A32.de ZVT ECR Interface EN. V1.3.24-Customer

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Ingenico Terminal

A32.de ECR Interface

Version 1.3.24

Copyright © 2011-2016 Ingenico GmbH - Reproduction of the document or

disclosure is prohibited without written authorisation - All rights reserved
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Ingenico GmbH . Daniel-Goldbach-Str. 17-19 . 40880 Ratingen

(T) +49-2102-7701-0. (F) +49-2102-7701-495
[email protected] . www.ingenico-gmbh.de
Change History
Version Name Date Comments
1.0 M. Linke 2006-07-03 First released version
1.0.1 T. Kleibeler 2006-08-02 Clarification chapter 5.1
1.0.2 M. Linke 2006-09-18 Update chapters 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and
1.0.3 M. Linke 2006-09-20 Correction chapters 5.4.1 and 5.4.10
and update chapter 5.3
1.0.4 M. Linke 2007-01-05 Correction chapter 5.5.1, chapters
5.4.11, 5.4.12, 5.4.13 added
1.0.5 M. Linke 2007-03-30 Chapter 5.4.14 added and notice
concerning the I5100/I3380 combina-
tion in chapter 5.3 added
1.0.6 A. Anschütz 2007-05-10 Chapter 5.5.1: BMP06 (TLV contain-
er) for EMV tags
(Feature available as of release
1.0.7 M. Linke 2007-05-25 Chapter 5.3: Notices concerning
length byte removed and TLV-
container notices changed.
Chapter 5.4.2 + 5.4.4 : Bonus points
support added.
New chapter: 5.4.15 (account status
Chapter 4: 5.5.1 expanded by TLV
(Feature available as of release
1.0.8 M. Linke 2007-05-29 Chapter 5.4.4: Expansions of the
TLV-container contents for "load bo-
nus points " and "activate bonus
(Feature available as of release
1.0.9 M. Linke 2007-09-12 Chapter 5.4.16 added, chapters 5.4.4
and 5.4.2 adjusted with respect to
bonus points. This now corresponds
to the planned PT protocol specifica-
tion (version 12).
(Available as of release 5.0.X)
1.2.0 M. Linke 2007-11-06 Chapter 5.4.2: Mail order support
added (BMP 3A).
New chapters 5.4.17 (pre-
authorisation/reservation) and 5.4.18
(sum total booking) added. (Available
as of release 5.0.X)
1.2.1 M. Linke 2008-01-22 Chapters 5.4.19 and 5.4.20 added

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Version Name Date Comments

1.2.2 M. Linke 2008-09-25 Chapters 5.4.21, 5.4.22 and 5.4.23

added. Expansion chapter 5.4.2 for
tip payment. Update chapter 5.4.17
and 5.4.18 .
1.2.3 T. Müller 2009-01-09 Chapter 5.5.4, end of receipt added.
Chapters 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 extended
for retail machine.
1.2.4 T. Müller 2009-01-20 Field 3C added for the transactions:
authorisation, cancellation, refund.
1.2.5 M. Linke 2009-03-20 Chapter 5.5.10 "print text block" add-
ed, language selection for card hold-
ers added for all transaction types.
1.2.6 T. Müller 2009-05-06 Spelling errors corrected. The tag for
trace number is 0B and not 03. Cor-
rected for tip, reservation and sum
total booking.
1.2.7 T. Müller 2009-05-06 Conversion to new document tem-
Chapter "2nd Interface" now corre-
sponds to the former chapter 5.
1.2.8 M.Linke 2009-12-02 Chapter 2.4.23 added.
Chapters 2.5.6 to 2.5.9 revised.

1.2.9 T. Müller 2010-02-11 Clarification in chapter 2.4.2 Pay-

ment type "safe payment"
Clarification automatic cancellation in
case of communication errors with
the ECR in chapter 2.4.2
Clarification of CardType in StatusIn-
fo with CardIds larger than 255 in
chapter 2.5.1
Clarification of the ConfigByte in
case of a base terminal in chapter
1.2.10 T. Müller 2010-04-19 New Tag 1F01 in chapter 2.4.8 “Re-
peat receipt”.
Additional informations for “Print
without master rights” in chapter
2.5.4 and 2.5.10.
New Tag 12 (line width) in chapter
1.2.11 T. Müller 2010-04-19 Clarification for Timeout T3 and TCP-
Protocol in chapter 2.2.2.
Reverted special handling of tip-
transaction in chapter 2.4.2

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Version Name Date Comments
1.2.12 J. Rassbach 2010-04-26 Format changed
1.2.13 T. Müller 2010-08-17 Added more supported tag for com-
mand 06 24 (Book Total)
1.2.14 T. Müller 2010-09-30 Added Command 0F 13.
Clarification for config byte in case of
vending machine
1.2.15 T. Müller 2010-11-18 Clarification for password in com-
mand 06 50
1.2.16 M. Linke 2011-03-15 Added Command Read File, extend-
ed chapter 2.4.14 (Account Balance
Request) to deal with Geldkarte and
other Prepayed Cards, Added chap-
ter 2.4.26 – Delete File -,
Changed reference for [ZVT1] to
point to the new ZVT Spec- V. 13.02
1.2.17 A. Anschütz 2011-03-28 ‘Read File’ (08 11): Restricted tags
1D, 1E and 1F 00
1.2.18 K. Janke 2011-03-29 Added Tag 0x41 requesting account
balance for the German electronic
purse card (Geldkarte). Extended
chapter 2.4.14 (Account Balance
1.2.19 T. Müller 2011-04-05 ServiceByte in command 06 20 (Re-
print Ticket) is supported now.
1.2.20 T. Müller 2011-05-04 Carddata in command 060C are op-
tional and not used.
1.2.21 K. Janke 2011-06-01 Added Card Terminal Application
Programming Interface (CT-API).
Added commands Card Terminal init,
Card Terminal data and Card Termi-
nal close
1.3.0 K. Janke 2011-06-09 Added the ICC assignment table to
Card Terminal Application Program-
ming Interface (CT-API) chapter General and change Card Terminal Basic Com-
mand Set (CT-BCS).
1.3.1 T. Müller 2011-09-19 Clearyfication for Payment type. Re-
moved optional carddata from TIP
1.3.2 K. Janke 2011-09-29 Added IC Cards with Syn-
chronous Transmission. Usage of
Interindustry Commands (see part 7
[MKT 1.0]).

1.3.3 T. Müller 2012-01-05 Correct wrong error codes in Chapter

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Version Name Date Comments
1.3.4 M. Djemal 2012-03-19 Support filed "3b" on refund com-
mand (06 31)
1.3.5 M. Djemal 2012-03-28 2.5.4 Print line (06 D1). Control text-
formatting with field "attribute".
1.3.6 P. Pietraszkiewicz 2012-04-05 Added Set Date And Time
1.3.7 M.Linke 2012-06-15 Corrected chapter
1.3.8 A.Piatier 2014-03-06 Added 0F 19 and 0F 1A
Updated commands 04 0F and 06 70
Updated commands 06 D1 and 06
Updated commands 06 00
Added commands 0F 20, 0F 21, 0F
22, 0F 23, 0F24
Added command 06 26
Updated command 04 0F
Added command 06 0A
1.3.9 H. Klein 2014-02-17 Added Mifare support to CT-API (see
chapter Fehler! Verweisquelle
konnte nicht gefunden werden.)
1.3.10 A.Piatier 2014-04-14 Correct wrong behaviour if 1F01 has
a not supported value in chapter
Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht
gefunden werden.
1.3.11 A.Piatier 2014-10-02 Added tag EB in the command 06 E2
Added tag 8A and 41 in the com-
mand 06 01

1.3.12 A.Piatier 2014-10-08 Add deviation in the BMP 3A format

1.3.13 T.Herwig 2015-03-10 Added tag 8B in the command 06 01
1.3.14 A. Piatier 2015-06-12 Added Reset Terminal functionality
1.3.15 A. Piatier 2015-07-31 Make the tag 1F7F visible for cus-
tomer too
1.3.16 A. Piatier 2015-10-07 Remove the deviation about BMP 3A
since the ZVT specs have been up-
1.3.17 A. Piatier 2015-12-04 Add details about return codes of
Add new supported commands : 08
20, 08 21, 08 22, 08 23 and 08 24
1.3.18 M. Schwartz 2016-02-04 Added iDRM signature capability
A. Piatier SIG_A_IDRM (06 00) and Intermedi-
ate status: customer signature (04
New behaviour of the completion into

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Version Name Date Comments
the command 06 01.
Add the TLV-container into the com-
pletion message of the command 05
Add the Software-Update command
(08 10)
Modification of commands 06 C0 and
added 06 C5, 06 C6
Add the command 06 1B

1.3.19 A. Piatier 2016-03-10 Move the signature from 04 FF to 04

Add a chapter “how to”
Move the command 0F 21 into the
ECR Terminal chapter

1.3.20 A. Piatier 2016-03-15 New logo

1.3.21 A. Piatier 2016-03-30 New Template
1.3.22 A. Piatier 2016-04-08 Changes about the command 0F 27
Remove the status info A6 from the
command 04 FF
1.3.23 A.Piatier 2016-07-05 Add function 0F 22
1.3.24 A.Piatier 2016-07-25 Changes on the description of 19
<payment type> into 06 01

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Change History ......................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 10
1.1. Overview................................................................................................................... 10
2. Interface ............................................................................................................................ 11
2.1. General ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.2. Transport protocol .................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1. RS-232 ............................................................................................................. 11
2.2.2. TCP/IP .............................................................................................................. 11
2.3. Notices...................................................................................................................... 11
2.4. Commands: ECR  Terminal ................................................................................ 12
2.4.1. Registration (06 00) .......................................................................................... 12
2.4.2. Authorisation (06 01) ........................................................................................ 14
2.4.3. Reversal (06 30) ............................................................................................... 17
2.4.4. Refund (06 31) ................................................................................................. 18
2.4.5. End-of-day (06 50) ........................................................................................... 18
2.4.6. Diagnosis (06 70) ............................................................................................. 19
2.4.7. Initialisation (06 93) .......................................................................................... 19
2.4.8. Repeat receipt (06 20) ...................................................................................... 19
2.4.9. Logoff (06 02) ................................................................................................... 20
2.4.10. Display text (06 E0) .......................................................................................... 20
2.4.11. Display text with numerical input (06 E2) ......................................................... 21
2.4.12. Read card (06 C0) ............................................................................................ 21
2.4.13. Close Card Session (06 C5)............................................................................. 21
2.4.14. Send APDUs (06 C6) ....................................................................................... 22
2.4.15. Prepaid top-up (06 09) ..................................................................................... 22
2.4.16. Account balance request (06 03) ..................................................................... 22
2.4.17. Activate card (06 04) ........................................................................................ 23
2.4.18. Pre-authorisation/reservation (06 22) ............................................................... 24
2.4.19. Book total (06 24) ............................................................................................. 24
2.4.20. E-purse Top-up (06 26) .................................................................................... 25
2.4.21. Cash report (0F 10) .......................................................................................... 26
2.4.22. System info receipt (0F 11) .............................................................................. 28
2.4.23. EMV receipt status (0F 12) ............................................................................... 30
2.4.24. Telephone authorisation (06 21) ...................................................................... 32
2.4.25. Tip (06 0C)........................................................................................................ 32

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2.4.26. Status enquiry (05 01) ...................................................................................... 33
2.4.27. Software-Update (08 10) .................................................................................. 33
2.4.28. Read File (08 11) .............................................................................................. 34
2.4.29. Delete File (08 12) ............................................................................................ 34
2.4.30. Card Terminal Application Programming Interface (CT-API) commands ........ 34 General ......................................................................................................... 35 Card Terminal init (CT_init) (0F 14) ............................................................. 36 Card Terminal data (CT_data) (0F 15) ......................................................... 38 Card Terminal close (CT_close) (0F 16) ...................................................... 41 Card Terminal Basic Command Set (CT-BCS) ............................................ 43 IC Cards with Synchronous Transmission ................................................... 44 Mifare Cards ................................................................................................. 44
2.4.31. Set Date And Time in PT (06 91) ..................................................................... 47
2.4.32. Display (0F 19) ................................................................................................. 48
2.4.33. Display and wait (0F 1A) .................................................................................. 49
2.4.34. Abort (06 B0) .................................................................................................... 50
2.4.35. Tax free (06 0A) ............................................................................................... 51
2.4.36. Reset Terminal (06 18) ..................................................................................... 51
2.4.37. Set/Reset Terminal-ID (06 1B) ......................................................................... 51
2.4.38. Start OPT Action (08 20) .................................................................................. 51
2.4.39. Set OPT Point-In-Time (08 21)......................................................................... 51
2.4.40. Start OPT Pre-Initialisation (08 22) .................................................................. 51
2.4.41. Output OPT-Data (08 23) ................................................................................. 51
2.4.42. OPT Out-of-Order (08 24) ................................................................................ 51
2.4.43. Out-Transaction Signature (0F 21) .................................................................. 51
2.4.44. Functioncode via ZVT700 ................................................................................ 52
2.5. Commands: Terminal  ECR ................................................................................ 53
2.5.1. Status information (04 0F) ................................................................................ 53
2.5.2. Completion (06 0F) ........................................................................................... 56
2.5.3. Abort (06 1E) .................................................................................................... 56
2.5.4. Print line (06 D1) .............................................................................................. 56
2.5.5. Intermediate status information (04 FF) ........................................................... 57
2.5.6. Establishing a remote data transfer connection (06 D8) .................................. 59
2.5.7. Closing a remote data transfer connection (06 DB) ......................................... 59
2.5.8. Sending data via a remote data transfer connection (06 D9) .......................... 59
2.5.9. Receiving data via a remote data transfer connection (06 DA) ....................... 59
2.5.10. Print text block (06 D3) ..................................................................................... 59
2.5.11. In-Transaction Signature (0F 20) ..................................................................... 60
3. How to ............................................................................................................................... 62

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3.1. Signature displaying ................................................................................................. 62
4. Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 63

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1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
This document describes the interface between the Ingenico payment termi-
nals (PT) and the external retailer units (ECRs).
All information contained is destined to customer.

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2. Interface
2.1. General
The PT protocol is used between the ECR and the terminal. Its implementa-
tion largely corresponds to the PT Protocol Specification issued by the "Ver-
band der Terminal Hersteller in Deutschland e.V." - [ZVT1]. Please refer to
Not all of the commands listed there are realised at present. The Ingenico im-
plementation therefore corresponds to a subset of the commands listed in the
PT Protocol Specification. In addition, there are slight restrictions and expan-
sions concerning the Ingenico ECR interface.
All realised commands with properties that deviate from the standard are de-
scribed in the following. This means that commands not listed here are also
currently not supported.

2.2. Transport protocol

2.2.1. RS-232
The implementation corresponds to the PT Protocol Specification with a
standard data transmission speed of 9600 Baud.
The Baud rate can be set to max. 115.200 Baud via the device menu.

2.2.2. TCP/IP
Only the real APDUs (user data) are transferred. The data backup layer task
is implemented by the TCP/IP protocol.
This means:
 No CRC
 No DLE/STX – DLE/ETX frames
 No ACK/NACK for incoming messages
 No "escape" from DLE codes contained in the message
In contradiction to “ECR-Interface Transport-Protocol and Application-
Protocol” [ZVT1] the terminal will not close the socket itself in case of
Time-out T3 expires.

2.3. Notices
 An evaluation of the password submitted with some commands is not
performed at present.

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 In case of serial ECR connection, printing via the terminal and interme-
diate status info messages are not supported with the terminal combi-
nation i5100 / i3380 (pin pad).
 TLV-containers (bitmap 06) are used if this function was cleared by the
ECR, meaning if the ECR sent a TLV-container during login or the trig-
gering command, this is identified as a clearing command to send TLV-
containers from the terminal. A logoff terminates the TLV clearing.

2.4. Commands: ECR  Terminal

2.4.1. Registration (06 00)
The behaviour of this command differs depending on the application.
Variant -1:
Prior to a login command, no commands except for this one are allowed.
Variant -2:
The registration command is not required to perform other ECR com-
In both cases:
The config byte is evaluated and leads to the corresponding action of the
terminal excepted for the following cases:
- Bits 5 and 6 of the config byte are currently not evaluated.
Bit 2 or Bit 3: set only one of these is sufficient to disable all printing (payment
and administration) on terminal printer
The check of the currency symbol corresponds to [ZVT1].
The field "03<Servicebyte>" is not evaluated at present.
Bitmap 06<TLV-container> activates the support for TLV containers.
Tag 06 D3 activates block printing on the terminal.
Tag 06 D1 activates line printing on the terminal.
The terminal will use 06D3 (blockprint) if both tags are present.
With Tag 12 the ECR can control the receipt line width for transaction re-
ceipts and most of the maintenance receipts.
If line width in Tag 12 is less than 24, the message from ECR will be re-
jected with error 0xcc (printer nor ready).
Receipts from prepay transactions are not touched by this Tag because of
different receipt construction method.
The optional Tag 12 in completion message is not supported.
No further values from the TLV-container are interpreted.

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Vending machine:
If the terminal is configured for the operating mode "vending machine", the
status byte is set accordingly in the closing message to the ECR (see
To not jeopardise the existing licenses for TA 7.0, the ConfigByte may be
overridden with license-relevant values. This especially concerns printing
via ECR.
Independent of the ConfigByte, the terminal always sets the bits 2,3,8
when registering!

Basic terminal:
To not jeopardise the existing licenses for TA 7.0, the ConfigByte may be
overridden with license-relevant values. This especially concerns printing
via ECR.
Independent of the ConfigByte, the terminal always sets the bits 2,3,8
when registering!

Signature capture:
The ECR indicates in tag 26 of the field “06<TLV-container>” if it supports
signature capture and which signature capabilities are applicable.
Signature Capability Tags

Tag Description Supported

In-transaction signature-capture.
0F20 SIG_CMD_INTRX All transactions with CVM “signature” Yes
trigger automatically the signature
capture handling.

Out-of-transaction signature-capture
command. This is a command trig-
gered by ECR to capture signature
independent of a terminal transaction.

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Metro Signature Attribute: compact
signature format.
If set, the terminal sends the signature
image blob in the “compact” format as
described in Ingenico-Signature-For-
0F22 SIG_A_COMPACT Guide_V0.8.pdf. Yes
If not set, the terminal would have to
send the “full featured” which is not
yet available.
Therefore, the tag 0F22 is mandatory
now for Metro.

Metro Signature Attribute: transac-

tional data on image.
0F24 SIG_A_TXDATA If the tag is missing, there will be no Yes
transactional data printed on the sig-
nature image. As a side effect the im-
age blob gets smaller.

iDRM Signature Attribute: the signa-

0F27 SIG_A_IDRM ture is sent as jpg image in a dedicat- Yes
ed 04 0F status message to the ECR.

As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.2. Authorisation (06 01)

If optional track data or card numbers are transferred with this command, the
terminal tries to use this to execute the transaction.
With a host response code of 55 (wrong PIN), the PIN is not entered again.

The following data fields are supported:

 04 <amount>
 49 <WKZ>
 2D <track 1 data>
 23 <track 2 data>
 24 <track 3 data>

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 01 <timeout> is supported in each mode (not only the “vending ma-
chine” mode)
o Values between 5 and 255 seconds (if others, the timeout T3 as
defined by profile will be used – default: 5 seconds)
 19 <payment type> - We do support following values:
o 0x00 -> ELV
o 0x10 -> GK (same as 0x40)
o 0x20 -> POZ
o 0x30 -> Secure
o 0x38 -> Secure TIP
o 0x40 -> Limit (including GK)
o 0x48 -> Limit TIP
All other values will be declined.
 0E <expiration date>
 22 <card number>
 3A <CVV/CVC> - if this field is available, a mail order transaction is
o Deviation for older releases (before 7.8.26): if less than 4 digits,
the value should be left padded with 0 (right padded with F was
not supported).
 3C <WW-data> if this field contains the value "TC:" or "TC=" at the be-
ginning, this data is sent transparently to the host in the BMP60. This
field is ignored with all other contents.
 8A <card type>
 8B <card name>
 06 <TLV-container>
tag 15: Via tag 15 in the TLV container, it is possible to select the lan-
guage for the card holder.
tag 41: used for CUP cards(0x6C) when 8A=0xFF
Bonus points:
Collecting bonus points : Subtag C1 in the bonus points container E1
contains the value '4D 45'
Redemption function: Subtag C1 in the bonus points container E1 contains
the value '4D 53'
The subtag C2 <number of bonus points> in the bonus point container E1 is
used if bonus points are to be used instead of the amount.

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Vending machine:
If the terminal is configured for the "vending machine" mode, the data fields:
02 <max. status info>
can be sent.
For more information about vending machines, refer to [ZVT1].

The amount is a mandatory field for all transactions except for bonus transac-
tions. With the latter, bonus points can be transferred instead of the amount in
the tag C2<number of bonus points>.
All other data is ignored.
According to the configuration of the terminal, the completion message (06
0F) can be sent earlier to the ECR (before the printing of the receipts instead
of after usually).
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

ATTENTION: An automatic cancellation of the transaction in the terminal

in case of a communication problem (ECR does not respond, formally
wrong or with an error response) only takes place with the status infor-
mation message (04 0F).

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2.4.3. Reversal (06 30)
If optional track data is transferred with this command, the terminal tries to use
this to execute the transaction.
The following data fields are supported:
 87 <receipt number>
 04 <amount>
 49 <WKZ>
 2D <track 1 data>
 23 <track 2 data>
 24 <track 3 data>
 0E <expiration date>
 22 <card number>
 3C <WW-data> if this field contains the value "TC:" or "TC=" at the be-
ginning, this data is sent transparently to the host in the BMP60. This
field is ignored with all other contents.
 06 <TLV-container>
tag 15: Via tag 15 in the TLV container, it is possible to select the lan-
guage for the card holder.
The receipt number serves to reference the original transaction.
All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

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2.4.4. Refund (06 31)
If optional track data or card numbers are transferred with this command, the
terminal tries to use this to execute the transaction.
The following data fields are supported:
 04 <amount>
 49 <WKZ>
 2D <track 1 data>
 23 <track 2 data>
 24 <track 3 data>
 0E <expiration date>
 22 <card number>
 3B <AID> - serves to transfer the approval number.
 06 <TLV-container> -
 3C <WW-data> if this field contains the value "TC:" or "TC=" at the be-
ginning, this data is sent transparently to the host in the BMP60. This
field is ignored with all other contents.
 06 <TLV-container>
tag 15: Via tag 15 in the TLV container, it is possible to select the lan-
guage for the card holder.

Bonus points:
Crediting bonus points: Subtag C1 in the bonus points container E1
contains the value ´4D 57´
Loading bonus points: Subtag C1 in the bonus points container E1 con-
tains the value ´47 4C´
The subtag C2 <number of bonus points> in the bonus point container E1 is
used if bonus points are to be used instead of the amount.
The amount is a mandatory field for all transactions except for bonus transac-
tions. With the latter, bonus points can be transferred instead of the amount in
the tag C2<number of bonus points>.
All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.5. End-of-day (06 50)

At present, <password> is not madatory and BMP06 (TLV-Container) is not
The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

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2.4.6. Diagnosis (06 70)
The terminal is prompted to perform an extended diagnosis.
At present, the date is not transferred to the ECR.
The result code is always FF, a more precise definition is transmitted in the
The length depends on the number of data to be transmitted in the data block.
Data block always contains all data elements listed below. For the TLV-
the following proprietary tags are defined:

Field Tag Value Description

Result text DF01 Up to 127 charac-


Ticket flag DF02 00: No ticket print This flag indicates if

terminal should print a
01: Ticket print
paper receipt.

Automatic Reversal DF03 00: No reversal This flag determines if

Flag 01: Reversal en- the terminal is author-
ized to perform an auto

Error code DF04 00 – FF

As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.7. Initialisation (06 93)

If the terminal is not ready for operation, activation can be triggered with this
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.8. Repeat receipt (06 20)

The receipt of the last positive payment is printed out again with this com-
Tag 1F01 is supported with following values:
02: Reprint last merchant receipt (erroneous and successful transactions)
03: Reprint last customer receipt (erroneous and successful transactions).
Reprint of Prepay-PTOP customer receipt is not allowed. Terminal will
reprint merchant receipt instead.

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04: Reprint of last End-of-day receipt incl. detailed transaction receipt (if
available). Prepay End-of-day receipt is not reprinted.
If Tag 1F01 is not present the terminal will act like before and reprint the last
successful merchant receipt.
If Tag 1F01 is present and contains a different (not supported) value, the ter-
minal declines the command with an error code 849A.
Customer and merchant receipts are printed independent from EMV-
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.9. Logoff (06 02)

The behaviour of this command differs depending on the application.
Variant -1:
The terminal is blocked after this command and only allows the execution
of the command "Login". The config byte previously set by logging in is set
back to the value 0x86.
Variant -2:
The config byte previously set by logging in is set back to the value 0x86.
In both cases:
This deactivates the release for bitmap 06<TLV-container>.
No values from the TLV-container are interpreted.

2.4.10. Display text (06 E0)

At most four text lines (F1, F2, F3, F4) with at most sixteen characters each
are supported. Font switching is not provided.
The following data fields are supported:
 F1 <text for line 1>
 F2 <text for line 2>
 F3 <text for line 3>
 F4 <text for line 4>
 F9 <number of beeps>
 F0 <display duration>
All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

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2.4.11. Display text with numerical input (06 E2)
A text line (F1) with at most sixteen characters can be transferred for display.
Font switching is not provided.
The following data fields are supported:
 F1 <text for line 1>
 E0 <min. length of input (must be <= max. length)>
 E9 <max. length of input (0..16)>
 F9 <number of beeps>
 F0 <display duration>
All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.12. Read card (06 C0)

 <Time-out>
 19<card-type>
 FC<Dialog-control>
 06 <TLV-container>
o 1F60 < Card technology allowed, bit field, 1 byte>
xxxx xxx1 Magnetic stripe card
xxxx xx1x Chip card
xxxx x1xx Contactless card
If it is absent, the “Magnetic stripe card” will be used.
If the selected technology is not supported by the terminal, the
command will be aborted by “84 83”.
If the Tag 1F60 = “00”, the command will be rejected with “84
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.13. Close Card Session (06 C5)

As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

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2.4.14. Send APDUs (06 C6)
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.15. Prepaid top-up (06 09)

Only the <payment type> = 02, meaning cash payments, is accepted at pre-
The following data fields are supported:
 <card type ID>
 <payment type>
 04 <amount>
 49 <WKZ> -- Attention = mandatory field!
 3D <password> -- Attention = mandatory field, because only cash pay-
ment possible
All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.16. Account balance request (06 03)

This command is used to retrieve the account balance for Sales Cards, Bonus
Cards and Prepaid Payment Cards like the German Electronic Purse
(Geldkarte) or the Prepaid Credit Cards.

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If optional track data or card numbers are transferred within this command, the
terminal tries to use these data to perform the transaction.
The following optional data fields are supported:
 2D <track 1 data>
 23 <track 2 data>
 24 <track 3 data>
 0E <expiration date>
 22 <card number>
 06 <TLV-container>
For Bonus Cards the TLV-container (BMP06) with the following content is
Requesting bonus points: Subtag C1 in the bonus points container E1
contains the value '4D 55'
The subtag C2 <number of bonus points> in the bonus point container E1 is
used if bonus points are to be used instead of the amount.
For Geldkarte (German electronic purse ‘GEP’) the TLV-container (BMP06)
with the following content is mandatory:
Requesting account balance: The TLV container contains the TAG
0x41 (ZVT card –type-ID) with the card type ID for the Geldkarte (0x1E
= 30d).
Example: Data object = 0x41011E
Transport container = BMP06 + length + Data object =
All other data are ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.17. Activate card (06 04)

If optional track data or card numbers are transferred with this command, the
terminal tries to use this to execute the transaction.
The following data fields are supported:
 2D <track 1 data>
 23 <track 2 data>
 24 <track 3 data>
 0E <expiration date>
 22 <card number>
 06 <TLV-container>

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At present, this command is only possible for bonus transactions.
The subtag C2 <number of bonus points> in the bonus point container E1 is
used if bonus points are to be used instead of the amount.
All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.18. Pre-authorisation/reservation (06 22)

If optional track data or card numbers are transferred with this command, the
terminal tries to use this to execute the transaction.
The following data fields are supported:
 04 <amount>
 49 <WKZ>
 0B <trace number> - must be sent when expanding a reservation.
 3B <AID> - must be sent when expanding a reservation.
 06 <TLV-container>
tag 15: Via tag 15 in the TLV container, it is possible to select the lan-
guage for the card holder.
All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.19. Book total (06 24)

The following data fields are supported:
 87 <receipt number>
 04 <amount>
 49 <WKZ>
 2D <track 1 data>
 23 <track 2 data>
 24 <track 3 data>
 0E <expiration date>
 22 <card number>
 0B <trace number> - is used to reference the original transaction.
 06 <TLV-container>
tag 15: Via tag 15 in the TLV container, it is possible to select the lan-
guage for the card holder.
The receipt number does not serve to reference the original transaction.

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All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.20. E-purse Top-up (06 26)

This command is used to display amount to load in Prepaid Payment Cards
like the German Electronic Purse (Geldkarte).

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2.4.21. Cash report (0F 10)
With this command, the ECR triggers the PT to print a receipt about the card
Attention: If the receipt is to be printed on the ECR, the ECR may only send
this command to the PT if the printer on the ECR is ready for printing and has
enough paper for the receipt.



Control field Length Data block



0F 10 03 <password>

Data block:
<password> - presently not evaluated.

Response from PT:



Control field Length Data block



80 00 00

After successful printout, the PT sends a completion message whereupon

the ECR's "master rights" are restored:



Control field Length Data block


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06 0F 00

Response of the ECR:



Control field Length Data block



80 00 00

In case of an error, the PT responds with cancel:



Control field Length Data block



06 1E 01 <error code>

Response of the ECR:



Control field Length Data block



80 00 00

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2.4.22. System info receipt (0F 11)
With this command, the ECR triggers the PT to print a system information re-
ceipt (function number 522).
Attention: If the receipt is to be printed on the ECR, the ECR may only send
this command to the PT if the printer on the ECR is ready for printing and has
enough paper for the receipt.



Control field Length Data block



0F 11 03 <password>

Data block:
<password> - presently not evaluated.

Response from PT:



Control field Length Data block



80 00 00

After successful printout, the PT sends a completion message whereupon

the ECR's "master rights" are restored:



Control field Length Data block


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06 0F 00

Response of the ECR:



Control field Length Data block



80 00 00

In case of an error, the PT responds with cancel:



Control field Length Data block



06 1E 01 <error code>

Response of the ECR:



Control field Length Data block



80 00 00

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2.4.23. EMV receipt status (0F 12)
With this command, the ECR triggers the PT to print an EMV status receipt
(function number 900).
Attention: If the receipt is to be printed on the ECR, the ECR may only send
this command to the PT if the printer on the ECR is ready for printing and has
enough paper for the receipt.



Control field Length Data block



0F 12 03 <password>

Data block:
<password> - presently not evaluated.

Response from PT:



Control field Length Data block



80 00 00

After successful printout, the PT sends a completion message whereupon

the ECR's "master rights" are restored:



Control field Length Data block


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06 0F 00

Response of the ECR:



Control field Length Data block



80 00 00

In case of an error, the PT responds with cancel:



Control field Length Data block



06 1E 01 <error code>

Response of the ECR:



Control field Length Data block



80 00 00

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2.4.24. Telephone authorisation (06 21)
If optional track data or card numbers are transferred with this command, the
terminal tries to use this to execute the transaction.
With a host response code of 55 (wrong PIN), the PIN is not entered again.
The following data fields are supported:
 04 <amount>
 49 <WKZ>
 2D <track 1 data>
 23 <track 2 data>
 24 <track 3 data>
 0E <expiration date>
 22 <card number>
 3B <AID> - serves to transfer the approval number.
 06 <TLV-container>
tag 15: Via tag 15 in the TLV-container, it is possible to select the lan-
guage for the card holder.
All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.25. Tip (06 0C)

Initiates a tip transaction (tipped update).
The following data fields are supported:
 04 <amount>
 87<receipt number>
 49<WKZ>
 0B <trace number> - is used to reference the original transaction.
 06<TLV-container>
tag 15: Via tag 15 in the TLV-container, it is possible to select the lan-
guage for the card holder.
The receipt number does not serve to reference the original transaction.
All other data is ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

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2.4.26. Status enquiry (05 01)
It serves to enquire the current status of the terminal.
If the optional service byte is sent, the password must be sent as well.
In case of an available service byte, only bit 2 (send software version) and bit
3 (send TLV-container) are currently evaluated as described below:

Servicebyte Description

xxxx xx1x SW-Version must NOT be sent into the completion message

xxxx xx0x SW-Version must be sent into the completion message, default if
there is no service byte sent in the request

xxxx x1xx TLV-Container must be sent into the completion message

xxxx x0xx TLV-Container must NOT be sent into the completion message,
default if there is no service byte sent in the request

The TLV-Container into the completion message (06 0F) contains the follow-
ing data fields:
 1 F44 <terminal ID> (optional)
 E4 (mandatory)
 1F 41 <Software version>
 1F 42 <Serial number>
Depending on the terminal configuration, this command also serves to trigger
possible time-controlled events.

2.4.27. Software-Update (08 10)

The completion message is sent before that the update is performed.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

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2.4.28. Read File (08 11)
This command is used to retrieve dedicated files from the Terminal.
In case of the German Electronic Purse (Geldkarte) the payment records are
stored in a dedicated submissions file (Bezahldatei) which can only be re-
trieved if there has been a successful End Of Day request before.
The following data fields are supported:
 06<TLV-container>
Containing Tag 2D which includes the Tag 1D <file-ID>
Currently we support the following file-ID’s inside Tag 1D:
 0x10 = Geldkarte submissions file (Bezahldatei). Only one byte length
is currently supported for tag 1D.
For the tags returned in the “Status Information” (04 0F) by the PT the follow-
ing restrictions apply:
 Subtag 1E (start-position) and Subtag 1F 00 (total length of file): The
length of this fields is always 4
All other data are ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.29. Delete File (08 12)

This command is used to delete dedicated files inside the Terminal.
In case of the German Electronic Purse (Geldkarte) the submissions file
(Bezahldatei) has to be deleted before proceeding with new Geldkarte trans-
actions. If this file is not deleted, still present in the Terminal, than there are
no further Geldkarte transactions possible.
The following data fields are supported:
 06<TLV-container>
Containing Tags 1D <file-ID>
Currently we support the following file-ID’s inside Tag 1D:
 0x10 = Geldkarte submissions file (Bezahldatei)
All other data are ignored.
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.4.30. Card Terminal Application Programming Interface (CT-API)

Application independent card terminal application programming interface for
Integrated Circuit(s) Card (ICC) applications (see part 3 [MKT 1.0]).

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For the realization of the CT-API interface we define the following constructed,
primitive data objects and additional error messages. To avoid namespace
clashes with [ZVT1] all primitive data objects are encapsulated in the con-
structed tag "FF 10".

Primitive data objects:

Tag Data-element

80 Destination address (dad type IU8), length = 1, binary

81 Source address (sad type IU8), length = 1, binary

ICC or PT command (command type IU8, byte array), length = var-


Response to the command (response type IU8, byte array), length

= variable

84 The CT-API function return value (type IS8), length = 1, binary

Constructed data objects:

Tag Data-element

CT-API container, contains the transmitted CT-API function param-

FF 10
Length = variable.
Supported tags: 80. 81, 82, 83, and 84.

To handle ZVT-command errors we define the following additional error-


Error-ID Error-ID
(hexadecimal) (decimal)

wrong internal status (CT_data command was

83 131 called without a previous successful CT_int com-

wrong internal status (ZVT-command not allowed,

8A 138
a successful CT_init command was called before)

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To handle contact less card interfaces we assign the Ingenico ICCs to the In-
tegrated Circuit(s) Card (ICC) MKT specification [MKT 1.o] as described:
ICC assignment table:

MKT 1.o Integrated Circuit(s) Card Ingenico Integrated Circuit(s) Card












ICC11 (IC card 11) Not supported

… Not supported

… Not supported

ICC14 (IC card 14) Not supported Card Terminal init (CT_init) (0F 14)

This command is used to open and to initiate the CT-API communication to
the PT (Payment Terminal) (see part 3 [MKT 1.0]).
The CT_init command must be called before CT-API communication (using of
the CT_data command) begins with the PT and ICC (Integrated Circuit(s)
Card). If the CT_init function was called successfully, the PT sends the ZVT-
completion command to the ECR and then it is possible by the ECR to work
with the CT_data command, otherwise the ECR gets an error message. After
a successful CT_int call, all other ECR ZVT-commands with the exception of

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CT_data and CT_close will be disabled by the PT until the CT_close com-
mand will be sent.

CT_init command:



Control field Data block


0F 14 00

Answer from the PT, if no error occurs:



Control field Length field Data block


80 00 00

If no error occurs the PT sends the Completion command.



Control field Length field Data block


06 0F 00

If an error occurs the PT sends the Abort command.


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Control field Length field Data block


06 1E 08

Data block:
The field „06<TLV-Container>“includes the CT-API container FF10 with the
CT-API tag 84. The length of the <TLV-Container> is 0x06.

Example CT-API return value (IS8) = -1:

Data object = 0x8401FF
Transport container = BMP06 + length + containerFF10 +
length + Data object84 = 0x0606FF10038401FF

Remark: <CT-API return values> see MKT specification [MKT 1.o] part 3
chapter 4.4. Card Terminal data (CT_data) (0F 15)

This command is used to transmit the needed parameter from the CT_data
function (see Teil 3 [MKT 1.0]) to the PT.
The command is used to send ICC (Integrated Circuit(s) Card) and card ter-
minal commands to the PT.
The command response to the calling ECR will be sent with ZVT-Completion
(06 0F) command if no error occurs, if an error occurs the ZVT-Abort com-
mand will be sent.
The CT_data command is only allowed after a previous successful CT_init
command call.

For example:
1. The ECR sends the CT_init command.
2. After a successful CT_init call the ECR sends a first CT_data com-
3. After a successful CT_data command answer the ECR sends another
CT_data command.
4. …

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5. …
6. The ECR sends a last CT_data command.
7. The ECR sends the CT_close command.

CT_data command:



Control field Length field Data block


0F 15 XX

Data block:
The field „06<TLV-Container>“includes the CT-API container FF10 with the
CT-API tags 80 and 82.

Answer from PT:



Control field Length field Data block


80 00 00

Answer from PT if the CT_data command was sent without a previous suc-
cessful CT_init command:



Control field Length field Data block


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84 83 00

If no error occurs the PT sends the Completion command.



Control field Length field Data block


06 0F XX 06<TLV-Container>

Data block:
The field „06<TLV-Container>“includes the CT-API container FF10 with the
CT-API tags 81 and 83.

If an error occurs the PT sends the Abort command.



Control field Length field Data block


06 1E 08

Data block:
The field „06<TLV-Container>“includes the CT-API container FF10 with the
CT-API tag 84. The length of the <TLV-Container> is 0x06.

Example CT-API return value (IS8) = -1:

Data object = 0x8401FF
Transport container = BMP06 + length + container FF10 +
length + Data object84 = 0x0606FF10038401FF

Remark: <CT-API return values> see MKT specification [MKT 1.o] part 3
chapter 4.4.

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Answer from PT, if the ECR sends a not allowed ZVT-command when a suc-
cessful CT_init command was called before:



Control field Length field Data block


84 8A 00 Card Terminal close (CT_close) (0F 16)

This command is used to close the initiated CT_API communication to the PT
(see Teil 3 [MKT 1.0]).
The CT_close command is analogue to the CT_init command. It ends the CT-
API communication (using of the CT_data command) with the PT, which was
assigned with CT_init command. The command must be sent by the ECR be-
fore the end of the programme (e.g. reading of KVK or EGK) to release possi-
bly occupied resources and to enable the disabled ECR ZVT commands.

CT_close command:



Control field Length field Data block


0F 16 00

Answer from PT:



Control field Length field Data block


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80 00 00

Answer from PT if the terminal is already in "usual ZVT mode":



Control field Length field Data block


84 83 00

If no error occurs the PT sends the Completion command.



Control field Length field Data block


06 0F 00

If an error occurs the PT sends the Abort command.



Control field Length field Data block


06 1E 08

Data block:
The field „06<TLV-Container>“includes the CT-API container FF10 with the
CT-API tag 84. The length of the <TLV-Container> is 0x06.

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Example CT-API return value (IS8) = -1:
Data object = 0x8401FF
Transport container = BMP06 + length + container FF10 +
length + Data object84 = 0x0606FF10038401FF

Remark: <CT-API return values> see MKT specification [MKT 1.o] part 3
chapter 4.4. Card Terminal Basic Command Set (CT-BCS)

Application independent card terminal basic command set (see part 4 [MKT
This part of this document describes the implemented general Card Terminal
(CT) commands (see part 4 chapter 5 [MKT 1.0]), the card terminal com-
mands for card terminals with special functional units (see part 4 chapter 6
[MKT 1.0]) and the B1 commands (see part 4 Annex C [MKT 1.0]) on the Teli-
um and Unicapt32-based Ingenico payment terminals (PT).

a. General CT commands
1. Reset CT:
Implemented as described in part 4 [MKT 1.0] with the following ex-
Implemented as described in part 4 [MKT 1.0] with the following ex-
Message to be displayed (Tag 50 in data field) are ignored.
3. GET STATUS: Not implemented yet.
Implemented as described in part 4 [MKT 1.0] with the following ex-
Message to be displayed (Tag 50 in data field) are ignored.

b. CT Commands for CTs with Special Functional Units

1. INPUT: Not implemented yet.
2. OUTPUT: Not implemented yet.
3. PERFORM VERIFICATION: Not implemented yet.
4. MODIFY VERIFICATION DATA: Not implemented yet.

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c. B1 commands
1. RESET: Not implemented yet.
2. DEACTIVATE ICC: Not implemented yet. IC Cards with Synchronous Transmission

Usage of Interindustry Commands (see part 7 [MKT 1.0]).
This part of this document describes the use of ISO/IEC 7816-4 interindustry
commands for IC cards with synchronous transmission and to specify how
they are mapped onto chip specific actions. This is valid only for IC cards
whose data sections are encoded according to [MKT 1.0], Part 5: ATR and
data sections. It is a preprequisite for use of ISI/IEC 7816-4 interindustry
commands at a Card Terminal Application Interface that the IC card has the
structure of the ATR and the data section and that the CT is capable of map-
ping the related interindustry commands onto chip specificactions.
Implemented general interindustry commands for IC cards on the Telium and
Unicapt32-based Ingenico payment terminals (PT).

a.) Interindustry Commands for Basic Functions:

1. Select FILE:
Implemented as described in part 7 [MKT 1.0] with the following ex-
Not supported is a multi-application memory card structure as de-
scribed in part 5 [MKT 1.0]
2. Read Binary:
Implemented as described in part 7 [MKT 1.0].
3. Update Binary:
Implemented as described in part 7 [MKT 1.0].
b.) Interindustry Commands for Security Functions:
1. Verify:
Implemented as described in part 7 [MKT 1.0].
2. Change Reference Data:
Implemented as described in part 7 [MKT 1.0]. Mifare Cards

Mifare cards are only addressed as memory cards. The option to open some
card types as ISO 14443-4 (EMV) card will not be implemented.

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All cards that can be addressed via the Mifare card management commands
from the SDK are supported.
The commands are transported inside the CT_Data command as payload in
the TLV container.
The following functions from the Mifare card management command set, block
and sector operations, will be available through the interface (see also inside
the SDK documentation):

1. Authenticate card:
This command detects the Mifare card (see also [OAI_Mifare]), ac-
tivates it for usage and authenticates a part of the card for opera-
tions. Depending on the card type this is a specific sector or it is
a Mifare Ultralight card.
Input parameters:

Value Size (B) Description

KeyType 1 TYPE_A or TYPE_B key

UncodedKey 6 The key to use

Sector 1 The sector to authenticate

Error codes returned in Tag 83:

Value Description

MF_OK The sector is authenticated

MF_AUTH_ERR Authentication failed

MF_LOAD_KEY_ERR Error during key loading

The card is a MIFARE Ul-


MF_KO An error occurred

2. Read Block:
Reads page(s) from the Mifare card.
This command reads 4 Bytes from the specified sector/block or in
case of a Mifare Ulralight card it reads 16 Bytes from the pages
address specified in the input parameter ‘Block’.

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Input parameters:

Value Size (B) Description

DataType 1 VALUE or DATA

Sector 1 Sector number to read

Block 1 Block number to read

Error codes returned in Tag 83:

Value Description

MF_OK The block is read

MF_TIME_OUT_ERR Communication timeout

MF_RESPONSE_SIZE_ERR Invalid response size

The block is not authenti-


MF_KO An error occurred

Read data returned in Tag 83:

Value Size (B) Description

Filled with 4 or 16 byte of

Buffer 16

3. Write Block:
Writes a page to the Mifare card.
This command writes into the specified sector/block or in case of
a Mifare Ulralight card it writes into the page address specified in
the input parameter ‘Block’.
Input parameters:

Value Size (B) Description

DataType 1 VALUE or DATA

Sector 1 Sector number to read

Block 1 Block number to read

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Filled with 4 or 16 byte of
Buffer 16

Error codes returned in Tag83:

Value Description

MF_OK The block is read

MF_TIME_OUT_ERR Communication timeout

MF_RESPONSE_SIZE_ERR Invalid response size

The block is not authenti-


MF_KO An error occurred

2.4.31. Set Date And Time in PT (06 91)

This command, as the name suggests, is used to change the current date and
time of the terminal.
The behaviour corresponds to the one described in [ZVT1]. However the
[ZVT1] describes only the good case. Potential parsing errors or problems
during setting the date and time seem to be ignored. In addition it was re-
quested that the support for this command is optional and depends on the
zvt700 profile. For this reason, the following interpretation was assumed dur-
ing implementation:
1) If Options/enableSetDateAndTimeCmd element of the zvt700 profile is
set to TRUE and no errors during command processing occur, then the
command behaves as described in the [ZVT1]. The PT sends regular
response with APRC code set to 0x00, followed by the Completion
2) If Options/enableSetDataAndTimeCmd element of the zvt700 profile is
set to FALSE then the PT sends a response in which it sets the APRC
to 0x83 (function not possible). No Completion message will be sent.
3) Otherwise, if an error during command processing occurs (for example
due to invalid value in the date-time spec part of the message) then the
PT sends a response in which it sets the APRC to 0x9A (protocol error)
and avoids sending the Completion message.
The Options/enableSetDateAndTimeCmd is set to FALSE in the standard pro-
files making this command disabled by default.

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2.4.32. Display (0F 19)
With the command 0F 19 the ECR can display an image on the PT display.
The boundary conditions:
1. The image must be encoded in one of the supported formats (PNG,
2. The image should have a maximum dimension of 170 pixel (width) x
170 pixel (height)
3. The image size should be minimized
4. The image size should not exceed 24 KB of data
5. The PT does not guarantee that each of the supported image formats
can render all types of images. The ECR should test a set of images of
the desired image format. If the desired format causes display prob-
lems the ECR should convert the image to a different format

The ECR sends some item to display on the PT-display and returns immedi-
1. PT clears the display if the flag CLEAR_BEFORE is set in
2. PT displays the item
3. PT returns with <80 00> or another immediate response (see below
Response format)
A completion message is not sent.
The item is displayed until:
 the duration CFG_TIMEOUT is expired
 or the ECR sends a command influencing the display (e.g. 06 01, 06
E0, 0F 19)
 or the PT is triggered automatically to perform an action influencing the
After what, PT clears the display if the flag CLEAR_AFTER is set in

Request format:



Control field Length field Data block


0F 19 xx

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 06<TLV-container>
 FFD803 <Configuration container>
o FF10 <IMG container>

Response format:



Control Field Length Data-block


80 00 0 No error occurred

84 83 0 Function not possible (command not supported)

84 9A 0 Protocol Error (data format error)

84 A0 0 Data Error (ZVT-Bitmap not support)

84 C5 0 Image Format not supported

84 xx n The ECR should be prepared to treat unspecified

error responses as an unknown error

2.4.33. Display and wait (0F 1A)

An ECR sends some item to the PT display and asks to get informed about
specific events, like a non-numerical key press.
1. PT clears the display if the flag CLEAR_BEFORE is set in
2. PT displays the item
3. If an error occurred PT sends a fitting immediate response and stops
the processing (there will be no Completion message in this case).
4. If no error occurred PT responds with <80 00> and continues to display
the item and waits for the first of a given set of events (e.g. a timeout or

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5. If the ECR requested Intermediate Status-Information during Registra-
tion the PT sends regularly the Intermediate Status 0x17 (“please
wait…”) to the ECR in order to re-start the time-outs.
6. When an event is occurred:
a. PT sends a Completion message <06 0F> which contains the
triggering event(s)
b. The ECR’s master rights are restored
c. PT clears the display if the flag CLEAR_AFTER is set in

Request format:



Control field Length field Data block


0F 1A xx

 06<TLV-container>
 FFD803 <Configuration container>
o FF10 <IMG container>

Response format:
Response is exactly the same than in Display commands (0F 19). See
§Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden..

2.4.34. Abort (06 B0)

The ECR can terminate following this command prematurely with the com-
mand “Abort” (06 B0):
 Display (0F 19)
 Display and wait (0F 1A)

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2.4.35. Tax free (06 0A)
The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.4.36. Reset Terminal (06 18)

The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.4.37. Set/Reset Terminal-ID (06 1B)

In case of format error, the command will be rejected (84 9A).
The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.4.38. Start OPT Action (08 20)

The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.4.39. Set OPT Point-In-Time (08 21)

The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.4.40. Start OPT Pre-Initialisation (08 22)

The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.4.41. Output OPT-Data (08 23)

The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.4.42. OPT Out-of-Order (08 24)

The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.4.43. Out-Transaction Signature (0F 21)

With this command the ECR can start a signature capture on a payment ter-
minal with a signature capture mechanism built-in. It is used to start an out-of-
transaction signature capture.



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Control field Data block


 06<TLV-container>
0F 21 xx
o FFD800<Ingenico TLV container>

The PT responds immediately with an ACK:



Control field Length Data


80 00 00

2.4.44. Functioncode via ZVT700

With this command the cash register can call a A32 Functioncode.
Attention: If a function code needs password entry, the user has to enter the

Control field Length Data block
0F 22 05 <password><functioncode>

Data block:
<functioncode> - 2byte BCD (zero padded)

Response from PT:

Control field Length Data block

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80 00 00

After a successful action, the PT sends a completion message whereupon

the ECR´s “master rights” are restored:

Control field Length Data block
06 0F 00

Response of the ECR:

Control field Length Data block
08 00 0

In case of an error, the PT responds with cancel:

Control field Length Data block
06 1E 01 <error code>

Response of the ECR:

Control field Length Data block
08 00 00

2.5. Commands: Terminal  ECR

2.5.1. Status information (04 0F)
Deviating from [ZVT1], the meaning of the field 8A <card type> may differ.
Depending on the application settings, the content of this field corresponds to
the [ZVT1] specification or the [POSEIDON 4.1] specification.

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The following data fields are supported:
 8A <application>
 29 <terminal ID>
 0D <transaction date>
 0C <transaction time>
 0B <trace number> - is used to reference the original transaction.
 04 <amount>
 49<WKZ>
 22 <BLZ>
 22 <account number>
 0E <validity date>
 17 <card sequence number >
 BA <PAN>
 22 < card number>
 2A <acceptor ID code>
 3B <authorization ID>
 3C <additional text>
 27 <result code>
 06<TLV-container>

For the TLV-container in BMP 06 ([ZVT1], chapter 7):

 merely the EMV tags in chapter 7.4.4 are implemented of those men-
tioned in chapter 7.4. Here tag 40 sent by the ECR is ignored and the
tags 40-45 – if available - are always sent, tag 48 is never sent.
 Following tags are included (some of them are only useful for special
o 2F
 1F7F <transaction>
 1F7C <time>
 1F7D <date>
 1F11 <online transaction>
 1F7E <AID parameter Lang>
 1F10
 In case of signature capture, tag FFD800 is present inside.

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 DF4C<Customer Signature JPG>
Terminals with active iDRM functionality and active registration feature 0F27
(SIG_A_IDRM) send an additional status information message after the cus-
tomer signature was captured. The 04 0F message includes into ZVT-
Container 06 a container FFD800 with DF48 SIGNATURE_RESULT. If the
signature capturing was successful the FFD800 container contains additional-
ly DF4C (signature as JPG image plus some basic transactional data like
date, time and amount) and the size of the image DF49.

Tag For- L Description


06 <Container>

FFD80 ING_CONTAIN <Container>

0 ER

DF4 SIGNATURE- (b 2) 2 The signature processing result can

8 RESULT have these values:
 0x0001 CUSTO-

DF4 SIGNA- (b 4) 4 The size of the signature JPG in

9 TURE_SIZE bytes (hexadecimal value, e.g. 00 01
23 45 == 0x12345 Bytes).
Field available only if SIGNA-

DF4 SIGNA- (b *) * Image of the customer signature plus

C TURE_JPG basic transactional data (date, time,
amount, …).
Field available only if SIGNA-

 In case of availability of tax free transaction, the tag 1F13=05.

If the CardId to be sent is larger than 255, the value "FF" is set in field 8A and
the tag "41" set in the TLV-container. If the ECR does not support any TLV-
containers, field 8A receives the value "FF" and no TLV-container.

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 1F7F
The tag 1F 7F describes the transaction to the transaction. The following val-
ues are
defined as:
0x00000001 Authorization
0x00000002 Reversal
0x00000004 Credit
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.5.2. Completion (06 0F)

The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.5.3. Abort (06 1E)

The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.5.4. Print line (06 D1)

At present, the supported attribute byte values are:
- 10: Double height
- 20: Double width
- 30: double width + double height
- 40:centred
- 50: centred + double height
- 60: centred + double width
- 70: centred + double width + double height
- 0F: justified right (but in this case, all others attributes are disable)
- FF: linefeed
To check the operational readiness of the ECR printer, the terminal may send
a "print line" command with empty text. Meaning "06 D1 01 00".
After each receipt, the end of the receipt is signalled via the command "print
line". The attribute with the value 0x81 is used for this purpose. The complete
command is: "06 D1 01 81" without text information.
The terminal is capable to send print data without having master rights.
The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

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2.5.5. Intermediate status information (04 FF)
The following <intermediate status> values are currently used:

status (hexa-

0x01 Please observe display on the PIN pad

0x03 Transaction not possible

0x07 Card not admitted

0x08 Unknown card

0x09 Expired card

0x0A Insert card

0x0B Remove card

0x0C Card not legible

0x0D Transaction cancelled

0x0E Processing transaction, please wait ...

0x10 Invalid card

0x12 System error

0x13 Payment not possible

0x15 Wrong PIN

0x17 Please wait ...

0x18 Wrong PIN entered too often

0x19 Wrong card data

0x1D Authorisation not possible

0x43 Transaction not possible - please remove card

0x47 Card not admitted - please remove card

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0x48 Unknown card - please remove card

0x49 Card expired - please remove card

0x4B Please remove card

0x4C Cannot read card - please remove card

0x4D Transaction cancelled - please remove card

0x50 Invalid card - please remove card

0x52 System error - please remove card

0x53 Payment not possible - please remove card

0x55 Wrong PIN - please remove card

Wrong PIN entered too often - please remove

0x58 card

0x59 Wrong card data - please remove card

0x5D Authorisation not possible - please remove card

0xD2 Establishing remote data transfer connection

0xD3 Remote data transfer connection established

The following <intermediate status> values are

available in addition to [ZVT-1]:

0xA0 Payment processed

0xA1 Payment processed - please remove card

0xA2 Cancellation successful

0xA3 Cancellation processed - please remove card

0xA4 Cancellation not possible

0xA5 Cancellation not possible - please remove card

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Inasmuch as cleared by the ECR, TLV-containers are sent along if needed.
Tag 24 is used here with subtags 07 to transfer the corresponding texts for the
retailer display to the ECR. If this is the case, the ECR should display these
text lines and not use the <intermediate status> value to control this display.
The following data fields are supported:
 <intermediate-status>
 <timeout>
 06 <TLV-container>
o 24
As for the remainder, the behaviour corresponds to the details in [ZVT1].

2.5.6. Establishing a remote data transfer connection (06 D8)

If the terminal is configured for communication via the ECR, remote data
transfer connections can also be established if the terminal dies not have
master rights. This may happen e.g. if the host requests diagnoses or similar
via response code. These are performed by the terminal after the completion
of a transaction.
Otherwise the behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.5.7. Closing a remote data transfer connection (06 DB)

See chapter 2.5.6.
Otherwise the behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.5.8. Sending data via a remote data transfer connection (06 D9)
See chapter 2.5.6.
Otherwise the behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.5.9. Receiving data via a remote data transfer connection (06

See chapter 2.5.6.
Otherwise the behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.5.10. Print text block (06 D3)

A complete receipt can be transferred to the ECR with this command. Retailer
and customer receipts are marked with corresponding tags in the TLV-

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Whether block printing via the terminal is used or printing takes place line by
line on the ECR is controlled via the corresponding configuration of the termi-
nal software.
The terminal is capable to send print data without having master rights.
Possible tags in 06 <TLV-container>:
- Tag 25
- Tag 09
- Tag 07
The same attributes as 06 D1 are supported with same restrictions.
The behaviour corresponds to the [ZVT1] specification.

2.5.11. In-Transaction Signature (0F 20)

If a transaction ends with the cardholder verification method “signature” and
ECR and PT
Both support the tag 0F 20, the terminal initiates the signature capture.



Control field Data block


 06<TLV-container>
0F 20 xx o DF01<Signature Blob>
o FFD800<Ingenico TLV container>

In both cases, the ECR responds with one of these following values:
 Signature accepted:



Control field Length Data


80 00 00

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 Signature authentication failed:



Control field Length Data


84 6F 00

 Signature not authenticated, but signature capture retry allowed:



Control field Length Data


84 7A 00

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3. How to
3.1. Signature displaying

The ECR has the possibility to receive the signature captured by the terminal
to display it in case of a validation from the cashier is required (as performed
today with the paper-based transactions).
In order to process signature confirmation you need 3 steps:
 Step1: register
The ECR sends a registration command containing the tag 0F27 (for
more details, please see the chapter 2.4.1 Registration (06 00)).
 Step2: evaluate
The ECR receives the image of the signature into a status information
request inside the 06<TLV-container> and answers with 84 9C during
the displaying of the signature in front of the cashier (for more details,
please see the chapter 2.5.1 Status information (04 0F) and the doc-
ument [ZVT1]).
 Step 3 confirm:
The terminal asks each 2s the confirmation of the cardholder’s authen-
tication to the ECR thanks to the command 04 0F up to get a comple-
tion or an abort (for more details, please see the document [ZVT1]).

To note that the timeout and the maximum number about the sending of
commands 04 0F are configurable into the authorization request respectively
with the BMP01 <timeout> and BMP02 <max. status-info> (for more details,
please see the chapter 2.4.2 Authorisation (06 01)).

Important: in case of rejection by the cashier, an automatic reversal will be


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4. Bibliography

Reference Document title, version number, date, etc.

[A32 ECR] THIS document
Verband der Terminal Hersteller in Deutschland e.V.; ECR in-
terface ZVT protocol; commands, bitmaps, error codes;
30.04.2014; version 13.06
[ZVT1] Verband der Terminal Hersteller in Deutschland e.V.; ECR in-
terface ZVT protocol; transport protocol, application protocol;
16.04.2008; version 03

Please refer to www.terminalhersteller.de.

Atos Origin "Function description for payment terminal POSEI-
DON”, version 4.1
Multifunktionale Kartenterminals MKT-Version 1.0 see:
[MKT 1.0]
[OAI_Mifare] OAI Erweiterung Mifare

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