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Dianalisa Oleh:
Lutfi Septia Nova

Judul : Itu sangat berharga! Sistem kerja berkinerja tinggi untuk kepuasan
kerja karyawan: Peran mediasi kelelahan
Nama Jurnal : International Journal of Hospitality Management
Volume dan Halaman : Vol. 108; Halaman 1-13
Tahun : 2023
Penulis : Daniel Dorta-Afonso, Laura Romero-Domínguez, Claudia Benítez-
Reviewer : Lutfi Septia Nova
Tanggal : 10 Mei 2024


Tujuan Penelitian : Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis mekanisme
melalui sistem kerja berkinerja tinggi (HPWS) yang mempengaruhi
kepuasan kerja karyawan di perusahaan perhotelan yang dimediasi
oleh burnout.

Subjek Penelitian : 202 karyawan hotel yang bekerja di Gran Canaria (Spanyol).

Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Model persamaan

struktural kuadrat terkecil parsial (PLS-SEM) diterapkan untuk
menganalisis data. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini
menggunakan kuesioner HPWS yang terdiri dari 7 item dengan jenis
skala likert 5 poin; skala burnout terdiri 16 item dengan jenis skala
likert 7 poin; skala kepuasan kerja terdiri 3 item dengan jenis skala
likert 5 poin.

Hasil : Hasilnya mengkonfirmasi dampak positif langsung HPWS terhadap

kepuasan kerja dan efek tidak langsung melalui pengurangan
kelelahan. Artinya, kelelahan/burnout memediasi pengaruh HPWS
terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan. Studi ini memberikan bukti
pertama dari kelelahan sebagai mekanisme mediasi dalam apa yang
disebut kotak hitam (black box) yang menghubungkan HPWS dengan
hasil kerja karyawan dalam konteks pariwisata dan perhotelan, dan
memberikan kontribusi teoritis yang penting serta rekomendasi
manajerial di lapangan.

Kekurangan Jurnal : 1. Bahasa dan kalimat yang digunakan lebih sulit dipahami. Kalimat
penjelasan tidak langsung to the point sehingga diperlukan
pengulangan untuk mendapatkan maksud dari suatu kalimat atau
2. Pada bab pendahuluan, peneliti lebih menekankan ke variabel
bebas (HPWS) dibandingkan variabel terikat (kepuasan kerja)
sebagai masalah di penelitian.
3. Kurang dapat dinamika atau keterikatan variabel, khususnya pada
variabel mediator.
4. Pada bab teori peneliti langsung mendinamikakan antar variabel,
namun dasar teori yang digunakan kurang dijelaskan (definisi,
aspek yang diukur).

Kelebihan Jurnal : 1. Penelitian ini sudah menjelaskan secara rinci di metode penelitian
dan hasil. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas serta uji PLS-SEM
dijelaskan dibagian hasil dalam penelitian ini.
2. Pada bagian diskusi juga sudah dikaitkan dengan beberapa
penelitian terdahulu. Kemudian, pada bagian saran peneliti sudah
menyebutkan kendala dan solusi untuk peneliti selanjutnya.
Saran-saran : 1. Bagi penelitian berikutnya diharapkan dapat memperluas lingkup
pada objek penelitian.
2. Lebih menjelaskan permasalahan atau variabel Y dalam
penelitian yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan variabel prediktor
dan mediator. Penelitian ini justru lebih banyak membahas terkait
variabel bebas, sehingga kurang memunculkan fenomena atau
masalah penelitian.
International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

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International Journal of Hospitality Management

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It’s worth it! High performance work systems for employee job satisfaction:
The mediational role of burnout
Daniel Dorta-Afonso a, b, *, Laura Romero-Domínguez c, Claudia Benítez-Núñez b
Department of Economics and Business Management, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain
IDeTIC, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain
Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences, Universidad del Atlántico Medio; Department of Economics and Business Management, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria; Canary Islands, Spain


Keywords: This study aims to analyse the mechanisms through which high performance work systems (HPWSs) affect
High performance work systems employee job satisfaction in hospitality firms. A sample of 202 hotel employees working on Gran Canaria (Spain)
Job satisfaction was surveyed, and partial least squares structural equation modelling was applied to analyse the data. The results
confirmed both the direct positive effect of HPWSs on job satisfaction and the indirect effect through a reduction
Human resources management
in burnout. This study provides the first evidence of burnout as a mediating mechanism in the so-called black box
that relates HPWSs to employee outcomes in the context of tourism and hospitality, and it contributes to the field
with important theoretical contributions, as well as managerial recommendations.

1. Introduction et al., 2021). In hospitality firms, employees are one of the most
important assets (Choi et al., 2019; Huertas-Valdivia et al., 2021), so
Since the first cases were detected by the end of 2019, the ongoing there is a need for developing strategies that enhance their health and
COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented effects on all economic well-being. According to Agarwal (2021), HRM can provide employees
sectors, generating an overall business context characterised by uncer­ with the necessary tools to face the new challenges and demands
tainty, complexity and ambiguity (Collings et al., 2021). Specifically, the stemming from the COVID-19 crisis, thus ensuring their well-being and
hospitality industry has been severely affected by this crisis (Bufquin ultimately highlighting the fundamental role of human capital and
et al., 2021). The decrease in tourist activity has inevitably led to wage management in organisational success (Collings et al., 2021). In this
cuts, reductions in employment hours, layoffs, furloughs, etc. (Nem­ vein, Adikaram et al. (2021) advocate the application of a softer HRM
teanu and Dabija, 2021). Furthermore, as hospitality is essentially a approach in these pandemic times. Soft HRM implies the application of
frontline service, coexisting with the virus increases employee concerns HRM practices such as participation, motivation, etc. to ‘soften’ the re­
about contagion as well as the need to quickly adapt to the continuous percussions of hard HRM practices (e.g. cost-cuttings, firing), which are
changes required by the ‘new normal’ (Ayachit & Chitta, 2021; Kang often unavoidable to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. This argumentation
et al., 2021). This uncertain and highly stressful context has aggravated is made under two main premises: 1) employees are one of the most
the problem of burnout (Ayachit & Chitta, 2021), which was customary valuable, worth-investing resource for any firm (Jyoti and Rani, 2019),
among hotel employees even before the pandemic (Tsui, 2021; Wong and 2) employees will work best if they are committed. So, this softer
et al., 2019). At the same time, job satisfaction, which is a crucial factor approach seeks the long-term continuation of the firm under a win-win
for aspects such as performance, commitment and effectiveness (Dor­ situation for both employers and employees (Adikaram et al., 2021).
ta-Afonso et al., 2021; Kong et al., 2018), has also been affected The current work proposes high performance work systems (HPWSs)
(Nemteanu and Dabija, 2021). as a solution to the aforementioned difficulties. HPWSs are unique
This situation is fundamentally considered to be a human crisis, interrelated HRM practices that act in concert to improve employee
which positions human resource management (HRM) as a key factor skills, motivation and participation in organisations (Dorta-Afonso and
capable of dealing with the challenges generated by COVID-19 (Collings González-de-la-Rosa, 2022; Messersmith et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2007).

* Correspondence to: Faculty of Economy, Business and Tourism, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. E-35017, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Dorta-Afonso), [email protected] (L. Romero-Domínguez), [email protected] (C. Benítez-

Received 15 September 2021; Received in revised form 13 September 2022; Accepted 3 October 2022
Available online 8 October 2022
0278-4319/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

HPWSs have caught the attention of scholars within the HRM literature practices (Benítez-Saña, 2021; Zhiqiang et al., 2021), since they are
in recent decades, resulting in a proliferation of studies documenting fundamental for employees to cope with uncertain environments and
their benefits for organisations (e.g. Zhong et al., 2016). In essence, high work demands. As such, they would act as a resource to enhance
HPWSs play a prominent role in improving the attitudes and behaviours employee well-being (Agarwal, 2021). This, along with the fact that
of workers, which will, in turn, improve organisational performance some HPWS-related practices such as job security (Kloutsiniotis et al.,
(Zhang and Morris, 2014). Despite the well-documented relationship 2022), training (Agarwal, 2021), job redeployment and performance
between HPWSs and business performance (i.e. management-centred management (Ngoc et al., 2021) have been identified as crucial for
approach), fewer studies have focused on explaining how HPWSs business recovery and continuity in the pandemic context, has led this
affect employee outcomes, such as an employee’s health or job satis­ work to focus on HPWSs and examine their potential role in increasing
faction (i.e. an employee-centred approach) (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, job satisfaction and reducing burnout.
2020a), which is of crucial importance in the current COVID-19 situa­ The research hypotheses were tested through partial least squares
tion (Adikaram et al., 2021). structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) and thus make many contri­
The employee approach is even more important in hospitality and butions to both theory development and managerial practice. The cur­
tourism firms because, despite the paramount role of employees in rent research answers several calls to unlock the black box and show
organisational success, companies often fail to satisfy their needs, how HPWSs affect outcomes (Murphy et al., 2018; Sun et al., 2007) by
leading to low levels of job satisfaction and serious problems with talent performing the first study to incorporate burnout as a mediator in the
retention, work stress and employee turnover (Chen and Wang, 2019; relationship between HPWSs and job satisfaction in the hospitality
Huertas-Valdivia et al., 2021; Karatepe, 2015). The HPWS research in sector. Secondly, it contributes to the burgeoning research stream that
hospitality and tourism has traditionally focused on showing that acknowledges the positive repercussions of HPWSs on employee out­
HPWSs reduce turnover (e.g. Afsar et al., 2018; Karatepe, 2013b; Wong comes (Dhar, 2015; Jaiswal and Tyagi, 2019; Kloutsiniotis and Mihail,
et al., 2019) and increase various forms of performance and produc­ 2020c), which supports the mutual gains perspective. Thirdly, it sheds
tivity, such as service recovery performance, extra-role behaviours or light on the controversial results of previous research linking HPWSs and
creative performance (Karatepe, 2013a; Karatepe and Olugbade, 2016; employee job satisfaction in hospitality and tourism (Dorta-Afonso et al.,
Karatepe and Vatankhah, 2014; Safavi and Karatepe, 2018). 2021; Page et al., 2018) by highlighting bundles of practices that
Little research has analysed the effects of HPWSs on employee job directly improve worker satisfaction. Finally, this work provides
satisfaction, however, which is key for talent attraction and retention in managerial recommendations for practitioners and human resource
tourism (Stamolampros et al., 2019), and results are still inconclusive. (HR) specialists alike, in order to improve worker satisfaction and to
Two competing perspectives exist regarding the relationship between reduce their levels of burnout through HPWSs.
HPWSs and job satisfaction in the literature: the conflicting outcomes This paper is organised as follows. After this introduction, the
and the mutual gains (Van De Voorde et al., 2012). On the one hand, the theoretical foundations that led to the research hypotheses—and sub­
conflicting outcomes perspective argues that HPWSs increase organ­ sequent research model—are presented. Next, the method section ex­
isational performance at the expense of workers’ well-being via work­ plains how this research was carried out. Then, the model derived from
load intensification and exploitation (Kloutsiniotis et al., 2021; the data analysis is presented. Finally, the manuscript concludes with a
Ogbonnaya and Messersmith, 2019). By contrast, the mutual gains discussion on the theoretical contributions and managerial recommen­
perspective argues that HPWSs benefit both the organisation and also dations before highlighting some limitations that will open interesting
the employees by integrating them into the business strategy, thus future lines of enquiry.
improving employee well-being at work (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail,
2020b). Based on social exchange theory (SET), this study advocates the 2. Literature review
mutual gains perspective, and it hypothesises that HPWSs are means of
increasing employee job satisfaction due to the main rule of reciprocity 2.1. The direct relationship between HPWSs and job satisfaction
(Cropanzano and Mitchell, 2005). This means that employees will
perceive HPWSs as a signal of investment and caring from their em­ Job satisfaction refers to feelings resulting from a worker’s percep­
ployers and will pay them back with better attitudes (i.e. a high level of tion of the extent to which their job satisfies their needs (Kong et al.,
job satisfaction). This argumentation aligns with the organisational 2018). It involves a worker’s emotional state regarding the extent to
support theory (Eisenberger et al., 1986), another HRM approach which which they like their role inside their workplace (Locke, 1969). Ac­
has been considered as a solution to the pandemic challenges (e.g. Chen cording to Herzberg’s two-factor theory (1959), job satisfaction differs
and Eyoun, 2021; Cheng et al., 2022). from job dissatisfaction to a great extent. Whereas satisfaction is ach­
At the same time, little is known about the underlying mechanisms ieved based on motivating factors which are present at work (e.g. op­
through which HPWSs may be conducive to higher levels of job satis­ portunities for growth), the lack of such factors causes the absence of
faction. This work theorises, based on job demands-resources (JD-R) satisfaction. In turn, dissatisfaction can be prevented by satisfying hy­
theory (Bakker and Demerouti, 2017; Demerouti et al., 2001), that giene factors (e.g. salary), but these factors do not cause satisfaction per
HPWSs lead to higher levels of job satisfaction because they contribute se. In this study, the focus is placed on job satisfaction.
to reducing burnout. In this study, the authors use JD-R theory to pro­ Employee job satisfaction is important as it affects turnover, organ­
pose that HPWSs provide workers with resources, such as skills, au­ isational commitment and individual performance (Dorta-Afonso et al.,
tonomy, feedback and opportunities for growth (Bakker and Demerouti, 2021; Kong et al., 2018; Zopiatis et al., 2014) and is therefore a main
2017). Such resources are beneficial in hospitality firms as they help determinant of organisational performance (Chi and Gursoy, 2009;
employees to adapt to job demands, alleviating the stress of intense Wood et al., 2012). Consequently, hoteliers should prioritise efforts to
workloads, which are typical in hotels and have been accentuated due to provide employees with working environments that maximise their
the uncertain situation resulting from the pandemic. Consequently, satisfaction, especially in the current pandemic situation.
HPWSs may very well contribute to a reduction in worker burnout, Building on social exchange theory (SET), this work proposes that
which may in part improve levels of job satisfaction, therefore sup­ HPWSs increase employee job satisfaction. SET argues that the rela­
porting the mutual gains perspective. tionship between organisations and employees takes place according to
This work examines the direct effects of HPWSs on employee job the main principle of reciprocity (Blau, 1964). This means that, con­
satisfaction and its indirect effects through a reduction in burnout dur­ cerning the dyadic exchanges taking place between employers and
ing the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus on HPWSs lies in the fact that the workers, when one party gives something, the other party will feel
pandemic has triggered the urgent need for re-structuring HRM obligated to pay them back in an equivalent way (Cropanzano and

D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

Mitchell, 2005). Regarding HPWSs, the exchange is the following: em­ some initial research on this relationship. For instance, Alafeshat and
ployees who work in companies that develop such practices might Tanova (2019) provided evidence from the airline sector that HPWSs
perceive that they are cared about, supported and valued for their work improved worker satisfaction. Similarly, Dorta-Afonso et al. (2021)
because HPWSs provide them with positive outcomes such as abilities, supported the positive effects of HPWSs on the job satisfaction and
motivation and opportunities (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020a; Mes­ general well-being of hotel workers. Outside of tourism, the general
sersmith et al., 2011) that make them realise their value in the firm literature has also consistently found a positive relationship between
(Zhong et al., 2016). In this vein, Qi et al. (2021) argue that HPWSs HPWSs and job satisfaction, such as in the engineering (García-Chas
practices such as training can improve employees’ skills that might help et al., 2014), public university education (Bashir et al., 2011),
them in their career development; participation and promotion practices manufacturing (Wei et al., 2010) and banking sectors (Haider et al.,
can help employees identify and use resources to improve their perfor­ 2020), as well as in other activities (Fabi et al., 2015).
mance, which is perceived as that the organisation supports and pays The authors of this paper argue that hospitality and tourism orga­
attention to them; and participation-enhancing practices convey that the nisations can improve the job satisfaction of their workforce through
firm considers employees as partners, so they feel that the firm values HPWSs, thus supporting the mutual gains perspective (Van De Voorde
them and their contributions. As stated in the Introduction, this ratio­ et al., 2012). From this viewpoint, HPWSs are beneficial for companies
nale is consistent with the organisational support theory, which pro­ in the way that they increase organisational performance; however,
poses that employees form a general perception regarding the extent to HPWSs are also beneficial for employees as a means of improving their
which their firms value their contributions and care about their well-being. For such reason, Bieńkowska et al. (2022) recommend the
well-being (Eisenberger et al., 1986), and has been proposed by some development of such systems in the current pandemic situation, in order
authors as a potential HRM approach in the pandemic context (e.g. Chen to mitigate its negative effects.
and Eyoun, 2021; Cheng et al., 2022) to foster employee performance, Thus, the following hypothesis is formally submitted:
engagement and commitment (Eisenberger et al., 2020; Kurtessis et al.,
Hypothesis 1. HPWSs positively and directly affect job satisfaction among
2017). Such consistency can be found in Kurtessis et al. (2017)’s
hotel employees.
meta-analysis, which shows that HRM practices as those included in
HPWSs (e.g. development opportunities, job security, participation in In addition to the hypothesised direct effects, another pathway
decision-making) are one of the different ways to show organisational through which HPWSs affect the job satisfaction of hotel employees is
support and care because, since most employees perceive that the also considered. In the next section, an explanation on how HPWSs are
organisation has substantial control over such practices (i.e. they are conducive to higher levels of satisfaction by reducing worker burnout is
discretionary), the favourableness towards such practices is associated provided.
to organisational support (Eisenberger et al., 2020). Additionally, spe­
cifically in the pandemic context, Bieńkowska et al. (2022) state that, 2.2. The mediational role of burnout in the relationship between HPWSs
when organisations develop HPWS-related practices such as training, and job satisfaction
job re-design, etc. employees perceive that their employers care about
their health and safety. Therefore, HPWSs could be considered one of Burnout is a psychological job-related syndrome that derives from
many resources of organisational support. prolonged exposure to chronic job stressors, resulting in a physical,
So, in exchange, employees who perceive that they are valued, emotional and mental state of feeling drained (Maslach et al., 2001).
respected and treated well by their employers (through HPWSs) will Burnout consists of three dimensions (Maslach et al., 2001) involving a
reciprocate with positive attitudes and behaviours regarding the orga­ sense of emotional depletion (i.e. exhaustion), which leads to the
nisation (Cropanzano and Mitchell, 2005; Hussien et al., 2021). One of development of cynical attitudes towards one’s own job (i.e. cynicism)
these outcomes is job satisfaction, which is the focus of the present and that, in the end, results in a tendency to evaluate oneself negatively
study. SET posits that, when employees feel supported, their satisfaction and finding it difficult to achieve anything at work (i.e. reduced personal
increases because their socio-emotional needs are met or there is a signal efficacy) (Maslach and Leiter, 2016). For example, housekeeping
that the organisation is able and willing to aid them (Rhoades and workers are often overloaded of work (Sanon, 2013), which may very
Eisenberger, 2002). Additionally, Teoh et al. (2016) state that giving well contribute to exhaustion as a result of increased levels of stress.
employees what they want (e.g. support, respect, feelings of worthiness) Exhaustion would cause them to put a distance between themselves and
would be reciprocated through job satisfaction. Thus, several authors their jobs, leading to a cynical attitude of indifference towards their
have empirically confirmed that job satisfaction is an outcome resulting tasks. It would then be difficult for workers to experience feelings of
from the exchange relationships proposed by SET. For example, Huang accomplishment, which means they would have a sense of being inef­
et al. (2016) found that, in trucking firms, employees’ safety climate ficient at work.
perceptions were correlated to higher levels of job satisfaction, because The effects of burnout are widely documented for employees and
such perceptions indicated that the organisation met the basic need for organisations. The costs of burnout for organisations are extremely high
safety at work and committed to their well-being. Another example is due to its direct impact on a worker’s health (e.g. Molero Jurado et al.,
Teoh et al. (2016)’s work, who found that supportive manager behav­ 2018), absenteeism, and turnover (e.g. Maslach and Leiter, 2016).
iours (e.g. providing constructive feedback, enhancing work character­ Despite its importance, little research has been carried out in the HRM
istics) had a positive effect on employee job satisfaction because such field regarding how to reduce employee burnout (Fan et al., 2014). Only
behaviours made employees feel valued. a small number of studies have examined the mediating role of burnout
Now, focusing on job satisfaction as an outcome of HPWSs, previous in the relationship between HPWSs and both employee and organisa­
research has shown that practices within these systems, such as training tional outcomes (Jyoti and Rani, 2019). In particular, only one study to
(Hussien et al., 2021), rewards (Koo et al., 2020), job design (Wood date in the hospitality and tourism literature has considered burnout in
et al., 2012) and career development (Kong et al., 2015) improve the the relationship between HPWSs and said outcomes. Wong et al. (2019)
satisfaction of hospitality workers. As detailed above, this is because said identified the mediating role of emotional exhaustion between HPWSs
HRM practices provide employees with positive outcomes, such as and employee turnover intentions, but they did not take into consider­
improved abilities or opportunities for development and enrichment, ation all three components of burnout: they did not consider either
which will translate into greater satisfaction (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, cynicism or personal efficacy.
2018; Latorre et al., 2016). Consequently, it would be reasonable to One of the most comprehensive theories that explains worker
expect that whole HPWSs would have positive effects on employee burnout is the job demands-resources (JD-R) theory (Bakker and
satisfaction. Indeed, in the tourism and hospitality industry there is Demerouti, 2017; Demerouti et al., 2001), which was used by the

D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

authors of this manuscript for the development of their second hy­ reduction in burnout. Therefore, HPWSs could be reasonably regarded
pothesis. JD-R theory proposes that job characteristics can be divided as a means through which hospitality organisations provide employees
into resources or demands (Demerouti et al., 2001). Whereas demands with more resources that will contribute to reducing their burnout,
refer to aspects of the job that imply sustained psychological and which results in higher levels of satisfaction. In other words, burnout
physical effort (e.g. the amounts of stress derived from the constant may thus act as a mediating variable in the relationship between HPWSs
changes required by the pandemic), resources refer to those aspects that and job satisfaction. Considering the previous discussion, it seems
mitigate job demands, reduce psychological and physical effort and reasonable to assume that HPWSs could increase worker job satisfaction,
stimulate growth and learning (e.g. training provided by organisations) partly due to their contribution to burnout reduction.
(Bakker and Demerouti, 2017). Based on JD-R theory, employees with
Hypothesis 2. Employee burnout mediates the positive relationship be­
more resources can better deal with demands, which would reduce their
tween HPWSs and job satisfaction.
exhaustion and lead to better attitudes at work. This premise also aligns
with the cybernetic theory of stress, coping and well-being in organi­ Bearing in mind these rationales, a research model was designed to
sations (Edwards, 1992). In essence, this theory suggest that burnout is investigate the direct effect of employee perceptions of HPWSs on their
the result of the discrepancy between employees’ perceived and desired job satisfaction, as well as their indirect effect through a reduction in
state within their organisations. Such discrepancy would create higher burnout (Fig. 1).
levels of stress that could eventually affect their health and cause
burnout. 3. Method
According to JD-R theory, there are two different perspectives con­
cerning the HPWSs–burnout relationship. On the one hand, the con­ 3.1. Data collection and sampling procedure
flicting outcomes perspective (Van De Voorde et al., 2012) state that
HPWSs are means of increasing organisational performance at the Three research assistants who were unfamiliar with the research
expense of employee health due to the intensification of work (i.e. objectives (in order to avoid bias) administered the questionnaire to
HPWSs mean higher job demands). Higher job demands require more hotel employees on Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). The Canary
physical and psychological effort from employees. This extra effort leads Islands are considered a world-leading destination in Spain. The hospi­
to a depletion of energy, which eventually results in higher burnout. tality and tourism industry also represents 40% of the islands’ employ­
Previous research adopting this stance has empirically found that ment (Exceltur, 2018), which reflects the importance of such economic
HPWSs increase job demands and thus are positively related to activity in the territory.
employee burnout (Kroon et al., 2009; Wood et al., 2012). Under the This study was survey-based. A pretest was conducted before
lenses of the cybernetic theory of stress (Edwards, 1992), HPWSs might distributing the questionnaires to ensure the clarity of the questions and
be a way in which the gap between employees’ desired and perceived to correct potential wording and grammar mistakes. As regards data
state would be enlarged, thus increasing stress and leading to higher collection, twenty establishments from different categories (with the
burnout. aim of representing the diversity of hotels on the island) were selected,
On the other hand, the mutual gains perspective of HPWSs - which is and a total sample of 202 respondents was gathered (convenience
the one that this article advocates - claims that such systems are a source sampling process). The fieldwork took place in spring 2021, when
of job resources that provide workers with the abilities, motivation and tourism was being progressively reactivated on Gran Canaria. Em­
opportunities to properly adapt to their job demands, reducing physical ployees were offered the option to fill in the survey using a paper-pen
and psychological costs and placing workers in a better position to questionnaire, or an electronic version in order to comply with the
achieve goals in their jobs (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020b). This sanitary measures required for COVID-19.
assumption, which is more widespread among scholars than the con­ The gender distribution of the sample was 33.2% men and 66.8%
flicting outcomes perspective, has also been supported in the pandemic women. Of the total sample, 7 respondents worked in two-star hotels
context (Kloutsiniotis et al., 2022). Thus, from this point of view, HPWSs (3.5%), 79 worked at three-star hotels (39.7%), 94 in four-star hotels
provide workers with resources, which translate into lower levels of (47.2%) and 19 in five-star hotels (9.6%). Fifty-eight respondents were
burnout (Bakker and Demerouti, 2017). In essence, this would mean between 18 and 34 years old (29.9%), 106 were between 35 and 54
that HPWSs help workers to better achieve their desired state, thus (54.6%), and 30 were over 54 (15.5%). With respect to level of educa­
decreasing their levels of stress (Edwards, 1992). In fact, the reductive tion, 40.8% had completed high school or lower education, 33.8% had
effect that HPWSs exert on burnout has been empirically shown in completed vocational training, and 25.4% had completed university
diverse activity sectors, such as healthcare (Bartram et al., 2012; Fan studies. Finally, respondents worked in different hotel departments:
et al., 2014), telecommunications (Jyoti and Rani, 2019) and reception (25.1%), management (12.6%), food and beverages (23.1%),
manufacturing (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020b), among others. Among housekeeping (36.2%) and others (3.0%).
the main explanations, Jyoti and Rani (2019) argued that ability-,
motivation- and opportunity-improving HR practices contribute to 3.2. Common method variance
reducing emotional exhaustion, senses of inefficacy and cynicism,
respectively. In this line, a recent study by Kloutsiniotis and Mihail The independent and dependent variables were collected from a
(2020b) provided evidence that employees’ perception of HPWSs was single source (i.e. hotel employees) simultaneously, and therefore it was
related to higher amounts of resources and lower levels of demands at necessary to control for common method variance (CMV) by applying
work, therefore reducing worker exhaustion. both procedural and statistical remedies, as recommended in the liter­
Research on burnout has traditionally acknowledged its negative ature (Kock, 2015; Kock and Lynn, 2012; Podsakoff et al., 2003). Pro­
effects on employee attitudinal variables such as job satisfaction (e.g. cedurally, CMV derived from a misunderstanding of questions was
Cordes and Dougherty, 1993; Moore, 2000). This would mean that when avoided by using items from validated scales. In addition, items were
organisations fail to manage burnout properly, employees can develop written in a clear and precise manner, avoiding complex wording and
negative attitudes towards their jobs (i.e. low levels of job satisfaction). syntax and double-barrelled questions. Items measuring predictor and
Research in hospitality and tourism has empirically noted the negative criterion constructs were separated in the questionnaire and were
effect of burnout on job satisfaction (e.g. Cheng and O-Yang, 2018; assessed using different scales reducing participants’ motivation to use
Karatepe and Uludag, 2007; Silva et al., 2021). For example, Cheng and prior responses to answer subsequent items. Social desirability bias was
O-Yang (2018) recently proposed job crafting as a way for employees to avoided by assuring participants that there were no right or wrong an­
obtain more resources, thus increasing their job satisfaction due to the swers and that the survey was anonymous.

D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

Fig. 1. Research model.

Statistically, a Harman’s single factor test was carried out, and the three dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism and personal efficacy.
first factor accounted only for 35.89% of the variance, which is lower
than the 50% threshold established in the literature (Podsakoff et al., 3.3.3. Job satisfaction
2003). A full collinearity test was conducted, and all variance inflation This construct was measured with a three-item scale adopted from
factors (VIF) values were lower than the cut-off point of 3.3 (Kock, previous research (Suazo, 2009), which has already been used in similar
2015). The previous evidence allows to conclude that CMV was not studies in the hospitality and tourism context (García-Rodríguez et al.,
problematic in this research. 2020). Participants had to rate the three items on a 5-point Likert scale,
where the higher the score, the higher their job satisfaction.

3.3. Variables and measures 3.3.4. Control variables

The control variables of this study were employee gender, age, ed­
A questionnaire was developed to be administered to hotel em­ ucation and department in which they work and also the hotel category
ployees to measure the study constructs. Items were adopted from pre­ of the establishment.
vious research and discussed by professors specialised in organisational
behaviour to ensure content validity. The items that measured HPWSs
and job satisfaction were originally written in English and were then
translated into Spanish using a back-translation procedure (Brislin,
1970). One research assistant first translated the items into Spanish, and
a second research assistant translated the items back into English. The Table 1
authors, with the help of a bilingual professor, discussed these trans­ Sample profile.
lations to reach consensus. Variable Frequency %
Appendix A shows the complete scales and their corresponding Gender
items. Male 67 33.2%
Female 135 66.8%
3.3.1. High-performance work systems (HPWSs) Hotel category
Two-star 7 3.5%
The same 20 items as Kloutsiniotis and Mihail (2020c) were used to
Three-star 79 39.7%
measure HPWSs. These items were adopted from existing scales from Four-star 94 47.2%
previous studies. From the seven subscales, items measuring ‘recruit­ Five-star 19 9.6%
ment and selection’ were adopted from Zacharatos et al. (2005). Items Age
measuring ‘training and development’, ‘incentives and rewards’ and 18–34 years old 58 29.9%
35–54 years old 106 54.6%
‘performance management’ were adopted from Sun et al. (2007). The Over 54 years old 30 15.5%
subscales of ‘employment security’, ‘job design’ and ‘participation in Education level
decision-making’ were adopted from Delery and Doty (1996). Partici­ High school or lower 82 40.8%
pants had to rate each item on a 5-point Likert scale. Vocational training 68 33.8%
University 51 25.4%
3.3.2. Burnout Reception 50 25.1%
The Spanish version (Moreno-Jiménez et al., 2001) of the Maslach Management 25 12.6%
Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS) (Schaufeli et al., 1996) was Food & Beverage 46 23.1%
used. The MBI-GS is the most widely used measure for burnout. It con­ Housekeeping 72 36.2%
Others 6 3%
sists of 16 items to be answered on a 7-point Likert scale and includes the

D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

3.4. Statistical analysis 4. Results

PLS-SEM, which is widely used in HRM empirical research (Ringle Following Hair et al. (2017), PLS-SEM analyses comprise two stages.
et al., 2020), was performed to test the proposed hypotheses. Following The first stage consists of assessing the outer (measurement) model. In
Hair et al. (2019), there are three reasons for this choice. Firstly, this the second stage, the inner (structural) model is evaluated. Given that
technique performs well with both large and smaller sample sizes. Sec­ HPWSs and burnout are both reflective-formative, second-order con­
ondly, PLS-SEM does not assume any particular data distribution, and structs, and they do not have the same number of items, the two-step
the data used in this study is non-normal. Lastly, the research model approach proposed by Wright et al. (2012) was followed. Table. 1.
includes both reflective (job satisfaction) and formative constructs
(HPWSs and burnout).
Despite performing adequately with smaller samples, PLS-SEM re­ 4.1. Assessment of the outer model
quires a minimum sample size. G*Power 3.3. software was used to
determine this requirement. The following parameters were introduced: The first-order model, in which all items were reflective, was first
0.8 for the power test (Cohen, 1988), and 0.15 for the effect size (Faul validated in order to assess the outer model (see Table 2). According to
et al., 2007). According to this test, the minimum sample should be 157 Hair et al. (2021), this involves evaluating the reliability of measures,
cases. The sample size in this research comprised 202 individuals, and both at an individual item (indicator reliability) and construct level
therefore it was deemed appropriate for PLS-SEM. (internal consistency reliability). Furthermore, both convergent and
discriminant validity were also assessed.
In order to assess indicator reliability (i.e. the proportion of the
variance of each indicator that is explained by the construct, which

Table 2
Reliability and convergent validity of the first-order model.
Constructs Indicators Loadings CR rho_A AVE

HPWSs Recruitment and selection (REC)

REC1 0.922*** 0.951 0.931 0.829
REC2 0.860***
REC3 0.918***
REC4 0.940***
Training and development (TRA)
TRA1 0.932*** 0.940 0.922 0.839
TRA2 0.902***
TRA3 0.914***
Employment security (SEC)
SEC1 0.863*** 0.854 0.835 0.662
SEC2 0.832***
SEC3 0.740***
Performance management (PER)
PER1 0.904*** 0.940 0.905 0.839
PER2 0.927***
PER3 0.916***
Incentives and rewards (INC)
INC1 0.961*** 0.878 1.081 0.784
INC2 0.803***
Part. in decision-making (DEC)
DEC1 0.925*** 0.916 0.820 0.845
DEC2 0.913***
Job design (DES)
DES1 0.910*** 0.946 0.919 0.855
DES2 0.932***
DES3 0.932***
BURNOUT Exhaustion (EXH)
EXH1 0.899*** 0.947 0.935 0.782
EXH2 0.837***
EXH3 0.901***
EXH4 0.895***
EXH5 0.887***
Cynicism (CYN)
CYN1 0.892*** 0.919 0.899 0.741
CYN2 0.917***
CYN3 0.842***
CYN4 0.786***
Efficacy (EFF)
EFF1 0.726*** 0.929 0.917 0.687
EFF2 0.782***
EFF3 0.896***
EFF4 0.888***
EFF5 0.861***
EFF6 0.806***
JOB SATISFACTION (SAT) SAT1 0.918*** 0.931 0.891 0.819
SAT2 0.902***
SAT3 0.895***

Note: bootstrapping based on n = 10,000 subsamples; ***p < 0.001

D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

Table 3
Discriminant validity of the first-order model.
Discriminant validity

SAT 0.905 0.455 0.335 0.367 0.414 0.156 0.379 0.429 0.425 0.387 0.373
CYN -0.408 0.861 0.461 0.080 0.721 0.232 0.499 0.509 0.418 0.409 0.421
DEC 0.286 -0.390 0.919 0.120 0.451 0.697 0.657 0.754 0.702 0.819 0.657
EFF 0.336 0.018 0.105 0.829 0.100 0.207 0.276 0.296 0.233 0.299 0.145
EXH -0.382 0.670 -0.395 0.057 0.884 0.313 0.503 0.532 0.455 0.492 0.366
INC 0.123 -0.207 0.545 -0.120 -0.284 0.886 0.504 0.638 0.452 0.561 0.629
DES 0.348 -0.456 0.567 0.260 -0.467 0.378 0.925 0.813 0.608 0.707 0.588
PER 0.387 -0.462 0.647 0.269 -0.493 0.520 0.740 0.916 0.694 0.808 0.711
REC 0.389 -0.384 0.611 0.220 -0.423 0.363 0.561 0.636 0.911 0.770 0.778
SEC 0.348 -0.372 0.653 0.277 -0.440 0.416 0.635 0.711 0.669 0.813 0.749
TRA 0.341 -0.380 0.564 0.129 -0.339 0.519 0.538 0.647 0.715 0.630 0.916

Note: diagonal elements (in bold) refer to the square root of the AVE. Elements below the diagonal correspond to the correlations between constructs. Elements above
the diagonal (in italics) are the HTMT values.

Table 4 Lastly, to assess discriminant validity (i.e. the extent to which a

Validation of the second-order model. construct is empirically different from other constructs in the model),
Constructs Dimensions Loadings Weights VIF two criteria were used: Fornell and Larcker’s, and the HTMT ratio (Hair
et al., 2021). As can be seen in Table 3, both criteria were met. On the
HPWSs DEC 0.630 0.019 ns 2.343
INC 0.241 -0.328** 1.680 one hand, regarding Fornell and Larcker’s criterion, the square root of
DES 0.836 0.296** 2.375 the AVE for each construct (elements on the diagonal in bold) was not
PER 0.885 0.519*** 3.361 lower than the correlations with the other constructs in any case (values
REC 0.786 0.272** 2.678 below the diagonal) (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). On the other hand,
SEC 0.797 0.175 ns 2.686
TRA 0.654 0.012 ns 2.620
regarding the HTMT criterion, all values (elements above the diagonal in
BURNOUT CYN 0.730 0.421*** 1.817 italics) were lower than 0.85, which, according to Henseler et al. (2015),
EFF -0.571 -0.606*** 1.004 is the recommended threshold when constructs are conceptually
EXH 0.725 0.477*** 1.823 different. As such, the discriminant validity of the model was also
Note: n = 10,000 subsamples; ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.05; ns non-significant confirmed.
Once the first-order model was validated, the two-step approach was
should be at least 50%), indicator loadings should be observed (Hair used to create the second-order model. Following this approach, the
et al., 2021). Indicator loadings are recommended to be greater than or items in each and every dimension forming the second-order constructs
equal to 0.708, because this value indicates that the construct explains were grouped. Said dimensions were specified as latent variables, and
50% of the indicator variance (Hair et al., 2019). As shown in Table 2, all their scores were used as the items that formed the second-order con­
indicator loadings were above 0.708, which suggests enough indicator structs (Wright et al., 2012).
reliability. On the other hand, to examine internal consistency reliability The new second-order model, in which HPWSs and burnout were the
(i.e. the extent to which indicators belonging to a same construct are second-order constructs, was validated. As they were both formative, a
associated to each other), both the composite reliability (CR) and Dijk­ different evaluation procedure was applied (Hair et al., 2017). First, the
stra and Henseler’s rho_A were calculated (Hair et al., 2021). Table 2 variance inflation factor (VIF) values of their individual items (di­
shows that the CR was higher than 0.7 in all constructs (Nunnally and mensions) were examined. The results in Table 4 show that they were all
Bernstein, 1994). The rho_A was also higher than 0.7 in all cases close to the ideal requirement of VIF ≤ 3 (Hair et al., 2017). Therefore, it
(Dijkstra and Henseler, 2015). Therefore, the proposed first-order model could be stated that there were no collinearity problems. Next, the sig­
had a satisfactory degree of internal consistency reliability. nificance level of the weight of each item was examined, in order to
After analysing reliability, validity was examined. To assess detect any insignificant weights that could compromise the quality of
convergent validity (i.e. the extent to which indicators in a same the model (Hair et al., 2017). It was observed that the weights of
construct correlate to each other, therefore represent said construct), the participation in decision-making (DEC), employment security (SEC),
average variance extracted (AVE) of each construct was observed. Ac­ and training and development (TRA), all belonging to the HPWSs
cording to the literature, the accepted minimum for AVE is 0.5, which construct, were not significant. To decide whether these items should be
means that the construct explains at least 50% of the variance of the removed from the model, their individual loadings were checked. Ac­
indicators that make it up (Hair et al., 2017). The results in Table 2 show cording to Hair et al. (2017), items with loadings greater than or equal to
that, for all constructs, the AVE exceeded 0.5, thus confirming the 0.5 should be kept. Since all three loadings fulfilled such requirement,
convergent validity of the model. along with the fact that no collinearity issues were detected previously
(Hair et al., 2019), these items were maintained.

Table 5
Hypothesis testing.
β t 95% CI

Direct effects (paths)

(H1) HPWSs -> Job sat. 0.167** 1.745 [0.017; 0.324]
HPWSs -> Burnout -0.669 * ** 19.642 [− 0.739; − 0.627]
Burnout -> Job sat. -0.521 * ** 6.261 [− 0.652; − 0.379]
Mediation test
(H1) Direct effect (HPWSs -> Job sat.) 0.167** 1.745 [0.017; 0.324]
(H2) Indirect effect (HPWS -> Burnout -> Job sat.) 0.349*** 5.738 [0.258; 0.455]

Note: n = 10,000 subsamples; ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.05

D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

Fig. 2. Results of the proposed model.

Table 6
Path coefficients and mediation analysis according to the AMO framework.
β t 95% CI

Direct effects (paths)

Abilities -> Job sat. 0.231** 2.801 [0.090; 0.362]
Motivation -> Job sat. 0.027 ns 0.217 [− 0.181; 0.227]
Opportunities -> Job sat. -0.045 ns 0.501 [− 0.186; 0.106]
Abilities -> Burnout -0.064 ns 0.832 [− 0.204; 0.049]
Motivation -> Burnout -0.449*** 4.603 [− 0.593; − 0.271]
Opportunities -> Burnout -0.202** 2.142 [− 0.364; − 0.056]
Mediation test
Direct effect (Abilities -> Job sat.) 0.231** 2.801 [0.090; 0.362]
Indirect effect (Abilities -> Burnout -> Job sat.) 0.034 ns 0.846 [− 0.027; 0.105]
Direct effect (Motivation -> Job sat.) 0.027 ns 0.217 [− 0.181; 0.227]
Indirect effect (Motivation -> Burnout -> Job sat.) 0.238*** 3.250 [0.124; 0.364]
Direct effect (Opportunities -> Job sat.) -0.045 ns 0.501 [− 0.186; 0.106]
Indirect effect (Opportunities -> Burnout -> Job sat.) 0.107** 2.122 [0.029; 0.195]

Note: n = 10,000 subsamples; ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.05

Therefore, the validity of the second-order model was confirmed. effect (HPWSs -> job satisfaction) in order to examine the type of
mediation (full vs partial). As reported above, the direct effect was
significant (β = 0.167, p < 0.05, CI: 0.258; 0.455). This suggests a par­
4.2. Assessment of the inner model tial mediation. More precisely, it is a complementary partial mediation,
since both the direct and indirect effect pointed in the same (positive)
The final stage of the PLS-SEM analysis was the assessment of the direction. This means that a portion of the effect of HPWSs on job
inner model. The VIF values of the constructs were first calculated. They satisfaction was mediated by burnout, whereas HPWSs also explained
were all lower than 3, so no collinearity issues were detected. Secondly, the portion of job satisfaction which is independent of burnout (Cepeda
path coefficients (β), confidence intervals (CI) and the significance level et al., 2017). To confirm and reinforce this result, the variance
of the proposed hypotheses were analysed (see Table 5). On the one accounted for (VAF), which determines the ratio of the indirect-to-total
hand, it can be observed that HPWSs had a positive and significant effect effect, was calculated (Nitzl et al., 2016). The VAF was 0.678. According
on job satisfaction (β = 0.167, p < 0.05), thus supporting H1. On the to Hair et al. (2017), VAF values below 0.2 mean that no mediation
other hand, H2 proposed that burnout would mediate the relationship occurs; values between 0.2 and 0.8 correspond to partial mediation, and
between HPWSs and job satisfaction. Following Cepeda et al. (2017), the values higher than 0.8 indicate full mediation. In sum, the mediation
first step to test whether a mediation effect exists is to analyse the sig­ hypothesis proposed (H2) was also supported.
nificance of the indirect effect (HPWSs -> burnout -> job satisfaction). Of the control variables, the results illustrate that age, gender and
As Table 5 shows, this effect was statistically significant (β = 0.349, education had different effects on job satisfaction: positive in the case of
p < 0.001, CI: 0.017; 0.324), thus confirming the mediating effect (Nitzl age (β = 0.127, p < 0.05) and negative in the case of both gender
et al., 2016). The second step addresses the significance of the direct

D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

(β = − 0.080, p < 0.1) and education (β = − 0.090, p < 0.1). The other employee job satisfaction, both directly and indirectly, through a
two control variables (department and hotel classification) did not have reduction in employee burnout, which should be one critical objective
any effect on the dependent variable. for hoteliers and HRM managers in the current COVID-19 crisis. It was
The final step in the assessment of the inner model was the evalua­ found that HPWSs exerted a positive direct effect on job satisfaction but
tion of the model’s explanatory power, which is expressed by the R2 also had an indirect effect by reducing employee burnout. As a response
values of the constructs. As Fig. 2 shows, the model explains 44.8% of to recent developments in the HPWSs literature, the AMO framework
the variance of burnout, and 36.7% of the variance of job satisfaction. was also applied, and it was found that the abilities bundle of HRM
Following Hair et al. (2019), it can be stated that the model had a practices affects job satisfaction, whereas the motivation and opportu­
moderate explanatory power, since all R2 values were between 0.25 and nities bundles reduce burnout. Both theoretical contributions and
0.50. Lastly, when examining the predictive relevance of the model, managerial recommendations derived from these findings are addressed
represented by Q2 values, Fig. 2 also shows that in all cases, all Q2 values next.
were higher than 0, as required by Hair et al. (2017).
5.1. Theoretical contributions
4.3. Supplementary analysis: the AMO framework
This study makes three main theoretical contributions. Firstly, ac­
Although the main purpose of this research was to analyse the direct cording to the employee-centred approach, the findings of this work
and indirect effects of HPWSs on employee job satisfaction, this study align with studies that have claimed a positive relationship between
responds to recent calls in the literature by additionally investigating HPWSs and job satisfaction in hospitality firms (Alafeshat and Tanova,
HPWSs from the abilities-motivation-opportunities (AMO) theory 2019; Dorta-Afonso et al., 2021), thus supporting the mutual gains
(Appelbaum et al., 2000; Jiang et al., 2012; Macky and Boxall, 2007). perspective (Van De Voorde et al., 2012) as shown by the positive effects
Under this approach, HPWSs are decomposed into ability, motivation of such practices on employee job satisfaction. These findings comple­
and opportunity bundles of HRM practices. The ability bundle refers to ment previous evidence supporting the benefits of HPWSs for hospitality
those HRM practices intended for either buying or enhancing/deve­ and tourism firms with respect to the enhancement of several outcomes
loping employee knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform well related to increased performance and turnover reduction (Karatepe and
at work. Therefore, this bundle is often associated with practices such as Vatankhah, 2014; Rabiul et al., 2021; Wong et al., 2019; Yang et al.,
selective hiring, as well as extensive training. On its part, the motivation 2021) and make those findings generalisable to employee well-being,
bundle encompasses practices that influence employees’ motivation to and concretely applicable to job satisfaction. This is consistent with
apply their skills and perform better, such as economic incentives, the reciprocity rule of SET (Cropanzano and Mitchell, 2005) and the
promotion, high-performance remuneration and job security. Lastly, the tennets of organisational support theory (Eisenberger et al., 1986), as
opportunity bundle includes HRM practices aimed at providing em­ employees who perceive that their hotels invest and take care of them
ployees with the opportunity to be involved in their organisations by through HPWSs repay them with higher levels of job satisfaction.
being autonomous, having a clear job description, and taking part in Consequently, these findings contribute to the literature on job satis­
organisational decisions (Appelbaum et al., 2000; Bello-Pintado and faction in hospitality and tourism, confirming the assumption that ho­
Garcés-Galdeano, 2019; Jiang et al., 2012; Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, teliers can enhance the job satisfaction of their workforce through the
2020b; Prieto and Pérez-Santana, 2014). The deconstruction of HPWSs implementation of management practices (Kong et al., 2018) such as
into such three packages is carried out to examine the heterogeneous HPWSs. This is particularly important in a sector characterised by harsh
effects on outcomes, as opposed to the whole system. working conditions and talent retention problems (Stamolampros et al.,
Research using the AMO approach is still rare in a hospitality context 2019), which have been aggravated by the pandemic (Ayachit & Chitta,
(see Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020c for an exception), but highly 2021), and one in which employees are considered to be a determining
encouraged, as stated by recent related literature (e.g. Kloutsiniotis and factor in the customer experience (Huertas-Valdivia et al., 2021).
Mihail, 2020a). Consequently, another second-order model, under the The second strength of this study is that it also contributes to
AMO framework, was designed and validated. In this new model, unlocking the black box of mechanisms through which HPWSs improve
HPWSs were decomposed into abilities, motivation and opportunities job satisfaction. In doing so, this paper offers the first study in a hospi­
following Kloutsiniotis and Mihail (2020c)’s work (see Appendix A). tality context to confirm the mediating role of burnout in the relation­
The additional analysis (see Table 6) revealed that the abilities ship between HPWSs and job satisfaction. This manuscript contributes
bundle had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction to the burgeoning research stream that claims HPWSs have the potential
(β = 0.231, p < 0.05), whereas both the motivation (β = 0.238, to reduce burnout (Fan et al., 2014; Jyoti and Rani, 2019) and to make
p < 0.001) and the opportunity (β = 0.238, p < 0.05) bundles indirectly those findings generalisable to the hospitality sector. Under the lens of
enhanced job satisfaction through burnout reduction. To corroborate the JD-R model (Demerouti et al., 2001), these findings suggest that
these results, the VAF was calculated. This value was 0.128 for abilities, HPWSs provide workers with more job resources than demands. As a
0.898 for motivation and 1.723 for opportunities, thus confirming the consequence, they will show less burnout, and eventually they will be
absence of mediation in the case of abilities and the full mediation in the more satisfied. These findings clearly complement the study by Wong
case of both motivation and opportunities. et al. (2019), which also found exhaustion (i.e. one of the main com­
In conclusion, considering the AMO framework, it can be stated that ponents of burnout) to be a mediating mechanism explaining how
different bundles of HRM practices did have differential effects on job HPWSs lead to turnover reduction. This manuscript, therefore, con­
satisfaction, both directly and indirectly via burnout reduction. tributes to the recent interest among researchers in examining the pro­
Of the control variables, age, gender and education had significant cesses through which HPWSs impact employees’ attitudes and
effects on job satisfaction. Here again, said effect was positive in the case behaviours (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020c; Teo et al., 2020). Although
of age (β = 0.115, p < 0.1) and negative in the case of gender the theory suggests that HPWSs positively impact employees’ attitudes
(β = − 0.102, p < 0.05) and education (β = − 0.096, p < 0.05). No sta­ such as job satisfaction, the underlying mechanisms explaining this
tistically significant effects were observed for department and hotel relationship (i.e. the actual process of the black box) have yet to be
classification. investigated (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020a). Indeed, only few studies
to date have modelled any mediating mechanisms between HPWSs and
5. Discussion job satisfaction in hospitality and tourism (Dorta-Afonso et al., 2021;
Page et al., 2018). Thus, this research contributes to fill this evident gap
The current study has examined how HPWSs positively affect hotel in the literature. It is, furthermore, consistent with JD-R theory (Bakker

D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

and Demerouti, 2017) as it suggests that HPWSs are resources offered by alike in several ways, as its results reveal that HPWSs are beneficial
the organisations that help employees overcome daily demands and get given their effect on burnout and job satisfaction among the hospitality
the support from the management, thus alleviating the stress originating workforce. It is recommended that hotel managers invest in the devel­
from their tasks. In other words, consistently with the cybernetic theory opment and implementation of HPWSs in order to reduce employee
tennets (Edwards, 1992), it can be concluded that HPWSs are a means of burnout and, in turn, to create a more satisfied workforce, which is
helping employees to achieve their desired state within their fundamental in the current context of uncertainty caused by the coro­
organisations. navirus. This is crucial as previous research has linked the job satisfac­
Thirdly, this research contributes to the field by being one of the first tion of hospitality employees to their individual performance
studies to perform a supplementary analysis of HPWSs under the AMO (Dorta-Afonso et al., 2021). In essence, these results empirically support
framework in hospitality and tourism (see an exception in Kloutsiniotis the relationship between HPWSs and employee job satisfaction, which is
and Mihail, 2020c). This is interesting as several authors have high­ necessary for tourist satisfaction and organisational performance (Chi
lighted the delay in this topic in the tourist context and have called for and Gursoy, 2009) but most importantly for employee well-being
more analyses of the different bundles of HRM practices (Dorta-Afonso (Dorta-Afonso et al., 2021). Complementary, it is also recommended
et al., 2021; Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020a). This work provides evi­ not only to develop such practices, but also to effectively communicate
dence of the differential effects of said bundles on both the job satis­ them to employees, so their perceptions towards the implementation of
faction of hotel employees (i.e. the ability bundle has a positive and HPWSs are enhanced. Consequently, employees would be more aware of
direct impact on job satisfaction) and on burnout (i.e. the motivation the benefits associated with working in their hotels (Shapoval, 2019).
and opportunity bundles have both negative direct effects on burnout In addition, it was found that the motivation and opportunity bun­
and exert an indirect effect on job satisfaction). dles of the AMO framework reduce burnout. Thus, at a time when em­
The aforementioned indirect effects are explained by the following ployees are affected by high levels of stress due to COVID-19, managers
rationales. Overall, the pandemic has brought higher workloads. Now, should focus their efforts on developing practices like compensation,
the motivation bundle of practices is intended to reward employees for performance appraisals, participation and job enrichment to reduce
the extra effort associated to such situation. Some authors claim that, burnout.
when there is an imbalance between the effort devoted by employees However, the results provided here should be interpreted with
and the rewards received in exchange, stress may arise (e.g. de Reuver caution as they do not suggest that the implementation of HPWSs is
et al., 2021). Consequently, as the results of this research show, the always beneficial for both employees and organisations. Although
motivation bundle may foster the reduction of stress that contributes to HPWSs are proposed as a solution to alleviate the intense workloads
the development of burnout and, at the same time, may increase job faced by workers in hospitality organisations, and therefore improve
satisfaction. The same reasoning would apply to employment security their job satisfaction, employers should ensure that HPWSs are not
(Guerci et al., 2022). The pandemic has resulted in employees fearing implemented at the expense of employee well-being but in a win-win
losing their jobs (Ayachit and Chitta, 2022). However, those organisa­ manner. Some studies have suggested that HPWSs can increase job de­
tions providing job security are expected to reduce the gap between mands, which negatively affect employee well-being (i.e. they support
employees’ perceived and desired states, thus resulting in reduced stress the conflicting outcomes perspective) (Ogbonnaya and Messersmith,
(Edwards, 1992). 2019). The decomposition of HPWSs into bundles of HRM practices
In a similar vein, in the present work the opportunity-enhancing sheds some light on this issue. If hoteliers focus on recruiting and
HRM practices exerted a reduction effect on burnout, which in turn selecting the best talent and on providing their workers with continuous
enhanced job satisfaction. In essence, these practices empower em­ ongoing training (i.e. ability bundle) but ignore their motivation and
ployees by giving them autonomy over their tasks and providing them opportunities to perform, it might result in higher levels of burnout and
with clear task descriptions (Jiang et al., 2012). Such opportunity to have negative effects on satisfaction and performance later. Therefore, it
decide over their tasks provides employees with a sense of control over is recommended that managers bear in mind the possible negative ef­
the events taking place in their work environment. This facilitates the fects associated with HPWSs and specific bundles of HRM practices.
reduction of anxiety and stress (i.e. burnout) in stressful situations Additionally, the highlighted distinction between job satisfaction
(Conway et al., 2016) - such as the ones resulting from the pandemic -, and job dissatisfaction (Herzberg et al., 1959) is also an important issue
which in turn would increase job satisfaction. that HR and hotel managers should bear in mind. In this sense, the
Lastly, the aforementioned indirect effect of burnout in the abilities- managerial recommendations of this work are pointed at providing
job satisfaction relationship was not empirically supported. Such finding employees with higher levels of job satisfaction. For example, providing
aligns with existing evidence suggesting that certain HRM practices such employees with training and growing opportunities is aimed at
as training may, indeed, increase employee stress (Topcic et al., 2016). improving their satisfaction. Nevertheless, job dissatisfaction should not
The third contribution embraces the three dimensions of HPWSs as be ignored. It is also recommended that managers monitor their em­
the focus was placed on HPWSs not only as a system of HRM but as a ployees’ contentment with other factors such as salary or job security
decomposition of abilities-, motivation- and opportunity-enhancing that may not directly impact job satisfaction, but lead to dissatisfaction if
bundles of practices (Appelbaum et al., 2000). Based on this approach, lacking, thus causing employees to decrease their motivation, perfor­
there has been a wide proliferation of research adopting the lenses of the mance and resulting in withdrawal behaviours (Lee et al., 2015).
AMO framework (e.g. Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020b) in the general
literature, but only one study has analysed hospitality organisations 5.3. Limitations and future research
(Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020c). In order to fill this gap, this manu­
script demonstrated that the three bundles under study were positive in Although this is the first study to analyse the effects of HPWSs on job
terms of employee outcomes but that their effect took place differently. satisfaction through the reduction in burnout in a hospitality and
For example, in the pandemic context in which this research took place, tourism context, there are some limitations that deserve attention and
if hoteliers detect or want to prevent burnout stemming from the intense should be considered for future research. Firstly, this study draws on the
stress faced by their employees, they should invest in motivation and perceptions of workers regarding the existence and implementation of
opportunity HRM practices to alleviate said burnout. HPWSs in their organisations rather than the intended HRM practices
reported by HR managers. Future studies on this topic could gather data
5.2. Practical implications from both HR managers and employees, which would broaden the
knowledge of the effects of HPWSs on employee outcomes.
This study is expected to be useful for HR specialists and hoteliers Secondly, this study is cross-sectional in nature, and therefore the

D. Dorta-Afonso et al. International Journal of Hospitality Management 108 (2023) 103364

relationships found here could also be explained by reversed causality. Acknowledgements

More specifically, higher levels of job satisfaction may affect the extent
to which employees perceive that their organisations implement We would like to thank the Editor-in-Chief, Manuel Rivera; Associate
HPWSs. In order to overcome this limitation, it is suggested that longi­ Editor, Valeriya Shapoval, and three anonymous reviewers for their
tudinal studies be performed in order to examine whether the re­ honest and constructive feedback on our research.
lationships found here hold true.
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into three bundles of HRM practices, which were shown to affect
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