LFB00102154 - Exhibit PG - 57 - Tactical Command Skills - GM Training Guide
LFB00102154 - Exhibit PG - 57 - Tactical Command Skills - GM Training Guide
LFB00102154 - Exhibit PG - 57 - Tactical Command Skills - GM Training Guide
trusted to deliverTM
Incident Command
Level 2 Intermediate Incident Command
Training Guide
LFBO0102154 0001
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Learning Outcomes
The Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager) course provides the initial development
for Level 2 Incident Command. It is designed to support individuals to develop competency for
the role.
The training provides opportunities to develop, practise, improve and confirm the skills and
knowledge for the Incident Commander (IC) role, using realistic and challenging incident
scenarios, covering a comprehensive range of simulated incident types.
In order to meet the course a~m and objectives, delegates must demonstrate effective
command skills and the application of appropriate technical knowledge to the standard of
performance required for the role.
The trainer (facilitator) facilitating the incident simulations gathers evidence of individual
performance whilst delegates undertake the role of IC. Observation and confirmation of
delegate command skills and knowledge is measured against the National Occupational
Performance Standard (EFSM2) and Level 2 Incident Command Knowledge Profile.
The facilitator will confirm to delegates where the required standard has been met and, if
appropriate, any areas of learning required.
Incident Command
LFBO0102154 0002
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
The learning outcome for all incident command simulations is that delegates demonstrate
the required standard of performance for the role of Incident Commander.
Trainer observation and delegate feedback is aligned to the command skills and technical
knowledge outlined below:
Trainer Responsibilities:
Incident Command
LFBO0102154 0003
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Learning Methodology
The aim is to provide delegates with a range of incidents where they can demonstrate their
ability to undertake the incident commander and functional command support roles. The
emphasis is on command skills, and the cognitive and interpersonal qualities that are critical
for ICs to possess to underpin their judgements, decisions, and behaviours. Specifically,
delegates will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand the incident
situation as it unfolds, identifying and prioritising problems, and developing a plan to resolve
the incident. Key skills, including, situational awareness, decision making, safety management
and incident ground organisation, are scrutinised throughout all incident simulations.
Working within small syndicates, delegates will take it in turn to undertake the IC role. When
not carrying out the IC role, delegates will observe and evaluate the performance of the IC.
Conducted in a calm and non threatening learning environment, delegates are encouraged
to explore decisions, share ideas, and discuss operational options to resolve the incident.
Learning will be facilitated by continuous coaching and mentoring, peer review and shared
learning. Command decisions and actions will be reflected back to delegates for analysis and
discussion. Good practice will be reinforced as incident scenarios are worked through.
Underperformance and poor practice will be skilfully challenged by the facilitator and
constructively fed back to bring about a common understanding that meets the performance
standard for the role.
The facilitator is responsible for ensuring delegate performance review and feedback are
positive, supportive, non-threatening, and based on valid evidence of actual delegate
Tactical Command Skills training will not determine if an individual is competent in role,
but will supplement the evidence of performance generated in the workplace. The LFB is
responsible for assessing and determining a person’s competence for the role.
Incident Command
LFBO0102154 0004
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Training Content
Incident Command
LFBO0102154 0005
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Lesson Plan
Syndicate Command Unit Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 1 x Command Unit Command team exercise
working Command Team
3 x XVR Pods & (Moderate Command Structure).
80 minutes exercise Sector BA Main Control Tactical Co- La props
Commander ordination
5 xTrainers CU
Safety Group (TCG)
1 xTrainer each XVR
Syndicate Command Unit Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 ¯ 1 x Command Unit Command team exercise
working Command Team ¯ 3xXVRPods& (Moderate Command Structure).
80 minutes exercise Sector BA Main Control Tactical Co-
Commander ordination ¯ 5 xTrainers CU
Safety Group (TCG)
¯ 1 xTrainer each XVR
Incident Command
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Day I (conti.) Command Unit Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 ¯ 1 x Command Unit Command team exercise
Syndicate Command Team ¯ 3xXVRPods& (Moderate Command Structure).
working exercise Sector BA Main Control Tactical Co- Laptops
80 minutes Commander ordination
¯ 5 xTrainers CU
Safety Group (TCG)
¯ 1 xTrainer each XVR
Synd icate Command Unit Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 ¯ 1 x Command Unit Command team exercise
working Command Team ¯ 3xXVRPods& (Moderate Command Structure).
80 minutes exercise Sector BA Main Control Tactical Co-
Commander ordination
¯ 5 xTrainers CU
Safety Group (TCG)
¯ 1 xTrainer each XVR
1 0 minutes Trainer and Delegate Review ¯ Briefing room Trainer to address all issues raised.
Incident Command
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Syndicate Command Unit Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 ¯ 1 x Command Unit Command team exercise
working Command Team
Operations Forward Gold Support
¯ 3xXVRPods& (Moderate Command Structure).
90 minutes exercise Commander Mobilising / Strategic Laptops
Procedure Response ¯ 5 xTrainers CU
Arrangement ¯ 1 x Trainer each XVR
(SRA) Pod
Incident Command
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Day 2 (cont.) Command Unit Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 ¯ 1 x Command Unit Command team exercise
Command Team ¯ 3xXVRPods& (Moderate Command Structure).
Synd icate Operations Forward Gold Support
exercise Laptops
working Commander Mobilising / Strategic
Procedure Response ¯ 5 xTrainers CU
90 minutes
Arrangement ¯ 1 xTrainer each XVR
(SRA} Pod
Syndicate Command Unit Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 ¯ 1 x Command Unit Command team exercise
working Command Team
Operations Forward Gold Support
¯ 3xXVRPods& (Moderate Command Structure).
exercise Laptops
90 minutes Commander Mobilising / Strategic
Procedure Response ¯ 5 xTrainers CU
Arrangement ¯ 1 x Trainer each XVR
(SRA} Pod
15 minutes Trainer and Delegate Review ¯ Briefing room Trainer to address all issues raised.
Incident Command
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Timetable Day 1
Incident Command
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Timetable Day 2
Incident Command
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Before training commences, ensure that the following trainer and delegate materials are avail-
able for use or distributed as appropriate, and that any necessary training room preparation or
set up is carried out.
Course Preparation
Delegate Preparation
Incident Command
LFBO0102154 0012
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Name: Type:
Ensure record of training is entered into LMS / STEP or results forwarded to relevant team
within 24 hours of end of assessment or close of course.
Incident Command
LFBO0102154 0013
Tactical Command Skills Training (Group Manager)
Use this checklist to prepare and set-up the Course / Lesson at least 2 working days before the
sta rt d ay.
1. Delegate list
Incident Command
LFBO0102154 0014