Application and Advantages of Novel Clay Ceramic Particles (CCPS)
Application and Advantages of Novel Clay Ceramic Particles (CCPS)
Application and Advantages of Novel Clay Ceramic Particles (CCPS)
Bioresource Technology
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Article history: Utilization of clay ceramic particles (CCPs) as the novel filter media employed in an up-flow anaerobic
Received 24 December 2012 bio-filter (UAF) was investigated. After a series of tests and operations, CCPs have presented higher total
Received in revised form 12 March 2013 porosity and roughness, meanwhile lower bulk and grain density. When CCPs were utilized as fillers, the
Accepted 14 March 2013
reactor had a shorter start up period of 45 days comparing with conventional reactors, and removal rate
Available online 26 March 2013
of chemical oxygen demand (COD) still reached about 76% at a relatively lower temperature during the
stable state. In addition, degradation of COD and ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) at different media height
along the reactor was evaluated, and the dates showed that the main reduction process happened within
Anaerobic filter
Clay ceramic particles (CCPs)
the first 30 cm media height from the bottom flange. Five phases were observed according to different
Start-up organic loadings during the experiment period, and the results indicated that COD removal increased lin-
Low temperature early when the organic loading was increased.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction type of reactor has been widely used due to its large biomass
attachment, high organic loadings, long sludge retention time, eas-
Anaerobic processes have been used for the treatment of con- ily restarting and simple operation. When wastewater flow
centrated municipal and industrial wastewater for well over a cen- through the reactor, suspended solids (SS) in wastewater can be fil-
tury (Annachhatre, 1996). With the progress in engineering and trated directly by the submerged support media (Han et al., 2009),
developments in chemistry, biochemistry, and microbiology (Vir- hence additional filter device will be unnecessary. However, there
araghavan and Varadarajan, 1996), anaerobic treatment has been are still some disadvantages for practical application of anaerobic
gaining increasing momentum as the main means of organic mat- filters, such as media clogging (Puñal et al., 2000), long start-up
ter removal in wastewater. Especially in high-strength organic period and temperature limitation. Therefore, improving these
wastes treatment (del Pozo et al., 2000), anaerobic systems are weak points is one of the most significant aspects in anaerobic
superior to conventional aerobic systems in saving capacity and wastewater treatment.
operational costs, reducing production of sludge and producing To achieve better treatment performance, filter media is an
of biogas (Manariotis and Grigoropoulos, 2008). Anaerobic filters indispensable contributor for anaerobic filter, because it facilitates
(AFs) were first described in 1969 by Young and McCarty, and have the retention of biomass in the reactor, that is longer duration
been studied over the past 40 years (Bodík et al., 2002). AF is a achieving longer mean cell residence time (Bodkhe, 2008). In AFs,
fixed bed fixed film anaerobic reactor, in which porous media are the biomass retention is accomplished by fixing microorganisms
used for immobilization of microorganisms (Bodkhe, 2008). This in the form of biofilm attached on the media surfaces and sus-
pended biomass trapped within the spaces of filter media. Previous
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 531 88365258; fax: +86 531 88364513. studies have indicated that support material markedly affected the
E-mail address: [email protected] (Q. Yue).
rate of attachment and growth of bacteria converting acetic acid to
0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
172 W. Han et al. / Bioresource Technology 137 (2013) 171–178
methane, and have also proved that media surface texture and 2. Methods
porosity played a significant role in the performance of up-flow
anaerobic filters (Show and Tay, 1999). Therefore, selecting the 2.1. Reactor
optimum biofilm support media is seemed to be of great impor-
tance in AF treatment. It has been reported that many materials As indicated in Fig. 1, the lab-scale cylindrical reactor made
with high media porosity have been applied to support the bio- from polymethyl methacrylate had a diameter of 200 mm with
mass in the form of microbial films, including special ceramic, the height of 1.7 m. The column was packed with novel filter media
polyurethane foam, PVC, zeolite, glass, carbon filter and so on (CCPs) for 1 m high, and the effective volume for biochemical ac-
(Yue et al., 2009). In this paper, a novel ceramic particle from local tion was 15 L. On the top of packing layers, some gravel was added
clay in Xuzhou (Jiangsu Province, China) has been studied in our as barriers to prevent CCPs from floating out. In addition, graded
laboratory. Some characteristics of CCPs were analyzed to evaluate gravel layer with the height of 10 cm was settled at the bottom
the performance of synthetic wastewater treatment, including of the filler layer as filter supporting bed. Influent was fed into
bulk density, grain density and water absorption. Some other char- the column from the bottom of the reactor with a variable speed
acterization methods including X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) peristaltic pump. The injected wastewater flowed through the buf-
and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were also carried out fer zone and supporting board, and evenly passed through the new
for further analysis. According to the experimental results, CCPs CCPs filter bed. The treated effluent was discharged from the top of
have presented higher total porosity and roughness, meanwhile the reactor by outlet pipe connected to an effluent tank. Six sam-
lower bulk and grain density compared to sludge-fly ash ceramic pling ports were placed at 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, and 130 cm from
particles (SFCP), which was studied by Han et al. (2009), and have the bottom flange. Periodic backwashing was necessary in order
reached the index requirements of media filler. Sequentially, after to prevent clogging of fillers. The system was operated at ambient
studying the potential use of novel filter media for wastewater temperature ranging from 15 to 31 °C (Wu et al., 2011).
treatment in details, the AF was chosen to investigate the influence
of different media height and organic loadings for ascertaining the 2.2. Synthetic wastewater
operation of AF and the applicability of CCPs for their further
industrialization. In addition, long start-up period and temperature At the beginning of the experimental period, glucose (C6H12O6),
limitation are always the weak points in AF treatment, and so far ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) and potassium biphosphate (KH2-
few research papers have investigated anaerobic bio-filter under PO4) were used to prepare the main parts of the synthetic wastewa-
a relatively lower temperature (16–21 °C) all over the world. ter, meanwhile sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) was dosed to adjust
Therefore, the main objective of this paper was to investigate pH. Then in order to complicate the carbon source and reduce the
whether the new type of ceramsites employed in self-designed intake of sulfate radical, another synthetic wastewater made up
anaerobic filter have superiority compared to other fillers during by sucrose (C12H22O11), ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and potas-
start-up phase and stable stage in ambient temperature, especially sium biphosphate (KH2PO4) was used to replace the original syn-
in relatively lower region. thetic wastewater gradually after 2 weeks of experimental period.
20 effluent
sampling port
fillers layer
effluent tank
feedwater tank
Table 2
Physical properties of CCP.
Bulk density (kg m3) Grain density (kg m3) Water absorption (%) Voidage (%) Particle diameter (mm)
Product (CCP) 434.6 812.6 8.235 53.48 10.0–20.0
GB/T17431-1998 <500.00 <15.00
174 W. Han et al. / Bioresource Technology 137 (2013) 171–178
Ca I
40 Q Q
8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72
2 theta (degree)
Fig. 2. XRD patterns of CCP. Q: quartz; K: kaolinite; Fp: feldspar; I: illite; Ch: chlorite; Ca: calcite.
CCPs sampled from different height of the anaerobic filter were Clay and clay minerals have been widely used as the main raw
examined to observe the microbial distribution according to the materials in different ceramic products for construction materials
method described in Section 2.4.2. Suppl. Fig. C shows the growth due to their special properties before and after sintering (Ngun
of biofilm in the CCPs after utilization. In the range between 10 and et al., 2011). Lixiviation test was carried out to know more about
50 cm from the bottom flange, fulvous attached-growth flocculent the trace elements and the potential toxicity of CCPs. Table 3 indi-
mass could be seen on CCPs, with the average thickness of 2 mm cates some metal elements in the lixivium of clay ceramsites,
through visual observation. Moreover, through SEM image, it could which are treated in the mixed strong acid and shaken for 20 h
also be seen from Suppl. Fig. C that the cells were directly attached according to HJ/T299-2007 (State Environmental Protection
to the surface of CCPs and biofilm was apparently spread the sur- Administration of China, 2002b). The result revealed that trace ele-
face of CCPs, with the relatively well structure maintained. How- ments (such as Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Zn) in lixivium of
ever, during the upper height of the filter media, about 50– CCPs were in rich content and potentially favorable to microbe
100 cm, biofilm was hardly found no matter through visual obser- growth. In addition, only few noxious matters were found in the
vation or SEM image. It can be explained by the fact that in the lixivium, with the contents much lower than the limits of the na-
UAF, microorganisms at the bottom zone grow well and the at- tional standards determined by GB 5085.3-2007, China (Hazardous
tached biomass is in a large quantity. Along the media height, with Wastes Distinction Standard-Leaching Toxicity Distinction). There-
the shortage of nutrients in the upper section, it is not enough for fore, according to the analysis of the two aspects, it could come to
bacteria to proliferate, hence the biomass is small (Ince et al., the conclusion that this new CCPs was completely suitable as filter
2000). In addition, no clogging or disintegration phenomenon media for wastewater treatment.
was found, which indicated that reasonable operation made the
anaerobic system function well and CCPs were proved to be appro- 3.3. Superiority of applying CCPs in the anaerobic bio-filter
priate as filter media for microorganism growing. Furthermore,
lightweight (bulk density of 434.6 kg m3 and particle density of 3.3.1. Performance during the start-up period
812.6 kg m3) CCPs were favorable for wastewater flowing evenly Simple in operation does not mean that there is no trouble in
due to the large porosity, and the regular shape of ellipsoid greatly high rate process. Reactor startup is one of such initial obstacles
reduced the flow resistance. As a result, clogging avoided could
Table 3
attribute to the distinctive structure of CCPs.
Contents of metal elements in lixivium of CCP.
85 7.5
ganisms, among which the relationship between non methane-
80 7.0 producing bacteria and methane-producing bacteria is the most
6.5 important. For one thing, they are interdependent and symbiotic;
for another thing, they also restrict each other, in order to keep a
state of equilibrium in this anaerobic system. Thereafter, as waste-
60 5.5 water continually flowed through the filter media appropriately,
5.0 microorganisms kept growing and gradually formed biofilm which
attached to the clay ceramsites. During these stages, influent COD
45 4.5
concentration combined with hydrodynamic conditions could
40 COD removal (%) 4.0 properly wash out the dispersed biomass and retain heavier frac-
35 pH
3.5 tion biomass. In the following days, pH tended to be stable, and
COD removal increased gradually. It should be noted that between
25 3.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 25th day and 30th day, great temperature fluctuation resulted in
Time (days) the once more wave of pH. However, because of a suitable habitat
place with strong heat preservation and buffering capacity pro-
B 95 24 vided by the filter media, COD removal rate was not influenced
90 seriously. Then after 40 days, as depicted in Fig. 3A, COD removal
COD Reduction Efficiency (%)
85 and pH both achieved stable state. The symbols of biofilm getting
80 20
Temperature ( 0C) mature gradually were that the ecological system made up by bac-
75 18 teria and various microorganisms achieved the balanced and stable
70 state, which was also directly reflected in the degradation rate of
65 organic matter in the effluent. As a result, the start of this anaero-
60 14 bic reactor, which was only 45 days, greatly reduced the start-up
55 12 time comparing with the conventional process.
50 All above were attributed to the chemical composition of clay
45 COD removal (%) and the structure of CCPs. On one hand, clay contained abundant
40 Temperature ( 0C) 8 of trace elements which were essential for microorganic growth.
35 Trace elements in lixivium can stimulate bacterial growth and en-
30 hance biomass accumulation in the reactor (Rebah et al., 2010). On
280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 the other hand, the special structure of CCPs, such as surface
Time (days) roughness and porousness, seemed to be the important media
characteristic which influenced the biofilm formation. It reflects
Fig. 3. COD removals in different conditions: (A) COD and pH monitoring during the in promoting higher growth of attached biofilm and suspended
start-up period; (B) COD removal in the relatively lower temperature.
biomass, respectively (Show and Tay, 1999). Moreover, it has been
observed that initial microbial attachment invariably occurred in
the crevices of support media. Clay ceramsites used in this research
which must be overcome to attain successful process operation had been found to have these two advantages, hence they contrib-
(Annachhatre, 1996; Annachhatre and Bhamidimarri, 1992). uted to a short start-up period with 45 days.
Start-up usually takes about 2–3 months or even up to 3–
6 months. Moreover it is very fragile in fixed film high-rate sys- 3.3.2. Relatively higher removal rate in the low temperature region
tems such as anaerobic filters due to the low attached biomass Anaerobic microorganisms are the major component of anaero-
development and accumulation rate (Puñal et al., 2000). The bic treatment and very sensitive to temperature, thus temperature
start-up period was carried out at the temperature 29 ± 2 °C. Dur- is the main factor that influences anaerobic treatment processes. In
ing the first week of the start-up period, the reactor was fed with many cases anaerobic processes are conducted in the most suitable
synthetic wastewater mentioned in Section 2.2, and only pH was temperature ranges between 35 and 38 °C, with a heating or insu-
measured every day. Sodium bicarbonate was added to guarantee lation system (Ren and Wang, 2004). There are also experimental
the pH was maintained in the range of 6.8–7.2. Then in the follow- results showing that the anaerobic treatment should not be ex-
ing days, COD and NH4-N were also analyzed every other day. The cluded at low temperatures (Elmitwalli et al., 2002), and it is more
initial COD concentration of influent was 1000 mg L1, and the or- practical to run in the ambient temperature. However, at low oper-
ganic loading rate was controlled to be 1.3333 kg COD m3 d1. ating temperature, specific microbial growth rates are low, and
COD removal rate and pH during the start-up period are presented accordingly, COD removal efficiency is lower (Annachhatre,
in Fig. 3A. It could be seen that during the initial 2 weeks of the 1996). Although anaerobic processes can be limited by strict envi-
startup stage, pH and COD removal rate fluctuated a lot, with a rel- ronmental requirements, these obstacles can be overcome by prop-
atively low COD removal efficiency ranged between 40% and 50%. er support media selection and other appropriate operations. This
The reason might be that during initial stages of reactor startup, study aimed to examine the performance of this anaerobic system
biofilm was not yet formed and the relatively low COD removal around room temperature without any heating or insulation sys-
efficiency was made by a low concentration of suspended microor- tem. After this reactor operated steadily for about six months,
ganisms from inoculated activated sludge. Then suspended bio- the anaerobic system underwent a 3-month idle period (Manario-
mass grew and gradually developed into biofilm. This process is tis and Grigoropoulos, 2008), and restarted under the temperature
sensitive, unstable and inefficient for organic removal, which can about 15 °C. In the first 28 days during startup period, COD re-
be related to the fact that there exists a variety of complex rela- moval rate was relatively low. Thereafter, the anaerobic reaction
tionships of microbial flora in anaerobic biofilm systems. In other was conducted with ambient temperature ranged from 18 to
words, with the buildup of various symbiotic relationships 21 °C. In addition, the COD concentration and the organic loading
amongst the attached microflora, the biofilm infrastructure is rate had changed to 3000 mg L1 and 4.8 kg COD m3 d1,
176 W. Han et al. / Bioresource Technology 137 (2013) 171–178
respectively. COD removal progress as the temperature changed is (2000), microorganisms at the bottom zone grew well and the at-
presented in Fig. 3B. It revealed that although the inoculated tached biomass was in a large quantity. Along the media height,
microorganism was not psychrophile, under such a temperature with the shortage of nutrients in the upper section, it was not en-
circumstance, this anaerobic reactor still functioned well, in which ough for bacteria to proliferate for further degradation of the syn-
COD reduction grew fast and achieved steadily (Martinez-Sosa thetic wastewater. However, the trend of NHþ 4 -N removal was
et al., 2011; Ahn and Forster, 2002). Generally, this phenomenon much more complicated. During the first 70 cm height, most of
could be connected with the special structure and properties of ammonium was assimilated into organic amino groups by means
the novel CCPs. Ceramsites have the common characteristics of of assimilation, resulting in a continuous decline of NHþ 4 -N concen-
heat preservation and thermal insulation. Furthermore, this ul- tration even though the removal rate was unremarkable. Yet there
tra-lightweight CCPs were more prominent on these aspects due was an increase in the next upper height. It was speculated that or-
to their porosity. As mentioned in Section 3.1, roughness and ganic nitrogen might convert into NHþ 4 -N, and it was also possible
porosity of filter media were crucial factors for microorganic to produce NHþ 4 -N by the dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammo-
attachment and growth, which greatly influenced the biofilm for- nium (Van Rijn et al., 2006). On the one hand, due to the assimila-
mation. Hence, CCPs provided plenty of suitable places for organ- tion, microorganism converted NHþ 4 -N to some other forms; on the
isms growing. The cushioning effect protected microorganisms other hand, some specific bacteria could decompose organic nitro-
from sudden external impact. In addition, abundant of trace ele- gen into ammonia nitrogen. These two processes occurred simulta-
ments in lixivium of CCPs was another important factor because neously, but the first process was much longer than the second.
they could stimulate microorganic growth and provide microbe However, under pure anaerobic circumstance, ammonia nitrogen
more possibilities for increasing their population under low tem- could not be removed efficiently.
peratures. As a result, this anaerobic system could achieve a rela-
tively good performance even under a low temperature
3.5. Influence of COD concentration in influent
circumstance, getting removal efficiency in the range of 47–76%.
Generally, anaerobic treatment is practiced to break down com-
3.4. Influence of media height on COD and NH4-N removal in the CCPs plex and biodegradable organic substances and reduce the overall
column organic load, particularly from high-strength effluents. The syn-
thetic wastewater of this research simulated the characteristics
When the start-up period finished, there came the stable stage. of wastewater which contained high concentration of organic sub-
Considering the acclimation of microorganisms, it was necessary to stances. Hence, the variation of influent organic concentration was
change operating conditions gradually. Firstly, the average COD
concentration was adjusted from 1000 mg L1 to 2000 mg L1,
and left the other conditions the same as before: HRT of 24 h and
C/N ratio of 100:5. The influence of media height on COD and A 7000 6000
6500 5500
NH4-N removal is shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted that COD 6000 II III IV V 5000
and NHþ 4 -N concentrations at media height of 0 cm were calculated 5500
according to the influent in the feeding tank before flowing into the
Influent COD (mg/L)
B 100
COD Reduction Efficiency (%)
Effluent COD (mg/L)
2000 100 80 phase I
Effluent NH3-N(mg/L)
Effluent NH3-N(mg/L)
Effluent COD (mg/L)
1800 95
1600 90
1400 60
75 50
1000 70 COD removal (%)
800 65 40
600 60
55 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
50 Time (days)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Reactor height (cm) Fig. 5. Influence of feed COD concentration: (A) variation of COD concentration in
the anaerobic biofiltration systems; (B) variation of COD removal efficiency in the
Fig. 4. Influence of reactor height on variation in COD and NH3-N. anaerobic biofiltration systems.
W. Han et al. / Bioresource Technology 137 (2013) 171–178 177
investigated to evaluate the performance of this anaerobic reactor, potentiality, hence higher organic concentration and organic load-
and find the probability of CCPs and the reactor applied in actual ing rate could be carried out in further experiment.
wastewater. This part of experiment was carried out under the spe-
cific constant conditions: HRT of 24 h and flow rate of 1 L h1. The 4. Conclusions
variation of organic concentration in influent and effluent and its
removal performances are presented in Fig. 5A and B, respectively. Investigation of the novel filter media-CCPs employed in a lab-
During a few days of phase I, a flow rate of 0.83 L h1 was kept scale UAF for synthetic wastewater treatment was carried out in
to guarantee that the influent could have enough time to flow this paper. The following conclusions can be drawn:
through the media filter, and microorganism could adapt
sufficiently. Though the organic loading rate was only (1) The feasibility of CCPs as filter media by UAFs was demon-
1.3333 kg COD m3 d1, the effluent COD concentration was still strated according to the properties of CCPs.
up to about 500 mg L1 at the beginning (observed from Fig. 5A). (2) The advantages CCPs brought for UAF were in the following
It is obviously reflected in the removal efficiencies in Fig. 5B. For two aspects: shortened the start-up time to 45 days and
phase I, removal efficiency was fluctuated in the range of 40% improved the organic removal rate to 76% at relatively low
and 70%. This relatively lower removal rate and instability might temperatures.
attribute to the fact that the biomass was not well acclimated to (3) This lab-scale UAF showed an acceptable performance in
the new environment and hence could not increase their popula- COD reduction, with the potential for higher COD concentra-
tion. Therefore, phase I may be an extension of the start-up period. tion treatment and actual wastewater.
In the following days, the COD concentration in effluent decreased
to less than 400 mg L1, with the removal efficiency continually Acknowledgements
increasing. After 45 days of operation with the same HRT, concen-
tration and other operational conditions, removal efficiency of COD This research was supported by National Technological Support
was found to be consistent. This steady state of the operation could Plan 2006BAJ08B05-2, Shandong High-tech Project 2007GG200060
be the sign of complete acclimatization of the biomass and indi- 03 and Technological Progress Plan 2006061073 of Jinan, Shandong
cated the completion of the phase of reactor start-up (Bodkhe, Province of China.
2008). Moreover, for the better continuity of the subsequent stage,
flow rate of 1 L h1 was made in the last week of phases I. When
came to phase II and phases III, the water quality in effluent was Appendix A. Supplementary data
still stable, and COD reduction presented a slight growth state,
with the fluctuation interval between 70% and 80%. These two Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
phases were initial processes of stable stage, although microorgan- the online version, at
ism had been attached and fixed on CCPs, biofilm was still unstable 124.
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