Reviewer in Auditing in CIS 1
Reviewer in Auditing in CIS 1
Reviewer in Auditing in CIS 1
4. Partitioned databases are most effective when 10. For those instances where individual users may
a. Users in the system need to share be granted summary and statistical query access
common data. to confidential data to which they normally are
b. Primary users of the data are clearly denied access, which type of control is most
identifiable. suitable?
c. Read-only access is needed at each site. a. User-defined procedures
d. All of the above. b. Data encryption
c. Inference controls
5. The functions of a database administrator are d. Biometric devices
a. database planning, data input preparation,
and database design.
consultants that the use of a computer
11. Where are database access permission defined? system appeared justified.
a. Operating system d. Include a report by the internal audit
b. Database authority table department that evaluated internal
c. Database schema control features for each planned
d. Systems manual application.
e. Application programs
4. Which of the following is the most important factor
12. Database currency is achieved by in planning for a system change?
a. Implementing partitioned databases at a. Having an auditor as a member of the
remote sites. design team.
b. Employing data-cleansing techniques. b. Using state-of-the-art techniques.
c. Ensuring that the database is secure from c. Concentrating on software rather than
accidental entry. hardware.
d. An external auditor’s reconciliation of d. Involving top management and
reports from multiple sites. people who use the system.
e. a database lockout that prevents e. Selecting a user to lead the design
multiple simultaneous access team.
15. A coding scheme in the form of acronyms and 20. Which of the following is NOT a potential
their combinations that convey meaning is a(n) exposure of the FRS?
a. Sequential code. a. A defective audit trail
b. Block code. b. General ledger accounts that are out of
c. Alphabetic code. balance with subsidiary accounts
d. Mnemonic code. c. Unauthorized access to the check register
d. Unauthorized access to the general ledger
16. Sequential access means that
a. Data are stored on magnetic tape. 21. Which task should the general ledger perform?
b. The address of the location of data is found a. Update the general ledger
through the use of either an algorithm or an b. Prepare journal vouchers
index. c. Have custody of physical assets
c. To read any record on the file, all of the d. Have record-keeping responsibility for special
preceding records must first be read. journals of subsidiary ledgers
d. Each record can be accessed in the same
amount of time. Chapter 7
17. Which file has as its primary purpose to provide 1. CMA 685 5-28 routines that use the computer to
historical financial data for comparative financial check the validity and accuracy of transaction
reports? data during input are called
a. Journal voucher history file a. Operating systems.
b. Budget master file b. Edit programs.
c. Responsibility file c. Compiler programs.
d. General ledger history file d. Integrated test facilities.
e. Compatibility tests.
19. Which of the following statements best describes 4. A control designed to validate a transaction at the
a computer-based GL/FRS? point of data entry is
a. Recalculation of a batch total. requires publicly owned U.S. corporations to
b. A record count. maintain systems of internal control that meet
c. A check digit. certain minimum standards. Preventive controls
d. Checkpoints. are an integral part of virtually all accounting
e. Recalculation of a hash total. processing systems, and much of the information
generated by the accounting system is used for
5. CMA 687 5-8 in a manual system, records of preventive control purposes. Which one of the
current activity are posted from a journal to a following is not an essential element of a sound
ledger. In a computer system, current records preventive control system?
from a(n) a. of responsibilities for the recording,
a. Table file are updated to a transaction file. custodial, and authorization functions
b. Index file are updated to a master file. b. Sound personnel practices
c. Transaction file are updated to a c. Documentation of policies and
master file. procedures
d. Master file are updated to a year-to-date d. Implementation of state-of-the-art
file. software and hardware
e. Current balance file are updated to an e. Physical protection of assets
index file.
10. Which of the following is not a test for identifying
6. CMA 1287 5-1 the primary functions of a application errors?
computerized information system include a. Reconciling the source code
a. Input, processing, and output. b. Reviewing test results
b. Input, processing, output, and storage. c. Retesting the program
c. Input, processing, output, and control. d. Testing the authority table
d. Input, processing, output, storage, and
control. 11. Which of the following is not a common type of
e. Collecting, sorting, summarizing, and white-box test of controls?
reporting. a. Completeness tests
b. Redundancy tests
7. CMA 1287 5-16 An employee in the receiving c. Inference tests
department keyed in a shipment from a remote d. Authenticity tests
terminal and inadvertently omitted the purchase
order number. The best systems control to detect 12. All of the following are examples of source
this error would be a document control except
a. Batch total. a. Pre-numbering source documents.
b. Completeness test. b. Limiting access to source documents.
c. Sequence check. c. Supervising the bursting of source
d. Reasonableness test. documents.
e. Compatibility test. d. Checking the sequence of numbers to identify
missing documents.
8. CMA 1287 5-15 In an automated payroll
processing environment, a department manager 13. The correct purchase order number, 123456, was
substituted the time card for a terminated incorrectly recorded as shown in the solutions. All
employee with a time card for a fictitious of the following are transcription errors except
employee. The fictitious employee had the same a. 1234567
pay rate and hours worked as the terminated b. 12345
employee. The best control technique to detect c. 124356
this action using employee identification numbers d. 123457
would be a
a. Batch total. 14. Which of the following is correct?
b. Record count. a. Check digits should be used for all data
c. Hash total. codes.
d. Subsequent check. b. Check digits are always placed at the end
e. Financial total. of data codes.
c. Check digits do not affect processing
9. CMA 1287 5-17 the reporting of accounting efficiency.
information plays a central role in the regulation d. Check digits are designed to detect
of business operations. The importance of sound e. transcription errors.
internal control practices is underscored by the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, which
15. Which statement is NOT correct? The goal of
batch controls is to ensure that during processing 23. A specific inventory record indicates that there
a. Transactions are not omitted. are twelve items on hand and a customer
b. Transactions are not added. purchased two of the items. When recording the
c. Transactions are processed more than order, the data entry clerk mistakenly entered
once. twenty items sold. Which check would detect this
d. An audit trail is created. error?
a. numeric/alphabetic data check
16. The data control clerk performs all of the following b. sign check
duties except c. sequence check
a. Maintaining the batch control log. d. range check
b. Computing (or recomputing) batch control
data. 24. Which check is not a file interrogation?
c. Reconciling the output results to the batch a. header label
control log. b. expiration date check
d. Destroying batch control logs when c. sequence check
reconciled. d. version check