Schlumberger - The History of A Technique
Schlumberger - The History of A Technique
Schlumberger - The History of A Technique
The History of a Technique
Allaud, Louis A.
“A Wiley-Interscience publication.”
1. Electric prospecting—History. 2. Oil well
logging, Electric—History. 3. Petroleum engineering—
History. 4. Schlumberger Limited. I. Martin, Maurice H.
joint author. II. Title.
10 987654321
To the memory of
Conrad and Marcel Schlumberger
Henri Doll; at the same time, close contact was maintained with the
activities being resumed in France. During the postwar years, Henri
Doll brought about a growing use of electronics in logging equip¬
ment and advances in the interpretation of measurements. One
result was the electromagnetic induction method, which he had
already thought of before the war. It came into standard use after
1949, and was to be the last original logging method introduced by
I would like to take this opportunity to express my high regard
lor Henri Doll, whose outstanding human and professional qualities
I was able to appreciate in 1943 when, as a visiting professor at
Columbia University, I was invited by him to pay a few short visits
to Houston to consult on certain aspects of the nonprofit organiza¬
tion established by Schlumberger in support of the Allied war
Reading this book, scientists concerned with the penetration of
the scientific spirit into the whole range of human endeavor will be
happy to see that, even in the rather specialized field which is the
book’s subject, this spirit need not yield to the sense of business. Nor
have Schlumberger’s leaders lacked a keen business sense. Al¬
though the book is primarily addressed to engineers, who will find it
a source of valuable information, I venture to state that readers who
are not technically trained but who are eager for a better insight into
the reasons for the prestige of certain industries will also find this
modern epic unusually attractive even if they pass rapidly over the
more technical paragraphs.
Francis Perrin
Member of the Institut de France and
Louis A. Allaud
Maurice H. Martin
Paris, France
, Introduction 1
Technical Developments 35
An overall view 35
Operations 191
France 195
The Houston center. Its operation. Research on S.P. Work for the
War Department. Mine detector. The beginnings of
quantitative interpretation.
The situation and the prospects at the end of World War II 207
The problem of thin beds. The case of salt muds. Limestone sonde.
Origin of laterolog 7. “Electrical plug.” Technological choices.
Difficulties and solutions. First tests and development. Guard
electrode log and laterolog 3. Technical success.
Thermometry 281
Sampling 283
Perforation 288
Conclusion 329
1 The term “electrical coring’’ (in French, carottage électrique) was adopted in 1927 because
of its anology to “mechanical coring,” which denotes the analysis of rock samples (“cores,”
in mining terminology) extracted from a formation by drilling. The French word carottage
(“coring”) was introduced as such into the Russian language in 1930 to designate the new
technique. The English translation “electrical coring,” under which the process became
known in the United States, was replaced in 1933 by the term “electrical logging,” now in
use throughout the petroleum world. The word “log” means a strip of paper or film, on
which measurements are recorded as curves (diagrams) in terms of depth. The word is
borrowed from nautical science, where it refers to the plotting of the data that determine
the motion of a ship in terms of time. After 1945 French-speaking oil people translated
The History of a Technique -
"logging” into diagraphie, a new word derived from “diagram.” In certain works (mostly
textbooks), the expression borehole geophysics appears in all languages where logging is
described. For the sake of historical accuracy, the term “electrical coring” will be used here
for the technique prevailing until 1933, and “logging” thereafter.
The History of a Technique
For many metallic ores (e.g., iron, copper, zinc, lead, manganese) the
exploration devices available in 1910 were much the same as they had
been centuries ago. These ores, whether in the form of lodes or intrusives
in older rock formations, are mostly eruptive; prospecting for them
basically consisted of searching for visible signs on the surface, either in
3 An anticline is a geological structure in the shape of a vault or an arch. A syncline has the
The History of a Technique
shape of a ditch. The word “dome” is self-explanatory. Many anticlines and domes have
resulted from the thrust of rock salt, which is relatively plastic as compared to other rocks.
Under the weight of the sedimentary overburden, wherever a passage is available, the salt
formation shoots up extensions, often nearly vertical, which take the shape of gigantic
ridges or mushrooms and either push their way through the surrounding layers (Fig. 2),
bend them back, or uplift them. Salt ridges and domes are prevalent in certain regions such
as Alsace and the Landes in France, the Gulf Coast (Gulf of Mexico) in the United States,
the Emba region in the U.S.S.R., and particularly parts of Rumania and Germany.
4 This area of learning was then called “geophysics” or “physics of the globe.” Later, when
measurement of the physical field would serve the purposes of mineral exploration, the
term “applied geophysics” was introduced. Nowadays “geophysics” refers mainly to the
scientific and technical studies involved in the exploration for minerals.
N burden
Salt water
teenth century, thought had been given to using the compass to detect,
among other things, magnetite bodies; yet it was not until the middle of
the nineteenth century that prospecting instruments of much greater
sensitivity and accuracy (Thalen and Tiberg compasses) led to important
discoveries in Sweden and the United States. In 1896 the Hungarian
scientist Roland Eotvos designed and built his torsion balance, an instru¬
ment sufficiently sensitive to detect the variations in gravity above the
cellars of his Budapest laboratory.5 However, its only practical applica¬
tion at that time was to measure the depth of Lake Balaton. Not until the
1920’s was the torsion balance used commercially in the search for salt
domes and oil fields.
In 1830 a British scientist, R. W. Fox, used a rudimentary apparatus
The History of a Technique
6 At that early date Fox predicted that methods of the electromagnetic type could help in
prospecting for metalliferous lodes.
7 De Launay, La Conquête Minérale, Flammarion, Paris, 1908.
entire space; they are separated by pores which vary in size with the type
of rock.
In the finest sediments, such as clays and shales, the size of the pores
can be as small as 1/100,000, even 1/1,000,000, of a millimeter. In sands,
sandstones, and many limestones, sizes vary from 1/1000 to 1/10 of a
millimeter, and in gravels and some vugs they reach 1 or more millime¬
ters. Yet rocks are found with crystals so tightly joined that there are no
pores at all. This occurs mainly in deep-hardened sandstones or lime¬
stones, or in matter produced by evaporation in deep water such as rock
salt or anhydrite. Igneous or crystalline rocks are, in general, similarly
In nearly all subsurface rocks, the pores are entirely filled with water
varying'in saline content from pure water, produced by rain or snow, to
salt-saturated water (often encountered in oil fields). The highly aerated
formations close to the surface are an exception. On the other hand, in
hydrocarbon deposits the pores of the rock contain both water and oil,
both water and gas, or the three fluids together. With a few exceptions,
which will be considered later, mineral grains are electrical insulators. The
rocks they form allow electric current to flow because they are permeated
with water. Therefore the resistivity of a rock is of the electrolytic type; it
is proportional to the resistivity of the water and decreases steadily when
the temperature rises. The smaller the amount of water contained in a
given volume of rock—in other words, the less porous the rock—the
higher the resistivity. Resistivity is also contingent, although to a lesser
extent, on the shape and arrangement of the pores, rather than their size.
Thus there is only a loose relationship between the resistivity of a rock
and its permeability.
Rock porosity varies widely, from a few percent in consolidated
limestones, to 30 and 40 percent in sands and unconsolidated clays, and
up to 80 or 90 percent in the silt of lakes and oceans. Since the salinity of
waters also varies widely, the resistivities encountered underground vary
considerably too, from a fraction of an ohm-meter8 in unconsolidated
formations filled with salt-saturated waters, to several thousand ohm-
meters and on to infinity in compact rocks. No other physical parameter
8 The resistivity unit adopted by Schlumberger and used almost universally in electrical
prospecting is the ohm-m2/m or, more simply, the ohm-meter; that is, the resistivity of a
cube 1 meter on a side, the resistance of which, to a current parallel to an edge, equals 1
The History of a Technique
9 The density ratio of the heaviest to the lightest rocks does not generally exceed 3; the
same ratio applies to the velocity of sound waves through the subsurface; and for magnetic
susceptibility there is a marked difference only between crystalline and sedimentary rocks
(with the exception of certain iron ores).
10 In the language of the petroleum industry, saturation designates the fraction of pore
volume occupied by a fluid: water, oil, or gas.
The History of a Technique
sorship at the École des Mines in Paris* had later compelled him to devote
his holidays to researching the application of physics to the field of
mining, with particular emphasis on prospecting. It did not behoove him
to add that these “circumstances” were strongly helped by a rare intel¬
ligence, exceptionally gifted for the abstract and practical, a fertile
imagination, a varied cultural background, and a lively curiosity controlled
by a rigorous scientific approach. To a man so endowed, who was little
more than 30 years old, an academic career, however prestigious, could
hardly bring fulfillment. Teaching a course in physics at the École des
Mines was not, however, without its advantages; it provided a quiet
occupation, scientific surroundings, a vast library, and the stimulation of
contact with a young audience. This was the “environment” that became
the fertile ground of creativity for one whose mind was shaped by mathe¬
matics and physics. Thoroughly aware of the problems of the mining
industry, and having a keen interest in the sciences of the earth, Conrad
was inevitably attracted by the challenges of the field later known as
geophysics. Furthermore, his fondness for research and his desire for
orderly and efficient work, as well as his concern for economic and social
factors, led him toward efforts to improve the methods of mineral produc¬
The search for metalliferous deposits was expanding during this
period, and Conrad’s first thoughts were directed toward methods for
improving reconnaissance. The problem was to decide on a physical
parameter with which one could accurately differentiate the deposits
themselves from the rocks in which they were embedded.
According to information available at the time, electrical conductivity
appeared to be a more significant parameter for the exploration of metal¬
liferous deposits than the rather uncharacteristic density, or magnetic
properties, limited to certain types of iron ores. However, while a mag¬
netic mineral body may be revealed by the disturbance it creates in the
magnetic field of the earth, there is no similar natural electric field that can
be scrutinized in the search for conductive ores.
Conrad thought, therefore, of creating an artificial electric field. The
simplest way was to transmit a current between two electrodes (two series
of pegs) driven into the ground, and to plot the equipotential lines
reflecting the distribution of resistivities of the subsurface.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
1 Brown and MacClatchey had been concerned solely with measuring resistance through
the ground between two ground electrodes conducting the current. They were unaware of
the fact that 95 percent or more of the resistance is concentrated very close to the current
electrodes and remains the same whether or not an ore body is buried between them.
The History of a Technique
Surface Electrical Prospecting
The History of a Technique
Surface Electrical Prospecting
scale models to actual field conditions. The earphone method had proved
disappointing. Mutual induction between the current-emitting (AB) and
measure (MN) circuits was negligible in the laboratory, but in the field,
with lines of several hundred meters, it became strong enough to jam
observations.2 Conrad then switched to direct current; experience
confirmed its superiority.
Within a few weeks he procured, tested, and adapted his instruments
and perfected the operating methods. Several months later, in the early
part of 1913, he summarized this first experiment on the same sheet of
heavy drawing paper on which he had originally plotted his mea¬
surements. He described the crude cables and reels borrowed from the
army, the small generator driven by the engine of the truck, the ground
stakes afid the way they were set into the soil to get good grounding, the
practical maneuvering of the electrode system, the trumpet signals used
for field communication between himself and his assistant, the deviations
of the needle, and finally the galvanometer itself. After testing several
galvanometer models, he finally found, in Frankfurt, one of adequate
sensitivity, accuracy, and convenience, made by Hartmann and Braun. He
would add to this galvanometer the components (batteries, resistances)
that would enable him to measure potential differences by the balance (or
null) method (see p. 47).
Another difficulty, arising from the use of direct current, had to be
solved. If M and N are plain pegs of copper, for example, electrochemical
phenomena take place at the point of contact of the metal and the water
present in the soil: the ground electrodes are said to “polarize.” As all
ground electrodes do not polarize in an identical manner, this imbalance
generates an electromotive force of up to several tens of millivolts, more
than enough to drive the needle of the galvanometer out of scale, making
any measurement impossible. Conrad conceived and built a nonpolarizing
type of ground electrode that was well suited for fieldwork (Fig. 5).
The subsurface of the Val-Richer testing ground was simple: a thick
layer of moist, uniform, clayey soil covered the ancient rocks, which were
embedded too deeply to affect the measurements. Electrode A was staked
at the center of a well-leveled lawn and connected to remotely located
2 Conrad has explained by these disturbance effects the failure of the earlier attempts of
L. Daft and A. Williams, who were sending alternating current into the soil and measuring
the potentials with earphones. Various other tests employing the same technique, espe¬
cially in Sweden, had not been followed up.
The History of a Technique
Surface Electrical Prospecting
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enough to the actual structure of the subsurface so that a plot of the field
measurements could be unequivocally explained by means of the cal¬
culated model. In Figure 9, the drawing on the left shows the calculated
equipotentials, separated by a vertical plane at the contact of two
homogeneous formations, one resistant, the other conductive. The sketch
on the right refers to a conductive medium between two resistant ones.
The curves plotted on the map appeared quite similar to those of the
drawings. The large equipotentials were elongated in an east-west direc¬
tion, that is, alongside the trace of limestone and shale layers, which are
softer and electrically less resistant than the flanking sandstones. Finally,
the breaks they showed at the contact between sandstones and lime¬
stones provided experimental verification of the refraction phenomenon as
predicted by theory.
Thus the potentials map can be informative even in the absence of
metallically conductive ore bodies, inasmuch as it can reveal certain
features of underground geological structure, such as the strike of the
strata and the contacts between formations. It is true that Conrad was
experimenting at Sassy on a known structure, visible over almost the
entire surface—a condition necessary to check the accuracy of the
method; yet it was becoming apparent that similar studies could be at¬
tempted in regions where the deep structures were completely concealed.
Such was the case in Normandy, where iron ore exploration was based on
the identification of contacts between generally hidden sandstones and
Surface Electrical Prospecting
Figure 9. Left: Calculated plot of the equipotential curves around an electrode A (with B very
remote, practically infinite) and close to the vertical plan separating a more resistant medium to
the left from a more conductive medium to the right. The curves are being refracted when crossing
the contact. Right: Approximate image of the behavior of the equipotentials when A is located in
the middle of a layer, the conductivity of which is higher than that of the flanking formations.
shales. At that time a survey could be made only by drilling coreholes, and
it appeared logical that the potentials map could complement the data
obtained by drilling, if not become a partial or total substitute for it. After
a few weeks of tests, prospects for industrial application were in sight.
The third experiment took place in January 1913 at Fierville-la-
Campagne, in the Calvados iron ore basin (Fig. 10). The composition of
the subsurface there is similar to that in Sassy, that is, nonoutcropping,
very steep sandstones and shales totally overlain by 60 to 90 meters of
The History of a Technique
Jurassic 'I. T_ i—i-'
limestone X '—I— -i 1^5
Feldspathj rian
sandstones black shales
Armorican sandstones
LC!1 '^^^'^'May sa
Calymere shales
Surface Electrical Prospecting
marly Jurassic. Seven drillholes were required to outline the ore body and
thoroughly explore the formations. As in Sassy, the strike of the ancient
strata was clearly shown by the elongated shape of the equipotentials
surrounding electrode A, which was planted straight above the shales,
while B was placed a sufficient distance away so that it would not influence
the shapes of the curves. However, the contact between sandstones and
shales appeared less clearly, because of the blurring effect of the thick,
overlying formations.
The flexibility of the electrical method was now to compensate for
this lack of precision. As shown in Figure 3, homogeneous ground pro¬
duces very uniform potentials in the center of the drawing: the electric
field, that is, the potential drop by unit of length, remains constant. But if
any discontinuity should appear in the soil between A and B and separate
two beds of different resistivities (e.g., the contact between shales and
limestone strata), the electric field would vary at the level of this separa¬
tion; it would be weaker above the more conductive formations, and
stronger above the more resistant ones. This led Conrad to test what he
referred to as “field profiles.” Electrodes A and B were placed on a line
perpendicular to the strike of the strata, each about 1 kilometer away
from the presumed trace of the contact, and the electric field between two
very close electrodes, alongside three profiles parallel to AB, was mea¬
sured. The result was clear: each profile showed an abrupt change in the
value of the field, making it possible to locate the contact within an
accuracy of 50 meters.
Another new feature was apparent on the right-hand side of the map:
the equipotentials surrounding an electrode planted directly above the
May sandstones were similarly elongated, and ran in the same direction as
the curves plotted above the shales. Therefore the current from A flowed
more easily alongside the strata than across them. This occurred because
May sandstones are composed of thin, alternating layers of varied resis¬
tivities, affecting the current with what is known as an anisotropic
medium. The curves plotted on the map confirmed the theory that in such a
medium the equipotentials are ellipses elongated in the direction of the
strata. This was the first empirical demonstration in the field of the electric
anisotrophy of sedimentary layers.
Somewhat later, during 1913, the Soumont survey was made in the
same basin with the same Silurian structure hidden by Jurassic. During
that study a practical mining problem arose: the ore body under produc-
The History of a Technique
tion was obstructed by a fault that had thrust its extension outside the
working face of the heading. It was decided to use the electrical method
for relocating the ore.
After having plotted a few large-diameter equipotentials and several
field profiles, all of which confirmed the conclusions reached at Fierville,
Conrad tested two new variants of the electrical method that enabled him
to determine the slippage of the fault. These procedures lasted for several
days and kept the small team of five very busy. Eugène Léonardon, a young
graduate of the École Polytechnique and one of the first prospectors to
join the firm, was a member of the group. He and a young worker named
Jules Carré were to become popular figures of “La Pros.”
The Soumont success, which Conrad still called a test, in face repre¬
sented authentic mineral prospecting. It was later followed by another
study in the same region near Sees, Orne, from which additional valuable
information was extracted and in the course of which the techniques and
analytical processes were refined.
By the middle of 1914, before World War I interrupted his work,
Conrad had succeeded in demonstrating that physical measurements
made on the surface could provide useful data for mineral prospecting,
even when the ore could not be detected directly from the surface. By a
thorough study of the structure of the ancient sedimentary rocks of the
subsurface, it became possible to track down deposits of geologically
related minerals. Although at the time only iron ore was involved, a few
years later geophysicists all over the world would apply the same principle
in their search for a mineral that had eluded any instrument designed
solely for surface exploration: petroleum.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
when the current was reversed. He reasoned that, because the pipe had
become polarized, it affected the current differently, depending on the
direction in which the current circulated. From this observation he as¬
sumed that a metallic mass, or a metal-like conductive ore, could be
distinguished from the surrounding rocks by a particularly intensive
polarization. A new prospecting method became feasible: send direct
current into the ground, interrupt it, observe the effects of the polariza¬
tion, and then look for the spots where they were abnormally high.
The idea led to little experimentation at the time, and when it was
taken up again at a much later date it was not intensively pursued because
efforts were directed toward new projects that seemed more attractive.
By 1913 the induced polarization tests3 were sidetracked after the
discovery' of another phenomenon that was much sharper and easier to
exploit. This discovery would lead to a prospecting method widely
utilized in the geophysical industry: spontaneous polarization.
In April 1913, near Sain-Bel, Rhone, Conrad was developing a
potentials map of an area above a pyrite lode in the shape of an elongated
lens and about 100 meters deep. Before any current had been sent
between A and B, he noticed, in the vicinity of the ore, potential dif¬
ferences between nonpolarizing electrodes spaced less than 100 meters
apart. These differences reached hundreds of millivolts above the axis of
the lens (an amplitude substantially higher than that usually observed in
such tests), and faded away as the electrodes were moved farther from the
ore. Multiple observations confirmed the phenomenon: the measurements
would accurately reproduce themselves. A new type of map was drawn
(Fig. 11); with potentials becoming negative directly over the lens, the
map not only indicated the outline of the pyrite already mined in the area
but also showed the location of an unknown lens whose existence was
confirmed a few years later. This was an instance of a spontaneous phenome¬
non occurring in the ground without any artificial stimulation. The pyrite
lens acted like a huge metallic mass, whose upper parts had become
oxidized by the circulation of aerated surface waters,4 while its lower parts
had escaped alteration. The pyrite lode, once polarized, generated electric
currents that flowed around it from bottom to top, creating a center of
3 Induced polarization has now become an efficient process, widely used since 1950.
4 Such circulation and the resulting oxidation are enhanced by the seepages into mine
works; they can be sufficient to generate a measurable phenomenon for a virgin lens,
provided that its top is close enough to the surface.
The History of a Technique
negative potential at the surface above it. The validity of the assumption
was demonstrated through imaginative laboratory devices and mea¬
surements. New studies at Vaux, Rhône; Saint-Félix-de-Pallières,
Gard; Herrerias and Campanario, Spain; and Bor, Servia, all confirmed the
Sain-Bel observations and demonstrated that spontaneous polarization
(the term was eventually used to designate the mineral-prospecting pro¬
cess itself) characterizes all formations containing pyrites. As a result of
the survey made there in the early summer of 1914, the Bor copper mine
Surface Electrical Prospecting
was expanded considerably. This was the first time in history that
geophysics had been instrumental in the discovery of a nonmagnetic
During an earlier experiment at Bor, in September 1913, Conrad had
succeeded in discovering a variant of the artificial current process: if a
transmission electrode is planted in the mass of pyrite inside a mine
heading, the whole ore body is raised to the same potential and becomes a
huge electrode, accurately outlined by the equipotendals plotted on the
surface. This so-called “grounding’’ method was subsequently used on
several occasions.
By 1914, in the limited time available between his obligations as a
professor at the École des Mines, Conrad had been able to advance the
research work far enough to have in his possession an operational tool
that had proved of value in several industrial surveys. However, he
considered such studies to be of an experimental nature only and had
sought no compensation from the mining operators who had benefited
from his work. He continued to regard his experience, although encourag¬
ing, as too narrow for expansion into the commercial field. Only after
World War I, in 1920, did he publish the first work describing his
methods of electrical prospecting of the subsurface.5 But he had been
prudent enough to protect his inventions, and his first patent, Procédé pour
la Determination de la Nature du Sous-sol au Moyen de l’Electricite (“Pro¬
cess for Determining the Nature of the Subsurface by Means of Electric¬
ity”), had been filed in France on September 27, 1912. Several additional
patents were to follow.
Out of a belief that nothing should be left unexplored, Conrad
meticulously investigated the findings of other scientists and
scrutinized whatever published material was available. He gave special
attention to the experiments of the Swedish researchers Gunnar
Bergstrom and Carl Bergholm, who had worked on the detection of
metalliferous deposits through the transmission of current and the plot¬
ting of equipotendals by the earphone method. They had experimented
for several years without producing any conclusive results, and only after
1914 did they contribute effectively to the field of mineral exploration.
Moreover, it was a long time before they could achieve the accuracy
The History of a Technique
It should be emphasized that the results thus far obtained afford no adequate
basis for any method of electrical prospecting nor any promise of the
development of such a method which would make possible the detection of
an ore body by electrical measurements.
This was a few months after the Bor discovery. In all fairness to the
director, however, it should be added that information about this discov¬
ery had not yet been published.
Phase Two: After 1919
Technical Developments
An overall view
The History of a Technique
a talent for mechanics. The two brothers, with the moral and financial
support of their father, established the Company that bears their name. In
1923 Conrad resigned from his teaching post at the École des Mines to
devote himself fully to the new endeavor.
The Company premises at No. 30 rue Fabert in Paris consisted of five
rooms. Three were converted into offices, while the other two became the
workshop and the laboratory. Surrounded by maps, diagrams, and charts,
the two brothers shared a desk, with a drawing board nearby. They
supervised every aspect of the operation: conception and design of
methods and instruments, manufacture of equipment, seeking out cus¬
tomers and drafting contracts, purchase orders, analysis of supplies, and
invoicing. They directed and monitored the work of what they called the
missions: the crews (usually consisting of two prospectors and a few
assistants) in charge of carrying out the field surveys. For years they
occasionally took part in the manual work required for the measurements:
handling cables, generators, and electrodes, reading the potentiometer,
and so on. They interpreted the results, discussed them with their clients,
drafted the reports, drew up the budgets, and controlled the expendi¬
tures. Frugality was the rule.
In the beginning they had the help of a single engineer, Lëonardon,
who had rejoined them after the war. In addition, fieldwork had the
unflagging assistance of two young men trained in vocational schools,
Pierre Baron and Jacques Gallois, who were to have long and brilliant
careers with the Company. In Paris J. Carré was the storekeeper, and
R. Jacquin the mechanic and driver.
Thanks to the eagerness and dedication of its initial team, and also to
the growing interest of the French mining industry, the small Company
was able to expand, despite the unfavorable conditions of a period of
economic reconversion following World War I. New collaborators gradu¬
ally joined Conrad and Marcel. In 1922 Edward Poldini, a young Swiss
geologist, became their part-time consultant. Priority was given to the
recruiting of graduate engineers with university-level training. Mission
personnel was provided mainly by the various écoles des mines1 and the
École Centrale,2 with top consideration for grades received in geological
Surface Electrical Prospecting
and electromechanical training. The Écoles des Arts et Metiers3 and the
Ecole Supérieure d'Électricité4 provided the candidates for the engineer¬
ing office, but there was never any sharp discrimination in this respect. In
fact, prospectors available between missions could be assigned to labora¬
tory work or instrument design. In any case recruiting in the first years
drew on widely diversified backgrounds, from the Institut Agronomique5
to the Ecoles des Maîtres-Mineurs.6 In the early years of the Company
several employees were doubtful about its future and left, but in 1924,
when an expanding world economy brought in long-term contracts, espe¬
cially in Rumania and the United States, and stabilized the development
rate of the Company, some of them rejoined. Also, new staff now joined
with confidence. In the summer of 1926, after a few months of part-time
collaboration, Henri Georges Doll, Conrad’s son-in-law and a graduate of
the Ecole Polytechnique and the École des Mines, joined the Company.
With his genius for solving electrical problems, he soon clarified and
improved measurement procedures. During his long career he was re¬
sponsible for a continuous series of new developments in both instrumen¬
tation and methods. Félicien Mailly joined the Company in 1925 and for
20 years was the mainspring of its electrical research laboratory.
On July 1, 1926, the Société de Prospection Électrique (S.P.E.) took
over all of the Schlumberger brothers’ operations, including personnel,
equipment, and premises. In Paris and in the field as well, everybody was
already calling the enterprise “La Pros.’’ One year later the staff had grown
to 16 engineers or equivalent technicians.
The History of a Technique
7 The word “apparent” is often omitted in the professional language without any resulting
ambiguity. “Resistivity” designates a precise parameter, which characterizes certain mat-
Surface Electrical Prospecting
ume itself is not sharply delineated, because the density of the current is
not suddenly reduced to zero at a certain depth, but decreases and
disappears gradually in all directions as the distance from the electrode
system increases.
Figure 12 shows a current being emitted along the line AB and, in a
vertical plane, lines of the current expanding as a function of depth. These
lines radiate around electrodes A and B when in the zones close to them.
If electrodes M and N are close to A (Fig. 13), the voltage difference of
two rather shallow equipotentials is measured. As the electrodes move
further away from A, the equipotentials become deeper and deeper. In
ter (e.g., a rock) when measured in the laboratory on a representative sample. The same
word also designates apparent resistivity, that is, an average, when the measurement takes
place with an AMNB configuration stretched over the ground.
The History of a Technique
Figure 13■ Variation of the depth of investigation according to the position of MN between A
and B.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
and B to the source of electric current were laid on the ground. Once a
profile was completed, the AB configuration was moved either sideways or
in the same direction, depending on the type of problem being solved. In
the latter case, care was taken to achieve continuous measurements. A
slightly more complex method first used in Rumania (hence the name
Rumanian method ”) consisted of making four series of measurements
aroundA by moving MN into four different azimuths for each position of
AB. The same was done around B. It would be tedious to describe other
configurations used, though they clearly illustrate the difficulty of selecting
the best technique.
Later, a more expeditious method was adopted. It employed a regular
network of measuring stations with the same AB spacing, while electrodes
M and N, always on the same alignment and within the central third, were
symmetrical about the center point of AB.8 Thus all measurements were
made with the same average depth of investigation. The stations were
equidistant from one another and positioned alongside alignments as
straight as possible. The AMNB configuration stretched along the same
alignments and was moved from station to station by a distance equal to
MN, thereby resulting in adjoining measurements. Since the operation
required that the cables be dragged on the ground, this resistivity profiling
was called the “dragging” technique at “La Pros.” Until about 1927 the AB
spacing never exceeded a few hundred meters, and the rather lightweight
equipment could easily be carried on a pickup truck.
Resistivity profiles were used for the first time in the fall of 1920,
during a survey of an iron ore-bearing syncline at May St. Andre in
Normandy. The problem was similar to those that had prompted the
above-described tests in their early stage: reconnaissance of tilted Silurian
formations, predominantly shales and sandstones, concealed by a nearly
horizontal Jurassic caprock of marls and limestones 20 to 40 meters thick.
However, the area to be surveyed was substantially larger. The survey
involved a series of nearly parallel profiles, about 2 kilometers long, each
8 This configuration was very similar to that mentioned in 1915 by Frank Wenner, who
had introduced the term “effective resistivity” to designate the same concept as “apparent
resistivity.” The latter has come into common use. In the Wenner configuration, however,
MN is always equal to one third of AB regardless of the length of AB. Wenner’s
measurements were limited to quite shallow depths, and he operated with very short lines
(a few tens of meters), using alternating current. However interesting, his studies remain
mainly theoretical.
The History of a Technique
(ohms m2m)
1 syncline 1 200 m
Figure 14. First resistivity profile (May St. Andre, Normandy, 1920).
Surface Electrical Prospecting
The History of a Technique
A M N „
Ai . iB
shale —
Surface Electrical Prospecting
isobaths (lines of equal depth) of the top of the shales, as well as the
general shape of the structure. The reasoning is identical if the deep
underground is more resistant than the shallow formations.
The analysis of sedimentary series is usually less simple. If the com¬
position and hence the average resistivity of the upper formations vary
laterally, this variation will affect the resistivity map and make its interpre¬
tation more complex. In fact, to distinguish between the respective influ¬
ences of the shallow and deeper formations, it is necessary to use two
different spacings for AB, corresponding to two different depths of inves¬
tigation. For example, by comparing the readings it is possible to determine
whether a portion of the resistivity map indicates a deep tectonic feature
such as an anticline, or merely a change in the lithological structure or
thickness of the shallow formations. As a general rule, the resistivity map
will be plotted only with a long AB spacing; the short spacing serves mainly
as an aid in its interpretation.
"Dragging" with two spacings, whether for low-dipping or for up¬
turned formations, has remained to this day one of the basic techniques of
electrical prospecting. Although it seems simple enough, in the 1920’s it
was such a valuable innovation that Conrad and Marcel, and particularly
Eugène Léonardon, endeavored for several years to keep it secret. In fact,
until protected by a patent, the very terms “resistivity map” and “apparent
resistivity” were carefully omitted from all communications, such as re¬
ports and publications outside the Company. Instead, vaguer terms such
as “electrical profiles” and “parameters” were used.
It frequently happens that geological data fail to indicate whether or
not a dip is steep. Usually greater accuracy in this regard may be obtained
from the resistivity map. A rapid variation of values, that is, a tightening of
the equal-resistivity curves, reveals a feature characteristic of two differ¬
ent formations making contact alongside a steeply dipping plane, be it a
stratigraphic boundary, a fault, or a sheer fold. Widely spaced curves are
indicative of slow variations and are generally evidence of formations that
have a smooth tectonic trend with very low dips. To complete and refine
the data of the resistivity map in such zones, a new method was intro¬
duced: “vertical electrical sounding,” a procedure that has remained basic
to surface electrical prospecting. Although the method is suitable mainly
for the reconnaissance of strata composed of horizontal layers, it is also
applicable wherever the dips do not exceed a few degrees. It consists of a
series of measurements carried out with increasing AB spacings, while the
The History of a Technique
Surface Electrical Prospecting
The History of a Technique
Surface Electrical Prospecting
brake—hence the name "Bowden”), the operator was able to open and
close the two circuits simultaneously by a pressure of the hand.
Whereas nonpolarizing electrodes were essential for the measure¬
ment of spontaneous polarization, several years passed before it was
realized that they were not required for resistivity measurements. The
discovery was made in April 1925 in the Haguenau forest, where resistiv¬
ity profiles (“draggings”) were made with short spacings (250 meters for
AB, 50 meters for AIN). Conrad was visiting the team, and while taking
part in the measurements, he noticed that the needle deviated every time
Roger Jost, the young prospector, moved his foot in the vicinity of an
electrode.12 It might be, Conrad thought, that if a dry battery were
connected to the terminals of the potentiometer, the needle would return
within scale. A battery purchased from a local store was found to be
suitable. It was round and yellow and looked somewhat like a hunting
cartridge; hence the assembly (i.e., a few solders and resistors) was chris¬
tened “the millivolt cartridge.” This also became the name of the new
black box, now built with a circular rheostat on the left-hand side of the
potentiometer. The nonpolarizing electrodes were replaced by copper
pegs, and the electromotive force generated by their polarization was
compensated for by the cartridge. In addition to the advantages of simple
assembly and operation, this device substantially decreased the resistance
of the ground electrodes, thus increasing the sensitivity of the system.
Finally, the potentiometer (Fig. 16) was completed by the addition,
on a third side, of yet another black box containing an induction correc¬
tor. This was a small, adjustable transformer, with its primary winding in
series in the current circuit and its secondary in the measuring circuit. Its
purpose was to correct the mutual induction between AB and AIN cir¬
cuits, which, when long spacings were used, caused the needle to jump
every time the current was switched on or off. The fourth side belonged
to the operator; it had to remain open since it carried the input terminals:
the connectors plugged into the cartridge on the left and into the termi¬
nals of the shunt or into the double jack leading to AI and N on the right.
There is little to be said concerning the other accessories. Since no
The History of a Technique
Figure 16. Potentiometer with switch and shunt on the right, polarization compensator (mil¬
livolt cartridge) on the left, induction corrector facing. The Bowden cable can be seen between the
legs of the tripod.
polarization problem arose for the ground electrodes A and B, they were
made of wooden, iron-sheathed pegs, while copper was used for M and N.
They were driven into the ground with steel-hooped mallets. The cable
was made of stranded copper wire, later reinforced with steel wire, and
came in 500 meter spools. It was dispensed by hand-operated reels
mounted on tripods. Convenient as the equipment was, its operation
sometimes caused difficult problems. Roads were not always available for
the pickup trucks. More than once the cables had to be unwound by hand
across woods, dunes, or marshes, and batteries and pegs had to be carried
by the team in all kinds of weather. In humid or rainy weather, insulation
defects were irritating because leaks in the AB circuit had an ill effect on
the measurements.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
For years the effect of leaks could be only roughly estimated, and
since nobody knew exactly how they occurred, it was impossible to
obviate them. One of Doll’s first contributions was to analyze these leaks
and to show how to identify and to counteract them. He particularly
stressed the importance of connecting the metal box of the potentiometer
to the potential of the shunt when the current was being measured; this
prevented leaks and electrostatic effects on the winding of the galvanome¬
ter. He also shed light on the effects of the resistance of the ground
electrodes on the errors arising from the leaks. A small special device,
called relay resistance, was connected in series next to each ground elec¬
trode A and B; by reversing the current, it was possible to multiply the
resistance of the ground electrodes by an average of three to five times. The
necessafy control was provided by transmitting the current in both direc¬
tions and comparing the measurements.
Taking the readings themselves often proved difficult. With very low
resistivities and very long electrode spacings, the potential differences
could become as low as a fraction of a millivolt and require the highest
sensitivity range of the potentiometer. The total resistance of the measur¬
ing circuit could be so high that at the closing of the current the deviation
of the needle was hardly visible. A tiny microscope fixed above the dial
helped in such cases. Additionally, should the needle become erratic
because of stray currents, it was very time consuming and difficult to
achieve an accurate reading (Fig. 17).
In the case of long spacings and low resistivity formations, another
complication arose from the phenomenon known as skin effect. Since at
the closing of the circuit the current concentrates near the surface before
spreading in depth, the potential difference between M and N was tem¬
porarily higher than after stabilization. As a result the needle deviated
beyond any possibility of correction, and a delay of several seconds was
necessary before equilibrium could be reestablished and the reading
When a survey takes place close to industrial installations such as
electric railroads or power stations, stray currents can reach such an
intensity that they cause erratic needle fluctuations which preclude any
measurement with direct current. On the other hand, alternating current
of the sinusoidal type is also unsuitable because of the mutual induction
between AB and MN and, in the case of long spacings, because the skin
effect reduces the penetration of the current into the ground and, hence,
The History of a Technique
13 The reduction becomes larger as the frequency of the current increases, the length of
the transmission line increases, or the resistivity of the ground decreases.
14 The idea was proposed at the same time (1926) by O. H. Gish and W. J. Rooney.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
ing circuit. Switched off and reversed 15 to 30 times per second, the
direct current was sent into the ground electrodes A and B, thus creating
interrupted and reversed differences of potential, superimposed on those
generated by the stray currents circulating between M and N (Fig. 18).
The pulsated reversed component being rectified, the potentiometer
received 15 to 30 continuous impulses per second, separated by pauses
too short to be perceptible; and since the parasitic stray component
reached the potentiometer with the same pulsated-reversed frequency,
the result was only a very slight wobbling of the needle about a fixed
position: the inconvenience of an erratic needle was eliminated.
In practice the pulsator was made of two cylindrical collectors
mounted side by side on the same shaft, and connected by brushes to
the emitting and measuring circuits. The first model designed by Conrad
was faultless in terms of physics, but not with regard to its mechanical
functioning. Two bronze bearings, in particular, required a most delicate
and rather precarious adjustment. This made the model impractical for
handling in the field, and as a result it had a short life span.
Marcel then tackled the project, on the basis of one of those simple
and practical ideas that were his forte. What was needed was a device with
a double collector that rotated much faster than its driving crank. He
thought of a tool available in any hardware store, namely, a hand grinder.
All he had to do was substitute the collector for the grinding wheel, with
the necessary brushes and wiring. The result was an instrument that
served for many years in surface prospecting; over several decades it was
gradually improved and became part of logging equipment until it disap¬
peared around 1955 to I960 with the advent of electronic instruments.
A rather long idle time between phases had been provided in the
measuring part of the pulsator to eliminate the effect of the transitory
phenomena occurring at the closing and opening of the current pulses.
This was satisfactory for surveys with relatively short spacings on rather
resistant ground, but it became inadequate with long spacings and on
conductive ground where the transient from the skin effect can last for 1
second or more. At a frequency of 15 to 30 cycles per second, the current
no longer had time to penetrate to the depth it would have reached under
a steady state. In other words, the depth of investigation was substantially
reduced to about the same extent as if a sinusoidal current of the same
frequency had been used. For this reason, surveys with long spacings were
restricted for many years to the direct current technique with all its
The History of a Technique
Intensity i segment
of emission
M and N
by potentiometer
i \
— —
Figure 18. Diagram of operation of pulsated-rectified current. Center: Solid lines show voltage
created between M and N by the current emitted. Dotted lines show voltage from stray currents,
with variations very long as compared with emission frequency. Bottom: Solid lines show rectified
voltage sent to potentiometer. Dotted lines are pulsated-inverted stray voltage, producing a mere
vibration of the needle.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
shortcomings. For the prospector this meant spending a long time at each
station, bent over his microscope and pressing the Bowden as many as 20
or 30 times, with 2 or 3 seconds for each closing, while endeavoring to
nonce some acceleration or slowing down of an erratic needle—all of this
under broiling sun or in freezing cold. In heavy rainstorms standard
equipment for each team was a large umbrella. The current transmitted
was pushed up to 2 amperes and more. The batteries, designed for high
voltages and low weight, polarized rapidly under this treatment: voltage
was lower at each closure, the current had to be measured several times,
averages had to be made, and so forth. Not until 1940, after adapting the
photographic recorders for telluric surveys, would Marcel be able to
improve the operation by recording the measurements on film. This
subject will be discussed later in connection with tellurics (p. 90).
The History of a Technique
Surface Electrical Prospecting
The History of a Technique
From the very beginning, Conrad had observed the effect of electric
anisotropy of sedimentary formations. An electric current sent through
the formations flows more easily in a direction parallel than in a direction
perpendicular to the strata; the strata are thus said to be anisotropic with
respect to electric conductivity.
What is the origin of this phenomenon? A sedimentary series often
consists of a sequence of thin layers of limestones, shales, sandstones, and
marls of uneven resistivity. The current is impeded in crossing the succes¬
sive resistant layers frontally, and therefore finds it easier to flow
alongside the more conductive layers parallel to their stratification.
Moreover, the mineral grains which generally constitute the sediments
are nearly flat or oblong and, in most cases, settle parallel to the strata.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
The History of a Technique
don, the frame tends to tilt in the direction of the dip, and the magnetic
field straightens up accordingly. With alternating current, the direction of
the dip can be detected through a receiver reacting to induction, pro¬
vided that the dip is steep enough without being vertical.
A first version of the receiver was a coil about 1 meter in diameter,
fitted with several turns of insulated cable and connected to an earphone.
This device, however, was not employed beyond the experimental stage
(Fig. 19). Another version, extensively used for several years, made it
possible to employ the conventional equipment for resistivity mea¬
surements without any special addition. The receiver was a spire of cable
of a simple, radially symmetrical shape: a square or an octagon of 50 to
200 meters with one diagonal placed alongside the emitting line. The
ground electrodes were symmetrical about the center of the spire (Fig.
20). When a pulsated current was sent into AB, the electromotive force
induced in the spire was rectified by the pulsator and observed on the
potentiometer. When the device was above dipping, anisotropic layers
and the AB line was running straight along the stratification, the magnetic
field had a vertical component that induced a signal in the spire. Bending
Figure 19. Experiments with an electromagnetic system for the determination of formation dip
(Jan Joachim Valley, California, 1928).
Surface Electrical Prospecting
The History of a Technique
These would result in lines on the map where the inversion of the
direction of the vectors looked exactly like the traces of anticlinal axes,
whereas they were merely resistant layers outcropping under the caprock.
For these reasons the spire technique was dropped after a few years.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
observed in the field. When the AMNB configuration is moved across the
stratification and ground electrode A nears the trace of a high-resistance
layer, the current emitted is impeded in its forward flow; the current
density increases toward the rear, and so does the apparent resistivity
recorded between M and N. On the contrary, once A has crossed the
resistant layer, the current is impeded in its backward flow and the
measured value decreases. The profiles show a peak followed by a trough,
at a distance of the layer equal to AB/2; a similar effect occurs when
ground electrode B crosses the resistant layer. The crossing of a conduc¬
tive layer by A and B produces similar but inverted pictures. The result is
two “electrode kicks" superimposed over the other peaks and troughs of
the profiles, which appear when MN is on top of a geological feature. If
the feature involves an alternation of several resistant and conductive
layers, it becomes difficult to distinguish between the effects produced by
the electrodes and those caused by geological features.
To increase the reliability of the interpretation, a variant of the
‘‘dragging" technique was worked out, involving two pairs of MN ground
electrodes, adjoining the center of AB. At each station the measurements
had to be repeated with two positions of AB, designated front and rear,
and offset by a distance equal to AIN. If either ground electrode A or B
nears or crosses a bed of contrasting resistivity during the offset, the two
measurements are different; otherwise they are the same. This technique,
called “repetitive dragging,” facilitated the unscrambling of the effect
produced by the “electrode kicks.” However, it also made the mea¬
surements more time consuming and more expensive.
Conrad had a definite gift for physics. His could have been the motto
that Pavlov had engraved on the door of his laboratory: “Observe; always
observe.” Marcel, on the other hand, would say, “Take material and make
it into something that works.” Neither man was attracted by purely
mathematical constructions because both saw them as dangerous over¬
simplifications of geophysical problems. Tongue in cheek, Conrad wrote:
The calculations dealing with these problems are all taken directly from the
theories of electrostatics .... There is plenty of room here for budding
mathematicians to enjoy themselves. Either the questions address them¬
selves to the high school level, or they are so unnecessarily complex that
The History of a Technique
they get lost in the clouds of still more complicated formulae; then the wisest
thing to do is to turn the page.15
Surface Electrical Prospecting
more than three layers the mathematics became inextricable. Hummel’s calculations, as
well as those of L. V. King in England, had no practical application.
19 University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1956.
20 Theory has shown that there are infinities of combinations in keeping with a measured
The History of a Technique
curve. To narrow the possible solutions of the problem, other data on the formations
studied and their resistivities are required.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
21 In the French text of a 1919 patent, H. Lundberg, one of the best known geophysicists
of that time, refers to the measuring ground electrodes as "divining rods.” Perhaps
commercial reasons led him to adopt this rather odd analogy with the dowser’s tool.
The History of a Technique
shapes of the lodes at Mary Mine, Boyd, and Culchote were traced by
spontaneous polarization. Other tests in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and
Ontario led to commercial development, especially in Manitoba and
Saskatchewan. Outstanding results were obtained at the Noranda mines
in Canada, where an important deposit was discovered in the unexplored
part of the lease.
Even though the activities of Conrad were far from widely known, he
was contacted by companies wishing to license his processes. The first
contract of this type was negotiated with a French concern prospecting in
Ecuador. For 1 year and for the payment of 10,000 French francs, the
Schlumberger Company guaranteed to supply all equipment and operat¬
ing instructions. Under similar contracts drawn up during the following
years with mining companies in Rhodesia, Katanga, and Japan (Yokei area
and Nagamunu mine), extensions of already-known copper mines as well
as new deposits were discovered.
In a country like France, which, according to most geologists, had no
prospective petroleum wealth, electrical prospecting was limited to
geological reconnaissance about the small oil field of Pechelbronn, north
of Strasbourg. One of these explorations succeeded in locating the trace
of the great Rhenish fault under the Quaternary terraces near Lobsann
(1921). The news of these results spread to Steaua Romana, a French oil
company operating in Rumania, where some geophysical work was in
progress. A contract was signed in 1923, and except for an interruption
from 1927 to 1931 Schlumberger crews worked there for more than 20
Initially, Conrad’s main thought was that the salinity of formations in
the vicinity of petroleum deposits ought to be very high.22 Consequently,
areas where the readings were lowest were sought out on the resistivity
maps. A few months after reconnaissance of the Prahova district west of
Ploesti, Rumania, was begun, the map showed a red spot that stood out
sharply near the village of Aricesti. Two boreholes had detected the flank
of a structure to the north of the red spot; the electrical method confirmed
its existence, and a contour map of equal-resistivity values showed its
outline (Fig. 21). Other boreholes, sited on the basis of these data,
Surface Electrical Prospecting
Equiresistivity curve and value
of resistivity in ohms m2m.
Closer hatching for lower resistivity.
Figure 21. Resistivity map of the Aricesti, Rumania, salt dome (1923).
revealed a salt core and a huge reservoir of hydrocarbons. This was the
first time in history that an oil-bearing structure had been determined by
Although the conclusions drawn from the resistivity map were cor¬
rect, the theory on which they rested was later disproved. Experience
showed that saline formations were frequently present in oil-bearing
basins, but because they extended far beyond the immediate vicinity of
the producing zones, they could not be used as guides for oil explora¬
tion.23 It took several years before a new and correct interpretation of the
23 Another long-advocated idea was that salt domes diffused at the top and formed “salt
aureoles” that served as the origin of the conductive zones on the maps. This assumption,
too, was gradually disproved.
The History of a Technique
Aricesti map was made. The stratigraphic series contained a thick stratum
of Tertiary marls overlain by a substantially more resistant Quaternary
alluvium (sands and gravel). During the Quaternary the dome kept mov¬
ing upward (and continues to do so to this day), causing the alluvium to
thin out. The equal-resistivity curves reflected the topography of the top
of the marls, while a conductive spot at the center located the crest of the
Surface Electrical Prospecting
Marcel had returned to France before the end of the summer, leaving
behind his nephew (later joined by Pierre Baron and Jacques Gallois) and
a few junior engineers—Paul Charrin, Gilbert Deschatre, Julien Breusse,
Marcel Jabiol, André Allégret, and Robert Roche—the first group to
settle in the United States, in Freeport, Texas. In the early part of the
following year, operations were extended into Louisiana (Fig. 22).
Few domes were known at that time, but geology led one to believe
that many others could be discovered. The active competition among the
various companies to acquire the most promising areas24 gave geophysical
Figure 22. Electrical prospecting in Louisiana swamps (1925). (Reproduction from La revue
pétrolière, 1935, p. 1608.)
24 In the United States the subsurface belongs to the owner of the land; therefore such
areas had to be purchased or leased.
The History of a Technique
processes a strong boost. Roxana was interested in the work of “La Pros”
but without great expectations of immediate results. At any rate, in May
1926 an office was opened in Dallas. Marc Schlumberger’s visa had
expired, and he was replaced by Charrin until October, when Léonardon
Conrad, on a visit in September, was greatly interested in a conduc¬
tive area on the resistivity map of Bayou Serpent, Louisiana. Contrary to
the opinion of Roxana’s geologists, he suspected the possibility of a dome,
and after thorough consideration he took it upon himself to suggest the
location of a borehole. Roxana had other plans, however, and after several
postponements finally shelved the proposal.
Having used electrical prospecting for 18 months with no conclusive
results, Roxana figured that Schlumberger was merely experimenting,
often blindly. Indeed there was some justification for this thinking: opera¬
tions were still run with spacings which were too short, and no theory had
evolved that gave a clear understanding of what the measurements rep¬
resented. Moreover, their accuracy remained questionable. Giving pref¬
erence to balance and seismic methods, Roxana finally canceled its con¬
tract in the spring of 1927.
Meanwhile, however, another contract had been signed on March 21,
1926, with the Shell Oil Company; this brought a Schlumberger crew (R.
Nisse and R. Viry) to the San Joaquin Valley in California, in search of
anticlinal folds as a possible extension of the Lost Hills and North Bell-
ridge structures. No results had been obtained there in more than 2 years
with the balance, and the only discoveries had come from boreholes near
surface showings of asphalt.
The local working conditions were excellent: the region was a flat
semidesert; travel was easy and the climate dry. No electrical leaks were
expected. The spacing could be increased to 1000 meters. There were no
salt domes or conductive spots showing on the maps, and the anticlines
seemed to correspond to maximal resistivities. Conrad, who visited the
mission after his trip to Texas in the fall of 1926, thought that this was
indicative of rather hard sandstone beds marking the crests of the struc¬
tures.25 A second crew was stationed at Wasco, California, from the spring
of 1927 until the early part of 1930, when the mission ended. Meanwhile,
25 The same results could lead to different geological constructions, but they remained at
the hypothetical stage.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
The History of a Technique
Figure 23- Meyenheim anticline (1926). The equal resistivity curves east of the III River draw
the outline of the salt ridge.
The History of a Technique
Algeria, where a previously unknown bed of iron ore 50 meters thick was
uncovered by resistivity and magnetometry and confirmed by drilling
(spring of 1929).
Abroad, the team of Paul Charrin and Jacques Castel was active in
Spain between the fall of 1927 and the summer of 1928. The team had
won out over the competition of seismic refraction and gravimetry in the
coal basin of Villanueva-de-las-Minas in Andalusia, and then continued
quite successfully with the search for metallic ores (copper, lead) in the
Cordoba and Huelva regions, as well as in Spanish Morocco. The follow¬
ing year more missions operated in Africa: Ookiep (Union of South
Africa), where a mission discovered an anomaly that, years later, led to the
development of a copper mine; Upper Katanga, where the Union Minière
depended on Schlumberger’s technical assistance for the interpreta-
Surface Electrical Prospecting
In 1929, despite the fact that the U.S.S.R. had already established a
large scientific organization, which had conducted extremely valuable
theoretical research, the country was lagging in the development of
geophysics. Petroleum exploration by geophysics had been limited to the
torsion balance, used mainly in the Emba Basin north of the Caspian Sea,
where a number of salt domes, some with small production had been
The History of a Technique
located. Nothing had been done in seismic exploration at a time when first
refraction and then reflection methods were already in use in the United
States and elsewhere.
Geological considerations seemed to explain the lag in part. In the
United States the main areas of production were the Mid-Continent26 and
the Gulf Coast. The former was characterized by smooth structures and
stratigraphic series with compact beds (limestones) which offered good
reflecting horizons; on the latter, the formations were mostly associated
with salt domes, lending themselves to seismic refraction and gravimetry.
By contrast, most of the U.S.S.R.’s production depended on the deposits
of the northern Caucasus and Baku, located in generally soft and steeply
dipping formations hardly suitable for the seismic prospecting methods of
the time. Furthermore, since these deposits were found in anticlines with¬
out a salt core, gravimetry was practically useless. Such overall conditions
were not unlike those in California, where seismic and gravimetric activi¬
ties had been abandoned.
Yet there was a pressing need to undertake extensive geophysical
exploration, especially for Grozneft, the petroleum trust of the Grozny
region north of the Caucasus. The large prewar production of the “Old
Fields” was decreasing after 20 years of exploitation. Although the drop in
production was compensated for by recent discoveries of the same mag¬
nitude (the “New Fields”), additional reserves had to be found. With little
success from geological prospecting and after several disappointing
gravimetric surveys, Grozneft turned to electrical prospecting. On the
basis of its experience in California, Schlumberger seemed to be the
organization most qualified in this technique. A 2 year contract, signed in
July 1929, provided for the utilization of resistivities and of the spire,
together with the testing of electrical coring. An important provision was
that Russian crews were to be gradually trained by French instructors.
The mission arrived in Grozny in early September, led by Vahé
Melikian.27 Operations started in the immediate vicinity of the Old and
New Fields, marked by hills stretching in two long lines almost parallel to
the Caucasus chain. By November a first resistivity map already showed
2I> The region extending from the Rockies on the west, the Mississippi River on the east,
Iowa and South Dakota on the north, and northern Texas on the south.
27 A young engineer of "La Pros,” Melikian, a native of Baku, had had a leading role in the
conclusion of the contract.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
clearly the eastward extension and closure of the anticline. Moreover, the
spires traced the axis of the anticline and confirmed the steady dipping of
the formations. The Russian geologists, used to retiring to their offices as
soon as fall came, were dumbfounded when they saw the French prospec¬
tors—Raymond Sauvage, André Poirault, Jean Lannuzel, Roger Jost, and
Charles Scheibli—proceeding with their work throughout the winter in
worn-out vehicles, handling kilometers of cables over snow-covered hills
and steppes or through vast quagmires. Such tenacity, together with
Melikian’s skill and perseverance, was rewarded by an expanded con¬
tract, this time with Soyuzneft, the central petroleum organization. In April
1930 a second group of prospectors arrived in the U.S.S.R. Still others
followed; some, like Castel, stayed for several years. In fact, until 1936
almost the whole of “La Pros” took turns going to the U.S.S.R.
The spring and summer campaign of 1930 involved mainly the pros¬
pecting of the Terek steppe, between the river and the Manich Basin to
the north. From a borehole the thickness of the overburden had been
estimated at several hundred meters, a depth that first excluded the use of
the spires and then required resistivity equipment with a deep range of
penetration. A series of north-south resistivity profiles with 4000 meter
spacing was undertaken up to distances of 100 to 150 kilometers from the
Terek. The term “dragging” previously used for this kind of operation was
not appropriate here since, for the first time in the application of this
technique, the cable was no longer dragged from station to station, but
was laid and rewound in 400 meter lengths by means of truck-mounted
reels. Most of the survey area was covered by dunes, and travel was very
difficult; the sand gave high resistance to the ground electrodes, and the
sensitivity of the readings was sharply reduced. Additionally, electrofiltra¬
tion and telluric currents kept the needle of the potentiometer in con¬
tinual agitation. Whereas in a field offering easier travel and better electri¬
cal grounding a team could produce 25 kilometers of profiling daily, only
3 to 4 kilometers could be completed, and that arduously, in the dunes.
By the fall of 1930, however, a vast territory had been prospected in
the Grozny perimeter; the resistivity map showed a remarkable concor¬
dance with the geological map and had located all known anticlines.
Therefore, in Grozny and in Moscow, Marcel believed he could safely
state that, barring oil-bearing horizons beyond drilling range, the exis¬
tence of other anticlines need not be considered.
In Baku, where operations started at the same time, geological condi-
The History of a Technique
28 Electrical coring in the U.S.S.R. is discussed in Part Two, “The Origins and Develop¬
ment of Logging.”
Surface Electrical Prospecting
Equal resistivity curve
Cape '
1 \
Caspian Sea
Figure 25. The first known example of underwater geophysical prospecting: tracing through
resistivity measurements of the limestone beds demarcating the Bibi-Eibat structure under the sea
(Baku area). (Reproduction from a reprint of Science et Industrie, nonserial issue, “La
technique des industries du petrole,” 1932.
brilliant success. One contract followed another until 1936. This collab¬
oration enabled the Russians to expand the use of electrical methods
both on the surface and in boreholes. In the 1930’s operations were
extended to Georgia, the Maikop region, and central Asia, and later to the
West Ural and Volga basins, to the Donbas (coal), and finally to the region
of Lake Baikal, Sakhalin, and Kamchatka. In addition, in 1935 Schlum-
berger played a decisive role in the launching of seismic reflection, which
ever since has been applied widely in the U.S.S.R. Today the crews
assigned to surface electrical prospecting and logging in the U.S.S.R.
number in the hundreds, and many geophysical laboratories and research
institutes can be found all over the country. In no other place in the world
The History of a Technique
Surface Electrical Prospecting
activities, some outstanding results were achieved, among them the dis¬
covery of the Bucsani anticline in Rumania (1933) and the geological study
of the Digboi anticline in the Assam jungle (1936). This period also
marked the dawn of the application of the electrical method to groundwa¬
ter exploration. Several important surveys were conducted under the
personal supervision of Schlumberger: continuation of the survey in the
Alsatian Plain, underwater prospecting in the Algiers roadstead, corrosion
studies of buried pipes, and measurement of telluric currents.
The History of a Technique
Bibi-Eibat was made. This survey was more difficult, however, because it
had to determine the thickness of the silt deposited on the bottom of the
Algiers roadstead, which lay 30 meters under water of a much higher
salinity than that of the Caspian Sea. Consequently, there was a risk that
this would reduce the sensitivity and the accuracy of the measurements.
However, the survey was facilitated by the fact that the sea and the silt
were homogeneous media of known resistivity, while that of the underly¬
ing rock was practically infinite. A special kind of electrical sounding was
required for this operation, whereby the cables were dragged on top of
the silt. Thanks to a chart of theoretical curves calculated for this configu¬
ration, the measurements could be correctly interpreted.
During the same year Conrad thought of using his methods to solve
the problems arising from the corrosion of buried pipes (e.g., liquid or gas
pipelines, or the sheathing of telegraph or telephone lines), which were
inadequately protected by the insulating coatings of the time. Thorough
studies, among them those of the U.S. Bureau of Standards, had revealed
the crucial relationship between the nature of the soil and corrosion.
Because of the mineralization of the impregnating waters, the metal was
chemically etched and eaten away in places. Even worse was autogalvanic
corrosion. Pipelines buried in soils more or less aerated, or containing
different salts, are the source of spontaneous currents. At the spot where
the current leaves the pipe, metallic ions are diffused in the surrounding
water, thus progressively eroding the pipe. A still more destructive action
is caused by stray currents. This action usually occurs in pipelines located
in urban areas near industrial installations which generate the currents.
The study of these phenomena had entailed many potential mea¬
surements with electrodes placed very close to the pipes, requiring the
digging of holes or trenches at a cost that would have been prohibitive on
a larger scale. Conrad tackled the problem with surface measurements.
From laboratory experiments he was able to refine and complete the data
already published, and to define the methods suited for the various phases
of the problem, a description of which follows.
The layout of a pipeline could be determined with the help of a
resistivity map plotted with very short electrode spacing (a few meters)
along a strip straddling the proposed route. Where possible, the pipe had
to skirt the most conductive, or ionically active, zones, and to avoid
crossing the boundaries between zones of different conductivities. The
Surface Electrical Prospecting
process was used in the U.S.S.R. for laying an oil pipeline 1000
kilometers long between Guriev, north of the Caspian, and Omsk in
southwest Siberia (June-November 1932). For urban piping systems the
electrical field of the stray currents was measured throughout the indus¬
trialized region with an apparatus similar to that used for the tellurics (see
p. 88). Since the resistivity of the ground was determined at the same
time, the value of the current density at each point of observation permit¬
ted a more effective planning of the pipe-laying operation.
Delineating the zones that were corroded or corrosion threatened by
the autogalvanic effect required that potential profiles be run straight
above the pipes between one nonpolarizing electrode and another fixed-
reference electrode. The potential peaks pointing to the zones of outflow¬
ing current indicated the need for adequate protection. Since this mea¬
surement of potentials could not apply to pipes exposed to erratic stray
currents, the current outflow zones were located through a specially
designed differential device. These methods were applied to a few urban
centers in the early 1930’s.
The History of a Technique
observe the telluric currents on both sides of the great Rhenish fault,
which brought conductive shales into contact with the resistant Vosges
sandstones. On each side of the fault and perpendicular to it, two lines of
the same length were connected to two galvanometers whose operators
made simultaneous readings. These very brief observations confirmed
that the tellurics varied constantly and that their average amplitude was
much higher for sandstones than for shales. However crude, this was the
very first indication of the effect produced by a geological feature on the
telluric field.
Other observations were recorded by Conrad in several unpublished
papers written in 1922-1923. One of these describes the observation he
made in the course of an experiment in the Cherbourg roadstead (May
1922) in order to locate metallic wrecks through the spontaneous polari¬
zation phenomena they produce.29 His conclusion had been that the
conductivity of the seas, high in relation to that of the continents or of
submerged rocks, could be assumed to play an important role in the
overall distribution of the telluric currents over the surface of the earth.
“We hardly can be wrong,” he wrote, “in stating that, up until this time, all
available documentation on this new aspect of the telluric currents (which
we shall call pelagic currents, since the term ‘marine currents’ has quite a
different meaning) does not go beyond the few observations we made
offshore the Cherbourg roadstead in May of the past year.” He was
considering measurements made at sea, from which oceanographers could
draw valuable data on submarine topography: shoals, continental shelves,
abyssal troughs, and so on.
The first systematic study of the phenomenon, as reported in another
paper, took place at Paray, Haute-Marne (June 3-9, 1922). The electrode
configuration consisted of two lines, each 150 meters long, connected at
each end with nonpolarizing electrodes and oriented west-east and
south-north, respectively. As in the Lobsann experiments, the readings
were made on two galvanometers. The plotting of the many curves
showed rather irregular pulsations with a period of 30 seconds to 1
minute, simultaneous on both lines, and superimposed over movements
of much longer duration (several hours). Vectors proportional to the
amplitude of the pulsations recorded between two instants on the two
lines were marked on rectangular coordinates, and the resultant gave the
A submerged metallic hull forms a huge pile because it is made of diverse metals.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
30 These were the manifestations of the tellurics proper. Variations would occur from
time to time, reflecting the meteoric origin of these currents: lightning (abrupt induction
effect on the lines), wind, rain, sunshine (change in the evaporation rate of subsoil waters,
and hence in the amplitude of the electrocapillary potentials). Conrad’s reflections on the
latter phenomena, their mechanisms and their behavior according to topography, tempera¬
ture, sunshine, vegetation, and so forth, actually touched the field of physics of the globe;
they supported the original assumption that electrofiltration might be the cause of the
negative charge of the terrestrial globe.
The History of a Technique
was to operate with long current spacings, the measurement of tellurics was
given fresh consideration in 1934. Marcel, always in favor of lightweight
and convenient equipment, furthermore perceived these measurements
as an expeditious way of conducting large-scale reconnaissance. The much
costlier seismic reflection method would then be used to detail zones
demarcated by the anomalies of the tellurics map.
As Conrad had indicated in his notes, the technique involved one
fixed and one mobile base. The hand recorders used were adapted from
the electrical coring. The readings on each mobile base took 10 to 15
minutes. Even over long distances (i.e., 10 kilometers), there was excel¬
lent correlation of the pulsations observed at the two bases. Since ex¬
perimentation had shown a linear vectorial relationship between these
recordings, it was convenient to scale the vectors plotted at each station,
taking the synchronous vector of the fixed base as a unit: the ends of these
vectors would define ellipses whose areas were proportional to the aver¬
age resistivity of the ground.
One of the most significant surveys of that time took place near
Hettenschlag in Alsace, the site of many previous resistivity measure¬
ments (Fig. 26). At each measuring station the vectors indicated the aver¬
age direction of the tellurics: they were channeled between the Vosges
in the west and the Black Forest in the east, flowing between the sur¬
face and the electric insulator constituted by the salt. The orientation of
these currents was nearly parallel to the Rhine River except in the vicinity
of the north-south saline ridges, which they crossed frontally.
This study and others showed that recording by hand was both
inconvenient and costly (four permanent operators), and that the future
success of the method required automatic equipment of the type already
devised in connection with the first photographic recorders used in log¬
ging. The underlying principles, the housings, and the optical systems of
the two recorders were the same, except that for tellurics the galvanome¬
ters were more sensitive and slower and the film was unwound by an
automatic timing device.31 These instruments were ready for field use
when World War II broke out.
31 This category of measurements was not based on the null method as with the poten¬
tiometer, but on the deviation of the galvanometers: the total resistance of the circuit,
ground electrodes included, was adjusted for each base to a common known value, which
Surface Electrical Prospecting
Figure 26. Telluric current survey of the Hettenschlag area. The solid black lines show the
outline of the saline ridges.
After the German invasion in the summer of 1940, part of the staff,
with equipment from S.P.E. and C.G.G., gathered at Saint-Gaudens,
Haute-Garonne. Only a few months earlier, a large gas-bearing formation
had been discovered in a well located nearby on the Small Pyrénées chain,
a line of hills parallel to the main chain and reflecting a series of closed
anticlines. As a result a new field was being developed near the village of
Saint-Marcet. A discovery of such importance led one to believe that the
region contained other deposits. Although a few structures were visible
from the surface, geophysics was required on the search for those that
were not. On the basis of the available geological data, Marcel assumed
that the region was favorable for electrical prospecting and proposed its
The History of a Technique
32 In southern part of the basin, the measurements were perturbed by intense stray
currents from the Bayonne-Toulouse railroad line, to the point of making the values
geologically meaningless.
Surface Electrical Prospecting
tain cases of dipping formations, and the use of computers for the in¬
terpretation of electrical soundings with electrode spacings reaching 10 to
12 kilometers. From 1957 to 1958 the investigation of saline ridges was
again resumed in Alsace and was extended to Baden and Wurtemberg. In
addition, C.G.G. undertook several telluric surveys, particularly in the
Parisian Basin (a detailed exploration of its eastern part was conducted in
1949) and in Algeria (Hodna Basin, 1948-1950). These surveys contrib¬
uted to the study of certain aspects of the phenomenon by mathematical
treatment, on laboratory models, and under specific field conditions. One
survey was conducted with bases thousands of kilometers apart
(France-Madagascar-Gabon), between which the recordings showed cor¬
relations (1945).
From the 1950’s on, surface electrical prospecting was used chiefly
outside the field of petroleum exploration. The resistivity method was
applied in studying the configuration of captive aquifers, in locating
contacts between fresh and brackish waters, in assessing the thickness of
alluvial deposits containing groundwater tables, and so on (France, Italy,
North Africa, and certain arid countries). The electrofiltration
phenomena were put to use for the application of spontaneous polariza¬
tion measurements in the reconnaissance of privileged water circulation
zones. Electrical methods entered the geothermal exploration field in
Larderello, Italy, and later in Kizilder, Turkey. One of the most important
spontaneous polarization surveys for metallic ores took place in
Mauritania (copper sulfide and magnetite).
Induced polarization, which had caught Conrad’s attention as early as
1912, was the subject of important theoretical research work and was
used in prospecting for pyrite, blende, and galena deposits. Finally, sur¬
face electrical prospecting was applied in civil engineering (dam founda¬
tions) and public works surveys.
The Origins
and Development
. ' of Logging
P etroleum and natural gas occur within the pores of certain perme¬
able formations (sands, sandstones, and limestones) of sedimentary
origin. Also contained in a sedimentary series are other formations such as
shales which, though porous, are practically impermeable, or rocks al¬
together compact like hard sandstones or limestones, gypsum, rock salt,
and flintstone, as well as all the intermediate types: shaly sandstones,
sandy clays, marly limestones, silicified clays, and so on. Vertically there is
a very great variety among all these sediments, whereas laterally, at least
within the same geologic unit, they may retain almost constant lithologi¬
cal characteristics over wide areas. Moreover, should these characteristics
change laterally—say a limestone bed becomes marly—it often happens
that the fossils remain the same.
Petroleum is produced by the transformation of certain live or¬
ganisms buried, together with very fine sediments, in (generally) marine
waters, and gradually compressed under the weight of further deposits
accumulating on top. Formed between mineral grains and then in large
part expelled by compression, petroleum travels through the openings
available—permeable layers, faults, fractures—until it reaches the sur¬
face, where its traces soon disappear unless stopped inside a permeable
layer by a barrier of impervious rock. If, for example, the permeable layer
The History of a Technique
were folded, all the petroleum that could penetrate it would rise above
the water toward the upper part of the fold or anticline. Such a configura¬
tion is called a structural trap. If there were also gas, it would move to the
top of the petroleum, in which case the reservoir rock would, from
bottom to top, enclose oil and gas. The real situation is more complex; a
certain proportion of water remains in the pores by capillarity even at the
very top of the structure. Structural traps are provided by other configura¬
tions: the top of a dipping permeable layer may be sealed off by clays
brought about by a fault, or it may butt against the sheer flank of a salt
On the other hand, a permeable layer may contain an increasing
amount of argillaceous material and become altogether impermeable at
the top, or it may taper off and disappear. Many petroleum deposits are
also found in sand lenses or other reservoirs completely surrounded by
shale. These are the so-called stratigraphic traps.
After surface geological and geophysical surveys have established the
presence of potential oil- or gas-bearing structures, the only way to
ascertain that these structures actually contain such deposits is to drill one
or several exploratory boreholes.1 The purpose of these boreholes is to
identify the productive zones, if any, and to provide overall geological
data on the formations penetrated. From the fact that the lithological and
paleontological characteristics of the formations remain laterally constant
it is possible to establish correlations among boreholes and to determine
the structural features of a deposit or a basin.2 Furthermore, exploration
may sometimes be guided toward the discovery of stratigraphic traps by
comparing borehole data from several wells, including rock lithology, dip,
thickness, and fossils.
Once reconnaissance has located a commercial deposit, a production
program is drawn up involving the drilling of a certain number of addi¬
tional wells, called development wells. Exploration holes in the discovery
area are usually converted to production.
The Origins and Development of Logging
heavy steel ram was projected at the lower end of a cable. However, for
the past 20 years or so, the cable tool process had been largely supplanted
by the rotary method with its much higher drilling speed and ability to
drill much deeper.3
The drilling tool employed in the rotary method is called a bit. It is
rotated like a twist drill at the end of hollow drill pipes and is driven by
surface machinery. To begin with, the bit is screwed to the bottom of the
first drill pipe; as it penetrates the soil, a second length is screwed to the
top of the first, then a third, and so on to the depth desired. The derrick
—formerly a wooden structure, now steel—allows vertical handling
through a crown block and elevators of pipe lengths from 60 to 90 feet.
The drill pipe is rotated through a huge gear called the rotary table, which
is driven by steam, electrical, or diesel power. In the course of drilling,
water, charged with various ingredients and called mud, is pumped
through the drill pipe down to the bit; it then returns upward through the
annular space between the pipe and the wall of the borehole. This mud is
composed mainly of suspended clay, but also contains a number of min¬
eral and organic additives which, dispersed or dissolved, give to the mud
its desired qualities: density, viscosity, and colloidal and chemical proper¬
ties, according to the specific conditions of the borehole (depth, tempera¬
ture, diameter, nature of formations drilled through, etc.).
By strengthening the walls and applying hydrostatic pressure on the
formations, the mud makes it possible to drill over hundreds of feet
without the need of lowering a protective casing. It also lubricates the bit
and the drill pipe and carries the fragments cut out by the bit to the
surface. The density of the mud is adjusted in such a way that, barring the
unforeseen, its pressure at the level of each permeable horizon remains
higher than that of the formation fluids—water, oil, or gas. Thus the mud
prevents uncontrolled blowouts with their disastrous consequences, such
as destruction of installations and fire.
After setting a short section of large-diameter conductor pipe, drill¬
ing begins with a borehole about 12 to 16 inches in diameter. At a depth
of 800 to 1200 feet, a first string of casing (surface pipe) is lowered into
the hole and sealed against the wall by the injection of cement. This casing
is usually set below all freshwater sands to protect them from borehole
fluid contamination. Drilling is then continued with a bit diameter of
3 In the 1920’s the depth record was 7500 feet; it is now 30,000 feet, drilled in 2 years.
The History of a Technique ---
about nine inches to the depth determined from the geological conditions
or the location of the pay zones drilled through or hoped for, after which a
new string of casing is lowered and cemented. According to the circum¬
stances, drilling ends at this point or is continued to the final objective.
Before electrical logging was known, the only expeditious way to
identify formations was to monitor the rate of drilling, thus obtaining
some idea of the relative hardness of the rocks, to observe the mud (for
level drops, changing salinity, gas bubbles, or oil droplets), and to exam¬
ine the cuttings as they reached the surface. With the techniques then
available these procedures were vague and unreliable. The most accurate
one was mechanical coring. In this operation special crown-shaped bits cut
cylindrical samples a few feet long called cores, which are drawn to the
surface for examination. Although valuable, the data gathered by mechan¬
ical coring have shortcomings. The frequent retrieving, lowering, and
disassembling of the tool, as well as the whole string of drill pipe, make
drilling slower, more complicated, and more costly. Furthermore, the
cores are often crushed by the tool, and in very soft formations core
recovery remains incomplete. Also, cores coming from permeable rocks
are contaminated by the mud and, while the tool is being retrieved, lose
most of the oil or gas they may have contained, thus giving only a
distorted picture of the actual formation. Neither is it always easy to
obtain from the cores stratigraphic data which can serve as a basis for well
These shortcomings were more acute 50 years ago, when the
techniques available for the handling and observation of cores had not
reached their current degree of refinement and accuracy. It may be added
that, to limit costs and risks, operators endeavored to core only where the
presence of key horizons or pay zones could be anticipated from geologi¬
cal data and drilling incidents. Such a procedure was often disappointing;
the cored lengths could be devoid of interest, or the cores could have
been taken too late, after the promising formations had already been
drilled. There remained room for much improvement.
When electrical coring was invented, most of the oil produced came
from fields in Tertiary basins made up of sands, sandstones, and shales
that were generally unconsolidated, with here and there a few compact
beds. Oil fields in Venezuela, California, on the Gulf Coast of the United
States, in the Caucasian provinces of the U.S.S.R., in Rumania, and in
The Origins and Development of Logging
Indonesia were of that type. These were also fields where electrical coring
rapidly became an efficient and economical auxiliary to exploration and
production (Fig. 27, left).
Another type of field, peculiar to the Mid-Continent of the United
States, Mexico, and the Middle East, has since represented an increasing
share of world production as new discoveries have taken place in these
countries and such others as the U.S.S.R. and Venezuela. What is found
there are thick and hard beds, mostly limestone, where in places the
porous, permeable, and usually fissured rock yields petroleum or gas,
often with spectacular outputs (Fig. 27, right). Whereas scant use had
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
4 According to prevailing terminology, these two types of fields will hereafter be called
sand-shale series and limestone fields.
Phase One: 1927-1932
1 Marcel had nonpolarizing electrodes lowered into an available ventilation shaft; one of
their components was . . . flower pots. How he managed their contact with the wall of the
shaft has not been recorded. This episode is mentioned only as an example of the
improvisations often required for the success of an experiment.
The Origins and Development of Logging
2 In fact, it seems that the idea of electrical coring originated in Conrad’s mind before any
suggestion was made by Pechelbronn. During a conversation at lunch, in early spring
1927, a mining industry executive emphasized the difficulties encountered in recognizing
bottom-hole formations. Thereupon Conrad disclosed to P. Charrin the idea of using to
that end the recording of resistivities in boreholes, and gave him a sketchy description of
the measuring system. Charrin was entrusted with the preparation of the equipment, but,
because of an urgent mission abroad, he had to turn the project over to Doll. (Communi¬
cation from P. Charrin subsequent to publication of the French edition of this book.)
Figure 29■ Schematic view of electrical coring. Three electrodes. A, M, and N, are lowered into
the borehole. each at the end of an insulated conductor. The current emitted by A flows through the
mud and spreads across the formations. The voltage created between M and N is transmitted to the
surface and measured there. From this measurement and that of the current intensity it is possible
to deduce the value of the apparent resistivity. As in practice no borehole ever is strictly vertical, the
three electrodes are in contact with the wall.
The History of a Technique
trode ought to flow through the mud and then spread inside the forma¬
tions.3 Others, among whom were men of repute such as Professor R.
Ambronn, maintained that below a certain depth all geological formations
became altogether compact and hence infinitely resistant. Nothing of the
kind had been shown by surface measurements, but since they did not
penetrate very deeply, positive proof was lacking.
The first electrical operation was undertaken on September 5, 1927,
at Diefenbach in well No. 2905, rig No. 7, by Doll, assisted by Scheibli
and Jost. Nothing would be more eloquent than to quote an excerpt from
the description by Doll 32 years later of this memorable experiment.4
AM was three meters long and MN was one meter long. We made a sonde by
connecting four meter-long sections of Bakelite tubing by means of short
lengths of brass tubing, fastening them to each other with brass screws. The
electrodes were wired to the Bakelite tubes. We contrived a weight, or
plummet, for the bottom of the sonde, making it of one meter of brass
tubing, four centimeters in diameter, and filling it with lead pellets like those
used in duck shooting. It was plugged at both ends and weighed about 25
pounds. The whole assembly looked like a long black snake with five joints.
The cable, if you could call it that, was three lengths of rubber-insulated
copper wire, of the kind used on spark plugs in cars.5 It had a tensile strength
of about 80 pounds per wire. The wires weren’t spliced together, as was
done in later surveys, but were allowed to wind onto the winch drum loose
from each other.
The winch had an X-shaped wooden frame; the drum was made with
wooden flanges and the core of a large Bakelite tube. It was assembled by
long brass bars and nuts. To turn the drum, we had a big pinion connected to
a smaller pinion by a motorcycle chain. The moving axle was steel, with a
bicycle pedal mounted at either end. One of us would get on one side and
one on the other, and turn the pedals. There was a ratchet to keep the drum
from unwinding.
We had no collector. Instead, we had a plug, much like a common wall plug,
at the side of the winch flange. When the winch had to be turned, the cable
connection to the potentiometer was unplugged so the turn could be made.
Then the cable was plugged back in so that we could make the readings.
3 Several years later highly advanced calculations confirmed the correctness of his demon¬
stration, which in the meantime had been verified by thousands of measurements.
4 See Sonde Off, September 1959, p. 22.
5 This was actually the cable then used in surface prospecting.
The Origins and Development of Logging
The sheave6 was made of wood with an eccentric axle. It had a long tail as a
counterbalance. This served as our strain gauge.7 We were very worried
about the wires breaking; and by watching the rise and fall of the tail, you
could tell what kind of pull was being exerted on the wires. For depth
measurement, we had a counter on the sheave wheel like the mileage
indicator on a car. We planned to take readings at intervals of one meter.
We made our measurements with a standard potentiometer mounted on a
tripod like those we used in our surface exploration work.
It was a nice fall, a decent day. We drove out to the well—it was Diefenbach
2905, Tower No. 7—in an old station wagon that had been used in surface
prospecting and was completely worn out.
The well was about 500 meters deep which is about 1500 feet. We couldn’t
have gone much deeper, for we only had about 1800 feet of wire.
We began making our measurements. Someone had to unplug the connec¬
tor, someone else turned the winch, someone had to run up on the rig floor
to look at the counter on the sheave . . . there was a lot of running back and
forth. I wrote down the measurements on a pad, together with the depth
reading. Then it was unplug, roll up one meter to the next station, and plug
back in. Make the next reading. And so on, one meter at a time.
At first, we jumped around a good bit, but soon we got the swing of things
and before long, we were able to take about 50 stations per hour. At one
meter per station, that’s around 150 feet per hour surveying time.
The whole arrangement worked well. Everything went off as we had
planned, except for one incident. When we came out of the hole, and had the
sonde hanging in the derrick, we unfastened the weight to remove it from
the bottom of the sonde. We forgot that the upper tube, being hollow, had
filled with mud — which showered all over us — and we got thoroughly
messy. We ended the day by going into the nearby village to take a bath.
6 A grooved pulley at the wellhead redirecting the cable toward the winch.
7 This instrument has been named the Roman balance; the sheave was mounted on the
short arm, where the pull of the cable was balanced by the weight of the long arm.
The History of a Technique
operation showed that in this first experiment the leaks had not played a
significant role.
Back in Paris, Doll plotted his measurements on a strip of graph
paper and drew the first of the typical diagrams that were to become
familiar to the petroleum industry. A part of this venerable document is
reproduced in Figure 30. It shows a zone of rather uniform resistivities
corresponding to the Hydrobiae marls whose top served as a marker and,
above, a sequence of peaks and troughs where the geological cross section
indicated hard marls, conglomerates, and sandstones. As could be fore¬
seen, the resistivity dropped to zero at the lower end of the casing:8 the
depth at which the drop occurred was within 6 feet of that indicated by
the drillers. In view of the rather primitive metering of the cable, more
could hardly have been expected.
The tests were continued at Pechelbronn under generally difficult
operating conditions, mostly at night when drilling was usually suspended
(Fig. 31). Cave-ins or exceedingly heavy or viscous mud frequently
prevented the lowering of the sonde; and since boreholes are rarely
vertical, the dragging of the sonde and the cable against the wall when
being pulled out resulted in frictional stress close to tensile strength.
Contrary to the prevailing concepts of Marcel, heavier weights and
stronger cables were required. As access to drilling sites was difficult in
rainy weather, an odd suggestion came from Paris: to unload the truck
when stuck in the mud and push the winch like a wheelbarrow, with the
reel serving as the wheel. Needless to say, the first attempt converted the
whole mechanism into a huge mud ball.
In spite of these difficulties and, in particular, the inadequate lengths
of open hole available—only 60 to 130 feet—positive conclusions could
be drawn in the very first weeks of operations. Hard layers appeared on
the diagrams as peaks contrasting clearly with the soft and conductive
marls. From the similarities in the log features, accurate correlations could
be established between boreholes from which the configuration of the
formations could be determined throughout the field. Comparing the mea¬
surements with the cores in a sufficient number of holes allowed the
identification on the logs of most peaks and troughs. Thus electrical
coring gradually came to replace most mechanical coring.
8 Compared to the resistivity of the formations, that of the metallic casing is practically
Figure 30. The first electrical coring diagram (Pechelbronn, Alsace, September 1927).
The History of a Technique
Figure 31 ■ The winch, cable, and pickup truck used in the beginnings of electrical coring at
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technique
operator had to slip his hand under the electrically charged cable until a
slight pricking located the point of discharge. All this was time consum¬
ing, clumsy, and inaccurate, and the ensuing frequent delays were not
appreciated by the Pechelbronn company. The prospectors considered
that a cable better suited to the task was indispensable for the successful
marketing of electrical coring. What they were demanding was a real,
industrially made tricable with good tensile strength and adequate insula¬
tion. Doll was promoting the same idea, and the first cable made by
French industry to Schlumberger’s specifications was put into operation in
June 1928. It consisted of three conductors, each made of about 20
stranded steel wires and coated by rubber insulation and tape. In turn,
these three conductors, with an appropriate packing, were stranded to¬
gether and enclosed in a sheath protected by a tarred cotton braid. The
tensile strength of this cable was 1 ton. With it field service improved
immediately as lost time decreased. Thereupon a greater tensile strength
was sought; in 1930 it reached 2 tons for the French-made, and 1.3 tons
for the first American-made, cable. Both had a textile-braid protection
(jute in France, cotton in the United States).
Nevertheless, in spite of tight specifications and detailed inspections,
after a few operations the electrical insulation of the cable was often
reduced to the point where errors in measurements became unacceptable.
Insulation control in the field and localization and repair of leaks there¬
fore became the focus of continuing studies, as witnessed by numerous
articles on this subject published in the early 1930’s in Proselec.10
To measure the insulation of a cable was a rather simple thing, but to
locate the leaks was much more difficult. Improvements in the latter
respect are worth reporting. In 1930 the Paris engineering office had
designed a rather complicated system based on the Wheatstone bridge
principle; its shortcoming was that it functioned properly only when a
conductor developed a single, relatively minor leak. Another process was
tried a little later. After the ends of the conductors had been insulated, the
electrically loaded cable was lowered into a borehole; as soon as a leak
reached the top of the mud, the circuit was closed, and the potentiometer
10 Proselec appeared first in mimeographed form as a technical publication for the use of the
Schlumberger staff only. Initially, it covered the whole range of activities of the Company.
From April 1931 on, it comprised two parts: Proselec Carottage (Proselec Coring) and Proselec
Surface. The latter part was replaced in early 1934 by Ceg'egec, published by C. G. G. Both
publications ended with World War II.
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technique
Doll has described (see p. 104) his first electrical coring operation, at
a time when the measurements involved the same reading techniques as
surface prospecting, that is, point by point, interrupting the upward
movement of the sonde at regular 1 meter intervals (Fig. 33). The varia¬
tions in resistance of electrode A were negligible as compared to those of
the emission line (as for electrode B, since it stayed at a fixed point
on the ground, its resistance obviously remained unchanged throughout
the operation). It was sufficient, therefore, to measure the current just
once at the beginning of the operation and then check at the end to see
that it had not changed: only the voltage, A v (see Fig. 29), had to be
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technique
intensity of the current and the sensitivity of the potentiometer; for the
desired depth scales the proper set of pinions had to be inserted.
The first recorder was fixed on a console containing the switches,
rheostats, and other accessories for the adjustment of the emission cur¬
rent and the control of the electric motor driving the winch. During a
survey this console rested on a trunk used to store and transport the
various tools (Fig. 34). The whole arrangement was set up between the
winch and the drilling rig. Under the console the cable passed between
two pulleys, one of which drove the cylinders with the paper strip. This
type of recorder was sent in 1929 to the crews in Venezuela, the United
States, and the Dutch Indies and somewhat later to Grozny in the
With such a setup, it could happen that the cable would suddenly
become so taut that the whole apparatus would go flying into the air
before the astounded gaze of the operator. In 1931 an improved version
was introduced, in which the arrangement of the accessories was more
compact and convenient, and the tripod-mounted recorder was located on
the drilling floor; the motion of the paper was controlled by the rotation
of the sheave through a flexible drive shaft. In 1932 the recorder (or,
rather, recorders, since at that time the spontaneous potential was being
The Origins and Development of Logging
Figure 34. The first hand-operated recorder (1929). The cable, passing between two pulleys on
the side of the box, controlled the motion of the paper.
measured simultaneously) was placed next to the winch, the flexible shaft
being driven by a set of pulleys built into the winding device.
Formation resistivity being a widely variable parameter (from a frac¬
tion of an ohm-meter for soft shales or saltwater-saturated sands, to tens
of ohm-meters for oil-bearing sands or sandstones, and practically to
infinity for compact rocks such as rock salt or gypsum), the prospector had
to adjust the scale during the recording lest the curve be truncated when
the sonde passed high-resistivity formations, and a blank be left instead of
what were perhaps the most significant values. Such an adjustment was
possible whenever correlation with diagrams from neighboring wells pro¬
vided some foreknowledge of how the curve would look in the well
currently being surveyed. Otherwise, the sonde had to be lowered again
and the measurements resumed on a smaller scale. This had a negative
effect on the duration and cost of the operation; moreover, when the well
was immobilized too long, there was a risk that the sonde could not be
The History of a Technique
lowered again, or that the sonde and the cable would become stuck when
coming out.
One elegant way out of the difficulty seemed to be the use of a
logarithmic resistivity scale.11 Some potentiometers were adapted to this
kind of scale, but not all geologists liked it because it weakened the
character of the diagrams. It was abandoned after a few years, only to be
successfully reintroduced 30 years later.
At the end of 1931 the various improvements in electrical coring had
increased the reliability of the method to the extent that Conrad could
state in a communication to the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences:
With a good electrical cable, a good winch and good measuring instruments
that are both sensitive and sturdy, it is possible to operate at the bottom of a
2000 meter well and make highly delicate measurements of the phenomena
generating potential differences of only a few millivolts, and involving prac¬
tically negligible amounts of energy. Such a mating of the finest of poten¬
tiometers and a powerful and rugged rotary rig certainly makes for an odd
marriage, but so far everything seems to be going well.
11 The displacement of the pencil then becomes proportional to the ratio between resistiv¬
ity values. For instance, when the measurement increases from 1 to 10 ohms, the deviation
of the pencil is 3 centimeters; when it increases from 10 to 100 ohms, the deviation is the
same; and so on. A diagram with a 1 : 1000 ratio can be drawn without changing scale; this
is usually sufficient.
The Origins and Development of Logging
12 Each electrode was made of a lead wire winding and enclosed in a sleeve of heavy,
fire-hose-like cloth, tied on both sides of the electrode and filled with a saturated solution
of lead acetate with an excess of crystals. When it eventually appeared that polarization was
weak and stable, such precautions proved superfluous.
The History of a Technique
Figure 35. Facsimile of a page in Proselec, showing the first diagram where S.P. indicated
distinctly a bed of porous conglomerate (Pechelbronn, February 1931).
The Origins and Development of Logging
dal inside the permeable layer increases in the direction of the flow;
therefore the potential in the mud facing the layer was expected to be
negative (Fig. 36). Observations confirmed this theory precisely. Since the
phenomenon had been induced by the contact of a hole full of mud with
the formations cut by the drill, it was, strictly speaking, not a natural one.
Nevertheless, it took place without any artificial source of current and so
was called “spontaneous potential’’ (S.P.).13 Renewed tests in various
boreholes during ensuing weeks confirmed the consistency of the mea¬
surements and showed, on other diagrams, the existence of similar kicks
at the level of permeable layers.
These results were immediately communicated to the crews operat¬
ing abroad; in fact, the entire May 1931 issue of Proselec dealt with them.
The engineers were asked to measure this new parameter whenever
feasible by using one electrode in the borehole and one at the surface for
the direct production of potential diagrams. At that time electrical coring
was in operation in basins generally made up of shale, sand, and sandstone
series, where the many reservoirs reached thicknesses of 15 to 30 feet or
more. Such conditions were much more favorable than those at Pechel-
bronn and produced spectacular results: whereas on the S.P. diagrams the
shales appeared as almost straight lines, the top and bottom of the sands
were marked by sharp deflections, and the departures14 were no longer of
a few units but of several tens of millivolts.
Here was a new and far-reaching discovery. The definition by the
S.P. curve of every permeable layer provided an invaluable complement
to the resistivity curves, which were much less reliable and accurate in the
location of oil-bearing strata than in the definition of correlations among
boreholes. Indeed, although oil and gas contained in a horizon generally
produce peaks in the resistivity curve, compact beds intercalated in softer
formations likewise give peaks. In most cases the ambiguity could be
removed by the S.P.; a resistivity peak without an S.P. anomaly was most
likely to mean a nonpermeable and hence dry horizon. Moreover water¬
bearing horizons and their limits, a subject of concern to the drillers, were
13 It has become customary to use the abbreviation ‘‘S.P." for “spontaneous potential
14 The departures are also called “S.P. anomalies,” an extension of geophysical terminol¬
The History of a Technique
4 -q - k-20-H + mV
I'l 1 O'
1 L11
j!| —
- - —
—- -- -—- — —
• • *» \ » •
. ; • * v* • » '.
Permeablé• •* i?
»» « *»*»»*«*»
VI * » :v
v V:
M* •» \ *
Figure 36. Left: Schematic cross section showing mud filtration in a permeable layer and
circulation of currents due to spontaneous potentials. Right: Recording of ohmic drops created by
the current along the borehole.
15 When the S.P. curve was introduced into the oil basins (the U.S.S.R. excluded), it was
presented under the name “porosity curve,” a physical term more meaningful for industry
than “spontaneous potentials.” Indeed, for most professionals, porosity connoted perme¬
ability; it referred to the ability of a rock both to contain fluids and to allow their circulation,
thus excluding the shales, with pores so small that any flow is practically impossible. The
S.P. curve marked precisely the limit between the shales and the porous layers as
understood by professionals.
The Origins and Development of Logging
16 This theorem, long known in the case of linear circuits, had been set forth by Wenner in
1912. Its demonstration is immediate for a homogeneous indefinite medium. In the 1930’s
it was mathematically demonstrated by Lienard for any heterogeneous medium, and
experimentally verified in surface work and in the Pechelbronn oil wells. The reciprocity of
the quadripole has been so frequently applied that today it is taken for granted.
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
April 1932 came the discovery that at the depth of formations containing
salt water the S.P. has an electrochemical component. It was established
somewhat later that in formations containing hydrocarbons water in capil¬
lary form occurs everywhere, even if production is practically water free,
and that here, too, the electrochemical S.P. can be observed.18
18 For the record, Conrad had already envisaged the possibility of electrochemical reac¬
tions occurring between the various formations encountered in drilling. Reference to this
had been made in his communication of December 10, 1931, to the U.S.S.R. Academy of
Sciences, but he considered such reactions to be very weak, and negligible compared to
electrofiltration potentials.
19 When an electrode configuration AMN (with B remote) or its equivalent MAB (with N
remote) is placed in an indefinite homogeneous medium, the value measured is, because of
the calibration of the system, equal to the resistivity of that medium. However, what is
practically measured by electrical coring (as well as by surface prospecting) is an apparent
resistivity (see p. 38), in other words, an average value that is a function of the geometry
and the resistivities of the media within range of investigation of the system.
The History of a Technique
tool. However, to the extent that cores are recovered, geologists can
examine them almost inch by inch (in reality, they do this only in special
cases and usually limit themselves to one or two observations per foot).
To reach such a fine degree of resolution seemed very difficult with the
sondes in use; their size could not be unduly reduced lest the mud effect
become overwhelming and blur the peaks of the diagrams. To distinguish
between even the thinnest layers, Conrad turned to quite a different
measuring device.
In a very large medium the resistance of an electrode is defined as
that between the surface of the electrode and infinity. In fact, beyond a
certain distance (which is itself a function of the size and shape of the
electrode), the equipotential surfaces become very large, and the resis¬
tance practically zero. For an electrode, say 2 inches in length and diame¬
ter, 90 percent of the resistance will be confined within a 10 inch radius,
and 98 percent within a radius of 4.5 feet.
The left-hand side of Figure 37 is a cross section of a short electrode
(say 2 inches long) suspended at the lower end of an insulated conductor
at the level of a very thin horizontal layer (e.g., 8 inches), which is more
resistant than the adjacent formations, for example, a hard sandstone bed
between salty clays. The current lines flowing out of the electrode en¬
deavor to avoid the resistant formation. Therefore the resistance encoun¬
tered by the current is hardly affected by the hard bed; and if the sonde
moves in the borehole, the hard bed will show on the diagram, if at all,
only as a weak, flattened-out peak.
Let us now move to the right-hand side of the figure and assume that
electrode A is flanked by two elongated electrodes, A' and A", and that all
three are maintained at the same potential. All the current flowing out of
A is now forced to pass through the hard bed, and on the diagram the
resistance of A will reach a much higher value when passing in front of this
bed than it will for the adjacent formations; the result will be a well-
contrasted peak. “Guard electrodes” was the name Conrad gave to the
two added electrodes which emitted current for the purposes of prevent¬
ing that flowing out of A from dispersing, thus forcing it to squeeze within
a nearly horizontal sheet.
The same design, resumed years later, was realized through electronic
circuits. The wiring of Conrad was utterly simple. The two guard elec¬
trodes, A' and A", were short-circuited and connected by one of the
conductors of the tricable to a source of current at the surface. The casing
The Origins and Development of Logging
Figure 37. Distribution of the current emitted by an electrode. Left: Without guard electrodes.
Right: With guard electrodes.
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
“Laterolog,” they have today become basic tools of electrical logging (see
p. 254).
20 The shale may occur in the form of very fine beds (laminations) or of minute grains
disseminated in the pores of the reservoir. The shale content of the formation is often low
enough to have a negligible effect on the resistivity of the formation.
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
zone is gradual, but both calculations and experience show that the
intermediate zone may be disregarded with little error. It is further known
that, when the mud deposits its clay particles along the wall of the hole, a
kind of crust (mud cake) is formed and that, beyond this crust of a fraction
of one inch, only clear water—the mud filtrate—penetrates the rock. The
apparent resistivity (R a) measured by the sonde depends not only on the
true resistivity (R t), but also on the borehole diameter (d), the resistivity
of the mud (.Rm), the diameter (D,), and the resistivity (RXo) of the
invaded zone. Furthermore, unless the formation is very thick compared
to the spacing of the sonde’s electrodes, Ra will be influenced by the
shoulders of the formation, and this will involve their resistivity (Rs) and
the thickness {h) of the formation.21
The above description provides an idea of the number of factors
standing between a formation’s production and its apparent resistivity.
The outstanding results obtained in the U.S.S.R. and Venezuela were due
to the fact that, saturation excepted, the multiple factors influencing
productions and true resistivities remained rather constant in each hori¬
zon and there was little difference between apparent and true resistivities
(rather thick beds and shallow invasions).
In most cases the logging tools used today give the values of porosity
and true resistivity. On the other hand, it is generally possible to know the
resistivity of the formation water and to assess the effect of the interstitial
shale. From these parameters experimental relations lead to the almost
exact value of the saturation, and from there to the volume of hy¬
drocarbons in place. In 1930, however, when electrical coring could give
only the formation’s thickness and apparent resistivity, hardly anything
was known of the relation between the latter and the true resistivity.
Moreover, although the porosity could be obtained from core analysis
(with serious limitations), the above-mentioned experimental relations
were still unknown. The history of logging is marked by the stages of
progress made toward gathering, under the most diverse geological condi¬
tions, the fullest data on the fluid contents of the formations and their
ability to produce.
21 Usually D i varies from an inch or so to as much as 6 feet. All the notation here is taken
from recent English terminology: m for mud, s for shale, t for true, i for invaded.
Laboratory and field experience shows that the apparent resistivities are practically the
same for a dipping layer as for a horizontal one.
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
Figure 40. Two resistivity diagrams through a coal seam, proving that the AMN configuration
was asymmetrical.
suspected some mistake and repeated the recordings, taking the utmost
care with the depth measurements. The offset was confirmed (Fig. 40).
A thorough and systematic study followed in the wake of this ex¬
perimental illustration of the effect produced by the asymmetry of the
AMN system. Little light had been shed on the problem thus far by the
few calculations made on the basis of highly simplified assumptions, the
principal one being to disregard the borehole altogether. Doll improved
these calculations by an approximate mathematical treatment relating to
the case of drilling through infinitely resistant layers22—a more represen¬
tative model of the real configurations. Tank measurements, where lime¬
stone slabs simulated formations, expanded and confirmed the calculated
results. These studies were recorded in March 1932 in a house publica¬
tion; they marked a crucial stage in the development of the Schlumberger
techniques. They were the first to give a more accurate definition of the
curves recorded with the AMN sonde. When MN is below, a resistant
22 This simplification was based on the working assumption that oil- or gas-bearing
horizons had an infinite resistivity, whereas, according to the theories on petroleum
migration, a fraction of the pore volume was always occupied by more or less mineralized
water, retained by capillarity. Many diagrams from different regions rapidly proved that
this resistivity is always finite, that is, that the capillary water forms a continuous, electri¬
cally conductive system.
The History of a Technique
layer thicker than AM shows as a peak near the bottom, and a low-
resistivity zone underneath its top, approximately equal to AM. The top
of the layer is then said to be “eaten.” With MN above, the curve is
inverted. This explained the offset observed at Courrières; furthermore,
the true thickness of the coal seam had to be 12 feet (7.5 + 4.5), a value
that indeed corresponded with the information gathered from the cut¬
tings. Another conclusion was that it was hopeless to use the AIN-below
arrangement to study the formations opened up by the last 12 or 15 feet
of the well.
The design of a new electrode system, described by Conrad on May
1, 1932, was yet another result of these studies. In this system N was
placed at a considerable distance from AM. What was measured was, in
fact, the potential of M with respect to infinity (this was called the
“AM 00 sonde”).
In September of the same year the “1932 sonde” marked new prog¬
ress over the AMN device (Fig. 41). On the left-hand side of the figure the
current is emitted between A and B (24 feet apart), while the potential is
measured between M (1.5 feet below A) and the surface electrode. The
system is equivalent to the AM °o sonde, since the distance from B to A is
16 times greater than the distance AA4, and hence the effect of B on the
measurement is negligible. This system, where the measurement was
recorded at the center 0 of AM, was called the “normal sonde.” Its
advantage was that it required only a very weak current. The diagrams
recorded were symmetrical about the center of a layer, whose top and
bottom were accurately marked. The AA4 spacing being very short, mea¬
surements could be made very close to the bottom of the hole. On the
other hand, because the system had only a small radius of investigation,
the measurements were generally affected by the invasion. Finally, it
responded very weakly to the thin layers.
On the right-hand side of Figure 41, the current is emitted between
the closely spaced A and B electrodes, while the potential is measured
between the remote electrode, M, and the surface: this is now the MAB
configuration, which, according to the reciprocity theorem, is the equiva¬
lent of AMN. Called the “inverse sonde,” it was not unlike the one used
since the beginning of electrical coring. With AM 24 feet long, the radius
of investigation became substantial—hence the other name, “lateral
sonde.” This sonde was well suited for detecting thin layers, even though
it could not measure their true resistivity. Its shortcomings were that the
The Origins and Development of Logging
^/\s cjU>'
V I / I * '
>J3$ •..O «7 /
x. /.
V / f'r
m 4 &\v
'V -/<:
"TO Si
\ aa M éb
A\f âp
fcXd <i'/i fc$l l\\s
*M \ A £\ia' M p-
>,'/$ A g
■,v|M bp
point v|
' \V4 /' wVf* feb
Normal sonde Reverse or
lateral sonde
top of a thick, resistant layer was deeply “eaten,” and that a very strong
current was required. With either type of sonde, normal or lateral, the M
electrode simultaneously recorded the S.P. curve. Moreover, when both
lower electrodes were eventually placed on a rigid cylindrical body dou¬
bling as a weight, the measurements could practically reach the bottom of
the hole.
The question was raised as to whether, with the normal sonde, one
conductor could not be made available by bringing B to the surface: this
would have been strictly an AM sonde. However, experience soon
showed the proposal to be impracticable with pulsated-alternating current
recording. As a current wire and a measure wire wound on the winch
amounted to an induction coil, the pulsing on and off of the current circuit
generated a dangerous overvoltage, and the electromotive force induced
The History of a Technique
in the measure circuit considerably altered the reading. The use of the
third wire for the current returning to electrode B near the bottom of the
hole reduced these effects to acceptable limits, although it was impossible
to prevent them altogether because of the asymmetry between the two
wires. However, the width of the dead segments on the measure collector
of the pulsator was such that at 6 revolutions per second the induced
millivolts had disappeared by the time the measure circuit was closed
(see p. 53).
From 1932 on, the normal sonde generally became the basic tool (the
U.S.S.R. excepted), whereas for several years the lateral sonde was used
only in specific cases. The dimensions of both sondes underwent various
adjustments to suit local geological conditions, and they remained in use
until they were replaced, at least in oil wells, by induction logging and the
Laterolog. They continue to be a part of the simplified and portable
equipment employed in hydrological surveys.
The Origins and Development of Logging
23 These ellipsoids are actually slightly deformed at their intersection with the borehole, but
this is only a secondary and generally negligible effect.
The Origins and Development of Logging
24 Centering tools on the sonde ensured the actual coincidence of its axis with that of the
The History of a Technique
25 An instrument designed to define the direction of the magnetic field of the earth by
utilizing the electromotive force induced by this field in a coil revolving around a vertical
The Origins and Development of Logging
Figure 43■ Part of the mechanism inside the inclinometer. Top: Electromagnet suspended on its
dial. Center: Hollow billiard ball used as an induction compass. Bottom: Piston controlling the
ratchet of the relay.
The History of a Technique
local value of the terrestrial field intervened in the calibration), and it was
possible to make the measurements and draw the profile of the drillhole
for the entire open-hole section (Fig. 44).
The inclinometer (or teleclinometer), made available to industry in
1932, answered an important need. Because all oil wells drift from the
vertical, it is important to know accurately their underground positions at
reservoir and key geological marker levels. On the other hand, slanted
holes gave rise to many drilling mishaps (e.g., stuck drill pipe). Methods
had already been devised to measure the drift of drillholes,26 but none
had industrial application. The various devices utilized in Baku were
inaccurate and inconvenient, and none (including the Shakhnazaroff de¬
vice) gave the azimuth of the inclination. This explains the enthusiasm
with which the teleclinometer was welcomed by the oil industry; its
success and widespread utilization were almost immediate.
It took longer to achieve the complete instrument: the teleclinome¬
ter and dipmeter extension. After many tests at Pechelbronn, it actually
reached the market in 1935.
The Origins and Development of Logging
water could begin to flow. The intrusion level was located through an
appropriate device lowered at the end of a cable.
The Schlumberger process was based on measuring the resistivity of
the liquid filling the hole from top to bottom. A special sonde was
designed, including three small lead electrodes about one inch apart, and a
cylindrical shell that kept them sufficiently remote from the borehole wall
(whether casing or open hole) so that the measurement would not be
affected. The system was calibrated above ground in a tank filled with
water of a known resistivity. In general, this resistivimeter was rather easy
to handle in the borehole; all that was needed was to circulate ordinary
mud, which normally is much less salty than the water to be detected.
Over the years the determination of water flows with the resistivime¬
ter had become routine, but the method was used less and less frequently
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
of cementing (see p. 179). Thought had also been given at some time to
utilizing the thermometric diagram for the differentiation of formations
according to their thermal conductivity, but this parameter proved much
less sensitive than electrical conductivity and hence without practical
interest. Today the drillhole thermometer, greatly improved over the
model of the 1930’s, is a standard tool of production logging.
Field operations
In a letter to Léonardon dated May 31, 1927, Conrad and Marcel had
suggested that a drilling company, preferably an American one, might be
associated with the industrial development of electrical coring. The pro¬
posal remained vague and was promptly abandoned. The initial operations
at Pechelbronn seemed too promising to warrant association with outsid¬
ers. By establishing correlations among boreholes over several miles,
electrical coring reduced and often replaced mechanical coring, thus
effecting economies in oil exploration. These results, together with im¬
proved equipment, led the Pechelbronn company to enter into a service
contract with “La Pros.” The contract, signed on July 12, 1928, marked
the date that the Schlumberger process became commercial. The contract
provided that in return for a monthly fee of 12,000 francs a crew was to be
made permanently available to Pechelbronn; it further provided Schlum¬
berger with the right of access to boreholes for the purpose of continued
testing and development of new techniques. The Pechelbronn oil wells
thus became a kind of extension of the Paris engineering office. This
cooperation lasted until World War II.
However encouraging this first commercial success, nobody could
foresee in 1927-1928 that what was involved was an invention with a
commercial future far beyond that of surface electrical prospecting. At
that time electrical coring was regarded as just another process, applicable
to the location of key geological horizons, ore bodies, coal seams, and
water-bearing formations, as well as to petroleum exploration; in other
words, as an additional volume of business. Indeed, the operating condi¬
tions at Pechelbronn—percussion drilling, very short open-hole sections,
and mainly thin, low-pressure, oil-bearing strata shown on the diagrams as
blunted peaks—were too special to allow any foresight of what the
method could yield in large oil fields outside France.
The History of a Technique
Figure 45. Facsimile of the cover page of the first article on electrical coring (1929).
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
between remote head offices, were supposed to help them with paper
strips covered with diagrams. After all, what kind of experience did they
have outside of some negligible French oil field?
The prospectors were required not only to conduct the mea¬
surements but also to retrace the diagrams by hand and interpret them,
that is, to identify the electrical markers, to establish correlations from
which to deduce the deep configurations (especially the existence and
throw of faults), and to forecast the depth of the pay zones. It was not that
the geologists were uncooperative: their experience and data were avail¬
able; but, at least in the beginning, they left to the Schlumberger staff the
full task and responsibility of practical diagram interpretation.
The first operation took place on March 6, 1929, in the La Rosa field
(Fig. 46)‘. Dozens of diagrams followed, and after 10 months the number
of Crews had grown from one to three. For the Shell field staff, Schlum¬
berger had become a regular auxiliary with a recognized contribution. In
1930 operations were extended to the oil wells of Gulf, Standard of
Indiana, and Richmond.
Addressing a meeting of geologists of the Maracaibo Basin, Bayle
reviewed the results of 18 months of electrical coring. In certain areas,
multiple markers on the diagrams provided clear correlations over tens of
miles, eliminating almost completely the need for mechanical coring; in
other, tectonically more complex areas, the data gathered from the dia¬
grams complemented, refined, and corrected the geological data. The
results were less outstanding with respect to oil-bearing horizons. They
showed beautiful peaks whose heights, in certain zones, provided a clue
for production; but in general it was difficult to distinguish between
oil-bearing and water-bearing strata, or simply between permeable and
impermeable layers. It will be recalled that at the time electrical coring
involved only a single curve recorded with a 9 foot lateral sonde.
After their initial reticence toward electrical coring, many geologists
and operators became inclined to expect more from it than it could give,
such as the differentiation of aquifers, the determination of the water
contents in oil-bearing horizons, and the detection of gas occurrences.
These problems would not be solved until much later in most oil fields.
In any case the results were spectacular: 800 electrical coring opera¬
tions in 300 wells. These totals had not been achieved without the
strenuous efforts of the crews. Monthly performance reached 50 opera¬
tions under conditions of extreme physical hardship: difficult transport;
O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technic/ue
In the United States the first tests were conducted on August 27,
1929, in Shell's B well between Hanford and Kettleman Hills, California.
With a hand-driven winch, a 1 ton cable, and no recorder (in short, the
equipment of the earliest Pechelbronn tests), Deschâtre and Roche suc¬
cessfully made (with the loss of a weight) a series of measurements from
2700 feet to the casing shoe at 54 feet (Fig. 47). The ensuing operations
were slow and painful, and on September 19, one of them, at the 6000
foot deep Ruthenfort wildcat, proved a disaster: pressure and tempera¬
ture made the cable so leaky that no dependable measurement was
possible. All these operations pointed to the inadequacy of the equip¬
ment; and with wells spaced so far apart that correlations were impossible,
The Origins and Development of Logging
the local geologists, regarding the method as useless, terminated the tests
after a few weeks (Fig. 48).
A contract with Gipsy, an affiliate of Gulf Oil, took the operations to
Oklahoma. The wells were less deep (2500 to 3600 feet); the formations
were harder, and lowering the sonde into the hole was easier. Operations
ran rather smoothly, though at the cost of endless troubleshooting and
repairs. The 23 jobs carried out at Seminole between October 15 and
November 15 (13,600 point-by-point measurements) kept the two
engineers at a daily work average of 15 hours; moreover, 8000 feet of
The History of a Technique
Figure 48. One among the earliest electrical logging jobs in the United States (California,
ruptured cable had to be abandoned in the wells. At this point the crew
received a hand recorder and a winch with electric drive.
Operations spread to Kansas, where Gipsy had undertaken the drill¬
ing of a great number of 750 foot deep structural coreholes. In both areas
electrical coring revealed several markers from which accurate correla¬
tions could be drawn. This achievement afforded the geologists little
satisfaction, however, for either the correlations affected series of no
special interest or electrical markers could have been just as easily located
by examining the cuttings,27 at less cost and without any interruption in
drilling. Finally, electrical coring failed to differentiate adequately the oil-
and water-bearing strata and the hard beds. For these reasons and because
of the fact that Schlumberger could not accept the 50 percent reduction in
2' Even in deep exploration the routine practice at Gipsy was to rely on examination of the
cuttings rather than on mechanical coring.
The Origins and Development of Logging
its already modest rates demanded by the client, the contract was canceled
at the end of the year.
Nevertheless, interest in the Schlumberger methods continued. In
January 1930 the Hugush Group (Humble, Gulf, and Shell) signed a 6
month, lump-sum contract which specified that the crew was at the
complete disposal of the client for work extending from the Mississippi
River to the Mexican border. In over 5 months the prospectors and their
overloaded truck covered some 8000 miles of sandy or muddy country
roads and trails (at that time paved roads ended some 20 miles beyond the
towns) to carry out 53 jobs on 45 wells scattered over 22 fields. The
drilling sites were often surrounded by a quagmire that required incredi¬
ble effort to cross. Again, the wells were so widely spaced that correla¬
tions we're practically impossible. Furthermore, the dearth of adequate
production data made it difficult to establish empirical criteria, and the
petroleum diagnosis was uncertain. Also, the many breakdowns and the
frequent difficulty in lowering the sonde to the bottom of the hole would
not have created enthusiasm in any client. With the depression as an
additional consideration, Hugush decided not to renew the contract.
One crew remained in the area for a few more weeks to carry out
scattered operations in small exploration drillholes. The United States
offered a market of immense potential, but with surface prospecting at a
standstill, and after the disappointments of the first logging tests, Schlum¬
berger could hardly support a money-losing crew with its inadequate
equipment. Temporarily, at least, it seemed wiser to concentrate on
technical improvements, while taking advantage of the contract with the
U.S.S.R., where electrical coring was in full swing. Business in the United
States was postponed to better times.
However, even the failures were not altogether fruitless. At least a
perception remained of the intrinsic merits of electrical coring. After the
first shock waves of the depression had subsided, Schlumberger returned,
offering greatly expanded and improved logging services (better cables,
simultaneous recording of S.P. and resistivity, power-driven winches,
etc.) in California (July 1932) and on the Gulf Coast (early 1933). This
time it took only a few months of demonstrated know-how and intensive
activity for the prospectors to establish logging firmly in the United States
petroleum industry. Contributing to this result was an exhaustive com¬
munication presented to the February 1932 meeting of the American
The History of a Technique
As had been the case in Venezuela and the United States, electrical
coring at Grozny was made difficult at first by equipment ill adapted to
depths exceeding 4000 feet. Moreover, the drillers, concerned over pos¬
sible cave-ins or uncontrolled blowouts, hesitated to add clear water to
the mud in order to facilitate the lowering of the sonde. Adequate cables
and winches had been shipped from Paris, but slow customs clearance and
rail transport delayed their arrival. Sauvage, the leader of the first
Schlumberger crew, skirted the problem, as Bayle had done in Venezuela,
by lowering the cable inside the drill pipe.
If a slow and not very efficient administration in the U.S.S.R. could
create difficulties, it had, on the other hand, a great advantage over
countries where operations are conducted by various companies, in that
here there was a single owner and the diagrams could be compared freely
across any geological structure. This circumstance, coupled with propi¬
tious sedimentary features, resulted in the production of many accurate
correlations by electrical coring within a period of several months. Also,
the world depression had left the U.S.S.R. untouched, and the First
Five-Year Plan provided for a rapid growth of petroleum production; to
that end, anything was welcomed that could increase the efficiency of
drilling and production. In no time the Grozny geologists made a basic
tool of electrical coring. While relying greatly on the guidance of their
French colleagues, they took interpretation into their own hands and
made the most of it. The results were especially good in the New Fields,
where large producing horizons showed peaks of up to several hundred
ohm-meters, while the surrounding shales did not exceed 4 or 5 ohm-
meters. Such sharpness of contrast was explained by the fact that in these
areas the formations had a very high oil saturation, whereas the remaining
interstitial water was of low salinity. It was recognized early by the
geologists that for some reservoirs the resistivity value reflected the order
of magnitude of the production rate; it could be anticipated from the
height of a peak whether the horizon would be gushing, and even whether
the daily production would be, say, 500 tons of oil without water, 10 tons
The Origins and Development of Logging
For the first operation on behalf of the Azneft Trust (Baku, October
1930), the same primitive equipment was at the site: hand-driven winch
and nonrecording potentiometer. One wonders whether the Azneft
people, though well aware of the value of electrical coring, wanted to test
it under conditions that looked somewhat like a trap. The well designated
for the operation belonged to the Surakhany field, one of Baku’s best
producers; but no one had told the prospectors that it was located on the
flank of the structure, where the strata were known to yield nothing but
salt water. Being accustomed to the Grozny diagrams with their huge
peaks, the prospectors were rather upset when, foot by foot, they read
very low resistivities varying between 0.5 and 1.5 ohms. This seemed to
be a bad omen for the future of electrical coring in Baku, but for the
Azneft people, on the contrary, it was definite proof that Schlumberger
meant business. The well selected for the next test was located near the
top of the structure, and, as expected, peaks appeared at the depth of the
oil-bearing strata.
In fact, Baku provided conditions even more suitable for electrical
coring than Grozny. The more than 500 wells drilled annually were less
deep, and lowering the sonde proved less laborious. Nearly the entire
production of some 20 sands interbedded with shales came from four
main fields: Surakhany, Lenin district, Bibi-Eibat, and Kara-Chukur.
These pay zones had variable thicknesses and were disturbed by multiple
faults. Clear geological markers were few (all the beds from top to bottom
were more or less the same, and there were essentially no fossils). These
circumstances explain why, especially after the introduction of the S.P.
curve, electrical coring could very rapidly make an invaluable contribu¬
tion. In the spring of 1931 four crews were at work with a daily average of
three to five operations, sometimes more; the strain of overwork was all
the greater in that, for lack of recorders, the plotting was still done point
by point, and only a few power-driven winches were available. In 1932
The History of a Technique
there were six crews with three recorders. The number of jobs exceeded
1200 in 1931 and 1800 in 1932.
During the same years the Surakhany and Bibi-Eibat fields were
comprehensively resurveyed using electrical coring. Accurate and detailed
structural maps defined the locations and throws of the faults and de¬
lineated the oil-bearing horizons, including some that until then had
remained unknown. A close relationship was observed between the resis¬
tivity and the contents of a horizon: as the formation waters were highly
mineralized, a fraction of an ohm-meter indicated an altogether aquifer¬
ous sand, whereas a few ohm-meters were a sure sign of an oil sand.
Bolder than their Grozny colleagues, the Baku geologists reached the
point where they could forecast from the diagram not only the order of
magnitude, but also exactly what the initial production of a reservoir
would be; they called this “translating ohms into tons.’’ Their enthusiasm
was such that, in spite of the warnings of the French engineers, they
abandoned mechanical coring altogether and conducted development and
even exploration wells under the sole guidance of electrical coring.29
Yet there were zones where the translation of ohms into tons could
lead to errors, and where even a qualitative diagnosis was uncertain. It
happened that in a field where electrical coring had just been introduced
resistivity peaks marked all the sandstones, whether oil- or water-bearing.
It took some time to realize that in such cases the mud had been prepared
with fresh water, and the invaded zone amounted to a resistant mantle
around the hole.30 After this experience and a few other experiments had
shown that diagrams alone would not solve all their problems, the Soviet
geologists gradually returned to more rational operating rules wherein
electrical and mechanical coring complemented each other.
On the other hand, electrical coring allowed for the use, in Baku, of
the “bottom to top” operating method. Standard procedure in most oil
fields was to exploit each horizon by a series of wells, systematically
29 In the summer of 1933 Maurice Martin, then assigned to Baku, was told that in lieu of
cuttings, cores, or geological cross sections the Azneft people showed long paper strips on
which undulating lines were supposed to represent electrical parameters. He was greatly
amused to find that the source of this “confidential” information was none other than
Messrs. Herold and Uren, the reputed American oil specialists who had been invited by
the Soviet industry for consultation.
30 The same difficulty was later encountered in many other regions of the world. The
solution was the use of a sonde with a sufficient investigation diameter.
The Origins and Development of Logging
31 It is important to prevent reservoirs from flowing into one another, to control water
intrusions, and to keep a precise production record for each pay zone.
The History of a Technique
sonde to lengths of 30 to 50 feet. It was not known at the time that, with a
lateral sonde of such length, insulation faults could entail substantial
errors in measurements. The curtailment of drilling operations resulted in
cancellation of the contract (end of 1930) before the question had been
clarified. Not until 5 years later was work resumed in the area.
Phase Two: 1933-1940
An overall view
1 According to the workload, a crew included one or two engineers and their helpers.
The History of a Technique
From 1933 on, S.P.E. ceased its surface work activities except for
incidental technical interventions. Electrical logging became its principal
activity, complemented by other initially modest but rapidly developing
processes: sidewell sampling and perforation (see p. 182 ff), teleclinometry,
temperature measurements, and dipmeter surveys. Additional services
technically related to logging involved water intrusions, well depth de-
2 Such figures correspond to 15,000 foot boreholes, a depth that was far beyond the
drilling record of the time.
The Origins and Development of Logging
3 The water of the mud displaces a large part of the oil or gas. As the adhesion of the water
to the grains of the rock is usually greater than that of hydrocarbons (water is said to wet
the rock better), the invaded zone acts like a seal, inhibiting the motion of the hydrocar¬
bons toward the well once it is in production. Furthermore, the interstitial shale may swell
under the effect of the filtrate, thus reducing the permeability of the invaded zone.
4 There is always a small fraction of water suspended in the oil, but in the shape of separate
droplets, and the mixture has no electric conductivity.
The History of a Technique
mation, was published regularly undl World War II, along with a number
of pamphlets and memoranda (Water Intrusions, October 1934; Sondes and
Weights, December 1934; Dipmeter, September 1933; Photographic Re¬
corder, 1937; Gun Perforator, 1939; etc.). With the hiring of American
personnel, some of this literature had to be issued in English. The first
English document, Principles of Electrical Logging Operations (January
1936), was followed by an issue of Proselec (November 1936) devoted
solely to S.P. Both were written in Paris in the usual Schlumberger format
and style. The writing of technical memoranda began in Houston with the
introduction of photographic recorders. In this respect it is interesting to
compare the two memoranda on the three-galvanometer recorder as
written in French in Paris and then in English in Houston, by the same
French engineer. The first, although concerned with practical directions,
reserves a large section for the functional description of its various com¬
ponents; the second consists mainly of push-button-type, complete, and
detailed instructions for use.
The electrode spacing of the normal sonde5 was set in each region
after a few tests and varied between 10 and 20 inches. Soft sand-shale
series contain many rather thick, porous horizons, with little invasion, so
that the measurements were close to the true resistivities. When the
lithology and the water salinity of these horizons were fairly uniform,6 a
comparison with production results in a few wells led to a sort of calibra¬
tion of the resistivities, and the basis for interpretation obtained in this
empirical way could be extrapolated to the whole field. Yet in other
regions, such as northern Texas and the Mid-Continent, where more
consolidated producing zones occur, true resistivities were rarely read on
the normal sonde diagram, mainly because of deep invasion, and it was
difficult to differentiate between hydrocarbon- and water-bearing forma¬
tions. For several years the long lateral7 (12 to 24 feet) was used from time
to time in these regions. There was nothing systematic in this approach,
one reason being that the overworked staff had little time for the record¬
ing of a third curve. Around 1937 the number of crews was increased;
they were better equipped and worked under more normal conditions,
5 The Baku operators for years kept the same 7.5 to 12 foot AMN devices as prevailed
when logging was introduced into the U.S.S.R.
6 This is mainly the case with waters of very high salinity (over 100,000 PPM).
7 In Trinidad a deep lateral sonde was frequently used to study very thick and deeply
invaded sands.
The Origins and Development of Logging
and with competition becoming a factor, the long lateral sonde was
offered as a standard service under the name “third curve with great
investigation range." In spite of its limitations, it was favorably received
and quickly became a standard tool.
Another improvement was introduced at the end of 1938 in the form
of the second normal. Thereafter, and for years to come, standard equip¬
ment included the short normal (16 inch), the long normal (64 inch), the
lateral, and the S.P. (Fig. 49). With the simultaneous introduction of the
four-conductor cable, the operation took place in two stages: first the two
normals and the S.P., then the lateral and again the S.P., so as to accurately
adjust the depths between the two logs. Sometimes one run could be
saved by making the lateral recording while lowering the cable into the
well. This was a compromise made to gather as many data as possible in
the shortest time. In many cases, however (e.g., consolidated formations
or horizons made of alternating thin layers such as sands, shales, and hard
beds), log interpretation remained uncertain. There was much room for
improvement, but it would have to wait until after the war, when focused
sondes would be put into operation.
8 The same problem was dealt with at the same time in Leningrad by Professor V. A. Fok,
but with a different mathematical approach.
9 There is no strict analytical solution when the media involved in the measurement are
separated by both cylinders and planes, as is the case in a formation having a finite
The History of a Technique
Figure 49■ Log recorded with standard equipment: short normal, long normal, lateral, and S.P.
sponses of the sondes, they were of little help in actual cases in obtaining
the precise values of the true resistivities. To do this would have required,
among other things, that the formations be sufficiently thick and
homogeneous, a situation almost never encountered.
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
Figure 50. Schematic representation of the laboratory device used by Conrad Schlumberger to
study the electrochemical component of S.P. (1932).
E = K log,, -^SL.
The various values found for coefficient K averaged 17, whereas more
recent studies have shown that its precise value is 71 at 25 degrees C. The
reason Conrad found a much lower value was that in his experiments the
clays were under less stress than those in the subsoil, where they sustain
the pressure of the surrounding media. Although these results were
known to lack accuracy, the conclusion was drawn that the electrochemi¬
cal component of the S.P. was relatively small.15 This idea prevailed for a
decade, during which time nothing was done to better define the respec¬
tive parts of the two main components of S.P. All that was known was
that, in areas where mud and formation water resistivities were close and
rather high, the electrofiltration phenomenon might be preponderant, as
shown by tests in Burma (1934), Pennsylvania (1936-1937), and Califor-
15 Yet Tanida, Kyoto, Vol. 4, p. 1333 (quoted in Proselec, November 1936), had given a K
value of 58 for potassium chloride solutions (similar to sodium chloride) separated by a
collodion diaphragm, whose electrochemical behavior is comparable to that of clay.
The History of a Technique
nia (1934-1939). On the other hand it seemed that, when the mud was
relatively conductive, although less so than the formation water—as in
Baku or southern Texas—the electrochemical phenomenon perhaps pre¬
vailed. In boreholes where the mud was more conductive than the forma¬
tion water the S.P. anomalies became positive, a discovery that could be
explained only by the preponderance of electrochemical phenomena.
At the same time, it was realized that the amplitude of the S.P.
anomalies, as well as of the apparent resistivity, might be a function of the
geometry and the resistivities of the media in which the current flows
(borehole, invaded zone, undisturbed zone, formation shoulders), and
that, in particular, it decreases opposite thin formations. It gradually
became apparent that the spontaneous potentials, continuous and low as
they are (usually below 100 millivolts), are exposed to perturbations of
various origins: stray currents (often caused by operations in a nearby
well), the vertical component of telluric currents, instability of the surface
electrode, voltages induced by the terrestrial field in the slack cable
between winch and well, uneven polarization of the metal of the sonde
(bimetallic effect), heterogeneous mud column, and so on. The protection
of S.P. measurements against such disturbances has been the subject of
careful and continued studies.
It will be recalled that during his early work Conrad had observed the
polarization induced in the ground by the flow of a direct current (I.P.)
and had thought of utilizing it in the search for conductive minerals (see p.
31). From the introduction of electrical coring, he had advanced the
hypothesis that rocks might behave like a system of resistors and
capacitors, in which the water would be the armature and the mineral
grains the dielectrics. Such a system would generate I.P. potentials reflect¬
ing the porosity and oil content of the rock. He hoped that these poten¬
tials might be substituted for S.P. whenever the latter lacked sharpness,
and complement the resistivities in the identification of oil-bearing hori¬
zons. A few tests in the U.S.S.R. between 1930 and 1933 confirmed that
I.P. generated measurable potentials, but no clear correlation could be
established between those and other properties characterizing the forma¬
tions.16 Schlumberger was then so engaged in urgent developments that
16 It had not occurred to Conrad that the clays might have a part in the mechanism of I.P. It
emerged much later that their role was a preponderant one; hence the values he had
measured had a meaning different from his interpretation.
The Origins and Development of Logging
As logging spread over the world, new problems arose daily. It was
noticed that the presence within permeable rocks of very fine particles,
mainly clays, may substantially reduce the resistivity of oil-bearing strata.
In certain regions like southwest Texas, the reduction could be so sig¬
nificant as to prevent petroleum diagnosis. Thus there was, by 1936, a first
awareness that interpretation could be complicated by the presence of
clay in the reservoirs—a prelude of the many studies made after World
War II on the “shaly sands” problem.
Other problems arose in the study of limestone fields. It was found
that S.P. 'diagrams gave only broad, approximate limits of limestone series,
and showed only vague inflections through permeable or shaly intervals.
In these limestone series it was also observed that, contrary to what occurs
in sand-shale series, the pay zones were generally more conductive than
the impermeable adjacent formations. Furthermore, since limestones usu¬
ally have very high resistivities, most of the current was channeled along
the borehole, which made the diagrams confusing; it was difficult to read
the depth of the contacts between formation boundaries, and there was
only a remote relationship between apparent and true resistivities. In
most cases nobody could tell whether the conductive intervals corre¬
sponded to permeable zones or to marls, let alone differentiate water from
hydrocarbons. Moreover, it frequently happens that limestone fields are
topped by thick layers of rock salt, which saturate the drilling mud and
result in still more featureless resistivity curves and the reduction of the
S.P. curve to an almost flat line. Not very successful attempts were made
to revive the sharpness of the resistivity logs by fitting insulating sleeves
on the sonde between electrodes. In certain cases it was possible through
thermometric measurements to locate roughly the potential gas-bearing
zones, but such information remained of only local and contingent use.
The utility of logging in limestone fields thus continued to be very
limited. In the 1950’s this situation was remedied by the introduction of
improved measuring techniques. It is quite conceivable, however, that if
early logging tests had been conducted only in limestones the failure
might have been final. Fortunately, Schlumberger’s reputation had been
so firmly established by the Company’s success in logging sand-shale
basins that, when the limestone problem had to be tackled, the partial
The History of a "Technique
From 1928 (see p. 109) to about 1938 the types of cables hardly
changed. The tensile strengths were 2, 4, and finally 8 tons. As these
values meant more steel, increased tensile strength involved higher den¬
sity, and the running in of the sonde became easier. In 1938 a fourth
insulated conductor was added to the cable (see p. 163).
The protective braid was still made of a textile fiber: first hemp, flax,
or jute, and somewhat later ramie for its higher resistance to abrasion and
decay. Yet in spite of the utmost care in its preservation—drying in the
sun, spraying for disinfection—the braid would be practically worn out
while the insulated conductors were still intact. The action of oil-base
muds was especially harmful. Friction tape was used to patch up thread¬
bare or torn-away sections to the extent that the braid was gradually
replaced over its full length. In many cases, especially when replacements
became scarce during World War II, shreds of braid would dangle be¬
tween winch and well like old clothes on a line, and the cables were called
“rag lines.” However unsightly, the situation in no way lessened the
strength and insulation of the conductors and did not affect the accuracy
of the logs. What the drillers did not appreciate were the bits of friction
tape carried by the mud through hoses, pumps, and valves.
Certain formations yielded gas, or oil charged with gas, which under
high pressure and temperature became embedded in the natural rubber.
On emergence from the hole, the expansion and discharge of the gas
produced open blisters in the rubber. This happened mainly when perfo¬
rations brought an immediate flow of hydrocarbons, rather than in the
course of logging operations. Shortly before the war the introduction of
synthetic rubbers (Duprene and neoprene) as insulating materials began
to obviate this shortcoming.
For years sondes were made of a rubber-coated section of tricable,
and electrodes of lead wire coils. The weights were of cast lead or brass.
To ensure that the measurements reached as closely as possible to the
bottom of the hole, weights were placed above the AM electrodes of the
normal tricable sonde; the lower end of the sonde carrying the electrodes
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technique
Figure 51. 1958-type truck: inside of the cab, displaying the two hand recorders, the cylindrical
housing of the pulsator, and the slanted stem transmitting the cable motion to the paper drums.
The Origins and Development of Logging
Figure 52. The truck fully equipped. The winch has been located in front of the rear axle for
better load distribution.
measurements, the cable was pulled out at full speed, it sometimes happened
that the winch operator forgot to slow down in time and the weight or sonde
was pulled into the sheave; this usually meant that the cable broke and the
sonde and weight dropped to the bottom of the well. To enable the operator to
sight the emerging sonde immediately and stop it in time, an improvement was
devised in 1934; the cable was passed over a sheave suspended by the traveling
block some 30 feet above the rotary table. In the same year a first “logging
stuffing box” mounted on the wellhead made it possible to lower the cable
in wells drilled under pressure.
The History of a Technique
other for the S. P. curve) found shelter in the cab of the truck, they were, as
in the early days of surface prospecting, placed side by side on their tripods
next to the vehicle.
Hand recording was simple enough: as the cable was pulled out of the
hole, the engineers watched the curves being drawn and took note of all
the perturbing incidents (equipment deficiencies, stray currents, and
other parasitic effects). However, when there were several thousand feet
of open hole to be surveyed and the recording took several hours,17 the
operators were placed under heavy strain; on top of this they later had to
make clean ink copies of the diagrams. On the other hand, certain com¬
panies required that all logging data remain confidential, especially for
“tight” exploration wells.18 Even though secrecy was a tenet of the
Schlumberger staffs professional ethics, these companies were reluctant
to see the paper strips, with their wealth of data which could often, so to
speak, be read like an open book, remain in the hands of the prospectors.
Hence there were several reasons warranting automatic photographic
recording: aside from its operational advantages, such a system would
guarantee secrecy since the client could receive the recorded log on
unprocessed film. Moreover, a number of automatic measuring devices
for all sorts of parameters were already on the United States (especially
the California) market, and clients who considered neatness important
tended to look down on the somewhat makeshift array of two hand
recorders with their plates and cranks.
Studies on a photographic recorder began in Paris in late 1933. The
Russians were pursuing the same project. The principle was the same on
both sides: to replace the operator by a servomechanism capable of
rotating the knobs of the potentiometer. The French solution was based
on a photoelectric cell. Triggered by the deviations of the needle around
zero, it actuated a servomotor through a system of amplifiers and vacuum
tube rectifiers. After laboratory tests, however, this arrangement was
found to be too slow and was abandoned even before a real field pro¬
totype had been built. The Russians, for their part, persevered. About
1936 they came up with a huge engine containing a servomechanism that
was much less agile than the operator’s arm, so that the system’s inertia
limited the recording speed to less than 1500 feet per hour.
17 The highest recording speed was then 1500 feet per hour.
18 Tight in the sense of proof against any leak of information.
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technique
Figure 53■ Facsimile of a log recorded with the high-speed mirror galvanometer. On the
right-hand side, the two-scale resistivity; on the left-hand side, the S.P. (1935).
17 6
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
The teleclinometer was intensively used in the U.S.S.R. (in the Baku
area in 1933, 794 operations involving 11,653 measuring stations in 426
wells) and gradually introduced wherever there were logging crews. From
1940 on, however, the teleclinometer was almost completely replaced by
the photoclinometer, a simpler instrument perfected by Marcel during
the 2 preceding years. Centering devices brought the axis of the photo¬
clinometer into practical coincidence with that of the borehole. It con¬
tained a steel ball rolling freely on a graduated spherical cup, and a magnet
kept horizontal by a universal joint suspension. The whole was photo¬
graphed at each station in a single exposure, which indicated the drift
angle of the well and its azimuth with respect to the magnetic north. A
series of consecutive pictures could be taken at intervals of 15 to 50 feet
on a 35 millimeter film electrically controlled from the surface. The
profile of the well could be easily computed from the data of each frame.
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
angle of the dip at each level where the boundary of two formations was
shown by a sufficiently sharp S.P. deflection, that is, mainly at the top and
bottom of the permeable layers.
A preliminary test, conducted in early 1936 in the Long Beach,
California, field with a locally made electrode assembly, had demonstrated
that the depth differences between the three S.P. curves could be
evaluated with adequate accuracy. The tool was further perfected in
France in 1938-1939. A. Claudet was instrumental in promoting its use in
Louisiana in 1941; thereafter it was marketed throughout the United
The new dipmeter was not only faster, safer, and easier to operate
than the electromagnetic dipmeter, but also gave more complete data. It
The History of a Technique
21 Among others, the U.S. patent of S. A. Williston, filed in 1925, granted in 1931, and
assigned to Sperry-Sun.
22 Sidewall sampling was originally considered as having the primary purpose of refining
and checking log interpretation.
The Origins and Development of Logging
The first sidewall sampler (1931) was a long mandrel inside which a
mechanism could swing a normally almost vertical lever around an axis.
The actual coring tool was a hollow cylinder of alloy steel perpendicular to
the lower end of the lever. The motion driving the coring tool into the
formation and then bringing it back with a sample was not unlike the
stroke of a pick. To swing the lever, various solutions were tried: an
explosive charge, oil pressure, motor power. No prototype went beyond
the experimental stage. In a later model (1933) the driving force was the
hydraulic pressure of the mud column. A prototype successfully tested in
Baku (1935) remained in the U.S.S.R.
The lever sampler was a heavy and complicated tool and could take
only one core at a time. Marcel also had the idea of a sidewall sampler
firing bullets. There has been little basic change in this tool since it was
first completed in 1934. The core bullet is a hollow tube, projected into
the wall by the deflagration of an electrically ignited powder charge. The
bullet is connected with the body of the tool by two steel wires, coiled
when the bullet is inside the barrel, and having a 16 inch range when
uncoiled by the shot. These wires retrieve the bullet and its contents
when the sampler is pulled out (Fig. 56).
The sampler was tested at Pechelbronn in April 1935, with a tempo¬
rary arrangement of three barrels a few inches apart. Each barrel was
connected to a conductor of the tricable and carried a 1 inch inside
diameter bullet with a core length capacity of 1 Ys inches. Satisfactory
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
Figure 57. The first sidewall sampler, used as a current emission electrode.
The History of a Technique
result in cable breaks entailing long and costly fishing jobs. As the first
operations proceeded smoothly, these fears were promptly allayed.
Operating conditions tougher and more varied than Pechelbronn’s, how¬
ever, led to a gradual change in certain design features. For instance,
bullets were plugged by a small brass front plate which would snip off
under the impact, so that the mud could not fill them and oppose their
penetration into the formation. A whole set of front plates was required,
and the choice—based on the powder charge, the well depth and
diameter, and the nature of the formation—was a rather delicate one.
Most of the time the plates snipped off too soon or not at all and were
abandoned. Instead a hole was drilled at the bottom of each bullet, so that
the mud could escape when the bullet penetrated the formation. Another
improvement was to insert a disposable aluminum end plug in the bottom
of the bullet.
Three bullets in one run were too few, especially when, on the
average, one out of three was either lost or arrived at the surface empty
because of faulty ignition, a very hard formation, the sample being flushed
by the mud while coming out of the hole, or some other circumstance.
Based on the same design, a six-shot unit followed. Finally, the 1939
model comprised three six-shot units fitted in the same body and operated
by the quadricable (Fig. 58). A conductor went to the igniters of each of
the three units, the circuit being closed by grounding. There were now
two separate operations, each requiring a trip into the well: on the first
trip the log was recorded; on the second the sidewall samples were taken
at the depths indicated. The S.P. curve, recorded with one electrode
connected to the fourth conductor, positioned the sampler.
All these improvements, together with the engineers’ growing
operating skill, made the sidewall sampler an efficient tool in the soft but
cohesive formations constituting mainly the sand-shale series. The opera¬
tional yield (i.e., the ratio of the number of samples retrieved to bullets
loaded) reached an average of 70 percent. The data on formation charac¬
teristics gathered from such samples are not always as accurate as those
from conventional cores because the former are much smaller; hence
their analysis, whenever feasible, is less dependable. Such samples usually
come from formations where oil and gas, if any, have been displaced by
mud filtrate; or where the violent impact may alter the structure of the
mineral grains and consequently the porosity and permeability of the
formations. Nonetheless, because of its convenient operation and low
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technique
help in the computation of the dip, on the assumption that the actual
positions of the cores in situ, especially their azimuths, could be deter¬
mined. The idea was to complement the sidewall sampler by adding a
device like the photoclinometer, but the difficulties, especially the
vibrations produced by the firing, were such that the project was dropped.
In connection with the subject of sidewall sampling, Conrad’s at¬
tempt in 1935 to build the so-called “sucker,” a device to draw the liquids
out of formations, is worthy of mention. At that time, however, what
seemed to be a promising concept got no further than the drawing board.
It was successfully taken up again 20 years later.
At the depth set for perforation, a well may be cased by two or three
coaxial strings. The bullets were therefore expected to pierce one, two, or
three steel casings—each more than Y% inch thick—and two or three
sections of cement, while maintaining enough momentum to penetrate
the formations and open drains. Furthermore, the bullet had maximum
efficiency when fired perpendicularly to the casing wall, which left a bare
4 inches for the barrel and the powder chamber. To avoid excessive
charges with the risk that their deflagration might deform or even rupture
the powder chamber, Marcel’s first idea was to have a longer barrel,
parallel to the axis of the well, with a muzzle bent at a right angle. A
preliminary test is said to have been made with a hot-bent shotgun barrel.
At any rate a prototype was built in which the bend was lined with needle
bearings to facilitate the turn of the bullet. After a few tests, this “gun to
shoot around corners” (everyone, from workshop to field, made fun of it)
was also abandoned. Moreover, since perforation with bullets was claimed
in a patent granted to Lane Wells in the United States, it seemed prefera¬
ble to look for a different concept. A hydraulically controlled punching
tool, designed and worked out by Doll, was tested in Pechelbronn, the
U.S.S.R., and Rumania (1935). From punch ruptures and other unlucky
incidents it soon became apparent that its development would require a
long period of work, and so the design studies veered toward a system
with an electrically driven twist drill. Unfortunately the tool resulting
from studies initiated in 1936 proved too complex for current field
Meanwhile, Marcel, backed by considerable experience already ac¬
quired with the sidewall sampling gun, had reverted to the idea of bullets.
He designed a powder chamber surrounding a transversal barrel; in this
The Origins and Development of Logging
way not only could the latter be given all available length, but also
deflagration gases built up a very high pressure on the bottom of the bullet
by the time it began to move (Fig. 59). The perforator based on this
principle was made of three adjoining cylindrical steel blocks (Fig. 58).
The barrels were screwed into chambers (four to eight) machined into
each block at regular intervals (8 to 12 inches) along helicoidal lines. Each
chamber received powder in bulk; the ignition system was much the same
as for the sidewall sampler. Each block could fire a burst if desired: all that
was necessary was to substitute an element with a discharge port between
contiguous chambers in place of the usual igniters; the deflagration would
then automatically spread to all the chambers after the first one had been
electrically fired.
Figure 59. Schematic cross section of the annular chamber perforator barrel. The dark object in
front of the bullet is a rubber plug ensuring watertightness before firing.
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
Under a new contract with Shell Oil, one crew (Gilbert Deschâtre
and Jean Legrand) was assigned to California in July 1932, and another
(Jean Mathieu) to the Gulf Coast in early 1933. Shell Oil supplied the
vehicles and drivers, and the crews were free to work for other clients.
The service was paid for at a fixed rate per operation.
Initial operations got under way with a minimum of physical facilities.
The prospectors’ only office was at their place of residence, and space for
the workshops and stores was rented from garages. In spite of such
modest means, the potential market to be served included many clients
scattered over an immense territory. Once the crews were able to survey
several wells in the same field, they quickly demonstrated, particularly by
the discovery of numerous faults, that correlations furnished by logs gave
an accurate representation of the subsurface; in fact, the correlations often
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
berger services into numerous other countries had one common aspect: in
spite of agreements concluded at “the highest level,” the crews were
usually received by uninformed and reserved people. Two examples out
of many may be cited. Under a contract with the Burmah Oil Company of
London, Sauvage conducted, at the end of 1934, some 10 logging opera¬
tions at Yenanguang, Burma. Yet the local geologists, confined in their
routine, showed such little interest in his cross sections and structural map
that it took the intervention of a young engineer just arrived from
England, who fully understood the meaning of the data, to talk his
colleagues into using the logs as working tools. Similarly, Gabriel
Guichardot and Elie Paulin went to Argentina under contract to Shell Oil,
but 2 years of effort was required to enlist the cooperation of the heavy-
handed Y.P.F.,23 in spite of satisfactory results in the Patagonian oil basin.
Nevertheless, logging was spreading from year to year: Assam
(1934); Morocco (1935); Austria, Colombia, and Japan (1936); Sumatra,
which in 1938 became a rather large operation with 10 engineers; Poland
and Hungary (1938); Iraq and Kuwait (1939). Such expansion on an
international scale could not avoid competition, and in its footsteps fol¬
lowed patent suits and infringement actions. Even though, in 1942,
Schlumberger lost the benefit of its basic patents, such conflicts were
salutary inasmuch as they demanded increased efforts to compensate for a
measure of relaxation into which, at least in the United States, the
Company had been lulled by a period of exceptional security and prosper¬
Thus, before World War II, Schlumberger teams were already all
over the world. Each engineer, whether alone or serving as the chief of a
mission (the word “mission” had not yet become a clear-cut concept), had
physical, technical, legal, and commercial responsibility. The crew, the
basic unit described in a brochure captioned Operations sur le Terrain
(Field Operations), was in fact a kind of spontaneous outgrowth, a logical
result of similar experiences in different parts of the world. Consisting of
one engineer and two driver-helpers,24 the crew was on duty around the
23 Yacimentos Petroliferos Fiscales. The first operation in Argentina (and in the southern
hemisphere) took place on November 30, 1934.
24 According to the brochure, they were “conscientious, sober, serious-minded, punctual,
dedicated, healthy, and honest workers, who could be depended upon at any time. For
The History of a Technique
clock, 7 days a week, ready to answer the client’s call and drive the truck
with its required equipment to the drilling site. Whatever the duration of
the operation (with hardly a chance for a meal or a rest), it could well be
one in a continuous sequence of equally demanding tasks. In many
regions permanent readiness was expected for the servicing of far-away
wells requiring expeditions of several days and employing various con¬
veyances. Most of the time the Schlumberger engineer would thoroughly
examine the diagram with a geologist or engineer present on the site, and
his professional pride was great when the log pointed to a probable
productive zone otherwise undetected during drilling. Back at his base he
had to draw fair copies of the logs, clean and, if required, repair the
equipment, and only then think of sleep. Sometimes an engineer-trainee
was assigned to the crew, and the helpers were only too happy to relegate
to him the most tiring and dirtiest part of the work. It was his initiation.
Only much later would he deal with more refined tasks, such as cables,
film, and control panels.
It was a tough but exciting job, completely unpredictable as to work
schedule, yet, outside of work, unhampered by any constraint. Once in a
while, of course, fatigue, isolation, and harsh climate produced clashes,
but as a general rule teamwork and comradeship prevailed in the small
group without impairing discipline and mutual respect. In countries
where language was originally a problem, contact with assistants and
drillers soon made the prospector fluent in profanity—which he would
then use elsewhere in total innocence. From Venezuela to Indonesia,
from Assam to Oklahoma, these hardworking crews were proud of a life
so different from that of others. They could depend only on themselves,
but they went along, solving their problems, and on the whole giving their
best at the cost of great effort.
this reason, their salaries were slightly above average. “With all that is expected of
servants,’’ asked Figaro, “does your Excellency know many masters worthy of being one?”
Phase Three: 1940-1945
The History of a Technique
such density that the Archimedes forces were equal to the weight of the
coil. Since the latter then behaves like an integral part of the liquid, it does
not tend to move with respect to the liquid or to the housing when the
system sustains an acceleration.1 It is, in particular, unaffected by truck
vibrations; moreover, the torsion wire (or rather ribbon) is no longer
under tensile stress (thus cannot break), and it becomes unnecessary to
lock the coil. Since the centers of gravity of the coil and the liquid
coincide, the angle of the coil with respect to the vertical is immaterial, a
valuable asset whenever it is impossible to station the truck on a strictly
horizontal platform.2 Additional desirable features distinguish the instru¬
ment. It is small enough for nine units to be housed in the recorder. Its
sensitivity can be accurately adjusted by a magnetic shunt as demanded by
circumstances. It can sustain 100 times its design voltage and still return
perfectly to zero.3 Even informed observers marvel at the sturdiness of
this galvanometer under the roughest handling.
The inventor, Maxime Picard, had to overcome tough theoretical and
technical problems before completing such an outstanding instrument.
While meeting the specifications set for volume, accuracy, sensitivity, and
damping, he had to find a liquid that had the desired density, viscosity, and
refraction index and was, furthermore, neutral with respect to the metal of
the housing.4 The equilibrium of the coil inside the liquid necessitated
highly delicate adjustments. The reduction to zero of optical dispersion in
a system working with white light required study of the placement of
lenses between the mirror of the coil and the window of the housing,
which led to endless and inconclusive calculations. The problem was
solved by closing the window with a spherical lens centered on the axis of
the coil. Much work was still required to bring the galvanometer to final
perfection. This was not achieved before the war ended. Felix Barreteau, a
young engineer recruited in Paris, made a decisive contribution.
Another long-term project was the improvement of the remote
transmission system. The monocable solution, studied before the war, was
1 Only a rotation around the axis modifies the relative coil-housing position.
2 This advantage is even more valuable in marine operations aboard rolling ships.
3 This is equivalent to an ordinary 110 volt light bulb being unaffected by a voltage of
11,000 volts.
4 What proved impossible was to prevent the etching of the metal by the liquid in the long
run and the ensuing formation of microscopic gas bubbles sticking to the connection of the
wire and modifying the torque and the response of the instrument.
The Origins and Development of Logging
again put on the drawing board with the objective no longer merely
lighter equipment, but also shorter operations by simultaneous recording
of the lateral and other parameters. Marcel then reformulated the prob¬
lem in broader and more flexible but ambitious terms, namely, to record
four parameters with three conductors, five parameters with four conduc¬
tors, and so on. Two years were spent on this effort, made more difficult
because all testing had to be done in the laboratory since Pechelbronn was
occupied by the Germans. The work proceeded by trial and error with
great imagination and skill, but doubtful success, until the idea for a new
device, the sequential (later called the chronological) system, originated in
the mind of Bricaud. The idea of multiple frequencies was abandoned; the
measurements were to be made according to the standard technique, but,
at each depth, one after another and in a given order. The result was
obtained by appropriate timing of the pulsator, allowing signals to be
switched into the proper circuits. With the Houston technical services
participating,5 the project was completed in 1946. An important question
to decide was the number of conductors required in the armored cable: on
the basis of tests conducted in France, Bricaud again proved conclusively
that a correct simultaneous recording of S.P., two normals, and one lateral
required six conductors. This was a far cry from the lighter equipment
advocated earlier by Marcel, but the system was operational and served
for many years.
Other studies sought to improve minor technical features of per¬
forators, winches, the photoclinometer, and the S.P. dipmeter. Another
problem tackled during the first postwar months was the rational layout of
the various control instruments, such as rheostats, switches, and amme¬
ters, used in all operations (logging, perforating, sidewall sampling, etc.).
Except in the United States all these instruments had, until now, been
lodged in the cab according to the operators’ preferences and without any
fixed rule. Le combine (a multipurpose wiring system) was designed to
obviate such diversity: it was a kind of big trunk housing all surface
electrical controls, but if the look was neat and orderly, there was a
drawback to its multiplicity; the slightest malfunction entailed a total,
time-consuming and laborious disassembly to locate the trouble. “Le
combiné” was unable to prevail against the system soon to be adopted in
5 Even though the state of electronic technology in the United States at that time might
have supported a multiple-frequency solution as the natural one, the fact remains that
modern electronics makes extensive use of chronological systems.
The History of a Technique
The Origins and Development of Logging
The History of a Technique
tivities of the media where S.P. currents flow. This became the nucleus of
a comprehensive and rigorous treatise which Doll was to present in a long
1948 communication (see p. 229), a basic reference document for the
interpretation of S.P. logs.
Another research project on S.P. proposed by Doll was pursued for a
few years by André Blanchard. The principle was to submit the mud to
quick and continuous impulses, thus producing periodic variations of the
pressure and hence of the electrofiltration potentials. The hope was to
record by this process, at the level of permeable formations, a “vibrated”
S.P. characterizing them distinctly, whereas ordinary S.P. gives only vague
indications, as in limestone fields. The project never got out of the
Finally, in 1943, a device to tag formations by radioactive bullets
represented the first application of electronics by Schlumberger to either
surface or downhole equipment. It did not reach the field until 1946.
From 1942 on, Doll and several members of the Engineering De¬
partment devoted most of their time to work for the War Department. A
nonprofit organization, Electro-Mechanical Research (E.M.R.), was es¬
tablished at the initiative of André Istel to support the war effort; its stock
was shared equally by Schlumberger, Doll, and two other French
partners. The principal achievement of the new organization was a mine
detector carried in front of a jeep. Up to May 1940, Doll had already
done considerable work on this project on behalf of the French Ministry
of Armaments after being released from the army on special duty for this
purpose. At the end of 1942, he assembled a team8 to resume the project,
and within a few months an operational prototype had been completed.
The detector proper, located far enough forward not to be affected by the
metal parts of the vehicle, rested on wheels with special soft rubber-lined
rims, so that the ground could be scanned smoothly. To prevent the
whole thing from being blown up when driving over a mine, the wheel
pressure was reduced by a lever and countersprings. The electronic circuit
was designed in such a way that the presence of a mine ahead would
automatically and instantaneously set the brakes of the vehicle; the same
happened in the case of circuit failure, an essential safeguard for equip-
8 The team was composed of M. Lebourg for the mechanical part and Ch. Aiken and G. K.
Miller for electronics.
The Origins and Development of Logging
ment whose very vocation was to court clanger. This system also compen¬
sated for the slow drifts of the signal caused by the distortion of the
winding under high temperatures. Another electronic component, based
on the phase discrimination between emitter and receiver, eliminated the
stray signals produced by mechanical distortions of the detector or by
certain features of the terrain, like magnetic soil (e.g., a granite-paved or
slag-surfaced road) or seawater on a beach. About 200 detectors of this
type, some tank mounted, were made by the U.S. Army.
Toward the end of the war, Doll improved his detector by the
introduction of an original feedback circuit. An essential feature was a
variometer tube, which separates the in-phase component of a signal
almost instantaneously and completely from the out-of-phase component
—up to 100 times larger—and conversely. This phase selection system
became standard in the manufacture of hand detectors for antipersonnel
mines. In recognition for its financial contribution to the project, Schlum-
berger retained full commercial rights to patents granted relevant to
logging, particularly to those applying to the above detector system,
which was later to become a part of induction logging.
Finally, research work was conducted by E.M.R. on the automatic
guidance of missies.9
9 See New Weapons for Air Warfare, Little, Brown & Company, Boston, Chapter XXVI.
10 "The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determining Some Reservoir Characteris¬
tics,” Petroleum Technology (T.P. 1422), 1942.
The History of a Technique
in which the exponent m usually varies between 1.8 and 2.2.
In addition, the author had analyzed the results of measurements
published by other researchers (see note 12, p. 166) in which the oil
present in the pores intervened, and had worked out the average formula:
r> _
J w
where Rt stands for the resistivity of the sample, Sw for its water satura¬
tion, and n for another exponent which, in most sands and sandstones
without interstitial shales (“clean sandstones”), seems to be close to 2. The
saturation was then given by the equation
or, again,
The Origins and Development of Logging
Ri =
where Rm stands for mud resistivity, and N for water saturation (there
always remains a substantial amount of oil or gas that the mud filtrate
cannot displace).
When this equation was combined with that for the undisturbed
the result was
Rj _ Rm S2w
Rt Rw ~ST
where F has been eliminated.
As the horizons studied by Tixier in the Rockies were usually very
thick, had average porosity, and hence were rather deeply invaded, he
assumed that after certain simplified corrections the readings of the short
normal and of the long normal (or of the lateral) gave the values of Ri and
Rt, respectively. On the other hand, the many comparisons he made
between the amplitude of the S.P. deflection and the values of Rm and Rw
(as measured on samples) led him to conclude that the electrofiltration
component was practically negligible, and that the electrochemical com¬
ponent of the S.P. could be expressed by
The History of a Technique
i o
R>n ç
^ W
This was far from rigorous: in particular, as the water content of the
pores diminishes gradually from the borehole to the undisturbed zone,
parameters Rf and St are rather vaguely defined averages. However, these
approximations did not prevent the Tixier method from being used in
many cases to take the greatest possible advantage of the logs, and this far
beyond the Rocky Mountains.
Tixier also deserves credit for having shown experimentally that a
reasonably approximate value of Rw can be obtained from the S.P. An
article by Humble’s W. D. Mounce and W. M. Rust11 brought a contribu¬
tion to this problem based on laboratory measurements concerning the
electrofiltration and electrochemical components. In the postwar years
the interest engendered by all these works motivated extensive research
that confirmed the predominance of the electrochemical component and
gave more accurate values for the coefficient in the formula defining it.
After 1945
Phase One: 1945-1957
The History of a Technique
perforating operations in 1938, 2 years before Lane Wells could start its
logging services.
Taking advantage of its lead in logging, Schlumberger claimed that,
although depth measurements with a cable were not always perfect in
absolute value, they were still relatively consistent; and, therefore, it is
preferable to lower the perforator with the same cable which was used for
logging. The argument was a somewhat weak one because the conditions
in a cased well, filled for perforation purposes with a generally low-density
mud, were quite different from those at the time of logging (i.e., open
hole and a heavier mud). However, it had considerable appeal where the
productive sands were thin, 5 to 10 feet, and it led to the development of
substantial activity in the Louisiana and Texas Gulf Coast. With greater
well depths, these questions of depth correlation became increasingly
thorny and required a new approach.
On the other hand, Lane Wells had good equipment, their armored
cable was a particular advantage over Schlumberger’s rag line, and many
companies preferred to split the business by giving Schlumberger the
logging and Lane Wells the perforating; hence perforating never de¬
veloped into as large a business as had been expected.
Schlumberger’s auxiliary operations included sidewall sampling,
which was very successful in alternating sands and shales; temperature
recording, specifically used to locate the cement top and the rarely
occurring actual gas intrusions in the drilling mud—a technique im¬
properly applied for locating oil zones in Kansas; and, finally, dip mea¬
surements, much appreciated by geologists, especially in areas where the
generally quiet oil field tectonics had been disturbed by the upsurge of
salt domes. Although the anisotropy dipmeter was still being used in
certain parts of South America, only the correlation dipmeter was em¬
ployed in the United States, for it gave not only the azimuth of the dip (as
did the anisotropy dipmeter) but also its magnitude.
The truck had been somewhat modernized since its initial
standardization in 1936. It was an International or Mack weighing about 12
tons gross. The winch accommodated 12,000 to 15,000 feet of four-
conductor, rubber-insulated, and textile-braided cable.
The electrical equipment, designed for resistivity logging and
sidewall sampling, was luckily, because of the nature of the mea¬
surements, well suited for temperature logging; but the dipmeter opera-
After 1945
tion involved a few tricks and additional apparatus in the cab. Perforating
required only the cable and the winch, with the firing devices connected
directly to the winch collector.
In addition to the standard or heavy truck, there was a model for
fields where the depth of the sedimentary rocks did not exceed 4500 feet,
as in Illinois, Kansas, and eastern Oklahoma. Generally similar to the
Mack or International type, though lighter and less powerful, the equip¬
ment was mounted on a Ford chassis.1 Several of these trucks endured
some of the roughest winter operations in Illinois. The terrain difficulties
encountered in the muddy Louden and Salem fields were attested to by
the fact that, for certain months, the trucks remained in the area and
were pulled by caterpillar from well to well; as a result, the gas consump¬
tion of fhese vehicles with little recorded mileage was 1 gallon for each
mile charged to the client. Perforating, which included on-site transporta¬
tion of heavy, loaded guns, utilized a pickup truck to assist the logging
Needless to say, by the time the war ended, all of the equipment was
in rather sad shape. Nothing had come from France since 1939. In spite of
the shortages, considerable equipment had been made in the United
States because of the crucial need for logging in top-priority petroleum
production. Basic items like photographic recorders, galvanometers, pul-
sators, and photoclinometers had to be drawn from prewar stores. The
American-made truck chassis, engines, and transmissions were also giving
out, because replacements were allocated only in cases of dire need.
In South America, where communication with Paris had been cut off
and contact with the United States was difficult, things were even worse.
Some local procurement was attempted, particularly in Argentina, and
great ingenuity was shown by engineers and assistants in stretching the life
of the equipment, but it was reaching the end.
While the apparatus required a thorough renewal, it was also time to
take a fresh look at a number of pending problems and to sort out the
wartime technological developments that could be applied to logging.
Both the need for renewal and the opening of new avenues warranted fast
and proper action: fast, because the clients who had shown forbearance
and understanding when Schlumberger failures stemmed from wartime
1 The chassis was too short for the winch to be installed in front of the rear axle.
The History of a Technique
shortages in men and material would no longer tolerate them; and proper,
because the new course to be charted would determine the direction of
the future for years to come.
At the end of the war the economic climate in the United States was
highly favorable. Notwithstanding temporary or local vicissitudes, the
petroleum industry was clearly off to a new start and new record perfor¬
mances, first in the United States and then all over the world. The time of
shortages was over; all available energy resources had to be expanded to
produce rapidly the means to operate the cars, refrigerators, and toasters
that everybody wanted. For Schlumberger the market was open and the
challenge tremendous.
New available technology and techniques invited bold approaches. In
1939 electronics was limited to radio; now it was all-embracing, from
aeronautics to nuclear industry. Whereas it would have made little sense
to try to accommodate the equivalent of a 1938-model superheterodyne
in a battered sonde, it had become quite conceivable to incorporate in the
sonde circuitry elements like those of a proximity fuse strong enough to
withstand the muzzle acceleration of a shell. In 1939, when Doll con¬
ceived the induction sonde that was to revolutionize resistivity mea¬
surements, it probably was technically unfeasible; but in 1946 he was able
to construct it with the components of the mine detector he had de¬
veloped during the war.
Psychologically, too, the climate was stimulating. Although unpre¬
pared initially, the United States was convinced that the war had been
won by its industrial might, its organization, and its techniques, but, above
all, by the moral and material superiority of the American way of life.
Never had there been more self-confidence, and it was already taken for
granted that landing on the moon would be a mere question of money and
time. At every level the same confidence permeated companies that
wanted to forge ahead and, for that purpose, kept abreast of new technical
and other developments.
For Schlumberger this was nothing new: technical development was
its very life. But close attention was now given to the latest trends in
management and to the favorable effect of the general climate on client
relations. To these new directions the company owed not only its survival,
but also the impetus that was to increase its activity tenfold and deeply
affect petroleum exploration, drilling, and production.
After 1943
The History of a Technique
After 1945
The History of a Technique
After 1945
2 “Truck” refers not only to the vehicle, but also all the operational equipment it carried:
cable, winch, recorder, power supply, and so on.
The History of a Technique
but whatever the ensuing expansion of the market, overall drilling activity
would remain the determining factor. Therefore the only prospect of
expansion lay in offering a series of measurements in each well that would
provide a coherent data system for all the variables of the problem. To
think in terms of electrical logging only, and not consider these additional
measuring systems, would deter progress. This was the basis on which the
new truck was designed: it had to be suitable for a whole new range of
operations other than those of the past. Although the concept focused
mainly on electrical outfitting, it affected the entire project.
Thus, before the Series 500 truck had even reached the drawing
board, it had a diverse group of progenitors: all the field engineers
received a questionnaire seeking their opinions on a broad range of
choices.3 The final choice was the Mack 18 ton chassis, with a forward cab
and tandem dual-wheel rear axles. It provided ample room for the record¬
ing cab, the winch, and its accessories. The eight driving wheels distrib¬
uted the load over an area wide enough to minimize the risk of getting
stuck in the mud, a constant nightmare of oil people. The profile of the
body was reminiscent of the experimental California trucks in its em¬
phasis on elegance, although its real beauty lay in the way it was perfectly
designed for the work expected (Fig. 63). “Strictly functional” would be
the expression used today to describe it.
The winch was an integral part of the truck. It was operated from the
recording cab through advanced control systems (air brake, air throttle,
air clutch), and a dashboard that, in addition to giving the usual informa¬
tion on the engine performance, also indicated the velocity and tension of
the cable.
Film processing had earlier been limited to the equipment used by
the photographers of yesteryear: a box and black cotton sleeves. Now it
took place in a closed nook with a black curtain, a red lamp, a timer, and a
stainless steel sink. Instead of operating blindly, there was a film of
commercial standards, meeting the growing demand for a field record of
high quality. The photographic recorder was new. Designed in Houston,
it was the mechanical and optical heir to its predecessors. It had retained
the same film drive and the same optical circuits for the production of
3 To the question “Should the recording cab have a seat for the client?” one field engineer,
probably harassed by trifling queries of his own client, replied, tongue in cheek, “Yes,
After 1945
light spots, but there were now nine galvanometers instead of three, and
two films instead of one; also, the film width had been increased.
Why two films? The explanation lies in the basic functions of the log:
well correlation and formation analysis, for which different depth scales
are desirable. For correlations a smaller scale, usually 1: 1000 or 1: 500
(in English-speaking countries 1 or 2 inches per 100 feet, i.e., 1 : 1200 or
1 : 600), showing a rather long section in a single look is preferable. De¬
tailed formation study requires a larger scale, 1 : 200 (or 5 inches per
100 feet, i.e., 1:240).4 Therefore the recording of two logs, one over the
entire length of the open hole for correlations, and the other at a larger
scale, limited to sections deemed to be of interest, was in order. With the
hand recorder two simultaneous logs could be recorded: only two pencils,
actuated by the potentiometer’s crank, that traced the curves on two rolls
of grid paper revolving at different speeds were needed. To obtain two
4 A larger scale, 1 : 50, is sometimes used for certain operations (dipmeter, Microlog,
Microlaterolog), as well as for certain detailed correlation studies, provided that the
vertical resolution of the device allows it.
The History of a Technique
logs at different scales with the single-film optical recorder, two runs were
required; this entailed loss of time and greater operational hazards, since
the sonde had to be lowered again to the bottom of the hole. The difficult
problem of impressing two films, unwinding at different speeds, was
solved by splitting the light beam reflected by the mirror of the gal¬
vanometer, in order to obtain a spot on each film. The time saved justified
this complication when the operating costs of drilling rigs rose to the
point of making standby time prohibitively expensive.
Another substantial improvement was the vibrationproof Picard gal¬
vanometer (see p. 195-196). This galvanometer was compact enough
for nine of them—more than necessary for the techniques of the
time—to be housed side by side in the new R9G (“9 Galvanometer
Recorder”). As early as 1947 this equipment gave Schlumberger a system
which proved so satisfactory that, with a few modifications over the years,
it has remained basically unchanged to this day. This is a remarkable
achievement, considering that it was impossible at that time to foresee the
range of measurements that would eventually supplement electrical log¬
The final form of the technique was determined by development
work in Paris and the United States. Although the simultaneous recording
of two depth scales was time saving, production of the three resistivity
logs in a single run would have been a still greater asset. Two choices were
open: multiple frequencies, or the sequential or chronological system, on
which Bricaud was putting the final touches (see p. 197). The advantage of
the former alternative was the possible use of a single-conductor cable,
but it required much electronics in the sonde, a nearly damning condition.
In light of today’s sondes, say a dipmeter and its transistorized cartridge,
such reluctance toward bottom-hole electronics may seem strange. In
1945 it probably would have been considered only as a last resort, and
certainly not as a substitute for a mandrel, ringed in places by electrodes
directly connected to the cable conductors. Therefore, despite the prob¬
lems of a six-conductor cable, the chronological system prevailed because
it rested on proven techniques. The various sequential connections were
made by a new revolving switch, more complicated and sophisticated than
the old pulsator, yet of the same basic, rotating segment-collector type.
Designed and built in Paris in record time, its near-capacity operation was
marginal, and hence it was the least dependable unit in the chronological
After 1945
5 It was machined with a higher accuracy than the camshaft of a racing-car engine.
6 At least in the western world. Conventional resistivity measurements with lateral sondes
of various radii of investigation were still in use in the U.S.S.R. in 1970.
The History of a Technique
tional resistivity being only one of them. There is hardly any doubt that
the American solution was the better and the more progressive, since it
added the flexibility needed for auxiliary operations. The modular con¬
cept of instrumentation probably resulted from a closer contact between
engineering and field, and it certainly gave Schlumberger the opportunity
to offer many new services between 1947 and 1955. The idea was simple
enough: for each parameter (resistivity, radioactivity, temperature, dip,
etc.) a sonde and a control panel were designed to suit the case. Data
gathering and transmission utilized the procedure best adapted to each
kind of measurement, without the concern for standardization which,
until then, had led to the use of pulsated current for all operations. Only
the cable, the recorder, and the generating unit7 were used in all opera¬
tions. With such a system, enabling a crew to perform a new service
without any other adaptation was merely a matter of providing it with the
appropriate sonde and control panel.8
All this may seem .obvious in retrospect, yet it was less so at the time
when a decision was required as to which direction to follow. Marcel was a
lover of fine mechanics, and many of his engineers had fond memories of
equipment performing at capacity limits. For this reason they did not
readily accept the idea of a truck offering a surplus capacity in every respect.
But times for individual feats were gone, and modern trends were calling.
The spokesman for the American system was Doll, who was able to lay
aside his own preference for electronic solutions in favor of dependability.
He retained the Paris proposals with their indispensable items like the
chronological system, the vibrationproof galvanometer, and the pulsator,
but rejected any outdated instrumentation biased toward resistivity mea¬
surements. The same discrimination prevailed for all the American propos¬
als; with reflection, explanations, persuasions, and, when needed, technical
and moral authority, he succeeded in synthetizing his choices into an
outstanding solution.
As previously mentioned, the chronological system required six con-
A small 2 kilowatt, 110 volt, 60 cycle alternating current unit providing power to actuate
the various individual measuring devices (sensors) and to mechanically control the
borehole apparatus.
8 This is still being done, but interest in the method has lessened since tool combinations
became necessary to perform in a single run an increasing number of borehole operations.
Several control panels must then be connected in parallel, a requirement that entails
technical and human problems.
After 1945
ductors and hence an armored cable. Anyhow, the textile braid had
outlived its usefulness. Granted, the cable had changed over the years,
from three to four conductors, from rubber insulation to hy-
drocarbonproof neoprene, and from cotton to rayon braid; but its large
diameter required huge winches, and its coating wore off quickly. With a
4 ton tensile strength, this cable could tolerate abuse without permanent
damage. The steel wire conductors took all the stress and practically never
broke, so that the only electrical faults came from insulation cuts or
bruises. Such leaks were detected by an ohmmeter, located by the guard
ring method, and then cold-repaired with adhesive rubber tape. As the
diameter of the cable was not critical, bulging patches mattered little.
Utilized in various ways by competitors and for perforating by
Schlumberger, there was a cable with a load-carrying armor and a central
copper conductor, but it was only a monoconductor. There are complex
problems in the engineering and manufacturing of a hexacable. The
strands must be calculated in such a way that the various components of
the cable—conductors and internal and external armors—have compat¬
ible elongations, to prevent possible disasters: depending on the case, the
conductors may break, or, if they become permanently elongated, the
release of the stress of the armor may produce a loop in the conductor,
piercing the insulation. But the most spectacular effect comes from an
elasticity difference between armors. Under certain conditions and after
excessive stress, the internal armor reverts to its original length, whereas
the external one remains permanently elongated. All the armor wires then
take the same shape and remain about equidistant, so that the whole thing
bulges symmetrically into what in the field is called a “bird cage.” This is a
major accident: the wires of the external armor must be cut and tied lest
they untwist, until a final workshop repair puts the cable back into shape,
because, as discovered promptly by the operators in the field, a bulge
interferes with the perfect winding on the winch, an absolute requirement
for the proper handling of armored cable.
Much time and experience are required to fix conductor breaks and
electrical leaks. Concerning leaks, the advantage of the armored over the
textile-braided cable is that leaks in the former are so obvious and enor¬
mous that no measurement is possible. This is, then, a clear “all or
nothing” situation, greatly preferred when flawless measurements are
The cable is such a basic component that continuous engineering
The History of a Technique
After 1945
11 The first model, the seven-pin head, had seven contacts and was designed in 1947 by
Maurice Lebourg. A second model, designed by Charles Senouillet in 1953, had ten pins.
The History of a Technique
All of the mechanical solutions introduced with the Series 500 truck
have remained in use with only slight modification. A lighter truck with a
shorter cable, mounted on an International chassis, was commissioned in
1948 as a Series 700 and was produced in large numbers. Today most
trucks are International models with a forward-tilt cab, weighing 20 tons
and carrying 25,000 feet of cable. For very heavy duty service, there is a
special 25 ton model with three driving axles, one front and two rear.12
The same concern for dependability had inspired the design of the
“Offshore Skid Unit, Type C” (O.S.U.-C), used on offshore drilling plat-
12 Instead of dual wheels on the rear axles, this truck has single wheels with tires of very
large cross section (1600 X 20), which provide much better traction on sand.
After 1945
The History of a Technique
After 1943
13 Only much later (1958), pressed by clients and seismologists, did Schlumberger develop
a technique that appeared to contribute nothing to interpretation: the “sonic” logs, which
measured the velocity and attenuation of acoustic waves in geological formations. In time,
however, these measurements, too, became part of the interpretation methods and played
an important, though initially unforeseen, role.
The History of a Technique
First, the exact values of the physical parameters must be determined, for
example, the true resistivity of a formation, based on its apparent resistiv¬
ity (see p. 127), and corrected wherever necessary. The second phase,
based on the corrected physical parameters, aims at determining the
characteristics of potentially productive formations, with emphasis on
economic factors such as porosity, oil percentage, and oil mobility.
Since the first phase relies on the behavior of the tools utilized, it
would normally be handled by the service company taking the mea¬
surements. The second phase, however, could be dealt with by the pro¬
ducer (client) on the basis of his own experience. This did not mean that
the data gathered by Schlumberger’s clients were ignored in the Com¬
pany’s research and engineering programs, but Schlumberger believed
that its competence and responsibility should be limited to the correct
determination of the physical parameters. At least at the top level, this
concept prevailed for many years. Only the features of each instrument
and the corrections to be made on each log were published. The separa¬
tion between the two phases made things difficult for the field engineers,
who worked closely with the oil people and could hardly stop halfway
through the interpretation. A quick review of some important technical
publications shows how thinking in this regard changed during this
In September 1945 H. Guyod, a former Schlumberger engineer,
wrote a series of articles on electrical log interpretation in Oil Weekly
(which later became World 0//).14 His was the first in-depth coverage of
this subject, wherein he described the various resistivity sondes:
monoelectrode, normal, and lateral, giving the particulars of each instru¬
ment, and indicating when and how closely the true resistivity was repre¬
sented by the readings.
These articles were widely read in the petroleum industry and came
as a surprise to Schlumberger’s field engineers. They firmly believed that
this information, which was nothing new to them, should be available to
the industry. Their increasingly close collaboration with their clients
created an obligation to provide explanations so as not to seem evasive. It
was no longer deemed fair to supply logs without commenting on their
peculiarities, anomalies, or asymmetries. Originally, there may have been
After 1945
some reason for keeping a good part of the technology and even the
technique of resistivity measurements confidential; but since the competi¬
tion was now fully cognizant of those alleged secrets, there was no longer
any point to such reticence. What really stung the field engineers was that
the disclosure had come from outside the Schlumberger group. Some¬
thing had to be done, and in 1946 “departure curves”15 were published to
compute the true resistivity subject to certain conditions: the assumption
that a formation was infinitely thick16 and that the electrode spacings, the
borehole diameter, the invaded-zone diameter and resistivity, and the
mud resistivity were known.
Even before this publication, departure curves were widely known
among the interpretation experts who were beginning to staff the oil
companies, although their application, at least in the United States, was
limited. They were difficult to use and often unreliable when major
corrections were required. Therefore, instead of serving to compute true
resistivity, the curves were used to indicate cases in which the apparent
resistivity came close enough to be applied as a substitute. Obviously, it
was necessary to develop systems and tools that either would measure the
true resistivity directly or would provide smaller and more convenient
corrections than did the departure curves.
In February 1948 Doll presented to the A.I.M.E. Congress a paper
entitled “The S.P. Log: Theoretical Analysis and Principles of Interpreta¬
tion.”17 This was a basic study, not so much about the nature of the S.P.
phenomenon, as on its current and voltage distribution. Generated by the
electromotive forces arising from the contacts between different media,
these currents propagate in both the permeable formation and its shoul¬
ders, and close through the mud column. Since the S.P. curve is a
continuous record of the potential of an electrode moving in the
borehole, the deflection between sand and shale can measure, not all of
the electromotive forces involved, but only those reflected by the ohmic
drops in the mud. The flow of current is schematically represented by the
The History of a Technique
lines drawn on Figure 67, which clearly indicates how the relative resis¬
tance value of each circuit component—permeable bed, shale, mud
column—influences not only the S.P. value but the shape of the log as
well. The S.P. value approximates the total electromotive forces when the
resistance of the circuit section inside the mud is proportionally high
compared to that in the bed and its shoulders, as is always the case in thick
Figure 67. S.P. diagram current flow. <From H. G. Doll, “The S.P. Log: Theoretical Analysis
and Principles of Interpretation,” Journal of Petroleum Technology, September 1948 (Cour¬
tesy SPE of AIME).
After 1945
18 With a good approximation it can be stated that the ohmic drop in the mud represents
the total electromotive forces in a sand 10 feet thick with a resistivity not exceeding 10
times that of the mud.
19 In Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 2, No. 7 (July 1950).
The History of a Technique
tilt 7/
1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1
1 1 1 X 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 Ï 1 1 VI 1
i i n l 1 \ 1 1
i i i i i i ti r~
1 t mr i
, 1 , 1 ,\ ,
1 1 ! 7 1 1 \ 1
1 1 1 I I IV
1 1 III /
1 1 1 1 /
I T T1 1 Vj
l l l ~1 1 \S 1
r 1 i r i »
i r i ii »
i i i >i i
i i i l >i ii
i i 1 1 1
777777 7f/777//7z
Figure 68. S.P. in limestones. (From H. G. Doll. “The S.P. Log: Theoretical Analysis and
Principles of Interpretation, Journal of Petroleum Technology, September 1948) (Courtesy
After 1945
(.Rw) of the formation water, a fundamental datum that in turn led to the
calculation of R0, the resistivity at 100 percent water saturation of the
porous formation, provided its porosity is known. Any true resistivity
value above R0 indicated hydrocarbon saturation, in a proportion that
could be deduced from the ratio between true resistivity and R0, at least in
a clean formation.
It was a research physicist for Gulf Oil, M. R. J. Wyllie, who gave a
general formula for the electrochemical S.P. component in October 1948
in “A Quantitative Analysis of the Electrochemical Component of the S.P.
Curve. '21 This study, based on theoretical considerations and experimen¬
tal data, established, as a function of temperature, the relation between
the static S.P. value and the logarithm of the ratio between the resistivity
of the mud filtrate and the resistivity of the formation water (Rjnf/Rw). This
formula became even more valuable when experience showed that, as in
the Rockies, the electrofiltration component was nearly always negligible.
Here was a general method giving Rw and R{).
Between 1949 and 1953 Doll made several major contributions to
technical literature wherein he explained the principles of his newly
designed instruments, which were already on the market. These studies
included discussions on the quality of measurements, their expected
degrees of approximation according to operating conditions, and the main
corrections to be made. The tools themselves will be described further
on; the purpose here is to give a chronology of the papers published to
show how fast the logging industry was progressing. The titles of four of
Doll’s studies and the dates on which they appeared are as follows:22
The History of a Technique
The title was self-explanatory; the subject matter was no longer physical
parameters, but barrels of oil.
In the same year André Poupon in Ridgefield, Milton Loy in Califor¬
nia, and Maurice Tixier in Houston jointly published an important study:
23 Both articles appeared in Oil and Gas Journal, June 16 and 23, 1949.
24 Oil and Gas Journal, July 5, 1954.
25 Journal of Petroleum Technology, June 1954.
Technology, June 1954.
After 1945
where a senior engineer was assigned to train the beginner, the need for a
more uniform approach soon became evident, and a training school was
opened in Houston under the direction of André Allégret. By 1956
Surenco in South America and SPE-Overseas in Europe had their own
schools. Meanwhile, in 1950, 2 week refresher courses were conducted in
Houston; a third week, entirely devoted to interpretation, permitted each
Schlumberger engineer to invite one of his clients. Success was such that
the attendance soon outgrew the facilities, and separate courses had to be
offered to clients only. Even this soon proved inadequate, and in-service
training had to be organized in each division, where the Schlumberger
staff, assisted by specialists from Houston, held full-fledged seminars.
Such an educational approach had a wide influence.26 It provided an
opportunity for direct contact with clients, industry-wide, to discuss their
specific problems, to assess the practical performance of new tools, and to
evaluate the methods proposed by various authors.
It seems fitting to complete the record by mentioning the contribu¬
tions of some of those who left Schlumberger, either to open their own
offices as consulting engineers, to join oil companies as logging experts, or
to become competitors. Whether they left on friendly terms or slammed
the door behind them, they took with them all they had learned, but this
did not affect their relations with their former colleagues.
Guyod was hired by a servicing company. Charrin and Castel created
a company of their own. A. A. Perebinossoff became a logging expert for
Socony. R. G. (Bob) Hamilton, a long-time Schlumberger leader in the
Mid-Continent, became a logging consultant in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Louis
Chombart, who, with Maurice Lebourg, had introduced an automatic
recorder into the United States, opened an office in Wichita, Kansas,
where he became an authority on carbonate rocks; among others opening
their own offices were Bob Seale in Dallas, Texas, because he wanted to
give more time to hunting and fishing, his true vocations, and Bob Kelso
in Houston. John Walstrom, who among other activities had contributed
to the writing of Doll’s paper on S.P., joined Standard Oil of California as
a logging expert and became a leader in the profession. While in Ven¬
ezuela, Leendert de Witte, more of a physicist than a field engineer, left
Schlumberger for Continental Oil Company, where he made significant
26 It was estimated in 1958 that over 9000 participants had attended the seminars during
the 3 preceding years.
The History of a Technique
The idea had prevailed between 1945 and 1950 that any problem of
interpretation could be solved on the basis of the S.P. and resistivity
measurements. Though this concept proved to be overoptimistic and
even erroneous, it nevertheless made an essential contribution to the
science of logging.
Before developing new tools and putting them into operation, it had
been necessary to gain a clear understanding of the various rock types
involved, to grasp the mechanism by which porous formations are invaded
by the mud filtrate, and to speculate both on the best way to obtain the
desired measurement with no or minimal corrections and on the benefit
of measuring the resistivity of the invaded zone in addition to that of the
virgin zone. In a short time this kind of thinking spread beyond the
Schlumberger research group. The field engineers played an important
role, along with the geologists and engineers of the client companies
(some of whom were already specializing in log interpretation) and the
universities and technical institutes. Although Doll no doubt deserves full
credit for the basic theory of resistivity determination in a permeable
formation, which took into account the parameters—borehole, depth of
invasion, shoulders—it is also true that he sought the advice and
experience of those dealing daily with interpretation. Adjusting theory to
practice was basic to his design of the array of tools which was to give
Schlumberger a substantial technical advantage and reaffirm its leadership
in the field.
There are two kinds of difficulties in measuring the true resistivity of
a porous formation, that is, the resistivity of the undisturbed zone beyond
After 1945
the invaded zone. In the case of fresh mud the invaded zone is much less
conductive than the virgin zone and acts as a screen to conventional
resistivity measurements; conversely, with salt muds the invaded zone is
much more conductive than the virgin zone, and most of the current flows
into the former while barely entering the latter, which thus escapes
measurement. For a three-dimensional current flow these two cases rep¬
resent the versions of a well-known electrical problem: how to evaluate a
resistance (X) that is inseparable from a spurious resistance (Y); the
solution is, when possible, to connect X and Y in parallel ifX is small with
respect to Y, and in series if X is large.
Induction and Laterolog, respectively, were the solutions. Realiza¬
tion, however, was difficult, especially for induction, with its requirement
for high frequencies and electronic controls almost beyond the pos¬
sibilities of that time.
Schlumberger engineers, as well as their clients, placed almost as
much importance on the resistivity of the invaded zone as on that of the
undisturbed zone. The reason was that the invaded zone, which has all the
petrophysical characteristics of the formation, could easily be analyzed
because it was saturated by water of known characteristics, namely, the
mud filtrate, samples of which could be taken at the surface. Experience
with the short normal, which under favorable conditions reads close to the
invaded-zone resistivity, confirms the advantage of knowing this value in
all circumstances.
It was realized that some oil always remains trapped, even in a zone
well flushed by the filtrate. Moreover, the actual values of this residual
saturation could be determined by laboratory analyses of conventional
cores and sidewall samples.
Therefore analysis of the invaded zone seemed highly promising; and
since the technical problems involved were much less serious than those
in the virgin zone, this became the first objective of the postwar program.
From this thinking and research came the microlog.
In 1945 the RJRt ratio method (Æ, for the average resistivity of the
invaded zone, R t for the true resistivity) was already in current use. It had
been introduced in the Rockies by Tixier, and with a few extrapolations
its value was soon proved by the direct application of Archie’s formulae.
The History of a Technique
After 1945
The History of a Technique
the diameter suggested a widening of the hole in the section with curve
departures, whereas a correct reading would have indicated a narrowing.
Bricaud had simply reversed the diameter scale. It remained for Doll to
explain both the curve departures and the borehole diameter reduction in
front of the permeable zones. The cause was the mud cake—the clogging
layer built up against the wall of the permeable formation, by the solid
particles suspended in the mud. The thickness of the mud cake that
separated the pad from the borehole wall—0.1 to 1 inch—was by no
means negligible with respect to the spacing of the electrodes, and a
miniaturized two-media problem reappeared.
To be sure, the mud cake was nothing new to mud control specialists,
nor should it have been to Schlumberger engineers, who daily collected
some of it on sidewall samples. Yet there was surprise and perhaps even
some discouragement. The two-media problem was no happy omen.
Since experience with conventional logging and departure curves gave
scant hope that it would ever be feasible to obtain the Ri value through
adequate corrections, the question arose as to whether the idea of measur¬
ing the resistivity of the invaded zone directly should be abandoned. No
one, at that time, could have anticipated what a remarkable future lay
ahead for the method just devised.
Even though the desired resistivity was not always measurable, and
there was little hope for a direct evaluation of the formation factor and
hence the porosity, the fact remained that the new device located the
permeable zones with an accuracy heretofore unknown. Indeed, the S.P.
curve identifies permeable zones in many cases, and Doll’s recent study
had shown how to increase its accuracy. Yet the very same study pointed
to a large area where the S.P. gave uncertain results. This was typically the
case for consolidated rocks like sandstones and limestones, for which the
new method proved fully applicable. The much too specific name “Forma¬
tion Factor Fogging” was changed to “Microlog,” a vaguely scientific-
sounding and hence commercially attractive designation.
For the detection of mud cakes and, therefore, permeable zones, the
Microlog is a first-rate instrument. In consolidated formations, where the
best that can be expected from the S.P. is to delineate permeable zones
with an accuracy of a few feet and where its ill-advised use can lead to
intolerable thickness overestimations, the Microlog locates the bound¬
aries within an inch. Because such accuracy facilitates the understanding
and interpretation of other resistivity measurements, the Microlog may be
After 1945
The History of a Technique
After 1945
released, the pad pressed against the wall, and the log recorded on the trip
up the hole. Satisfactory as this remedy may have been to engineers who
recalled the pioneering days of “La Pros,” it was plain tinkering. The
Engineering Department produced something better, the so-called
“warhead ’: the sonde was locked in closed position when being lowered
downhole, and the springs were released before logging by electrically
firing a small explosive cartridge from the surface.
Even this was hardly satisfactory. It did not eliminate unnecessary
pad wear when the sonde was pulled out after logging, or when it had to
The History of a Technique
be lowered again to check or repeat a log. There was another very serious
shortcoming. It took only a few cuttings caught between the sonde body
and the springs to block their release or, alternatively, their closing, and
on the way up, the system could become wedged in a keyseat or restric¬
tion of the borehole.
The true solution was to replace the springs by a remote-controlled,
bidirectional, articulated arm. The downhole environment, however,
caused complications. The problem was solved in 1954 by M. Lebourg
and R. Q. Fields (Fig. 70) in Houston. Through a hydraulic system a small
electric pump controlled the opening and closing of the tool, while an
appropriate kinematic configuration ensured that the pad remained paral¬
lel to the borehole wall. This was the first in a series of “power sondes.” Its
cost was about eight times that of the conventional sonde, a feature that
the financially responsible field engineers did not appreciate. But it did
become the starting point of a technology that, unobtrusively, was to give
Schlumberger an unquestionable superiority and a lead difficult to over¬
take. Over the years many and diverse tools made their appearance that
called for tight contact between their specialized components and the
borehole wall. All of them proved to be outstanding in performance and
Induction Logging
After 1945
when drilling became deeper in these same regions, and also when a more
thorough interpretation was attempted where the more consolidated
sands turned into sandstone (northern Texas and Louisiana, southern
Oklahoma, etc.)- In both cases the depth of invasion increased as porosity
decreased.2. Longer spacings would have reduced the vertical resolution,
and no great improvement could be expected from increasingly rigorous
corrections: even in thick beds the laborious use of departure curves
brought dubious results. The truth was that in such difficult cases, when it
was impossible to reach a correct fluid analysis, Schlumberger was hardly
better off than its competitors: without fluid analysis the only remaining
use of logs was well-to-well correlation, for which competitor logs were
equally good. Under such conditions, technical superiority was not a
decisive commercial advantage.
The overriding problem was undoubtedly the fact that, according to
the salinity of the mud, the invaded zone could be either more or less
resistive than the undisturbed zone; hence any resistivity contrast could
be encountered. Theory, confirmed by experience, shows that one and
the same measuring system is not suitable in both cases, and the question
may be asked why the system requiring what seems to the layman the
most difficult technical solution was developed first. There were several
reasons for this. Not least was the “challenge” of the oil-base muds (see p.
161), introduced in the 1930’s and appearing for a while to have great
potential for expansion. As electrodes insulated by oil cannot conduct
current, the technique precluded conventional logging—an aspect that
would have been a heavy blow for Schlumberger. As a matter of fact, only
cost and operational difficulties28 prevented these muds from spreading.
To make a resistivity log it was necessary to replace the electrical
contact with the mud by induction, which, by virtue of the time-varying
electromagnetic fields, would permit the circulation of currents in the
27 This is only an apparent paradox, as filtration is controlled by the mud cake; whatever
the formation, the amount per unit of time of the liquid filtering through is constant.
Consequently, the lower the porosity, the greater is the volume required to absorb a given
amount of filtrate.
28 Anyone who has worked on a well drilled with oil-base mud appreciates the "tidiness”
of operating with water-base mud. There is another drilling method that normally excludes
conventional logging: percussion or cable-tool drilling of empty holes, but scant attention
has been paid to this system, which was in declining use even in the 1930’s, whereas rotary
drilling with oil-base mud threatened to spread widely.
The History of a Technique
After 1945
29 To F. Perrin goes the credit for the concept of the “geometrical factor,” permitting
calculation of the response of the sondes and precise analysis of the induction logs.
The History of a Technique
Figure 71. The principle of induction logging. (From H. G. Doll, “Introduction to Induction
Logging and Application to Logging of Wells Drilled with Oil-Base Mud,” Journal of Petro¬
leum Technology, June 1949). (Courtesy SPE of AIME).
After 1945
30 Especially O. H. Huston and G. K. Miller, who took a prominent part in the design and
realization of the original equipment.
Figure 72. The first induction log.
After 1945
1000 - = 500 millimhos.
Between 100 and 200 ohms the difference is only
1000 1000
100 200
The History of a Technique __
therefore out of the question that the induction would be substituted for
the conventional log, on which the S.P. immediately gave the lithology,
and the comparison of the short and long normal provided a good qualita¬
tive appraisal of the production potential.
After being unreservedly accepted in oil-base mud drilling, induction
began, after 1952, to spread to some conventional wells. This happened in
northern Texas and Louisiana, where the reservoirs consist of sandstones
of much lesser porosity and deeper invasion than in the southern parts of
these states. The greatest benefit of this heartening initial success was the
conversion to induction, first of Schlumberger unbelievers and then of the
Company’s clients. Only a good S.P. and a short normal complementing
the induction were required to relegate the conventional log to a museum
The solution was far from easy. One characteristic of the induction
sonde is that its response is distorted by the slightest metallic influence,
whether from electrode or conductor. Only in 1956 was a downhole tool
completed that combined an S.P. electrode, a conventional 16 inch short
normal, and a five-coil induction sonde with vertical and radial focusing.
The presentation of the log was modified to conform with that of the
conventional electrical log. On the right-hand track, the induction curve
was recorded on a linear conductivity scale; it replaced the lateral. On the
middle track, the reciprocal of the induction appeared as a linear resistiv¬
ity curve. This curve was dotted and replaced the (dotted) long normal. It
was obtained through a “reciprocator,” an electronic system which con¬
verted the induction signal arithmetically.32 As in the past, the short
normal was recorded in the middle track and S.P. on the left (Fig. 73).
In spite of its higher cost, its more difficult operation, and the still
quite satisfactory conventional systems, this new form of induction log¬
ging soon prevailed all over the Gulf Coast. Any remaining hesitation was
overcome by superior results and the confirmation of theory by practice:
once the major oil companies saw the light, all the others followed suit.
Such unanimity, however, had its drawbacks. All the former doubters
became enthusiasts and demanded induction even in situations where the
new system was obviously less efficient: whereas induction is highly
suitable for measuring a conductive formation behind a resistive barrier, it
is much less so in the case of a resistive formation behind a conductive
After 1945
invaded zone. It was not long before Schlumberger and the client in¬
terpretation specialists reverted to a more rational approach: that of
utilizing the Laterolog, by this time commercial, in cases where induction
was deficient.
Induction logging attained its definitive form in 1956, and since 1957
its use has become worldwide wherever conditions have been favorable.
Such was its success that competitors had to develop their own induction
systems and rediscover not only the technique but also the know-how
required for making and operating the equipment. They succeeded and
partially overcame their lag, but Schlumberger, as for conventional log¬
ging, had pioneered the service which, in a short 10 year span, had
changed the course of the logging industry.
The History of a Technique
After 1945
The History of a Technique
tridimensional S.P. current. In his 1948 paper he had defined “static S.P.”
as the potential difference that would be created if the current were
interrupted by two imaginary “electric plugs” at the top and bottom of the
bed. In another study he had gone so far as to realize such plugs in the
so-called “Selective S.P.” system, directly derived from his reflections on
S.P. in formations of very high resistivity, with the purpose of locating
porous zones in such formations. Meanwhile, an easier solution to the
problem had been provided by the Microlog, but the principle of the plug
remained: to plug the current between the two electrodes M and N,
After 1943
33 The limiting case is MN infinitely short; the potential gradient in the vicinity of M is
then said to be null.
34 In practice, electrodes 7W, and M2,M\ and M2 are short circuited, as well as A, and A2.
35 This is the potential difference existing between the short-circuited electrodes M1M2
and M\ AT2.
The History of a Technique
Figure 75. Schematic view of laterolog 7. (From H. G. Doll, “The Laterolog: A New
Resistivity Logging Method with Electrodes Using an Automatic Focusing System,” Jour¬
nal of Petroleum Technology, November 1951). (Courtesy SPE of AIME).
After 1945
36 The switch may have been without much technical interest, but afterwards the relay
The History of a Technique
The first experimental log was recorded on April 11, 1949, north of
Houston. Though the results were satisfactory, they did not arouse much
enthusiasm because they were obtained in a fresh mud well and offered
little advantage over a good conventional log. In August of the same year,
a demonstration involving several instruments, including the Laterolog,
was organized in an important Gulf Oil well near Ardmore, Oklahoma, in
the presence of high-level experts: here again, nobody was convinced of
the Laterolog’s superiority over conventional logs.
So far, the objective had been only to test the tool operationally. The
real testing started in western Texas in February 1950 and continued in
Canada in May. Finally, the Laterolog was put into operation in Kansas in
August 1950. Wherever drilling took place with salty mud, the success
was overwhelming, and conventional logging was quickly eliminated.
When Doll published his November 1951 article in the Journal of Petro¬
leum Technology, the Laterolog was already an established technique.
Such success was like a whiplash to competitors, who in the same
year produced their own version of the tool under the name “Guard
Electrode Log.” The system was not unlike that of Conrad’s old guarded
monoelectrode sonde. Focusing was achieved by nullifying the potential
difference between the central electrode and the guard electrodes. The
technology was all electronic; but either because the components then
available lacked stability, or perhaps because it was more difficult to
determine the potential difference between current electrodes than be¬
tween measure electrodes, the competitors had tough going until they
were able to demonstrate technical performance which matched that of
Laterolog 7. In any case, when confronted later with the problems of very
thin layers, Schlumberger was to experience the same difficulties.
There was, however, great interest in the guard electrode log in
Kansas, where the productive horizons of the Pennsylvanian are com¬
posed of thin beds. It allowed for a narrower A0 current sheet than did
Lateroldg 7, actually a small advantage but enough for the competitors to
advertise it ad nauseam. R. D. (Bob) Ford, then manager of the area that
included Kansas, intervened strongly in Houston; his message, loud and
clear, was persuasive to the extent-that a Laterolog with guard electrodes,
equivalent to the competitive model, was placed on the drawing board.
made it possible to have a log at a "compressed scale,” that is, linear as to resistivity on one-
half of the strip, and as to conductivity on the other.
After 1945
This did not constitute plagiarism in any way since it was a mere resump¬
tion of the 1929 idea of the guarded monoelectrode.
Doll authorized the project without great enthusiasm. An electronic
Laterlog with a narrow current beam (“Laterolog 3”) was made, but with
results far less satisfactory than those obtained with Laterolog 7. An
improvement made in 1953 consisted of inserting small measure elec¬
trodes between current and guard electrodes, making it possible to nullify
the potential gradient as in Laterolog 7. Laterolog 3 became, in fact, a
Laterolog 7 in disguise.
However, Laterolog 3 offered a possibility that, strangely enough,
passed unnoticed initially. The upper guard electrode was long enough to
receive a gamma ray recording cartridge. This subject will be discussed
again under nuclear logging; it suffices to say here that gamma rays, in any
kind of mud, provide good detection of shale beds, and in this sense the
gamma log prevails over S.P. whenever the latter is suppressed by the
salinity of the mud. The combination of the Laterolog and gamma log
quickly gained ascendancy in Kansas and in the Permian Basin of Texas.
Still another factor made the study of Laterolog 3 fruitful: this technology
was to prove indispensable for the development of the “Microlaterolog,”
the natural extension of the Laterolog. In fact—and this constituted a
substantial practical advantage—an electronic cartridge was soon produced
that could serve for either Laterolog 3 or the Microlaterolog.
The success of the Laterolog technique in the United States made it
the standard resistivity log in salty mud. However, because it remained
confined for such a long time to areas where these muds prevail, its
commercial success did not match that of the induction log. Only much
later, and initially in the eastern hemisphere, did the Laterolog regain its
standing. No longer is the sole reason for its use the fact that it gives a
significant resistivity log in saltwater mud, which neither the conventional
nor the induction log can do: it is also suitable in situations where the
resistivity of the invaded zone is lower than that of the undisturbed zone. In
such cases an accurate evaluation of the latter requires measurement in
series, which is precisely what the Laterolog provides.
It has been explained how the existence of the mud cake between the
pad of the Microlog and a porous formation interferes with measurement
The History of a Technique
They are not actually continuous circles, but concentric circular strings of intercon¬
nected electrodes.
After 1943
Figure 76. Pad of the microlaterolog and schematic distribution of the current lines. (From H.
G. Doll, “The Microlaterolog” Journal of Petroleum Technology, January 1933) (Courtesy
The History of a Technique
FR mf
R xo
Rt C2
«-> 1
= (Sw)115
it follows that
/ RxolR mJ $18
l Rt/Rw !
At this point the essential data for its evaluation, the oil and water
percentages in the pores of the reservoir, are known.
Reverting to equation 1, if the term under the radical equals 1, that
is, if
Rxo _ Rt
Rmf Rw
= 1 and Sw = S
5 xo
After 1945
Jw J xo 1
F - (3)
The Archie equation then becomes, for the undisturbed and invaded
zones, respectively,
R, = 4>2S'w
R XO Rmf
Here 4>SW, the product of the porosity and the water percentage,
represents the quantity of water by unit of formation volume. Likewise,
4>Sxo is the amount of filtrate in the invaded zone. The amount of oil
displaced by the invasion is thus
Y = 4>Sx0 ~4>SW
T =
The History of a Technique
not only on the amount of oil in the undisturbed reservoir, but also on its
mobility or its “producibility.”
It is still a puzzle as to why the Microlaterolog, with all these assets,
was not an immediate commercial success. Without doubt its advanced
technical features made it more difficult to operate than the Microlog;
hence it lacked what the field people called “sex appeal.” Yet, as early as
1950, quite a number of logging experts were using it profitably and were
even able to elaborate novel methods of interpretation based on the
It must be acknowledged that the reason for its half-failure was the
often dubious quality of the results. Serious practical difficulties existed.
The first was the lack of dependability characteristic of the electronics of
that period because they were being employed in a definitely hostile
environment. A further obstacle was inherent in the Microlaterolog sys¬
tem: to read Rx0 beyond the mud cake, focusing is required, but it must
not be too deep lest the resistivity of the undisturbed zone be encom¬
passed. Yet the thicknesses of both mud cake and invaded zone are
variable. The former is contingent on mud quality: a good mud rarely
forms a mud cake thicker than 0.2 inch, though at that time 0.8 inch and
over was not uncommon; the latter, being a function of porosity, is
reduced in a very porous reservoir. It is a tightrope exercise; a focusing is
needed that suits every case even though it cannot pretend to apply to the
whole range of thicknesses.
There was another and more subtle problem of design. The pad must
be suitably curved to fit the borehole. Clearly, focusing, being determined
by the tridimensional geometry of the whole system, is affected by this
curvature; but since a borehole is never perfectly cylindrical, the pad is
continuously changing its shape to keep in contact with the wall.
Aside from electronics, the Microlog has encountered the same
problems but was content with being an excellent indicator of even very
thin permeable layers and hardly pretended to quantitative results. The
Microlaterolog, on the contrary, aimed at the highest accuracy. Its lack of
favor with certain experts arose from its failure to fulfill all that it had
promised.38 Finally, there were almost simultaneous developments of
porosity measurement processes other than resistivity, which made it
38 At that time, Rt itself was not always above suspicion, and it is likely that a failing Rxo/R,
ratio has, sometimes incorrectly, been attributed to a faulty Rxo.
After 1943
The History of a Technique
marls and sands as does S.P., but what is important is that radioactivity is
not affected by the nature of the mud, whereas S.P. is generally useless in
salt-saturated mud. Other substantial advantages are, in many cases, the
capability to see through the casing and to record a log in a cased
The interest of geologists and geophysicists in radioactivity is nothing
new. In 1909 J. Joly had published an article entitled Radioactivité et
Géologie (Radioactivity and Geology).39 In 1921 Richard Ambronn had
measured the radioactivity of cores taken in an oil well at Celle, near
Hanover, Germany. It is known that before World War II Russian
geophysicists had built a logging device based on gamma rays, but no
results were published. Finally, on October 29, 1938, natural radioactivity
was recorded for the first time, under the name “Gamma Ray Log,” in a
well at Oklahoma City. The apparatus had been designed by a group of
physicists40 of Engineering Laboratories in Tulsa, Oklahoma. With the
support of Socony Vacuum, the group established a service company,
Well Surveys, Inc., which marketed the log from 1939 on.
The detector, based on a rather old technique, was an ionization
chamber, a gas-filled enclosure made weakly conductive by the gamma
radiation. Like all gamma ray systems, it required a number of electronic
components in the sonde.
The results confirmed the theory: whatever the mud, even in a cased
well the logs were comparable with the S.P. Practical applications were
found immediately, especially for the resumption of production in old
wells where no logging had ever taken place, and which could now be
studied by correlating the gamma ray log with S.P. logs in surrounding
wells. The same was true for the control of perforating depths.
Mention has already been made of how difficult it is to measure
accurately the depth of a well and, in particular, to position the perforator
at exactly the same depth where a bed has been identified by electrical
logging under mechanical conditions (tension and elongation of the cable)
quite different from those in the cased well. The necessary correction was
now provided by the clear correlation between the open-hole S.P. and the
gamma ray log in the cased well.41
After 1945
gamma rays, a residual uncertainty over the depth arises from differences of weight,
volume, and location between the sonde and the perforator. Such uncertainty would be
eliminated if locating the horizon and perforating could take place in the same run. There
are two reasons why this cannot be done: first, it is too hazardous to attach an electrically
detonated pyrotechnical device and a sonde requiring a high voltage at the end of the same
cable; and, second, the recoil of the perforator would destroy the electronic components
of the gamma ray sonde. An intermediate reference is thus required, and it is provided by
the collars of the casing. Since 1948 this reference has been a passive magnetic device,
requiring no current and presenting no hazard. A first detector, fitted on the sonde, locates
the collars on the gamma ray log, and their virtual location on the electrical log is deduced
by correlation with the S.P. A second detector, mounted on the perforator, locates the
collars again. To position the perforator, all that is needed is to interpolate depths between
two consecutive collars, roughly 30 feet apart, with the cable measuring wheel. The
accuracy reached is within an inch.
42 With isotopes currently available today, this objection would no longer hold.
The History of a Technique
outstanding, there is one area where the system has prevailed. Whenever
the problem is to detect with an accuracy within a fraction of an inch the
ground subsidence that occurs or may occur in California, Japan, or
Holland as a result of gas or oil recovery from thick unconsolidated beds,
the radioactive bullet is the answer.
By the end of World War II it was obvious that gamma ray logging
had a bright future, especially since a new radioactivity technique was
emerging: “Neutron Logging” with its anticipated contribution to the
evaluation of reservoir rocks. In 1945 an agreement had been concluded
between Schlumberger and The Texas Company for the development of a
gamma ray logging patent. The director of research for Texaco, G. R.
Herzog, a Swiss physicist well known for his work on cosmic rays, was
made available to Schlumberger. His specific plan was to use a Geiger-
Miiller detector for counting the gamma rays. The problem of creating an
electromotive force of some 1000 volts in the sonde while maintaining
good insulation at a bottom-hole temperature of 300 degrees F was
solved, and the system, put on the market in August 1946, proved wholly
The absolute value of radioactivity has little quantitative use; it may
sometimes be necessary to compare two readings at different levels, but
this requires only proportionality between the deflection of the gal¬
vanometer and the natural radioactivity. Nevertheless, this was not good
enough for Schlumberger, with its propensity for measurements of the
highest quality.
Therefore the Company introduced a calibration technique that
made the log independent of the particular features of the sonde or the
control panel.43 This calibration system was abandoned, however,
when the American Petroleum Institute devised another, which became
standard for all the service companies, even though the Schlumberger
system seemed simpler and less artificial.
Together with the proton and the electron, the neutron is one of the
elementary particles of the atom. It is usually associated with the proton in
43 See A. Blanchard and J. T. Dewan, “The Calibration of Gamma Ray Logs,” The
Petroleum Engineer, August 1953.
After 1945
the nucleus. Its mass equals that of the hydrogen atom, and it is electri¬
cally neutral.
How the neutron was discovered reads like a “whodonit.” The race
for the truth began at the end of 1930 with Bothe and Becker in Germany
and ended on February 17, 1932, with Chadwick’s triumph at the Caven¬
dish Laboratory. To postulate the existence of the new particle, Chadwick
had used, among others, the results published barely a month earlier
(January 18, 1932) by Frédéric Joliot and Irene Joliot-Curie of the Institut
du Radium in France.
No less extraordinary was the speed with which the adaptation of the
neutron to lithological studies was proposed and achieved. Robert E.
Fearon was granted a patent in 1938, another was granted in 1940 to
Folkert Brons, and in 1941 the Italian physicist Bruno Pontecorvo
published in Oil and Gas Journal an article entitled “Neutron Well Log¬
ging.” Well Surveys, Inc., undertook the first tests that same year.
Meanwhile study of the new particle, whose role in nuclear weapons
could already be foreseen by those with the requisite knowledge, had
taken giant strides. It seems rather surprising that the neutron was consid¬
ered for logging, but the highly penetrative character of a flux of these
particles did augur well for logging through the casing. On the other hand,
as a consequence of neutronic activity, high-energy44 gamma rays that a
gamma ray sonde can detect are emitted. As Bothe and Becker had
demonstrated, neutrons are generated at the rate of several billions per
second by bombarding a beryllium target with alpha particles provided by
a naturally radioactive substance like polonium or radium.
However advanced nuclear physics may have been in 1945, its first
application to logging was highly empirical. It was soon possible, with the
log obtained, to distinguish shales from sandstones or limestones, but for
a rather long time use of the neutron log was strictly qualitative, comple¬
menting the natural radioactivity log and enhancing lithological interpreta¬
tion and well correlations. The gamma-neutron combination somehow
recalled the S.P.-resistivity association, except that it was now possible to
“see” through the casing.
The free neutron, a neutral particle, collides with atomic nuclei
without interference from electrostatic forces. Ejected at a velocity of
thousands of kilometers per second, it collides with various nuclei; these
44 This property distinguishes them from the much less energetic natural gamma rays.
The History of a Technique
After 1945
47 The relation between porosity and neutron slowdown had been considered in 1949 by
Clark Goodman, a technical consultant for Schlumberger. In the same year R. Fearon
referred to it in Nucleonics (June 1949). One of the first studies of Jay Tittman when he
joined Schlumberger in 1951 was to tackle the theoretical basis of this relation.
48 Schlumberger initially decided in favor of radium-beryllium, although this combination
had serious shortcomings as compared with polonium-beryllium: the price was very high,
and the gamma radiation required thorough protection of the operators. However, its
half-life period is 1590 years against only 140 days for polonium. Whereas in the United
States radioactive sources could be delivered within a few days, the situation was different
when customs formalities interfered. The delays for polonium could then exceed one or
two longevity periods, and a problematic recalibration was required, if the product had not
become altogether useless. The selection of the source was therefore determined by the
fact that Schlumberger’s operations were international.
The History of a Technique
49 The linear relation between the logarithm of the porosity and the neutron log reading
had been recognized by Shell's S. H. Rockwood, who had conducted many comparisons
between porosity values measured on cores and neutron log readings.
50 J- V Dewan, “Neutron Log Correction Charts for Borehole Conditions and Bed
Thickness, Journal of Petroleum Technology, February 1956.
M. Grosmangin and E. B. Walker, “Gas Detection by Dual-Spacing Neutron Log in the
Greater Oficina Area, Venezuela,” Journal of Petroleum Technology, May 1957.
After 1945
Auxiliary operations
Dipmeter Surveys
The S.P. correlation dipmeter often gave excellent results. From the
outset it almost always proved superior to the electromagnetic anisotropy
dipmeter, as it indicated not only the azimuth but also the dip angle of the
The operating technique was to select on the conventional log a
number of sections, each about 30 feet long, such that the dips would be
geologically significant and the S.P. curve would allow correlations. The
selection was usually made in collaboration between the client’s geologist
and the Schlumberger engineer. Computation of the dip requires knowl¬
edge of the inclination of the borehole and the orientation of the instru¬
ment, and these data were given by the photoclinometer kept in fixed
geometry with the dipmeter sonde. Once the tool had been lowered to
the deepest level of a section selected for study, it was necessary to wait
for about 1 minute until the needle of the compass and the ball of the
inclinometer stabilized and could be photographed. While the sonde was
then slowly pulled to the upper level of the section, the three dipmeter
curves were recorded. There was then another stop, another wait, and
another photograph. As a comparison of the photographs taken at the two
levels almost always showed that the instrument had rotated during the
recording, computation of the dip was possible only on the assumption
that the rotation had been proportional to the vertical travel. This is the
reason why the length of the sections was limited: a substantial rotation
would have required an exceedingly hazardous interpolation.
Correlating the dipmeter curves was theoretically easy, but actually
required great skill. Wherever the dipmeter operated, there were
specialists analyzing the logs received from the field, correlating curves,
making trigonometric calculations to determine the azimuth and dip
angle, and preparing a graphic presentation of the results. These
The History of a Technique
52 At the depth scale of 1:20 generally used in these recordings, the maximum theoretical
curve displacement for a 5 degree dip in an 8 inch well is less than 0.7 millimeter. This
already requires precision in evaluation, but the dips to be measured and the displace¬
ments are sometimes even smaller.
After 1945
53 The inclination of the borehole and the orientation of the electrodes were still obtained
by the photoclinometer, whose operation remained unchanged. A relay made it possible
to switch from the dipmeter to the photoclinometer function. With electronics the two
could have been performed simultaneously, but since the mechanical system required a
stop to photograph the needle and the ball, simultaneity was not essential.
The History of a Technique
54 Pierre de Chambrier was an engineer and electronics specialist who had expended great
effort on dipmeter problems, especially during the several years he had spent in eastern
After 1945
The History of a Technique
After 1945
The battery cell thermometer had been employed in the field since
1938, mainly for thermal location of the cement tops in cased wells (see p.
179), and had given rather satisfactory results. Another application, less
dependable because multiple intervening factors made any quantitative
interpretation, even in broad figures, very difficult, was the detection of
gas entries in the mud column. Certain cases demanded the study of
minute temperature variations. However, the technique proved reason¬
ably successful in the Permian Basin, where gas entries are important.55
On the other hand, it was used to excess in Kansas to detect low-potential
and low-gas : oil-ratio oil-bearing strata. Oddly enough for a thermome¬
ter, it had temperature limitations. The bottom-hole temperature induced
a rather sharp drop in the voltage of the cells enclosed in the sonde, and
in the potential variation measured at the surface it was difficult to
distinguish between the change in thermometric resistance and the drop
in battery voltage.
To achieve more dependable results, Boucherot undertook in 1948
the study of a “Deep Well Thermometer.” He produced an instrument
that withstood the highest bottom-hole temperatures and was more sensi¬
tive, quicker to operate, and less bulky than the previous model. The
solution was a bold one. The thermometric wire was dipped bare into the
drilling mud—hence a minimum calorific mass and a quicker response.
The problem had been that, in order to render negligible the leaks
through the mud, a low thermometric resistance was needed. As the trend
of the time was to use resistivity logging circuits for all purposes, the
resistance bridge constituting the thermometric sonde was fed with pul¬
sated current. The signal was amplified by placing at the head of the sonde
one of those unorthodox square current transformers already described in
connection with the Laterolog. With no substantial change in operating
method or interpretation of results, the deep well thermometer was put
55 The problem was to produce a gas-free oil, as at that time gas had no commercial value
and was flared on the spot. However, reservoir conservation rules strictly limited the
gas : oil ratio. Only the reservoir energy of the gas was involved, but it remained essential
to locate its entry.
The History of a Technique
>h The induced voltage is proportional to the derivative of the inductive current with
respect to time, and the derivative of a sawtooth curve is a square-pulse curve.
After 1945
57 Up to 80 samples for every 100 shots fired was the recovery rate in favorable areas.
The History of a Technique
After 1945
/ '
The History of a Technique
Figure 79■ Formation tester.
The History of a Technique
Of all the instruments of its kind only the formation tester has
survived to this day. However, in spite of many alterations and improve¬
ments, it remains of limited use because of its mechanical complexity,
operational difficulties, and maintenance requirements. It has found cer¬
tain application in southern Texas, in Argentina, and in Nigeria, but has in
no way eliminated the drill stem test, which requires a more demanding
and hazardous endeavor but yields much more comprehensive results.
After 1945
not affected, because the energy consumed to perforate the plate was
compensated for by an increase in pressure build up and muzzle velocity.
More serious problems, however, soon arose. One was that the
duration of operations involving hundreds or even thousands of shots had
to be shortened; more importantly, the bullet penetration in consolidated
sandstones and limestones was inadequate, and there was need for in¬
creased firing power. The first problem was one of accessories, of proper
organization of the loading shop, and of better personnel training, rather
than of the perforator itself. This aspect concerned Kuwait, Iraq, and
Venezuela more than the United States, where large shooting jobs were
few and, in any case, not handled by Schlumberger. The operational speed
was first increased in Kuwait. A truck-mounted shop equipped to reload
the guns on the spot as shooting went on was driven to the well site. The
layout was excellent, and every convenience was available: guns were
assembled and disassembled in record time by pneumatic tools. The
tightest safety measures were enforced, for with perforators firing in burst
any accidental ignition could have meant catastrophe. This equipment had
been designed and built in Paris by Marcel, but its operation in the field
was conducted by, among others, Louis Bordât, Mike Grosmangin, Joe
Moffet, Jacques Priotton, and Ahmud, the Kuwaiti foreman who was
unanimously credited for the liaison achieved with the local manpower
and for the high efficiency obtained.
The second problem, penetration, became especially acute in 1948.
The inadequate penetration in consolidated rocks was revealed not only
by tests made on cores, but also by the fact that, in bailing the bottom of
the hole, drillers would retrieve parts of bullets, and even whole bullets,
that had not penetrated the casing. On the contrary, in sand-shale series,
perforation at the correct depth resulted in oil production if the cement¬
ing had been properly done, and in water production otherwise. The
efficiency of the perforator was obvious. Yet in 1948 Gulf developed a
new cementing process through which the seal between casing and forma¬
tions was substantially improved, with the result that even in sand-shale
series penetration did not always suffice to bring the well in.
By that time the service companies had already undertaken the study
of more powerful perforators. Schlumberger had been working since
1945 on a new gun, and in 1947 entered the field of shaped charges—an
area where others had a substantial lead. The oil companies themselves
were increasingly unhappy with conventional tools and submitted the
The History of a Technique
62 If perforation takes place close to the water-oil contact, such fracturing may also cause
water intrusion. But if the firing is positioned much above that contact, the advantage is
such that it justifies the development of fracturing shaped charges.
After 1945
63 The first patent of Clyde O. Davis (1942), licensed to du Pont de Nemours, did not
include this feature; but that of Muskat (Gulf, 1945) specified that the cavity of the cone,
lined with a ductile metal, is filled with a compressible fluid.
The History of a Technique
After 1945
The History of a Technique
technique consisted of arranging, from the outset, for all completion and
work-over operations involved in the lifetime of an oil well (water shutoff,
recementing, reacidization, reperforation) to be feasible without inter¬
rupting production, that is, without “killing” the well by pumping heavy
mud, and then removing the tubing. To make perforation an integral part
of this new technique required not only a small-diameter perforator but
also a cable small enough to pass through the packing gland of the
blowout preventer. The quick solution was to scale down the 3§ inch
shaped charge so that it could be used in a lfi inch expendable aluminum
tubing carrier. The effort resulted in a charge which shot upward at a 45
degree angle with a shot density of five charges per foot. Later on, a string
of sealed frangible aluminum capsules, each with its own shaped charge,
replaced the tubular gun. These were of particular interest in operations
outside the United States because of their convenience and portability.
The lfi inch overall guns were able to pass through most production
tubings; as to the cable, it was a single-conductor, armored type about ^
inch in diameter, wound on a small truck-mounted winch. Gillingham
deserves the credit for having recognized the appeal of such equipment
and taken the initiative in its manufacture. Even though widespread
commercial success was not immediate, Schlumberger had led the way in
a new and revolutionary technique.
Phase Two: 1957-1974
A general view
1 This activity is mentioned here for the record only, as it does not fall within the scope of
this work.
The History of a Technique
2 This figure covers only traditional Schlumberger activities. An almost equal amount is
earmarked for other undertakings of the holding company.
After 1945
B *•
The History of a Technique
because their components (cathode, grid, and anode) have a rather high
inertia and easily become deformed. Furthermore, the transistor needs
very little power, a valuable asset for circuits operating at the far end of a
cable several miles long and ill suited for power transmission. In the latter
case it was necessary to await the advent in 1954 of silicon transistors,
which can withstand temperatures of 350 degrees F.
The printed circuit technique (Fig. 81) was, in its turn, put to ample
use. In this case, unlike the audiovisual industry, dependability, together
with easier troubleshooting and, mainly, volume reduction, was more
important than cost cutting. On the other hand, the first integrated
circuits, in which all the elements are assembled on a crystal of a few
millimeters, were developed in I960, and only their early inadequate
resistance to temperature delayed for a time their incorporation into
Schlumberger instruments.
Resistivity Tools
3 The code name for a six-coil, vertically and laterally focused sonde with 40 inch spacing
between main transmitting and receiving coils.
After 1945
diameter. Later, a single tool combined two induction sondes, one the 6
FF 40 and the other much less deep, as well as the Laterolog 8. In
conjunction with the Microlaterolog, this tool proved useful in the qual¬
itative interpretation as well as the quantitative study of resistivities.
Francis Perrin had based his calculations on the assumption that
concentric elementary currents had a negligible mutual effect (see p. 247).
This is not always correct because, at the frequency used, a reaction
resulting from the skin effect can be observed in low-resistivity zones.
Although appropriate charts made it possible to correct the reading, an
automatic correction at the time of recording was more rational, and the
surface apparatus was modified accordingly.
The year 1971 saw the integration into a single tool of an induction
sonde, a sonic device (see p. 307), and a very shallow resistivity instru¬
ment, the “Spherical Focused Log” (S.F.L.). The primary use of the S.F.L.
is to replace the Laterolog 8. Its focusing system forces the current
emitted by the central electrode to spread as in a homogeneous isotropic
medium. The equipotential surfaces are then spheres. The borehole effect
is eliminated without any increase in the depth of investigation, thus
providing an accurate resistivity measurement of the invaded zone. The
induction-sonic-S.F.L. combination was a distinguished technical
achievement; the tool was particularly suited to the characteristics of the
Texas and Louisiana coasts.
In regard to the measurement of Rt, it is worth putting on record that
the advocates of Laterologs 3 and 7, up to recent years, could not agree as
to which was the better system. Although Laterolog 3 is easy to combine
with radioactivity instruments, Laterolog 7 gives a better determination of
the true resistivity, especially in cases where Rt is unusually high. One
might say that, roughly, Laterolog 3 is better suited to the conditions of
American fields and Laterolog 7 to those of the eastern hemisphere. This
is the reason why Houston refined Laterolog 3, and Paris Laterolog 7.
Laterolog 3 became a conductivity measuring instrument. The prob¬
lem was not merely to convert the ohm scale into mhos, which could have
been done by a reciprocator, but to obtain a measurement signal linearly
proportional to conductivity: the current emitted by the central elec¬
trode being constant, voltage varies as resistivity; conversely, if the volt¬
age is kept constant, conductivity is measured by the current variations.
The latter system is used in Laterolog 3.
From 1964 Laterolog 7 included a long-contemplated downhole
The History of a Technique
amplifier. Next came the analysis of the so-called “Delaware effect, first
observed in a western Texas basin on a sand overlain by a thick anhydrite
bed of practically infinite resistivity. The effect is eliminated by a special
arrangement of the electrodes, unless mutual induction generates pertur¬
bations in the opposite sense:4 the “anti-Delaware effect.”
During this period detailed theoretical studies were available, di¬
rected at defining a Laterolog suitable for conditions, frequent in the
eastern hemisphere, of a true resistivity much above that of the invaded
zone. André Poupon was the first to become fully aware of the problem
and was able to enlist the interest of Doll, who lent his support and
original views. Jean Dumanoir was put in charge of the mathematical
treatment, and after many transatlantic discussions specifications for the
tool were set. Two systems were combined: the deepest possible
Laterolog, and another one with guard current return electrodes close to
the transmitting electrodes, an arrangement that focuses the current
throughout the significant part of its flow through the invaded zone. This
shallow investigation system is called a “Pseudolaterolog” (Fig. 82). How¬
ever attractive the combination, it appeared that two resistivity mea¬
surements are not always enough to give a good definition of the invasion
profile and to determine Rt accurately; an additional Microlaterolog-type,
low-penetration measurement was needed on the borehole wall. As the
design of a tool able to make these three measurements simultaneously
seemed difficult, a phased approach was adopted. With the measurement
of Rxo left to the conventional Microlaterolog, an instrument was created
that, in two successive runs and without leaving the borehole, recorded
both the Laterolog and the pseudolaterolog curves. As a wide range (0.2
to 40,000 ohms) was desired, a technique had to be devised that would
associate the features of both measurement systems: conductivity and
resistivity. Under the name “constant power technique,” it consists of
maintaining the constancy, not of the voltage (V0) or the current (70) of the
central electrode, but of their product, that is, the power.
The results, bolstered by those of the Microlaterolog, proved quite
satisfactory. The presentation of the three logs in logarithmic scales
allowed in particular for the determination of their ratios, which are
After 1943
Figure 82. Principle of the Double Laterolog. Left: Deep Laterolog. Right: Pseudolaterolog.
The History of a Technique
5 Through a focused pad-mounted system, the Proximity log measures the resistivity of the
zone fully invaded by the mud filtrate, but is less affected by the mud cake than the
Microlaterolog, from which it is derived. It was put into operation in 1958 and has
gradually replaced the Microlaterolog wherever there are thick mud deposits.
6 What is actually computed is an average of conductivities.
7 Another solution is the recording of a neutron log (C.N.L.; see p. 304) or a compensated
density log (see p. 304-305), but the quality of the pseudolaterolog is affected by the
excentralization these tools require.
After 1945
all tools using pads, the Micro S.F.L. requires tight contact with the
borehole wall. Correct alignment is achieved through a system of four
hydraulically collapsible legs, which also ensures the centering of the
bottom of the sonde and the measurement of the borehole diameter.
The Dual Laterolog-i^j.0 has confirmed in practice the theoretical
considerations on which it was based, thus justifying the effort invested in
its design.
Only after 1957 did nuclear logging techniques begin to show prom¬
ise of successful development. Every service company concentrated its
efforts in this new field, either on instrumentation or on interpretation.
Although not a pioneer, Schumberger built on its experience and re¬
mained in the leading ranks.
One of the first objectives, as was true for the whole nuclear industry,
was to design better detectors. As radioactivity phenomena are of a
random nature, the number of events occurring within 1 second—
emission of natural or induced gamma rays, neutrons, or other particles—
is variable. A valid measurement requires an average over a time span
that, according to the theory of probability, will be longer as the events
are more widely spaced. All the counters used heretofore, whether ioniza¬
tion chambers or Geiger-Muller counters, were of poor efficiency as they
counted only a minor part of the rays passing through them. To obtain
significant measurements, logging required either overlong counters,
which worked against the degree of resolution, or slow logging speeds
that extended the duration of the operation. The scintillation counter (a
photoluminescent crystal coupled with an electron multiplier) was wel¬
comed as the ideal detector for logging, but the question of downhole
temperature had to be dealt with first. Without waiting for the manufac¬
turers’ improvements, Schlumberger tackled the problem by undertaking
an exhaustive study of the components that could serve in such an
instrument. In I960, with the assistance and advice of André Lallemand,8
Jean-Pierre Causse designed and built a scintillation counter combining
The History of a Technique
9 If Pb is the measured global density, </> the porosity, pma the density of the matrix, andpr
the density of the pore-filling fluid:
Pma Pb
cj) =
Pma Pf
After 1945
The History of a Technique
amount of sodium chloride or, ultimately, salt water.10 The striking anal¬
ogy with other measurements also dependent on the amount of salt water
in a nonconductive medium gave reason to hope that a log could be
obtained that would be similar to the resistivity log but could be recorded
through the casing. It was not for Western scientists to lead the research
in this field: in 1958 the Russians published their first experiments.11
Conventional sources cannot be used to measure the rate of neutron
decay as a function of time; a discontinuous source that generates a large
number of neutrons within a few microseconds is needed. The decay is
measured within a few milliseconds following the interruption of the
emission. The process is repeated a great number of times within a
second. The measurement is simplified because of the fact that, the decay
being exponential, two values suffice in principle to give the time con¬
stant. A log is obtained with a pulsated source and a detector for gamma
rays of capture or thermal neutrons. From 1964 Lane Wells used this
system in the United States under the name “Neutron Lifetime Log.”
Schlumberger’s version, put into operation in 1966, was called the
“Thermal Decay Time Log” (T.D.T.).
The great difficulty here lies in “manufacturing” neutrons in large
quantities within a very short time span. The most suitable method is to
use a particle miniaccelerator to bombard a tritium target with deuterium
atoms. Yet to generate neutrons the nuclear reaction calls for energy
involving a potential difference of some 100,000 volts, an apparently
insuperable obstacle considering the reduced space and high tempera¬
tures at the bottom of a borehole. The problem was solved, not only for
standard sondes about 4 inches in diameter, but also for the lfè inch
sondes required to go through the tubing. This was a remarkable feat,
particularly for the latter, which are used to run through the tubing under
pressure and log the formations behind the casing while the well is
flowing. One interesting application is the repeated observation at
scheduled intervals of the saltwater level in a producing horizon.
Schlumberger’s contribution to the pulsated neutron technique was
1(1 The conventional neutron log studies the distance covered by the particles before their
collisions with hydrogen atoms render them thermal or epithermal. In the present case
what is at stake is the life duration of the thermal neutrons before absorption.
11 B. G. Erozolimski, R. L. Voitsik, N. V. Popov, and A. S. Chkolnikov, “New Methods of
Logging Bore Holes Using Pulsed Neutron Sources ''Neftyanoie Khozyaistvo, Vol. 36, 11
After 1945
important not only for the instrumental progress achieved, but also for
the practical utilization of the results. The Ridgefield and Houston centers
manufactured small series of instruments dependable enough to be put
into service in the Middle East, but their correct operation was made
possible only by the international technical organization. An original
method had been devised for precision measurement of the neutron rate
of decay;12 interpretation was supported by Schlumberger’s long experi¬
The function of the T.D.T. is not to evaluate a reservoir before casing
is set. In the current state ol the technique, its depth of investigation is not
sufficient to make it competitive with the various resistivity logs. The
quantitative interpretation of the results, however, makes it an outstand¬
ing instrument for production control insofar as it determines drainage
efficiency and assists in optimizing production methods. Such is its role
today in the most productive fields of the U.S.S.R., the United States, and
the Middle East.
The History of a Technique
Gr. 8. — Cl. 1. N° 786.863
(Procédés Schlumberger)
After 1945
14 At a certain moment the operator heard, instead of the usual cacophony, these distinctly
spoken words: “Trilobites speaking. Go to hell!” (Trilobites are fossil crustaceans of the
15 There is here a similarity with one of the first goals of downhole resistivity measure¬
ments: to obtain parameters for the interpretation of surface results.
The History of a Technique
the explosion and the arrival of the seismic wave at the geophone. The
operation was repeated at some 20 different levels in the hole; the process
was slow and costly, however, and there was too great a discontinuity
between results for the desired accuracy.
At the instigation of Frank Kokesh, a field engineer transferred to
Houston, better systems were designed. In the first the arrangement was
reversed: with the geophone at the surface, a standard perforator fired 24
blank cartridges at as many depths in the borehole. Much time and many
explosives were saved, but the energy of the shots did not reach beyond a
few hundred meters. The few units built were used in 1952 in shallow
stratigraphic reconnaissance coreholes. In 1955 new tests were made with
the geophone being lowered downhole about 100 feet below the per¬
forator, making it possible to measure, regardless of depth, the propaga¬
tion time over 24 intervals in a single run. This “Long-Interval Velocity
Logging” system was marketed for several years without any great success.
One deterrent was the fact that two instruments 100 feet apart on the
same cable meant a difficult fishing job, should either get stuck or lost in
the hole.
The advantage of all these measurement methods was their relative
facility. Propagation times were short, though not much more so than
those of the conventional seismic method. But the processes were clumsy,
and the results lacked continuity. The geophysical services of the major
companies, Magnolia (Mobil), Humble (Esso), and Shell, resumed the
search for a continuous propagation velocity log and undertook the de¬
velopment of more advanced techniques. Although reverting to spacings
of a few feet between transmitter and receiver allowed for a much weaker
source, it entailed measurements in microseconds, a unit not current in
geophysics. Electronics easily solved this problem in 1952. Two systems
prevailed. In the first, propagation time between transmitter and receiver
was measured; in the other, as in the 1935 Schlumberger patent, the
measurement took place between two vertically spaced receivers, which
in principle eliminated the travel time in the mud and hence the effect of
the borehole diameter.
The first operational equipment (March 1954) was produced by
Magnolia, which licensed its patent rights to the Seismographic Service
Corporation. In 1955 Schlumberger acquired the patent rights of Humble
and thereupon developed a two-receiver system, which was marketed in
After 1945
The History of a Technique
After 1945
of specialists hold that the key to the problem is at hand, it seems doubtful
that a solution is imminent.
An altogether different application of the acoustical phenomena was
proposed in 1956 by Dowell, specialists in oil well cementing, acidizing,
and fracturing. It was a sonar-type device, designed to measure the
volume of the huge caves obtained by dissolving rock salt in order to
provide space for hydrocarbon storage. On the basis of the same idea,
Mobil Oil, in 1967, took out a patent covering an instrument having the
rather misleading name “Borehole Televiewer.” The target was no longer
caves but conventional boreholes, and what was measured was not the
propagation time but the intensity of the reflected pulses. It was like
observing the borehole wall in monochromatic light, through the mud and
even the mud cake if any: if it were hard and smooth, it would appear as
shiny, whereas fractures would show in dark.19
Schlumberger, having acquired the license for the Mobil patent,
made it operational, notably in western Texas, Libya, and Iran. A continu¬
ous log is obtained when pulling the sonde up the hole, while a rotating
acoustic beam scans a low-pitch helix all along the borehole wall. In
compact limestones, nonhorizontal fractures emerge sharply, as do the
perforations in a cased well. This is the only method known to locate them
However important these side applications, the main use of the sonic
log remains the measurement of sound velocity and, through the Wyllie
formula, the computation of porosity. The tools were greatly improved,
and in 1963 the Schlumberger sonic equipment was thoroughly rede¬
signed. The present sonde includes two ultrasound generators and four
receivers. An average is taken between two measurements, one on an
ascending, the other on a descending, wave. This eliminates errors arising
from diameter variations of the borehole or from the inclination of the
sonde in relation to its axis.
19 The question has often been raised as to how useful it would be to televise, or take color
films, in boreholes. However interesting, a picture of a borehole wall would be less
informative than its resistivity, density, sound velocity, and so on. Moreover, a borehole is
usually filled with mud or crude oil, and since the real subjects of interest (i.e., the porous
and permeable borehole walls) are plastered with mud cake, nothing much would be
revealed. The television cameras that have been designed for highly specific purposes have
found little application.
The History of a Technique
After 1945
The History of a Technique
21 This same Schlumberger tool is used for an altogether different purpose: the injection
into incompetent sand of resinous compounds that bind the grains without excessively
reducing the permeability of the reservoir, and prevent them from being carried by oil or
gas through the production string and eroding it.
After 1945
The History of a Technique
the desired level; the pellets are located from inside the casing by a
directional detector coupled with a swiveling perforator firing in a single
direction. Another system comprises a gamma ray densimeter, which is
also directional and locates the tubings by the increased density read in
their direction. These are all exceptional operations, difficult to execute
and requiring an extremely complex apparatus, along with a flawless
interpretation of measurements.
Traditionally, Schlumberger’s activity in the field began with the
drilling of an oil well and ended with its completion. As soon as the well
was connected with the pipeline, the crews had to withdraw without the
opportunity to put their experience and versatile equipment to further
use. There seemed to be a loss of potential business in this routine. One
possible direction for such expanded activity was analysis of the flow at
the various producing levels of an oil well. Optimum production of one or
several reservoirs mandates that, when necessary, the behavior of a well
be corrected. This, in turn, requires information on the amount and
nature of the fluids flowing into the well at every level. The greater the
production, the more important the problem, as is typically the case in the
Middle East. However, it was in 1957, in Brunei, that at Shell’s instiga¬
tion, and thanks to the perserverance of Simon Noi'k, Schlumberger
became interested in the question. On his own initiative, Noik had built,
with locally available facilities, rudimentary tools promising enough to
convince Paris that the lead was worth following. It soon became apparent
that, in addition to instruments, the primary need was for a theoretical and
experimental study of the flow of fluids in vertical tubes. A laboratory
equipped for the simulation of the whole range of diphasic flows as they
occur in petroleum production was built—probably the only one of its
kind in Europe.
A flowmeter suffices in the case of monophasic production: the total
flow is measured point by point, the inflow at each level being determined
by the derivative of the flow curve as a function of depth. The situation is
no longer simple when the flow becomes diphasic or triphasic (water-
oil-gas) because the flowmeters are affected by the nature of the fluids
driving them. A system of measurements then becomes necessary in
which the percentage of each phase is determined level by level and from
which, in turn, the amount of each fluid entering the well can be calcu¬
lated at each level. One difficulty is that in order to lower the tools below
the tubing small diameters (about lyg inches) are required; another
After 1945
is that the measurements must not interfere with the phenomena being
Schlumberger flowmeters are of the spinner type. The percentage of
each phase is obtained by also measuring the density and the dielectric
constant of the mixture: the density reveals the ratio between gases and
liquids, and the dielectric constant that between water and hydrocarbons.
Once more, the research program proved more complex than anticipated,
especially as the solution to the problem calls for two series of instru¬
ments, one for outputs exceeding 500 barrels per day, another for lesser
productions. In the latter case, fluid velocity is boosted by narrowing the
flow section with an inflatable bag. The measurements are translated into
simple physical parameters: electrical capacitance, revolutions per second,
frequencies, and so on. However, there is another original method, also
credited to Noik: determination of the density on the basis of the hy¬
drostatic pressure differential between two levels (Gradiomanometer).
Other tools complete the array, in particular a special caliper, and a
high-resolution thermometer which locates gas leaks in the tubing and
fluid flows behind the casing.
In spite of the importance of production logging a long time was
required for it to prevail. The interpretation technique, which had to be
created from scratch, showed the possibilities and limitations of the
system. Although its advantages are no longer questioned in the case of
large producers, the fact is that most oil wells are small producers for
which such a service, however beneficial, remains too complicated and
costly. Yet it seems logical to think that Schlumberger’s initiative, im¬
mediately followed by the activity of its competitors, has marked the
beginning of an irreversible trend and that with the benefit of new
measurement techniques, among which the Thermal Decay time log is
already operational, this type of logging will become a key element of
hydrocarbon production.
The History of a Technique
1930 drilling in southern Louisiana had moved from the “bayous” to the
coast, and from there to the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico. In
Venezuela, too, in the 1950’s drilling platforms could be found in the
middle of Lake Maracaibo. Solution of the problem had simply required a
switch from the truck of the O.S.U.-C (see p. 224). This unit was normally
installed permanently on the drilling platform and included the equip¬
ment common to all services: cable, winch, cabin, optical recorder, and
generator. As a radio network and air or sea transport were available, no
time was lost in moving the crews and their equipment to the site.
Far greater difficulties arose with deep-sea drilling, and to master
them a new generation of platforms was needed. On the other hand,
logging was not affected by any major new problem. Technical features
were gradually adjusted. There was, first, the question of the optimum
location for the O.S.U.-C. The prohibitive cost of standby time on
offshore platforms required as many measurements as possible in a
minimum of logging runs; combination tools had to be designed to meet
this objective. Along the same lines the first radio transmissions of logs
were studied to devise the fastest possible delivery of logging results
Finally, specialized crews had to be set up to meet the specific require¬
ments of the platforms and their environment—a minor task for a com¬
pany whose motto was “Wherever the Drill Goes, Schlumberger Goes.”
Though there are colorful elements in the ways to reach the platforms and
in the work and life on them, logging services—whether in the North Sea
or off the shores of Alaska, Nigeria, or the Sunda Islands—continue to
offer the same routine efficiency as they do in Iran or Oklahoma (Fig. 85).
After 1945
The History of a Technique
deserves elaborate processing. Only when such priorities have been estab¬
lished, can substantial progress be achieved.
The quick look had been the basis of Schlumberger’s reputation and
success on the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast. In this region of sands with
low shale content and uniform porosity, where there is little variation in
the salinity of the interstitial water, the S.P. and the two conventional
resistivity logs gave quick and safe diagnoses. In other regions, however,
variable porosity or salinity and a higher shale content blurred the effect
of the hydrocarbons on the resistivity—a fact that no interpretation,
however summary, may overlook. Although no good quick-look method
has yet been devised that accounts for the shale content, it has been
possible to eliminate the effects of porosity and interstitial water to the
point that, by the 1960 s, some logs presented in the field lent themselves
to immediate interpretation.
The first of these logs, the so-called Rwa log, followed shortly upon
the introduction of the sonic log as a porosity tool. The method consists in
considering all the formations as being entirely filled with water and
(Rwa) of this water on the basis of the
calculating the apparent resistivity
true resistivity (Rt) and the formation factor (F) provided by the sonic
The apparent resistivity (Rwa) will be the true resistivity (Rw) of the
interstitial water wherever it fills the formation at 100 percent. If, how¬
ever, Rwa is higher that Rw, and if, furthermore, the S.P. maximum
deflections are approximately constant, indicating that Rw is the same over
F =-
= A t - A tma
9 A tf- A tna
Atf and Atma are the interval travel times in microseconds per foot (known in principle) in
the fluid and the rock matrix, respectively, and At is the time measured by the sonic sonde;
After 1945
the whole section logged, then these abnormally high values of Rwa are
indications of oil or gas.
Although a sonde has recently been built that records sonic and
induction logs in a single run, to obtain an Rwa in the field in the 1960’s
required the combined results of two runs. On the first run the sonic log
was recorded optically and on punched tape.23 On the second run, while
the induction was being recorded, the punched tape was played back
through a simplified computer that calculated R wa from R t and A*, the
constant values Afma and \tf being dialed in; and as it was being calculated,
Rwa was put into analog form and also recorded optically. This was a
complicated exercise, requiring equipment so bulky as to call for an
additional pickup truck. The operation put a strain on the equipment, as
well as on the nerves of the crew because of the devilish noise of the paper
tape puncher.
This service was operative for a few years but was active only in
southern Texas and Louisiana.24 It had serious limitations; for example,
the variations of Rw had to be small, the invasion could not be too deep,
and the sonic log was expected to give a good porosity value. But the
major practical difficulty was to obtain a perfect depth matching of both R t
and A Jogs. In brief, there was hardly any justification for such complexity
when the result was merely to indicate hydrocarbon potentialities without
even giving their approximate percentages. More could be achieved at
less cost.
To avoid these inconclusive calculations, Doll thought of comparing
the various logs by overlaying their transparencies. Sliding one log over
another would readily give the optical depth correlation; and by using
logarithmic coordinates for the various resistivities, an immediate evalua¬
tion of the ratio between two values (especially Rxo and Rt) should result
from measuring the separation between curves. It then takes the mere
translation of a log with respect to a fixed grid to multiply or divide all its
ordinates by a constant. This makes it possible to multiply all the values of
23 A conventional recording in binary code with 8 bits, that is, 128 values, a resolution that
is adequate for a sonic log.
24 More specifically, it involved also a so-called FR/FS method consisting of calculating the
formation factor on the basis first of the resistivities (FR) and second of the porosity as
provided by the values of the sonic log (Fs). In principle, FR/FS = 1 in aquifers, and any
value above 1 indicates hydrocarbons.
The History of a Technique
5W R JR mf 5/8
r Jr w
the new Rxo log will coincide with the Rt log (induction or laterolog) in
water-bearing horizons where S w = 1, whereas its noncoincidence will be a
good hydrocarbon indication: where the curves are separated, it will
suffice to measure the separation with a special rule (allowing for the Ys
exponent), and a first approximation of Sw will be obtained without
further ado.
As only comparables may be compared, the method demands that
the vertical resolution be the same for both logs, which is not generally
the case. To be valid, therefore, the method requires obtaining the
average logRX0—actually a “sliding average” of conductivities—a routine
operation easily carried out during recording.
The logarithmic scale has other merits, timidly acknowledged in the
early days of the hand recorder. It amplifies differences in the low-
resistivity zones where they are of interest, but compresses them wher.e
they are less so. It thus allows for the clear recording on a single curve of a
considerable range of values (from 0.2 to 2000 ohms), whereas the log
would be difficult to read on an linear scale. What had doomed prior
efforts was the fact that to geologists the shapes of the curves were more
important than their numerical values.
However satisfactory quick-look methods have become, and how¬
ever skillful geologists, geophysicists, and petroleum engineers are in
their use, they are only a beginning for an industry capable of assimilating
huge amounts of information. Quantitative interpretation had long been
reserved for specialists: it consists in the application of the proper for¬
mulae to translate physical parameters into petroleum production lan¬
guage. As computations made by slide rule and charts were slow and
arduous, their practice was limited to zones that logs and local stratigraphy
indicated as being promising. Yet a real danger existed that a productive
zone might be overlooked for lack of a systematic study of the log over its
whole length. Computers were now available, however, and most of the
laborious routine work seemed to lend itself to programming. Automated
interpretation was the preocccupation of the day, but far from being easy,
After 1945
The History of a Technique
cessed by the computer; they first need “editing,” that is, the depth and
unit (ohms/m, grams/cm3, microseconds/ foot, etc.) scales must be recon¬
stituted, and then “normalizing,” in other words they must be corrected
for environmental factors25 (borehole diameter, mud cake, invasion, etc.).
Only after the tapes have been normalized by Schlumberger is actual
interpretation possible; it is for the client to decide whether to undertake
the programming himself or entrust it to Schlumberger. This program¬
ming?6 has been the subject of a vast amount of research and is today the
bailiwick of a highly specialized staff. Yet experience reveals that, in spite
of more and more automation, the operator’s intervention remains ines¬
capable when it comes to basic choices. However, since the computer
willingly accommodates a mass of calculations, one can invoke complex
relations and repetitive processes heretofore unthinkable. By using the
whole gamut of logs, it usually becomes possible not only to evaluate
the porosity, the oil saturation, and the amount of oil flushed from the
invaded zone, but also to estimate the shale content and the density of the
hydrocarbons, and even to draw up a “permeability index” from relations
between capillary pressure, permeability, irreducible water saturation,27
and porosity.
The end product may be of several types. It can be a magnetic tape
called CERT (Computer Evaluation Result Tape), which contains not only
the global results, but also edited and normalized basic data enabling the
client to proceed with his own computations. Most frequently it is an
optical log materializing the results of computer processing, and obtained
through a highly sophisticated electronic camera developed in Ridgefield
(Fig. 86). The conventional aspect of the log is maintained, except that the
parameters provided are no longer couched in the language of ohms and
millivolts, but are expressed in terms of barrels of oil. Today only Hous¬
ton and Paris (Clamart) have the requisite equipment and personnel for
this kind of processing, but local centers with a capacity for increasingly
complex operations are being developed all over the world. With the
The History of a Technique
The History of a Technique
After 1945
The History of a Technique
After 1945
Date Due
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ISBN 0-471-01687-5