Schmidt 2017

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Reg Environ Change


Implementing green infrastructure policy in agricultural

landscapes—scenarios for Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Jenny Schmidt 1 & Jennifer Hauck 2

Received: 31 January 2017 / Accepted: 23 October 2017

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract Green infrastructure (GI) has been identified as factors also include a lack of knowledge about the ecological
helping to protect Europe’s natural capital by fostering envi- usefulness of measures, and failings in the design of the mea-
ronmental protection outside nature reserves and enabling bet- sures regarding practicability, flexibility and reliability.
ter overall adaptation to changing conditions. The aim of Benefits are seen in various ecosystem services, job creation
Europe’s green infrastructure strategy is to integrate GI imple- and in fulfilling society’s demands for environmental protec-
mentation into existing policies. In intensively farmed agricul- tion. We conclude by stating that GI implementation in agri-
tural areas, this mainly means the greening measures of the cultural landscapes requires reliable and flexible measures that
Common Agricultural Policy, which are mandatory for fit farming practices and are well communicated, and that
farmers wishing to receive full direct payments. We explore landscape level coordination and cooperation could enhance
how GI implementation might develop under different future their effectiveness.
scenarios. We use a participatory scenario development ap-
proach to explore the benefits and limitations perceived by Keywords Participatory scenario development . Green
local actors in the agricultural regions of Saxony-Anhalt, infrastructure strategy . Common Agricultural Policy .
Germany. Limiting factors include ecosystem disservices, Ecological focus areas . Ecosystem services . Farmers’
economic constraints relating to income, labour costs, invest- perceptions
ments and land tenure, and social considerations including the
farmers’ self-image as primarily food producers and local peo-
ple’s opinions regarding good farming practices. The limiting Introduction

Editor:Nicolas Dendoncker. Having identified failings in biodiversity-related policies aimed

at protecting Europe’s rich natural capital in agricultural land-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
scapes (Benton et al. 2003; Henle et al. 2008; Kettunen et al.
( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. 2014), the European Union is currently seeking to mainstream
environmental protection in other sectoral policies in order to
* Jenny Schmidt achieve the goals of the United Nations Convention on
[email protected] Biological Diversity and the European Biodiversity Strategy
to 2020 (BISE n.d.; EEA 2015a). One proposed pathway is to
Jennifer Hauck promote green infrastructure solutions, which appear in the
[email protected]
European Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (BTarget 2: By 2020,
ecosystems and their services are maintained and enhanced by
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department
for Environmental Politics, Leipzig, Germany and University of
establishing green infrastructure and restoring at least 15 % of
Münster, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Münster, Germany degraded ecosystems^, EC 2015) and in the Resource
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department
Efficiency Roadmap (EC 2013a). The term green infrastructure
for Environmental Politics and CoKnow Consulting – Coproducing (GI) can either be used to refer to actual green structures such as
Knowledge for Sustainability, Leipzig, Germany green rooftops, parks and treelines along roads or else as a
J. Schmidt, J. Hauck

concept that treats such green structures as an important infra- three implementation options most often chosen by farmers
structure in which investments are made and which fulfil mul- are not considered helpful for environmental protection (Pe'er
tiple functions (Schröter-Schlaack and Schmidt 2015). et al. 2016).
Complementary to small-scale nature reserves, GI aims to fos- Previous research on environmental policy measures has
ter connectivity between these natural and semi-natural habi- found that regional and local level perspectives are particularly
tats, i.e. making the landscape more permeable for migrating important for their successful implementation (Whittingham
species (EC 2013a; Maes et al. 2015) while simultaneously et al. 2007; Stoate et al. 2009; Cormont et al. 2016), and re-
enabling sustainable land use and planning (Benedict and searchers recommend linking top-down legislation like the
McMahon 2002; Lafortezza et al. 2013). CAP with Bbottom up judgements representing preferences
In 2013, the European Commission (EC) released its green and trade-offs at more local levels^ (Hodge et al. 2015:
infrastructure strategy, which aims at Bintegrating green infra- 1003). The EC included this consideration when formulating
structure (GI) into key policy areas^ (EC 2016a: 6) and de- its GI strategy: BThe establishment and maintenance of GI will
fines GI as: Ba strategically planned network of natural and not be possible without the full and engaged commitment of
semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed stakeholders and resource holders, NGOs and interest groups
and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services^ within civil society^ (EC 2013c: 10). And, financial incentives
(EC 2013a: 3). The strategy aims at mainstreaming GI objec- might not be the only factor influencing local actors in their
tives in other policy areas (Mazza et al. 2011; EC 2013a; decisions regarding the implementation of environmental mea-
2016a) through horizontal policy integration, and thus achiev- sures. Local through to global environmental, economic, polit-
ing coherence between different sectoral policies’ objectives, ical and cultural contexts also play a role (e.g. Rindfuss et al.
e.g. between environmental and agricultural policies (EEA 2008; Magliocca et al. 2014). Like Rindfuss et al. (2008),
2005; Nilsson et al. 2012; EEA 2015b). This is required be- Hauck et al. (2016) found that social interactions and commu-
cause although environmental protection is addressed nity networks affect decision making and associated behaviour.
Bthrough existing EU legislation and policies to protect the Additionally, the place-based and tacit knowledge of local ac-
environment (e.g., directives on habitats, birds, water, nitrates, tors can also be important to consider (Cash et al. 2003; Reed
and sustainable use of pesticides), […] the CAP [Common et al. 2013).
Agricultural Policy] has a much broader influence^ (Pe'er In our study, we explored local and regional perspec-
et al. 2014: 1090): a large portion of the EU’s budget is ded- tives regarding the use of EFAs as part of GI implementa-
icated to the CAP, and the CAP affects a much larger area. The tion using a Bparticipatory scenario development^ ap-
aim of integrating environmental measures into the CAP— proach in four research sites. In doing so we used the def-
e.g. via GI implementation (EC 2013a; Repohl et al. inition of policy implementation formulated by Nilsson
2015)—is to use some of its budget to offer incentives to et al. (2012: 397) as Bthe arrangements by authorities and
achieve environmental objectives and to reduce the negative other actors for putting policy instruments into action^.
environmental impacts of sectoral policies and subsidies The relevant research questions are:
(EEA 2005). Indeed, in addition to the CAP’s cross-
compliance mechanism, which enforces agricultural standards & What might GI implementation scenarios look like on the
for soil and landscape protection (EEA 2005; Juntti 2012), the regional scale?
reformed CAP of 2013 includes measures relevant to GI. & What benefits and limitations do local actors perceive in
Three mandatory greening measures need to be fulfilled by relation to different GI implementation scenarios?
farmers in order to receive the full area-based direct payments: & What are the implications of the perceived benefits and
(1) crop diversification, (2) maintenance of permanent grass- limitations of GI for the future implementation of GI
lands and (3) establishment of ecological focus areas (EFAs). measures?
The implementation of EFAs requires that farms of more than
15 ha use 5% of their land for ecologically beneficial land use,
e.g. growing nitrogen fixing or catch crops, or maintaining The four case study sites
field margins, hedgerows or fallow land (EC 2013b).
Through these greening measures, 30% of the direct payments The four local research sites are located in Saxony-Anhalt,
to farmers are linked to fulfilling Bthe provision of environ- Germany, near to or including the villages Wanzleben,
mental public goods^ (EC 2013b: 1). This is crucial, given Friedeburg, Greifenhagen and Schafstädt (Fig. 2 online) and
that in Germany, for example, up to 40% of farmers’ income is are each 4 × 4 km in size. They offer a gradient of structural
derived from direct payments (BMEL 2014). However, the landscape richness ranging from very poor at the most inten-
ecological benefit gained from greening measures is contested sively farmed site, towards more structured, partly extensively
(Pe'er et al. 2014; for Germany: Schmidt et al. 2014). The farmed sites featuring meadows, wet grasslands, overgrown
EFAs have been criticised in particular because two of the ditches and vegetation alongside small streams. The site near
Implementing green infrastructure policy in agricultural landscapes—scenarios for Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Schafstädt exhibited the fewest existing GI structures (defined The other half manages larger areas, with 6.6% of farms work-
here as all natural and semi-natural elements), occupying only ing arable land of more than 1000 ha each (MLU 2012). On
about 1% of the total area. This percentage was higher at the average, only 20% of a given farm area is owned by the res-
other sites (Wanzleben 16%, Friedeburg 23% and ident farmer, while 80% is leased (MLU 2012); the ownership
Greifenhagen 26%). The study sites are part of the LTSER structure of farmland is still very fragmented (Statistisches
platform Leipzig Halle and the TERENO research network, Landesamt Sachsen-Anhalt 2008).
and were selected due to the availability of historical vegeta-
tion inventories (see Baessler et al. 2010).
Our study region is located between the Harz mountains in Methods
the West and the river Saale in the East, in the transition zone
between a maritime and a continental climate; it therefore The methods section is presented here as an abridged summa-
exhibits a temperate climate with warm summers and mild ry. Please refer to the supplementary online material for a full
winters. Soils are dominated by rich loess and are prone to description.
erosion due to most areas experiencing heavy rainfall during The participatory scenario development approach makes it
the summer months (Oelke 1997; Wurbs 2005). The area has possible to explore potential future developments by eliciting
long been influenced by human activity (Fig. 3 online), and the perceptions of local actors regarding land use changes
remnants of natural habitats are more or less restricted to areas (Biggs et al. 2007; Reed et al. 2009; Plieninger et al. 2013).
assigned to environmental protection (LAU 1997; Weiss Based on several overviews of scenario methods and tech-
2011). niques (provided by Börjeson et al. 2006; Bishop et al.
Due to the rich soils in Saxony-Anhalt, agriculture has 2007; Mahmoud et al. 2009; Reed et al. 2009; March et al.
always played an important role here (Weiß et al. 2013), with 2012; Priess and Hauck 2014), we combined the concept of
above average farm sizes (Rosenfeld 2005) and farms occu- multi-scale scenarios (Biggs et al. 2007) with the integrated
pying 60% of the land (Statistisches Landesamt Sachsen- scenario approach developed by Priess and Hauck (2014).
Anhalt 2014). The large field and farm sizes have evolved Prior to this, we conducted a social network analysis at the
historically over several centuries (Oelke 1997; Rösener regional and local level, to identify the most important actors
2000). In the 1930s, a large proportion (30–> 50%) of farms for GI implementation in the agricultural landscapes of
operated on 100 ha or more (Oelke 1997). The Prussian State Saxony-Anhalt (Fig. 1; Hauck et al. 2016). This revealed that
pursued the policy of consolidating fields and dividing up the farmers have the greatest influence on local GI implementa-
remaining common land (Rakow 2003). Pastures declined in tion. Other important actors at the local level included the
favour of arable fields and linear GI elements in the landscape, federal state agency for agriculture and forests, landowners,
such as unploughed strips, small forests and hedgerows, dis- agricultural journals and local communities. At the regional
appeared (Arndt 2003). A land reform was conducted during level, administrative institutions were important, such as the
the initial years of the German Democratic Republic, of which federal state ministry for agriculture and the environment,
Saxony-Anhalt was a part. Large landowners were expropri- both the federal state and regional nature conservation author-
ated and land was redistributed in many small plots, so that ities, as well as farmers’ associations and landscape manage-
80% of farms operated on areas less than 20 ha (Oelke 1997). ment associations. The social networks were identified in re-
After 1952, collectivisation began, and large agricultural co- lation to three categories—information, regulation and social
operatives were established (Baessler and Klotz 2006). The pressure—to establish what kinds of influence actors exert,
number of field paths was drastically reduced (e.g. the area and what kinds of relationship exist. The information was
around Schafstädt saw a 50% decrease) and hybrid poplar used to decide whom to invite to the participatory scenario
trees were planted around the perimeter of large fields to pro- development workshop and field visits.
tect soils from wind erosion (Arndt 2003). From 1990 on-
wards German and European agricultural policies and regula- Step 1: boundary conditions
tions were applied, and the number of privately owned farms
grew rapidly (Baessler and Klotz 2006). Livestock farming Many scenario approaches use Bdriver trajectories at the glob-
(especially cattle) and crop diversity decreased (Oelke 1997; al scale (…) as boundary conditions to frame developments
Arndt 2003; Baessler and Klotz 2006). Today, farming is within the regional-scale scenarios^ (Biggs et al. 2007: 8). We
dominated by crops sold directly to wholesale markets used Central German land use scenarios (Priess and Hauck
(Oelke 1997). In 2011, the main crops in Saxony-Anhalt were 2014), based on the Global Environment Outlook (GEO4,
grain (57%, of which 60% was wheat), rape seed (16%), fod- UNEP 2007), as boundary conditions to inform the regional
der plants (15%), sugar beet (5%) and potatoes (1%) (MLU stakeholder workshop. Literature on the history of the study
2012). There are around 4500 farms managing arable land sites was reviewed to get an understanding on the develop-
totalling 1,173,085 ha. Half the farms are around 100 ha. ment of agriculture in the area.
J. Schmidt, J. Hauck

Step 2: establishing framework conditions and limitations (see supplementary online material). Using
aerial photographs of the research sites and a set of light-
In step 2 (Fig. 1), all regional stakeholders identified in the coloured permanent marker pens, we marked the structures
social network analysis were invited to a 1-day workshop, to and changes mentioned by the participants. We tried to orga-
discuss the boundary conditions and to develop regional GI nise the field visits in groups of farmers to provide the oppor-
implementation scenarios. The 18 attendees were introduced tunity for them to discuss with each other how they might
to the research design and then asked to identify the factors that jointly develop GI across plots. We were only able to do this,
influence GI implementation (for an overview of the results, see however, at Wanzleben and Friedeburg.
supplementary online material). We then presented the two
broad societal trends identified in step 1: (1) a dominant focus
Step 4: analysing the benefits and limitations of GI
on economic growth; (2) a growing focus on sustainability. The
implementation scenarios
participants then identified assumptions about how the factors
influencing GI implementation would develop under one or the
All but one of the field visit discussions were recorded and
other trend. After the workshop the assumptions were trans-
later transcribed. After each discussion, postscripts were writ-
formed into two compelling storylines: (1) changes to green
ten to record the most important observations. The analysis
infrastructure under radical market forces and (2) sustainable
was done following the methodology of Bcategory-driven text
and inclusive development of green infrastructure. (For the
analysis^ (Mayring 2015: 13). The text was read numerous
summarised storylines, see supplementary online material).
times, topics were marked with different colours and assigned
to categories (cf. Kuckartz 2016) such as Bfinancial incentives
Step 3: eliciting perceived benefits and limitations
and income^. This inductive coding (Schreier 2014) was re-
concerning different GI implementation scenarios
peated with each text until no new text passages were marked.
Relevant comments were grouped into the categories, which
In step 3, the regional GI scenario storylines provided the
were then further differentiated into subcategories. Because
framework for discussions with farmers and other local land
the amount of data was manageable this way, the coded pas-
users, and helped in developing the key questions for the field
sages were copied into tables and the actual statements used
visits. The CAP reform and the introduction of greening mea-
for the analysis. The analysis was conducted qualitatively, first
sures (see Introduction) were made public in the period be-
because the data was collected to extract topics in an explor-
tween the regional and local level interactions, and so we
atory way, and second because the descriptive results were
developed a third scenario where the greening measure
intended to be as close to the wording of the original data as
Becological focus area^ (see EC 2013b) was set as a GI im-
possible (cf. Kuckartz 2016). The categories used for coding
plementation pathway. The three scenarios were (a) no finan-
were then used as headings to describe the data. Topics that
cial or any other (political) support for conserving or develop-
were mentioned by all or most interviewees were deemed to
ing GI in the landscape, (b) GI is conserved and developed in
be the most important ones (cf. Mayring 2015). However, the
the context of the CAP greening measure B5% ecological
other topics were also included in the results, as the aim of this
focus areas^, and (c) the EU has set up a strong framework
study was to explore all the issues that need to be considered
directive for the development of GI, with an independent pro-
in GI implementation, without any claim of representativeness
gramme and funding mechanism.
or quantifiability. The categories derived from the data were
For the field visits, all the farmers within the research area
used to structure the following results and discussion sections.
and the actors identified in the social network analysis were
The direct quotes found in the results section derive from our
considered possible interview partners and contacted via tele-
interview partners during the local level field visits.
phone. The number of farmers contacted differed between the
sites, ranging from two to eight farm businesses identified per
research site. Not all land users were willing to participate in our
study, but for each research site at least one third of the farmed Results
area was covered by the participatory scenario exercise.
Additionally to farmers, one mayor, one representative of the Having presented the scenarios of GI implementation in the
farmers’ association and tworepresentatives of the landscape previous section, this section presents perceived benefits and
management association agreed to participate in our research. limitations of GI implementation at the local level. The results
Each research site was visited for about 3 h, the locations are presented according to ecological, economic and social
being chosen by the participants. In order to discuss the im- factors. We used the concept of ecosystem services and dis-
plementation scenarios, we asked the farmers how they would services to structure the ecological aspects of GI. Economic
change the setup of their land based on the three scenarios and aspects are related to income, labour costs, investments and
we used a set of key questions to probe the associated benefits land tenure. Social aspects include broader societal views
Implementing green infrastructure policy in agricultural landscapes—scenarios for Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

about agriculture, the changing role of farmers and issues re- study stressed that a single hedgerow would probably not be
garding the design of GI measures. of much benefit. He explained that such measures would only
be useful if the whole management system was organic or
Ecological issues related to ecosystem services associated provided enough habitats within the fields. A conventional
with GI farmer who had established a flower strip next to his rapeseed
crop was likewise sceptical, as he could not directly observe
Although we did not use the concept of ecosystem services pollination services that would likely lead to an increased
during our field visits, when analysing the qualitative data, a rapeseed production.
number of benefits and limitations emerged that fit well into Only three provisioning services were mentioned during
the framework of ecosystem services and disservices. This the field visits, all of them perceived as beneficial: crop pro-
resonates also with the GI strategy and may help to make duction, fodder production on pastures and fruit production by
our results more accessible for other studies. trees alongside fields.
Cultural ecosystem services in particular were mentioned Despite giving mostly positive feedback about GI, farmers
frequently as positive aspects related to GI implementation. also identified a number of disservices. One limiting issue
Agricultural landscapes in general are used for outdoor activ- mentioned was that using land for GI competes with using it
ities, e.g. cycling, and GI was repeatedly mentioned as en- for crop production. Hedgerows were mentioned as compet-
hancing landscape aesthetics as well as providing people with ing for nutrients and water with adjacent crops. Hedgerows
a sense of place. In this respect, the whole or parts of the also block access to fields or prevent field paths from drying
landscape were considered as cultural or natural heritage out after rain, which leads to the paths being more frequently
worth saving. One example was a piece of forest within the damaged by manoeuvring machinery. While not a disservice
agricultural landscape that provided a historic boundary be- as such but a limiting effect in terms of usefulness for GI, old
tween two administrative districts; another was provided by a hedgerows with few autochthonous species and old populous
farmer who said that linear structures were important as Ba trees were deemed to be of little ecological value and to cause
structure for oneself and for others^—for example, hunters more maintenance work than they were worth. Farmers also
need landscape elements to indicate their hunting ground stated that often they did not understand the ecological use-
boundaries. Most of the structures were also associated with fulness of some measures. One example given was a field
habitats for certain wild species and were thus considered lying fallow as a compensation measure: the farmer explained
valuable e.g. for bird watching or hunting. that he did not see Bhow an area full of stinging nettles and
Regulating ecosystem services were mentioned particular- thistles^ was beneficial for environmental protection. While
ly often as being beneficial in the scenarios aimed at improv- being a habitat for supportive species, GI was also perceived
ing or establishing GI elements (Fig. 4 online). These included as a habitat for weeds and pests or animals potentially harmful
services that prevent water and wind erosion or snow drifts: to crops, such as large groups of birds that feed on crops or
BWe have very good soils in this region and the existing hamsters burrowing under the fields. Unmaintained GI such
hedgerows are very important for protecting them^. For effi- as hedgerows which are not regularly cut or contain weeds
ciency reasons, farmers often choose to establish new struc- were perceived as looking untidy and disturbing the aesthetics
tures alongside existing elements or in places where it would of the landscape for the farmers themselves or other people.
suit their needs. Protection from manure leaching into the Both aspects were mentioned as substantially lowering the
groundwater was mentioned besides the maintenance of soil acceptability of GI measures.
fertility, soil structure and soil moisture. While the importance In general, the results indicate that farmers have a positive
of GI for habitat connectivity in the wider landscape was not attitude towards existing GI. Most interview partners agreed
mentioned, conflicting views were expressed regarding the that they would only make minimal changes in scenario (a)
potential of GI to provide habitats for species helpful in pest with no financial or any other (political) support for conserv-
control or pollination. A landscape management association ing or developing GI, as the benefits would prevail. However,
representative told us that this beneficial aspect might be un- they also mentioned a number of trade-offs and costs associ-
known to farmers: BOne problem surely is that there are ated with scenarios (b) and (c), discussed in the section on
knowledge gaps on the side of the farmers. Integrated pest economic factors below.
control, this topic has not reached the farmers yet. We are
trying to address this in our seminars but the decision makers
on the farm, they send their workers to the seminar and with Economic aspects related to income, labour costs,
the size of farms we have here, like 4000 or 5000 hectares, investments and land tenure
even a small farmer has 1000 hectares, and the people decid-
ing, they don’t really have the time to deal with topics like A direct economic benefit of GI implementation was men-
that^. However, an organic farmer who participated in our tioned only once. One farmer saw opportunities for creating
J. Schmidt, J. Hauck

or securing jobs if the establishment and maintenance of GI programme^. Another problem reported in the context of the
were supported financially. design of agri-environment measures and other conservation
Farmers in all four research areas identified economic lim- programmes was the uncertainty associated with the continu-
itations mainly with regard to income, labour costs, invest- ity of measures and programmes. Farmers complained that
ments and land tenure. GI implementation option (b) (5% programmes were often unreliable and changed over time,
EFAs) in particular is considered detrimental to income, as leaving the farmers unable to plan ahead. If the timespan
farm production on GI areas is severely limited while income was too short, measures like the establishment of hedgerows
from direct payments remains constant. Increasing crop diver- (as foreseen in GI implementation scenario (c)) become im-
sity, also seen as beneficial for GI, was generally considered practicable. For the establishment of permanent or long-term
possible both under scenario (b) and (c), but it was argued that GI structures, farmers stated the need for programmes to offer
the crops currently farmed in the area are gaining the highest a secure perspective where their economic investment would
prices and therefore compensation would be needed to farm pay off, not least in terms of land tenure and the competition
other crops. for land. At the same time, farmers also stated that many
Poorly maintained GI may affect farm production beyond measures in the past required a long-term commitment which
the actual GI area. Hedgerows which are not regularly cut interfered with their usual short-term planning cycles and
back, for example, may extend into the fields, reducing effec- lacked the flexibility required to react to changing conditions,
tive productive area. Besides reduced productivity of the land, e.g. economic or climatic variables or changes in the land
direct payments are coupled to the area farmed, and if differ- tenure system, where short to medium term lease contracts
ences are detected between the reported area and the area often restrict farmers to applying measures that can be easily
measured during monitoring visits or via remote sensing, the reversed or cancelled.
direct payments may be reduced. In order to avoid this, One aspect involving economic as well as social factors is
labour-intensive and therefore costly maintenance of hedge- related to the structure of land ownership and the tenure sys-
rows and other elements was considered necessary by the tem and was mainly perceived in relation to GI implementa-
stakeholders of all four research sites, not least to avoid some tion scenario (c). First, due to the mixed ownership structure,
of the disservices mentioned above. However, participants farmers stated that they would have to convince several land-
had differing views concerning the responsibility for mainte- owners per field to allow GI to be implemented. One farmer
nance. Some farmers agreed in principle to take on mainte- explained: BWe would need to speak to more than 300 people
nance tasks as long as they were adequately compensated, as for the area we farm if we would like to establish new struc-
intended in option (c). Some farmers even saw financially tures on our fields^. Second, the establishment of GI could
supported maintenance as a means of securing employment lead to a permanent re-classification into land use categories
for their farm workers and therefore favoured scenario (c). with lower lease payments. A third problem is related to the
Others argued that responsibility should be taken by trained length of lease contracts, the majority being no longer than
staff at local government or other administrative levels. 10 years. One farmer explained: BIf I plant a hedgerow now
GI also interferes with optimal workflows. In the context of but have only leased the field for five years, then I am off after
scenario (c), for example, farmers often mentioned that setting five years and I gain nothing from the hedgerow anymore. I
up additional structures that reduce field size would create had a lot of work convincing the owner, I’ve made a lot of
difficulties, as modern agricultural machinery is often built effort and even applied for the subsidies, and in five years I
for large fields. Practical concerns like the accessibility of have to say goodbye because I’m not farming the patch
fields were also mentioned frequently when considering sce- anymore^. The situation is made worse by the intense com-
nario (a) and discussing which elements would be removed if petition for land in recent years, particularly due to growing
allowed (Fig. 4 online). demand for bioenergy production and financial investment.
Limiting issues associated with scenarios (b) and (c) were This competition results in higher prices as well as higher
related to investments. During two field visits, a flower strip leasing rates for land. Because of this, farmers look to Bkeep
programme was mentioned that had been implemented as an their fields tidy^ so that landlords have no reason to complain
agri-environment measure (AEM) in the past. The programme or to lease the field to another farmer.
included support for establishing a flower strip with ten target
species over 5 years. Farmers explained that it was difficult to Social aspects related to GI implementation
always meet the targets. BWe had the problem that there had to
be specific species present or a certain number of species. And Both benefits and limitations of GI implementation were seen
if (…) something e.g. weather conditions, led to these not in relation to the local communities of which the farmers con-
being there anymore after two years, then the farmer needed sider themselves a part. With increasing awareness among the
to pay it all back, even though he had nothing to do with it. general public concerning the many different services derived
That did not really enhance the attractiveness of the from agricultural landscapes, social control and associated
Implementing green infrastructure policy in agricultural landscapes—scenarios for Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

complaints also increase. BIf I have ploughed too close to the Discussion
field path, I have to explain myself^ one farmer said. In an-
other case, farmers even reported that they took voluntary In the following, we discuss the implications of the perceived
measures to prevent soil erosion in order to avoid Bsomeone benefits and limitations of GI for the future implementation of
having mud slide down the hill and into their living room^. GI measures. Our results show that a successful implementa-
Farmers also mentioned that they had thought about measures tion of GI policy is linked to economic as well as ecological
to please the local public. BI had the idea of planting a flower and social factors, some of which are specific to local or re-
strip alongside the path, about 3 meters wide. People like that^ gional conditions (such as the land tenure system). They also
a farmer told us. However, another farmer reported that fields reveal differing viewpoints in relation to some issues: some
containing weeds are also criticised, as at least parts of the farmers would be willing to assume responsibility for main-
community and other farmers prefer their countryside Bclean taining GI if they were adequately recompensed for doing so,
and tidy^. while others felt this task was more suitable for trained per-
One limiting factor is that farmers’ self-perception still in- sonnel. One issue that revealed conflicting standpoints was
cludes a strong sense of responsibility to supply food to soci- whether GI provides a habitat for useful species or rather for
ety at affordable prices. Most of the farmers consider this harmful pests. Most other questions were agreed upon quick-
possible only with continuous modernisation and ly, though, and it is from these that we extrapolate three key
mechanisation of production, which they associate mostly implications for the implementation of GI: (1) important ele-
with scenario a). However, in addition to food production, ments to be included in the design of GI measures, (2) aware-
they see themselves confronted with increasing demands by ness raising and transparency about the benefits of GI mea-
society to conserve biodiversity and to contribute to many sures and (3) a society-wide debate about the roles and respon-
other (cultural) ecosystem services. In addition to these in- sibilities of farmers. We discuss these points by reference to
creasing demands, they also feel they are being made respon- the literature on voluntary agri-environment measures avail-
sible for the loss of biodiversity and also face criticism able since the 1980s (EC 2016b).
concerning their everyday work. While some farmers engage
in public relations, e.g. open days, to counter both types of Important elements for the design of GI measures
criticism and to counteract a growing negative image of agri-
culture, some explained that combining the two goals of in- As highlighted in the results, one crucial issue for farmers is
creasing production on the one hand and conserving land- the reliability and also the flexibility of measures. Farmers
scapes and biodiversity on the other was challenging, partic- need to be able to plan ahead with a reliable set of longer term,
ularly under scenario (b), where no additional funding was guaranteed measures (cf. Burgess et al. 2000). Those who
provided for the latter goal. lease land are limited to applying easily reversible or cancel-
A limiting factor associated with scenario (c) was voiced lable measures, due to short to medium term leases (see
concerning information and the transparency and process of Lienhoop and Brouwer 2015 for afforestation programmes
implementation. Farmers stated that they had not heard, for in Germany), as otherwise their investments will not pay off
example, of some AEM options. They also reported cases (cf. Falconer 2000). As Pe’er et al. (2014) show, longer term
where land had been converted from arable to protected land programme contracts would also be more effective in terms of
under the EU habitats or birds directives, without them having environmental protection. At the same time, the degree of
been informed or invited to discuss the measures. Similar complexity of the measures plays a key role in farmers’ rea-
experiences were reported with compensation measures for a sons for adopting (or not adopting) them (Van Herzele et al.
new train route, where farmers had not been included in the 2013). As shown by the example of the flowering strips pro-
decision making, even though the land they had leased was gramme, rigid indicators for success that are not practically
used for environmental compensation measures. feasible for farmers, can lead to a low take-up rate (see also
With regard to societal goals, one farmer saw a paradox Kirmer et al. 2016). The farmers stressed how important the
between spending money on man-made structures such as practicability of the measures is, e.g. how readily they can be
traditional orchards when the aim was to protect nature and implemented alongside other farming activities or fit into the
its processes. He stated: BMaybe it would also be useful to just spatial set-up of fields (cf. Van Herzele et al. 2013; Fleury et al.
leave nature be in the areas where no agriculture can be done 2015).
or has to be done. Regarding the so-called cultural landscape, Another key point voiced by farmers in our research was
land use has constantly been changing. We are currently trying the need to be transparent about possible (land use) changes
to preserve a status quo. On the one hand we want to leave along with the demand for greater participation in the design
everything natural and on the other hand we want to conserve of programmes and measures, as suggested by Prager and
one small detail of cultural land use. There needs to be a Nagel (2008), Prager and Freese (2009) and Young et al.
societal debate about this^. (2013). However, Prager and Nagel (2008) also found that
J. Schmidt, J. Hauck

participatory design can be complicated, requiring consider- requirements and farming practices—e.g. dynamic protection
able time and effort due to the different levels of administra- sites (e.g. Moilanen et al. 2014) or production-integrated mea-
tion involved. Closely related to the demand for transparency sures (e.g. Mante and Gerowitt 2007)—are especially useful
is the need for appropriate information about existing and for intensively farmed landscapes, as their purpose is to pro-
planned programmes and measures. Extension or advisory tect agro-ecosystems. While local knowledge can be consid-
services focused on GI, for example, might help in selecting ered essential, both farmers learning about ecological interre-
suitable programmes or measures and explaining the benefits lations and raising farmers’ awareness about the proposed
for the farmer, and thereby facilitate greater uptake as well as benefits of measures can be seen as equally important for the
reduce the costs of establishing permanent GI structures design process.
(Falconer 2000; Lienhoop and Brouwer 2015). In addition,
best farming practices could be shared, e.g. on the basis of Awareness raising and transparency
farmers’ experiences with production-integrated measures regarding the benefits of GI measures
(SWK 2012). This might also be helpful for improving coor-
dination between farmers, as many measures are more effec- Our results show that the ecological usefulness of measures is
tive when conducted over a wide area and not just by individ- not always clear to the actors involved. Fish et al. (2003) show,
ual farmers. (For an analysis of information networks showing however, that awareness of the ecological benefits of mea-
how information was received and shared, see Hauck et al. sures can play an important role in their adoption and the
2016.) Pfeifer et al. (2012: 96) explored different scenarios for way they are executed. Doubts raised by the farmers in our
landscape services linked with on-farm decision making and study can perhaps be linked to a lack of communication and
found that Bonly increased cooperation between government, awareness raising, on the part of all-level administration and
farmers and citizens appears to result in a general increase of policy makers, coupled with the farmers’ limited exposure to
all landscape services across the entire landscape^. Our study ecological issues during their training or education (Wals and
shows that cooperation at landscape level, combining different Bawden 2000). Farmers’ interest in nature can be diverse and
levels of administration and land use, would be welcomed by influence the uptake of environmental protection measures
the various stakeholder groups and could enhance effective- (Ahnström et al. 2013). It is worth noting that the ecological
ness as well as the acceptability and practicality of the mea- usefulness of measures is a point of debate among academics
sures. This would be hugely important for GI implementation, and policy experts too (Kleijn et al. 2011; Pe'er et al. 2014)—
especially as its aim is to achieve habitat connectivity at a further research could thus prove beneficial for gaining an
landscape scale. improved understanding of ecological processes, not just for
In order to ensure that the measures themselves and impor- communication purposes but also for the design of conserva-
tant elements of their design are practicable, it could be helpful tion measures (Ferraro and Pattanayak 2006). Nonetheless, a
to incorporate local knowledge (cf. Hauck et al. 2014). degree of uncertainty and certain trade-offs—e.g. between
Regarding the spatial setup of measures, most farmers voiced certain ecosystem services (Hauck et al. 2014) or between
a preference for new structures alongside existing ones and conservation and other land uses—will probably remain
rated the quality of existing structures as unsatisfactory for (McShane et al. 2011). Perhaps the way forward might be to
environmental protection. They suggested improving them communicate uncertainties while at the same time
by, for example, planting autochthonous species in emphasising the need to find solutions for improving environ-
hedgerows or improving maintenance. This is backed up by mental protection in agricultural landscapes (cf. Fischhoff and
Davies and Pullin (2007) who recommend improving the Davis 2014; Haila et al. 2014).
quality of existing hedgerows using appropriate management
regimes. Including local knowledge could help to identify Roles and responsibilities of farmers
areas, where new structures could be established, e.g. sandy
soils on former sand pits or dry points on elevated areas. It Farmers still see their role and responsibilities by and large in
could also help to elicit options to improve the ecological the reliable production of affordable food. This came up often
quality of existing structures. This site selection would then during the field visits. The agricultural landscapes farmers
need to be checked against larger scale conservation objec- help shape (including biodiversity) are seen as a by-product
tives, as areas selected by farmers due to their unsuitability for which may be harmed by the necessary intensification of ag-
farming might not match conservation requirements; they ricultural practices (cf. Burton and Wilson 2006). Also, con-
might be special sites with conditions that are atypical for servation practices that may be perceived by other farmers or
the area. Prager and Nagel (2008) found that including local villagers as detrimental to productive agriculture are less
knowledge and involving farmers in the design of measures favoured as they might be taken to indicate that the farmer is
increased farmers’ willingness to adopt them. Existing conser- not farming effectively. This fits with the findings of Burton
vation measures that dovetail with both conservation and Paragahawewa (2011: 99) who found that Bthe outcomes
Implementing green infrastructure policy in agricultural landscapes—scenarios for Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

of skilled conservation production (…) are antithetical to the both GI and the ecosystem services associated with it. The
outcomes of skilled conventional farming performances^. co-design of measures, as suggested by Prager and Nagel
However, farmers are also observing a change in society’s (2008), may well help in this situation, but a society-wide
preferences regarding the conservation of a particular type of debate about the role and responsibilities of farmers, and about
agricultural landscape and biodiversity (cf. Buijs et al. 2006; what society expects from environmental protection, can still
Home et al. 2014; Fleury et al. 2015; Lange et al. 2015). be considered essential nonetheless.
Farmers’ adoption of pro-environmental behaviours can in
part Bbe linked more to the necessity of protecting the public
image of their profession, and consequently their own social Conclusions
identity, than to protecting the environment itself^ (Michel-
Guillou and Moser 2006: 234). One manifestation of these Our findings show that there is potential for improvement in GI
changes in society’s preferences is the inclusion of environ- policy implementation from the perspective of local and region-
mental protection in the CAP via greening measures. While al actors, and that farmers and other local actors are willing to
farmers agree with agri-environment measures in principle, contribute under certain conditions. The main factors condu-
they perceive the CAP greening measures as causing extra cive to the successful introduction and maintenance of GI are
costs for which they feel they are not adequately compensated. linked to economic, ecological and social factors. The way the
Landscape and environmental protection becomes part of the measures are implemented needs to be both reliable and flexi-
farmers’ roles and responsibilities rather than being a side ble; they need to fit into the farm’s operating procedures, they
effect of their land use. Simoncini (1999: 10) even sees this need to be transparent and well communicated, and they need
dual role as inherent: Bfarmers have a dual indivisible role, the to be compatible with society’s expectations (which need first
first being that of an entrepreneur trying to maximise his/her to be debated and formulated as such). The effectiveness of
benefits, the other being that of a manager of public goods: the measures could be enhanced through landscape level coordina-
environment^. Naturally, this change in self-perception en- tion, and by including measures that improve the quality of
counters resistance, particularly because perceptions of land- existing structures or foster the establishment of high quality
scape aesthetics and demands for environmental protection structures. This is especially important as the main thrust of GI
are not considered in the same way by different societal policy is to achieve connectivity between the remnants of nat-
groups (e.g. Buijs et al. 2006; Herzon and Mikk 2007; ural or semi-natural habitats in the landscape, as well as to make
Burton and Paragahawewa 2011) and are not included in the the general matrix more suitable and permeable for species.
dominant market driven economy (Simoncini 1999). This characteristic distinguishes it from AEM. GI is conceived
The new GI policy and the CAP greening measures go as a long-term infrastructure, similar perhaps to grey infrastruc-
beyond the scope of agri-environment programmes in that ture. Achieving long-term, large scale connectivity requires not
they are mandatory for farmers wishing to receive direct pay- only coordination, but also cooperation, which could be
ments in full. Even though farmers could opt out, initial indi- achieved by adjusting measures to local and regional needs.
cations are that they are fulfilling the greening requirements Here, the long-term perspective is important again, as the ex-
(Pe'er et al. 2016). With regard to EFAs, though, they can penditure required to establish proper structures of coordination
choose between different options that offer more or fewer and cooperation can be considerable. Also, the social aspects of
benefits for environmental protection. Initial results regarding farmers’ self-perception, and the feedback they receive directly
the implementation of EFAs show that farmers often choose about their work, play a role that must not be neglected.
EFA-options that are less beneficial to environmental protec- While we are aware that the findings cannot be generalised
tion, such as catch crops and nitrogen-fixing crops, rather than or upscaled, they can perhaps provide some important indica-
options that are rated by ecologists to be of higher value, such tions of which factors to consider when seeking to implement
as field margins or landscape elements (Lakner and Bosse GI successfully. However, further case study examples in dif-
2016; Pe'er et al. 2016; Zinngrebe et al. 2017). Our research ferent geographical locations would be needed to draw con-
on the benefits and limitations of GI implementation has clusions about GI implementation at a pan-European level.
identified possible reasons behind these decisions. From
here on, the next step would be to determine, together with
Funding This research was funded by the ERA-Net BiodivERsA, with
all the actors involved , what could promote the the national funders BMBF, part of the 2011–2012 BiodivERsA call for
implementation of measures that are more favourable for research proposals.
biodiversity. As Kopperoinen et al. (2014) show, the inclusion
of expert knowledge can help in identifying the multifunction-
Compliance with ethical standards
al key areas of GI, and in examining the provisioning potential
of various ecosystem services. The inclusion of local and re- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict
gional actors could further enhance their understanding of of interest.
J. Schmidt, J. Hauck

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