GEC108 Midterm Summary

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of S&T) Reality, Machine Intelligence, and Originality)

THE QUESTION CONCERNING TECHNOLOGY Art that reveals how technology frames reality

"The essence of technology is by no means 1. Technology Shapes Perception

anything technological” – Martin Heidegger - Technology subtly molds how we see
and understand the world, often going
unnoticed by us.
WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY 2. Perceptual Machines
- The speaker introduces this concept to
INSTRUMENTAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL illustrate how digital media and social
Focus on Function Focus on Human- platforms influence our perception,
Cultural Aspect
similar to the way a helmet can simulate
Technology is a Technology is a
means to an end human activity.
3. Filtered Reality
Primarily emphasizes Takes a broader
the functional aspect perspective by - Our digital perception is manipulated by
of technology, exploring how algorithms, reinforcing our existing
highlighting its technology is beliefs and creating isolated echo
practical utility in embedded in human chambers.
achieving specific culture, shapes our 4. Reclaiming Awareness
goals or fulfilling perceptions, and - The speaker proposes a web browser
human needs influences society plug-in to help us notice overlooked
content and recognize the
commoditization of our visual field in
the digital realm.
5. Ethical Considerations
Causa Materialis - The material or matter from - Technology can be a double-edged
which something is made. sword, with the potential for both
positive and negative consequences.
Causa Formulis - The form or shape into which
The speaker emphasizes the importance
the material is fashioned.
of considering ethics when using
Causa Finalis - The end or purpose for which technology to shape perception.
something is made.

Causa Efficiens - The efficient cause, which

Art in the age of machine intelligence
brings about the finished product or effect.
1. Imagination & Inspiration
- The speaker's journey as a media artist
Causality is more about being responsible or began with his childhood fascination
indebted for something rather than causing with the architectural vision of the
effects. future in the movie "Blade Runner." This
inspiration led him to explore the power
of imagination and the potential of
WHAT IS HUMAN FLOURISHING? machines to work with memories
2. AI Collaboration
Human flourishing - often referred to as - The speaker emphasizes that AI and
eudaimonia in classical philosophy, is the idea machines are only intelligent when they
that individuals can achieve their highest collaborate with humans. He raises
potential, live a meaningful and fulfilling life, questions about the capabilities of AI in
and experience well-being in a holistic sense. the 21st century, such as dreaming,
hallucinating, and remembering, and
how these capabilities transform our
relationship with data.
3. Poetics of Data
- The speaker’s work focuses on the
intersection of data and architecture,
envisioning the "poetics of data." He
uses data as a pigment to create
sensory experiences that connect
people to the invisible data of their daily LESSON 8: THE GOOD LIFE (PART 1 - Aristotle &
lives. the Virtue Theory)
4. Exploring Memory & Machine
Aristotle believed that, while rare, these people
do exist. And they are what we all should aspire
- The speaker delves into the dynamic
to be: virtuous.
nature of memory and how machines
can simulate subconscious processes VIRTUE THEORY
like dreaming, remembering, and
hallucinating. He illustrates this with Virtue Theory
projects like "Melting Memories," - Ethical theory that emphasizes an
inspired by a personal connection to individual’s character, rather than
Alzheimer's disease. following a set of rules.
5. Interactive Data Universe - reflects the ancient assumption that
- He highlights the potential for humans humans have a fixed nature – an
to train and expand the power of the essence – and that the way we flourish
mind in the age of AI. is by adhering to that nature.

Rather than saying, “follow these rules so that

In the age of AI art, what can originality look you can be a good person,” Aristotle and other
like? virtue theorists reasoned that, if we can just
focus on being good people, the right actions
1. AI as a Creative Tool will follow, effortlessly
- AI, particularly machine learning models
like DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, and
Midjourney, has the capability to PROPER FUNCTIONING
generate diverse and imaginative
artworks. AI is seen as a tool that Proper Functioning - Everything has a function.
produces both familiar and unfamiliar A thing is good to the extent that it fulfills its
imagery, drawing people's fascination. function, and bad to the extent that it doesn’t.
2. Debate on AI & Creativity We’re also “the rational animal,” and a social
- The world is divided into two schools of animal, so our function also involves using
thought regarding AI's impact on human reason and getting along with our pack.
creativity. Some see AI as a threat to
creativity, while others view it as an
extension of human creative potential.
The debate centers on whether true
originality in art is still possible.
3. Boundary-Pushing AI Art Having virtue just means doing the right thing,
- Artists are using AI to push the at the right time, in the right way, in the right
boundaries of creativity. They create amount, toward the right people.
artworks that surprise, delight, confuse,
Virtue - a set of robust character traits that,
and evoke wonder. These works
once developed, will lead to predictably good
challenge our understanding of art and
our ethical considerations.
4. AI as a Curatorial Tool  Deficiency - Vice
- AI art often involves a curation process,  Golden mean - Virtue
where artists select from a vast pool of  Excess – Vice
images generated by the machine. This
selection process becomes a creative SOME PARTICULAR VIRTUES:
act in itself, allowing artists to curate Courage – finding the right way to act
from AI's output.
5. Collaborative AI Art Honesty – knowing what needs to be put out
- AI becomes a co-creator, and different there, and what you should keep quiet about,
AI models can be seen as speaking knowing how to deliver hard truths gracefully,
different "languages." how to break bad news gently, or to offer
criticism in a way that’s constructive, rather
than soul-crushing.

 Deficiency – Vice (failing to say things

that need to be said)
 Golden mean – Virtue (honesty) LESSON 9: THE GOOD LIFE (PART 2 - Camus &
 Excess – Vice (brutal honesty) the Myth of Sisyphus)

Generosity Albert Camus – the author of The Rebel

 Deficiency – Vice (stinginess) Camus was an existentialist, and he thought

 Golden mean – Virtue (generosity) that each one of us basically is Sisyphus.
 Excess – Vice (prodigality)
The existentialist message is that your life is in
Virtue - is a skill, a way of living, and that’s your hands. You and only you have the power to
something that can really only be learned make your life great, and only you can evaluate
through experience. its greatness.

Virtue is a kind of knowledge that Aristotle

called practical wisdom.
Joanne Ciulla – a contemporary American
Character is developed through habituation. If philosopher, encourages you to think about the
you do a virtuous thing over and over again, philosophy of your work.
eventually it will become part of your character.
Robert Nozick – 20th century American


Moral Exemplar - These are people who already Hedonist – a person who believes the good is
possess virtue. equal to the pleasurable.

According to Aristotle’s theory, we are built with

the ability to recognize them, and the desire to
To live as a philosopher means to never stop
emulate them.
questioning, and to never stop striving for truth
— to continue working to live better, to know
more, and to revise your position based on new
WHAT’S YOUR MOTIVATION? evidence. Philosophers are convinced that this is
Virtue theory says that you should become the best way to live a good life.
virtuous because, if you are, then you can attain
the pinnacle of humanity.

Eudaimonia – good life

And a life of eudaimonia is a life of striving. It’s

a life of pushing yourself to your limits, and
finding success.

A eudaimonistic life will be full of the happiness

that comes from achieving something really
difficult, rather than just having it handed to

Morality - it’s being the best you can personally

be, honing your strengths while working on your

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