Labels Vol35 Issue3 2013

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Longest-ever digital print run achieved by breakthrough
alliance with HP Indigo and Europe-wide converter network

Toner and inkjet technologies compared
in this exclusive L&L report

Mark Andy and Flint demonstrate commercial
UV LED on Performance press

Innovative coating
technologies open up
new applications
for PS labels


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Innovations Deliver Growth
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Toner and inkjet technologies compared in this
exclusive L&L report


Longest-ever digital print run achieved by breakthrough alliance with HP Indigo
and Europe-wide converter network


FEATURES Innovative coating technologies open up new
applications for PS labels
LABEL REVOLUTION An AWA conference looked at
Mass customization achieved by developments in liner technology and
breakthrough alliance between Coca-
Nova Denmark installs first UV flexo press as soft
Cola, HP and Europe-wide digital
converter network 89 TLMI BUSINESS FOCUS drinks shift from wet glue to wraparound
Economy and environment dominated this
40 DIGITAL PRESS year’s TLMI converter conference
Focus Machinery launches hybrid flexo/digital
91 FAMILY APPEAL converter using IIJ expertise
Toner and inkjet technologies compared
An open and humorous account of running
in this exclusive L&L report
a ‘family’ business at UK converter Label
Appeel German converting group Woelco sets up Chinese
plant to sell back to Europe
Innovative coatings technologies open Mark Andy and Flint demonstrate
up new applications for PS labels commercial UV LED on Performance press CS Labels is now Europe’s biggest Xeikon house
following a 3500 installation
New CEO puts energizing vision at core Vila Etiketten pioneers next generation
of company strategy Newfoil Servo stamping press Mexican converter association Acoban appoints
new board and Avery Dennison explains the growing
83 VIETNAMESE INVESTMENT 98 MAKING LABELS importance of the Latin American market
SASCoat is developing a world class PS Jac-Stick division of Dutch converter
materials operation in Vietnam Labelmakers manufacturers its own retail

The Coca-Cola customization story which leads
this issue of Labels & Labeling is a supreme
example of the possibilities of networked
collaboration on the widest scale.
The ability to bring together a network of eight
digital label converters and 10 conventional
label converters across Europe to participate
in a complex project under conditions of total
secrecy shows a very useful model for future
brand projects. The result was a highly impactful
promotional campaign where consumers could
choose bottles with their own or their friends
and families’ names in 30 countries across
72 CARIBBEAN PIONEER the continent.
A meeting with L&L’s Mike Fairley set Trinidad & Tobago Label House on a course Significant challenges had to be overcome.
to success as a pioneering regional converter Firstly, a workflow had to be developed whereby
Coca-Cola’s existing label converters – using wide
web CI flexo and gravure presses – could leave a
panel on the labels which would be overprinted
by HP WS6600 digital presses. Labels would
have to be slit down to the correct widths for the
narrow web press, then sent back to the wide web
converters for final inspection, slitting and delivery
to the Coca-Cola bottlers dotted around Europe.
This in itself introduced issues of timing, since the
digital print would take months longer to produce
than the conventional print. All these logistics were
managed by Peter Overbeek, managing director at
Eshuis, using a specially developed web tool which
tracked everything from the delivery of files for
platemaking and the digital press RIP, to the final
point of delivery, and all to a punishing schedule.
The second major networking challenge was to
co-ordinate the key Coca-Cola red color between
94 UV LED BREAKTHROUGH conventional and digital presses and to ensure the
Mark Andy and Flint demonstrate commercial UV LED on Performance press digital presses in eight countries remained properly
calibrated across three shifts. This was achieved by
making the HP-delivered special color the reference
point for the whole project and by developing
REGULARS on-line calibration and maintenance protocols for
the digital presses – a first for HP in the industrial
print market on this scale.
09 INBOX – Industry appointments All this was achieved due to the vision and hard
work of the Coca-Cola Company marketing team,
10 News – Global industry consolidation continues with under Marit Kroon, and technical team led by
Exopack announcement Gregory Bentley, whose stories you can read in
this edition.
22 Installations – The latest machinery installed at label
converters worldwide

27 Environment news – Liner recycling developments key

to future of PS labels industry

30 M&A – Use your size to maximum advantage

34 Smart news – Product authentication with phone apps ANDY THOMAS

128 Corporate Culture – Eight ‘obvious’ management
mistakes to avoid

JULY 2013 | L&L

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JULY 2013 | L&L

Stork technology

DSI® modular UV inkjet system:

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Rotatek has named Provin Technos PVT Ltd as its new agent for the Indian
market. Provin Technos has many years of experience in the printing and
engineering industry, and is currently the distributor of Mitsubishi sheet-fed
offset presses in the Indian territory. It has a footprint across India, with a
presence in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. Its New
Delhi warehouse handles spare parts, and will help reinforce the presence of
Rotatek in the Indian market.


Stork Prints has appointed Jet Technologies
Indonesia as distributing partner for the
company’s graphics printing portfolio in the Tarsus Group, organizer of the Labelexpo Global
region. Series and publisher of L&L, has promoted Lisa
Wilfried Koopman, managing director of Milburn to managing director of the company’s
graphics at Stork Prints, said: ‘We are very label division.
enthusiastic about extending our partnership Milburn will be responsible for direct
management of the event and publishing business,
with Jet Technologies to Indonesia. We have been working with Jet
as well as spearheading growth into new regions
Technologies for several years now and the company has proven to be a solid
and sectors. She has been managing all the
name in the label printing market in Australia and New Zealand.’
Labelexpo department heads since 2004 in her
Jack Malki, director at Jet Technologies, added: ‘Our partnership with Stork
capacity as events and publishing director.
Prints has been successful for many years due largely to the technical support Roger Pellow will become chairman of the label
and abilities of our local team. We look forward to extending the same model division, while taking on increased responsibilities
to Indonesia, where clients can benefit from local expertise.’ for Tarsus’s expanding emerging market portfolio
Image above (l-r): David Reece, Arman Mampuk, Yanuar Emilius and Jack as group commercial director.
Malki from Jet Technologies and Jet Technologies Indonesia Douglas Emslie, group managing director at
Tarsus Group, said: ‘Roger has played a pivotal
role in developing Labelexpo into a strong global
EDALE SIGNS NEW REPRESENTATION FOR GERMANY brand and has assembled a fantastic team
Edale has announced an exclusive around him. His experience will serve him well in
partnership with family run Porter Pac, his new role.
based in Eichen, Germany. Porter Pac ‘Lisa has worked closely with Roger since
is a specialist in the label and packaging 2003 and has been the driving force behind our
markets with a proven background in selling successful sales and marketing initiatives. She
US brand flexographic printing presses as will ensure that we continue to deliver high-quality
well as slitter rewinder machinery. events and publications while creating new
Edale’s export sales director, Bernhard Grob, commented: 'I feel Porter opportunities for our clients.
Pac will be a great company to represent the Edale brand. Both Jerry and
Sean Porter are very hands-on with a great reputation alongside a wealth of TARSUS TACKLES THE THREE PEAKS
technical knowledge, which will be invaluable in re-introducing Edale products A team at Tarsus, the international media group
to the German market.' behind Labels & Labeling and the Labelexpo Global
Jerry Porter MD of Porter Pac, concluded: 'Edale’s capability to provide Series, will be taking on the National Three Peaks
customers with both high quality workhorses as well as specialized equipment challenge in aid of Events for Namuwongo in
for a particular customers needs, is a key factor in today’s market. Combined August 2013.
with Edale’s excellent reputation, we see this as the future for machinery The grueling challenge involves climbing
requirements in Germany.' the three highest peaks in England, Wales and
Scotland within 24 hours. It will be a physically
and mentally demanding day of exhaustion, sleep
MPS APPOINTS NEW DISTRIBUTOR IN CEE deprivation, hunger and, no doubt, blisters.
MPS has appointed ISM GmbH as its distributor in Central and Eastern Europe The chosen charity, Events for Namuwongo,
(CEE). ISM is an Austrian-based company specializing in machinery, materials works with the community in Kampala, Uganda to
facilitate real change.
and consumables that serve the paper and packaging industry. ISM will
Please show your support by donating at http://
represent MPS printing and converting machines in the following countries:
Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo,
Please show your support by donating at thttp://
Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.

JULY 2013 | L&L

10 | L&L


An example of Paragon’s label work


ALEXANDER VAN´T RIET, executive board FIVE COMPANIES from across the packaging supply chain are to be
member for labels at Constantia Flexibles
merged to create a global business operating as Exopack Holdings
Exopack, a US-based producer of CEO of PACCOR (global rigid business);
ACQUISITION IN GROWTH DRIVE flexible paper and plastic packaging, and Michael Cronin joins the team as
The completion of the Constantia Flexibles and advanced coatings, is to be CEO of the global flexibles business.
purchase of Spear has placed the flexible merged with Europe’s Britton Group, Marc Leder, co-CEO of Sun Capital
packaging group in the top five global label PACCOR, Kobusch and Paragon Print & Partners, said: ‘This combination
producers. Packaging. represents a natural next step in a
Constantia Flexibles supplies international Britton Group is a flexible plastic process that began eight years ago to
customers in the food, pet food,
packaging manufacturer, while PACCOR create a global packaging company with
pharmaceutical and beverage industries
is the second-largest rigid plastic a solid foundation for future growth.
with more than 7,000 employees in over 50
packaging company in Europe. Kobusch ‘Building on past collaborations
group companies in more than 20 countries.
is a producer of tailor-made flexible and between the companies, the combination
Spear produces pressure-sensitive labels
for the beverage market. The company rigid packaging systems and Paragon will immediately achieve synergies and
has sales of 150 million euros and 650 Print & Packaging is a private label allow the combined company to more
employees at four locations in the USA, one packaging systems provider in the UK. effectively pursue global business.’
in Wales/UK and one in South Africa. Exopack Holdings will be based in Knott said: ‘By joining together to form
The deal for Constantia to purchase Spear Luxembourg and operate 63 plants, this new entity, we will be better able to
was announced in mid-February, but was employ 8,650 and generate aggregate serve the needs of our global customers
closed in May. revenues of more than two and a half through a manufacturing base spanning
Alexander van´t Riet, executive board billion US dollars. North America, Europe, the Middle East
member for labels at Constantia Flexibles, All five component companies are and China that enhances our ability to
said: ‘Spear constitutes an excellent addition affiliates of Sun Capital Partners, Inc. deliver outstanding service.
to our existing labels business. It will open Together, they will form the sixth-largest ‘The larger scale will enable us to
new roads to attractive markets in the plastics packaging company in the accelerate the development and com-
Americas and Africa and especially to the world. The brand names of the five mercialization of new and differentiated
fast growing premium beer markets around businesses will remain in use. products that offer our customers a
the world, where pressure-sensitive labels Sun Capital Partners is a private competitive advantage.’
are key to success. We welcome our new investment firm that has invested in 320 ‘All five companies have achieved
colleagues from Spear to our group and look companies worldwide with combined success by introducing market led
forward to jointly serving our customers sales in excess of 45 billion US dollars. innovations,’ said Cronin.
globally in a remarkable way.’ It invested in Paragon Print &
The purchase of Spear is one of a series Packaging in December 2012, PACCOR
of acquisitions made by Constantia this year.
in December 2010, Kobusch in
In January Globalpack, a market leader in
December 2011, Britton Group in April
flexible packaging and folding cartons in
2011 and Exopack in July 2005.
Mexico was bought. At the end of March
Sun Capital Partners states that the
an agreement was signed on the purchase
of 60 percent of Parikh Packaging in India. expanded footprint of the combined
Parikh Packaging is among the top ten company means it will be well positioned
suppliers of flexible packaging in India . to supply diverse end-use markets, and
Commented Thomas Unger, CEO unlock additional growth opportunities,
of Constantia Flexibles, ‘With these supported by a more robust, diverse and
acquisitions we make an important step complementary product portfolio.
towards globalization of our Group. This will Jack Knott will serve in the capacity of
also open new growth potentials in attractive chief executive officer (CEO) of Exopack
markets.' Holdings, with Mike Alger named as chief
financial officer. Dieter Bergner will be JACK KNOTT, CEO Exopack Holdings Sarl




The third Digital Label Forum organized by
French label magazine Etiq & Pack in Paris
was the occasion for the inaugural Digital
Label Trophy awards. Judged by a panel of
Mark Andy ProLED system in action on P3 press experts – Christophe Perrot of the French label
association UNFEA, Wolfgang Klos-Geiger,

MARK ANDY DEMONSTRATES UV publisher of Etiketten Labels, Andy Thomas,

managing editor of Labels & Labeling, Jean

LED ON PERFORMANCE PRESS Poncet chief editor of Etiq & Pack, and John
Penhallow of Label Press International – the
trophies were to reward the finest labels
Partnership with Flint brings system of LED lamps and inks to market printed digitally and using the full potential of
this printing process.
Mark Andy has demonstrated a fully at least 20,000 hours, which compares
Provetiq took top prize in the industrial labels
commercial UV LED curing system on to 500-2000 for Hg bulbs. UV LED category for the marine detergent Clin Azur,
a Performance press at a recent UK consumes around 50 percent less Cogetiq in the category Cosmetics-Beauty
Open House. Introducing the Mark power, operates at 60 degrees Celsius for a Deodorant Stick label, and Stork Prints
Andy ProLED curing system on the (as opposed to 350degC) , and with no in the category ‘wine’ for a Dutch wine label.
6-color Performance Series P3 press, shutters or mirrors, has low maintenance Stratus Packaging gained two awards: in the
Greg Palm, vice president new business requirements. There is no requirement food category for an olive oil label and in the
development, said that compared to a for blowers or for ducting, decreasing category Best Use of Variable Data for the
conventional UV Hg system, LED offers ambient noise levels. wine label ‘Clos de la Bonneterie’.
‘more press uptime with fewer equipment The first ProLED pilot system has been For each winning label, the jury praised
failures, a faster and deeper cure for running 24/7 at a converter since October the print quality, visual impact and relevance
higher productivity, and is more energy 2012 with no downtime for system between the label and its product.
efficient with longer life bulbs and lower or bulb failure, said Palm. Early jobs The next digital label Trophies will take place
maintenance requirements. And because produced include paper labels, shrink in March 2014 in Paris.
it’s a solid state system, it offers instant sleeves and unsupported film labels,
‘on-off’ switching.’ direct thermal printing and pouches – ALLIANCE SEEKS COST-
Lack of heat and ozone also improve with no additional heat management EFFECTIVE RFID ANTENNA
the safety and comfort of the working on the press. There was a five percent PRINT TECHNOLOGY
environment, added Palm. increase in production speed.
According to Palm, LED bulb life is For full story see p.94 Mühlbauer and NovaCentrix have collaborated
to develop new advanced RFID antenna
manufacturing technology. Under the
EXPO DIGITAL WORKSHOP agreement, Mühlbauer will develop,
produce and market scalable antenna
CONVERTERS can compare jobs on multiple inkjet and toner presses production systems ‘APS’ for RFID inlay/label
manufacturers incorporating NovaCentrix’
at Labelexpo Europe PulseForge photonic curing tools and
optimized for use with NovaCentrix’ Metalon
A series of Labelexpo Digital Technology Raflatac, Flexcon and Herma will provide ICI copper oxide reduction inks.
Workshops will take place each show common paper, film and foil substrates Thomas Betz, member of the management
day in Brussels this September. Six of for the range of printed labels being board for Mühlbauer, said: ‘Based on our
the leading inkjet press manufacturers produced. For comparison with toner careful evaluation of the PulseForge tools and
will all produce a selection of food, technologies, Xeikon will be producing Metalon ICI inks, we believe partnering with
pharmacy and industrial labels using the the same label designs. the NovaCentrix team is in the long-term best
same sets of origination, on the same ‘A first for any print-related show, interests of Mühlbauer and our customers
range of substrates, during daily set-up the Digital Technology Workshops for realizing the most efficient RFID antenna
and demonstration workshop sessions. are aiming to raise the understanding manufacturing – directly before attaching
Press manufacturers participating in of inkjet quality, performance, head the chip.’
these inkjet benchmarking workshop technology, dpi resolution, color gamut, The first version of the APS 20000 reel
sessions are Durst, Domino, EFI potential applications and investment to reel antenna manufacturing line will be
Jetrion, Epson, Heidelberg Linoprint opportunities amongst the show’s designed to provide a capacity of 100 million
and Stork Prints. Origination, color and global visitors,’ said Mike Fairley, antennas per year. Bigger versions will be
die-cutter files for the different jobs are strategic development director at available upon request.
being prepared by Esko, while UPM Tarsus Labels group.

JULY 2013 | L&L

12 | L&L



Services Team are Fogra certified Digital Print Experts
The 2013 edition of AWA Alexander Watson
Associates’ annual review of the global
labeling and product decoration markets
is now available. Labeling & Product PRINT STANDARDS
Decoration Markets Global Review 2013 FOGRA provides benchmark for team training
provides an accessible ‘quick scan’ of this
specialist area, combining a printed report GMG is supporting the move towards growth of all areas of digital print
and an accompanying CD-ROM containing digital print standardization by qualifying production,' said Volker Wechselberger,
the report’s exhibits, charts, and graphs for key team members with DPE (digital print operations director at GMG.
downloading and use in presentations. expert) status from graphic technology GMG’s ProductionSuite already
The report documents the current status research association Fogra e.V. produces results complying with the
of key aspects of the industry, including All certified members of GMG’s Fogra PSD standard. File preparation
world label volumes and demand; market Professional Service team are now including file preflight as well as color
structure; market characteristics by region authorized to prepare and conduct management and job submission,
and by substrate; and current and future Process Standard Digital (PSD) audits according to the PSD handbook, is
growth rates. It also assesses raw material with their customers. performed with just a few mouse clicks.
trends and pinpoints M&A activity.
'GMG has long held the belief that an ‘The tight interface between the pre-press
Labeling & Product Decoration Markets
industrially-orientated, standardized application editor and the RIP reduces
Global Review 2013 may be ordered online via
process for digital print production is errors and speeds up the entire process in
the L&L bookshop or from
a crucial component for the continued a standardized way,’ said Wechselberger.

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Imaging specialist Luescher AG
Maschinenbau, based in Gretzenbach,
Switzerland, has filed for bankrupcy.
In a statement the company said the
'massive downturn in the graphics industry
on top of the financial crisis, the continuing
disappearance of printing shops combined
with an expensive Swiss franc and, over
the last nine months, a significant fall in
incoming orders, make it impossible to
LABELEXPO EUROPE 2013 is set to be the largest in the show’s
33-year history as it returns to Belgium on September 24-27 continue trading.'


BE LARGEST EVER SHOW’ Bunting Magnetics has discontinued its
flexible die product line. Announcing the
HP to promote B2 format digital presses change, Bunting Magnetics president Robert
J. Bunting said: 'Although Bunting flex dies
This year’s Labelexpo Europe will the Labelexpo Global Series, said: ‘We’re were well accepted in the worldwide digital
occupy seven halls at Brussels Expo and delighted to announce strong stand sales converting market, we have decided to
is on course to cover over 31,000sq m – which includes over 90 new exhibitors focus our attention on the Bunting Xtreme
the biggest stand space in the at this year’s exhibition. We continue to line of magnetic cylinders for the printing
show’s history. experience strong growth year on year and die-cutting industry, and magnetic
Among highlights of the show already which is a firm indicator of how buoyant decorating cylinders for the dry offset
announced, HP Indigo will showcase its the label and package printing industry is printing industry. Most employees in the
new B2 packaging presses for the first and how much innovation is going on in flexible die division have been reassigned to
time. Lisa Milburn, managing director of the marketplace.’ other positions in the company.'

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JULY 2013 | L&L
14 | L&L

CRITERIA for judging follows standard
THE INSIDER guidelines set by industry associations




WINNERS to be announced at Brussels show

AHLSTROM has completed a seven million For the ninth consecutive year, Flint Group Packaging and Narrow Web. ‘Year after
euro investment at its plant in Stenay, France will be organizing a print competition year, we are amazed by the excellence,
with winners to be announced on the quality, and depth of design. Narrow web
AHLSTROM COMPLETES Flint Group stand at Labelexpo Europe – printing is truly an art and we’re proud to
PLANT INVESTMENT Brussels, September 2013. play a part in these masterpiece designs.’
Ahlstrom has completed a seven million The criteria for judging follows Niklas Olsson, global brand manager,
euro investment at its plant in Stenay, standard guidelines set by the industry Flint Group Narrow Web, added: ‘Our
France, expanding its product portfolio of associations FINAT and TLMI and Narrow Web Print Awards prove that
one-side coated papers for metalized labels include registration, smoothness of narrow web printers continue to excel in
and flexible packaging. dot/vignette, overall print quality, and the noble art of label printing – finding a
The grades produced on Stenay's Paper degree of difficulty. The judges also way to produce high quality, innovative
Machine 3 now span from 50 to 160 g/ review each label for creative use of inks labels that keep our industry strong and
m². These coated papers can be used for and color, rewarding prints that exhibit growing. We are extremely proud, as an
metalized beer labels and flexible packaging ‘extraordinary use of ink’. ink supplier, to be a part of this effort. We
applications such as biscuits, sweets, Flint Group will highlight a special urge all printers to use this opportunity to
coffee bags, pharmacy, pet food bag outer category for web packaging applications, benchmark their own quality standards in
liners, tea envelopes, tobacco pouches, as which encourages printers to this format of “friendly” competition.’
well as bundle wraps for yoghurt pots. demonstrate the enriched palette of The deadline for entries, which must
‘By lowering the weight of a paper used applications possible using narrow/mid be printed with Flint Group inks, is
for metalized labels, flexible packaging and web presses. August 15, 2013. For more information
other graphics and industrial applications, ‘Flint Group has paid tribute to more contact Niklas Olsson in Europe at niklas.
Ahlstrom responds to the need for lighter than 45 companies around the world, or Deanna Whelan
papers to reduce the weight of packaging with this award,’ said Deanna Whelan, in the United States at deanna.whelan@
and labels and consequently lower their marketing manager, Flint Group
environmental footprint,’ said Daniele
Borlatto, EVP, Label and Processing.
Stenay's main brands for flexible
packaging papers include Gerbier HDS,
Gerstar HDS, Gerstar 404, Gerstar 604,
Gersan, Gervalux as well as Metalkote for
metalized labels.
The Stenay plant is part of Ahlstrom's Herma has expanded its regional sales local partners in some cases. He will
Label and Processing Business Area, which organization across Europe. Jens Glatz be based at the company headquarters
operates a total of six production sites in has been named account manager for in Filderstadt, Germany. In Girona near
France, Germany, Italy and Brazil. customers in Austria, Scandinavia and Barcelona, Alberto Pons has been
South America – with the support of appointed commercial agent for Spain.
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16 | L&L

eight HP Indigo label converters across
Europe and mixing both conventional
and digital print technologies has
allowed Coca-Cola to rewrite the
rules on promotional marketing.
Andy Thomas reports


Coca-Cola has revolutionized the world than a name?’

of promotional marketing with the launch
of a project which saw many millions of
Close to 30 languages and five different
alphabets are involved, ranging from
labels printed with customized data by Bulgaria and the Balkan states up to NETWORK:
a network of digital and conventional Scandinavia and Iceland and across to
printers across Europe. Greece and Western Europe apart from DIGITAL:
The project saw Coca-Cola marketing Spain and Portugal. The project would
Rodata (Romania); Carini (Austria), Rako
departments in more than 30 European end up generating over 10,000 distinct
(Germany); Amberley (UK); Auraprint (Finland);
countries supplying the 150 most pieces of artwork across Europe. ForLabel (Greece); Eshuis (Netherlands);
popular local names, together with a Robos (Germany).
range of slogans based around sharing PROJECT GENESIS
Coca-Cola with friends and family. The idea originated in Australia two years CONVENTIONAL:
The names were printed randomly on ago, where inkjet printed labels carried
labels for 0.5L and 375ml bottles of the country’s most popular first names in Rodata (Romania), Printpack (UK), Constantia
(Germany); Constantia Sim'Edit (France);
Coca-Cola® regular, Coca-Cola zero® a highly successful campaign.
Webtech (Ireland); GPS (Italy); Suominen
and Coca-Cola light™. When the marketing team suggested
(Poland); Nordic Label (Finland); Aluprint
Consumers will be encouraged to seek extending the project to central Europe,
(Slovakia). Hatzopoulos (Greece).
out bottles with their own or friends’ the Australian volumes were used as
names in-store, sharing and swapping the estimated requirement. But as more
bottles with friends and family. The country marketers joined, it became
roll-out was supported by a huge clear that Coca-Cola would not be able sizes across Europe, so we immediately
marketing push on social media sites. to handle the scale of the project through suggested concentrating on immediate
‘We wanted consumers to share both its existing network of printers. consumption packs.’
the physical bottles, and also share Guided by this brief, Gregory Bentley,
the experience on social networks,’ from The Coca-Cola Company’s COMBINATION PRINT
says Coca-Cola marketing manager packaging innovations group, started It was decided that the labels would
Marit Kroon. ‘You can share a virtual looking at the project from a technical be printed with a combination of
Coca-Cola with friends and family. You angle in January 2012. conventional and digital print processes.
can play with the virtual bottle then go ‘We had to be realistic about the Using inkjet for the variable text was
and find the real bottle. You can trade limitations imposed by technology and ruled out because the thickness of
bottles if you can’t find what you’re the supply chain,’ says Bentley. ‘For the ink film changed the handling
looking for. What can be more personal example we have seven different bottle characteristics of the 38 micron BOPP

JULY 2013 | L&L

18 | L&L

Along with the customized bottle labels
will come customized Coca-Cola cans, for
which Ball Corporation bought its Dynamark
decorating system to Europe. Up to 24
different pieces of artwork can be delivered
on each pallet, though these will be ‘sharing’
phrases and not individual names.
Gregory Bentley says Coca-Cola will also
have the ability to add personalized thermal
transfer print onto cans at major events.
‘We are using a special thermal transfer
ribbon to get the opacity we require,’ says
Bentley. ‘I would like a cut down version of the
HP Indigo press which I could put in the back
of a lorry to produce personalized labels on

wraparound labels. ink as flexo or gravure, and for its color Correct color management also
‘This was not an issue in Australia consistency. The presses were also required the use of a single source film
because the labels are laminated, so thought capable of handling the delicate supplier, in this case ExxonMobil. Two
the surface characteristics stay the cavitated BOPP films without damage. types of 38 micron BOPP were used: an
same whatever print process is used,’ ‘We knew that big volumes were opaque white (also printed with metallic
says Gregory Bentley. ‘In Europe our involved – much bigger than the normal silver ink) and a metalized.
labels are varnished, not laminated. The run through a digital press – which meant ‘ExxonMobil films are not necessarily
difference in surface smoothness, COF we had to optimize the workflow onto the better than the other films on the
and ink film weight with inkjet printing HP presses,’ says Bentley. ‘This meant market, but they are excellent and
would prevent the applicators working to using the minimum number of clicks, we needed a standard reference for
full efficiency.’ so we decided to only print Coca-Cola color measurement and performance
After extensive research, Bentley chose Red digitally. A special mix was delivered consistency,’ says Bentley. ‘Up to and
the HP Indigo printing process, primarily by HP and we specified a double hit to following this project we use five or six
because it lays down the same weight of deliver the required color match. ‘ different film suppliers in Europe.’



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The project team cut down the company’s 40

conventional label converters in Europe to a more
manageable 10 for this project, spread geographically
to match the nearest bottling plants.
The labels were first conventionally printed, either
CI flexo or gravure, leaving a blank panel and a re-
registration mark for overprinting by the HP Indigo
presses. This panel had to be coated in-line with a
water-based HP compatible primer, which presented its
own challenges.
The conventional press widths ranged from 740mm to
1.4m, so the reels needed to be slit down to the 330mm
width of the HP Indigo press. This in turn required
careful planning to minimize wastage on the unused
part of the web.
After the panels were overprinted on the digital press,
the webs would be returned to the conventional printers
for final inspection, varnishing, slitting and delivery to
one of the multiple Coca-Cola bottling plants involved in
the project.

Given the complexity of these workflows, Peter
Overbeek, managing director at leading Dutch digital
label converter Eshuis, offered to handle the entire
digital printing side of the project. Eshuis already
handled personalized shrink sleeve label production on
behalf of Heineken, but this was to be on an altogether
different scale.
It was a radical departure for Coca-Cola to outsource
print management on this scale, but given the unique
situation, Overbeek’s offer was accepted. L-R Marit Kroon, Coca-Cola marketing manager;
Overbeek quickly realized that only the latest HP Peter Overbeek, MD Eshuis; Gregory Bentley,
Indigo WS6600 press had the required technical Coca-Cola packaging innovations group

JULY 2013 | L&L


The Coca-Cola label personalization project
comes as the company launches a new
ad strategy which emphasizes digitized
content on mobile screens, as well as
some crowdsourcing, as a way of engaging
younger consumers in a myriad of ways in
the experience of what it's like to drink a Coke.

capability for the job in terms of color

management, web handling and the
availability of a re-insertion module.
He identified a network of eight
European digital converters with HP
Indigo WS6600 presses whom he
believed could handle the work and were
in the correct geographical location.
These converters were required to
dedicate machinery and operators
exclusively for three months to the
Coca-Cola work, and to have disaster
recovery plans in place.
Machine reliability was a big unknown.
Although a handful of HP Indigo WS6600
presses had worked 24/7 for a limited ‘Peter had to ensure there was always digital converters had to learn to accept
time, no-one really knew if they were sufficient digital capacity and we could orders from Peter.
robust enough for such a punishing print shift volume from one plant to the other ‘At Coca-Cola we had to accept that full
schedule. as necessary,’ says Gregory Bentley. control of the digital printing part of the
Under Peter Overbeek’s direction, The final result was a triumph of operation would be handled by Eshuis and
HP set up full time engineering teams technology, organization and sheer not by us. My role was to back Peter fully in
across Europe to support the eight digital determination. Multiple millions of the decisions he made.’
printers with spare parts and round the labels were printed, applied and sent to Coca-Cola also had to let go its standard
clock maintenance and callout. The warehouses in preparation for the launch lead times. ‘We added three to four months
extensive remote monitoring network of the campaign in May. ‘Eshuis has to the supply chain to allow us to focus
used for HP’s commercial inkjet presses delivered the project perfectly. We could on the digital printing bottleneck,’ recalls
was adapted to the industrial market for not have done that on our own,’ says Bentley. ‘The conventional printing started
the first time. Gregory Bentley. in December and the digital in January and
The participating printers sent their the job was completed in April.’
HP Indigo press crews to HP’s technical LESSONS LEARNED François Martin, worldwide marketing
demo center in Barcelona where a ‘This campaign has changed the way we manager at HP’s international graphic
special training program, supervised at Coca-Cola are looking at packaging,’ solutions business, sums up the
by Overbeek, was developed to cover says Marit Kroon, Coca-Cola marketing corporation’s experience: ‘Although each
standardized working practices and to manager. ‘It opens up new opportunities of the elements of this astonishing project
troubleshoot potential problems. to use the strengths of conventional had been achieved separately, they had
Workshops were held with the whole printing and digital printing together. We never all been achieved together, at the
print network at Eshuis, where Overbeek had done some customized labels in same time, and over such an extended
ran through quality control and workflow Germany, but that was on mixed sheet period of time.
procedures. ‘If there were quality issues fed paper labels. For reel fed labels ‘We learned that digital is not just a short
we had to be able to see quickly where digital printing was the only way. run process. We achieved 86 percent
and how the mistake had been made, ‘In addition, the company’s regional uptime on the presses, including all
since accuracy was absolutely key,’ system has modified itself and become stops for maintenance, calibration and
recalls Overbeek. more flexible through this experience. changing consumables, which comes
Eshuis developed a web tool which Eighteen months ago the system could close to matching the output efficiency of a
allowed constant monitoring of this not have allowed this project to happen. conventional press.
complex workflow. In particular we have had to drive ‘We started with something we thought
Eshuis sent only RIPped files to each standardization across Europe. All our was impossible, but if you break it down
converter, so there was no chance of European printers now have the HP color you can build bridges and find people
introducing errors. ‘The files were kept swatch which defines "Coca-Cola Red".’ willing to work together.’
here and we decided who would print Gregory Bentley agrees that the It seems clear that this Coca-Cola
what label and in what volume,’ says project has changed the culture of all the customization project has changed
Overbeek. ‘We organized and scheduled companies involved: ‘Everybody had to completely the landscape of promotional
all the logistics and worked closely with let go some of the control they normally product labeling. As HP Indigo’s Christian
the bottling partners to make sure that exercised over their own operations, and Menegon correctly says, ‘There are no
the bottles and labels were in the right this involved challenges for all parties. longer any excuses for brand managers
place at the right time, and to make We invited the 10 conventional printers not being creative on the most ambitious
sure the printers knew what had to be to a joint meeting asking them to be scale. Through this project we have proven
delivered, where and when. There was a completely open about sharing best HP Indigo has the execution capabilities
single route of information.’ practices and experiences. Likewise the they need.’
JULY 2013 | L&L
22 | L&L


(L-R) Jürgen Heinen and Jochem Heinen, both (L-R) Khalid Shah of Raqam International, Shyam Babu
managing partners of of Nilpeter ME and Matthew Burton of AB Graphic

LABEL24.DE, GERMANY was also attracted by the also picking up matrix errors and major
ESKO CDI SPARK 2420 modular structure of the Esko software registration shifts.
Esko has installed the first CDI Spark suite. ‘We were able to invest in exactly ‘The Vectra 330 is equipped with core
2420 flexo plate imager in Europe the elements that we needed today,’ said loader, bowl feeder and core and tail
at Germany’s, a division Heinen. ‘If we need more capability in the gluing and is suitable for running 76mm
of Druckerei Heinen GmbH in Bad future, upgrades are easy. For example, and 25mm mandrels.’
Münstereifel. we might consider adding HD Flexo or Kalid Shah of Raqam International
The unit was installed in mid-February optimizing our prepress workflow with added: ‘I am looking forward to the new
2013 by Esko, its distribution partner automation tools from the Esko suite installation. The new slitter rewinder
Dantex Deutschland GmbH and as we gain more experience with the with camera system will give me
Hartmann Polymer, replacing a system.’ greater quality control and the Vectra
film-based production system. turret rewinder will allow me to convert
Dantex worked with Hartmann Polymer RAQAM INTERNATIONAL, DUBAI non-stop at the end of press, effectively
on the installation at, as well AB GRAPHIC OMEGA HSR SLITTER by-passing the finishing department on
as staff training. REWINDER some jobs.’ is using 635 x 762mm Dubai-based Raqam International
Torelief DWF 80 NM polymer plates, also has purchased an Omega HSR slitter ABBEY LABELS, UK
supplied by Dantex Deutschland. The rewinder from AB Graphic, sold through XEIKON 3300
plates are cut to size prior to imaging the finishing and converting specialist’s The UK’s Abbey Labels has made its
based on the required format. Middle East distributor, Nilpeter ME. first move into digital production with the
Jochem Heinen, managing partner of The HSR is a high-speed slitter installation of a Xeikon 3300 press., said: ‘We tested both the CDI inspection rewinder that benefits from The company has previously operated
Spark and an inkjet film imager. In our larger unwind/rewind diameters and runs UV flexo presses, and has spent a
opinion, Esko is the only manufacturer at speeds up to 300mt/min. The sale lengthy time researching its move into
that could meet our challenging of the 430mm-wide model to Raqam digital. Having narrowed down the
requirements for digital imaging. International also includes a 330mm-wide equipment choice, visits were made
‘This is an investment in the future. Vectra ECTR turret rewinder. to both Labelexpo and Drupa 2012 to
We needed to make a change since it is Shyam Babu, managing director of finalize the decision.
certainly not clear how much longer film Nilpeter ME, said: ‘We are delighted Tom Allum, chairman of Abbey Labels,
imaging will be a viable technology in the with this first sale in the Middle East. AB said: ‘We had been examining the
manufacture of labels and tags.’ Graphic International offers a wide range potential for digital and the equipment
Heinen added: ‘With the CDI, we have of finishing equipment that is a perfect available for some two or three years.
been able to boost our label quality combination with ours. We wish Raqam Question marks about speed of digital
significantly. Our imaging operation International every success.’ devices, print quality, and the space
is also now much safer, and we can AB Graphic’s Matthew Burton said: required to set up a digital operation
deliver a standardized image quality that ‘We are delighted with this kick-start sale were constantly on our minds.
delights our customers. under our new cooperation with Nilpeter ‘The latest range of equipment from
‘Possible errors can been seen during ME. The HSR on order will be equipped Xeikon did seem to solve our speed
preview before incurring the expense of with our Fleyevision 100 percent print queries, and the dramatic improvements
plate imaging. And we no longer have face inspection system. This comprises in print quality in recent years ticked all of
issues with deterioration of screens with an intelligent camera that replaces the boxes in that area of concern.’
gradation.’ traditional missing label detection while The addition of a digital press has


MACCHINGRAF confirmed the Gallus ECS 340

TOM ALLUM, chairman of Abbey Labels sale at a recent event for the Italian label market

business opportunities and carry out new GALLUS ECS 340 OMET VARYFLEX 2
work. ‘I would say that 90 percent of the Macchingraf, the Gallus sales and service Central de Empaques SA (Cemsa), part
work is new work – some from existing partner in Italy, has sold a Gallus ECS of Grupo Industrial EEC and founded in
customers, but most of it from new 340 to Tipolitogragfia Zardini following Guatemala City in 1981, has installed an
customers,’ said Allum. its purchase of a TCS 250 in November Omet VaryFlex 2 line at Cemspack, its
‘The new work is being mainly last year. new paper cup production facility near
generated from our new updated The Verona-based company prints and Mexico City.
website. The ability to produce short runs converts labels and carton packaging, The 670mm-wide Omet press, which
or multiple sorts of color labels without as well as business cards, folders, has five UV-flexo printing units, a single
the associated cost of plates has allowed brochures and other printed products. rotary die-cutting station and a delivery
the company to compete for many orders Macchingraf said the latest order signals conveyor, has been specified with a
that were just out of reach with flexo its trust in both Gallus and its Italian Martin Automatic MBX butt splicer to
pricing.’ partner, which was signed up at Drupa allow continuous running.
Local food producers are one such 2012. According to Carlos Alfredo Rivera, who
market that Abbey Labels said has The sale was confirmed at a recent provides technical assistance for both the
benefitted from digital printing. Abbey three-day event staged by Macchingraf to Guatemala and Mexico plants: ‘The Omet
Labels is British Retail Consortium-regis- promote Gallus technology to the Italian was chosen after a series of production
tered for food production work, and Allum label printing market. tests in which it produced the best
said: ‘This has been a tremendous help Over the three days, around 150 combination of quality and speed for the
to us in generating business from the representatives of 80 companies in Italy type of work we produce at Cemspack.’
food sector. Local food producers have attended the event, which included live The decision to fit Martin Automatic
been especially keen to use our services: demonstrations of a Gallus ECS 340 ancillary equipment was made following
they don’t need millions of labels in most flexo printing machine with seven printing good experience with similar technology
cases – more often they might need a units, foiling and die-cutting, and a from the American manufacturer on an
few hundred labels of several different Heidelberg Linoprint L digital press. earlier Omet press.
sorts. This makes them ideal customers In addition Gallus Screeny plates, Cerm Rivera continued: ‘The Omet/Martin
for digital label printing.’ software and supporting products of all combination fulfills our requirements
The Xeikon 3300 is supported by an other business partners of Macchingraf for reduced waste levels and minimized
AB Graphic Digicon 2 converting line. ‘It were on display. maintenance costs. Running cartons at
is a great addition to the Xeikon. The new Customers had the chance to meet high speed requires a well-built machine
finishing line has allowed us to provide and network with all the partners who because the working environment is very
a wide range of embellishment options exhibited during the event. tough. We customarily operate the line
such as lamination, foiling, varnishes, Macchingraf chief executive officer at 200m/min, without any loss of quality,
and spot colors to the labels. Due to Alberto Mazzoleni said: ‘We are really and our carton waste has fallen by five
the special die-cutting system on the satisfied with the event's results, and percent since installation.’
Digicon we can use our existing stock of the number of attendees confirmed the The specification includes a corona
over 5,000 cutters which we have stored interest in this business. Macchingraf's treater, contactless web cleaner, a
for our flexo work. This has made us commitment to new technologies is a decurler, a de-nesting delivery, and a
very flexible for both new and existing step forward to complete our offer to the waste extraction system.
customers.’ Italian market.’ The Martin Automatic MBX butt splicer
was supplied as an OEM fitment. As
specified, it has a maximum splicing
JULY 2013 | L&L
24 | L&L

the shelf next to each other and it’s important that the customer
notices no difference between them. With our HP Indigo
presses, we are able to achieve this.’
Sohm notes the difficulty in defining an ‘average’ digital run
length. ‘We are seeing increasing variations in what would have
been long runs in the past. It is possible to have a job of 50,000
meters that comprises 200 variations to accommodate different
scents, flavors, languages and so on.’ Jobs that the company
used to print as a long run once a year are now shorter runs
produced several times a year. Handling more jobs – but not
necessarily more labels – can create challenges for a company.
‘The expense for data-handling, clearance, customer care and
such is the same whether the job is worth 300 euros or 5000
euros,’ said Sohm. ‘The administrative costs and the speed are
crucial because the customer wants the delivery very fast.’
Carini has a highly automated workflow. The HP SmartStream
Labels and Packaging Print Server Powered by Esko plays an
important role linking prepress with the presses and integrating
with the overall management information system.
(L-R) Edgar Sohm; Alon Bar-Shany, VP and general
manager, HP Indigo Division; Thomas Sohm AVVO LABELS, SOUTH AFRICA
speed of 213m/min, so is comfortable with Cemspack’s South Africa’s Avvo Labels has placed an order for a Rotocontrol
working speed of 200m/min (although top speed of the MBX RSC slitter rewinder.
is 243m/min). The maximum web width of this particular The order was led by Rotocon, the local agent for Rotocontrol
MBX model is 670mm (minimum 335mm), and it can handle and marks the 25th Rotocontrol finishing machine sold in South
1,828mm diameter rolls that weigh up to 1,135kg. The system Africa. Vishnu Lalbeharie, owner of Avvo Labels, said that both
uses an inertia-compensated festoon, a patented splice the technology and local after-sales service were the compelling
unit that gives a diagonal butt splice, and a two-position features that led to the order.
cantilevered unwind that uses Martin’s own lift and load system. In operation since 1985 out of Durban, Avvo Labels specializes
Controls, which are integrated, include those for automatic roll in up to eight color self-adhesive labels, barcode labeling,
unwinding, splicing, and – importantly – web tension control. multi-colored garment labels, computer labels, blank labels,
Speaking for Martin Automatic, Ed Pittman said: ‘We are wrap-around and shrink sleeve labels, and are suppliers of
delighted to have supplied another splicer to Cemsa, and know thermal transfer printers and ribbons.
that it is already making a contribution to waste reduction and The RSC features a cartridge slitting system, vertical inspection
improved productivity. There are quite a number of Martin/Omet zone, automatic tension control and job save.
combinations running carton board and they are all valued as
a cost-effective alternative to traditional sheet-fed offset with PRESSON LABELS, NEW ZEALAND
offline converting. The installation at the company’s new plant NUOVA GIDUE COMBAT M1
in Mexico City is another good showcase for inline flexo carton New Zealand self-adhesive label specialist Presson Labels has
production.’ installed a Gidue Combat M1 press. The 8-color UV, 370mm-wide
press features chill drums, a servo-motor in-feed, pre-register and
ETIKETTEN CARINI, ITALY the SnowBall waste matrix rewinder.
HP INDIGO WS6600 It is able to run a range of different substrates including
Leading Austrian converter Etiketten Carini has installed an self-adhesive labels, sleeves and wrap-around labels.
HP Indigo WS6600 digital press, its third WS6000-series press Kevin Aisher, Presson Labels director, said: ‘Our market is
supplied by HP preferred partner Chromos AG, of Dielsdorf, extremely demanding, therefore we needed a quick change press
Switzerland. to be flexible on delivery time as well as quality.’
‘Even though we doubled our digital capacity with the
WS6000 digital presses, we needed more,’ said Edgar Sohm, K-1 PACKAGING GROUP
managing director, Etiketten Carini. ‘We’ve seen digital print EFI RADIUS MIS
runs getting longer, and there are more jobs, too; the WS6600 K-1 Packaging Group is to replace two MIS/ERP systems with
press will enable us to meet these new demands.’ EFI Radius software for its packaging and label operations in
Carini’s digital presses account for 24 percent of jobs, with City of Industry, California.
the remainder generated by the company’s eight conventional Many K-1 customers purchase some combination of folding
presses. Two near-line finishing machines from HP finishing cartons, labels and flexible packaging and the mix of products
partner AB Graphic International handle the output from the creates a number of repetitive, manual processes that come with
three HP Indigo presses. running multiple, disparate systems. K-1 Packaging president
‘We print to a high-quality on a wide variety of substrates,’ Mike said: ‘EFI Radius is designed specifically for packaging
Edgar Sohm continued. ‘Coated and uncoated papers, films, workflows and will make our entire management process
transparent stock, mono-films and more recently metallic cleaner and more streamlined. It's going to allow us to capitalize
and silver films are among the stocks we regularly print. In a on the huge opportunity we have to become a tighter, more
supermarket, all the jobs – conventional and digital – are on knowledgeable organization.'
Some decisions

are easier than

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JULY 2013
© 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development |L&L
Company, L.P.



UPM RAFLATAC, AVERY DENNISON AND HERMA have made strides to help the label industry deal with
release liner waste, reports David Pittman

There are encouraging signs that the label industry is taking the from virgin fiber would have increased carbon dioxide emissions
question of liner recycling more seriously, with UPM Raflatac by 428 tonnes.
recently signing a cooperation agreement with the French Dr Thomas Baumgärtner, managing director of Herma, and
subsidiary of Aliplast for release liner recovery. head of its self-adhesive materials division, said: ‘Last year,
Aliplast is an Italian company specializing in the collection Herma's entire fleet generated about 410 tonnes of carbon
and treatment of recovered plastic films. This partnership dioxide, based on the vehicles' imputed mileage and realistic
expands Aliplast’s recycling services to polypropylene (PP) and average consumption figures.
paper-based release liners through UPM Raflatac’s RafCycle ‘We can therefore claim a carbon-neutral footprint for the 74
waste management concept. Herma cars. Given that we produce only a fairly small quantity
Aliplast now collects, sorts and distributes all types of release of waste liner – because it is a constituent of our self-adhesive
liner to different recycling processes, avoiding landfill or materials – achieving carbon neutrality is an impressive
incineration. achievement.
Large collection bags are installed by Aliplast for use by ‘It illustrates that even relatively small-scale recycling can make
self-adhesive label end users like drinks bottlers and companies a big impact.’
from the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Aliplast In 2010, Herma became the first self-adhesive material
collects the bags regularly and directs them to its two sorting specialist in the industry to participate in the C4G initiative,
centers near Strasbourg and Lyon. After sorting, the waste is which was established specifically for this type of recycling. The
transported to its final place of re-use. quantity of release liner collected by C4G throughout Europe in
PP, including UPM Raflatac’s ProLiner PP30, is re-used as 2012 reduced carbon dioxide emissions by round 7,000 tonnes.
a raw material in the manufacture of wood-plastic composite Across the EU, the annual consumption of silicone-coated
products at the UPM ProFi factory in Bruchsal, Germany. Other release liner stands at about 360,000 tonnes. The largest portion
wrapping films are recycled into various packaging products by is attributable to companies that apply labels.
Aliplast Italy. ‘The potential carbon dioxide savings are therefore enormous,’
Aliplast also collects paper-based release liners for fiber re-use. adds Baumgärtner.
The recovered paper liners are re-pulped and de-siliconized, and ‘That's why we take every opportunity to encourage our
the pulp is used for papermaking at UPM’s paper mills. self-adhesive material customers, namely the label printers, to
The RafCycle concept therefore makes use of labelstock point their own customers towards the C4G recycling initiative.
by-products from all stages of the labelstock lifecycle: process It makes good sense for both the climate and the participating
waste from coating and slitting operations, matrix and start-up companies, which would otherwise have to bear the cost of
waste from printing and die-cutting, and liner waste from label disposing of the release liner.’
dispensing at the end of the cycle. As L&L went to press, Avery Dennison launched a matrix
Also in Europe, self-adhesive label specialist Herma has recycling tool on its website to help its converter customers divert
recycled some 185 tonnes of surplus release liner from its and process scrap. The tool is located at: label.averydennison.
material production process through a Europe-wide recycling com/en/home/solutions/sustainability.html.
initiative, helping it offset the carbon emissions from its 74-strong ‘Many of our customers are actively improving their
fleet of cars in 2012. sustainability footprint,’ said Rosalyn Bandy, sustainability
Silicone-coated release liner is encountered wherever labels manager, Avery Dennison Materials Group. ‘We have created this
are applied, and in large quantities in the consumer goods, food matrix recycling tool as a response to those looking to reduce
and logistics industries. It is conventionally discarded as general their impact by sending less waste to landfills.’
refuse. The interactive map features a directory that indicates locations
Thanks to the cooperation of European release liner of non-landfill operations or energy-from-waste facilities. Most
recycling organization Cycle4Green (C4G) and Austrian paper of these operations process discarded pressure-sensitive scrap
manufacturer Lenzing Papier, waste raw materials are recovered materials generated by label presses into clean, renewable
and used to produce new label paper and release liner, both of energy sources. One such method is fuel pellets, which can be
which are used by Herma. a direct substitute for coal but with a lower carbon and overall
A certificate from C4G shows that Herma committed around emissions footprint.
185 tonnes of surplus liner from its self-adhesive material The interactive tool is based on Avery Dennison's own
production to the silicon-coated release liner recycling initiative information and was developed in collaboration with key
in 2012. converters, recyclers and key channel partners. Recycling may
Compared with recycling, manufacturing the same quantity not be available in all areas.
JULY 2013 | L&L
28 | L&L



AVERY Dennison FSC-certfied paper materials


JASON GROSSMAN, Paragon Label president,
picks up the FTA Environmental Excellence Award


Avery Dennison Label and chain of custody (CoC). FSC's FOR ENVIRONMENTAL WORK
Packaging Materials has CoC certification process The Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) has recognized two
introduced a new collection of traces the path of products printers for their work to make environmental improvements.
paper label materials certified from forests through the supply California’s Paragon Label claimed the top prize in the 13th
to Forest Stewardship Council chain, verifying that FSC-certified annual FTA Environmental Excellence Award program, while
(FSC) standards. material is identified or separated Global Packaging, of Pennsylvania, earned an honorable mention.
The new products' prices from non-certified material Paragon Label, a 20-year-old FTA member, specializes in
are comparable with those of throughout the supply chain. printing fine quality pressure-sensitive labels, and operates a
non-certified alternatives to drive The FSC-certified product number of programs that save energy, reduce waste, cut water
the use of FSC-certified materials collection contains 22 use and minimize solvent air emissions.
throughout the value chain, Avery specifications featuring three The facility has energy-saving compressors, more efficient
Dennison said. paper facestocks – Fasson lighting, low flow water fixtures, in-house waste water treatment,
Avery Dennison is one of 54# Semi-Gloss FSC, Fasson digital platemaking equipment, drought tolerant landscaping and
more than 3,500 US companies Lightweight Dairy FSC and a variety of recycling areas. It has also created the “Green Team”,
certified with an FSC-approved Fasson Estate Label No. 8 FSC. and brought in assistance to help them find ways to further
reduce the company’s environmental footprint.
The 2013 award is the second time Paragon has claimed the
AVERY DENNISON LAUNCHES top FTA’s Environmental Excellence Award.
Competition judge Pat Nienhaus, of the Lauterback Group, said:
MATRIX RECYCLING TOOL ‘Paragon stood out because of its very positive influence to the
community and surrounding area via tours and outreach.’
Avery Dennison has launched directory that indicates locations
Fellow judge Allen Marquardt of industry giant Kimberly Clark
a matrix recycling tool on its of non-landfill operations or said: ‘Paragon Label went over and above the normal scope of
website to help its converter energy-from-waste facilities. Most a printer.’
customers divert and process of these operations process ‘This is a great honor,’ said Jason Grossman, Paragon
scrap. The tool is located at: discarded pressure-sensitive Label president. ‘For more than a decade we have been very scrap materials generated environmentally active. Our goal has been to influence our
home/solutions/sustainability. by label presses into clean, employees, customers, visitors and the community to get
html. renewable energy sources. One involved and committed to their own sustainable practices. It’s
‘Many of our customers such method is fuel pellets, which good for the planet and it’s good for business.’
are actively improving their can be a direct substitute for Global Packaging specializes in printed roll stock and converted
sustainability footprint,’ said coal but with a lower carbon and bags for the consumer product, food, bakery, confectionary
Rosalyn Bandy, sustainability overall emissions footprint. and pet food markets. It earned an honorable mention thanks to
manager, Avery Dennison The interactive tool is based pollution prevention, waste reduction and lean manufacturing
Materials Group. ‘We have on Avery Dennison's own initiatives it has undertaken in recent years. In 2009, Global
created this matrix recycling tool information and was developed in Packaging was the first flexographic facility certified by the
as a response to those looking to collaboration with key converters, Sustainable Green Printing Partnership. It is also the second time
reduce their impact by sending recyclers and key channel it has received an award in the FTA Environmental Excellence
less waste to landfills.’ partners. Recycling may not be competition, having been awarded an honorable mention in 2005.
The interactive map features a available in all areas.
Watch the case study:

“ Primera is the way to go.”

When Lloyd at Taylor Label in Toronto, Canada, was looking
for a way to get into digital label production, he turned to
Primera’s CX1200 Color Label Press and FX1200 Digital
Finishing System.

“I checked out all of the options. Primera just made the most
sense. It’s a professional solution that gives me the capability to
digitally produce labels in any size and shape. Now that I’ve
got a system installed, I can see that my payback is going to be
faster than I’d even hoped. If you’re a label shop that wants to
get started in digital, Primera is definitely the way to go.” | 1-800-797-2772 | 763-475-6676

30 | L&L

Small, big,
or Bigger
HOW SIZE AFFECTS YOUR SUCCESS in the label business. By Bob Cronin, The Open Approach

The majors appear to be on a feeding frenzy.

Over the last few months, we’ve seen notable
"It is natural to fear the Goliaths’
purchases by the 'big guys,' which have granted
them even more expansive footprints. Brady, Fort
greater girth and purchasing prowess.
Dearborn, and Constantia Flexible, for example, all But a larger company is not
made newsworthy additions, and many others are
following suit. As expected, these acquisitions have necessarily more competitive"
drawn much anxiety, analysis, critique –and perhaps
envy – by small and mid-sized players who are wary
of being muscled out.
But one company’s growth does not necessarily
result in another company’s demise. It is natural
to fear the Goliaths’ greater girth and purchasing
prowess. But a larger company is not necessarily
more competitive. All due respect to the majors.
There will never be a label enterprise that can
capture 100 percent market share. And some find
themselves quickly divesting even larger portions
of their business than they acquire. Wal-Mart didn’t
eradicate opportunities for boutique players. And
they didn’t destroy the ability to capture solid
That said, however, the majors’ transactions do
give them traction. They do affect the industry – in
good ways and bad – and they do affect what is out
there for your clients as competitive options. But it’s
first important to understand the dynamics behind
what they are doing. Stay on top of their initiatives,
but keep your concerns in check. For one, their
moves can help you understand what big marketing
departments (which you don’t have) think are the
biggest customer and industry drivers (which you
need to know).
The above-noted acquisitions were made not
simply to get bigger, but also to become more
strategic. Brady Corporation’s purchase of PDC
brings the company into healthcare labeling and
services – one of the fastest growing markets. Fort
Dearborn buying Fetter’s label business helps it
build out further into an area where it is already
present and profitable. And Constantia Flexible’s
Spear Label buy provides entrée into the thriving
label beverage segment. In my humble opinion, all
three of these were exceptional moves by three very
wise players.
Today’s market makers are inspired by gaining
new capabilities, assets, and books of business
that will help them flourish. Large entities’ success
hinges on large ongoing initiatives. To see real

I bought a Rotatek machine four years ago.
I have been amazed by its high quality offset, its
advanced mechanical construction and its ink
stability - from the beginning of
the print job right through to the end.
There's no doubt that Rotatek aims to be the best
in the market by constantly innovating
and by putting the printer in pole position.
Deputy Director of Imprimerie GIP
Libourne Cedex - France

32 | L&L

advantages. These could be in-depth vertical specialization;

proprietary solutions; novel online tools, web ordering, or
apps; or simply more meaningful physical presence. While
majors may focus on landing the big sale, your company can
percentage growth, they cannot rely simply on steady organic appreciate the smaller orders. You may be able to provide
development. So they continue to strategically target and fold in programs, such as digital asset management, database
their smaller counterparts. warehousing, or other functions, as complimentary services to
So where does that leave middle-market and small label lock down customers' business.
entrepreneurs? Can you really compete against the big Mid-sized companies might also have the budget for internal
pockets and big positions? Is there hope to stay independent, R&D resources and/or additional staff who serve as area
or are you all destined to be acquired? Stop thinking of size experts. Because of fewer organizational layers, customers can
as an impediment to your success, and start thinking of it as access these resources easier than they can with the majors.
a strength you can use to your advantage. These days, every Additionally, since gains often come by 'growing alongside
characteristic of every company needs to be deployed as an the customer,' mid-sized players can be more in sync with
asset. Use what you have to cultivate new opportunities. clients. But be careful. You may be able to function with fewer
Let’s consider what’s happening in the market. Labels is still investments than the big guys make, but you still need to
a fragmented business and the need to make acquisitions for stay at least one step ahead of customers’ issues to thrive.
growth, position, and geography has never been stronger. Customers need to see you as proactive – instead of reactive
Small or large, most transactions in the label space are a – even if they don’t expect you to be able to offer the massive
reflection of a number of different drivers: product/service lineup of the majors.
• Customers are looking to reduce costs. Small players, too, need to embrace the distinct attributes
• Customers want to buy more products and services from and advantages that their size provides. I’ve seen many
fewer suppliers. different solutions here. This could be owner involvement,
• Customers have zero tolerance for product quality, integrity, or specially designed press forms, equipment configurations,
delivery issues. special web portals, and more. Many label customers
simply want partners who are dedicated to the industry, and
• Customers need their suppliers to handle more (due to loss of
delivering the best service possible in the continually evolving
internal resources, layoffs, cost-containment strategies, etc.).
• Customers want partners that are innovative and can swiftly Small to mid-sized players also have a significant advantage
respond to change. over the majors when it comes to switching gears to pursue
• Customers want lower pricing (or greater value). better market opportunities. These enterprises can change
• Customers want more control and more measurable ROI. their look quickly by merging with another entity or becoming
part of a bigger system. As long as you have created a strong
At first glance, these dynamics might seem to tip the scales business, the choice for any significant new direction is up to
in the majors’ favor. But, as you think through this list, note that you. If you want to stay independent, you can. Just stay on top
all of these drivers are being led by the customer. Regardless of what is happening around you and be willing to make the
of economic pressures, regardless of employment pressures, changes and adjustments to keep you on pace.
regardless of ROI pressures, at the end of the day, the So is it better to be small, big, or bigger?
'customer' is still king. Their influence – and their decision – is Not one is the guaranteed answer. Your size is
the ultimate driver for the business. Your ability to land their not the determining factor for whether you will
work is not a factor of your size, but of how well you respond to survive and thrive; it’s an asset you can
current and upcoming drivers. leverage to your advantage.
For small and mid-sized companies, then, staying ahead of
the game is all about staying close to the customer. Printed
labels is still very much a relationship business, and product
is still very important. Those companies that respond quickly
and correctly to customers’ needs will fare best – regardless ABOUT THE AUTHOR
of their size. To this effect, small, nimble businesses can craft
Bob Cronin is managing
an advantage by owning a niche, having greater flexibility, or
partner of The Open Approach, an
simply providing superior service.
investment banking/M&A firm focused exclusively
Many label buyers today still prefer to buy their product on the world of print. The firm's proven results
from suppliers with whom they feel the most valued. Your have made it the exclusive member-recommended
ability to make clients feel important is a very real and tangible firm of PIA/GATF and IPW.
opportunity. It is certainly an asset you should be leveraging
For more information, visit www.theopenapproach.
when attempting to go after any new business.
net, email Bob Cronin at,
Mid-sized and small companies have other unique
or call +1 630 323 9700.

34 | L&L

Smart Technology
CAROL HOUGHTON rounds up the latest news in smart and intelligent labeling

POWERCOAT technology allows paper substrates

ALPVISION Authenticating a vial label with iPhone to be used for printed electronics applications

SMART FIGHT AGAINST COUNTERFEITS challenges of using paper as a substrate – turning it into a smooth
Increased smartphone usage has led AlpVision to enable flexible surface while still being 100 percent paper and recyclable.
consumer-level product verification This now makes paper a viable substrate for many printed
electronics devices where it may not have been suitable before.’
AlpVision has updated its product authentication app for the Powercoat is a cellulosic paper formulation and coating process
iPhone, which allows users to detect the company’s Cryptoglyph which enables passive and interactive circuitry to be integrated
‘invisible’ mark printed on a label or pack using regular visible ink with existing printed products. This facilitates electronic functions
or varnish and standard printing processes. Enhanced algorithms – from embedded RFID tags to condition-sensitive sell-by dates on
now allow for better detection of labels on curved surfaces, such fresh produce – to be incorporated in graphics.
as vial labels and labels on wine and spirit bottles. It is said to offer excellent printability and ink adhesion properties
The invisible Cryptoglyph image contains encrypted information whilst the surface reduces the consumption of expensive silver
which originally required an off-the-shelf scanner, along with an inks and supports high-resolution fine patterning (down to five μm)
authentication application installed on a computer, to decrypt it. of any solution-based electronic layer.
Since 2012, consumers have been able to scan the safety feature Powercoat is also said to eliminate other issues encountered
using an iPhone and receive positive authentication within three when printing with conductive inks on conventional papers, such
seconds. as yellowing/color fading and alterations to the physical charac-
The iPhone app was originally introduced for AlpVision’s teristics of a substrate during sintering – the process which fuses
Fingerprint technology, which tracks and authenticates mass conductive inks to the substrate.
moulded products. It is currently available for the iPhone 4/4S/5 Due to its thermal stability, it can withstand the sintering cycle
and other mobile operating platforms on request. at 200 deg. C for five minutes, as well as photonic sintering. This
AlpVision recently demonstrated the app at IP Protect Expo allows for higher printing speeds, therefore decreasing production
2013 in London. Dr Fred Jordan, AlpVision co-founder and CEO, costs whilst improving productivity and efficiency.
commented: ‘Conference participants were surprised that a tool It is suitable for roll-to-roll processing and has already been
so deceptively simple could be used to perform product authenti- used in disposable labeling and packaging, amongst many other
cations and perform well. applications. According to Arjowiggins, the applications are limited
‘Brand owners are searching for ways to multiply the number ‘only by the imagination and existing interactive technologies.’
of authentications throughout the supply chain. Smartphones are The company added: ‘PowerCoat proves paper is just as reliable
therefore becoming the tool of choice for product authentication [as plastic] for printed electronic applications. It outperforms even
and counterfeit protection.’ the best plastics and is recyclable and sustainable. This novel
paper has excellent smoothness [as low as 10 nanometers], and
higher thermal stability than most PET/PEN plastics’.
Arjowiggins recognized for its PowerCoat formulation
for printed electronics METAIO OPENS NEW R&D OFFICE
Hardware supplier invests in future of Augmented Reality
Arjowiggins Creative Papers has received an IDTechEx award for
its PowerCoat technology, which allows paper substrates to be Metaio is to open a new office in Dallas, Texas, as part of a
used for printed electronics applications. company-wide initiative to invest resources into research and
The judges commented: ‘Powercoat from Arjowiggins Creative development of Augmented Reality (AR) core technologies.
Papers was selected by the judges because it addresses the

36 | L&L


1 2

1 2

Primera Technology has launched its new LP130e laser Global Vision has launched the QCanywhere suite of cloud-based
marking system, an optimized version of the company’s quality control apps, aimed at addressing the need for
previous DL500e durable label printer, but now offering 25 company-wide access to quality control systems to help protect
percent faster print speeds. brand integrity.
It is designed to enable fast in-house production of labels QCanywhere can be accessed from any device and allows brand
and tags for use in a wide range of severe and harsh-duty owners and stakeholders across multiple industries to inspect
applications, including the US Department of Defense’s IUID documents regardless of geographic location. Reports can be
program labels, UDI labels for medical devices and healthcare generated and shared by e-mail to collaborate on quality and
equipment, automobile VIN and under-hood part number dramatically reduce approval cycles and time-to-market. Global
plates, warning and instruction labels, aerospace and solar Vision says the cost of each inspection is just one USD.
panel labels, serial tags for outdoor equipment, automobile ‘The introduction of QCanywhere has revolutionized the way
parts, building materials and others. companies can inspect documents, artwork and print,’ said
Text, graphics and linear or 2D barcodes can be marked onto Reuben Malz, president of Global Vision. ‘QCanywhere enables
special laser-ablateable substrates that can be up to 130mm deeper collaboration between different internal teams as well as
(5.1in) wide. third party suppliers. By sharing QCanywhere reports through
It uses a high-powered laser for marking instead of inkjet or e-mail, you can bring key decision makers into the process, which
thermal transfer inks, which generally have less durability than translates into a more secure and faster way to bring your product
laser-marked materials, Primera said. The base for the marking to market. Since it is cloud-based, it is truly mobile, allowing users
system is a specially-designed laser diode along with high- to review reports anywhere using a laptop, tablet or smart phone.’
precision, matched optics. Applications (QCapps) in the suite include QCtext to compare
Labels and tags produced with this technology are typically documents; QCartwork to compare artwork files; QCspell to spell
used to replace metal plates or labels produced by resin check PDFs; QCbraille to translate Braille; QCprint to inspect
thermal transfer that are laminated in a secondary process but printed materials; and QCbarcode to both inspect and grade
are still not durable enough for many applications. barcodes.
As such, finished labels and tags are extremely robust and do Global Vision is offering Labels & Labeling readers a free
not require lamination to withstand extended exposure to UV seven-day trial by visiting and using the promo
light, chemicals, liquids and temperatures of up to 300 deg C. code QC7day.



Bar Graphic Machinery is launching two new slitter rewinders in Features on the BGM Elite Digiflex include fast changeover for
order to provide improved productivity in digital converting and maximum productivity and flexibility, automatic print positioning
flexible packaging finishing. (APP) system for highly accurate plate registration and automatic
The 160m/min BGM Elite Digiflex full servo flexo die-cut to die registration (ADR) to reduce set-up waste for a more
re-register slitter rewinder has been developed to convert and cost-efficient re-register print and die-cutting production process.
finish pre-printed digital, inkjet, or flexo media. This highly A digital servo drive also provides constant communication
flexible system can print, apply additional coating, semi rotary between all the servo axes for high performance and functionality
or full rotary die cut, slit and rewind all in register in one or including advanced diagnostic features.
multiple passes.

38 | L&L



Impression Technology Europe has launched the compact and Harper Corporation of America has introduced synthetic
economically priced Compress LP4 digital press for short run label rubber to seal and protect the numerous layers within its
production. The LP4 will print at nine m/min onto standard uncoated anilox sleeves.
blank stock, either pre-cut or in continuous rolls. The basic function of the synthetic rubber feature
While the machine is aimed at the small-order sector of the market, it is to seal the expansion foam layer to prevent it from
can also be used for the more traditional bulk order as well, says ITE. deteriorating. The synthetic rubber replaces the
The LP4 uses LED dry toner print engine technology in a roll to roll aluminium end rings that are currently found on most
unit with a 300mm (OD) unwind and rewind capacity and a 210mm anilox sleeves.
wide 4-color straight print path. It boasts an optical sensor for pre-cut To ensure maximum performance, the Harper team
and stripped labels and a maximum print resolution of 600 x 1200 investigated various industrial fields, including microelec-
dpi. The Micro Fine dry toners are highly durable, scratch and water tronics, aerospace, consumer electronics and aviation,
resistant, says ITE. when choosing the right synthetic rubber. The grade
The LP4 has a compact footprint, 1600mm long x 540mm high x of this material is capable of withstanding the severe
660mm deep. The flat print path allows heavy-duty materials to be stresses, temperatures and chemicals that are involved in
handled from up to 320gsm. The unit includes an integrated page the flexographic printing process.
cutter and user-replaceable quick change consumables. The synthetic rubber has allowed the cladding to cover
The LP4 can be combined with the equally compact Eclipse LF3 the full thickness and length of the sleeve, eliminating the
digital label cutter and finisher. counter bore and increasing the number of reconditions
that a sleeve can undergo in its lifecycle.
The inner liner is also extended and installation has
ETI CONVERTING been streamlined, as the mandrel air holes are covered
more easily than when using a traditional end ring sleeve.
ETI Converting has launched a high-speed rotary die-cutting machine The ability to seal the mandrel also allows the synthetic
for liners of 12, 18 and 23 microns. rubber to keep ink from seeping in. This new feature is
Called the Pellicut, this equipment can die-cut PS material at a currently only available on OEM sleeve designs that do
speed of 750ft/min (225m/min) on a 26in(660mm) web width. It uses not encompass drilled and tapped holes.
a standard flexible magnetic die.
ETI Converting says a patent-pending W anti-deflection system OPAQUE WHITE INK
avoids pressure cutting variation and reduces risks of die marks on RUCO
the liner. An equalizer system corrects any thickness inconsistency
on the magnetic plates. Ink manufacturer Ruco has launched a new opaque
This system will be available as an option on the Cohesio, but will white product intended for use in combination printing
also be sold separately with unwind and rewind to die-cut any thin processes. The 900UV1437 opaque white that Ruco
liner PS material. The unit can be retrofitted on any printing machine has added to its portfolio comes in a low-viscosity and
with web widths from 13-26in (330-660mm). silicone-free formulation.
‘We have sold the first unit to a big US converter to die-cut one of It is highly reactive to permit give curing and adhesion
the largest label orders in North America,’ said Maxime Bayzelon, properties, with ‘outstanding’ flow characteristics. It is
vice-president of ETI Converting. suited for overprinting with UV flexographic, offset and
letterpress inks.

40 | L&L

Digital press
buyer’s guide
digital press technologies available to label converters.
Andy Thomas presents a buyer’s guide

Today there is an astonishingly wide choice of digital presses

designed to produce short to medium runs of labels in full color.
Potential buyers need to understand the difference between the
technologies on offer and to match these with the intended end use
The longest established and most widely installed digital label
press technologies are the toner-based systems manufactured by HP
Indigo (liquid toner) and Xeikon (dry toner), and these have matured
into robust industrial-scale solutions each with their own strengths
and pricing models.
But in recent years, single-pass full color inkjet has mounted
an increasingly strong challenge, and appeared in a variety of
configurations from stand-alone to modular systems fully integrated
into conventional presses. 3. INKJET HEADS
In addition to these ‘industrial’ scale presses designed to fit directly Although there are a large number of Inkjet press
into narrow web workflows, are what we might call the ‘benchtop’ manufacturers, there are only a handful of printhead
units, usually with integrated finishing, which are particularly suitable manufacturers. Presses which use the same printheads
for bureau-type in-house print service operations. Wide format digital will share the same print resolution and speed, so how do
printers are more typically used for proofing/prototyping applications you choose between them?
and will be considered in a future edition of L&L. In fact there are a range of variables which impact the
So what are the key considerations to take account of when actual performance of the press, even if it uses a similar
deciding upon a digital press? imaging unit. These include accuracy of web handling,
software integration, the use of additional ink ‘pinning’
1. IMAGING TECHNOLOGY systems, and the interaction of ink with curing system.
The most obvious is the imaging technology itself, which brings Clearly these characteristics require extensive print testing
unique advantages and limitations. This might rule out particular and cannot be ascertained from a specification sheet.
applications from the start. So, for example, dry toner systems require
heat to bond toner to the substrate, so are generally not suitable for 4. INK SYSTEM
heat-sensitive materials. On the other hand dry toner systems do not The characteristics of different ink/toner systems have
require the substrate to have any special surface treatment and are a major impact on the choice of digital press. In inkjet,
extremely resilient without a protective varnish or over-laminate. for example, there are water-based as well as UV ink
UV inkjet likewise does not require any special treatment of the chemistries, each with their own qualities of adhesion,
substrate – although such treatment is often recommended for color migration, light fastness and rub resistance – dictating, for
management and consistency – but delivers a heavier film weight, example, whether a varnish or over-lamination is required
leaving a slightly ‘raised’ effect similar to UV screen. This effect may for a particular application.
or may not be desired for a particular application (but does suggest In addition, the availability of extended ink sets may
the process can attack applications currently dominated by direct be an important consideration. For most standard label
screen printing). applications simple CMYK will be sufficient. But if clear
films or metallic substrates are going to be used, a
2. RESOLUTION sufficiently opaque white will certainly be required. If
Imaging resolution has become a source of confusion for some Pantone matching is particularly important, 6- or 7-color
potential digital press buyers. I would highly recommend the article ink systems should be considered. In 5-color digital
by Mike Fairley in the last edition of L&L looking at the difference presses the fifth station will usually contain the white ink,
between ‘binary’ and ‘grayscale’ models. In this buyers guide we but could also contain a special color.
give ‘native’ applications, as opposed to the much higher ‘apparent’ This type of work could also be ideal for a hybrid digital/
resolutions often quoted for grayscale imaging systems. conventional press such as the Nilpeter Caslon, where
In some inkjet systems resolution can also be affected by print UV flexo is used to lay down the white and special colors
speed – higher resolutions are achievable but at lower speeds. So in-line with a CMYK digital module.
buyers should always check what speeds a quoted resolution refers
to. Similarly, the highest quoted print speed may only be achievable 5. VARIABLE PRINT CAPABILITY
at a reduced resolution. All the manufacturers contacted for this survey said they
There are a number of variables which affect actual print quality. supplied variable print software either bundled with the
These include the surface tension and absorbency characteristics of press, or as an option. Generally this will handle variable
the substrate, as well as the screening algorithms used in the digital codes, serial coding and variable text and picture elements
front end. from frame to frame.

Watch the N600i

at Reynders Etiketten

Does your digital label press

match the Domino N600i?

13” wide
50-75m/min (146-246ft/min)
Native resolution 600x600 dpi
In-line finishing option
Esko workflow

Combines flexibility of digital with

the productivity of flexo
Visit us at Stand No 9F70 Hall 9




ADSI manufacturers two models. The iTech Centra HS is a
complete digital label production system which allows labels
to be printed then cut to any shape without dies, along with
lamination, strip, slit and re-wind to finished rolls. It is targeted
to run lengths up to 3,300 feet / 1,000 meters.
The iTech Axxis brings these capabilities to a desktop-sized
digital label production system, retaining the wide range of
substrate flexibility achieved by the Centra HS.

The EagleJet 5-color UV inkjet digital label press is available in
two models, the 1400 and 2800, both of which come bundled
with variable data layout software. Imaging resolution is 360dpi
on a print width up to 420mm up to a speed of 25m/min. The
press is 4-color plus white. DURST
The Durst Tau 330 is a digital UV inkjet label press designed for
COLORDYNE short and medium runs covering web widths from 16.5 cm (six
The Colordyne CDT-1600 C – available in roll or fan fold – is a and a half in) to a maximum 33 cm (13 in), with printing speeds
high speed label and tag printer with throughput speeds up to of 48 m (157 ft.) per minute. Tau 330 is available for print widths
12 inches/second. Colordyne printers are powered by Memjet up to 200 mm and 330 mm. Its standard color configuration
technologies. Capable of printing two inches to eight and a half CMYK can be completed with full opaque white and optional
inches wide, the CDT- 1600 C meets industrial label demands orange and violet color, thus offering up to 90 percent coverage
and is designed for in-house label production and private of the Pantone color gamut.
DOMINO The EFI Jetrion inkjet press range now consist of three
The Domino N600i UV inkjet press prints up to 75m/min (246ft/ basic models. The 4900M and 4900M-330 are both modular
min) at 600dpi print resolution onto a range of standard paper stand-alone UV inkjet presses, differing only in web width – 8.3in
and plastic label stocks. The grayscale printhead uses a six pl and 13in respectively. Both run at up to 70 ft/min driven by a
drop size to achieve fine detail. Fiery XF front end. The 4900ML additionally includes in-line laser
The N600i uses piezo drop on demand ink jet technology die cutting and matrix stripping – an upgrade option on the ‘M’
with durable UV curable inks. Automated functions include the modular presses.
Domino CleanCap automated print head cleaning and capping
station; the Domino Actiflow, continuous ink circulation system; EPSON
and Domino Stitchlink, automated print head alignment system. The 6-color Epson SurePress L-4033 inkjet digital label press
uses Epson’s proprietary micro-piezo inkjet head technology.
To deliver a wide color gamut for accurate reproduction of
spot colors, Epson’s SurePress AQ ink-set includes green
and orange. SurePress AQ Ink offers excellent adhesion to
standard label substrates without the need for pre-treatments or
coatings. The ink is water based. The press prints at five m/min
at resolutions up to 720 x 1440dpi on a maximum web width of

BEIJING Founder's EagleJet 5-color The Domino N600i UV inkjet press

UV inkjet digital label press
Hands tied by your
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The SprinG3 is an industrial digital
thermal transfer printer, delivering short
runs of durable full color graphics at
a high speed. Ideal for labels, decals,
membranes, license plates, traffic and
other signs. Up to five years outdoor
durability and printing up to 6-colors in
single pass.


The Jetsci-Y series is a modular
digital print system for variable data
inkjet printing at high speed using
drop-on-demand Kyocera inkjet
printhead technology. The printing
system is available with a minimum
print width of 108 mm and multiple
EPSON SurePress L-4033 inkjet print modules can be stitched for wider
digital label press print widths. The Jetsci-YAQ system
can be integrated on any existing
HEIDELBERG/LINOPRINT with workflow management software web press, sheetfed press and/or any
The Linoprint L UV inkjet digital printing which allows operations to stage jobs finishing equipment giving the maximum
system is designed for short to medium in minutes. The Apex 1290 comes resolution of up to 600 x 600 dpi and top
run work. It is driven by Heidelberg’s equipped with a 305mm (12 in) O.D. speed of 150 m/min.
Prinect Prepress Manager Label software rewinder that is adjustable to match the
which incorporates variable data continuous media output while winding NILPETER/FFEI
management capabilities. Print speed is labels, making the rolls ready for the The Caslon print system can be
up to 48m/min at 600 x 600 dpi across finisher or applicator. configured as a stand-alone digital print
a 420mm print width. Features include engine, or incorporated as a module
automatic print head cleaning. IWATSU/LINTEC within a given Nilpeter FA- flexo press
The EM-250W supports variable configuration.
HP INDIGO data printing in both black and full Features include an inkjet-based,
The HP Indigo WS4600 and WS6600 color. A second pass sensor allows digital white/spot color unit that prints
digital presses are both 7-color liquid additional printing to be performed on UV-curable ink on a wide range of
toner-based digital presses, the first pre-printed/pre-die cut labels. The color substrates. A dedicated workflow system
printing up to 15m/min in full color and management profile system allows specialized for labels and packaging,
the latter up to 30 m/min. An enhanced optimum color reproduction when offers seamless integration of all job
productivity mode dispenses with black selecting paper or film. The EM-250W is parameters to any printing process
and increases the speed to 12m/min capable of handling short to medium run – Caslon digital UV inkjet as well as
and 40m/min respectively by printing out production at 25-50 m/min. conventional printing processes.
of CMY. The WS6600 has a wider print
width – 317mm compared to 308mm OKI PRIMERA
for the WS4600 and can print thicker The OKI pro511DW digital web Primera’s CX1200 Digital Color Label
substrates up to 450 microns. Both press is a compact toner-based Press is designed to produce short- to
machines can handle substrates down to web printer that produces full color medium-runs of full-color, high-quality
12 microns, including unsupported film. digital labels. It includes custom label labels using a fast, high-resolution
management software from Hybrid as color laser technology. It is matched
INDUSTRIAL INKJET well as a Harlequin RIP supplied on with Primera’s FX1200 Digital Finishing
ColourPrint 'I' series are new high speed an industry-standard Proactive server. System is an all-in-one device that
color digital modules. Basic models The pro511DW includes a heavy laminates, die-cuts, removes waste
run at 80m/min. They are designed to duty rewinder which incorporates a matrix, slits and rewinds in a single,
fit to existing conventional narrow web pre-assembled slitter. integrated and automated process.
presses to provide 'Hybrid' capability. A
recent project saw a CMYK ColourPrint
unit placed on a Focus print/inspection/
rewind unit.

Two toner-based models are available
from Isys. The Edge 850 is designed as
a low-cost solution for in-house printing
on demand, for example water bottle
labels or stickers for a special event.
Users can print a custom design on
die-cut substrates and labels are durable,
lightfast, water resistant and scratch proof.
The Apex 1290 is a digital production
press for short-mid run label production. STORK Prints' DSI stand-alone
Quick changeover technology is coupled digital printing unit

JULY 2013 | L&L

46 | L&L

The VIPCoor P485 is designed to generate in-house
custom labels for SKUs, bar coding, localization and
targeted marketing promotions. Targeted at small to
medium enterprises.

The Donghang UV 4-color digital label press uses
piezoelectric drop on demand inkjet technology.
Its core RIP software, developed by the company,
supports a wide range of file formats. Also features a
self-developed cyclic ink supply system made up of
ink-pump and print control systems.

The Xante Excelagraphix L850 Digital Narrow Web
Press is a complete digital inkjet print system using
Memjet printhead technology.
It also features an easy-to-use interface with seven in
SCREEN’S TruePress Jet L350UV color LCD touchscreen display, an aerosol extraction
system and automatic feed/cut.
RAPID The System is driven by the iQueue Multi-User
The RapidX2 is a free standing commercial printer which takes pre-die Workflow that makes it easy to manage complex
cut or raw roll stock, prints at up to 1600 dpi and feeds to rewind or digital files, match critical spot colors, select
in-line finishing equipment. It can be mated with Rapid’s modular D2 linescreens, dot shapes, and screening angles for
semi rotary die cutter, ROP hot foil over-printer and RS slitter-rewind. CMYK and spot color elements.
D2 comes standard with re-register, semi-rotary actuation, lamination, Users can also apply imposition, track ink usage,
coreless matrix waste removal and production speeds to mate with most estimate job cost and run variable data/bar codes at
digital printing technologies. Rapid’s F2 semi-rotary spot flexo printer/ full speed.
varnisher further enhances the line.
SCREEN Xeikon 3000 Series architecture is based upon a full
The Truepress Jet L350UV is a single-pass UV inkjet printing system rotary press with a variable repeat length. That delivers
which can accommodate a printing width of up to 322 mm and media productivity which does not depend on the number of
widths from 100 mm to 350 mm at a printing speed up to 50m per colors nor the dimensions of the labels. The QA-I dry
minute featuring grayscale printheads with a minimum droplet size of toner, specifically developed for labels and packaging,
three picoliters and resolution of 600 dpi. It also incorporates Screen’s allows the use of standard substrates, provides high
color management and screening technology. This functionality enables light fastness and is compliant with FDA standards for
extremely smooth gradations. indirect and direct dry food applications.
The system is designed to use Screen’ s proprietary Truepress ink, The press comes in a number of models: Xeikon
providing coverage of a wider gamut than previous process color inks. 3030 is an entry level digital printing press; Xeikon
Cleaning of the head area can be executed automatically after 3030Plus offers higher productivity; Xeikon 3300 is the
processing is finished. This enables an immediate start to printing work flagship press and claimed the fastest digital press
the next time the system is started up. printing CMYK and one-pass opaque white.
The Xeikon 3050 is an entry level press for printers
SHANGHAI TAIYO MACHINE COMPANY that require a wider web width, while the Xeikon 3500
The Taiyo IJP inkjet press uses the Kodak Stream imaging unit and combines width and speed to make this press the
prints in CMYK with waterbase inks. Imaging resolution is 600 x 600dpi most productive and widest of Xeikon’s digital labels
at speeds up to 152m/min. The press uses Kodak’s CS410 Stream press series.
operating system and workflow.

The Stork Prints DSI is modular in design offering
configurations from stand-alone digital printing
to complete lines with in-line semi-rotary
converting. There is also modularity in print
positions, allowing up to 10, and in printing
width, ranging from 135mm to 530mm.
Stork Prints develops its own brand inks
in-house, delivering high resistance to
light and impressive scratch-proofing.

The Swiftcolor SCL4000D desktop printer
is designed for high speed and print quality
on applications such as short run shipping
case marks, address stickers, baggage tags,
barcode, cosmetic, health care product,
THE TAIYO IJP inkjet press
prescription medicine package, gourmet
foods and bottle labels.
48 | L&L


After publication, this list will move on-line, since press specifications are constantly changing and new
manufacturers entering the field. At Labelexpo Europe in September many of these presses will be in action,
and an Inkjet Workshop will allow comparisons to be made between leading models.

Name of company: Name of company:

Allen Datagraph Systems, Inc Beijing Founder Electronics Co. Ltd.

Name/model of digital press iTech AXXIS Digital Name/model of digital press EagleJet 1400 and 2800
Label Printer Print head technology used: Drop on demand
Print head technology used: Epson Piezo Digital print process: Inkjet
Digital print process: Inkjet
COLOR OPTIONS Color (excluding white): nnnn
Color (excluding white): nnnn Availability of white: Yes
Availability of white: NA Other ink options: None
Other ink options: NA
Image quality/resolution: 360dpi
Image quality/resolution: 720 x 720 dpi
DIMENSIONS Roll/web width: 210 - 450mm
Roll/web width: 4 in to 8.5 in (100 mm to 216 mm) Print width: 70 - 420mm
Print width: Up to maximum Press running speed: 25m/min
Press running speed: 4 ft/min (1.1m/min)
SUBSTRATES Substrate thickness, minimum: 55 gsm
Substrate thickness, minimum: Not supplied Substrate thickness, maximum: 135 gsm
Substrate thickness, maximum: Not supplied Types of printable substrates: Paper, Sticker, Metallic Foil, PET,
Types of printable substrates: Any aqueous inkjet top coated. PVC, PE, PP etc. All standard label stocks.
Any substrates that are unsuitable: Any substrates that are unsuitable: No polypropylenes

In-line or off-line finishing: Off line - iTech AXXIS Digital Label In-line or off-line finishing: Both options available
Finisher. If in-line, what finishing is available?: Die-cutting
Press options: Corona Web Inspectrion

Name of company: Name of company:

Allen Datagraph Systems, Inc Colordyne

Name/model of digital press iTech Centra HS Digital Name/model of digital press CDT-1600 C
Label Printer Print head technology used: Memjet
Print head technology used: LED Toner Digital print process: Inkjet
Digital print process: Toner
COLOR OPTIONS Color (excluding white): nnnn
Color (excluding white): nnnn Availability of white: N/A
Availability of white: NA Other ink options: No
Other ink options: NA
Image quality/resolution: 1600 x 800 dpi
Image quality/resolution: 600 x 1200 dpi
DIMENSIONS Roll/web width: 9in (228mm)
Roll/web width: 8.5 in to 12.9 in (216 mm to 327 mm) Print width: 8.5in (216mm)
Print width: Up to maximum Press running speed: 60ft/min (18m/min)
Press running speed: 4 ft/min (1.1m/min)
SUBSTRATES Substrate thickness, minimum: 0.003 in (76 microns)
Substrate thickness, minimum: Not supplied Substrate thickness, maximum: 0.012 in (304 microns)
Substrate thickness, maximum: Not supplied Types of printable substrates: All standard label stocks
Types of printable substrates: Almost all standard label stocks Any substrates that are unsuitable: None known, but quality
Any substrates that are unsuitable: No polypropylene's dependent

In-line or off-line finishing: Off line - iTech Centra HS Digital In-line or off-line finishing: Off-line
Label Finisher

There are label printers
that are just as good as these.
They just happen to cost
ten times more.

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50 | L&L

Name of company: Name of company:

Domino Printing Sciences EFI

Name/model of digital press N600i color digital label press Name/model of digital press Jetrion 4900ML
Print head technology used: Kyocera KJ4 printheads Print head technology used: Drop on demand piezo inkjet
Digital print process: Inkjet Digital print process: UV inkjet


Color (excluding white): nnnn Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: No (future) Availability of white: Yes
Other ink options: No Other ink options:

Image quality/resolution: 600dpi native Image quality/resolution: 360dpi native

Roll/web width: 200 - 340mm Roll/web width: 13 in (330mm)
Print width: 333mm Print width: 8.3 in (210mm)
Press running speed: Up to 75m/min (246ft/min) Press running speed: 80 fpm (25m/min) (120 fpm in draft mode)

Substrate thickness, minimum: 100 micron Substrate thickness, minimum: 0.003 in (76 microns)
Substrate thickness, maximum: 200 micron Substrate thickness, maximum: 0.012 in (304 microns)
Types of printable substrates: Standard paper, PE and PP Types of substrates that can be printed: Paper, films, foil,
Any substrates that are unsuitable: None known specialty media. All standard label stocks.
Any substrates that are unsuitable: None
In-line or off-line finishing: Yes, both FINISHING
Finisher: Grafisk Maskinfabrik and AB Graphic International In-line or off-line finishing: In-line
Press options: Corona, AVT vision web inspection, full color If in-line, what finishing is available?: Die-cutting, slitting,
variable data printing backscoring and more
Press options: EFI Digital StoreFront web-to-print, EFI Radius
ERP systems

Name of company: Name of company:

Durst Phototechnik AG EFI

Name/model of digital press Tau 330 UV Inkjet Label Press Name/model of digital press Jetrion 4900M and 4900M-330
Print head technology used: Xaar 1001 Print head technology used: Drop on demand piezo inkjet
Digital print process: High Speed Single Pass UV Digital print process: UV inkjet
COLOR OPTIONS Color (excluding white): nnnn
Color (excluding white): n n n n + OV Availability of white: Yes
Availability of white: Yes, full opaque white Other ink options: No
Other ink options: Metallic silver inks
Image quality/resolution: 360dpi native
Image quality/resolution: 720 x 360 dpi
DIMENSIONS Roll/web width: 4900M: 9 in, 4900M-330: 13.7 in
Roll/web width: 350 mm / 13.7 in Print width: 4900M: 8.3 in, 400M-330: 13 in
Print width: 330 mm / 13 in Press running speed: 80 fpm (25m/min) (120 fpm in draft mode)
Press running speed: 48 linear meters / 157,4 feet per minute
SUBSTRATES Substrate thickness, minimum: 0.003 in (76 microns)
Substrate thickness, minimum: 100 micron Substrate thickness, maximum: 0.012in (304 microns)
Substrate thickness, maximum: 300 micron Types of substrates that can be printed: Paper, films, foil,
Types of substrates that can be printed: Coated & uncoated specialty media. All standard label stocks.
paper, white or transparent film PP, PE, PVC, POPP, Aluminum
In-line or off-line finishing: Off-line (in-line finishing w/upgrade
FINISHING to ML model)
In-line or off-line finishing: Off-line If in-line, what finishing is available?: Die-cutting, slitting,
Press options: Corona Treatment, Web Cleaner, Nikka Web backscoring and more
Inspection System, Insetter for pre-diecut or pre-printed material Press options: EFI Digital StoreFront web-to-print, EFI Radius
ERP systems

Stand number


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Name of company: Name of company:

Epson Hewlett Packard Indigo

Name/model of digital press SurePress L-4033A, Name/model of digital press WS 4600
SurePress L-4033AW Print head technology used: Laser
Print head technology used: Epson Micro Piezo Print Heads Digital print process: Electrophotography liquid ink
Digital print process: Aqueous Inkjet
COLOR OPTIONS Color (excluding white): Seven ink channels.
Color (excluding white): n n n n +2 Availability of white: Yes
Availability of white: Yes (on AW version) Other ink options: Security inks (UV visible)
Other ink options:
Image quality/resolution: 812dpi, addressability 2438,
Image quality/resolution: Up to 720 x 1440 dpi screen ruling 144, 160, 175, 180, 230

Roll/web width: 80 - 330mm Roll/web width: 200 to 330 mm
Print width: Up to 315mm Print width: 308 mm
Press running speed: Up to 5 m/min Press running speed: Up to 15 m/min in full color, up to 21
m/min in Enhance Productivity Mode full color
Substrate thickness, minimum: 100 micron SUBSTRATES
Substrate thickness, maximum: 320 micron Substrate thickness, minimum: 12 microns
Types of substrates that can be printed: All standard label Substrate thickness, maximum: 350 microns
stocks Types of substrates that can be printed: Any type of substrate
Any substrates that are unsuitable:
FINISHING In-line or off-line finishing: Both available.
In-line or off-line finishing: Off-line finishing If in-line, what finishing is available?: Partnership with
ABGraphics, offering all label finishing types

Name of company: Name of company:

Heidelberg CSAT GmbH Hewlett Packard Indigo

Name/model of digital press Linoprint L Name/model of digital press WS 6600
Print head technology used: Kyocera Print head technology used: Laser
Digital print process: UV Inkjet Digital print process: Electrophotography liquid ink


Color (excluding white): nnnn Color (excluding white): Seven ink channels.
Availability of white: No Availability of white: Yes
Other ink options: No
Image quality/resolution: 812dpi, addressability 2438,
screen ruling 144, 175, 180
Image quality/resolution: 600 x 600 dpi
Roll/web width: 220 to 330 mm
Roll/web width: 430mm
Print width: 317 mm
Print width: 420mm
Press running speed: Up to 30 m/min in full color, up to 40
Press running speed: up to 48m/min
m/min in Enhance Productivity Mode full color
Substrate thickness, minimum: depends on tensile strength
Substrate thickness, minimum: 12 microns
Substrate thickness, maximum: depends to the bending
Substrate thickness, maximum: 350 microns
strength, maximum 0,6mm
Types of substrates that can be printed: Any type of substrate
Types of substrates that can be printed: Self Adhesive Labels,
Any substrates that are unsuitable: None
Laminates, Aluminum foils, Flexible films based on PVC, PET,
PE, corona-pre-treated PP, non-porous paper...
Any substrates that are unsuitable: Untreated PP, LLD-PE,
In-line or off-line finishing: Both available.
Silicone surface-treated material, PTFE-films
If in-line, what finishing is available?: Partnership with
FINISHING ABGraphics, offering all label finishing types
In-line or off-line finishing: Both options available
Press options: Corona, Pinning, web inspection...

JULY 2013 | L&L

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Name of company: Name of company:

Industrial Inkjet Ltd iSys Label

Name/model of digital press ColorPrint 'i' series Name/model of digital press Apex 1290
Print head technology used: Konica Minolta 'i' series Print head technology used: Single Pass 4- Color LED
Digital print process: Inkjet Digital print process: Dry Toner


Color (excluding white): n n n n + 2 and Spot Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: Yes Availability of white: None
Other ink options: Varnish, IR, UV Flourescent Other ink options: None

Image quality/resolution: 360x720 or 720x720 Image quality/resolution: 1200x600dpi

Roll/web width: Upto 702mm as standard, Larger is possible Roll/web width: 3in - 12.9in (76mm - 327mm)
Print width: 702mm as standard, Larger is possible Print width: 3in - 12.6in (76mm - 320mm)
Press running speed: 80m/min, 160 possible (Extra cost) Press running speed: Up to 9.14 m/min

Substrate thickness, minimum: N/A. Unit fits to flexo press Substrate thickness, minimum: 0.006 in (152 microns)
Substrate thickness, maximum: N/A. Unit fits to flexo press Substrate thickness, maximum: 0.013 in (350 microns)
Types of printable substrates: Paper, Plastics, Metallic Types of printable substrates: Papers (Matte, Semigloss, High
Any substrates that are unsuitable: No, but pre-treatment may Gloss, tag stock, textured), PET's, vinyls, foils, teslins
be needed Any substrates that are unsuitable: Thermal transfer
materials, PE, Shrink Wrap
In-line or off-line finishing: Unit fits to existing press to use FINISHING
in-line In-line or off-line finishing: Off-line
Press options: Unit fits to existing press If in-line, what finishing is available?: None
Press options: None

Name of company: Name of company:

iSys Label Iwatsu Electric Co. LTD

Name/model of digital press Edge 850 Name/model of digital press Label Meister EM-250W
Print head technology used: Single Pass 4- Color LED Print head technology used: On demand piezoelectric head
Digital print process: Dry Toner Inkjet Digital print process: Inkjet


Color (excluding white): nnnn Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: None Availability of white: Yes
Other ink options: None Other ink options: No

Image quality/resolution: 1200x600dpi Image quality/resolution: 600x1200 dpi

Roll/web width: 6.0in- 8.5in wide (152mm - 216mm) Roll/web width: 250mm
Print width: 6.0in- 8.24in wide (152mm - 209mm) Print width: 220mm
Press running speed: Up to 9.14 m/min Press running speed: 25 m/min (600 1200 dpi)
50 m/min (600 dpi)
Substrate thickness, minimum: 0.006 in (152 microns)
Substrate thickness, maximum: 0.010 in (254 microns) Substrate thickness, minimum:
Types of substrates that can be printed: Papers (Matte, Substrate thickness, maximum: 0.6mm
Semigloss, High Gloss, tag stock, textured), PET's, vinyls, foils, teslins Types of printable substrates: Self-adhesive paper/film and
Any substrates that are unsuitable: Thermal transfer materials, non self-adhesive Paper/film
PE, Shrink Wrap Any substrates that are unsuitable: Testing is available

In-line or off-line finishing: Off-line In-line or off-line finishing: Both
Press options: ERP Systems

JULY 2013 | L&L

56 | L&L

Name of company: Name of company:

Matan Nilpeter/FFEI
Name/model of digital press SprinG3 Name/model of digital press Caslon
Print head technology used: Thermal Transfer Print head technology used: Xaar 1001
Digital print process: Thermal Transfer Digital print process: Inkjet


Color (excluding white): nnnn+2 Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: Yes Availability of white: Yes
Other ink options: Spots and metallics Other ink options:

Image quality/resolution: Up to 1600 x 400dpi Image quality/resolution: 360 x 360dpi

Roll/web width: 320mm (12.6in) Roll/web width: 340mm (13.5in) / 420mm
Print width: 307mm (12.08in) Print width: 330mm (13in) / 410mm
Press running speed: Up to 270m/hour (885ft/hour) depending Press running speed: 25-50m/min resolution dependent
on media, resolution, energy level
SUBSTRATES Substrate thickness, minimum: 25 microns
Substrate thickness, minimum: Substrate thickness, maximum: 250 microns
Substrate thickness, maximum: Types of printable substrates: All standard label substrates
Types of printable substrates: Tnermal transfer materials
FINISHING In-line or off-line finishing: Available both as standalone (FFEI)
In-line or off-line finishing: Roll to roll and in-line with flexo press
If in-line, what finishing is available?: Flexo press finishing line
Press options: Corona, web cleaner

Name of company: Name of company:

Monotech OKI Data Americas

Name/model of digital press Jetsci-Y series Name/model of digital press OKI pro511DW label printer
Print head technology used: Kyocera Print head technology used: LED
Digital print process: Aqueous Inkjet Digital print process: Toner


Color (excluding white): nnnn Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: Yes Availability of white: No
Other ink options: Spot colors, invisible ink Other ink options: No

Image quality/resolution: 600 x 600dpi native Image quality/resolution: HD Color Technology; 600 x 600
dpi or 1200 x 600 dpi
Roll/web width: Up to 432mm
Print width: Roll/web width: Continuous: Plot Width 8.0in–12.6in (203
Press running speed: Resolution dependent mm–320 mm)
Print width: Plot Width 8.0in–12.6in (203 mm–320 mm)
SUBSTRATES Press running speed: Continuous: 30 ft./min. (9.14 m/min.);
Cut Sheet: Letter – Color 36 ppm, Mono 40 ppm; A3 – Color 19
Substrate thickness, minimum:
ppm, Mono 21 ppm
Substrate thickness, maximum:
Types of printable substrates: Paper - coated, uncoated
Any substrates that are unsuitable: Thermal transfer materials,
PE, Shrink Wrap Substrate thickness, minimum: Continuous: 64 gsm to 216
gsm; Cut Sheet: Media Tray – 64 gsm to 216 gsm
FINISHING Substrate thickness, maximum: Continuous: 64 gsm to 216
In-line or off-line finishing: Sheeter/fanfold options gsm; Cut Sheet: Media Tray – 64 gsm to 216 gsm
Types of printable substrates: Paper, PET, Polyester, Vinyl,
Any substrates that are unsuitable: BOPP, Tyvek

In-line or off-line finishing: Off-line
If in-line, what finishing is available?: Rewinder with built-in
slitting functionality

what appears simple is often
the most difficult to realize

GIDUE Top Quality Entry Level press

Combat MX press displays the shortest web-path to minimize set-up
waste. The press is using high precision belt-drives for perfect
register and identical register performances after 10 years (no
wear of gearboxes). The MX press offers a unique “no-maintenance”
program: for 2 years the press needs neither maintenance nor any
particular care. The MX press can be used effectively by operators
without any skill in flexography or in self-adhesive labels.

58 | L&L

Name of company: Name of company:

Omet Rapid Packaging Services Pty Ltd

Name/model of digital press JetPlus Name/model of digital press Rapid 2 digital label press
Print head technology used: DOD inkjet Print head technology used: Memjet
Digital print process: UV Inkjet Digital print process: Inkjet


Color (excluding white): nnnn Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: No Availability of white: No
Other ink options: No Other ink options: No
Image quality/resolution: 600x600dpi
Image quality/resolution: 1600 dpi
Roll/web width: up to 650mm DIMENSIONS
Print width: depends on press width Roll/web width: 230 mm
Press running speed: Up to 60 m/min Print width: 220 mm
Press running speed: 18 m/min
Substrate thickness, minimum: Information not supplied SUBSTRATES
Substrate thickness, maximum: Information not supplied Substrate thickness, minimum: 0.13 mm
Types of printable substrates: All standard label stocks Substrate thickness, maximum: 0.33 mm
Types of printable substrates: Aqueous inkjet receptive paper,
FINISHING synthetic, film etc.
In-line or off-line finishing: Fits on existing press
In-line or off-line finishing: Both
If in-line, what finishing is available?: Lamination, Semi-rotary
die-cutting, flexo coating/varnish, Spot flexo print, hot foil
stamping, hologram/kinegram application, RFID

Name of company: Name of company:

Primera Technology Screen Europe

Name/model of digital press CX1200 Color Label Press Name/model of digital press Truepress Jet L350UV
Print head technology used: Laser Print head technology used: Piezo drop on demand
Digital print process: Toner Digital print process: UV Inkjet


Color (excluding white): nnnn Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: N/A Availability of white: Yes
Other ink options: N/A Other ink options: CMYK Extended Gamut inks

Image quality/resolution: 2400 dpi Image quality/resolution: 600 x 600dpi, 600 x 1200dpi

Roll/web width: 8.5in (216mm) Roll/web width: 350mm
Print width: 8in (203mm) Print width: 322mm
Press running speed: 16.25 fpm (4.9m/min) Press running speed: 50m/min

Substrate thickness, minimum: Substrate thickness, minimum: 0.09mm (3.6mil)
Substrate thickness, maximum: 9 pt. Substrate thickness, maximum: 0.35mm (13.7mil)
Types of substrates that can be printed: PVC, PET, paper, Types of printable substrates: Paper and film type self adhesive
wovens, magnetic material
Any substrates that are unsuitable: BOPP FINISHING
In-line or off-line finishing: Roll to roll and Roll to inline
FINISHING If in-line, what finishing is available?:
In-line or off-line finishing: Offline - FX1200 Digital Label
Press options: Corona and web inspection later options
Finishing System -- produces any size and shape without dies
If in-line, what finishing is available?:
Press options: FX1200 Digital Label Finishing System

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60 | L&L

Name of company: Name of company:

Stork Prints Shanghai Taiyo Machinery Co.,Ltd

Name/model of digital press DSI Name/model of digital press IJP inkjet digital machine
Print head technology used: Xaar 1001 Print head technology used: Kodak Stream technoligy
Digital print process: UV inkjet Digital print process: Inkjet water-based ink


Color (excluding white): n n n n + Orange and Violet Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: Yes Availability of white: No
Other ink options: Digital primer, Digital varnish, Other ink options: No
spot color on request
Image quality/resolution: 600 x 600dpi
Image quality/resolution: 360 dpi native
DIMENSIONS Roll/web width: Client request
Roll/web width: Print width: 10.56cm/printhead
Print width: 330 mm Press running speed: 152m/min;305m/min
Press running speed: 24, 35 m/min
SUBSTRATES Substrate thickness, minimum: Not supplied
Substrate thickness, minimum: Substrate thickness, maximum: Not supplied
Substrate thickness, maximum: labelstock up to 400 micron Types of printable substrates: Non-permeation substrates
Types of printable substrates: All standard label stocks Any substrates that are unsuitable: Permeable
Any substrates that are unsuitable: None
FINISHING In-line or off-line finishing: Both options
In-line or off-line finishing: In-line If in-line, what finishing is available?: Modular
If in-line, what finishing is available?: Semi-rotary die-cutting,
Press options: Standard: webcleaning, corona, LED pinning
stations and chilled cylinder on final curing

Name of company: Name of company:

Swiftcolor VIPColor
Name/model of digital press SCL-4000D Name/model of digital press VIPColor P485
Print head technology used: Print head technology used: Inkjet
Digital print process: Dye-based Inkjet Digital print process: Inkjet


Color (excluding white): nnnn Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: N/A Availability of white: N/A
Other ink options: No Other ink options: N/A

Image quality/resolution: 1200 x 1200dpi Image quality/resolution: 2400 x 1200 dpi

Roll/web width: Roll/web width:
Print width: 4.26in (108.35mm) Print width: Up to 8.5in (215mm)
Press running speed: Up to 7.9in (200mm)/sec Press running speed: Up to 25ft/min (7.62m/min)

Substrate thickness, minimum: 155 micron Substrate thickness, minimum: Not supplied
Substrate thickness, maximum: 255 micron Substrate thickness, maximum: Not supplied
Types of substrates that can be printed: Exclusive roll/fanfold Types of printable substrates: Paper, tag amd synthetics roll
paper or fan fed
Any substrates that are unsuitable:
In-line or off-line finishing: FINISHING
If in-line, what finishing is available?: Optional auto-cutter In-line or off-line finishing:
If in-line, what finishing is available?: Manual media ciutter

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62 | L&L

Name of company: Name of company:

Donghang Precision Machinery Xante

Name/model of digital press Name/model of digital press Excelagraphix L850
Print head technology used: Xaar Print head technology used: Memjet
Digital print process: Inkjet Digital print process: Inkjet


Color (excluding white): nnnn Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: Yes Availability of white: No
Other ink options: UV ink and oil-based ink Other ink options: No

Image quality/resolution: 360dpi x 360dpi Image quality/resolution: 1600 x 1600 & 1600 x 800 dpi

Roll/web width: Max 450mm Roll/web width: From 2in up to 8.5in
Print width: 70mm-420mm Print width: Up to 8.5in
Press running speed: 25m/min Press running speed: 60ft/min (18m/min) at 1600x800
30ft/min (9m/min) at 1600x1600
Substrate thickness, minimum: Not supplied SUBSTRATES
Substrate thickness, maximum: Not supplied Substrate thickness, minimum: 0.003in (76 microns)
Types of printable substrates: Paper/ps label/PET/BOPP/PVC Substrate thickness, maximum: 0.012in (305 microns)
Any substrates that are unsuitable: No Types of printable substrates: Water based inkjet media of
various types and uncoated papers
FINISHING Any substrates that are unsuitable: Non-inkjet coated medias
In-line or off-line finishing: Both
If in-line, what finishing is available?: Stamping/die-cuting/ FINISHING
laminating In-line or off-line finishing: Off-line
Press options: Corona/web inspection If in-line, what finishing is available?:
Press options: Rewinder


Imagine a complete table-top digital label production system that prints

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Name of company: Name of company:

Xeikon Xeikon
Name/model of digital press Narrow web version Name/model of digital press Wide web version
Xeikon 3030; Xeikon 3030Plus; Xeikon 3300 Xeikon 3050; Xeikon 3500
Print head technology used: 1200 dpi LED array Print head technology used: 1200 dpi LED array
Digital print process: Xeikon dry toner Digital print process: Xeikon dry toner


Color (excluding white): nnnn Color (excluding white): nnnn
Availability of white: Yes Availability of white: Yes
Other ink options: Spot colors, security taggant Other ink options: Spot colors, security taggant
toner, durable and UV light reflecting toner toner, durable and UV light reflecting toner

Image quality/resolution: 1200 x 3600 dpi Image quality/resolution: 1200 x 3600 dpi

Roll/web width: 200 mm upto 330 mm (7.9in - 13in) Roll/web width: 250 mm upto 516 mm (8.9in - 20.3in)
Print width: Min 200mm (7.9in); max 322mm (12.7in) Print width: Min 250mm (8.9in); max 508mm (20in)
Press running speed: Press running speed:
Xeikon 3030: 9.6 m/min - 31.5 ft/min (@ 1200 dpi, 5-color) Xeikon 3050: 9.6 m/min - 31.5 ft/min (@ 1200 dpi, 5-color)
Xeikon 3030Plus: 15 m/min - 45ft/min (@ 1200 dpi , 5-color) Xeikon 3500: 19.2 m/min - 63 ft/min (@ 1200 dpi , 5-color)
Xeikon 3300: 19.2 m/min - 63 ft/min (@ 1200 dpi, 5-color)
SUBSTRATES Any substrates that are unsuitable: Unsupported film PET 12µ
Substrate thickness, minimum: 23µ - 1 mill ; 20µ BoPP; Shrink sleeve material
Substrate thickness, maximum: 550µ - 22 mill
Any substrates that are unsuitable: Unsupported film PET 12µ FINISHING
; 20µ BoPP; Shrink sleeve material In-line or off-line finishing: Both options are available
If in-line, what finishing is available?: UV varnish, lamination,
FINISHING semi- and full rotary diecut, slit and rewind/stacker.
In-line or off-line finishing: Both options are available Press options: Sheeter, measuring drum, Alpine Fuser drum,
If in-line, what finishing is available?: UV varnish, lamination, spot color pack
semi- and full rotary diecut, slit and rewind/stacker.
Press options: Sheeter, measuring drum, Alpine Fuser drum,
spot color pack

High Speed Application of Magnets

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64 | L&L

BARRY HUNT examines the latest developments in adhesives and coatings

The main role of a label adhesive is to bond the label to the

glass, plastic or metal container, or some other surface. Both
introduced Optal XP, a largely casein-free adhesive made with
more 'robust' polymers. The company claims an absence
must be compatible, which given the numerous permutations of insoluble components or excessive foaming improves
of adhesive types, substrates and applications often give compatibility with the latest water-wash techniques. It is said
manufacturers some technical challenges. Much the same to have a lengthy shelf life, combined with good tack, or
applies to the labelstock coatings and primer sectors. Besides stickiness, and fast setting and drying.
performance criteria, other issues have come to the fore, such The popularity of the ‘no-label look’ – often combined with
as environmental concerns. Here, we have seen a shift away complex label shapes – for premium beers has led laminator/
from solvent-based adhesives and increased emphasis on the coaters to develop proprietary wash-off adhesives. A new one
migration behavior of adhesive substances in food packaging. from Avery Dennison allows the easy removal of labels when
In respect of adhesives, water-based non-pressure types washed in industrial brewery washers at the lower temperature
remain dominant because of the high volumes used for of around 65 deg. C. It is used with a range of Fasson Wash-off
wet-glue (glue-applied) labeling on high-speed filling lines for laminates with a transparent dual-layer PE film with PET liner.
cans and bottles. Remoistenable types are used for producing It is also used for PET bottle-to-bottle recycling involving
gummed paper labels, which recall the beginnings of labeling. shredding both the bottles and PE labels and soaking the
These adhesive are usually formulated from compounds of resulting mixture in a hot alkaline solution. A difference in their
natural polymers, such as casein, starch and dextrine. They densities separates the label material from the PET chips.
become tacky when dissolved or dispersed in water, which then During the recycling process the high-performance washable
evaporates or penetrates the absorbent label paper to produce
a strong bond. They cope well with condensation, fluctuating
temperatures, refrigeration and other end-use considerations.
Increased global emphasis on recycling has led bottling
plants to develop water-wash techniques capable of completely
removing the adhesive and label from returnable glass bottles.
Current developments include finding substitutes for the natural
casein polymer adhesives. For example, Henkel recently

HERMA to show new launches Fasson
adhesives at Labelexpo Wash-off labels
Industrially manufactured screen printing plates – the basis for
automation and standardisation in the label print shop
Using high-quality work materials with min- But why are standardisation and automa- With the Process Efficiency Package (PEP),
imal tolerance fluctuation and consistent tion an issue for a label print shop? As a Gallus Screeny offers a concept with an
properties forms the basis for all stan- result of ever shorter delivery deadlines unbeatable advantage – the possibility of
dardisation and automation. Alongside hot/ and last-minute changes in the production manufacturing a finished screen printing
cold-foil embossing, screen printing is one sequence, a label print shop today must forme within 30 minutes. Processing is the
of the finishing options in label printing, always be able to manufacture screen same as for other photopolymer printing
and screen printing plates of reliably high printing formes as quickly as possible using plates as used for letterpress and flexogra-
quality are key to producing first-class automated processes. phic printing. All the work stages are clear-
labels. Put simply, a press can ultimately Standardisation and automation mean: ly defined and can be carried out quickly
only deliver quality if top quality tools and Fewer process steps with just a few simple accessories. With
consumables are also used. With screen Greater production reliability PEP, the imaging, exposure, washing out
printing plates it is important that the Higher productivity and printing accessory maintenance stages
screen fabric and photopolymer layer are These factors enable a print shop to supply are automated. All product lines of Gallus
always of the same standard, as fluctua- more labels by the promised dates, even Screeny screen printing plates can be used
tions in quality in one of these two areas where deadlines are tight or are changed at for manufacturing the rotary screen printing
inevitably lead to printing problems. short notice. forme with PEP.

Graphics Fusing &
Increase of process reliability through Automatic
Digital imaging squeegee Printing
automated workflow developing
Automatic process chain

Screen CtP concepts Automatic

Equipment Innovation
Gallus Screeny Digital Development Device

Wash out Fusing &

Film Exposing Drying Printing
manually mounting
Conventional process chain

Look, grab and feel – it’s Gallus Screeny



Gallus Screeny effect | Neon Gallus Screeny effect | Sparkle Gallus Screeny effect | Grip
Better business prospects with rotary screen printing?
For sure! f
Screen printing is ideal wherever a high Other attractive surface effects using spe- Food that has gone bad is dangerous, but
degree of coverage, precise detail and col-
our intensity are required to obtain brilliant,
cific material/coating combinations appeal
to customers’ sense of touch and sense of
thermochromatic inks can prevent it from
being consumed. Under the influence of
high-quality print products. Of all printing
processes, screen printing is still the one
play with surfaces ranging from velvety to
rough. Touch-and-feel is the magic word.
heat, the visual appearance of these spe-
cial inks changes. This effect can be used, a
that can apply the thickest ink layers and for example, to check whether the storage
coarsest pigments to the substrate. This
is because the ink is applied directly to the
Rotary screen printing and combination
printing offer decorative labels a wide
temperature of frozen food has always
been maintained correctly. Just by looking,
substrate through the mesh openings in range of different special effects to capture consumers can identify whether a frozen
the screen printing plate (such as Gallus
the attention of end users. product is still fit for consumption. o
Applying coarse pigments using screen
printing makes labels more difficult to i
forge. Rotary screen printing ensures
maximum security and protection against
counterfeiting for high-value products due
to screeny, inks and coarse pigments.

Only screen printing can currently perform !

the following technical functions: O
Weathering resistance
Food monitoring
Protection against counterfeiting D
Confidentiality A


Screen printing is used first and foremost The following effects can be applied to T
for decorative and functional labels. End the substrate using Gallus Screeny screen p
users’ attention has to be attracted and printing plates: n
their curiosity stimulated when they are
making their first purchase. Success is only No-label look Matt metal
assured by using an attractively designed Tactile reliefs Velvety material p
label that appeals to as many of the senses Grip feel Pearly lustre
as possible (look, feel). For consumers Sparkle (Iriodin) T
making a repeat purchase, labels must Rough Fluorescent inks s
come with striking, easily recognised sandimation Luminescent inks h
features, such as tactile relief work, to Rubber imitation Scented coatings p
quickly confirm to end users that they have Frozen foam Scratch ink
purchased the desired product. Screen and Tactile wood Thermochromatic
combination printing succeed in attrac- structure inks 9
ting the attention of end customers by S
using outstanding effects. Screen printing As well as purely decorative applications,
enables unique design features that grab screen printing is also used to achieve T
consumers’ attention when making an what are sometimes essential technical t
initial or repeat purchase. functions. In many countries, only labels
Gallus Screeny for no-label-look effect w
One particular feature of screen printing is that have been printed with the legally
its ability to produce what is known as the required information in Braille can be sold C
no-label look, in which transparent labels to the pharmaceuticals sector. Braille sym- o
are applied to the packaging. This creates bols can be applied to labels by means of To produce all these decorative and func- l
the impression that the print image has screen printing. tional effects requires high-quality screen
been printed directly onto the packaging, printing formes, as a print image can only
thus producing an elegant and extremely When a label is exposed to climatic influen- be as good as the printing forme used for
high-quality feel. The greater colour con- ces (such as UV light, rain), screen printing it. Whether ultra-fine line motifs or relief
trast and higher colour intensity achieved is currently the printing process that gives printing, Gallus Screeny offers the market’s
on the transparent self-adhesive material the print product the most reliable resis- most comprehensive range of rotary
also grabs buyers’ attention at the point of tance to weathering. screen printing plates in this sector.

adhesive stays with the shredded label flakes to give 100 percent
recycling of the PET material.
"Solvent-based PSAs, especially those
UPM Raflatac offers RC 7W, a temperature-sensitive, clear acrylic based on acrylics and vinyl acrylic
adhesive for wash-off film labels in PET bottle-to-bottle recycling.
The clear or white PP facestocks are washed off in a hot caustic polymers, now tend to be identified
solution and separated from ground-up PET bottles by gravity to with speciality applications where
leave pure, food-grade polyester suitable for bottle-to-bottle use.
The non-bleed adhesive is said to provide excellent performance in there are no suitable alternatives
high-speed dispensing and retains its high and lasting clarity even
in wet conditions.
without a loss in performance"
PUTTING ON THE PRESSURE as a tolerance to challenging conditions. At one time the
Pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) are always tacky and excellent initial tack and final adhesion of solvent-based
comprise three main types: permanent, semi-permanent with adhesives, plus their heat resistance, were unmatched
post-application repositioning, and removable. The main by water-based acrylic adhesives or normal rubber
technologies are based on acrylic polymers and solvent-coated and hot-melt adhesives. A major drawback is that, like
rubber/resin solutions. They in turn result in solvent-based rubber/resin solutions, solvents require recovery and/
adhesives, water-based acrylic adhesives (also named dispersion/ or incineration to meet today's stricter environmental
emulsion adhesives), and permanent hot-melt adhesives. Their legislation.
formulations and properties embrace everything from deep-freeze ‘Solvent-based PSAs, especially those based on acrylics
labels applications to PSAs that are compatible with repulping or and vinyl acrylic polymers, now tend to be identified
compostable processes. with speciality applications where there are no suitable
Adhesives made from organic solvents are noted for their fast alternatives without a loss in performance,’ says Michelle
bond strength, good heat, chemical and UV resistance, as well Tettamani of ICAP-SIRA, an Italian coatings manufacturer.

HENKEL’S LIOFOL LA 7777 adhesives

family is suitable for high barrier films

JULY 2013 | L&L

66 | L&L



UPM Raflatac's new Foodgloss RP 36 FG and RP 36 ML permanent
acrylic adhesives offer advanced migration safeguards. RP36
ML can be used for the direct labeling of carcasses to track meat
products to the abattoir. Improved UV resistance gives the laminate
and converted labels a long shelf-life for efficient and convenient
stock management. The company's 149 DF permanent adhesive
for film and paper facestocks offers good adhesion to non-polar
surfaces at low temperatures, such as deep-freeze labels. It also
has excellent clarity and UV resistance with clear films, and is
approved for direct contact with dry, moist and certain fatty foods.
The company supplies information on regulatory compliance with
EU 10/2011 for converters and end-users. For markets outside
Europe, UPM Raflatac offers products and advice that comply with
the US Food and Drug Administration regulation 21 CFR 175.105
– Adhesives.


ICAP-SIRA Chemicals & Polymers has formulated several
solvent-based PSAs to fulfill individual requirements, including
pharmaceutical packaging and other customized industrial
applications. The ACRIS series is described as a highly cross-
linkable adhesive. Its proven advantages include fast drying time,
good wet-out, and a high initial tack. These offer good adhesion to
cold or moist surfaces, such as PE films and glass, with resistance
to plasticizers and aging. ACRIS series 415, 453 and 460 are
approved for medical and skin contact (according to UNI EN
ISO10993), while ACRIS 415 and 663 are suitable for food contact
MICHELMAN unveils HP-approved primer use. The recently developed ACRIS 700 series contains specialties
for tapes and labels applications.
‘Some of these applications include graphic arts, industrial
durable labeling and specialty tapes for automotive and PSA FOR FILMIC WINE LABELS
aerospace, as well as medical applications.’ Herma has extended the application of its multi-layer adhesive
Water-based acrylic adhesives offer a good compromise for coating technology to the HERMAexquisite range of transparent
most mainstream applications. They may lack the peel strength and white PP films for wine labels. The adhesive, named
and tack properties of solvent types, but they offer superior HERMAperfectCut 62Xpc, uses dual coating technology to enhance
die-cutting properties and resistance to UV radiation. Their die-cutting results and reduce cutter wear. The second layer
shear strength is also good through a wide temperature range. reinforces the adhesive’s cohesion (inner strength) and effectively
This property defines an adhesive's inner cohesive strength, prevents bleeding over the die-cut edges.
or load-bearing characteristics over a given time. Additionally,
with low levels of adhesive bleed or migration, water-based BIO-BASED HOT-MELTS
acrylics can reduce the risk of contamination with direct food To meet environmental concerns, some hot-melt formulations
and package labeling applications, as discussed elsewhere in are beginning to figure in sustainability initiatives prompted by the
this feature. consumer packaging market. This development prompted Henkel
UV-acrylics that include photoinitiators in their formulations to form an alliance with DaniMer Scientific to develop a family of
offer a solvent-free alternative for durable labeling and industrial hot-melt formulations that use bio-based raw materials. Global
tapes. The radiation curing, or crosslinking, improves their distribution is planned for the first half of this year.
resistance to high temperatures and chemicals. It also gives
enhanced peel and shear strength. Radiation curing offers COMPOSTABLE FACESTOCKS AND ADHESIVES
near-instant 'drying', which permits faster coating speeds, while UPM Raflatac’s compostable range includes clear, white and silver
reducing damage to heat-sensitive substrates to a minimum. RafBio films made from cellulose and have a topcoat for optimal
Hot-melt PSAs are formulated from thermoplastic compounds printability. Cellulose films are sustainably sourced and home-
applied in a molten state that bond as quickly as they cool down compostable. Clear and white RafBio PLA films are derived from
to become solid. They are noted for good peel strength and corn starch. They are suitable for direct food contact. Industrially
high tack levels, while shear strength at room temperatures is compostable PLA film has naturally good printing properties,
high. They are suitable for deep-freeze food labels and other excellent scratch resistance and higher levels of transparency
moist chilled environments where water-based acrylics would be and gloss. The RP 55 Bio adhesive includes a high content of
unsatisfactory. Hot-melts perform well on high-speed applicators. renewable (non-fossil derived) materials, and like the RafBio films
The near-absence of visible adhesive lines also makes them is certified to EN 13432, the European standard for compostable
packaging. The RafBio films are also supplied with RP 37, an
suitable for labeling glass containers.
adhesive that offers biodegradability over a more extensive range
UV-cured hot-melts are especially good for difficult applications
of end-uses.
requiring a permanent adhesive and offer an alternative to
solvent-based adhesives.
With their good anti-migratory properties, hot-melt adhesives
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A collaboration between Collano, a Swiss adhesives specialist, and
Heraeus has led to new types of UV-curable hot-melt adhesives.
Their formulation is said to offer 85 percent energy savings over
conventional UV curing methods using Heraeus Soluva UV curing

ADPR047 New multi-purpose Fasson

adhesive for Durable goods labeling
lamp modules, which have a service life of 10,000 hours.


A permanent or removable patented non-ooze adhesive forms
part of Starliner Digital, a pressure-sensitive sheet stock for digital
printing introduced by MACtac. Available with paper, film and foil
facestocks, it is available in over 25 different stocks designed for
such applications as retail signage, exhibit and point-of-purchase
displays, as well as address labels and prime labels. Starliner also
includes Encore facestock which contains up to 70 percent post-
consumer waste fiber.


Pulse Roll Label Products' latest primers include EL165 for
linerless labels. ‘It has minimal noise levels and extensive blocking
and ageing tests have shown the long-term release is the same,
"While certain applications benefit and in some cases better, than the standard cationic product,’ says
from the coverage and flow benefits Darren Hallett, export sales manager. He adds that EL165 gives a
cost saving of 20 percent over cationic varnishes and eliminates
of solvent-based release coatings, the danger of free-radical contamination while significantly
reducing waste.
the emulsion-based coatings, such
as Syl-Off, can achieve similar SEAL & RESEAL
Ritrama’s AR827 acrylic removable adhesive is designed for a
ultra-smooth surfaces and enhanced wide range of seal and reseal applications on all common types of
aesthetics for many more applications." packaging film substrates. This adhesive is inert to contact with
a wide range of substances used in the personal and home care
are commonly used for wrap-around, roll-fed label films for PET industries, retaining its seal/reseal behavior throughout the life
bottles, also some beverage cans. Here, mechanically-driven cycle of the pack. Ritrama has secured through the ISEGA research
center certification for direct contact with dry and moist, non-fatty
rollers on the film-labeling machine apply the adhesive to the
foodstuffs for AR827, meaning it may be used safely on packages
leading and trailing (overlap) edges of the pre-cut film to form
containing dry food in the retail market, like pasta, coffee and
a complete wrap. This type of hot-melt adhesive is formulated
cookies. Standard materials in the seal & reseal range with AR827
to adhere to coated or uncoated oriented polypropylene (OPP)
includes a series of top coated polypropylenes with clear 60/120μ
or biaxially-oriented polypropylene (BOPP). It is therefore face materials or white 60/90μ face material. This AR827 adhesive
compatible with cut-and-stack film labels, as well as sealing is also in compliance with REACH Directive and is APEO free.
Roll-On, Shrink-On labels for decorating soft drinks, aerosols,
and certain dairy products. UV-CURED HOT-MELTS FOR TOUGH CONDITIONS
SILICONE COATING TRENDS As an alternative to its solvent-based adhesives, Ashland
Performance Materials has introduced Arocure, a thicker UV-
Minimizing costs and environmental impact, while improving
curable hot-melt PSA. ‘By controlling the design of the polymer,
performance are prime objectives of the entire adhesives and
PSAs with different balances of adhesion and cohesion can be
coatings industry. As we have seen, they have helped drive the
developed for various applications. For example, Arocure RPS-
ascendency of environmentally-friendly water-based (emulsion)
9100S combines balanced tack, peel and shear properties with
systems over costlier solvent-based systems. Similar issues adhesion to low surface-energy surfaces, such as industrial tapes
apply to silicone release coatings, with the added incentive to applications where this property is desirable.’
reduce costly platinum usage levels.
Examples of a new generation of silicone coatings include Dow
Corning’s Syl-Off Advantage Series. ‘By modifying the chemistry and flow benefits of solvent-based release coatings, the
of our base polymers, crosslinkers and additives, we have been emulsion-based coatings, such as Syl-Off, can achieve
able, over time, to reduce the amount of platinum required to similar ultra-smooth surfaces and enhanced aesthetics for
cure these systems from 100-150 ppm (parts-per-million) five many more applications. They also allow in-house converters
years ago to as low as 10-20 ppm today,’ says Chris Velasquez, to reduce the cost of siliconizing their polyolefin and
global packaging market manager for Dow Corning Performance polyester release films.
Industries. ‘But you can only lower platinum levels so far. The Solvent-based, platinum-cured silicones are expected to
next step will be to develop alternative cure chemistries that can remain around for some time to come. ‘Their usage currently
deliver comparable performance.’ remains high in the Asian markets and they are still the
This resonates with the trend towards thinner filmic facestocks standard silicone coating in China,’ says Sean Duffy, global
and liners. While certain applications benefit from the coverage business manager for Bluestar Silicones' Silcolease coating.
JULY 2013 | L&L
70 | L&L

‘Here their excellent performance at low

coat-weights suits the commonly-used
PE-K filmic substrate.’ Duffy believes
that environmental pressure and safety
concerns will eventually lead to a gradual
phasing out of solvent-based systems
in many Asian markets. ‘Regardless of
this in the most developed markets, such
as Europe and USA, they have actually
been growing in recent years. Such
systems still offer a number of technical
advantages for certain applications
linked in particular to their excellent slip
properties, and anchorage on a wide
variety of films and papers,’ he adds.

Over the years, label converters have
shown fluctuating interest in using
siliconizing and adhesive coating
techniques to produce all or part of
their labelstock needs. A combination
of economic uncertainties and some
key technical advances have helped
boost more in-house label production.
While attempts to reduce bought-in PULSE launches adhesive for linerless labels
labelstock costs remains a major reason,
other factors may include overcoming or even window patterns.’ He adds that water-based acrylic adhesives are a firm
supply-chain limitations, as well as the non-contact curtain technology allows favorite among many small-to-medium
opportunity to develop customized users to make clear adhesive coatings sized in-house coaters. The operators
pressure-sensitive products. In each case without streaks or imperfections. Slot can prepare their own ready-to-use
the trick is to keep equipment busy, while dies offer another coating option, adhesives. Hot-melt PSAs are more
tightly controlling waste costs. handling coating weights from one to complex so are usually supplied by
‘By coating your own stock, you can 150 gsm for small to large volumes. specialist adhesive suppliers. However,
create a specialty label that gives you a In-house coating has long been they do not require high-energy drying
competitive edge. Even better, in many a speciality of Montreal-based ETI ovens and recent advances – combined
cases you can add a hot-melt coating Converting Equipment. It recently with today's high performance UV-cured
station directly in-line to the printing introduced a pattern unit for applying silicones for use with paper or filmic
press,’ says Mike Budai, coatings and hot-melt adhesives with clean edges at liners – have widened their usage.
laminations manager at ITW Dynatec. high speeds. It follows a similar pattern In terms of quality control, in-house
‘The options include controlled coater for acrylic adhesive, which coaters can readily access standardized
continuous or intermittent patterns, is also retrofittable to ETI's Cohesio bench-top units to measure a label's peel
which can be in strips, bars, rectangle dual-unwind coating modules. The adhesion to a surface, tack levels, and

"With their simple formulations, water-based acrylic

adhesives are a firm favorite among many small-to-
medium sized in-house coaters. The operators can
prepare their own ready-to-use adhesives. Hot-melt
PSAs are more complex so are usually supplied by
specialist adhesive suppliers."
new unit allows variable repeats from shear resistance.
16 to 24 inches (406mm to 609mm) When considered in the round, it
with automatic register and accurate becomes clear that the science and
UPM Raflatac unveils UV hotmelt adhesive

pre-register to minimize waste. It also chemistry required to place one very

allows full web coating at 400 f/min thin coating on top of another very thin
(121 m/min) with accurate coat weight coating – whether to adhere or not –
for beverage and food labeling

control. Other in-house coating products involves a great deal of skill. We can see
include the Miniliner retrofit module for it as an enabling technology that, for
producing 12-micron die-cut PET release example, allows label converters to just
liner; a linerless system based on the as easily choose laminates for labeling
Cohesio with inline die-cutting; and the frozen chickens as they can to label an
higher-volume Labeline with UV flexo automotive component. All this from a
printing, facestock and liner coaters, technology that largely lurks unseen in
laminator and die-cutters. the background.
With their simple formulations,
See us on stand 9H68
72 | L&L

Trini Labels
LABEL HOUSE GROUP has led flexography’s development in Trinidad, influencing label production in the
Caribbean by managing challenges unique to island business. Danielle Jerschefske reports

The Republic of Trinidad & Tobago (T&T) is comprised of two promotional products for such fierce rival brands as Coca-Cola
larger islands and a few small ones within an archipelago a few and Pepsi. It’s a Trini thing: isolated development, talented
miles north of Venezuela. Its industrial-focused economy, which people and manufacturing to an international standard.
stems from a lucrative export infrastructure for oil and natural
gas reserves, distinguishes the nation from its more service- GLOBAL NETWORKING
oriented Caribbean neighbors. There were no phone lines outside Port of Spain when Lewis
To cultivate the petroleum business, the T&T government has opened for business 35 years ago, and local farm goats
invested in public education, so the island has a skilled and regularly visited the building with intermittent electrical power
eager workforce. The ‘Trini’ people are a healthy rainbow of and two small Mark Andy presses. As the island matured
Indian, African, White and others of varying heritage. through the 1980s, Lewis joined leading Americas trade
David Lewis, founder and CEO of the Label House Group, groups TLMI and FTA to expand his industry network and gain
says, ‘A Trini label can be used as a passport to the whole technical knowledge.
diverse community of the Caribbean. From island to island, He says, ‘I joined TLMI in order to connect with the suppliers
there are wholly different business principles influenced by that could help develop flexography in Trinidad & Tobago and
French, English, Spanish, Dutch and indigenous people. This the region. At the time, there weren’t any PS labels on the
makes local suppliers unique, the customers different, and island. Beer labels were printed litho. The technology network
the employees special. Successful island business requires had much to offer us.’
acute knowledge of the client’s culture and a strong balance in Lewis lured associates to Trinidad with a promise for new
managing expectations and maintaining credibility.’ business, to witness the annual Carnival and the opportunity to
Lewis established Label House Limited outside Trinidad’s conduct research and development in secluded confidential-
capital city Port of Spain in 1978. Today the Trini converter ity. This benefit was valued by potential customers then, and
produces labels for a great number of international, regional is a key reason Label House has such a broad and prominent
and local brands in a wide variety of market sectors – water, customer base today.
juice, carbonated beverages, motor oil, beer, personal care and Quickly a global network including expert partners at Mobil,
food, gourmet and liqor. Sun, Flint and SKC gave Lewis and his team real guidance.
The business is trusted to produce labels and other Steve Lee of RotoMetrics, the 2012 R. Stanton Avery Lifetime

NEW Nilpeter FA press at Label House

Achievement Award winner, has been a trusted

technical ally and is a close Lewis family friend.
Lewis met L&L founder Mike Fairley for the first time in
London when the magazine launched in the same year
as Label House. The budding entrepreneur returned to
Trinidad with one of the author’s label encyclopedias
as a resource for training and research. These basic
investments in developing alliances and cultivating
resources have kept Label House on the cutting edge.


Managing a business based on an island requires
shrewd maneuvering in international trade. And while
there’s a 20 percent import cost on printed materials LABEL House production managers
brought into Trinidad, meticulous purchasing, Sherril Baboolal and Gharish Maharaj
efficient manufacturing and tactful distribution remain
paramount to stave off international competition. coming into the Caribbean
Explains Lewis: ‘We understand the push and pull of from European and US-based MAGIC DRUMS
currencies in the Caribbean and are able to earn dollars converters preying on volume T&T is the founding place of the
when exporting product so we can put dollars into our orders and international orchestra-like steel pan drum bands.
own account.’ brand work. Despite whatever The drum is often considered the
Materials delivery takes an average of six to eight assumptions might be made only acoustic musical instrument
weeks, and 12 weeks for special orders. About a year about run lengths for a small invented during the 20th century. It’s
ago the company invested in a slitting machine for wide island, Label House deals made from a 55 gallon oil drum.
web logs that slits double structure cut & stack film with many sizeable volumes,
into any needed roll size. This has greatly improved even by US standards, when
flexibility in inventory control. it services 25 countries a pinnacle in the early 1990s
End users in the islands typically stock labels for throughout the region. In the when Coca-Cola moved into
two months of product sales. The converter delivers beverage market, specifically the region opening 15 bottling
labels monthly or every two months, while operations beer, fruit juice, and energy plants on various islands.
schedules a five day lead on material prepped for daily drinks, the converter produces As the brand’s operations
production. as many as 10 million labels managers found reliable value
Gary Legge, director of sales and a cousin of Lewis, per job. Smaller runs are closer and support in working with
says: ‘We try to understand a customer’s production for to 250,000 labels. Label House, the converter’s
the entire year and create a schedule for them. Orders name was referred along. And
are reviewed three times annually and pricing is quoted INTERNATIONAL INFLUENCE when the beverage market
based on the total annual volume of labels purchased.’ The converter’s opportunity for made the switch from glass to
Increasingly Label House is encountering quotes considerable growth came to PET, Label House successfully
JULY 2013 | L&L
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In 1889 the two islands of Trinidad and
Tobago became a single crown British
colony after many years of Spanish rule.
T&T obtained independence from the British
Empire in 1962, eventually becoming a
Republic in 1976.

Most recently, and in celebration of its

35th anniversary, Label House installed
a specially configured 22-inch Nilpeter
FA-6 press. With it the converter can more
efficiently produce shrink sleeve, wrap
around and laminated labels, which are
growing in demand. It wants to be in the
top mid-web flexible packaging business.
The new machine has nine color
stations, eight hot air dryers with
electronic temperature setting and
ramping, three UV units by IST and a
Martin Automatic splicer and rewind
system. It’s designed to reach speeds of
CARIBBEAN brand beer labels Presidente, LABEL House prints the shrink sleeve labels
Red Stripe, Carib and Kalik for T&T's Angostura brand bitters 150 m/min (400 ft/min).
Gharish Maharaj, production manager,
explains, ‘We had limited capacity to
assisted in shifting regional business global requirement. We have introduced produce these products, and the demand
units to the new primary packaging. The ISO9001, OSHA, Food Standards and for them is increasing. The Nilpeter
same opportunity came 10 years later Environmental Policies. Our competitors FA-6 replaces two Comco 7 machines,
when the water industry began bottling in in the island do not have to comply. opening up an additional 20 percent more
all 25 countries The majority of Label House product production room.
There are 10 regional breweries in the is cut & stack wrap around labels and ‘And the industry is down gauging;
Caribbean, and the big boys can be metalized paper labels, while orders for our other presses are made for thicker
found playing in the island sand too. full sleeve labels are rapidly increasing. materials. With new technology and
Around 13 multi-national brewers work Gharish Maharaj and Sherril Baboolal improved efficiency, we’re better set to
through license agreements and shared share responsibility for core business convert materials 12-14 microns thin.’
distribution channels vying for market management running the label plant as Three years ago Nazdar seamlessly
share. a team for both digital and flexographic moved Label House from solvent to
Competition is intense as islanders label production. water based inks. The converter’s ink
tend to remain loyal to the native choice. There is high traceability of the labels team manages recipes for brand colors,
Prestige, Haiti’s most popular beer, from the moment the staging process working closely with changeover teams
has an estimated 98 percent market begins and carts are stocked with inks, to keep downtime to minimum. Before
share on the French-influenced island. plated cylinders, dies and material for inks are even sent to press a pull down
But know that Heineken has been a the next job. The staging crew meets is done using a hand held bladed Harper
majority stakeholder of Brana (Brasserie within 30 minutes of a press going down Phantom proofer.
Nationale D’Haiti), the producer of including an ink tech to measure color
Prestige, since December 2011. before the job is on-press.
Prior to that, Heineken introduced the Baboolal, production manager,
popular Kalik brand to the Bahamas in explains, ‘There is a process for
the late 1980s, which is still brewed at everything and we document each
its Commonwealth Brewery in Nassau. step of the way. Flexography is more
Jamaica’s Red Stripe brand has been consistent when we can repeat over
a part of Diageo since an acquisition and over.’
in 1993. And last year AmBev gained In collaboration with ExxonMobil more
majority ownership of the prominent than 15 years ago, the converter runs 50
Dominican beer Presidente. micron BOPP material and wet strength
Trinidad’s Carib brew is one of the for cut & stack labels on a 10 inch
few island brands not owned by an Mark Andy 4150. The press produces a
international giant. Carib is produced significant amount of work every day for
by T&T’s Caribbean Development big business brands, and therefore has a
Company, a part of the ANSA McAL Martin Automatic splicer on the front-end
conglomerate held on the national stock to keep production up.
exchange. A 16-inch Nilpeter FB 4200 with in-line
lamination serves as a workhorse
LABEL HOUSE CULTURE converting most of the metalized paper
Lewis explains, ‘Multinational companies beer labels and other high volume white
have taught Label House a culture.’ The and clear BOPP films. Label House
culture of the multinational companies converts 500 tons of metalized paper
is a very disciplined process with little or each year including Prestige labels for
no compromise for local attitudes. It is a Haiti with no less than eight million per run.
JULY 2013 | L&L
76 | L&L

entire Caribbean packaging community.

Label House leveraged the asset to
drive shrink sleeve adoption within the
region as early as 2004. The converter
currently serves as the agent for Karlville
in the Caribbean and is a key support
system for brands embarking on new
shrink sleeve projects. Coca-Cola is hot
filling in T&T and has started a sleeving
Dayne Thompson serves as the
business development manager for the
(L-R) Mark Lewis, Valmiki Balbirsingh (director),
Gary Legge, Richard Lewis, David Lewis machinery and packaging division. He
says, ‘We offer service and support for
Label House has three finishing lines between the two print processes. More application systems at the right technical
for cut & stack labels and a full Karlville recently the team helped the native and price point to take new brands into
shrink sleeve inspection system with Angostura bitters brand re-design a automation. The business is growing
seaming and cutting units. A second shrink sleeve label for its lemon lime to support premium work and higher
sleeve finishing line was installed to flavor, now printed digitally. volumes.’
support the increased production of the Most of the machines sold into the
new Nilpeter press. LABEL HOUSE GROUP market are linear, but the converter
RotoMetrics supplies flexible dies As the labels business matured, Lewis recently became an agent for PE, an
and magnetic cylinders for much of the saw opportunities to prosper in other Italian supplier of complex application
repeat work. Says Baboolal, ‘It costs areas of printing. The family, David, machinery. The business also distributes
less for us to keep back-ups when Richard and Mark, opened separate digital printers for Datamax and Bluestar.
compared to solid dies.’ businesses to create high-end and large
Still the converter has a skilled format signage, and started Package BRANDING
tooling and maintenance department House to distribute packaging coatings, With its rich history and deeply
to keep machinery and equipment materials, and application and filling embedded culture, Label House will
running at optimum levels. It operates lines to the region. continue to thrive. Like the island’s
with a full pre-press production and In 2003 the Label House Group was innovation of the steel pan drum using
design team. It uses Dantex printing formed by bringing each business – 55 gallon oil barrels, Label House has
plates and an automatic plate mounter. Label House Limited, Package House its resources in line to continue leading
This is a real challenge being on an and Branding (was signage) – under a the Caribbean in label service. It is in
island where parts and technicians single company offering a fully-fledged constant communication with global
have to be flown in. line of packaging and print promotion experts, understands international trade
to support a brand’s marketing needs in and invests to produce better and faster.
DIGITAL PRINTING every way possible. In 2006 the group The next step is strategizing leadership
Less than 10 percent of the converter’s started a joint venture called Click Media takeover by the next generation.
overall production is pressure sensitive TT which is designed to promote brands
labels, most of which are now printed using new digital media and mobile. At
on an HP Indigo ws4500 digital press. the start of 2013 the converter launched CARIBBEAN ISLAND
The digital press was purchased to its new website designed to better
move into the high-end label market communicate all the possibilities the
and small niche areas, which has group holds. Cuba 11M
happened particularly as local brands The launch of Package House in 1995 Dominican Republic 10.2M
invest more in packaging to compete alleviated some troublesome customs Haiti 9.9M
with international brands. issues and structured a business Puerto Rico 3.7M
Jamaica 2.9M
The converter regularly produces up to support label production and
Trinidad & Tobago 1.3M
to 50,000 labels with multiple SKUs for distribution, and to better service the
one local food brand, and does some
runs up to 100,000 labels. They reach
1.2 million clicks each month, higher
than many converters in larger markets.
Needless to say, uptime is high.
Label House is printing more
flexo-digital combinations starting with
a pass through a 10 inch Mark Andy
press to print generic information. Gary
Legge says, ‘With combination printing,
we’re able to produce a label that
completely separates a brand from the
Digitally printed labels are converted
on an AB Graphic Digicon Series I
complete with in-line foiling, embossing,
lamination and one flexo station. The
Label House team designs specifically
for digital production using EskoArtwork LABEL House main building
software to compensate for a switch and Trinidad & Tobago flag


LOFTON Label flexible packaging samples

Label Brand Refresh

LOFTON LABEL is refreshing its brand promise, placing commitment at the core, writes Danielle Jerschefske

Mike Lane is the new CEO at Lofton BRAND COMMITMENT commitment at the very basis of what
Label located south of St. Paul, ‘For Lofton, the essence of our brand we do, then the employee knows that’s
Minnesota. He brings the label is commitment,’ Lane says. By putting what they have to understand. If the
converting operation 27 years of sales commitment at the core of its business commitment is to get it right, then as an
and marketing experience at Cargill, proposition, Lofton employees are employee, I know I’m not going to run that
the huge, privately held international empowered to make the right decisions 40-pound paper. I’m going to go to my
producer of food and agricultural during critical situations throughout the supervisor and get the customer service
products. His objective is to refresh the label manufacturing process. rep and sales person involved. We have to
Lofton Label brand promise and use Press operators and shop floor staff stop things, but we get it right.’
it as a strategic tool to drive customer are considered part of what Lanes calls The underpinnings of the Lofton Label
satisfaction. ‘the emotional group’ involved in making brand promise is about commitment
While CEOs and executive teams labels. One example: an operator is throughout each area of the business
direct the intellectual vision of a delivered a substrate with paper facestock – from labels, to labeling equipment
company and create the framework and polypropylene liner as specified, and service. The team’s executives are
required to fulfill the mission and values but believes the material has a different actively communicating to all employees
of the business, workers throughout the weight than the one typically used for the the importance of the label converting
rest of a group perform everyday tasks repeat order. The operator has a decision business as a ‘part player’ within the
that build on the company’s defined to make: run what’s in hand, or not. supply chain.
purpose. Lane explains: ‘You could say it’s
When calling on Lofton Label two and an intellectual decision, but it’s also REVIEW & REORGANIZE
half years ago as a brand consultant, emotional. The operator is likely Lofton Label participates in 28 vertical
Lane uncovered that the converter had contemplating confrontation with markets – chemicals, GHS, health and
not only a brand problem, but also a superiors. He is wondering if his boss will beauty and food for the likes of Hormel
business problem. At that time, there say, “Just run it” so it’s out the door on and Deli Express to name a few. A new
was a wavering connection on all time. At that point, the mission statement structure given to the sales team created
sides of the business with annual sales is the farthest thought in the mind of the a national segmentation in the department
of 20 million USD in decline. Lofton employee.’ and camaraderie across the sales force.
Label’s customer-facing teams were The label is a vital component in The reps were placed in teams of two –
fragmented and capital investment ensuring the productivity of production one as a hunter and the other a nurturer.
and overhead spend required closer lines in the world of consumer-based Three sales teams conduct the majority of
attention to detail. brands. Packaging lines cannot be put business in producing labels plus inside
Enter Lane. In three years, Lofton in a holding pattern because a label is and equipment sales. Customer service
Label has embraced a new brand not performing to spec or hasn’t been was reorganized to align with sales reps.
promise and is reorganized to move delivered on time. Luther Galchutt, Lofton’s vice president
forward stronger than ever before. Lane explains: ‘If we’re all about of sales, manages Lofton’s long-term
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LOFTON Label samples

relationship with 3M. The global giant for low-volume custom orders,’ says
has a long history of ordering custom Gaughan. The company also uses three
work from the converter, which is often 16-inch Mark Andy presses, including a
supported with the sale and service small 4150.
of Universal Labeling Systems and The degree to which digital printing will
Quadrel Labeling equipment. Lofton replace flexography as a print technology
Label produces thermal labels used in in the label industry is a regular
Zebra and Dantax high speed and fully discussion. The converter first invested in
automated print and application units. HP Indigo technology in 2010, has grown
Once the organization placed the the business steadily and plans to add a
brand focus of commitment at its core second HP Indigo prior to the end of the
for customer-facing employees, it was fiscal year in September.
time to review bottom line impacts more Says Lane: ‘When investing in
thoroughly and ask the question: Can new equipment, you must have the MIKE LANE is the new CEO at Lofton Label
the business survive with the revenue justification.
coming in against the cost? 'Our current level of sales growth
Film converting of flexible materials year-over-year is five times the reported
and pouches is about 30 percent of GDP.’
Lofton Label’s flexographic production Still, the converter is looking at what
volume. The company is breaking into it can do to improve production while
the pharmaceutical industry (where limiting the amount of additional capital
margins are five to 10 percent higher) required to enhance performance. Lane
with complex multi-laminated foil says: ‘If we can do more things right, and
constructions. not have the mistakes and the charge
Lofton uses a variety of flexographic backs, we can keep production flowing
presses to manufacture flexible in flexo. Operating with well maintained,
packaging. Mike Gaughan, vice depreciated equipment provides a
president of production, explains: ‘We competitive cost advantage on the flexo
have a 24-inch Aquaflex press with a side of the business. It’s amazing how
configuration that is fantastic for films you can compete this way.’
and flexible materials, and we compete Lofton Label’s renewed ethos is
great with it.’ Flexibles are also converted conveyed through the brand’s promise
on a Mark Andy XP5000, he adds. of commitment, connecting the entire
A small percentage of Lofton’s label organization. With a shared promise,
work is run on two tried and true Webtron the revitalized converter team is
presses with four color stations plus progressively exceling and driving
a varnish. ‘The Webtrons continue to profitability in the right direction.
offer solid performance for small runs LOFTON Label plant


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82 | L&L

WILCO Van Zwieten, commercial

director at SAScoat

East meets West

AN INITIATIVE to start a labelstock manufacturing operation in an under-served region of Vietnam seems to be
paying off for SAScoat. Carol Houghton reports

Approximately 200 km east of Vietnam’s largest city, Ho TECHNOLOGY

Chi Minh – formerly known as Saigon – SAScoat has built The plant’s two production lines are equipped with curtain coating
up a loyal, enthusiastic workforce and established itself technology and flying splice systems. The 1800 mm wide adhesive and
as a reputable labelstock manufacturer. silicone coating machines can reach speeds of 850 meters a minute and
The company was founded four years ago and now are able to handle a variety of substrates between 420 microns down
serves a global customer base from its production facility to four micron synthetic materials. Both machines have a flexible sleeve
in the beautiful costal surroundings of Phan Thiet, south system to cater for bespoke products and constructions, in addition to
Vietnam. Its legal team is headquartered in Switzerland. standard label stocks and adhesives.
Commercial director Wilco Van Zwieten chose this Products are packed in shrink wrap foil throughout the laminating,
location based on a disruptive business model that slitting and packaging process. The robotic packing line is fully
‘labelstock travels’. He explains: ‘It does not need to be automated for consistency.
locally produced, especially if it can be produced to the
same standards at a lower cost somewhere else in the GREEN
world’. SAScoat prides itself on this ability. ‘The winning The company is mindful of its environmental impact and has a number
game is who makes the products most efficient, against of systems in place to reduce its carbon footprint – something that
the most competitive costs’. The average shipment is could be done easier since everything SAScoat does was built up from
8,000 km and an order can be completed Ex works within scratch.
two days. Nguyen Hoang Nam, managing director, adds: During the production process, waste material is sorted by color and
‘Quality is our unique selling point. No one expected to substrate; separating board, paper, silicon, laminate and plastic. Refuse
have access to great products produced in Asia or even is collected twice a week and sold for recycling. Van Zwieten comments:
Vietnam’. ‘This is a much more cost effective method of recycling than Europe,
According to Van Zwieten the absence of any other where you have to pay to get rid of your waste.’
coating laminating operation in Vietnam enabled the All products manufactured by SAScoat are solvent-free and
company to ‘leapfrog the competition, starting faster and water-based. Its main energy source is LPG and the company runs and
more efficiently than other businesses’. maintains its own water treatment plant in house. ‘Thanks to a 300,000
The factory was built in 2009 and completed in 2010, USD investment every drop of water is reused,’ adds Van Zwieten.
and operations began with new state-of-the-art machines He explains: ‘The waste water is pumped into a reactor in which it is
and a fresh, young workforce. All of the employees were mixed with a variety of chemicals. It takes six to seven hours for the
new to the label industry and their employment history waste water to bind with these added chemicals. It is then fed into a
varied from supermarket work to tour guide, as well as conventional filter press where water and solids are separated and the
graduates. Van Zwieten invests heavily in training and PH level of the cleared water is adapted if needed.
values the health and safety of his staff. This is mirrored ‘The water is then transported to the usual drainage systems, leading
by their obvious passion for the job and loyalty to the to the public waste water network of the industrial park. The current
company and its philosophy. system SAScoat has in use has been designed in Switzerland, and
JULY 2013 | L&L

In 2012 SAScoat served 70 customers in
35 countries. Geographically, this was split
50 percent in Europe, the Middle East and
Africa, 25 percent Americas and 25 percent
Asia Pacific.
Production is 30 percent filmic substrates
and 70 percent paper.
The company has 140 employees and runs
two shifts, six days a week.
SAScoat does not employ expatriates to PHAN-THIET at night
run any part of its business.

PRODUCTS await shipment

THE pre-finishing product area in the export area

deployed by local engineering FUTURE PLANS

companies under our own Van Zwieten is optimistic about
supervision.’ The solids retreived from the future – the only challenge he Wilco Van Zwieten describes the state of the label
the filter press can be mixed with identifies is that SAScoat is ‘growing market in Vietnam
potting soil. The PSA market in Vietnam is relatively small but it
too fast!’
is growing. In 2012, 50m sq meters were converted
SAScoat was awarded FSC (Forest UPM Raflatac and Avery Dennison
and this figure is climbing towards 60m sq meters.
Stewardship Council) chain of custody are the top two manufacturers in the
Growth in 2012 was 10 percent.
(COC) in March 2012. The certification region and SAScoat aspires to fill
A lot of PSA in Vietnam is on PEK liner and
compliments its portfolio of the gap as third. The ambition is ‘to more than 40 percent of the total volume is PVC
eco-friendly label stock. Van Zwieten serve a global customer base and material, mainly used for decorating motorbikes,
comments, ‘It provides a guarantee out-perform the competition with shop windows and temporary billboards. Most
and comfort for our customers for a products, efficiency in conversion and of the PVC is supplied from Taiwan, China and
long term and consistent relationship, cost for all customers’. – to a lesser extent – Thailand. The remaining
plus the assurance that products from Van Zwieten recognizes the need volume is converted among 10 medium size label
Asia can be as green as anywhere to ‘invest to grow’. ‘We know for converters and another 50 smaller 'garage box' type
else on the planet.’ a long time already that for every of converters. Of the 10 medium-size converters
Steel pallets are favored for internal dollar turnover we need to invest two approximately 15 percent of the PSA converted is
use as they are safer, more hygienic dollars. That is not a game for the exported throughout south east Asia; some of it will
and can be reused, whilst, wooden faint hearted but, at SAScoat, we are travel as far as Australia and New Zealand as ready-
pallets are used for shipping. These used to it’. SAScoat will undergo a made labels. In 2012, Vietnam saw four foreign label
are heat treated with a low oxygen/ 15m USD project in the next year printers start operations. From a sales perspective, it
temperature control system, EcO2 to expand the production facilities, is sufficient to keep track of who starts businesses in
– a less toxic and more economical increase efficiency in-roll handling label converting here and do a follow up.
alternative to formaldehyde. The and operate even more economically. Even though growth of GDP in 2012 has slowed to
defumigation system only uses heat This investment program includes five or six percent, growth in labelstock has remained
and extracts oxygen to get proper purchasing two more slitters, to be strong, with converters adding between seven and
treatment done, as opposed to installed later this year. ‘It’s a big 12 percent on their volumes compared to 2011.
conventional systems where toxins investment in terms of training and will Service in Vietnam is written with a capital S,
Customers are used to be supplied three times a day,
are used to treat wooden pallets. involve sending operators to Germany/
even for a single slitted roll of label stock. Due to
Switzerland for three months.’
proximity and local distribution points in both Hanoi
R&D In the long term, SAScoat will
and Ho Chi Minh City this service requirement is
SAScoat’s on-site laboratory monitors manufacture both commodity and
easily addressed.
quality throughout the production specialist labelstock. Van Zwieten The supply chain of SAScoat is long and complex,
process. It tests the materials at the believes it is just a matter of sourcing due to geography and consolidations on the
speeds they are dispensed as well as face material. He adds: ‘Labels for local suppliers level; but SAScoat views this positively; it
final application of the label. It is also wine are currently produced in Spain, provides space for creativity. A short supply chain
able to simulate the aging process to where the largest markets for that are drives prices up and investments would slow -
ensure the final product stays reliable. in Asia pacific right now – it doesn’t generally it would be bad for the economy.’
make sense to do that long term,’.
JULY 2013 | L&L
86 | L&L

Global Release
Liner Conference
DANIELLE JERSCHEFSKE reports on the annual AWA Global Release Liner Industry Conference & Exhibition
2013 held in Denver, Colorado in March. The conference brings together key industry players to educate,
discuss, debate and share valuable information on the release liner market

GLOBAL Brazil’s growth in the last three years no improvement to the level surface.
AWA’s president and CEO Corey has been less than expected. This is Shrinkage was controlled nicely, which is
Reardon opened the conference by attributed to investments focused on the a good indication of dimensional stability
sharing a global market overview. 37.6 domestic market, especially leading into of the cellulose.
million sq meters of release liner was the hosting of the 2014 World Cup and Hamilton said: ‘The cost of the
produced and used around the world 2016 Summer Olympics. technology, once it’s matured, is
in 2012. North America represents a 30 Mexico is growing faster and has been expected to be no more than a percent
percent share and Europe 32 percent. outperforming Brazil in the last three higher than standard soft wood
Reardon said: ‘In only a year or two Asia years, partly because of its export focus. cellulose.’
Pacific will surpass the western world in The country has free trade deals with
liner consumption.’ 44 other nations, more than any other TRENDS
Release liner is experiencing growth country in the world. Film was highlighted as a fast growing
above seven percent in Asia. Said segment in Asia and in Brazil for PP
Reardon: ‘Note that the Asian market is NORTH AMERICA and PET liner particularly. To support
not homogenous like North America and John Smedley, sales director for North that, during a Silicone and Release
Europe. There’s more disparity in growth America UPM specialty papers, said: Liner Panel chat, professionals from
amongst the market’s countries with ‘Supply chain efficiency will be a key Dow Corning, Avery Dennison, Flexcon
China and India leading.’ differentiator for PS material stakeholders and Bluestar Silicones agreed that the
For comparison, the global growth rate in the coming years, as well as technical industry is starting to see more of a
of release liner is about four percent. The service and managing globalization. significant breakthrough with film liners in
Middle East and Africa, looking mostly at Smedley highlighted the need for the label world.
Kenya and South Africa, experienced a global consistency in material supply Additionally, Chris Velasquez of Dow
four plus percent growth rate. Reardon saying: ‘End users want to be able to Corning said: ‘Flexible packaging is
explained that growth in South America take a material from one market and use driving properties that silicone can bring
is difficult to track exactly since it’s the same stock to run the same brand to packaging, so we see that as a growth
primarily driven by Brazil. label on a press in a different country.’ opportunity.’
Forty percent of global liner material is International converters servicing Value chain compression, referring to
glassine. Last year the industry saw UPM global brand conglomerates, too, converters investing in their own coating
invest in glassine production in China. would like to have more consistency in and converting lines, was mentioned as
Polyolefin coated papers represents 34 running performance. However, with the a trend to keep an eye on. Converters
percent of the global liner material share complexity of the global paper supply that have made such investments in
driven largely by China. chain, to fulfill this wish will require machinery from the like of ETI Converting
significant unraveling. are looking for three things: innovation,
LATIN AMERICA cost reduction and sustainability.
Roberto Ribiero, manager for Asterisco NANO CELLULOSE Release liner recyclability was
Consultoria E Participacoes, reviewed Stirling Consulting president, Robert addressed in a workshop conducted by
the characteristics of the release liner Hamilton, reviewed a pilot trial using Calvin Frost of Channeled Resources
market in Latin America specifically. The nanotechnology to improve release liner Group. The main question: is liner
Latin American market consumed 1.77 base paper performance. Conducted recycling an obstacle or an opportunity?
million sq meters of release liner in 2012 at the University of Maine Process While there was no ultimate answer
where growth is expected to continue Development Center, the objective of the found for Frost’s question, it was
at around five percent over the next five research is tri-fold: to improve the level beneficial to have stakeholders from
years. sheet surface, to improve the bonding each part of the release liner value
Ribiero said: ‘The growth of pressure within the fibers and to increase the chain involved in a discussion on how
sensitive material in Latin America hydrogen fibers within a paper sheet. to tackle recycling as an industry. What
is derived from labels for wine.’ It’s A typical papermaking fiber has a is clear is that there needs to be a value
worth mentioning too that 27 percent diameter of 15-40 microns. Cellulose proposition for recycling release liner. It
of converters in the region produce 80 nanofibrils have a diameter of .02 needs to be seen as a valuable material
percent of total annual labels consumed microns. The minute size of the rather than waste.
in the whole of the market. nanofibrils reduces the energy input The industry has seen innovation and
Brazil and Mexico were said to from the mechanical refining of the pulp/ collaboration surrounding this topic over
represent 60 percent of the Latin cellulose product. the last couple of years, but the objective
American economy. In 2012, Mexico In the end, the trial found the remains unclear, education needs to be
experienced GDP growth at six percent technology to provide extremely good done and change needs to be made.
while Brazil had only three percent. release properties. However, results gave

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TLMI Converter Meeting sustainable materials management panel

TLMI conference delivers

valuable content
ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENT presentations given at TLMI’s annual Converter Meeting gave label
executives excellent food for thought, writes Danielle Jerschefske

North American label manufacturing executives convened a chart that showed a 29 percent reduction in GHG emissions
at the 2013 TLMI annual Converter Meeting in Palm Beach, for PepsiCo’s Naked brand of juices distributed in 100 percent
Florida earlier this year. To kick the event off, Alan Beaulieu, recycled content PET bottles.
a principal at ITR Economics – who has now presented at the Jim Raguckas, label purchasing manager at Nestle Waters
yearly meeting an unprecedented three times – shared his North America (NWNA), echoed Socci’s promotion of rPET.
valued insight. NWNA moved its Resource brand spring water to 50 percent
Beaulieu told the group to expect a consumer-led small rPET bottles in 2012
recession in 2014. He said: ‘The next 'good years' will be from Raguckas said: ‘Plans are in place to continue incorporating
2015 through 2018.’ Those interested in selling their business rPET in the NWNA brand portfolio.’
were advised to do so during this time, and for cash. When it comes to recovering and reusing materials,
It’s anticipated that the good years will be followed by a economy of scale can be a barrier. There is a limited supply
significant downturn in 2019 where cash flow will be critical of post-consumer PET, and a much lower price for the plastic
to business survival. However, the dip will be less impacting down the value chain.
than what much of the world felt in 2009. A global depression A key issue the industry is working to overcome is the
is forecast for the decade of the 2030s when the US will have contamination of PET during the recycling process. Already
interest rates well above the Jimmy Carter years. For this in 2011 the Association of Plastics Recyclers (APR) and the
reason, and because banks have saved an incredible amount National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR)
of money in recent years, now is the time to borrow. flagged pressure sensitive labels for contaminating PET
‘Borrow until you can’t sleep at night,’ said Beaulieu. thermoform containers in Canada.
‘Modernize your facility now, and automate as much as you can.’ The associations have since established a protocol for recycle
Beaulieu warned the group about wage inflation: ‘You’re compatibility of PS labels and their parts – adhesive, facestock
going to have to spend more money on training people with the and inks. The protocol tests for effective release properties in
right attitude and aptitude. Poaching will begin. the wash water process and haziness in the recovered plastic.
‘Profit sharing is a great way to enhance profitability and is a PET loses value significantly when it’s not pristine, which affects
way to make sure that your best people stay. Don’t get left with the economic viability of recovery.
the “C squad” trying to compete.’ Raguckas said: ‘We are testing and validating more recycle
friendly materials for PS labeling, ones that allow release in the
SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PANEL wash water bath and also eliminate or reduce ink bleed in the
Darrell Hughes, Avery Dennison VP and GM of label and recovery stream. This is a ‘must have’ for our brands.’
packaging materials, North America, hosted a panel discussion The label industry in North America has responded, and
on package recycling which included big name brand owners. leading materials suppliers offer stocks designed to be more
It was apparent that end users are knowledgeable about the compatible with existing recycling methods. L&L’s new website
issues at hand and are making hard business decisions to has additional information.
support corporate sustainability goals. Both brand owners told delegates that their companies
Edward Socci, director of advanced research at PepsiCo, will continue testing reduced weight paper stocks and will
opened with a presentation on recycled content PET (rPET) move forward with LCAs of recycled content substrates. The
bottles. He shared LCA results comparing the environmental reduction, elimination or reuse of materials used to package
impacts of rPET versus virgin PET packaging. Socci presented labels for distribution was encouraged.
JULY 2013 | L&L
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STUART with his wife Michelle

Family is bigger
than business
STUART KELLOCK, managing director of UK converter Label Apeel, takes a frank look at the pressures of
running a business with family members

If you see the letters FB, you probably Michelle, my wife took a sabbatical from I set rules: only two years, only
think Facebook. For me this is the teaching to do maternity cover for our interested in a sales job and I wanted a
acronym I used so I didn’t have to say the sales manager. So here I am, having company car.
words I disliked most, ‘Family Business’. spent 20 years trying to distance myself I ended up with less money, on the
The reason I used to shrink away from from the family business moniker, back worst printing press ever, with a new
these words is because of how FB’s are where I started working with the family. set of bike clips. Welcome to the heady
perceived. Probably even more than that It’s not my family that were at fault; world of family business!
is the fear of how I was perceived as a they’re wonderful people. It was the idea Twelve months after joining we ran out
second generation family business owner. of how I was perceived for taking the of work. It was 1992 and what was left
It might be me, but doesn’t everybody family shilling. of the hosiery and knitwear industry was
think that second generation family heading east. I stepped up as salesman.
business owners are a bunch of FROM COP TO PRINTER In my head I’d be ‘super rep’ in an RS
freeloaders? Can someone who has It was never my plan to work for the Cosworth, prowling Britain looking for
climbed their way up the corporate FB. The aim was to get into the police label opportunities, driving, eating and
pole really have respect for the silver force. That didn’t happen, so I did an talking on a massive mobile phone. No
spoon-fed halfwit in front of them? I don’t apprenticeship as a film planner and chance! No mobile, not even my own
know. The only thing I do know is that platemaker. When the apprenticeship landline. I used dad’s. No company car
the fear that someone might think these ended I had a fateful conversation with either. Instead, I got to drive mum’s Mini
things of me has driven me to work hard my grandmother over her ham, egg and Metro and dad’s Volvo estate, but both
so I can bury the idea that Label Apeel is chips that changed everything. I found came with the warning: ‘Don’t drop any
a ‘family’ business. myself moving from ‘Only sad losers crumbs.’
It’s actually been a long time since work for their parents’ to ‘Yeah seems like I realized I had to do make the best of
Label Apeel was a true family business a good move.’ I still don’t know how she a bad situation.
with more than one member of my family did it, but the die was cast and I knew As Label Apeel grew I ended up in a
in it. Well, that was until January when that I had no way out. business with both my parents and my
JULY 2013 | L&L
92 | L&L

STUART Kellock, managing MICHELLE Kellock took a sabbatical from

director Label Apeel teaching to do maternity cover at Label Apeel

sister and, at its largest, 40 staff. People all its forms has the potential to be both discover just how lonely that could be.
often think working for a family business negative and positive and thankfully we
is a wholesome, round the kitchen table were able to ride the positives. BACK TO 2013
affair. Ours wasn’t. We often treated Passion is a very difficult energy to Now Michelle has joined, I’m able to
the people who worked with us badly. control and peoples’ passions are truly appreciate the benefits of working
In short we treated our employees as different. My parents started the business in a family business. Being able to
if they were members of the family. In to create stable futures for their children. share thoughts and misgivings is a very
fact the only people we treated worse Their passion was to look after us. My rewarding thing and something that I
than the staff were each other. Stand sister was driven by the financial success missed. We haven’t yet had a falling out
up rows in the middle of the office and of the business. My passion was to prove and I doubt we will. The difference is that
the sight of people storming out was myself, to scour myself of the blemish Michelle and I share a common passion
not unusual. I resigned on at least three of being daddy’s little helper. I was the and we have a common goal. If the kids
occasions. Yet we were successful, only one with what you might consider a ever want to join us then that may be a
we had full order books, good profits negative motivation. It was about me and different matter. I only hope they’re not
and maintained a core staff over a long how I was perceived. as cruel to me as I was to my parents.
period of time. This led to the ultimate bust up where I For those who are wondering, my sister
sacked my sister, and my parents decided and I are again firm friends and she’s in
PASSION AND ENERGY REQUIRED to retire. business with her husband. My parents
At the time I wondered how we At last I had the opportunity to make my were angry for about six months but we
could make a success out of such mark on my own. I discovered that the were with them the Christmas after they
a dysfunctional management setup. ownership was less than I had probably retired. Mum passed away a month ago
Although we lacked good management hoped for. I missed the trips to the pub and her retirement was too short and
practice, we did have two key with dad. I missed sharing the joy when dogged by illness. Dad and I still enjoy a
ingredients – passion and energy. We we won a new customer with my sister pint together and he loves thrashing me
cared about the product to the point and I missed the kind words from mum at at chess. I suspect that I have been lucky
of obsession and beneath the fighting the end of one of those awful days. Now to discover that family is bigger than
we cared about each other. Passion in I was on my own and I had eight years to business. It certainly was in our case.


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94 | L&L

(L-R) Niklas Olsson, Flint and

Greg Palm, Mark Andy

LED breakthrough
at Open House
MARK ANDY’S UK Open House saw a breakthrough demonstration of fully commercialized
UV LED curing on a flexo press. Andy Thomas reports

Mark Andy held a four day Open House at its refurbished UK paper labels, shrink sleeves and unsupported film labels,
demo center in April, attracting 200 visitors from 60 countries direct thermal printing and pouches – with no additional heat
and showcasing for the first time a fully commercialized LED management on the press. There was a five percent increase in
curing system on a UV flexo press. production speed.
A stunning demonstration of the new Mark Andy ProLED ‘The first commercial label was printed at 250m/min on a 13in
curing system on a 6-color Performance Series’ P3 showed 9-station press,’ said Palm.
how quickly this technology has come of age – and how it can Because LED operates on a narrow wavelength, it requires
match the performance of mercury lamp-based systems at a specially formulated inks, coatings and adhesives, which have
greatly reduced overall cost and level of energy consumption. been developed and implemented by Flint Group, Mark Andy's
Introducing the ProLED system, Greg Palm, vice president partner in the 18-month UV LED initiative.
new business development at Mark Andy, said that compared Flint’s EkoCure ink system has been extensively tested and
to a conventional UV Hg system, LED offers ‘more press uptime successfully passed standard adhesion and abrasion resistance
with fewer equipment failures, a faster and deeper cure for tests, according to Niklas Olsson, global brand manager Flint
higher productivity, and is more energy efficient with longer life Group Narrow Web. EkoCure is a full ink set including Screen
bulbs and lower maintenance requirements. And because it’s a White, gloss and semi-gloss inks.
solid state system, it offers instant ‘on-off’ switching.’ The initial investment for a ProLED system is higher than for
To demonstrate how little heat the LED lamps generate, Palm conventional Hg, but Greg Palm said ROI is usually less than 12
put his hand against the compact lamp head while the press months. ‘This is because energy consumption typically falls by
was running. Taken together with a high level of curing control, 75 percent, maintenance costs fall by 85 percent, and it has a
ProLED is therefore well suited for thin or filmic substrates. 50 percent smaller carbon footprint.’
‘Lack of heat and ozone also improve the safety and comfort of ProLED lamp systems are available as both an OEM and
the working environment,’ added Palm. retrofit option. Future developments will include low migration
According to Palm, LED bulb life is at least 20,000 hours, versions of the inks and more powerful drying systems.
which compares to 500-2000 for Hg bulbs. UV LED consumes
around 50 percent less power, operates at 60 degrees Celsius FAST DIE CHANGE
(as opposed to 350degC) , and with no shutters or mirrors, has The Open House featured demonstrations of combination
low maintenance requirements. There is no requirement for printing on a 430mm (17”) wide 8-color P5 Performance Series
blowers or for ducting, decreasing ambient noise levels. press, fitted with a combination of UV-flexo print stations, a
The first ProLED pilot system has been running 24/7 at a removable Screen print station, DMS rotary hot foil stamping,
converter since October 2012 with no downtime for system and the new Quick Change Die Cut (QCDC) unit first seen at
or bulb failure, said Palm. Early jobs produced include Labelexpo Americas last year.

KEVIN GOURLAY with Rotoflex VLI and

MARK ANDY ProLED system Nikka inspection, note lowered splice table
in action on P3 press

Rotoflex showcased its VLI and the VSI inspection rewinders
and the redesigned URC 2.0 control system which allows both
machines to handle virtually all types of substrate tensions and
web management at high speed.
Launched at Labelexpo Chicago, the VLI line has multiple
slitting, multi lane counting, dual rewind, multiple web guiding,
and missing label or matrix detection. The Open House unit
was fitted with a Nikka inspection camera. The unit is optimized
for unsupported film as well as PS substrates.
Kevin Gourlay, Rotoflex business director, said a new digital
die cutting unit will be unveiled at Labelexpo Europe.
In March Rotoflex announced a strategic alliance with
Canadian systems specialist Scantech, which will bring
GREG PALM, VP new business development horizontal inspection rewind equipment to the Rotoflex portfolio.
Mark Andy, places his hand on a UVLED lamp Under the agreement Rotoflex will market, sell and support
Scantech equipment designs worldwide exclusively under the
Rotoflex brand name.
QCDC replaces the traditional method of lifting a heavy die The new horizontal machines will continue to be built in the
cylinder up and over the machine frame and then lowering it company’s Toronto, Ontario-based facility. Two new rewinders
into the die station. The operator simply opens an access panel will be launched under the Rotoflex banner at Labelexpo
in the press side frame, wheels a cart into position, aligns the Europe in September.
guide rails, and slides out the old die cylinder. The die cylinder
for the next job is then wheeled into place on another cart, the
rails aligned, and the new cylinder slid into place. The door EMBRACING DIGITAL
is closed and the operator can register the new die in position Mark Andy has a long tradition of experimenting with digital printing, first
from a comfortable working height of 965mm (38"). There is in an alliance with (pre-Punch Graphics) Xeikon, and then integrating a
no heavy lifting or leaning over the press involved, virtually Dotrix 4-color inkjet module onto a 2200 press frame (the DT2200).
eliminating risk to operator or die. But with the launch of its fast change Performance Series presses, Mark
The QCDC reduces set up time and waste, and increases Andy has maintained that conventional print can compete with digital
production speed and die life, said Mark Andy. Changeover down to run lengths of well under 1,000 meters.
time, from when the press stops to when it produces its next To fill the ultra-short run gap this leaves, the company launched to the
saleable label, drops from a typical 10–15 minutes to less than European market its SRL 4.0 digital printer, a Mark Andy badged version
one minute. Mark Andy calculates that on a two-shift operation of OKI’s 4-color LED toner-based print engine. Capable of printing an
of a 330mm (13”) press, the QCDC can produce up to 29 image up to 320mm wide on a 327mm wide web at speeds up to nine
percent more jobs per year. meters/min, the SRL can handle a 305mm diameter roll, for roll-to-roll
QCDC is available on any new Performance Series P5 or production, or it can work from sheet to sheet. It does not require the
P7 machine, and may also be retrofitted to the more than 250 stock to be pre-coated, and can re-register a job to print pre-die cut labels.
already installed worldwide. Mark Andy recently received an Supported substrates range from self-adhesive paper and light card up
to 216-gsm, to supported and unsupported film stocks including PET,
FTA Technical Innovation award for this technology.
Teslin and HDPE up to 150-micron. The SRL uses a PDF workflow with
The P5 at the Open House ran a 7-color job including die
automatic image imposition.
cut, rotary screen and cold foil at speeds in excess of 85mpm.
The crossover point for the SRL 4.0 is reckoned by Mark Andy to be in
The screen unit was then removed and the die was changed
the region of 3-600 meters, or 5,000–15,000 (100mm x 90mm) labels.
in the QCDC unit. Two additional jobs were then shown in Complementing the SRL is the SRC (Short Run Converting) unit. The
quick succession, demonstrating accurate matrix stripping at SRC can handle web widths up to 330mm, and has semi-rotary die
speeds up to 161 m/min and a 28 micron OPP running at over cutting and a self-wind laminating facility. It re-registers to an eye-mark,
200 m/min. has razor slitting for multi streams, edge trimming, and a waste matrix
Interesting to note, that because the Stork Screen unit is rewind.
driven on both sides, the P5 can run both Rotamesh and As well as production runs, Mark Andy says the SRL can also be used
Rotaplate screens. for proofing on production substrates.

JULY 2013 | L&L

96 | L&L


fleet of hot foil stamping units

VILA ETIKETTEN manager Ton Reichardt and Starfoil

operational manager Rini Laros in front of the first
Newfoil Servo 2500 installed at the Dutch label printer

its mark with Newfoil VILA converts its labels off-line
using an AB Graphic Digicon

DUTCH LABEL CONVERTER Vila Etiketten is investing heavily in both digital and conventional production
processes, including the latest Newfoil hot stamping technology. David Pittman reports

In a modern facility in Breda, The Laros says many of its customers have ws6000, a ws6600 and a ws4500 are printing
Netherlands, label printer Vila Etiketten multiple units installed, although Vila and converting labels both for Vila’s own
is building an operation which meshes Etiketten is its biggest customer. customers and from trade business.
the best of conventional and digital The number Vila Etiketten operates ‘We are still in the early stages of the digital
processes to enhance and grow its has dropped from the 20s to 16 as printing evolution, and while inkjet is coming,
operations. it has invested in new systems and we believe HP Indigo is the best for us, and
This includes the first Newfoil Servo technologies over the years. The label the quality is good.’
2500, installed towards the end of printer’s manager Ton Reichardt says ‘Hot foil and digital were previously in
2012, which takes Newfoil Machines’ this number could drop even further competition with each other, but now they’re
established hot foil stamping thanks to the efficiency gains offered being used together to add value to label
technology and upgrades it with by servo motors over stepper motors, work,’ says Reichardt.
servo-driven motors for continuous adding that servo technology was ‘We’re not running everything at full
motion. needed in the hot foil stamping market speed though as speed depends on many
Newfoil Machines has launched a many years ago, but took time to variables, such as pressure and temperature,
series of high-speed hot stamping research and perfect. so it’s about managing these variables to
embossing and converting presses Laros says a key benefit of a achieve the optimum result.
with improved performance. The servo-driven machine is the reduction ‘It also has an effect on our workforce as
Servo 2500 is the smallest of these, in machine downtime and improved an operator could previously run two of
and features a 160 x 160mm fully reliability, with Reichardt adding: ‘It the older generation machines but as they
adjustable printing and cutting die, and offers production at double the speed, have got faster, so they require a dedicated
a 500mm diameter roll capacity with a where the old model is capable of person to monitor each press.’
175mm web width. The servo control producing 9,000 labels an hour. Further investment extends across the
permits up to 18,000 cycles per hour. This follows the upward trajectory of company’s operations, from pre-press to
The standard 2500 model can carry printing presses, which are operating infrastructure. It is currently developing its
out 9,000 cycles per hour. at much faster speeds, so we needed own in-house MIS/ERP system to integrate
Rini Laros, operational manager at this development for hot foil stamping data and workflows from across the
Starfoil, Newfoil’s representative in The to keep pace.’ company’s operations, down to integrating
Netherlands, says it has sold more This has been particularly notable in its ordering and delivery system with DHL
than 150 hot foil stamping systems into digital printing, where increased speed to provide customers with a more rounded
the Benelux region over the years with has been joined by an improvement solution, and had LAN connections installed
most still operating. in quality to match more established during a factory overhaul in 2005 prior to its
This includes a number to Vila printing processes. investment in connected hardware, such as
Etiketten, which has been a long-time Vila Etiketten has invested in a trio its HP Indigo presses.
customer of Newfoil, running its of HP Indigo presses. Housed in a Investment will continue, and Reichardt
equipment since the mid-1990s and climate-controlled room built as part says: ‘We’ll buy a new servo version every
operating more than 20 at one point. of the company’s factory expansion, a year, maybe more, to overhaul our fleet.

98 | L&L

Labelmakers invests in
materials manufacturing
THE JAC-STICK OPERATION of Dutch-based Labelmakers group is seeking efficiencies by producing its
own label stocks for the retail and logistics markets. Nick Coombes reports

Established in April 2011 with a staff of 18, Jac-Stick is one of six The company has previous experience of Martin Automatic
companies within The Labelmakers Group in The Netherlands, machinery at its Telrol label printing plant, where the company
the others being Telrol and Peha Labels Biolabel, HACCP Label, estimates Martin saves the equivalent of one day per week
and LMG Ribbons. While the others print and convert labels in reduced downtime. ‘We could see the benefit of Martin
using flexo and digital technology, Jac-Stick is the Group’s technology on one of our printing presses, and were convinced
production facility for coated and laminated label stock and high the return on investment at Jac-Stick would be fast – and so it
volume finished labels. is proving,’ adds Hadaoui.
Jac-Stick’s 12,000 square meter plant, which was Asked if Jac-Stick supplied all the substrates for the two
purpose-built on a greenfield site in Almere, close to the Telrol printing plants within the group, Hadaoui comments: ‘They
and Peha Labels facilities, houses two ETI converting lines consume around 40 million square meters a year, which
capable of handling webs up to 572mm (22.5 inches). Each approximates to 80 percent of our capacity at Jac-Stick. It puts
is fitted with two Martin MBSF (‘F’ for Film) automatic unwind/ us in the fortunate position of being able to select the best and
splicers, and a Martin LRD rewinder at the delivery. most economical solution for each job.’ With The Labelmakers
The ETI lines have coating, laminating and siliconizing Group turnover set to top 45 million euros in 2013, of which
capabilities, and in addition are fitted with gravure and flexo Jac-Stick will contribute around 20 percent, there are good
print stations, each capable of laying down two colors. The reasons for the directors to be optimistic.
gravure unit can run water based inks at an impressive 120 m/ As Ton Jacobs concludes: ‘Running a successful business
min, and is also used for the application of special coatings and in today’s market is all about revenue, and that comes from
acrylic adhesives that offer an alternative to hot melt glue. After performance and efficiency. That is why we chose Martin
processing, the web is then die cut and rewound in one pass. Automatic and will continue to work closely with them.’
The decision to specify Martin Automatic technology was
straightforward, according to company director, Ton Jacobs:
‘The processes we undertake here require the quality that only
continuous running can offer, so proven reliability was essential.
Our research revealed that Martin has a track record that is
second to none.’
The ETI lines run mostly self-adhesive blank and printed
labels, including use of thermal substrates, with run lengths
varying from 200,000 to four million running meters per order.
The work produced by Jac-Stick is for the food, retail, and
markets, plus a number of ‘specials’ that are typically 500,000
meters and upwards – clear evidence of the plant’s need for
continuous operation on a 24/7 basis.
‘Our aim is to offer the maximum number of operations inline
because we are shipping work in massive volumes,’ comments
director Hoessein Hadaoui. He adds: ‘Our annual capacity at
Jac-Stick is around 55 million square meters a year, or about
one million a week, so the savings in time and waste offered by
the Martin equipment is a vital part of our production efficiency.’

MARTIN LRD rewinder fitted to

ETI converting line at Jac-Stick

JAC-STICK Directors Hoessein MARTIN MBSF unwind/splicers

Hadaoui (left) and Ton Jacobs fitted to ETI converting lines
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Super Nova
turns to film
WET GLUE SPECIALIST NOVA DENMARK has installed its first in-line press as soft drinks manufacturers
adopt wraparound labels. Andy Thomas reports

Founded as a commercial print operation back in 1904, the Adds Jørgen Jensen, quality and environment manager:
Nova group is today the biggest wet glue label converter in ‘One unexpected problem we came up against is that in
Scandinavia, serving the beer, spirits and soft drinks markets. the flexible packaging industry delivery times are very long
The original company was acquired by the Norwegian Nova compared to wet glue papers, so we have to plan film
Print Group in 1994 and later by the German-based Bagel Group, purchases long before we can see incoming orders. This
a large scale privately held enterprise which owns a group of makes logistics a challenge, particularly as BOPP has a shelf
converters specializing in wet glue labels across Denmark, life of just six months.
Norway, Germany and Finland. ‘White film, for example, is on a four week delivery and two
Although still heavily committed to the wet glue label industry, months for metalized. Buying without definite orders added to
the Nova group has responded to the market trend towards a short shelf life – that is the challenge for our industry! We as
wraparound BOPP labels with the installation of its first in-line converters are adapting to use film but the flexible packaging
‘We were putting this work out to a sub-supplier and two to
three years ago we decided to take it in-house and started
looking at narrow web presses,’ says Torben Flindt, plant
‘For these relatively small print runs, Nilpeter had the right
machines for the job, and we bought the first FA-6 press in
Nova Denmark’s wraparound label business has grown rapidly
since then, and today accounts for 20 percent of total production.
‘All soft drinks houses turned to wraparound labels, first in
Denmark and now starting in Norway,’ says Flindt.


The Nilpeter FA6 press was installed in May 2012 along with
a DCM slitter rewinder. It is a 562mm wide, 8-color UV flexo
machine fitted with web cleaner, two corona treaters, a turnbar for
reverse printing, water-cooled chill drums with cool-running IST
UV lamps, Nilpeter’s closed chamber Clean Inking system and
BST inspection camera.
A work bench next to the press allows operators to assemble
the next job while the press is running, with a FlexoWash unit
cleaning anilox rolls and ink chambers.
‘Taking our offset mentality to roll-to-roll has been excellent,’
says Torben Flindt.
‘We are used to running at 18,000 sheets an hour totally for
the printing department, we expect to run at least 120 – 130
meters a minute on the Nilpeter – 150m is the maximum speed.
A traditional label printer will be scared to run this fast because
he can’t visually monitor the job. This is the advantage coming
from a business where productivity and lean printing has been
forced on us. These pressures have come to label converters only
The press operators for the FA-6 were drawn from the offset
‘They have found flexo very stable compared to offset as long
as the variables are monitored,’ says Flindt. ‘It is handling the
materials which is the problem. BOPP is still a relatively new
thing for us and we are working out the best ways to optimize
production in terms of web tension and surface treatment, for
L-R Jørgen Jensen, Torben Flindt
JULY 2013 | L&L
Booklet- and Processing-Machines
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Take a closer look

Digital Inkjet System


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> Four colours & White option
> No click charges
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> Ink available from variety of sources
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> Re-register option for pre-printed webs
> Stand alone flexo printing, converting
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Matrix and missing
label detection

(L-R) Press operators Kim Juul Larsen and Thomas

Roed, then Jørgen Jensen and Torben Flint

value chain has not adapted. For them we have to be a sub- delivery of another,
larger order.’
Although digital printing is not on Nova’s roadmap, the FA-6 press could be
retro-fitted with a digital printing unit if the market moves that way.

BEER TRENDS ■ detects missing labels and

For Nova Denmark beer labels remain predominantly long run wet glue. unremoved matrix on the web
Non-alcoholic beers are one of the fast growing product segments for the
Middle East, while fruit-flavored non-alcohol beer sales are on the rise in Europe. ■ replaces sensor arrays
Denmark, like Germany, recycles its beer bottles, which rules out new formats ■ quick and easy setup
such as promotional shrink sleeves, and Nova has not seen a significant trend ■ semi-automatic teach-in
towards PS labels in the beer sector. ■ intuitive operation
‘The big brands would certainly like to find a clear wet glue label film to give
the effect of a clear-on-clear PS label,’ says Jørgen Jensen. ‘But we have still not
seen a sufficiently clear adhesive.’
Within the established beer brands there is a trend towards more rapid change
of designs as the big brewers launch their own ‘craft’ beers to fight against the
burgeoning micro brewery sector. Carlsberg, for example, has its Jakobsen
sub-brand brewery in Copenhagen. 100% print inspection
Young drinkers in particular are being targeted with new products. One
unexpected success in Denmark has been cider, a category which hardly existed
in the country until very recently.
In the Spirits market, mixer drinks are moving to pressure-sensitive and sleeve
labels, but not the premium Spirits bottles. ‘We still see this as a high value wet
glue market going forward,’ says Jensen.
Going forward, the Nova Group will continue its move to cover the emerging
demand for film labels – but with an offset mentality which stresses efficient and
lean operations. Avery interesting combination.

■ complete workflow solution:

+ PDF/image comparison
+ print control and roll map
+ fault placement
■ color fidelity with new 3-chip
CCD color camera

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EFFICIENT sheetfed operation at Nova Denmark
JULY 2013 | L&L
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TECHNICAL sales manager Anthony Cotton with Focus d-Flex

Focus on digital
FOCUS MACHINERY has introduced a hybrid conventional/digital press which fits easily into existing flexo

Flexo press specialist Focus Machinery several months of research, site visits and from companies which do not want a
launched at drupa the d-Flex hybrid meetings with a number of well known standard 6-color label press. I see more
flexo/digital printing and converting suppliers,’ says Cotton. ‘We selected and more opportunities here for a hybrid
system using a 4-color UV inkjet module Industrial Inkjet because of the robust flexo/digital press, particularly where you
built and supplied by UK-based Industrial industrial properties of the Konica Minolta are going to be using large volumes of
Inkjet (IIJ). heads and because IIJ had expertise metallic or white ink along with variable
‘We had been aware of the rise of digital, not just in building inkjet modules, but in
but it was hard to see where it would fit software integration as well. Combined
with our typical customer base,’ explains with our expertise in engineering WHAT IS LIFE?
Anthony Cotton, technical sales manager integration it was a perfect match’, What is the service life of a UV inkjet print
at Focus Machinery. head? ‘When a printhead needs replacing
Cotton says the hybrid approach STANDARD WEB WIDTH it is usually because it’s been damaged
– integrating a CMYK inkjet module The d-Flex is available in three standard rather than parts failure,’ says John Corrall.
onto a modular converting base – was web widths of 142mm, 282mm and ‘Damage occurs for a number of reasons.
the best solution. ‘These are small to 352mm. A wide range of configurations If the UV lamps are positioned too close,
medium sized label printers who will not is offered including the number and stray light can cure the ink on the nozzle. Bad
be buying an HP Indigo or Xeikon. They sequence of flexo units and optional chill maintenance can be another problem. You
want to use standard tooling, so where drums. Converting options include cold should be using specific super-soft wipes.
they already have the dies and no plates foil, lamination, sheeter, corona treater, These are readily available but you can’t use
just any wipe. Many feel soft but are rough
are needed, this becomes an excellent web cleaner and anti-static bar.
at a microscopic level and will damage the
solution for doing very small runs, or for Using KM1024i print heads the press
head. Bad inks can also be a problem and can
variable over-printing using the re-register has a native resolution of 360 x 720dpi
take out a head. But generally, when we make
capability. Very important for these and print speed to 80 m/min depending
a service call every six months we are just
printers, our unit is not a dedicated inkjet on selected resolution. ‘This kind of speed checking that the alignments are good. There
press. It is also a standard flexo press with means in-line production makes sense,’ are no parts to wear out. One customer has
all the standard finishing and converting.’ says Cotton. operated for over three years fault free and the
Why was Industrial Inkjet chosen Cotton reports widespread interest in only problem came when he changed inks.’
as Focus’ partner? ‘We went through the d-Flex ‘A lot of our new enquiries are
JULY 2013 | L&L
Jackie Marolda, vice-president and senior consultant at AWA
Alexander Watson Associates, said: ‘While linerless labels remain a
small part of the overall label and product decoration industry, cost
and environmental pressures on prime labeling applications and
growth in hand-held variable information label printers will certainly
drive additional applications.
‘Opportunities exist throughout the value chain for suppliers of
adhesives and facestocks, as well as converters and end users, to
capitalize on this emerging sustainable labeling method.’

"IIJ does a lot of color matching work for HOT OFF THE PRESS

us. We send a file to color calibrate and IIJ A ROUND-UP OF THE LATEST
generates an ICC profile. But the customer
file needs to be accurate for this approach to COMPLETES EXXONMOBIL
work – specific inks on specific materials at a FILMS ACQUISITION
Jindal Poly Films Ltd (JPFL) has completed
particular resolution." the acquisition of ExxonMobil Chemical’s
global BOPP films business for 235 million
US dollars.
imaging. White UV inkjet ink is an option bottles, tubs and tubes, as well as for JPFL signed a framework agreement for
but is three to four times more expensive label printing. A well equipped laboratory the acquisition in October 2012, with the
than flexo inks.’ tests inks from different manufacturers for deal signed on May 3, 2013. The transaction
Is CMYK inkjet proving a limitation? compatibility with the KM inkjet heads. is expected to close by the end of July.
‘No. Our enquires are about how can we One R&D project is looking at direct The deal covers five BOPP production
make money from short runs rather than printing of margarine tubs just before locations in the US and Europe, including
Pantone matching,’ affirms Cotton. filling using multiple UV inkjet print Georgia and Oklahoma in the US, and
‘IIJ does a lot of color matching work stations running at speeds up to 80 m/ in Italy, The Netherlands and Belgium in
Europe. The transaction also includes
for us. We send a file to color calibrate min. ‘The price of these systems is
a technology center and sales office in
and IIJ generates an ICC profile. But coming down and we are getting beyond
Rochester, New York, and an office in
the customer file needs to be accurate the stage where it is just interesting R&D,’
for this approach to work – specific says Corrall. ‘And there is more realism
JPFL already operates the world’s single
inks on specific materials at a particular about what people want to achieve. This largest site for production of BOPP and
resolution.’ project already has backing from a major BOPET films at Nasik, India. Its current
Focus and IIJ are continually running equipment manufacturer.’ combined capacity of BOPET and BOPP is
tests on new ink/substrate combinations. A key element of IIJ’s research is 337,000tpa, and its annual sales turnover as
‘With experience we now find ourselves controlling the depth of the ink layer. of March 2012 was 452 million US dollars.
using less ink than when we started,’ ‘Inkjet does not have to feel like screen JPFL is a part of the diversified BC Jindal
says Cotton. - in fact it’s easy to thin the ink out,’ says group, with interests in flexible packaging,
Adds John Corrall, managing director Corrall. ‘A lot depends on the material as photographic products, thermal power
at IIJ: ‘Four-color inkjet is getting better well. The ink whets out on a high energy generation and steel products. The flexible
all the time. Color gamut is increasing surface so the ink film can be thinner. On packaging producer has a network of agents
, and we are not looking at 6-color the other hand, some customers want to and distributors around the world, from
systems yet because that would put exploit the screen-type feel and the gloss Australia to Venezuela.
the price up significantly. We’ve spent of UV inkjet inks.’ The acquisition will make JPFL one of the
a lot of time with substrates and color Corrall sees some interesting leading manufacturers of flexible packaging
matching and can generally get a good applications coming through which films globally, with a combined capacity of
match to most pantones. We measure could be adapted by label converters, approximately 445,000tpa for BOPP films.
the colors and say “we can get this close particularly in security printing. One
- can you live with that delta E?”’. For the application involves reading the AWA IDENTIFIES
majority of PMS colors we can get within information on RFID tags, pulling variable LINERLESS OPPORTUNITIES
a Delta E of 2. data from a database then automatically The market for linerless pressure-sensitive
Color management is built into the printing and verifying. Another is UV labels is set to grow as costs and
Global Inkjet Systems RIP, which also fluorescent inkjet inks, currently being environmental pressures open up new
includes a new multipage PDF variable used for high security applications in applications, according to AWA Alexander
data tool. This allows full speed print of passports, where photographs are Watson Associates.
multi-page colour PDF documents. digitally replicated and verified with a UV In its The Linerless Label Market 2013,
light pen. AWA states that linerless pressure-sensitive
INDUSTRIAL INKJET Certainly, there is no shortage of labels are enjoying a resurgence of
Industrial Inkjet recently moved to a new inspiration walking round IIJ’s R&D interest in a packaging marketplace that is
demo and technical support center in the facility, and it points the way to a very characterized by cost and environmental
midst of ‘silicon fen’, the UK’s center of interesting future for inkjet in the package pressures.
high tech excellence around Cambridge. print sector. The report examines the market segments
IIJ is the sales and technical support where linerless labels are successfully used
center for Konica Minolta inkjet heads and today, and assesses market demand, drivers
builds these into modules in a wide range and emerging trends, as well as issues and
of configurations for OEM integration.
CASE STUDY challenges for converters and users.
The company also acts as a pilot line for One IIJ customer in Sweden, Lundens Eliminating the costs, and the waste and
Tryckeri , is using a hybrid analogue/ recycling issues related to label release liner,
Konica Minolta’s latest head technologies.
digital press in an interesting way – to lay linerless labels demand a different approach
‘This is particularly true in a market like
down a primer with a flexo unit before the to coating, conversion, and application, and
labels, where the challenge is to find what
inkjet module, allowing the company to The Linerless Label Market 2013 provides
that market needs in terms of inkjet heads
print consistently on cheap and otherwise an insight into the current technology
and inks,’ says John Corrall. platform.
unusable media. ‘Their target was to be
Since moving to the new site IIJ has The report also features a review of
economic with runs of less than 10,000
installed experimental inkjet rigs to test labels, but they break even up to 50,000 extant technology and a directory of system
a wide range of applications including now,’ says John Corrall. providers.
direct product decoration for glass
JULY 2013 | L&L
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The workshop at Woelco China

German converter
establishes China operation
WOELCO CHINA has been operating quietly but with increasing success over the last 10 years, and is today
poised for significant growth. L&L China editor Kevin Liu reports

By what standard should one judge an company that you seldom find covered electronics. Among other accolades, it
enterprise successful? By its industry in print media or the internet. However, has been honored with a World Label
position? Or business scale? Profitability as soon as we entered the Woelco Association award and received Preferred
or growth rate? Innovation capability Changzhou factory, we found ourselves Supplier Status from the Bosch Group.
or brand influence? Or all the above- in a new world entirely. We were Woelco’s global strategy can be
mentioned? For many years Labels & firstly impressed by the rigorous and summed up by the simple but effective
Labeling journalists have been visiting practical German attitude to work. At '3x3' formula. This means to aim
large and small label printing companies the same time, although an exclusively at three markets – the automobile,
in China in order to dig out their success foreign-owned company, it has adapted communications and electronics;
stories and their core values. powerfully to the Chinese market. to target three end user business
At present, there are more than 6,000 This is not a huge plant, with around departments – technical, systems
label printing companies in China, of 30 employees and annual turnover of development and labeling; and from
which large-scale ones – with an annual approximately RMB 20m yuan, But it has three global production bases – the
turnover exceeding RMB 20m yuan powerful technical innovation capabilities, Ehningen plant in Germany, Mooresville
(3.22m US dollars) – account for less which are reflected in its comprehensive in the United States and the Changzhou
than 20 percent, with small and medium product lines. plant in China.
companies making up the rest. For The company focuses mainly on The move to China was guided both by
the future, enterprise integration and high-tech labels in the electronics, the trend of end user globalization and
restructuring will certainly accelerate. communication and automobile industries, to develop the potential of the Chinese
The rapid 10 year growth of Changzhou but can also provide a total solution from market, Woelco first established an office
Woelco Technology (hereinafter called the processing of label products to R&D in March 2003 in Shanghai, as a means
‘Woelco Changzhou’), a wholly-owned and production of complete labeling and of making contacts and understanding
subsidiary of German-based Woelco AG, identification systems. the Chinese market. When the time
provides a valuable lesson from which was ripe, it established Changzhou
those growing Chinese companies can MAKING CHINA HOME Woelco Technology Co., Ltd in 2006 in
readily learn. Woelco AG was established in 1962 the Wujin Jintong High-tech Industrial
L&L China recently visited the plant and in Ehningen, Germany. The company Park in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province,
interviewed general manager Jochen specializes in providing label and approximately 200km from Shanghai.
Schleiss and sales manager Eric Yang. system solutions for industries including From here the business could cover the
From the outside, this is a low profile automobile, communications and whole Yangtze River Delta region and
JULY 2013 | L&L
110 | L&L

Through cooperation with suppliers such
as Zebra Technologies and SATO, Woelco
has developed a complete automatic label
ID-system, the products including thermal
THE WAREHOUSE under the IMS management system
transfer printers, cleaning kits, thermal
transfer ribbons, barcode scanners and Label
conveniently extend from there across Woelco Changzhou is Gallus letterpress, Gallery label design software. Participating
the whole country. one digital proofing press and rewinding in the customer’s logistics and inventory
The rigorous and quality-targeted machines. Customized products include management brings more opportunities to
characteristics of German enterprise are special die-cut labels, anti-counterfeit sell these services.
evident in the location and construction labels and logistics labels. Moreover, Woelco sells its own proprietary
of the new plant. The work environment, brands of labeling technology. From R&D
the organization of the workshop and TRAINING FOCUS and production of manual labelers to fully
the management system all reflect top Most of the employees in Woelco automatic assembly-line systems, the
international standards. Soon after the Changzhou have a college degree company is able to manufacture various
establishment of Woelco Changzhou, or above; after joining, the company contact or non-contact types of labeling
it achieved the automobile industry’s encourages them to study further systems. For example, they can produce label
TS16949 quality control certificate and through industry seminars and applicators for special shaped glass, plastic
ISO 14001 environmental management exhibitions. The GM of Woelco and other cylindrical products. Woelco can
certification. Changzhou, Jochen Schleiss, also provide customized labeling systems.
Quality management is key to comments: ‘We have years of experience
Woelco Changzhou’s performance. An and a continuous record of innovation competitions inside the company to
Integrated Management System (IMS), in this industry. With the Chinese plant improve working skills, with employees
tracks continuous improvement metrics established, we are committed to encouraged to participate in trouble-
with the goal of increasing internal localizing the application of Germany shooting and decision making. The staff
and external customer satisfaction and technology. We will undertake internal incentive program includes supplying
improvement of all processes. and external training for our employees safe and modern working conditions for
Additional management tools are in order to constantly improve their employees.
already in place or being implemented expertise and operating skills.’ Some A combination of advanced
which cover such issues as workplace key staff are sent to the German manufacturing skills from Germany,
safety, risk management and headquarters for further training. scientific management concepts and the
environmental management. ‘In this way, we have gradually fostered professional talent training and selection
By virtue of these strict quality a team of highly qualified, practical system have allowed Woelco Changzhou
standards and continuous innovation, professional talents,’ says Schleiss. to integrate rapidly into the Chinese
Woelco Changzhou has grown rapidly ‘We believe it is very worthwhile to market in the past 10 years.
in the Chinese market, with a customer invest in employees and that they feed According to Eric Yang, Woelco
list including Bosch, Siemens, Nokia, back to us not only improvement of the Changzhou has already made its
HP, Benz and Benq. Recently, Woelco company’s technologies and R&D ability, mark in China and established itself
established an office in China’s largest but also spread positive energy among as a leading supplier of labels in the
automobile manufacturing base in employees via their understanding of domestic communication, electronics
Changchun, Jilin Province, in order to our company culture. This will boost, as and automobile industries. Now, the
provide better service to this targeted the next step, communications with our company is planning to purchase new
market. employees all over the world.’ printing equipment in order to broaden its
The main equipment operated by Woelco Changzhou frequently holds production possibilities.

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We require an experienced Sales Executive to develop our
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Candidates will have commercial and/or technical

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end-customer market segments, and, thus, will be able to is here…
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The role requires a high degree of dynamism and extensive that can come along for the

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Applications in writing together with salary requirements
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treated strictly confidential. Find out more at
Forces like sustainability, digital printing, and safety and regulatory packaging industry. Conference topics will include the latest
standards continue to transform the way companies in our industry do developments in production practices, sustainability solutions, lean
business and formulate growth strategies. Responding to these forces manufacturing, enterprise software and print process shifts.
as quickly as possible is essential to converters’ continued success, and For the first time in the conference’s history, industry leaders will be
their ability to adapt to the market directives that will shape the taking the stage and discussing their own employee hiring and
industry tomorrow. This year’s TLMI Technical Conference is about retaining practices in a session sponsored and run by the TLMI Young
showing attendees ways to turn their vision into reality; to hear from Leaders Development Organization.
industry experts and presenters about how companies can improve
The last TLMI Technical Conference was sold out and we urge industry
their bottom line, make production floors more efficient, and improve
members to register early. In a business landscape that is changing
their internal business practices.
faster than ever, we encourage you to attend this year’s conference to
September 3-5, industry executives will gather in Chicago from all over make sure you have the tools you need to translate your own vision
the world and from all facets of the narrow web printing and into a profitable reality.

ONE of the three Xeikon presses at CS Labels. The latest addition is a Xeikon 3500

CS Labels takes
digital lead
NOW EUROPE'S BIGGEST XEIKON DIGITAL PRINT HOUSE with the installation of a new Xeikon 3500, CS
Labels is intent on pushing the benefits and boundaries of digital printing. Andy Thomas reports

CS Labels has become the biggest single user of Xeikon A sizeable grant from the Government’s Regional Growth
digital presses in Europe following the installation of its third Fund aided the purchase of the latest press. ‘It is vital to monitor
Xeikon press, a wide format Xeikon 3500. The arrival of the new the availability of such grant options,’ says CS Labels managing
press was timed to coincide with the West Midlands business director Simon Smith. ‘The availability of this funding was an
expanding into an adjacent unit at its Willenhall Trading Estate important factor in our purchase decision, particularly with the
location. additional cash required to re-fit the new building. It ensures
The new extension to the CS Labels business allows the that our cash flow continues to remain positive and we don't
company to double its office space, add a board room, and overstretch ourselves in any one direction.’
expand studio facilities, as well as providing a dedicated facility
for its new Xeikon wide-format label press, and a temperature ALL DIGITAL PRODUCTION
controlled paper store for all its digital machines. Whilst two screen process presses are still in use, all
The installation of the 516mm wide Xeikon 3500 represents flexographic printing has now ceased at the business, some
a fifth machine purchase by CS Labels from Xeikon in just five five years on from the original Xeikon digital installation. Digital
years, with two of the early presses traded back during previous printing of labels now makes up some 90 percent of the
upgrade cycles. The new Xeikon 3500 machine provides an throughput.
additional 50 percent printing capacity at the company. Has moving to all digital caused any problems for the
JULY 2013 | L&L
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company? ‘Relatively few in reality,’ says Smith. ‘Of course, we

focus on the advantages of the move to digital, and whilst we
"Jobs that have fallen into the
could always outsource any true flexographic orders, the speed
improvements provided by Xeikon, along with the reduced run
'digital challenges' category
lengths being demanded by many customers, mean that digital for the team at CS Labels
really does seem to cover most of the requirements of our
current client base. have included the production
‘One recent convert actually sent their designers in to see us in
order that we could provide them with a detailed explanation of of various 'peel & reveal' label
the digital process. By the end of a very long day, they were not
only convinced that digital was an essential move for their work, products, and more recently a
they had changed a design three times with press proofs, and
they had increased the final order to cover 20 different types of task that required the production
label for their products.
‘The gamut of digital is expanding all of the time. Short-run is
of double-sided window-stickers
certainly a key point of focus, but the flexibility, versatility and
quality offered by the process are now more important than ever,
containing personalized data
and are seen as a real selling point by our sales people.’ front and back"
516MM WIDE LABEL STOCK ‘Even today, our operators are overcoming issues, or digital
The additional printing width available on the 516mm wide job challenges, due to the experience that they have built
machine – the other Xeikon units at CS Labels produce a up over the years. I am quite convinced that no other digital
recognized industry standard 330mm wide web – provides label printer in the UK could have handled some of the more
a range of productivity enhancements, and offers significant complex jobs that we have produced this year.’
additional capacity above and beyond its pure running speed. Jobs that have fallen into the 'digital challenges' category
The company is using the new Xeikon software, VariLane. This for the team at CS Labels have included the production of
allows the user to compile labels of differing length across the various 'peel & reveal' label products, and more recently a task
sheet. In conjunction with the machine’s post-printing splitting that required the production of double-sided window-stickers
capability, different label runs can be easily separated prior to containing personalized data front and back. ‘It took us a
re-reeling. ‘This allows us to combine various jobs into one print little while to solve this problem, but we got there, and have
run,’ explains Smith. ‘The cost of long run work especially can be now printed thousands of food hygiene stickers for up to 70
significantly reduced by employing this technique.’ councils to date. It would have been incredibly expensive to
As the largest Xeikon label printing site in Europe, CS Labels is have produced these by any other method.’
an official test site for the supplier, which has already resulted in ‘We do not limit ourselves to small orders,’ confirms Smith.
the company trialing a number of software packages. ‘We are talking very regularly to big business. We often find
CS Labels is constantly seeking new added value print that bigger players have a clear understanding of the benefits
opportunities. The company has this year become the only offered by digital, and are very confident about embracing the
certified UK Xeikon user able to offer ColorLogic metalized print technology. Current quotes that are in the mix include one for
solutions. ‘ColorLogic is a great tool for us to have in our armory. a 22 million run. The combination of the tools and skills that we
It provides us with that something special when talking premium have available means that it would be very difficult for a client
quality labels with a prospect.’ such as this to find the product that they need anywhere else
CS Labels is also introducing Xeikon’s new ColorControl without compromising on their specification.’
system. ‘This enables us to have much better control over our In addition to presses, the company has had to be busy
output quality and match the output with conventional jobs that expanding its studio capabilities as well. ‘Investment has had
have been printed previously,’ says Smith. ‘It can manage our to take place across the board in order to keep up with the
complete color workflow, allowing us to generate a new profile for growing demand,’ confirms Smith. ‘Our expansion into the new
every medium we print on for every press within our environment. building has allowed us to provide more space for pre-press,
It helps us to generate the best simulation of industry standards. and new personnel have also been essential.’
And because it’s a cloud-based service with no software to install More digital finishing equipment will be the company's next
and maintain, the tool requires low investment. Moreover, no investment as its print capacity outgrows existing product.
investment is needed to develop in-house color management
The Xeikon 3500 images at 1200 x 3600 DPI with 4-bit variable dot
Digital presses are taking over more and more of the label sector.
density across a 500mm wide substrate.
Does Simon Smith fear the increased competition? ‘Not really.
The press uses the Pericles screening library, which allows the
We have to always be mindful of the competitive nature of the
screen ruling to be adjusted for every image element.
business, of course. However, we are convinced that because we
An inline densitometer enables the user to calibrate a press to
were at the vanguard of the move into digital label printing, we still ensure uniform and accurate color and color consistency between
have a two or three year knowledge advantage over much of the jobs and between presses. The press is configured with four process
competition. Some companies have tried to drive the price of the colors plus one station which can be used for opaque white or for a
printed product down: we aim to rise above that sales tactic with range of standard or custom-made spot colors to provide an extended
our skills. We will not get drawn into a price war. We win business color gamut.
with quality, problem solving and innovation.
JULY 2013 | L&L
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Avery Dennison optimistic

about Latin America growth
AVERY DENNISON’S president and CEO Dean Scarborough and materials division president Don Nolan
recently visited customers in Brazil, Chile and Colombia. James Quirk reports

Avery Dennison forecasts ‘low double customers are often among the first to adopt includes new distribution
digit’ sales growth for the company in Latin our new products,’ citing particular interest centers in Recife in northern
America this year, according to president and from the region in the company’s Global MDO Brazil and Lima, Peru. Capacity
CEO Dean Scarborough – significantly higher film range. at the manufacturing facility in
than the two to four percent growth forecast Interest in Global MDO – described by Vinhedo, Brazil, was increased
the company expects globally. Nolan as ‘substantially thinner than other last year. He said Avery
Scarborough said the company has also products on the market’ – also reflects Dennison has invested more
seen low double digit sales growth in the an increasing interest in environmental than 50 million dollars in the
Andean region in the first quarter of 2013, sustainability in the region. Another recent region in the last 15 years.
compared to the same period last year. material launch, MultiCycle, which allows In Argentina, meanwhile –
According to Don Nolan, global president the label to remain on a bottle for up to 30 currently beset by currency
of Avery Dennison’s materials division, the washes, is also garnering interest from Latin controls, import restrictions and
company is growing faster in Latin America American converters, where returnable glass high inflation – the company
than in other emerging markets, and has bottles are commonplace. According to is benefitting from a local
invested some 50 million dollars in local Ronaldo Mello, 65 percent of beer bottles in manufacturing presence not
infrastructure in the past 15 years. Brazil are returnable. shared by its competitors.
Dean Scarborough and Don Nolan were New laws say companies
speaking at a press briefing before a dinner GROWTH AND INVESTMENT can only import goods into
in Sao Paulo with around 60 of its label Scarborough, Nolan and Mello identified the country if they are also
converter customers. Among the attendees Peru and Colombia as the two fastest- exporting an equivalent volume.
were representatives from leading Brazilian growing markets in the region. They also Avery’s factory in San Luis,
converters Alphacolor, Baumgarten, Grif, enthused about the more mature markets near the wine-growing region
Mack Color and Prakolar. of Chile – whose highly developed export of Mendoza, is able to supply
The event in Brazil was part of a tour of market is dominated by self-adhesive – and local converters with most of the
customers in the region which also saw the Brazil, where they see great potential in materials from the company’s
pair visit Chile and Colombia, accompanied the beverage sector as brands move from portfolio. Exports from Argentina
by Ronaldo Mello, Avery Dennison’s vice wet-glue to self-adhesive. to Chile and Brazil have been
president for South America. Nolan cited the example of mineral water, increased in order to offset the
‘Latin America is an important region for which has not yet seen wide adoption of importing of those materials
Avery Dennison, both for our materials and pressure sensitive materials in Brazil, unlike which would otherwise not be
RBIS divisions,’ affirmed Dean Scarborough. in other parts of the world. ‘As sales of locally available to Argentine
‘We are seeing top line sales growth in the premium brands increase,’ he said, ‘so does converters.
region. the likelihood of their using pressure sensitive
‘Latin America is becoming an important materials.’
source of apparel for the United States, which According to Ronaldo Mello, projects are
benefits our RBIS division. In the material already underway with various beverage
sector, we are particularly strong in the brands in Brazil, including manufacturers of
household goods, food and beverage, wine, local spirit cachaça.
and personal care sectors.’ Don Nolan emphasized the company’s
Don Nolan added: ‘Latin American recent investment in the region, which

L-R: Dean Scarborough, president and CEO; Don Nolan, global president of the MULTICYCLE, which allows the label to remain on a bottle for
materials division; and Ronaldo Mello, vice president for South America up to 30 washes, is garnering interest from Latin America,
where returnable glass bottles are commonplace
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Acoban appoints new board

ACOBAN, the Mexican Association of Narrow Web Converters, has appointed a new board as it continues its
focus on education. James Quirk reports

Acoban, the Mexican Association of significant savings within their operations,’ – this year’s Acoban Tour, held in April,
Narrow Web Converters, announced he said. ‘And we want to continue to hosted 240 second-semester students.
its new board of directors at a recent support graphic arts students by adding to ‘We want to give the students the
networking event which brought 20 the scholarships we already award every opportunity to fall in love with graphic
supplier and converter members semester, and by strengthening the Acoban arts and have a closer connection with
together in Monterrey. Tour for second-semester students.’ flexography,’ said Acoban’s administrative
Jose Alfonso Rubio, owner of Involvement in education has been coordinator Monica Martinez. ‘Visiting the
Materiales y Etiquetas Millenium, was a pillar of Acoban’s activities since its converters allows them to see how these
named as the Acoban’s new president. foundation. The association began a fund companies operate, to see the process in
He paid tribute to his predecessor, last year which currently grants 26 annual action, and to see the final product before
Edgar Martinez, a partner at Grupo scholarships ranging from 50 to 90 percent it is sent to the client. The students can
Etimex, for his successful two-year to aid promising students who are unable to also do internships with the converters as
tenure at the head of the association. pay for their studies. part of their fifth semester.
Gerardo Gonzalez, owner of Etiprint, The students supported by Acoban ‘We are very grateful to Acoban
was appointed vice-president. Agustin attend the Conalep technical school in members for opening their doors to
Garza, director of WS Packaging Monterrey, the only of its kind in Nuevo the students – sometimes even offering
Mexico, takes the role of secretary of León. The association launched the Acoban them employment opportunities. It has
the association; Heriberto Sanchez, Tour last year, allowing second-semester been tremendously beneficial to both the
owner of Etifilms, has been named students – who have recently begun to converter and supplier members and the
treasurer. study flexography – to spend a week visiting students themselves.’
The event in Monterrey allowed Acoban’s label converter members. In cooperation with Conalep, the
converter and supplier members The aim of the tour is to foster an interest association also runs a graphic arts
to meet in one-on-one sessions of in the label sector among the future workshop at the school, which this year
15 minutes, so as to encourage generations of graphic arts professionals. is being attended by 460 students across
connections and promote new The initiative has been a great success three semesters.
products. Industry suppliers and
Acoban members Esko, Grafica
Novaro, Natural Ink and Proveedora
Flexografica were in attendance.
‘The aim for the next two years is
to increase the number of members
and to provide them with market
information through surveys carried
out in cooperation with the Chamber
of Manufacturing Industry of Nuevo
León [the Mexican state whose capital
is Monterrey],’ Jose Alfonso Rubio told
According to Rubio, Acoban will
also seek to collaborate with North
American label association TLMI L-R: Agustin Garza of WS Packaging Mexico, Jose Alfonso
Rubio of Materiales y Etiquetas Millenium and Gerardo
during his term as president. Gonzalez of Etiprint are Acoban’s new secretary, president
‘We want to offer services which and vice-president respectively. The final board member, L-R: New Acoban president Jose Alfonso Rubio praised his
will allow our members to generate not pictured, is treasurer Heriberto Sanchez of Etifilms predecessor Edgar Martinez for his successful two-year tenure

JULY 2013 | L&L

120 | L&L



THE EVENT hosted around 60 converters from Medellin


Avery Dennison introduced a series of new
products to the Colombian market at a recent
event held at the Intercontinental hotel in
Medellin. Some 60 customers from the local
area were present.
The company unveiled its Prime Film and
Global MDO ranges, Direct-Therm 200GP,
Pharmaceutical range, and its portfolio of
FLEXO PRINT NAMED AS SOCIALLY materials for the architecture and vehicle
RESPONSIBLE COMPANY Jorge Orejuela, general manager of Avery
Dennison Colombia, Argentina and Chile, said
at the opening of the event: ‘Colombia and the
MEXICAN Center of Philanthropy recognizes converter for social
Andean region has always been a strategically
and environmental initiatives important area for Avery Dennison, and we are
more committed than ever to our clients.
Mexican label converter Flexo Print, reforestation campaign. ‘We are committed to offering the most
based outside Guadalajara, has been ‘At Flexo Print, we have a definition of complete and innovative product portfolio to
certified as a socially responsible social responsibility,’ said sales director the market, supported by the best service.’
company by civil association Cemefi Gabriel Ramírez. ‘It is the conscious The Prime Film and Global MDO ranges,
(The Mexican Center for Philanthropy), compromise between economic, designed for the personal care sector, contain
writes James Quirk. social and environmentally sustainable films which offer improved flexibility and
Flexo Print says it is one of the first management; taking into consideration transparency. They are claimed to be more
converters in the country to achieve the the interests of the different groups of sustainable and result in a smaller total applied
ESR award – the Spanish acronym for people with whom we deal; showing cost to the converter and end user. They
socially responsible company. respect for people, for ethical values, for offer repositionability in the first minutes after
application and improved on-press register
The company was recognized for the community and for the environment;
its commitment to both corporate and contributing to the common good.’
Direct-Therm 200GP, aimed at the food
social responsibility and environmental Flexo Print, founded in 1994, has 200
sector, is a thermal paper optimized for short
sustainability. employees and operates 14 printing
run applications. It is said to offer exceptional
Social initiatives include a partnership presses at its plant outside Guadalajara. performance in dry and humid conditions,
with the local José Vasconcelos With flexo, offset, digital, silkscreen, while providing the durability and precision
school; supporting children of staff in embossing and hot and cold stamping required by scanners.
their studies; awarding scholarships capabilities, the company produces Avery Dennison also launched Fasson Light
to workers for high school studies; self-adhesive labels and shrink sleeves Weight Litho, a material designed to meet the
running internal and external campaigns for the industrial and home care, demands of the pharmaceutical sector.
promoting a culture of legality; and health and beauty, food and beverage, The company also presented its portfolio
maintaining close relationships with pharmaceutical, and wine and spirits for architecture and vehicle decoration,
workers’ unions. sectors. highlighting its new ‘Conform Chrome’ and
Environmental initiatives include the ‘We believe in social responsibility and ‘Supreme Wrapping’ films alongside the
careful disposal of hazardous waste, in the common good. We learn from our recently launched texture ‘Carbon Fiber’.
recycling programs, reduction of clients’ examples and always seek to
waste, energy saving projects and a improve,’ said Gabriel Ramírez.
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CEI 13

Watch your step

EIGHT BEHAVIORS keeping your company in second place FOCUS LABEL MACHINERY 102
GEW 84
Taking your focus away from the Companies that become number one don’t HOLFELD TOOL & DIE 121
bottom line may feel uncomfortable INX INTERNATIONAL INK 88
do so because they win customers over
at first. But you’ll soon find that once, but because they do it every day. A INTERCOAT 18, 111
when you focus on how best to good experience last month usually won’t ISYS LABEL 3
serve clients, tough decisions make keep a customer coming back this month if KOCHER + BECK 67
themselves. If it serves the client, he or she believes that your level of service LABEL INDUSTRY GLOBAL AWARDS 61
you do it. If it doesn’t, you don’t. has slipped.
This neutralizes moral dilemmas LABELMEN MACHINERY IBC
and really simplifies your life. 6. YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT LABELS & LABELING BOOKSHOP 100
2. YOU LET THE Do you see your clients as sources of MPS 39
LITTLE THINGS SLIDE income, or do you see them as actual
So often in life, it’s the small details human beings with likes, preferences, quirks, MICHELMANN 99
that differentiate ‘good’ from ‘great’. and stories? People want to do business with MITSUBISHI POLYESTER FILM OBC
Stop being so distracted by the ‘big individuals they like – and they like people NEWPAGE CORPORATION 2
grand ideas’ and start getting the who like them! NEWFOIL MACHINES LIMITED 90
small details right. Promises kept,
deadlines met, and small acts of 7. YOUR MAIN OBLIGATION TO STAFF NUOVA GIDUE 57
kindness add up to happy clients. IS WRITING THEIR PAYCHECK OKI PRINTING SOLUTIONS 49
Your job is to serve others, period. You can’t OMET 68
3. YOU HABITUALLY LET do that by making distinctions between the ORTHOTEC 93
CLIENTS GO TO VOICEMAIL people who work for you and the people to
Clients First means all clients. whom you provide a good or bad service. Try PHOSEON TECHNOLOGY 99
Here’s the payoff: When you make to see your employees through a client’s eyes PRIMERA TECHNOLOGY 29
the choice to stand by all of your and be honest: Would they win first or second QINGZHOU EKOFA FLEXO PACKING 106
frazzled, frustrated customers, you place in a customer service competition? RK PRINT COAT INSTRUMENT 118
will eventually reap financial and
personal rewards. And chances 8. YOU’RE NOT ABOVE ROTOMETRICS 77
are, your clients themselves will be BADMOUTHING THE COMPETITION ROTOFLEX 88
grateful. You can – and should – strive to win the SEKISUI 1
approval, goodwill, and admiration of your SEN & HAOTIAN MACHINERY 104
4. YOU FIND YOURSELF competitors. If possible, get to know their
TELLING WHITE LIES leaders and employees and help them SPARTANICS 87
Honesty can be tough in the when you can. Don’t do these things STORK PRINTS 8
moment, but a reputation for manipulatively but in the spirit of giving. Your TLMI 112
trustworthiness (or untrustworthi- efforts will come back to you with interest. TAILORED SOLUTIONS 87
ness!) can stick with you for life.
Live by a policy of never holding VETAPHONE 121
back or sugarcoating and you’ll ABOUT THE AUTHOR WAUSAU COATED PRODUCTS 108
gain customer loyalty that money Extracted from Clients First: The Two Word Miracle WENZHOU RHYGUAN MACHINERY 118
can’t buy. XEIKON 54
(Wiley, October 2012, ISBN: 978-1-1184127-7-0,
$21.95, ZELLER + GMELIN 118

Quality Competitiveness Benefit
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For the Latest in Pressure Sensitive
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Ask the Experts.

Recognized as a world leader in premier polyester film products, Mitsubishi Polyester Film, Inc. offers innovative
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