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Communication For Academic Purposes

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Communication for Academic Purposes •Investigate the research problem from an authoritative

What is Academic Writing? perspective.

•State the strong points of your arguments confidently by
•Academic writing refers to a style of expression that using language that is neutral, not dismissive or
researchers use to define the intellectual boundaries of their confrontational
disciplines and specific areas of expertise. •Avoid making broad generalizations, using over-sweeping
adjectives, adverbs, qualifiers, emotional language and
The Overall View
•The Overall View. Unlike journalistic or fiction writing, the Academic Diction
overall structure of academic writing is formal and logical. •Academic diction refers to the linguistic choices a writer
Thus, it is important to take note of the following points: makes to effectively convey an idea or a standpoint. When
writing in an academic diction, you must take note of the
• The paper must be cohesive and possess a logically following points:
organized flow of ideas -- this suggests that the various parts
are connected to form a unified whole. •Awareness of the words you use is vital because words that
• There should be transitional devices or narrative links have almost the same denotation or dictionary definition can
between sentences and paragraphs so that the reader will be have very different connotations or implied meanings.
able to follow your argument. •Use concrete and specific words that convey precise
• The introduction should include an explanation of how the meaning.
rest of the paper is organized and all sources are properly •Explain what you mean within the context of how that word
cited throughout the paper. or phrase is used within a discipline.
•Be consistent with your labels. Call people what they want
Language to be called. Use gender inclusive language. Avoid placing
• The analysis of research problems in diverse disciplines is gender identifiers in front of nouns.
often complex and multi- dimensional. Hence, it is significant  (Avoid the use of the following)
that you use language that fits your audience and matches • slang expressions
your purpose. Inappropriate language uses can undermine • cliché phrases
your argument, damage your credibility, or alienate your • metaphors or figures of speech
audience. Here are some points to remember: • Colloquialisms
• Jargons
• The key to successful writing focuses on the levels of • big words
formality and conciseness that underscore writing in a style •Platitudes
that your audience expects and that fits your purpose. •Pejoratives
• Use clear topic sentences and well-structured paragraphs •Contractions
to enable readers to follow your line of thinking without • Use personal pronouns carefully. Generally, you also want
difficulty. to avoid using the personal "I“ in an academic paper unless
• Avoid using in-group jargon or specialized language used by you are writing a reflection paper or a reaction paper.
groups of like-minded individuals. • Writing from the third-person point of view is important in
• Avoid using slang or idiomatic expressions in general academic research writing because it makes your paper
academic writing. sounds more assertive, more professional and credible.
• Avoid using euphemisms or words that veil the truth and
other deceitful language. Punctuation
• Avoid using biased language including language with a •Punctuation. To establish the narrative tone of their work,
racial, ethnic group, or gender bias or language that is scholars rely on precise words and language. Thus,
stereotypical. punctuation marks are used very deliberately.

Academic Tone. • Semi-colons represent a pause that is longer than a comma,

•The overall tone refers to the writer's voice in a written but shorter than a period in a sentence.
work. It is what the readers might perceive as the writer's • Colons should be limited to introducing, announcing or
attitude, bias, or personality. When writing in an academic directing attention to a list, a noun or noun phrase, a
tone, you must take into consideration the following points: quotation, or an example/explanation; joining sentences; and
expressing time, in titles, and as part of other writing
•Present the arguments of others objectively and with an conventions.
appropriate narrative tone. • Hyphens should be limited to connecting prefixes to words
• Describe these arguments accurately and without biased or like “re-educate” or when forming compound words or
loaded language whenever you present an argument or a phrases like “on-site” and “right-of-way.”
position that you disagree with. • Dashes should be limited to the insertion of an explanatory
• "The proposal to increase taxes on the wealthy is a blatant comment in a sentence.
attack on hardworking Americans who have earned their • Exclamation points are rarely used to express a heightened
wealth through dedication and ingenuity. It unfairly tone because they can come across as unsophisticated or
penalizes success and undermines the principles of freedom over-excited.
and opportunity."
What is Academic Conventions? The word tells the readers that your quote is an exact
• "Academic conventions" refers to the established norms, reproduction of what you found, and the error is not your
practices, and standards within the academic community for own;
writing, research, citation, presentation, and other scholarly • If a direct quotation is interrupted mid-sentence, do not
activities. capitalize the second part of the quotation;
• It is essential to always acknowledge the source of any • Note that the period or comma punctuation always comes
ideas, research findings, data, paraphrased, or quoted text before the final quotation mark. However, it is important to
that you have used in your paper as a defense against realize also that when you are using some other form of
allegations of plagiarism. documentation, this punctuation rule may change;
• With reference to academic writing purposes, the • When there is a quote within a quotation, enclose the inner
guidelines for fair use are reasonably explicit. quote in single quotation marks and the whole quotation in
• NOTE: Rules concerning precise word structure and double quotation marks;
excellent grammar do not apply when quoting someone. To • Direct quotations which run to less than five lines are
set off and represent exact language either spoken or written integrated in the text and simply enclosed in quotation marks;
that has come from somebody else is the primary function of
quotation marks. Direct quotations involve incorporating
another person's exact words into your own writing.

(The following covers the basic use of quotation marks) • Quoted material that runs from five or more lines are
• Quotation marks always come in pairs. Do not open a indented seven spaces, italicized, and typed single space. The
quotation and fail to close it at the end of the quoted quotation is also indented at least four spaces from the right-
material; hand margin. No quotation marks are used; and
• Capitalize the first letter of a direct quote when the quoted • Quotations are most effective if you use them sparingly and
material is a complete sentence; keep them relatively short. Too many quotations in a
• Do not use a capital letter when the quoted material is a research paper will get you accused of not producing original
fragment or only a piece of the original material's complete thought or material.
sentence; • The scholarly convention of citing sources allows readers to
• If a direct quotation is interrupted mid-sentence, do not identify the resources you used in writing your paper so they
capitalize the second part of the quotation; can independently verify and assess the quality of findings
and conclusions based on your review of the literature.
• Other examples of academic conventions to follow include
the appropriate use of headings and subheadings, properly
spelling out acronyms when first used in the text, and
avoiding unsupported declarative statements.

What is Evidence-Based Reasoning?

• Evidence-based reasoning is a process of decision-making
or argumentation that relies on empirical evidence, facts, and
data to support claims or conclusions. In this approach,
arguments are built on the foundation of credible evidence
rather than personal beliefs, opinions, or anecdotes.
• If a direct quotation is interrupted mid-sentence, do not • The need to support your opinion with evidence from
capitalize the second part of the quotation; scholarly sources;
• Note that the period or comma punctuation always comes • An objective stance presented as a logical argument;
before the final quotation mark. However, it is important to • The quality of your evidence will determine the strength of
realize also that when you are using some other form of your argument; and
documentation, this punctuation rule may change; • The challenge is to convince the reader of the validity of
• When quoting text with a spelling or grammar error, you your opinion through a well-documented, coherent, and
should transcribe the error exactly in your own text. However, logically structured piece of writing, which is particularly
also insert the term sic in italics directly after the mistake, important when proposing solutions to problems or
and enclose it in brackets. Sic is from the Latin, and translates delineating recommended courses of action.
to "thus," "so," or "just as that."
What is a Thesis-Driven? C O M M U N I C AT I O N F O R A C A D E M I C P U R P O S E S
• "Thesis-driven" refers to an approach or style of writing, Academic Paper
particularly in academic or scholarly contexts, where the
central argument or thesis statement serves as the guiding
force behind the entire composition. In a thesis-driven piece
of writing, every aspect of the work, from the introduction to
the conclusion, is structured and developed to support and
elaborate on the main thesis.

What is Complexity and Higher-Order Thinking?

•In thesis writing, complexity and higher- order thinking refer
to the depth and sophistication of the ideas presented, as
well as the level of critical analysis and synthesis involved in
the research process.
• When considering complexity and higher-order thinking
skills, you must take note of the following: 3TYPESOFACADEMICPAPER
• Cognitive processes that describe abstract ideas that
•Socio-political analysis paper
cannot be easily shown with images, pointed to, or acted out
•Position paper
and are used to express concepts, to comprehend, and to •Researched-based documented essay
solve problems comprise higher-order thinking skills.
• one of the main purposes of academic writing – examining
and explaining the significance of complex ideas as clearly as
•A socio-political analysis paper can be defined as an analysis
possible. of the economic, social, and political factors that shape a
particular country or situation and how these factors impact
Refining Academic Writing
the lives and thoughts of the people.
• Clear Writing. The act of thinking about precedes the T O P I C S F O R S O C I O - P O L I T I C A L A NA LYS I S PA P E
process of writing about
• Excellent Grammar. Generally, English grammar can be
• Social issues: inequality, discrimination, poverty, healthcare,
difficult and complex; even the best scholars take many years
gender dynamics.
before they have a command of the major points of good • Political processes: an examination of political systems,
institutions, elections, or policy making.
• Credible and Scholarly Sources. Credibility is defined as the
• Power dynamics: the exploration of power concerning
quality or power of inspiring belief. elites, corporations, and marginalized communities.
• Social movement: protest, campaign.
The five best resources to help you in writing a research
•Purpose: Examine the social and political factors within a
specific context.
• University’s Library;
• Structure: Introduction, body, and conclusion
• Google
•Focus: Analyze complex issues to provide insights and
• Scholar, RefSeek, explanations
• the Internet Public Library (ipl2); and
• the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC).
A PA 7 T H E D I T I O N : B O O K
• Author, B. B. (Year).Title. Publisher.
• Hasler, E.M. (2018). The built environment. Liverpool
University Press.
• Author, B. B., & Author, C. A. (Year).Title. Publisher.
• Hasler, E., & Morris A. (2018). The built environment.
Liverpool University Press.
• Author, B.B., Author, D.A., & Author, C.A. (Year).Title.
A PA 7 T H E D I T I O N : B O O K ( W I T H E D I T I O N )
• Author, B.B. (Year).Title(2nd Ed). Publisher.
• Hasler, E. (2018). The built environment(2nd Ed). Liverpool
University Press.
• Author, B.B., & Author, C.A. (Year).Title (2nd Ed). Publisher.
• Hasler, E., & Lim, A.C. (2018). The built environment(2nd
Ed). Liverpool University Press.
• Author, B.B., Author, C.A., & Author, C.A. (Year).Title (2nd
Ed). Publisher.
A PA 7 T H E D I T I O N : J O U R N A L
• Author, B. B. (Year).Title.Title of the journal,Volume(Issue),
pages DOI
• Bailey, N. W. (2012). Evolutionary models of extended
phenotypes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 27(3), 561-569.
P OS I T I ON PA P E R • Author, B. B., & Author, C. A. (Year).Title.Title of the journal,
• The position paper aims to generate support on an issue. It Volume(Issue) DOI
describes the author’s or organization’s position on an issue A PA 7 T H E D I T I O N : W E B S I T E
and the rationale for that position. It is based on facts that • Author, B.B. (Year, Month date).Title of the article.Website.
provide a solid foundation for the authors’ argument. URL
Kmec, J. (2012, March 13). Where’s the boss? And what
• Purpose: present a stand on a particular issue. Persuade counts as “work”? The Society Pages.
readers to adopt the author’s arguments. https://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2012/03/13/wheres-
• Structure: Introduction, body, and conclusion the-boss-and-what-counts-as-work/
• Focus: Influence the decision-making process by presenting • Author, B.B., & Author, C.A. (Year).Title of the
a persuasive arguments. article.Website.URL
A PA 7 T H E D I T I O N : N E W S
RE S E A RC H E D - B A S E D D O C U M E N T E D • Author, B.B. (Year, Month Date).Title of the article.Title of
E S S AY the publication.Website. URL
•A research-based documented essay is a piece of writing in • Spring, A. & Earl, C. (2018, May 22). ‘Just not blond’: How
which the authors incorporate information such as facts, the diversity push is failing Australian fashion. The Guardian:
arguments, and opinions taken from the writings of Australia.
authorities in a particular field. Edition.https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2018/may/22
• Purpose: conduct in-depth research on a specific topic to /just-not-blonde- how-the-diversity-push-is-failing-australian
develop comprehensive analysis arguments. fashion
• Structure: Introduction, body, and conclusion • Author, B.B., & Author, C.A. (Year).Title of the article.Title
• Focus: contribute new insights or perspectives to the of the publication. Website. URL
existing literature or topic. A PA 7 T H E D I T I O N : T H E S I S
• Author, B.B. (Year).Title of the thesis (Masteral/Doctoral,
T WO T Y P E S O F A C A D E M I C W R I T I N G Name of the school) Website. URL
• Atienza, C.B.(2024). Impacts of digital skills to the overall
Students’ Academic Writing competencies of teachers in Banyaga Elementary
• Assessment at universities School(Master’s thesis, Batangas State University). School
• Teachers library.
• Demonstrate learning

Experts’ Academic Writing

• Writing for publications
• Other experts
• Create new knowledge

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