Low Cost Const
Low Cost Const
Low Cost Const
1. Lal, K (2011) Handbook of Low Cost Housing, 1st Edition. New Age
International Publisher
1. What is low cost construction??
2. Why we have to study about low cost construction??
Low Cost Construction
• Housing is a basic need of human being (To stay healthy, Entire life).
• But this is out of the means of low income house holder who constitute majority of
population in our country.
• In India maximum affordability of household was defined to be 5.1 times the
household’s total gross income as compared to the developed countries.
• With an annual population growth rate of 1.64 % as compared to world population
growth rate of 1.23 % during the last decade there would be a great demand to fulfill
housing needs in coming years.
• Low cost housing is a different concept which deals with effective costing and
following of sustainable building techniques.
• Low cost housing is done by proper management of resources
• Low cost housing ( Is it for weaker section only???) (Income level, size of dwelling
unit and affordability).
• There is a huge misconception that low cost housing is suitable for only sub normal
works and they are built by using cheap building materials of low quality.
• It has now became a necessity to adopt cost effective, innovative and
environment-friendly housing technologies for the construction of houses and
buildings and availing them at low cost comparatively.
Factors on which the cost will depend
Shape of house (to be square which is the most economical shape), Time, materials used and
Factors Considered for the Construction
Strength and durability, safety and mental satisfaction are factors that assume top priority
during cost reduction
Construction of Houses – Enormous demand of building materials like steel, cement
and wood etc (Traditional materials).
• The continuous exploitation and depletion of natural resources is harming the
• More- over, different toxic substances such as carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen
oxides and suspended particulate matter are invariably emitted in the atmosphere during
manufacturing processes of traditional construction materials.
• Contaminates the air, water, soil, and aquatic life which influence the human health and
the standard of living
• To reduce this dependence on conventional building material there is a need to review
alternate building materials and formulate guidelines for their application in construction
Low cost house - Effective budgeting and use of techniques which help in reducing the cost
of construction by the use of locally available materials along with improved skills and
technology without compromising the strength, performance and life of the structure.
Seeing the past constructions one can see the use of natural materials like straw, bamboo, fibres
(jute, coir), earth etc. as an old practice in India (easy workability and speedy construction).
• High-quality building materials must always be used (long-lasting, have nice features,
and require only a little maintenance) ‘basic durability’
• A home must provide protection against the effects of the regional climate condition, such
as coldness and heat, wind, rain, etc. In addition, the house must offer the residents safety
and privacy, and it should never collapse.
• Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tropical storms, and floods, place unique technical
demands on the dwellings’ structures and materials.
• In areas that are seriously threatened, the construction of houses must be prohibited,
through adequate planning regulations, especially in areas that can’t be protected by
technical measures such as dikes in flood areas.
• Due to climate change, natural phenomena are becoming more violent, and thus the
requirements for the durability of a building’s structure and its materials need more
Durability and Sustainability
• Sustainable house building - Protecting the environment, the climate and the natural
• Objective - Housing does not contribute to climate change or emissions of greenhouse
gases - CO2 gas in particular.
• If the import of concrete building materials and the associated high transport costs can be
avoided, the (climate) benefits are immediate.
• If the use of fossil fuels can be avoided, both in the procurement of raw-materials and in
the production and the transport of materials, environmental benefits are gained.
• For example, in the production of bricks and roof tiles, clay is often collected locally and
fired with wood in kilns, but then one can’t speak of sustainable building materials even
though they may be long-lasting or durable.
• In general, the use of concrete is not sustainable (energy used and transport)
• The conditions in the region determine the construction techniques that are needed
regarding strength and resilience. (In earthquake zones - earthquake resistant, For house
building in flood plains, specially adapted technical requirements may be applied.
• The safety of the buildings must always have priority. (fire safety)
• In all cases, adequate building codes and building control must be available and applied,
which is not always the case.
• Applying new technologies to local building materials can facilitate the improvement of
traditional techniques in local communities. Professional assistance for individual
households and local communities should be available in order to
1. Avoid disinvestments and apply sustainable materials and techniques,
2. Find financing for the construction of a house or parts of it,
3. Make safety arrangements for those areas threatened by major natural phenomena.
• Building materials, construction techniques, and building cultures are present in a
particular district.
• Research should be performed regarding the presence and quality of local raw materials
such as wood, bamboo, sand, gravel, clay, loam, lime, etc.
• Mostly, these materials are not found in urbanized areas, but in the surrounding rural areas
one can find them.
• The extraction of the raw materials must be done in a sustainable manner, and physical
planning and management are necessary.
• Local residents, craftsmen, and local companies can be involved in the procurement of
raw materials and their processing into ready-to-use building materials.
• Preferably, the (future) residents are involved in designing their houses by creating the
floor plan, choosing the building materials, and participating in the house construction or
the home improvement. (NGOs should involve )
Promising Building Materials for Low-cost Housing
The construction aspect must always be well attended, meaning it requires adequate
foundations and structures. Below, attention is given to the following five groups of building
Production of 1 ton of
cement emits > 1 ton
of CO2 in the
Production of 1 ton of
steel emits > 2 ton of
CO2 in the atmosphere
strength to
mass ratio.
Mechanical Properties of Bamboo, a Natural Composite
(S. C. LAKKAD, J. M. PATEL, 1980)
• Wood
– Hard, fibrous material that makes up tree under bark
• Trunk of tree accounts for 80% of total bulk of wood
• Timber
– Wood which retains its natural physical structure and
chemical composition and is suitable for various engineering
• Classification
– On the basis of (IS 399)
• Position
• Modulus of Elasticity
• Availability
• Durability
• Seasoning Characteristics
• Treatability
– On the basis of Grading (IS 6534)
• Characteristics of Good Timber
– Principal
• Strength
• Durability
• Finished appearance
– Narrow annual rings
• Closer the rings greater the strength
– Compact medullary rays
– Dark colour
– Uniform texture
• Characteristics of Good Timber
– Sweet smell and a shining fresh cut surface
– When struck sonorous sound is produced
– Free from defects in timber
– Heavy weight
– No wooliness at fresh cut surface
• Seasoning of Timber
– Process of reducing moisture content (drying) of timber to
prevent possible fermentation and suitable for use (or)
– Process of drying wood to average humidity of surroundings
Building materials facility for CEBs and community training center in Jinja,
• facilitate local initiatives to improve the daily living conditions of the poor in
Jinja, in particular through the establishment of community savings groups
• These initiatives include the establishment of a community center in Walukuba
East Settlement
The provision of space where local slum dwellers can meet, or live temporarily;
Teaching and training facility for people who want to improve their
house-building skills;
Vocational training for income-generating activities.
• The facility in Jinja produces sustainable building materials with which homes
can be built or improved by means of selfhelp.
• Sells the building materials, provides technical assistance for the proper and
professional use of the materials in self-help construction, training in
construction skills and Students of local technical schools can also do
internships in this project and thus acquire practical skills.
Sustainability aspects of compressed earth blocks: In Uganda, the walls of houses are usually
built with fired bricks.
• Clay is extracted from the soil, and that the bricks are fired in kilns. Wood is used to fuel the
kilns, which leads to deforestation and the emission of CO2 among other things. This is far
from sustainable, certainly because this happens on a large scale and also in urban areas.
• Moreover, the process results in uneven bricks and 20 percent waste as the bricks
• closest to the heat source are over-fired while those farther away are under-fired. Building
walls with uneven bricks leads to excessive use of mortar.
Technological development of CEBs: Technological development of compressed earth blocks
(CEBs) can be achieved by using CEB machines to make the bricks or blocks.
• This ensures the bricks are consistently sized and highly pressure resistant. Another
advantage is that bricks can be produced in larger volumes.
• A CEB machine is costly and demands the use of fossil fuel, but only a very limited amount
compared to fired bricks.
• Homes made with CEBs have better moisture regulation and are more comfortable than
homes made with hollow concrete blocks.
• Press, mixer, and pulveriser, spraying system, screens and dosage equipment.
• Production capacity is 360 blocks per hour, for a block size of 295 × 140 × 90 mm.
Operation of the CEB machine requires the labour of 8-10 people.
• CEBs are made from soil that is 15-40% non-expansive clay, 25-40% silt powder,
and 40-70% sharp sand to small gravel content. The more modern machines do not
require aggregate (rock) to make a strong soil block for most applications. Soil
moisture content ranges from 4-12% by weight. Clay with a plasticity index (PI) of
up to 25 or 30 would be acceptable for most applications. The PI of the mixed soil
(clay, silt and sand/gravel combined) should not exceed 12 to 15
• CEB can have a compressive strength as high as 2,000 pounds per square inch.
Blocks with compressive strengths of 1,200 to 1,400 p.s.i. are common
Rs. 11
(i) Common building bricks—3.43 MPa
(ii) Second class bricks— 6.9 MPa
(iii) First class bricks— 10.3 MPa
• Effect of the addition of coal-ash and cassava peels on the
engineering properties of compressed earth blocks
• Analysis of the mechanical properties of compressed earth block
masonry using the sugarcane bagasse ash
• The use of gypsum mining by-product and lime on the engineering
properties of compressed earth blocks
• Experimental Investigation on the Properties of Compressed Earth
Blocks Stabilised with a Liquid Chemical
• Earthen construction materials: Assessing the feasibility of
improving strength and deformability of compressed earth blocks
using polypropylene fibers
• Effect of Gypsum Stabilization on Mechanical Properties of
Compressed Earth Blocks
• Effect of Banana Fibers on the Compressive and Flexural Strength
of Compressed Earth Blocks
Adobe blocks
• Adobe blocks are made from a mixture of clay-based soil, water, and sometimes straw.
• Wet adobe is formed into bricks and then laid out to dry in the sun for several days.
• The greatest disadvantage of adobe is its vulnerability to water and rain.
• Sometimes adobe is locally regarded as ‘the material of the poor’, which may restrict its
• Adobe blocks are used for the construction of walls, with wet adobe serving as the mortar.
• The use of this sustainable material is not very common in urban areas
• It is a material that is found and shaped in the rural villages.
• it is considered to be a sustainable and durable building material, in comparison with the
use of concrete, concrete blocks, and fired bricks.
• They offers insulation and can be earthquake resistant
• no cement is used and less CO2 is emitted
• The local and traditional construction methods in rural and isolated areas can be
well-preserved and re-developed.
• Experimental analysis of Pressed Adobe Blocks reinforced with Hibiscus
cannabinus fibers
• Performance of stabilized adobe blocks prepared using construction and
demolition waste
• Enhancing durability of adobe by natural reinforcement for propagating
sustainable mud housing
Due to the increasing cost of bitumen and
kerosene the cost of this treatment may be
as high as Rs. 10 per m2, A rural house
may have normally 40 m2 of outside wall
surface and the cost per household adds
upto Rs. 400/-; however, the durability of
the house will increase several fold.
Straw is derived from grasses and is regarded as a renewable building material since
71 its primary energy input is solar and it can be grown and harvested.
• Straw bales were first used for building over a century ago.
• Straw is the springy tubular stalk of grasses like wheat and rice that
are high in tensile strength.
• Straw is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignins and silica
• Different grasses have slightly different qualities: rice straw for
instance has a significant amount of silica, which adds density and
resistance to decomposition.
• Straw bale walls are surprisingly resistant to fire, vermin and decay.
• The final appearance of rendered straw bale can be very smooth and
almost indistinguishable from rendered masonry
• The structural capability of straw bales is surprisingly good. In the
loadbearing (‘Nebraska’ style) strawbale method, walls of up to three
storeys have been constructed.
• Centimetre for centimetre, straw has similar insulation value to fibreglass
• A typical strawbale wall has an R-value greater than 10.
• Dollar for dollar, the insulation value of a strawbale wall exceeds
conventional construction.
• Straw bales also provide cost effective sound insulation, which contributes
to the liveability of this kind of construction and can be quite marked
• Straw bales are tightly packed and covered with a skin of render. Fire can’t
burn without oxygen, and the dense walls provide a nearly airless
environment, so the fire resistance of compacted straw is very good.
• Provided the straw is protected and not allowed to get waterlogged,
strawbale buildings may have a lifetime of 100 years or more (Amazon
Nails 2001).
• The natural materials of strawbale construction are safe and
biodegradable. Some people are allergic to the dust created during
strawbale building. No toxic fumes are released when straw burns and
there is no toxic end to the strawbale construction cycle.
• Straw is a waste product; it cannot be used for feed, like hay, and much of
it is burned at the end of the season. Using straw for building reduces air
pollution and stores carbon.
• Straw bale is a low cost material but requires labour-intensive construction
techniques. Projects that incorporate some volunteer or workshop-based
construction can deliver cost savings.
Cashew Nut Shell Liquid
•High ductility
•High resistance to cracking width
•Ability to undergo large deflection
•Improved impact resistance and toughness
•Good fire resistance
•Good impermeability
•Low strength to weight ratio
•Low maintenance costs