(2018) Filmes de Amido de Batata-Doce Com OE de Orégano
(2018) Filmes de Amido de Batata-Doce Com OE de Orégano
(2018) Filmes de Amido de Batata-Doce Com OE de Orégano
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The perishable character of moist food products demands packages with antimicrobial activity and water resis-
Received 3 December 2017 tance. Oregano essential oil (OEO) and starch octenylsuccination were first jointly applied to formulate antimi-
Received in revised form 26 March 2018 crobial and water-resistant sweet potato starch films. The results showed that octenylsuccination powerfully
Accepted 17 April 2018
retarded the coalescence of oil droplets in film casting process and favoured their homogeneity in the dried
Available online 19 April 2018
films. OEO incorporation dose-dependently conferred antimicrobial activity upon the films, which was further
enhanced by octenylsuccination to some degree. For a specific film, comparable inhibitory efficacies were ob-
Starch served against S. aureus and E. coli. Either octenylsuccination or OEO incorporation alone decreased film strength,
Edible film rigidity, water content, water solubility and water vapor permeability while increasing film extensibility to a less
Essential oil degree than their combination. More importantly, synergistic effects between OEO incorporation and
octenylsuccination were concluded on film water content, water solubility and extensibility.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction to improve the water resistance of starch-based films, including the in-
corporation of hydrophobic components and the hydrophobization of
As a result of environmental concerns caused by excessive waste starch. With respect to the starch hydrophobization, the esterification
from petroleum-based synthetic packaging materials, researchers of starch with octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) resulted in modified
have focussed on the development of edible and environmentally starch with higher hydrophobicity in contrast to the native starch [8].
friendly packages made from natural and biodegradable macromole- Octenylsuccination has been proved to improve the water resistance
cules [1], such as proteins [2–4], lipids [5], and polysaccharides [6,7]. of starch-based films [9]. Our previous research showed that starch
Starch is commonly used in these cases due to its relatively low cost, films made from a mixture of native and OSA-modified sweet potato
high availability, and ease of handling [6]. Apparently, the requirement starch have lower water solubility and water vapor permeability as
for the physicochemical properties of starch-based films highly depends well as higher contact angle and oil permeability than the control films
on the specific physicochemical properties of the intended foods, espe- made from the native starch [10]. Similarly, the methylation of corn
cially their water content. The foods with high levels of moist are perish- starch favoured the water resistance of the blended films of corn starch
able, and more attentions are always paid for their packages to and poly(vinyl alcohol) [11].
effectively inhibit microbial spoilage and moisture loss. When starch- Essential oils were generally extracted from specific parts of plants.
based films were applied in this situation, their antimicrobial efficacy They are regarded as natural food additives having hydrophobic nature
and water resistant properties are of most vital importance. and often utilized to protect foods against oxidation and microbial spoil-
The starch-based films are usually of strong hydrophilic nature and age. Regarding the application of food additives, their incorporation in
inferior water resistance. When applied for a moist product, the coating films are preferred by consumers [12], with considerations to
starch-based films often swell rapidly by seizing moisture from the reduce consumer exposure to food additives and to improve food safety
product [6], undergoing deformation, rupture, even disintegration and [13]. In this regard, various essential oils were tested as functional com-
ultimately seriously deteriorate their mechanical properties and protec- ponents to formulate starch films with antioxidant, antifungal or anti-
tive function as a package material. Several strategies have been adopted microbial properties [6,14,15]. In addition, previous studies also had
demonstrated that the incorporation of essential oil could favour the
⁎ Corresponding author at: College of Food Science, Southwest University, Tiansheng
water resistance of starch films [14,16]. Several essential oils are
Road 2, Chongqing 400715, PR China. known as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) according to the FDA
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Zhao). (21CFR182.20) to be incorporated into foods, and oregano essential oil
0141-8130/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
548 J. Li et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 115 (2018) 547–553
(OEO) is among the most widely used. OEO is widely recognized for its with Nile Red solution (1 mg/mL in isopropyl alcohol) and observed by
antimicrobial activity, as well as its antiviral and antifungal properties CLSM at an argon laser excitation at 488 nm.
[17]. Nevertheless, recent investigations have discovered the potential
anti-oxidant, anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and
cancer suppressing activity of OEO [18]. 2.4. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of films
Based on the abovementioned information, we hypothesized that
starch hydrophobization and essential oil incorporation synergistically The antimicrobial activity of the starch films was evaluated by agar
interact to improve the water resistance of starch films. To the best of disk diffusion against S. aureus (ATCC 25923) and E. coli (ATCC
our knowledge, this hypothesis has not been verified anywhere. Thus, 25922). Starch films with and without OEO were aseptically cut into
with an emphasis to improve the water resistance, the effect of OEO in- disks of 6 mm in diameter using a round punch tool. Subsequently,
corporation and its interactive effect with starch octenylsuccination on the film disks were placed on the plates containing Mueller-Hinton
sweet potato starch film were explored. agar (MHA), which had previously been inoculated with 100 μL bacte-
rial suspension (109 CFU/mL). The plates were incubated at 37 °C for
2. Material and methods 24 h. The diameter of the inhibition zone was measured using a calliper,
and its area was calculated. Inhibitory capacity (mm2) was calculated by
2.1. Materials subtracting the film disk area from the inhibition zone area.
Native sweet potato starch (NS) was kindly donated by Jintian Agri-
culture Industry Co., Ltd. (Chongqing, China). 2-Octen-1-ylsuccinic an- 2.5. Determination of the tensile properties of films
hydride was purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (USA), and OEO was
obtained from Jian Natural Plant Co., Ltd. (Jiangxi, China). Nile red was The tensile properties of the films including tensile strength (TS,
acquired from Nanjing Oddfoni Biological Technology Co., Ltd. (Nanjing, MPa), elastic modulus (EM, MPa), and elongation at break (E, %) were
China). The preparation of octenylsuccinated sweet potato starch (OSS) determined using an XLW electron tensile testing instrument (Labthink
and the determination of degree of substitution (DS) were performed Instruments Co., Ltd., China), according to method ASTM D882-91 [21]
according to the method reported by Ruan, Chen, Fu, Xu, and He [19]. with slight modifications. Equilibrated film strips (20 mm × 100 mm)
Two OSSs with different DS were synthesized and denoted as OSS1 were used. The initial distance and test speed were set to 50 mm and
(DS 0.021) and OSS2 (DS 0.036), respectively. All chemicals were of an- 100 mm/min, respectively. All measurements were performed six
alytical grade. Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Escherichia coli times.
(ATCC 25922) were obtained from the China Center of Industrial Culture
Collection (Beijing, China).
2.6. Determination of water resistance
2.2. Film formation
Moisture content was determined by oven-drying the films at 105 °C
Starch films were obtained by a casting method. In detail, OSS (1.9 g) to constant weight [22]. Water solubility was determined according to
was suspended in 70 mL water, and the resultant suspension was the method reported by Aguirre et al. [22]. Water vapor permeability
heated at 95 °C for 25 min under continuous stirring to achieve a total tests were performed by E96-95 ASTM method [23]. Each film sample
starch gelatinization. Then, glycerol (0.45 g) was added as a plasticizer was sealed over the circular opening of a permeation cell containing an-
and the mixture was further stirred for 15 min. Subsequently, the mix- hydrous calcium chloride (0% RH). The cells were subsequently placed
ture was cooled to approximately 40 °C to obtain a starch base. The OEO in desiccators at 25 °C and 75% RH with a saturated sodium chloride so-
base was prepared by adding Tween 80 as an emulsifier to OEO at a con- lution [24]. After the samples reached steady-state conditions, cell
centration of 100 mg/L. The mother mixture of films was prepared by weight was measured every 8 h for 72 h. Difference in partial pressure
mixing the starch and OEO bases. Specific volumes of OEO base were (Δp) was calculated according to the equation as used by Galus,
spiked into starch base to produce the final OEO concentrations of 0, Mathieu, Lenart, and Debeaufort [25].
0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% (v/v) in the mother mixture of film-forming emulsion.
The highest concentration of OEO was selected to achieve an effective
antimicrobial activity with obtained films according to the preliminary 2.7. Determination the combination index of starch octenylsuccination and
experiments. The mother mixture was homogenized in a D2004W elec- OEO incorporation
tric mixer (Sile, Shanghai) at 120 rpm for 5 min and the resulting film-
forming emulsion was cast onto a polymethyl methacrylate plate and If the correlations of a specific film quality index (A) to the degree of
oven-dried at 40 °C for 10 h. Once cooled to room temperature, the starch octenylsuccination (X) and the level of OEO incorporation (Y)
film was removed from the polymethyl methacrylate plate. Prior to presented the same nature (positive or negative), a combined effect of
analysis, the film specimens were incubated at 25 °C and 53% RH over X and Y on A could be obtained as follows. Otherwise, their interactive
a saturated Mg(NO3)2 solution for at least 5 d. Films from NS with or effect was defined as antagonism. For control film (X = 0, Y = 0), mod-
without OEO were prepared in the same way and used as controls. ified starch film without OEO (X = m, Y = 0), native starch film with
OEO (X = 0, Y = n), and modified starch film with OEO (X = m, Y =
2.3. Characterization of the stability of film-forming emulsion in film drying n), the values in A were determined as A0, Am, An, and Amn, respectively.
process The contribution of starch octenylsuccination (Cm) and OEO incor-
poration (C n ) alone and their combined contribution (C mn ) to A
The stability of film-forming emulsion in film drying process was ob- could be calculated as C m = |Am − A0|/A0 × 100%, Cn = |An − A0|/
served under an Olympus FV1000 IX81 confocal laser scanning micro- A0 × 100%, and Cmn = |Amn − A0|/A0 × 100%, respectively. The pre-
scope (CLSM) in fluorescence mode. CLSM analyses were performed diction value (pC mn ) of C mn was estimated by Limpel's formula:
according to the procedure reported by Shi et al. [20] with some modi- pC mn = C m + C n -(C m × C n )/100 [26]. The combination index (CI)
fications. Nile Red solution, prepared at room temperature and stored in was obtained as Cmn- pCmn, and the term synergism was applied as
the dark, was used to stain the oil phase. Film-forming emulsions (0 h in defined by Richer [27] when C mn exceeds pC mn . In other words, a
film formation), films in intermediate state (5 h in film formation), and positive CI value could be interpreted as synergism, and the higher
dried film strips (20 mm × 20 mm; 10 h in film formation) were stained CI value was accompanied by the stronger synergism.
J. Li et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 115 (2018) 547–553 549
2.8. Statistical analysis between the droplets as the emulsion was concentrated [28]. Obviously,
in the finally dried films, the inhomogeneity of oil droplets in native
All measurements were conducted in triplicate unless specified. starch based film was much higher than that in OSS-based films,
Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test. which should be attributed to the difference in hydrophilia/hydropho-
Differences were considered significant at p b 0.05. Statistical computa- bicity of NS and OSS. First and foremost, the molecules of NS are totally
tions and analyses were conducted using SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, hydrophilic and they purely contribute to the emulsion stability via in-
IL, USA). creasing the viscosity of the continuous phase. However, by grafting
octenyl groups onto NS, the resultant OSS molecules are amphiphilic
3. Results and discussion with surface activity and liable to be absorbed at the interface of oil
and water [29]. In this context, the interface film of the NS-based emul-
3.1. Stability of OSS-based film-forming emulsion in film drying process sion was composed only by Tween 80 while the OSS-based emulsion
jointly consisted of Tween 80 and OSS. Like other macromolecular sur-
The size changes of the oil droplets during film drying process were factants [28], OSS should be more effective than Tween 80 (a small sur-
evaluated by CLSM (Fig. 1) to reflect their stability as well as the homo- factant) in creating a mechanically resistant interface film, hindering the
geneity in the resultant films. The images marked with 0 h, 5 h and 10 h rupture of the thin films between the emulsion droplets and in turn con-
represented the newly prepared emulsion, the emulsions at the middle ferring emulsion stability. Moreover, the hydrophobic tails of the OSS
of casting and the finally dried film, respectively. Comparatively, regard- molecules triggered their intermolecular association to form starch
less of film preparing stage, the emulsion with native starch presented a colloids [30]. This was widely confirmed and concluded that the
lower homogeneity in oil droplets than the ones with OSS. For all prep- octenylsuccinated starch exhibits higher pasting viscosity than native
arations, the average size of oil droplets enlarged significantly as the starch [8,31]. It was speculated that the increase in viscosity of the con-
casting process proceeded. This could be ascribed to the emulsion coa- tinuous phase slow down emulsion droplet mobility while the starch
lescence driven by the outflow of the continuous phase from the space colloids serve as steric barriers to inhibit the contact of emulsion
Fig. 1. Confocal laser scanning microscopy images of native sweet potato starch (NS) and octenylsuccinated sweet potato starch (OSS) based emulsions incorporated with 1% oregano
essential oil (0 h), their corresponding semi-dried (5 h) and totally dried (10 h) films. OSS1 and OSS2 are octenylsuccinated sweet potato starches with degree of substitution of 0.021
and 0.036, respectively.
550 J. Li et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 115 (2018) 547–553
droplets. All of these factors depressed the coalescence of the oil drop- effects on the antimicrobial activity of starch based films especially at
lets and ultimately favoured their stability during film preparation. a medium (1.0%) and high (1.5%) OEO incorporation levels. Previously
obtained results show that the retention of essential oil in the films
3.2. Antimicrobial activity of films was greatly dependent on the stability of the film-forming emulsion
[36]. In this context, the enhancement of starch octenylsuccination on
The antimicrobial activity of starch films with or without OEO is the antimicrobial activity of starch films with OEO levels of 0.5% in
shown in Table 1 and Supplementary data 1. Without OEO, both OSS film-forming emulsions should be ascribed to the OSS-based emulsions
and NS films did not present any inhibitory effects against S. aureus being more stable than the NS-base emulsions.
and E. coli, indicating that octenylsuccination did not confer any antimi-
crobial ability upon native starch. For NS-based films, the OEO incorpo- 3.3. Tensile properties of films
ration of 0.5% did not confer any inhibition to E. coli and a very weak and
insignificant inhibition to S. aureus, attesting that a minimum concen- Tensile strength (TS), elastic modulus (EM), and elongation at break
tration of 1.0% of OEO was necessary to ensure its antibacterial efficacy, (E) are the most used tensile parameters and important characteristics
which was in agreement with the results obtained by Benavides, of thin films. TS, EM and E mainly reflect the strength, rigidity and exten-
Villalobos-Carvajal, and Reyes [32] and Emiroğlu, Yemiş, Coşkun, and sibility of the films, respectively. The effects of OEO incorporation, poly-
Candoğan [33]. However, this observation was inconsistent with the re- mer octenylsuccination and their combination on the tensile parameters
sults of Seydim and Sarikus [4], who concluded that cassava starch- of sweet potato starch films are illustrated in Table 2. The data elabo-
chitosan film containing 1% of OEO was not effective against any test mi- rated that both OEO incorporation and polymer octenylsuccination
croorganisms and the minimum concentration that showed inhibition caused deterioration in TS and EM while favouring E in a dose-
was 2% for all test microorganisms. dependent manner. In detail, the OEO incorporation and polymer
Further, no significant differences were observed between the NS octenylsuccination were negatively related to TS and EM but positively
films with 1.0% and 1.5% OEO incorporation in their inhibition capacity related to E of the films.
against S. aureus or E. coli, but they presented higher inhibition capacity Regarding the impact of essential oil incorporation on the tensile
than their 0.5% OEO counterparts. At the same OEO incorporation level properties of polysaccharide-based films, diverse results were obtained.
(1.0% or 1.5%), a bigger value in inhibition capacity against S. aureus As in the present study, the majority of previous research evidenced de-
was observed for any specific OSS film than that against E. coli, although creases in TS and EM as well as increase in E upon essential oil incorpo-
they are not differentiated from each other statistically. Similarly, soy ration [32,37,38], explained by the effects of essential oil incorporation
edible films containing OEO varying from 1% to 5% demonstrated com- on the film structure and component interactions within the film ma-
parable inhibitory efficacy against S. aureus or E. coli [33]. However, con- trix. With essential oil incorporated, the film certainly presented a het-
tradictory results were reported by Becerril, Gómez-Lus, Goñi, López, and erogeneous film structure featuring discontinuities compared to the
Nerín [34] that the minimum inhibitory concentration of free OEO to S. film without essential oil [39,40]. Meanwhile, in films, the stronger in-
aureus (100 mg/L) was much lower than that to E. coli (190 mg/L). More- termolecular polysaccharide interactions were partially replaced by
over, triticale protein, alginate, cassava starch-chitosan and whey protein the weaker polysaccharide-oil interactions, generating more flexible
films with OEO showed higher antimicrobial activity against the Gram- domains within the film [41,42]. Moreover, Shojaee-Aliabadi et al. [41]
positive bacterium (S. aureus) than Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) conducted a study of the plasticizing effect of essential oil on
[4,7,22,32]. All of these data declare that the antimicrobial activity of polysaccharide-based film. In this regard, the present impacts of OEO in-
OEO-incorporated edible films is polymer specific. corporation should be explained in different ways including discontinu-
For OSS-based films, the OEO incorporation of 0.5% in film-forming ity in the film structure, the weaker molecular interaction in the film
emulsion did not result in significant inhibitions against S. aureus and matrix and the plasticizing effect.
E. coli. However, these inhibitions were significantly increased when As for starch octenylsuccination, all of the OSS-based films presented
OEO incorporation was further increased from 0.5% to 1.5% or from lower TS and EM values as well as higher E values than their NS-based
1.0% to 1.5% in film-forming emulsion. Similarly, Ortega-Nieblas and counterparts with a few exceptions for films with a high OEO incorpora-
Morales-Trejo [35] and Pelissari et al. [7] discovered that the antimicro- tion (1.5%). The working mechanism of octenylsuccination on the ten-
bial activity of OEO against S. aureus and E. coli decreased with the re- sile properties of starch films was elaborately discussed in our
duction of its concentration. At the low OEO level (0.5%), increasing previous study [10]. In brief, the mechanism is a multi-factor regulated
trends were both concluded in antimicrobial efficacy against S. aureus event including: 1) the plasticizing effect of attached octenyl groups;
and E. coli with increasing the degree of starch octenylsuccination. At 2) the presence of octenyl groups weakened the molecular interactions
the medium OEO level (1.0%), no significant effects were observed for within the film matrix; and 3) the formation of OSS self-aggregates
starch octenylsuccination on the inhibition of films against S. aureus damaged the film integrity. For OSS-based films with different DS,
and E. coli. At high OEO level (1.5%), the NS film produced lower inhibi- namely, OSS1 and OSS2, significant differences were observed only in
tion against S. aureus or E. coli than OSS1 film but comparable inhibition TS and EM values at high OEO incorporation (1.5%). However, in
to OSS2 film. This applauded that octenylsuccination conferred limited terms of E, OSS2 film presented higher values than OSS1 films at OEO
Table 1
Effects of oregano essential oil (OEO) incorporation on the inhibition capacity of native or octenylsuccinated sweet potato starch films against E. coil and S. aureus.
Table 2
Mechanical properties of native and octenylsuccinated sweet potato starch films incorporated with oregano essential oil (OEO).
Tensile strength (MPa) NS 7.26 ± 0.69 aA 5.20 ± 0.38 bA 3.78 ± 0.25 cA 2.61 ± 0.25 dA
OSS1 4.32 ± 0.38 aB 3.21 ± 0.27 bB (−13.0)f 2.89 ± 0.24 bcB (−28.0) 2.34 ± 0.23 cA (−36.5)
OSS2 3.57 ± 0.11 aB 2.94 ± 0.31 bB (−19.6) 2.39 ± 0.39 bB (−31.4) 1.60 ± 0.31 cB (−36.6)
Elastic modulus (MPa) NS 37.39 ± 3.88 aA 27.45 ± 1.77 bA 20.90 ± 1.43 cA 17.73 ± 1.01 cA
OSS1 23.33 ± 1.70 aB 19.77 ± 0.76 bB(−17.0) 17.80 ± 0.98bcAB(−29.1) 14.87 ± 2.79 cA(−29.8)
OSS2 19.03 ± 0.75 aB 18.31 ± 1.12 abB (−24.5) 13.68 ± 2.98 bB (−29.6) 8.93 ± 1.01cB (−25.3)
Elongation at break (%) NS 27.87 ± 1.80 cC 43.35 ± 6.70 bB 47.78 ± 3.24 bC 55.36 ± 3.69 aC
OSS1 46.17 ± 2.48 dB 57.07 ± 3.69 cA(−16.1) 66.99 ± 3.76 bB (3.7) 76.98 ± 5.61 aB (12.5)
OSS2 52.60 ± 3.58 cA 60.50 ± 6.25bcA(−26.7) 82.17 ± 11.65 bA (35.3) 109.52 ± 13.93aA(106.5)
Values bearing different lowercase letters in the same row are significantly different (p b 0.05), A–C Values bearing different capital letters in the same column are significantly different
within the same index (p b 0.05).
NS means native sweet potato starch, while OSS1 and OSS2 refer to octenylsuccinated sweet potato starch with degree of substitution of 0.021and 0.036, respectively.
Values in brackets are the combination index (%) of specific starch octenylsuccination and OEO incorporation.
levels of 0%, 1.0% and 1.5%, reflecting that the octenylsuccination af- for films with varying matrix polymers and essential oils [37,38,41,43].
fected the film extensibility more seriously than the strength and For films without OEO, significant decreases in water content, water sol-
rigidity. ubility and WVP were encountered with starch octenylsuccination. Fur-
As OEO incorporation and octenylsuccination presented the same thermore, the WVP values of OSS-based films with different DS were
nature on the TS (negative), EM (negative) and E (positive) of films, significantly different, but their values in water content and water solu-
their combination index (CI) could be obtained and was included in bility were comparable. The working mechanisms of essential oil incor-
brackets in Table 2. The data showed that, for TS and EM, all OEO and poration and starch octenylsuccination as water resistance enhancers
octenylsuccination combinations presented negative CI values, indicat- were interpreted in the following ways: 1) due to their hydrophobic
ing the non-synergetic interaction between OEO and octenylsuccination. nature, essential oil incorporation and octenyl attachments imparted
However, the positive CI values at OEO levels of 1.0% and 1.5% demon- hydrophobicity to the film matrix and hence, impeded its water adsorp-
strated their synergistic interaction in affecting the E of films. In this con- tion capacity [14,44]; 2) the formation of polymer-essential oil/octenyl
text, it is a smart and economic choice to prepare stretchable starch- group interactions resulted in the lowered polymer-water interactions,
based film by simultaneously applying essential oil incorporation and which led to the lower water retention and uptake of the films [42,45];
starch octenylsuccination. 3) the presence of oil or octenyl groups on the film surface certainly re-
tarded the wetting process of the film; and 4) the scattered oil droplets
3.4. Water resistance of films or the hydrophobic cores of OSS aggregates blocked the continuous
water diffusion tunnels in the film matrix, thereby decreasing WVP
Usually, water content, water solubility, and water vapor permeabil- [46]. In addition, the emulsifying activity of OSS resulted in the more ho-
ity (WVP) were used to weight the water resistance of a film derived mogeneously distributed smaller oil droplets in the film emulsion and
from hydrophilic materials such as polysaccharides and proteins. stabilized them during film casting, thereby decreasing the film MVP,
Water content, water solubility and WVP mainly reflected the moisture as reported elsewhere [14,20].
retention and uptake by the film matrix and the moisture diffusion As mentioned above, both OEO incorporation and octenylsuccination
across the film, respectively. Generally, the lower values in these in- were negatively related to the water content, water solubility and WVP
dexes indicated the better water resistance of a film. The effects of of resulting films. Without exception, the data in Table 3 reveal that the
OEO incorporation, starch octenylsuccination and their combination combination of OEO incorporation and octenylsuccination at any level
on the water resistance of sweet potato starch films were demonstrated leads to lower values in water content, water solubility and WVP than
in Table 3. each individual measure alone. To reflect their interactive effects, combi-
OEO incorporation significantly decreased the water content of NS- nation indexes (CIs) were calculated and shown in Table 3 as the data in
based films, but this effect is independent of its level. In contrast, the ef- brackets. Apparently, the CI values of all combinations for WVP were ap-
fects of OEO incorporation on the water solubility and WVP of NS-based proximately −45%, refuting the hypothesized synergism of OEO incorpo-
films are dose-dependent, attesting to the efficacy of OEO as a water re- ration and octenylsuccination on film WVP. However, for water content,
sistance enhancer of starch films. Similar results were widely reported very small negative CI values were observed for the combinations at
Table 3
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