PMS Reviewer
PMS Reviewer
PMS Reviewer
Benefits Coaching
Coaching - it is a process of self-discovery and self-
• Efficiency: Automation streamlines
awareness that helps individuals identify their strengths
performance management tasks.
and develop goals. It involves working with a trained
• Accuracy: Digital systems reduce manual
professional to unlock your full potential and make
progress towards these goals.
• Data-driven Insights: E-PMS provides valuable
- Whether it’s for personal or professional growth,
data for decision-making.
coaching is an investment that yields ongoing
• Employee Engagement: Transparent benefits throughout your career and lifetime.
processes enhance employee engagement
and motivation. Benefits of Coaching
• Evidence shows that high-quality coaching has
a significant impact on well-being and
E-Performance Management leverages technology to performance.
optimize performance management processes, aligning
• Coachees experience benefits even if they
organizational goals with individual performance.
start in the bottom 25% of any given parameter.
• Coaching is a flexible solution that supports
both personal and professional development.
Learning Opportunities
Examples of Coaching
Learning Opportunities - these are avenues that allow
you to acquire new skills and knowledge, enhancing your • Adapting Behavior: An employee may need
performance in the professional world. Whether you’re coaching if their behavior is affecting their own
just starting your career or seeking ways to recover from work or that of others. A coach can guide them
burnout, there are various types of career development in adjusting their behavior to align with
programs and activities to explore. workplace expectations and team dynamics.
• Online Courses: Consider taking online • Skill Development: Coaching helps employees
courses to learn new skills or earn acquire new skills for success. Whether it’s
certifications. Many platforms offer flexible mastering a software tool, improving
learning formats, allowing you to grow even communication, or enhancing leadership
with just a few hours a week. You can explore abilities, a coach can provide personalized
free courses on platforms like Coursera, guidance.
covering subjects from programming and data • Goal Setting: Coaches collaborate with
science to personal development and employees to create specific, measurable
language skills. goals. These tailored objectives lead to greater
• Reading: Expand your knowledge by reading success because they consider individual
books related to your field or leadership. skills and job roles.
Learning from experts through literature can be • Promoting Teamwork: Coaching encourages
a valuable development opportunity. collaboration among team members.
Strengthening teamwork leads to higher understand. This is also to avoid
efficiency and productivity. misinterpretation.
• Open Communication: When managers coach
their employees, it establishes an open 3. Avoid sugar coating.
channel of communication. This fosters better Not only is this unprofessional, it
relationships and a more enjoyable work also means you are hiding the truth
environment for everyone. by sugar coating. Avoid having to do
• Problem-Solving Skills: Coaches teach this. You can revise how you would
employees problem-solving techniques. By word it but do not use flowery
introducing processes and strategies, language or sugar coating to state
employees become better equipped to handle something.
challenges independently.
4. Write your final work down.
• Employee Retention: Workplace coaching can
Once you are done drafting and you
boost retention rates. Well-coached
are satisfied with your work, write
employees receive better training, leading to
the final output. Don’t forget to
improved performance and job satisfaction.
explain your ideas and the results of
your assessment.
Effective Coaching benefits both employees and the
5. Revise and send.
overall success of the company.
You are done with your final output.
But revising it won’t hurt anyone.
Check to see if your tone of voice is
professional and active. Check to
see that your words and languages
Performance Improvements through Systems
fit the age range of your students or
1. Narrative Assessment
A narrative assessment is a type of
evaluation that describes an individual’s
2. Visual Methods
learning and wellness. It allows the assessor to
Visual research methods are effective in
know just how far the student or employee has
eliciting ideas and experiences that might
progressed. In addition to that, it also helps
otherwise be difficult to express through
understand the key points and the points
discussion or language and are often used in
where the individual needs to improve on. Not
settings where there is a language barrier
only that, it also helps the assessor to get to
between the participant and the researcher.
know the learner at a more academic level.
Did you know that visual information is
Writing the narrative assessment to assess the
processed 60,000 x faster than text? This
student or employee can also be used as a
explains why the average person remembers
stepping stone to improving a student’s or
only 20% of what they read but 40% of what
employee way of thinking.
they see. This also explains why most
The importance of writing a narrative
companies use a form of visual management
assessment is to assess the important
to communicate with their employees.
moments. To write down all the achievements
Visual management is a way of
and the milestones of your students or
communicating key messages in a visual way
employee. To highlight their strengths and to
that can be interpreted, without much thought,
improve on their weaknesses. A narrative
by anyone and everyone. It’s when companies
assessment also lets the students’ and
use visual cues such as dashboards, displays,
employee see the achievements and for the
labels, signs, color coding, and other markings,
teacher or the assessor to see proof of the
instead of written instructions to communicate
examination being given. To write down a
with their staff. Visual management is also one
student’s or employees performance whether
of the most intuitive elements of a lean
it is a positive or negative performance.
management system (LMS) because it should
enable anyone entering a workforce, even
➢ Tips for Writing a Narrative Assessment
visitors or newcomers, to see and understand
1. Draft your work.
what’s going on at a glance.
What better way to begin writing
than to draft out what you want to
➢ How to manage your processes visually:
write? Drafting your work can also
You can visually represent processes within
help you rearrange your ideas and
your organization through business process
thoughts. As well as being able to
modeling techniques, like these for example:
know which idea you are going to
use and which idea you are going to • Flow charts - type of diagram that
explain. represents a workflow or process.
• Data flow diagrams - it is a way of Personal development is influenced by a variety of
representing a flow of data through a factors, each playing a role in shaping an individual's
process or a system (usually an growth and progress.
information system).
• Self-Awareness: Understanding one's
strengths, weaknesses, values, beliefs, and
goals is fundamental to personal
development. Self-awareness allows
individuals to identify areas for improvement
and set meaningful objectives.
• Motivation: The drive to improve and grow is
crucial for personal development. Whether it's
intrinsic motivation (internal desires and goals)
or extrinsic motivation (external rewards or
pressures), having a clear purpose and
incentive fuels progress.
• Value stream mapping (VSM) - it uses • Learning and Education: Continuous learning
flowcharts to analyze and then through formal education, training programs,
improve on the delivery of products self-study, or experiential learning contributes
and services. VSM is based on the significantly to personal development.
concept of value streams— which are Acquiring new knowledge, skills, and
perspectives enables individuals to adapt and
thrive in various situations.
• Goal-setting: Setting specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART)
goals provides direction and focus for personal
development efforts. Clear goals help
individuals track progress and stay motivated.
• Resilience: Personal development often
involves facing challenges, setbacks, and
failures. Resilience, the ability to bounce back
from adversity, is essential for maintaining
momentum and overcoming obstacles on the
journey of self-improvement.
• Support system: Surrounding oneself with
supportive relationships, mentors, coaches,
and peers can provide encouragement,
guidance, and accountability. A strong support
system offers valuable feedback, perspective,
and encouragement during the personal
development process.
• Reflection and self-assessment: Regularly
reflecting on one's experiences, progress, and
setbacks allows for introspection and self-
evaluation. Engaging in self-assessment helps
individuals identify areas of improvement,
adjust strategies, and cultivate self-
• Time management and prioritization:
Effectively managing time and prioritizing tasks
are essential skills for personal development.
Organizing and allocating time efficiently
allows individuals to balance various
responsibilities and commitments while
making progress towards their goals.
• Adaptability and flexibility: Being adaptable
and flexible in response to changing
circumstances, feedback, and new
opportunities is crucial for personal
development. Embracing change and
adjusting strategies as needed enable
individuals to navigate challenges and seize
growth opportunities.
• Action and perseverance: Taking consistent
action towards personal goals and persisting
through obstacles are fundamental to personal
development. Cultivating a habit of discipline,
perseverance, and follow-through empowers
individuals to make meaningful progress and
achieve lasting change.