Review of Hypothesis Alignment Algorithms For MT System Combination Via Confusion Network Decoding

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Review of Hypothesis Alignment Algorithms for MT System Combination

via Confusion Network Decoding

Antti-Veikko I. Rostia∗, Xiaodong Heb , Damianos Karakosc , Gregor Leuschd†, Yuan Caoc ,
Markus Freitage , Spyros Matsoukasf , Hermann Neye , Jason R. Smithc and Bing Zhangf
Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA 95014
Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA 98052
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218
SAIC, Monheimsallee 22, D-52062 Aachen, Germany
RWTH Aachen University, D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Raytheon BBN Technologies, 10 Moulton Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Abstract 1 Introduction

Confusion network decoding has proven to

Current machine translation (MT) systems are based
be one of the most successful approaches on different paradigms, such as rule-based, phrase-
to machine translation system combination. based, hierarchical, and syntax-based. Due to the
The hypothesis alignment algorithm is a cru- complexity of the problem, systems make various
cial part of building the confusion networks assumptions at different levels of processing and
and many alternatives have been proposed in modeling. Many of these assumptions may be
the literature. This paper describes a sys- suboptimal and complementary. The complemen-
tematic comparison of five well known hy-
tary information in the outputs from multiple MT
pothesis alignment algorithms for MT sys-
tem combination via confusion network de- systems may be exploited by system combination.
coding. Controlled experiments using identi- Availability of multiple system outputs within the
cal pre-processing, decoding, and weight tun- DARPA GALE program as well as NIST Open MT
ing methods on standard system combina- and Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
tion evaluation sets are presented. Transla- evaluations has led to extensive research in combin-
tion quality is assessed using case insensitive ing the strengths of diverse MT systems, resulting in
BLEU scores and bootstrapping is used to es-
significant gains in translation quality.
tablish statistical significance of the score dif-
ferences. All aligners yield significant BLEU System combination methods proposed in the lit-
score gains over the best individual system in- erature can be roughly divided into three categories:
cluded in the combination. Incremental indi- (i) hypothesis selection (Rosti et al., 2007b; Hilde-
rect hidden Markov model and a novel incre- brand and Vogel, 2008), (ii) re-decoding (Frederking
mental inversion transduction grammar with and Nirenburg, 1994; Jayaraman and Lavie, 2005;
flexible matching consistently yield the best Rosti et al., 2007b; He and Toutanova, 2009; De-
translation quality, though keeping all things
vlin et al., 2011), and (iii) confusion network de-
equal, the differences between aligners are rel-
atively small. coding. Confusion network decoding has proven to
be the most popular as it does not require deep N -
best lists1 and operates on the surface strings. It has

The work reported in this paper was carried out while the
authors were at Raytheon BBN Technologies and N -best lists of around N = 10 have been used in confu-

RWTH Aachen University. sion network decoding yielding small gains over using 1-best


Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 191–199,

Montréal, Canada, June 7-8, 2012. c 2012 Association for Computational Linguistics
also been shown to be very successful in combining “twelve big cars”, “twelve cars”, and “dozen cars”
speech recognition outputs (Fiscus, 1997; Mangu et may be aligned as follows:
al., 2000). The first application of confusion net- twelve big blue cars
work decoding in MT system combination appeared twelve NULL NULL cars
in (Bangalore et al., 2001) where a multiple string dozen NULL blue cars
alignment (MSA), made popular in biological se- This alignment may be represented compactly as the
quence analysis, was applied to the MT system out- confusion network in Figure 1 which encodes a total
puts. Matusov et al. (2006) proposed an alignment of eight unique hypotheses.
based on GIZA++ Toolkit which introduced word
reordering not present in MSA, and Sim et al. (2007)
twelve(2) big(1) blue(2) cars(3)
0 1 2 3 4
used the alignments produced by the translation edit dozen(1) NULL(2) NULL(1)

rate (TER) (Snover et al., 2006) scoring. Extensions

of the last two are included in this study together
with alignments based on hidden Markov model Figure 1: Confusion network from three strings “twelve
(HMM) (Vogel et al., 1996) and inversion transduc- big blue cars”, “twelve cars”, and “dozen blue cars” us-
ing the first as the skeleton. The numbers in parentheses
tion grammars (ITG) (Wu, 1997).
represent counts of words aligned to the corresponding
System combinations produced via confusion net- arc.
work decoding using different hypothesis alignment
algorithms have been entered into open evalua- Building confusion networks from multiple ma-
tions, most recently in 2011 Workshop on Statistical chine translation system outputs has two main prob-
Machine Translation (Callison-Burch et al., 2011). lems. First, one output has to be chosen as the skele-
However, there has not been a comparison of the ton hypothesis which defines the final word order of
most popular hypothesis alignment algorithms us- the system combination output. Second, MT system
ing the same sets of MT system outputs and other- outputs may have very different word orders which
wise identical combination pipelines. This paper at- complicates the alignment process. For skeleton se-
tempts to systematically compare the quality of five lection, Sim et al. (2007) proposed choosing the out-
hypothesis alignment algorithms. Alignments were put closest to all other hypotheses when using each
produced for the same system outputs from three as the reference string in TER. Alternatively, Ma-
common test sets used in the 2009 NIST Open MT tusov et al. (2006) proposed leaving the decision to
Evaluation and the 2011 Workshop on Statistical decoding time by connecting networks built using
Machine Translation. Identical pre-processing, de- each output as a skeleton into a large lattice. The
coding, and weight tuning algorithms were used to subnetworks in the latter approach may be weighted
quantitatively evaluate the alignment quality. Case by prior probabilities estimated from the alignment
insensitive BLEU score (Papineni et al., 2002) was statistics (Rosti et al., 2007a). Since different align-
used as the translation quality metric. ment algorithm produce different statistics and the
gain from the weights is relatively small (Rosti et al.,
2 Confusion Network Decoding 2011), weights for the subnetworks were not used
in this work. The hypothesis alignment algorithms
A confusion network is a linear graph where all
used in this work are briefly described in the follow-
paths visit all nodes. Two consecutive nodes may be
ing section.
connected by one or more arcs. Given the arcs repre-
The confusion networks in this work were repre-
sent words in hypotheses, multiple arcs connecting
sented in a text lattice format shown in Figure 2.
two consecutive nodes can be viewed as alternative
Each line corresponds to an arc, where J is the arc
words in that position of a set of hypotheses encoded
index, S is the start node index, E is the end node in-
by the network. A special NULL token represents
dex, SC is the score vector, and W is the word label.
a skipped word and will not appear in the system
The score vector has as many elements as there are
combination output. For example, three hypotheses
input systems. The elements correspond to each sys-
outputs (Rosti et al., 2011). tem and indicate whether a word from a particular

J=0 S=0 E=1 SC=(1,1,0) W=twelve unique n-gram contexts before LM scores can be as-
J=1 S=0 E=1 SC=(0,0,1) W=dozen signed the arcs. Using long n-gram context may re-
J=2 S=1 E=2 SC=(1,0,0) W=big quire pruning to reduce memory usage. Given uni-
J=3 S=1 E=2 SC=(0,1,1) W=NULL form initial system weights, pruning may remove
J=4 S=2 E=3 SC=(1,0,1) W=blue desirable paths. In this work, the lattices were ex-
J=5 S=2 E=3 SC=(0,1,0) W=NULL panded to bi-gram context and no pruning was per-
J=6 S=3 E=4 SC=(1,1,1) W=cars formed. A set of bi-gram decoding weights were
tuned directly on the expanded lattices using a dis-
Figure 2: A lattice in text format representing the con- tributed optimizer (Rosti et al., 2010). Since the
fusion network in Figure 1. J is the arc index, S and E
score in Equation 2 is not a simple log-linear inter-
are the start and end node indexes, SC is a vector of arc
scores, and W is the word label. polation, the standard minimum error rate training
(Och, 2003) with exact line search cannot be used.
Instead, downhill simplex (Press et al., 2007) was
system was aligned to a given link2 . These may be used in the optimizer client. After bi-gram decod-
viewed as system specific word confidences, which ing weight optimization, another set of 5-gram re-
are binary when aligning 1-best system outputs. If scoring weights were tuned on 300-best lists gener-
no word from a hypothesis is aligned to a given link, ated from the bi-gram expanded lattices.
a NULL word token is generated provided one does
not already exist, and the corresponding element in
the NULL word token is set to one. The system
specific word scores are kept separate in order to 3 Hypothesis Alignment Algorithms
exploit system weights in decoding. Given system
weights wn , which sum to one, and system specific
word scores snj for each arc j (the SC elements), the Two different methods have been proposed for
weighted word scores are defined as: building confusion networks: pairwise and incre-
mental alignment. In pairwise alignment, each
sj = wn snj (1) hypothesis corresponding to a source sentence is
n=1 aligned independently with the skeleton hypothe-
sis. This set of alignments is consolidated using the
where Ns is the number of input systems. The hy-
skeleton words as anchors to form the confusion net-
pothesis score is defined as the sum of the log-word-
work (Matusov et al., 2006; Sim et al., 2007). The
scores along the path, which is linearly interpolated
same word in two hypotheses may be aligned with a
with a logarithm of the language model (LM) score
different word in the skeleton resulting in repetition
and a non-NULL word count:
in the network. A two-pass alignment algorithm to
S(E|F ) = log sj + γSLM (E) + δNw (E) improve pairwise TER alignments was introduced in
j∈J (E) (Ayan et al., 2008). In incremental alignment (Rosti
(2) et al., 2008), the confusion network is initialized by
where J (E) is the sequence of arcs generating the forming a simple graph with one word per link from
hypothesis E for the source sentence F , SLM (E) the skeleton hypothesis. Each remaining hypothesis
is the LM score, and Nw (E) is the number of is aligned with the partial confusion network, which
non-NULL words. The set of weights θ = allows words from all previous hypotheses be con-
{w1 , . . . , wNs , γ, δ} can be tuned so as to optimize sidered as matches. The order in which the hypothe-
an evaluation metric on a development set. ses are aligned may influence the alignment qual-
Decoding with an n-gram language model re- ity. Rosti et al. (2009) proposed a sentence specific
quires expanding the lattice to distinguish paths with alignment order by choosing the unaligned hypoth-
A link is used as a synonym to the set of arcs between two
esis closest to the partial confusion network accord-
consecutive nodes. The name refers to the confusion network ing to TER. The following five alignment algorithms
structure’s resemblance to a sausage. were used in this study.

3.1 Pairwise GIZA++ Enhanced Hypothesis alignment of system outputs. ITGs form an edit
Alignment distance, invWER (Leusch et al., 2003), that per-
mits properly nested block movements of substrings.
Matusov et al. (2006) proposed using the GIZA++
For well-formed sentences, this may be more nat-
Toolkit (Och and Ney, 2003) to align a set of tar-
ural than allowing arbitrary shifts. The ITG algo-
get language translations. A parallel corpus where
rithm is very expensive due to its O(n6 ) complexity.
each system output acting as a skeleton appears as
The search algorithm for the best ITG alignment, a
a translation of all system outputs corresponding to
best-first chart parsing (Charniak et al., 1998), was
the same source sentence. The IBM Model 1 (Brown
augmented with an A∗ search heuristic of quadratic
et al., 1993) and hidden Markov model (HMM) (Vo-
complexity (Klein and Manning, 2003), resulting in
gel et al., 1996) are used to estimate the alignment.
significant reduction in computational complexity.
Alignments from both “translation” directions are
The finite state-machine heuristic computes a lower
used to obtain symmetrized alignments by interpo-
bound to the alignment cost of two strings by allow-
lating the HMM occupation statistics (Matusov et
ing arbitrary word re-orderings. The ITG hypothesis
al., 2004). The algorithm may benefit from the fact
alignment algorithm was extended to operate incre-
that it considers the entire test set when estimating
mentally in (Karakos et al., 2010) and a novel ver-
the alignment model parameters; i.e., word align-
sion where the cost function is computed based on
ment links from all output sentences influence the
the stem/synonym similarity of (Snover et al., 2009)
estimation, whereas other alignment algorithms only
was used in this work. Also, a sentence specific
consider words within a pair of sentences (pairwise
alignment order was used. This aligner is referred
alignment) or all outputs corresponding to a single
to as iITGp later in this paper.
source sentence (incremental alignment). However,
it does not naturally extend to incremental align- 3.4 Incremental Translation Edit Rate
ment. The monotone one-to-one alignments are then Alignment with Flexible Matching
transformed into a confusion network. This aligner
is referred to as GIZA later in this paper. Sim et al. (2007) proposed using translation edit rate
scorer3 to obtain pairwise alignment of system out-
3.2 Incremental Indirect Hidden Markov puts. The TER scorer tries to find shifts of blocks
Model Alignment of words that minimize the edit distance between
the shifted reference and a hypothesis. Due to the
He et al. (2008) proposed using an indirect hidden
computational complexity, a set of heuristics is used
Markov model (IHMM) for pairwise alignment of
to reduce the run time (Snover et al., 2006). The
system outputs. The parameters of the IHMM are
pairwise TER hypothesis alignment algorithm was
estimated indirectly from a variety of sources in-
extended to operate incrementally in (Rosti et al.,
cluding semantic word similarity, surface word sim-
2008) and also extended to consider synonym and
ilarity, and a distance-based distortion penalty. The
stem matches in (Rosti et al., 2009). The shift
alignment between two target language outputs are
heuristics were relaxed for flexible matching to al-
treated as the hidden states. A standard Viterbi al-
low shifts of blocks of words as long as the edit dis-
gorithm is used to infer the alignment. The pair-
tance is decreased even if there is no exact match in
wise IHMM was extended to operate incrementally
the new position. A sentence specific alignment or-
in (Li et al., 2009). Sentence specific alignment or-
der was used by this aligner, which is referred to as
der is not used by this aligner, which is referred to
iTER later in this paper.
as iIHMM later in this paper.
3.5 Incremental Translation Edit Rate Plus
3.3 Incremental Inversion Transduction
Grammar Alignment with Flexible
Matching Snover et al. (2009) extended TER scoring to con-
sider synonyms and paraphrase matches, called
Karakos et al. (2008) proposed using inversion trans-
duction grammars (ITG) (Wu, 1997) for pairwise˜snover/tercom/

TER-plus (TERp). The shift heuristics in TERp outputs were detokenized before computing case in-
were also relaxed relative to TER. Shifts are allowed sensitive BLEU scores. Statistical significance was
if the words being shifted are: (i) exactly the same, computed for each pairwise comparison using boot-
(ii) synonyms, stems or paraphrases of the corre- strapping (Koehn, 2004).
sponding reference words, or (iii) any such combina-
tion. Xu et al. (2011) proposed using an incremental Decode Oracle
version of TERp for building consensus networks. A Aligner tune test tune test
sentence specific alignment order was used by this GIZA 60.06 57.95 75.06 74.47
aligner, which is referred to as iTERp later in this iTER 59.74 58.63† 73.84 73.20
paper. iTERp 60.18 59.05† 76.43 75.58
iIHMM 60.51 59.27†‡ 76.50 76.17
4 Experimental Evaluation iITGp 60.65 59.37†‡ 76.53 76.05
Combination experiments were performed on (i) Table 2: Case insensitive BLEU scores for NIST MT09
Arabic-English, from the informal system combi- Arabic-English system combination outputs. Note, four
nation track of the 2009 NIST Open MT Evalua- reference translations were available. Decode corre-
tion4 ; (ii) German-English from the system com- sponds to results after weight tuning and Oracle corre-
sponds to graph TER oracle. Dagger (†) denotes statisti-
bination evaluation of the 2011 Workshop on Sta-
cally significant difference compared to GIZA and double
tistical Machine Translation (Callison-Burch et al., dagger (‡) compared to iTERp and the aligners above it.
2011) (WMT11) and (iii) Spanish-English, again
from WMT11. Eight top-performing systems (as
The BLEU scores for Arabic-English system
evaluated using case-insensitive BLEU) were used
combination outputs are shown in Table 2. The first
in each language pair. Case insensitive BLEU scores
column (Decode) shows the scores on tune and test
for the individual system outputs on the tuning and
sets for the decoding outputs. The second column
test sets are shown in Table 1. About 300 and
(Oracle) shows the scores for oracle hypotheses ob-
800 sentences with four reference translations were
tained by aligning the reference translations with the
available for Arabic-English tune and test sets, re-
confusion networks and choosing the path with low-
spectively, and about 500 and 2500 sentences with a
est graph TER (Rosti et al., 2008). The rows rep-
single reference translation were available for both
resenting different aligners are sorted according to
German-English and Spanish-English tune and test
the test set decoding scores. The order of the BLEU
sets. The system outputs were lower-cased and to-
scores for the oracle translations do not always fol-
kenized before building confusion networks using
low the order for the decoding outputs. This may be
the five hypothesis alignment algorithms described
due to differences in the compactness of the confu-
above. Unpruned English bi-gram and 5-gram lan-
sion networks. A more compact network has fewer
guage models were trained with about 6 billion
paths and is therefore less likely to contain signif-
words available for these evaluations. Multiple com-
icant parts of the reference translation, whereas a
ponent language models were trained after dividing
reference translation may be generated from a less
the monolingual corpora by source. Separate sets
compact network. On Arabic-English, all incremen-
of interpolation weights were tuned for the NIST
tal alignment algorithms are significantly better than
and WMT experiments to minimize perplexity on
the pairwise GIZA, incremental IHMM and ITG
the English reference translations of the previous
with flexible matching are significantly better than
evaluations, NIST MT08 and WMT10. The sys-
all other algorithms, but not significantly different
tem combination weights, both bi-gram lattice de-
from each other. The incremental TER and TERp
coding and 5-gram 300-best list re-scoring weights,
were statistically indistinguishable. Without flexi-
were tuned separately for lattices build with each hy-
ble matching, iITG yields a BLEU score of 58.85 on
pothesis alignment algorithm. The final re-scoring
test. The absolute BLEU gain over the best individ-
4 ual system was between 6.2 and 7.6 points on the
mt/2009/ResultsRelease/indexISC.html test set.

Arabic German Spanish
System tune test tune test tune test
A 48.84 48.54 21.96 21.41 27.71 27.13
B 49.15 48.97 22.61 21.80 28.42 27.90
C 49.30 49.50 22.77 21.99 28.57 28.23
D 49.38 49.59 22.90 22.41 29.00 28.41
E 49.42 49.75 22.90 22.65 29.15 28.50
F 50.28 50.69 22.98 22.65 29.53 28.61
G 51.49 50.81 23.41 23.06 29.89 29.82
H 51.72 51.74 24.28 24.16 30.55 30.14
Table 1: Case insensitive BLEU scores for the individual system outputs on the tune and test sets for all three source

Decode Oracle Decode Oracle

Aligner tune test tune test Aligner tune test tune test
GIZA 25.93 26.02 37.32 38.22 iTERp 34.20 33.61 50.45 51.28
iTERp 26.46 26.10 38.16 38.76 GIZA 34.02 33.62 50.23 51.20
iTER 26.27 26.39† 37.00 37.66 iTER 34.44 33.79 50.39 50.39
iIHMM 26.34 26.40† 37.87 38.48 iITGp 34.41 33.85 50.55 51.33
iITGp 26.47 26.50† 37.99 38.60 iIHMM 34.61 34.05† 50.48 51.27

Table 3: Case insensitive BLEU scores for WMT11 Table 4: Case insensitive BLEU scores for WMT11
German-English system combination outputs. Note, only Spanish-English system combination outputs. Note, only
a single reference translation per segment was available. a single reference translation per segment was available.
Decode corresponds to results after weight tuning and Decode corresponds to results after weight tuning and
Oracle corresponds to graph TER oracle. Dagger (†) Oracle corresponds to graph TER oracle. Dagger (†)
denotes statistically significant difference compared to denotes statistically significant difference compared to
iTERp and GIZA. aligners above iIHMM.

points on the test set.

The BLEU scores for German-English system
combination outputs are shown in Table 3. Again,
5 Error Analysis
the graph TER oracle scores do not follow the same
order as the decoding scores. The scores for GIZA Error analysis was performed to better understand
and iTERp are statistically indistinguishable, and the gains from system combination. Specifically, (i)
iTER, iIHMM, and iITGp are significantly better how the different types of translation errors are af-
than the first two. However, they are not statistically fected by system combination was investigated; and
different from each other. Without flexible match- (ii) an attempt to quantify the correlation between
ing, iITG yields a BLEU score of 26.47 on test. The the word agreement that results from the different
absolute BLEU gain over the best individual system aligners and the translation error, as measured by
was between 1.9 and 2.3 points on the test set. TER (Snover et al., 2006), was made.
The BLEU scores for Spanish-English system
combination outputs are shown in Table 4. All align- 5.1 Influence on Error Types
ers but iIHMM are statistically indistinguishable and For each one of the individual systems, and for each
iIHMM is significantly better than all other align- one of the three language pairs, the per-sentence er-
ers. Without flexible matching, iITG yields a BLEU rors that resulted from that system, as well as from
score of 33.62 on test. The absolute BLEU gain over each one of the the different aligners studied in this
the best individual system was between 3.5 and 3.9 paper, were computed. The errors were broken

down into insertions/deletions/substitutions/shifts non-NULL words NULL words
based on the TER scorer. weak strong weak strong
The error counts at the document level were ag- Arabic 0.087 -0.068 0.192 0.094
gregated. For each document in each collection, the German 0.117 -0.067 0.206 0.147
number of errors of each type that resulted from each Spanish 0.085 -0.134 0.323 0.102
individual system as well as each system combina-
tion were measured, and their difference was com- Table 6: Regression coefficients of the “strong” and
puted. If the differences are mostly positive, then ”weak” agreement features, as computed with a gener-
it can be said (with some confidence) that system alized linear model, using TER as the target variable.
combination has a significant impact in reducing the
error of that type. A paired Wilcoxon test was per- of the combined systems contribute a word. To sig-
formed and the p-value that quantifies the probabil- nify the fact that real words and “NULL” tokens
ity that the measured error reduction was achieved have different roles and should be treated separately,
under the null hypothesis that the system combina- two sets of agreement statistics were computed.
tion performs as well as the best system was com- A regression with a generalized linear model
puted. (glm) that computed the coefficients of the agree-
Table 5 shows all conditions under consideration. ment quantities (as explained above) for each align-
All cases where the p-value is below 10−2 are con- ment scheme, using TER as the target variable, was
sidered statistically significant. Two observations performed. Table 6 shows the regression coeffi-
are in order: (i) all alignment schemes significantly cients; they are all significant at p-value < 0.001.
reduce the number of substitution/shift errors; (ii) As is clear from this table, the negative coefficient of
in the case of insertions/deletions, there is no clear the “strong” agreement quantity for the non-NULL
trend; there are cases where the system combination words points to the fact that good aligners tend to
increases the number of insertions/deletions, com- result in reductions in translation error. Further-
pared to the individual systems. more, increasing agreements on NULL tokens does
5.2 Relationship between Word Agreement not seem to reduce TER.
and Translation Error
6 Conclusions
This set of experiments aimed to quantify the rela-
tionship between the translation error rate and the This paper presented a systematic comparison of
amount of agreement that resulted from each align- five different hypothesis alignment algorithms for
ment scheme. The amount of system agreement at MT system combination via confusion network de-
a level x is measured by the number of cases (con- coding. Pre-processing, decoding, and weight tun-
fusion network arcs) where x system outputs con- ing were controlled and only the alignment algo-
tribute the same word in a confusion network bin. rithm was varied. Translation quality was compared
For example, the agreement at level 2 is equal to 2 qualitatively using case insensitive BLEU scores.
in Figure 1 because there are exactly 2 arcs (with The results showed that confusion network decod-
words “twelve” and “blue”) that resulted from the ing yields a significant gain over the best individ-
agreement of 2 systems. Similarly, the agreement at ual system irrespective of the alignment algorithm.
level 3 is 1, because there is only 1 arc (with word Differences between the combination output using
“cars”) that resulted from the agreement of 3 sys- different alignment algorithms were relatively small,
tems. It is hypothesized that a sufficiently high level but incremental alignment consistently yielded bet-
of agreement should be indicative of the correctness ter translation quality compared to pairwise align-
of a word (and thus indicative of lower TER). The ment based on these experiments and previously
agreement statistics were grouped into two values: published literature. Incremental IHMM and a novel
the “weak” agreement statistic, where at most half incremental ITG with flexible matching consistently
of the combined systems contribute a word, and the yield highest quality combination outputs. Further-
“strong” agreement statistic, where more than half more, an error analysis shows that most of the per-

Language Aligner ins del sub shft
GIZA 2.2e-16 0.9999 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
iHMM 2.2e-16 0.433 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
Arabic iITGp 0.8279 2.2e-16 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
iTER 4.994e-07 3.424e-11 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
iTERp 2.2e-16 1 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
GIZA 7.017e-12 2.588e-06 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
iHMM 6.858e-07 0.4208 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
German iITGp 0.8551 0.2848 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
iTER 0.2491 1.233e-07 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
iTERp 0.9997 0.007489 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
GIZA 2.2e-16 0.8804 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
iHMM 2.2e-16 1 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
Spanish iITGp 2.2e-16 0.9999 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
iTER 2.2e-16 1 2.2e-16 2.2e-16
iTERp 3.335e-16 1 2.2e-16 2.2e-16

Table 5: p-values which show which error types are statistically significantly improved for each language and aligner.

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