Math 1 4th QTR Final PDF

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The National Center for Teacher Education

Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur


Fourth Quarter, School Year 2020-2021

Philippine normal university
Center for teaching and learning
Mindanao Campus
Fun with Math 1
Fourth Quarter - S.Y. 2020-2021

Most Essential Learning Competencies and Lessons in Math 1

Fourth Quarter

1st Edition

Copyright ©2020


No part of this work text may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written
permission from the CTL.

Published and exclusively distributed by the PHILIPPINE NORMAL UNIVERSITY-

MINDANAO Printed by the CTL

Dear Pupil:

Welcome to the Fun with Math 1 fourth quarter!

I am proud of you taking the journey of continuing your studies in

the new normal education in spite of the Corona Virus Disease
Pandemic- 2019 (Covid-19).

This Fun with Math 1 module is designed for you to learn the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS) developed by the
Department of Education (DepEd). It covers understanding and
appreciation of key concepts and skills in Adding Whole number (Adding
with sums up to 18, adding 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping,
Adding Three 1-digit numbers and solving addition word problem) as
applied – using appropriate technology – in critical thinking, problem
solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections,
representations, and decisions in real life.

To guide you in the lessons, this module is composed of six key

parts which you have to navigate for the given number of weeks.

Look Back This is the review part of the lesson wherein you are
given a short recall of the preceding topics. There is a
short activity to help you remember and apply what
you have previously learned.
Hook A brief discussion about the new lesson is discussed in
this part. There are significant examples for you to
Move forward This contains simple recall activities to test your
understanding of the topic at hand.
Check it out This includes more exercises to further harness your
skills on the given lesson.
Get Challenged This part serves as the concluding activity for the
current lesson. It is hoped that you have grasped the
competencies of the lesson upon finishing this exercise.
Don’t Forget This is composed of important information,
terminologies, and other ideas emphasized in the

Thank you and God bless us always as we go on this module and

fight this Pandemic.

-Teacher Laine

Front Page
Letter of the President


Quarter 4 - Week 1-2

 Tells the days in a week; months in a year in the right order.

 Determines the day or the month using a calendar.


Quarter 4 - Week 3

 Tells and writes time by hour, half-hour and quarter-hour

using analog clock.


Quarter 4 - Week 4

 Compares objects using comparative words: short,

shorter, shortest, long, longer, longest, heavy, heavier,
heaviest, light, lighter, and lightest.
 Estimates and measures length, mass and capacity using
non-standard units of measures.

Summative Test 25-27

Quarter 4 - Week 5
(Quarter 4 - Week 1 – 2)

 Tells the days in a week; months in a year in the right order.

 Determines the day or the month using a calendar.

Target Skills

 Naming weeks and months of the year and their number

Do you know
It takes the Earth
how long the
365 and ¼ days other planets
to move around take their trip
the sun. around the sun?

Earth is important to us because it is our home. Let us take care of it.


A calendar shows
the days, weeks and
months, on a year.

Study the calendar

on the right. The
numbers are days in
a month.

At the top of each

column are the days
of the week.

The information on the calendar shows the following:

There are 7 days in a week. These are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
There are 365 days in a regular year.
February has 28 days, except every 4 years, when it has 29 days.
The year is called a leap year with 366 days.
Some months have 30 days while some have 31 days.
There are 12 months in one year.
The months of the year in their correct order are JANUARY,


Week 1

Name: Date:

Teacher: Score:

A. Use the calendar for this year 2021 to write the specific day in
a week for which the following dates fall.

Date Day Date Day

Jan 1 Mar 1

Jan 5 Mar 10

Jan 11 Mar 18

Jan 22 Mar 23

Jan 28 Mar 30

B. Look at the calendar for December 2020. Answer the following


1. What dates belong to Mondays?

2. How many Sundays does this month


3. What day is December 25?

4. What day does December start?

5. What day does the month end?



A. Complete the calendar for January 2021. Answer

the questions that follow.

Month of
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1. How many days does the month have?

2. How many Mondays are there?
3. What is the ordinal number for this month?
4. On what day does this month begin?
5. On what day does it end?
6. What special event is celebrated in this month?
7. If today is January 15, what day will it be 10 days from
8. What day (s) have four days in this month.


Week 2

Name: Date:

Teacher: Score:

A. Identify the order of the 12 months of the year by drawing

the symbol of the ordinal number inside the box of the
corresponding month. The first one is done for you.

First Fifth Ninth

Second Sixth Tenth

Third Seventh Eleventh

Fourth Eighth Twelfth

First Fifth Ninth

Second Sixth Tenth

Third Seventh Eleventh

Fourth Eighth Twelfth


B. Identify the month before and after the given month. Color the box
with the color of the correct month.
May March January August December June
July November September April February October

C. Solve each problem and write your complete solution

and answer on the space provided.
How old will you be in the How many days are there
year 2019? from March 30 to April

There are 7 days in week. These are Sunday, Monday,

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

There are 12 months in one year. These are January,

February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, And December

There are 365 days in most of the year.

Some months have 30 days. Some have 31 days

February has 28, except every 4 years, when it has 29.

The year is called a leap year.
(Quarter 4 – Week 3)

 Tells and writes time by hour, half-hour and quarter-hour

using analog clock.

Target Skills

Indicating time in different ways

 by hour
 by half an hour
 by quarter hour
Reading and writing time as shown on an analog clock

Do you want Of course, I

to learn how do! It would
to tell the time be nice to

using a know how

show the
. 10

I go tick, tock, tick,


Read the number

on my face. See my
two hands as they
race. Tick, tock,
tick, tock!

The short hand is the hour hand.

The long hand is the minute hand. It takes 60 minutes for the long
hand a complete one round. There are 60 minutes in one hour.

In telling the hour, the long hand points at 1 and the short
hand points at 10. We write it as 10:05 a.m.

If a short hand points at 6, the long hand points at

12. It is six o’clock. If is in the morning, write it as 6:00
a.m. If it is 6 in the evening, we write it as 6:00 p.m.

In the clock at the right, the short hand

points between 8 to 9 and the long hand points at 6.

We read it as 30 minutes past 8 or eight thirty.

We write it as 2:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m.

In telling the quarter hour, the long hand
points at 3 and the short hand to the point between
12 to 1. We read it as 15 minutes past 12 or twelve
We write it as 12:15 p.m.

Clocks have at least 2 hands. Some have 3 hands: hour,

minute, and second hands.

The hands of a clock always move forward the right. The twelve
numbers tell the hours. When the long hand or minute and
points at 12, it means exactly an hour.


Name: Date:

Teacher: Score:

Direction. A. Write the time.


B. Draw the hands of the clock according to the time shown

1. 2:00 4. 12:45

2. 1:15 5. 8:35

3. 5:30


Direction A. Problem Solving

1. This is the time on Tina’s watch. Her mother

will fetch her at 12 o’clock. Will she wait for
an hour?
Explain your answer.

2. Raia went to school at 7:00 a.m. She went home at 4:00 p.m.
How long was she in school?

3. Krizza read her book at 6:00 p.m. She finished in an hour. What
time did she stop?

Direction A. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space


1. How many minutes does it take to make an hour?

a. 15 c. 45
b. 30 d. 60

2. How many minutes had passed the hour when the long hand
is at 6?
a. 10 minutes c. 30 minutes
b. 15 minutes d. 60 minutes

3. The clock’s short hand points at 3. Its long hand points at 3,

too. What time could it be?
a. 3:00 a.m. c. 3:15 p.m.
b. 3:03 p.m. d. 3:30 a.m.

4. Which time shows a quarter past the hour?

a. 4:00 p.m. c. 2;15 p.m.
b. 3:30 p.m. d. 2:00 p.m.

C. Complete the statement by supplying the missing words.

1. 8:30 It’s minutes after

2. 9:15 It’s minutes after . 15

3. 12:45 It’s minutes after .

D. Look at the clock. Tell the time for each activity.

1. I wake up at

2. I take a bath at

3. I eat breakfast at

Sixty minutes make an hour 1 hour – 60 minutes

Thirty minutes make up half an hour ½ hour – 30 minutes

15 minutes make up quarter of an hour ¼ hour = 15 minutes

(Quarter 4 - Week 4)

 Compares objects using comparative words: short,

shorter, shortest, long, longer, longest, heavy, heavier,
heaviest, light, lighter, and lightest.
 Estimates and measures length, mass and capacity using
non-standard units of measures.

Target Skills
 Identifying comparative words to compare objects according to
mass and length.
 Using the correct comparative words which describe the mass,
length, and capacity of objects.

Have you tried playing the

Longest Line?

Following the rules of every game makes it more

fun and safe

1. Comparing objects according to length.

What do you observe about the objects inside the frames?

One object is longer than the

other Compare the length of the 3 crayons

Supply the missing words that will complete each sentence.

1. The crayon is short.

2. The crayon is shorter than the red crayon.
3. The crayon is the shortest.

The words short and long describe the length of an object.

When we are comparing the length of two objects, we use

shorter than or longer than. When we are comparing three or more
objects, we use “the shortest” or “the longest”.
2. Comparing objects in terms of capacity.

More – Less

More Less
Write the word that describes the capacity of the object.

1. The holds liquid than a

2. The holds liquid than a

We use the words more or less to compare the capacities of objects.

3. Comparing objects in terms of mass

Write the word that describes the mass of each objects. Write
Heavy or Light to describe the object.

1. A is

2. Is than a

3. Is the of the three.

The words heavy and light describe the mass of a solid object.

When we compare two objects, we use “lighter than” or “heavier than”.

When we are comparing three or more objects, we use “the lightest”
or “the heaviest”.

4. Using Comparative words

Do what is
on the shorter boy’s shirt.
1. Draw a star

2. Color the longest stick blue

3. Draw an x on the heavier box.

4. Draw a circle ( ) around the

Group with the most number of


Name: Date:

Teacher: Score:

Direction. A. Draw the object that is asked for.

1. A container holds
more than a pitcher of

2. An Object that is
shorter than a pen.

3. Draw fruit that is lighter

than a watermelon.

B. Underline ( ) the word which describes each circled


light lighter lightest long longer longest

more less heavier heavy


Direction A. Draw what is being asked.

1. This is a short pencil

o Draw a shorter pencil

o Draw and color red

the shortest pencil in
the group.

2. Two books are heavy

o Draw an object that
is heavier than the
two books

o Draw an object that

will be the heaviest
among the three.

3. Christine is a long
name. Write a longer

4. A plate can
hold more cookies
than a saucer.

5. A pencil is lighter than

a pair of scissor. Draw
school material that is
heavier than a pencil.


A. Arrange the following from the shortest to the longest

word. Write your answers in the box below.

year month day lives

second is minutes

B. Draw 3 objects that can be found in your bedroom. Pair

or group them and compare using comparative words.
Record your observations in the box.

 To compare objects by length, we use words like

long, longer, and longest or short, shorter and

 To compare objects by their capacity to hold liquid,

we use words like less or least or more and most.

 To compare objects by their mass, we use words like

light, lighter, and lightest or heavy, heavier and
Agusan Campus
Prosperidad, Agusan del
Center for Teaching and Learning


(Quarter 4 – Week 5)

Name: Score :
Teacher: Date:

A. Read each sentence carefully. Write the letter of the best

answer on the space provided.
1. Which of the following will you use if you want to know the
date and day of your birthday this year?
a. Clock b. Watch c. Calendar

2. How many months are there in two years?

a. 12 b. 24 c. 30

3. What months come after July and before October?

a. August, September
b. May, June
c. December, January

4. How many minutes will it take for the long hand on the face
of the clock to make a complete turn?
a. 30 b. 60 c. 90

5. If the time is 3:30 a.m., the long hand of the clock should
be pointing to what number?
a. 3 b. 6 c. 9

6. Which contains the most amount of milk?

a. b. c.

7. Which contains the most amount of water?

a. b. c.

8. Which day is the first day of the weekend?

a. Friday b. Saturday c. Sunday

9. What time does this clock show?

a. 4:00
b. 12:00
c. 12:20

10. Which of the following is the heaviest?

a. b. c.
11. Which of the following is lightest?

a. b. c.
12. How many times in a year if Chelianne visit her
grandparents if she goes to their house every month?
a. 12 b. 6 c. 4

13. Princess was in school at exactly 7:30 a.m. Which clock

shows what time she got there?
a. b. c.

14. What time does Kaloy feed his dog?

a. 4:00
b. 4:30

c. 6:00

15. My father comes home at in the evening.

a. 12:00 b. 7:00 c. 8:00

16 – 20. Write what is missing in each sentence.

a. There are days in two weeks.

b. There are months in half a year.

c. If Christmas is in December, New Year is in the month of

d. There are days between Friday and Monday.

e. The two days right after Sunday are and

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