB
design and retested again for validation when integrated on the PCB. Threshold values are set for the
sensors, to alert the user remotely in case the threshold values are exceeded. The system demonstrates
functionality when the real-time data is retrieved by the web application Blynk. The user can be
alerted and remotely monitor and use this system.

Keywords :
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
Server room

List Of Figures

figure 1. The fire security alarm system…..................................................................................... 6

figure 2. Circuit diagram of fire security alarm system… ............................................................. 8


Contents Page. No.


Chapter 1 Introduction 6
Chapter 2 Fire Security Alarm System 7
2.1 What is a Fire Security Alarm System?
2.2 Fire Security Alarm System: Principle
2.3 Components of fire security alarm system
2.3.1 Fire Alarm Security Panel

Chapter 3 Working 8
Chapter 4 Types of Fire Security Alarm System 9
Conclusion 10
References 11

Chapter 1 : Introduction

The Fire Alarm System is designed to alert us to an emergency so that we can take action to protect
ourselves, staff and the general public.
Fire alarms are found in Offices, Factories, and public buildings, they are a part of our everyday
routine but are often overlooked until there is an emergency at which point, they might just save our
Whatever the method of detection is, if the alarm is triggered, sounders will operate to warn people in
the building that there may be a fire and to evacuate.
The fire alarm system may also incorporate a remote signal system which could then alert the fire
brigade via a central station.
So what is a fire alarm system, its components and its working? In this project based learning, we
will have a look at the structure and types of the “Fire Alarm Systems”.
Fire security alarm is shown below as figure 1

figure 1: The fire security alarm system

Chapter 2

2.1 What is a Fire Security Alarm System?

A fire alarm system is a building system designed to detect and alert occupants and emergency forces
of the presence of smoke, fire, carbon monoxide, or other fire-related emergencies. Fire alarms
systems are required in most commercial buildings. They may include smoke detectors, heat
detectors, and manual fire alarm activation devices, all of which are connected to a Fire Alarm
Control Panel (FACP) normally found in an electrical room or panel room. Fire alarm systems
generally use visual and audio signalization to warn the occupants of the building. Some fire alarm
systems may also disable elevators, which under most circumstances are unsafe to use during a fire.

2.2 Fire Security Alarm System: Principle:

Smoke alarms detect fires by sensing small particles in the air using a couple of different kinds of
technologies. Once they detect those particles above a certain level, they signal the alarm to sound.

2.3 Components of Fire Security Alarm System :

The major components of the fire alarm security system are listed below:
1. IR Receiver
2. Buzzer
3. Transistor BC547
4. Screw terminal - 2 pin
5. 12v or 9v battery / adapter / chargers.
6. PCB board

2.3.1 Fire Alarm Security System Panel

The fire alarm panel activates the flashers or the sounders, turns on sprinklers (or they can be
activated along with the detector), or makes a call to the authorities or to the occupants. If the fire
alarm system is addressable, the source of the occurrence will be pointed on the control panel. Users
on separate floors or in connected buildings can be notified in several ways: by horns, gongs and
loudspeaker messages advising appropriate action for each department.

Chapter 3

Connect the negative terminal of the buzzer to the collector of the transistor.
Connect the negative terminal of the IR Receiver to the positive terminal of the buzzer.
Connect the positive terminal of the IR Receiver to the base of the transistor.
Connect the positive terminal of the battery to the positive terminal of the buzzer.
Connect the negative terminal of the battery to the emitter of the transistor.
The circuit diagram of a fire security alarm is shown below as figure 2:

figure 2: Circuit diagram of fire security alarm system

Chapter 4

Types of Fire Security Alarm System

Heat Detector : Heat detectors can either work on a fixed temperature basis, where it will trigger an
alarm if the temperature exceeds a pre-set value or they can work on the rate of change in
temperature. Commonly Heat detectors work in a similar way to an electrical fuse, the detectors
contain a eutectic alloy which is heat sensitive when a certain temperature is reached the alloy turns
from a solid to a liquid which in turn triggers the alarm.

Carbon Monoxide Detector : Carbon monoxide detectors are also known as CO fire detectors are
electronic detectors used to indicate the outbreak of fire by sensing the level of carbon monoxide in
the air.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas produced by combustion.
In this instance, these detectors are not the same as Carbon monoxide detectors used in the home for
protecting residents against carbon monoxide produced by incomplete combustion in appliances such
as gas fires or boilers.
Carbon Monoxide fire detectors use the same type of sensor as those in the home but are more
sensitive and respond more quickly.
Carbon monoxide detectors have an electrochemical cell, which senses carbon monoxide, but not
smoke or any other combustion products.

Multi-Sensor Detector : The Multi-sensor detectors combine inputs from both optical and heat
sensors and process them using a sophisticated algorithm built into the detector circuitry.
When polled by the control panel the detector returns a value based on the combined responses from
both the optical and heat sensors. They are designed to be sensitive to a wide range of fires.


This proposed PCB design for our fire security alarm system is discussed throughout the chapters
from the beginning until the completion of this report. The proposed fire alarm system has
advantages over existing fire alarms in terms of size, IoT gateway used, and the use of one-layered
PCB. The main components are chosen based on expense, reliability, and availability. Although, due
to the small-scale fire that was made, to test the fire alarm system, the threshold values had to be
altered to be lesser than the actual threshold value. Through this project, we got to do a lot of research
which increased our knowledge about not only the fire alarm systems but also different types of
components used in the completion of this project.


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