Elf Dex War

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Character Name Player Name XP

Elf n/a Neutral Good

Race Diety Level/Class Alignment

Med. 120 Tall avg M Avg Long/Black Yellow

Size Age Height Weight Gender Complexion Hair Eyes Handedness

Ability Scores Saving Throws

Score Mod Score Mod Total Base Abi Magic Misc Temp
STR 16 3 FORT (con) 1 = + 1 + + +
DEX 19 4 REF (dex) 4 = + 4 + + +
CON 13 1 WILL (wis) 2 = = 2 + + +
INT 16 3
WIS 14 2 Hit Points
CHA 13 1 Dex Misc Speed
Initiative 4 = 4 +

Armor Class 14 10 + 0 + 0 + 4 + + 10 14 0
Armor Shield Dex Size Misc Flat Touch Load

Attack Bonuses Racial Abilities

Total Attack Abi Size Misc Temp
Melee (str) 3 = + 3 + + +
Ranged (dex) 4 = + 4 + + +
Grappling (str) 3 = + 3 + + +

__ Primary Hand __ Off hand __ Both Hands

Attack Bonus Damage Critical

Range Type Size Weight Special Abilities

__ Primary Hand __ Off hand __ Both Hands

Attack Bonus Damage Critical

Range Type Size Weight

__ Primary Hand __ Off hand __ Both Hands

Attack Bonus Damage Critical Feats

Range Type Size Weight


__ Primary Hand __ Off hand __ Both Hands

Attack Bonus Damage Critical

Range Type Size Weight

__ Primary Hand __ Off hand __ Both Hands

Attack Bonus Damage Critical

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~Designed by Sherilyn~
Range Type Size Weight

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~Designed by Sherilyn~
r Can be used untrained 3 4 1
Skills ° Armor check penalty applies 3 1 2
Points Ranks
Skill Abi Misc Skill Abi Misc
Mod Rank Mod Mod Mod Rank Mod Mod
r Appraise 3 = + 3 + r Listen 2 = + 2 +
r Balance ° 4 = + 4 + r Move Silently ° 4 = + 4 +
r Bluff 1 = + 1 + Open Lock 4 = + 4 +
r Climb ° 3 = + 3 + r Perform _______________ 1 = + 1 +
r Concentration 1 = + 1 + r Perform _______________ 1 = + 1 +
r Craft _________________ 3 = + 3 + r Perform _______________ 1 = + 1 +
r Craft _________________ 3 = + 3 + r Perform _______________ 1 = + 1 +
r Craft _________________ 3 = + 3 + Profession ____________ 2 = + 2 +
r Craft _________________ 3 = + 3 + Profession ____________ 2 = + 2 +
Decipher Script 3 = + 3 + r Ride 4 = + 4 +
r Diplomacy 1 = + 1 + r Search 3 = + 3 +
Disable Device 3 = + 3 + r Sense Motive 2 = + 2 +
r Disguise 1 = + 1 + Slight of Hand ° 4 = + 4 +
r Escape Artist 4 = + 4 + Spellcraft 3 = + 3 +
r Forgery 3 = + 3 + r Spot 2 = + 2 +
r Gather Information 1 = + 1 + r Survival 2 = + 2 +
Handle Animal 1 = + 1 + r Swim °° 3 = + 3 +
r Heal 2 = + 2 + Tumble ° 4 = + 4 +
r Hide ° 4 = + 4 + r Use Magic Device 1 = + 1 +
r Intimidate 1 = + 1 + r Use Rope 4 = + 4 +
r Jump ° 3 = + 3 + ______________________ = + +
Knowledge: Arcana 3 = + 3 + ______________________ = + +
Knowledge: Religion 3 = + 3 + ______________________ = + +
Knowledge: Nature 3 = + 3 + ______________________ = + +
Knowledge:____________ 3 = + 3 + ______________________ = + +
Knowledge:____________ 3 = + 3 + ______________________ = + +
Knowledge:____________ 3 = + 3 + ______________________ = + +

Max Check Spell

Armor and protection Type Bonus Dex Pen Fail Speed Weight Coin
Shield n/a n/a Platinum

Magical Items Cast Charges

Known Languages Item Effect Location Level Uses / Day
Ring 1
Ring 2

Equipment Location Weight Equipment Location Weight

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~Designed by Sherilyn~
Total Weight 0.0 Total Weight 0.0

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~Designed by Sherilyn~
Spellcasting Familiar/Companion
Primary Stat 2nd Level Spells 5th Level Spells
Spell Energy STR Fortitude
Cantrips/Day DEX Reflex
Schools of Magic CON Will
WIS Hit Points

Initiative Movement


Cantrips 6th Level Spells

Special Abilities
3rd Level Spells

Skills and Feats

7th Level Spells

1st Level Spells


8th Level Spells

4th Level Spells

Magic Items / Herbs

9th Level Spells

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~Designed by Sherilyn~
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~Designed by Sherilyn~
Equipment Location Weight Equipment Location Weight

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~Designed by Sherilyn~
0 0

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~Designed by Sherilyn~

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