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The Impact of Social Media Body Image and Dietary Habits Among Bukittinggi's Young Dancer

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e-ISSN: 2580-1163 (Online)

p-ISSN: 2580-9776 (Print) 546

Hanum and Maulida | Amerta Nutrition Vol. 7 Issue 4 (December 2023). 546-554.

English Version

The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among
Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer
Pengaruh Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari
Faiz Nur Hanum1*, Fathia Maulida1
1Nutrition Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Mohammad Natsir Bukittinggi University, Bukit Cangang Kayu Ramang,
Bukittinggi, Indonesia

ARTICLE INFO Background: Changes in growth and development in adolescents make their health
problems need special attention, which will affect nutritional status through changes in
Received: 05-01-2023 diet and lifestyle. Factors that influence adolescents' eating patterns are perceptions of
Accepted: 29-09-2023 body image, social media and environmental factors, and nutritional status changes.
Published online: 28-11-2023 Poor consumption patterns will affect the intake of nutrients consumed by adolescents,
as well as being more vulnerable to chronic diseases in adulthood.
*Correspondent: Objectives: This research aimed to determine the relationship between the use of social
Faiz Nur Hanum media, body image, and eating patterns among young dancers in the city of Bukittinggi.
[email protected] Methods: The quantitative method with a cross-sectional survey design approach. The
population of this study was adolescents aged 14-17 years who took part in traditional
DOI: dance studios in the City of Bukittinggi between January and March 2022. A sample of
10.20473/amnt.v7i4.2023.546- 47 respondents was obtained by collecting data using a questionnaire.
554 Results: Most respondents did not know about body image (66%). Most respondents
already have a good diet with a frequency of ≥3 times a day (93.6%) and consume
Available online at: various foods. There is no relationship between social media exposure and diet, body
https://e- image, eating patterns, the frequency of adolescents’ eating patterns, and nutritional
journal.unair.ac.id/AMNT status with a p-value > 0.05.
Conclusions: Teenagers, especially young dancers, must increase awareness about body
Keywords: image and eating patterns and be educated about how they learn and see social media.
Media Social, Body Image,
Teen’s Dancer

INTRODUCTION as eating a lot of meals heavy in sugar and salt but few
Adolescence is a transition period from childhood fruits and vegetables8. Teenagers' eating habits,
to adulthood and requires special attention, especially specifically their behavior, attitudes, and beliefs toward
related to diet and wellness1,2,3. Teenagers' lifestyles food selection, are factors that may have an impact on
change more frequently because of peer pressure and their nutritional status. Teenagers' diets and eating habits
other influences from the social environment, including can be affected by several variables, including
the internet. As a result, they tend to make poor knowledge, gender, environment, internet, economy,
independent decisions that negatively impact their and food sources8. One of the effects of a person's
health and nutritional status4. modifications is their body image. Body image is how
According to information from the World Health people perceive their bodies and judge their appearance
Organization (WHO), in 2014, 600 million adolescents in light of that view9.
globally were classified as obese and 1.9 billion as Radell (2012) found that dancers who often
overweight5. According to Health Research Data practice in front of mirrors feel pretty unhappy with their
(RISKESDAS), from 2013 to 2018, the percentage of performances. They must pay attention to every portion
teenagers who were obese went up from 1.6% to 4% 6,7, of their body, but even one area can cause anxiety,
while overweight increased from 5.7% to 9.5%. resulting in assessments of their optimum body weight10.
Bukittinggi has the highest percentage of overweight and In the field of dance, there are numerous possibilities and
obesity in West Sumatra, with a rate of 23.07% for adults extremes to garner recognition or notice. As one of the
and 15.9% for adolescents. Most youngsters have oldest creative forms, dance is unique in personality
unhealthy lifestyles and exhibit poor eating habits, such development, self-expression, and thought

Copyright ©2023 Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga

Open access under a CC BY – SA license | Joinly Published by IAGIKMI & Universitas Airlangga

How to cite: Hanum, F. N., & Maulida, F. (2023) The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer: Pengaruh
Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari Bukittinggi. Amerta Nutrition, 7(4), 546–554.
e-ISSN: 2580-1163 (Online)
p-ISSN: 2580-9776 (Print) 547
Hanum and Maulida | Amerta Nutrition Vol. 7 Issue 4 (December 2023). 546-554.

transmission11. Zulawa 2012 said, however, that a large growth and development, making them more vulnerable
number of dancers suffer from deficiency illnesses, eating to non-communicable diseases like heart disease, cancer,
disorders, metabolic abnormalities, anxiety, and chronic and osteoporosis in adulthood22,23. Based on this
exhaustion. The absence of calories in one's diet over information, researchers are curious to know how social
time impacts health problems12. media use affects adolescents' opinions of their bodies
Adolescents have different perceptions of body and their eating habits.
shape satisfaction. Body perception has a close
relationship with food choice factors13. Research by METHODS
Ramonda et al. (2019) showed that there was a In this study, variables were measured at a
relationship between body image and eating habits of certain period using a cross-sectional survey design using
adolescents with a p-value of 0.047 (<0.05)14. Based on a quantitative methodology. From January to March
Margiyanti's study (2020), the results showed p-value of 2022, this study was carried out at every traditional dance
0.016, meaning that there was a relationship between studio in Bukittinggi. The participants in this study were
diet and the nutritional status of young women. There teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17 who attended
was a relationship between body image and the traditional dance classes in the City of Bukittinggi. A
nutritional status of young women with a p-value of sample of 47 respondents was created using the
0.00014. This disorder often occurs in dancers due to high outcomes of sample calculations.
expectations of each dance genre. In general, young The data of the study were gathered through the
women who aspire to have an ideal body change their use of a questionnaire. The survey used in this study was
eating habits, resulting in unhealthy eating habits that do a modified version of the one in Tamia Dwi Anindita's
not meet the body's needs15. research14. A social media questionnaire reveals the
Social media and the internet, which are duration and frequency of social media use. The duration
increasingly popular among teenagers today, are other of use was divided into two categories: High (more than
factors that affect how they eat16. 54.68% of Indonesia's 3 hours per day) and low (<3 hours per day). Social media
entire population used the internet in 2017, according to usage was split into two categories: high (≥ three times)
data from the Ministry of Communication and and low (< three times)14. The Multidimensional Body Self
Information of the Republic of Indonesia (KOMINFO). Relationship Questionnaire (MBSRQ-AS) Appearance
According to the most recent data for 2019, 5617 social Scale, which Cash introduced in 2005, served as the
media users in Indonesia, or 56% of the country's total foundation for developing the body image questionnaire.
population17. One in three teenagers was more open An updated "questionnaire" created by the researchers
online than in person, and teens between the ages of 19 of Putri Chairiah's 2012 study was used to track eating
and 21 tended to actively utilize social media18,19. Social habits. The eating habits scale included items reporting
media exposure exposes users to various information, on good or unhealthy diets. A Likert scale was used to
including food-related information. This information is provide four potential replies for this measure. Chi-
presented in virtual and non-virtual form. Information on square analysis (kai squared) was used in the research
unhealthy foods and data about nutritious foods are analysis to determine the association between the
frequently displayed. Social network information can independent and dependent variables.
lead to consumption habits that are unhealthy20, affect
food selection and purchases, and ultimately change RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
consumption patterns that become more wasteful21. The results of the study can be seen in the
The amount of nutrients required by adolescents characteristics of the respondents and the relationship
for growth and development depends on their eating between eating patterns and the influence of social
patterns. Adolescents with unhealthy and media, body image, and nutritional status. The research
undernourished eating habits will have less efficient results can be seen in several tables as follows:

Table 1. Respondent Characteristics and Univariate Analysis of Adolescent Dancers in Bukittinggi City
Samples (n=47)
Mean ± SD n (%)
Age 14.98 ± 0.489
14 years old 6 (12.8)
15 years old 36 (76.7)
16 years old 5 (10.6)
Male 6 (12.8)
Female 41 (87.2)
Weight 52.01 ± 12.128
Height 156.84 ± 8.155
Ages when starting to dance
5 years old 13 (27.7)

Copyright ©2023 Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga

Open access under a CC BY – SA license | Joinly Published by IAGIKMI & Universitas Airlangga

How to cite: Hanum, F. N., & Maulida, F. (2023) The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer: Pengaruh
Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari Bukittinggi. Amerta Nutrition, 7(4), 546–554.
e-ISSN: 2580-1163 (Online)
p-ISSN: 2580-9776 (Print) 548
Hanum and Maulida | Amerta Nutrition Vol. 7 Issue 4 (December 2023). 546-554.

Samples (n=47)
Mean ± SD n (%)
6 years old 6 (12.8)
7 years old 2 (4.3)
8 years old 1 (2.1)
10 years old 6 (12.8)
11 years old 4 (8.5)
12 years old 3 (6.4)
13 years old 1 (2.1)
14 years old 2 (4.3)
15 years old 9 (19.1)
Duration of using social media
> 3 hours/day (High) 21 (44.7)
≤ 3 hours/day (low) 26 (55.3)
Knowing of Body Image
Yes 16 (34.0)
no 31 (66.0)
The importance of paying attention to body
Not important 1 (21)
Important 28 (59.6)
Very important 18 (38.3)
Weight’s influence on self-assessment
Yes 34 (72.3)
No 13 (27.7)
Body Image
Negative 20 (42.6)
Positive 27 (57.4)
Eating frequency/day
<3 times 3 (6.4)
≥3 times 44 (93.6)
Nutritional status
Abnormal 14 (29.8)
Normal 33 (70.2)
Carbohydrates 0.51±0.505
Low 23 (48.9)
Enough 24 (51.1)
Animal protein 0.53±0.504
Low 22 (46.8)
Enough 25 (53.2)
Vegetable protein 0.53±0.504
Low 22 (46.8)
Enough 25 (53.2)
Vegetables 0.51±0.505
Low 23 (48.9)
Enough 24 (51.1)
Fast food 0.51±0.505
Low 23 (48.9)
Enough 24 (51.1)
Water 0.51±0.505

Copyright ©2023 Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga

Open access under a CC BY – SA license | Joinly Published by IAGIKMI & Universitas Airlangga

How to cite: Hanum, F. N., & Maulida, F. (2023) The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer: Pengaruh
Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari Bukittinggi. Amerta Nutrition, 7(4), 546–554.
e-ISSN: 2580-1163 (Online)
p-ISSN: 2580-9776 (Print) 549
Hanum and Maulida | Amerta Nutrition Vol. 7 Issue 4 (December 2023). 546-554.

Samples (n=47)
Mean ± SD n (%)
Low 23 (48.9)
Enough 24 (51.1)

The respondents' age, gender, average weight, and slimmer. Thus, most teenagers take various
height, and starting age at dancing were among their measures to achieve this30. The findings of this study,
characteristics. A total of 47 young dancers from which show that up to 28 respondents (59.6%) believed
Bukittinggi city were among the youngsters who signed it was very important to always pay attention to body
up to participate in the study as respondents. Teenagers form, and up to 34 respondents (72.3%) acknowledged
in Bukittinggi city who are dispersed among several that weight would affect self-assessment, are consistent
schools pursue dancing classes. According to the findings, with this. This will negatively impact adolescents, leading
the majority of respondents—36 in total, or 76.7%—were them to engage in inappropriate behavior to obtain the
under the age of 15 and had an average age of 14.98. ideal figure. Modifying one's diet is one of the things that
WHO classifies adolescents as individuals between the teenagers can accomplish. To get the perfect body, one
ages of 10 and 19; adolescence is a time of physical, might restrict their food intake32.
psychological, and social maturity for sexual signs1. The survey results revealed that 20 respondents
According to Sarwono, there are three stages of (42.6%) had a negative body image and that 27
adolescent growth, with the first beginning between the respondents (57.4%) had a favorable body image.
ages of 11 and 13 years, with typical adolescence According to these findings, respondents were self-
between 14 and 16 years, and late adolescence between assured about their physical appearance and body
17 and 20 years of age24. type33,30. This study's findings are consistent with Nisa
In this study, 41 participants' gender distribution Nuraeni's research, which found that up to 25 young
was dominated female (87.2%). Middle adolescence, in dancers polled had a negative perception of their bodies.
particular, has a tendency to love itself and needs a large In contrast, up to 27 respondents had a favorable
group of pals. Teenagers play with their friends perception of their bodies13. Because physical
frequently and try different foods or snacks frequently25. appearance is the most significant factor in the creation
Masa remaja akan mengalami perubahan baik dari psikis of self-esteem and views of the adolescent body,
dan bilogisnya dan juga akan mengalami perubahan pada adolescence is a stage that is susceptible to being
mental dan ke Adolescence involves both psychological influenced by a very high body image18. According to the
and biological changes, as well as mental and study, 44 respondents (93.6%) reported eating in a
psychological changes26. Most respondents (27.7%) restaurant thrice daily. With the continued consumption
began dancing or going to art galleries between the ages of staple foods on average 3.79 times per day, meals
of 5 and 13. With proper supervision, good physical and including animal protein on average 3.13 times per day,
psychological development will inevitably improve self- and vegetables on average 1.53 times per day, this diet is
expression. One activity that can help with a child's at a favorable stage.
growth is dancing. Children can learn to dance and move According to the results, up to 14 respondents
to music to enhance their ability to coordinate their (29.8%) had abnormal nutritional statuses, whereas up to
movements, which can help them develop their physical 33 respondents (70.2%) had normal nutritional statuses.
and motor skills27. To promote some areas of physical According to Widnatusifah's research, 50 out of 100
development and child movement, dancing can mold respondents (84.7%) had good nutritional statuses34. The
children to have the capacity to synchronize one study's findings confirm this result. A time of transition
movement with another and be able to move to music27. from childhood to adulthood is adolescence35. Due to
According to the previous table, respondents their high nutritional requirements as they develop,
who used social media for a length greater than or equal adolescents become especially vulnerable to health and
to three hours per day were 21 respondents (44.7%), nutrition issues during this age. Adolescents' growth and
while respondents who used it for a duration less than or development will be impacted by balanced nutrient
equal to three hours per day were 26 respondents intake36. Adolescents are a group of people who need to
(55.3%). According to Umami's research, teens used get enough nourishment since they have nutritional
social media the most intensely, at rates of 85% and issues. Nutritional deficits will affect their nutritional
13%28. Teenagers' connections with their peers and their state and health status. The nutritional status of
own behavior can significantly shift due to social media adolescents will be good if their dietary intake is
use. According to Efendi (2017), adolescents who use adequate and balanced; otherwise, if their dietary intake
social media the most intensely ran a great danger of is poor and insufficient, their nutritional status will be
becoming oblivious to their surroundings and developing poor23,37. Adolescent consumption patterns will have an
a dependency on it without even realizing it; these impact on their nutritional intake.
teenagers would develop social media dependence29. The results also revealed that 25 respondents
As many as 31 respondents (66%) did not know (53.2%) consumed enough animal protein, 25
about body image. A person's body image is how they respondents (53.2%) ingested enough plant protein, and
perceive it30. This view may impact behavioral 24 respondents (51.1%) consumed enough vegetables.
modifications and people's attitudes regarding their This study supports Titik Oktaviyani's research, which
bodies31. Young ladies, in particular, aspire to be taller found that adolescents' eating habits were still healthy

Copyright ©2023 Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga

Open access under a CC BY – SA license | Joinly Published by IAGIKMI & Universitas Airlangga

How to cite: Hanum, F. N., & Maulida, F. (2023) The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer: Pengaruh
Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari Bukittinggi. Amerta Nutrition, 7(4), 546–554.
e-ISSN: 2580-1163 (Online)
p-ISSN: 2580-9776 (Print) 550
Hanum and Maulida | Amerta Nutrition Vol. 7 Issue 4 (December 2023). 546-554.

because they continued to consume fruits and findings also revealed that 24 respondents (51.1%)
vegetables30,32,38,39. According to the findings, teenagers consumed enough fast food and sugar-sweetened
consume fast food and beverages with lots of sugar. Fast beverages. The study's findings are consistent with
food was often consumed 0.67 times a day, while sugary Wardhani's, who found that 52.4% of respondents
beverages are typically consumed 0.86 times daily. The frequently ate fast food and drank soda.

Table 2. Relationship between Social Media Use and Eating Habits of Adolescent Dancers in Bukittinggi City
Eating Habits
Duration of Using Social
Lack Adequate Total p-value
n % n % n %
> 3 hours/day (High) 10 47.6 11 52.4% 21 100 0.552
≤ 3 hours/day (low) 13 50 13 50 26 100
Animal Protein
> 3 hours/day (High) 11 52.4 10 47.6 21 100 0.564
≤ 3 hours/day (low) 11 42.3 15 57.7 26 100
Vegetable Protein
> 3 hours/day (High) 9 42.9 12 57.1 21 100 0.770
≤ 3 hours/day (low) 13 50 13 50 26 100
> 3 hours/day (High) 6 28.6 15 71.4 21 100 0.019*
≤ 3 hours/day (low) 17 65.4 9 34.6 26 100
Fast Food
> 3 hours/day (High) 11 52.4 10 47.6 21 100 0.772
≤ 3 hours/day (low) 12 46.2 14 53.8 26 100
> 3 hours/day (High) 9 42.9 12 57.1 21 100 0.561
≤ 3 hours/day (low) 14 53.8 12 46.2 26 100
*p-value <0.05

With a p-value of 0.552 (>0.05) for staple foods, today. At 54.9%, and increased in 2018 to 64.8%, most
0.564 (>0.05) for foods containing animal protein, 0.770 internet users were teenagers aged 15 to 19. The average
(>0.05) for foods containing vegetable protein, 0.772 internet user accesses social media. The results showed
(>0.05) for ready-to-eat foods, and 0.561 (>0.05) for that social media use would affect adolescents' eating
drinks, it was determined based on the relationship intake of adolescents42. Social media can promote food
analysis using the chi-square test that there was no excessively, thus affecting high energy consumption.
significant relationship between the duration of social Husna's research (2020) stated that the use of social
media use and adolescent eating patterns. However, media affected the use of social media so that it could
there is a link in the consumption of vegetables, namely affect a person's nutritional status and health43.
one with a p-value of 0.019 (0.05). Food and cooking- Dancer was always concerned about their body
related information on social media will impact shape and weight. Physical activity and exercises are
adolescents' food intake. Social media posts will promote relevant in increasing perfectionism, self-control, and
nutrient consumption, affecting someone's nutritional eating control38. Dancers show higher levels of eating
state20,21. A person's nutrition might be affected by social restriction and drive for thinness than other adolescents.
media, too40. The finding confirmed the results of the Several studies have demonstrated characteristics in
study that some of the respondents resided in dancers such as perfectionism, low self-esteem,
dormitories, making it impossible to sample a diverse or dissatisfaction with self-image, and poor nutritional
equal sample of food intake consistently. Because of this, status44. Social media, such as magazines, television, and
most respondents exhibit similar consumption patterns online news, affect adolescents' perceptions of
to one another41. themselves. Through the internet and social media,
Changes in social development, technology, and teenagers quickly get information about food and
communication have made it easier to access human culinary and will share it with their peers45.
interaction. This is shown by the increase in internet users

Table 3. Relationship between Body Image and Eating Habits of Adolescent Dancers in Bukittinggi City
Eating Habits
Body Image Lack Adequate Total p-value
n % n % n %
Negative 11 55 9 45 20 100 0.561
Positive 12 44.4 15 55.6 27 100
Animal Protein
Negative 7 35.0 13 65.0 20 100 0.238

Copyright ©2023 Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga

Open access under a CC BY – SA license | Joinly Published by IAGIKMI & Universitas Airlangga

How to cite: Hanum, F. N., & Maulida, F. (2023) The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer: Pengaruh
Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari Bukittinggi. Amerta Nutrition, 7(4), 546–554.
e-ISSN: 2580-1163 (Online)
p-ISSN: 2580-9776 (Print) 551
Hanum and Maulida | Amerta Nutrition Vol. 7 Issue 4 (December 2023). 546-554.

Eating Habits
Body Image Lack Adequate Total p-value
n % n % n %
Positive 15 55.6 12 44.4 27 100
Vegetable Protein
Negative 8 40 12 60 20 100 0.556
Positive 14 51.9 13 48.1 27 100
Negative 7 35 13 65 20 100 0.142
Positive 16 59.3 11 40.7 27 100
Fast Food
Negative 8 40 12 60 20 100 0.380
Positive 15 55.6 12 44.4 27 100
Negative 10 50 10 50 20 100 0.567
Positive 13 48.1 14 51.9 27 100

According to the results of the chi-square test self-perceptions or body dissatisfaction. One's eating
relationship analysis, there was no significant correlation habits will be affected when an incorrect eating pattern
between adolescent eating patterns and body image, is consistently applied. Other studies have demonstrated
with a p-value of 0.561 (>0.05) for staple foods, 0.238 the link between eating behavior and nutritional status
(>0.05) for foods containing animal protein, 0.556 (>0.05) and the interaction between changes in eating habits and
for foods containing vegetable protein, 0.142 (>0.05) for peer influence46,49. The research results would likely
vegetables, 0.380 (>0.05) for ready-to-eat foods, and differ if the questionnaire were modified or under normal
0.567 (>0.05) for drinks. The findings of this study are circumstances.
consistent with Lestari's research, which demonstrated Other sources also show that eating habits are
no connection between eating habits and adolescent also influenced by media/advertising and income. The
body image46. influence of body image on adolescents' eating habits will
A person's nutritional requirements start with affect their subsequent nutritional status. Change your
improving eating habits47. In adolescence, various eating habits from a healthy diet to a diet high in fat and
elements, including peers, the surroundings, and outdoor sugar but low in fiber from fruits and vegetables. The
activities, affect eating behaviours48. Teenagers habit of skipping breakfast regularly will also affect
frequently develop bad eating habits due to unfavorable everyone's nutritional status8.

Table 4. Relationship between Eating Habits and Nutritional Status of Adolescent Dancers in Bukittinggi City
Nutritional Status
Eating Habits Abnormal Normal Total p-value
n % n % n %
Lack 8 34.8 15 65.2 23 100 0.534
Adequate 6 25 18 75 24 100
Animal Protein
Lack 7 31.8 15 63.2 22 100 0.512
Adequate 7 28 18 72 25 100
Vegetable Protein
Lack 6 27.3 16 72.7 22 100 0.760
Adequate 8 32 17 68 25 100
Lack 7 30.4 16 69.6 23 100 0.588
Adequate 7 29.2 17 70.8 24 100
Fast Food
Lack 8 34.8 15 65.2 23 100 0.534
Adequate 6 25 18 75 24 100
Lack 5 21,7 18 16,1 23 100 0.341
Adequate 9 37,5 15 62,5 24 100

With a p-value for staple foods of 0.534 (>0.05), the chi-square test that there was no significant
animal protein foods of 0.512 (>0.05), vegetable protein relationship between the diet of young dancers and their
foods of 0.760 (>0.05), protein foods of 0.588 (>0.05), nutritional status. According to Artadini's research, which
processed foods of 0.534 (>0.05), and beverages of 0.341 supports the findings of this study, there was no
(>0.05), it was determined by relationship analysis using connection between students' eating habits and

Copyright ©2023 Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga

Open access under a CC BY – SA license | Joinly Published by IAGIKMI & Universitas Airlangga

How to cite: Hanum, F. N., & Maulida, F. (2023) The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer: Pengaruh
Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari Bukittinggi. Amerta Nutrition, 7(4), 546–554.
e-ISSN: 2580-1163 (Online)
p-ISSN: 2580-9776 (Print) 552
Hanum and Maulida | Amerta Nutrition Vol. 7 Issue 4 (December 2023). 546-554.

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Copyright ©2023 Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga

Open access under a CC BY – SA license | Joinly Published by IAGIKMI & Universitas Airlangga

How to cite: Hanum, F. N., & Maulida, F. (2023) The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer: Pengaruh
Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari Bukittinggi. Amerta Nutrition, 7(4), 546–554.
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Copyright ©2023 Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga

Open access under a CC BY – SA license | Joinly Published by IAGIKMI & Universitas Airlangga

How to cite: Hanum, F. N., & Maulida, F. (2023) The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer: Pengaruh
Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari Bukittinggi. Amerta Nutrition, 7(4), 546–554.
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Copyright ©2023 Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga

Open access under a CC BY – SA license | Joinly Published by IAGIKMI & Universitas Airlangga

How to cite: Hanum, F. N., & Maulida, F. (2023) The Impact of Social Media, Body Image, and Dietary Habits among Bukittinggi’s Young Dancer: Pengaruh
Media Sosial, Body Image dan Pola Makan pada Remaja Penari Bukittinggi. Amerta Nutrition, 7(4), 546–554.

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