Chen Shiqi 04 24 2024

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Lesson Plan Delivery and Evaluation Form

(To be completed only by Dr. Naltan)

Name Chen, Shiqi

Grade/ Subject Grade 2 Observation 1

Date Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Assessor's Name Dr. Naltan

Assessor's Title Dean


Read through the evaluation criteria and circle the most appropriate score for each criterion. Provide
comments for each section as relevant/ appropriate.

Criteria Marking Key:

5 = Excellent

4 = Very Good

3 = Good

2 = Average

1 = Needs improvement

CRITERIA (Total score = 80)

1. Lesson Plan:

-The lesson plan was organized 5

correctly with appropriate goals and

2. Clear Behavioral Expectations:

- The students were given very clear

expectations. 5

- Classroom rules were reinforced.

3. Anticipatory Set/ Introduction to the

- The teacher gained the children's

- The class was quiet, seated and waiting
in anticipation.

- The teacher used aids, IT, pictures to

stimulate student's curiosity.

4. Procedural step in the lesson were


- The lesson had a logical flow.

- Remember, however, that you teach

children not to plan. Therefore, procedural
steps can change or be altered when

- Be flexible to capture a teachable


5. Content

- The teacher has a good working

knowledge and understanding of the topic
and objectives.

- Content was delivered accurately and


6. Teaching manner

- Good eye contact

- Confident; encouraged students to


- Positive facial expressions

- Student-centered methodology

7. Voice Projection

- Clear diction and enunciation

- Voice pitched at an audible level


- Voice projection was appropriate and

not above the noise of the class.

8. Pace of the Lesson

- Appropriate time for each step in the

lesson (be flexible) 4

- The lesson moved along at an

appropriate pace.

9. Rapport with Students

- Teacher demonstrates professional


- Teacher was firm, assertive, fair, and

friendly. 4

- Teacher showed that good rapport is

build on good teaching.

- Teacher encouraged positivie


10. Questions

- A good selection of HLQ (higher level

questions) and LLQ (lower level
questions) were asked.

- Wait time was appropriate. 5

- Teacher responded/ accepted answers


- Additional questions exteded the

student's thinking.

11. Effectiveness of the Lesson's

Resources/ Aids/ Materials

- IT-PPT/ overheads/ DVD

- Charts/ books/ pictures/ objects/

- Drama, games

12. Student Involvement

- Students were actively participating and

engaged in learning.
- Collaborative learning process.

- Students remained on task.

13. Classroom managment: Whole class/

paired/ group teaching

- Students were given clear expectations.

- Students wee well organized and on

- Behavioral expectations were reinforced.

14. Guided Practice

- The teacher circulated amongst the

students, answering questions,
explainning tsaks and assisting when

15. The teacher gave praise when students
remained focused.

- Positive praise was given for appropriate:

behavior, thoughtful answers, being on
tasks, etc.

16. Closure

- The teacher returned to the initial 4

objectives to revise and appropriately sum
up the lesson at the conclusion.

Total Score: 69

General Comments:
You reviewed the classroom expectations with the students, reciting them.

You consistently ensured that students were seated and engaged in their assigned tasks for the majority
of the time.

The subdued group was assigned a role in the reading (active participation is promoted).

Students were selected at random to answer the questions.

Our frequent utilization of the word "WHY" serves to promote critical thinking among students.

Offer a diverse range of suitable activities.

Areas of Improvements:
collective reading. You can ask them to elaborate on the meaning in order to increase their

Say something like "good job, great, superb, good try, etc." to acknowledge their efforts.

Before the students begin their assignments, make sure the directions are clear.

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