HRM 3 Chapter New

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Training as a system

Training is essential because of various reasons. Training can be looked upon as a composed of inter-related and
interacting parts to achieve HRM goals. It has input-processing-output components. Systems views training as unified
of a whole. However, training is a subsystem of HRM system. The pace of technological development is very high.
Systems and practices are getting outdated as a result of external change Thus system studies HRM by putting all part
of an organization together. So system is the unified view of HRM and looks at an organization in its totality.
Unbelievable changes have seen in working technology including mechanical managerial and behavioral aspects. One
way to keep in mind the phase of training program is to form model that highlight interaction among the phase of the
program. One such system or model is shown in figure of below:

(1) (2) (3)

Assessment Training and Evaluation

Phase development phase Phase

Assess criteria
instructional need

Select training media
and learning




1. The assessment or planning phase: This is the first phase in a raining system. It diagnoses present problems and
future challenges to be through training. This phase also assists “instructional objectives”. Needs assessment sub-
stage helps to prepare a blueprint that describes the objectives to be achieved.
2. Training and development phase: the second phase start immediately after the first phase is completed, in this
stage real job of training be performed. Every training and development program must answer certain vital
questions. Which are as follow:
 Who participates in the program?
 Who are the trainers?
 What methods and techniques are to be from training?
 What learning principles are needed?
 Where should we conduct the program?
3. Evaluation phase: This is the last phase in the given training model. The focus of this phase is towards evaluation
of effectiveness of the training being conducted. Expenses in training programs are very high (time, money, effort
and other resources as well). So how far the program has been useful must be determined/ evaluated. But in real
practice, many orgn. either overlook or lack proper facilities for evaluation. This phase also incorporates:
 Need for evaluation,
 Principles of evaluation,
 Criteria for evaluation
 Techniques of evaluation.

Training as a tool for developing work culture

Meaning of meaning culture
Work culture is a combination of qualities in an orgn. and its employees that arise from what is popularly known as
“appropriate ways to think and act”. It is important because it is the vehicle through which individuals coordinate their
activities to achieve common goals and expectations. Work culture defines the norms of acceptable conduct. A well
managed work culture can improve performance significantly. The work culture of an orgn. is a joint product of its
history, traditions, values and vision. All these thing are given to the employees by the means of training. Following is a
list that can be used to help people with their work culture:
 How is the orgn. structured?
 What are the orgn. values?
 How is work organized?
 How are decisions made?
 Which behavior are encouraged?
 What kind of people work for the orgn.?
 How are they rewarded?
 What is pay system?
Different countries and companies have their own type of work culture. Work culture is a part of organizational
Common type of work cultures are:
1. Hierarchical culture: It is one kind of work culture which is followed by many orgn. Its common elements are rational
analysis and decision making, policies and procedure and accuracy in work details, measurement systems with
regular reporting.
2. Market driven culture: It is another kind of work culture followed by many ogn. Its common features are
competiveness and success over competition, strong customer relationship, speed of responsiveness, focus
towards world-class performance.
3. Clean culture: It is a third type of work culture followed by many orgn. Its key characteristics are team work,
relationship based on trust and openness, people development through coaching feedback, learning and
development, collaboration with learning colleagues.
4. Flexible / adaptive culture: This is the fourth variety of work culture found in orgn. Its key features are innovation,
creativity in new ideas and problem solving, entrepreneurial focus, change and continuous improvement, flexibility
to changing priorities and business needs.
In short, the same orgn. may have all the work cultures with different degrees at a time but one kind of culture
may dominate others. The basic objectives of training are to achieve a change in the behavior those of trained. It
gives people an awareness of rules and procedures to guide their behavior. It attempts to improve employee’s
performance and organizational productivity. But it is not an easy task. Managers have to establish and implement
work culture training is almost essential. So training is considered as a tool of establishment work culture in the
orgn. and it contain following element:
 Important component of work culture are contained in the training programs of employees.
 The positive outcome of training program helps to strengthen work culture in the orgn.
 There is a two way positive relationship between training and work culture.

Designing training programs

Designing result oriented training program is not an easy task. A lot of things have to be doe and multiparty
cooperation is highly essential. Training requires budget as well. Most of the training programs major basis is result
oriented. While designing training program following factor should be considered:
1. Setting training objectives: All training programs are designed on the basis of objectives to be attained after
completing the training. It starts with the line managers sending the request to the HR managers stating the need
for training and its expected outcomes. The HR depart may go through the verification process.
2. Managing training budget: It is the important task while designing the training program. Training demands time,
money and dedication. Some of the costs are direct and other are indirect. The cost elements in training that
determine the budget of training are material cost, resource person cost, cost of venue and menu, logistic support
and lost times opportunity cost among others. Therefore, the budget will determine the actual design of the training
3. Designing training content and method: to solve the problems faced by both employees and employers a specific
type of content material has to be designed. It can be done by orgn. experts or resource persons can be
outsourced. Based on need, content and budget appropriate method of training has to be determined or designed.

Training needs assessment (DETERMINING TRAINING NEEDS)

The difference between employees desired performances and actual performance may indicate a training need.
With a view to organizing training program it is necessary to identify needs from time to time. Information about
training need can be collected from various sources such as supervisors, employees themselves, HR directors, result
of the performance evaluation.

Training should be given there is a training need. A training need exists when a performance problem can be
traced to a knowledge or skill deficiency. This represents a gap between the existing capabilities of an employees and
the requirement of the job. This can be explained by following formula:



Training needs assessment is the foundation of all training program. It is a systematic analysis of specific training
activities required to achieve organizational and HRD goals.

Training are needed to cope with following situation:

1) Decrease in employees performance.

2) Change in the prevailing technology and work procedure.
3) For employees promotion and succession in a higher level position.
4) For increasing productivity and effectiveness of certain units of operation.
Training is needed to improve skills and enhancing employees capacity to cope with the ever-changing
demands of the work situation.


Training need is a specific skill that an employee’s needs to acquire to get the jobs done efficiently and effectively.
Prosper identification of training needs, implies that performance gap can be overcome through appropriate training

Training need exists at three levels, they are:

1) Organizational level: This refers to short-coming within the orgn. as a hole. The assessment need at this
level is done to determine the problem areas where training is needed. Actually, training and development program
are ultimately designed and implemented to achieve organizational objectives. Organizational analysis makes it easy
to assess the interest of orgn. in employee training program.
2) Task level /job needs analysis: The requirements of the job, together with the knowledge skills and attitude
needed to perform them are the focus of need analysis at the task level.
3) Individual level analysis: this refers to assessing deficiencies in specific skills, knowledge and attitudes on
the part of individual employees. It identities who needs training in what and how long. This level is very important for
assessing needs because individual employees are targets for training.
Importance of determining training needs
1) To develop training objectives.
2) Identify training and responding problems.
3) Develop training program
4) Evaluate training.

Methods of training needs assessment

There are various methods for training needs assessment. The widely used methods are:
1. Mgmt. audit method: It is used organizational needs determination. It is a comprehensive, systematic, independent
and periodic analysis of orgn. to assess training needs. Mgmt. audit should be conducted by independent experts
to assess training needs at the organizational levels. It facilitates training need identification for environmental
adaptation. The factor examined are:
a. Environmental assessment: Orgn. exist and function within an environment. Changes in environmental forces
influence the functioning of orgn.
b. Objective, strategies and structure: Organizational objectives changes due to change in the goal changes. So to
strategy and structure of the orgn. accordingly training needs are identified to mange such change.
2. Task analysis method: It is used for the task level needs determination. A task is an element of job. Several tasks
make up a job. This method consists of collecting and analyzing task related information. Performance standards
are set from each task. Details are found about how tasks are done. Training needs are identified for effective task
Job description is evaluated to list the various tasks to be performed. Job specification is evaluated to find out
knowledge and skills needed to perform tasks. Performance standards for each task are established. Training
needs are determined based on information related to tasks.
3. Performance analysis method: It is used for employees level needs determination. The difference between desired
performance standards and actual performance is the performance deficiency. Performance analysis method links
training needs to job performance. This indicates training needs. This type of training are identified by:
a. Organizational performance analysis: This analysis is based on orgn. record and reports. The following indicators
of overall performance are analyzed:
i. Goal achievement
ii. Production performance
iii. Quality control
iv. Sales performance
v. Costs
vi. Absenteeism and labor turnover rates
vii. Accident rates
viii. Grievance reports
b. Employee’s performance analysis: This analysis is based on observation and review of employee performance on
the current job. Performance deficiencies and problems faced by employees are identified to determine training
needs. The tools used for assessing employee performance are:
i. Employee performance appraisal
ii. Career planning discussions
iii. Exit interviews
iv. Performance tests
4. Supervisory recommendation method: It is used for employee level needs determination. The supervisor sees and
guides the employee on a daily basis. This method is popular for assessing training needs in practice. HRM value
the recommendations of the supervisors. Supervisors identify gaps in knowledge and skills and recommend. He
has first-hand knowledge about:
a. Realities of work situation
b. Performance standards for the job
c. Present knowledge and skills of the employees
d. Desired knowledge and skills to perform the job.

5. Training needs survey method: It is used for employee level needs determination. Survey method consists of
direct questioning to gather opinion about training needs. The survey can be of three types:
a. Individual survey: Each employee is asked to give his opinion on training needs to perform the job effectively. The
results of survey become training needs. The instruments of individual survey are:
i. Questionnaire
ii. Interview
b. Group survey: A group of present employees, former employees or supervisors is asked to give opinion on training
needs to perform the job effectively. The results of survey become training needs. The instruments of group survey
i. Focus group discussion
ii. Brainstorming
c. Competency survey: Experts are asked to give opinion on desired competencies to perform the jobs effectively.
The competencies’ so identified become training needs. The instrument of competency survey are:
i. Delphi technique
ii. Conference

Concept of training

Training is a learning experience in that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve
his or abilities performance on the job.

Learning is the vital route to effective work and organizational performance. Training and development is the usual
way of learning process in the orgn. Training is the way of showing how job is done in a correct, effective and efficient
manner. It is process of passing know to competent and well prepared people in a suitable learning climate to shorten
learning time or experience.
Orgn. are learning systems. Training is a necessary component in orgn. learning process. Competitive advantage
is dependent on competencies possessed by the employees. Training is an important part of HRD efforts in modern
orgn. It enhances capabilities required to improve performance in the present job. It involves positive changes in
knowledge, skills and attitudes of employees to increase their efficiency and effectiveness on the job. It is the most
frequently used HRD mechanism.

According to Decenzo and Robbins “Training is a learning experience in that in it seeks a relatively permanent
change in an individual that will improve his or her ability to perform on the job”.

According to Edwin B. Flippo “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills in an employee for doing a
particular job”

According to Micheal Jucious “Training is any process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to
perform specific jobs are increased”


Training serves as a balancing factor between employee’s capabilities and job requirement. It transforms the
behavior of the individual and improves performances by improving knowledge skill and attitudes. It sustains
competitive advantage.

“Training is telling, plus showing plus supervising until the desired change is achieved in a skill, attitude and

Consideration in design of the training program

Training is concerned with enhancing the knowledge and skills of employees in the present job. It should be
properly designed. The training policy should guide the training design. Training is a useful HR tools for improving the
skills of employees and enhancing their capacity to cope with the ever-changing demands of the work situation. This is
the best way to empower employees with enough skill and knowledge to perform jobs.

Following key issues has to be considered for training program:

1) Goals and scope: The goals and scope of the training present a key design issues. What goals should the training
program want to achieve?
2) The need for understanding corporate policies: Training is an essential contributor to organizational objectives. If
HR experts do not understand the organizational mission properly, it is difficult to get benefits from the training
program. Any mismatch between corporate objective and training design may cause a waste of time and other
resources of the orgn.
3) Structure: The structure of training has to be considered while designing training i.e. what should be the mix of
theory and practice?
4) Support of the top mgmt.: In fact, training program must be the priority of the top mgmt., some regards training as
a cost matter. To adapt to changing competition and technical circumstances, the top mgmt. has to be convinced
of the importance of providing training.
5) Duration: Duration of training must be considered before designing training program. The specific issues are
should be a one-shot affair or a continuous process? Can training be staggered so that employees can take it is
various modules at various times?
6) Curriculum /training (methods) material: The curriculum aspect of training also possesses key issues for training
design. The specific issues are how should curriculum be designed for the training and how to keep it up-to date?
Should be curriculum be divided in module? etc.
7) Finance: training involve cost financial aspects are an important issue in training design, which are what should
be the basis for allocating budget for training should trainee get extra allowances and incentives for attending
training program?
8) Addressing training need properly: with view to address the training need properly attention should be given to
selection of participant, selection of qualified resource persons, where as trainee’s may not be able to follow the
instruction provided by them or vice-versa.
9) Making Training method very effective: Training is given either in on-the job situation which method of training is
appropriate depends on the types of skills and knowledge to be provided in order to increase performance at work


Training is given to operative employees. Training methods for delivery of training to the emplyees are:
1) On-the –job training method
2) Off-the-job training method

1) On-the-job training (OJT)

The most widely used methods of training is on the job training. This method involves “learning while
working”. Training takes place on the job. It places the employees in the context of real work situation. It is learning
by doing under the supervision of experience employees. This training is well suited to train many employees in
clerical position, production shop floor and workers in manual and repetitive jobs. On the job training are as
i) Apprenticeship training: People seeking to enter skilled trade such as plumbers, electricians or iron-worker are
often required to undergo apprenticeship training before they are accepted as worker. In this method, employees
learn by working with those already skilled in their jobs. The duration for apprenticeship training varies from job to
job, generally from two to five years. Trainees are allowed to perform sophisticated tasks as their skills and
experience increase. A master workers guides the trainees. The main objectives of apprenticeship program is that
the required job knowledge and skills are so complex as to rule out anything less than a long time period where
trainee understand a skilled method of working. During the apprenticeship period the trainee is paid less than fully
qualified worker.
ii) Internship training: It is provided to skilled and technical personnel. The goal is to combine practical experience
with class-room oriented theoretical knowledge. The trainee is interned in orgn. for a specified period and works as
an employees. Students of technical subjects generally undergo internship training.
iii) Job instruction training (JIT): This is a most popular way of on-the-job training method. This type of training is
given by the regular staff or by training staff or technician. It is given to teach new tasks. It is designed for
supervisors to train operative. It is related to specific work situation. It is received directly on the job.

The job instruction technique (training) passes from four steps:

a) Preparation: The trainee are told about the job. They are put at ease. Their desire to learn is aroused.
b) Presentation: The trainee’s are given instruction by telling, showing, illustrating, and explaining about new
knowledge and skills.
c) Practice: The trainee actually performs the job to demonstrate their understanding. Error is corrected. Practice
is continued.
d) Follow-up: The trainee is placed in the job on his own. A resource person is designated for
providing needed assistance.
JIT is for trainer.

Merit of OJT

i) This is a very simple method of training. Employees are trained in the real job situation.
ii) Employees can begin to contribute in the production process also while in the training.
iii)Employees receive experience on the job that can be smoothly transferred to fit in on the orgn. flow
of activities.
iv) It is less costly.
v) Multi-skilling is possible.
vi) OJT is useful for learning job that can be learned by watching and doing.

Demerit of OJT
i) Equipment can be damaged during training.
ii) The productivity of trainee will be low while they develop skills.
iii) The trainee makes errors while they learn.
iv) Scrap and reject rates can be high. Quality can be low.

2) Off the job training:

These types of training takes place outside the real work situation such training programs are either
organized in the firm’s own training institute outside the workplace or in any other technical school. In
some plant operations correspondence course are used. They are:
i) Class-room lecture or conference method: It is based on talking and showing. It is oral communication of
specific information by instructor to trainee’s. it is teacher centered i.e. “training by telling”. The trainer
discusses theoretical aspects of information related to the job. The effectiveness of this program will be
to maximize the chances of exchanging ideas and views between the trainer and trainee’s.
Conference is a group meeting based on trainee participation guided by a leader. Conference can be
held outside the orgn. at relaxed environments. Subjects of common interest are discussed in the
ii) Programmed instruction: This is a method of self instruction in which training material such as text or
manual is presented to trainee with small bits of information. Trainee’s have to learn step-by-step
following the instruction given to him, which are:
a) Presenting questions, facts or problems to the learner.
b) Allowing the person to respond.
c) Providing feedback on the accuracy of answer.
Trainees are required to provide feedback on their learning progress. It is very useful for specific skills,
such as making financial statement, sales report etc.
iii) Videotapes and films (audio-visual tool): These are very useful techniques of teaching skills to the
trainee videotapes and films can be used and reused during training program repeatedly. Films and
tapes provide a live work situation, which is not possible through other media.
iv) Computer assisted instruction: A number of software program are available for learning and teaching
the trainee’s different job skills and also providing some of the realities of the job. With the use of such
program the trainees are informed by the computer of the accuracy of their work, told where and how to
proceed next and informed of how well they are doing on the job. All instruction are provided by the
v) Vestibule training: In vestibule training, employees learn their jobs on the equipment that they will be
using but the training is conducted away from the work place. In this training program the trainee is
provided future work station including the machine that will be used in the future is duplicated. This
training method is especially given to those trainee’s who have little or no knowledge of the job
vi) Simulation exercises: Simulation is abstraction of real working condition in the lab or classroom. The
trainee is placed in an artificial environment that closely resembles actual working condition. Simulation
activities are case exercise, experiential exercise, complex computer modeling and vestibule training
vii) Experiential exercises: It is usually short structured learning experiences where individual learn by
doing. After completing the exercise, the facilitator or training typically discusses what happened and
introduces theoretical concepts to help explain the member behavior during the exercise.

Merit of off the job training

1) The opportunity to use the ability of the best instructor and the best planned materials.
2) Less costly by training a large number of trainee in a classroom.
3) Training time is reduced compared to on-the-job training.
4) Large amount of information can be covered.
5) Large amount of information can be covered.
6) Trainees develop useful contacts.

Demerit of off the job training

1) It involves training a larger number of trainee’s. it is difficult to meet specific job of the trainee.
2) Trainee may not utilize or transfer all knowledge and skills acquired from the training.
3) It is not useful to develop interpersonal skills.

Psychological principles of learning

Learning has several implications in human life. It is one of the key components of employee motivation. Over the
period of time scholar have identified a number of principles of learning. They provide additional insight into what
makes people learn most effectively. The principles are as follow:
1. Principles of readiness: People learn best when they are ready to learn. People do not learn well if they see no
reason for learning. Readiness means a degree of single-mindedness and eagerness.
2. Principles of exercise: This principle says that “those things which are frequently repeated are best remembered
/learned. “The most responsible person according to this principle (for practice) is HRM student themselves.
Students should remember that exercise /practice makes a man perfect”. Student learns by applying what they
have been told and shown. Every time practice occurs, learning continuous.
3. Principle of effect: This principle is based on emotional reaction of HRM students. It states that learning is
strengthened when it is accompanied by a desirable or satisfying feeling. Whatever the learning situation, learning
should contain such elements that affect the students positively and give them a feeling of satisfaction.
4. Principles of primacy (most important): The simple meaning of primacy is most important or the state of being first.
This principle creates a strong impression. For the HRM professor, this means that t what is taught must be right
the first time. For the students, it means that learning must be right and important. The first experience should be
positive, functional. It must put the foundation for the rest of learning elements.
5. Principles of intensity: This principles state that a student (of HRM) will learn more from a real thing than from a
substitute. In other words, clear, dramatic or exciting learning experience teaches more than routine or boring and
artificial experience. Student can learn perception more by role play than by reading an HRM book.
6. Principles of recency (recent things): This principle of learning states most recently learned things are best
remembered. Recency refers to closeness to learning period. For e.g. when exam period comes student they
become very active, they learn more, fast and clearly. Topics learned during exam are more remembered than the
topics taught by teachers earlier in the classroom.
7. Principles of sensation: If other things remaining the same, we all have five senses namely sight, hearing, touch,
smell and taste. Initially, all learning comes from perceptions which are directed to brain by one or more of the five
senses (i.e. eye, ear, skin, nose and tongue). Psychologists have also found that learning occurs most rapidly/
clearly when information is received through more than one sense organ.
8. Principles of levels of learning: Level of learning can be in many ways. Generally four basic level have been used:
i. Level one (rote learning/ parrots learning)
ii. Level two (understanding)
iii. Level three (application)
iv. Level four |(correlation)


Evaluating is an integral part of the training process. It provides feedback on the effectiveness of training activities.
The measure of training effectiveness is the extent to which training objectives have been achieved. Evaluation helps
to control and improve the quality of training programs and to judge their value. It verifies the program success in terms
of learner outcomes and cost effectiveness.
Evaluating training effectiveness arises when we discussing training or development activities. It is not enough to
merely assume that any training an orgn. offers is effective. We need to develop substantive data to determine whether
our training program is achieving its goal or not. If not correcting the deficiencies in skills, knowledge or attitudes that
were assessed as needing attention. Evaluation is a systematic and objectives to improve current activities and future
planning. Effectiveness is doing the right things to move closer to the objectives.

Criteria for evaluating training effectiveness

Evaluation of training effectiveness is one of the fundamental principles of training and development. Without
evaluation one cannot determine effectiveness. It is important to determine how well training and development
programs will achieve their goals that have been determined. In addition, this also aids in evaluating other HR program
and their effectiveness relating to increasing productivity and quality of work life. The criteria used for evaluating
training effectiveness are as follows:
i) Reaction of the participants: This relates to the feeling of participants about the training, the instructor and
instructional methods utilized, the material and the usefulness in the job to be performed. Reactions can be based
on impression, opinions and attitudes.
ii) Changes in participant’s knowledge and skills: The changes observed in participants knowledge and skills on the job
after a training program are important. Many training program have been organized to impart specific knowledge and
skills to the participants.
iii) Changes in participant’s attitudes (behavior): The influence of training programs in changing the attitudes of
participant is another important criteria. Employee’s performance depends on the attitudes of an employee on his or
her job. Managers are always concerned to changes in employee’s attitudes by providing some behavioral training.
iv) Changes in job performance: The effect of training on the participant and on their skills and behavior to perform
differently after attending a training program is a useful criterion for evaluating training effectiveness. One of the
difficulties normally faced by the participants is how to transfer the knowledge and skills learned during training
period to the real work place. For the participants, training in the job situation is relatively easy to transfer than
training outside the job situation.
v) Organizational performance: This criterion relates to the effect of employees training on achieving certain
organizational goals such as reduced turnover, improved productivity. Since training activities are a means of
attaining organizational goals, it is necessary to evaluate training effectiveness against the background of this goal.

Process of training effectiveness

Process of evaluating training effectiveness passes from four stages, they are:
1) Setting intended standard
2) Measuring actual outcomes
3) Finding deviation
4) Corrective actions

Methods for evaluating training effectiveness

1) Observation method: In this method trainee is observed regularly during training period by trained staff. Trained
staff observed the changes of trainee in knowledge, skills and attitudes towards the job.
2) Test-re-test method: In this method participants have to give a test before they begin the program. After the
program is completed participants again have to give the test. The change in test scores indicates the changes in
the level of knowledge resulting from training.
3) Pre-post performance method: In this method each participant is evaluated before the training start. After the
training is completed they are again evaluated in the real performance. This method is very useful to examine the
effect of training on changing participant’s knowledge skills and their attitudes in the real job situation.
4) Experimental-control group method: This method is primarily used to evaluate the differences in the knowledge,
skill, learning abilities and intelligence of the control and experimental groups. Control group are the group which
have no clear instructions and guidelines to perform on the job i.e. they are without training. On the other hand, for
the Experimental group there are clear instruction and guidelines at work i.e. they undergo training. Using this
method if the performance of the experimental group improved on the job, the training would be successful. On the
other hand, if performance of control and experimental groups remains unchanged the training will be
5) Trainee survey: This refers to direct questioning to trainee to gather reactions about training programs. In this
method questionnaire is provided to trainee after training period and asked the various direct question regarding
training program.
6) Cost-effectiveness analysis: It asses total value of training benefits against total costs of training. It measures
value of money in training. The training is effectiveness if benefit exceeds costs.



Career means advancement of a profession for a lifelong sequence of jobs so, career development as the long-
term career effectiveness and success of organizational personnel. Career development is a milestone to ensure long
run interest of employees working in an orgn. So, employees training and mgmt. development effort should be
compatible with an individual’s career development in the orgn. But a successful career program should look toward
developing people for the long term needs of the orgn. and be capable of dealing with the dynamic changes that will
take place, overtime in attempting to match individual abilities and aspirations with the needs of the orgn. The orgn.
can use its employees to the full extent and at the same time it has to provide them chances to build their careers.

Moreover, to understand career in the orgn. it is necessary to know about internal and external career:-

i) Internal career: It refers to the individual subjective thinking and evaluation of his or her career. This concept of
career is very subjective because it has a number of intangible indicators which are difficult to evaluate and
study, for e.g. a ambition to go ahead, to achieve very specific plans such as a specific rank, position, income,
or skill by age 40.
ii) External career: It refers to the more or less objective or realistic description of official progression steps
through a given occupation. This has clear and tangible indicators that are evaluated and judged. For e.g.
occupation, job level, mobility, opportunity, task characteristics etc.

According to Werther and Davis “Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and the path to
those goals”
According to Manner and Schien “A career generally consists of a series of separate but related experience and
adventures through which a passes during a lifetime”
According to Byars and Rue “Career development is on-going formalized efforts that focus on developing and
enriching HR in the light of both the employees and the employees and the orgn’s needs”
So, career development is required to implement career plans. It comprises personal improvements undertaken by
an employee to achieve career plan as well as HRM assisted efforts designed o assist employees in developing their

Phase of career development/ Individual career stage

1) Growth stage (Birth to 14yrs): (Influence by teacher, parents and friends “behave and react to different situation”)
2) Exploration stage(15 to 24yrs): (Developing image, an individual goals, motives and ambitions will be developed)
3) Establishment stage(25to 44yrs): (In this stage individual passes through recruitment, selection, orientation,
socialization and job placement, leveling-off)
4) Maintenance stage (45 to 65 yrs): (Mid career, he works hard to achieve maximum productivity. “He tries to
become teacher”)
5) Decline stage(66 and above): (Near to the retirement ages, in this individuals feels decline in power and authority)
Career development is required to implement career plans. It comprises personal improvements undertaken by
an employee to achieve career plan as well as HRM assisted efforts designed to assist employees in developing their
careers. First step in career development is career planning. It sets the foundations for career development programs
in the orgn. for the benefits of both employees and orgn. Comprehensive Career development of the following steps:
1. Integrating Career development and HRP: There is relationship between Career development and HRP. Career
development provides a supply of talents and abilities. It is logical to sy that orgn. undertaking one of these
activities would undertake the other.
2. Challenging initial jobs: There is an increasing body of evidence indicating that employees who receive especially
challenging job assignments early in their careers do better on later jobs. Apparently initial challenges particularly
if they are successfully met, stimulate a person to perform well in subsequent years.
3. Dissemination of career option information: Surprisingly many employees lack any substantive information about
career paths that successful employees follow within the orgn., they should make this information available.
Dissemination of career option information helps ambitious employees to develop his desires skills that he or she
4. Job posting: To provide information to all employees about job opening. The posting lists include the abilities
experience and seniority requirements to quality for vacancies.
5. Assessment centers: Assessment center also has relevance as a career development tool. By putting people
through assessment centers we obtain observable evidence of their to do certain job.
6. Career counseling: One of the most logical parts of a career development program is career counseling. This can
appropriately be made part of an individual’s annual performance reviews. If the employees expresses unrealistic
aspirations, the manager should be prepare to give a frank appraisal of where and how the individual fall-short an
activity that is rarely enjoyable.
7. Career development workshops: Mgmt. should consider the value of group workshop to facilitate career
development. By bringing together groups of employees with their supervisors and managers, problems and
misperceptions can be identified and it is hoped resolved.
8. Continuing education and training: The training and educational development activities help to reduce the
possibilities that employees will find themselves with obsolete skills. When this development activities are
carefully aligned with an individual’s aspirations and anticipated future organizational needs, they become an
essential elements in an employees career growth.
The education and training an effective career development program could include on-the-job training,
educational or skill courses offered by personnel within the orgn. or outside courses provided by colleges,
universities or specialized consultant.
9. Periodic job changes: To encourage employees to continue their education and training so as to prevent
obsolescence and stimulate career growth, managers should be aware that periodic changes can achieve similar
result. Job changes can take the form of vertical promotion, lateral transfers or assignments organized around
new tasks.
10. Special assignment and job rotation: Special assignment and job rotation make it easier for the orgn. to explore
talents, motives and values of its employees. This helps the individual employees to know about his or her career.
11. Flexible working hours and other of work activities: With a view to think about career plan and perspectives many
orgn. are providing time to their employees to pursue personal goals. During the time-off period and employee get
opportunities to interact with family, friend and other professional, which could be beneficial to employee’s career
12. Career-oriented performance appraisals: HR managers must understand that realistic performance appraisal
information is in the long-term more important than protecting the short-term interests of one’s immediate
subordinates. Therefore mangers need concrete information regarding the employee’s potential career path-
information about the nature of the future work for which they are appraising the subordinate or which the
subordinate desires.

Objectives of Career Development

A long-term career development has many important objectives to attain to both individual staff and orgn. It
increases the effectiveness of a firm in managing its HR. There are number of objectives of career development:
1. Ensuring needed talents: Career development is part of modern HRP. It helps to identify required staff for short-
term and long-term. It tries to create a pool of talents from within the orgn. In turn, it increases the probability that
right employee at right time will be available to meet the orgn changing staffing requirements.
2. Assisting in attracting and retaining good employees: Career development improves the orgn’s ability of attract and
retain highly skillful and talented staff. Talented people are very scarce in the market-demand is high but supply is
low. This type of people prefers that type of orgn. which ensures career progression. A good career development
always has the objective to retain good employees.
3. Ensuring growth opportunities for all employees: This is the era of social inclusion. Many countries have already
passed the act regarding issue to protect marginalized people (dalit, aadibasi, janajati, minorities, women and so
on.). In Nepal, there is the ratio that a HR manger has to satisfy to the above communities (50% open competition
and 50% quota). A good planning will offer equal chances of growth opportunities to both talented and protected
4. Reducing employee frustration: Due to increase in educational standards of employees, job ambition has
increased. If they are not able to get proper promotions in their jobs they will be frustrated. Sometimes they may
even resign from our orgn. and search job elsewhere. This is the great challenge for Hr managers facing today. HR
mangers have to reduce the employees frustration.
5. Providing challenging jobs: Challenging jobs provide one of the most powerful means of helping the career
development of employees. It helps to increase the level of motivation and rewards too. HR managers can increase
the job challenge by giving employees considerable responsibility.
6. Establishing career oriented performance appraisal: Realistic and career oriented performance appraisal is
objective of career development. Employees join an orgn. to satisfy career goal. HR managers must understand
that valid performance appraisal information is more important than short-term interest of employees. It will help to
establish concrete information regarding the employee’s potential career path.
7. Offering job rotation and job pathing (job assignment): To facilitate the employees to choose right type of career
tracks HR mangers need to offer an employee job rotation and job pathing. This is another objective of career
development because all jobs are not suitable for all employees.


Mgmt/ leadership development is more future oriented and more concerned with education, than in employees
training or assisting a person to become a better performer. Mgmt. development focuses on the employee’s
personal growth. Successful manager must have analytical, human, conceptual and specialized skills. Training
cannot overcome a manager’s or potential manager’s inability to understand cause and effect relationship from
experience to visualize relationship or to think logically. So, mgmt. development is predominantly an education
process rafter than a training process.
Mgmt. development is a systematic process of improving managerial effectiveness by imparting knowledge,
increasing skills, changing attitudes and developing experiences. It prepares the managers to handle future
responsibilities. It develops managerial potential.
According to Decenzo and Robbins “ Mgmt. development is future oriented training focusing on personal
growth of the employees”
According to Garry Dessler “ Mgmt. development is any attempt to improve the managerial performance of
imparting knowledge, changing attitudes or increasing skills”
So, mgmt. development activities are directly related to the development or preparation of managers for future
responsibility. It is the total process of planning and program for the growth and improvement managers within an
orgn. in order to enhance productivity and profitability.

Method of mgmt./ Leadership development

Mgmt. leadership development is also divided into two method, they are:

1) On the job mgmt. development

2) Off the job mgmt. development

1) On the job mgmt. development method

Mgmt. development takes place on the job. It is learning by doing in the context of real work environment. To
develop managers, several programs can be conducted on the job. Some of this program are developed and
conducted more formally with the assistance of training experts. On the other, informal development program are
provided by the managers and supervisors to their subordinates. Some of the training methods are describe below:
i) Coaching: when a managers takes a active role in guiding another managers. We refer to this activity as
coaching. Just as track and field coaches observe analyze and attempt to improve the performance of their
athletes “coaches” on the job can do the same. The effective coaches whether on the track or in the corporate
industry, gives guidance through direction, advice, criticism, and suggestion in an attempt to aid the growth of
the employees with the help of coaching, the supervisor can make succession planning of a particular
employees for the forthcoming mgmt. responsibility.
ii) Job rotation: This involves moving manager from one job to another on a systematic manner in order to the
other or systematically changing job responsibilities can increase their knowledge and skills.
iii) Under study assignment (Training position): Instead of transferring or promoting a subordinate, a manager is
given some responsibly to work under the supervision of his or her immediate boss or outstanding manager as
a “Assistant”. This method of development is useful to learn the total jobs of his or her boss within a short period
of time especially in vacation period.
iv) Multi-mgmt. program: In this program lower and middle level managers, who have potential for future are invited
to participate at the time of formulating corporate plans and policies. Top mgmt. also provides opportunities to
the lower level managers to provide their ideas and suggestions for the future corporate plan and policy.
v) Committee Assignment: Assignment to a committee can provide an opportunity for the employee to share in
managerial decision making, to learn by watching others, and to investigate specific organizational problems.
Committee may be of temporary or permanent.
vi) Internship : It combines classroom-oriented theoretical knowledge with practical experience students are
interned in orgn. for a specific period to work as employees.

Merit of on the job mgmt. development

a) It increases career opportunity inside the orgn.
b) Gives the employees exposure on the real job.
c) Facilitates transfer of knowledge in the job situation from one to the other manager to take future
d) There is rapid feedback of performance.
e) Managers gain insights into the working of orgn.

De-Merit of on the job mgmt. development

a) It may interfere in the regular performance by damaging goodwill of the firm.
b) Does not involve full responsibility
c) Cost of this type of method is very high.
d) The chances for errors are high.
e) Student may lack serious.

2) Most of mgmt. development takes place off the job. Managers are removed from the stresses and demands of
the work place. They can focus on learning experience. They are as follows:
i) The formal course methods: These course are run by different professional training institute with the aid of
program instruction, computer assisted instruction, and correspondence courses. This is a popular method of
brining all participants up to a common level of knowledge. Many colleges and universities also organize such
training program to suit a particular orgn. needs.
ii) Transactional analysis: Transactional analysis is a method in which manager try to understand and analyze his
or her ego status. In the practical application of this technique, managers analyze their daily transactions with
employees and indentify the ego state. This will help managers to correct their behavior while transacting with
their counterpart.
iii) Lecture / seminar: Lectures are oral communication of information to managers by instructors Participants get
opportunity to acquire knowledge and develop their conceptual, analytical and technical abilities. Lectures can
be tailored to meet the unique mgmt. development needs of the orgn.
Seminars are formal presentation of papers by experts to small groups. They are followed by discussion which
is facilitated by the leaders.
iv) Behavior modeling (interaction mgmt.):This methods combines role play with modeling. It is getting popular.
In this method problems faced by managers are indentified practiced and transferred to job.
v) Sensitivity training: In this method members are brought together in a free and open environment in which
participant discuss themselves in a unstructured way and their interactive process are observed by a
professional behavioral scientist. This professional then creates the opportunity for the participants to express
their idea’s beliefs and attitudes. The main objectives of sensitivity training are to provide manager with increase
awareness of their own behavior.
vi) Simulation exercises: Using this exercise, trainee’s are given opportunity to learn in an off-the-job situation
that are similar to actual job condition. The participants are placed in artificial environment that closely resembles
to actual work environment. They practice decision making. They also receive feedback regarding risks to
equipments and people. The simulations tools popularly used are:
a) Case study: Case study analysis popularized by the Harvard Graduate School of Business. Taken from the
actual experiences of orgn., these cases represents attempt to describe as accurately as possible, real
problems that mangers have faced. Trainee’s study the cases to determine problems, analyze causes,
develop alternative solutions, selects what they believe to be the best solution and implement it.
b) Decision games: Decision games exercises put individuals in the role of act out managerial problems.
Games which are frequently played on the particular game, provide opportunities for individuals to make
decisions and to consider the implications of a decision on their segments of the orgn.
c) Role play: This allows the participants to act out problems to aid and deal with real people and problems.
Participants are assigned roles and are asked to react to one another as they would have to do in their
managerial job.
d) Computer modeling: The real business situations are situated through computer modeling. Participants
analyze the situation and make decisions. The computer programs calculate outcomes and provide feedback.

Merits of off the job development method

a) Useful to develop self-insight in manager to take more responsibility in the future.
b) Opportunity to interact with different managers in course of development.
c) Easy transfer of knowledge and skills.
d) Large amount of information can be covered in short-time.
e) It improves decision making abilities of managers through group process.

De-Merits of off the job development method

a) Many parts of learning might not be useful in the real job situation.
b) Chances of coping the behavior of a bad trainer or a misleading case.
c) It is difficult to duplicate pressures and realities of actual decision making situation on the job through simulation.

Emerging concept of HRD

Developing effective HRD program begins with the formulation of a detailed policy. Successful implementation of a
HRD program is crucial to the success of any orgn. and to the development of its employees and managers. HRD is
concerned with the provision of learning, development and training opportunities in order to improve individuals, team
and organizational performance. It is essentially a business led approach to developing people within a strategic
framework. Emerging concept is as follows:
1. Leadership Development: Leaderships is basically an art of human skill. It is the process of influencing the
subordinates so that they work hard and cooperate enthusiastically in the achievement of group or organizational
goals. Leadership is the process of influencing people and providing an environment for them to achieve team or
organizational objectives. Leadership development focuses on building network of relationship among individuals in
an orgn. It is a function of the social resources that are rooted in relationship and focuses on interpersonal skills of
social awareness.
Components of leadership development: The leadership development programs of successful companies have
following key components in their programs:
i. Value based: Leadership development programs used to follow the philosophy of value based system of the
orgn. In other word expected contributions from the leaders and the organizational culture is directed towards
inspiring leaders.
ii. Strategy based performance evaluation: The performance system is tied to the company’s business strategy. In
other words, promotions are used on individual performance as well as people development activities and they
are again linked to the business strategy and objectives.
iii. Leadership pipeline: it focus is towards strategies HR planning which is comprehensive and long term oriented.
The program ensures that HR managers divide their workforce into job families and the potential leaders are
identified and groomed for higher roles and responsibilities.,
2. Talent mgmt: The term talent Mgmt. is usually associated with competency based HRM practices. The
competency set may include knowledge, skills, experience and personal traits. A structured talent mgmt.
systematically closes the gap between orgn. current human capital and leadership talent the orgn. actually need to
respond future business challenges. An effective talent mgmt. systems is both essential for acquiring competitive
advantage and to produce quick results.
It refers to the process of developing and integrating new employees, developing and repairing current key
employees and attracting highly skilled employees to work for the company. So, talent mgmt. is a core element of
human capital mgmt. People generate capital for an orgn through their competence, their behaviors and their
intellectual energy. Talent mgmt. focuses on soft skills, leadership development and succession planning. One of
the most challenging jobs of today’s HR is talent mgmt. because it builds effective retention and deployment
strategies, orgn must maintain regular communication with their employees. HR department has to play an
important role in this matter.
With the development of talent mgmt. information systems, it has become easy to establish talent mgmt. system
in medium and large orgn. those information systems integrate talent mgmt. related system components like
succession planning, learning and employee pay. This system helps to get up-to date information which is required
by managers at any time.

3. Employee’s empowerment: Effective leaders share power and responsibility with their employees. The role of
empowering is to show trust provide vision, offer encouragement motive and coach employees. Many world famous
corporations have introduced empowerment to implement TQM. But the problem with empowerment is that it
ignores the extent to which leadership can be shared.
Empowerment is the process of passing authority and responsibility to individual at lower levels in the
organizational hierarchy. For successful implementation of empowerment, mangers must be sure that employees at
the lowest levels of the hierarchy have the right mix of information about process, quality, customer feedback and
events, knowledge of the work, business and the total work system, power to act and make decision about the
aspects of work and rewards tied to business result and growth in the capability and contribution to work
autonomously or independently of mgmt. control and direction.
Many orgn are empowering individuals and teams to make decisions concerning their particular areas of work.
Employee empowerment means giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding all
aspect of the job. Empowered employees are energetic and passionate. They aspire to do better because they get
reward personally for doing so. Some important aspect about empowerment is:
i. HRM practices such as performance mgmt. , training, work design and compensation are the important for the
success of employee empowerment.
ii. Employees must be properly trained to show their wider ability and authority to produce outputs.
iii. Employees also need feedback to help them evaluate their success.
iv. There should be visible and equitable linkage between performance and rewards.
4. Mentoring: Mentoring is a process of giving advice and assistance to leaders. Mentoring is done by mentor who
works as a counselor, coach, or advisor. The of the mentor programs is to help support leader or manager of a
orgn. in their job, socialize them in the cultural values of the orgn. which in turn help their chances for development
and advancement. Mentoring is a relationship between two people in which one of them offers advice and guidance
to help the other develop in a particular area. Mentor is more experienced employees who guide, encourage and
support younger or less experienced employees.
Purpose of mentoring:
i. Support the training schemes and the development senior managers.
ii. The encouragement of career advancement of women or those from minority groups.
iii. The nurturing of employees with skill short supply.
iv. Simulation and fostering of innovation in the orgn.
v. Support mangers in training or other learner in the orgn.
Benefits of mentoring
i. Employees are not the only beneficiaries of mentoring.
ii. Mentors also gain greatly from being challenged to understand their jobs and the orgn. and to find ways of
helping their employees share this understanding and work effectively.
iii. Mentors may also find that they too need mentoring.
iv. Mentors draw their own networks to give experience and support to their employees, and encourage them to
develop networks of their own.
HRD practices in Nepalese orgn. (Career mgmt. And employees retention issues)
Formal training and development program is a new concept in Nepalese business sector. Due to size of the
economy and other reasons and also we do not have large orgn. Orgn also do not think to in this matter. Existing
practice of training and development has hindered the HRD programs. It has also created problem in the areas of
career mgmt. and employees retention issues, which are discussed below:
1. Need for training and development in Nepalese orgn.: There are different types of employees according to their
post they require training and development. Training is necessary for all types of employees. Nepal do not have
large well established training institution and also we lack a comprehensive study on training needs of Nepalese
employees. Most of the training programs attended by employees are donor based.
2. Training efforts and institute in Nepal: Development of training system or mechanism in Nepal is still in preliminary
stage. Training has not found important place in HR function. Majority of orgn. lack training cell and separate
budget for training. Only some govt. orgn has their own training dept.
3. Situation of vocational guidance/ career counseling and HR plan: All the problems that arise in the orgn. can not
be solved through training programs. Many of the Training and Development needs and problems related in that
area in Nepal are generated by the:
 Orgn. faulty HR policy.
 Lack of clear cut job analysis system.
 Lack of fair recruitment and selection process, transfer policy and technology adaptation
 Lack of career counseling and vocational guidance.
Every young applicant searching for job requires advice/ counseling to what kind of work will be most suitable
for them. Whatever they offer are insufficient for the purpose.
4. Training and Development used in Nepalese orgn: Training and development programs in Nepalese orgn. are
conducted as a fashion by coping other orgn. This is just wastage of money. There are only few types of training
and development which provided in Nepalese orgn. which are as follows:
 Induction training
 Job training
 Crafts training
 Training for promotion
 Refresher training.
5. Scenario of training and development practices in Nepalese orgn.
i. HR plan and training and related issues: Most of our orgn. lack proper HR plan, job analysis, training policy
and vocational guidance programs. Major factor in training and development issues in Nepal are as foolow:
 Many orgn. lack separate HR dept., formal and long range HR plan.
 Most of the employees are either untrained or under trained.
 Training and development is nobody responsibility
 They lack comprehensive training system.
ii. Role and status of HR dept.: The role of HR dept. is Training and development programs is not clear and
sometimes hopeless. They lack separate training cell and budget as well. They mostly play the traditional role
of personnel function. The status of HR dept/ manager are not as strong or equal as it is enjoyed by other
similar dept in the same orgn.
iii. Training needs assessment: Except few sectors most of the orgn. lack a proper system of training system of
training need assessment. Govt./ semi govt. orgn. and NGO/ INGO heavily depend upon training agencies and
foreign quotas.
iv. Training methods and technique: Most of the research have found that most of the respondent were no
satisfied with training methods/ techniques that were used to train employees/ executives in the past.
Therefore, the best way to solve this problem is to arrange in-house training for which they can hire trainers
from the open market.
v. Training and Development budget: Aggregate annual expenditure in training and development is regarded as
the mirror of the orgn. commitment to invest in its human assets. Training and development budget spent by
our orgn. are not only inadequate but also hopeless. That why most of our employees are either untrained or
under trained. Os there is the acute need to establish criteria to set training budget and it must be compulsory
spent for the stated purpose.
vi. Effectiveness or outcomes of training and development: There is a poor link between training received and job.
Employees are not placed on the jobs for which employees has been trained. This situation is further
deteriorated by frequent job rotation and transfers adopted by effectiveness of training and development
programs ans most of the orgn. do not go through formal evaluation process.
6. Career mgmt. and retention issues:
 Except in govt. services, police and army orgn. most of the orgn lack career mgmt. policy.
 In many cases there is mismatch between HRD practices and career mgmt. practices.
 Most of the HRD practices are either budget based or donor driven so a lot of mismatch have been seem
between HRD practices and career mgmt. practices.
 Undue transfer of employees from one place to another has harmed both career mgmt. and output to be
realized from given training.
 Due to above scenario employees retention has become a great challenge or issue to many orgn.
 Employee retention issue is more severe in case of private sector orgn. as compared to govt. and semi-govt.


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