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Amit RR

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I would like to thank my guide Prof. Gaurav kumar miss for their valuable guidance
and asistance.

I sincearly thanks Head of Department, civil engineering fot his kind co operation
and technical support rendered by him in making my seminar success .

I sincearly thank all staff of the civil engineering Department for providing their
valuable guidance and support.

Above all Iwoud like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to all friends for
their valuable comments and suggetionsfor making this work a sucess.

Amit kumar


This paper revies the type of bacteria used in concrete as a healing agents.
This paper also gives a brief description of the various properties of concrete
which vary with the addition of bacteria. Micro-cracks are inherently present
in concrete. This causes degradation of concrete leading to ingress of
deleterious substances into concrete, resulting in deterioration of structures.
Due to this concrete needs to be rehabilitated. To surmount these situations
self-healing techniques are adopted. By the addition of urease engendering
bacteria along with calcium source results in calcite precipitation in concrete.
Bio-mineralization techniques give promising results in sealing the
microcracks in concrete. The freshly composed micro-cracks can be sealed up
by perpetual hydration process in concrete. The ureolytic bacteria which
include Bacillus Pasteurii, Bacillus Subtilis which can engender urea are
integrated along with the calcium source to seal the freshly composed micro
cracks by CaCO3 precipitation. For the amelioration of pore structure in
concrete, the bacterial concentrations were optimized for better results. The
literature shows that Encapsulation method will give better results than
direct application method and also shows that the use of bacteria can
increase the strength and durability properties of concrete.

Concrete which forms major components in the construction Industry as it is

cheap, easily available and convenient to cast. But drawback of these
materials is it is weak in tension so, it cracks under sustained loading and due
to aggressive environmental agents which ultimately reduce the life of the
structure which are built using these materials. This process of damage
occurs in the early life of the building structure and also during its life time.
Synthetic materials like epoxies are used for remediation .But,they are not
compatible, costly, reduce aesthetic appearance and need constant
maintenance .Therefore bacterial induced Calcium Carbonate (calcite)
precipitation has been proposed as an alternative and environment friendly
crack remediation and hence improvement of strength of building materials

A novel technique is adopted in remediating cracks and fissures in calcium

concrete by utilizing Microbiologically Induced Calcite Or Carbonate (CaCO3)
Precipitation (MICP) is a technique that comes under a broader category of
science called biomineralization . MICP is highly desirable because the Calcite
precipitation induced as a result of microbial activities is pollution free and
natural .The technique can be used to improve the compressive strength and
stiffness of cracked concrete specimens. Research leading to microbial
Calcium Carbonate precipitation and its ability to heal cracks of construction
materials has led to many applications like crack remediation of
concrete ,sand consolidation ,restoration of historical monuments and other

applications. So it can be defined as “The process can occur inside or outside

the microbial cell or even some distance away within the concrete .Often
bacterial activities simply trigger a change in solution chemistry that leads to
over saturation and mineral precipitation.Use of these Bio mineralogy
concepts in concrete leads to potential invention of new material called –
Bacterial Concrete.

Autogenously crack-healing capacity of concrete has been recognized in

several recent studies .Mainly micro cracks with widths typically in the range
of 0.05 to 0.1mm have been observed to become completely sealed
particularly under repetitive dry/wet cycles .The mechanism of this
autogenously healing is chiefly due to secondary hydration of non or partially
reacted cement particles present in the concrete matrix. Due to capillary
forces water is repeatedly drawn into the micro cracks under changing wet
and dry cycles, resulting in expansion of hydrated cement particles due to the
formation of calcium silicate hydrates and calcium hydroxide. These reaction
products are able to completely seal cracks provided that crack widths are
small. Larger sized cracks can only be partially filled due to the limited
amount of non - reacted cement particles present, thus resulting in only a
thin layer of hydration products on the crack surface. For these reasons,
alternative and more sustainable self- healing mechanism are therefore


There are various types of bacteria were used in construction area

· Bacillus pasteurii

· Bacillus sphaericus

· Escherichia coli

· Bacillus subtilis

· Bacillus pseudofirmus

Bacterial concrete can be prepared in two ways

· By direct application

· By encapsulation in light weight concrete

By the method of direct application bacterial spores and calcium lactate are
added directly while making the concrete and mixed .Here when the crack
occurs in the concrete bacterial spores broke and bacteria comes to life
comes to life and feed on the calcium lactate and limestone is produced
which fill the cracks.

By encapsulation method the bacteria and its food , calcium lactate ,are
placed inside treated clay pellets and concrete is made. About 6% of the clay
pellets are added for making bacterial concrete. When concrete structures
are made with bacterial concrete, when the crack occurs in the structure and
clay pellets are broken and bacterial treatment occurs and hence the
concrete s healed. Minor cracks about 0.5mm width can be treated by using
bacterial concrete.

Among these two methods encapsulation method is commonly used, even

though it’s costlier than direct application .Bacillus bacteria are harmless to
human life and hence it can be used effectively.

Self-healing concrete is a product that will biologically produce limestone to

heal cracks that appear on the surface of concrete structures .Specially
selected types of the bacteria genus Bacillus, along with a calcium-based
nutrient known as calcium lactate, and nitrogen and phosphorus, are added
to the ingredients of the concrete when it is being mixed. These self-healing
agents can lie dormant within the concrete for up to 200 years.

However, when a concrete structure is damaged and water starts to seep

through the cracks that appear in the concrete, the spores of the bacteria
germinate on contact with the water and nutrients. Having been activated,
the bacteria start to feed on the calcium lactate. As the bacteria feeds
oxygen is consumed and the soluble calcium lactate is converted to insoluble
limestone. The limestone solidifies on the cracked surface, thereby sealing it
up. It mimics the process by which bone fractures in the human body are
naturally healed by osteoblast cells that mineralize to re-form the bone.

The consumption of oxygen during the bacterial conversion of calcium

lactate to limestone has an additional advantage. Oxygen is an essential
element in the process of corrosion of steel and when the bacterial activity
has consumed it all it increases the durability of steel reinforced concrete

In the crack fixing process the anaerobic type bacteria which can be using
along with concrete can be fix that crack by step by step. At first germination
of germs by spores and swarming themselves and quorum sensing and
growing from proper medium in large amount in particular time and from the
metabolism process leans glue is produce and making such type of
filamentous cell formation and precipitation CaCO3.This both material
combine with each other and making cementations material.


(7.1) As bacteria feeds oxygen is consumed and the soluble calcium lactate is
converted to insoluble. limestone.

(7.2) The limestone solidifies on the cracked surface , there by sealing itself .

(7.3) Reactiotion

Ca(C3H5O2)2+7O2 CaCO3+5O2+5H20

(7.4) The crystal expand until the entire gap is filled.




1. Microbial Concrete in Crack Remediation: Specimens were filled with

bacteria, nutrients and sand. Significant increase in compressive strength and
stiffness values as compared to those without cells was demonstrated. 2.
Improvement in Compressive Strength of Concrete: Compressive strength
test results are used to determine that the concrete mixture as delivered
meets the requirements of the job specification .So the effect of microbial
concrete on compressive strength of concrete and mortar was studied and it
was observed that significant enhancement in the strength of concrete and
mortar can be seen upon application of bacteria 2. Better Resistance towards
Freeze- Thaw Attack Reduction: Application of microbial calcite may help in
resistance towards Freeze –thaw reduction due to bacterial chemical process
and also it can reduce the permeability than freezing process decreased. 4.
Reduction in Permeability of Concrete: Effect of microbial concrete on
permeation properties was studied by different researchers .Permeability can
be investigated by carbonation tests as it is increasingly apparent that
decrease in gas permeability due to surface treatments results in an
increased resistance towards carbonation and chloride ingress .Carbonation
is related to the nature and connectivity of the pores, with larger pores giving
rise to higher carbonation depths. 5. Reduction in corrosion of reinforced
concrete: application of microbial calcite may ingress and improves the life of
reinforced concrete structures


1. Cost of bacterial concrete is double than conventional concrete

2. Growth of bacteria is not good in any atmosphere and media

3. The clay pellets holding the self-healing agent comprise 20% of the volume
of the concrete.

4. Design of mix concrete with bacteria here is no available any IS code or

other code

5. Investigation of calcite precipitate is costly


The cost of self-healing concrete is about double that of conventional

concrete, which is presently about €80 euros per cubic metre. At around
€160 per cubic metre, self-healing concrete would only be a viable product
for certain civil engineering structures where the cost of concrete is much
higher on account of being much higher quality, for example tunnel linings
and marine structures where safety is a big factor – or in structures where
there is limited access available for repair and maintenance. In these cases
the increase in cost by introducing the self-healing agents should not be too

Added to this, if produced on an industrial scale it is thought that the self-

healing concrete could come down in cost considerably. If the life of the
structure can be extended by 30%, the doubling in the cost of the actual
concrete would still save a lot of money in the longer term. Research is
currently working on the development of an improved and more economic
version of the bacteria-based healing agent which is expected to raise
concrete costs only by a few euros.

A second self-healing agent that will be much cheaper and also would result
in much stronger concrete is being developed. Presently the majority of the
extra cost comes from the calcium lactate which is very expensive. The
process of embedding the bacteria and nutrients into the pellets is also
expensive because it involves a vacuum technique. A sugar-based food
nutrient would potentially bring down the cost of the self-healing concrete to
€85-90 per cubic metre. But a sugar-based nutrient would not remain intact
within expanded clay pellets as calcium lactate does. Much of the sugar
would be dissolved and it would delay the setting time of the concrete. The
new selfhealing agent being developed would immobilise the sugar-based
nutrient during the mixing process. So the team has now developed an
alternative self-healing agent with a new shape and form and the way that
the bacteria and nutrients would be stored would be totally different. The
new healing agent would comprise only 3-5% of the overall volume and the
concrete would therefore be much stronger. The new selfhealing agent
would be a viable product for most structural concrete applications .If the
cost of the self-healing agent can be brought down sufficiently and the
concerns over the long-term effects on the concrete performance properly
addressed, then the product could have great potential.

The use of microbial concrete in Bio Geo Civil Engineering has become increasingly
popular .From enhancement in durability of cementations materials to
improvement in sand properties, from repair of limestone monuments, sealing of
concrete cracks to highly durable bricks, microbial concrete has been successful in
one and all. This new technology can provide ways for low cost and durable roads,
high strength buildings with bearing capacity, long lasting river banks, erosion
prevention of loose sands and low cost durable housing. Another issue in
conventional building materials is the high production of greenhouse gases and high
energy consumed during production of these materials and these greenhouse gases
leads to global warming. High construction cost of building materials is another
drawback in such cases. These drawbacks have lead to use of novel , eco-
friendly ,self-healing and energy efficient technology where microbes are used for
remediation of building materials and enhancement in the durability characteristics.

1. Bacterial concrete technology has proved to be better than many

conventional technologies because of its eco- friendly nature, self-healing
abilities and increase in durability of various building materials.

2. Work of various researchers has improved our understanding on the

possibilities and limitations of biotechnological applications on building

3. Enhancement of compressive strength, reduction in permeability, water

absorption, reinforced corrosion have been seen in various cementitious and
stone materials.

4. In bacterial concrete interconnectivity of pores is disturbed due to

plugging of pores with calcite crystals.Since interconnected pores are
significant for permeability ,the water permeability is decreased in bacteria
treated specimens.

5. Cementation by this method is very easy and convenient for usage. This
will soon provide the basis for high quality structures that will be cost
effective and environmentally safe but, more work is required to improve the
feasibility of this technology from both an economical and practical

6. The application of bacerial concrete to construction may also simplify

some of the existing construction processes and revolutionize the ways of
new construction processes.

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