Differences in Radiation Dose For Computed Tomography of The Brain Among Pediatric Patients at The Emergency Departments: An Observational Study
Differences in Radiation Dose For Computed Tomography of The Brain Among Pediatric Patients at The Emergency Departments: An Observational Study
Differences in Radiation Dose For Computed Tomography of The Brain Among Pediatric Patients at The Emergency Departments: An Observational Study
Background: Computed tomography (CT) is associated with a risk of cancer development. Strategies to reduce
radiation doses vary between centers. We compared radiation doses of CT brain studies between pediatric and
general emergency departments (EDs), and determine the proportion studies performed within the reference levels
recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).
Methods: A retrospective review was carried out in a healthcare network consisting of one pediatric ED and three
general hospital EDs. Pediatric patients less than 16 years old with CT brain studies performed between 1 January
2015 and 31 December 2018 were included. Information on demographic, diagnosis, volume-averaged computed-
tomography dose index and dose length product (DLP) were collected. Effective dose was then calculated from
DLP using conversion factors, termed k-coefficients which were derived using a 16 cm head CT dose phantom.
Results: Four hundred and seventy-nine CT brain studies were performed – 379 (79.1%) at the pediatric ED. Seizure
(149, 31.1%), head injury (147, 30.7%) and altered mental status (44, 9.2%) were the top three ED diagnoses. The
median effective dose estimates were higher in general than pediatric EDs, particularly for those aged > 3 to ≤6
years old [1.57 mSv (IQR 1.42–1.79) versus 1.93 mSv (IQR 1.51–2.28), p = 0.047], > 6 to ≤10 years old [1.43 mSv (IQR
1.27–1.67) versus 1.94 mSv (IQR 1.61–2.59), p = 0.002) and > 10 years old (1.68 mSv (IQR 1.32–1.72) versus 2.03 mSv
(IQR 1.58–2.88), p < 0.001). Overall, 233 (48.6%) and 13 (2.7%) studies were within the reference levels recommended
by ICRP 60 and 103 respectively.
Conclusions: Radiation doses for CT brain studies were significantly higher at general EDs and less than half of the
studies were within the reference levels recommended by ICRP. The development of diagnostic reference levels
(DRLs) as a benchmark and clinical justification for performing CT studies can help reduce the radiation risks in the
pediatric population.
Keywords: Computed tomography, Emergency, Pediatric, Radiation
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Department of Emergency Medicine, Sengkang General Hospital, 110
Sengkang E Way, Singapore 544886, Singapore
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Tan et al. BMC Emergency Medicine (2021) 21:106 Page 2 of 9
and analysed. All CT brain studies will be analysed, in- All of the CT brain studies were non-contrasted. There
cluding those repeated in the same ED visit. was no patient with multiple CT brain studies in a single
This study was approved by Institutional Review Board ED visit. The median age of the patients across the four
at SingHealth, with waiver of informed consent. EDs was 7 years (IQR 3 to 12) and there were 290
(60.5%) males. Seizure (149, 31.1%), head injury (147,
CT scanner parameters 30.7%) and altered mental status (44, 9.2%) were the top
Across all EDs, CT brain studies were performed using three ED diagnoses for patients requiring CT brain stud-
one of the following three CT scanners: Toshiba Aqui- ies in the EDs (Table 1).
lion (Toshiba Medical Systems, Tokyo, Japan), Toshiba
Aquilion Prime (Toshiba Medical Systems, Tokyo, CTDIvol, DLP and effective dose for CT brain studies
Japan) or Siemens Somatom Force (Siemens Healthcare, Table 2 shows the parameters of the CT scanners used
Germany). at the pediatric and general EDs.
There were significant differences in both median
Radiation dose parameters CTDIvol and DLP between the pediatric ED and general
Dose indicators of CTDIvol and DLP were obtained. EDs in the > 3 to ≤6 years, > 6 to ≤10 years and > 10 years
CTDIvol reflects the mean absorbed radiation within the age groups. (Supplementary Materials) The median ef-
scan volume based upon standardized CTDI phantoms. fective dose for all CT brain studies was 1.68 mSv (IQR
For CT brain studies, CTDI quantification is based on a 1.43 to 2.10 mSv) which was slightly more than half a
16 cm diameter Plexiglas phantom [21]. DLP, deter- year’s worth of background radiation exposure in the
mined by multiplying the CTDIvol (in mGy) by scan United States (3.1 mSv/year) [40]. Across all age groups,
length (in cm), is a measure of a CT scanner’s radiation there was a trend towards greater median effective doses
output/exposure along a patient’s long axis (in mGy-cm) for CT brain studies performed in the general EDs as
and provides an estimate of the total energy delivered to compared to the pediatric ED. In particular, significant
the CTDI Plexiglas phantom – consequently, the scan differences in the CT brain median effective doses were
length may be estimated by dividing the DLP by the found in the > 3 to ≤6 years (p = 0.047), > 6 to ≤10 years
CTDIvol [21]. (p = 0.002) and > 10 years (p < 0.001) age groups
Effective dose, in mSv, was calculated from DLP by (Table 3).
multiplying DLP with age- and region-specific conver-
sion factors, termed k-coefficients (in mSv/(mGy-cm)), Proportion of CT brain studies with effective doses within
recommended by the ICRP 60 and 103 [35, 36, 39]. the reference levels recommended by ICRP 60 and 103
(Supplementary Materials). Two hundred and thirty-three (48.6%) of all the CT
brain studies done across both pediatric and general EDs
Data analysis fell within the reference levels recommended by ICRP
SPSS version 22 (SPSS, Chicago, IL) was used to perform 60. The proportion is significantly higher in the pediatric
statistical analysis. Frequencies with percentages were ED where 216 (45.1%) were within ICRP 60 definition,
used to present categorical data. Mean ± standard devi- compared to 13 (2.7%) in general EDs (p < 0.001). How-
ation (SD) or median (interquartile range, IQR) was used ever, when the newer ICRP 103 definition was used, only
for continuous data depending on normality. Patients 13 (2.7%) of all CT brain imaging studies were within
were classified into the following five age-group categor- the reference levels, all of which were in the pediatric
ies – ≤6 months, > 6 months to ≤3 years, > 3 years to ≤6 ED (Table 4).
years, > 6 years to ≤10 years, > 10 years – to compare
their effective doses and with the reference levels recom- Proposal of a local diagnostic reference level
mended by ICRP. Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test Based on the recommendations of National Council on
was used for association between categorical data. Stu- Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Report
dent’s t-test or Mann-Whitney U test was used for asso- 172 and ICRP 103, the median CTDIvol and DLP values
ciation between continuous data depending on for each age group may be defined as the local DRL.
normality. Statistical significance was taken at p less These proposed DRLs from our study are displayed in
than 0.050. Table 5.
Results Discussion
Demographics CT brain studies remain a sensitive and readily available
A total of 479 pediatric patients had CT brain studies tool for many diagnostic dilemmas in the ED. CT has
performed over the study period – 379 (79.1%) in the the ability to produce images in a quick, non-invasive
pediatric ED and 100 (20.9%) in the three general EDs. and reliable manner, making it the best imaging option
Tan et al. BMC Emergency Medicine (2021) 21:106 Page 4 of 9
Table 3 Comparison of Effective Dose for CT Brain Studies Between Pediatric and General EDs
Age Group Overall (n = 479) Pediatric ED (n = 379) General EDs (n = 100) p-value
Median Effective Dose n (%) Median Effective Dose n (%) Median Effective Dose n (%)
(IQR), mSv (IQR), mSv (IQR), mSv
≤6 months 1.84 (1.60–2.65) 22 (4.6) 1.79 (1.59–2.39) 20 (5.3) 2.95 (−) 2 (2.0) 0.052
> 6 months to ≤3 1.97 (1.67–2.29) 118 1.97 (1.67–2.26) 112 2.57 (1.76–4.01) 6 (6.0) 0.063
years (24.6) (29.6)
> 3 years to ≤6 1.57 (1.42–1.57) 87 1.57 (1.42–1.79) 82 1.93 (1.51–2.28) 5 (5.0) 0.047
years (18.2) (21.6)
> 6 years to ≤10 1.48 (1.30–1.76) 88 1.43 (1.27–1.67) 72 1.94 (1.61–2.59) 16 0.002
years (18.4) (19.0) (16.0)
> 10 years 1.63 (1.38–2.10) 164 1.68 (1.32–1.72) 93 2.03 (1.58–2.88) 71 < 0.001
(34.2) (24.5) (71.0)
at the ED over alternative imaging modalities such as ‘normalized’ effective dose [35]. In neonates and chil-
paediatric cranial ultrasound or magnetic resonance im- dren, an inherently higher sensitivity to the effects of
aging of the brain. Ultrasound is constrained by the fact ionizing radiation can result in doubling of the effective
that it can only be performed prior to fontanelle fusion dose delivered to the irradiated anatomic site (e.g., brain)
in neonates or infants and magnetic resonance imaging compared to an adult [10, 42].
requires patients to be absolutely still for a prolonged The age-stratified effective doses of CT brain studies
duration of which the pediatric population may not be were higher in the younger age groups compared to
able to comply with. CT, however, delivers considerably older age groups; a finding in line with recent publica-
higher radiation doses than these alternatives. Therefore, tions which supports the inverse relationship between
minimizing radiation doses during CT brain scans re- effective dose and age [43, 44]. However, the effective
mains an important quality measure in all hospitals. doses for pediatric CT brain studies performed by gen-
We found that the effective doses of radiation for CT eral EDs were higher, reaching statistical significance in
brain studies were higher in the general EDs than the those aged three and above, adding further evidence to
pediatric ED. By comparing effective doses to the pub- the literature that non-dedicated pediatric centers ex-
lished ICRP 60 and 103 definitions, we found that even posed patients to higher radiation doses during CT stud-
in pediatric institutions, less than 50% met the ICRP 60 ies [45–47]. In addition, it is concerning that there is a
definitions and less than 5% met the newer ICRP 103 wider variation across effective doses in the general EDs
definitions. Therefore, moving forward, we have pro- and a higher proportion of studies exceeding the dose
posed a local DRL based on the median CTDIvol and recommendations of ICRP 60. As ICRP 103 conversion
DLP values for each age group to improve the safety and coefficients are deemed to be more accurate for children
quality of CT brain studies performed in pediatric pa- of different ages, it is therefore alarming that when
tients at our healthcare network. benchmarked against the ICRP 103 effective dose rec-
The term ‘effective dose’, used by health practitioners ommendations, none of the CT brain studies at the gen-
worldwide, is regarded as the most appropriate dose de- eral EDs was within the reference levels [48].
scriptor to quantify and communicate the stochastic For CT studies, effective dose is directly proportional
risks associated with diagnostic procedures involving to the quantity of energy a scanner emits, quantified by
ionizing radiation [41]. It takes into account the relative CTDIvol and DLP. While DLP values help determine es-
sensitivity of a person’s irradiated organs, translating it timations of effective dose using ICRP 103 age-based
into a quantifiable estimate of an individual’s biologic conversion coefficients, CTDIvol, however, is the CT
detriment (e.g., carcinogenesis) – this is referred to as index that ‘best represents the average dose at a
Table 4 CT Brain Studies with Effective Doses within the Reference Levels Recommended by ICRP 60 and 103
Age Group ICRP 60 ICRP 103
Pediatric ED (n = 379) General EDs (n = 100) Pediatric ED (n = 379) General EDs (n = 100)
≤6 months 15 (4.0) 0 (0) 6 (1.6) 0 (0)
> 6 months to ≤3 years 47 (12.4) 2 (2.0) 3 (0.8) 0 (0)
> 3 years to ≤6 years 53 (14.0) 2 (2.0) 1 (0.3) 0 (0)
> 6 years to ≤10 years 62 (16.4) 8 (8.0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
> 10 years 39 (10.3) 5 (5.0) 3 (0.8) 0 (0)
Tan et al. BMC Emergency Medicine (2021) 21:106 Page 6 of 9
Table 5 Proposed Local Diagnostic Reference Level for Pediatric CT dose levels and how it varies across the EDs in our
CT Brain Studies healthcare network. The processes involved in determin-
Age Group Pediatric ED General EDs ing radiation dose estimates, including local DRLs, have
CTDIvol DLP CTDIvol DLP provided us with an evaluation framework and tools for
≤6 months 19 309 27 335 optimizing doses for pediatric CT brain studies per-
> 6 months to ≤3 years 22 405 29 598
formed in our EDs. At the same time, they have shown
us the potential challenges of establishing consensual
> 3 years to ≤6 years 25 448 40 552
DRL for pediatric CT studies. The local DRL values in
> 6 years to ≤10 years 26 494 43 654 this review were well below those reported by our
> 10 years 29 571 50 827 American and European counterparts, which is encour-
aging. However, dose variations found between pediatric
particular point within a scan volume’. [49] The CTDIvol and non-pediatric EDs within our healthcare network
is dependent on several key acquisition parameters such are troubling. Nonetheless, we hope our findings serve
as tube current and scanning rotation time (mAs), tube as a stimulus for a concerted nationwide and unified ap-
potential, pitch setting and detector configuration, as proach to pediatric CT dose optimisation, involving phy-
well as reconstruction technique and slice thickness; all sicians, allied health professionals, and patients.
ultimately contribute to patient’s effective dose [50, 51]. For institutions, we propose having an active approach
Differences in acquisition parameters of the CT scanners to educate and raise awareness among healthcare
at the EDs may account for the lower doses of radiation workers beyond ED and radiology staff as part of our ef-
at the pediatric ED compared to general EDs. Specific- forts to reduce radiation doses in pediatric patients. Im-
ally, general EDs had a higher mAs in all age-groups, plementation of quality control measures to ensure
pediatric ED had a lower gantry rotation time of 0.28 s, competence when dealing with pediatric patients and
and general EDs had a greater proportion of younger monitoring compliance to departmental pediatric proto-
children whose images are acquired at a tube potential cols for scanning should be considered, especially in
of 120 kV voltage setting. centers without dedicated pediatric services. Finally, it is
However, acquisition parameters of the CT scanners our responsibility to ensure that pediatric CT studies are
are not the only reasons for the higher doses used for clinically indicated, and that their acquisition techniques
CT brain studies at the general EDs. While the use of and protocols are optimized. Frequent reviews of
optimal scanning protocols involving pediatric patients pediatric CT protocols to prevent unnecessary radiation
may lead to lower radiation doses during CT brain stud- exposure to our younger population from routine day-
ies, the pediatric protocols are not the default setting at to-day medical practice are highly encouraged.
the general EDs, thereby necessitating a switch by the
radiographer when the study is being performed [52]. Limitations
Furthermore, radiologists at the general EDs may be less This study has several limitations. Firstly, this study was
experienced and familiar with CT studies in pediatric conducted in a single healthcare network consisting of a
patients, therefore making modifications to protocols in pediatric ED and three general EDs in Singapore. All
place by increasing doses of radiation to decrease image four centers are tertiary hospitals and academic centers.
noise for better diagnostic accuracy [26, 28]. All these As EDs in other settings may have different practices, a
deviations can contribute to the higher radiation doses collaboration involving various institutions from mul-
for CT brain studies at the general EDs. tiple countries would be able to provide a better repre-
Optimal radiation doses should be established by regu- sentation of how radiation doses used for CT studies
latory authorities as national DRLs using national survey, differed between pediatric and general EDs. Next, we
or healthcare facilities as local DRLs using current prac- only evaluated non contrasted CT brain studies instead
tice [39]. However, both national and local DRLs are of including all CT studies as the number of CT studies
lacking in Singapore. In our study, we proposed local involving contrast and/or other body regions were per-
DRLs based on the median CTDIvol and DLP at pediatric formed infrequently, leading to inadequate numbers for
and general EDs. In doing so, we hope to call to atten- statistical power and valid comparison of radiation doses
tion the need for better regulation of radiation exposure used between pediatric and general EDs. We also did
from CT studies in pediatric patients. When compared not evaluate the indications for CT and the number of
to European guidelines, the local DRLs were higher, es- CT brain studies with positive or clinically important
pecially those for general EDs. (Supplementary findings.
Materials). In determining the effective dose estimates for
This study is an initial but critical step towards under- pediatric CT brain, we used scanner-derived parameters,
standing where we currently stand in terms of pediatric as well as age- and tube potential-based conversion
Tan et al. BMC Emergency Medicine (2021) 21:106 Page 7 of 9
coefficients recommended by ICRP 103. CTDIvol pro- interpreted data, as well as drafted and revised the manuscript. APH and
vides estimates of radiation output doses based on simi- NDBZ collected data and critically reviewed the manuscript. CSL, OYKG, LKP
analyzed and interpreted data, as well as critically reviewed the manuscript.
lar attenuating objects and do not take into account PJH conceptualized the study, collected data, analyzed and interpreted data,
those substantially different in terms of size or shape, as well as drafted and revised the manuscript. The author(s) read and
particularly in children where significant differences in approved the final manuscript.
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