John Hasslinger, Seija Sirviö, Steve Berggren, Lynnea Myers, Oskar Flygare,
Kristiina Tammimies & Sven Bölte
To cite this article: John Hasslinger, Seija Sirviö, Steve Berggren, Lynnea Myers, Oskar Flygare,
Kristiina Tammimies & Sven Bölte (2016) A comparative randomized controlled pragmatic trial of
neurofeedback and working memory training for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder:
protocol, Translational Developmental Psychiatry, 4:1, 30556, DOI: 10.3402/tdp.v4.30556
Today, the treatment for children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is
predominantly pharmacological. However, not all individuals respond to medication or some may experience
problematic side effects. In addition, the compliance and treatment fidelity to medication is sometimes
limited; thus, effective non-pharmacological treatment options are desirable. Neurocognitive training (NCT)
methods such neurofeedback (NF) and working memory (WMt) have shown efficacy treating the primary
symptoms of ADHD in non-blinded trials. Still, larger, comparative, blinded, pragmatic randomized
controlled trials (RCTs) are needed to ensure the efficacy and effectiveness of these methods, and to identify
an optimal training variant. Furthermore, little is known about predictors of treatment response to NCTs,
such as genetic variants. In this article, we present the protocol of a pragmatic RCT for three NCT methods:
slow cortical potential (SCP) training and live z-score (LZS) training (two NF variants), and working memory
training (WMt). These are evaluated against each other and a waiting list control/treatment as usual group. In
a clinical outpatient setting, 200 children and adolescents with ADHD aged 917 years with common
comorbidities are randomized to either one of the treatment groups or the waiting list control group (n 50/
group). The treatment groups (SCP/LZS/WMt) receive a total of 25 highly frequent training sessions (5/week
for 5 weeks). A comprehensive assessment comprising ADHD core symptoms, psychopathology, neurop-
sychology, neurophysiology, quality of life, and health-related measures are collected pre- and post-treatment
and at a 6-month follow-up. Primary outcomes are blinded teacher and unblinded parent ratings and self-
ratings on the Conners 3 for ADHD. We expect that participants receiving NCT will exhibit improved core
ADHD symptomatology compared with waiting list controls. Moreover, we hypothesize that the type of NCT
(i.e. SCP, LZS, WMt) and participant characteristics (e.g. genetic predisposition, age, IQ, gender, verbal skills,
and comorbidity) will predict patterns of treatment effects on the various outcomes.
Keywords: ADHD; ADD; comorbidity; attention; treatment; neurofeedback; working memory training; RCT; evidence-based;
Received: 28 November 2015; Revised: 17 January 2016; Accepted: 28 January 2016; Published: 17 March 2016
ADHD more often fail to finish education, have difficulties hyperactivity, and inattention with few side effects (only
keeping employments, have an increased risk for criminal fatigue after initial training) (27, 28, 32, 33). Nevertheless,
behavior, take more long-term sick leave, and have although NF and WMt have demonstrated robust pre-
problems with handling finances and their households. liminary evidence, questions still remain regarding the
Psychiatric comorbidity is estimated to occur in about 80% nature of their effects, sustainability, and practicability. For
of individuals with ADHD (1315). instance, recent meta-analytic studies indicate limited
International and regional guidelines recommend a effects on ADHD symptoms when focusing on blinded
multimodal treatment approach in ADHD by combining assessment measures (23, 34). In addition, owing to a
psychosocial and educational interventions with medica- shortage of comparative studies, it is unclear which NCT
tion. Nevertheless, the most available and commonly used method is potentially superior to the others regarding
intervention is drug therapy, particularly methylpheni- core ADHD symptomatology and other intervention
date and atomoxetine treatment that have both yielded
positive short-term effects on inattention, impulsivity,
and hyperactivity (16). These medications act primarily
on symptoms, (i.e. they effectively suppress symptoms), Training outcomes
but currently it seems unlikely that they have any cura- Typically, the treatment effects of NCT in ADHD are
tive effects (17, 18). Moreover, medication might cause determined by using change of core symptoms in ADHD
unwanted side effects (19). About 2030% of children symptomatology, that is, inattention, impulsivity, and
and adolescents with ADHD do not respond to drug hyperactivity, when applying the Conners’ Parent/Teacher
therapy, and even among those who do respond there is Rating Scale or similar rating scales to operationalize
need for additional treatments, especially long-term problem behavior (23). Furthermore, different types of
improvement in symptomatology and functional out- neuropsychological tests are frequently included in NCT
comes. Finally, the compliance and treatment fidelity to trials, such as the Continuous Performance Test, Digit
medication is sometimes compromised (20, 21), and Span, or the Stroop Test (34). All of these tests operatio-
therefore, demonstrates why alternative or complemen- nalize elements of cognition that have been found to be
tary effective non-pharmacological treatment options are impaired in ADHD, such as attention, working memory,
desirable. inhibition, and other executive functions. More recently,
the use of biomarkers in the form of physiological
Neurocognitive training measures has become popular to obtain objective indica-
Neurocognitive training (NCT) methods like neurofeed- tors of NCT efficacy. For instance, event-related potentials
back (NF) and working memory training (WMt) are non- (ERPs) and the power of resting state EEG have been
invasive methods which in recent years have received shown to respond to NF (35) and WMt (36). Furthermore,
increased attention (22, 23). NF influences the brain’s it has been shown that it is possible to differentiate learners
electrical activity through operant/classical learning and from non-learners on the basis of stronger baseline
thereby enhances an individual’s ability for self-regulation, contingent negative variation (32) and that pretreatment
that is, to flexibly adapt brain activity to more effectively levels of these neurophysiological markers have been
meet the changing demands of the environment (24). WMt related to the clinical outcome of NCT (37, 38). Therefore,
focuses on improving executive attentional functions
finding reliable objective neurophysiological biomarkers
through challenging exercises using computerized soft-
relevant to NCT might help to predict the probability of
ware. While several different variants of NF options are
successful intervention and guide individualized training.
available, the current mainstream methods are slow
The link between genetic variants and treatment response
cortical potential training (SCP) and frequency training
has been studied in ADHD regarding pharmacological
(mainly theta/beta ratio training). Live z-score (LZS), a
treatments with modest results (39). Similar approaches
variant of frequency training, has become increasingly
popular among private practitioners, although larger have not been performed yet for any NCT treatment of
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating its efficacy ADHD. Recently, this area of intervention research (also
are lacking. In LZS, the participant is training a broad referred to as ‘therapy genetics’) has been used in a handful
array of brain functions using the electroencephalogram of studies in obsessive compulsive disorder, posttrau-
(EEG), both based on power (absolute and relative) and matic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, and depression.
connectivity (coherence, asymmetry, and phase difference) Although studies have included moderately sized samples
(25). In most studies so far, NF has consisted of 23 of (ranging from N 66200 individuals), heuristic and
sessions per week (2630), while WMt mostly consisted of promising findings have occurred (40). It has also been
daily training sessions (31). Previous controlled trials have suggested that the best predictors of response may come
found moderate efficacy for NF and WMt regarding the from the etiological genetic variants instead of the
improvement of core symptoms of ADHD, impulsivity, common variants (40, 41).
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Citation: Translational Developmental Psychiatry 2016, 4: 30556 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tdp.v4.30556
Cognitive training in ADHD
Baseline assessment
SCP, 25
Post assessment
Control n=50
adolescents within Stockholm County, primarily BUP, trials each. Positive and negative shifts are trained in
Habilitation and Health (ADHD-Center), and several random order at a 1:1 ratio. Transfer trials are also trained.
pediatric outpatient units (BUM). In addition, self- Here the participant has to imagine positive or negative
referrals are included; information about the study are shifts according to the guidelines presented on the screen.
posted on Facebook via interest organizations, and spread During the first week, 20% of the trials are transfer trials,
through other media (e.g. flyers at conferences, homepage which then are increased to 40% for the second week and to
of Center of Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Karolinska 50% in the remaining 3 weeks. Vertical and horizontal eye
Institutet (KIND)). Health care within the Stockholm movements in addition to eye blinks are recorded and
County is currently still based on the ICD-10/DSM-IV-TR computed before every session and used for an online
manuals (not DSM-5, but awaiting ICD-11), why they correction during training. For trials containing artifacts
were also applied in this trial. Parents of participants that that could not be corrected, the trial is aborted and
are interested in entering the study attend a meeting where restarted. At the 15th session, the participant receives a
oral information on the project is provided and individual so-called transfer-card, which consists of a picture of a bird
questions are answered. After the meeting, parents receive used in the SCP. The participant is asked to look at the card
information brochures and consent forms. Once written and to simulate the mental state that was experienced
consent is received, inclusion and exclusion criteria (see during the SCP session. This is to be done daily and
Table 1) are reviewed based on previous clinical assess- preferably in connection with education and homework in
ments and medical records. Importantly, to ensure external order to improve the generalization of the training effects
clinical validity of the study results, common neurodeve- to daily life settings. The compliance for the generalization
lopmental comorbidity such as autism spectrum disorder, training is recorded at each session. Also, a token system is
learning disabilities, and communication and motor dis- used to motivate the participants to complete the training.
orders are tolerated. Thereafter, included participants A total of five tokens can be earned for each session, based
are randomized via a computerized randomizer (www. on punctuality of arrival time, successful completion of the
random.org) to one of the four study groups. session, and holding still during the training (in order to
minimize artifacts). At the end of the training period, the
Interventions participant receives a voucher corresponding to the
SCP training number of tokens earned. Vouchers can be exchanged for
SCPs are bioelectrical activity in the brain, a form of ERPs concrete gifts/rewards, such as cinema tickets.
locked in time. They are characterized by negative and
positive shifts lasting from 300 ms to several seconds (42). LZS training
The negative shifts are believed to reflect the brain’s state of Compared to SCP, LZS is thought to train a person and his
increased cortical excitability, while positive shifts reflect or her brain activity towards ‘normality’ by computing,
inhibition and reduced excitability. During SCP the viewing, and processing z-scores representing a normative
participant trains to create these shifts (negative or database in real time and giving feedback based on the
positive) consciously or intentionally, thereby enhancing current individuals EEG in relation to the normative
the ability to shift between excitability and inhibition. In database. This is achieved by joint timefrequency analysis
our study, the TheraPrax-QEEG† system (neuroConn (43). The software instantly measures different aspects of
GmbH, Ilmenau, Germany) is used for the SCP training. EEG, such as relative and absolute amplitude and
The participant sits in front of a computer screen and is connectivity measures, and compares them to the norma-
asked to use his brain activity to either move an object up tive z-scores. The Atlantis II† (Brainmaster Technologies,
on the screen for a negative shift or down for a positive Inc., Bedford, OH, USA) is used in this study with a
shift. The training segments last in total 8 s (2 s for baseline, standard laptop PC for the LZS training. The software
6 s of training). One session consists of four blocks, with 36 computes a total of 90 targets (60 concerning power, and
Inclusion criteria
Primary clinical diagnosis of ADHD according to DSM-IV-TR (314.00, 314.01) or ICD-10 (F90.0), corroborated by the K-SADS interview
Drug naive or under stable psychoactive medication for at least 1 month
IQ (GAI)80
Exclusion criteria
Clinically unstable comorbid psychiatric condition (e.g. acute depression, bipolar disorder, severe obsessive compulsive disorder,
eating disorders), severe somatic disease (e.g. intractable epilepsy)
Very limited Swedish skills
K-SADS, Kiddie Schedule Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; GAI, General Ability Index.
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Citation: Translational Developmental Psychiatry 2016, 4: 30556 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tdp.v4.30556
Cognitive training in ADHD
30 concerning connectivity) (see Fig. 2). Feedback is school settings. There are two versions that mainly differ
provided based on the z-score deviations. The training in their thematic content, while following the same
protocol has been designed in collaboration with Tom procedure and strategy in each version. Owing to their
Collura, founder of Brainmaster (www.brainmaster.com). high comparability, the participant may choose which of
It consists of two channels in two 20-min sections (first the two to use. Each session consists of six different
half: C3 and C4; second half: Fz and Cz), 40 min in total. modules with 12 trials each, and each module trains for
Feedback for the first 520 min is provided by a either visuospatial or verbal memory functions. The
Flashgame, where the participant generates ‘brain-cells difficulty level is adjusted automatically based on the
in a jar’ on a computer screen. The less the participant’s individual performance. Comparable to SCP and LZS, at
brain activity deviates from the z-score norm values, the the 15th session, the participant receives a transfer-card,
quicker the jar fills up. At the first session, the participant showing a picture of one of the exercises/modules of the
plays the game for 20 min, which then it is lowered to
WMt for generalization training. Also, token economy is
10 min and finally 5 min per session. For the remaining
applied for training punctuality, compliance, and coopera-
time (2035 min), feedback is provided via movies with a
tion during the training.
dimmer, with positive feedback leading to a brighter screen
and better movie visibility. At the 15th session, the
participant receives a transfer-card, which consists of a TAU only/waiting list control group
picture of the ‘brain-cell-game’. Similarly to the SCP, to All participating children and adolescents continued TAU
achieve generalization, the participant is asked to look at as this was not an exclusion criterion for this pragmatic
the card and to imagine mental state experienced during trial. The waiting list control-group participants received
the LZS session, preferably at school or while doing ongoing TAU only. Standard care mainly consists of
homework. As for SCP, the trainee can acquire tokens medication, but also individual cognitive behavior therapy,
for training punctuality, compliance, and cooperation. psychoeducation for parents, and dietary supplements
and/or restrictions. Ongoing TAU of each participant is
Working memory training monitored and registered during the study. The partici-
WMt usually consists of several computer-based visuos- pants are asked to maintain TAU during the trial
patial and verbal memory tasks, which challenge different participation, and not to terminate or start any other
aspects of the working memory. In the current study, we treatment. Control group participants are offered NCT
use Minneslek Flex (www.flexprogram.org), a Swedish training of their choice equivalent to the active NCT
training tool that is widely used across the country in groups, subsequent to the study’s follow-up assessments.
Assessments and measures (a0.82), and the testretest reliability is good to excellent
Participants will be assessed at baseline (pre), directly after for the parent (rtt 0.730.95), teacher (rtt 0.730.83),
the training (post), as well as 6-month after finalizing the and self-rating (rtt 0.630.81) version (45).
training (follow-up). Participants with ongoing psychoac-
tive drug medication have a 48 h wash-out period prior to Secondary outcome measures
the pre-, post- and follow-up assessments. The primary The Conners’ Continuous Performance Test-II (CPT-II)
outcome in the form of core ADHD symptoms are (46) is a task-oriented computerized Continuous Perfor-
measured using the Conners 3 parent, teacher, and self- mance Test. It measures inattentiveness, impulsivity,
rating scales (44). Moreover, the assessment consists of a sustained attention, and vigilance. Twelve measures are
cognitive test battery, neurophysiological measures, rating combined for an ADHD-index. Tapping (47) is a compu-
scales for executive functions, quality of life (all secondary terized time, spatial amplitude, and frequency critical
outcomes), questionnaires for sleep, diet and exercise, and motor control task. Every 1,200 ms, a tone is presented,
parent stress (baseline only or exploratory outcomes). and the participant has to tap at the same pace by pressing
Table 2 provides a summary the single measures across the right mouse button. After 15 cued trials, the participant
pre-, post- and follow-up assessments. is asked to continue tapping at the previously cued rate for
41 uncued trials. Within-subject standard deviation is
Primary outcome measures calculated for the variability in tapping. In the Duration
The Conners 3 (44) is an updated version of the Conners’ Discrimination task (48) for time perception, two unfilled
Rating Scales-Revised, and one of the most widely used intervals (target and comparison) defined by two brief
scales internationally to assess ADHD symptoms in tones (50 ms; 1,000 Hz) before and after the intervals are
research and practice. It includes parent, teacher, and presented to the participant. The task is to discriminate
youth/self-rating versions, that are composed of seven between longer and shorter intervals. The participant
subscales (Executive Functioning, Learning problems, responds by pressing the left button if they experience
Aggression, Peer Relations, Family Relations, Hyperactiv- the first tone as longer and right button if they think the
ity/Impulsivity, and Inattention). In this study, the Swedish second tone is longer. The trial intervals are separated by
adaptation of the full-length Conners 3 consisting of 800 ms, and inter-trial interval is 1,000 ms. The target
99115 items (depending on the informant) is used. The interval shifts randomly from first to second place, and the
internal consistency of the Swedish version is good longer is adjusted up or down in 10 ms increments
Tests/scales Self Parent Teacher Self Parent Teacher Self Parent Teacher
Conners 3 X X X X X X X X X
Tapping X X X
Duration discrimination X X X
Time anticipation X X X
Digit span X X X
‘Find the phone’ X X X
KidScreen-27 X X X
Sleep diary X X X
Diet and exercise questionnaire X
Note. CPT-II, Continuous Performance Test; LNS, LetterNumber Sequencing; BRIEF, Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function;
SPSQ, Parenthood Stress Questionnaire; QEEG, quantitative EEG; ERP, Event-related potentials; CNV, contingent negative variation;
ERN, Error-related negativity.
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Citation: Translational Developmental Psychiatry 2016, 4: 30556 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tdp.v4.30556
Cognitive training in ADHD
depending on the accuracy of response. Time anticipation at the center of a computer screen. The participant is
(47) is a computerized task to access time perception, asked to press a button when the target letter ‘X’ is
memory, and cognitive impulsivity combined. In the test, preceded by the cue letter ‘O’ (go condition, ‘O’ followed
the participant has to beam oxygen to a spaceship to save by different letter than X, no-go condition CPT-OX).
the crew. As soon as the ship becomes visible, the The attentional and preparatory brain processes are
participant has to press a button. After 10 trials the ship assessed by Contingent Negative Variation (CNV), which
remains invisible, and the participant has to estimate when is commonly considered to reflect cognitive and atten-
the invisible ship appears, as it always appears at the same tional preparation and the P300 which is viewed as an
time. Feedback is given in both visible as invisible trials. In index of neurophysiological response inhibition (or no-go)
the first block the response rate is every 400 ms and on the (58). Average reaction time, number of omissions/commis-
second block at 2,000 ms. Classical verbal working sions and mean amplitude of CNV and P300 is assessed
memory functions are assessed using the subtests Digit using a Flankers test, which is a reaction time task, where
Span and Letter-Number Sequencing from the Wechsler the participant has to respond as quickly as possible, while
Intelligence for Children-IV (WISC-IV) or the Wechsler avoiding errors. The participant is required to indicate the
Adult Intelligence Scales (WAIS-IV) (49, 50) are adminis- direction of a target stimulus in an array of three stimuli.
tered as measurements for verbal working memory capa- Error-related negativity (ERN) (59) is recorded when
city. For visualspatial working memory, the subtest participants make errors in the flanker task. ERN presents
Spatial Span from the WISC-IV Integrated (51) or as a negative detection approximately 50100 ms following
WAIS-IV as Neuropsychological Instrument (52) are the erroneous response. It is thought to reflect error-related
used. In addition, working memory is assessed with the brain activity namely individual’s ability to monitor
Find the phone task, which is a computerized test where the behavior. Average reaction time and number of errors are
participant has to find the ringing telephone, among assessed.
several distractors. The task is to avoid selecting the phones
that have already been answered. The number of times Complementary/exploratory measures
an already answered phone is selected is used as a mea- Parenting stress is examined using The Swedish Parenthood
sure of deficits in the working memory. The task is similar Stress Questionnaire (SPSQ) (60). The SPSQ is derived
to the spatial working memory task of the Cambridge from the Parenting Stress Index (61) and consists of 34
Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (53). items. The sleep patterns of the participants are documen-
ted by parents or by the participating adolescents them-
The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
selves using a simple sleep diary, where they indicate
(54, 55) is an 86-item questionnaire for parents and
bedtime, wake-up time, perceived sleep quality, number of
teachers, consisting of eight scales that form a Behavioral
night-time awakenings, use of sleep medication, total
Regulation Index and a Metacognition Index. The
hours of sleep, and need for sleep during the day. The
KIDSCREEN-27 (56) is a self-report questionnaire con-
sleep diary is completed three times for 1 week in the
sisting of 27 items applicable to children aged 818 years
following time periods: week before baseline, the week
about perceived quality of life that has shown robust
after training, and the week before follow-up assessment.
psychometric properties (57).
Nutrition and physical activity are explored via the
Quantitative EEG (qEEG) is measured through 19
Swedish National Food Administration’s published Diet
electrodes placed according to the international 1020
and Exercise Questionnaire, which is completed by parents,
system using a recording cap (www.easycap.brainproducts.
which has been slightly modified for the with children.
com/). The measurements are collected during eyes-closed
and eyes-open resting states for 35 min, depending on the Therapy genetics
cleanness of the recordings (e.g. artifacts due to move- Saliva samples for DNA extraction are collected from each
ment). The TheraPrax-QEEG† system (neuroConn of the consenting participants using the Oragene DNA
GmbH, Ilmenau, Germany) is used for the data collection OG500 kit (DNA Genotek). Genome-wide methods such
and the NeuroGuide† software (www.appliedneuroscience. as SNP microarrays and next-generation sequencing will
com/) for the analysis of the absolute and relative power be used for variant discovery and characterization of the
of delta, theta, alpha, and beta frequencies. Event-related genomic background of the participants. Our aim is to
potentials (ERPs) are neuronal processes underlying identify genetic variants and biological pathways that
measurable overt behavior such as speed and accuracy of could predict the NCT treatment outcomes.
processing information. ERPs provide a direct measure of
the brain’s covert activity and timing, specifically prepara- Sample size estimation and statistical analyses
tory and inhibitory processes. Two tasks are conducted We expect that participants receiving NCT will exhibit
concerning ERPs: The CPT-OX, which is a cued Con- improved core ADHD symptomatology and secondary
tinuous Performance Task, with 400 letters presented and exploratory outcomes compared with waiting list
briefly (150 ms) every 1.65 s in a pseudorandom sequence controls. Moreover, we hypothesize differing effects of
type of NCT (SCP, LZS, WMt) based on the participant the affected individuals to achieve the best health gain
characteristics (e.g. genetic predisposition, age, IQ, gender, and minimizing invaluable action. No previous studies
verbal skills, and comorbidity) will predict patterns of have shown genetraining interactions in ADHD. As
treatment effects on the various outcomes. The sample size costs for genome sequencing are rapidly decreasing, we
calculation refers to the three primary outcome endpoints: expect that personalized genomics will be an essential
change in Conners 3 total scores and subscales for parent, part of medicine and clinical decision making in ADHD
self-report, and blind teacher ratings between baseline in the future. Therefore, it is crucial to combine genetic
and follow-up assessment, in the Intention To Treat (ITT) analyses with treatment response data. The study is the
sample. MANOVA for repeated measures (three measure- first of its kind in Sweden and abroad.
ment points, withinbetween subjects’ interactions, post-
hoc tests) will be used for the statistical analysis for the Conflict of interest and funding
RCT study. Based on available evidence about NCT The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest
efficacy medium effects for the primary outcomes are regarding the planned study or the publication of this
expected. With N200 (n50 SCP vs. n50 LZS vs. n paper. This study is supported by the Stockholm County
50 WMtr vs. n50 TAU only controls) and alpha5%, Council and the Swedish Research Council in coopera-
the power (1-beta) is 99% for medium effects (G Power tion with all Swedish County Councils. Sven Bölte is
3.1.7). All data provided for the participants will be supported by the Swedish Research Council (grant no.
included in the analyses. Data will be tested for normality 523-2009-7054). Kristiina Tammimies is supported by
and homogeneity of variance. To verify that the treatment Swedish Foundation of Strategic Research (grant no.
group and control groups are comparable for continuous ICA14-0028).
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Citation: Translational Developmental Psychiatry 2016, 4: 30556 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tdp.v4.30556