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Fertilizer Estimation using Deep Learning Approach

1JuhiReshma S R, 2Dr. D. John Aravindhar
Research scholar School of computing Sciences Hindustan Institute of Technology and science Chennai, India
Professor School of Computing Sciences Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Chennai, India

Indian economy is dependent on agriculture and allied activities. The Percentage of population directly or indirectly involved in
agricultural actives is more. Due to increase in population and demand for food supply, a large quantity on fertilizers are used in
soil, which may result in soil pollution and also degradation of soil quality which may lead to multiple problems for future
generations. It is essential to analysis the amount of fertilizers required for a particular crop with respect to the fertility of the
soil. Traditionally soil testing is carried out in laboratory and the quantity of fertilizers are recommended by soil science
department, but the process takes longer period of time and many farmers do not adopt this method. So it is essential to
overcome the problem using advanced technology. The gap between technology and farmers should be bridged.A
recommendation system is proposedto predict the amount of fertilizers for a particular crop banana and regression methods
for upcoming plantations using Neural Networks . The major soil nutrient are Nitrogen (N), phosphors(p), and potassium (k)
plays the major role in crop growth. By default soil contains particular amount of NPK, it varies from place to place. The
requirements for each crop also vary. In this paper, a model is structured to recommend the amount of fertilizers required for
the crop banana.

Keywords: Agriculture, fertilizers, crop banana, machine learning, neural network.


Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy which is constrained by poor soil fertility
[11]. The World Bank study report states that agricultural development is the effective tool to eliminate
poverty and enhance shared prosperity and feed nine billion people by 2050 [5]. In general, agriculture
is the step by step procedure such as ploughing the soil, planting, maintain effective fertilizer, pest
control to get good yield [5]. The soil fertility should be classified to predict the amount of fertilizers
required for a particular crop with respect to the soil fertility. Soil nutrient is the most essential factor
for enriching soil fertility. The traditional methods for evaluating soil nutrient are complex to operate
and generating more difficulties in the practical applications [3]. It is highly observed that farmers could
able to produce effective results if they get sufficient information in a timely manner [6]. In addition to
this, the funds were increased by 24% to generate several reforms in rural area in the year between
2017 and 2018 [6]. The village wise soil data were gathers from the soil science department and the data
were pre-processed. In traditional method, a farmer has to approach the soil science laboratory with the
sample soil to get the details about the soil fertility, this procedure is expensive and time consuming. A
detailed study is carried out in the banana crop and a recommendation system is developed. The
amount of fertilizers required for the banana crop is predicted with the previous available data set.
Among the micronutrients required by banana, iron, zinc and boron are found to be major yield limiting
factors in India [4]. Many researcher works were carried out to classify the soil and provide the
appropriate amount of fertilizers required for the crop. In [12], the soil test report is used to categorize


the important soil features like soil fertility index of Available potassium (K), Organic carbon (OC), Boron
(B), Available Phosphorus (P) and Soil reaction (pH). Classification problems are solved with help of
learning classification method like Extreme Learning machine (ELM) with various activation functions
such as hyperbolic tangent, Gaussian radial basis and hard limit, triangular basis and sine squared [12].
In most of the classification the Gaussian radial basis performed better by providing 80% accuracy. A
decision support system was developed using machine learning methods to monitor soil, crop and
climate in precision agriculture was carried out in [13], the output recorded were designed as a set of
decision rules to monitor the field.

Due to improper crop and soil management strategies, agriculture experiences loss in soil
quality. Over usage of chemical fertilizers have generates inadequacy in the availability of soil nutrients.
In the recent times, artificial intelligence models are used to forecast the composition of nutrients.
However, the deep learning and machine learning approaches suffer from drawbacks such as, high time
consumption for training and high usage of memory space. Hence, there is still a scope to enhance the
classification models’ performance in terms of accuracy of classification, time consumption, and
memory consumption.

The crop selected for the study is banana; the location is southernmost part of Tamilnadu. The
district is located in high rainfall agro climatic zone. The district has horticultural crop area of 65804
hectares in which plantation crops (84%) has significant areas like Spices (3%), fruits (10%), flowers
(0.2%) and vegetables (1%). The banana crop occupies 4218 Hectares. Banana is a yearly crop, it takes
over 360 days to harvest the crop. The fertilizers are applied periodically four times for the entire
planation. Traditionally a blanket amount of fertilizers are used on the soil, this may degrade the soil
fertility. Over use of fertilizers also create many hazardous outcomes to the human community. There is
a need to overcome the problem. Because of different needs of crops and varieties and soil types, the
prediction of exact amount of fertilizer required for yielding crops become difficult [13].

Related Work

Different works were carried out using different methods to analyse the fertilizers in the soil,
most of the work are focused on the macro and micro nutrient available in the soil. Properties such as
total nitrogen, organic carbon, phosphors, pH, clay content, texture and thickness are considered in [2]
and a decision tree is constructed. In [2] the authors also have focused on environmental factors by
which the soil fertility may change. Once the association between soil and environmental factors are
accomplished, such link generates a way to soil properties from the local environment [2]. The study
performed by the authors in [2] offers a sensible prediction in soil properties like total phosphors, clay
content and pH but it does not offer feasible outcome in physical properties like heat capacity, bulk
density and water capacity.

Author proposed an application of support vector machines in classifying the soil type and
evaluating the values of soil properties as per the known values of specific physical and chemical
properties in sampled profiles [8]. To automate the task of classification of soil different classification
approaches were implemented by different authors. In [8] Linear support vector machine (LSVM)


approach has significant benefits than linear methods in classification of soil properties. In regression,
the acquired results implicates that linear methods are not used to determine the values of physical
properties with estimated chemical properties [8].

The process of selecting crop is very essential to enhance the maximum yield of a crop from
available resources. A crop selection method (CSM) was proposed in [9]. The selection of crop can
maximize the net yield rate, there are different parameters that can affect the yield of a crop. Some of
the major factors are the geography of the region, weather condition, soil type, soil composition, and
harvesting method [9].

A study was determined to evaluate the nitrogen status in the soil for rice plantation. Nitrogen is
the most crucial nutrient for plant growth and it occupies the higher ratio in the fertilizer applied, so it is
essential to track the nitrogen amount periodically. With the help of visible and near infrared reflection
spectroscopy, the estimation of nitrogen in rice were performed [15]. The outcomes revealed that LS-
SVM was performed better than non-linear and linear techniques in forecasting the soil plant analysis
development (SPAD) values of rice [15].

The author used the chemical soil measurement to categorized relevant soil parameters like
phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), fertility indices of organic carbon (OC), soil nutrients nitrous oxide (N2O),
potassium oxide (K2O), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn), to suggest the preferable crop and exact amount
of fertilizers [11]. These classification problems are determined by using twenty diverse classified and
chosen by their high performance of boosting, decision trees, bagging, random forest, neural networks,
nearest neighbors and support vector machines. Followed by SVM, Gaussian learn machine and
Adaboost, the random forest performs effective performance for six of ten problems and attain 90% of
performance in all cases[11].

In [7], the formulation of amount of fertilizers needed for crop management, germplasm, soil
nutrient supply was made by nutrient expert. Nutrient expert is a computer based decision support
system that allows the advisers to create area specific fertilizer recommendation as per the yield
respond to nutrient and fertilizer use [7]. The total amount of fertilizers required for a crop is calculated
by evaluating the following parameters such as using fertilized at critical growth stages and optimal
rates to makes deficit between the nutrients supplied from the soil and nutrient needs of crop, apply the
total nutrient for crop need requirements to the larger area or particular field with growing conditions,
net P and K for harvesting to manage the long term process for checking status of soil fertility for crop
production [7]. The nutrient expert decision support system helps in increasing the agronomic efficiency
and balanced fertilization of nutrient inputs. It manages high yield at low fertilizer input costs than the
present recommendation techniques [7].

One among the major factors that plays an important role in agriculture is the crop yield. In [1]
the authors have focused on the yield prediction of the crop by considering the previous data. The major
factors that play an important role in crop yield are considered for the study, data set like crop, crop
yield dataset, crop nutrients, location and soil were gathered from other sources like agricultural
websites [1]. Here, the most trending and emerging machine learning techniques were used for


predicting the crop yield. Random forest and Support vector machine (SVM) were preferred to attain
expected outcome. Soil classification random forest is effective which generates accuracy of 86.35%
compared to SVM. In case of crop yield prediction, SVM works better and generates accuracy of 99.47%
than Random forest [1].

In [3] prediction of soil nutrient is determined by using the techniques like Artificial neural
network, multiple linear regression and support vector machine. The outcomes revealed that average
prediction accuracies of support vector machine models were 83% and 77.87% respectively. In addition
to this, the average prediction accuracy of General regression neural network is 92.86% which indicates
that GRNN and SVM models are used to determine the soil nutrient level with appropriate dependent
variables [3].

Machine learning is considered to be a vital tool for predicting the amount of potassium,
phosphorous and nitrogen [10], the challenging part is that different crop and different soil requires
different amount of fertilizers. The data has been gathered from soil science institutes, soil reports and
agriculture institutes of India [10]. The study was carried out in wheat crop, CART regression was
preferred to be the best fit model [10].

Materials and Methods

The main aim of the proposed work is to bridge the gap between farmers and the technology by
providing better accuracy in fertilizer recommendations for a particular crop banana and varieties of
banana. The banana plantation is a yearly crop, fertilizers are used four times throughout the
plantations. We propose the methods through which the amount of fertilizers required for future
direction can also be recommended.

This study proposes a parallel deep learning model in order to conserve the usage of time for
execution. The application of GRU cells in the hidden layer of the neural network will greatly conserve
the memory usage, since the cells contain internal memory that only keeps the essential data and
removes the unnecessary ones. The major role of GRU is short term memory, and they use gates to
manage the flow of information. We introduce a new variant of Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) called the
Parameterized ReLU in the hidden layers of the neural network. These functions introduce a new
parameter as a slope of the negative part of the function, and thereby improve the accuracy of
classification. The overall objective of this study is to create a neural network model to predict and
classify the soil fertility indices and pH values.

Table 1 Parameters Taken for Study

Parameters Expansion

Place Kanyakumari district, thootukudi district and

tirunelvelli district of tamilnadu

pH pH value of soil


Acidic -6.5, Neutral – 6.5 to 7.5, alkaline - < 7.5

N Nitrogen

P Phosphorus

K Potassium

Fe Iron

Mn Manganese

Zn Zinc

Cu Copper

Procedure to be followed for Implementation:

Recommendation: (Classification of Composition)

Dataset should be prepared ready for two classifications: Composition of Micro Nutrients and
Composition of Macro Nutrients.

The dataset should be labelled with “High, Medium, and Low” composition.

The dataset should be split for Training and Testing.

The classifier 1 and 2 are trained using training dataset.

Classifier 1: Trained using Dataset 1 which contains micro nutrients.

Classifier 2: Trained using Dataset 2 which contains macro nutrients.

The trained classifiers 1 and 2 are then tested with testing dataset.

Classifier 1: Classifies the composition of micro nutrients.

Classifier 2: Classifies the composition of macro nutrients.

Performances of Classifier 1 and 2 are evaluated in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and
error rate.The performance of the proposed network can be compared with the performance of the
existing state-of-the-art classifiers such as, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and SVM.


Fig 1 Architecture Diagram of Proposed Work


There is an emerging need to study soil fertility to avoid overuse of soil fertilizers. Here we have
proposed architecture to tackle the overuse of fertilizers by providing an outlook to recommend the
amount of fertilizers required for the crop banana. There are multiple works experimented by various
authors in predicting the required amount of fertilizers using different techniques and methods. SVMs
have sets of supervised linear classifiers which have been proposed to solve the issues and have
acquired more interest in biological and agricultural engineering [14]. With increase in training time and
increase in hidden nodes the network may overfit, which may lead to high accuracy in training the data
but can result in poor interpolation in testing of data. It is considered to be a significant problem being
evaluated in ANN research and applications [14]. A model is designed to recommend the amount of
fertilizer for a crop. In further our proposed work will be compared with the existing state of art to
evaluate the efficiency of the proposed work.


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