Business Requirements Document
Business Requirements Document
Business Requirements Document
1. Executive Summary:
The Executive Summary provides an overview of the Business Requirements
Document for RapidSure, covering key aspects of the project.
2. Project Objectives:
The objectives of the RapidSure project are to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and
user experience in the insurance policy lifecycle. Specific goals include:
3. Project Scope:
The project scope encompasses the entire lifecycle of an insurance policy within the
RapidSure system. This includes:
4. Business Requirements:
Business requirements define the specific functionalities and features required for
the successful implementation of RapidSure. These requirements cover different
aspects of the system:
The system should execute the rate function to calculate the premium accurately.
Manual premium entry should be allowed for optional or extraordinary coverages.
The user should be able to modify the policy fee and override the default value.
Quote Document Generation:
The system should support the creation of single and multiple quote proposals.
Users should be able to configure quote documents, attach endorsements, and
generate quote packets.
Assembled quote packets should be available for viewing and further action.
Policy Issuance:
The system should seamlessly transition from Quoted to Bound to Issued status.
Issued policies should have a generated policy packet available for viewing.
Administrative changes, such as underwriter name updates, should be tracked in the
audit trail.
Integration with External Systems:
RapidSure should integrate with APPS for policy lookup and information retrieval.
Integration with Billing Center should allow access to policy details, commissions,
and other relevant information.
Document Management:
5. Key Stakeholders:
Key stakeholders in the RapidSure project include:
6. Project Constraints:
Project constraints include:
Technology Limitations: The system must be compatible with Internet Explorer for
APPS access.
Time Constraints: The project should adhere to predefined timelines for
Budgetary Constraints: The project should be within the allocated budget.
7. Cost-Benefit Analysis:
The implementation of RapidSure is expected to result in significant benefits,
8. Functional Requirements:
# Functionality Description
1 Policy Creation - Provide a user-friendly interface for entering policy details such as
Policy Info, Coverage Data, UW Questions, Producer info, and
- Allow the user to select and modify agent commissions through
the Billing Info menu.
- Validate and enforce data entry rules to ensure completeness and
2 Premium Calculation - Implement a rate function to calculate the premium based on the
entered policy details.
- Consider all relevant factors, including coverage limits, SIR, and
business class operations.
- Provide a clear display of the calculated premium for review.
3 Manual Premium - Allow users to enter additional premium manually for optional or
Entry extraordinary coverages.
- Ensure that the manual premium entry is in a numeric format
(e.g., "1000") without letters, special characters, negative values, or
- Display the added manual premium in the summary screen after
4 Policy Fee Override - Enable users to modify the default Policy Fee amount.
- Provide an override checkbox in the Policy Rate Factors grid for
Policy Fee.
- Validate that the entered value is in the correct format ("1000")
and display the revised Policy Fee on the summary screen.
5 Quote Document - Support the creation of single and multiple quote proposals.
# Functionality Description
- Configure document attachments by selecting from available
endorsements and forms.
- Generate a quote packet with all selected documents for user
6 Integration with - Integrate with APPS for policy lookup and retrieval of information.
External Systems
- Integrate with Billing Center to access policy details, commissions,
and relevant financial information.
7 Document - Allow users to upload and delete documents related to policies.
- Associate uploaded documents with specific policies for easy
8 Administrative - Implement an audit trail to track changes made by users.
Changes Tracking
- Display tracked changes in the audit trail, including modifications
to underwriter names and other non-premium bearing inputs.
9. Non-Functional Requirements:
# Category Requirement
1 Performance - Response Time: Ensure that the system responds to user actions within 2
seconds under normal load conditions.
- Scalability: The system should be scalable to handle an increasing number
of users and policies without significant degradation in performance.
2 Availability - Uptime: Maintain a minimum uptime of 99.9% to ensure accessibility for
- Backup and Recovery: Implement regular automated backups with a
recovery plan in case of system failures.
3 Security - Data Encryption: All sensitive data, including policy details and user
information, should be encrypted during transmission and storage.
- Authentication and Authorization: Implement secure authentication and
authorization mechanisms to control access to sensitive functions.
4 Reliability - Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully
handle system errors and prevent data corruption.
- Fault Tolerance: Ensure the system can recover gracefully from faults
without losing critical data.
5 Usability - User Interface Consistency: Maintain a consistent and intuitive user
interface across all modules and screens.
- Training Requirements: The system should be designed to minimize
training requirements for new users.
6 Compatibility - Browser Compatibility: Support the latest versions of major browsers,
# Category Requirement
including Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
- Platform Independence: Ensure the application is platform-independent,
accessible from various operating systems.
7 Scalability - Database Scalability: The database should be scalable to accommodate a
growing volume of policy-related data.
- User Scalability: The system should support an increasing number of
concurrent users without significant performance degradation.
8 Compliance - Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the system complies with relevant
insurance regulations and industry standards.
- Data Privacy: Adhere to data privacy laws and regulations, ensuring the
protection of personally identifiable information (PII).
Use Cases:
# Use Case Title Description
1 Login to RapidSure - Actor: User (Underwriter) - Description: The underwriter logs into
the RapidSure system using valid credentials for secure access.
2 Create New Policy - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter initiates the
creation of a new insurance policy by providing necessary details.
3 Rate Policy - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter performs a
rating function to calculate the premium based on selected
4 Underwriting - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The system presents
Questions underwriting questions, and the underwriter provides necessary
5 Select Coverages - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter chooses
specific coverages based on the policy requirements and customer
6 Producer - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter enters
Information Entry producer information, including primary and secondary producer
7 Commission Rate - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter confirms or
Confirmation revises commission rates for primary and secondary producers.
8 Generate Quote - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter generates a
Document quote document summarizing the policy details for customer
9 Modify Agent - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter modifies agent
Commissions commissions, especially when quoting net of commissions.
10 Change Term Dates - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter changes term
dates for a submission, adjusting the effective and expiry dates.
11 Copy a Quote - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter copies an
existing quote to provide alternative terms or conditions.
# Use Case Title Description
12 Bind Proposal - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter binds a
proposal, confirming subjectivities and finalizing the policy issuance.
13 Issue Policy - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter issues the
policy, generating the policy packet for customer documentation.
14 Audit Tracked - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter reviews tracked
Changes changes in the audit log, ensuring transparency in modifications.
15 Access Policy - Actor: Underwriter - Description: The underwriter accesses policy
Documents in IR documents stored in ImageRight for reference and verification.