The Comp Ex Exam

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The Comp Ex Exam

The Comp Ex exam is one of the hardest exams available for practising electricians. It is essential
for those who would like to get into the oil and gas industry.

At the end of the five-day course the candidate will have to undergo a two-day assessment,
consisting of both theoretical and practical exams.

Entry requirements:

All candidates must be appropriately qualified electro-technical craftsperson’s with a minimum of

NVQ Level 3 qualification.

Candidates must be time served and experienced in terminating steel wire armoured glands (SWA
glands) and braided cables, as well as to perform safe isolation procedures and carry out inspection
and testing on electrical installations.

Duration and assessment:

Comp Ex is a five-day course from which the last two days are reserved for the practical and written

After registration and payment, the course provider is expected to provide the candidates with
several books or similar printed materials. These materials (usually a "Toolbox Guide" and a
"Course Notes") will be expected to be studied by the candidate before attending the course. It is
advisable to take this very seriously, since the three days available on the course for actual studying
is very little time in relation to the scope of the material for the Comp Ex exam.

After completion:

Successful candidates will be presented with a Comp Ex certificate of core competence, which is
valid for five years. After five years a refresher course must be completed.

The Comp Ex Practical exam

The Comp Ex practical exam consists of four sections:

- Low Voltage installation construction
- Low Voltage installation inspection
- Intrinsic Safety installation construction
- Intrinsic Safety installation inspection

Two of these sections will have to be completed on the fourth day, and the remaining two together
with the theoretical exam on the fifth day of the course.

Each candidate will have its own examination bay for the practical exam. It will be similar to the
ones seen on the C&G 2391 exam or on the AM2 exam with one significant change - the bay is
divided in EPL`s and a Safe Zone. The candidate will need to install and inspect all equipment in
accordance with the Comp Ex requirements.
Low Voltage installation construction

The bay will have certain specialised equipment installed on it such as luminaries and switchgear,
together with several enclosures.

The candidate will have to connect all of this equipment in accordance with the wiring diagram
provided. During this process the candidate will have to use and terminate SWA cable, braided cable
with or without Ex `d` and Ex `d` Barr glands.

The allowed time for this part of the Comp Ex practical exam is 3h and 35mins.

Low Voltage installation inspection

During the second part of the Comp Ex practical exam the candidate will be presented with a sample
installation completed in accordance with Comp Ex requirements.

On the Low Voltage installation there will be certain errors introduced.

The candidate must identify all the errors and describe how they should be repaired in order to bring
the installation up to the Comp Ex standards.

The allowed time for this part of the Comp Ex practical exam is 1h and 15mins.

Intrinsic Safety installation construction

During the fifth day of the Comp Ex course, the candidate will have to complete this part of the
practical exam.

Again, there will be a readymade installation divided in to EPL`s and a Safe Zone.

The candidate will have to connect all the electronics equipment in accordance with the wiring
diagram provided and in accordance with the Comp Ex requirements.

The allowed time for this part of the Comp Ex practical exam is 3h.

Intrinsic Safety installation inspection

As the final task of the practical exam the candidate will have to inspect an intrinsically safe
installation full of errors and non-compliances.

The candidate will have to identify all of these mistakes and describe how to bring the installation
up to Comp Ex requirements.

The allowed time for this part of the Comp Ex practical exam is 1h and 15mins.

On the fifth day of the course, after the practical exam is completed, the candidate will have to take
the theoretical exam.
The Comp Ex theoretical exam is a closed book, multichoice exam with 60 questions. The allowed
time is 1 h 30 mins.

At the end of this Guide you will find several pages with sample questions. We advise everybody
who is about the take the theoretical exam to practise answering these questions.

Comp Ex - Basic Principles


Since the early 1920`s many standards have evolved both in Britain and all over the world. Most of
these standards are now obsolete so there is one international standard that is really important to
remember - IEC 60079.

IEC 60079-10 - Classification of Hazardous Areas

IEC 60079-14 - Construction of electrical installations

IEC 60079-17 - Inspection and maintenance

ATEX Directives

ATEX is the European Directive 94/9/EC which applies to all equipment, both electrical and
mechanical, used in hazardous atmospheres (both dust and gas). It came in to effect on 1th July

ATEX 95 - deals with all equipment and protective systems in use in potentially explosive

ATEX 137 - workplace directive that sets the minimum requirements for the safety and health
protection of workers in potentially explosive environments.


Spark - a form of electrostatic discharge; it can occur in various types (short circuit, lightning, static
electricity, operation of switches and relays). It is important to remember that there can be two types
of sparks - incentive spark and non-incentive spark.

An Incentive spark has sufficient energy to cause an explosion in a hazardous environment (i.e.
Ignite a gas source).

A non-incentive spark does not have the sufficient energy to cause an explosion in a hazardous

Flashpoint - the lowest temperature at which sufficient vapour is given off a liquid, to form a
flammable mixture with air that can be ignited by an arc, spark or naked flame.
Ignition temperature - the minimum temperature at which a flammable material will
spontaneously ignite.

Ambient temperature - from -20 celsius to 40 celsius.


Area classification is a method of analysing and classifying the environment where explosive gas
atmospheres may occur. The main purpose is to give guidance in the selection and installation of
apparatus to be used in that environment, taking into account the properties of the flammable
materials that will be present.

Hazardous areas are classified into zones based on an assessment of the frequency of the occurrence
and duration of an explosive gas atmosphere.

Zone 0 - an area in which an explosive atmosphere is present continuously, or for long periods, or
frequently (more than 1000 hours per year).

Zone 1 - an area in which an explosive atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation

occasionally (more than 10, but less than 1000 hours per year).

Zone 2 - an area in which an explosive atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation, but if
it does occur, will persist for a short period only (less than 10 hours per year).

Explosive atmosphere equipment groups

Group I - Mining activities - equipment designed for use below ground and associated areas where
methane is the flammable gas (not covered in the Comp Ex course).

Group II - Surface industries - Gas - Sub-divided IIA, IIB, IIC (types of gases) - equipment that is
used primarily used above ground where any other flammable gas may be present.

Group III - Surface industries - Dust - Sub-divided IIIA, IIIB, IIIC - equipment that is used where
flammable dust may be present.

Equipment Protection Levels (EPL)

EPL`s are the IEC`s equivalent of the ATEX categories. It is a complicated and illogical concept,
but the candidate must be able to remember the table below in order to successfully complete the
Comp Ex course.
Zone ATEX Category IEC EPL

0 1G Ga

1 2G Gb

2 3G Gc

It is important to understand that equipment designed for a higher level of protection (i.e. Zone 0)
can be used in areas of lower requirements (i.e. Zone 1 or Zone 2). However, equipment designed
for lower levels of protection (i.e. Zone 1) must never be used in areas with higher levels of
protection requirements (i.e. Zone 0).

Gas sub-division groups

Gas sub-division Gas Ignition Temp. °C

IIA Benzene 555

Butane 365
Gasoline 280
Propane 470

IIB Ethylene 425

IIC Hydrogen 560

Acetylene 305

Note: this table consists only of the most important gases and their ignition temperatures. During the
course you will learn about more gases in each group. In order to successfully complete the Comp
Ex course the candidate will have to memorise the contents of this table.

Temperature Classification

Temperature classification is based on the maximum temperature reached by any part of the
equipment that could be in contact with a flammable gas.

T Class Max . surface temp.

T1 450 °C

T2 300 °C

T3 200 °C

T4 135 °C

T5 100 °C

T6 85 °C

In order to successfully complete the Comp Ex course, the candidate will have to memorise the
contents of this table.

Comp Ex - Explosion Protection Concepts

There are several methods and concepts which may be used in potentially explosive environments.
The table below identifies the types of protection based on the Zone/EPL/Category requirements. It
is absolutely essential to memorise this table in order to successfully complete the CompEx course.

Zone/EPL/Category Types of protection

Zone 0 or EPL Ga or Cat 1 Ia, ma
Zone 1 or EPL Gb or Cat 2 d, e, mb, o, p, q, ib
Zone 2 or EPL Gc or Cat 3 n, s, ic, mc

Types of protection:

i - Intrinsic safety (ia, ib, or ic)

m - Encapsulation (ma, mb, mc)

d - Flameproof or explosion proof enclosure

e - Increased safety

o - Oil immersion

p - Pressurisation

q - Powder filling
n - Reduced risk

s - Special

A full Comp Ex course for a practising electrician covers all of these types, but only i, d, e, and n
types will be covered in full detail, simply because these are the most common protection types in
the UK.

Our guide for the electricians Comp Ex course will therefore only cover these most common
protection types.

Once again we emphasize that our guide is only a good orientation tool for the actual Comp Ex
course, the scope of which is much wider, with a great deal of important details not mentioned here.
This guide focuses on the absolutely essential, by learning which the candidate will get a good head
start for the actual course, which otherwise could be surprisingly demanding

Comp Ex `d` - Flameproof Enclosure

Ex d type of protection is a type of protection in which the parts that can ignite an explosive
atmosphere are placed in an enclosure that can withstand the explosion developed within the
enclosure and prevent the transmission of the explosion to the outside environment.

Area of usage:

- Zone 1 or Category 2 or EPL Gb

- Zone 2 or Category 2 or EPL Gc
- All gas groups.

Gaps in the enclosure

Since these enclosures are not hermetically sealed, all gaps, cover flanges, cable inlets and other
places where a gas could enter or leave the enclosure are not to exceed these specified values:
- 0.1 mm with group IIC gases
- 0.15 mm with group IIA or IIB gases.

Threaded joints

The treaded part must be at least 8 mm long, with 6 threads of which 5 threads must be engaged.

Minimum distances to other objects next to the enclosure

These values will depend on the type of the hazardous gas potentially surrounding the enclosure:

Group Minimum distance

IIA 10 mm
IIB 30 mm
IIC 40 mm


All glands used for cable entry to an Ex `d` enclosure have to be Ex `d` or Ex `de` certified. A
barrier gland may be required if one of these is true:
- Cable outside body not round (some old types of cables, usually not in use any more).
- Not a Compact Cable (some old types of cables, usually not in use any more).
- Hygroscopic fillers (some old types of cables, usually not in use any more).
- Group IIC gases.
- Group IIA and IIB gases and enclosure internal volume greater than 2 litres.

Ex `d` type enclosures are always made of metal, because of that there is no need for locknuts,
serrated washers, IP washers, or shrouds of any type. Blanks used to cover any unused entry holes
must be Ex `d` or Ex `de` certified!

Comp Ex `e` - Increased Safety

Comp Ex type of protection `e` is a type of protection in which additional measures are applied in
order to give increased protection against the possibility of excessive temperatures, and against the
possibility of the occurrence of arcs and sparks in normal conditions or under specified fault

Areas of usage:

- Zone 1 or Category 2 or EPL Gb

- Zone 2 or Category 2 or EPL GC
- All gas groups.

Ingress protection

CompEx type of protection `e` requires IP54 as a minimum.


Type of protection `e` requires the use of certified terminals in every case. The following rules
- One conductor per terminal.
- Wires must be crimped.
- Soldering is not allowed.
- 50mm separation between `normal` and `IS (intrinsically safe)` terminals.
- All (even unused) terminals must be tight.


Accessories Required type

Glands Certified glands only:
 Ex `d`
 Ex `d` barrier
 Ex `de`
 Ex `e`
Blanks Certified blanks only:
 Ex `d`
 Ex `de`
 Ex `e`

IP washer  Clearance entry - required

 Threaded entry less than 6mm thread -
 Threaded entry more than 6mm thread - not
Serrated washer Required on painted surfaces
Locknut  Clearance entry - required
 Threaded entry less than 6mm thread -
 Threaded entry more than 6mm thread - not
 Plastic enclosures - required
Earth tag Required on plastic enclosures without earth
continuity plates

Comp Ex `n` – Reduced Risk

Electrical equipment within Comp Ex type of protection `n` is such that in normal operation and in
certain specified fault conditions it is not capable of igniting a surrounding explosive atmosphere.

Areas of usage:

- Zone 2 or Category 2 or EPL GC

- All gas groups

Ingress protection

Comp Ex type of protection `n` requires IP54 as a minimum.

Protection details

Comp Ex `n` standard is subdivided into several other types of which the following are most
commonly used:
- Ex `n` C
- Ex `n` R
- Ex `n` L

Ex `n` C

Ex `n` C standard is further subdivided in to these categories:

- Hermetically sealed devices - Sparking contacts are enclosed within a hermetically sealed

- Enclosed break devices – Break devices are incorporated within an enclosure that is capable of
withholding an internal explosion (recently replaced by Ex `d` standard).

- Encapsulated devices – Similar to hermetically sealed devices (recently replaced by Ex `m`).

Ex `n` R`

Ex `n` R standard stands for Restricted Breathing devices. This type of protection is designed to
restrict, but not totally prevent the entry of gases.

Ex `n` R protection is very common with various types of luminaries used in the oil and gas

Cable entries into restricted breathing enclosures must be fitted with an IP washer.

Ex `n` L

Ex `n` L stands for Energy Limited Apparatus. This is a type of protection where circuit components
restrict the maximum available energy in a circuit to a level incapable of causing an explosion.

Accessories Required type

Glands Certified glands only:

 Ex `d`
 Ex `d` barrier
 Ex `de`
 Ex `e`
Blanks Certified blanks only:

 Ex `d`
 Ex `de`
 Ex `e`
IP washer  Clearance entry - required
 Threaded entry less than 6mm thread – required
 Threaded entry more than 6mm thread – not
 Ex `n` R - required
Serrated washer Required on painted surfaces

Locknut  Clearance entry – required

 Threaded entry less than 6mm thread – required
 Threaded entry more than 6mm thread – not
 Plastic enclosures - required
Earth tag Required on plastic enclosures without earth continuity

Comp Ex `i` - Intrinsic Safety

Comp Ex type of protection `i` is such that the energy available in the hazardous area is limited
below that which could ignite a flammable gas.

Intrinsically safe equipment is electrical equipment in which all the circuits are intrinsically safe

Associated equipment is electrical equipment which consists of both intrinsically safe and non-
intrinsically safe circuits. By design and construction, the non-intrinsically safe circuits are limited
to non-hazardous areas; the intrinsically safe circuits inside a hazardous area must not be adversely
affected in any way.

There are some important values to remember:

- Minimum clearance of 50 mm between the terminals of IS and non-IS circuits.
- Minimum 3 mm clearance to earth terminals.
- Minimum 6 mm clearance between IS circuits terminals.


Glands on cables containing IS (intrinsically safe) circuits must be appropriate to the EPS of the
equipment containing the IS circuits.

For example, if a cable containing IS circuits is entering an Ex `d` type enclosure, then Ex `d` (or Ex
`de`) type gland must be used.

Safety barriers

Safety barrier is the electric equipment installed in non-hazardous area and is designed to limit the
energy available for the intrinsically safe circuits located inside the hazardous area.

There are two basic types of safety barriers available: the shunt diode barrier (Zener barrier) and the
galvanically isolated barrier.

Zener Barrier

Zener barriers are devices that contain at least two Zener diodes, a resistor and a fuse, in order to
limit the available energy entering the intrinsically safe circuit inside a hazardous area. The energy
limitation is provided by current and voltage limitation. The Zener diodes breakdown voltage is not
exceeded in normal operation. If this voltage is exceeded due to a fault in non hazardous area, the
diodes start to conduct, causing the fuse to blow, thus preventing the transfer of unacceptable high
energy into the hazardous area.

Zener barriers must have a dedicated earth connection which is called the intrinsically safe earth.
The connection must be done with at least 4 mm2 conductor and should ideally have less than 0.1
ohm resistance.
Galvanically Isolated Barriers

Galvanically isolated barriers allow the transference of energy without any directly wired

This is usually achieved with the use of a transformer where the primary coil is connected to the
source located in the safe area, and the secondary coil is providing energy to the intrinsically safe
circuits inside the hazardous area.

Galvanically isolated barrier does not require an earth connection.

Practice Questions for the Comp Ex Exam

Please note that some of the questions can have multiple answers.

Answers are to be found on the last page.

1. Which of the following is not needed for a fire to take place?

a. Fuel
b. Oxygen
c. An enclosure
d. Spark of sufficient energy

2. Which of the following can ignite a gas atmosphere?

a. Electrical spark
b. Hot surface
c. Battery
d. Intrinsically safe circuit
e. Static electricity
f. Lightning
g. Vehicle
h. Friction

3. The temperature at which a gas ignites spontaneously is called:

a. Ambient temperature
b. Ignition temperature
c. Flash point
d. Thermal temperature

4. Which of the following are commonly adopted?

a. Zone 0, explosive atmosphere for more than 2000 hrs/year
b. Zone 0, explosive atmosphere for more than 1000 hrs/year
c. Zone 2, explosive atmosphere for less than 10 hrs/year
d. Zone 1, explosive atmosphere present between 10 and 1000 hrs/year

5. Which is an example of Group I gas?

a. Methane
b. Propane
c. Ethylene
d. Hydrogen and acetylene

6. The objectives of the ATEX Directive 95 are

a. Removal of technical barriers to trade
b. Incorporation of risk assessments
c. Standardization of 230V ac across Europe
d. Health and safety of workers

7. Concerning ATEX categories, which abbreviation is used for equipment?

a. IEC
b. APL
c. EPL
d. API

8. The term EPL stands for

a. Electrical Protection Level
b. Equipment Protection Level
c. Electrical Protection Load
d. Equipment Pressure Level

9. Ex `n` equipment can be used in

a. Zone 0
b. Zone 0 and Zone 1
c. Zones 0, 1 and 2
d. Zone 2

10. Equipment Protection Level `Gc`/Category 3 equipment can be used in

a. Zone 0
b. Zone 0 and Zone 1
c. Zones 0,1 and 2
d. Zone 2

11. Components which produce sparks, such as contactors and switches, are permited inside
Ex `d` enclosures
a. True
b. False

12. Which Standard deals with the general requirements for the Ex`d` protection concept?
a. IEC 60079-1
b. IEC 60079-3
c. IEC 60079-14
d. IEC 60079-17
13. Flameproof equipments is so named because
a. An internal explosion is not permitted
b. An internal explosion is permitted
c. An external explosion is permitted
d. The enclosure is resistant to gas entering the enclosure

14. Ex `d` equipment can be used in

a. Zone 0
b. Zone 1 and 2
c. Zone 2 only
d. Zone 0 and 1

15. A switch is located in a flameproof enclosure less than 2 litres in volume in a IIC
environment. The enclosure requires
a. Industrial glands
b. Ex `e` glands
c. Ex `d` Barrier glands
d. An indirect entry Ex `e` chamber fitted with stuffing glands

16. Increased safety Ex `e` apparatus is designed to contain an internal explosion

a. True
b. False
c. True, providing barrier glands are used
d. True, providing the IP rating is at least IP54

17. In general, Ex `e` equipment can be installed in

a. Zone 0
b. Zone 1 and 2
c. Zone 0, 1 and 2
d. Zone 2 only

18. Ex `e` equipment can be installed in are requiring

a. Equipment to EPL `Ga` and `Gb`
b. Equipment to EPL `Ga`, `Gb`, and `Gc`
c. Equipment to EPL `Ga` or Category 1
d. Equipment to EPL `Gb` and `Gc`

19. Ex `e` equipment must have an IP rating of

a. IP 54
b. At least IP 54, but location conditions may require a higher value
c. IP 44
d. At least IP 44, but location conditions may require a higher value

20. Locknuts on an Ex `e` equipment are

a. Always required
b. Never required
c. Required on clearance holes
d. Required on 10mm thick threaded entries

21. In general, Ex `n` equipment can be installed in

a. Zone 0
b. Zone 1
c. Zone 2
d. Clear areas

22. Ex `n` equipment can be designed for

a. Group II
b. Group IIA and IIB
c. Group IIA only
d. Group IIB only

23. Which is not a recognised Ex `n` method of protection

a. Type A Non-sparking
b. Type d Flameproof
c. Type L Energy limited
d. Type R Restricted breathing
e. Type C Sparking with hermetically sealed, enclosed break or encapsulated

24. When terminating a cable into an 8 mm thick type `n` metal enclosure with a threaded
entry, which of the following is required?
a. Locknut
b. Star washer
c. IP washer
d. None of these

25. For Ex `n` restricted breathing, which one of the following must always be provided?
a. IP washer
b. L:ocknut
c. Earth tag
d. Threaded entry

26. Ex `ia` equipment can be installed in

a. Zone 0
b. Zone 1
c. Zone 2
d . Clear area

27. Galvanic isolators require

a. An intrinsically safe earth connection
b. At least two Zener diodes
c. A device providing electrical separation such as a transformer, relay or opto-coupler
d. At least three Zener diodes

28. Which of the following does not require an intrinsically safe dedicated earth?
a. Zener barrier with two Zener diodes
b. Galvanically isolated barrier
c. Zener barrier with three Zener diodes
d. Zener barrier supplying simple apparatus
29. What is the minimum distance between terminals for intrinsically safe circuits and
terminals of non-intrinsically safe circuits?
a. 100 mm
b. 50 mm
c. 6 mm
d. 3 mm 30.

What is the minimum clearance to earth (intrinsically safe circuits)?

a. 100 mm
b. 50 mm
c. 6 mm
d. 3 mm


1. c
2. a,b,c,e,f,g,h
3. b
4. b,c,d
5. a
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. d
10. d
11. a
12. a
13. b
14. b
15. c
16. b
17. b
18. d
19. b
20. c
21. c,d
22. a
23. b
24. d
25. a
26. a,b,c,d
27. c
28. b
29. b
30. d

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