BMGT25 - Act3 - Morales
BMGT25 - Act3 - Morales
BMGT25 - Act3 - Morales
1. Look for any existing company MISSION STATEMENT. Dissect and identify the:
a. Purpose
● To represent the most refined qualities of Western "Art de Vivre" around the world.
2. What is your GOAL in life? Then give 3 Strategic decisions and the possible Tactical
decisions to achieve them.
3. What are your CSF in achieving the above stated goals and how are you going to
implement/do that? What will be your resources? And timeline
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3. Pass the Certified buy CPA Reviewer Center, Family,
Public Accountant Books. Dedication, Time Months after
Licensure Exam Management graduation.
(CPALE). Provide ample Tool, Reviewer
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time for Books.
study schedule.