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Biotechnology Advances 34 2016

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Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13

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Biotechnology Advances

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Research review paper

Clarification of vaccines: An overview of filter based technology trends

and best practices
Lise Besnard a, Virginie Fabre a,1, Michael Fettig b, Elina Gousseinov c, Yasuhiro Kawakami d, Nicolas Laroudie e,
Claire Scanlan b, Priyabrata Pattnaik f,⁎
Sanofi Pasteur, 1541 Avenue Marcel Mérieux, 69280 Marcy l'Etoile, France
EMD Millipore Corporation, 900 Middlesex Turnpike, Billerica, MA 00000, USA
EMD Millipore, 109 Woodbine Downs Blvd., Unit 5, Toronto, ON M9W 6Y1, Canada
Merck Ltd., DiverCity Tokyo Office Tower 15F, 1-1-20 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0064, Japan
Millipore S.A.S., Rue J. Monod, 78280 Guyancourt, France
Merck Pte Ltd., 1 Science Park Road, #02-10/11 The Capricorn, 117528, Singapore, Singapore

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Vaccines are derived from a variety of sources including tissue extracts, bacterial cells, virus particles, recombi-
Received 18 May 2015 nant mammalian, yeast and insect cell produced proteins and nucleic acids. The most common method of vaccine
Received in revised form 28 November 2015 production is based on an initial fermentation process followed by purification. Production of vaccines is a com-
Accepted 29 November 2015
plex process involving many different steps and processes. Selection of the appropriate purification method is
Available online 2 December 2015
critical to achieving desired purity of the final product. Clarification of vaccines is a critical step that strongly im-
pacts product recovery and subsequent downstream purification. There are several technologies that can be ap-
Vaccine plied for vaccine clarification. Selection of a harvesting method and equipment depends on the type of cells,
Clarification product being harvested, and properties of the process fluids. These techniques include membrane filtration
Filtration (microfiltration, tangential-flow filtration), centrifugation, and depth filtration (normal flow filtration). Histori-
Purification cally vaccine harvest clarification was usually achieved by centrifugation followed by depth filtration. Recently
Normal flow filtration membrane based technologies have gained prominence in vaccine clarification. The increasing use of single-
Tangential flow filtration use technologies in upstream processes necessitated a shift in harvest strategies. This review offers a comprehen-
sive view on different membrane based technologies and their application in vaccine clarification, outlines the
Viral vaccine
challenges involved and presents the current state of best practices in the clarification of vaccines.
Conjugated polysaccharide vaccine
Bacterial vaccine © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Clarification of viral vaccines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1. Considerations for viral vaccine clarification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2. Strategy for viral vaccine clarification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2.1. Impact of expression system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2.2. Impact of physicochemical virus properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3. Case study: optimization of viral vaccine clarification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3. Clarification of bacterial vaccines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1. Considerations for bacterial vaccine clarification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2. Strategies for bacterial vaccine clarification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.1. Whole cell bacteria vaccines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.2. Bacterial subunit vaccines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.3. Toxoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.4. Plasmid DNA vaccines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3. Case study: comparison of centrifugation, NFF and TFF methods for tetanus toxin clarification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Pattnaik).
Current address: Genzyme Polyclonals SAS, 23 Boulevard Chambaud de la Bruyère, 69007 Lyon, France.

0734-9750/© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13

4. Clarification of polysaccharide vaccines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.1. Considerations for polysaccharide vaccine clarification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2. Strategy for polysaccharide vaccine clarification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2.1. Primary clarification step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2.2. Secondary clarification step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.3. Case study: clarification of post centrifuge centrate of Streptococcus pneumoniae fermentation broth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1. Introduction (purification involving ultrafiltration, chromatography and chemical

treatments), and formulation (finish-fill operation). Independent of
Vaccines are a key part of our protection against infectious diseases, the production system, clarification (initial removal of undesirable ma-
which still are an alarming cause of mortality. Thanks to immunization, terials) plays a critical role in defining a robust purification process
two to three million lives are saved annually from diphtheria, tetanus, (Hughes et al., 2007). A suitable clarification step primarily removes
pertussis (whooping cough), and measles (WHO, 2014a). Vaccines whole cells, cell debris, colloids and large aggregates to reduce burden
cover a wide range of products, from small recombinant proteins to en- on the downstream processing. In certain cases, clarification also re-
tire virus particles and whole bacteria. They can be produced by differ- duces insoluble impurities, host cell proteins (HCPs) and host cell
ent systems: eggs, mammalian cells, bacteria, etc. Due to vaccine nucleic acids. Like any other purification step, the clarification step
complexity and diversity, no dominant purification scheme or template needs to be optimized to achieve maximal product yield and purity
exists today, despite the growing interest for a vaccine platform (Ball while accommodating for vaccine specificities and manufacturing
et al., 2009). Usually, a vaccine process can be split into three sections: constraints.
upstream (production and clarification), downstream processing Diverse technologies are used for clarification due to heterogeneity
of vaccine types, including centrifugation or filtration technologies
(Table 1). Several series of operations are often required to achieve de-
Table 1 sired clarification. The first operation is aimed at removing larger parti-
Methods typically used for clarification of vaccines.
cles (primary clarification) and a second one for removing colloids and
Technology Advantages Disadvantages other sub-micron particles (secondary clarification). Low-speed centri-
Centrifugation – Good recovery – High capital invest- fugation as a choice for primary clarification enables cells and cell debris
– Good DNA and HCP ment removal by sedimentation. Centrifugation can handle high solid load
removal – Difficult to scale-up and has been extensively used in batch or continuous modes with
– No scale-down disk-stack centrifuges. It requires high capital investment and mainte-
model available
Sedimentation – Cheap – Unreliable
nance costs and presents challenges related to scale-up due to lack of re-
– Simple to operate – Time consuming liable scale-down model (Yavorsky et al., 2003; Russell et al., 2007).
– Suitable for microcarrier – Product loss Nevertheless, several commercial vaccine manufacturers employ the
based process use of a centrifuge for large scale manufacturing involving high process-
Tubular pressure – Simple design and opera- – Difficult to scale-up
ing volume and higher number of production campaigns. Development
filters (Fundabac) tion
– Reusable of vaccines targeting niche population or smaller target group demand-
– totally enclosed system for ing less finished dosage, the rise in upstream processing technology and
high-containment tasks higher titer processes has reduced the size of bioreactors and amount of
Tangential flow – Very robust – Concern for shear volumes processed per batch (Genzel et al., 2014a). Because of this,
filtration (plate & – True linear scalability – No real open
frame) – Low flow rate (Low energy channel
filtration technologies have gained interest for vaccine clarification.
consumption, small piping, Clarifying filtration can be performed either by normal flow filtration
compact system size, etc.) (NFF, also known as dead-end filtration) or by tangential flow filtration
– Short flow path (High flux, (TFF, also known as cross-flow filtration). There are also certain filter
formats (depth filters) that contain positively charged material and fil-
– Multiple flow channel con-
figuration (screens) ter aid that enhance retention of cell debris, colloids and negatively
Tangential flow – Multi cycle steamable – Robustness charged unwanted components. Membrane filters retain particles by
filtration (hollow – Open channel (typically 0.5 – High flow rate (high size exclusion and are not of high dirt holding capacity, therefore suit-
fiber) to 1.1 mm) energy able for a secondary clarification step. Both depth filters and membrane
– High membrane packing consumption,
density large piping, large
filters are easily scalable and implementable (simple system design).
– Moderate cost system size, etc.) Unlike NFF, TFF is mostly used for primary clarification (microfiltration).
– High solid loading – Low flux Membranes with cut-offs in the range of 0.1–0.65 μm (preferably with
– Non linear an open channel) have been successfully used to retain cells, cell debris
and other large contaminants. Most TFF devices are linearly scalable and
Depth filtration – Easy to scale-up – Issues of virus ad-
– Cheap sorption reusable after cleaning, which significantly reduces consumable cost of
– High capacity – Concern for extract- the step (Pattnaik et al., 2009; Raghunath et al., 2012).
able and leachables The clarification step, being at the interface between the upstream
– Inherent variability and downstream processes, is sometimes neglected during vaccine pro-
in product
Membrane filtration – Easy to scale-up – Need for extensive
cess development, as time and resources are preferentially allocated to
– Cheap optimization other purification steps such as chromatography or density gradient
– Good product recovery centrifugation. The limited literature available reflects the lack of sys-
– Availability of pre-sterile tematic efforts on this topic. Even vaccine manufacturing process pat-
ents often omit clarification steps. However, clarification efficiency
L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13 3

directly influences the performances of the downstream process. A 2.1. Considerations for viral vaccine clarification
poorly optimized clarification step can negatively impact the capacity
of sterilizing-grade filters or may shorten a chromatography resin life- A wide range of vaccines contains whole or part of virus particles to
time. Today, stricter regulatory expectations tend to make vaccine man- develop immunity against a viral infection. They are typically split into
ufacturers produce purer, well characterized yet affordable vaccines. In four main categories (Plotkin et al., 2013):
such circumstances, each step needs to be given due importance. Cur-
rent trends indicate that the upstream processes are evolving towards - Live attenuated virus (LAV) vaccines, which are based on a virus strain
“cleaner” expression systems (i.e. cells grown in serum-free media re- that has been weakened in order to decrease its virulence. Attenuat-
placing eggs) and enhanced productivity and higher cell densities. ed viruses can replicate in the body, but are not pathogenic.
Downstream purification processes are being simplified (less steps) - Inactivated virus (IV) vaccines, which contain viruses chemically or
and streamlined, leading to increased purity of the final product UV inactivated to eliminate infectivity. Virus particles can be entire,
(Vicente et al., 2011a; Nestola et al., 2015). To address such changes, split or purified (antigenic protein only).
the clarification step must not be a bottleneck. In this context, filtration - Viral vector (VV) vaccines, which are active non-pathogenic viruses
technologies are living up to the new clarification challenges addressing presenting antigens of a pathogenic virus. These recently developed
increased process flexibility, possibility of single-use and reduced in- constructs are also used for gene therapy applications.
vestment costs. - Virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines, which are a specific class of viral
This article reviews technology trends and best practices for subunit vaccines that mimics the overall structure of virus particles
development and optimization of vaccine clarification using filtration without the infectious genetic material.
through examples, case studies and comparative evaluation of technol-
ogy and tools.
In most cases virus particles are kept fully integral during the clarifi-
cation step, even in split virus vaccine processes (splitting is usually per-
2. Clarification of viral vaccines formed downstream, in a more purified environment). The main
challenge of virus clarification is to recover high yield of viral particles
Several types of clarification methods, either in isolation or in combi- while efficiently removing cell debris, large aggregates and insoluble
nation have been used successfully to clarify vaccine feed stream contaminants. As described in the following sections, several elements
harvest. A few of them are mentioned in Table 2. can lead to virus degradation or loss. Furthermore, viral yield may be

Table 2
Combination of technologies used for clarification of vaccines.

Vaccine Production Vaccine type Product Scalea Primary clarification Secondary clarification References
system location

Meningococcal Bacteria Conjugated Extracellular Pilot 0.2 μm hollow fiber cartridges (TFF) 300 kDa cassettes (TFF) Robinson et al.
vaccine fermentation polysaccharide (2011)
Hepatitis C Insect cell Virus like Extracellular Pilot Polypropylene filter, Polygard® CN 5.0 μm (NFF) Polypropylene filter, Xenopoulus
culture particle Polygard® (2015)
CN 0.3 μm (NFF)
Yellow fever Vero cell Inactivated Extracellular Pilot Sartopure® PP2 (8.0 μm), NFF Sartoclean® CA (3.0 μm + Pato et al.
vaccine culture virus 0.8 μm), NFF (2014)
Rotavirus Insect cell Virus like Intracellular Pilot Centrifugation at 1000 ×g for 10 min at 4 °C Ultracentrifugation of the Peixoto et al.
vaccine culture particle supernatant at 100,000 ×g (2007)
for 1 h at 4 °C
Canine MDCK-E1 Live viral Intracellular Pilot Settling of cells with microcarrier Sartobrand® P 0.45 μm P. Fernandes
adenovirus cell culture vector filter (NFF) et al. (2013)
Influenza virus MDCK cell Inactivated Extracellular Pilot 0.65 μm polypropylene depth filter (NFF) NA Kalbfuss et al.
culture virus (2007)
Acellular Bacterial Sub-unit Extracellular Pilot 0.45 μm Prostak™ device (TFF) NA Kumar et al.
pertussis fermentation vaccine (2009)
Typhoid Bacterial Conjugated Extracellular Pilot 0.45 μm Hydrosart® cassette (TFF) NA Kothari et al.
vaccine fermentation polysaccharide (2010) and
Kothari et al.
Pneumococcal Bacterial Conjugated Extracellular Pilot 300 kDa Pellicon® 2 cassettes (TFF) NA Macha et al.
vaccine fermentation polysaccharide (2014)
Enterovirus 71 Vero cell Killed viral Extracellular 0.65 μm filter (NFF) NA Liu et al. (2011)
culture vaccine
Rotavirus Vero cell Live viral Extracellular Pilot Centrifugation at 2831 ×g for 30 0.45 μm hollow fiber (TFF) Zhang et al.
vaccine culture vaccine min and 4424 ×g for 10 min at 4 °C (2011)
pDNA vaccine Bacterial Pladmid DNA Intracellular Pilot Flocculation Depth filtration (NFF) Palmieri et al.
fermentation vaccine (2010)
Diphtheria Bacterial Toxoid Extracellular Production 0.45 μm Prostak™ device (TFF) NA Sundaran et al.
toxin fermentation (2002)
Tetanus toxin Bacterial Toxoid Extracellular Production 0.22 μm Prostak™ device (TFF) NA Muniandi et al.
fermentation (2013)
Polio virus Vero cell Inactivated Extracellular Production Diatomaceous earth deposit on a stainless steel 0.45 and 0.22 μm Thomassen et al.
vaccine culture virus mesh filter with 75 μm pore size, filtration (NFF) (2013a, b)
or Millistak + ® C0HC (Depth filter)
Pilot scale: 1–20 L, production scale: more than 20 L.
4 L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13

Table 3
Characterization of virus vaccines produced in continuous cell lines.

Vaccine Rotavirus vaccine Foot and mouth disease Adenovirus Inactivated Japanese encephalitis Influenza vaccine
vaccine vectors polio vaccine vaccine

Vaccine type Live attenuated Live attenuated Viral vector Inactivated Inactivated Inactivated
Cell line Vero BHK21 PER. C6® Vero Vero MDCK
HEK293 Vero
PER. C6®
Support for adherent Microcarriers – – Microcarriers Microcarriers MDCK, Vero:
cells microcarriers
Cell lysis step Yes Yes Yes No No No
pIa 8 3–7 2–5 5–8 5 5–7
Virus size 70 nm 25–30 nm 70–90 nm 30 nm 40–50 nm 80–120 nm
References Dennehy (2007) Grubman and Baxt (2004) Pattnaik and Adams Dietrich et al. Yang et al. (2004) and Milián and Kamen (2015)
and and (2013) (2014) Toriniwa and Komiya and
Wainwright Lombard and Füssel (2007) (2007) Palese and Shaw (2007)
Michen and Graule (2010).

difficult to rely on because of the high variability of virus quantification the future of vaccine filter clarification, as reported by Goerke et al.
assays at this stage of the process, especially for LAV and VV vaccines. (2005) were done in a 2 L fermenter. To potentially be used in large
For these vaccines, viral yield is typically assessed using infectivity as- scale manufacturing operation such methods need to be validated at
says (such as plaque assays or TCID50 assays). Indeed, some harvest pilot and production scales.
compounds may interfere with the ability of the virus to infect the indi-
cator cells, which enhances the variability of such quantitation method
2.2.1. Impact of expression system
(Darling, 2002).
The clarification approach mainly depends on the upstream process
and the expression system type, which determines the type and level of
2.2. Strategy for viral vaccine clarification
contaminants to be removed. Viral vaccines are generally produced in
embryonated chicken eggs by mammalian or avian continuous cell
Viral vaccines are extremely diverse in terms of size, structure,
lines or by baculovirus/insect cells which is a more complex expression
shapes and expression system (Table 3). As a result, there is no template
system. Some types of VLPs may also be generated by other heterolo-
for their downstream process in general and for the clarification step in
gous expression systems (bacteria, yeast, plant cells).
particular. In theory, all available technologies (low-speed centrifuga-
tion, microfiltration TFF, NFF) can be selected and potentially combined
together to clarify viruses. In fact, the success of a clarification method is Viruses produced in embryonated chicken eggs. Vaccines have
influenced by the expression system and the physicochemical proper- been produced in eggs for decades. The work dates back to 1931
ties of the virus of interest. when Woodruff and Goodpasture successfully used the chorio-
Recently high cell density process is being explored for viral vaccine allantoic membrane of fertile hen's egg as a substrate for growing
process (Genzel et al., 2013, 2014b). High cell density processes pose viruses (Woodruff and Goodpasture, 1931). Today, many human and
increased challenges for clarification. Many address this through pre- veterinary vaccines are still made using this age-old process. The most
treatment i.e., polymers induced flocculation, precipitation, alternate famous is probably the seasonal influenza vaccine. The principle is to
TFF, etc. As an example, Tomic et al. (2015) described a clarification inoculate embryonated chicken eggs with the virus of interest, which
method for high cell density harvests (N107 cells/mL) using a cationic then replicates in the chorioallantoic membrane. After propagation,
polymer which allows a 4-time reduction of the depth filtration area the allantoic fluid, rich in virus particles, is collected and purified.
compared to traditional methods. This technology could permit large The allantoic fluid is a challenging feed for clarification. Its high min-
fermenter volumes to be harvested without the use of a centrifuge. Sim- eral and protein (including ovalbumin) content gives it a highly viscous
ilarly, Riske et al. (2007) also show that Chitosan treatment (0.02%) of consistency. Allantoic fluid also contains rudimentary tissue compounds
cell culture harvest (40 L) containing 1.4–2.6% solids can result in a from the chicken embryo such as feathers, beaks, blood vessels or blood
seven-fold increase in capacity on the absolute filter post-depth filtra- cells. Because of this high solid content, low-speed centrifugation is the
tion. They also mentioned that Chitosan appears to improve the clarifi- preferred option for primary clarification, typically leading to a recovery
cation efficiency by flocculating the submicron particulates which yield of around 70% (Hendriks et al., 2011; Eichhorn, 2008). However,
normally escape sedimentation in the centrifuge. Pretreatment and floc- implementing filtration techniques for primary clarification is also pos-
culation methods will most likely continue to be part of the future of sible. For NFF, polypropylene and cellulose-based depth filters exhibit
vaccine filter clarification (Goerke et al., 2005). Osmolytes, including fair capacities with allantoic fluid harvests. A surface filter made out of
sugars, sugar alcohols and amino acids, preferentially flocculate viruses polypropylene or a cellulose-based depth filter can result in capacity
(Gencoglu et al., 2014). Virus flocculation using osmolytes, followed by between 150 and 210 L/m2 and reduce the feed stream turbidity up to
0.2 μ microfiltration could be used as an integrated process for virus 3 times (Goyal et al., 1980; Williams and Hughes, 2004). Open feed
purification (Gencoglu and Heldt, 2015). Osmolytes are able to floccu- channel TFF devices are also suitable for allantoic fluid clarification, as
late hydrophobic non-enveloped and enveloped virus particles by the the device is better suited to minimal pressure loss across the feed
reduction of the hydration layer around the particles, which stimulates channel resulting in reduced plugging of the channel.
virus aggregation (Saksule and Heldt, 2015). Though it has been dem- The secondary clarification step can be easily accomplished by NFF.
onstrated that osmolytes flocculate viruses, the method has the poten- Combinations of polypropylene, cellulose and glass fiber materials
tial to be a future platform of vaccine purification, the work reported generally show good efficiency (Lampson and Machlowitz, 1970). An
by Gencoglu and Heldt (2015) is at small research scale and its feasibil- alternative option for the secondary clarification step is the use of TFF
ity at pilot or large scale vaccine purification is yet not reported. Floccu- with a 0.65 μm or 0.45 μm microfiltration membrane device operated
lation pretreatment methods that will most likely continue to be part of with permeate flux control. Open (suspended-screen) channel TFF
L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13 5

devices with hydrophilic PVDF or hydrophilic PES membranes can be variety of proteins which have been produced with this technology.
used at this step (Raghunath et al., 2012). The first steps of the purification train are heavily influenced by the
It is important to note that virus particles may be associated with the characteristics of the bioreactor bulk, namely cell density and viability,
insoluble debris material, which can significantly reduce the viral yield or by the nature of the product release, either secreted by budding or
during clarification. Hughes et al. (2007) demonstrated that the use of cell lysis (Nestola et al., 2015). Baculovirus infection of insect cells
a salt solution could reduce such association between influenza virus causes cell lysis within 3–5 days after infection. Cell disruption may
and solid debris, resulting in a yield increase of approximately two- lead to increased proteolytic activity and other environmental factors
fold and without compromising viral particle integrity. that can result in degradation of recombinant protein. There have
been attempts to develop baculovirus with reduced capability for initi- Viruses produced in mammalian and avian continuous cell lines. ating cell lysis. Such baculovirus shows less than 10% lysis of infected in-
Recently several viral vaccines have moved away from an egg sects (Ho et al., 2004).
based process and have adopted a cell culture based process Cell lysis can be performed using different methods, such as freeze–
(specifically for influenza vaccine). The primary reason for this shift is thaw, detergents, homogenizer, or sonication (Bernard et al., 1996).
to prevent vaccine production issues associated with embryonated Insect cells don't have a cell wall and therefore lyse rapidly. Though son-
eggs (i.e., possible shortage of egg supply in the event of any avian dis- ication has been reported in many bench scale processes, it is rarely
ease outbreak) (FDA, 2005; Milián and Kamen, 2015). Consequently, used in pilot or commercial scale. The most commonly used method is
many types of vaccines and viral vectors are currently developed disrupting the cells using a homogenizer in the presence of a low con-
using mammalian or avian continuous cell lines, either conventional centration of detergent (0.1% Triton X-100 or NP-40) (O'Shaughnessy
(such as Vero, MDCK or HEK293 cell lines) or proprietary cell lines and Doyle, 2011). The use of detergents and homogenization by
such as PER.C6® and EB66® (Josefsberg and Buckland, 2012). Depend- microfluidization or osmotic shock has been successfully adopted in
ing on the expression system, the virus may remain intracellular, neces- many large scale manufacturing processes (Cervarix, 2007; ISPE
sitating cell lysis step, or extracellular (lytic or budding). Guide, 2013). Typically insect cells are suspended in lysis buffer
Compared to allantoic fluid, cell culture harvests are considerably (50 mM TRIS pH 7.7, 300 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, 0.2 mM PMSF and pro-
cleaner in terms of solid load and soluble content. Therefore, NFF tech- tease inhibitor cocktail) and the lysis is performed by adding Triton-X
nology is more easily implemented and capacities are significantly 100 to a final concentration of 0.1% followed by mild sonication or
higher (Vicente et al., 2011b). However, filter capacity highly depends microfluidization (Vlak et al., 1996). The mix is then centrifuged to re-
on the cell culture conditions such as cell density or cell viability at move insoluble particles. At this stage the lysate may look very cloudy
harvest (Iammarino et al., 2007). These parameters influence the and it is difficult to filter using 0.45 μm filters. Sometimes losses as
amount of cell debris and large aggregates that can plug depth filters high as 30% can be observed at the lysate clarification step (Wolf and
and membranes, leading to reduced capacities. Reichl, 2011). The addition of Benzonase at the lysis step helps solve
A good example of clarification by NFF was reported by Thomassen the filtration problem (Gousseinov et al., 2014). Washing the cells
et al. (2013a) for the inactivated polio virus (IPV) production process. with phosphate buffered saline after the harvest and a quick “freeze–
Vero cells grown on microcarriers were used for virus propagation at a thaw” in high salt (500 mM NaCl) containing lysis buffer help to remove
cell density TOI of 0.78 × 106 cells/mL. Pre-clarification was done the aggregates.
using a 75 μm stainless steel sieve to remove microcarriers from the har- Clarification of VLPs and viral vectors produced by insect cells hap-
vest. A double layered graded density depth filter (0.2–2.0 μm) was pens after cell lysis (either by chemical or mechanical treatment)
used for clarification, followed by a sterilizing-grade filter. The selected which releases not only viral particles, but also concomitantly host cell
scalable disposable unit was successfully implemented for the prepara- nucleic acid in large quantities. Insect cells are able to grow at high
tion of Sabin IPV clinical trial material at a 350 L scale (Thomassen et al., cell densities, from 1 to 9 x 106 cells/mL (Ikonomou et al., 2003). Conse-
2013b). Depending on virus serotype, 86% to 96% virus recovery was quently, the clarification step should handle high cell density, high
obtained. nucleic acid content and if possible, remove baculovirus particles. To
make it even more complex, VLPs or viral vectors and baculovirus can Virus like particles produced in baculovirus/insect cell system. The have a similar size (baculovirus has a width of 60–80 nm and a length
consideration of baculovirus/insect cell system for large-scale produc- of 300–400 nm). Because of high cell densities, centrifugation has
tion of vaccines is relatively new, but it is gaining interest particularly been the preferred technology for primary clarification for decades.
in the fields of viral vectors and VLPs (Vicente et al., 2011a). The key However, membrane processes appear as a very attractive alternative
benefits of the system are that it involves a transient (no need to estab- as scalability is easily defined. Depth filters have been used efficiently
lish a cell line) and is safe (no complete viral DNA) production (Cox, for triple layered rotavirus like particle downstream processes
2012). There are also drawbacks like the need for baculovirus removal (Peixoto et al., 2007). At laboratory scale, CsCl density gradient ultracen-
and product stability (Hermens and Smith, 2013; Peixoto et al., 2015). trifugation methods are commonly used for the purification of these
Cervarix®, a VLP vaccine against human papillomavirus infections complex particles. Peixoto et al. (2007) evaluated not only the clarifica-
from GlaxoSmithKline plc. has been the first human vaccine produced tion step by depth filter but also the whole downstream process (lysis
commercially in insect cells. Many vaccines based on VLPs and rAAV with Triton X-100 and depth filtration followed by ultrafiltration and
vectors produced in baculovirus-infected insect cells are currently in de- size exclusion). As a result they achieved higher yield of 37% on the
velopment (Krammer and Grabherr, 2010). Insect cell lines derived other hand yield of CsCl density gradient ultracentrifugation methods
from the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9 and Sf21) and reported the order of 10% (Cheng et al., 2001). As another example,
from the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni (BTI-TN5B1-4 cells) are most 0.45 μm hollow fiber followed by 500 kDa hollow fiber was used for
commonly used due to their ability to grow in suspension, which sim- the recovery and concentration of HIV virus — like particles produced
plifies scale-up of upstream process. After being grown to a desired via- in insect cells (Negrete et al., 2014). In this study, the shear force of hol-
ble cell density, these cells are infected by recombinant baculoviruses low fiber was optimized based on cell integrity. As a result they establish
for protein expression during the exponential cell growth phase low shear force process to replace the bench scale sucrose gradient ul-
(Vicente et al., 2011a). Baculovirus' large genome allows expressing tracentrifugation. This process potentially is applicable to large scale
up to five or more different proteins, which matches VLPs and viral vec- production. Depth filters also have been used successfully for recombi-
tor complexity (F. Fernandes et al., 2013). nant adeno-associated virus production (Cecchini et al., 2011). Cell
Downstream processing of insect cell cultures is well described by lysis was conducted with a dual-piston mechanical cell disrupter
Bernard et al. (1996). This process is highly variable, reflecting the followed by nuclease treatment. 1.2 μm glass fiber depth filter followed
6 L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13

Table 4 et al., 2012; Li et al., 2015). The vaccine antigen (VLP) is expressed in
Comparative evaluation of nominally rated pleated polypropylene filter combination for E. coli and its scale-up of the antigen production process has been dem-
clarification of Hepatitis C virus like particle (VLP) vaccine produced in insect cell culture.
onstrated at 50 L scale (Zhang et al., 2014). The product is extracted by
Feed Filter/filter train % recovery lysis of E. coli and inclusion bodies were separated from cellular debris
Direct harvest 10 μm → 5 μm → 0.6 μm 68% by extensive washing with buffer containing 2% Triton X-100, and
5 μm → 0.6 μm 74% then dissolved by homogenization with 4 M urea (Li et al., 2009).
10 μm → 0.6 μm 68% Human papillomavirus VLP produced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
5 μm → 0.3 μm 100%
(15 L scale) was reported to be clarified by TFF (Cook et al., 1999). The
Centratea 0.6 μm 82%
0.3 μm 52% nuclease treated cell lysate was clarified by cross-flow microfiltration
in a diafiltration mode using 0.65 μm hollow-fiber filter cartridge. The
Lab centrifuge was used (300 ×g for 10 min) and had a product yield of 90%.
same has been adopted in the vaccine manufacturing process (Bryan,
2009). Though only a few VLP based vaccines have made it to commer-
cial scale, several VLP based vaccines are in the pipeline (Kushnir et al.,
2012), and most of them employ either centrifugation or membrane
by two-layered 0.8 and 0.2 μm hydrophilic PES were used at the clarifi- based technology for clarification.
cation step. Proportionally sized filters were used for process batch from
smaller scale to 200 L scale. Depth filters have been used successfully 2.2.2. Impact of physicochemical virus properties
(Cecchini et al., 2011) and TFF with flat sheet membranes or hollow fi- After considering the production system and the way to remove as-
bers of 0.2 μm or 0.45 μm nominal rating has been reported as very effi- sociated contaminants in clarification steps, it is important to take into
cient as well (Negrete et al., 2014). account virus characteristics and focus on maximizing viral yield.
Recent studies at the Instituto de Biologia Experimental e
Tecnológica (IBET) in Oeiras, Portugal, clarification of hepatitis C VLP Viruses prone to adsorption. Positively charged materials and
expressed in baculovirus was carried out using NFF without centrifuga- filter aids (such as diatomaceous earth) have been developed to im-
tion (Xenopoulos, 2015). Nominally rated polypropylene filters (10, 5, prove depth filter efficacy. While positive charges increase nucleic
0.6 and 0.3 μm) filters were used for the clarification of VLP harvest. acids and HCP capture, diatomaceous earth is known to bind cell debris
The same filter of 0.6 μm and 0.3 μm pore rating were examined for and colloids (Yigzaw et al., 2006). However, these materials may also re-
the filtration of a VLP harvest centrate. The filtrates from all studies tain viruses by adsorption mechanism. Electrostatic interaction with
were tested for HCV-VLP recovery and compared to assess the recom- positively charged filters may occur, since viruses are often negatively
mended filtration method. These results are shown in Table 4. charged in the solution. Viruses may also bind by hydrophobic or non-
The results showed that a filter train of 5 μm ➔ 0.3 μm filters yielded specific interactions with some filter material (diatomaceous earth or
the highest product recovery (100%) results for the direct harvest glass fibers for example) (Venkiteshwaran et al., 2015). Enveloped
hepatitis C VLP feed. Polypropylene 0.6 μm filters yielded the highest viruses, because of their lipidic envelope, are more prone to such
product recovery (82%) for the centrate feed and ~ 70% removal of adsorption. If virus adsorption occurs on a filter via electrostatic interac-
host cell DNA clearance. tion, it is possible to partially recover it by flushing the filter with a high
conductivity buffer as virus particles desorb due to salt competition Virus like particles produced in bacterial or yeast based systems. (Roldão et al., 2014). However, this may also elute contaminants such
The type of clarification method for VLP vaccines expressed in bacterial as HCP or nucleic acids. The use of an alternative filter material, such
or yeast based systems depends on the release of VLPs to the extracellu- as polypropylene which is more inert, is consequently preferred.
lar medium. If the VLPs are not efficiently secreted, a cell lysis or other Adenoviruses can be prone to adsorption, but divergent results have
extraction step might be required before the actual clarification step been reported. One study by Namatovu et al. (2006) reported good re-
(Vicente et al., 2011a). Although the gold standard in the industry for covery of adenovirus by using positively charged and diatomaceous
clarification of proteins expressed in bacteria or yeast based systems earth containing depth filters. The findings are summarized in Table 5.
has been centrifugation (either continuous or batch), more recently, Good recovery with borosilicate glass fiber filters were reported as
membrane processes appear as a very attractive alternative due to well. On the other hand, a patent deposed by Weggeman et al. (2006)
easy scalability and compatibility to single use processing (Vicente relates 20–40% adenovirus loss when clarifying PER.C6® cell culture
et al., 2011a). with the same positively charged diatomaceous earth containing
Richter and Topell (2013) explained the use of centrifugation, TFF or depth filters. In this case, a nominally rated polypropylene filter showed
combination of both in preparative clarification of VLPs produced in high virus recovery (N90%).
Escherichia coli. In their work, E. coli homogenate obtained by homoge- Influenza virus is also known to be prone to adsorption loss during
nization was diluted and clarified by employing 0.45 μm TFF membrane clarification (Hughes et al., 2007). Hence the use of non-charged filters,
at a temperature of 5 °C. They also stated that membrane based TFF is i.e., polypropylene based filter is suitable for clarification of influenza
suitable for the processing of high viscosity harvest, preferably using a harvest. Thompson et al. (2012) reported the use of nominally rated
TFF cassette with an open channel configuration. Clarification by centri- 1.2 μm polypropylene filter followed by 0.45 μm PVDF membrane for
fugation was also evaluated as an alternative to TFF. In this case, the clarification of cell based influenza produced by MDCK cells. A total of
homogenate produced was not diluted and subjected to centrifugation
at 4 °C for 105 min at 10,000 ×g. The supernatant was decanted from Table 5
the pellet without transferring the soft overlay and re-centrifuged at Adenovirus recovery obtained from clarification of harvest using different grades of
4 °C for 60 min at 10,000 × g. The supernatant was then decanted Millistak® depth filters.
from any pellet present and diluted 1:2 with EB buffer (43.89 mM Tris
Sample description Virus titer (PU/mL) Virus recovery (%)
HCl, 6.11 mM Tris Base, 5.0 mM EDTA, 10% (v/v) Triton X-100), filtered
Before lysis 2.36e10 100
over a 0.22 μm sterilizing grade filtering unit and processed further. A
Post lysis 2.67e10 113
scaled up process of this VLP vaccine produced in E. coli at an 800 L Current process filtrate 2.17e10 92
scale is also reported to have been clarified by a combination of centri- B1HC filtrate 6.75e9 29
fugation and TFF (Bachman, 2009). C0HC filtrate 1.98e10 84
A recombinant hepatitis E vaccine (Hecolin®), HEV 239, has been 30CE filtrate 2.28e10 97
30DE filtrate 2.07e10 88
licensed in China for immunizing adults of 16 year old and above (Wu
L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13 7

9 purification runs were performed at the 20 L scale, applying a loading plugging by decreasing the size of aggregates, providing a higher yield.
of 111 L/m2 for the 1.2 μm polypropylene filter and 105 L/m2 for the Homogenization also improves the filterability of the harvest (filtration
0.45 μm PVDF filter. Results show a good virus recovery for most of capacity increased by 2.4–3 times).
the runs (78–154%). They also reported up to 58% hcDNA removal, but Excess impurities could interfere in virus recovery. Impurities tend
no significant HCP removal. to block the filter and plugged membrane pores may result in lower
virus passage. In a patent by de Vocht and Veenstra (2013) it was men- Shear sensitive viruses. Some viruses (enveloped or non- tioned that direct clarification of high cell density Per.C6® harvest by
enveloped) exhibit low mechanical resistance and may be damaged TFF (0.65 or 0.2 μm membrane) led to null adenovirus virus recovery.
by shear exposure during centrifugation and membrane filtration Removal of host cell DNA by selective precipitation prior the 0.65 μm
steps. Shear forces generated during purification steps involving filtra- TFF step allowed to recover N70% of adenovirus.
tion or chromatography may cause shedding of the viral envelope,
thus affecting infectivity (Walther and Stein, 2000). Depending on 2.3. Case study: optimization of viral vaccine clarification
capsid size, thickness and geometry, the viral capsid may either be brit-
tle or on the contrary resilient to high pressure (Mateu, 2012). Some Comprehensive viral vaccine clarification studies are rarely found in
enveloped viruses such as influenza are resilient to mechanical stress literature. At the 2011 BioProcess International™ conference, Sanofi Pas-
and withstand large deformations. On the other hand, shear forces teur presented a rational approach of filter selection for the development
may cause shedding of the envelope of less resistant viruses, such as of a new clarification sequence of a viral vaccine candidate (Fabre et al.,
retroviruses, compromising virus infectivity (Walther and Stein, 2011). The study aimed at overcoming issues faced when cell and viral
2000). Extracellularly-produced enveloped VLPs are also known to be culture processes were optimized. The upstream process modifications
particularly fragile. led to a 20% yield loss and premature filter fouling during the clarification
During centrifugation, a high shear rate is generated, mainly at the step, which as a result could not be scaled-up. Entire re-development of
inlet and outlet parts (where air–liquid interface generates higher the filtration sequence was required, in order to build a robust and scal-
shear rate). The transduction ability of some retroviruses is significantly able clarification step, with a virus recovery higher than 85%.
lessened when the viruses are purified by gradient centrifugation (Saha Based on in-house experience and scientific publications, the team
et al., 1994). Relative lability of virus particles to shear forces must be selected 27 filters for a primary screening study. Various filter media
considered while designing centrifugal separations. The centrifugal (polypropylene, nylon, cellulose esters, glass fibers, charged adsorptive
force is not the only source of shear impact, but more importantly the filters) and structure (pleated or depth filters) were individually tested
equipment design, particularly at the inlet and outlet also has significant for virus adsorption in small-scale format. Virus yield was assessed by
shear impact (Roush and Lu, 2008). Differences of design across scales ELISA and clarification efficiencies of the pre-selected filters were also
may lead to variable yield and recovery of shear-sensitive virus at vari- compared by checking turbidity reduction. The preliminary screening
ous scales. study showed that nylon and charged filters were retaining virus parti-
Clarification by TFF should be designed cautiously with shear- cles, with a virus recovery b10%. Polypropylene and polyethersulfone
sensitive viruses, because both shear stress magnitude and exposure filters exhibited N 80% virus recovery. Cellulose esters and glass fiber
time to the stress (due to recirculation) can be high. Selecting an filter recovery varied depending on the filter evaluated (20% or 90%).
open-channel device (hollow fibers or open-channel flat sheet devices) As a second step, Sanofi Pasteur evaluated several combinations
is preferred with shear-sensitive virus, to reduce turbulence and shear (either 2 stage or 3 stage sequence) of seven filters pre-selected in the
force inside the feed channels. Operational parameters should also be screening study. Constant flow-rate sizing experiments were performed
selected to minimize virus particle damages: low cross flow, moderate using small-scale filters. Additionally, this experiment used higher
transmembrane pressure (TMP) and short processing time (Cruz et al., harvest volumes than the screening study. Based on virus recovery
2000). Membrane fouling at high pressures can result in loss of viral in- and filter capacity results, the team selected the two best combinations
fectivity, possibly due to shear forces that may act on the viral envelope for further investigation.
(Morenweiser, 2005). Membrane based separations are size based
- Sequence 1 (2 stages): 30 μm nominally rated pleated polypropylene
and accumulation of large molecular weight viral inhibitors with the
pre-filter followed by a multilayer filter combining cellulose esters
viral particles can result in a reduction in infectivity of viral vectors
and glass fibers (1/0.5 μm porosities)
(Andreadis et al., 1999).
Degradation of shear-sensitive viruses during depth filtration is not
widely documented in literature. Virus loss in depth filtration is most
often attributed to product entrapment, adsorption or time- and
temperature-dependent virus degradation (Reeves and Cornetta,
2000). Indeed, even if mechanical stress may occur in a NFF system,
the exposure time to shear is extremely short compared to other tech-
nologies as products in NFF undergoes a rapid single pass. Retention due to size. Viruses above 100 nm can be retained by

mycoplasma removal or sterilizing-grade membranes (0.22 μm and
below) (Langfield et al., 2004; Vicente et al., 2011a). In such situations,
special attention should be given to filter selection. For a microfiltration
TFF step, 0.45 μm or 0.65 μm membranes are preferred to obtain good
product passage (Vicente et al., 2014). For NFF multiple-step filtration,
the tightest layer should be ≥ 0.45 μm; and care should be employed
while selecting depth filters as some depth filter devices may include
a layer of membrane that could result in retention driven product loss
(Singh et al., 2013).
Fig. 1. Average virus recovery obtained at each filtration step. Robustness study with 3
Virus aggregation can have a negative impact on virus yield, enhanc- filtration sequences was evaluated, where only sequence 1 using 30 μm nominally rated
ing retention caused by size. According to a patent by Andre and pleated polypropylene and 1.0/0.5 μm cellulose esters and glass fiber filters reached the
Champluvier (2010), homogenization can prevent or limit filter global recovery target.
8 L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13

- Bacterial toxin (toxoid). i.e., diphtheria and tetanus toxoid.

- Plasmid (pDNA).

Because of the broad heterogeneity of products within this family,

the challenges in terms of upstream and downstream processes
are very dependent on the vaccine type to produce. Thus, the initial
fermentation step may or may not be followed by purification, and con-
sequently by a clarification step.

3.2. Strategies for bacterial vaccine clarification

3.2.1. Whole cell bacteria vaccines

Manufacturing processes of live bacterial vaccines (LBV) remained
virtually unchanged for decades. The purification process for these vac-
cines consists of few purification steps which rarely include any clarifi-
cation steps. For example, cell harvest in the manufacturing process of
BCG vaccine is traditionally done with a press filter that allows for dry-
ing the bacteria before filling into ampoules and lyophilized. Alternately,
cells can be harvested by centrifugation before being mixed with stabi-
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of filter combination and step yield of clarification trains.
lizing agents and lyophilized. They are then re-suspended into WFI prior
Train A is the traditional process and Train B is the optimized process. The optimized train
B resulted in 3-time reduction of pre-filter area, removal of intermediate filtration step and to injection. But this particular process has significant lot-to-lot variabil-
10-time reduction of final filter area that resulted in 3% increase in global virus recovery. ity as Mycobacterium bovis tends to aggregate when cultured, which has
a direct impact on the potency of the final preparation. Rao et al. (1992)
evaluated TFF technology on whole cell pertussis process. Pertussis cells
- Sequence 2 (3 stages): Same pre-filter (30 μm nominally rated were successfully concentrated 10 times using an open channel device
polypropylene filter) followed by an intermediate multilayer poly- with 0.45 μm PVDF membrane run at low TMP (b 0.2 bar). A higher
propylene filter and a final asymmetric polyethersulfone membrane. yield than centrifugation was reported (81% vs 70%), and the subse-
quent vaccine met potency and toxicity requirements.

Robustness of these two clarification sequences was challenged by 3.2.2. Bacterial subunit vaccines
repeating constant flow-rate sizing experiments with different harvest Bacterial subunit vaccines are comprised of specific antigen(s) —
batches. While both potential sequences confirmed enhanced capacities each vaccine is generally made up of 1 to 20 antigens. Subunit vaccines
compared to the reference train, only sequence 1 achieved the virus have been successfully produced for HPV, Hepatitis B, etc. (Plotkin et al.,
recovery target (N 85%), as shown in Fig. 1. 2013). The recombinant bacterial subunit vaccine is manufactured by
In parallel, centrifugation technology was also evaluated as the pri- placing the antigen's gene in a yeast or bacterial vector. This vector is
mary clarification step, followed by a 0.45 μm final filtration. Several then modified to express the antigen, which is then taken out of the vec-
speed/duration couples were tested. Even though 0.45 μm filterability tor through additional processing using recombinant DNA technology.
was 2 fold increased, the final yield was below the 85% target. As a Because each antigen is different and is expressed in different locations
consequence, centrifugation was not further investigated. of the bacterial cell, the upstream culture and fermentation conditions
Finally, performances of the polypropylene and glass fiber-based fil- also differ, which then impacts the harvest clarification process
tration sequence were assessed at larger scale (160 L bioreactor size). (Gentschev et al., 2001).
The filtration train is shown in Fig. 2. Several harvest batches were suc- For pertussis vaccine, pertussis toxin, PT (105 kDa) is the major
cessfully clarified, with no indication of filter plugging, a process time extracellular toxin and detoxified during the process of manufacturing.
compatible with manufacturing constraints and a virus yield N 85%. Filamentous hemagglutinin, FHA (220 kDa) is secreted out of the cell,
There was no impact of the clarification step optimization on the forms filaments and aggregates and some adhere to cells. Fimbriae 2,
downstream steps and on the critical quality attributes of the vaccine. Fim2 (22.5 kDa); Fimbriae 3, Fim3 (22 kDa); and Pertactin, PRN
Consequently, the selected clarification sequence was implemented in (69 kDa) are located on the cell surface. The primary purpose of harvest
the vaccine manufacturing process (1000 L size bioreactor), and perfor- clarification is to remove the cells (and further purify and isolate FHA,
mances were successfully confirmed. PRN and FIM2/3 through additional processing) and remove PT
and FHA from the supernatant. The solid level is relatively low in the
harvest. Centrifugation followed by secondary clarification (using
3. Clarification of bacterial vaccines depth or membrane filtration) or microfiltration (using TFF) is often
used. FHA is shear sensitive so open-channel microfiltration devices
3.1. Considerations for bacterial vaccine clarification using permeate-controlled operation with low TMP and ΔP are often
employed. The clarified supernatant is processed through a bioburden
According to the National Library of Medicine MeSH descriptor data reduction (0.45 μm) or sterilizing grade (0.22 μm) membrane-based fil-
(MeSH, 2002), a bacterial vaccine is defined as a suspension of bacteria, ter prior to further purification. Open channel TFF device (0.45 μm PVDF
attenuated or killed, or their antigenic derivatives administered to induce membrane) has been successfully used for clarification of acellular
an immune response for the prevention or treatment of bacterial disease. pertussis vaccine demonstrating more than 98% recovery of PT and
More generally, bacterial vaccines can be divided into four sub-categories FHA antigen (Kumar et al., 2009).
depending on the type of active antigen. This agent can be:
3.2.3. Toxoids
- Killed or attenuated live whole bacteria. i.e., BCG vaccine. The two most common toxoids manufactured for vaccine purpose
- Purified antigenic determinant (subunit vaccines). i.e., Anthrax or are diphtheria and tetanus, which are produced respectively by
acellular pertussis vaccine. Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Clostridium tetani. The production of
L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13 9

those two vaccines is bound by strict regulatory requirements. The Diphtheria vaccine. Diphtheria vaccine is based on a toxoid.
WHO Technical report N°800 and later annexes (N°980) specify recom- Traditional production steps include growth of toxin producing
mendations to assure the quality, safety and efficacy of tetanus and C. diphtheriae in liquid media, then the suspension is centrifuged and
diphtheria vaccines (WHO, 1990;2014b). General Good Manufacturing the exotoxin-containing supernatant is membrane filtered before the
Practices apply to the production of those two vaccines, and employees addition of formalin to convert the toxin into toxoid.
must be appropriately trained and receive booster immunization Separation of supernatant from the producer cells to purify diphthe-
against the diseases. GMPs precise that both purity and quality of the ria toxin by TFF is very common. Cross-flow filtration allows processing
final product must be demonstrated. The potency of tetanus final vac- very large volumes of culture within a relatively limited timeframe, is
cine has to be determined, according to WHO and EP, by comparing it easy to scale up and can be perfectly monitored and fine-tuned. The
in vivo – or with any other validated method – with an appropriate use of 0.65 μm PVDF open channel TFF devices has been reported by
reference material calibrated in international units (IU) against the Rao et al. (1992). They mentioned that a total area of 0.58 m2 was suffi-
International Standard for tetanus toxoid. In 2011 were released the cient to clarify 56 L of C. diphtheriae harvest within 3 h with no detect-
latest requirements in terms of potency that may vary depending on able loss of toxin. More recently, Sundaran et al. (2002) evaluated and
the assessment method. Vaccine safety (absence of toxin and reversion compared the use of traditional TFF cassettes and open-channel flat
to toxicity) must also be demonstrated for each batch. At last, the sheet devices containing thermally bonded membrane to isolate cells
stability of the vaccine, and especially the real-time stability, must be from supernatant. Both devices contained 0.45 μm hydrophilic PVDF
addressed. membranes. With the open-channel module, the permeate flux was
controlled by a pump, while the TMP alone was driving the flux with
traditional cassettes. In this study, the open-channel modules (50 ft.2 Tetanus vaccine. Tetanus vaccine is prepared by treating the tet- total) were used to clarify batches of 300 L of cell suspension. During
anus toxin with formaldehyde to render it nontoxic without losing its the trials, the TMP was kept constant at 1 bar by adjusting both the per-
immunogenic potency. In a recent technical report, WHO recommends meate pump speed and valve on the retentate line. For traditional TFF
filtration of the crude harvest (WHO, 2014b). It states that “After the cassettes, the TMP was set around 8–10 psi and the recirculation flow
culture medium has been sampled to control for purity, filtration should rate at 480 L/h for a membrane of 25 ft.2. Whatever the type of TFF de-
be used to separate the medium aseptically from the bacterial mass as vice tested, the recovery yield was consistently over 98%. But it has
soon as possible. A preservative may be added, but phenol should not been demonstrated in the study that some toxin was retained on the
be used for this purpose. To facilitate filtration, cultures may be centri- top surface of the membrane, which was easily recovered by introduc-
fuged, provided that suitable precautions have been taken to avoid the ing a wash step followed by 10 times volume concentration to increase
formation of potentially hazardous aerosols. A filter aid may be added toxin recovery.
beforehand. A filter that does not shed fibers should be used.”
Consequently several methods can be used for separation of cells from 3.2.4. Plasmid DNA vaccines
the fermentation medium. Traditionally, this step is achieved by centrifu- Plasmids DNA vaccines are in use for animal health purposes and
gation or dead-ended depth filtration, but those two methods are time several plasmid DNA vaccines for human use are under different stages
consuming and the step recovery in toxin may be less than 75%. Some of development and clinical evaluation (Ghanem et al., 2013). After
manufacturers perform dead-ended depth filtration made out of cellulose E. coli fermentation, bacteria are harvested and lysed to release plasmid
and perlite, under a constant differential pressure of 12 psi, in-line with a DNA. Removal of cell debris is typically performed by centrifugation or
0.22 μm membrane sterile filter (Muniandi et al., 2013). filtration. This topic is extensively described in a recent publication
Because of a need for easier operation and a higher yield with (Xenopoulos and Pattnaik, 2014). In this publication, the current up-
reduced risks for operators (the plates of the dead-end filters often stream, downstream and formulation pDNA processes and challenges
plug and must be replaced during manufacturing), manufacturers are addressed. The authors also give insight into gaps at each step of
have recently tried to move forward with using disposable devices, the typical pDNA manufacturing process and potential future innova-
and in particular single-use capsules or self-contained depth filters. tions and/or current technology gaps that could lead to further process
While depth filters made of mixed cellulose esters and diatomaceous optimizations.
earths have been successfully used for primary clarification, achieving Plasmid DNA vaccine process has two steps of clarification: first, re-
and in some cases exceeding target process throughputs, single-use de- moval of bacterial cells from the culture broth and second, removal of
vices (i.e. capsules) made of mixed cellulose esters and glass fibers have cell debris after cell lysis. Depending on the scale, either centrifugation
been shown to also exhibit acceptable throughputs while achieving or TFF microfiltration is used for cell harvesting. Disk stack centrifuges
similar filtrate quality as depth filters. Because of this, they are a viable operating at high speed with intermittent ejection can cause poor
alternative to the use of depth filters for toxin primary clarification. supercoiled plasmid yields because of shear damage during discharge
Alternately, open-channel microfiltration modules and hollow fibers (Kong et al., 2008). If centrifugation has to be used, solid-bowl centri-
have been used to achieve similar results. Because of the consistency of fuges are preferable. Open-channel, flat-sheet TFF devices with 0.1 or
a membrane from one lot to another, this method can be easier to vali- 0.2 μm microfiltration membranes or hollow fiber devices work well.
date into a GMP environment and can advantageously and economical- Sometime preference is given to hollow fiber devices due to their higher
ly compete with depth filters. In a recent publication, Muniandi et al. solid loading capacities. Commonly these processes operate 3–5 fold
(2013) related the use of PVDF 0.22 μm membrane in open channel concentration followed by 3–5 volume diafiltration. To minimize shear
TFF modules for the routine primary clarification of WHO pre- and have better control on membrane polarization, permeate controlled
qualified tetanus vaccine. They used cross flow of 16 L/min/feed channel operation is highly recommended (Raghunath et al., 2012). Though cen-
with an average TMP of 0.8 bar, which allowed the toxin to pass through trifugation is more cost-effective at large scale commercial operations,
the membrane and retained the cells concentrating it by 10 times. smaller scale processes prefer the use of filtration due to portability
They also emphasized that for six years, the same five modules of and ease of operation. There is an increasing trend towards preference
20 ft.2 (i.e. a total area of 9.29 m2) were used over 150 batches to clarify of filtration at all scales. Flocculation agents have been used to facilitate
400 L of fermentation broth, with a consistent tetanus toxin recovery processing, but it may cause product loss (Pearson et al., 2004). Some
(N96%) and an antigenic purity meeting WHO requirements. Traditional also proposed use of inert diatomaceous earth particles followed by
TFF cassettes with PVDF 0.22 μm membrane and retentate channel bag filtration (Prazeres and Ferreira, 2004).
screens can be used as well at 6–8 L/min/m2 crossflow and 0.5 to Cell lysis generates viscous product with large particles, cell debris,
1 bar TMP leading to similar performance. soluble impurities, fine colloidal particles along with pDNA. Removal
10 L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13

of such fine solids is a difficult separation due to complexity of material. train followed by bioburden reduction filtration prior to proceeding
Graded density depth filters or membrane filters with open pore struc- into downstream processing for further purification.
ture (N 0.45 μm) can work well for cell debris removal. As the cell debris
is highly plugging in nature, filtration at low flow rate or low pressure is
4.2. Strategy for polysaccharide vaccine clarification
preferred. TFF based microfiltration has been used at this step and
industrial-scale bag filters as well. It was reported that static (in stirred
4.2.1. Primary clarification step
vessels) versus continuous (with in-line static mixers) lysis requires dif-
Centrifugation is one of the most common technologies used for sep-
ferent filters (Antoniou, 2010). Older processes are known to use woven
aration of cell mass from fermentation broth. Depending on the scale,
nylon bag filters or MAVAG — FUNDA®-Filter Systems or bucket type
continuous or batch centrifugation could be selected. Takagi et al.
centrifugation. More recent approaches use flocculation or bubble
(2008) reported clarification of Haemophilus influenzae type b culture
column with 3/0.1 μm depth filters for separation of cell debris
broth (7.6 L) by centrifugation at 17,725 × g at 4 °C for 30 min. It is
(Xenopoulos and Pattnaik, 2014).
important to note that proper optimization of centrifugation condition
and its operation is critical for successful downstream purification.
3.3. Case study: comparison of centrifugation, NFF and TFF methods for
Edmonds-Smith (2013) reported that 4 out of 19 batches of
tetanus toxin clarification
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine fermentation batch (15 L) could
not be processed further due to improper clarification using centrifuga-
Muniandi et al. (2013) compared three different methods for the
tion. Though traditional polysaccharide vaccine processes primarily
clarification of tetanus toxin and toxoid from fermentation broth, name-
used centrifugation for clarification, more modern processes prefer
ly centrifugation, depth filtration (NFF), and TFF. Test material was pro-
microfiltration (MF) TFF as an alternative for this step. When selecting
duced in a 400 L fermenter through the use of Modified Mueller Miller
a specific TFF membrane and pore size it is important to keep in mind
(MMM) medium. For the centrifugation study, the cells were centri-
the molecular weight of polysaccharides that are typically large
fuged at 4000 rpm for 60 min in 6 × 1 L containers. Samples of the
and complex in structure with molecular weight ranging from approx-
supernatant were taken and tested for toxoid recovery. For the depth fil-
imately 500 kDa to over 1000 kDa. Due to such a large open pore size,
tration method, the fermentation broth was clarified using 0.45 μm and
MF membranes (e.g. 0.22 μm, 0.45 μm, 0.65 μm) are preferred to assure
0.22 μm depth filters containing diatomaceous earth and cellulosic ma-
successful recovery of PS molecule in permeate.
terial. This process was done at 35 °C at 12 psi. The TFF method
Gonçalves et al. (2007) reported separation of Streptococcus cells from
employed open channel flat sheet TFF modules thermally bonded
the broth by tangential microfiltration (0.22 μm PVDF membrane). A peri-
with 0.22 μm PVDF membrane. The TFF-based clarification process
staltic pump was used to drive the suspended broth through the mem-
was carried out at a cross-flow rate of 2000 L/h at 23 °C. The clarified
brane at TMP of 10 psi. Full recoveries (100%) were reported for both
filtrate was then concentrated using traditional TFF cassettes with
capsular polysaccharides (CPS) of interest CPS-23F and CPS-6B clarified
30 kD PES membranes at a cross-flow rate of 1000 L/h at 25 °C. The
through the MF TFF 0.22 μm PVDF membrane, as measured by a specific
clarified broth (approximately 6 L) was concentrated 10 times in this ul-
method for methyl pentoses using rhamnose as a standard. In a recent
trafiltration process. Samples of the concentrated retentate were tested
study on Typhoid Vi polysaccharide vaccine, Kothari et al. (2013) ex-
for tetanus toxoid to assess product recovery. The comparison of each of
plained clarification of formalin inactivated culture broth by use of TFF de-
the clarification methods is shown in Table 6. Depth filtration resulted in
vice containing 0.45 μm membrane. They reported 7 fold concentration of
~89% product recovery where as TFF device resulted in more than 97%
cells followed by 10 volume diafiltration that resulted in a recovery
product recovery. The microfiltration and ultrafiltration processes con-
between 75% and 82% Vi antigen in the permeate pool measured by Vi
sistently yielded higher product recovery than the NFF method. These
ELISA. These results were obtained from diafiltration against water, but
results were based on flocculation test (Lf) (Muniandi et al., 2013).
the yield increased to 99–100% when diafiltered against 1 M NaCl.
4. Clarification of polysaccharide vaccines
4.2.2. Secondary clarification step
4.1. Considerations for polysaccharide vaccine clarification The clarity/turbidity of cell-free fermentation broth arriving onto the
secondary clarification step is dependent on the specific bacteria, lysis
The manufacturing process of both non-conjugated/free polysaccha- type, individual serotype and the technology used for the primary clar-
ride and conjugated polysaccharide vaccines starts from cultivation ification step (Lages et al., 2003). The turbidity of centrate could range
of host bacteria in fermenter. At the end of fermentation the from approximately 50 NTU to 150 NTU (Lander et al., 2005). Positively
bacteria cells could be treated with detergents such as DOC (sodium charged graded density depth filters made out of packed cellulosic fiber
deoxycholate), Triton® X-100 or other suitable agents to disrupt the impregnated with diatomaceous earth can be used for clarifying the
bacteria and facilitate the release of the polysaccharides. Due to high centrate and reducing its turbidity down to b 5 NTU (Wang et al.,
packed cell volume, direct harvest through NFF is not economically fea- 2006). The volumetric throughputs on such depth filters can range
sible for scale up as the throughputs could be very low. Hence the ideal from approximately 150 L/m2 to 250 L/m2 (Laska et al., 2005). Typically,
choice is to use centrifugation for separation of cell mass. Microfiltration the depth filter clarified product fluid is then filtered through a subse-
range of TFF could also be used (Gonçalves et al., 2003; Kothari et al., quent 0.45 μm bioburden reduction grade or 0.22 μm sterilizing grade
2010; Macha et al., 2014). The cell-free centrate/permeate containing membrane to remove any remaining cellular particles and colloids
polysaccharides of interest is further clarified through NFF depth filter and potential microorganisms (Prasad, 2011).

Table 6
Comparison of tetanus toxin clarification methods.

Method used Filter(s)/devices Processing parameters Area Volume processed (L)

Centrifugation Model-Sorvall™ RC 3B plus 4000 rpm for 60 min N/A 6 × 1 L bottles

Depth filtration 0.45 μm T500 Seitz® filter pads 12 psi, 35 °C 20 × 20 cm 80–100 L
0.22 μm EKS Seitz® filter pads 20 × 20 cm
TFF — clarification 0.22 μm PVDF Prostak® 2000 L/h (cross-flow), 23 °C 5 × 1.9 m2 800–1000 L
TFF — concentration (10×) 30 kD Biomax® Pellicon® 2 1000 L/h (cross-flow), 25 °C 4.6 m2 800–1000 L
L. Besnard et al. / Biotechnology Advances 34 (2016) 1–13 11

4.3. Case study: clarification of post centrifuge centrate of Streptococcus surrounding the clarification, which adds the need for guidance in pro-
pneumoniae fermentation broth cess development strategies.
The volume and scale of commercial scale operation of vaccine
The S. pneumoniae serotype 8 fermentation broth (20 L) treated with manufacturing has a strong impact on the selection of clarification
the addition of 0.1% (v/v) Triton® X-100 was separated from the cell technology. Being located far in the upstream of the process, proper
mass by continuous centrifugation. The collected centrate was filtered optimization of clarification is critical to success of downstream unit
through two individual positively charged and diatomaceous earth con- operations maximizing yield, recovery and robustness of the process.
taining cellulosic fiber depth filters. The individual depth filter filtrates Though centrifugation is still a viable technology option for primary
were subsequently filtered through a bioburden reduction grade PVDF clarification, open channel microfiltration devices (TFF) for primary
0.45 μm membrane. All the filtration tests were performed in a constant clarification and fine depth filters or membrane filters for secondary
flow mode using a peristaltic pump. Filtration tests were performed clarification are gaining acceptance in the vaccine industry. This change
with charged depth filter and S. pneumoniae serotype 8 fermentation is triggered by the need for faster processing, quick process develop-
broth resulted in reduction of turbidity from approximately 120 NTU ment, portable processes and single use implementation. NFF offers
down to 3 NTU. The tests were run at a flow rate of 140–150 L/m2/h an economical process fit as single use options at small to large scale.
and endpoint pressure differential of 20–25 psi achieving volumetric The availability of gamma irradiated pre-sterile devices, or modules
throughput of approximately 180–200 L/m2 (Yavorsky et al., 2003). designed for autoclaving has facilitated quicker adaptation of NFF or
Similar filtration testing was also performed with S. pneumoniae TFF based technology due to evolving regulatory needs.
serotype 19A fermentation broth. The post-centrifuge 19A broth was Many of the classical vaccine processes consisted of an evolution of
clarified through charged depth filter resulting in reduction of turbidity clarification unit operations, largely due to regulatory constraints and
from approximately 40 NTU down to 3 NTU. The test was run at a con- the associated high cost of re-validation and re-submission or clinical tri-
stant flow of approximately 140–160 L/m2/h achieving volumetric als. Platform processes employing filtration based clarification schemes
throughput of 200–230 L/m2 at endpoint pressure of approximately have been widely used in several biologics with a high degree of success.
15 psi. The HLPC analysis of the product samples collected in the course Examples and cases outlined in this document show promise for vaccine
of the filtration evaluation tests revealed no apparent yield losses asso- producers to achieve that level of robustness, economic feasibility, and
ciated with depth filtration or 0.45 μm (or 0.22 μm) membranes single use utility by following a template approach. Additional advantages
(Ravenscroft et al., 2014). of filtration over centrifugation can be seen with shear sensitive viruses,
or viruses prone to aggregation by air interfaces. As device manufacturers
bring new products to the marketplace, vaccine producers will continue
5. Conclusion to be better outfitted for clarification processes.

The development of a clarification process requires integrating sev-

eral unit processes such as centrifugation, TFF–MF, depth filtration, Acknowledgment
and sterile filtration. Optimization of the clarification process requires
an understanding of the effects of different unit operations on each Small part of the studies reported in this manuscript was funded by
other. The challenges are to select technology and tools (equipment EMD Millipore Corporation. We acknowledge support by Alex
and device) that meet the increasing complexity of process fluids pro- Xenopoulos of EMD Millipore Corporation for critical review of the
duced by today's more efficient bioreactors. Increases in upstream pro- manuscript. Work on clarification of VLP based vaccine by Cristina
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separation and filtration devices. As process-scale selections are made, Tecnológica (IBET) in Oeiras, Portugal is duly acknowledged.
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