Cultural Translatability and Untranslatability: A Case Study of Translation of "Rostam and Sohrab"
Cultural Translatability and Untranslatability: A Case Study of Translation of "Rostam and Sohrab"
Cultural Translatability and Untranslatability: A Case Study of Translation of "Rostam and Sohrab"
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1 author:
Abdollah Keshavarzi
Islamic Azad University, Firuzabad Branch
All content following this page was uploaded by Abdollah Keshavarzi on 07 January 2016.
This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author AK designed the study, wrote the
protocol and interpreted the data. Author BM anchored the field study, gathered the initial data and performed
preliminary data analysis. Both authors managed the literature searches and produced the initial draft.
Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
The aim of the present study was to explore cultural untranslatability in the Story of “Rustam and Sohrab” in
Firdowsi’s Shahnameh and its equivalent translation by Helen Zimmern. To this end, the cases containing the
untranslatable cultural elements or elements culturally difficult to translate were identified by comparing the
Story of “Rustam and Sohrab” with its English translation by Zimmern. Besides, strategies used to render
cultural and linguistic elements problematic in translation were identified through using categories proposed by
Vinay and Darbelent (2000) and Newmark (1988). The results showed nouns including common nouns, name of
places, and name of persons accounted for 89.8% of the cultural untranslatable elements while adjectives
included only 10.3% of the cultural untranslatable elements. Personal proper names were the most frequent
category of cultural untranslatable elements followed by common nouns and names of places. The most
common strategies used to render cultural elements were transference and retention through translation and the
second most frequently used strategy was replacement. Other strategies being used less frequently were
naturalization, synonymy, and literal translation.
Keywords: Cultural translatability and untranslatability; Shahnameh; story of Rustam and Sohrab; translation
must be transferred to the target readers to enable argued that each linguistic community has its own
them to understand the messages or the meanings perception of the world, different from those of other
contained in the target text. linguistic communities. This shows that the existence
of different worlds is determined by language [2].
Accordingly, throughout the history, translation has
played an important role in conveying thoughts and The third approach to translatability, which developed
knowledge from one nation to other nations. Apart in France in the late 1960s, was the Deconstructionists
from this importance, the act of translating is not approach, which challenges the notion of translation
simply changing a message from the source language as a transfer of meaning. Andrew Benjamin, Michel
into the target one; translation is an act of problem- Foucault, Paul de Man and Jacques Derrida, the
solving. Sometimes it is difficult to solve problems founder of this approach argue that as the translation
existing in translation, and so the notion of of a text involves a rewriting of the original text, the
untranslatability emerges. target texts is not considered as subsidiaries of the
original text but as dependent on translation [2]. Three
According to Newmark [1], there are three types of important concepts operationalized in this approach
text: 1) informative text-type in which the topic or are the translation process, the originality, and the
content is the main focus, 2) the expressive text-type authorship of a text. The translation process is “a
in which the author and the aesthetic dimension are validation of the text that is being translated”.
important, 3) vocative text-type in which the reader- Secondly, originality is not a chronological concept.
response is important. Literary texts and especially In other words, it is not about which text was
poetry fall under the second category. The features of produced first but it is a qualitative matter as it refers
poetry make the translation of such texts more to the nature of the text which was conceived first.
difficult than other texts. When translating a piece of a Finally, the authorship is questioned as the translation
poem, the translator may also encounter a number of is regarded as a process which constantly modifies the
problems arising from rhythm, diction, and formalistic source text [2]. In the same line, it can be suggested
elements. In addition, the translator has to preserve that translatability/untranslatability is a matter of
the exact sense convoyed by the poem while taking degrees as there is no text or element of it that is
into account linguistic, literary and aesthetic, and absolutely translatable or totally untranslatable.
socio-cultural problems. The aesthetic and literary
aspects cover issues such as poetic structure, As such, a study of these untranslatable elements can
metaphorical expressions, and sounds. Socio-cultural provide useful insights on how translators tackle such
issues occur when the translator faces expressions elements in the translation process. In the same vein,
containing four major cultural categories: ideas, the present study tries to explore linguistic and
ecology, behavior, and products. Such aspects make cultural untranslatability in an English translated
some elements of poetry impossible to translate or version of Shahnameh by Ferdowsi. The rationale for
untranslatable. choosing Shahnameh is that Ferdowsi is one of the
undisputed giants of the Persian literature. After
The concepts of translatability and untranslatability Ferdowsi's Shahnameh a number of other works
have been widely discussed and scholars have taken similar in nature appeared over the centuries within
on two different approaches to the notion of the cultural sphere of the Persian language. Without
untranslatability: the monadist approach and the exception, all such works were based in style and
Universalist approach [2]. The first approach was method on Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, but none of them
adopted by Nida, Jakobson, Bausch, Hauge, and Ivir. could quite achieve the same degree of fame and
They believed that translatability is ensured by the popularity as Ferdowsi's masterpiece. Therefore,
existence of linguistic universals such as syntactic and Ferdowsi has a unique place in Persian history
semantic categories shared by all languages. Other because of the strides he made in reviving and
scholars adopted the second approach based on which regenerating the Persian language and cultural
the reality is interpreted in different ways by different traditions. In addition, Shahnameh or The Epic of
linguistic communities and thus the translatability is Kings is one of the definite classics of the world. It
jeopardized [2]. This approach is known as the Sapir- tells hero tales of ancient Persia. The contents and the
Whorf hypothesis because of the work done by poet's style in describing the events take the reader
Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf. According to back to the ancient times and make him/her sense and
Sapir, “the real world is to a large extent feel the events. Another reason for conducting this
unconsciously built up on the language habits of the study on Shahnameh was that there is little research, if
group. […] The worlds in which different societies any, on the translatability or untranslatability of
live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world linguistic and cultural elements in Shahnameh. For
with different labels attached.” [2]. Accordingly, it is that reason, this study is going to explore linguistic
Mohammadi and Keshavarzi; JOGRESS, 6(3): 138-147, 2016
and cultural untranslatability in the Story of “Rustam another way, the relation between the creative subject
and Sohrab” by Ferdowsi, the well-known poet of and its linguistic expression in the original language
Persian language and its equivalent translation by does not find functional cultural translation equivalent
Helen Zimmern. in the target language.
Mohammadi and Keshavarzi; JOGRESS, 6(3): 138-147, 2016
Mohammadi and Keshavarzi; JOGRESS, 6(3): 138-147, 2016
As it is evident, nouns including common nouns, the past as a tool for protecting someone
name of places (proper names), and name of persons especially a child from the evil eyes has been
(personal proper names) account for 89.8% (30.8 + translated as onyx which is a rather general term.
7.7 + 51.3) of the cultural untranslatable elements
while adjectives include only 10.3% of the cultural Some strategies that were used to render culture-
untranslatable elements. Thus, nouns are the most bound elements by Zimmern were not found in
frequently found cultural untranslatable elements in either framework proposed by Vinay and
the English translation of Shahnameh. Of these nouns, Darbelent [12] or Newmark [1]. An example of
personal proper names include 51.3% of cultural such strategies is retention through translation
untranslatable elements as the most frequent category which was employed mainly to translate personal
followed by common nouns (30.8%) and names of proper names. In this stance, two processes are
places (7.7%) as the second and third most common applied: firstly, the original form of the proper
categories. This is shown in Fig. 1. name is retained and secondly, some extra
elements of the proper name are translated into
Some examples of common nouns as cultural target language, especially in the cases an epithet
untranslatable items occurring in the English or a title accompanies the proper name under
translation of Shahnameh include di:v (spook) and question. For instance, Rakhsh-e tizpa was
mɔ:hre (a brachial fastened on arms as a symbol). translated as Rakhsh, the swift of foot and Tus-e
Nozar as Tus, the son of Nuder.
In addition, examples of adjectives with cultural
associations include tæhæmtæn (having an Another strategy was replacement and addition
elephantine body) and pæri:rui: (peri-faced). Names where the original SL item is replaced with
of places include Turan and Samengan and some another SL item with some additional elements.
instances of the names of persons are Sam, Rostam, For example, the word tæhæmtæn as an epithet
and Goodarz. Other examples of such nouns are for Rostam was translated by Zimmern as Rostam
presented in the Table 2. the Pehliva. Finally, retention and replacement is
another strategy not found in other categories. In
Table 3 presents the most frequent strategies used to
this case, the original form of the proper name is
render cultural untranslatable items.
retained but the second element is replaced with
As it is shown, the most common strategies used to another non-equivalent element. As a case in
render cultural elements are transference and retention point, Sam-e Savar (Sam, the horseback) was
through translation, each being used in 25.6% of the translated by Zimmern as Sam, the son of
cases. The second most frequently used strategy is Neriman. In fact, the second element of the
replacement which has been employed in 20.5% of proper name, i.e. the epithet has changed. Some
the cases. Other strategies, on the other hand, are used of these strategies have been also proposed by
less frequently. These strategies include Leppihalme [14]. Sometimes metaphors have
naturalization, synonymy, and literal translation, each been translated by replacing it with the referent
occurring in only 5.1% of the cases. Finally, name or object. As an example, Ferdousi has
neutralization, replacement & addition, retention & used the words Khorshid (the sun) and Mah (the
replacement, and cultural equivalent were found as moon) as metaphors for Rostam and Sohrab and
the least frequent strategies, each being employed Setare (stars) for other kings as in the past it was
only in 2.6% of the cases. These strategies are thought that the sun and the moon were superior
illustrated as follows: to stars as they seem bigger and brighter than
stars, so was the case with Rostam and Sohrab
One of these strategies used as compensation for and they were more powerful, more good-
the loss of cultural items was replacement which looking, and much taller than other heroes and
refers to replacing one item in the SL with kings. To avoid ambiguity, however, Zimmern
another item in the SL with exactly the same has used Rostam and Sohrab for Khorshid and
meaning. An example is the use of Mazandaran Mah and Setare for other kings.
(a region in the current Iran) instead of its
equivalent name in the ancient Iran, i.e. Turan. Another point relevant to our discussion is
Another strategy used to translate culturally translation of allusions as culture-bound
untranslatable elements is neutralization which elements. According to Abrams [15], an allusion
means that SL word is neutralized or generalized, is a short reference, either direct or indirect, to a
i.e. this word is explained by some “culture free” person or event or a literary work. Allusions may
words. For instance, mɔ:hre which means a originate from different sources, some of which
brachial fastened on arms as a symbol or used in may include "history, literature, cinema", and
Mohammadi and Keshavarzi;; JOGRESS, 6(3): 138-147, 2016
Cultural elements
Common nouns
Name of places
Name of persons
Mohammadi and Keshavarzi; JOGRESS, 6(3): 138-147, 2016
Mohammadi and Keshavarzi; JOGRESS, 6(3): 138-147, 2016
14. Leppihalme, R. Culture Bumps: An empirical 16. Salo-oja M. Lost in translation? Translating
approach to the translation of allusions. allusions in two of Reginald Hill’s Dalziel &
Clevedon: Multilingual Matters; 1997. Pascoe novels. MA Thesis: Helsinki; 2004.
15. Abrams MH. A glossary of literary terms 17. Perri C. On alluding. Poetics. 1978;7:289-307.
(6th ed). San Diego: Harcourt; 1993.
Mohammadi and Keshavarzi; JOGRESS, 6(3): 138-147, 2016
Mohammadi and Keshavarzi; JOGRESS, 6(3): 138-147, 2016