Ty 5151

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Series ELO-231B – 11.2 K-factor

Upright and Pendent Sprinklers
Standard Response, Standard Coverage
Higher flow rates can be achieved at
IMPORTANT much lower pressures with the 11.2
Refer to Technical Data Sheet K-factor, ELO-231B Sprinklers, making
TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to their use highly advantageous in high
regulatory and health information. density applications, such as the pro-
Always refer to Technical Data tection of high-piled storage.
Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER
WARNING” that provides cautions Wax or lead coatings can be used
with respect to handling and instal- to extend the life of the copper alloy
lation of sprinkler systems and com- components used in Series ELO-231B
ponents. Improper handling and Sprinklers beyond that which would
installation can permanently damage otherwise be obtained when exposed
a sprinkler system or its compo- to corrosive atmospheres. Although
nents and cause the sprinkler to fail wax, lead, and polyester coated sprin-
to operate in a fire situation or cause klers have passed the standard corro-
it to operate prematurely. sion tests of the applicable approval
agencies, the testing is not repre-
sentative of all possible corrosive
atmospheres. Consequently, it is rec-
Scan the QR code or enter the URL ommended that the end-user be con-
in a web browser to access the most sulted with respect to the suitability
up-to-date electronic version of this of these corrosion resistant coatings
document. Data rates may apply. for any given corrosive environment.
The effects of ambient temperature,
concentration of chemicals, and gas/
chemical velocity, should be consid-
ered, as a minimum, along with the cor-
rosive nature of the chemical to which
the sprinklers will be exposed.
An upright intermediate level version
of the Series ELO-231B Sprinklers for
in-rack applications can be obtained by
utilizing the Series ELO-231B Upright
Sprinkler with the WSG-2 Guard &
Shield, and a pendent intermediate
level version of the Series ELO-231B and devices in proper operating con-
docs.jci.com/tycofire/tfp342 Sprinklers can be obtained by utilizing dition. Contact the installing contrac-
the Series ELO-231B Pendent Sprinkler tor or product manufacturer with any
with the WS-2 Shield. If there is a pos- questions.
General sibility of the pendent intermediate level
version being exposed to mechanical
Installation of Series ELO-231B Pendent
Sprinklers in recessed escutcheons will
Description damage, a G-2 Guard can be added. void all sprinkler warranties, as well as
possibly void the sprinkler’s Approvals
TYCO Series ELO-231B 11.2K Standard NOTICE and/or Listings.
Response, Standard Coverage Upright
and Pendent Sprinklers (Ref. Figure 1)
are automatic sprinklers of the frangible
The 11.2 K-factor, Series ELO-231B
Upright and Pendent Sprinklers Sprinkler
bulb type. They are standard response,
spray sprinklers that produce a hemi-
described herein must be installed
and maintained in compliance with this Identification
spherical water distribution pattern
below the deflector.
document, as well as with the applica-
ble standards of the National Fire Pro- Numbers (SINs)
tection Association (NFPA), in addition See Table A
The 11.2 K-factor, ELO-231B Sprinklers to the standards of any other authori-
were subjected to full-scale, high-piled ties having jurisdiction. Failure to do so
storage fire tests to qualify their use may impair the performance of these
in lieu of 5.6 or 8.0 K-factor standard devices.
spray sprinklers for the protection of The owner is responsible for main-
high-piled storage. taining their fire protection system

Page 1 of 6 AUGUST 2022 TFP342

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1/2" (12,7 mm) Components:

1 - Frame
3/4" 2 - Seal
NPT 1 Assembly
3 - Cap
2-13/16" 2 4 - Bulb
(71,4 mm) WRENCH THREAD 5 - Compression
6 - Deflector *

1/2" 3/4" 5 * Temperature

NPT NPT rating is
indicated on
7/16" (11,1 mm) 1/2" (12,7 mm) deflector.
TY5851 TY5151 TY5251 SECTION

Technical Item Description

Data TY5151 - Upright 3/4 in. NPT

TY5251 - Pendent 3/4 in. NPT
Approvals TY5851 - Upright 1/2 in. NPT
UL and C-UL Listed Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY5151 is a re-designation for Central SIN C5151.
FM Approved TY5251 is a re-designation for Central, Gem, and
Star SINs C5251, G1871, and S2531, respectively.
NYC Approved TY5851 is a re-designation for Central SIN C5851.
VdS Approved
EAC Approved K-factor, (gpm/psi) (lpm/bar) 11.2 GPM/psi½ (161,4 LPM/bar½)
For specific details on laboratory and
155 ºF (68 ºC)1
approvals, including corrosion-resis- Temperature Rating °F (°C)1 200 ºF (93 ºC)
tant status, see Table C. The approvals 286 ºF (141 ºC)
apply to the service conditions indi-
cated in the Design Criteria section.) Thread Size 3/4 in. NPT or 1/2 in. NPT
Finishes Sprinkler Orientation Upright/Pendent
See Table C
Physical Characteristics Maximum Working Pressure, psi (bar) 175 psi (12,1 bar)
Frame �������������������������������������������������������Bronze Note:
Cap �����������������������������������������������������������Bronze 1. For laboratory listings and approvals, see Table C.
Sealing Assembly. . Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON
Bulb (5 mm dia.) ����������������������������������������� Glass TABLE A
Compression Screw ���������������������������������Bronze SERIES ELO-231B 11.2K UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLERS
Deflector ���������������������������������������������������Bronze
Additional Technical Data
See Table A
Design and Group A plastics) with a minimum
residual (flowing) pressure of 7 psi (0,5
Operation Criteria bar) for wet or dry pipe systems. For
additional information, see Table B.
The glass bulb contains a fluid that UL and C-UL FM Approval Requirements
expands when exposed to heat. When Listing Requirements The 11.2 K-factor, Model ELO-231B
the rated temperature is reached, the TYCO Series ELO-231B 11.2K Standard Sprinklers are to be installed in accor-
fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the Response, Standard Coverage Upright dance with the applicable control mode
glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to and Pendent Sprinklers are to be density/area guidelines provided by FM
activate and water to flow. installed in accordance with NFPA 13 Global.
standard sprinkler position and area/
density flow calculation requirements Note: FM Approval guidelines may
for light, ordinary, or extra hazard occu- differ from UL and C-UL Listing criteria.
pancies, as well as high-piled storage
occupancies (solid-piled, palletized,
rack storage, bin box, and shelf storage
including but not limited to Class I-IV
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Storage Type NFPA FM Global

Sprinkler Type Standard Coverage Storage

Response Type SR SR

System Type Wet, Dry Wet, Dry

155 ºF (68 ºC)1 155 ºF (68 ºC)1

Temperature Rating °F (°C)1 200 ºF (93 ºC) 200 ºF (93 ºC)
286 ºF (141 ºC) 286 ºF (141 ºC)
Open Frame (that is, no solid shelves) Single, Double, Multiple-
Row, or Portable Rack Storage of Class I-IV and Group A or B Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-9

Solid Pile or Palletized Storage of Class I-IV and Group A or B Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-9

Idle Pallet Storage Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0, 8-9, and 8-24

Rubber Tire Storage Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-3

Rolled Paper Storage (Refer to the standard.) Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 8-21

Flammable Liquid Storage (Refer to the standard.) Refer to NFPA 30 Refer to FM 7-29

Aerosol Storage (Refer to the standard.) Refer to NFPA 30B Refer to FM 7-31

Automotive Components in Portable Racks (Control mode only, Refer to NFPA 13 N/A
refer to the standard.)

1. Refer to Table C for laboratory listings and approvals.
N/A - Not Applicable

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Sprinkler Finish
Sprinkler Temperature Bulb
Type Rating Liquid Natural Chrome Lead Wax Wax-Over-Lead
Brass Plated Coated Coated Coated
155°F (68°C) Red
Upright 3, 6
(TY5151 200°F (93°C) Green 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
3/4 in. NPT)
286°F (141°C) Blue 3, 6 3a , 6
155°F (68°C) Red
Upright 3
(TY5851 200°F (93°C) Green 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1/2 in. NPT)
286°F (141°C) Blue 3 3a
155°F (68°C) Red
Pendent 3, 6
200°F (93°C) Green 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
286°F (141°C) Blue 3, 6 3a , 6
1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) 5. VdS Approved
2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) 6. EAC Approved
3. Approved by FM Global (FM Approvals) a. Listed/Approved for a maximum ceiling temperature of 150°F (66°C)
4. Approved by the City of New York (NYC) under MEA 291-04-E

Do not attempt to make up for insuf- After installation, the sprinkler

ficient adjustment in the escutcheon wrench flats and frame arms must
FITTING plate by under- or over-tightening the be inspected and the wax coating
sprinkler. Re-adjust the position of the retouched (repaired) whenever the
sprinkler fitting to suit. coating has been damaged and bare
The Series ELO-231B Upright and metal is exposed. The wax coating on
Pendent Sprinklers must be installed the wrench flats can be retouched by
in accordance with the following gently applying a heated 1/8 in. diam-
WRENCH instructions. eter steel rod to the areas of wax that
RECESS have been damaged, to smooth it
Note: Pendent sprinklers are to be back over areas where bare metal is
(END "A") installed in the pendent position; exposed.
upright sprinklers are to be installed in
FIGURE 2 the upright position. Notes: Only retouching of the wax
W-TYPE 3 coating applied to the wrench flats
Step 1. With pipe thread sealant
SPRINKLER WRENCH and frame arms is permitted, and
applied to the pipe threads, hand-
the retouching is to be performed
tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler
Installation fitting. only at the time of the initial sprinkler
Step 2. Tighten the sprinkler into the The steel rod should be heated only
TYCO Series ELO-231B 11.2K Stan- sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type
dard Response, Standard Coverage to the point at which it can begin to
3 Sprinkler Wrench shown in Figure 2, melt the wax, and appropriate precau-
Upright and Pendent Sprinklers must except that an 8 in. or 10 in. adjustable
be installed in accordance with this tions need to be taken, when handling
wrench is to be used for wax-coated the heated rod, in order to prevent the
section. sprinklers. With reference to Figure 1, installer from being burned.
A leak-tight 3/4 in. NPT sprinkler joint the W-Type 3 Sprinkler Wrench or the
If attempts to retouch the wax coating
should be obtained by applying a min- adjustable wrench, as applicable, is to
with complete coverage are unsuc-
imum-to-maximum torque of 10 ft-lb to be applied to the wrench flats.
cessful, additional wax can be ordered
20 ft-lb (13,4 N∙m to 26,8 N∙m). A leak- When installing wax-coated sprinklers in the form of a wax stick (the end
tight 1/2 in. NPT sprinkler joint should with the adjustable wrench, additional of which is color-coded). Only the
be obtained by applying a minimum- care needs to be exercised to prevent correct color-coded wax is to be
to-maximum torque of 7 ft-lb to 14 ft-lb damage to the wax coating on the used, and retouching of wrench flats
(9,5 N∙m to 19,0 N∙m). Higher levels of sprinkler wrench flats or frame arms and frame arms is only permitted at
torque can distort the sprinkler inlet and, consequently, exposure of bare the time of initial sprinkler installation.
with consequent leakage or impairment metal to the corrosive environment. With the steel rod heated as previ-
of the sprinkler. The jaws of the wrench should be ously described, touch the rod to the
Notes: Do not install any bulb type opened sufficiently wide to pass over area requiring additional wax with the
sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there the wrench flats without damaging the rod angled downward, and then touch
is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With wax coating. Before wrench-tightening the wax stick to the rod approximately
the sprinkler held horizontally, a small the sprinkler, the jaws of the wrench are 1/2 in. away from the area requiring
air bubble should be present. The to be adjusted to just contact the sprin- retouching. The wax will melt and run
diameter of the air bubble is approxi- kler wrench flats. After wrench-tight- down onto the sprinkler.
mately 1/16 in. (1,6 mm) for the 155°F ening the sprinkler, loosen the wrench
(68°C) to 3/32 in. (2,4 mm) for the jaws before removing the wrench.
286°F (141°C) temperature ratings.
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P/N 50 — XXX — X — XXX



501 11.2K UPRIGHT (1/2 in. NPT) TY5851 NATURAL

1 155 155°F (68°C)

510 11.2K UPRIGHT (3/4 in. NPT) TY5151 WAX

6 200 200°F (93°C)

512 11.2K PENDENT (3/4 in. NPT) TY5251 LEAD

7 286 286°F (141°C)


Care and be replaced. Also, replace any sprin-

kler that has a cracked bulb or that has Limited
Maintenance lost liquid from its bulb. For additional
information, refer to Installation section. Warranty
TYCO Series ELO-231B 11.2K Standard Frequent visual inspections are rec- For warranty terms and conditions, visit
Response, Standard Coverage Upright ommended to be initially performed www.tyco-fire.com.
and Pendent Sprinklers must be main- for corrosion resistant sprinklers, after
tained and serviced in accordance with
this section.
the installation has been completed, to
verify the long term potential integrity
Before closing a fire protection system of the sprinkler coatings. Thereafter,
annual inspections per NFPA 25 should
control valve for maintenance work on
the fire protection system that it con- suffice; however, instead of inspecting Sprinkler Assemblies with
trols, permission to shut down the from the floor level, a random sampling NPT Thread Connection
affected fire protection system must of close-up visual inspections should Specify: Series ELO-231B 11.2K Stan-
be obtained from the proper authorities be made, so as to better determine the dard Response (specify Pendent
and all personnel who may be affected exact sprinkler condition and the long or Upright) Sprinkler, SIN (specify),
by this action must be notified. term integrity of the corrosion resistant (specify temperature rating), with
coating, as it may be affected by the (specify) finish, P/N (specify from Table
Sprinklers that are found to be leaking corrosive conditions present. D)
or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion
must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the Sprinkler Wrench
inspection, testing, and maintenance of Specify: W-Type 3 Sprinkler Wrench,
Automatic sprinklers must never be their fire protection system and devices P/N 56-895-1-001
painted, plated, coated or other- in compliance with this document, as
wise altered after leaving the factory. well as with the applicable standards Wax Sticks
Modified sprinklers must be replaced. of the National Fire Protection Associ- (for retouching wrench-damaged wax
Sprinklers that have been exposed to ation, such as NFPA 25, in addition to coating)
corrosive products of combustion, but the standards of any other authorities Specify: (specify Color) color-coded
have not operated, should be replaced having jurisdiction. Contact the install- Wax Stick for retouching (specify tem-
if they cannot be completely cleaned ing contractor or product manufacturer perature rating) temperature rated
by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or with any questions. Series ELO-231B Sprinklers, P/N
by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. (specify):
It is recommended that automatic
Care must be exercised to avoid sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, Red for 155°F (68°C) . . . . . . . . . . . 56-065-1-155
damage to the sprinklers before, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- Blue for 200°F (93°C)
during, and after installation. Sprin- tion Service in accordance with local and 286°F (141°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-065-1-286
klers damaged by dropping, striking, requirements and/or national codes. Notes: Each wax stick is suitable for
wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must retouching up to twenty-five sprinklers.
The wax used for 286°F (141°C) sprin-
klers is the same as for 200°F (93°C)
sprinklers, and, therefore, the 286°F
(141°C) sprinkler is limited to the same
maximum ceiling temperature as the
200°F (93°C)sprinkler, such as 150°F
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1467 Elmwood Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910 | Telephone +1-401-781-8220

© 2022 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice.

NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION and NFPA are registered trademarks of National Fire Protection Association;
TEFLON is a trademark of The Chemours Company FC, LLC

Change History Appendix


Page 1, updated QR code and URL; Page 6, changed corporate address and telephone number to 1467
08-22 Elmwood Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910 | Telephone +1-401-781-8220, formerly 1400 Pennbrook Parkway,
Lansdale, PA 19446 | Telephone +1-215-362-0700.
04-22 Page 2, Approvals sub-section, and Page 4, Table C, added EAC Approved for TY5151 and TY5251 only.
11-21 Added QR code and URL to allow convenient access to electronic version from printed document.
Updated Table C to add VdS Approved for Natural Brass and Chrome Plated finishes in all temperature
Updated Tyco® branding and document format; Added Johnson Controls copyright; Added disclaimer
08-18 stating specifications and information subject to change without notice; Added reference to Regulatory
and Health Warning Technical Data Sheet TFP2300.
05-18 Organized technical information into tables as required by UL.
Added statement prohibiting sprinklers featuring K-factors greater than 5.6 and 1/2 in. NPT thread size
from installation in new construction, explicitly for retrofit applications only; Added VdS Approved.
11-16 Corrected Table B SIN number for 11.2K Upright (1/2" NPT) to TY5851, formerly shown as TY5111.
04-16 Removed option for sprinklers featuring ISO 7-1 pipe threads.
Changed UL and C-UL Listed minimum residual (flowing) pressure for high piled storage to 7 psi (0,5
bar), formerly shown as 10 psi (0,7 bar).
01-05 Added reference to Installer Warning data sheet TFP700; Added NYC Approved.
Added Design Criteria section; Removed all references to specific application listings in response to
changes included in NFPA 13 2002.
Added new Tyco Fire & Building Products masthead; Corrected metric conversion for 0.60 gpm/ft² to
(24,4 mm/min), formerly (34 mm/min).
11-02 New Technical Data Sheet TFP342 describes Series ELO-231B Upright and Pendent Sprinklers.

1467 Elmwood Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910 | Telephone +1-401-781-8220

© 2022 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice.

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