Gat Test 11 Nda 12052024

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Synonyms 14.

Yesterday Rameshwaram bought (a)/ two bars

1. As the storm began to ABATE, the winds grew of soap (b)/ and one loaf of bread (c)/ no
calmer and the rain lessened. error (d)
(a) Intensify (b) Subside 15. Newly built womens' hostel (a)/ is
(c) Increase (d) Worsen approximately 3.5 km away (b)/ from the
2. The committee members gave their ASSENT to residence of my brother. (c)/ no error. (d)
the proposed changes unanimously. 16. When Mr Sharma (a)/ visited my home last
(a) Appreciation (b) Disagreement week, (b)/ he said to me me, " what is your
(c) Dearth (d) Approval monthly saving? (c)/ no error.(d)
3. The speaker delivered an ENCOMIUM 17. David is very found (a)/ of reading books. He
praising the achievements of the award purchases (b)/ almost 100 books in an year
recipient. (c)/ no error.(d)
(a) Critique (b) Eulogy 18. The more you sweat (a)/ during peace less (b)/
(c) Rebuke (d) Censure you bleed during war. (c)/ no error. (d)
4. His speech was LACONIC, consisting of only 19. There is no doubt (a)/ that Deepak is most
a few brief and concise sentences. intelligent (b)/ boy in the class (c)/ no
(a) Verbose (b) Brief error. (d)
(c) Wordy (d) Lengthy 20. My cousin Balvinder is (a)/ the taller of (b)/
5. 5. The view from the mountaintop was the two brothers (c)/ no error. (d)
SUBLIME, with breathtaking vistas What do the following IDIOMS mean?
stretching for miles. 21. WILD GOOSE CHASE
(a) Beautiful (b) Astonishing (a) A successful endeavor
(c)Natural (d) Salubrious (b) A pointless or fruitless pursuit
Antonyms (c) A thrilling adventure
6. The priest sought to ABSOLVE the sins of the (d) A peaceful retreat
congregation during confession. 22. GREEN THUMB
(a) Forgive (b) Condemn (a) A lack of interest in gardening
(c) Pardon (d) Acquit (b) A strong dislike for plants
7. The hiker began to ASCEND the steep (c) A natural talent for gardening
mountain trail, aiming for the summit. (d) A fear of the outdoors
(a) Scale (b) Climb 23. TAKE AFTER
(c) Descend (d) Rise (a) To avoid someone's influence
8. The village experienced a sudden EXODUS as (b) To give something away
people fled from the approaching storm. (c) To resemble someone in appearance or
(a) Departure (b) Arrival behavior
(c) Migration (d) Exodus (d) To ignore someone's advice
9. The newlyweds enjoyed a life of 24. REST ON LAURELS
AFFLUENCE, surrounded by luxury and (a) To be constantly on the move
comfort. (b) To rely on past achievements without
(a) Indigence (b) Wealth making further efforts
(c) Prosperity (d) Opulence (c) To share one's accomplishments with
10. The desert landscape was incredibly ARID, others
with little to no rainfall for months. (d) To take a break from work
(a) Desert (b) Dry 25. CHEEK BY JOWL
(c) Barren (d) Humid (a) To be separated by a considerable distance
Spot Errors (b) To be in close proximity or side by side
11. We padded the seat of the chair with camel (c) To be in disagreement
hairs to make it soft. (a)/ We padded the (b)/ (d) To be completely unrelated
seat of the chair (c)/ with camel hairs (d)/ to
make it soft 51. If f (x) = 5, then the value of f (10) will be
12. Dhoni often scored (a)/ more than 70 runs (b)/ (a) 10 (b) 5
in second inning. (c)/ No error (d) (c) 15 ¯ (d) None
13. Yesterday I visited a shopping mall (a)/ Its 52. Identify the pair whose dimensions are equal
building was old (b)/ but machineries were (a) Torque and work
new. (c)/ no error (d) (b) Stress and energy
(c) Force and stress C. Found in the cytoplasm and RER
(d) Force and work D. Absent in plastids and mitochondria
1 The correct option is
53. If tan x = √ 5 and x lies in the first quadrant, (a) Only A (b) A and B
the value of cos x is: (c) A, B and C (d) All of these
62. How many of the following cell organelles are

(a) 6

(b) – 6
found only in animal cells and not in plant
A - Cell wall B - Centriole C - Chloroplast
(c) √ 6 (d) – √ 6 D - Mitochondria E - 80S ribosomes
54. Which of the following is not the unit of (a) 1 (b) 2
length (c) 3 (d) 4
(a) micron (b) light year 63. Based on the type of pigments, plastids can be
(c) angstrom (d) radian classified into
55. The slope of graph as shown in figure at points (a) Amyloplasts, elaioplasts and aleuroplasts
1, 2 and is m1, m2 and m3 respectively then (b) Chlorophyll, carotenoid and xanthophyll
(c) Chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts
(d) All of the above
64. Which of the following organelles are double
membrane bound?
(a) Nucleus (b) Chloroplast
(c) Mitochondria (d) All of the above
(a) m1 > m2 > m3 (b) m1 < m2 < m3 65. DNA occurs in
(c) m1 = m2 = m3 (d) m1 = m2 > m3 (a) Mitochondria, Plastids and Chromosomes
3 (b) Chromosomes, Mitochondria and
56. y = x + 5 sin x
3 3 (c) Chromosomes, Mitochondria and Cell
2 2 membrane
(a) – x + 5 cos x (b) x + 5 cos x (d) Chromosomes, Ribosomes and Cytoplasm
3 3
2 2
66. Irrespective of the source, pure sample, of
(c) – x – cos x (d) – x – 5 cos x water always yields 88.89% mass of oxygen
57. s = tan t – t and 11.11% mass of hydrogen. This is
(a) sec2 t + t (b) sec2 t explained by the law of
(c) sec t – 1 (d) sec2 t – 1 (a) conservation of mass (b) multiple proportions
58. Which of the following is smallest unit (c) constant composition (d) constant volume
(a) Millimeter (b) Angstrom 67. What is the mass of an atom of oxygen (in g)?
(c) Fermi (d) Meter (a) 2.656 × 10–23 (b) 1.567 × 10–22
59. In a given relation F = at 1 + bt2, F and t (c) 2.0 × 10–22 (d) 3.5 × 10–23
denote the force and the time respectively, 68. Calculate the volume at STP occupied by 240
then dimensions of a and b are respectively as g of SO2.
– (a) 64 (b) 84 (c) 59 (d) 73
(a) [M°L°T1], [M°L°T–2] 69. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2.
(b) [M°L1T–2], [M°L2T–2] One mole of this compound has a mass of 42
grams. Its molecular formula is:
(c) [M1L1T–3], [M1L1T–4] (a) C3H6 (b) C3H8 (c) CH2 (d) C2H2
(d) [M1L1T–1], [M1L1T–2] 70. A mixture of gases contains H2 and O2 gases
60. 1° (degree) is equal to in the ratio of 1 : 4 (w/w). What is the molar
(a) 17 radian ratio of the two gases in the mixture?
(b) 17.45 × 10–2 radian (a) 4 : 1 (b) 16 : 1 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
(c) 17.45 × 10–2 radian 71. The number of water molecules is maximum
(d) 1.745 × 10–2 radian in :
61. Which of the following features are true (a) 18 molecules of water (b) 1.8 gram of water
regarding ribosomes? (c) 18 gram of water (d) 18 moles of water
A. non-membrane bound structure 72. If 1.5 moles of oxygen combines with Al to
B. Involved in protein synthesis form Al2O3,
the mass of Al in g [Atomic mass of Al = 27] used
in the
reaction is
(a) 2.7 (b) 54 (c) 40.5 (d) 81
73. How many atoms are contained in one mole
of sucrose
(a) 20 × 6.02 × 1023 atoms/mol
(b) 45 × 6.02 × 1023 atoms/mol
(c) 5 × 6.02 × 1023 atoms/mol
(d) None of these
74. In which molecule, mass % of both elements
in the molecule are equal?
(1) CO (2) SO2
(3) NH3 (4) H2O2
75. The aqueous solution contains 2g of solute
in 18 g solution. The mass% of solute is
(1) 11.1% (2) 10%
(3) 12.5% (4) 80%

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