Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
1. Principles of Air Conditioning
2. Purpose of Air Conditioning
3. Factors Influencing Human Comfort
4. Psychrometry of Air
5. Psychrometric Process
Psychrometry is the study of properties of air and water vapor mixture under
varying temperatures and pressures. It is presented on psychrometric chart.
Psychrometric chart is a graphical representation of the thermodynamic
properties of moist air.
Psychrometric Properties:
1. Relative Humidity (RH)– is define as the ratio of the mole fraction
of water vapor in moist air to mole fraction of water vapor in saturated air.
– existing partial pressure of water vapor divided by
saturation pressure of pure water vapor at same temperature.
2. Humidity Ratio (w) – the mass of water interspersed in each kg dry
of air.
w = kg of W.V. / kg dry air
3. Dry Bulb Temperature - is the temperature of the air as measured
by an ordinary thermometer.
4. Wet Bulb Temperature – is thermodynamic adiabatic temperature
in an adiabatic saturation process, and measured by a wet bulb thermometer.
5. Dew Point Temperature – is the temperature at which air can be
cooled to its saturation before condensation begin.
6. Enthalpy (h) – the enthalpy of mixture of dry air and water vapor is
the enthalpy of dry air and the enthalpy of water vapor. Thus,
h = ha + hs; ha = Cpt
hs = Whg
h =Cpt + Whg
where: Cp = specific heat of air @ constant pressure
Cp = 1.0062 KJ/Kg-K
t = temperature of air-vapor mixture, °C hg =
enthalpy of sat. steam @ air vapor mixture
7. Specific Volume – is a ratio of unit volume of dry air per unit
weight of dry air.
v = RaT/Pa; m3 / kg dry air
= RaT/(Pt – Ps)
= 0.287 T/(Pt – Ps)
1. Sensible Heating or Cooling – a change in dry bulb temperature at
constant humidity ratio.
2. Humidification – an addition of water vapor
a. Adiabatic addition of moisture h=C
b. Addition of moisture with addition of heat
3. Cooling and Dehumidification Process – reduction of both dry bulb
temperature and humidity ratio
4. Chemical Dehumidification – the water vapor from air is adsorbed
or absorbed by hygroscopic material at constant enthalpy.
5. Mixing Process – in mixing process, two streams of air of different
condition are mixed to create another new condition.
m1 + m2 = m3; mass balance
m1h1 + m2h2 = m3h3; energy balance
m1W1 + m2W2 = m3W3; humidity ratio