Journeys Into The Unknown Revamp Player's Guide v1.1

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Special thanks for the inspiration:

Ben Milton
Brandish Gilhelm
Chris McDowall
Gavin Norman
And the endless expanse of the OSR/DIY blogosphere

Art by: Jason Glover

Roll D12 or choose a lineage. Unless otherwise
This is a strange world of danger and wonder. noted, abilities can only be used once per day.
Before you start, look at the following stats: 1. Catfolk: Sneaky: Advantage to move silently.
Agility (AGI): Speed and reflexes affecting 2. Dwarf: Stout: Advantage to resist grapples /
acrobatics, climbing, precision, sneaking, etc. being knocked over.
Endurance (END): The fortitude to resist 3. Elf: Attuned: Can reroll any magical damage.
poison, disease, cold, etc. You have as many 4. Frogling: Amphibian: Can breathe
item slots as your Endurance+10. underwater at will.
Strength (STR): The raw physical power to 5. Gnome: Silver Tongue: Advantage on lying.
bend bars, break chains, lift boulders, etc. 6. Goatfolk: Steady Hooves: Advantage to keep
Willpower (WIL): Perception and intuition. balance or climbing steep terrain.
Helps with tracking, navigating, convincing, etc. 7. Human: Human Cunning: Can reroll
nonmagical damage.
You get 4 points to distribute among these stats 8. Insectoid: Exoskeleton: Halve the damage
on a 1-for-1 basis. +10 is the max for all stats. taken from a single attack.
9. Orc: Beastly: Advantage to intimidate.
During Character Creation, +2 is the max you 10. Ratling: Disease-Ridden: Advantage to
can place in any one stat. resist poison / disease.
11. Shroom Goon: Spores: Release smoke-like
spores which blind every non-Shroom Goon
Your morality starts at 0 on the Morality target Near you for 1 round.
Tracker. 12. Wolfkin: Keen Smell: Advantage when
using smell to track an individual.
Every increasingly corrupt or increasingly noble
action you take causes you to move toward their
respective side on the track. You start with two days of rations and one
weapon of your choice. 1-handed weapons deal
If your actions cause you to reach the furthest D6 damage and take up 1 item slot. 1-handed
corrupt side, your character becomes a villain weapons can also be used with a shield. 2-
for the referee to use. handed weapons take up 2 item slots, but deal
D8 damage and cannot be used with shields.
If you reach the furthest noble side, your saintly
deeds attract the attention of the gods. Roll on the Starting Gear table on the
following page to determine your starting
equipment. You have a number of item slots
Health represents how many hits you can take equal to your Endurance+10. Most items take
before dying. up one slot, but some take up more. Some small
items can be bundled together into a single slot.
You begin with 10 health. 50 coin takes up a single item slot. You can
never carry more than the amount of item slots
If you ever get reduced to 0 health, you are you have.
Roll a D66. [roll 2 six-sided dice, read the first D6 as tens, and the second D6 as ones]
11. A small, but vicious dog or another small creature (D4 damage, 5 health)
12. 50 ft rope
13. 5 spikes
14. Whistle
15. Pair of manacles
16. Bag of marbles
21. Grappling hook
22. Cheater’s cards
23. Metal file
24. Net
25. Set of lockpicks
26. Small mirror
31. Personal tent
32. Padlock
33. 5 torches
34. Perfume
35. Spyglass
36. Fake gems
41. Loaded dice
42. Musical instrument
43. Face paint
44. Lantern
45. War horn
46. 10 ft pole
51. Lamp oil
52. Pickaxe
53. Chisel
54. Shovel
55. Small bell
56. Bag of caltrops
61. Holy water
62. 10 ft chain
63. Hunting trap
64. Vial of poison
65. Vial of antidote
66. Light Armor (1 armor, 2 item slots, 3 quality)

You are level 1. Choose a name and answer: Why have you chosen to adventure? Why are you working
with the others in your group?

Now you are ready to play. Don’t get too attached; it’s a dangerous world out there.
Role-playing is as simple as describing what At the start of each combat round, determine
you want to do. initiative by rolling a D6. On a 1-3, all of the
• “I want to roll the boulder into place before the enemies will act first. On a 4-6 you and your
swarm gets out!” allies will act first. If you surprised the enemy,
• “I want to leap off the pterodactyl’s back and you and your allies go first in combat. For the
onto the airship!” first round only, all your attacks are Enhanced.
• “I want to plead with the assassin not to throw
the victim overboard!”
In combat, on your turn, you may move from
If you attempt something where the outcome is Near to Far or Far to Near and take one action,
uncertain and failure has consequences, the such as casting a spell, attacking, using a trait,
referee will ask for a saving throw or save. To or any action deemed reasonable by the referee.
make a save, roll a D20 and add the relevant
• “Make a Strength save to move the boulder.” All attacks automatically hit. Armor reduces the
• “Ok, roll your Agility to make the jump.” amount of damage inflicted. To attack, roll the
• “Give me a Willpower saving throw to try to appropriate damage die. If your opponent is
reason with the assassin.” wearing armor, they reduce the amount of
damage taken equal to their armor value.
If your total is 13 or higher, you succeed. If not,
the situation gets complicated or deadlier. Example: Arkadia strikes the beast (armor 3)
• “You crush one of the creature’s flailing limbs with her mace. If Arkadia rolls a 3 for damage,
as you roll the boulder into place!” her attack is completely blocked. If she rolls a 5,
• “You trip and go tumbling toward the ground then she will deal 2 damage to the beast.
• “The assassin smirks, then shoves his target Melee weapons can strike Near foes, while
into your arms before leaping off the ship!” ranged weapons must be used in Far range.
Spells can be used in either Near or Far range,
depending on the spell description.
If there are situational factors that make a save
or other roll significantly easier or harder, the Shields provide 1 armor. A shield’s better trait,
referee may give your character advantage or however, is that they can completely negate
disadvantage. The referee may grant advantage damage by being voluntarily destroyed.
or disadvantage to any die roll, not just saves.
Example: The beast mauls Haddic for 12
If a save has advantage, roll 2 dice, and use the damage. This would kill Haddic, so he describes
better result. If it has disadvantage, roll 2 dice, how the beast splinters his shield. Haddic has
and use the worse result. lost 1 armor, but survives the attack.

Ask questions and make notes. Work together Attacks that are Impaired, such as unarmed
but divide and conquer. Fight dirty because your strikes, firing at an enemy through thick fog, or
foes will. Good plans don’t rely on the whims of fighting with a dislocated shoulder, roll D4
the dice. Be prepared for anything, including damage. Enhanced attacks, such as striking a
death. When you die, make a new character. downed enemy, roll D12 damage.
Life is brutal. When reduced to 0 health, you are
dead. When appropriate to the story, the referee Magic spells are usually found in the form of
may let your character make a valiant sacrifice heavy runestones. Each runestone takes up one
or say their last words. item slot and only holds a single spell. If you
want to be able to cast a wide variety of spells,
you’ll have to fill most of your item slots with
Any time you are directly opposing an action, runestones.
both you and your opponent make a save.
Highest wins. Examples include opposing Creating runestones is a lost art form. To gain
Strength saves to arm wrestle, opposing Agility new spells, you must adventure for runestones
saves to outrun, or opposing Willpower saves to in dungeons and ruins, or steal them from
outmaneuver the enemy ship. others. If you openly carry runestones, you are
likely to be targeted by those looking to
“acquire” them.
In combat or dangerous situations, you can
spend your entire turn to recover 1 health. Most spells simply work as their description
Between battles and in complete safety, use one states, although the referee might allow a
hour to recover 5 health. Between adventures, particularly powerful foe to make a save, or
you can rest for a night in complete safety to simply negate the spell’s effects.
recover all health. If your ordeal was bad
enough, the referee may choose to give you an
injury or terrible scar. Magic is dangerous and most individuals don’t
dare trifle with runestones. You are not most
When monsters, enemies, or other characters,
such as hirelings, face more danger than they To cast a spell, you must hold the runestone in
were expecting, the referee will make a morale hand. Each runestone can be used once daily.
roll by rolling a D6. On a 1-3, the monster or All spells automatically cast and deal D10
enemy will attempt to flee, retreat, or parley. damage, ignoring armor, unless otherwise noted.

Morale rolls can be triggered by defeating half If you roll a 1, 2, or 3 when rolling damage, the
of an enemy group, defeating a group’s leader, spell misfires. Roll D6 on the Misfires Table.
or reducing a lone enemy to half of their original
health. Other effects may trigger a morale roll at
the referee’s discretion. 1: The spell’s effect becomes the opposite of
intended (e.g. fire becomes water, etc.)
2: The spell backfires, doing D10 damage to
All weapons and armor have a quality rating, your character
which you can see in the item list found on 3: You can’t cast for the remainder of the
Section 8 in this booklet. encounter
4: A wild arc bounces about, doing D10 damage
After every combat, roll a D20. On a result of 1- to a random target
5, mark off one quality on every armor and 5: Magical distortion causes all your attacks to
weapon used during that combat. At 0 quality, be Impaired (roll D4) for the remainder of the
the item is broken and can’t be used until encounter
repaired for half its cost. 6: The runestone is irrevocably destroyed
Choose or roll a D88 when finding a new spell.
[roll 2 eight-sided dice, read the first D8 as tens, 27. Divine Shield: Touch an ally to grant them
and the second D8 as ones] the ability to absorb the next 10 damage, healing
them instead of hurting them.
28. Earthen Might: Conjure a giant stone
11. Anguish: Damage and stun an enemy you which impacts a target you can see, dealing
can see with visions of cosmic horrors for 1D4 2D10 damage.
rounds. 31. Elemental Protection: Touched ally is
12. Arcane Sigil: Draw a glowing sigil on the immune to any damage from a chosen element.
ground. Explodes and damages all targets at 32. Enchant: Imbue a melee weapon with the
Near range when anyone steps on it. power to inflict Enhanced damage for 1D4
13. Bless: Grant one ally you can see the ability rounds.
to automatically succeed on their next save. 33. Enlarge: Grow one target you can see to
14. Breath: Touched ally can breathe in any double its size for 1D4 rounds, with Enhanced
environment for 1 hour. damage.
15. Calm: Force a target you can see to become 34. Filch: A small object you can see teleports
passive for 1D4 rounds. to your hands.
16. Charm: All enemies within Near range are 35. Fireball: Damage all targets within Near
friendly toward you and your allies for 1D4 range of a designated location you can see.
rounds. 36. Frost Nova: Emit a freezing blast at Near
17. Conjure Familiar: Summon a small range, damaging and immobilizing all targets
creature, such as a mouse or a hawk, with 5 for 1D4 rounds.
health, which deals 1 damage. Lasts until killed. 37. Grapple: Pull a Far target toward you. Roll
18. Control Objects: Manipulate or move a opposing Strength if resisting.
small mechanism or object within Far range. 38. Haste: Touch a Near ally. For 1D4 rounds,
21. Control Weather: You alter the type of that ally can double the amount attacks they
weather around you. Works indoors. perform per turn. Afterwards, that ally can’t
22. Counterspell: Cast at any time to negate move for 1D4 turns.
one magical effect or spell. 41. Healing Nova: Heal all Near allies for D10
23. Curse: Force one enemy you can see to fail health.
their next save. 42. Healing Touch: Touch to heal an ally for
24. Demonic Conjuration: Summon 1D4 2D10 health.
wicked demons with 1 health and D10 damage. 43. Illuminate: Conjure a floating light for D10
They attack anything in sight. rounds which moves where you command.
25. Destroy the Undead: Annihilate 1 Undead 44. Invisibility: Allies who stay Near you are
per 1 health sacrificed at Near range. invisible for 1D4 rounds.
26. Disassemble: Any of your body parts may 45. Invulnerability: An ally you can see cannot
be detached and reattached at will, without be harmed for 1D4 rounds.
causing pain or damage. You can still control 46. Levitate: Touch a target to make them float
them. up to Far high for 1D4 rounds. Afterwards, they
slowly float to the ground.
47. Lightning: Deal D10 + 1 damage per health 67. Sanctuary: For 1D4 rounds, allies have +3
sacrificed. Double the damage against those armor as long as they stay Near you. Any ally
wearing metal armor. who is Far from you loses the protection.
48. Mage Sight: Conjure an arcane orb. Move 68. Scry: You can see through the eyes of a
the orb anywhere for one hour and see what it target you touched earlier this day.
sees. Cannot listen. 71. Seal: One door, window, or other opening is
51. Magic Missile: Fire 6 missiles of energy, magically sealed until you take damage.
each dealing 1D4 damage separately. The 72. Servant: Create a mindless servant for D10
missiles target up to 6 enemies within Far range. rounds. It tries to follow your commands.
52. Mend: Repair any humanoid-sized armor or 73. Shove: Emit a powerful blast, damaging and
weapon instantly. pushing objects and humanoids back to Far
53. Mind Control: Take total control of any range.
Near creature for 1D4 rounds. 74. Shriek: All Near targets are deafened for
54. Mind Reader: You can hear the thoughts of 1D4 rounds.
a Near target for 1D4 rounds. 75. Shrink: Reduce one target to 1/10th its size
55. Mirror Image: Conjure a realistic clone of and make their attacks Impaired for 1 round.
yourself, lasts 1D4 rounds. 76. Slick: Every Near surface becomes
56. Misty Step: Move freely through any terrain frictionless and slippery.
or obstacles for 1D4 rounds. 77. Smoke: Emit a thick cloud of smoke within
57. Portal: Create a magical portal to anywhere Near range. All melee attacks within the smoke
you have been. Lasts until you take damage. are Impaired and ranged attacks are impossible.
58. Purify: Remove any negative condition on a 78. Spirit Armor: Give an ally you can see +3
touched ally. armor for 1 round.
61. Ray of Ice: Shoot an icy jet at an enemy 81. Swap: Swap places with an ally you can see.
within Far range, damaging and freezing them 82. Sylvan Missile: Enchant a single projectile,
in place for 1D4 rounds. such as an arrow or stone, to do 4D10 damage.
62. Rebuking Aura: Touch an ally. For 1D4 83. Telepathy: For 1 day, two targets can hear
rounds, enemies harming the ally take D10 each other’s thoughts, regardless of distance.
damage. 84. Transfusion: Transfer any amount of your
63. Resurrection: Fails on a D10 roll of 1-3. On health to a living ally.
a success, cast on a deceased ally. They will 85. True Sight: See illusions, magical auras,
resurrect with 1 health. and all hidden things within Near range.
64. Reverse Gravity: Reverse gravity within 86. Warden: Summon a magical guardian with
Far range for 1D4 rounds. 20 health and Enhanced attacks.
65. Reverse Time: Fails on a D10 roll of 1-3. 87. Were-Beast: Become a massive beast for
On a success, reverse the events of the previous 1D4 rounds, double health and Strength bonus,
round. and make all attacks Enhanced.
66. Rotting Flesh: Draw a glowing, necrotic 88. Zone of Weakness: Up to 6 targets have
sigil on the ground. When an enemy steps on it, their Strength halved and damage Impaired for 4
they take 1D4 damage for 1D10 rounds. rounds.
Whenever you accumulate 2 experience, your
character gains a level. You receive 1
experience for answering yes to any of the
advancement questions on the following page.
These can only be used once per character. No
character can gain more than 2 experience per
session. If you can answer yes to more than 2
advancement questions in one session, choose
which will grant you experience.

On leveling, you can raise 2 different stats of

your choice by 1 point. Stats may never be
raised higher than +10, although some gear or
magical effects may break this rule.

Traits grant you unique abilities which can aid

you or your allies. Regular traits can be taken at
level 2, while expert traits can be chosen starting
at level 5. Some expert traits require that you
have obtained a prerequisite trait. While any
combination of traits can be chosen, a referee
may prohibit certain combinations at their

By default, you don’t gain health upon leveling

up. Instead, if you want to be more resilient, you
must take the Healthy trait.

You have a level limit of 10. After level 10, you

may retire to become a renowned character in
the game world. Work together with the referee
to decide what impact the retiring character has
on the world, including the character’s plot
hooks and the future quests they could provide.
Your retired character also gains an apprentice
who starts at level 3 and whom you now control.
Remember to mark off advancement questions as you answer them affirmatively.
Did we earn an invitation to a party or social gathering?
Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Did we successfully escape the ruins with treasure?
Did we share a meal with new friends?
Did we restore lasting peace to an area?
Did we carry out a mission for the guild?
Did we complete a journey to a sanctuary?
Did we remove the influence of the evil?
Did we capture a new monster?
Did we feed the local populace?
Did we overcome a major enemy?
Did we destroy an artifact?
Did we construct a new section of our stronghold?
Did we add a new member to our team?
Did we triumph in a competition?
Did we hand over a villain alive to the authorities?
Did we complete a contract?
Did we step foot on a new island?
Did we acquire a new ship?
Did we hire a new detachment for our army?
Did we save someone from a perilous situation?
Did we banish a ghost from its haunting grounds?
Did we capture the culprits in a trap?
Did we overthrow an established organization?
Did we overcome a titan?
Did we collect on a bounty?
Did we finish a fight in the arena?
Did we fulfill an oath?
Did we survive an onslaught of enemies?
Did we outdo our rival?
Did we elevate our position in society?
Did we defeat a member of a rival party?
Did we do what is right over what is profitable?
Did we care for an injured enemy?
Did we complete a heist?
Did we obtain a powerful new spell?
Did we loot a memorable, but mundane treasure?
Did we recover a legendary artifact?
Did we explore a new level of an immense dungeon?
Did we defend our stronghold from invaders?
Did we uphold our party’s reputation?
Did we work together with allies outside of our group?
Animal Kinship: You gain a bond with a Dual-Wielding*: (Expert trait) You are
passive animal. If the animal is smaller than a practiced in the difficult art of attacking with
humanoid, it can accompany you. You may take two melee weapons at once. When wielding a
this trait multiple times, each time allowing you one-handed weapon in each hand, you can roll
to have an additional animal companion. attacks for each weapon on the same turn
Assassin: When attacking a humanoid by against the same opponent. If the sum of the
surprise with a melee weapon, you deal extra attack rolls is even, both weapons hit.
damage equal to twice your level. Otherwise, deal damage equal to the higher die.
Berserker: Once per day, you can rage. Raging Eldritch Strike*: (Expert trait) Before making
gives you advantage on all Strength saves and an attack, you may sacrifice two health to
melee attacks. Every round of combat must be conjure an aura of magical energy around your
spent attacking an opponent. You’re unable to weapon. The type of energy (fire, ice, holy,
cast spells or stealth while raging. Your rage necrotic, etc) must be chosen when you take this
ends when combat has ceased or if you have trait and cannot be altered. Your attacks now
failed to attack an opponent. You may take this deal D10 magical damage until combat ends.
trait up to two times, gaining an extra use of Evasive Maneuver: When you have 2 free Item
rage per day each time. Slots and wield a one-handed weapon, you can
Terrifying Presence*: (Expert trait, requires dodge out of harm’s way. Once per combat,
Berserker) While enraged, you can force your opponent’s attack roll is Impaired, but you
opponents lower than your level to make a must use your next turn to get away from your
morale save. opponent.
Bodyguard: Once per combat you can take the Fearless: Your experience in life-or-death
damage that would hit an adjacent ally. situations grants you advantage on saves to
Decrease the damage by 5. overcome fear. If you succeed, all allies within
Butcher: Once per round, when you slay a Near range also gain advantage against fear.
creature in melee, you may immediately attack Fist Fighter: Your training in unarmed combat
another creature in Near range. allows you to make an unarmed attack using a
Charming: You gain advantage on non-combat D6 instead of being Impaired. You may not
Willpower saves involving the opposite sex or make attacks with a weapon in the same round
any individuals that could be attracted to you. as you make an unarmed attack.
Cleave*: (Expert trait) While wielding a 2- Flurry of Blows*: (Expert trait, requires Fist
handed weapon, if you are surrounded by Fighter) You may now make an additional
opponents, you may attack all of them unarmed attack per round. You may take this
simultaneously. Make a single attack roll for all trait up to two times, each time allowing you to
opponents. This trait cannot be used in make an additional unarmed attack.
combination with any traits granting multiple Foresworn: You forswear magic of all kinds,
attacks. including healing. This grants you immunity to
Disjoint: When attacking a humanoid, you can spells which target you specifically. (This does
choose to do no damage and instead immobilize not apply to area of effect spells.) You may not
a limb of your choice, making all their attacks use magic items of any kind.
Impaired until the end of combat.
Healthy: Your body becomes more resilient, Shield Bash: You are practiced in the technique
granting you 10 more health. This trait can be of fighting with a shield. Instead of attacking
taken up to 3 times, for a total of 40 health. with your weapon, you can use a shield in battle
Iron Grip*: (Expert trait) Your strength allows to shove a humanoid to the ground. Roll 1D4
you to hold a 2-handed weapon in one hand, damage and knock your opponent prone. All
allowing you to carry a shield or an extra off- attacks against prone opponents are Enhanced.
hand weapon. This can be done once per combat round.
Navigator: You gain advantage on Willpower Slayer: You are experienced in fighting certain
saves to navigate in any terrain. Additionally, enemies and know their weaknesses in battle.
you can identify known flora and fauna on sight. Choose a type of enemy (e.g. giants, dragons,
Opportunist: You know exactly when to take undead) or a profession (e.g. witches, pirates,
advantage of a situation. When an enemy moves loyalists). Your attacks against these foes are
away from you, you may attack them. This can Enhanced and may explode. (e.g. rolling an
be done once per combat round. 11/12 on a D12 allows you to roll the damage
Sentinel*: (Expert trait, requires Opportunist) die again and add it to the previous result). This
When an enemy moves away from you, you trait may be taken twice, choosing a different
may now make an Enhanced attack. type of enemy each time.
Additionally, if you successfully damage them, Expert Slayer*: (Expert trait, requires Slayer)
you stop the enemy in their tracks. This can be Dedicated to fighting one specific type of foe
done once per combat round. (for which you have the Slayer trait), your
Pack Mule: You know how to make the most of knowledge of your enemy grants you a
your pockets and bags. You gain 2 additional defensive advantage when facing them: attacks
Item Slots and your maximum Item Slots is against you from this foe are Impaired and you
increased to 22. gain advantage on saving throws against your
Power Unlocked: (Expert trait) You have chosen foe.
unlocked the power of the runestones. You can Sniper: When attacking a humanoid by surprise
now cast a spell from a runestone twice a day, with missile weapons, your shot inflicts extra
rather than once. You must still roll for Misfires damage equal to twice your level.
unless you have the appropriate trait. Spell Mastery: You have mastered the art of
Precision: You have deft hands. When making spell casting. Spell misfires now only occur on a
actions requiring fine manipulation, such as roll of 1 or 2.
picking pockets, doing sleight-of-hand, or Spell Weaver*: (Expert trait, requires Spell
cheating at gambling, you gain advantage. Mastery) Your dedicated training in the art of
Ranger’s Revenge: If you make a ranged attack spell casting has made you immune to spell
on an enemy engaged with one of your allies, misfires.
you have the option to embed your missile in Weapon Expertise*: (Expert trait) Your
some vulnerable area while the enemy is training with a favored weapon (e.g. axe, bow)
distracted. The missile will do D4 ongoing makes you deadlier when wielding it. Your
damage per round and will do D8 damage if damage die explodes on the highest result (e.g.
taken out. This can be done once per combat. rolling a 6 on a D6 or an 8 on a D8 allows you
Riposte: Once per combat round, you may to roll the damage die again and add it to the
make an immediate attack against a target that previous result).
dealt damage to you.
Tools & Gear Cost Tools & Gear Cost
Bedroll 10 Mirror (Small) 200
Book (Blank) 300 Musical Instrument 200
Book (Reading) 600 Nails (Bag of 12) 5
Bottle/Vial 1 Net 10
Caltrops (Bag) 10 Padlock and Key 20
Cauldron 10 Perfume 50
Chain (10ft) 10 Pickaxe 10
Chalk (10 pcs) 1 Pole (10ft) 5
Cheater’s Deck of Cards 5 Pulley (No Rope) 30
Chisel 5 Quill and Ink 1
Crowbar 10 Rope (50ft) 10
Dice (Loaded) 5 Sack 1
Drill (Hand-powered) 10 Saw 10
Face Paint/Makeup 10 Shovel 10
Fake Gems 50 Small Bell 20
Fishing Rod and Tackle 10 Soap 1
Glass Marbles (Bag) 5 Spike (Iron) 5
Glue (Bottle) 1 Spike (Wood) 1
Grappling Hook 10 Spiked Boots 25
Grease (Vial) 2 Spyglass 1000
Hammer 10 Tar (Pot) 10
Holy Water (Vial) 25 Tent (3 Person) 100
Hunting Trap 20 Tent (Personal) 50
Incense (Bundle of Sticks) 10 Twine (300ft) 5
Iron Tongs 10 War Horn 10
Ladder (10ft) 10 Waterproof Sack 5
Lens 100 Waterproof Boots (Knee-length) 10
Lockpicks (Set of 10) 100 Waterproof Coat 50
Manacles 10 Waterskin 5
Metal File 5 Whistle 5

Light Cost Lodging Cost

Candle, 4 Hours 1 Bed (Shared Quarters), 1 Night 2
Lantern 30 Bed (Private Room), 1 Night 10
Lamp Oil, 4 Hours 5 Standard Meal 5
Tinderbox 10 Expensive Meal 25
Torch, 1 Hour 1 Hot Bath 5

Animals Cost Animals cont. and Transportation Cost

Hunting Animal 50 Small (Chicken, Goat, etc.) 5
Livestock 100 War Beast (Elephant, Bull, etc.) 10k
Pack Animal 300 Carriage (Pulled by Riding Mount) 320
Riding Mount 1000 Cart (Can be Pulled by Individuals) 50
Trained Flying Mount 5000 Wagon (Pulled by Pack/Livestock) 120
Buildings Cost Hirelings per Day Cost
Cathedral 500k Archer 3
Farm 7200 Blacksmith 8
Guildhall 32k Carpenter 15
House (Common) 1200 Common Worker 1
House (Middle Class) 8200 Mason 4
House (Luxurious) 22k Healer 25
Palace 2.5m Militia, On Foot 6
Stone Tower 48k Militia, Mounted 12
Stronghold 100k Scribe or Scholar 2
Temple 75k Veteran Soldier 25

Ships Cost Clothing Cost

Battleship (or Trained Killer Whale) 125k Poor 10
Fishing Boat (or Hollow Tortoise) 500 Standard 50
Flying (Giant Dragonfly, Airship) 720/ton Merchant 1000
Sand Skiff (or Transport Worm) 5000 Nobility 3000
Sea Ship (or Giant Sea Snail) 720/ton Furs 5000
Submarine (or Trained War Snail) 250k Winter 100

Weapons Damage Item Slots Quality Cost

1-Handed (Clubs, Daggers, Short Swords, etc.) 1D6 1 3 5
2-Handed (Battle Axes, Spears, War Hammers, etc.) 1D8 2 4 20
Ammo, 20 (Arrows, Bolts, Stones, etc.) - 1 - 5
Bow (2-Handed) 1D8 2 4 15
Hand Crossbow (1-Handed) 1D6 1 3 30
Crossbow (2-Handed) 1D8 2 4 60
Sling (2-Handed) 1D8 1 1 5

Armor +Armor Item Slots Quality Cost

Shield (Usable Only With 1-Handed Weapons) 1 1 1 40
Light Armor (Cloth, Fur, Leather) 1 2 3 60
Superior Light Armor (Hide, Insect Carapace) 1 1 4 500
Medium Armor (Hide, Studded) 2 3 4 1200
Superior Medium Armor (Lizard Scale, Riveted) 2 2 5 4000
Heavy Armor (Chain, Plate) 3 4 5 8000
Superior Heavy Armor (Dragon Scale, Mithril) 3 3 6 28k

Food Cost
Animal Feed (Daily) 2
Travel Rations (Daily) 5
Cheap Alcohol (4 Gallons) 1
Expensive Alcohol (1 Bottle) 1
Purified Water (1 Gallon) 1
In the dungeon: Having traversed dangerous
The Referee is playing with three other players wilds, the characters have made it to the cave
who are playing the following characters: Onyx, where the beast dwells.
the catfolk, Arkadia, the human, Haddic, the
dwarf. The Referee is playing all other The characters, taking no chances at rolling a
characters. save and failing, describe how they cover their
scent by using mud to sneak into the cave.
In the village: Coin-less and thirsty for a new
adventure, the characters find themselves Referee: You managed to get Near the beast as it
negotiating a contract to hunt down a dangerous slumbers. Good thing you found out its sleeping
beast which has disrupted an old trade route. pattern. Great idea on the mud too! No initiative
Arkadia, the human: We want to help, but we roll needed. Roll your attacks!
aren’t sure we can come out even with such a Onyx, the catfolk: I leap forward and stab at its
small reward. hindlegs, which is 1D6 cause my dagger is one-
Theron, the shopkeeper: Well, then, don’t waste handed, right? I rolled a 5!
my time! I’m only looking for serious inquiries! Referee: Actually, since you caught the beast by
Arkadia, the human: But… surprise, your attacks are all Enhanced, roll
Theron, the shopkeeper: Get out of here! 1D12 instead.
Onyx, the catfolk: I got an 11!
The player playing Arkadia asks if she can roll Referee: Nice, you stab an artery and blood
Willpower to convince the shopkeeper. The gushes out from the wound! Haddic, Arkadia,
Referee explains she is likely to fail since she what do you do?
has to roll 13 or higher. Plus, the roll would be Arkadia, the human: I am going to stab it near
at disadvantage since Theron is already angry the neck! *rolls 1D12* Damn! I got a 1.
with the group.
As a human, Arkadia could have used her
Onyx, the catfolk: I got an idea! Can I sneak Human Cunning ability to reroll her damage.
around and tail Theron to see if I can find any Unfortunately, she forgot and only dealt one
dirty secrets to blackmail him with? damage. While the Referee could have reminded
her, such as when the Referee reminded
The Referee thinks this is a great idea and leans everyone that the characters could roll Enhanced
into it, but it sounds very underhanded. The attacks, it is not the Referee’s responsibility to
Referee tells the player playing Onyx that if she know everything about a character. Sometimes
is willing to take a point of corruption, she can both players and Referees can forget and that’s
carry out her plan. The player is willing to and ok. Arkadia can still use her ability later.
finds out that Theron is having an affair with a
serving girl at the local inn. Haddic, the dwarf: Instead of attacking, I’m
going to look for anything in the area to use as a
Onyx, the catfolk: Look Theron, we can help barricade.
each other. Your mission gets done, we get a Referee: (being a fan of player ideas, goes for it)
little extra from you, and your partner never has Hmmm, looks like there are some boulders
to find out about your nightly romps. nearby that you could hide behind. It’s the
Theron, the shopkeeper: Fine! I’ll give you half beast’s turn! It swings its massive tail at Onyx
now and half after it’s done! for 5 damage and then it turns to bite Arkadia’s
Onyx, the catfolk: See, I knew you could be leg for 3 damage…
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Saves: Roll D20 + stat. Meet or exceed 13.
Opposed saves: Both sides roll D20 + stat. Highest value wins.
Advantage: Roll 2D20 and use the higher result. Then add your relevant stat.
Disadvantage: Roll 2D20 and use the lower result. Then add your relevant stat.

Initiative: Every combat round roll a D6. On a 4-6, you and your allies act first.

On your turn: Make one move and take one action.

Surprise: If the enemy is surprised, you act first.

Additionally, your attacks are Enhanced.

Attacks: Roll your weapon’s damage die.

Can be given Advantage or Disadvantage.
Armor reduces damage equal to its armor value.

Damage Dice: Unarmed/Impaired: D4

1-Handed: D6
2-Handed: D8
Magic: D10 (ignores armor)
Enhanced: D12

Death: When reduced to 0 health, you are dead.

If appropriate, your character makes a valiant sacrifice or says their last words.
Create a new character and find some excuse to join the group.

Quality: After combat, roll a D20. On 1-5, mark one quality on all used weapons / armor.

Combat: Spend 1 turn recover 1 health.

In Complete Safety: Spend one hour to recover 5 health.
A Night’s Rest: Recover all health.

Each runestone can be used 1/day.

Roll a D10 for damage if required, ignoring armor.
On a 1-3, instead of casting the intended spell, roll on the misfires table.
1: The spell’s effect becomes the opposite of intended
2: The spell backfires, doing D10 damage to your character
3: You can’t cast for the remainder of the encounter
4: A wild arc bounces about, doing D10 damage to a random target
5: Magical distortion causes all your attacks to be Impaired for the remainder of the encounter
6: The runestone is irrevocably destroyed

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