Ma Psychic

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1d6 penetrating damage and a –2 cumulative penalty to Speed.

Arcane Barrier
A target reduced to 0 Health by icy mist is frozen solid.
Requirement: Protection Arcana (Master) Cost: 10 PP
Time: Major action Target Number: 18 Test: None Ice Sheet
You surround a subject within 25 yards (which may be your- Requirement: Cryokinesis (Novice) Cost: 6 PP
self) with a protective field of magical force. The arcane barrier Time: Major action Target Number: 13
lasts for 1 round and, during that time, the subject is completely Test: Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Force
immune to damage, but also cannot move from the spot (as the
barrier is immobile), make melee or ranged attacks, or give or You cover the ground with a slick sheet of ice up to 10 yards
receive items. Effects that do not cause direct damage still affect in diameter, anywhere within 30 yards of you. Anyone in,
the subject normally, and spells of all kinds can pass out of the entering, or moving within the area must make a successful
barrier. You can extend the barrier by spending 5 PP for each Dexterity (Acrobatics) test vs. your Force or fall prone. Prone
additional round you would like it to last. characters can crawl, but standing requires another test to
avoid falling. If you cast ice sheet on a body of water, it freezes

Psychic Powers the surface, creating ice thick enough for a person to walk on,
free-floating unless it can touch and anchor to where the water
meets land. A 10 yard or smaller diameter body of water is
Modern AGE characters might acquire the following psychic completely frozen over. The spell persists as long as the local
powers in campaigns where the paranormal is real, or where temperature allows, melting normally if it is above freezing.
certain humans stand on the cusp of the next step in evolu-
tion. Each psychic discipline, such as Cryokinesis, is a power Dissipate Heat
talent. Unless the GM specifies differently, tests to activate
psychic powers use the Willpower ability along with the Requirement: Cryokinesis (Expert) Cost: 2 PP
discipline’s power focus, such as Willpower (ESP). Time: Major action Target Number: 13 Test: None
In games where arcana and psychic powers exist side by You rapidly dissipate heat from an area within 20 yards that
side, consider using the optional rules on p. 92 to make them you can see. If successful, you can reduce the category (and
more distinct from one another. For example, you may decide therefore damage) of a heat- or fire-based hazard by one level.
psychic powers use the Power Fatigue optional rule, while You can use dissipate heat repeatedly on successive rounds to
arcana use power points as usual. Think of where these abilities continue reducing a hazard’s category, eliminating it entirely
come from in your game to suggest how they may differ. For if reduced below Minor. At the GM’s discretion, dissipate
example, if arcana represent powers gained through study, and heat may also serve to address certain challenges, such as
psychic abilities represent inherited ability, you may require preventing a machine from overheating.
students of the arcana to use gestures and special words, while
psychic powers only require silent concentration.
Icy Blast

Cryokinesis Requirement: Cryokinesis (Master) Cost: 15 PP

Time: Major action Target Number: 17
Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Force
You can create super-cold temperatures
with your mind by concentrating. You project a blast of freezing cold from your outstretched
Novice: You gain two Novice-degree hands, 2 yards wide and 8 yards long. Anyone in the area suffers
Cryokinesis effects. 2d6 + Willpower penetrating cold damage and a –10 penalty to
Speed for a number of rounds equal to half your Willpower,
Expert: You gain one Expert-degree Cryo-
rounded down (minimum of 1). Subjects who succeed on the
kinesis effect. You also gain the power
Constitution (Stamina) test vs. your Force only take 1d6 + Will-
focus Willpower (Cryokinesis).
power penetrating damage and a –5 penalty to Speed.
Master: You gain one Master-degree
Cryokinesis effect. You can also choose one power stunt you
can perform with your Cryokinesis effects for –1 SP. Empathy
You can psychically sense others’ feel-
Icy Mist ings and influence them to some degree.
Requirement: Cryokinesis (Novice) Cost: 3 PP Novice: You gain two Novice-degree
Time: Major action Target Number: 12 Empathy effect.
Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Force
Expert: You gain one Expert-degree
A cloud of frost and cold envelops a target of your choice within Empathy effect. You also gain the power
20 yards, lasting for a number of rounds equal to your Will- focus Willpower (Empathy).
power. The target takes 1d6 penetrating damage from the cold. Master: You gain one Master-degree
Each additional round, at the start of your turn, the target must Empathy effect. You can also choose one power stunt you can
make a Constitution (Stamina) test vs. your Force. If successful, perform with your Empathy effects for –1 SP.
the icy mist spell ends. If the test fails, the target takes another

100 Chapter 6 - Extraordinary Powers

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