Fundamental Study On The Compositional Structure o

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English Language Teaching and Linguistics Studies

ISSN 2640-9836 (Print) ISSN 2640-9844 (Online)

Vol. 5, No. 2, 2023

Original Paper

Fundamental Study on the Compositional Structure of

Mounir A. S.1*
Educational Establishment “Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov”, Faculty of
Humanities and Language Communications, St., 4 Lugovaya, 37, Vitebsk 210033
Mounir A. S., Educational Establishment “Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov”,
Faculty of Humanities and Language Communications, St., 4 Lugovaya, 37, Vitebsk 210033

Received: January 6, 2023 Accepted: February 21, 2022 Online Published: February 27, 2023
doi:10.22158/eltls.v5n2p1 URL:

In this article, we will go over the elements of advertising that are essential to any successful
advertisement. We will delve deeper into each of them to determine how it contributes to the message's
dissemination and the persuasive effect that advertising aims to achieve. Scientific studies on
advertising theory, advertising definitions, etc. have been actively conducted for a long time in Belarus,
Egypt, and the UK. However, studies on the structural characteristics of advertising texts have only
recently been published. Despite the fact that the importance of these components has already been
established, it is still important to know what they are and what characteristics they each have. So that
we could get a sense of the key elements that marketing and communication experts take into account,
we focus on a list that will help us get to know them and learn about their characteristics.
Components of advertising, the headline, slogans, advertising text, an echo phrase

1. Introduction
The advertising industry is not as new as we might think; in fact, the opposite is true. One needs to be
aware of the earliest advertisement, which comes from ancient Egypt, to get an idea. This notice was
handwritten on papyrus paper by a weaver. The same thing has occurred during archaeological digs in
ancient Greece or Rome. The conclusion is that throughout almost all of human history, advertising has
been a part of human culture. The components of a commercial have been the subject of numerous
studies to ascertain which styles are most successful and how to make the most of each. Numerous

1 English Language Teaching and Linguistics Studies Vol. 5, No. 2, 2023

studies have been done to examine the elements of a commercial in order to determine which styles are
most effective and how to make the most of each. Numerous studies have been done to look into the
elements of an advertisement in order to figure out which styles work best and how to make the most of
each one of them, giving our spot the greatest impact on the audience and ultimately leading to more
sales of our good or service. Of course, it is true that this area of study has essentially evolved into a
science over the past century.

2. Advertising Components
A. Dotsenko concluded that the structure of the advertising text depends on the specifics of the target
audience. In order to form a buying decision for one group of consumers, it may be enough to have a
short text, consisting of only three or four elements, while lengthening text without need will lead to a
fading of interest from side of the buyer and, accordingly, destroys the entire sales process.
In the context of advertising, creativity must have a somewhat different meaning than it does in the
world of art, or at least one that is more constrained. Advertising is made with very clear, very specific
goals in mind.
Hopkins was a superb whose experience was in mail order advertising. Even the most stunning,
exciting, or humorous advertisement can completely miss its target. On the other hand, it might be
pointless or ugly and still accomplish the goal. “The time has come when advertising has in some hands
reached the status of a science.”
Different methods for categorizing and defining the primary and secondary components of advertising
are taken into account, and systematized. Each and every advertising has a specific set of elements.
These components can be combined, swapped out, multiplied, or divided until a fresh appearance or
method is achieved. The structure or composition of the text is represented by the totality and union of
these components
Advertising elements here mean those parts that are included in the advertisement when it is finally
released to the public and displayed or published in the appropriate advertising medium, and it includes
the following elements:
1) The Title (Headline)
It is one of the most important elements, which includes the main advertising message and the main
advertising argument. Most people refer to this line of copy as the headline because in the early days of
advertising it usually occupied the top of the page. Today's art directors experiment freely with
composition-a line can be positioned anywhere on the page or screen, depending upon your design idea
and solution. The ad title contains elements; these elements are the secret of success or failure of the ad.
It is that part of the advertising message that is published and designed in a distinctive way as for the
rest of the advertising message and at the same time is associated with it. Some studies have confirmed
that 80% of those who read the advertisement do not read more than the title, and this indicates the
importance of the title element in the advertisement. The headline also performs other functions,
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consisting in attracting the attention of recipients-consumers, to interest them so much that they read
the main advertising text. This title must be well formulated and expressive, as well as its effectiveness
depends to a large extend on the extent of consistency between the title and the other elements such as
graphics, images and content. In order to provide an effective title, the psychology of consumers and
their various needs that they seek to satisfy and the degree of their culture and the extent of their
interest must be studied. It has a psychological impact. If it contains good information about the
product and attracts attention, it can greatly interest the buyer.
The ad title presents the sales idea whose perception in the title leads to the reader continuing to read
the text of the ad. On this basis, most ads have titles, although they may not include all the other
elements of the advertising message.
Characteristics of the title
1) that the title is able to attract the attention of the public to the advertisement to read it, and to attract
the attention of potential consumers of the goods and services subject of the advertisement by using
phrases, words and signs that affect the intended audience of the advertisement.
2) Make a quick and direct impact on the reader.
(3) The title words should be accurate, effective and easy to understand.
(4) Able to make the recipient focus on the notions contained in the ads and lead him/ her through his/
her words to concentration.
(5) It creates a specific image or impression of the advertised good or service quickly and effectively.
(6) Able to entice the prospective consumer to read the advertising text.
(7) The title should contain information about the benefit of the commodity to the consumer and
benefits from using it.
The Title Types
The titles can be divided in terms of content or form into the following categories:
A) The direct title, which is distinguished by its informative nature, as it, provides information
directly about the goods or service, as it reduces the details, in order to include the most important
information in the advertisement, which makes it exciting and deeper in impact. It contains an element
of surprise that includes some unusual and other characteristics. For example, The largest selection of
Jeans and the best quality at 50 % off.
B) The indirect title, which is limited to achieving a basic goal, to make the individuals read, listen,
or watch the advertisement in its entirety, in its details. It also tends to omit mentioning the facts or
direct information about the advertised thing; aiming of provoking the reader, listener, or viewer to
follow the details of the rest of the advertisement, for example: an advertisement for a type of smart
phone [6].
C) The news headline, which focuses on the entrance of the anecdotal news, as it is a direct entry
that generates a news nature so that it reduces the interest of the reader in reading the details of the
advertisement. It usually focuses on new news so that it stimulates the consumer and prompts him to
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focus on watching or reading the advertisement or the most important information in it, for example;
buy two for the price of one. Or buy one, get one for free.
D) Selective title, which is the advertisement directed to a specific category of consumers and not to
all individuals, for example: for kids only, for staff only, for women only…etc.
E) Utility title, which focuses on the benefit arising from the commodity when use it, such as Enjoy
the purity of sound with Philips [7].
F) Command title, which expresses the character of the matter when directed to the audience, and it
may indicate a form directly or indirectly, and this character shall urge the public to effective
implementation for example try it you will love it. For example, when you use it once, you never stop.
G) An interrogative title, which takes an indefinite adjective in order to arouse interest recipient to get
acquainted with the answer that occurred in his mind prevented the correct answer to this. Optimism or
inquiry. For example; who will win the million? [8].
G) The evocative title, which serves to satisfy the audience's senses and thinking by making everyone
who reads, watches, or hears it ask a question between himself about what is meant behind this
advertisement, such as: Do not let the opportunity pass you by…..Wait for us….. Few days left....
I) The ambiguous title, which indicates a specific meaning, using words that make the audience
curious and search for the meaning of the words, for example; “this chocolate bar is great” Although
the word “great” has a favorable connotation, chocolate lovers may believe that about most of them [9].
From the point of view of information, headings can contain the following: a message about a novelty,
an assertion, a command (request), advice (recommendation).
2) The Subtitle (The Sub- Headline)
T. L. Chernysheva gave a comprehensive definition to the subtitle in her book “A subtitle is a small title
that is most often typed in smaller type than the heading, but larger than body text, and is usually bold
or contrasting color” [10]. The subtitle is not always used in ads. However, when the advertiser wants to
say a lot at the beginning but the headline cannot do the job, then the subheading is used. The headline
and subheading together can contain a longer message. The subheading usually spells out or elaborates
the promise made in the headline or it stresses on the product’s unique features. The subtitle is typed in a
smaller font or another color. At the same time, it makes a transition to the main text and performs the
role of commercial motivation.
According to Zh. G. Popova, “the subtitle acts as a bridge between the title and the main text. If the
client is interested in the title, then the subtitle gives one more chance attract him to buy. In other words,
the subtitle is given more influencing function [11].
3) Drawings and Photos
They are among the important elements in the composition of the advertisements. They are considered
one of the most important means of conveying the ideas and information present in the advertisement
to the readers and viewers. They are more immersive than words or sentences, as they greatly interest
the audience and help them understand, remember and believe the content of the advertisement, and
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this should include graphics and pictures something from creativity, ingenuity, and expression of
modesty are part of the advertising content and are appropriate with the words and sentences
formulated in the advertisement.
Some studies have shown that photographs are more attractive than drawings. Because it is more
realistic and expressive of the event, such as: a picture of a woman's face before using the product and
her image after using the product for a period of time. Likewise, pictures and drawings are considered a
factor of influence and persuasion, especially if pictures of celebrities, art, sports, and politics are used,
for example. She drinks tea better than her image while placing a cup of tea in front of her, and
whatever the matter is, the images and graphics in the advertisement are subject to several factors,
A) Factors related to the publications: in the case of publishing the advertisement in newspapers or
magazines, the method of printing and the possibility of using colors affect that. The type of printing
allows better use of photographs. If the printing is poor, it is better to use the drawings.
B) Factors related to the purpose of the image: If the aim of the image is to convince the readers or
attract their attention, then it is better to use the images, and if the purpose is to make the reader
understand to awaken his memory, it is better to use drawings.
C) Factors related to the subject of the image: If it is pictures of birds, it is better to use photographs,
but if the subject is difficult to photograph, it is preferable to use drawings.
D) Factors related to the output of the image: The nature of the photographic image adapts to
advertising is better than drawings.
The benefits of pictures
1) It works to fetch through excitement and interest.
2) Expressing the idea of advertising speed beyond words.
3) The ability to excite the audience because of the element of seduction because it plays the role of
4) The possibility of showing the advantages of the commodity and emphasizing the elements of
5) The possibility of photographing the practical reality of using the commodity.
6) Possibility of clarification of the expected characteristics and benefits of the commodity.
7) Creating a high degree of memory and visualization of the commodity by linking the image
shown in the advertisement to the advertised commodity.
8) Adding reality to the advertisement by emphasizing the characteristics and characteristics of the
commodity, and convincing the viewer that it provides him with correct information far from by linking
the image to how it is used according to the goal of exaggeration.
Methods of using the image in advertising
Method of focusing on the commodity by displaying its image. Focus on the uses of the commodity by
depicting how it is used.
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 The method of humanizing the commodity by photographing it with a group of people.

 The method of displaying the negative and positive side resulting from the use of the commodity
by photographing the two cases [12].
 The method of amplifying the arguments and evidence to help and confirm the success Item.
 View some details and features of the goods Comparison and comparison by displaying drawings
or pictures of similar goods.
 Show intangible properties
 Display the commercial character by photographing the trademark of the commodity
4) Movement and Colors:
Color is considered an essential element in attracting the eye, as it affects the reader and the viewer
through its various elements represented in: its intensity, its light spectrum, its degree of saturation, the
space it occupies, and its degree of contrast.
We find that the colored advertisement attracts more than the advertisement that contains only black
and white. The presence of red next to yellow increases the intensity of greenness, and writing on a
black ground with a white line makes it clearer and gives more vision, in addition to the colors
clarifying vision and shaping the perception of the individual. It also affects other aspects, such as the
mood of joy and pleasure, depression and sadness, interest and impulsiveness, or boredom, for example:
We find that the red color increases the degree of nervous tension, gives a sense of increased muscular
strength, fights the feeling of fatigue, raises blood pressure, activates breathing movement, and
activates mental processes and instinctive needs with cravings of all kinds. Yellow is a bright color that
helps show things as they really are. The violet color suggests honesty, respect, and passion. The golden
and silver color add the characteristic of purchase and luxury. The black color suggests frustration,
darkness, and sometimes evil. White color signifies cleanliness, safety, purity and life
The most important rules that govern the color selection process:
1) Primary and secondary colors: The primary colors do not derive from the secondary such as red,
blue and yellow, while the secondary colors are made from a mixture of primary colors such as green,
orange and violet.
2) The three-dimensionality of colors, such as the color type, degree of depth, density and strength
and his weakness.
3) Change in colors directly (mixing) or indirectly (such as sensation).
Benefits of color in advertising:
1) Increase attention to the advertisement and thus increase its effectiveness.
2) Giving real character as in jewelry and fashion.
3) Creating an emotional impact that leads to strengthening the advertising idea.
4) Arousing obsessions leads to recalling the commodity.
5) Strengthen memory by stimulating the senses and thoughts.
The purity of the white is used to represent the natural character of the product and the neutrality in the
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graphic composition of the advertisement. The valued presence of gold and its link with the product
and the environment reflects the valuable presence of gold, the excellent quality of the product and the
legitimization of prestige. The emotional force of red transmits, to the advertisements that contain it,
the passion, the burning desire and the temptation of the exciting aroma. Ocher, bronze and brown
tones are used, on the other hand, to reinforce the degree of concentration of the product, the presence
of wood as a flavoring element and to highlight the perfect tan of bare skin. The naturalness of green
symbolizes the inclusion of ecological, youthful and relaxing values, and the vitality of a brand new
aroma. The celestial blue invokes the force of the sea, the freshness of the air, the serenity of the
environment, the complete expression of freedom and the firmness of the actant. The contrastive load
of yellow most of the time reinforces the presence of the product, the warmth of the environment and
the graphic opposition of the pieces of the advertisement. Like gold, it symbolizes the power and greed
that emanate from gold [13].
5) Words and Sentences (The Text)
We consider the word the easiest way to convey ideas, but the words and phrases used in the
advertisement must serve the goal that the advertisement seeks and be able to achieve. In addition, the
success of the text depends on the following factors.
1) The fluidity of the text, its shortness, and its distance from the complexity in the formulation of
alienation from in order to be able to understand it.
2) Extreme abbreviation through linguistic emphasis may make the word replaces the sentence.
3) Giving and advising on the characteristics, advantages and use of the commodity.
4) Divide the text in the case of a long text.
5) Preference is not in length or shortness as much as the ability of the text to attract public
Considerations that must be present in a good text
Achieving the company's strategy, i.e. increasing sales and profits. Advertisements should be in an easy,
clear and understandable language, i.e. the use of the local dialect and familiar words to raise the
motives for buying among the public and the ability to attract them. Advertisements should be truthful
and honest and not to provide benefits that are not possible, and to observe professional ethics as well.
Moreover, post the advertisement in the appropriate medium.
6) Slogans, Logos, Signs, and Symbols
A slogan is the advertising verbal equivalent of a company logo. AT printed advertising text, it usually
appears next to the graphic company mark or company name, immediately below them or at the end
advertisement [14]. This has a great impact on a person, thereby opening way to sell the product. If this
is a company product, then the slogan is put next to the logo or company name. Therefore, the slogan
has an image character.
Slogans is one of the main components of the advertising text - forms the necessary associative
connection of ideas, which in a few words expresses the essence of the brand or the advertising promise.
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Advertising design needs some slogans and symbols that clarify the idea, and these slogans takes the
form of words, engineering drawings, and/ or in other forms such as arrows, circles, etc. that work to
confirm a specific idea, or facilitate the movement of the viewer or reader during the advertisement.
The slogan is an ad phrase that is distinguished plain, clear and exposure subject advertising with the
aim of attracting the consumer and creating type from the psychological impact on him; To generate a
desire to know what is behind the slogan [15]. such as: “the hour of life for the purpose of continuity
for a certain period and the reference is words such as: discounts or the cheapest or the only one, or
geometric drawings such as the Mercedes sign or shapes such as arrows that work to confirm a certain
idea or facilitate the viewer's movement of the advertisement or audio signals, such as food, that arouse
interest, attract the viewer, and turn him into a buyer of the commodity.
A slogan is an advertising phrase that summarizes the main advertising offer within an advertising
campaign [ Medvedeva E.V., 2008].
It is a phrase or a sentence that describes the benefit derived from the product or one of the product’s most
important attributes. The term slogan comes from the Gaelic words sluagh gairm, meaning battle cry.
These days it is the battle cry in the field of sales and marketing. It consists of a single phrase by which an
advertiser conveys an important idea, which will presumably lead readers or audience to remember and
think favorably of this company. Slogan is thus a short and catchy phrase that gets the attention of the
audience, is easy to remember and comes off the tongue easily.
Types of Slogan:
 Slogan that emphasizes product or reward- every product has some reward to offer consumers.
It may have some hidden quality that differentiates a product from the competitors.
 Slogans that emphasizes action to be taken- the slogan might urge directly that you use the
product or service.
X. M. Kaftandzhiev identifies a number of basic requirements for the slogan:
 Concentration of the essence of the commercial offer;
 Relative brevity with great emotional richness;
 Simple and easy language, contributing to better perception and memorability [16].
Further, the most logical and justified, from the point of view of modern researchers, are the following
two classifications of slogans [17].
I. Classification according to the way information is presented.
• Abstract slogans - phrases that are distantly related to the product; do not reflect specific
characteristics of the goods and can be attributed to a wide variety of goods.
• Specific slogans carry information about the product, its advantages, purpose, characteristics, benefits
for the consumer. Easily identified with the advertised product. They include the brand name or part of
the brand name, can be associated with it, for example:
II. Classification according to the purpose of the advertising campaign.
• Commodity (sales) slogan, the main task of which is to convey to the consumer the main difference,
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the advantage of the advertised product over others, to create a certain emotional attitude of the
consumer to the product. Promotes a specific trade mark or brand, such as:
• Corporate (image) slogan, it refers not to the product, but to the company, aimed at increasing the
recognition of the company, brand, with an emphasis on some common feature in the company's
activities, which applies to all products or services provided, for example: MINI. Moreover, symbols
work to draw the attention of the reader, listener, or viewer of the advertisement because they carry out
the function of conveying the meanings of the words of the advertisement to the minds of the consumer.
for example: Aston Martin, Rolls Royce…etc., they are the symbols of international car brands, and
they also convey the meanings of mere words see her sights.
The task of advertising through various ways is to encourage the client to choice of product or service.
In addition, this requires a correct, clear, concise drawing up the main text in order to inform,
encourage, convince and promote the product, then make it a brand of your product. Of course, this
requires correct information, which helps people make sure one brand is better than another is. This
means that with the help of linguistic means, advertising fulfills its purpose.
An analysis of a set of brands finds that salience cues (e.g., logo) benefit and attribute messages
moderate ad effectiveness [18].
7) An echo phrase
An echo phrase is the main conclusion following from the argumentation contained in the MAT, the
final verbal part of the text [19]. Along with the headline, the echo phrase is one of the most important
elements of advertising. The fact is that the average consumer reads the beginning (headline) and end
(echo phrase) of the advertising text. Therefore, it is the echo phrase that reproduces the main idea of
the MAT that can increase the effectiveness of the advertising message as a whole.
The most commonly used echo phrases are:
• Brand name;
• Band name and slogan;
• Brand name and expression created specifically for this ad;
• An expression created specifically for this advertisement;
1. Materials and methods
The study is based on publications, dissertations, and scientific books written by Belarussian (Russian),
English, and Arabic authors, of which focus on the compositional structure of advertising. General
scientific and special research methods were used in the course of the study.
2. Findings and Discussions
After studying the scientific works presented in the article, the author identified the issues that are
raised in these scientific studies, such as the variety and deviation of elements of advertising. Issues
regarding the structural diversity of advertising texts and invariant and features are still addressed in
3. Conclusion
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In light of this, we could say that advertising has a system of synergy exists when different elements
function more effectively together than they do separately. Because they are all important,
complementary parts of the same puzzle, we should not put any of these elements in second place and
should instead concentrate our efforts on getting the best version of each advertisement component.
The only way to guarantee that your advertisements will be effective overall is to do this.
In an effort to elicit a favorable response from some customers, we could really try to improve some of
its components. However, if we want to create a commercial that has the desired effect and draws a
sizable amount of attention from the target audience, we must concentrate on all of a commercial's
components, not just one. This is done so that each component can fulfill its intended function.

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