Chapter 01 - Introdution
Chapter 01 - Introdution
Chapter 01 - Introdution
Time and money are scarce resources to all individuals and organizations; the efficient and effective use of these
resources requires planning. Planning alone, however, is insufficient. Control is also necessary to ensure that plans
actually are carried out. A budget is a tool that managers use to plan and control the use of scarce resources. A
budget is a plan showing the company’s objectives and how management intends to acquire and use resources to
attain those objectives.
Companies, nonprofit organizations, and governmental units use many different types of budgets. Responsibility
budgets are designed to judge the performance of an individual segment or manager. Capital budgets evaluate long-
term capital projects such as the addition of equipment or the relocation of a plant. This chapter examines
the master budget, which consists of a planned operating budget and a financial budget. The planned operating
budget helps to plan future earnings and results in a projected income statement. The financial budget helps
management plan the financing of assets and results in a projected balance sheet.
The budgeting process involves planning for future profitability because earning a reasonable return on resources
used is a primary company objective. A company must devise some method to deal with the uncertainty of the
future. A company that does no planning whatsoever chooses to deal with the future by default and can react to
events only as they occur. Most businesses, however, devise a blueprint for the actions they will take given the
foreseeable events that may occur.
A budget: (1) shows management’s operating plans for the coming periods; (2) formalizes management’s plans in
quantitative terms; (3) forces all levels of management to think ahead, anticipate results, and take action to remedy
possible poor results; and (4) may motivate individuals to strive to achieve stated goals.
Companies can use budget-to-actual comparisons to evaluate individual performance. For instance, the standard
variable cost of producing a personal computer at IBM is a budget figure. This figure can be compared with the
actual cost of producing personal computers to help evaluate the performance of the personal computer production
managers and employees who produce personal computers. We will do this type of comparison in a later chapter.
Many other benefits result from the preparation and use of budgets. For example: (1) businesses can better
coordinate their activities; (2) managers become aware of other managers’ plans; (3) employees become more cost
conscious and try to conserve resources; (4) the company reviews its organization plan and changes it when
necessary; and (5) managers foster a vision that otherwise might not be developed.
The planning process that results in a formal budget provides an opportunity for various levels of management to
think through and commit future plans to writing. In addition, a properly prepared budget allows management to
follow the management-by-exception principle by devoting attention to results that deviate significantly from
planned levels. For all these reasons, a budget must clearly reflect the expected results.
Failing to budget because of the uncertainty of the future is a poor excuse for not budgeting. In fact, the less stable
the conditions, the more necessary and desirable is budgeting, although the process becomes more difficult.
Obviously, stable operating conditions permit greater reliance on past experience as a basis for budgeting.
Remember, however, that budgets involve more than a company’s past results. Budgets also consider a company’s
future plans and express expected activities. As a result, budgeted performance is more useful than past
performance as a basis for judging actual results.
A budget should describe management’s assumptions relating to: (1) the state of the economy over the planning
horizon; (2) plans for adding, deleting, or changing product lines; (3) the nature of the industry’s competition; and (4)
the effects of existing or possible government regulations. If these assumptions change during the budget period,
management should analyze the effects of the changes and include this in an evaluation of performance based on
actual results.
Budgets are quantitative plans for the future. However, they are based mainly on past experience adjusted for future
expectations. Thus, accounting data related to the past play an important part in budget preparation. The accounting
system and the budget are closely related. The details of the budget must agree with the company’s ledger accounts.
In turn, the accounts must be designed to provide the appropriate information for preparing the budget, financial
statements, and interim financial reports to facilitate operational control.
Management should frequently compare accounting data with budgeted projections during the budget period and
investigate any differences. Budgeting, however, is not a substitute for good management. Instead, the budget is an
important tool of managerial control. Managers make decisions in budget preparation that serve as a plan of action.
The period covered by a budget varies according to the nature of the specific activity involved. Cash budgets may
cover a week or a month; sales and production budgets may cover a month, a quarter, or a year; and the general
operating budget may cover a quarter or a year.
Budgeting involves the coordination of financial and nonfinancial planning to satisfy organizational goals and
objectives. No foolproof method exists for preparing an effective budget. However, budget makers should carefully
consider the conditions that follow:
Top management support All management levels must be aware of the budget’s importance to the company
and must know that the budget has top management’s support. Top management, then, must clearly state
long-range goals and broad objectives. These goals and objectives must be communicated throughout the
organization. Long-range goals include the expected quality of products or services, growth rates in sales and
earnings, and percentage-of-market targets. Overemphasis on the mechanics of the budgeting process should
be avoided.
Participation in goal setting Management uses budgets to show how it intends to acquire and use resources to
achieve the company’s long-range goals. Employees are more likely to strive toward organizational goals if
they participate in setting them and in preparing budgets. Often, employees have significant information that
could help in preparing a meaningful budget. Also, employees may be motivated to perform their own
functions within budget constraints if they are committed to achieving organizational goals.
Communicating results People should be promptly and clearly informed of their progress. Effective
communication implies (1) timeliness, (2) reasonable accuracy, and (3) improved understanding. Managers
should effectively communicate results so employees can make any necessary adjustments in their
Flexibility If significant basic assumptions underlying the budget change during the year, the planned operating
budget should be restated. For control purposes, after the actual level of operations is known, the actual
revenues and expenses can be compared to expected performance at that level of operations.
Follow-up Budget follow-up and data feedback are part of the control aspect of budgetary control. Since the
budgets are dealing with projections and estimates for future operating results and financial positions,
managers must continuously check their budgets and correct them if necessary. Often management uses
performance reports as a follow-up tool to compare actual results with budgeted results.
The term budget has negative connotations for many employees. Often in the past, management has imposed a
budget from the top without considering the opinions and feelings of the personnel affected. Such a dictatorial
process may result in resistance to the budget. A number of reasons may underlie such resistance, including lack of
understanding of the process, concern for status, and an expectation of increased pressure to perform. Employees
may believe that the performance evaluation method is unfair or that the goals are unrealistic and unattainable.
They may lack confidence in the way accounting figures are generated or may prefer a less formal communication
and evaluation system. Often these fears are completely unfounded, but if employees believe these problems exist,
it is difficult to accomplish the objectives of budgeting.
Problems encountered with such imposed budgets have led accountants and management to adopt participatory
budgeting. Participatory budgeting means that all levels of management responsible for actual performance actively
participate in setting operating goals for the coming period. Managers and other employees are more likely to
understand, accept, and pursue goals when they are involved in formulating them.
Within a participatory budgeting process, accountants should be compilers or coordinators of the budget, not
preparers. They should be on hand during the preparation process to present and explain significant financial data.
Accountants must identify the relevant cost data that enables management’s objectives to be quantified in dollars.
Accountants are responsible for designing meaningful budget reports. Also, accountants must continually strive to
make the accounting system more responsive to managerial needs. That responsiveness, in turn, increases
confidence in the accounting system.
Although many companies have used participatory budgeting successfully, it does not always work. Studies have
shown that in many organizations, participation in the budget formulation failed to make employees more motivated
to achieve budgeted goals. Whether or not participation works depends on management’s leadership style, the
attitudes of employees, and the organization’s size and structure. Participation is not the answer to all the problems
of budget preparation. However, it is one way to achieve better results in organizations that are receptive to the
philosophy of participation.