Assess Report Rubric ADPS
Assess Report Rubric ADPS
Assess Report Rubric ADPS
Discussion Very poorly discuss the points. Poorly discuss the points. A lack Some of the points have been Very good points have been All-important points have
(30) Does not show of understanding. of understanding. correctly discussed; partial but discussed, only minor been and discussed, good
incomplete understanding improvements are needed understanding of discussion
is conveyed.
Conclusions Conclusions missing or missing Conclusion is having a few points Conclusions regarding major All-important conclusions have All-important conclusions
(15) the important points but missing several important points are drawn, but many are been drawn, could be better have been clearly made;
points misstated, indicating a lack of stated student shows good
understanding understanding.
Report Format Information appears to be Information appears to be Information is organized, but Information is slightly organized Information is organized in a
and Organization disorganized and difficult to disorganized. Report has some paragraphs are not well in a well-constructed paragraphs. well-constructed paragraphs.
follow. neatness problem. constructed. Report is neat and correctly Report is neat and correctly
(5) Report neatness needs attention. Report is neat but have some assembled. assembled with professional
assembly errors. look.
Spelling, Frequent grammar and/or A few grammatical errors found Occasional grammar/spelling Less than 3 grammar/spelling All grammar/spelling correct
grammar, spelling errors, writing style is and writing style is readable but errors, generally readable with errors, mature, readable style and very well-written
rough and immature not in correct order. some rough spots in writing style
Name 1:
Name 2:
Name 3:
Name 4:
Name 5:
Programme Code: 4ZK050
1 2 3 4 5 Total
Introduction (5) = 1 x ______