DLL - Science 5 - Q3 - W5

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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 3rd QUARTER Week 5


A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate a simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and magnetism in electromagnets.
B.Performance Standards The learners should be able to propose device using electromagnet that is useful for home school or community.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Infer the conditions necessary to make a bulb light up. S5FE-IIIf-6
Making a Bulb Light Up
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 381 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 381 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 381 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 381 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 381

2.Learners’s Materials pages Conchita T. Tan. (2012). Conchita T. Tan. (2012). Casinillo, Myla Corzaon S. Casinillo, Myla Corzaon S. Casinillo, Myla Corzaon S.
Science for Daily Use 5. Science for Daily Use 5. (2012) Science Works! 5. (2012) Science Works! 5. (2012) Science Works! 5.
Department of Education. Department of Education. Makati City: Diwa Learning Makati City: Diwa Learning Makati City: Diwa
LICA Enterprises: Marikina LICA Enterprises: Marikina Systems Inc., Philippines pp. Systems Inc., Philippines Learning Systems Inc.,
City.pp.155-156. Evelyn T. City.pp.155-156. Evelyn T. 204 – 224 pp. 204 – 224 Philippines pp. 204 – 224
Larisma and Jan Jason M. Larisma and Jan Jason M.
Mariano. (2017). The New Mariano. (2017). The New
Science Links Worktext in Science Links Worktext in
Science and Technology 5. Rex Science and Technology 5.
Book Store Inc.:Quezon City, Rex Book Store Inc.:Quezon
pp. 271-274. Science Beyond City, pp. 271-274. Science
Borders 5 Worktext in Science Beyond Borders 5 Worktext
and Health 5, pages 140-142, in Science and Health 5,
Published by Vibal Group, Inc.: pages 140-142, Published
1253 G. Araneta Avenue, by Vibal Group, Inc.: 1253
Quezon City Philippines G. Araneta Avenue, Quezon
City Philippines
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Pictures, materials for Bond paper, paper. materials for Chart,pictures, materials Chart,pictures,
experiment diagram,picture, experiment for experiment materials for
materials for experiment experiment
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Directions: Look for the five Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous Recall previous
the new lesson key words in the word puzzle lesson. lesson.
that has something to do with
our previous lesson. Trace it
with your marker.

C.Presenting Examples/ instances of the Show flashlight in the class Ask: What is an Let the pupils touch the Continuation of the Show pictures in the
new lesson and introduce it. schematic diagram? switch of the light in the topic…. class. Examine each
classroom and discuss it. picture . Tell what each
appliance needs to
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing Parts of an Electric Circuit The Electric Circuit What a Circuit Is and
new skills #1 Its Importance
When you turn on a flashlight, electricity makes the bulb In order for electricity to be useful, it must flow
light. To make the flashlight work, electric charges must continuously and follow a path. This complete path Most of the activities
move from one place to another. The charges travel along which electricity flows is called an electric circuit. you do involve the use
along a path. These pictures show how charges travel. The parts of an electric circuit and their functions are of electricity. You use
Look at the way the bulb, battery and wire are listed in Table 1 below. electricity when
connected in the first picture. The charges travel along watching TV, listening
a path. They start at one end of the battery and go Table 1. Parts of an Electric Circuit and their Functions to the radio, and using
through the wire to the bulb. Then the charges go from the computer for your
the bulb back into the battery. You can tell that the path research. Many
is complete because the bulb lights up. In the second appliances and other
picture, you can see that the wire is not connected to devices at home need
the battery. The path is incomplete, so bulb does not electricity to work.
light. Electrical devices make
use of electricity and
transform it into other
usable forms of energy
such as light, heat,
sound and mechanical
energy. For instance,
lightbulbs use electricity
to produce light, a radio
uses electricity to
When electrical current flows continuously in a produce sound and an
complete path, it can make a bulb light up. oven toaster uses
electricity to produce
heat. Some appliances,
machineries, and toys
that move with the use
of electricity have
motors that transform
electrical energy into
mechanical energy.
Washing machines,
blenders, and battery-
operated toys are some
examples of devices
that use mechanical
energy. During the
transformation of
electrical energy, some
energy in the form of
heat is lost. For
example, a vacuum
cleaner converts
electrical energy to
mechanical, sound and
heat energy. Only
mechanical energy is
utilized efficiently
because sound and
heat energy are lost or
dissipated in the
environment. Electricity
can also be produced
by transforming
mechanical energy into
electrical energy. A
generator is used to
convert mechanical
energy into electrical
energy. Electric power
plants have giant
generators to generate
and provide electricity
to people. These
generators transform
mechanical energy into
electrical energy and
distribute it to houses,
establishments, school,
and offices. The sun’s
energy and the
mechanical energy of a
waterfall can be
converted to electrical
energy using solar cells
and a generator
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing Electrons flow along a path called a circuit. A circuit is Conditions Necessary to Make a Bulb Light Up What you need:
new skills #2 composed of a source of electrons, the load, the wire 1. A video from youtube
and a switch. The source of electrons is usually a Electricity flows continuously only in a closed circuit entitled “The
battery, while the load is any objects powered by as shown in Figure 2. This means that all parts of the Importance of Electricity
electricity such as a light bulb on a buzzer. Wires circuit are properly connected to each other. Hence, in Our Lives” (Link:
connect one components of the circuit to another so the bulb will light up. https://ww.youtube.com
that electric current flows. Wires must be good /watch?
conductors of electricity; they should be made of v=QCBSIGS2kFk )
materials that will allow electric current to flow through
it. A switch conducts the flow of current in a circuit. The
circuit should be close for electric current to flow in the What to do:
circuit. 1. Watch the videos
2. Jot down important

Guide Questions:
1. What activities
If the circuit is broken or open as shown in Figure 3, presented in the video
the electrical energy will stop flowing. Hence, the bulb use electricity?
will not light up.

An electric circuit can be represented through a circuit

diagram. A circuit diagram uses signs and symbols to
represent the actual electric circuit. It shows how the
components of an electric circuit are connected

When electricity flows from a battery through a light

bulb and back to the battery, a complete circuit has
been made.

If the circuit is broken, electricity cannot flow and the

bulb won’t light.
If the switch is “on,” the circuit is closed or complete.
In effect, electricity flows and bulb lights up.
When the switch is “off,” the circuit is open and no
current flows. Thus, the bulb is not lit.
One end of the wire must be properly connected to the
negative (-) end of the battery and the other wire to
the positive (+) end of the battery.
If one of the clips is removed from the source or if the
bulb is not fully screwed into the socket, then the bulb
will not light up.
The longer you use heat and light, the more electrons
will be taken away from the battery. There will come
a time when the electrons that flow will no longer be
enough to produce heat and light. Then we can say
that the battery is dead. When the energy in the
battery is already used up, there is no enough energy
to make the bulb light up.

F.Developing Mastery Activity 1: Making a Circuit Activity 2: Basic Directions: Identify the parts Directions: Mark (√) if Directions: Draw a
What you need: Components of an or components of an the picture shows the if the picture shows
Flashlight battery (size D) Electric Circuit (Perform electric circuit given the condition necessary to importance of electric
 Thin copper wire (about only the activity if internet descriptions below. Write make the bulb light up,
30 cm) with 3cm of covering connection is available.) the answers in your Science while mark (X) if it does circuit and a if not.
scraped from each end activity notebook. not. Write the answers
 Flashlight bulb What you need: Video in your Science activity
 Tape presentation notebook.
 What to do: watch?v=Q5akDw2y_zM
1. Bend one end of the wire (Electric Circuits Basic
around the metal part of the Components)
bulb Schematic diagram to
2. Tape the other end of the represent circuits
wire to one end of the
battery. What to do:
3. Make a circuit such as 1. After watching the
the one in the picture educational video about
the electric circuit,
Safety tip: Be careful when accomplish the graphic
using scissors. Handle the organizer.
light bulb gently as broken
bulbs can produce serious

G.Finding Practical application of concepts On a bond paper, draw a Using the circuit you Using electricity, what does Name some appliances, Write a 3-5 sentence-
and skills in daily living simple electric circuit and draw, make a schematic a radio produce? machineries, toys and paragraph stating the
label the parts. diagram. gadgets that move with importance of
the use of electricity. electricity in our daily
H.Making generalization and abstraction There are different ways of presenting an electric When there is too much electricity flowing through the wires, the wires may get
about the lesson circuit. Aside from words or drawings that can be used too hot and cause fire. A fuse is made from materials that easily melt even
to describe a circuit, symbols are used to provide a before the wires carry too much electricity. In case of short circuits, the fuse
schematic diagram of an electric circuit. A schematic melts and breaks the circuit and thus, the power is cut off. A circuit breaker is
diagram shows how the circuit is constructed. another safety device that may be used instead of a fuse. It is an automatic
switch which breaks a circuit when there is too much current in the wires.
I.Evaluating learning Direction: Label the Directions: Study the Directions: Write TRUE if Directions: Given the Direction: Tell whether
numbered parts of an illustrations below. Can the statement is true and illustration of a circuit the light bulb or bulbs
electric circuit. you match the circuit with FALSE if it is false about below, infer at least two will light or will not light
its diagram? the conditions necessary to (2) conditions to make based on the circuit.
make a bulb light up. Write the bulb light up. Write
the answers in your Science the answers in your
activity notebook. Science activity
_____ 1. The bulb lights up notebook.
in a closed circuit.
_____ 2. If one of the wires
is not properly connected
from the source to the load,
then the bulb will not light
_____ 3. Electricity
continues to flow in an open Scoring Guide:
circuit. 5 points - Correctly cites
_____ 4. When the energy two (2) conditions why
in the battery is already the bulb did not light up
used up, there is no enough 3 points - Correctly cites
energy to make the bulb one (1) condition why
light up. the bulb did not light up
_____ 5. Both ends of the 1 point - Shows an
wire must be properly attempt to answer the
connected to the positive problem but was not
(+) end of the battery to able to provide correct
make the bulb light up. explanation
J.additional activities for application or

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