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Construction Materials Cement

Portland Cement

Cement: is a material with adhesive and cohesive properties which make

it capable of bonding minerals fragments into a compact whole.
For constructional purposes, the meaning of the term "cement" is
restricted to the bonding materials used with stones, sand, bricks, building
stones, etc.
The cements of interest in the making of concrete have the property of
setting and hardening under water by virtue of a chemical reaction with it
and are, therefore, called hydraulic cement.
The name "Portland cement" given originally due to the resemblance of
the color and quality of the hardened cement to Portland stone – Portland
island in England.

Manufacture of Portland cement:

Raw materials

• Calcareous material – such as limestone or chalk, as a source of lime

• Clayey material – such as clay or shale (soft clayey stones), as a source
of silica and alumina.

Methods of cement manufacturing:

1- Wet process: grinding and mixing of the raw materials in the

existence of water.
2- Dry process: grinding and mixing of the raw materials in their dry

The process to be chosen, depend on the nature of the used raw materials.

Construction Materials Cement

 Wet process: the percentage of the moisture in the raw materials is high.
 Dry process:
• The raw materials is so hard (solid) that they do not disintegrate by
• Cold countries, because the water might freeze in the mixture
• Shortage of the water needed for mixing process.

Wet process:

When chalk is used, it is finely broken up and dispersed in water in a

wash mill. The clay is also broken up and mixed with water, usually in a
similar washmill. The two mixtures are now pumped so as to mix in
predetermined proportions and pass through a series of screens. The
resulting – cement slurry – flows into storage tanks.

When limestone is used, it has to be blasted, then crushed, usually in two

progressively smaller crushers (initial and secondary crushers), and then
fed into a ball mill with the clay dispersed in water. The resultant slurry is
pumped into storage tanks. From here onwards, the process is the same
regardless of the original nature of the raw materials.

The slurry is a liquid of creamy consistency, with water content of

between 35 and 50%, and only a small fraction of material – about 2% -
larger than a 90 μm (sieve No. 170).

The slurry mix mechanically in the storage tanks, and the sedimentation
of the suspended solids being prevented by bubbling by compressed air
pumped from bottom of the tanks.

Construction Materials Cement

The slurry analyze chemically to check the achievement of the required

chemical composition, and if necessary changing the mix constituents to
attain the required chemical composition.

Finally, the slurry with the desired lime content passes into the rotary
kiln. This is a large, refractory-lined steel cylinder, up to 8 m in diameter,
sometimes as long as 230 m, which is slightly inclined to the horizontal.

The slurry is fed in at the upper end while pulverized coal (oil or natural
gas also might be used as a fuel) is blown in by an air blast at the lower
end of the kiln, where the temperature reaches about 1450 o C.

The slurry, in its movement down the kiln, encounters a progressively

higher temperature. At first, the water is driven off and CO 2 is liberated;

further on, the dry material undergoes a series of chemical reactions until
finally, in the hottest part of the kiln, some 20 to 30% of the material
becomes liquid, and lime, silica and alumina recombine. The mass then
fuses into balls, 3 to 25 mm in diameter, known as clinker. The clinker
drops into coolers.

Dry process:
The raw materials are crushed and fed in the correct proportions into a
grinding mill, where they are dried and reduced in size to a fine powder.
The dry powder, called raw meal, is then pumped to a blending silo, and
final adjustment is now made in the proportions of the materials required
for the manufacture of cement. To obtain a uniform mixture, the raw meal
is blended in the silo, usually by means of compressed air.

Construction Materials Cement

The blended meal is sieved and fed into a rotating dish called a
granulator, water weighing about 12% of the meal being added at the
same time. In this manner, hard pellets about 15 mm in diameter are
The pellets are baked hard in a pre-heating grate by means of hot gases
from the kiln. The pellets then enter the kiln, and subsequence operations
are the same as in the wet process of manufacture.

Comparison between wet and dry process:

Construction Materials Cement

Grinding of the clinker:

The cool clinker (produced by wet or dry process), which is
characteristically black and hard, is interground with gypsum
CaSO4.2H2O in order to prevent flash setting of the cement, and to
facilitate the grinding process. The grinding is done in a ball mill. The
cement discharged by the mill is passed through a separator, fine particles
being removed to the storage silo by an air current, while the coarser
particles are passed through the mill once again.

Chemical composition of Portland cement:

The raw materials used in the manufacture of Portland cement
consist mainly of lime, silica, alumina and iron oxide. These compounds
interact with one another in the kiln to form a series of more complex
products and, apart from a small residue of uncombined lime which has
not had sufficient time to react, a state of chemical equilibrium is reached.
The resultant of firing is the clinker.

Four compounds are usually regarded as the major constituents of


• Tricalcium silicate 3CaO.SiO 2 – (C 3 S)


• Dicalcium silicate 2CaO.SiO 2 – (C 2 S)


• Tricalcium aluminate 3CaO.Al 2 O 3 – (C 3 A) R R R R R R

• Tetracalcium aluminoferrite 4CaO.Al 2 O 3 .Fe 2 O 3 – (C4AF) R R R R R R R R

Construction Materials Cement

Where each oxide symbol with one letter:

CaO – C
SiO2 – S
Al2O3 – A
Fe2O3 – F
H2O – H

The rate of cooling affect the degree of crystallization and the amount of
amorphous material present in the cooled clinker. The properties of this
amorphous material, known as glass, differ considerably from those of
crystalline compounds of a nominally similar chemical composition.

The percentage of the main composition of cement can be calculated

according to the Bogue equations, based on the assumption that the
reactions reached the chemical equilibrium state:

C3S = 4.07 (CaO) – 7.6 (SiO2) – 6.72 (Al2O3) – 1.43 (Fe2O3) – 2.85 (SO3)
C2S = 2.87(SiO2) – 0.754 (C3S)
C3A = 2.65 (Al2O3) – 1.69 (Fe2O3)
C4AF = 3.04 (Fe2O3)

Where, the terms in brackets represent the percentage of the given oxide
in the total mass of cement.

Recently, these compositions are determined by x-ray diffraction.

On cooling below 1250 o C, C3S decomposes slowly but, if cooling is not

too slow, C3S remains unchanged and is relatively stable at ordinary


Construction Materials Cement

C3S which is normally present in the largest amount, occurs as small

equidimensional grains.
C2S is known to have three forms: α- C2S, which exists at high
temperatures, inverts to the β-form at about 1450 ᵒ C. β-C2S undergoes
further inversion to γ- C2S at about 670ᵒC but, at the rates of cooling of
commercial cements, β-C2S is preserved in the clinker.
Usually, silicates in the cement are not pure. It contains secondary oxides
which affect the atomic arrangement, the crystal form and properties of
the cement during the hydration process.
C3A forms rectangular crystals, but C3A in frozen glass forms an
amorphous interstitial phase.
C4AF is solid solution ranging from C2F to C6A2F, but the description
C4AF is a convenient simplification.

Minor compounds:

In addition to the main compounds mentioned above, there exist minor

compounds, such as MgO, TiO2, Mn2O3, K2O and Na2O. Two of the
minor compounds are of particular interest: K2O and Na2O, known as the
alkalis (about 0.4-1.3% by weight of cement). They have been found to
react with the reactive silica found in some aggregates, the products of
the reaction causing increase in volume leading to disintegration of the
concrete. The increase in the alkalis percentage has been observed to
affect the setting time and the rate of the gain of strength of cement.

SO3: form low percentage of cement weight. SO3 comes from the gypsum
added (2-6% by weight) during grinding of the clinker, and from the
impurities in the raw materials, also from the fuel used through firing

Construction Materials Cement

Iraqi specification no. 5 limited max. SO3 by 2.5% when C3A ≤ 7%, and
by 3% when C3A> 7%.
MgO, present in the cement by 1-4%, which comes from the magnesia
compounds present in the raw materials. Iraqi specification no. 5 limited
max. MgO by 5%, to control the expansion resulted from the hydration of
this compound in the hardened concrete. When the magnesia is in
amorphous form, it has no harmful effect on the concrete.

Other minor compounds such as TiO2, Mn2O3, P2O5 represent < 1%,
and they have little importance.

Construction Materials Cement

Loss on Ignition (L.O.I):It is the loss of the cement sample weight when
it expose to the red temperature (at 1000 o C). It shows the extent of

carbonation and hydration of free lime and free magnesia due to the
exposure of cement to the atmosphere. Also, part of the loss in weight
comes from losing water from the gypsum composition. The maximum
loss on ignition permitted by Iraqi specification no. 5 is 4% by weight.

Insoluble residue: It is that part of cement sample that is insoluble in

HCl. It comes from the unreached silica, to form soluble cement
compounds diluting in this acid, largely arising from impurities in
gypsum. The maximum insoluble residue permitted by Iraqi specification
no. 5 is 1.5% by weight.

Bogue’s Compounds:

The major Bogue’s compounds formed are listed in the table (1).
There are also some minor compounds formed but these compounds are
not very significant. Two of the minor oxides namely (K2O) and (Na2O)
referred to as alkalis in cement are important.
The compounds responsible for strength are (Tri calcium silicate
(C3S)) and (Di calcium silicate (C2S)). They constitute (70 to 80 %) of
cement. The average (C3S) content in modern cement is about (45%) and
that of (C2S) is about 25 %. The sum of the contents of (C3A) and (C4AF)
has decreased slightly in modern cements.
The equations suggested by Bogue for calculating the percentages of
major compounds are given below.
C3S = 4.07 (CaO) – 7.60 (SiO2) – 6.72 (Al2O3) – 1.43 (Fe2O3) – 2.85
C2S = 2.87 (SiO2) – 0.754 (3CaO.SiO2)

Construction Materials Cement

C3A = 2.65 (Al2O3) – 1.69 (Fe2O3)

C4AF= 3.04 (Fe2O3)

Table (1): List of Bogue’s Compounds and its Formulae.

Compound Formula Short formula

Tri calcium silicate 3 CaO.SiO2 C3S C3S

Di calcium silicate 2 CaO.SiO2 C2S C2S

Tri calcium aluminate 3 CaO.Al2O3 C3A

Tetra calcium aluminoferrite 4 CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 C4AF

The calculated quantity of the compounds in cement varies greatly

even for a relatively small change in the oxide composition of the raw
To manufacture a cement of stipulated compound composition, it
becomes absolutely necessary to control the oxide composition of the raw
materials. For example increasing the lime content will result in
unsoundness in cement, and increasing silica content will result in the
difficulty to form a clinker. Contents which high total alumina and high
ferric oxide will produce cement with high strength.

Hydration of cement:
It is the reaction (series of chemical reactions) of cement with water
to form the binding material. In other words, in the presence of water, the
silicates (C3S and C2S) and aluminates (C3A and C4AF) form products
of hydration which in time produce a firm and hard mass – the hydrated
cement paste.
There are two ways in which compounds of the type present in cement
can react with water. In the first, a direct addition of some molecules of

Construction Materials Cement

water takes place, this being a true reaction of hydration. The second
type of reaction with water is hydrolysis, in which its nature can be
illustrated using the C3S hydration equation:
3CaO.SiO2 + H2O → Ca(OH)2 + xCaO.ySiO2.aq. (Calcium silicate hydrate)
2 C3S +6H → 3 Ca(OH)2 + C3S2H3
The rates of the chemical reactions of the main compounds are different:
Aluminates - React with the water in the beginning
- Affect the route of the chemical reactions at early periods of hydration.
Silicates – Affect the later stage reactions.

The hydration of Portland cement involves the reaction of the

anhydrous calcium silicate and aluminate phases with water to form
hydrated phases. These solid hydrates occupy more space than the
anhydrous particles and the result is a rigid interlocking mass whose
porosity is a function of the ratio of water to cement (w/c) in the original
mix. Provided the mix has sufficient plasticity to be fully compacted, the
lower the (w/c), the higher will be the compressive strength of the
hydrated cement paste/mortar/concrete and the higher the resistance to
penetration by potentially deleterious substances from the environment.
Cement hydration is complex and it is appropriate to consider the
reactions of the silicate phases (C3S and C2S) and the aluminate phases
(C3A and C4AF) separately.

Cement Hydration Products:

The hydration of Portland cement is rather more complex than
that of the individual constituent minerals described above. A simplified
illustration of the development of hydrate structure in cement paste is
given in Figure (1).When cement is first mixed with water some of the

Construction Materials Cement

added calcium sulfate (particularly if dehydrated forms are present and

most of the alkali sulfates present dissolve rapidly. If calcium langbeinite
is present then it will provide both calcium and sulfate ions in solution,
which are available for ettringite formation.
The supply of soluble calcium sulfate controls the (C 3A)
hydration, thus preventing a flash set. Ground clinker mixed with water
without added calcium sulfate sets rapidly with heat evolution as a result
of the uncontrolled hydration of (C3A). The cement then enters a dormant
period when the rate of loss of workability is relatively slow. It will be
more rapid; however, at high ambient temperatures (above 25°C).
Setting time is a function of clinker mineralogy (particularly free
lime level), clinker chemistry and fineness. The finer the cement and the
higher the free lime level, the shorter the setting time in general. Cement
paste setting time is arbitrarily defined as the time when a pat of cement
paste offers a certain resistance to penetration by a probe of standard
cross-section and weight. Setting is largely due to the hydration of (C3S)
and it represents the development of hydrate structure, which eventually
results in compressive strength.
The (C–S–H gel) which forms around the larger (C3S) and (C2S)
grains is formed in situ and has a rather dense and featureless appearance
when viewed using an electron microscope.

Construction Materials Cement

Figure (1): Simplified Illustration of Hydration of Cement Paste.

Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H):

When (C3S) and (C2S) reacts with water, it forms calcium silicate
hydrate (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), referred hereafter as
(CH). (C-S-H) is the most important product of cement hydration,
because it is the glue in cementitious materials. Around (50-60%) of
cement volume is (C-S-H).

Construction Materials Cement

The following equations approximately summarized the hyderation


2C3S+6H→ C3S2H3+3Ca (OH)2……………..(1)

C2S+4 H→ C3S2H3+Ca (OH)2………………(2)

The reactions are summarized in Table (2). (C3S) is much more reactive
than (C2S) and under ‘standard’ temperature conditions of (20°C)
approximately half of the (C3S) present in typical cement will be hydrated
by (3 days) and (80% by 28) days. In contrast, the hydration of (C 2S)
does not normally proceed to a significant extent until ~14 days.

Table (2): The Hydration of Calcium Silicates.

Mineral Reaction Products of reaction


C3S Moderate C–S–H with Ca:Si ratio ~ 1.7 CH (calcium


C2S Slow C–S–H with Ca:Si ratio ~ 1.7 Small quantity of


Calcium Hydroxide (CH):

The other product of hydration of (C3S) and (C2S) is calcium

hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) or CH. It is not desirable product in the
cementitious materials. Around (50-60%) of cement volume is Calcium

Construction Materials Cement

Calcium Hydroxide will decrease the durability of concrete. (CH)

also reacts with sulfate present in soils or water to form calcium sulphate
which further reacts with (C3A) and cause deterioration of concrete. This
is known as sulphate attack.
The use of blending materials such as fly ash, silica fume and other
pozzolanic materials is the step to mitigate the problems related to (CH)
in concrete. The only advantage (CH), is maintain (pH) value around (13)
in the concrete which resists the corrosion of reinforcements.

Calcium Aluminates Hydrates:

The cubic compound (C3AH6) is probably the only stable compound

formed during the hydration of calcium aluminate which remains stable
up to about (225°C). The reaction of pure (C3A) with water is very fast
and may lead to flash set. To prevent this flash set, gypsum is added at
the time of grinding the cement clinker. The quantity of gypsum added
has a bearing on the quantity of (C3A) present. The hydrated aluminates
do not contribute anything to the strength of concrete. Instead, their
presence is harmful to the durability of concrete particularly where the
concrete is likely to be attacked by sulfates. As it hydrates very fast it
may contribute a little to the early strength upon hydration. (C4AF) is also
believed to form a compound of the form (CaO–Fe2O3–H2O).
A hydrated calcium ferrite of the form (C3FH6) is comparatively
more stable. This hydrated product also does not contribute anything to
the strength. The hydrate of (C4AF) shows a comparatively higher
resistance to the attack of sulphates than the hydrates of calcium

Construction Materials Cement

Heat of Hydration:
The compounds of Portland cement are non equilibrium products of
high temperature reactions and are therefore in a high-energy state. When
cement is hydrated, the compounds react with water to acquire stable,
low-energy states and the process is accompanied by the release of
energy in the form of heat. In other words, the hydration reactions of
portland cement compounds are exothermic. The significance of heat of
cement hydration in concrete technology is manifold. The heat of
hydration can sometimes be a hindrance (e.g., mass concrete structures),
and at other times a help (e.g., winter concreting when ambient
temperatures may be too low to provide the activation energy for
hydration reactions).
In general, on mixing cement with water, a rapid heat evolution
(ascending portion of peak A) lasting a few minutes occurs. This
probably represents the heat of solution of aluminates and sulfates. This
initial heat evolution ceases quickly (descending portion of peak A) when
the solubility of aluminates is depressed in the presence of sulfate in the
solution. The next heat evolution cycle, culminating in the second peak
after about 4 to 8 h of hydration for most portland cements, represents the
heat of formation of ettringite (ascending portion of peak B).the heat
evolution period includes some heat of solution due to C3S and heat of
formation of C-S-H. The paste of a properly retarded cement will retain
much of its plasticity before the commencement of this heat cycle and
will stiffen and show the initial set (beginning of solidification) before
reaching the apex at B, which corresponds to the final set (complete
solidification and beginning of hardening).
The hydration of Portland cement involves exothermic reactions,
and the hydration operation release heat which can be illustrated in Figure

Construction Materials Cement

(2). The progress of the reactions can be monitored using the technique of
isothermal conduction calorimetry.

Figure (2): Heat of Hydration of a Cement Paste Determined by

Conduction Calorimetry at (20°C).

The actual value of the heat of hydration depends on:

1- The chemical composition of the cement
Heat of hydration of cement = sum of the heats of hydration of the
individual compounds when hydrated separately.
The contribution of individual compounds to the total heat of hydration of
cement can be measured from the following equation:
Heat of hydration of 1 g of cement =
136(C3S) +62(C2S) + 200(C3A+) 30(C4AF)
Where, the terms in brackets denote the percentage by mass of the
individual compounds in cement. Because in the early stages of hydration
the different compounds hydrate at different rates, the rate of heat

Construction Materials Cement

evolution, as well as the total heat depends on the compound composition

of the cement.
2- Ambient temperature – has great effect on the rate of heat evolution
– The rate of heat evolution increase with increase in the ambient
3- Type of cement
Types of cement can be arranged in descending order with respect to their
rate of heat evolution, as follows:
- Rapid hardening Portland cement.
- Ordinary Portland cement.
- Modified Portland cement.
- Sulfate resistant Portland cement.
- Low heat Portland cement.
4- Fineness of cement
An increase in fineness speed up the reactions of hydration and therefore
the heat evolved. It is reasonable to assume that the early rate of
hydration of each compound in cement is proportional to the surface area
of the cement. However, at later ages, the effect of the surface area is
negligible and the total amount of heat evolved is not affected by the
fineness of cement.
5- Amount of cement in the mixture
The quantity of cement in the mix also affects the total heat development:
thus the richness of the mix, that is, the cement content, can be varied in
order to help the control of heat development.

False setting
It is abnormal premature stiffening of cement within a few minutes of
mixing with water. – It differs from flash set in that:
- No appreciable heat is evolved.
Construction Materials Cement

- Remixing the cement paste without addition of water restores plasticity

of the paste until it sets in the normal manner and without a loss of

1- Dehydration of gypsum – when interground with too hot a clinker -

-Hemihydrates (CaSO4. 0.5H20) – when temperature between100-190 ͦ C
- or anhydrite (CaSO4) - when temperature >190 ͦ C
And when the cement is mixed with water these hydrate to form gypsum,
with a result stiffening of the paste.

2- Reaction of alkalis of the cement

During bad storage – alkalis in the cement react with CO2 (in the
atmosphere) to form alkali carbonates, which they react with Ca(OH)2
liberated by the hydrolysis of C3S to form CaCO3. This precipitates and
induces a rigidity of the paste.
K2O or Na2O + CO2 → K2CO3 or Na2CO3
K2CO3 or Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3

3- Activation of C3S subjected to wet atmosphere

During bad storage – water is absorbed on the grains of cement (the water
stick on their surfaces) and activates them, and these activated surfaces
can combine very rapidly with more water during mixing: this rapid
hydration would produce false set.

Flash setting: Occurs when there is no gypsum added or exhausting the

gypsum (added with little amount), so C3A reacts violently with water
causing liberation high amount of heat causing rapid setting of cement,
and leading to form porous microstructure that the product of hydration
of the other compounds precipitate through, unlike the normal
(ordinary) setting that have much lower porosity microstructure.

Construction Materials Cement

Soundness of cement
The cement considers unsound if it undergo a large change in volume
(expansion) – that cause cracking of hardened cement paste when it is
under condition of restraint.

2- Free MgO
Cement can also be unsound due to the presence of MgO, which
reacts with water in a manner similar to CaO. However, only periclase,
that is, 'dead-burnt' crystalline MgO, is deleteriously reactive, and MgO
present in glass is harmless, because it hydrates quickly transforming to
the stable state in the hardened paste.
MgO + H2O → Mg(OH)2
Up to about 2 per cent of periclase, (by mass of cement) combines with
the main cement compounds, but excess periclase generally causes
expansion and can lead to slow disruption.
3- Calcium sulfates (gypsum)
Gypsum added to the clinker during its grinding in order to prevent flash
set, but if gypsum is present in excess of the amount that can react with
C3A during setting, unsoundness is in the form of a slow expansion will

Fineness of cement:
The last step in the manufacture of cement is the grinding of clinker
mixed with gypsum. Because hydration starts at the surface of the cement
particles, it is the total surface area of cement that represents the material
available for hydration. Thus, the rate of hydration depends on the
fineness of the cement particles.
The high fineness is necessary for:

1. Rapid development of strength, as shown in the figure below; although

the long-term strength is not affected. A higher early rate of hydration
means, of course, also a higher rate of early heat evolution

Construction Materials Cement

2. To cover surfaces of the fine aggregate particles at better manner –

leading to better adhesion and cohesion between cement mortar

3. To improve the workability of the concrete mix, but it will increase the
amount of water required for the standard consistency.

4. To reduce the water layer that separate on the mixture surface due to
bleeding, as shown in the figure below.

The disadvantage of high fineness, include:

1. The cost of grinding to a higher fineness is considerable.

2. The finer the cement the more rapidly it deteriorates on exposure to the
atmosphere during bad storage.

3. Finer cement increases the surface area of its alkalis – leads to stronger
reaction with alkali-reactive aggregate – cracks and deterioration of

4. Finer cement exhibits a higher shrinkage and a greater proneness to


5. An increase in fineness increases the amount of gypsum required for

proper retardation because, in finer cement, more C3A is available for
early hydration (due to the increase of its surface area).

Capillary pores:
At any stage of hydration, the capillary pores represent that part of the
gross volume which has not been filled by the products of hydration.
Because these products occupy more than twice the volume of the
original solid phase (i.e. cement) alone, the volume of the capillary
system is reduced with the progress of hydration.
Thus the capillary porosity of the paste depends on:
- The water/cement ratio of the mix

Construction Materials Cement

When w/c ratio > 0.38 – The gel volume is not enough to fill all the
available voids.
- The degree of hydration, which influence by the type of cement.

Gel pores:
- The gel pores are interconnected interstitial spaces between the gel
- The gel pores are much smaller than the capillary pores: Less than 2 or
3 nm in nominal diameter. This is only one order of magnitude greater
than the size of molecules of water. For this reason, the vapour pressure
and mobility of adsorbed water are different from the corresponding
properties of free water.
- The gel pores occupy about 28 per cent of the total volume of gel (gel
particles + gel pores).
- The actual value is characteristic for a given cement but is largely
independent of the water/cement ratio of the mix and of the progress of
hydration. This would indicate that gel of similar properties is formed at
all stages and that continued hydration does not affect the products
already in existence. Thus, as the total volume of gel increases with the
progress of hydration, the total volume of gel pores also increases. On the
other hand, as mentioned earlier, the volume of capillary pores decreases
with the progress of hydration.

Water held in hydrated cement paste:

The hydrated cement paste – contains sub-microscopic pores – that
can absorb water from the ambient area. The actual water content of the
paste depends on the ambient humidity.
Capillary pores, because of their comparatively large size, empty when
the ambient relative humidity falls below about 45 per cent, but water is

Construction Materials Cement

adsorbed in the gel pores even at very low ambient humidities, because it
is too small compared with the capillary pores.
We can thus see that water in hydrated cement is held with varying
degrees of firmness:
- Free water – present in the capillary pores – with weak firmness, and
evaporate quickly leaving the paste.
- Chemically combined water – form a definite part of the hydrated
- Gel water – present in gel pores – part of it is held by the surface force
of the gel particles - It is known as the adsorbed water.
There is no technique available for determining how water is distributed
between these different states, nor is it easy to predict these divisions
from theoretical considerations as the energy of binding of combined
water in the hydrate is of the same order of magnitude as the energy of
binding of the adsorbed water.
A convenient division of water in the hydrated cement, necessary for
investigation purposes, though rather arbitrary, is into two categories:
- Evaporable water – includes water in the capillary pores and some
water in the gel pores.
- Non-evaporable water – includes nearly all chemically combined
water and also some water not held by chemical bonds.
The amount of non-evaporable water increases as hydration proceeds.
In well-hydrated cement, the non-evaporable water is about 18 percent
by mass of the anhydrous material; this proportion rises to about 23 per
cent in fully hydrated cement.The evaporable water can be measured
from – loss in weight of cement paste sample through drying at 105 o C to

the equilibrium state.

Construction Materials Cement

Setting refers to a change from a fluid to a rigid stage:
Cement + water → cement paste → lose its plasticity gradually→ when it
lose its plasticity completely → setting occurs.
The stages of setting include:
- Initial setting
- Final setting
It is important to distinguish setting from hardening, which refers to the
gain of strength of a set cement paste.
The two first to react are C3A and C3S.
The setting time of cement decreases with a rise in temperature.

The importance of setting in concrete works comes from the

importance to keep the fresh concrete in the plastic stage for enough time
necessary to complete its mixing and placing under practical conditions.
But, from the economical side, it is important that the concrete hardens at
convenient period after casting.

There are four main stages during setting

 First stage:
- Takes only few minutes after the addition of water to the cement.
- The rate of heat generation is high, due to wetting of cement particles
with water, and the beginning of hydrolysis and reaction of the cement
compounds. After that the rate decreases to relatively low value.
 Second stage (dormant period):
- Takes 1-4 hours with relatively low speed.
- The initial layer of the hydration begins slowly to build on the cement
- Bleeding and sedimentation appears at this period.

Construction Materials Cement

 Third stage:
- Heat of hydration begins to rise again due to the dissolution of the weak
gel layer formed in the beginning (first) on the surface of C3S crystals –
so the water able to surround the particles surfaces again – and forming
gel of calcium silicates with enough amount to increase setting.
- The activity reach its peak after about 6 hours for cement paste, with
standard consistency, and might be late for paste with higher w/c ratio.
- At the end of the stage, the paste reaches the final setting stage.
 Fourth stage:
- hardening and gain of strength
Vicat apparatus – use to measure the setting time for cement paste.
Initial setting time – refers to the beginning of the cement paste setting.
Final setting time – refers to the beginning of hardening and gain of.

Iraqi Standard Specification No. 5 limits:

- Initial setting time not less than 45 minutes.
- Final setting time not more than 10 hours.

Factors affecting the setting:

1- Water/cement (w/c) ratio – The setting time of cement increases with
the increase of w/c ratio.
2- Temperature and relative humidity - The setting time of cement
decreases with a rise in temperature and decrease of relative humidity.
3- Fineness of cement - The setting time of cement decreases with a rise
in fineness of cement.
4- Chemical composition


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