Chen Shiqi 04 24 2024
Chen Shiqi 04 24 2024
Chen Shiqi 04 24 2024
Read through the evaluation criteria and circle the most appropriate score for each criterion. Provide
comments for each section as relevant/ appropriate.
5 = Excellent
4 = Very Good
3 = Good
2 = Average
1 = Needs improvement
1. Lesson Plan:
3. Anticipatory Set/ Introduction to the
5. Content
6. Teaching manner
- Student-centered methodology
7. Voice Projection
9. Rapport with Students
10. Questions
- Drama, games
15. The teacher gave praise when students
remained focused.
16. Closure
Total Score: 69
General Comments:
You reviewed the classroom expectations with the students, reciting them.
You consistently ensured that students were seated and engaged in their assigned tasks for the majority
of the time.
The subdued group was assigned a role in the reading (active participation is promoted).
Our frequent utilization of the word "WHY" serves to promote critical thinking among students.
Areas of Improvements:
collective reading. You can ask them to elaborate on the meaning in order to increase their
Say something like "good job, great, superb, good try, etc." to acknowledge their efforts.
Before the students begin their assignments, make sure the directions are clear.