Wo 2023

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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries


Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

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i l ab id
A v n d ro
for nd iO

OPEC is a permanent, intergovernmental organization, established in Baghdad, Iraq, on

10–14 September 1960. The Organization comprises 13 Members: Algeria, Angola, Republic
of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya,
Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. The Organization has its
headquarters in Vienna, Austria.
© OPEC Secretariat, October 2023
Helferstorferstrasse 17
A-1010 Vienna, Austria

ISBN 978-3-9504890-6-4

The data, analysis and any other information (the “information”) contained in the World Oil Outlook (the “WOO”) is
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Download: All the data presented in this Outlook is available at www.opec.org.

Secretary General, Chairman of the Editorial Board
HE Haitham Al Ghais

Director, Research Division, Editor-in-Chief

Ayed S. Al-Qahtani

Head, Energy Studies Department, Editor

Abderrezak Benyoucef

Main contributors
Chapter 1: Key assumptions
Mohammad Alkazimi, Joerg Spitzy, Jan Ban, Masudbek Narzibekov, Christian Diendorfer, Julius Walker

Chapter 2: Energy demand

Haris Aliefendic, Jan Ban, Christian Diendorfer, Reem AlNaeimi, Mohammed Attaba

Chapter 3: Oil demand

Jan Ban, Mohammed Attaba, Irene Etiobhio

Chapter 4: Liquids supply

Julius Walker

Chapter 5: Refining outlook

Haris Aliefendic, Mohammed Attaba

Chapter 6: Oil movements

Haris Aliefendic, Mohammed Attaba

Chapter 7: Climate change and sustainable development and energy policies

Eleni Kaditi, Reem AlNaeimi, Julius Walker, Boris Kudashev, Daniel McKirdy, Mohammed Attaba, Irene Etiobhio

Chapter 8: Energy scenarios

Jan Ban, Julius Walker, Eleni Kaditi

Other contributors
Behrooz Baikalizadeh, Huda Almwasawy, Mohammad Hassani, Mhammed Mouraia, Mohamed Sarrab, Yacine
Sariahmed, Sulaiman Saad, Ali Dehghan, Aziz Yahyai, Pantelis Christodoulides Klaus Stoeger, Mohammad Sattar,
Mihni Mihnev, Justinas Pelenis

Editorial Team
James Griffin, Richard Murphy

Design & Production Team

Carola Bayer, Andrea Birnbach, Lorenz Konzett

Editorial Support
Daniel McKirdy, Mai Salama

OPEC’s Economic Commission Board (as of September 2023)

Samir Madani, Gaspar Sermao, Antimo Asangono, Fernand Epigat, Afshin Javan, Mohammed Al-Najjar, Abdullah Al
Sabah, Abdulnasser Gnedi, Mele Kyari, Yousef Al Salem, Salem Al Mehairi, Ronny Romero




1.1 Population and demographics 18
1.2 Economic growth 23
1.3 Energy policies 35
1.4 Technology and innovation 39


2.1 Major trends in energy demand 48
2.2 Energy demand by major regions 52
2.3 Energy demand by fuel 59
2.4 Energy related CO2 emissions 77
2.5 Energy intensity and consumption per capita 81


3.1 Oil demand outlook by region 89
3.2 Oil demand outlook by sector 108
3.3 Oil demand outlook by product 131


4.1 Global liquids supply outlook 138
4.2 Drivers of medium-term and long-term liquids supply 138
4.3 Breakdown of liquids supply outlook by main regions 141
4.4 Breakdown of liquids supply by type of liquids 155
4.5 OPEC liquids 160
4.6 Upstream investment requirements 160


5.1 Existing refinery capacity 166
5.2 Distillation capacity outlook 171
5.3 Secondary capacity 193
5.4 Investment requirements 203
5.5 Refining industry implications 204
6.1 Logistics developments 208
6.2 Oil movements 211
6.3 Crude oil and condensate movements 215
6.4 Refined product movements 226


7.1 Climate change and sustainable development 230
7.2 Energy policies of major economies 238


8.1 Alternative energy scenarios 253
8.2 Energy demand and the energy mix 254
8.3 Oil demand 260

Annex A 265

Annex B 269
OPEC World Energy: regional definitions

Annex C 273
World Oil Refining Logistics and Demand: regional definitions

Annex D 277
Major data sources
List of tables
Table 1.1 Population by region 19
Table 1.2 Working population (age 15–64) by region 20
Table 1.3 Net migration by region 22
Table 1.4 Medium–term annual real GDP growth rate 25
Table 1.5 Long–term annual real GDP growth rate 31
Table 2.1 World primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045 49
Table 2.2 Total primary energy demand by region, 2022–2045 51
Table 2.3 OECD primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045 53
Table 2.4 Non-OECD primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045 54
Table 2.5 China primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045 57
Table 2.6 India primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045 58
Table 2.7 Oil demand by region, 2022–2045 60
Table 2.8 Coal demand by region, 2022–2045 64
Table 2.9 Natural gas demand by region, 2022–2045 67
Table 2.10 Nuclear demand by region, 2022–2045 70
Table 2.11 Hydro demand by region, 2022–2045 72
Table 2.12 Biomass demand by region, 2022–2045 73
Table 2.13 'Other renewables' demand by region, 2022–2045 77
Table 3.1 Medium-term oil demand in the Reference Case 90
Table 3.2 Long-term oil demand by region 91
Table 3.3 Sectoral oil demand, 2022–2045 108
Table 3.4 Number of passenger cars, 2022–2045 113
Table 3.5 Number of commercial vehicles, 2022–2045 114
Table 3.6 Number of electric vehicles, 2022–2045 116
Table 3.7 Oil demand in the road transportation sector by region, 2022–2045 118
Table 3.8 Oil demand in the aviation sector by region, 2022–2045 121
Table 3.9 Oil demand in the petrochemical sector by region, 2022–2045 122
Table 3.10 Oil demand in the residential/commercial/agricultural sector by region,
2022–2045 126
Table 3.11 Oil demand in the marine bunkers sector by region, 2022–2045 127
Table 3.12 Oil demand in the ‘other industry’ sector by region, 2022–2045 129
Table 3.13 Oil demand in the rail and domestic waterways sector by region, 2022–2045 129
Table 3.14 Oil demand in the electricity generation sector by region, 2022–2045 130
Table 3.15 Global oil demand by product, 2022–2045 131
Table 4.1 Long-term global liquids supply outlook 141
Table 4.2 US total liquids supply in the long-term 143
Table 4.3 Long-term global non-crude liquids supply outlook 159
Table 5.1 Assessed available base capacity as of January 2023 169
Table 5.2 Distillation capacity additions from existing projects by region, 2023–2028 173
Table 5.3 Refinery distillation capacity additions by period 175
Table 5.4 Crude unit throughputs and utilization rates, 2022–2045 188
Table 5.5 Net refinery closures by region, recent and projected 191
Table 5.6 Secondary capacity additions from existing projects, 2023–2028 194
Table 5.7 Global capacity requirements by process, 2023–2045 196
Table 5.8 Global cumulative potential for incremental product output, 2023–2028 202
List of figures
Figure 1.1 World population growth, 1998–2022 versus 2022–2045 19
Figure 1.2 World population trends, 1990–2045 20
Figure 1.3 Urbanization rate for selected regions, 2000–2045 21
Figure 1.4 Long–term GDP growth rates by components, 2022–2045 29
Figure 1.5 Size of major economies, 2015–2045 34
Figure 1.6 Distribution of the global economy, 2022 and 2045 34
Figure 1.7 Real GDP per capita in 2022 and 2045 35
Figure 2.1 Growth in primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045 50
Figure 2.2 Growth in primary energy demand by region, 2022–2045 52
Figure 2.3 Energy mix in OECD and non-OECD and primary energy demand, 2022–2045 56
Figure 2.4 Growth in energy demand by fuel type and region, 2022–2045 59
Figure 2.5 Oil demand by region, 2022–2045 61
Figure 2.6 Incremental oil demand by region, 2022–2045 62
Figure 2.7 Coal-fired generation and share in the global generation mix 63
Figure 2.8 Coal demand by major region, 2022–2045 64
Figure 2.9 Natural gas demand by region, 2022–2045 67
Figure 2.10 Nuclear net electrical capacity and electricity supplied 69
Figure 2.11 Nuclear net electrical capacity by age 69
Figure 2.12 Nuclear energy demand by region, 2022–2045 70
Figure 2.13 Hydro demand by region, 2022–2045 72
Figure 2.14 Biomass demand by region, 2022–2045 74
Figure 2.15 'Other renewables' demand by region, 2022–2045 76
Figure 2.16 Annual change in energy related CO2 emissions, 1950–2045 78
Figure 2.17 Energy-related annual CO2 emissions by region, 2022–2045 79
Figure 2.18 Per capita CO2 emissions by region, 2022 and 2045 80
Figure 2.19 Cumulative CO2 emissions since 1900, 1990–2045 80
Figure 2.20 Evolution and projections of energy intensity in major world regions,
1990–2045 81
Figure 2.21 Average annual rate of improvement in global and regional energy intensity,
2022–2045 82
Figure 2.22 Energy consumption per capita versus GDP at PPP per capita, 2022–2045 83
Figure 3.1 Incremental oil demand by region, 2022–2028 90
Figure 3.2 Average annual oil demand increments by region, 2022–2045 92
Figure 3.3 Annual oil demand growth in the OECD, 2022–2028 93
Figure 3.4 OECD oil demand by sector, 2022–2045 94
Figure 3.5 OECD oil demand by product, 2022–2045 96
Figure 3.6 Annual oil demand growth in non-OECD countries, 2022–2028 97
Figure 3.7 Non-OECD regional oil demand growth, 2022–2028 97
Figure 3.8 Non-OECD regional oil demand growth, 2028–2045 98
Figure 3.9 Non-OECD oil demand by sector, 2022–2045 99
Figure 3.10 Oil demand in India by sector, 2022 and 2045 100
Figure 3.11 Oil demand in India by product, 2022–2045 101
Figure 3.12 Oil demand in China by product, 2022–2045 103
Figure 3.13 Oil demand in China by sector, 2022–2045 104
Figure 3.14 Oil demand in ‘Other Asia’ by sector, 2022–2045 106
Figure 3.15 Oil demand in the Middle East by sector, 2022–2045 107
Figure 3.16 Oil demand growth by sector, 2022–2045 109
Figure 3.17 Sectoral oil demand in non-OECD countries, 2022 and 2045 111
Figure 3.18 Global fleet composition, 2022–2045 117
Figure 3.19 Oil demand in the aviation sector, 2022–2028 119
Figure 3.20 Regional demand in the petrochemical sector by product, 2022–2045 124
Figure 3.21 Demand growth by product category between 2022 and 2045 132
Figure 3.22 Growth in global oil demand by product 133
Figure 4.1 Long-term non-OPEC liquids supply outlook 138
Figure 4.2 Composition of global liquids supply growth 139
Figure 4.3 Select contributors to non-OPEC total liquids change, 2022–2028 139
Figure 4.4 Global upstream (oil only) capital expenditure 140
Figure 4.5 Non-OPEC liquids supply outlook by region 142
Figure 4.6 US total liquids supply outlook 143
Figure 4.7 Canada total liquids supply outlook 145
Figure 4.8 Mexico total liquids supply outlook 145
Figure 4.9 Norway total liquids supply outlook 146
Figure 4.10 UK total liquids supply outlook 147
Figure 4.11 Brazil total liquids supply outlook 148
Figure 4.12 Argentina total liquids supply outlook 149
Figure 4.13 Guyana total liquids supply outlook 150
Figure 4.14 Colombia total liquids supply outlook 151
Figure 4.15 Africa total liquids supply outlook 152
Figure 4.16 Russia total liquids supply outlook 153
Figure 4.17 Kazakhstan total liquids supply outlook 154
Figure 4.18 China total liquids supply outlook 154
Figure 4.19 Non-OPEC liquids supply outlook by type 155
Figure 4.20 Tight oil supply breakdown 156
Figure 4.21 US tight crude oil supply by major producing basin 157
Figure 4.22 US producer cost composite index (January 2010 = 100) 157
Figure 4.23 US tight oil breakdown 158
Figure 4.24 OPEC total liquids supply outlook 160
Figure 4.25 Annual upstream investment requirements, 2023–2045 161
Figure 4.26 Cumulative oil-related investment requirements by segment, 2023–2045 161
Figure 5.1 Refinery throughputs, indexed to 2019 167
Figure 5.2 Secondary capacity relative to distillation capacity, January 2023 170
Figure 5.3 Annual distillation capacity additions and total project investment 172
Figure 5.4 Distillation capacity additions from existing projects, 2023–2028 174
Figure 5.5 Distillation capacity additions and oil demand growth, 2023–2045 176
Figure 5.6 Crude distillation capacity additions, 2023–2045 177
Figure 5.7 Additional global cumulative refinery crude runs, potential and required 179
Figure 5.8 Additional cumulative crude runs in US & Canada, potential and required 180
Figure 5.9 Additional cumulative crude runs in Europe, potential and required 181
Figure 5.10 Additional cumulative crude runs in China, potential and required 182
Figure 5.11 Additional cumulative crude runs in Asia-Pacific (excl. China), potential and
required 182
Figure 5.12 Additional cumulative crude runs in the Middle East, potential and required 183
Figure 5.13 Additional cumulative crude runs in the Russia & Caspian, potential and
required 184
Figure 5.14 Additional cumulative crude runs in Africa, potential and required 184
Figure 5.15 Additional cumulative crude runs in Latin America, potential and required 185
Figure 5.16 Net cumulative regional refining potential surplus/deficits versus requirements 185
Figure 5.17 Historical and projected global refinery utilization, 2019–2028 186
Figure 5.18 Global oil demand, refining capacity and crude runs, 1980–2028 187
Figure 5.19 Refinery closures by region, recent and projected 191
Figure 5.20 Conversion projects by region, 2023–2028 195
Figure 5.21 Global capacity requirements by process type, 2023–2045 197
Figure 5.22 Conversion capacity requirements by region, 2023–2045 198
Figure 5.23 Desulphurization capacity requirements by region, 2023–2045 199
Figure 5.24 Desulphurization capacity requirements by product and region, 2023–2045 200
Figure 5.25 Octane capacity requirements by process and region, 2023–2045 201
Figure 5.26 Expected surplus/deficit of incremental product output from existing refining
projects, 2023–2028 202
Figure 5.27 Refinery investments by region, 2023–2045 203
Figure 6.1 Interregional crude oil, condensate and products exports, 2022–2045 214
Figure 6.2 Change in crude, condensate and synthetic crude supply between 2022 and 2045 215
Figure 6.3 Global average API gravity and sulphur content 216
Figure 6.4 Global crude and condensate exports by origin, 2022–2045 217
Figure 6.5 Share of Middle East and Asia-Pacific in global crude and condensate trade,
2022–2045 218
Figure 6.6 Crude and condensate exports from the Middle East by major destination,
2022–2045 219
Figure 6.7 Crude and condensate exports from Latin America by major destination,
2022–2045 219
Figure 6.8 Crude and condensate exports from Russia & Caspian by major destination,
2022–2045 220
Figure 6.9 Crude and condensate exports from Africa by major destination, 2022–2045 221
Figure 6.10 Crude and condensate exports from US & Canada by major destination,
2022–2045 222
Figure 6.11 Crude and condensate imports to the US & Canada by origin, 2022–2045 223
Figure 6.12 Crude and condensate imports to Europe by origin, 2022–2045 224
Figure 6.13 Crude and condensate imports to Asia-Pacific by origin, 2022–2045 225
Figure 6.14 Regional net crude and condensate imports, 2022, 2025, 2035 and 2045 226
Figure 6.15 Regional net product imports, 2025, 2035 and 2045 227
Figure 8.1 Global primary energy demand in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios,
2030 254
Figure 8.2 Global primary energy demand in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios,
2045 255
Figure 8.3 Global primary energy demand in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios,
2020–2045 255
Figure 8.4 Change in primary energy demand between the Advanced Technology Scenario
and the Reference Case in 2045 256
Figure 8.5 Global energy demand by sector in the Reference Case and Advanced Technology
Scenario, 2030 and 2045 257
Figure 8.6 Change in the primary energy demand between the Laissez-Faire Scenario and the
Reference Case in 2045 258
Figure 8.7 Global primary energy demand by sector in the Reference Case and Laissez-Faire
Scenario, 2030 and 2045 259
Figure 8.8 Global energy system in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios,
2020–2045 260
Figure 8.9 Global oil demand in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios,
2022–2045 261
Figure 8.10 OECD and non-OECD oil demand by scenario, 2022–2045 262


World Oil Outlook 2023

2 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Over the past year, we have witnessed a significant shift in the narrative related to energy
transitions and the intertwined issues of energy security, energy availability and the need to
reduce emissions.

Governments and political parties are reevaluating their sustainable energy pathways, taking
into account the realities on the ground and the views of populations. There has been pushback
against the opinion that the world should see the back of fossil fuels, as policies and targets for
other energies falter due to costs and a more nuanced understanding of the scale of the energy
challenges. Moreover, we are now seeing more focus on the capacities and national circumstances
of all countries in the energy transitions agenda, not just a select few.

These were evidently on display at the 8th OPEC International Seminar, held in early July in Vienna,
with a focus on the need for all energy sources, all relevant technologies and unprecedented
investment, collaboration and support.

At OPEC, we believe that the future needs to see energy transition pathways that strive for an
inclusive ‘all-peoples, all-fuels and all-technologies’ approach. We need to follow sustainable
paths that enable economic growth, enhance social mobility, boost energy access, and reduce
emissions at the same time.

These issues are part of the thinking and analysis that form the backbone of this year’s World Oil
Outlook (WOO), as the Organization looks to share its data-driven views on how the future energy
landscape may evolve, ones that offer some differing perspectives compared to past editions.

What is clear is that the world will continue to need more energy in the decades to come as
populations expand, economies grow, and given the pressing need to bring modern energy
services to those who continue to go without.

In this year’s WOO, global energy demand is seen expanding by 23% in the period to 2045, or on
average by around 3 million barrels of oil equivalent a day every year. The only way this can be
realized is through huge investments in all energies.

Recent developments have led the OPEC team to reassess just what each energy can deliver, with
a focus on pragmatic and realistic options and solutions. In this regard, our Reference Case sees
oil demand reaching 116 million barrels a day (mb/d) by 2045, around 6 mb/d higher than in the
WOO 2022, and with the potential to be even higher.

For this to be achieved, oil sector investment requirements out to 2045 total $14 trillion, or around
$610 billion on average per year. It is vital that these are made; it is beneficial for both producers
and consumers.

Calls to stop investments in new oil projects are misguided and could lead to energy and economic
chaos. History is replete with numerous examples of turmoil that should serve as a warning for
what occurs when policymakers fail to acknowledge energy’s interwoven complexities.

While the world needs more energy, alongside this there is also the need to continually reduce
emissions, subscribing to global best practices and cutting edge, best-in-class technologies. For
example, carbon capture utilization and storage, direct air capture, clean hydrogen technologies,
the circular carbon economy, and others. These form part of the WOO’s spotlight on technologies
that should play a key role going forward.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 1

The platform for building a sustainable energy future for all also comes from stability in energy
markets, which remains the core focus of OPEC and its partners in the Declaration of Cooperation.
The continued proactive, preemptive and multilateral approach to balanced and stable markets
and the voluntary production adjustments have proven beneficial over the past year. It will
continue to be a guiding principle in the years to come.

Nonetheless, the future requires all industry stakeholders to work together, no-one can work
alone. Collaboration needs to be based on the realities we see before us, to ensure a long-term
investment-friendly climate for all energies.

In putting together this year’s WOO, I would like to thank all those involved: management,
analysts, editors, designers and all others that played a role. The OPEC team should be proud
of this achievement, which is central to the Organization’s embrace of transparency through
dialogue and cooperation.

We are excited to introduce the WOO 2023 to our valued readership. We believe it offers a forward-
thinking approach and a visionary blueprint to help meet energy security concerns, lessen energy
poverty and reduce emissions. We look forward to any feedback you may have.

Haitham Al Ghais
Secretary General

World Oil Outlook 2023

2 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 3

Executive Summary

World Oil Outlook 2023

4 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Balanced energy policies and innovative technologies are key to a sustainable future
Sustainable energy and economic prosperity for all requires the use of all sources of energy
and the deployment of all relevant technologies with unprecedented levels of investment
and collaboration. Recent shifts and the re-consideration of energy transition policies and
targets by governments across the world are placing greater emphasis on energy security.
This outlook takes all these recent developments into account to provide a forward thinking
and realistic outlook, that is based on a scientific approach and hard data. This outlook takes ES
a relatively conservative approach as it assumes that already-enacted, let alone announced
energy policies, will be comprehensively implemented.

Population growth drives energy demand requirements

Global population is expected to expand by around 1.5 billion from nearly eight billion in 2022
to about 9.5 billion by 2045. This will be driven by strong population growth in the Middle East
& Africa and Other Asia. The global working-age population (aged between 15–64) is set to
increase globally by 826 million over the forecast period, while the global urbanization rate is
anticipated to rise from 57% in 2022 to 66% by 2045.

World population trends, 1990–2045

OECD Latin America Middle East & Africa
India China Other Asia
OPEC Rest of the World




1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

Average global economic growth is seen at 3% p.a. over the long-term

Global economic growth is expected to average 3% per annum (p.a.) over the forecast period.
Thus, over the entire outlook, global GDP is set to almost double from $138 trillion in 2022 to

Long-term annual real GDP growth rate % p.a.

2022–2028 2028–2035 2035–2045 2022–2045

OECD Americas 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.0
OECD Europe 1.4 1.5 1.1 1.3
OECD Asia-Pacific 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2
OECD 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.6
Latin America 1.9 2.2 1.8 1.9
Middle East & Africa 3.1 3.9 4.5 4.0
India 6.1 6.3 5.9 6.1
China 4.9 4.2 3.0 3.8
Other Asia 4.3 4.1 3.0 3.7
OPEC 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.1
Russia 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.2
Other Eurasia 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.4
Non-OECD 4.1 4.1 3.5 3.8
World 3.0 3.1 2.8 3.0
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 5

$270 trillion in 2045 (on a 2017 PPP basis). With average long-term growth of 6.1% p.a., India
is expected to remain the fastest-growing major developing country. China and India alone
are set to account for more than a third of the global economy in 2045.

Global primary energy demand to increase by 23% to 2045, driven by non-OECD

Global primary energy demand is set to increase from around 291 million barrels of oil
equivalent per day (mboe/d) in 2022 to close to 359 mboe/d in 2045, an increase of 68.3
mboe/d, or 23% over the outlook period. Growth is expected to slow gradually from the
relatively high short-term rates to more modest long-term increments, in line with moderating
population and economic growth. Energy demand growth will be driven by the non-OECD
region, which is set to increase by 69 mboe/d over the outlook period. Around 28% of non-
OECD growth is expected to come from India alone. At the same time, energy demand in OECD
countries is set to marginally decline in the outlook period.

Total primary energy demand by region, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Share
mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045

OECD Americas 55.4 55.4 56.4 56.6 56.4 55.9 0.5 0.0 19.0 15.6
OECD Europe 33.7 34.0 33.9 33.4 32.7 32.0 –1.7 –0.2 11.6 8.9
OECD Asia-Pacific 17.5 17.7 17.9 18.0 18.0 18.0 0.5 0.1 6.0 5.0
OECD 106.6 107.1 108.2 108.0 107.1 105.9 –0.7 0.0 36.7 29.5
China 71.3 75.2 78.1 78.7 78.1 77.4 6.1 0.4 24.5 21.6
India 19.2 21.3 25.4 29.7 34.1 38.5 19.3 3.1 6.6 10.7
OPEC 20.3 22.8 26.4 29.6 32.6 34.7 14.4 2.4 7.0 9.7
Other DCs 50.3 54.2 61.1 68.2 75.0 77.1 26.8 1.9 17.3 21.5
Russia 15.7 15.5 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.2 –0.5 –0.1 5.4 4.2
Other Eurasia 7.5 7.8 8.3 8.9 9.5 10.4 2.9 1.4 2.6 2.9
Non-OECD 184.3 196.8 214.7 230.3 244.5 253.3 69.0 1.4 63.3 70.5
World 290.9 303.9 322.9 338.3 351.6 359.2 68.3 0.9 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

Wind and solar grow at the fastest rate; oil retains the largest share in the energy mix
Demand for all primary fuels is set to increase in the long-term, with the exception of coal
due to energy policy and climate commitments. The strongest growth is expected for other
renewables (notably wind and solar), which will increase by 34.3 mboe/d, based on strong

World primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Fuel share
mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045

Oil 90.7 96.4 102.0 104.3 105.3 106.1 15.4 0.7 31.2 29.5
Coal 75.9 74.6 71.1 65.9 60.0 54.4 –21.5 –1.4 26.1 15.1
Gas 67.1 69.6 75.0 80.2 84.4 87.0 20.0 1.1 23.1 24.2
Nuclear 15.0 15.9 17.4 19.4 21.7 23.8 8.8 2.0 5.2 6.6
Hydro 7.7 8.2 8.9 9.6 10.2 10.5 2.8 1.3 2.7 2.9
Biomass* 26.6 27.9 30.2 32.3 34.1 35.2 8.6 1.2 9.1 9.8
Other renewables** 7.9 11.2 18.5 26.7 35.8 42.2 34.3 7.5 2.7 11.7
Total 290.9 303.9 322.9 338.3 351.6 359.2 68.3 0.9 100.0 100.0
* Biomass includes solid biomass, waste, biogas, biofuels and charcoal.
** Other renewables include wind, solar, geothermal and tidal energy.
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

6 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

policy support in many regions. The share of other renewables in the energy mix is set to
rise from around 2.7% in 2022 to 11.7% in 2045. Oil demand will grow strongly too, and even
though its share in the energy mix declines modestly, oil will remain the fuel with the largest
share by 2045 at 29.5%. Natural gas demand is set to increase by 20 mboe/d over the outlook
period, reaching 87 mboe/d in 2045. The share of fossil fuels in the energy mix will drop from
above 80% in 2022 to about 69% in 2045, due to the decline of coal. In the same period, the
combined share of oil and gas in the energy mix still represents 54% in 2045. ES

Oil demand shows strong medium-term growth; long-term oil demand rises to
116 mb/d by 2045
Global oil demand is set to reach a level of 110.2 million barrels a day (mb/d) in 2028,
representing an increase of 10.6 mb/d compared to 2022. Non-OECD oil demand is expected
to increase by a robust 10.1 mb/d, reaching a level of 63.7 mb/d by 2028. OECD demand will
also increase by 0.5 mb/d over the medium-term.

In the long-term, global oil demand is expected to increase by more than 16 mb/d between
2022 and 2045, rising from 99.6 mb/d in 2022 to 116 mb/d in 2045. Non-OECD oil demand
is expected to increase by almost 26 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. In contrast, OECD oil
demand is set to contract by around 9.3 mb/d.

Long-term oil demand by region mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 25.0 25.5 25.8 24.8 23.2 21.5 –3.5
OECD Europe 13.5 13.5 13.1 12.0 10.8 9.8 –3.7
OECD Asia-Pacific 7.4 7.5 7.2 6.6 6.0 5.4 –2.0
OECD 45.9 46.5 46.0 43.4 40.0 36.7 –9.3
China 14.9 16.8 17.8 18.2 18.5 18.8 4.0
India 5.1 5.9 7.3 8.8 10.2 11.7 6.6
Other Asia 9.0 9.9 11.1 12.1 12.9 13.6 4.6
Latin America 6.4 6.9 7.8 8.4 8.7 9.0 2.5
Middle East 8.3 9.4 10.0 10.7 11.4 11.9 3.6
Africa 4.4 4.9 5.9 6.6 7.4 8.2 3.8
Russia 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.9 0.3
Other Eurasia 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 0.3
Other Europe 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.0
Non-OECD 53.6 59.6 66.0 71.0 75.4 79.4 25.7
World 99.6 106.1 112.0 114.4 115.4 116.0 16.4

Source: OPEC.

India leads in driving oil demand growth

The largest contributions to the non-OECD oil demand increase are set to come from India,
Other Asia, China, Africa and the Middle East. India will add 6.6 mb/d to oil demand over the
forecast period. Other Asia’s oil demand is set to increase by 4.6 mb/d, China’s by 4 mb/d,
Africa’s by 3.8 mb/d and the Middle East’s by 3.6 mb/d.

Road transport, petrochemicals and aviation are key to oil demand growth
The largest incremental demand over the forecast period is projected for the road transportation,
petrochemical and aviation sectors. Oil demand in these sectors is set to increase by 4.6 mb/d,
4.3 mb/d and 4.1 mb/d, respectively. With respect to refined products, major long-term demand
growth is expected for jet/kerosene (4 mb/d) followed by ethane/liquefied petroleum gas (3.6
mb/d), diesel/gasoil (3.1 mb/d), naphtha (2.5 mb/d) and gasoline (2.5 mb/d).

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 7

Oil demand growth by sector, 2022–2045

Resid./ Comm./Agr.
115 1.6
Other industry 1.5 Electricity gen. –0.8
Petrochemicals 4.3
Other 1.1
Aviation 4.1
Road 4.6

95 99.6

Demand Growth in Growth in Growth in Demand
in 2022 transportation industry other sectors in 2045

Source: OPEC.

Strong medium-term non-OPEC liquids supply growth, led by the US

Non-OPEC liquids supply is expected to grow from 65.8 mb/d in 2022 to 72.7 mb/d in 2028,
or by almost 7 mb/d. Incremental supply in the US makes up nearly half of this, at 3.4 mb/d,
with other major drivers being Brazil, Guyana, Canada, Qatar and Norway.

With US liquids supply set to peak around the end of the current decade, overall non-OPEC
production starts declining from the early 2030s, eventually falling to 69.9 mb/d by 2045.
Guyana, Canada, Argentina, Brazil and Kazakhstan are some of the few non-OPEC producers
set to expand beyond the medium-term, but non-crude liquids including biofuels and other
unconventionals will also keep increasing.

Composition of global liquids supply growth

Supply in 2022 Non-OPEC OPEC Supply in 2045
liquids growth liquids growth

Source: OPEC.

OPEC’s share of global liquids supply rises from 34% in 2022 to 40% in 2045
OPEC liquids will rise steadily in the medium-term from 34.2 mb/d in 2022 to 37.7 mb/d, and
further to 46.1 mb/d by 2045. Thus, OPEC’s share of global liquids supply will increase from
34% in 2022 to 40% in 2045.

World Oil Outlook 2023

8 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPEC total liquids supply outlook

41 ES
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

Oil investment requirements total $14 trillion by 2045

Investment requirements for the overall oil sector, between 2022 and 2045, are estimated at
a cumulative $14 trillion (in 2023 $US), or around $610 billion p.a. on average. Of this, $11.1
trillion is expected to be required in the upstream sector, or an average of $480 billion p.a.
Downstream and midstream requirements are estimated at $1.7 and $1.2 trillion, respectively.
If these investments do not materialize, it represents a considerable challenge and risk to
market stability and energy security.

Cumulative oil-related investment requirements by segment, 2023–2045

$(2023) trillion



Source: OPEC.

Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa drive medium-term refinery expansions

Around 6.6 mb/d of refining capacity additions are projected between 2022 and 2028. Most of this
new capacity will be in the Asia-Pacific (3.1 mb/d), Middle East (1.6 mb/d) and Africa (1.2 mb/d).
Additions in other regions are minor and mostly limited to the expansion of existing refineries.

New crude distillation capacity requirements at 19.2 mb/d through 2045

In the long-term (2023–2045), global refining capacity additions are set at 19.2 mb/d (including
capacity creep). Similar to oil demand growth, additions are front-loaded, with a slowdown
in the rate towards 2045. Around 85% of long-term additions are expected in the Asia-Pacific,
Middle East and Africa. This continued trend of refining capacity migration from developed to
developing countries mirrors the shifts in regional demand.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 9

Crude distillation capacity additions, 2023–2045

2040–2045 2035–2040 2030–2035 2025–2030 2023–2025
US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other
Canada America Caspian East Asia-Pacific

Source: OPEC.

Long-term crude and condensate trade flows rise to above 45 mb/d by 2045
Driven by strong demand growth, global interregional crude and condensate trade is
expected to reach levels above 39.3 mb/d in 2025, up by more than 3 mb/d relative to
2022 levels. After 2025, total crude and condensate flows are set to increase gradually
to 45.3 mb/d by 2045, driven by rising oil demand and declining supply in importing
regions. Major contributors to the export growth are the Middle East, Latin America and
the US & Canada.

Global crude and condensate exports by origin*, 2022–2045

Asia-Pacific Middle East Russia & Caspian Europe Africa Latin America US & Canada





2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

* Only trade between major regions is considered, intratrade is excluded.

Source: OPEC.

Asia-Pacific remains by far the largest destination for crude exports

The Asia-Pacific remains by far the main destination for global crude and condensate exports.
Total imports increase gradually from 23 mb/d in 2022 to 32.6 mb/d in 2045. This translates
into its share of the global interregional trade rising from around 64% in 2022 to almost 72%
in 2045.

World Oil Outlook 2023

10 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Crude and condensate imports to the Asia-Pacific by origin, 2022–2045

Middle East Russia & Caspian Europe Africa Latin America US & Canada




2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

The Outlook considers two alternative scenarios relative to the Reference Case
An ‘Advanced Technology’ Scenario illustrates a technology-driven means of limiting the
global temperature increase to well below 2°C. This includes a much greater diffusion of
carbon capture utilization & storage (CCUS), carbon capture and storage (CCS) and direct
air capture (DAC) technologies in industrial sectors, stronger investment in hydrogen supply
networks, and the increasing adoption of a circular carbon economy (CCE) framework across
the global economy. Primary energy demand in this scenario will be almost 55 mboe/d lower
by 2045 compared to the Reference Case. Oil demand, after stabilizing at over 100 mb/d until
around 2035, will then drop slightly towards 98 mb/d by 2045, which is 18 mb/d lower than
in the Reference Case.

The ‘Laissez-Faire’ Scenario, which is a more optimistic and more equitable outlook for
developing economies, assumes a faster return to higher economic growth during the
medium-term and maintains this stronger growth in the long-term, especially for developing
countries. Policies will tighten in the future, contributing to improved efficiencies and
supporting the further expansion of renewables; however, in an isolated manner given
the absence of a coordinated move to reduce future emissions. Moreover, protectionism
and unilateralism will play a more important role in prioritizing local development needs
over global issues. In this scenario, both primary energy demand and oil demand will be
consistently higher than the Reference Case. Oil demand surpasses 113 mb/d by 2030 and
continues growing to 122 mb/d in 2045. Compared to the Reference Case, this represents a
difference of more than 1 mb/d by 2030, which then expands to 6.3 mb/d in 2045.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 11


World Oil Outlook 2023

12 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

The global energy landscape has undergone significant changes during 2022 and 2023. The
start of the conflict in Eastern Europe in early 2022 led to an energy crisis that redirected
energy flows and exacerbated record-high energy prices. This was especially the case for spot
natural gas and coal prices, as well as electricity prices in many major consuming regions.

Moreover, the period has also seen a broad realization across many societies on the need INT
for energy security to go hand-in-hand with economic development and reducing emissions, INT
with many policymakers re-evaluating their approach to energy transition pathways. This
is true of many of the early adopters of net zero targets in the Global North. It is also true
that countries in the Global South have now made it clear what energy transitions mean
for them.

This renewed focus on energy security and energy affordability has led to a variety of
developments. Many developed countries have turned to fossil fuels, including coal, to meet
short-term energy needs, while also enhancing targets related to low-carbon energy and
energy efficiency improvements, which are also in line with climate change policies.

Increasing the deployment of renewable energy and/or nuclear energy is seen by these
countries as a means to address the dual challenge of energy security and sustainability.
However, these ambitious targets increasingly stand at odds with realities on the ground. The
required investments are significantly lagging, as policymakers in many countries re-direct
expenditures to more pressing issues such as the cost-of-living crisis, inflation and recession
worries and welfare spending. There is also a rising chorus of voices questioning the viability
and actual benefits of these policies and targets, and asking whether there are other options
to help reduce emissions while ensuring energy security and economic development.

At the same time, many developing countries, in their quest to raise the level of energy security,
have increasingly turned to domestic energy supplies, predominantly coal. Moreover, there
has also been a refocus on the critical need to continue to utilize fossil fuels going forward,
while at the same time reducing emissions. Increasingly, calls for more equitable growth
come from developing nations where people need more energy and where countries need
to be able to utilize their resources to the fullest, while not undermining the UN’s goal to
ensure affordable, reliable and modern energy services for all by 2030. As a result, the focus
of policymakers is turning to improved energy access and energy poverty eradication, while
utilizing all energy sources.

This clearly depicts a major difference between developed and developing countries. In the
former, energy demand has been increasing only marginally, or even declining in recent
years. This allows for a faster penetration of low-carbon energy sources in the energy mix,
albeit not at levels to meet many of the targets set. At the same time, developing countries,
with rapidly growing populations and economies are likely to see a strong increase in total
energy demand, which cannot be met by renewables alone. The deployment of renewables
is capital intensive, and most developing countries do not have sufficient access to financing.
This is why the increase of low carbon energy sources in the mix is considerably slower, when
compared to developed countries.

Alongside a recovery from the pandemic, these developments have also helped to support
oil demand growth in recent years. Following the turbulent years of 2020 and 2021, global
oil demand continued growing in 2022, despite the fact that the last quarter of 2022 and the
beginning of 2023 were marked by high inflation and continued geopolitical tensions.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 13

High energy prices that prevailed during most of 2022 started declining towards the end of
the year as it became clearer that the energy supply crisis in Europe was easing, supported
by a relatively mild winter. Adding to this was Russia’s ability to redirect its oil exports,
mainly to Asia, after the new set of EU sanctions came into force, which, with a few minor
exemptions, banned Russian oil imports to the EU.

Major central banks have increased key interest rates in an effort to tame inflation. This,
combined with high debt levels in several regions, lowered the prospects for economic growth
during 2023. Despite this outlook, oil demand proved to be relatively resilient to downward
revisions during 2023. It remains to be seen, however, how the link between oil demand and
the level of economic activity will develop in the years to come as mixed signals are emerging
on factors that have the potential to steer this relationship in the future.

On the one hand, energy security is still on the top of agenda for policymakers as many
of them have learned lessons from recent developments. Moreover, several major energy
companies have signalled a shift in their investment strategy towards more investments in
oil and gas projects, acknowledging a more balanced all energies approach to the energy

On the other, there are new policy initiatives aiming at emission reductions, such as the
adoption of the ‘Fit for 55’ package by the European Parliament in April 2023 and the
Inflation Reduction Act in the US adopted in August 2022. Additionally, there is the Long-
Term Aspirational Goal (LTAG) for international aviation to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions
by 2050 adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International
Air Transport Association (IATA) in October 2022. Additionally, recent investments by car
manufacturers to shift production lines towards electric mobility, especially in China and
Europe, is another area to be closely monitored as the evolving composition of the car fleet
could have a significant impact on future oil demand.

On the supply side, a considerable degree of uncertainty regarding the medium- and long-
term outlook for non-OPEC liquids persists too. Against the backdrop of transitioning towards
a lower-emissions future, persistent long-term concerns remain around investment in the
oil and gas sector, especially given concerns related to financing, shareholder pressure, and
environmental, social and governance (ESG) interests. However, recent liquids production
has remained robust, with non-OPEC supply healthy and OPEC+ continuing to act proactively,
continuously and pre-emptively, ensuring global oil market stability.

The outlook for non-OPEC liquids supply retains the pattern described in recent Outlooks
– healthy medium-term growth, followed by a peak in the early 2030s, after which output
gradually declines again. Combined with oil demand growing in the long-term, albeit at a
slower pace, this implies a rising requirement for OPEC liquids, and hence an increasing
market share for OPEC producers.

Cognizant of all the uncertainties, this year’s World Oil Outlook again sketches alternative
energy trajectories. An ‘Advanced Technology’ Scenario illustrates a technology-driven
means of limiting the global temperature increase to well below 2°C, with a much greater
diffusion of CCUS, CCS and DAC technologies in industrial sectors, stronger investment in
hydrogen supply networks, and the increasing adoption of a CCE framework across the global
economy. The ‘Laissez-Faire’ scenario assumes a faster return to higher economic growth
during the medium-term and maintains this stronger growth in the long-term, especially for

World Oil Outlook 2023

14 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

developing countries. Policies will tighten in the future, contributing to improved efficiencies
and supporting the further expansion of renewables; however, in an isolated manner given
the absence of a coordinated move to reduce emissions. Moreover, protectionism and
unilateralism will play a more important role in prioritizing local development needs over
global issues.

This Outlook once again underscores the major questions and challenges the world faces INT
when imagining a common energy future. In this regard, OPEC continues to strive for a
transparent, open-minded and facts-based dialogue to help enable a sustainable energy and
economic future for all. This should focus on all energy sources, all relevant technologies,
and the views of all stakeholders, and it is hoped this publication contributes to that end.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 15

Key assumptions

World Oil Outlook 2023

16 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Key takeaways

• Sustainable energy and economic prosperity for all requires the use of all sources of
energy and the deployment of all relevant technologies with unprecedented levels of
investment and collaboration, and with energy security, economic development and
reducing emissions going hand-in-hand.

• This outlook takes all this on board, including recent shifts and the re-consideration
of policies and targets related to energy transitions by governments across the
world, to provide a forward thinking and realistic outlook that is based on a scientific
approach and hard data.

• This outlook takes a relatively conservative approach as it assumes that already-

enacted, let alone announced energy policies will be fully or comprehensively

• The global population is estimated to expand by around 1.5 billion from its present
level of almost eight billion in 2022 to around 9.5 billion by 2045.

• Driven by the Middle East & Africa and other Asia, non-OECD population growth is
projected to be much higher than the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD).

• The relative share of the global working-age population is expected to decline from
65% in 2022 to 63% in 2045, despite increasing by 826 million over the outlook period.

• The global urbanized population is projected to grow by 1.7 billion, increasing from
57% in 2022 to 66% by 2045.

• Global GDP growth between 2022 and 2045 is expected to remain robust and increase
at an average rate of 3% p.a.

• With an average GDP growth of 6.1% p.a. over the projection period, India is set to
remain the fastest-growing major developing country.

• Global GDP is projected to almost double, from around $138 trillion in 2022 to $270
trillion in 2045, all in 2017 purchasing power parity (PPP) terms.

• China and India alone are set to account for more than a third of the global economy
in 2045. The OECD region’s share of the global economy is expected to drop from 46%
in 2022 to 34% in 2045.

• Existing and future technologies will significantly contribute to shaping the future
energy landscape. The development and deployment of various technologies also
helps to set the scene for the Reference Case.

• Hydrogen is perceived in the context of energy transitions as a possible solution to

some climate challenges, playing the role of an energy carrier.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 17

Multiple key assumptions are made to establish this year’s WOO. These include demographic
projections and trends, possible economic growth in the midst of the current expedited mon-
etary tightening, and the expected influence of technology advancements on the energy sec-
tor. With regard to energy policies, the Outlook incorporates recent shifts in thinking and tar-
gets related to energy transitions by governments across the world. Compared to previous
WOOs, it takes a more conservative approach towards assuming that already-enacted, let alone
announced energy policies, will be fully implemented, thus providing a forward thinking and
realistic outlook. What is clear is that a sustainable energy and economic future for all requires
all energy sources, all relevant technologies, unprecedented investment and collaboration, and
with energy security, economic development and reducing emissions going hand-in-hand.

1.1 Population and demographics

With advancements in healthcare, nutrition, sanitation, among other factors to improve qual-
ity of life, the average age of the global population has risen considerably in recent decades.
Today, the world’s population continues to grow although the general development is a slow-
ing trend. Looking ahead some developing countries may also see a similar transitions path-
way as the OECD, but many others will defy this trend. In this chapter, various demographic
fundamentals are considered and thoroughly evaluated as a means to help evolve the WOO’s
Reference Case projections.

Last year, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs published their 2022
Revision of World Population Prospects (UNDESA, 2022). The 27th edition of the UN’s official
population estimates and projections reflect many key demographic indicators addressed in
this section.

A key element highlighted is the sustained momentum of a decline in fertility rates. Regarding
the projection for this year’s Outlook, total global population is estimated to expand by around 1.5
billion close to eight billion in 2022 to around 9.5 billion by 2045 (Table 1.1).

Regionally, the Middle East & Africa (excluding OPEC countries), as per the WOO’s regional
groupings (see Annex B), is expected to drive 48% of the population growth. Other Asia, India
and OPEC each contribute between 15% and 19%. In the OECD, population growth for 2022-
2045 is also estimated to be considerably less than the 184 million expansion in its popula-
tion over the 1998–2022 period. Growth in OECD Americas will more than offset a 12 million
decline in OECD Asia-Pacific. Overall, the non-OECD dominates the projections, accounting for
more than 97% of the population growth compared to marginally less than 3% in the OECD.

The main anomaly for the non-OECD is the expectation that China’s population drops by
almost 76 million over the outlook period. This also reflects by far the largest decline of the
major economies. This compares to population growth of 192 million in the previous 24 years
(1998–2022), as seen in Figure 1.1. Furthermore, 2023 marked the year that China’s popu-
lation was overtaken by that of India (Figure 1.2). Going forward, India’s population is set to
continue expanding, with an estimated increase of 229 million over the period 2022–2045,
albeit less than the 396 million added to its’ population in the previous 24 years.

The Middle East & Africa region and OPEC are currently undergoing rapid population
growth. This trend is projected to maintain its momentum through to 2045. In fact, the
region is set to have the largest overall population by the end of the forecast period, a level
it achieves around 2035. The Middle East & Africa and OPEC are the only regions expected

World Oil Outlook 2023

18 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Table 1.1
Population by region millions

Levels Growth
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 527 537 551 564 575 583 56
OECD Europe 583 585 587 587 587 584 1
OECD Asia–Pacific 216 215 214 211 208 205 –12
OECD 1,327 1,337 1,351 1,363 1,370 1,372 46
Latin America 482 492 508 522 533 541 59
Middle East & Africa 1,197 1,284 1,436 1,594 1,756 1,920 723
Width: 135.6 mm 1
India 1,417 1,455 1,515 1,568 1,612 1,646 229mm
Height: 65
China 1,426 1,424 1,416 1,400 1,378 1,350 –76
Other Asia 1,258 1,300 1,368 1,430 1,486 1,535 277
OPEC 527 558 609 660 712 762 234
Russia 145 143 141 139 137 135 –10
Other Eurasia 196 198 201 203 205 207 11
Non–OECD 6,649 6,855 7,195 7,516 7,818 8,095 1,447
World 7,975 8,192 8,546 8,879 9,188 9,468 1,492

Source: United Nations (UN).

Figure 1.1
Figure 1.1
World population growth, 1998–2022 versus 2022–2045



Rest of the World

Latin America
900 Other Asia
Middle East & Africa

1998–2022 2022–2045
Source: UN.

to see a significant rise in their growth rate, adding 723 million and 234 million people
between 2022 and 2045, respectively. This compares to 541 million and 220 million added
from 1998–2022.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 19
Figure 1.2

Figure 1.2
World population trends, 1990–2045
OPEC Middle East & Africa OECD
Latin America Other Asia China
Rest of the World India




1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: UN.

1.1.1 Working-age population

The global working-age population (aged between 15 and 64) is projected to grow by 826 mil-
lion to reach six billion by 2045 (Table 1.2). Despite this large growth, and mainly due to the
general ageing of the population, the share of the working age population is set to fall from 65%
in 2022 to 63% in 2045. From a regional perspective, the share of the working-age population
in non-OECD countries is forecast to drop only slightly, from 65% in 2022 to 64% in 2045, while
the change in OECD countries is more pronounced, falling from 64.6% in 2022 to 59.6% in 2045.

Table 1.2
Working population (age 15–64) by region millions

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
OECD Americas 346 350 355 359 361 363 17
OECD Europe 376 374 367 360 351 342 –34
OECD Asia–Pacific 135 133 130 125 118 113 –22
OECD 857 857 852 843 830 818 –39
Latin America 327 334 344 351 354 354 28
Middle East & Africa 683 743 850 961 1,076 1,194 511
India 961 995 1,043 1,079 1,102 1,117 156
China 984 987 972 931 867 822 –162
Other Asia 825 855 901 942 976 1,005 180
OPEC 317 339 377 413 447 478 160
Russia 96 94 93 92 89 85 –11
Other Eurasia 127 128 130 132 132 131 4
Non–OECD 4,321 4,475 4,710 4,900 5,044 5,187 866
World 5,178 5,332 5,562 5,744 5,874 6,005 826

Source: UN.

World Oil Outlook 2023

20 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

In the OECD, only OECD Americas is set to see a slight increase in the working-age population,
mainly due to immigration. A 16% decline in the working- age population is forecast for OECD
Asia-Pacific over the forecast period. The decline for OECD Europe is set to be smaller, at 9%,
but this is evidently still significant.

China’s working age population is projected to decline by 162 million between 2022 and
2045, while India’s working-age population is projected to increase by 156 million. The
highest absolute growth is forecast for the Middle East & Africa, with an increase135.6
of 511mm
million in the working-age population. Other Asia and OPEC are alsoHeight:
expected 65 mm
to see
significant growth.

1.1.2 Urbanization
Urbanization is closely linked to improved energy access and a key factor in helping
alleviate energy poverty as both economic development and energy consumption tend to
increase. The urbanization rate measures the percentage of the total population living in
urban areas. In 2022, about 4.5 billion people, which is almost 57% of the world’s population,
lived in urban areas (Figure 1.3). This is a sharp increase from 44% only three decades ago.
Urbanization is projected to grow in the coming decades, with 66% of the global population,
equivalent to over 6.2 billion people, living in urban areas by the end of the forecast period.
Figure 1.3

Figure 1.3
Urbanization rate for selected regions, 2000–2045

India China OPEC
Middle East & Africa Non-OECD Latin America
85 Other Asia World OECD






2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: UN.

OECD and Latin America are the most urbanized regions, with more than 80% of the
population living in urban areas. OECD Asia-Pacific has the highest urbanization rate at 89%,
followed by OECD Americas at 83%. This trend is set to continue, despite already high rates
of urbanization. OECD and Latin America are projected to have urbanization rates of 87% and
86%, respectively, by 2045, with OECD Asia-Pacific at over 90%.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 21

China’s urbanization has changed dramatically over the past three decades, driven by rapid
economic development. While the country’s urbanization rate was 28.2% in 1992, it increased
significantly to 64% in 2022. Due to a mature domestic economy, urbanization is expected to
continue at a slower pace, resulting in an urbanization rate of 78.3% by 2045.

India had an urbanization rate similar to that of China in 1992. However, in contrast to
China’s rapid urbanization, India’s rate has only increased to 36% in 2022. India has been the
region with the lowest urbanization rate since 1989, when it was overtaken by China. This is
expected to continue until the end of the forecast period, when its rate is expected to be 50%.
Urbanization in Other Asia follows India’s trend throughout the projection period, albeit from
a higher level.

OPEC Member Countries currently have an urbanization level of 68%, and this is expected to
reach 76% by 2045. The Middle East & Africa region is anticipated to experience significant
increased urbanization in the coming decades. However, the majority of Africa’s population is
set to remain rural, with 43% of the population expected to live in urban areas by 2045.

1.1.3 Migration
Migration is another dynamic element in the demographic disparities that exist at the regional
level. Net migration, as shown in Table 1.3, measures the change in population between the
UN’s medium variant case and the zero migration variant case.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on both mobility and international travel,
severely affecting migration across regions and countries. The impact of COVID-19 on
migration, however, has diminished as travel restrictions have eased. In the short-term, net
migration figures are strongly influenced by geopolitical instability, leading to a large outflow
of people from one region to another.

Table 1.3
Net migration by region millions
2020–2025 2025–2030 2030–2035 2035–2040 2040–2045

OECD Americas 5.2 5.9 6.3 6.3 6.2

OECD Europe 5.8 1.7 3.3 3.4 3.5
OECD Asia-Pacific 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
OECD 12.5 9.1 11.1 11.2 11.1
Latin America –0.6 –1.1 –0.8 –0.8 –0.7
Middle East & Africa –1.3 –1.1 –1.9 –1.8 –1.8
India –1.8 –2.4 –2.4 –2.5 –2.5
China –1.2 –1.6 –1.5 –1.6 –1.5
Other Asia –3.5 –4.2 –4.1 –4.1 –4.1
OPEC –2.0 0.5 –0.3 –0.4 –0.4
Russia 1.4 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5
Other Eurasia –3.4 0.6 –0.5 –0.5 –0.5
Non–OECD –12.4 –9.1 –11.1 –11.2 –11.1

Source: UN.

World Oil Outlook 2023

22 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

In the medium- and long-term, net migration is anticipated to return to historical patterns,
with a steady flow of people from non-OECD regions moving to OECD countries. However,
evolving geopolitics may have a significant impact on future migration patterns.

1.2 Economic growth

The key economic developments as summarized and described in last year’s WOO have broadly
continued. The issues include deglobalization, rising debt levels, skilled labour shortages, the
consequences of the conflict in Eastern Europe, with a variety of spillover effects, and the
accelerated financial tightening across the world, triggered by strong rises in inflation.
Of these issues, notably the effects of monetary tightening and deglobalization have
accelerated, while the other issues remain, but have not necessarily progressed in terms of
their overall economic impact.

1.2.1 Current situation and short-term growth

While the COVID-19 pandemic is now generally considered to be in the rear view mirror,
it has had major economic effects. The strict lockdown measures in 2020–2021 were
particularly impactful, but the reopening of economies has helped to support economic

Throughout 2022, global supply chain issues prevailed, both on account of geopolitical
developments in Eastern Europe and the China’s zero-COVID policy. Positively, the
situation improved towards the end of 2022, and the majority of these supply issues now
appear to have been overcome.

While inflation has remained notably low in China, it has been a central challenge for most
economies in 2022 and 2023. General inflation levels rose considerably in 2022, but it is now
core-inflation that is persistently high. Expectations for ongoing firm inflation, at least in the
medium-term, means that interest rates will likely remain above pre-pandemic and pandemic
levels in many key economies, importantly in the United States (US), the Euro-zone and the
United Kingdom (UK). India and Brazil have more room to manoeuvre and, in China, a more
accommodative monetary policy is possible and likely at least in the medium-term.

In 2023, global economic growth has remained uneven among regions. However, upside
potential in the short-term may come from less accentuated inflation, which would
provide central banks with room for relatively more accommodative monetary policies.
Emerging Asia, particularly India, but also Brazil and Russia could surprise further to the
upside, with domestic demand and external trade accelerating. An even stronger-than-
anticipated rebound in China after the reopening of its economy may provide further
support to the global economy. Moreover, the US may keep its momentum and potentially
could see growth turning out higher-than expected.

1.2.2 Medium-term economic growth

The carry-over effects of the main short-term issues will also likely provide influential forces
for the medium-term economic growth dynamic. The following major assumptions and
dynamics are made for the Reference Case.

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Inflation is expected to gradually slow in the medium-term. After global inflation reached
more than 8% in 2022, the consumer price index is forecast to slow to around 6% in 2023.
From 2023 onwards, the medium-term inflation path sees a gradual slowdown, reaching
around 2.5% by 2028. The medium-term global inflation average is forecast at 3.2%.

While inflation is forecast to be relatively contained in the medium-term, monetary tightening is

expected to continue into 2024 and beyond. However, it is forecast that the pace of interest rate
hikes in 2022 and 2023, particularly in the US, will not be repeated and that interest rates in the
US, the Euro-zone and the UK will peak by the end of 2023. From 2024 onwards, the monetary
policy focus will be on a reduction of balance sheets. Global liquidity will, therefore, be reduced,
but only gradually. In the OECD, interest rates are expected to be lowered from 2024 onwards.
Japan is forecast to continue a more accommodative monetary policy and is anticipated to keep
its key policy rates around 0% up to the end of the medium-term period. Interest rates in the
major emerging markets are expected stay at relatively higher levels throughout the period.

Assumptions about the conflict in Eastern Europe are challenging. It is assumed that there
is no escalation of the conflict, nor any spill over into other arenas, especially neighbouring

In connection with inflation and interest rate trends, the debt related challenges in various
economies need to be closely watched. Escalating debt levels have become an increasing con-
cern, particularly given the rapid rise in key policy rates across the world in response to rising
inflation. Global debt rose to $305 trillion in 1Q23, which is $45 trillion above pre-pandemic lev-
els and it is expected to rise further, according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF). No
major dislocation from this situation is assumed in the forecast, but it is clear that some highly
indebted economies may face potentially mounting issues, of which fiscal constraint would be
only a minor one. Moreover, some countries may potentially face default in the medium-term.

In periods of elevated debt, various types of taxes such as those on assets, capital gains,
property, inheritance, top-tier incomes, and corporate earnings are often raised to pay for ris-
ing debt services and/or to mitigate debt levels. It is also expected that more environmental
taxes may be introduced in the coming years, particularly in developed economies.

In the medium-term outlook, it is presumed that potential tax hikes do not hinder the global
economic rebound. It is assumed that these will mainly be sourced from well-off and secure
entities with the tax collection well-directed. However, the introduction of further taxes has
the potential to slightly suppress certain growth aspects, but this is expected to be on a minor
scale. If consumer taxes increase, or those impacting the middle and lower income groups
escalate, a more substantial inhibiting effect on GDP growth may become evident.

For the medium-term forecast, it is also assumed that there will be no further escalation in
conflicts that may dampen the global economic recovery going forward. Generally, domestic
inequalities within economies will be successfully managed via multilateral cooperation,
redistribution effects or other policy measures.

In addition, it is forecast that the trend of global fragmentation continues, which provides
some dampening effect, albeit gradually. It is also assumed that global trade becomes more
regionally dominated, with a steady increase in the interactions between the three main trad-
ing hubs that have been established in recent decades. One is the US-centred trade region of
the Americas, dominated by North America. Another is the European region, with its dominant

World Oil Outlook 2023

24 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

forces of Germany, France and the UK, while the third is the Asian region, centred on China,
India and the Middle East. Trading within Latin America is likely to increase over the medium-
term, again with rising regional engagements led by Brazil.

A potential consequence of less globalized trading could be further regional inequalities, as

wealth transfers via exports shift towards wealthier economies. These changes, however,
will take time to evolve and may only become visible slowly over the medium-term.

It is important to note that emerging and developing economies are forecast to outgrow
advanced economies in the medium-term, but they will also likely face decelerating growth
momentum amid maturing domestic economies. In addition, a potentially lessening global
trade dynamic may support this trend. Similarly, to previous WOOs, China and India, con-
stituting the two largest emerging economies, are expected to follow this pattern. This is
reflected in both medium- and long-term forecasts.

Another important element in connection to economic growth is productivity. In advanced

economies, in particular, productivity was already in decline in the pre-pandemic years.
While current forecasts anticipate productivity gains to remain low, the current severe
staff shortages in combination with the drive towards digitalization may lead to a pick-up
in productivity. This would come via the effective utilization of new technologies and
robotics, including utilizing artificial intelligence (AI). Productivity growth would not only be
in the process of industrial production, but the services sector too. This has the potential
to lift global economic growth significantly. The challenge associated with such potentially
significant productivity improvements, however, is how best to utilize human resources that
could be idled and how best to avoid social conflict.

Table 1.4
Medium–term annual real GDP growth rate % p.a.
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
OECD Americas 2.3 1.8 0.7 1.5 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.5
OECD Europe 3.8 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.4
OECD Asia-Pacific 2.0 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3
OECD 2.9 1.2 0.9 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.5
Latin America 4.0 1.7 1.6 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 1.9
Middle East & Africa 3.4 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.1
India 6.7 5.6 5.9 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.1
China 3.0 5.2 4.8 4.8 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.9
Other Asia 4.6 3.6 3.8 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.3
OPEC 5.6 3.3 2.9 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.0
Russia –2.1 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.0
Other Eurasia –3.0 2.5 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.5
Non-OECD 3.6 3.9 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.1
World 3.2 2.7 2.6 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.0

Source: OPEC.

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After the 2023 GDP growth forecast of 2.7%, it is expected that growth slows to around 2.6%
in 2024. Thereafter, growth is anticipated to mean revert towards the medium-term growth
potential of around 3.2%. At the end of the medium-term period in 2028, growth is forecast
at 3.3%, supported by a gradual recovery in both the OECD and non-OECD. However, emerg-
ing economies will likely experience a maturing growth dynamic, relative to advanced econo-
mies, a trend that is expected to continue in the long-term too.

Growth by region
In OECD economies, the rapidly rising interest rate environment of 2022 and 2023 will dampen
economic growth. While 2023 GDP growth is forecast to be materially supported by the ser-
vices sector, it will be the industrial side of OECD economies that dampens growth signifi-
cantly. Over the course of the medium-term period, however, the growth pattern is set to nor-
malize again. The OECD is expected to see growth of 0.9% in 2024 and then rise to 1.8% at the
end of the medium-term period in 2028. This compares to an OECD pre-pandemic average
growth level (2010–2019) of 2.1%.

OECD Americas will be particularly impacted by the interest rate regimes of the US Fed
and the central bank of Canada. High interest rates will lead to growth of only 0.7% in 2024,
compared to a pre-pandemic average (2010–2019) of 2.3%. By 2025, however, GDP growth
in OECD Americas is forecast to rebound to a level of 1.5% and then continue rising to 2%
in 2028. A major positive effect from 2024 onwards is set to come from monetary easing as
inflation is expected to retract materially over the medium-term. On the flip side, very high
US debt levels, in combination with any sustained relatively high interest rate regime, could
challenge the growth momentum.

OECD Europe’s growth is forecast to be significantly challenged by ongoing high interest

rates, amid high inflation, a situation that is likely to impact GDP growth in the region in 2024
and beyond. In addition, the conflict in Eastern Europe and its political outcome, as well as its
ripple effect on both Europe’s energy supplies and energy prices, will also continue to impair
economic development, at least at the beginning of the medium-term. Moreover, debt-related
issues in some EU economies, particularly Italy, and potentially Greece, may re-emerge, at a
time of rising interest rates and slowing GDP growth. Positively, however, interest rates are
forecast to be lowered by the ECB over the medium-term, given that inflation is forecast to
recede from 2023 onwards. This dynamic will lead growth higher to stand at 1.8% in 2028.
This compares to a pre-pandemic average growth level (2010–2019) of 2% and 1% in 2024.

In OECD Asia-Pacific, Japan is forecast to witness a relatively stable medium-term growth

dynamic. The region’s major trading partner, China, also provides helpful guidance for future
growth, given its importance as a customer for input goods from OECD Asian economies.
While China is forecast to see less dynamic growth, the other important group of trading
partners, the G7 economies, are forecast to accelerate. Monetary stimulus is forecast to taper
off in most OECD Asia-Pacific economies, but the Bank of Japan’s (BoJ) monetary policy is
expected to be more accommodative, compared to its G4 central bank peers. For OECD Asia-
Pacific, growth is set to stand at 1.2% in 2024 and reach 1.4% in 2028. This compares to an
OECD Asia-Pacific pre-pandemic average growth level (2010–2019) of 2%.

The medium-term growth outlook in non-OECD countries remains relatively diverse. While
China is forecast to see a less dynamic growth pattern, India is anticipated to see growth
gradually expand. Moreover, the other Asian regions, as well as Latin America and the Middle

World Oil Outlook 2023

26 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

East & Africa, are forecast to see GDP levels expand over the medium-term. This is driven
more by the anticipation of improving domestic activity in these economies than external fac-
tors. In this respect, high population growth will play a pivotal role, an aspect that will be
especially relevant in the longer-term.

In Latin America, the two major economies, Brazil and Argentina, will likely shape growth
patterns. Brazil is expected to benefit from fiscal reform and selective governmental support
measures. The ongoing deceleration of inflation and the expectation of a consequent accom-
modative monetary policy adds further support to medium-term growth. Argentina still has
to deal with a number fiscal challenges, at least at the beginning of the medium-term period.
Considering the high debt levels, Argentina has limited fiscal space for manoeuvre and the
medium-term growth momentum is set to be low. Growth in Latin America is forecast at 1.6%
in 2024 and reaches 2.3% in 2028. This compares to a pre-pandemic average growth level
(2010–2019) of 2.2%.

In the Middle East & Africa, medium-term growth is expected to rise from 2023 levels. This
is supported by the anticipation of steady commodity demand, growing regional domestic
demand and supported by an expansion of the middle class. Additionally, a continued expan-
sion in the global growth dynamic is forecast to lift foreign investment into the region. Growth
in the Middle East & Africa is expected at 2.9% in 2024 and reaches 3.4% in 2028. This com-
pares to a pre-pandemic average growth level (2010–2019) of 3.3%.

China is forecast to witness growth of 4.8% in 2024. The economy’s growth is forecast to
remain relatively stable over the course of the medium-term period. While challenges in
external trade are expected to remain, domestic demand is set to only gradually pick-up.
Furthermore, it is anticipated that the central government will counterbalance any mate-
rial deviation from the government’s growth target. Growth of 4.8% in 2024 is the same level
expected at the end of medium-term in 2028. This compares to a pre-pandemic average
growth level (2010–2019) of 7.7%.

India’s growth is forecast to see some acceleration from 2024 onwards. The economy is set to
benefit from the country’s population growth, a rising middle-class and major infrastructure
projects over the medium-term. An ongoing deceleration of inflation and the expectation of
a consequent accommodative monetary policy is set to add further support to medium-term
growth. India’s growth is forecast to stand at 5.9% in 2024 and reaches 6.4% in 2028. This
compares to a pre-pandemic average growth level (2010–2019) of 7.1%.

Other Asia is forecast to see sound medium-term growth. In 2024, growth is forecast at 3.8%
and this rises to 4.6% by 2028. This compares to a pre-pandemic average growth level (2010–
2019) of 5%.

The OPEC region is supported by continued diversification efforts, an expanding and rela-
tively young population, rising domestic economic activity and steady growth momentum in
commodity markets. Growth is forecast to stand at 2.9% in 2024 and reaches 3% in 2028. This
compares to a pre-pandemic average growth level (2010–2019) of 2.2%.

In Eurasia, Russia constitutes the most important economy. It is evident that growth has
been, and will be, impacted by geopolitical issues including the associated effects of sanc-
tions. It is expected, however, that Russia will continue to witness a rebound in its growth
to 1% in 2024, following 0.6% in 2023. This growth level is then anticipated to lift further

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and is seen at 1.4% in 2028. This compares to a pre-pandemic average growth level (2010–
2019) of 2.1%.

Other Eurasia is forecast to see a deceleration in its medium-term growth rate. Growth is set
to stand at 2.8% in 2024 and reaches 2.4% in 2028. This compares to a pre-pandemic average
growth level (2010–2019) of 2.7%.

1.2.3 Long-term economic growth

Forecasting long-term economic growth is inherently challenging, especially in the after-
math of the COVID-19 pandemic that has introduced a multitude of uncertainties and varia-
tions in regards to its impacts at the macro level. The complexity of this task has been height-
ened even further this year due to the entwined nature of the substantial global economic
uncertainties discussed in both the short- and medium-term outlooks.

Making assumptions about the conflict in Eastern Europe is an exceedingly difficult task. While
some degree of global re-balancing has been witnessed thus far, the current outlook remains
unclear with many uncertainties regarding the conflict’s status and the potential ramifica-
tions for the global status quo. Additionally, further geopolitical tensions add another layer of
complexity to the potential consequences for the global economic growth trajectory.

In addition to the COVID-19 legacy and geopolitical tensions, several other systemic issues
necessitate continuous monitoring, such as the ongoing global economic fragmentation
that entails evolving shifts in trade, investment, skills, knowledge, and scientific trans-
fers. Furthermore, the complexities arising from the further increase in public debts across
economies and the advent of higher inflation and interest rates, add further challenges
to the current landscape for economists, and for policymakers, who must navigate these
multifaceted issues and formulate effective strategies accordingly.

Likewise, the potential energy sector transformations may have a substantial impact on
economies. While transitions towards alternative energy sources, particularly renewa-
bles, have accelerated in recent years, there is a growing discussion about the benefits and
competitiveness of fossil fuels within a sustainable energy mix, particularly due to an
increased focus on energy security. This emerging narrative recognizes the need to balance
environmental concerns with the economic considerations associated with energy security,
highlighting the importance of finding sustainable solutions for all.

The ongoing energy transitions and the associated rise in energy prices has the potential to
affect the long-term structure of the global economy and support prolonged levels of high
inflation. The shift towards more expensive renewable energy systems may result in higher
prices, potentially constraining consumer demand and business investments. Other sources
of elevated inflation in the long-term include demographics changes, such as population age-
ing and labour market shortages, particularly in advanced economies, unsustainable levels
of public debt, and potential tax increases. Another significant driver of the elevated inflation
regime is the trend toward global economic fragmentation. As countries re-evaluate their
global dependencies, it is evident that many may prioritize domestic production and self-
sufficiency as regionalization becomes more noticeable.

In summary, the current developments unfolding around the world are marked by their
complexity and systemic nature, posing substantial challenges for forecasting. Over the last

World Oil Outlook 2023

28 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

two years, it could be said that the world has witnessed an unprecedented transition phase
driven by geopolitical dynamics and a shift towards a multipolar world with diverse value sys-
tems. Nevertheless, the outcome, and full implications of this transition, remains uncertain.

For example, since 2022, the group of countries known as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India,
China and South Africa) have witnessed a notable rise in prominence, drawing interest from
more than 30 countries that have expressed an interested in joining the group and it’s New
Development Bank. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, IR Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and
Argentina will join the BRICS group as early as 2024. These developmentsWidth: 135.6
signify the mm
Height: 65 mm
ing nature of the BRICS platform in facilitating the establishment of new development, invest-
ment and trade institutions within the bloc.
Based on the aforementioned, and taking into account current developments, the assump-
tions underlying long-term economic growth developments continue to revolve around pro-
ductivity growth, demographic trends, and labour market dynamics. These are the key long-
term growth trend factors shaping the trajectory of economies.

These factors are relatively well understood and continue to play a major role in driving long-
term economic growth. In that context, labour productivity has been the largest contributor,
both regionally and globally (Figure 1.4). Additional productivity growth could come from the
pandemic-driven trend towards digitalization, robotics and AI, and the more effective use of
these evolving technologies. Figure 1.4

Figure 1.4
Long–term GDP growth rates by components, 2022–2045

% p.a.
Labour productivity Participation rate
Working-age population Employment rate GDP growth



Source: OPEC.

The increase in the working-age population will be another important demographic trend
for most non-OECD economies. A young and vibrant population, coupled with advancements
in education, healthcare and social support systems will play a pivotal role in driving future
growth in these regions.

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Various economic regions and individual economies, particularly in advanced and maturing
emerging economies, are expected to be significantly affected by a decline in the working-age
population. This demographic shift is evident in regions like OECD Europe, OECD Asia-Pacific,
and emerging markets such as Russia and China. As a consequence, these economies may face
some constraints on their growth potential, despite forecasts of increasing labour productiv-
ity. The combination of a shrinking workforce and the need to support an ageing population can
pose challenges to sustained economic development in these regions, requiring careful atten-
tion and strategic planning to mitigate the impact and help foster long-term growth.

In regions like the Middle East, Africa, and OPEC, where labour productivity may be com-
paratively lower, the positive impacts of rapidly expanding populations, the rise of the mid-
dle class, and government-led investments in domestic economies play a crucial role. To
some extent, these factors may help offset the productivity gap by providing a larger labour
force, stimulating consumer demand and driving economic growth. Additionally, sovereign
investments in key industries and infrastructure projects contribute to diversification, job
creation and overall productivity. By leveraging these factors, and focusing on sustainable
economic strategies, these regions can achieve better relative long-term economic resilience.

In addition to the core factors already mentioned, several gradual changes observed over
the medium-term will also influence the long-term economic landscape. One significant
aspect is the potential positive impacts of digitalization, AI, and robotics on productivity
growth. The increasing integration of technology and automation in various industries has
the potential to enhance efficiency, streamline processes and improve overall productiv-
ity levels. As these advancements evolve and mature, they are expected to contribute to
long-term economic growth and development. Embracing digitalization, AI and robotics
can unlock new opportunities, reshape industries and drive innovation, further bolstering
productivity in the years to come. This is a benefit that is likely to be seen more in advanced
economies, rather than developing and emerging economies, at least at the beginning of
the long-term period.

Global GDP growth between 2022 and 2045 is expected to remain robust and increase at an
average rate of 3% p.a. This is the same level as in the previous WOO edition and takes into
account increasing global economic risks, and the uncertainties around high inflation and
interest rates, rising debt levels and geopolitical tensions.

Global growth to 2045 will be dominated by non-OECD countries (Table 1.5). This is in line
with assumptions made in previous editions of the WOO. Even if the pace of GDP growth will
slow slightly over the forecast period, these countries are expected to grow by an average
of 3.8% p.a., due to improving labour productivity and an expanding working-age population.
The growth dynamic for the entire forecasting period is expected to remain relatively consist-
ent with the previous year’s WOO.

Looking more closely at the OECD group of countries, economic growth is forecast to average
1.6% p.a. between 2022 and 2045.

OECD Americas is the fastest growing OECD region with a long-term growth rate of 2%
p.a. This takes into account the effects of monetary tightening and increased inflation.
While growth expectations are comparably low in the medium-term at 1.5% p.a., rates in
the periods 2028–2035 and 2035–2045 are expected to remain strong at levels of around
2.2%. This trend is supported by an increase in the size of the labour force as a result

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Table 1.5
Long–term annual real GDP growth rate % p.a.

2022–2028 2028–2035 2035–2045 2022–2045

OECD Americas 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.0

OECD Europe 1.4 1.5 1.1 1.3
OECD Asia Pacific 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2
OECD 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.6
Latin America 1.9 2.2 1.8 1.9
Middle East & Africa 3.1 3.9 4.5 4.0
India 6.1 6.3 5.9 6.1
China 4.9 4.2 3.0 3.8
Other Asia 4.3 4.1 3.0 3.7
OPEC 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.1
Russia 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.2
Other Eurasia 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.4
Non–OECD 4.1 4.1 3.5 3.8
World 3.0 3.1 2.8 3.0

Source: OPEC.

of immigration to the US and, to some extent, Canada. Further upside may come from
labour productivity growth.

OECD Europe is expected to follow a similar pattern, with a slowdown in the dynamism of the
economy. A drop in the population, in general, and the labour force, in particular, supports
this trend. While the conflict in Eastern Europe mainly affects the short-term outlook, rising
inflation, interest rate increases and demographic challenges are expected to limit growth
potential to 1.5% over the period 2028–2035, which then falls to 1.1% in the last decade of the
outlook. The average annual growth rate over the forecast period is 1.3%, only slightly above
the growth rate for OECD Asia-Pacific.

In OECD Asia-Pacific, a deceleration of economic growth over time is expected. The strongest
growth in this region is projected for the period 2022–2035 at an average annual rate of 1.3%.
A shrinking labour force, due to an ageing population, and the projected economic maturation
in China, the region’s main trading partner, drive the economic growth slowdown. Growth is
set to drop to an average of 1.1% p.a. in the last decade of the forecast period, resulting in an
average growth rate of 1.2% over the entire forecast period.
In non-OECD regions, the Middle East & Africa, OPEC and Other Asia are expected to show
accelerating long-term growth trends, with similar or even higher growth rates than China
in the 2035–2045 period.

Latin America is expected to see ongoing support from commodity markets and an expand-
ing young population in most economies. However, the region’s economy may face downward
pressure due to sluggish employment growth and limited productivity gains.

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Despite the country’s robust economic fundamentals, Brazil’s long-term trend growth faces
limitations due to insufficient domestic savings and a significant debt burden, which may
require continual fiscal consolidation. The country will also likely encounter the challenge of
a shrinking working-age population. From a structural perspective, the trend growth would
benefit from the implementation of more ambitious reforms aimed at improving infrastruc-
ture, facilitating the ease of doing business and further developing its financial markets.

Elsewhere in Latin America, Argentina is grappling with persistent structural issues, includ-
ing high debt, a significant fiscal deficit and intense inflationary pressures. Comprehensive
reforms are crucial to address Argentina’s weak macroeconomic fundamentals and stimulate
the necessary investment to drive structural economic diversification, capital accumulation,
and productivity. By implementing these reforms, Argentina has the potential to overcome
the obstacles it faces and create a more favourable environment for sustainable and inclu-
sive economic long-term growth. Latin America is projected to experience relatively higher
growth in the early years of the forecast period, resulting in an average annual growth rate
of 1.9% over the entire period.

In the Middle East & Africa, growth is estimated to average 4% p.a. A young and expanding
population and rising income levels, as more people enter the middle class, are expected to
benefit the region and provide additional consumption abilities. As global growth picks up,
the region should also benefit from support from commodity markets. Moreover, structural
and economic reforms in less productive economies could provide further growth potential.
These reforms would enhance economic complexity, improve competitiveness and increase
labour participation. By diversifying their economies, focusing more on non-energy sectors,
and prioritizing productivity improvements, these countries can boost their economic resil-
ience. In turn, this would contribute to an increase in savings and investments, and help
establish them as manufacturing hubs. However, rising debt levels, especially in low-income
countries, pose a downside risk.

China is anticipated to be the second fastest growing major economy, averaging 3.8% p.a.
over the projection period. This steady momentum in the economic forecast is an outcome
of the country’s ageing population and a maturing stage of domestic economic develop-
ment that has moved onto a path of slowing growth. China’s growth pattern has become
more volatile in the last few years, but it is expected to return to a more stable dynamic in
the long-term.

Considering the government’s successful track record in driving economic development,

China is expected to continue to support economic development, if needed. This approach
is anticipated to provide support to China during its ongoing transition phase, with a focus
on achieving ‘high-quality’ sustainable growth, and hence, ensuring stability. Key priori-
ties for the country include boosting domestic and external demand, promoting techno-
logical innovation, and effectively managing economic risks. Nonetheless, this transition
is expected to be accompanied by various challenges related to addressing existing struc-
tural bottlenecks.

It is also important to note that while population growth has played a role in China’s
economic development, the expansion of human resources, characterized by a well-educated
and healthy population, is the primary catalyst for sustained development. As China contin-
ues to invest in education and healthcare, its population is expected to become increasingly

World Oil Outlook 2023

32 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

India is forecast to continue to be the fastest growing major non-OECD country, with an aver-
age growth rate of 6.1% p.a. Growth is expected to be strongest between 2028 and 2035, as
the country benefits from a young and dynamic population, a growing middle class and con-
tinued, albeit reduced, fiscal stimulus.

Despite notable prominence in selected sectors, such as IT and pharmaceuticals, India faces
several structural, social, and political challenges that hinder its potential for accelerated
growth. Addressing these challenges could significantly bolster the country’s resilience and,
subsequently, advance its growth potential. The current assumption is that the implementa-
tion of structural reforms will likely be gradual, resulting in moderate productivity enhance-
ments. At the end of the projection period, the Indian economy is expected to mature, with
growth slowing to 5.9% p.a. for the 2035–2045 period.
Long-term economic growth in Other Asia is at 3.7% p.a. Growth momentum peaks at 4.3% in
the period 2022–2028, but the general growth trend is well maintained leading to an expan-
sion rate of 3% in the last decade of the projection period. The growth trend in many countries
is expected to be impacted by less favourable demographics, despite the improving pros-
pects for productivity. Additionally, there is a need for improvements in institutions to sup-
port and enhance the growth potential effectively.

Russia is currently impacted by sanctions and a recent economic downturn. The country is
expected to overcome these challenges and recover relatively well over the long-term. As already
mentioned, however, the demographic trend is anticipated to be unfavourable, with a decline in
the working-age population. Over the long-term, the country’s declining population is set to be
the main factor preventing growth from rising significantly above the modest long-term average
of around 1.2%, especially if no further structural reforms are implemented. Nonetheless, labour
productivity gains have the potential to offset this demographic development.

Economic growth in Russia is expected to rise by 1.4% p.a. in the period 2028–2035, after
relatively tepid medium-term growth of 1%. Developments in commodity markets, especially
oil and gas, will play an important role in Russia’s growth trajectory. In this context, it is
important to note that Russia is a country with a rich history of economic transformations.
With benefits from vast resources, a skilled workforce, and a high potential for technological
advancements, Russia has the opportunity to capitalize on these strengths and chart a new
economic growth path through the implementation of structural reforms.

Long-term economic growth in Other Eurasia is expected to average 2.4% p.a., supported by
a slight increase in the working-age population.

The expected increase in size of the world’s major economies (Figure 1.5) means that global
GDP is projected to almost double, from around $138 trillion in 2022 to $270 trillion in 2045,
based on 2017 PPP.

Figure 1.6 indicates that significantly higher growth rates in non-OECD regions lead to a shift
in the regional distribution of GDP over the forecast period. China and India are expected to
increase their share of global GDP from 26% in 2022 to 37% in 2045. In contrast, the share of
OECD countries will decline from 46% to 34%.

India is projected to nearly quadruple in size, adding about $29 trillion to its economy, while
China is projected to grow by about 2.4 times, adding over $35 trillion to global GDP. By

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 33
CHAPTER ONE Figure 1.5

Figure 1.5
Size of major economies, 2015–2045

$(2017 PPP) trillion

OECD Europe

OECD Americas Width: 135.6 mm
Rest of the World Height: 65 mm
50 Other Asia
OECD Asia-Pacific




2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.
Figure 1.6

Figure 1.6
Distribution of the global economy, 2022 and 2045 %

46% 54%

2022 19 19 7 19 10 7 5 14


2045 16 13 5 23 11 14 5 13

34% 66%

OECD Americas OECD Europe OECD Asia-Pacific China

Source: OPEC. Other Asia India OPEC Rest of the World

comparison, an addition of $28 trillion of GDP is anticipated for the OECD. The OPEC Member
Country grouping is expected to double its economic size over the forecast period, adding
$6.6 trillion to global GDP.

Although growth rates are uneven across regions, the global economic picture shows no sig-
nificant changes in the ranking of average incomes (as measured by GDP per capita). OECD
Americas is projected to continue to be the region with the highest GDP per capita, followed
by OECD Europe and OECD Asia-Pacific.

World Oil Outlook 2023

34 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm

The global average income is projected to rise from just over $17,000 (2017 PPP) in 2022 to
over $28,000 (2017 PPP) in 2045.

The Middle East & Africa will still have the lowest GDP per capita, as shown in Figure 1.7,
despite an increase in GDP per capita of more than 50%. With India forecast to exceed an
average income of $20,000 (2017 PPP) in the long-term, the Middle East & Africa is set to be
the only remaining region with an average income below $10,000 (2017 PPP) in 2045. India
and China are expected to experience the largest changes, with average income China’s nar-
rowing the gap with OECD countries and overtaking Russia’s GDP per capita levels.
Figure 1.7

Figure 1.7
Real GDP per capita in 2022 and 2045

$(2017 PPP)

GDP per capita in 2022 Growth 2022–2045







World OECD OECD OECD Latin Middle India China Other OPEC Russia Other
Americas Europe Asia- America East & Asia Eurasia
Pacific Africa
Source: OPEC.

1.3 Energy policies

Developments in recent years have shown that the energy- and climate-related challenges
the world faces are enormous and complex. This has been evidenced by the strains and
conflicts related to energy affordability, energy security, and the need to reduce emissions
playing out in regions across the world. There is now more talk of the energy sustainabil-
ity trilemma, evidenced in many countries recently publically recognizing the need for more
investments in oil and gas projects going forward.

The Reference Case used throughout the WOO assumes a gradual evolution of energy policy,
targeting those areas described in this section. Therefore, a critical assessment of specific
policy targets is performed based on available technology options, cost developments, trends
in competition and levels of energy-related investment. As a result, the Reference Case
adopts most of the specific targets already included in national legislation and Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the extent they are technically and financially viable.

However, and to be more realistic, it does not go as far as to include the achievement of net-
zero policy targets within the forecast period. Similarly, the ambitious targets of switching
sales of passenger vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs), are not expected to be fully realized.

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Nonetheless, considerable improvements in energy efficiency are expected, as is a significant

share of renewable energy sources in the future energy mix, and a substantial penetration of
EVs, especially in Europe, China and the US. Furthermore, a temporary focus on energy secu-
rity over the next few years is anticipated, before a general focus shift to emissions and cli-
mate change in the latter part of the forecast period.

Geopolitical tensions pose enormous challenges, particularly for developing countries, which
have to contend with energy security and economic issues more than ever before, in addition
to their vulnerability to climate change. For some countries, mitigation and adaptation meas-
ures may be of less immediate concern in the face of a global energy crisis and growing fears
of economic recession. For others, the focus is on stronger energy efficiency measures and
more stringent renewable energy support policies. This creates a complicated web of local,
national and international energy policies.

In the US, energy policy has been characterized by interruptions, which is in contrast to
the dynamism of EU climate and energy policy. Nevertheless, with the arrival of the Biden
administration, ambition on climate change has increased. The US is now aiming to reduce
its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50–52% below 2005 levels by 2030, and to achieve
a 100% carbon-free electricity sector by 2035. The long-term ambition is to reach a net-zero
emissions economy by 2050.

The IRA of 2022 included multiple provisions for both tax credits and incentives towards energy
efficiency and to accelerate the energy transition. For instance, the Act aims to incentivize the
utilization of energy efficiency technologies and the expansion of EV charging infrastructure.
Other provisions aim to reduce renewable energy costs and to expedite the deployment of low
GHG emissions power generation. Within the low GHG emission provisions, the IRA provides tax
credits and incentives to fast track the deployment of emission reduction technologies, such as
carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) and hydrogen. The IRA follows on from previous
efforts under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to provide resources to improve public transit,
upgrade the power grid, and invest in EVs and nationwide EV charging.

In the EU, sanctions related to the conflict in Eastern Europe have disrupted the EU’s fossil fuel
imports, on which it has been heavily dependent. It means that energy security has become
an increasing concern, alongside the challenge of addressing the growing impacts of climate
change and environmental degradation. The EU’s climate targets, an emissions reductions of
55% by 2030 and net-zero by 2050, are enshrined in European Climate Law. Their implementa-
tion is supported by a series of legislative proposals called the ‘Fit for 55’ package.

One major area of policy development is the new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
(CBAM) and the EU has already adopted the proposal for the mechanism. The CBAM targets
the import of goods from carbon dioxide (CO2)-intensive industries. It is intended to work in
parallel with the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to replicate and complement its func-
tioning with regard to imported goods. Member States’ emission reduction targets under the
Effort Sharing Regulation have also been strengthened and recent legislation sets stricter
CO2 emission performance standards for new cars and vans.

The EU has also adopted a revision of the EU ETS, making it more ambitious. The new revision
includes an extension of the ETS to the maritime sector and a faster reduction of allowances,
as well as a gradual phase-out of free allowances for some sectors. Moreover, it creates a
new standalone ETS for buildings, road transport and fuels for additional sectors.

World Oil Outlook 2023

36 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

The EU’s Net-Zero Industry Act aims to scale up the EU’s manufacturing capacities for clean
technologies to support the clean energy transition. It states that at least 40% of the annual
deployment of net-zero technologies should be manufactured in the EU by 2030. The new act
also supports CCS projects, by enhancing the availability of CO2 storage sites to increase CO2
injection capacity.

China has strengthened earlier targets and announced new ones, reflecting its updated NDC
and contributing to its key goals of peaking CO2 emissions by 2030, and becoming carbon neu-
tral by 2060. Its 14th Five-Year Plan (FYP) on Modern Energy System Planning and 14th FYP
on Renewable Energy Development will drive change up to 2025 and make progress towards
the country’s climate targets of reaching a 33% share of renewable electricity consumption
in 2025.
In 2021 at COP26, India unveiled its major long-term target to become carbon neutral by
2070. India’s National Electricity Plan 2023 (NEP2023) was released in May 2023, outlin-
ing the government’s current projections for peak national electricity demand and potential
required renewable and fossil-fuel based generation capacity within the forecast horizon of
2032, taking into consideration the country’s climate change mitigation ambitions. According
to the document, the share of nationwide non-fossil based generation capacity is projected to
grow to 68.4% by the end of 2032.

Recent developments in climate change negotiations

Against a backdrop of multiple converging global challenges, developed and developing

countries have reaffirmed their commitment to increased climate ambition in the context of
just transitions. Since the 2022 edition of the WOO, policymakers continue to strive towards
progress in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) climate
negotiations, the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of the sustain-
able development goals (SDGs) under the 2030 Agenda.

COP27 was held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 6–20 November 2022, in the midst of a rap-
idly changing global landscape, driven by high inflation, extreme weather events, geopoliti-
cal tensions and concerns about energy security, exacerbated by global underinvestment in
the energy sector in recent years. It was labelled as an implementation COP, with UNFCCC
Parties expected to move from climate change pledges to implementation. After intensive
negotiations, the UNFCCC Parties adopted the ‘Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan’ and
took a historic decision to establish a Loss and Damage Fund.

Parties also agreed, inter alia, to update their NDCs or long-term strategies ahead of COP28,
which will take place in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates from 30 November–12 December
2023. Developed countries were again urged to increase support to help developing countries
mitigate and adapt to climate change.

On Loss and Damage, Parties agreed to establish new financing arrangements and a dedicated
fund to assist developing countries in responding to losses and damage from the adverse
effects of the unavoidable risks of climate change. At COP28, details will be negotiated on how
to raise the necessary financial resources for this fund. The issue of Loss and Damage is likely
to become a key pillar of UN climate change negotiations, alongside mitigation, adaptation
and finance.

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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 37

New partnerships and initiatives were revealed at COP27. These includes the ‘Just Energy
Transition Partnership’, announced by the US and the EU, with Indonesia and Vietnam. More
countries have joined the ‘Methane Pledge’, which was launched at the COP26 in Glasgow,
bringing the total number of participants to around 150. The EU announced its readiness to
update its NDC, indicating that the region’s 2030 emissions reduction target could be 57%
below 1990 levels, up from 55%. The US and China resumed formal cooperation to address
climate change after their climate dialogue was put on hold in 2022.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded its sixth cycle in March
2023, after eight years of work, providing policymakers with up-to-date information on cli-
mate science and the available scientific evidence on how to limit global warming. The AR6
Synthesis Report (SYR) is the last IPCC report under this cycle. This report was adopted on
19 March 2023. It is expected that the report will guide government’ engagement in UNFCCC
negotiations and the formulation of climate actions and policies.

The report highlights that total GHG emissions continue to rise, resulting in current global
warming of 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels. It also notes that historical emission contribu-
tions have varied considerably between regions and this continues. Vulnerable communities
that have historically contributed the least to current climate change are disproportionately
affected. It states that global energy and carbon intensity has declined as a result of mitiga-
tion policies and increased ambition for climate action. It stresses that the pace and scale of
climate action to date and existing plans are insufficient to limit global warming to well below

The AR6 Synthesis Report emphasizes that many countries have announced a net-zero GHG
or CO2 emissions target by around mid-century. However, mitigation action could face chal-
lenges, including technology risks, scaling and cost. In addition, the adoption of low-emis-
sion technologies lags in developing countries, owing primarily to limited finance, technol-
ogy development and transfer, and capacity. The report also highlights strategies, such as
decommissioning existing infrastructure, retrofitting fossil-fuel power plants with CCS tech-
nologies, and scaling up renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, which could help
avoid the lock-in of associated emissions and stranded assets.

The IPCC stresses that CO2 removal is critical to limiting the global temperature increase to
1.5°C. Pathways consistent with 1.5°C, with no or limited overshoot, require CO2 removal, in
addition to emission reductions across all sectors. This includes both natural (conventional)
solutions – such as capturing and storing carbon in trees and soils – and new technologies
that remove CO2 directly from the air.

On the SDGs, the IPCC report concludes that climate-resilient development is consistent with
reduced risk, lower GHG emissions and the achievement of these goals. This means that cli-
mate change adaptation and mitigation actions should be implemented in a more integrated,
inclusive and equitable way towards sustainable development. At the mid-way point for SDGs
to 2030, the goals remain in a critical state, including SDG 7, which calls for access to clean,
reliable and affordable energy.

Looking ahead to COP28, the Presidency has announced it will make COP28 a practical COP,
a COP of action and a COP for all, based on science-based, innovative solutions and built on
the principles of pragmatism and inclusiveness, to unite the world around an agreement with
bold, practical, science-based and ambitious solutions to the global climate change challenge.

World Oil Outlook 2023

38 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

In light of the above, as well as providing more detail on the latest energy policy develop-
ments, Chapter 7 of the Outlook incorporates more details on energy and climate related pol-
icies, which will also be taken into consideration for the scenario development and analysis
incorporated in Chapter 8.

1.4 Technology and innovation

The mutually dependent relationship between technology and energy has allowed human-
kind to access enormous life improving resources. Given that the oil sector is the largest seg-
ment of the energy landscape, the WOO 2023 takes on board the role of both recent and future
technology advancements in this sector.
Technology has established a solid foundation for the utilization of primary sources. For
instance, photovoltaic (PV) technology has allowed humankind to use ample solar energy.
At the same time, however, PV cells fall short in delivering continuous energy supply dur-
ing sunless periods as this requires massive and complicated energy storage. Therefore, the
Reference Case assumes a realistic approach to energy demand, as a whole, and oil demand,
in particular, as it underlines that there is no single solution to meet growing global energy

The WOO also assumes the continuous evolution of technology, especially in respect to
improved energy efficiency and evolving cost. However, it does not assume any major tech-
nology breakthrough, although the potential for it exists, especially in the long-term.

1.4.1 Road transportation

Internal combustion engines (ICEs) have remained a pillar of road transportation ever since
the introduction of the first passenger vehicle in 1885. Only recently have battery-electric
vehicles (BEVs) started to be considered as potential substitutes despite the enduring range
advantage of the ICE.

This Outlook assumes that ICEs remain the leading technology for both passenger and com-
mercial road transport segments with continuously improving fuel efficiency.

Although the current share of powertrain electrification can be considered marginal, it is

expected to play a larger role in the longer-term. However, powertrain electrification is an
expansive concept, ranging from what the industry labels as ‘mild hybrids’ where the power
of the electric motor is insufficient to propel the vehicle alone, even for short distances, to
BEVs capable of travelling several hundred kilometres on a single charge.

Combining powertrain electrification with an ICE leads to the creation of hybrids (HEV) and
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). Both forms enable the main engine to run with opti-
mum fuel efficiency at all times with HEVs relying entirely on fuel with no need for external
charging. This currently allows them to compete with diesel vehicles in terms of fuel econ-
omy, even though they are built almost exclusively for the passenger vehicle segment.

Since HEVs usually have gasoline engines, the added cost of including an additional power-
train is somewhat offset by simple and economic exhaust cleaning. The ability to be charged
through external power sources makes PHEVs particularly popular in Europe. As for large

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 39

and heavy vehicles (mainly sport utility vehicles (SUVs)), both HEVs and PHEVs are currently,
and will remain over the long-term, a solution that combines extended range with at least
temporary zero emission capabilities that will assist in complying with tightening emission

For BEVs, to some extent government incentives have contributed to their recent success.
However, such widespread support in the form of various subsidies and privileges is expected
to fade in the short- to medium term as electric mobility becomes more mainstream. Another
factor contributing to rising BEV sales is their fast expanding model line-up. However, despite
the considerable advancements in battery technologies (increased capacity with reduced
weight and volume), batteries may fall short in matching the energy density of fossil fuels.
Therefore, ICE-powered cars will retain a range-related competitive advantage that BEVs will
struggle to match.

Software has become an essential component of modern vehicles, extending far beyond uses
in navigation and entertainment systems. Today’s intelligent battery management software,
coupled with significant battery technology improvements, has resulted in incremental range
increases. Today, nearly the full battery capacity of between around 10% and 95% is available
for driving. Earlier BEVs could only use a range between approximately 20% and 85% without
the risk of accelerated battery ageing. The end of the decade may be marked by the introduction
of safer and more energy dense solid-state batteries, however, no major breakthroughs are

Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) represent another alternative to ICEs in the passenger
segment. FCEVs may become more viable in regions with large amounts of available hydro-
gen as more countries start lobbying for zero emissions at the tailpipe of passenger vehicles.

There is more potential for fuel cells, in combination with liquefied hydrogen, in the case of
commercial vehicles. However, the Reference Case assumes that commercial vehicles will
remain more dominated by ICEs, primarily diesel engines, than the passenger car segment.
Additionally, the rise of fuel efficiency coupled with 1,000 litre tanks compromises a substantial
range advantage, even when compared to fuel cells and liquefied hydrogen. Due to its ease of
handling, liquid fuels are set to remain the preferred option for the notable expanding demand
for commercial transportation in developing countries. Natural gas, either compressed (CNG)
or liquefied (LNG), is expected to gain a larger share in markets with ample supply. As the
required fuelling infrastructure is already in place, some Asian countries may opt for natural
gas in the passenger segment too.

Due to a lack of sufficient range limits, batteries are only being utilized for either delivery or
medium-sized day tour trucks. A noteworthy exception are battery-powered urban buses that
are already widely operational in China.

1.4.2 Air transportation

This Outlook sees strong potential for growth in air transportation between now and the
end of the forecast period. The expected fast-paced growth following the recovery from the
COVID-19 pandemic, will allow for a stronger focus on technological advancements.

The IATA and ICAO recently adopted the LTAG for international aviation to achieve net-zero
CO2 emissions by 2050. One of the means to achieve this target will be aircraft with better

World Oil Outlook 2023

40 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

efficiency. The progressive and substantial development of aero-turbine fan blades, and the
associated thrust enhancements, have contributed to noticeable efficiency improvements in
recent years. Another major step forward in the past 20 years was the replacement of heav-
ier aluminium in the fuselage and wings with lighter carbon fibre re-enforced composites
(CFCs) to reduce the overall weight (e.g. Airbus A350 and Boeing 787), thus lowering the air-
plane’s fuel consumption. However, the improvement in airplane efficiency alone will not be
enough to achieve this ambitious CO2 goal. Current improvements may already be reaching
their efficiency limitations especially with the introduction of large geared fans and compres-
sion ratios of 40:1.

Continuous fuselage and wing design enhancements may lead to improved fuel efficiency
as direct and induced drag is reduced. Redesigning the passenger cabin by reducing the
weight and size of the seats to increase occupancy, galley and other cabin elements, may
potentially reduce fuel consumption and with minor investments compared to the develop-
ment and deployment of new generations of aircraft. For instance, adding two rows of seats
in a medium-haul airplane, such as an Airbus 320 or Boeing 737, will increase occupancy by
6% to 8%, and reduce fuel consumption per passenger-kilometre almost to the same extent.
Another option for reducing fuel consumption is to minimize excessive airtime through flight
control modernization, especially in busy air space.

The ICAO has established the development and utilization of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
to limit and subsequently minimize the industry’s emissions. SAFs are based on biofuels, or
are synthetically produced from hydrogen. Although the use of liquid hydrogen has been dis-
cussed, it is only being considered as a potential solution for the distant future. SAFs appear
to be the preferred option for medium- and long-haul flights in the longer-term.

In terms of electrification, smaller short-haul aircraft for commuter flights below 200 to 300
km are expected to benefit from battery electrification. Electric air taxis are not expected to
play a significant role until the end of the outlook period.

The Reference Case takes the most recent and anticipated future developments in regards to
airplane efficiency into consideration, along with the potential use of SAFs.

1.4.3 Marine transportation

Reducing emissions remains a target for marine transportation. In 2020, the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) imposed a cap on the sulphur content of fuel and an indus-
try-wide emissions reduction of 50% by 2050 is now envisioned. Against the backdrop of
this development, LNG has gained strong momentum as a clean fuel with a significant
emissions reduction potential. A considerable number of today’s large propulsion engines
used in marine transportation are duel-fuel and can switch from liquid fuel to LNG and back
(even during operation). This is often advantageous, especially if a vessel is cruising through
international waters with different pollution standards.

Taking into consideration the IMO ambition to reach net-zero GHG emissions from interna-
tional shipping close to 2050, as well as the significant marine transportation demand growth
projected over the next few decades, further measures will be crucial. With current fuel
efficiency of almost 50%, the potential margin of improvement for marine engines is mini-
mal. However, replacing liquid fuels with LNG has already lead to an impact on emissions
reduction, with the potential to further limit emissions in the years to come.

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Slow steaming as a rapid and simple strategy to reduce fuel use is already being employed.
Hull and propeller design are also expected to slowly improve, but no significant break-
throughs are anticipated, as shipbuilding is a well-established and mature industry. The
Reference Case reflects a rise in demand stemming primarily from the considerable industry
expansion projected over the outlook period.

When compared to airplanes, both weight and size are not overwhelmingly important on a
water-borne vessel. This leverages the likelihood to capture and store fuel combustion-gen-
erated CO2 on-board and then safely dispose of it at ports. However, and with ammonia being
seriously considered, the industry is inclined more towards the use of carbon-free fuel.

This is advantageous since there is substantial expertise in handling large amounts of

ammonia on vessels, as indicated by the existing ammonia tanker fleet. In contrast with liq-
uefied hydrogen, ammonia can be stored at a manageable pressure of around 10 bar without
cooling and at around –34°C pressure-free. However, as the effect of using such zero-emis-
sion fuels would not be distinctly noticeable until around 2040 or so, it is not expected that
such strategies would be widely implemented soon.

1.4.4 Conventional and renewable power generation

Both gas and coal have dominated power generation in multiple regions in recent decades.
Coal-fired power plants are more efficient owing to more modern designed supercritical coal
plants that place water under a high pressure exceeding 300 bar before heating. Today, a new
generation of supercritical coal power plants exceed 45% efficiency. Regardless of the major
success of such advancements, coal still has the highest CO2 emissions any energy carrier.
Although CCU may considerably reduce net emissions, adapting this technology requires
massive additional investments and reduces conversion efficiency.

In recent years, gas has sharply increased its share in power generation as large combined-
cycle power plants based on a combination of gas and steam turbines convert 60% and more
of the gas into power. The WOO observes the importance of gas in this sector, especially in
regions with abundant resources. Waste heat of the power plants can be utilized for space
heating in urbanized areas during winter and that could leverage more widespread use of
heat and power cogeneration.

With the exception of some oil producing countries, islands, and deserted areas relying on
diesel generators, oil has not immensely contributed to power generation for many decades.
However, emergency oil-fuelled power is expected to act as a future contingency option to
compensate for blackouts from a lack of power from solar and wind.

In terms of nuclear power, the advancement of modular reactors, the use of thorium as a
fuel source, and ‘breeding’ to yield more fissile material from non-fissile material that is pre-
sent in the reactor aiding, is expected to set the scene towards the expanded proliferation
of nuclear power. Nuclear power may regain its momentum especially in terms of helping
address climate change and energy supply issues. However, the potential short-term effect
is limited since the timeline from planning to commissioning a nuclear plant can take up to
ten years or more.

Owing to noticeable governmental subsidies and support, both wind and solar have shifted to
more competitive positions compared to 30 years ago. Generation costs have come down to

World Oil Outlook 2023

42 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

levels equivalent to fossil power generation in the most favourable locations. Within the over-
all power generation mix, wind and solar already have a significant share in regions where
traditional power generation has been strong, for example, Europe, the US and China.

The penetration of renewables in power generation, especially wind and solar, is set to expand
over the course of the forecast period and gradually displace coal, although in some regions
coal may be used for an extended period of time given recent and future development plans.

1.4.5 Hydrogen
The Outlook also considers a gradual, yet steady, uptake in hydrogen use as a new emerg-
ing energy carrier. Perceived as a potential contributor to emissions reduction, and providing
options for energy storage, hydrogen is attracting the attention of policymakers in both major
consuming and producing countries.

There are several available technologies to produce hydrogen, each at a different stage of
maturity. These depend on the range of available feedstocks and the impact of policy support
for each technology.

Presently, around half of global hydrogen production is based on the steam naphtha reforming
(SNR) process. The process mainly utilizes shorter-chain hydrocarbons as a feedstock, from
natural gas to naphtha. Partial Oxidation (POX) is another widely deployed technology. It usu-
ally leverages the heavy part of the refined barrel that is decomposed into a mixture of hydro-
gen, CO2 and carbon monoxide (CO) at temperatures ranging from 1,300 °C to 1,500 °C and in
the presence of steam and oxygen. Both SNR and POX are also well suited to being combined
with CCUS.

Ongoing developments to strip carbon from natural gas are also being carried out through
methane pyrolysis, a process by which methane is thermally decomposed into hydrogen and
carbon. The resultant product, aside from the sought after hydrogen, is primarily carbon that
can be easily deposited either underground or on the surface.

Hygienic Earth Energy (HEE), developed by Proton Technologies, is another emerging tech-
nology to produce potentially massive quantities of blue hydrogen from oil-based feedstocks.
The HEE process basically combines heating oil reservoirs through the injection of high purity
oxygen deep into the reservoir, and harvesting pure hydrogen through a selective membrane
that ensures all other gases are confined below the ground. However, its feasibility needs to
be further monitored as this technology is in its early development stages.

Utilizing renewable energy sources, via electrolysis, is another method to produce fossil
fuels-based hydrogen. This may be attainable in regions with abundant renewable power,
either wind or solar. However, transporting massive quantities of hydrogen to consuming
regions remains a challenge due to hydrogen’s high energy density per mass, but a very low
energy density per volume, even when liquefied. Moreover, transporting hydrogen produced
in remote areas is challenging when compared to natural gas or oil, for both pipeline and
maritime routes.

From the demand perspective, hydrogen as a gaseous energy carrier can be utilized almost
everywhere natural gas is presently employed. It is expected that hydrogen will displace coal
in steel production. Nonetheless, transitioning to hydrogen especially in industrial processes

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 43

requires additional investments. Commercial road transportation may also decarbonize its
operations by capitalizing on hydrogen as indirect energy storage, or in combination with
fuel cells. It is unlikely that heavy trucks for long-distance transportation will run on battery
power, even in the more distant future.

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44 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

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Energy demand

World Oil Outlook 2023

46 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Key takeaways

• Global primary energy demand is set to increase from 291 mboe/d in 2022 to 359
mboe/d in 2045, an increase of 23% over the outlook period.

• Energy demand growth slows gradually from the relatively high short-term rates
to more modest expansion in the long-term, in line with slower population and
economic growth.

• Energy demand growth is driven by non-OECD regions, which increase by 69 mboe/d

over the outlook period. Almost 28% of the non-OECD growth comes from India alone.
At the same time, energy demand in OECD countries drops slightly.

• In the Reference Case, demand for all primary fuels is set to increase in the long-
term, with the exception of coal. 2

• The strongest incremental demand is expected for other renewables (notably wind
and solar), which increases by 34.3 mboe/d over the outlook period, based on
strong policy support and favourable economics in many regions. The share of other
renewables in the energy mix rises from around 2.7% in 2022 to 11.7 % in 2045.

• Despite some short-term shortages, it is assumed that natural gas demand increases
by almost 20 mboe/d over the outlook period, reaching 87 mboe/d in 2045.

• Oil demand is projected to increase by 15.4 mboe/d in the period to 2045 and reach
106.1 mboe/d. Oil’s share in the energy mix is set to drop from 31.2% in 2022 to
29.5% in 2045. Despite this decline, oil will remain the fuel with the largest share in
the energy mix by 2045.

• Coal is the only primary fuel expected to decline due to energy policy and climate
commitments. It drops from around 76 mboe/d in 2022 to almost 54.4 mboe/d in
2045, mostly due to China and OECD countries.

• The share of fossil fuels in the energy mix drops from above 80% in 2022 to about
69% in 2045. This is mostly due to the decline of coal use. In the same period, the
combined share of oil and gas in the energy mix still represents 54%.

• Energy intensity is projected to decline in all regions, leading to a global reduction

rate of around 2% p.a. between 2022 and 2045. India and China are set to witness the
largest reduction in energy intensity, with annual average rates of 3.4% and 2.8%,

• While progress has been made in reducing energy poverty and narrowing the
disparity between OECD and non-OECD regions, there are still wide gaps and much
work needs to be done. Energy poverty remains an urgent global issue that requires
concerted efforts from policymakers to ensure affordable and sustainable energy
access for all.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 47

Chapter 2 provides an overview of the medium- and long-term primary energy demand trends
by different fuels and major regions and/or countries in the Reference Case. Key assump-
tions provided in Chapter 1, such as demographic and economic developments, as well as
long-term energy technology trends and evolution of energy policies, are taken into consid-
eration in these projections. This chapter also focuses on the implications of energy demand
trends on energy poverty and access in the Reference Case.

2.1 Major trends in energy demand

The global energy landscape has undergone significant changes during 2022. The start of the
conflict in Eastern Europe in early 2022 led to an energy crisis that shifted energy flows and
exacerbated the record-high prices for some energies. This was especially the case for spot
natural gas and spot coal prices, as well as electricity prices in many regions.

Consequently, energy security and energy affordability moved back into a central focus
for policy- makers across the globe. Governments in rich and developed regions helped
their citizens with significant energy subsidies, such as for electricity and heating. While
also reducing energy demand somewhat, most of these countries managed to secure suffi-
cient energy supplies throughout the year. At the same time, in many developing countries,
governments had significantly less manouvereing space. For instance, due to high prices,
countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh had to reduce LNG imports, leading to electricity
supply shortages.

The increased focus on energy security and energy affordability led to a variety of meas-
ures and strategies for both medium- and long-term. Many developed countries have already
enhanced ambitious targets related to low-carbon energy and improvements in energy effi-
ciency, which are also in line with climate change policies. Increasing the deployment of
renewable energy and/or nuclear energy is seen as a means to address the dual challenge of
energy security and sustainability. With this, several European countries, including Germany,
reactivated mothballed coal-power plants to ensure stable electricity supply.

At the same time, many developing countries in their quest to improve energy security have
turned increasingly to domestic energy supply, predominantly coal. China has approved a
record high number of new coal power plants since early 2022, and Pakistan, for instance,
intends to quadruple domestic coal-fired power capacity.

This clearly depicts the difference between developed and developing countries. In many
developed countries, energy demand has increased marginally, or even declined in recent
years. Unfavourable population growth trends in these countries, as well as rather mod-
est economic growth, are expected to lead to negative energy demand expansion in some
of these countries in the years to come. This allows for the faster penetration of alternative
energy sources in the energy mix.

Additionally, developing countries, with fast growing populations, significant economic

expansion and rising energy access are likely to see a strong increase in total energy demand.
In addition, the deployment of renewables with respective ancillary services are as a rule
capital intensive, while most developing countries do not have sufficient access to financing.
This is why the increase of alternative energy sources in the mix is considerably slower,
compared to developed countries.

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48 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Table 2.1 presents the global primary energy demand outlook in the medium- and long-term
by fuel in the Reference Case. It is expected to increase from roughly 291 mboe/d in 2022 to
almost 359 mboe/d in 2045. This represents an increase of 68 mboe/d, or around 23%, over
the outlook period. The estimated average annual growth rate over the entire outlook period
is 0.9% p.a. It is worth noting that the energy demand growth rate is not constant over these
years. It slows gradually from relatively high short and medium-term rates to lower rates
in the long-term. This is in line with slower population and economic growth. Furthermore,
increasing energy efficiency, in combination with decreasing energy intensity, will also con-
tribute to lower primary long-term energy demand growth.

Table 2.1
World primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Fuel share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045
Oil 90.7 96.4 102.0 104.3 105.3 106.1 15.4 0.7 31.2 29.5
Coal 75.9 74.6 71.1 65.9 60.0 54.4 –21.5 –1.4 26.1 15.1
Gas 67.1 69.6 75.0 80.2 84.4 87.0 20.0 1.1 23.1 24.2
Nuclear 15.0 15.9 17.4 19.4 21.7 23.8 8.8 2.0 5.2 6.6
Hydro 7.7 8.2 8.9 9.6 10.2 10.5 2.8 1.3 2.7 2.9
Biomass 26.6 27.9 30.2 32.3 34.1 35.2 8.6 1.2 9.1 9.8
Other renewables 7.9 11.2 18.5 26.7 35.8 42.2 34.3 7.5 2.7 11.7
Total 290.9 303.9 322.9 338.3 351.6 359.2 68.3 0.9 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

At the same time, the expected drop in primary energy demand growth is much less pro-
nounced in terms of final energy demand. This is due to the rising share of renewables, such
as wind and solar, that have little or no transformation and/or transmission losses and given
that they partially replace fossil fuels, where transformation losses are normally significant,
coal, for example.

In the Reference Case, long-term demand for all primary fuels is expected to increase,
with the exception of coal (Figure 2.1). The latter declines mostly due to more stringent cli-
mate change-related policies and announced coal phase out plans in most major consum-
ing regions. The Reference Case shows that all energy sources will be needed to address
future energy needs. At the same time, the primary energy mix will change in the years to
come, with rising shares for renewables and nuclear energy, albeit in some regions more
than others.

At the global level, the strongest incremental demand between 2022 and 2045 is expected
for other renewables (notably wind and solar), which increases by 34.3 mboe/d over the
outlook period. Strong policy support and favourable economics in many regions underpin
this development with the share of other renewables increasing from around 2.7% in 2022 to
11.7% in 2045. This is equivalent to an annual average growth rate of 7.5% p.a., a significantly
higher growth rate than any other primary fuel.

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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 49
CHAPTER TWO Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1
Growth in primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045

2022–2025 2025–2035 2035–2045





Oil Coal Gas Nuclear Hydro Biomass Other

Source: OPEC.

Natural gas demand is expected to increase by 20 mboe/d over the outlook period, reaching
87 mboe/d in 2045. Despite some short-term shortages, it is assumed that the availability
of natural gas resources at competitive cost levels will help to increase long-term demand.
Its relatively low CO2 emissions, especially compared to coal, make gas the fuel of choice in
many countries as they seek to reduce carbon emissions. Furthermore, due to the intermit-
tent nature of new renewable electricity generation, natural gas is well suited to provide
backup power supply. The share of natural gas in the primary energy mix is set to increase
to 24.2% in 2045. Already in 2030, natural gas will become the second largest fuel in the mix,
overtaking coal.

Oil demand is projected to increase by 15.4 mboe/d in the outlook period, rising from 90.7
mboe/d to 106.1 mboe/d in 2045. Oil’s share in the energy mix is set to drop from 31.2% in
2022 to 29.5% in 2045. Despite this decline, oil is expected to remain the fuel with the highest
share in the energy mix by 2045.

Demand for nuclear energy is set to increase from 15 mboe/d in 2022 to 23.8 mboe/d in 2045,
an increase of nearly 9 mboe/d. Increasing support for nuclear energy as a low-carbon solu-
tion leads to an increasing number of new projects. This is not only in developing countries,
but there is also a revival in developed countries.

A similar increase is expected for biomass with total demand reaching 35.2 mboe/d. The rise
mostly reflects the advanced use of biomass. This relates to the production of biofuels, SAFs,
bio-methane and bioplastics, as well as the use of biomass for electricity generation. The
advanced use of biomass is projected to more than offset its traditional use, which declines in
the outlook period, especially in developing countries.

Hydropower demand is set to grow by around 2.8 mboe/d and reach 10.5 mboe/d in 2045.
The increase is likely to materialize mostly in developing countries (generally non-OECD Asia)

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50 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

where hydro resources are still available. Minor additions can be expected in other regions,
such as OECD Europe and OECD Americas.

As already mentioned, coal is the only primary fuel set to decline. Coal demand was esti-
mated at around 76 mboe/d in 2022 and it is expected to drop to 54.4 mboe/d in 2045, a
decline of 21.5 mboe/d. Energy policy and climate commitments, in combination with the
increased availability of alternative energy sources, such as natural gas, nuclear and renew-
ables, are the main reason for this development. Consequently, the share of coal in the global
energy mix falls from 26.1% in 2022 to almost 15% in 2045.

The share of fossil fuels in the energy mix declines from above 80% in 2022 to 69% in 2045,
which is due to the drop in coal use. In the same period, the combined share of oil and gas in
the energy mix remains around 54%.

However, this global energy demand picture combines different long-term regional trends.
Table 2.2 and Figure 2.2 show the energy demand outlook by region. It is evident that demand
growth is driven by non-OECD countries. 2

Table 2.2
Total primary energy demand by region, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045

OECD Americas 55.4 55.4 56.4 56.6 56.4 55.9 0.5 0.0 19.0 15.6
OECD Europe 33.7 34.0 33.9 33.4 32.7 32.0 –1.7 –0.2 11.6 8.9
OECD Asia–Pacific 17.5 17.7 17.9 18.0 18.0 18.0 0.5 0.1 6.0 5.0
OECD 106.6 107.1 108.2 108.0 107.1 105.9 –0.7 0.0 36.7 29.5
China 71.3 75.2 78.1 78.7 78.1 77.4 6.1 0.4 24.5 21.6
India 19.2 21.3 25.4 29.7 34.1 38.5 19.3 3.1 6.6 10.7
OPEC 20.3 22.8 26.4 29.6 32.6 34.7 14.4 2.4 7.0 9.7
Other DCs 50.3 54.2 61.1 68.2 75.0 77.1 26.8 1.9 17.3 21.5
Russia 15.7 15.5 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.2 –0.5 –0.1 5.4 4.2
Other Eurasia 7.5 7.8 8.3 8.9 9.5 10.4 2.9 1.4 2.6 2.9
Non–OECD 184.3 196.8 214.7 230.3 244.5 253.3 69.0 1.4 63.3 70.5
World 290.9 303.9 322.9 338.3 351.6 359.2 68.3 0.9 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

India is the single largest contributor to energy demand growth with incremental demand
of 19.3 mboe/d over the outlook period, at a strong annual average growth rate of 3.1% p.a.
In terms of the broader picture, India’s energy demand growth accounts for around 28% of
global energy demand growth by 2045.

Energy demand in Other Developing countries, consisting mostly of developing countries in

Asia, Africa and Latin America, is expected to increase by almost 27 mboe/d, supported by

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 51

Figure 2.2
Figure 2.2
Growth in primary energy demand by region, 2022–2045

mboe/d % p.a.
30 3.5
3.1 Growth (mboe/d) Growth (% p.a.)
25 3.0
20 2.4
1.9 2.0
1.4 1.5
0 0.0 0.0
–5 –0.5
Other India OPEC China Other OECD OECD Russia OECD
DCs Eurasia Asia- Americas Europe

Source: OPEC.

strong population and economic growth, as well as rising energy access. Energy demand in
the OPEC region is projected to increase by almost 14.4 mboe/d between 2022 and 2045, sup-
ported not only by growing populations and expanding economies, but by the ample avail-
ability of affordable energy resources. Energy demand in China is projected to rise by 6.1
mboe/d, with a strong decline in coal demand more than offset by a demand increase for
other primary fuels, mostly other renewables, nuclear and natural gas.

Energy demand in the OECD is projected to increase slightly in the period to 2030 followed by
a gradual decline thereafter. In total, energy demand is expected to drop by some 0.7 mboe/d
over the outlook period. Relatively low population growth and modest economic develop-
ment, in combination with increasing energy efficiency, are the main reasons for this trend.
The decline is expected to materialize in OECD Europe (–1.7 mboe/d), while OECD Americas
and OECD Asia-Pacific are each set to increase by 0.5 mboe/d.

2.2 Energy demand by major regions

This section discusses regional details in terms of primary energy demand. It explains devel-
opments in the energy mix related to economic development and major energy policies. The
focus is on regions, such as OECD and non-OECD, as well as two major countries, China and
India. Due to their size, some regions/countries have much higher significance for energy
demand. For instance, OECD, China and India accounted for almost 70% of global energy
demand in 2022, with changes in these regions affecting the global energy landscape as a

Table 2.3 shows OECD primary energy demand by major fuel. Overall energy demand in OECD
is projected to increase from 106.6 mboe/d in 2022 to 108.2 mboe/d in 2030, followed by a
gradual decline towards 105.9 mboe/d in 2045. Consequently, overall energy demand is set
to drop by a mere 0.7 mboe/d over the outlook period. OECD energy demand trends are domi-
nated by slower population and modest economic growth, as well as strong policy measures
that promote energy efficiency and the substitution of fossil fuels with renewables.

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52 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Table 2.3
OECD primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Fuel share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045
Oil 39.5 39.7 39.1 36.8 33.7 30.8 –8.7 –1.1 37.0 29.0
Coal 14.0 12.6 10.5 8.8 7.3 6.0 –7.9 –3.6 13.1 5.7

Gas 30.0 29.7 29.8 29.8 29.6 28.9 –1.1 –0.2 28.1 27.3

Nuclear 10.0 10.1 10.4 10.8 11.4 11.8 1.8 0.7 9.4 11.1

Hydro 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 0.4 0.7 2.4 2.8

Biomass 6.8 7.3 8.0 8.7 9.4 10.1 3.2 1.7 6.4 9.5

Other renewables 3.8 5.0 7.6 10.3 12.9 15.4 11.6 6.2 3.6 14.5

Total 106.6 107.1 108.2 108.0 107.1 105.9 –0.7 0.0 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

In total, OECD fossil fuel demand is anticipated to decline by around 17.7 mboe/d over
the outlook period, mostly oil, followed by coal and then gas. Oil demand is expected to
drop by 8.7 mboe/d, mainly due to policies aiming at substituting oil with other energy
sources. A large share of this substitution is expected to occur in the road transportation
sector, which is in line with the higher penetration of alternative vehicles such, as EVs.
Energy policies supporting this trend are already in place, some of which are legally bind-
ing. For instance, all new vehicle sales in the EU are expected to be zero-emission vehi-
cles from 2035, while in the US, new tailpipe emissions limits are proposed. Even if not
fully reached these measures are likely to lead to a significant increase in new EV sales
in the coming decades.

Coal demand in the OECD is expected to decline by almost 8 mboe/d over the outlook period,
reaching 6 mboe/d in 2045. Many coal plants are set to be closed in the coming years due
to more stringent policies (including CO2 pricing) and plants reaching the end of their life.
Countries, such as Germany, were discussing shifting the phase-out of coal power plants
to 2030, instead of 2038 as originally planned. In addition, the further expansion of renewa-
ble energy will limit the load hours of coal power plants. In OECD Americas, a large number
of US coal power plants will be closed by 2030, due to ageing units, the increasing share of
renewables and natural gas in the power generation mix. Despite ambitious policies, some
countries may still leave limited coal capacities operational, some of which could be equipped
with CCUS facilities.

OECD natural gas demand is set to remain stable in the period to 2040 at nearly 30 mboe/d,
followed by a marginal decline to 28.9 mboe/d in 2045. This is due to OECD Europe, where
the recent energy crisis related to gas supplies is expected to accelerate efforts to curtail
gas usage and reduce overall gas imports. While gas is likely to remain an important part of
the mix, many countries are increasing the production of biogas and/or synthetic gas, which
could replace limited volumes of natural gas. Strong renewables growth will also reduce the
need for gas-fired power generation.

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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 53

In the Reference Case, gas demand in OECD Europe is set to drop by around 1 mboe/d in the
period to 2045. At the same time, in OECD Americas, demand for natural gas is anticipated
to remain stable at around 19 mboe/d. Demand is supported by the ample availability of
domestic gas supply at competitive prices and natural gas replacing coal in the power gen-
eration sector. Similarly, in OECD Asia-Pacific, gas demand remains flat at around 3.6 mboe/d
throughout the outlook period. Reduced coal usage will support demand, which will be offset
by the higher deployment of renewables and nuclear energy.

Demand for other renewables in the OECD is set to increase by 11.6 mboe/d between 2022
and 2045 to reach almost 15.5 mboe/d. This development sees it climb to above 15% of the
energy mix. Strong policy support is the main driver for the expansion of renewables, such
as the IRA in the US, the EU Green Deal, RePowerEU and the EU Green Deal Industrial Plan.

Hydropower increases will be limited. In the case of biomass, OECD demand is anticipated
to rise from 6.8 mboe/d in 2022 to 10.1 mboe/d in 2045. The large part of this increase is
accounted for by the advanced use of biomass for biofuels, bioplastics and/or biogas pro-
duction. Finally, OECD demand for nuclear power is set to increase by 1.8 mboe/d, reaching
nearly 12 mboe/d in 2045. Many countries in this region have expressed an interest to further
expand their nuclear capacity, including the US, France and Japan. It should be noted that
1.8 mboe/d is the net increase in total nuclear power demand in the OECD region, which also
takes into account numerous closures of ageing capacity.

Due to these shifts in OECD energy demand, the mix is set-to change. The share of oil declines by
8 pp to 29% and the share of coal drops by almost 7.5 pp to below 6% during the outlook period.
At the same time, the share of other renewables increases to 14.5% in 2045, from 3.6% in 2022.

Table 2.4 shows long-term energy demand in the non-OECD. Total energy is projected to
increase from around 184 mboe/d in 2022 to more than 253 mboe/d in 2045, which is an
increase of 69 mboe/d, or around 37%. India alone accounts for 19.5 mboe/d of this increase,
which is almost 28% of the total.

Table 2.4
Non-OECD primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Fuel share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045

Oil 51.2 56.7 62.9 67.5 71.6 75.3 24.1 1.7 27.8 29.7
Coal 62.0 62.0 60.5 57.1 52.8 48.4 –13.6 –1.1 33.6 19.1

Gas 37.1 39.9 45.2 50.4 54.8 58.1 21.0 2.0 20.1 22.9

Nuclear 5.0 5.8 7.0 8.6 10.4 12.0 7.0 3.9 2.7 4.7

Hydro 5.2 5.5 6.2 6.8 7.4 7.6 2.4 1.6 2.8 3.0

Biomass 19.8 20.7 22.2 23.5 24.6 25.2 5.4 1.1 10.7 9.9

Other renewables 4.1 6.2 10.8 16.5 22.9 26.8 22.7 8.5 2.2 10.6

Total 184.3 196.8 214.7 230.3 244.5 253.3 69.0 1.4 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

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54 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

The largest increase comes from oil demand, which is projected to increase by almost 24.1
mboe/d to reach 75.3 mboe/d in 2045. This is in line with an expanding population and ris-
ing mobility needs. At the same time, gas demand is expected to increase from 37 mboe/d
in 2022 to 58 mboe/d in 2045, an increment of 21 mboe/d. In many countries, rising natural
gas supplies help to reduce energy poverty and increase energy access, while at the same
time reduce the traditional use of biofuels for cooking and heating. Furthermore, rising gas
usage is the consequence of policies to replace coal or oil in the power generation sector in
some countries, including many countries in Asia and the Middle East. Finally, many develop-
ing countries (including OPEC Member Countries) have vast natural gas resources at com-
petitive production costs at their disposal, which supports the increased usage of this fuel in
the future.

Coal demand in the non-OECD is expected to decline by around 13.6 mboe/d in the outlook
period. This is mostly due to policies to limit coal usage and limit CO2 emissions in China. In
addition, the replacement of old and inefficient coal units with new units is set to reduce the
long-term need for this primary fuel. At the time, these reductions are partly offset by rising
coal demand in South Asia. 2

Other renewables are forecast to grow strongly in the non-OECD, increasing from 4.1 mboe/d
in 2022 to almost 27 mboe/d in 2045. This is an average annual growth rate of 8.5% p.a. China
alone accounts for more than 40% of this increment, in line with policy backing, as well as
China’s continuous efforts to support and further develop its renewable industry. Nuclear
energy will likely more than double between 2022 and 2045, reaching 12 mboe/d. A large
number of projects under construction, especially in China, in combination with rising inter-
est from several countries to develop this technology, are the main driver for this increase.

Demand for biomass is set to increase from just below 20 mboe/d in 2022 to 25.2 mboe/d in
2045. This increase is a combination of the reduction in the traditional use of biomass, espe-
cially in Africa, which is more than offset by its modern use. Finally, based on sufficient availa-
ble resources, hydropower is expected to grow 1.6% p.a. over the outlook period, reaching 7.6
mboe/d in 2045. This expansion is expected to materialize mostly in the Asia-Pacific (includ-
ing China) and, to some extent, Africa.

Figure 2.3 shows the changing energy mix in the OECD and non-OECD between 2022 and
2045. In both regions, the share of fossil fuels in the mix is expected to decline over the
outlook period. However, the figure illustrates very different regional patterns.

The overall share of fossil fuels in the OECD declines from above 78% in 2022 to 62% in 2045.
This is mostly due to the decline of oil’s share in the mix, which drops from 37% in 2022 to
29% in 2045. Coal also declines, losing more than 7 pp to reach levels below 6% in 2045. The
share of natural gas in the OECD energy mix is set to decline only slightly and settle at just
above 27% in 2045. The gap will be filled by rising shares for other renewables (+10.9 pp),
biomass (+3.1 pp), nuclear (+1.8 pp) and hydro (+0.4 pp).

In the non-OECD, the pattern in energy demand development is different. Based on strong
population and economic growth, oil and gas increase their respective shares modestly by
1.9 and 2.8 pp in the outlook period, and the share of coal in the mix drops by a hefty 14.5 pp
between 2022 and 2045. Consequently, the overall share of fossil fuels is set to decline by
almost 10 pp between 2022 and 2045. The increase will come from other renewables (+8.4
pp) and nuclear (+2 pp).

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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 55

Figure 2.3
mboe/d Figure 2.3
Energy mix in OECD and non-OECD and primary energy demand, 2022–2045
% mboe/d
100 300

80 240

60 180 Oil
40 120 Hydro
Other renewables
Total demand (RHS)
20 60

0 0
2022 2045 2022 2045


Source: OPEC.

It is important to note that the overall level of energy demand is an important denomina-
tor for the final energy mix. In the OECD, primary energy demand is set to decline in the
long-term, which helps to hasten the increase in the share of renewables. In the non-OECD,
energy demand increases throughout the outlook period, which is why the share of non-OECD
renewables in 2045 is lower compared to the OECD.

This section also provides more details about China and India, which, due to their size, have
a decisive impact on the global energy landscape.

In China, primary energy demand is projected to increase in the initial years from 71.3 mboe/d
in 2022 to 78.7 mboe/d in 2035. In the last decade of the outlook period, however, overall
energy demand is set to decline slightly and reach 77.4 mboe/d in 2045. A declining popula-
tion, as well as slower GDP growth and rising energy efficiency are the major drivers of this
trend. The latter especially relates to the significant change in coal demand, which is set to
decline from 41.6 mboe/d in 2022 to just under 24 mboe/d in 2045. This drop is in line with
efforts to reach a CO2 emissions peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060.

The more efficient use of coal also contributes to the decline in primary energy demand. China
has recently approved a significant number of new coal-fired power plants, which totalled more
than 100 Gigawatt (GW) in 2022. Some new coal plants will certainly replace old and inefficient
coal units in the years to come, thus contributing to lowering primary coal demand in the coun-
try. The upshot of all this sees the share of coal in the primary mix falling from above 58% in
2022 to 30.7% in 2045.

China’s oil demand is projected to increase over this decade, reaching levels close to 16.7
mboe/d in 2030. Towards the end of the outlook period, oil demand growth is expected to
decelerate and reach 17.4 mboe/d in 2045. An expanding share of EVs in new vehicle sales

World Oil Outlook 2023

56 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

is set to put some pressure on oil demand growth, with heavy-duty transportation, aviation
and marine sectors, as well as petrochemicals, driving future transportation demand growth.
Natural gas demand is expected to increase from 5.8 mboe/d in 2022 to 10.2 mboe/d in 2045.
Higher gas demand is anticipated to partly replace coal in power generation and help the
country reach its CO2 emissions targets. Rising gas demand in China is partly linked to the
assumed increase in its domestic gas supply as laid out in the country’s 14th FYP.

China is making huge investments into renewable energy, particularly wind and solar. In
2022, China commissioned around 140 GW of renewable capacity, which is almost 50% of the
global additions. Strong growth is expected to continue in the years to come. Other renew-
ables are projected to rise from 2.2 mboe/d in 2022 to almost 12 mboe/d in 2045, with its
share in the energy mix reaching 15.5%. China’s nuclear power is set to increase stepwise
and more than double to reach 6.8 mboe/d in 2045, up from 2.5 mboe/d in 2022. China
currently has 21 reactors under construction with a total capacity of around 21.5 GW. The
official target is 70 GW of nuclear capacity by 2025, from the current level of 53.2 GW. The
increase in nuclear power is part of the country’s efforts to reduce the consumption of fossil
fuels, especially coal. Hydropower and biomass demand are projected to increase modestly, 2
inching up by 0.6 mboe/d and 1.6 mboe/d, respectively.

Table 2.5
China primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Fuel share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045

Oil 14.1 15.8 16.7 17.0 17.3 17.4 3.4 0.9 19.7 22.5
Coal 41.6 40.9 37.8 33.2 28.2 23.7 –17.9 –2.4 58.3 30.7

Gas 5.8 6.6 8.0 9.2 9.9 10.2 4.4 2.5 8.1 13.2

Nuclear 2.5 3.1 3.9 4.9 6.0 6.8 4.3 4.5 3.4 8.8

Hydro 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 0.6 1.1 3.3 3.9

Biomass 2.8 3.1 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.4 1.6 2.0 4.0 5.7

Other renewables 2.2 3.3 5.4 7.7 9.7 11.8 9.5 7.5 3.1 15.2

Total 71.3 75.2 78.1 78.7 78.1 77.4 6.1 0.4 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

Table 2.6 shows the long-term energy demand outlook for India. Overall energy demand is
projected to almost double and reach 38.5 mboe/d in 2045, driven by increasing population,
an expanding middle class and economic development. India alone accounts for almost 28%
of non-OECD primary energy demand growth to 2045 and all energy sources are expected to
increase in the Reference Case. Oil demand is forecast to more than double from 5.1 mboe/d
in 2022 to 11.6 mboe/d in 2045 with transportation, petrochemical and residential sectors the
main drivers.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 57

Table 2.6
India primary energy demand by fuel type, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Fuel share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045

Oil 5.1 5.8 7.3 8.7 10.1 11.6 6.5 3.6 26.7 30.1

Coal 8.3 9.0 10.4 11.6 12.5 12.8 4.5 1.9 43.3 33.2

Gas 1.0 1.2 1.7 2.2 3.0 4.1 3.1 6.2 5.3 10.6

Nuclear 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.0 7.1 1.4 3.3

Hydro 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3 3.3 1.6 1.7

Biomass 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 0.3 0.4 20.2 10.9

Other renewables 0.3 0.6 1.1 1.8 2.7 3.9 3.6 11.5 1.7 10.1

Total 19.2 21.3 25.4 29.7 34.1 38.5 19.3 3.1 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

In line with expanding electricity consumption, India’s coal demand is expected to increase,
especially in the first part of the outlook period. From 8.3 mboe/d in 2022, coal demand is
expected to increase to 11.6 mboe/d in 2035, and further, albeit at a slower pace, to 12.8
mboe/d in 2045. The reason for coal’s slowing pace is the faster deployment of other energy
resources, especially gas, nuclear and other renewables. Other renewables are projected to
increase from 0.3 mboe/d in 2022 to almost 4 mboe/d in 2045. Consequently, the share of
other renewables is set to increase to around 10.1% by 2045, from below 2% currently. The
Indian government is supporting the expansion of renewables, including transmission and
distribution networks. The official target is to reach 500 GW of renewables by 2030, which is
an ambitious target, given current renewable capacity is around 160 GW.

Natural gas is also expected to expand strongly in the medium- and long-term. Increasing the
share of gas in the mix will help to reduce coal usage, curb CO2 emissions and support the
deployment of intermittent renewables, such as wind and solar. Furthermore, the government
supports the gasification of the country (City Gas distribution), which aims to reduce the usage
of traditional cooking fuels in the residential sector. Although the government has a target for
gas in the energy mix of 15% by 2030, the Reference Case sees a share of around 10.6% by 2045.

Nuclear power is likely to more than triple in the forecast period from 0.3 mboe/d to 1.3
mboe/d in 2045. Around 6 GW of nuclear capacity is under construction, which, once online,
would almost double the country’s current installed capacity. Finally, hydropower and bio-
mass demand are each expected to increase by 0.3 mboe/d over the outlook period. The
country is also set to reduce the traditional use of biomass, which will be more than offset by
its modern use and the transformation into bio liquids and biogas.

Figure 2.4 illustrates regional demand changes in the outlook period by fuel and by region,
which shows diverging trends. Renewable energy sources and nuclear power are forecast to
increase in all major regions, driven by China and the OECD. Natural gas and, especially oil,
are expected decline in the OECD, due to the overall stagnation of the energy market and the

World Oil Outlook 2023

58 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 2.4
Figure 2.4
Growth in energy demand by fuel type and region, 2022–2045

OECD Other non-OECD India China Total





–30 2
Oil Coal Gas Nuclear Hydro Biomass Other
Source: OPEC.

active substitution of these fuels with renewables. At the same time, oil and gas demand are
set to increase in the non-OECD. With a coal demand decline of nearly 18 mboe/d, China has
the most significant impact on this fuel’s demand, far ahead of OECD regions.

2.3 Energy demand by fuel

This section looks into energy demand trends by primary fuels. It discusses energy policies
and provides the Reference Case outlook to 2045.

2.3.1 Oil
The global oil market experienced unprecedented turbulence in 2020 and 2021, as oil was
the most affected energy source during the COVID-19 crisis. Indeed, oil demand declined by
more than 7 mboe/d in 2020 (on an energy-content basis) and then increased by more than
5 mboe/d in 2021. These were the two largest swings in annual oil demand ever recorded.
Recovery from the oil demand collapse in 2020 continued in 2022, when global demand
increased by a significant 2.3 mboe/d, despite significantly increased geopolitical instability
in Eastern Europe and higher energy prices.

The continuation of this conflict, combined with high inflationary pressures, rising interest
rates and high-debt levels in many regions contributed to slower economic growth in 2023,
estimated at 2.6% at the global level. Despite this, partly supported by the sustained demand
recovery after COVID-19, as well as the continued demand re-alignment with levels of eco-
nomic activity, oil demand is estimated to increase by 2.2 mboe/d in 2023. Moreover, this
re-alignment (or catching-up for unrealized demand growth during 2020–2023) will likely
continue in 2024 and 2025. Accordingly, global oil is projected to grow by another 2 mboe/d
in 2024 and 1.7 mboe/d in 2025. The cumulative effect of these developments is that global
oil demand will increase by 5.8 mboe/d between 2022 and 2025, reaching the level of 96.4
mboe/d in 2025 (Table 2.7).

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 59

Table 2.7
Oil demand by region, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045

OECD Americas 20.7 20.9 21.1 20.2 18.9 17.4 –3.3 –0.7 22.8 16.4
OECD Europe 11.9 11.9 11.5 10.5 9.4 8.5 –3.5 –1.5 13.2 8.0

OECD Asia–Pacific 6.9 6.9 6.6 6.0 5.4 4.9 –2.0 –1.5 7.6 4.6
OECD 39.5 39.7 39.1 36.8 33.7 30.8 –8.7 –1.1 43.5 29.0

China 14.1 15.8 16.7 17.0 17.3 17.4 3.4 0.9 15.5 16.4
India 5.1 5.8 7.3 8.7 10.1 11.6 6.5 3.6 5.6 10.9

OPEC 8.6 9.9 11.0 11.7 12.3 12.7 4.1 1.7 9.5 11.9

Other DCs 18.2 19.7 22.1 24.2 26.1 27.8 9.5 1.8 20.1 26.2

Russia 3.3 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 0.3 0.4 3.7 3.4

Other Eurasia 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 0.4 0.8 2.0 2.1

Non–OECD 51.2 56.7 62.9 67.5 71.6 75.3 24.1 1.7 56.5 71.0

World 90.7 96.4 102.0 104.3 105.3 106.1 15.4 0.7 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

Significant demand growth is also set to continue beyond the initial years of the forecast
period. The overall demand increase between 2025 and 2030 is 5.5 mboe/d. This incremental
demand is set to decline somewhat in the second part of the forecast period, but it is still
expected to be more than 2 mboe/d during the 2030–2035 period and remain in the range of
1 mboe/d during the last two five-year intervals.

There is a combination of factors that lead to some deceleration in long-term oil demand
growth. The main ones include: oil substitution by biofuels, natural gas and electricity; the
expanding penetration of EVs in the road transportation sector; efficiency improvements
across all sectors of oil consumption; shifts towards less energy/oil intensive components in
the composition of future GDP; and decelerating long-term population growth, among others.
All these factors are discussed in more detail in Chapter 3.

The overall result of these developments is that primary oil demand increases from 90.7
mboe/d in 2022 to 102 mboe/d in 2030 and then further to 106.1 mboe/d in 2045. This
represents an increase of 15.4 mboe/d. Even though this overall demand increase is somewhat
lower than for solar, wind and natural gas combined, oil’s already large demand base keeps
it as the largest contributor to global energy requirements over the entire forecast period.
Indeed, oil accounted for around 31% of global energy demand in 2022. Its share in the energy
mix is set to increase slightly to almost 32% in 2035, before slowly declining to 29.5% in 2045.
Nevertheless, this will still be the largest individual component of the global energy mix in
2045, more than 5 pp higher than the share of natural gas and almost three times higher than
the contribution of solar and wind energy combined.

World Oil Outlook 2023

60 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

A breakdown of global oil demand by major regions is presented in Figure 2.5. It clearly
shows that steady demand growth at the global level results from diverging trends at the
regional level.
Figure 2.5
Figure 2.5
Oil demand by region, 2022–2045

OECD China India OPEC Other non-OECD





2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

This is especially true when comparing OECD and non-OECD demand patterns. While demand
for primary oil in non-OECD countries is projected to increase by 24.1 mboe/d between 2022
and 2045, a part of it will be offset by the demand decline in the OECD, which is expected to
drop by 8.7 mboe/d.

Figure 2.6 provides some further details that re-emphasize this observation. Driven by high popu-
lation growth and strong economic expansion in most developing countries, primary oil demand
will see the largest increase in the group of ‘Other Developing countries’, followed by India. Oil
demand in these two regions is set to increase by 9.5 mboe/d and 6.5 mboe/d, respectively.

The next largest contribution to future oil demand is expected from OPEC Member Countries.
In this case, the demand increase is set to be stronger during the first part of the forecast
period, growth expected to slow after 2035. Nevertheless, overall demand growth in OPEC
Member Countries is forecast to be more than 4 mboe/d over the forecast period.

A similar pattern is envisaged for China, though this is even more concentrated in the first part
of the forecast period. In this case, the strongest demand growth is projected in the period
to 2025. Significant growth is also seen during the 2025–2030 period, but it then slows for
the rest of the forecast period as oil substitution and the electrification of road transportation
puts a cap on further demand growth. This will result in an overall demand increase of 3.4
mboe/d. Even lower incremental demand is expected from Eurasia, which witnesses a slight
increase in the period to 2030, and then remains around this level thereafter. The overall
increase in Eurasia (incl. Russia) is 0.7 mboe/d over the entire forecast period.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 61
CHAPTER TWO Figure 2.6

Figure 2.6
Incremental oil demand by region, 2022–2045





Other India OPEC China Eurasia OECD Asia- OECD OECD
DCs Pacific Americas Europe

Source: OPEC.

Turning to the OECD, long-term primary oil demand is set to decline in all three sub-regions.
The largest demand drop is projected for OECD Europe, where oil demand is anticipated to
decline by 3.5 mboe/d between 2022 and 2045. This will be followed by OECD Americas, with
a drop of 3.3 mboe/d. OECD Asia-Pacific is expected to add an additional 2 mboe/d to the
OECD demand decline. The main factors leading to this demand drop, include the expanding
penetration of EVs into the passenger fleet, policy driven oil displacement from industry and
residential sectors, as well as technology driven efficiency improvements.

It is important to note that the figures shown in this chapter are not directly comparable with
those shown in other chapters. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, Chapter 2 uses
energy equivalent units (mboe/d) to allow for a comparison between the different primary
fuel types. In other chapters, however, oil is expressed in volumetric units of million bar-
rels per day (mb/d). Secondly, the definition of oil in Chapter 2 is different from that used in
Chapters 3 through 6. While Chapter 2 deals with primary energy sources, other chapters
consider the outlooks for all liquid fuels. In that sense, in this chapter, biofuels is considered
as biomass, coal-to-liquids (CTLs) as coal and gas-to-liquids (GTLs) as gas, but they are all
part of the liquids outlook in Chapter 3 (and 4–6).

2.3.2 Coal
Coal demand increased slightly in 2022, driven by energy security concerns, the lack of avail-
able natural gas supplies and lower renewable and nuclear generation in some countries.
Coal demand in 2022 was estimated at almost 76 mboe/d, which is close to the record high
levels witnessed in 2015.

The energy crisis in 2022, insufficient gas supplies and extreme gas prices pushed many coun-
tries to reactivate their old, mothballed coal-fired plants (e.g. in Europe), in order to provide
security of supply. In addition, the consequence of inadequate gas supplies led to the announce-
ment of a large number of new coal-fired projects, especially in Asian developing countries with

World Oil Outlook 2023

62 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

domestic coal supplies. China alone has approved more than 100 GW of new coal-fired projects
since early 2022. Pakistan, which suffered blackouts during 2022 due to insufficient gas sup-
plies, plans to quadruple its coal-fired capacity to roughly 10 GW, from a current capacity of just
below 2.5 GW. A similar strategy could be followed by Bangladesh and others. Countries like
India, still rely heavily on coal power and are expected to expand its use in the years to come.
All this could lead to increasing coal usage in the medium-term.
Width: 135.6 mm
At the same time, energy and climate-change policies are putting pressure on coal usage
Height: 65 mm
in developed and developing countries, as many countries are committed to phase-out coal
power. The rising share of renewables, natural gas and nuclear power are also expected to
limit the load hours of coal plants.

However, it is important not to obfuscate the size and importance of coal-fired generation in
today’s power supply. Looking back, rising generation from renewables and gas in recent
years has led to declining share for coal in the generation mix. From almost 41% in 2013, the
share of coal in the mix declined to 36% in 2022 (Figure 2.7), mostly driven by energy policies.
Nonetheless, in absolute terms, coal-fired generation has been on the rise since 2000 and 2
reached almost 10,200 TWh in 2022, an all-time high. This occurred despite all the measures
aimed at limiting coal use for power generation.

Figure 2.7
mboe/d Figure 2.7
Coal-fired generation and share in the global generation mix
TWh %
12,000 42

10,000 40

8,000 38

6,000 36

4,000 34

2,000 32
Coal share in the generation mix (RHS)
Coal-fired generation
0 30

Source: Ember.

As shown in Figure 2.8 and Table 2.8, rising coal use in developing countries, in combi-
nation with downward pressure from substitution and coal plant decommissioning in the
OECD, will likely lead to relatively stable medium-term demand. From almost 76 mboe/d
in 2022, demand is set inch down to around 74.5 mboe/d in 2025. A larger impact from
policies and substitution is expected after 2025, with global coal demand set to drop to

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 63

Figure 2.8
mboe/d Figure 2.8
Coal demand by major region, 2022–2045

OECD China India Other non-OECD







2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC

Table 2.8
Coal demand by region, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045
OECD Americas 5.4 4.8 3.9 3.2 2.5 1.9 –3.5 –4.4 7.1 3.5
OECD Europe 4.1 3.6 2.6 1.9 1.3 0.9 –3.2 –6.3 5.4 1.7
OECD Asia–Pacific 4.5 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.2 –1.3 –1.4 5.9 5.9
OECD 14.0 12.6 10.5 8.8 7.3 6.0 –7.9 –3.6 18.4 11.1
China 41.6 40.9 37.8 33.2 28.2 23.7 –17.9 –2.4 54.8 43.7
India 8.3 9.0 10.4 11.6 12.5 12.8 4.5 1.9 10.9 23.5
OPEC 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1
Other DCs 8.0 8.2 8.7 8.9 9.0 9.0 1.0 0.5 10.6 16.6
Russia 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 –0.9 –2.1 3.1 2.6
Other Eurasia 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 –0.3 –1.0 2.1 2.4
Non–OECD 62.0 62.0 60.5 57.1 52.8 48.4 –13.6 –1.1 81.6 88.9
World 75.9 74.6 71.1 65.9 60.0 54.4 -21.5 -1.4 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

just below 66 mboe/d in 2035 and then further to 54.4 mboe/d in 2045. This represents
a total decline of 21.5 mboe/d. Coal is the only primary fuel that declines throughout the
outlook period.

There are two major contributors to the long-term decline in coal demand – China and OECD
countries. China is expected to reduce its coal demand by almost 18 mboe/d between 2022

World Oil Outlook 2023

64 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

and 2045. This is likely the result of the country’s policy to increase the supply of alternative
energy sources and substitute coal with other renewables, hydro, nuclear and natural gas,
especially in power generation.

As already mentioned, China has approved the construction of a hefty 120 GW of new coal
power plants during 2022 and early 2023. In comparison, approved coal-fired capacities in
2021 were just below 20 GW. It is likely, however, that many of these new projects will be
highly efficient and, once online, will replace old and inefficient units and thus reduce coal
use. Ultra supercritical and supercritical coal plants can reach efficiencies of around 45%
or even higher, which is significantly higher compared to the efficiencies of older plants at
around 30%, with some even lower.

Finally, although currently uncertain, some coal plants could include CCUS facilities,
which could prolong their lifetime and align them with environmental targets for 2030
and 2060. While the 14th FYP recognizes the importance of coal for domestic energy secu-
rity, it also seeks to ‘strictly control’ coal consumption. The proclaimed target to reach
a CO2 emissions peak by 2030 will require cuts in coal demand from the middle of this 2
decade onwards.

In OECD, coal demand is expected to decline from 14 mboe/d in 2022 to 6 mboe/d in 2045.
As in China, coal in power generation will be largely substituted by additional renewables
and nuclear power. Many OECD countries have committed themselves to the phase-out of
coal power plants. Earlier in 2023, G7 countries agreed to speed up the phase-out of coal
plants, without specifying a precise date. Germany, one of the largest coal consumers,
failed to shift the phase-out date to 2030 from the earlier agreed 2038, partly because of
energy security concerns.

In the US, coal-fired generation has been on a steady decline for around ten years, mainly
substituted by natural gas and, to some extent, renewables. This has had an effect on
numerous existing coal power plants, affecting their load factors and, consequently, their
profitability. As a result, many coal plants are expected to close in the coming years. Almost
50 GW of coal-fired capacity (roughly 25% of the current operating capacity) could be closed
by the end of this decade. Japan and Australia are also expected to reduce coal use. Japan
sees a decline of coal in power generation to 19% by 2030, down from current levels of
above 30%.

The only regions where coal demand is expected to increase are India and Other Developing
countries. As already mentioned, rising energy demand, in combination with security of
supply concerns and the local availability of coal, are set to be the major drivers of this
increase. Coal demand in India is expected to increase by 4.5 mboe/d to reach 12.8 mboe/d
in 2045. It is important to note that demand increases significantly to 2040, after which the
growth is expected to slow down. In Other Developing countries, demand increases from 8
mboe/d in 2022 to 9 mboe/d by 2045, mostly in Asia.

2.3.3 Natural gas

The year 2022 was an extraordinary one for gas markets. It included the start of the conflict in
Eastern Europe and the reduction of gas supplies from Russia to Europe, with a then reshuf-
fling of LNG trade flows and Europe buying additional volumes. At the same time, the LNG
market lacked the spare capacity to match soaring demand, which led to record high LNG spot

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 65

prices. TTF spot gas prices at the Title Transfer Facility in the Netherlands (TTF) increased
briefly to levels above $95 per million British thermal units (MBtu) in late summer 2022. It
averaged around 37 US$/Mbtu in 2022. This compares with average levels of around 15.5
US$/Mbtu in 2021 and only 3.1 US$/Mbtu in 2020. Similar spot price anomalies during 2022
were recorded in other hubs.

Due to record high prices, OECD Europe’s overall gas demand declined by more than 12%
in 2022. At the same time, and due to lower pipeline imports from Russia, Europe imported
almost 175 billion cubic metres (bcm) of LNG in 2022, an all-time high. This was 32% of the
global LNG market, significantly higher than a share of between 20% and 25% in the years
prior. While Europe managed to secure sufficient gas supplies, many developing countries
had to abstain from the LNG market, especially in the 2H22 due to high prices. Countries
like Bangladesh, Pakistan and Brazil had to reduce LNG imports, which led to a lack of
energy supplies and repeated electricity shortages. At the same time, gas demand in China
was subdued due to COVID-19 restrictions, as well as high prices, leading to lower LNG
imports there.

The overall net effect of the gas market distortions was negative global gas demand growth,
with a drop of some 0.5% y-o-y. Regions, which registered gas demand drops, were OECD
Europe, China, India and numerous countries in the developing world.

During 2023, the gas market stabilized partly due to the relatively warm winter in the Northern
Hemisphere, which resulted in ample storage levels at the end of the heating season, relative
to previous years. In addition, several new LNG terminals were commissioned, thus increas-
ing the potential for LNG supply. Consequently, spot gas prices dropped to around 10 US$/
Mbtu (Dutch TTF) in mid-2023. Nevertheless, the market has still been erratic, and could con-
tinue to be depending on weather-related demand during the upcoming winter season and
possible disruptions of the remaining pipeline gas flows from Russia to Europe.

Uncertainties related to the security of gas supplies were the main reason for many countries
reconsidering their long-term reliance on gas. Some countries have announced plans for the
increased use of coal (e.g. in developing Asia), as well as the faster deployment of alterna-
tives to natural gas, such as bio-methane, hydrogen and batteries. This is the main reason
why the long-term gas outlook in the Reference Case has been revised down relative to the
WOO 2022. Nevertheless, natural gas is expected to remain the backbone of energy and elec-
tricity systems in many countries due to ample availability, competitive cost levels, as well a
relatively low carbon footprint and lower toxic particle emissions.

Figure 2.9 and Table 2.9 show the long-term demand outlook for natural gas in the Reference
Case. Demand growth comes from the non-OECD, which increases by 21 mboe/d over the
outlook period to reach 58.1 mboe/d. This growth is only partly offset by the expected small
decline of 1.1 mboe/d in the OECD region. Consequently, global gas demand growth is set to
reach 20 mboe/d, expanding from 67.1 mboe/d in 2022 to 87 mboe/d in 2045.

The largest individual drivers of this are China and India. China’s gas demand is expected to
increase from 5.8 mboe/d in 2022 to 10.2 mboe/d in 2045. Additional gas use will partly sub-
stitute coal in electricity generation and thus, help CO2 emissions peak by 2030. Furthermore,
natural gas will aid the balancing of the rising share of intermittent renewables in the power
system. As mentioned earlier, China also links the prospects of strong natural gas demand
growth to a potential increase in domestic supply.

World Oil Outlook 2023

66 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Figure 2.9
Figure 2.9
Natural gas demand by region, 2022–2045

mboe/d %

100 70
OECD India Other DCs
90 China OPEC Eurasia Share non-OECD (RHS) 68

80 66

70 64

60 62

50 60

40 58

30 56

20 54
10 52

0 50
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

Table 2.9
Natural gas demand by region, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045
OECD Americas 18.9 18.7 18.9 19.1 19.1 18.9 0.0 0.0 28.2 21.7
OECD Europe 7.4 7.4 7.3 7.1 6.8 6.4 –1.0 –0.6 11.1 7.4
OECD Asia–Pacific 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 0.0 –0.1 5.5 4.2
OECD 30.0 29.7 29.8 29.8 29.6 28.9 –1.1 –0.2 44.7 33.3
China 5.8 6.6 8.0 9.2 9.9 10.2 4.4 2.5 8.7 11.8
India 1.0 1.2 1.7 2.2 3.0 4.1 3.1 6.2 1.5 4.7
OPEC 8.9 9.7 11.0 12.2 13.0 13.4 4.5 1.8 13.3 15.4
Other DCs 10.3 11.5 13.6 15.8 17.9 19.5 9.2 2.8 15.4 22.4
Russia 8.1 7.9 7.6 7.4 7.2 6.9 –1.2 –0.7 12.1 7.9
Other Eurasia 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.5 3.7 4.0 1.1 1.4 4.3 4.6
Non–OECD 37.1 39.9 45.2 50.4 54.8 58.1 21.0 2.0 55.3 66.7
World 67.1 69.6 75.0 80.2 84.4 87.0 20.0 1.1 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

India is active in the continued gasification of its energy system. Expanding city gas distri-
bution systems are set to increase gas usage in the residential and commercial sectors.
Gas can help reduce the traditional use of biomass, as well as potentially substitute some

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 67

liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) demand. Furthermore, initiatives that encourage natural gas
vehicles may bring additional support. Assuming its strong long-term competitiveness, gas is
expected to play a more important role in power generation. Currently, India’s gas-powered
power plants are used sub-optimally due to a lack of (domestic) gas supplies and have the
potential to be ramped up in the future. In the Reference Case, India’s gas demand more than
triples in the outlook period, reaching levels of 4.1 mboe/d in 2045.

The OPEC region is another strong driver of gas demand, which is based on strong energy
and electricity demand growth, combined with ample domestic supplies at competitive cost
levels. OPEC’s gas demand is expected to increase from just under 9 mboe/d in 2022 to
13.4 mboe/d in 2045. OPEC Member Countries are projected to increase the share of gas
in their power generation mix, which will help to reduce more expensive oil-fired genera-
tion. This is why several countries are investing in gas projects, including Saudi Arabia, the
United Arab Emirates, IR Iran and Iraq.

Finally, growth is expected in a number of developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin
America. Natural gas will help to reduce energy poverty and increase energy access,
especially in African countries. Furthermore, natural gas is likely to help reduce the
reliance on coal and support the expansion of renewables. Natural gas demand in Other
Developing countries is forecast to increase from 10.3 mboe/d in 2022 to 19.5 mboe/d
in 2045.

In the OECD, natural gas demand is expected to level off this decade, followed by a moderate
decline thereafter. In the period to 2045, natural gas demand in OECD Europe is set to
decline by 1 mboe/d. Due to the uncertainty of natural gas supplies from Russia, European
countries are putting efforts into not only diversifying gas supplies, but also reducing gas
demand. The RePowerEU programme aims to reduce gas usage for heating, increasing the
share of renewables in the mix, decarbonizing industry and increasing its electrification. All
these measures lead to negative gas demand growth in OECD Europe.

In OECD Americas, gas demand is expected to remain stable at around 19 mboe/d through-
out the outlook period, supported by ample domestic supply at competitive prices, thus
replacing coal in the electricity generation. OECD Asia-Pacific also sees relatively stable
gas demand over the forecast period.

2.3.4 Nuclear
Nuclear power represented around 5.2% of global primary energy demand in 2022. Despite
this relatively small share, nuclear power is extremely important for the power generation
mix in several countries, especially OECD regions. Low variable costs, combined with a stable
base and a low carbon footprint make it an important part of the overall energy mix.

According to the International Atomic Energy (IAEA), there are currently 410 nuclear power
reactors in operation with total capacity of roughly 370 GW. There are 57 reactors (almost 60
GW) currently under construction, most of which are in Asia and Europe. Despite significant
additions in recent years, the total nuclear net electrical capacity has not increased since
2019, as shown in Figure 2.10. Total net nuclear electrical capacity is now hovering around
375 GW down from a peak of almost 380 GW in 2018/19. Produced electricity dropped in
2022 because of lower capacity, as well as due to lower availability in some countries (e.g.

World Oil Outlook 2023

68 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Figure 2.10
mboe/d Figure 2.10
Nuclear net electrical capacity and electricity supplied


380 2,700

375 2,650

370 2,600

365 2,550

360 2,500

355 2,450

350 2,400

345 2,350

340 2,300
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 2
(RHS) 65 mm
335 2,250
Net electrical capacity Electricity supplied
330 2,200



















Source: IAEA.

It is important to note that much of the added new capacity in recent years was offset by the
permanent shutdowns of ageing plants. For instance, from 2020 to today, a total of 22 GW
of new capacity was connected to the grid, while at the same time 23 GW was permanently
shut. Looking ahead, around 25% of nuclear power capacity is more than 40 years old and
potentially approaching the end of its lifetime. Moreover, around 40% of nuclear power
capacity is between 30 and 40 years old. This could be a challenge when looking to expand
the role of nuclear power in the long-term.
Figure 2.11
Figure 2.11
Nuclear net electrical capacity by age









0–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–55
Age (years)
Source: IAEA.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 69

Despite the noted challenges, given the strong policy push the outlook assumes a robust increase
in nuclear power in the Reference Case (Figure 2.12 and Table 2.10). Nuclear energy has gained
much attention in recent years due its low carbon footprint and its ability to provide baseload
power supply. Furthermore, security of supply concerns have also helped nuclear power attract
Figure 2.12
Figure 2.12
Nuclear energy demand by region, 2022–2045

OECD China India OPEC Other non-OECD




2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

Table 2.10
Nuclear demand by region, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045
OECD Americas 4.9 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 0.3 0.2 32.7 21.7
OECD Europe 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.1 0.2 0.3 26.0 17.4
OECD Asia-Pacific 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.3 2.5 1.3 3.3 7.9 10.5
OECD 10.0 10.1 10.4 10.8 11.4 11.8 1.8 0.7 66.6 49.6
China 2.5 3.1 3.9 4.9 6.0 6.8 4.3 4.5 16.3 28.6
India 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.0 7.1 1.8 5.4
OPEC 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.5 12.2 0.3 2.4
Other DCs 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.2 1.8 2.8 2.6
Russia 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 0.5 1.4 8.3 7.3
Other Eurasia 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.4 2.3 3.9 4.1
Non-OECD 5.0 5.8 7.0 8.6 10.4 12.0 7.0 3.9 33.4 50.4
World 15.0 15.9 17.4 19.4 21.7 23.8 8.8 2.0 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

70 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

additional interest. This is why many countries have intensified interest to invest in new nuclear
power plants, such as OECD regions, but also several developing countries too. Global nuclear
demand is projected to increase by nearly 9 mboe/d and reach almost 24 mboe/d in 2045.

Almost half of the global increase in nuclear demand is projected to materialize in China.
Nuclear power is set to become an increasingly important energy source for China if it is to
reach a peak in CO2 emissions. Furthermore, as an important provider of base load power,
nuclear power will be a substitute for coal power plants in the generation mix. This will
help to provide balance to the power generation system. According to the 14th FYP, China
is expected to reach 70 GW of installed nuclear capacity by 2025. There is almost 22 GW of
nuclear capacity currently under construction in China.

Nuclear demand in India is expected to increase by 1 mboe/d to 2045, from around 0.3
mboe/d in 2022. The Indian government has ambitious plans to more than triple installed
nuclear capacity to 22.5 GW by 2031. In OPEC countries, nuclear power is expected to
reach 0.5 mboe/d in 2045, as several Member Countries have started investing in nuclear
energy. Additional nuclear energy is expected in Russia and Other Eurasia, totalling 2
almost 1 mboe/d.

In the OECD, the largest increase in nuclear power is projected for OECD Asia-Pacific. This
is in line with the restart of nuclear power plants in Japan, which has also adopted a plan
to extend the lifetime of some nuclear reactors beyond 60 years. In addition, several new
plants in Japan and South Korea are under construction. In the long-term, nuclear power
demand in OECD Americas and OECD Europe is expected to increase by 0.3 mboe/d and 0.2
mboe/d, respectively. Several countries are planning to renew their nuclear power plant
fleets, including France and the UK. Poland plans an expansion of nuclear power through
both small and large reactors.

2.3.5 Hydro
Around 34 GW of new hydropower capacity (including pumped hydro) was installed in 2022,
the highest level since 2016. With around 4,400 terawatt hours (TWh) of generated electricity
in 2022, hydropower accounted for around 15% of the global electricity generation. The expan-
sion of hydropower is set to continue in the future with large resources available particularly
in the developing regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Globally, around 130 GW of hydro
capacity is under construction and 160 GW is planned. However, due to high capital costs and
long lead times for many hydro projects, the build-up of hydropower is rather a slow process.
Nevertheless, hydropower remains an important part of the mix as a large number of hydro
plants (accumulation and pumped storage) can be used for balancing purposes.

The Reference Case sees hydropower demand increasing from 7.7 mboe/d in 2022 to 10.5
mboe/d in 2045 (Table 2.11 and Figure 2.13), representing an increase of 2.8 mboe/d. The
largest increment in the outlook period is expected in China with 0.6 mboe/d. During 2022,
China commissioned almost 24 GW of hydropower capacity of which 8.7 GW was pumped
hydro. This included the finals stages of its large Baihetan hydropower plant with total
installed capacity of 16 GW of installed capacity. The trend is projected to continue with the
large unutilized resources and with a significant number of hydropower projects in the pipe-
line. Hydropower demand is forecast to increase in Other Developing Countries, as well
as India. The incremental cumulative demand for these regions to 2045 is projected at 1.4
mboe/d, to reach 3.5 mboe/d in 2045.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 71

Table 2.11
Hydro demand by region, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045
OECD Americas 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 0.3 0.9 16.4 14.9
OECD Europe 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 0.1 0.4 13.6 11.0
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0
OECD 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 0.4
China 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 0.6 1.1 30.5 28.5
India 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3 3.3 3.9 6.1
OPEC 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 2.0 2.4 2.8
Other DCs 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.0 2.9 1.1 2.1 23.3 27.5
Russia 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.1 1.0 4.9 4.5
Other Eurasia 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 1.5 2.3 2.3
Non-OECD 5.2 5.5 6.2 6.8 7.4 7.6 2.4 1.6 67.2 71.8
World 7.7 8.2 8.9 9.6 10.2 10.5 2.8 1.3 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.
Figure 2.13
Figure 2.13
Hydro demand by region, 2022–2045
OECD China India OPEC Other non-OECD


2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

In OECD Americas, hydro demand is set to increase by roughly 0.3 mboe/d to 1.6 mboe/d in
2045. North America still has sufficient hydro resources to support this growth. In addition,
hydro projects are likely to benefit from the IRA in the US, adopted in 2022, as well as Canada’s

World Oil Outlook 2023

72 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

2023 budget that has supportive tax schemes. In OECD Europe, the expansion of hydropower is
limited as the available resources are mostly utilized. Total hydropower demand in this region
is anticipated to reach 1.2 mboe/d in 2045, inching up from 2022 levels.

2.3.6 Biomass
With a share of around 9% in 2022, biomass is currently the largest non-fossil fuel energy
source in the global primary energy mix. A large part of biomass is currently consumed in
developing countries and regions, such as South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa in the form
of traditional applications for residential heating and cooking. Through the alleviation of
energy poverty and increasing access to more modern energy sources, it can be assumed
that demand for traditional biomass will drop further in the future.

At the same time, demand for advanced biomass and its derivatives is likely to increase,
particularly in developed countries, as they seek to meet ambitious climate change targets.
Advanced applications of biomass include producing biofuels and biogas, providing residen-
tial and industrial heat, and generating electricity. The drivers of this trend are energy market 2
regulations and continuous subsidies.

The growth potential of biomass as an energy source is limited by resource availability. This
includes the conflict over the use of agricultural land for food or biomass production, but also
the increasing demand for land for nature-based solutions, which are considered as a meas-
ure to ensure healthy ecosystems. In addition, the emergence of bio-refining concepts, which
envisage the use of biomass to produce fibres, proteins and basic chemicals, could put fur-
ther pressure on the availability of biomass for energy applications.

In this outlook (Table 2.12 and Figure 2.14), the average growth of global biomass energy
demand is projected at 1.2% p.a. for the forecast period, resulting in global demand of 35.2
mboe/d by 2045. This represents roughly a 10% share of global primary energy demand at the

Table 2.12
Biomass demand by region, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045
OECD Americas 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.5 3.7 4.0 1.2 1.6 10.6 11.4
OECD Europe 3.4 3.7 4.1 4.5 4.9 5.2 1.8 1.9 12.9 14.8
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.2 1.5 2.1 2.3
OECD 6.8 7.3 8.0 8.7 9.4 10.1 3.2 1.7 25.6 28.5
China 2.8 3.1 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.4 1.6 2.0 10.6 12.6
India 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 0.3 0.4 14.6 11.9
OPEC 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 0.4 0.7 9.4 8.2
Other DCs 10.0 10.5 11.3 12.0 12.6 12.7 2.7 1.0 37.8 36.0
Russia 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 3.0 0.8 1.2
Other Eurasia 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.2 2.2 1.2 1.5
Non-OECD 19.8 20.7 22.2 23.5 24.6 25.2 5.4 1.1 74.4 71.5
World 26.6 27.9 30.2 32.3 34.1 35.2 8.6 1.2 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 73
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm

end of the forecast period. The increased use of biomass is anticipated in both OECD and non-
OECD countries to meet low-carbon energy initiatives. The intensified policy focus on energy
security also supports growing demand for biomass.

Figure 2.14 shows the projected development of biomass demand and its regional distri-
bution. In the OECD, biomass is used mainly for heating, electricity generation and the pro-
duction of liquid and/or gaseous biofuels. However, the demand for biomass will need to
increase to meet future policy targets. This is particularly the case in the aviation and ship-
ping sectors.

Figure 2.14
mboe/d Figure 2.14
Biomass demand by region, 2022–2045

OECD China India OPEC Other non-OECD






2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

In OECD Europe, biomass demand is expected to increase from 3.4 mboe/d in 2022 to 5.2
mboe/d in 2045. This growth is being driven by policies that require increasing levels of
biofuels in the transport sector, including SAF for aviation, as well as increasing demand
for biogas production, which is expected to partly replace natural gas in the future. As the
sustainability of biomass has come under increasing scrutiny, the EU has sought to improve
the sustainability criteria for bioenergy by banning the use of biomass from primary and
highly biodiverse forests and implementing a cascading principle for biomass. Under the
cascade principle, woody biomass has priority for use in wood-based products before it can
be burned for energy purposes.

In OECD Americas, biomass demand is projected to increase by about 1.2 mboe/d, reaching
4 mboe/d in 2045. In addition to ethanol production, the US is supporting efforts to increase
the production of SAF from biomass to meet 100% of aviation fuel demand by 2050. Canada’s
Clean Fuel Regulations, which require fuel suppliers to gradually reduce the carbon content
of their fuels, are also expected to increase demand for biofuels in the country.

World Oil Outlook 2023

74 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

In non-OECD, the largest rise in biomass use is expected in China, which increases by 1.6
mboe/d over the outlook period. It will be supported by the replacement of coal with solid
biomass in existing plants, an increase in biofuels for transport, and the advanced use of
biomass for biogas and electricity and/or heat generation. Traditional biomass use for
residential heating is projected to decline as biomass is replaced by oil and gas. The share of
biomass in China’s energy mix increases from 4% in 2022 to almost 6% by 2045.

In India, biomass use is expected to increase by some 0.3 mboe/d in the period to 2045. The
share of biomass in primary energy demand is expected to decline from 14.6% to 12%. This
mirrors the expected decline in the traditional use of biomass and its replacement by more
modern energy sources. The modern use of biomass for power generation and biofuels is
growing, resulting in a modest net-growth. The recent amendment to India’s National Policy
on Biofuels is focused on reducing the import of petroleum products and advancing the
deadline to reach a blending target of 20% biofuel from 2030 to 2025/2026. Biofuels play
an important role in India’s strategy as it also supports the ambitious targets of doubling
farmers’ income and reducing air pollution.

2.3.7 Other renewables

Other renewables (predominantly wind and solar, but also geothermal and tidal) have
witnessed strong growth in recent years. According to the International Renewable Energy
Agency, the installed capacity increased by around 265 GW, of which 75 GW was wind capacity
and 190 GW solar capacity. The largest addition was recorded in China, which added almost
125 GW of combined solar and wind capacity in 2022, far higher than any other country.

In the ranking of countries, China is the number one country in terms of installed solar and
wind capacity. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), China’s
total installed solar and wind capacities in 2022 were 393 GW and 366 GW, respectively.
China’s share in total installed wind and solar capacity is around 41% and 37%, respectively.

In 2023, many countries have scaled up their commitments and targets related to wind and
solar capacities. This should help to not only substitute coal and/or gas in power generation
and thus reduce CO2 emissions, but also facilitate a higher degree of energy security. Despite
recent problems with supply chains and inflationary trends, which pushed wind and solar
costs higher during 2022, it is expected that levelized generation costs will continue to decline
in the long-term, albeit at rates not seen in the past. This is due to continuous technological
and efficiency improvements, as well as economies of scale.

Nevertheless, while levelized generation costs are an important factor in the competitiveness
of renewables, they ignore the costs of system integration. The rising share of intermittent
energy sources in the generation mix requires significantly higher levels of balancing and
ancillary services provided by dispatchable power plants and demand side measures, as
well as storage (e.g. batteries and/or hydrogen). Additional renewable capacities require
significant additional investments in transmission and distribution capacities, which
have to provide sufficient capacity during peak load hours from wind and solar plants.
Insufficient investment in balancing options and grids may lead to negative electricity
prices and production curtailments, thus hindering further investments into power
generation capacities. This is why the real cost of production of wind and solar plants can
be significantly higher than the levelized costs of production. It will often depend on local
power market circumstances.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 75

Width: 135.6 mm
The Reference Case projects strong medium- and long-term growth of other65
Height: renewables
across all regions. Demand is expected to increase from nearly 8 mboe/d in 2022 to above
42 mboe/d in 2045. This represents growth of 34.3 mboe/d, or average growth of 7.5% p.a.
over the outlook period. Other renewables show the largest incremental demand additions,
as well as the fastest growth due to its low 2022 base.

Figure 2.15 and Table 2.13 show the long-term outlook for other renewables by region.
China is expected to see the highest incremental demand for other renewables of around 9.5
mboe/d. China’s efforts to reach a CO2 emissions peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060
are the major driver of this increase. In addition, China has become the major producer of
solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and other related equipment, lowering costs through
economies of scale and continuous innovation.

Figure 2.15
mboe/d Figure 2.15
'Other renewables' demand by region, 2022–2045


OECD China India OPEC Other non-OECD







2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

India is projected to increase its other renewables demand by 3.6 mboe/d from only 0.3
mboe/d in 2022. The official target of 500 GW of installed renewable capacity (mostly wind
and solar) by 2030 requires a much faster deployment of renewables compared to recent

In OPEC Member Countries, other renewables demand is projected at almost 5 mboe/d in

2045, up from only 0.1 mboe/d in 2022. This represents average annual growth of around
21.5%. Many countries in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates
have announced ambitious medium- and long-term targets related to renewables, especially
solar. Renewables should help to diversify electricity supply and reduce the consumption of
oil in electricity generation.

World Oil Outlook 2023

76 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Table 2.13
'Other renewables' demand by region, 2022–2045

Levels Growth Growth Share

mboe/d mboe/d % p.a. %

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045 2022–2045 2022 2045
OECD Americas 1.4 1.9 3.1 4.3 5.6 6.9 5.5 7.1 18.0 16.4
OECD Europe 1.9 2.4 3.4 4.3 5.0 5.7 3.8 5.0 23.6 13.5
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.7 2.2 2.8 2.2 7.4 6.7 6.5
OECD 3.8 5.0 7.6 10.3 12.9 15.4 11.6 6.2 48.3 36.5
China 2.2 3.3 5.4 7.7 9.7 11.8 9.5 7.5 28.0 27.9
India 0.3 0.6 1.1 1.8 2.7 3.9 3.6 11.5 4.0 9.2
OPEC 0.1 0.3 1.3 2.4 3.8 4.9 4.8 21.6 0.7 11.5
Other DCs 1.4 1.9 2.7 4.1 5.7 4.5 3.1 5.2 17.9 10.8
Russia 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 17.8 0.2 1.3 2
Other Eurasia 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.2 1.1 13.6 0.8 2.8
Non-OECD 4.1 6.2 10.8 16.5 22.9 26.8 22.7 8.5 51.7 63.5
World 7.9 11.2 18.5 26.7 35.8 42.2 34.3 7.5 100.0 100.0

Source: OPEC.

Other Developing countries (mostly Asia and Africa) are expected to increase demand for
other renewables from 1.4 mboe/d in 2022 to 4.5 mboe/d in 2045. The expansion of other
renewables will help to address issues related energy access and energy poverty through
more distributed generation.

In the OECD, other renewables are projected to increase by 11.6 mboe/d, based on strong pol-
icy support and energy security concerns. In OECD Americas, demand is seen increasing by 5.5
mboe/d to almost 7 mboe/d in 2045. The IRA with generous tax credits, supports the expansion
of wind and solar power. In addition, the vast available resources also help to increase wind and
solar capacity at a much faster rate than in OECD Europe or OECD Asia-Pacific.

In OECD Europe, other renewables are forecast to increase to 5.7 mboe/d in 2045, up from just
below 2 mboe/d. The EU Green Deal, as well as the RePowerEU programme, seek to strongly
increase the share of renewables in the medium- and long-term. A rising number of projects in
the North Sea will support this development. Earlier this year a number of North Sea countries
signed an agreement to add 120 GW of offshore wind by 2030 and to reach at least 300 GW by
2050. In OECD Asia-Pacific, other renewables is set to reach 2.8 mboe/d in 2045, up from 0.5
mboe/d in 2022. Japan aims to reach a renewables share of 36–38% in the electricity mix by
2030 with more optimistic prospects for the long-term. Similarly, South Korea plans to boost
the share of renewables in its electricity mix to 30.6% in 2036, up from 7.5% in 2021.

2.4 Energy related CO2 emissions

Following the wide swings in annual energy-related CO2 emissions in 2020 and 2021, when
COVID-19 induced lockdowns resulted in the largest ever annual emissions decline of more

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 77

than 1.5 billion tonnes (bt) in 2020, recent data indicates that CO2 emissions growth has sta-
bilized at significantly lower levels, when compared to the average growth over the past 20
years. This is presented in Figure 2.16. Looking forward, the figure also shows that global CO2
emissions will likely continue to grow during the current decade, albeit at decelerating rates,
and approach a peak sometime around 2030.
Figure 2.16
Figure 2.16
Annual change in energy related CO2 emissions, 1950–2045

billion tonnes

























Source: OPEC.

In absolute terms, annual energy-related CO2 emissions reached around 34.3 bt in 2022 and
are projected to reach 35.7 bt by 2035. Afterwards, they are set to slowly decline for the rest
of the forecast period to 34 bt by 2045. This projected reversal to declining global annual
emissions is a welcome development, although more efforts are required to accelerate the
decline to rates consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

The regional perspective in terms of energy-related emissions are presented in Figure 2.17.
Reflecting the projections for future energy demand, this figure shows a distinct pattern for
OECD and China compared to other developing countries, including India. Driven by popula-
tion growth, economic development, efforts to improve the level of energy access and eradi-
cate energy poverty, as discussed in detail in the previous parts of this chapter, CO2 emissions
in ‘Other non-OECD’ and India will continue growing. The largest emissions increase over the
forecast period is projected for ‘Other non-OECD’, which includes all African countries, as well
as several large developing economies in Latin America. Therefore, annual energy-related
CO2 emissions in this region are projected to increase by more than 3 bt between 2022 and
2045. Similarly, the expanding energy needs of India will result in an annual increase in CO2
emissions of 2.2 bt during the same period, despite significant growth in renewables, nuclear
and hydropower.

Emissions growth in these regions will be more than offset by declines in the other two
regions, OECD and China. In fact, with the exception of a few years (mainly after the

World Oil Outlook 2023

78 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 2.17
Figure 2.17
Energy-related annual CO2 emissions by region, 2022–2045

billion tonnes
OECD China India Eurasia OPEC Other non-OECD






2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

COVID-19 pandemic), OECD emissions have been on a declining trend since the recovery
from the financial crisis in 2008. This pattern is expected to continue for the entire forecast
period on the back of declining demand for all fossil fuels and strong growth in renewable

Energy-related emissions in China are projected to increase marginally in the next few
years, but are then set to peak sometime around 2025 and then decline for the rest of the
forecast period. The overall change is comparable to the OECD, since 2045 annual CO2
emissions in China are projected to be lower by 2.7 bt, compared to 2022 levels. However,
the contributing elements to this decline are different when compared to the OECD. In the
case of China, oil and gas demand are set to increase over the forecast period. Therefore,
related CO2 emissions will also increase. This rise however, will be more than compensated
by declining CO2 emissions from coal, which are estimated to drop by 3.5 bt between 2022
and 2045.

A marginal decline in future CO2 emissions is also expected for the Eurasia region, at 0.2 bt
between 2022 and 2045. This decline is primarily driven by falling coal and gas demand in
Russia, while other countries in the region will likely see a minor increase in CO2 emissions
over the forecast period.

It is important to note, however, that the contrasting picture between declining emissions
in OECD and China and rising emissions in other developing countries, when expressed in
absolute terms, tells only half of the story. It is equally important to look at emissions on
a per capita basis. From this perspective, as presented in Figure 2.18, the pattern changes
dramatically. It shows that, despite rising emissions in developing countries, per capita CO2
emissions hardly change in ‘Other non-OECD’ and only slightly increase in the case of India.
Moreover, this figure shows that per capita emissions in OECD will remain 2–3 times higher
than those in ‘Other non-OECD’ and India. This ratio would even increase if compared to per
capita emissions in Eurasia.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 79
Figure 2.18

Figure 2.18
Per capita CO2 emissions by region, 2022 and 2045

2022 2045

2 Width: 135.6 mm
1 Height: 65 mm
OECD Eurasia China India Other non-OECD

Source: OPEC.

This disproportional share in the contribution of global CO2 emissions between developed and
developing countries is also demonstrated in Figure 2.19. It shows that cumulative CO2 emis-
sions of Annex I countries since 1900 increased from around 640 bt in 1990 to more than 1
gigatonnes (Gt) in 2022 and are projected to further increase to 1.3 Gt in 2045. Moreover, since
1900, they have been consistently at significantly higher levels than those from non-Annex I.
Figure 2.19
Figure 2.19
Cumulative CO2 emissions since 1900, 1990–2045

billion tonnes
Annex I Non-Annex I






1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

80 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Although this difference will narrow in the future on the back of rapid energy demand growth
in many developing countries, cumulative energy-related CO2 emissions of Annex I countries
will consistently remain above those generated by non-Annex I countries. This underscores
the historic responsibility of Annex I countries.

2.5 Energy intensity and consumption per capita

This subsection highlights the evolution and projections of energy intensity globally and in
selected regions. Energy intensity is defined as the ratio of energy used per unit of GDP and
is a measure commonly used to assess the energy efficiency of an economy. When energy
efficiency increases, energy intensity decreases, indicating that more economic value is
obtained from each unit of energy consumed.

However, energy intensity figures and trends vary across regionsWidth:

and countries due
135.6 mm
to several factors. These include economic structure, level of economic development,
Height: 65 mm
demographics, climate, and urbanization levels. These factors introduce complexi-
ties that need to be considered to gain a comprehensive understanding of the energy 2
efficiency landscape.

Global energy intensity trends (Figure 2.20) indicate that despite the global economy being
approximately three times larger in 2022, compared to 1990, energy demand only increased
by a factor of 1.7. This demonstrates the positive impact energy efficiency improvements
achieved over this period. Those improvements can be largely attributed to technological
advancements, policy involvements and renewable energy deployment, such as wind and
solar, which have played a crucial role in improving energy efficiency and reducing the
amount of energy required to produce a unit of GDP.

Figure 2.20
Figure 2.20

Evolution and projections of energy intensity in major world regions, 1990–2045

boe/$1,000 (PPP 2017)


Other DCs India Eurasia

OPEC World China

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 81

At a country level, China and India have made significant improvements in terms of energy
efficiency throughout the period 1990–2022. This is due to some key initiatives and strategies
undertaken by their respective governments.

The Chinese government, for instance, has put energy intensity reduction as one of the coun-
try's top priorities and has made significant progress in energy conservation over the past
three decades. It has implemented several programmes, such as the Top 1,000 Enterprises
Energy Conservation Program, Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels and fostering
Width: 135.6energy
service companies (ESCOs) that deliver energy efficiency projects that are financed
Height: 65 mm through
the resulting energy cost savings.

OECD countries have already recorded substantial improvements in energy intensity,

whereby technological progress and the growing number of energy efficiency policies have
played a key role. These countries continue to prioritize energy efficiency as a critical aspect
of their sustainable development goals.

Over the long-term, energy efficiency improvements are expected to continue at a similar pace
and converge in most regions. This suggests that ongoing technological developments and sup-
portive policies will contribute to further reductions in energy intensity. Figure 2.21 illustrates
the energy intensity performance across the selected regions. Energy intensity is expected to
decline in all regions, leading to a global reduction rate of around 2% p.a. between 2022 and
2045. However, it should be noted that reduction 2.21fluctuate from one region to another.

Figure 2.21
Average annual rate of improvement in global and regional energy intensity, 2022–2045

% OECD China India OPEC Other DCs Eurasia World










Source: OPEC.

For example, India and China are expected to witness the largest reduction in energy inten-
sity, with annual average reduction rates of 3.4% and 2.8%, respectively, in the same period.
The main contributors are the continuing decline in coal use, which is expected to be halved
by the end of the forecast period and replaced by natural gas and partly renewables, as well
as the more efficient use of energy.

World Oil Outlook 2023

82 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

OECD countries have made a lot of progress thus far, and are using energy more efficiently
than any other region. Energy efficiency improvements in this region are expected to con-
tinue at a steady rate of 1.6% p.a. throughout the forecast period. Others regions are likely to
achieve an estimated reduction in the range of 0.75% p.a. to 1.4% p.a. between 2022 and 2045.

Another crucial issue at the global level is energy poverty and access to clean and affordable
energy. It is important to note that energy poverty has seen significant improvements in the
years prior to COVID-19 and the recent energy crisis. The two events had a negative impact
on the access to energy in developing countries, as well as energy affordability. Historically,
there has been a substantial disparity in energy consumption per capita between the OECD
and non-OECD regions. In the 1970s, the OECD’s average energy consumption was almost
27 boe per capita, while developing countries lagged far behind with only around 5 boe per
capita. In India, where energy consumption levels were even lower, the figure was below 1.6
boe per capita. Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
Since the 1970s, the gap between the OECD and non-OECD regions has not narrowed signifi-
cantly. However, the rapid economic expansion, especially in Asian developing countries, has 2
had a positive impact. This growth has lifted millions of people out of poverty, expanded the
middle classes, and consequently increased access to energy. However, it is crucial to recog-
nize that energy poverty remains a significant concern.

In the long-term, the non-OECD region is projected to experience continued economic growth,
which will be accompanied by increasing electrification, rising income levels, urbanization,
and an expanding middle class. This growth trajectory is particularly evident in China and
India, the two largest economies in the region. Figure 2.22 presents the relationship between
energy demand per capita and GDP (income) per capita for the selected regions.
Figure 2.22
Figure 2.22
Energy consumption per capita versus GDP at PPP per capita, 2022–2045

GDP per capita ($1,000 PPP)


Other DCs
30 World



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Energy consumption per capita (boe)

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 83

In China, average per capita energy consumption is expected to rise, from around 18 boe
in 2022 to approximately 20 boe in 2045. In India, average consumption is anticipated to
increase significantly from 5 boe in 2022 to roughly 8.7 boe by 2045. India is also set to have
the highest long-term energy growth rate among developing countries.

Other Developing Countries are expected to witness a moderate improvement in energy

consumption per capita, from 6.3 boe in 2022 to just above 7 boe in 2045, which is only a
quarter of the energy consumption per capita in the OECD region.

In contrast, the OECD region, characterized by service-oriented economies, is projected to

witness a continued decline in energy consumption per capita, a trend that has been ongoing
since 2004. This decline indicates a decoupling of GDP growth and energy demand, primarily
driven by advancements in technology and policy-driven energy efficiency improvements. The
rising share of renewables is also contributing to this trend. The projected outlook suggests
that energy consumption per capita in the OECD will drop from approximately 29 boe in 2022
to 27.8 boe in 2045.

While progress has been made in reducing energy poverty and narrowing the gap between
the OECD and non-OECD regions, there is still a long way to go. Energy poverty remains an
urgent global issue that requires concerted efforts from policymakers to ensure affordable
and sustainable energy access for all.

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84 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 85

Oil demand

World Oil Outlook 2023

86 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Key takeaways

• Global oil demand is set to reach the level of 110.2 mb/d in 2028, representing a
strong increase of 10.6 mb/d compared to 2022.

• Non-OECD oil demand is projected to increase by a robust 10.1 mb/d between 2022
and 2028, reaching a level of 63.7 mb/d by 2028. OECD demand increases by 0.5
mb/d over the same period.

• Beyond the medium-term, non-OECD demand continues to grow strongly, adding

another 15.6 mb/d between 2028 and 2045.

• In the long-term, global oil demand is forecast to increase by 16.4 mb/d between
2022 and 2045, rising from 99.6 mb/d in 2022 to 116 mb/d in 2045.

• The largest contributions to the non-OECD demand increase are set to come from
India, Other Asia, China and Africa. India itself will add 6.6 mb/d to its oil demand
over the forecast period.
• China’s oil demand is projected to increase by 4 mb/d over the forecast period. This
demand increase, however, is front-loaded with around 2.9 mb/d materializing over
the current decade.

• Long-term OECD demand prospects see a continued decline to slightly below 37

mb/d by 2045. This is around 9 mb/d lower than demand in 2022.

• The largest incremental demand during the forecast period is projected for the road
transportation, petrochemical and aviation sectors. Oil demand in these sectors is
set to increase by 4.6 mb/d, 4.3 mb/d and 4.1 mb/d, respectively.

• Oil demand in road transportation will continue to expand this decade, increasing
by 4.3 mb/d by 2030, before it stabilizes at levels above 49 mb/d for the rest of the
forecast period. This pattern will result in an overall demand increase of 4.6 mb/d
between 2022 and 2045.

• The global vehicle fleet is set to increase from 1.6 billion in 2022 to 2.6 billion in 2045
with the fastest growth expected in the segment of EVs. Nevertheless, ICE-based
vehicles will continue to dominate the global fleet over the forecast period and still
account for more than 72% in 2045.

• With respect to refined products, major long-term demand growth is expected for
jet/kerosene (+4 mb/d) followed by ethane/liquefied petroleum gas (+3.6 mb/d),
diesel/gasoil (+3.1 mb/d), naphtha (+2.5 mb/d) and gasoline (+2.5 mb/d).

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 87

Following the turbulent years of 2020, 2021 and 2022, when oil demand first declined by 9.1
mb/d in 2020 and subsequently recovered part of these losses by 5.9 mb/d in 2021 and 2.5
mb/d in 2022, the oil market experienced another eventful year since the Outlook was last
published in October 2022. The last quarter of 2022 and beginning of 2023 were marked by
high inflation and continued geopolitical tensions, with the conflict in Eastern Europe at the

High energy prices that prevailed during most of 2022 started declining towards the end of
the year as it became clearer that the energy supply crises in Europe would ease, supported
by a relatively mild winter. Adding to this was Russia’s ability to redirect its oil exports,
mainly to Asia, after the new set of EU sanctions come into force, which, with a few minor
exemptions, banned oil imports to the EU from Russia.

On the economic side, major central banks have increased key interest rates in an effort to
tame inflation. Combined with high debt levels in several regions, this lowered the prospects
for economic growth during 2023 and the following few years. Subsequently, global GDP
growth projections for 2023 is estimated at 2.6%, while global annual growth is expected to
stay at around 3% until 2025.

Despite this outlook, oil demand proved to be resilient in 2023. It remains to be seen, however,
how the relationship between oil demand and the level of economic activity will develop in
the years to come as mixed signals are emerging on factors that have the potential to steer
this link in the future.

On the one hand, energy security is still top of the agenda for policymakers as many of them
have learned lessons from developments in recent years. Moreover, calls for more equitable
growth have come from developing nations where people need more energy, not less, and
where countries need to be able to utilize their resources to the full. For the billions in certain
regions without access to electricity or clean cooking fuels, energy transitions have a very dif-
ferent meaning to the net zero goals often espoused by some in the developed world. Finally,
several major energy companies signaled a shift in their investment strategy towards more
investments in oil projects.

On the other hand, there are new policy initiatives focused on emission reductions, such as
the adoption of the ‘Fit for 55’ package by the European parliament in April 2023 and the IRA
in the US adopted in August 2022. Additionally, there is the LTAG for international aviation
to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050, adopted by the ICAO and the IATA in October
2022. These policy initiatives, and many others adopted earlier, include ambitious targets
associated with huge investment requirements that are often lagging. This leads to an
obvious implementation gap, as well as increasing scepticism about the viability of adopted
policies and their eroding public acceptance and support.

Another important area relates to recent investments by car manufacturers to shift produc-
tion lines towards electric mobility, especially in China and Europe. This needs to be closely
monitored as the evolving composition of the car fleet could have a significant impact on
future oil demand. It is clear that the electrification of road transportation will continue
over the forecast period. However, the question is how fast and to what extent, given there
are many challenges ahead that could potentially limit this growth. This includes sufficient
electricity generation and grid expansion, the development of a larger charging network and
the availability and cost of critical minerals. Bearing in mind the potential impact of these

World Oil Outlook 2023

88 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

factors, as well as the high level of uncertainties related to each of them, this chapter looks to
provide insights into the evolving oil demand outlook in the period to 2045.

3.1 Oil demand outlook by region

As already mentioned, due to COVID-19 oil demand declined by 9.1 mb/d in 2020. Following
the subsequent partial recovery of 5.9 mb/d in 2021, demand grew by another 2.5 mb/d in
2022. Initial expectations for demand growth in 2022, however, were significantly higher. At
the beginning of 2022, most institutions expected a full demand recovery already during the
year, with demand increasing by 3 to 4 mb/d. These expectations were gradually revised
downward on the back of re-emerging COVID-19 related regional lockdowns, higher energy
prices, high inflationary pressure and conflict in Eastern Europe. All these factors resulted in
moderate economic momentum with global GDP at 3.2%.

As discussed in detail in Chapter 1, most of these factors continued to affect economic growth
in 2023, with GDP levels for this year estimated at 2.7%. Global oil demand, however, espe-
cially in developing countries, has shown a resilience to moderating economic growth and is
expected to increase by another 2.4 mb/d compared to 2022.

One main reason for this relatively strong demand growth is the ongoing recovery from
the COVID-19 induced decline, for example, in the road transportation and aviation sectors. 3
Another reason relates to the ‘demand catch-up process’ across several sectors and regions.
Due to the imposed regulations and lockdowns, oil demand was misaligned with the level of
economic activity during 2020–2022. These regulations largely disappeared in 2023, hence,
there is an additional potential for higher demand growth. It is very likely that this factor will
play a role in the next few years too.

It should be noted that a large part of the 2023 demand growth is expected to come from
developing Asia and the Middle East. Combined together, these two regions account for 1.9
mb/d of incremental demand in 2023. Contrary to these regions, oil demand in the OECD is
already showing some signs of weakening the link between economic growth and oil demand.

As presented in Table 3.1, demand trends from 2023 are expected to continue in 2024. At the
global level, oil demand is set to increase by 2.2 mb/d in 2024 of which 1.6 mb/d is projected
for developing Asia and the Middle East. Other non-OECD regions are anticipated to grow by
0.4 mb/d. A positive demand change is also projected for the OECD during 2024.

The rest of the medium-term period is expected to be marked by a gradual deceleration in

demand growth for the OECD, where growth turns negative towards the end of medium-term.
This shift will start in OECD Asia-Pacific and OECD Europe, in 2026 and 2027, respectively,
while demand growth in OECD Americas is set to remain positive during the medium-term

Oil demand increments are projected to continue to be strong for non-OECD countries in the
second half of the medium-term. Demand growth in this region is estimated at 1.7 mb/d in
2025 and 1.3 mb/d in 2028. During these years, demand recovery from the 2020 collapse,
as well as its re-alignment with the level of economic activity, will be largely completed
in both the OECD and non-OECD. Global annual GDP growth will gradually recover and is
projected to remain in a fairly narrow range of 2.9% to 3.3%, while GDP growth in OECD will
be below 2%.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 89

Table 3.1
Medium-term oil demand in the Reference Case mb/d

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
OECD Americas 25.0 25.1 25.3 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 0.8
OECD Europe 13.5 13.4 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.4 –0.1
OECD Asia-Pacific 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.3 –0.1
OECD 45.9 46.0 46.3 46.5 46.6 46.6 46.5 0.5
China 14.9 15.8 16.4 16.8 17.1 17.3 17.5 2.7
India 5.1 5.4 5.6 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.8 1.6
Other Asia 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.9 10.2 10.4 10.6 1.6
Latin America 6.4 6.6 6.8 6.9 7.1 7.3 7.4 1.0
Middle East 8.3 8.7 9.1 9.4 9.5 9.7 9.8 1.5
Africa 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.3Width:
5.5 135.61.1
Russia 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.9Height:
3.9 65 mm
Other Eurasia 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.1
Other Europe 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.1
Non-OECD 53.6 56.0 58.0 59.6 61.1 62.5 63.7 10.1
World 99.6 102.0 104.3 106.1 107.7 109.0 110.2 10.6

Source: OPEC.

The overall impact of these trends is that global oil demand is set to reach 110.2 mb/d in
2028, representing a strong increase of 10.6 mb/d compared to 2022. Figure 3.1 summa-
rizes these projections from the perspective of major regions. It shows a contrasting picture
between continued non-OECD demand growth and stagnating demand in the OECD during the
Figure 3.1
medium-term. Indeed, non-OECD oil demand is projected to increase by a robust 10.1 mb/d
between 2022 and 2028 to reach a level of 63.7 mb/d.

Figure 3.1
Incremental oil demand by region, 2022–2028




0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

90 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Long-term demand prospects are summarized in Table 3.2. Recent projections show that
global oil demand is set to increase by 16.4 mb/d between 2022 and 2045, rising from 99.6
mb/d in 2022 to 116 mb/d in 2045. This table also shows an extension of the trends set out
in the second part of the medium-term period in respect to the divergent regional oil demand
pathways of OECD and non-OECD countries. Indeed, with the exception of the initial few years
of the forecast period when OECD demand is set to expand, the long-term prospects for this
region is a continued demand decline to below 37 mb/d by 2045. This will be 9.3 mb/d lower
than the observed demand in 2022.

Table 3.2
Long-term oil demand by region mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
OECD Americas 25.0 25.5 25.8 24.8 23.2 21.5 –3.5
OECD Europe 13.5 13.5 13.1 12.0 10.8 9.8 –3.7
OECD Asia-Pacific 7.4 7.5 7.2 6.6 6.0 5.4 –2.0
OECD 45.9 46.5 46.0 43.4 40.0 36.7 –9.3
China 14.9 16.8 17.8 18.2 18.5 18.8 4.0
India 5.1 5.9 7.3 8.8 10.2 11.7 6.6 3
Other Asia 9.0 9.9 11.1 12.1 12.9 13.6 4.6
Latin America 6.4 6.9 7.8 8.4 8.7 9.0 2.5
Middle East 8.3 9.4 10.0 10.7 11.4 11.9 3.6
Africa 4.4 4.9 5.9 6.6 7.4 8.2 3.8
Russia 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.9 0.3
Other Eurasia 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 0.3
Other Europe 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.0
Non-OECD 53.6 59.6 66.0 71.0 75.4 79.4 25.7
World 99.6 106.1 112.0 114.4 115.4 116.0 16.4

Source: OPEC.

This projected demand decline will be the result of a variety of factors, primarily driven by
the policy set-up in this region. In efforts to reduce energy-related emissions, policies are set
to foster technology development, provide incentives for their implementation, to use energy
more efficiently across all sectors of consumption and to substitute oil by electricity and gas
as much as possible. Important elements in these efforts will be the gradual penetration
of EVs in the road transportation sector, the displacement of oil-based heating systems in
residential and industrial sectors, a further reduction of oil demand in the electricity sector
and the penetration of alternative fuels in the marine and aviation sectors. Moreover, this
region’s demand decline will be supported by a rather static, but ageing total population,
and low long-term economic growth. While none of these factors separately will drastically
change the picture in related sectors, the combined effect of them will be significant.

The strong non-OECD oil demand growth will be driven by a completely different set of fac-
tors. Rising population and urbanization, the strong expansion of the middle-class, robust
economic growth potential, the shift from traditional use of biomass to cleaner oil products,

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 91

Width: 135.6 mm
strong vehicle fleet growth, including commercial vehicles with a higher share of heavy-duty
Height: 65 mm
vehicles, and agriculture sector shifts will all result in strong regional oil demand growth
over the forecast period. This is expected to increase by 25.7 mb/d between 2022 and 2045.

Figure 3.2 provides some details about the evolution of this demand growth in respect to
major regions. In the period 2022–2025, it is China that is the source of the largest incremen-
tal demand, expanding by more than 0.6 mb/d p.a. on average. Demand in Other Asia, the
Middle East and India are each projected to grow by around 0.3 mb/d annually during the
same period. However, demand growth in China, Other Asia and the Middle East gradually
decelerate as time progresses, while India keeps the same pace. It becomes the region with
the largest incremental demand in the long-term. Moreover, steady demand growth in Africa
will make this region the third largest source of long-term incremental demand.

Figure 3.2
Figure 3.2

Average annual oil demand increments by region, 2022–2045

World OECD India China Other non-OECD







2022–2025 2025–2030 2030–2035 2035–2040 2040–2045

Source: OPEC.

Another important observation included in Figure 3.2 is an evolving profile of global annual
demand increments over the forecast period. Driven mainly by the recovery process from
the 2020 demand collapse, average annual demand growth is forecast at 2.2 mb/d over the
2022-2025 period. Growth is then expected to slow to 1.2 mb/d over the next five years and
even more to 0.5 mb/d during the 2030–2035 period. Nevertheless, oil demand will continue
growing over the entire forecast period as incremental demand in non-OECD more than off-
sets declining OECD demand.

3.1.1 OECD
The medium-term prospects for OECD oil demand are presented in Figure 3.3. It clearly
shows that OECD incremental demand in 2022 stands out compared to all other medium-
term years. This is because this region’s demand was still on a recovery path from the COVID-
19 pandemic, especially in the 2H22 when most restrictions were removed and life returned

World Oil Outlook 2023

92 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Figure 3.3
Figure 3.3

Annual oil demand growth in the OECD, 2022–2028


OECD Americas OECD Europe OECD Asia-Pacific




2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Source: OPEC. 3

(almost) back to normal. At the same time, however, this was also a period when economic
prospects began to deteriorate, leading to slower GDP growth prospects in the years to come.

With OECD GDP growth estimated at around 1% for 2023 and 2024, and only slightly higher
growth for the remaining part of the medium-term, oil demand in this region turns to lower
increments in 2023 and 2024 and, with the exception of the last year of the medium-term, is
expected to remain positive.

For OECD Europe, only minor incremental demand increases are projected to 2025. Annual
demand in 2026 is then set to be stagnant, before declining thereafter on the back of weak
economic growth, strong EV sales and the impact of policy measures that increasingly affect
oil demand. The overall effect of these developments will be slightly lower oil demand for this
region in 2028, compared to 2022. A similar trend, including a comparable overall contraction
of around 0.1 mb/d, is also projected for OECD Asia-Pacific.

In the case of OECD Americas, oil demand will likely continue growing during the medium-
term. This will result in the region’s oil demand expanding by 0.8 mb/d, reaching 25.8 mb/d
in 2028.

In total, OECD oil demand is forecast to increase by 0.5 mb/d between 2022 and 2028, reaching
46.5 mb/d by the end of the medium-term.

In the long-term, OECD oil demand is set to be on a declining trajectory, dropping below 37
mb/d by 2045. This represents an overall demand decline of 9.3 mb/d over the forecast period.
The largest part of this decline is projected for OECD Europe. The overall demand decline of
3.7 mb/d in this region represents around 27% of the base demand in 2022. Demand decline
in the other two regions, OECD Americas and OECD Asia-Pacific, will be lower in absolute terms,

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 93
Height: 65 mm


at 3.5 mb/d and 2 mb/d, respectively. In relative terms, however, while the OECD Asia-Pacific is
comparable to OECD Europe, it represents only 14% of OECD Americas demand in 2022.

Figure 3.4 provides details about future OECD oil demand from the perspective of major sec-
tors. Clearly, the largest change in future oil demand is forecast to take place in the road
transportation sector, which is projected to decline by 7.2 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. This
represents around 77% of this region’s overall demand contraction.
Figure 3.5

Figure 3.4
OECD oil demand by sector, 2022–2045

Road Aviation Petrochemicals Other sectors












Source: OPEC.

The main reason for the road transportation demand drop relates to a gradual penetration of
EVs into the future car fleet in OECD countries. Europe’s policy set-up is for a ban of new ICE
personal car registrations as of 2035, which will significantly impact oil demand in this region.
In the US, the IRA also includes incentives supporting new EV sales. Considering these poli-
cies and following strong new EV growth sales in recent years, this Outlook assumes that close
to 300 million EVs will be registered in OECD countries by 2045. These cars will reduce future
OECD demand by more than 5 mb/d by the end of the forecast period. A more detailed review of
recent EV sales and projections for future penetration rates is provided in section 3.2.1.

Significant demand reduction will also result from efficiency improvements in future ICEs.
Recent emissions standards in the EU require average emissions of 95g CO2/km for newly reg-
istered cars at the manufacturer level. The equivalent norm for vans is 147 g CO2/km. These
standards will be reduced by 15% during the period of 2025–2029 and further by 55%/50%
for cars and vans during the 2030–2034 period. Clearly, a large part of this reduction will be
achieved by a higher EV share in new registrations. Nevertheless, efficiency improvements
must also be achieved in ICE-based cars and vans.

Similar standards, though generally less ambitious, exist in other OECD countries too. In the
US, these are set by Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. The current reg-
ulation for passenger cars requires a fuel economy of 50.5 miles per gallon (mpg). This is

World Oil Outlook 2023

94 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

supposed to increase to 54.5 mpg in 2025, while a further tightening of these standards for
all vehicle categories is expected.

Besides road transportation, a significant demand decline is also projected for ‘Other sectors’.
This aggregates industry, residential, agriculture, commercial, marine transport and the elec-
tricity generation sectors. In total, OECD oil demand in these sectors is set to decline by 3.2
mb/d over the forecast period. The largest potential for long-term demand reduction exists
in the residential (–1 mb/d) and industry (–0.6 mb/d) sectors. The primary means to achieve
this reduction in the residential and commercial sectors, include tighter building codes for
newly constructed houses, the replacement of oil-based heating systems in older buildings
and better insulation. Demand in the industry sector will mainly be affected by efficiency
improvements and fuel substitution when oil-based technologies are replaced by electricity,
natural gas and, at a later stage, by hydrogen.

OECD oil demand in the petrochemical sector by 2045 is projected to be at a similar level as
that observed in 2022. This fact, however, masks rather complex developments in this sec-
tor with changing dynamics over time and with regional specifics. Oil demand in this sec-
tor is set to increase slightly in all OECD sub-regions during the current decade and then
start declining sometime after 2030. The most affected region will be OECD Europe where oil
demand in this sector will be rather stagnant over the medium-term and see the most pro-
nounced decline over the long-term. Due to strict emission standards and the lack of access 3
to cheaper feedstock, Europe is expected to lose its competitiveness in this sector and related
oil demand is forecast to drop by 0.3 mb/d between 2022 and 2045.

The other two regions, however, OECD Americas and OECD Asia-Pacific will be much less
affected. The first one will benefit from much stronger growth during the current decade
due to the availability of cheaper feedstock, while the latter will be supported by strong
demand for petrochemical products in its wider region. Therefore, 2045 oil demand in the
petrochemical sector in these two regions will be slightly higher than levels observed in

The aviation sector is the only one where OECD oil demand is projected to increase over the
forecast period. The overall increase is not large, projected at 1.1 mb/d between 2022 and
2045. Moreover, part of this increase is related to the remaining demand recovery from the
COVID-19 pandemic, especially in 2023 and partly in 2024.

Figure 3.5 translates developments in specific sectors to demand for refined products in
OECD countries. It shows that diesel will be the hardest hit product in the future OECD
demand mix. Diesel oil is projected to drop by 4.5 mb/d over the forecast period, driven by
declining demand in the road transport, industry, residential and marine transport sectors.
A similar demand pattern is also projected for gasoline, which is expected to drop below
11 mb/d in 2045, from more than 14 mb/d in 2022. The demand decline for this product is
almost entirely linked to the OECD’s changing vehicle park, including the penetration of EVs
and more efficient vehicles.

OECD demand for ethane/liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and naphtha broadly mirrors
developments in the petrochemical sector. Naphtha provides a baseload for petrochemi-
cals, hence, its demand is projected to remain relatively stable over the forecast period. In
contrast, demand for ethane/LPG will be driven by its availability that, especially in the case
of OECD Americas, is linked to this region’s tight oil production. This is projected to continue

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 95
Figure 3.6
Figure 3.5
OECD oil demand by product, 2022–2045

2022 2025 2028 2035 2045



Ethane/ Naphtha Gasoline Jet/ Diesel Fuel oil Other
LPG Kerosene products

Source: OPEC.

expanding over the current decade and provide additional feedstock to the petrochemi-
cal industry. However, tight oil production is set to peak around 2030, meaning that ethane
availability will drop in the second part of the forecast period.

Fuel oil and ‘other products’ will be affected by declining demand in industry (including lower
refinery own use), power generation and marine bunkers. The overall decline for ‘other prod-
ucts’ is anticipated to be around 1.6 mb/d, while demand for residual fuel is projected to drop
by 0.7 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. The only product with increasing demand over this
period will be jet kerosene, reflecting the increased traffic in the aviation sector.

3.1.2 Non-OECD
Following a strong demand increase in 2021, the expectation was that a demand recovery
from the COVID-19 related 2020 decline would continue in 2022. However, sustained lock-
downs in China, demand drops in Russia and Other Eurasia, and slower economic growth
compared to 2021, limited demand expansion to only 1.3 mb/d. The main factor for this was
the demand contraction in China, estimated at 0.1 mb/d.

This, however, is expected to change in 2023 as Chinese demand is projected to rebound

by 0.9 mb/d, while demand growth in other non-OECD regions is set to continue broadly at
the same level as 2022. As a result, as presented in Figure 3.6, total non-OECD demand is
forecast to increase by 2.4 mb/d in 2023. Strong incremental demand in this region is also
projected for 2024, with demand supported by a ‘catch up process’ and a recovery from the
last scars of COVID-19. During this year and 2025, all regions are expected to gradually revert
to normal growth that is aligned with, and justified by, market fundamentals.

As a result, annual non-OECD oil demand is expected to continue growing in the period
2025–2028, with average annual increments of around 1.4 mb/d and despite some growth

World Oil Outlook 2023

96 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 3.7

Figure 3.6
Annual oil demand growth in non-OECD countries, 2022–2028

China India Other Asia Other non-OECD





0.0 Width: 135.6 mm

Height: 65 mm
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Source: OPEC.

deceleration in China. This will be on the back of continued strong demand growth in India
and Other Asia, while more moderate increases are seen in Africa and Latin America.

The overall effect is that non-OECD demand is set to grow by 10.1 mb/d between 2022 and 2028,
which is a reflection of progressing industrialization, enhanced mobility and improved living
standards for millions in these countries. As 3.8 in Figure 3.7, the largest incremental

Figure 3.7
Non-OECD regional oil demand growth, 2022–2028

mb/d %
3.0 5
% average growth p.a. [RHS]



0.0 0
China India Other Middle Africa Latin Russia Other Other
Asia East America Eurasia Europe

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 97

demand during this period is projected for China, at 2.7 mb/d, reaching a level of 17.5 mb/d
in 2028. It will be followed by India, Other Asia and the Middle East, with each contributing to
medium-term non-OECD incremental demand around 1.5 mb/d to 1.6 mb/d. Demand additions
in Africa and Latin America will be in the range of 1 mb/d to 1.1 mb/d, while only minor
increments are estimated for other regions. It is important to note, however, 135.6 mm
this order
changes when a comparison in relative terms is considered. In this case, Height:
India and65 mmare
the two regions with the fastest average annual growth, which if sustained, will have important
implications for long-term oil demand.

Beyond the medium-term, non-OECD demand is forecast to continue growing, adding another
15.6 mb/d between 2028 and 2045. This will help contribute to improving energy access,
reducing energy poverty, fostering industrial growth and expanding all transportation options.
During this period, the rate of growth is set to slow from around 1.3 mb/d p.a. in 2028 to
0.8 mb/d p.a. during the last five years of the forecast period. The largest contributions to
this demand increase will come from India, Other Asia and Africa. Driven by economic growth,
urbanization, industrialization and the expansion of the vehicle fleet, combined demand in these
three regions is set to increase by 10.6 mb/d between 2028 and 2045 (Figure 3.8). India itself
will add 4.9 mb/d to its oil demand during this period, expanding by 3.1% p.a. on average.
Figure 3.9

Figure 3.8
Non-OECD regional oil demand growth, 2028–2045

mb/d %
5 5
% average growth p.a. [RHS]
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

–1 -1
India Africa Other Middle Latin China Other Other Russia
Asia East America Eurasia Europe

Source: OPEC.

Important demand additions are also projected for the Middle East (+2.1 mb/d), Latin America
(+1.5 mb/d) and China, with incremental demand of 1.3 mb/d. Oil demand in the remaining
non-OECD regions will plateau over the next decade as demand in Russia and Other Europe
will move in a fairly narrow range of 0.1 mb/d to 0.2 mb/d after 2028.

Major changes in non-OECD countries are also projected in respect to sectoral demand. The
trends from this perspective are presented in Figure 3.9. This figure amplifies the importance
of the road transportation sector for future non-OECD demand. Driven by a rising number of

World Oil Outlook 2023

98 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 3.10

Figure 3.9
Non-OECD oil demand by sector, 2022–2045

Road Aviation Petrochemicals Other sectors






2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

both passenger cars and commercial vehicles, oil demand in this sector is set to increase by 3
almost 12 mb/d over the forecast period, much more than any other sector.

Significant demand increases are also projected in the petrochemical sector, mainly in Asia
and the Middle East, on the back of a number of large petrochemical projects in these regions
and rising demand for petrochemical products (more details are included in section 3.2). As
a result, oil demand in this sector is set to rise from 6.9 mb/d in 2022 to 11.2 mb/d by 2045,
adding 4.3 mb/d of incremental demand over this period. While the figure is somewhat lower,
there is also a large demand increase in the non-OECD aviation sector driven by an expand-
ing middle class with a propensity for air travel. Therefore, aviation oil demand is projected
to increase by 3.1 mb/d over the forecast period.

Demand additions in other sectors will likely be smaller. Nonetheless, combining demand
together for industry, residential, agriculture, other transport and power sectors adds another
6.6 mb/d of incremental demand in this region between 2022 and 2045.

According to the latest estimates from UNDESA, India reached a population of 1.43 billion
during 2023, surpassing the population of mainland China. Moreover, projections made by
UNDESA show that India’s population will continue growing over the next two decades and
reach 1.62 billion by 2045. Besides this significant increase in its population, around half of
India’s population is below the age of 25, providing an additional boost to economic activity.
As a result, India’s working population is expected to expand to around 1.1 billion by 2045.
This favourable demographic growth will drive economic expansion too. This outlook is based
on the assumption that India’s GDP will grow by 6.1% p.a. on average between 2022 and 2045,
remaining robust even towards the end of the forecast period.

Another important aspect of India’s demographics that will have a significant impact on future
oil demand is the urbanization rate. Despite the fact that India is home to several of the most

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 99

populous cities in the world, its current urbanization rate is only around 34%. This is much
lower compared to developed countries, as well as many developing countries. With many
policy interventions in recent years, such as the ‘Smart Cities Mission’ initiative, the construc-
tion of affordable rental housing complexes and adapting rapid transport metro systems in
larger cities, India’s urbanization is set to increase considerably during the forecast period. In
turn, this will support demand growth for modern energy sources, including oil.
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
An assessment of the potential impact of these factors on India’s future oil demand is
presented in Figure 3.10. By far the largest expected demand growth is for transport fuels.
Strong economic growth will drive demand for freight transport leading to incremental
demand for diesel in the road transportation sector. It will also lead to a fast expansion of
the middle class which, in combination with urbanization and improved road infrastructure,
results in a more than quadrupling of the number of passenger vehicles between 2022
and 2045. As discussed in section 3.2.1, the size of the passenger vehicle fleet in India is
set to expand from around 46 million in 2022 to almost 200 million in 2045 (excluding two-
wheelers). In contrast to China and OECD Europe, the penetration of EVs will likely remain
subdued in India, with the large majority of vehicles using ICE. This is forecast to increase
India’s gasoline demand by around 1.6 mb/d over the forecast period, and further support
diesel demand in road transportation.
Figure 3.11

Figure 3.10
Oil demand in India by sector, 2022 and 2045

2022 Incremental demand to 2045

Road Aviation Rail/ Marine Petro- Other Resid./ Electr.
waterways bunkers chemicals industry Comm./ generation

Source: OPEC.

Significant demand growth is also projected in other sectors, especially the petrochemical
and residential sectors. Oil demand in the petrochemicals sector is set to expand by 4.3%
p.a. on average between 2022 and 2045, driven by demand for a variety of petrochemical
products. This is on the back of growing construction and industrial production, an
expanding agriculture sector and demand for plastics. This also manifests itself in the
list of petrochemical projects that are expected to be constructed and become operational
over the next few years, as the country is forecast to account for around one third of new

World Oil Outlook 2023

100 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

projects in Asia. As a result, India oil demand in this sector is set to increase by 0.3 mb/d
already by 2030. It is then anticipated to further extend this incremental demand to 0.7
mb/d by 2045, compared to 2022.

A similar level of incremental demand, 0.8 mb/d over the forecast period, is projected in the
combined residential, commercial and agricultural sectors, expanding from 1.1 mb/d in 2022
to 1.9 mb/d in 2045. Reflecting the strong population growth and increases in the urbanization
rate, there remains the potential for additional oil demand in this sector. However, part of this
potential will likely be met by other energy sources, such as electricity and natural gas. In
particular, residential oil demand will face competition in areas where natural gas access is
improved as part of the City Gas Distribution programme.

The most dynamic changes are expected in the aviation sector. Oil demand in this sector is
projected to expand by more than 6% p.a. on average during the forecast period. The current
demand base is relatively low, as observed oil demand for aviation was below 0.2 mb/d
in 2022. This, however, will gradually change on the back of governmental initiatives that
support the construction of new regional airports and provide schemesWidth: to make 135.6 mm
air transport
affordable to common citizens, such as the UDAN scheme and the Height: 65 mm
Regional Connectivity
Scheme (RCS). Alongside the expected growth of the middle class, both domestic and
international air traffic will increase significantly over the forecast period. Accordingly, India
oil demand in this sector is set to increase to 0.7 mb/d in 2045. 3

Accounting for a comparable demand addition in the industry sector, as well as minor
increments in the remaining sectors, total oil demand in India is set to increase by 6.6 mb/d,
rising from 5.1 mb/d in 2022 to 11.7 mb/d by 2045.

Figure 3.11 translates these sectoral trends into demand for specific refined products. India’s
current oil demand composition is characterized by a relatively high share of diesel/gasoil,
which accounts for around 35% of total demand. In fact, the share of diesel/gasoil is set to
Figure 3.12
Figure 3.11
Oil demand in India by product, 2022–2045

Ethane/LPG Naphtha Gasoline Jet/kerosene Diesel Fuel oil Other products


2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 101

expand to 38%, mainly on the back of growing freight transport and industrial production.
Some demand growth for this product will also come from the petrochemical industry, as
well as the commercial and agriculture sectors. Therefore, the projected diesel demand level
for India in 2045 is 4.4 mb/d.

As discussed earlier, India’s incremental gasoline demand will result from the growing
number of passenger vehicles, with the range of the increase around 1.6 mb/d between 2022
and 2045. In a similar way, jet kerosene demand growth, which is anticipated to increase by
0.6 mb/d, is directly link to aviation sector developments.

Significant incremental demand is also projected for ethane/LPG. Combined demand for these
two products is set to increase by 0.7 mb/d over the forecast period. The larger part of this
increase relates to LPG demand in the residential sector. This will be supported by ethane
growth in the petrochemical sector. However, demand in this sector in India is dominated by
naphtha. Therefore, naphtha demand is set to increase by 0.5 mb/d, from 0.3 mb/d in 2022
to 0.8 mb/d in 2045.

Another specific of the Indian oil market is the relatively high demand for the group of ‘other
products’, such as bitumen, pet coke, lubes and waxes. Most of these products are used to
expand the road network, as refinery fuels and to produce energy-intensive goods such as
cement, aluminium and steel. Since all these sectors are set to expand in India, related oil
demand is also set to grow from 1 mb/d in 2022 to 1.5 mb/d in 2045.

The only refined product projected to remain in a narrow range of 0.1 mb/d to 0.2 mb/d
during the entire forecast period is residual fuel oil. This is due to the fact that India has no
major international bunkering hubs, and given that the electricity sector is dominated by the
use of coal, renewables and natural gas.

As stated earlier, China’s oil demand is projected to grow from 14.9 mb/d in 2022 to 18.8
mb/d in 2045, representing an overall demand increase of 4 mb/d. This demand increase,
however, is front-loaded with around 2.9 mb/d materializing during the current decade. This
means that China’s oil demand will continue growing, albeit at lower rates.

This overall demand pattern for China will result from a combination of several factors.
Firstly, the country’s economic growth is projected to stay at around 5% p.a. for the next
few years, and will then likely be below this mark by the end of the medium-term. Moreover,
growth is expected to slow further to around 4% p.a. sometime after 2030. The average GDP
growth is set to be at 3% p.a. over the last ten years of the forecast period. This represents
a significant deceleration from annual rates in the range of 7% to 10%, that were typically
observed between during the 1990–2015 period. Part of this slowdown is attributed to a
peaking and, consequently, a declining population with unfavourable demographics due to an
ageing population and shrinking labour force.

At the same time, it needs to be emphasized that China’s long period of high economic growth
created a populous middle class, which will continue to support the strong sales of new
vehicles, the private consumption of retail products and demand for travel services, including
international flights. This provides a solid basis for sustained demand in related sectors, even
though the growth will slow.

World Oil Outlook 2023

102 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Secondly, the composition of China’s economy is already shifting towards a higher share
of services, with less energy and oil intensive industries that have a higher value-added.
Examples of this are the shift to the fast growing car manufacturing sector, the production
of electronic devices and tourism services. On the other hand, this will likely provide an
additional impulse to the petrochemical industry, residential and agriculture sectors, as well
as to oil demand in road transportation, until the expanding penetration of EVs further curbs
growth in this sector.

The penetration of EVs is evidently an issue to be considered. Recent data on new car reg-
istrations show the rapid decline in sales of ICEs in China, from 28.5 million in 2017 to 17.3
million in 2022. This represents an average annual decline of 10%. During the same period,
the sales of EVs increased, reaching a level of 6.6 million in 2022 and a market share of 26%.
Moreover, HEVs are also becoming popular in China adding to efficiency improvements in
road transportation.
Width: 135.6 mm
As a result of these developments, the structure of the vehicle fleetHeight:
in China is
as EVs reached a share of almost 5% of the vehicle in 2022. This share still seems to be
relatively small, but the rate of penetration is growing. Naturally, this growth could slow
when it reaches higher penetration levels as it will require much longer sales numbers
in future years to sustain the significant growth. Nevertheless, even a decelerating rate in
penetrating the vehicle fleet will potentially have an impact on future oil demand in China. 3

The impact of these future oil demand trends in China is presented in Figure 3.12 and Figure
3.13. The first one breaks down China’s oil demand into major refining products. The second
one complements this picture by looking at oil demand from the perspective of major sectors.

Oil demand in the road transportation sector accounted for 40% of China’s total demand
in 2022. Therefore, changes in the size and structure of the vehicle fleet in China will have
Figure 3.13
large implications on its future oil demand. The size of the passenger vehicle fleet in China is

Figure 3.12
Oil demand in China by product, 2022–2045

Ethane/LPG Naphtha Gasoline Jet/kerosene Diesel Fuel oil Other products



2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 103

Figure 3.13
Oil demand in China by sector, 2022–2045

2022 2025 2035 2045
























Source: OPEC.

projected to increase from around 300 million cars in 2022 to more than 540 million in 2045
(excluding two-wheelers). However, a significant part of the potential demand growth resulting
from this impressive fleet size increase will be offset by improved average efficiencies, as
well as fuel substitution through electricity and natural gas. The EVs expansion will play
a major role in this respect as the number of EVs is expected to expand from 15 million
in 2022 to almost 190 million in 2045. This would represent almost 35% of the passenger
vehicle fleet in China.

In addition to passenger cars, the size of the commercial fleet will also expand. It is set to
more than double over the forecast period, from around 30 million in 2022 to 72 million in
2045. However, the share of EVs in this category will be much lower compared to passenger
cars. Moreover, commercial vehicles have much higher average oil consumption per vehicle,
thus supporting the base oil demand in this sector as especially heavy-duty vehicles are hard
to replace.

The combined effect of these changes is that China’s oil demand in road transportation
continues to grow until around 2035 and reaches 7.6 mb/d, around 1.7 mb/d higher than
in 2022. It is then set to plateau, before declining marginally during the last ten years of the
forecast period, hence, contributing to the overall deceleration of China’s oil demand growth.

Primarily driven by domestic demand for petrochemical products, this industry will be the
second largest contributor to China’s incremental demand. In this sector, oil demand is set
to grow by 0.7 mb/d over the forecast period, from 2.3 mb/d in 2022 to 3 mb/d in 2045. In
contrast to road transportation, oil demand in this sector is anticipated to continue growing
throughout the forecast period, though annual increments will be rather minimal towards the
end of the forecast period. From the feedstock perspective, China’s petrochemical industry is
traditionally based on naphtha and, this will continue to be the major feedstock in the future.

World Oil Outlook 2023

104 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

A similar demand pattern is also projected for China’s aviation sector. Oil demand in this sec-
tor is expected to expand by 0.6 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. This overall increase, how-
ever, is front-loaded with arounnd 60% of it (0.3 mb/d) materializing in the period to 2030. In
other words, robust medium-term demand growth will gradually change to modest growth
until around 2035. It will then be followed by plateauing oil demand towards the end of the
forecast period.

Modest, but steady demand increases are projected in the residential and agriculture sec-
tors. This is largely supported by steady demand growth in agriculture. Overall incremental
demand is just 0.5 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. Nevertheless, a demand level of between 2
mb/d and 3 mb/d in this sector contributes to the ‘base load’ of future oil demand in China.
A minor demand increase is also projected for the rail and domestic waterways sector.
Additional oil demand of 0.3 mb/d in this sector over the forecast period is primarily linked
to increased traffic and an expansion of the country’s waterways network, the longest in the
world, consisting of more than 200,000 km.

Oil demand in electricity generation in China is minimal, at just around 0.2 mb/d. Its use
is confined to fuelling diesel aggregates for special purposes and to electricity production
from the heavy bottom of the refined barrel. This will not significantly change in the years
to come, hence, keeping oil demand in this sector fairly stable and growth limited during the
forecast period. It should be noted that the situation will change quite soon in the industry 3
sector, where oil demand is projected to start to already see a slow decline sometime after
2025. This will happen on the back of a shifting structure in Chinese industry and by a gradual
substitution of oil by natural gas and electricity.

From the perspective of major refined products, the largest demand increase in China is
projected for diesel/gasoil. Demand for this product is set to increase by 1.3 mb/d between
2022 and 2045. A large part of this increase is related to the growing number of commercial
vehicles, supported by demand in agriculture and domestic waterways.

Driven entirely by the expanding fleet of passenger vehicles, demand for gasoline is set to
increase by 0.6 mb/d over the forecast period. In a similar way, naphtha demand is forecast
to almost entirely match demand growth in the petrochemical industry, expanding by 0.6
mb/d over the long-term. However, demand for jet/kerosene of 0.5 mb/d is lower than the
projected increase for the aviation industry. This is because part of the jet/kerosene growth
will be offset by the declining use of kerosene in the industry and residential sectors.

Other non-OECD Regions

Other Asia is home to more than 1.1 billion people. The five most populous countries of the
region, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines and Vietnam have a combined popula-
tion of almost 900 million. Moreover, this region has a very dynamic population and strong
urbanization growth, as well as significant differences in the stages of development between
the countries. This is also reflected in the projected GDP growth of Other Asia, which is at a
robust 4.3% p.a. on average during the medium-term. GDP growth then slows somewhat, but
it remains in the range of 4% p.a. until 2035 and 3% p.a. for the rest of the forecast period.

This solid economic growth will provide strong support for oil demand, especially in the first
half of the forecast period. As presented in Figure 3.14, Other Asia oil demand in the road
transportation sector is set to increase by 2.2 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. This is on the

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 105
Figure 3.15

Figure 3.14
Oil demand in ‘Other Asia’ by sector, 2022–2045

Road Aviation Marine bunkers Petrochemicals Other sectors



2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

back of expanding numbers of both passenger cars and commercial vehicles (more details
are available in 3.2.1). Significant demand increases are also expected in the petrochemical
and aviation sectors, at 0.9 mb/d and 0.7 mb/d, respectively.

This region is also home to several large bunkering ports, including Singapore, the largest
bunkering port in the world. Therefore, demand for marine bunkers has a share of 13% in the
overall demand slate for this region. This share will likely be maintained in the years to come
as expected growth in this region’s maritime trade will likely offset efficiency improvements
and the increased share of LNG as a bunkering fuel. The net result is that demand for marine
bunkers in Other Asia is set to grow by 0.5 mb/d over the long-term.

Similar to Other Asia, Africa also represents a region with very dynamic demographic
developments, a young population, a growing labour force, abundant natural resources and a
strong potential for industrial expansion and urbanization. With these attributes, oil demand
in Africa is projected to increase by 3.8 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. The largest potential
for incremental oil demand in this region exists in the road transportation sector. This is due
to the relatively low vehicle ownership in Africa, although this is expected to improve over the
Road Avia�on Marine bunkers Petrochemicals Other sectors
forecast period. The vehicle fleet in the region is set to grow by an estimated 120 million. In
turn, this will give a boost to oil demand in this sector, which is forecast to expand by around
1.7 mb/d over the forecast period.

The remaining part of incremental oil demand in Africa will be split between the residential/
agriculture (0.6 mb/d, mainly LPG and domestic kerosene), electricity generation (0.5 mb/d),
aviation (0.3 mb/d) and industry (0.3 mb/d) sectors. In contrast to other regions, where oil
use for electricity generation is typically declining, it is set to continue to expand in Africa due
to the need for decentralized power generation in many places, including those still lacking
access to electricity. Another interesting observation for Africa relates to the limited use of oil
in the petrochemical industry, currently at around 0.2 mb/d. This is anticipated to marginally
increase to 0.3 mb/d in 2045, much lower than in other high growth regions.

World Oil Outlook 2023

106 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Oil demand in the Middle East countries is projected to increase by 3.6 mb/d between 2022
and 2045. As presented in Figure 3.15, the bulk of this increase will likely materialize in two
sectors, road transportation and petrochemicals, adding about 1.4 mb/d each to the region’s
oil demand over the forecast period. Demand growth in road transportation will be more
pronounced during the current decade and will then decelerate gradually towards the end of
the forecast period. Figure 3.15

Figure 3.15
Oil demand in the Middle East by sector, 2022–2045

Road Aviation Marine bunkers Petrochemicals Other sectors Electricity generation


4 3

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

In contrast, demand growth in the petrochemical sector will be more equally spread over the
forecast period, increasing broadly by 0.3 mb/d in five-year intervals. This will be due to the
availability of feedstock, primarily ethane and LPG, and supplemented by naphtha. This gives
this region a comparative advantage to its neighbouring regions. Significant demand growth
is also projected in the aviation and industry sectors, each adding another 0.4 mb/d to future
oil demand. Small, but still positive, oil demand growth is also expected from maritime ship-
ping on the back of expanding trade between the Middle East and other regions. Besides
imports of retail goods and various materials, higher oil exports from this region will result
in growing demand for marine bunkers. By 2045, this is estimated to be 0.2 mb/d higher than
in 2022.

However, part of the demand growth in the above sectors is expected to be offset by declin-
ing oil demand in electricity generation, as efforts are made to replace oil by natural gas
and renewables. This will make higher volumes of oil available, either for refining, or direct

Changes in future
Road oil demand in the remaining non-OECD regions will likely
Avia�on be transport
Other rather con-
strained. In Latin America, population growth is expected to be limited. Add to this, the rel-
Petrochemicals Other sectors Electricity genera�on
atively low labour productivity and high debt levels in several countries, and GDP growth
is set to be rather moderate, confined to the range of 1.3% to 2.3% p.a. over the forecast
period. This economic activity is reflected in the region’s expected overall demand increase

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 107

of around 2.5 mb/d, expanding from 6.4 mb/d in 2022 to 9 mb/d by 2045. As is the case
in most regions, incremental demand is primarily driven by road transportation, which is
set to increase by 0.7 mb/d. The continued shift to cleaner fuels in the residential sector
and the growing need for agricultural products results in a combined demand increase of
0.5 mb/d over the forecast period. A similar level of demand increase is also projected in
the aviation and industrial sectors, adding around 0.4 mb/d and 0.3 mb/d, respectively,
between 2022 and 2045.

Demand growth will be even more constrained in the remaining three non-OECD regions. Oil
demand in Other Eurasian countries is projected to increase by 0.3 mb/d, expanding stead-
ily from 1.2 mb/d in 2022 to 1.5 mb/d in 2045. Diesel/gasoil will account for almost 50% of
this growth, mainly in the road transportation and industry sectors. The remaining part of the
demand increase will be for gasoline, jet kerosene and ‘other products’, mainly associated
with bitumen used for the expansion of the road network.

Demand in Russia and Other Europe will expand only slightly to around 2035 before it plateaus
and marginally declines for the rest of the period. Oil demand in Russia will peak at levels
slightly below 4 mb/d, while demand in Other Europe will likely not surpass the 1 mb/d mark.
This trajectory will result from offsetting effects of some growth in petrochemicals (especially in
Russia), aviation and road transportation and stagnating to declining demand in other sectors.

3.2 Oil demand outlook by sector

Table 3.3 provides an overview of oil demand trends from the perspective of major
consumption sectors. It underscores that oil use in various transportation modes consti-
tutes the backbone of current, as well as future oil demand. Indeed, the transportation sec-
tor accounted for around 57% of global oil demand in 2022 and, with minor variations, is pro-
jected to retain this share over the entire forecast period.

Table 3.3
Sectoral oil demand, 2022–2045 mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Road 44.5 47.0 48.8 49.1 49.1 49.1 4.6
Aviation 6.1 7.6 8.4 9.0 9.6 10.2 4.1
Rail/waterways 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 0.3
Marine bunkers 4.1 4.4 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 0.8
Transportation 56.6 61.1 64.1 65.2 65.9 66.4 9.8
Petrochemicals 14.3 15.6 17.0 17.6 18.2 18.6 4.3
Other industry 12.8 13.2 14.0 14.5 14.3 14.2 1.5
Industry 27.1 28.8 31.0 32.1 32.4 32.9 5.8
Resid./Comm./Agr. 11.2 11.5 12.5 12.8 12.9 12.8 1.6
Electricity generation 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.0 –0.8
Other uses 15.9 16.2 16.9 17.1 17.1 16.7 0.9
World 99.6 106.1 112.0 114.4 115.4 116.0 16.4

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

108 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

The second largest source of oil demand is the industry sector. This sector consumed around
27% of global demand in 2022. The large part of this consumption relates to the use of oil as
a feedstock to the petrochemical industry. While oil combustion in the industry sector is pro-
jected to remain relatively stable in the long-term, strong future demand for petrochemical
products will pull demand for oil as a feedstock significantly higher.
Width: 135.6 mm
The remaining part of oil demand is spread across a variety of sectors, 65 residen-
including mm
tial, commercial, agriculture and electricity generation. After initial growth during the cur-
rent decade, projections show that the combined long-term oil demand of these sectors
will be relatively stable, at levels around 17 mb/d. It should be noted, however, that this
stable demand at the global level is a result of often diverging trends at the regional and
products level.

Figure 3.16 summarizes sectoral oil demand trends in terms of incremental demand between
2022 and 2045. It clearly shows that various transportation modes are not only the main
source of current demand, they also provide the largest source of future incremental demand.
Combined together, the transportation sector will increase by almost 10 mb/d between 2022
and 2045.
Figure 3.17
Figure 3.16 3
Oil demand growth by sector, 2022–2045

Resid./ Comm./Agr.
115 1.6
Other industry 1.5 Electricity gen. –0.8

Petrochemicals 4.3
Other 1.1
Aviation 4.1
Road 4.6

95 99.6

Demand Growth in Growth in Growth in Demand
in 2022 transportation industry other sectors in 2045

Source: OPEC.

The largest incremental demand during the forecast period is projected for the road trans-
portation sector. This sector will be exposed to the impact of the offsetting effects of various
factors. Oil demand in this sector depends on the size and composition of the vehicle fleet,
consumer driving habits, vehicle fuel economies that are often subject to policy measures,
regional scrappage rates, as well as consumer choices when buying new vehicles, often giv-
ing preference to larger vehicles, such as SUVs. Moreover, there is a distinct pattern between
personal cars and commercial vehicles, which adds to the complexity of demand modelling
in this sector.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 109

The key parameters affecting oil demand in the passenger car segment are efficiency improve-
ments and the penetration of alternative vehicles into regional fleets, mainly EVs. Passenger
EVs are projected to expand to more than 190 million by 2030 and further to 560 million by
2045, hence, gradually offsetting a portion of oil demand. The net effect is that oil demand in
this segment is set to peak sometime after 2030 and then slowly decline for the rest of the
forecast period.

These changes, however, will be less present in the segment of commercial vehicles. Some
light-duty vehicles will likely be replaced by EVs, but the level of penetration is expected to
be relatively low. Some fuel substitution will also likely be achieved via natural gas, but this
will be constrained in respect to both regional coverage and the level of penetration. Given
the size of the commercial vehicle fleet is set to double, or increase by 270 million vehicles,
oil demand in this segment will continue growing during the forecast period. Therefore, oil
demand in the road transportation sector is forecast to expand from 44.5 mb/d in 2022 to
above 49 mb/d in 2045.

Large demand additions are also projected for the aviation sector. Driven by the propensity
to travel and a rise in the middle class, especially in developing Asia and the Middle East, oil
demand in this sector is set to increase by 4.1 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. This increase
could potentially be even higher given the projected rise of air traffic in terms of passenger
kilometres. However, improved energy efficiency and the gradual penetration of alternative
fuels will likely offset part of this potential.

Demand additions in the other transportation sub-sectors – marine bunkers, rail and domes-
tic waterways – are set to be relatively low. Expanding maritime trade will drive demand for
marine bunkers, especially in Asia and the Middle East. The related demand change will be
around 0.8 mb/d over the forecast period. Another 0.3 mb/d is also expected from the com-
bined rail and domestic waterways sector, which is primarily linked to waterways traffic in

Important demand growth is also projected in the industry sector. The larger part of it, esti-
mated at 4.3 mb/d to 2045, relates to the strong demand for petrochemical products. In
fact, after road transportation, this industry will be the second largest source of incremental
demand. In contrast, the overall demand change in the ‘other industry’ will be limited to 1.5
mb/d, mainly due to declining demand in OECD regions where natural gas and electricity will
increasingly play an important role in industry.

Oil substitution will also be present in non-OECD countries, albeit to a lesser extent. Moreover,
strong industrialization in many non-OECD countries is set to more than compensate for any
oil replacement so that ‘other industry’ demand in this region increases by 2.1 mb/d over the
forecast period. The overall demand change in the industry sector, at the global level, is fore-
cast to be 5.8 mb/d. It reaches almost 33 mb/d in 2045, from 27.1 mb/d in 2022.

Finally, combined oil demand in the remaining sectors will be the result of diverging trends
in specific areas. For example, oil consumed for electricity generation in the OECD is set to be
almost completely eliminated during the forecast period. It is expected to decline by around 1
mb/d, with the remaining volumes serving rather as a back-up solution, or utilized in remote
areas. In contrast, oil used for the same purpose in Africa is anticipated to increase by 0.4
mb/d over the forecast period. Similar pathways are projected for oil demand in the resi-
dential and agriculture sectors, where significant growth in LPG and diesel demand in the

World Oil Outlook 2023

110 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
non-OECD more than offset declining demand for these products in the OECD. The net effect
will be that combined oil demand in these sectors, after some growth during the current dec-
ade, fluctuates around 17 mb/d over the period to 2045.

The main trends in the sectoral oil demand of OECD countries were presented in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.17 provides the summary sectoral demand changes in the non-OECD. As mentioned
in 3.1.1, OECD oil demand is set to decline in all major sectors except for aviation. In contrast,
non-OECD demand is forecast to grow in all major sectors, albeit only a marginal change is pro-
jected for electricity generation. The largest demand increase is projected in the road transpor-
tation sector (+11.7 mb/d between 2022 and 2045). This will be followed by the petrochemical
industry, where demand is set to expand by 4.3 mb/d. Incremental demand in the aviation sec-
tor is estimated at 3.1 mb/d. Smaller, but Figure
still important
3.18 demand increments are projected in
residential (+2.5 mb/d), ‘other industry’ (+2.1 mb/d) and other transport (+1.6 mb/d) sectors.

Figure 3.17
Sectoral oil demand in non-OECD countries, 2022 and 2045


2022 2045




Road Aviation Rail/ Marine Petro- Other Resid./ Electr.
waterways bunkers chemicals industry Comm./ generation
Source: OPEC.

3.2.1 Road transportation

The road transportation sector accounts for the largest part of oil demand in most coun-
tries and regions. This sector has accounted for 43–46% of global oil demand over the
past ten years, with its share mostly above 55% in the case of OECD Americas, around
47% in OECD Europe and about 40% in China. It underlines that developments in this sec-
tor could potentially have large implications on regional and global oil demand in the
years to come.

From the global perspective, there are several critical factors steering demand in this sec-
tor. The first is the size of the vehicle park. This Outlook assumes that the global fleet will
significantly increase during the forecast period. Population growth and improving economic
and social conditions, especially in developing countries, will drive the sales of new vehicles
and lead to much higher car ownership compared to the current situation. Moreover, a higher
level of economic activity will require a higher number of commercial vehicles too.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 111

The second factor is the changing composition of the vehicle park. It is clear that the electri-
fication of road transportation will be the most important component in this respect. The big
unknown is how fast it will progress, and to what extent it will affect commercial vehicles. At
the same time, we must not lose sight of other alternatives, such as natural gas and hydro-
gen-based vehicles.

The third factor relates to the potential efficiency improvements of vehicles. Clearly, there is
scope to achieve better fuel economies in ICE-based vehicles. However, it remains to be seen
how far this will impact overall fuel economies, or whether it will be (at least partially) offset
by consumers’ preference for larger vehicles.

Last but not least, the potential impact of autonomous mobility needs to be considered.
This has the potential to change the travel patterns of passengers and make commercial
transportation far more efficient in the longer-term. This sub-section will try to capture the
combined impact of these factors and make an assessment about future oil demand in this
very dynamic sector.

Vehicle stock
The future vehicle stock is a function of existing stocks, new sales and the scrappage of older
vehicles. Therefore, it is important to look at recent trends in new vehicle sales, both at the
global and regional levels. Global vehicle sales declined from around 100 million vehicles annu-
ally during 2016–2019 to a range of 85–90 million in the past three years (excluding two-wheel-
ers). More specifically, total new sales were at 86.1 million vehicles in 2022 of which passenger
cars accounted for slightly more than 73 million and commercial vehicles for almost 13 million.

China had the largest share of new sales in 2022 with a market of almost 25 million. This level
of new sales represents close to 30% of worldwide vehicle registrations during the year. This
was despite a decline in new sales of around two million units compared to 2021, on the back
of the continued lockdowns. Out of the 2022 figure, personal cars accounted for more than 22
million units. An important feature of the Chinese car market is the high share of EVs in new
sales, much higher than in any other region considered in this Outlook.

New vehicle sales in the second largest market, OECD Americas, also declined slightly to 18.2
million in 2022 compared to 19.7 million in 2021. This market is dominated by ICE-based vehi-
cles, as EVs accounted for only one million of new sales in 2022. Initial sales figures for 2023
indicate that the share of EVs will rise during the year, supported by additional incentives
including the IRA, the effect of which will only be fully seen this year.

The other two OECD regions, OECD Europe and OECD Asia-Pacific, follow the same path as
OECD Americas. New vehicle sales in these regions declined by around 5% each in 2022,
reaching an annual market size of 14.2 million and 7.6 million, respectively.

OECD Europe represents the second largest market for EVs, after China, with annual sales of
2.7 million in 2022. Another specific of this region is the large share of PHEVs in new sales on
the back of significant subsidies in several countries. However, the phase-out of PHEV sub-
sidies in some major countries, such as Germany, may change this in the near future. Sales
figures for the initial months of 2023 support this view, although more time is needed to fully
assess the real impact. Moreover, recent sales figures also confirm a declining trend for die-
sel-based passenger cars in OECD Europe.

World Oil Outlook 2023

112 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

It is important to note that the OECD and China combined account for more than 80% of global
vehicle sales. The largest car markets among other non-OECD regions exist in India, Other
Asia and Latin America, each with annual sales of around five million vehicles. It is expected,
however, that these regions will gradually gain share in both new sales, as well in the size of
the vehicle park over the forecast period. This is clearly visible in Table 3.4, which presents
the projected size of the passenger car fleet at the regional and global level. It shows that
the number of passenger cars is set to increase from around 1.4 billion in 2022 to 2.1 billion
in 2045.

Table 3.4
Number of passenger cars, 2022–2045 millions
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 282.2 286.3 295.7 307.2 314.9 317.4 35.2
OECD Europe 259.4 261.9 264.7 267.2 269.4 271.2 11.8
OECD Asia-Pacific 112.0 111.0 106.9 101.7 95.4 88.5 –23.5
OECD 653.5 659.2 667.3 676.1 679.6 677.1 23.5
China 301.3 341.3 411.5 477.4 523.0 541.6 240.3
India 45.7 56.2 80.0 112.9 153.0 197.3 151.7
Other Asia 88.1 95.8 117.9 147.6 181.7 219.9 131.8
Russia 38.0 37.9 37.7 37.1 36.1 35.0 –3.0
Other non-OECD 242.2 259.7 294.9 336.5 381.7 431.9 189.7
Non-OECD 715.2 790.9 942.1 1,111.5 1,275.5 1,425.7 710.5
World 1,368.8 1,450.0 1,609.4 1,787.5 1,955.2 2,102.8 734.0

Source: OPEC.

Most of this growth is forecast to take place in non-OECD regions. China itself is projected to
add 240 million passenger cars to its fleet, surpassing the 540 million mark by 2045. Even
more impressive growth, in relative terms, is projected for India. The number of passenger
cars in this country is set to quadruple during the forecast period, from 45.7 million in 2022
to almost 200 million in 2045. This will be possible on the back of sustained economic growth
in the range of 6% p.a., which will generate a larger middle class in this country. At the same
time, it needs to be highlighted that these new vehicles will partly offset the number of two-
wheelers (excluded from this analysis).

Larger groups of countries included in ‘Other Asia’ and ‘Other non-OECD’ will also contrib-
ute to the substantial increase in the number of passenger cars. Other Asia is set to more
than double the number of passenger cars on its roads while ‘Other non-OECD’, which cov-
ers Africa, Middle East and Latin America, is expected to increase this number by 190 million
between 2022 and 2045.

In contrast to non-OECD regions, car parks in the OECD are already fairly saturated leaving
little room for further expansion. Consequently, the number of passenger cars in the OECD
is set to witness marginal growth over the next decade before it stabilizes and even slightly
declines towards the end of the forecast period. Some potential for growth still exists in OECD

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 113

Americas and OECD Europe. This, however, will be largely offset by declines in OECD Asia-
Pacific where population levels are already on a declining trajectory. Moreover, this region’s
ageing population will also contribute to a declining passenger car park.

Turning to the commercial fleet, Table 3.5 shows that this is projected to increase from 267
million in 2022 to almost 540 million in 2045. As expected, a large part of this increase is for
non-OECD, where the commercial fleet is set to expand by more than 220 million vehicles
between 2022 and 2045.

Table 3.5
Number of commercial vehicles, 2022–2045 millions
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 41.1 41.7 46.1 52.0 57.7 63.2 22.1
OECD Europe 45.2 46.5 51.7 57.8 63.9 69.7 24.5
OECD Asia-Pacific 25.6 25.6 26.2 26.8 27.5 28.2 2.6
OECD 111.9 113.7 124.0 136.6 149.1 161.2 49.2
China 30.9 34.5 42.7 52.5 62.7 72.1 41.2
India 20.1 23.6 31.9 42.7 57.0 73.0 52.9
Other Asia 31.0 33.8 42.5 51.9 61.6 71.2 40.2
Russia 6.0 6.1 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.2 0.2
Other non-OECD 66.7 72.1 86.2 104.5 127.9 154.2 87.5
Non-OECD 154.7 170.2 209.3 257.6 315.3 376.7 222.0
World 266.6 283.9 333.3 394.2 464.4 537.9 271.2

Source: OPEC.

India’s expected economic growth will require a tripling of the number of commercial vehi-
cles, making its fleet comparable to that of China by 2045. Significant growth is also projected
for China and Other Asia, each enlarging their commercial fleet by around 40 million vehicles.
The largest fleet increase is projected for ‘Other non-OECD’, which includes a large group of
rapidly expanding countries, with the fleet expanding by almost 90 million vehicles, from 66.7
million in 2022 to 154 million in 2045. This rapid growth of the commercial vehicle fleet in
developing countries follows strong economic growth in most of the countries. In turn, this
requires an expansion of freight services at all levels, from the transport of raw materials, the
exchange of components and product delivery to final consumers.

The commercial fleet in the OECD region is also projected to increase, however, at a much
slower rate compared to the non-OECD. In this case, the largest increase is set to come from
OECD Europe (+25 million vehicles), followed by OECD Americas with an additional 22 million
commercial vehicles by 2045.

Vehicle fleet composition

Besides the size of the global vehicle fleet, the composition of it also matters. Until recently,
the overwhelming majority of vehicles was based on ICE, with oil products as the energy

World Oil Outlook 2023

114 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

source. These powertrains were supplemented by natural gas in some markets, such as
India, China, Pakistan, IR Iran, Argentina and others. The share of natural gas vehicles (NGVs)
at the global level was in the range of just 2%, while other alternative powertrains, such as
EVs and FCEVs, accounted for a negligible fraction.

This has started to change in recent years, however, with the uptake of EVs. Seen as a way
to comply with tighter emissions regulations and supported by purchase subsidies and
additional policy measures (e.g. for research and infrastructure development), EVs have
gradually penetrated both new sales and the vehicle fleet, especially in China and Europe.
The EU, in particular, considers electrification as a silver bullet to decarbonize its road trans-
portation sector and, consequently, has adopted the strategy to ban the sales of ICEs by 2035
(with an exception if it uses synthetic fuels).

These trends are clearly present in the composition of new vehicle sales. As mentioned in the
previous sub-section, global vehicle sales declined significantly at the start of the COVID-19
pandemic in 2020. However, new sales of EVs, consisting of BEVs and plug- PHEVs, continued
to grow. The sales of EVs have increased strongly from around 1 million in 2015 to 11.3 mil-
lion in 2022, largely at the expense of ICE vehicles. While EVs accounted for just 1% of new
sales in 2015, this share increased to above 4% in 2020 and further to more than 13% in 2022.

These global trends in new vehicle sales are even more pronounced in the case of China. 3
EVs sales in the country have increased more than seven-fold over the past five years, from
860,000 in 2017 to 6.6 million in 2022. This was largely driven by BEV sales (five million
in 2022), but also supported by PHEV (1.5 million in 2022). In relative terms, EVs in China
reached a market share of 26% in 2022, if sales of all vehicles are considered. This number
increases to 28% in the segment of passenger cars. Moreover, sales of HEVs approached 1
million in 2022, from less than 200,000 in 2017, thus further reducing potential oil demand as
these vehicles typically have better fuel economies compared to conventional ICEs.

As a result of these developments, the structure of China’s vehicle fleet is changing as EVs
gradually penetrate. The share of EVs in China’s vehicle fleet approached 5% in 2022, from
almost zero in 2015. Naturally, this growth is set to slow after reaching higher penetration
levels as it will require much higher sales numbers in future years to sustain significant
growth. Nevertheless, even a growth deceleration in the penetration of the vehicle fleet will
potentially have an impact on future oil demand.

Developments in other regions lag behind China, but the rising penetration of EVs is noticea-
ble in almost all regions. Europe has followed a similar path to China in recent years, with EVs
surpassing a 3% share in OECD Europe’s vehicle fleet. Moreover, this share would approach
4% if only passenger cars were considered. There has been a somewhat slower penetration
of EVs in OECD Americas so far, with a share just slightly above 1% in 2022. Even lower pen-
etration rates can be viewed in other regions, including Japan, where EVs are still well below
a 1% share. However, Japan has the largest penetration of HEVs, approaching a 20% share,
which results in a very fuel-efficient fleet.

Looking forward, there are several uncertainties on how fast EVs will penetrate the global
fleet. New sales of EVs will likely continue growing in China and the OECD. However, it
remains to be seen how the rate of growth will change once subsidies are removed. Other
question marks relate to price and range issue. Some progress has been reported on the
development of solid-state batteries, which could potentially increase the range of EVs and

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 115

reduce the price if production proves to be scalable. On the other hand, the rise in the price
of critical minerals could keep EVs more expensive, particularly if the industry needs to rely
on lithium-ion batteries for a longer time.

A large uncertainty also relates to the speed of EV penetration in developing countries, where
very little progress has been achieved to significantly increase sales so far. This is one of the
reasons why the global penetration of EVs was still below 2% in 2022, despite the impressive
growth in China and Europe.

Last but not least, there is the question as to what extent electrification will impact
commercial vehicles, for which cost effectiveness, range and the recharging network are key
issues. The penetration of EVs in the commercial sector is currently generally restricted to
urban buses and last-mile delivery solutions. Smaller electric trucks are used for short-dis-
tance vehicles and mandatory daily return to a (recharging) base.

Considering the recent changes in the composition of new sales, the policy setup in key coun-
tries, the investment plans of car manufacturers, as well as related implementation chal-
lenges, Table 3.6 presents the summary of projections on the number of EVs at the regional
level in the period to 2045. Moreover, Figure 3.18 shows the projected composition of the
global vehicle fleet over the same period. It shows that EVs will be the fastest growing pow-
ertrain during this period. The number of EVs is set to increase from around 30 million in
2022 to 600 million in 2045. OECD countries and China will play a major role in this expan-
sion, accounting for close to 500 million EVs in 2045. Making a comparison on a single coun-
try basis, sees China leading the way with almost 190 million of EVs by the end of the fore-
cast period. In all cases, EVs will grow much faster in the passenger car segment compared
to commercial vehicles.

NGVs are also expected to expand, but at a far lower rate than EVs. The size of the NGV
fleet is set to rise from 34 million vehicles in 2022 to 113 million in 2045. However, the

Table 3.6
Number of electric vehicles, 2022–2045 millions

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 4.1 9.7 29.3 58.2 90.3 126.9 122.9
OECD Europe 9.3 23.0 60.0 95.0 119.5 141.0 131.7
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.6 1.4 5.6 14.0 23.9 32.3 31.7
OECD 13.9 34.1 94.9 167.3 233.7 300.2 286.3
China 15.7 37.8 88.6 135.7 171.4 188.5 172.8
India 0.2 0.6 2.7 7.6 14.7 22.3 22.1
Other Asia 0.3 1.0 5.5 16.7 31.4 46.6 46.3
Russia 0.0 0.1 0.5 1.6 3.2 4.9 4.9
Other non-OECD 0.2 0.6 3.0 10.3 23.7 39.0 38.8
Non-OECD 16.4 40.1 100.3 171.9 244.4 301.3 284.9
World 30.3 74.2 195.2 339.2 478.1 601.5 571.2

Source: OPEC.

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116 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 3.19
Figure 3.18
Global fleet composition, 2022–2045

millions %
3,000 60
FCEVs Share of AFVs (RHS)
EVs Share of EVs (RHS)
2,500 50
2,000 40

1,500 30

1,000 20

500 10

0 0
2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042 2044

Source: OPEC. 3

expansion of this type of vehicle is likely limited to Asian and Latin American countries, and
is expected to almost disappear from European roads. The advantage of NGVs is that they
can also partly penetrate the commercial segment as ICE-based vehicles can be adapted
to natural gas.

The smallest expansion over the forecast period is projected for hydrogen-based fuel cell
vehicles. This technology has a great potential to offer an alternative pathway to road trans-
portation electrification in efforts to reduce emissions. However, due to higher costs, tech-
nology readiness and the availability of hydrogen, this Outlook does not assume the mass
expansion of FCEVs. The number of these vehicles might reach some 20 million. It means that
compared to other vehicle types, the market will remain rather niche.

An important implication of these trends is that the number of ICE-based vehicles is set to
rise from 1.6 billion in 2022 to 1.9 billion in 2045, hence retaining their leading role in the
global fleet with a share of 72% in 2045. Moreover, this share is even more dominant in the
category of commercial vehicles, at 92% at the end of the forecast period. Needless to say,
this large number of ICE-based vehicles will provide a solid base for the sustained use of oil
in this sector. Another important conclusion from this analysis is that, due to the large exist-
ing base of ICEs in the global fleet, the transition to alternative powertrains will likely take
decades, not years.

Outlook for oil demand in road transportation

Table 3.7 presents the combined effect of various factors on oil demand in the road transpor-
tation sector in major regions. At the global level, oil demand in this sector will continue to
expand this decade, increasing by 4.3 mb/d by 2030, before it stabilizes at levels above 49
mb/d for the rest of the forecast period. This pattern will result in an overall demand increase
of 4.6 mb/d between 2022 and 2045.

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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 117

Table 3.7
Oil demand in the road transportation sector by region, 2022–2045 mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 13.7 13.8 13.1 12.2 11.4 10.6 –3.1
OECD Europe 6.3 6.2 5.8 5.1 4.4 3.6 –2.7
OECD Asia-Pacific 2.6 2.6 2.3 1.9 1.6 1.2 –1.4
OECD 22.6 22.6 21.2 19.3 17.3 15.4 –7.2
China 5.9 6.9 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.6 1.6
India 2.1 2.5 3.3 4.1 5.0 6.0 3.9
Other Asia 3.4 3.9 4.4 4.9 5.3 5.6 2.2
Latin America 3.3 3.3 3.6 3.8 3.9 4.0 0.7
Middle East 3.1 3.4 3.6 4.0 4.2 4.5 1.4
Africa 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.4 3.8 1.7
Russia 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.0
Other Eurasia 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.2
Other Europe 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0
Non-OECD 21.9 24.4 27.5 29.8 31.7 33.7 11.7
World 44.5 47.0 48.8 49.1 49.1 49.1 4.6

Source: OPEC.

While the figures show a relatively stable long-term global demand path, specific regions
will see much wider variations over the forecast period. In the OECD, the gradual increase in
the EV fleet to 300 million and with the efficiency improvements in ICEs is set to reduce oil
demand by 7.2 mb/d over the forecast period. The largest part of this decline is projected for
OECD Americas, at 3.1 mb/d, mainly due to it being the region’s largest demand base (hence,
it sees the largest impact of efficiency improvements). Demand declines in OECD Europe and
OECD Asia-Pacific are also expected to be significant, projected at 2.7 mb/d and 1.4 mb/d,
respectively. In fact, in relative terms, the demand drop in these two regions will be even
more dramatic than in OECD Americas.

The developing world will see a different oil demand pattern in the road transportation sec-
tor. Driven by a fast expanding vehicle fleet, in combination with a relatively slow penetration
of alternative vehicles (the exception being China), means that oil demand in these countries
is set to increase. In particular, this will be the case in India, where oil demand increases by
a staggering 3.9 mb/d, from just 2.1 mb/d in 2022 to 6 mb/d in 2045. Somewhat lower incre-
mental demand, but still significant, is projected for Other Asia and Africa, expanding by 2.2
mb/d and 1.7 mb/d, respectively. An important feature of road transportation oil demand in
these three regions is that growth shows almost no signs of deceleration over the entire fore-
cast period.

However, this is not the case for China. Road transportation oil demand in this country is set to
expand strongly during the current decade. In fact, China’s demand in this sector is expected to
increase by 1.6 mb/d between 2022 and 2030, which is the largest incremental demand among
all regions during this period. Around that time, however, the penetration of EVs is anticipated
to be large enough to curtail further demand growth. Despite this, China’s road transportation

World Oil Outlook 2023

118 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

will be by far the most important oil consumer in Asia, even by the end of the forecast period. It
will also be the second largest consumer globally, behind OECD Americas.

Finally, only minor demand changes are expected in the remaining part of the non-OECD. While a
moderate demand increase is projected for Other Eurasia, road transportation demand in Russia
and Other Europe is set to remain in a very narrow range around current consumption levels.

Summing up all the changes for non-OECD, road transportation demand in this region is set
to increase by 11.7 mb/d between 2022 and 2045.

3.2.2 Aviation
Aviation was one of the most affected sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic and the scars
are still being felt today. Aviation oil demand almost halved in 2020, falling to around 4 mb/d
from 7.3 mb/d in 2019. A partial demand recovery began in 2021, but re-emerging regional
lockdowns at that time prevented any significant rise in aviation oil demand. The recovery
process continued in 2022 on the back of an increased propensity to travel,
Width: but135.6
this was
hampered by travel restrictions that still remained in place, causingHeight:
travellers65to mm
be more
cautious and to limit the number of flights.

The situation improved further during 2023, but many obstacles to a full recovery remain. 3
These include high inflation, slower economic growth and conflicts in several parts of the world.
Accordingly, the IATA Global Outlook for Air Transport estimated that the “industry-wide revenue
passenger-kilometres (RPKs) are likely to be at 87.8% of the 2019 level for 2023 as a whole”. A
positive sign is that many airlines have returned to profitability again, which is a good basis for
further growth.

These developments are also reflected in the related oil demand in this sector. As presented
in Figure 3.19, aviation oil demand increased to 6.1 mb/d in 2022 and is expected to grow to
6.7 mb/d in 2023 and then 7.4 mb/d in 2024. By then, oil demand will be above 2019 levels,
Figure 3.20
mboe/d Figure 3.19
Oil demand in the aviation sector, 2022–2028
OECD Americas OECD Europe OECD Asia-Pacific China Other Asia Other non-OECD

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 119

and its annual growth will then decelerate to reflect undistorted market fundamentals. As a
result, oil demand is projected to reach 8.1 mb/d by the end of the medium-term period.

It is worth mentioning that demand growth during this period will be much faster in non-
OECD countries, compared to the OECD. The overall medium-term demand increase in the
non-OECD will be almost 1.3 mb/d, compared to 0.7 mb/d in the OECD. This will lead to a
shrinking gap in aviation oil demand between these two regions over the period. While the
difference was around 1 mb/d in 2019, it will be around 0.2 mb/d in 2028.

Turning to the long-term prospects, these will be affected by a number of additional factors.
Driven by economic growth in developing countries, a rising share of the middle class – a
source of potential travellers – demand is set to increase significantly. The IATA estimates
that demand for air travel will double by 2040. Moreover, economic growth will also
support the expansion of freight transport, which, in turn, will result in incremental oil
demand. However, part of the potential demand increase will be offset by expected higher fuel
economies in modern aircraft, higher load factors and route optimization.

While the impact of these measures on future oil demand can be reasonably quantified, a
large uncertainty relates to recent initiatives from the ICAO and the IATA. In October 2022,
ICAO member states adopted the LTAG for international aviation to achieve net-zero CO2
emissions by 2050. It is worth noting that this target is far more ambitious than the previous
one that envisaged a reduction in net aviation CO2 emissions of 50% by 2050 (compared to
2005 levels). Moreover, while the previous target was primarily based on offsetting emissions,
the new agreement focuses on a substantial reduction of direct CO2 emissions from aircrafts,
either by much better efficiency or by the use of alternative fuels.

This vision is outlined in ‘The Net Zero Roadmaps’ by the IATA. It foresees that the required
emission reduction will be achieved via three main means: reducing aircraft energy use
(through more efficient aircraft that use less energy); changing the fuel and reducing its
carbon footprint (using net-zero and true-zero fuel alternatives, with SAF expected to be the
main alternative); and re-capturing all the CO2 that could not be avoided.

It remains to be seen to what extent the aviation industry will be able to implement this
vision. While it is expected that small electric aircraft could start entering the market in the
current decade, it is unlikely that this type of aircraft will play a significant role in displacing
future oil demand over this Outlook’s forecast period. In respect to SAF, this has the potential
to play a more prominent role, subject to reducing production costs and resolving some tech-
nical obstacles. However, it is unlikely that the expansion of SAF will progress fast enough to
replace a significant part of oil demand until 2045.

Bearing in mind the related uncertainties, current projections indicate that aviation oil
demand is projected to increase from 6.1 mb/d in 2022 to 10.2 mb/d in 2045. This represents
an increase of 4.1 mb/d over the forecast period. Moreover, unlike many other sectors of
consumption, demand in this sector is set to continue to steadily rise over the entire forecast
period. The annual increments, even in the long-term, will be in the range of more than 0.1

Table 3.8 presents a regional breakdown of oil demand in the aviation sector. It shows that
the global trends set out in the medium-term will extend to the long-term too, as a major part
of future incremental demand will take place in non-OECD countries. Aviation demand in this

World Oil Outlook 2023

120 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Table 3.8
Oil demand in the aviation sector by region, 2022–2045 mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 0.6
OECD Europe 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.3
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.2
OECD 3.4 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 1.1
China 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 0.6
India 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.5
Other Asia 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.7
Latin America 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4
Middle East 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.4
Africa 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4
Russia 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.0
Other Eurasia 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Other Europe 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non-OECD 2.7 3.6 4.2 4.7 5.2 5.7 3.1
World 6.1 7.6 8.4 9.0 9.6 10.2 4.1 3

Source: OPEC.

region is set to increase by 3.1 mb/d between 2022 and 2045, while OECD will add another
1.1 mb/d over the same period.

At the regional level, the largest incremental demand is expected to come from Other Asia.
Demand in this region is set to increase by 0.7 mb/d over the forecast period. China and
India will add around 0.5 mb/d to 0.6 mb/d each. Noticeable additions are also projected
for the Middle East, Latin America and Africa, which are forecast to contribute 0.4 mb/d
each. Contrary to these regions, only marginal demand additions are foreseen for Eurasia and
Other Europe (+0.1 mb/d combined).

Aviation demand in the OECD is expected to expand from 3.4 mb/d in 2022 to 4.5 mb/d in
2045. Around half of this incremental demand comes from OECD Americas. Of the overall
growth of more than 1 mb/d, 0.8 mb/d is projected during the current decade. This leaves
just 0.3 mb/d, indicating a plateauing of aviation demand in this region in the last 15 years
of the forecast period. During this period, the OECD will represent a mature market where
growth is constrained by infrastructure capacity and only a minor population increase.

3.2.3 Petrochemicals
The petrochemical sector is projected to be the second largest source of oil demand growth
over the forecast period. Growth will be driven by a wide range of petrochemical products,
the largest share being polymers, which in turn are linked to growth in GDP, population and
income levels. However, correlation between end-use product demand and oil demand is
expected to weaken on the back of increasing oil substitution by secondary material and bio-
based feedstock. Recycled plastics currently represent around 7% of global plastic use and
this share is expected to increase to more than 10% by 2045.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 121

Demand uncertainties in this sector remain high, particularly related to environmental concerns
and regulations, such as efforts to reduce emissions, the push to increase recycling, the ban on
single-use plastics and moves to foster plastic substitutions. There is also an ongoing multilateral
process to develop an International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI) to end plastic pollution, led
by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee that expects to reach an agreement by 2024.

While the majority of participants in the negotiations agreed on the need to reduce plastic
pollution, there were diverging opinions during the first and second sessions on whether
to limit the scope of the instrument on the environmental footprint of plastics or widen it to
reduce plastic production, which could significantly affect the petrochemical sector.

However, technological developments and innovative approaches could enable the use of oil-
based feedstocks in this sector for a long time. Technologies include CCUS and electrically
heated steam crackers, such as the project developed by BASF, Sabic and Linde, which could
significantly reduce CO2 emissions from petrochemical operations.

Furthermore, even recycling has limitations that are difficult to overcome today, such as,
the complexity of the supply chain (collection, sorting, cleaning and treatment are complex
processes that involve the cooperation of multiple actors), high cost, low quality of result-
ing feedstock and limited recycling technologies. In addition, the substitution of plastics by
other materials remains constrained due to a lack of materials that can provide comparable
functionalities without any disadvantages.

Considering the uncertainties surrounding petrochemicals, Table 3.9 presents an assess-

ment of oil demand in this sector. At the global level, oil demand is projected to increase by

Table 3.9
Oil demand in the petrochemical sector by region, 2022–2045 mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
OECD Americas 3.6 3.8 4.3 4.3 4.1 3.9 0.3
OECD Europe 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 –0.3
OECD Asia-Pacific 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 0.1
OECD 7.4 7.7 8.3 8.1 7.8 7.4 0.0
China 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 0.7
India 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.7
Other Asia 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 0.9
Latin America 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2
Middle East 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.7 1.4
Africa 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1
Russia 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.2
Other Eurasia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other Europe 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non-OECD 6.9 7.9 8.7 9.5 10.4 11.2 4.3
World 14.3 15.6 17.0 17.6 18.2 18.6 4.3

Source: OPEC.

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122 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

4.3 mb/d throughout the forecast period, rising from 14.3 mb/d in 2022 to 18.6 mb/d in 2045.
This significant and steady growth at the global level hides a stark contrast between regions.
In fact, oil use in petrochemicals is set to increase strongly in the non-OECD region, growing
by 4.3 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. On the other hand, OECD oil demand in this sector in
2045 is expected to be at the same level observed in 2022.

Non-OECD Asia is set to witness the largest incremental demand rise throughout the forecast
period, estimated at 2.4 mb/d. Demand additions of 0.9 mb/d, 0.7 mb/d and 0.7 mb/d are
anticipated in Other Asia, India and China, respectively. Combined, these three regions are set
to account for 55% of this sector’s global incremental demand. This growth will be driven by
economic and population expansion, as well by well-established processing/manufacturing
industries in the region.

Moreover, many projects are under construction in non-OECD Asia, particularly in China,
India and some countries in the South East region. China is reshaping its downstream sector
by building several mega-refineries with integrated petrochemical units (mostly naphtha
crackers) and is phasing out smaller ones. India sees partnerships with Middle Eastern
national oil companies (NOCs) as an opportunity to develop a modern petrochemical industry,
mainly based on integrated projects to capture higher margins. Indonesia and Malaysia are
following a similar path.
The Middle East is expected to witness strong demand growth too, estimated at 1.4 mb/d
over the forecast period. In fact, it is the Middle East that is set to witness the largest growth
as a standalone region due to the local availability of feedstocks at a competitive cost.

A large number of petrochemical projects at a world scale in different stages of develop-

ment have been listed within this region, such as the large mixed-feed steam cracking pro-
ject under development by OQ, Sabic and KPI in Duqm, Oman. In Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco
has made progress on two petrochemical projects worth $18 billion in development with
Sabic and TotalEnergies, respectively. Saudi Aramco and TotalEnergies also awarded EPC
contracts of $11 billion to seven different firms for a giant petrochemical complex in Jubail,
Saudi Arabia, in June 2023. This project is expected to be operational by 2027. Saudi Aramco
and Sabic are also proceeding with the first crude oil-to-chemicals (COTC) petrochemical
plant in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia, which will be integrated with the existing refinery.

Other projects are currently under development in IR Iran, the United Arab Emirates and
Qatar. These projects will support the region’s oil demand for petrochemicals over the
medium-term. Moreover, a continuation of this trend is expected over the long-term too.

In Russia, oil consumption in the petrochemical sector is expected to increase sharply

during the next three-to-four years. In the long-term, however, demand is anticipated to
stabilize at a level of 1.1 mb/d. This development is reflected in the updated petrochemical
industry development roadmap approved by the Russian government in May 2023, which
aims to accelerate production of polymers by 34% by 2025. It is worth noting that the new
roadmap intends to increase the feedstock share for petrochemical needs from 26.7% in
2022 to 35.2% in 2025, while the 2030 Energy Strategy aimed to increase this share from
23.1% in 2018 to 35% in 2035. In reality, it means the deadline to reach the previous target
was shifted by a decade. Oil demand for petrochemicals in other non-OECD regions – Africa
and Latin America – are expected to witness only a slight demand increase in the range of
0.1 mb/d to 0.2 mb/d each.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 123

In the OECD region, oil demand in this sector is expected to peak at around 8.1 mb/d at
the end of this decade before dropping to 7.4 mb/d in 2045, the same level as observed in
2022. OECD Europe is the only region where oil demand for petrochemicals drops over the
forecast period. Sluggish economic growth, rising production costs, as well as stricter
recycling rules and emission policies are likely to prompt sectoral rationalization in Europe,
leading to a demand decline of 0.3 mb/d between 2022 and 2045.

The trend in OECD Asia-Pacific is expected to follow a similar pattern as OECD Europe. An
exception to this is South Korea, where some projects, including the S-Oil Shaheen naphtha
cracker in Ulsan, are expected to become operational in the medium-term. These projects will
support oil demand above 2 mb/d for the rest of the forecast period by offsetting demand
declines elsewhere in the region.

Contrary to the other two OECD regions, OECD Americas is anticipated to experience a
notable increase in oil demand in this sector during the current decade, 135.6
expanding by mm
mb/d between 2022 and 2030. This rise can be attributed to the additional capacity65
Height: that
be brought online to benefit from the availability of cheap ethane supplies. Notable projects
contributing to this increase include the joint venture project between Chevron Phillips
Chemical and Qatar Petrochemical, which is expected to create the largest cracker in the
world, with a capacity of 1.9 million tonnes a year (mt/y).

However, this US demand growth is projected to peak sometime after 2030 and revert to a
decline due to falling ethane supply. This, in turn, will likely enable the comeback of more
competitive naphtha cracking. Consequently, oil demand in the petrochemical sector of OECD
Americas is forecast to drop by 0.4 mb/d between 2030 and 2045.

Looking at these trends from the perspective of major refined products, Figure 3.20 presents
a summary of product demand in key petrochemical regions. At the global level, naphtha
accounts for the largest share of total demand 3.21
in this industry (6.2 mb/d out of total demand
Figure 3.20
Regional demand in the petrochemical sector by product, 2022–2045

Ethane LPG Naphtha Other
2022 2035 2045 2022 2035 2045 2022 2035 2045 2022 2035 2045 2022 2035 2045
OECD Americas China India Middle East Other Asia

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

124 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

of 14.3 mb/d in 2022), followed by ethane (3.7 mb/d) and LPG (2.5 mb/d). At the same,
naphtha is expected to also provide the largest incremental demand (2.6 mb/d) during the
forecast period given large increases in Asian countries. As a result, naphtha is set to see its
share increase from 44% in 2022 to 47% in 2045.

Driven by developments in the Middle East and OECD Americas, where the majority of pet-
rochemical feedstock is ethane, demand for this product is set to increase by 2 mb/d. The
share of ethane is anticipated to increase from 26% in 2022 to 30% in 2045. This will be at the
expense of LPG and other products, with shares for these gradually declining.

3.2.4 Other sectors

The overall demand change in the combined residential, commercial and agricultural
sectors is relatively small, just 1.5 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. To a large extent, this is
the result of diverging trends between its sub-sectors, as well as between regions. Typically,
oil demand in the agriculture sector is expected to grow in most regions during the forecast
period. However, demand trends in the residential and commercial sectors differ between
regions as they are affected by regional policy setup, such as building codes, the level of
economic development and regional specifics (e.g. heating versus cooling).

The impact of these factors on future oil demand is presented in Table 3.10. It shows that global 3
oil demand in this sector is set to continue growing for a large part of the forecast period. It
is only in the last few years that demand drops, when OECD declines more than offset growth
in developing countries. OECD oil demand in this sector is set to remain relatively stable over
the current decade, at around 4 mb/d. After 2030, however, stricter policy measures, such
as those included in the EU’s ‘Fit for 55’ package, are expected to gradually accelerate oil
displacement in this sector.

The residential sector, in particular, is considered a ‘low hanging fruit’ in reducing future
emissions. Specific regulations aimed to reduce energy and oil consumption in both new
buildings via stricter codes, as well in older inefficient buildings through revamps and retro-
fits, constitute an essential part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package.

Clearly, these types of regulations are not limited to Europe. Building codes that promote
energy efficiency, incentives to install heat pumps and PV technology, incentives to purchase
more efficient appliances and preferences to district heating are common measures not only
in OECD countries, but increasingly in a number of developing countries. However, the impact
of population growth, urbanization and a rising middle class in the non-OECD will more than
offset energy savings resulting from these regulations.

This is especially the case in India and Africa where oil demand in this sector is projected
to increase by 0.8 mb/d over the forecast period. In the case of India, the largest part of
this demand growth is for LPG and kerosene for cooking and lighting and diesel used in the
agriculture sector. Obviously, there is even higher potential for demand growth in India. Part
of this potential, however, will likely be eliminated by the expanding use of natural gas with
City Gas Distribution (CGD) networks gradually extended. The aim of this plan is to provide
natural gas access to more than 70% of the population.

Large potential for oil demand growth in this sector also exists in Africa. In particular, sub-
Saharan Africa will benefit from switching from solid biomass to oil-based products such as

World Oil Outlook 2023

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Table 3.10
Oil demand in the residential/commercial/agricultural sector by region, 2022–2045 mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.3 –0.3
OECD Europe 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 –0.4
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 –0.3
OECD 3.9 3.9 4.1 3.9 3.5 2.9 –1.0
China 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 0.5
India 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 0.8
Other Asia 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0
Latin America 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 0.5
Middle East 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.1
Africa 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.8
Russia 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0
Other Eurasia 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0
Other Europe 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Non-OECD 7.2 7.6 8.4 8.9 9.4 9.9 2.6
World 11.2 11.5 12.5 12.8 12.9 12.8 1.6

Source: OPEC.

LPG. Moreover, oil can also be used for off-grid electricity generation in remote rural settle-
ments for household lighting, heating and cooling. An important part of the demand growth in
this region is related to agriculture. Similar factors will also drive Latin America oil demand
in this sector, which is set to expand by 0.5 mb/d.

With some minor growth in other regions, non-OECD oil demand in the combined residential,
commercial and agricultural sector is expected to grow by 2.6 mb/d, rising from 7.2 mb/d
in 2022 to 9.9 mb/d in 2045. The most important component of this growth is set to be LPG
for use in the residential sector, which is projected to increase by 1.4 mb/d over the fore-
cast period. It is followed by diesel (+0.5 mb/d) used in agriculture and for off-grid electric-
ity generation.

The shipping industry was long considered as generally conservative, one where it took
a long time to implement any change. This, however, has changed in recent years on the
back of increasing competition to oil from alternative fuels and stricter industry regulations
primarily targeting emissions reduction.

The most likely alternative seems to be LNG. The orderbook for new vessels shows that
close to 50% of new ships will have pure LNG or dual-fuelled engines. Moreover, methanol-
fuelled ships are attracting attention and their share in the orderbook is increasing. Engine
manufacturers also work on developing ammonia fuelled engines that could offer another
alternative to oil, especially for deep-sea shipping. Other alternatives include the use of
hydrogen and electricity as energy sources in this industry.

Prototype vessels for each of these alternative powertrains already exist, demonstrating their
advantages, but also their disadvantages. However, given the long lifetime of most vessels,
it is unlikely that a significant penetration of these engines would be reached before 2045.

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126 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Nevertheless, their gradual penetration will likely put a cap on potential oil demand growth,
and provide a further delinking from the rate of expanding maritime trade.

On the regulation side, maritime trade is governed by the IMO, which has the responsibility for
the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by
ships. In efforts to reduce emissions from shipping, IMO member states adopted the 2023 IMO
Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships in July 2023. This strategy includes a
common ambition to reach net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping close to 2050,
a commitment to ensure an uptake of alternative zero and near-zero GHG fuels by 2030, as
well as indicative check-points for 2030 and 2040. These goals are much more ambitious than
the previous one to achieve a 50% reduction in overall GHG emissions from marine transport
by 2050, compared with 2008 levels.

Part of the strategy, already implemented as of 2023, is the introduction of two new indexes:
the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) Rating
Scheme. Based on these indexes, every ship will be assessed for its energy performance
in respect to its design, as well as the carbon intensity of its operations. Consequently,
underperforming ships will be either subject to penalties or corrective measures that need
to be implemented. It is expected that adoption of these tools will lead to improved efficiency
of existing vessels, lower emissions and, in turn, to slower oil demand growth in this sector.
However, it remains to be seen how successful this scheme will be as there are many 3
uncertainties and open questions related to it.

Bearing in mind these uncertainties and the impact of regional GDP developments on
maritime trade, Table 3.11 presents projections for oil-based marine bunker demand to 2045.
The overall change between 2022 and 2045 is limited to only 0.8 mb/d. Moreover, the bulk of
incremental demand in this sector is projected during the current decade, with growth from

Table 3.11
Oil demand in the marine bunkers sector by region, 2022–2045 mb/d
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.0
OECD Europe 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 –0.2
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 –0.1
OECD 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 –0.3
China 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1
India 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Other Asia 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 0.5
Latin America 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2
Middle East 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.2
Africa 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
Russia 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Other Eurasia 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Other Europe 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Non-OECD 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.7 1.1
World 4.1 4.4 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 0.8

Source: OPEC.

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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 127

4.1 mb/d in 2022 to 4.8 mb/d in 2030. After 2030, demand for marine bunkers will continue
to grow, albeit in a narrow range of 4.8 mb/d to 4.9 mb/d. This will be on the back of the
growing penetration of LNG vessels and the increased efficiency of oil-based vessels that
counterbalance the still-expanding maritime trade.

With future economic growth driven by Asian countries, the centre of gravity of international
maritime trade is set to further shift towards Asia. Moreover, several large bunkering ports
are located in this region, as well as in the Middle East. These factors are forecast to drive
demand for marine bunkers in the non-OECD over the entire forecast period, with regional
demand increasing by 1.1 mb/d. The largest demand increases are projected in Other Asia
(+0.5 mb/d) and the Middle East (+0.2 mb/d), whereas other non-OECD regions add another
0.4 mb/d to incremental demand.

Shifting trade towards non-OECD regions will also have implications for OECD demand in this
sector. This is expected to remain relatively stable, at around 1.5 mb/d during the current
decade, before the penetration of non-oil-based vessels, efficiency improvements and envi-
ronmental regulations start biting into oil demand. The demand decline is not anticipated to
be large, but steady across all OECD regions.

A similar set of measures in OECD countries will drive down oil demand in ‘other industry’
too. A large part of OECD oil demand in this sector has been displaced in recent decades and
this trend is set to continue over the forecast period. For example, the industrial use of oil in
OECD Europe was in the range of 3.5 mb/d during the 1970s. However, it declined to a range
of 2.2 mb/d in the 1990s and further to around 1.8 mb/d in the 2010s.

Given the availability of natural gas at competitive prices for US domestic use and the
policy push to reduce emissions, it is expected that efficiency improvements and oil substitution
will continue in this sector. OECD oil demand is set to steadily decline over the forecast period
to reach a level of 4.3 mb/d by 2045 from 5 mb/d in 2022 (Table 3.12). This demand decline will
also be supported by a falling share of heavy industry in the region’s economic activity.

The demand outlook for this sector in non-OECD countries has a somewhat different narrative.
Naturally, the electrification of industry, the increased use of natural gas and policy measures
to reduce emissions will be present and impact non-OECD industrial oil demand too. However,
expanding industrialization and the available choice of fuels to be used in many of these coun-
tries will more than offset the impact of potential fuel substitution and efficiency gains.

Therefore, the largest incremental demand is projected in regions with the gratest indus-
trialization potential. This is particularly the case in India where demand growth in this
sector is set to be in the range of 0.5 mb/d over the forecast period. Other Asia, Latin
America, the Middle East and Africa are also forecast to expand, each growing by around
0.3 mb/d.

Somewhat lower demand changes are also projected in the remaining non-OECD regions,
namely China, Other Eurasia, Russia and Other Europe, which combined add another 0.3
mb/d. From the perspective of refined products, changing demand in this sector typically
affects demand for diesel, residual fuel and LPG.

Observed global oil demand in rail and domestic waterways was just 1.9 mb/d in 2022,
making it the sector with the lowest oil demand. Moreover, as presented in Table 3.13, more

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128 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Table 3.12
Oil demand in the ‘other industry’ sector by region, 2022–2045 mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.1 2.7 2.5 –0.3
OECD Europe 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 –0.1
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 –0.2
OECD 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.1 4.6 4.3 –0.6
China 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 0.1
India 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 0.5
Other Asia 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.3
Latin America 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 0.3
Middle East 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.3
Africa 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.3
Russia 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0
Other Eurasia 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1
Other Europe 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0
Non-OECD 7.8 8.1 8.8 9.4 9.6 9.9 2.1
World 12.8 13.2 14.0 14.5 14.3 14.2 1.5
Source: OPEC.

than 60% of this demand is concentrated in only two regions. The largest consumer in this
sector is China with a demand level of 0.7 mb/d in 2022, of which around 0.6 mb/d was linked
to domestic waterways and less than 0.1 mb/d to diesel consumption in rail transport. It is

Table 3.13
Oil demand in the rail and domestic waterways sector by region, 2022–2045 mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 –0.2
OECD Europe 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0
OECD 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 –0.2
China 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.3
India 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Other Asia 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
Latin America 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
Middle East 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Africa 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Russia 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Other Eurasia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other Europe 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non-OECD 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 0.6
World 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 0.3

Source: OPEC.

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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 129

very likely that the share of domestic navigation will rise even further in the future as China’s
waterway network is set expand, but oil will likely be further replaced by electricity in the rail
sector. The assessed net effect is that the country’s combined rail and waterways demand is
expected to grow by 0.3 mb/d between 2022 and 2045.

The second largest consumer in this sector is OECD Americas, accounting for around 0.5 mb/d
in 2022. However, the demand pattern in this region differs from the one in China. In this case,
around 0.3 mb/d is used in rail transportation and some 0.2 mb/d in domestic waterways.
Moreover, there are no great plans for an expansion of either of these transportation modes.

Therefore, it is expected that any potential demand increase related to some minor expan-
sions will be more than offset by improved engine efficiencies, as well as oil’s replacement
by electricity, especially in the rail sector. Consequently, OECD Americas oil demand in this
sector is set to decline by around 0.2 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. For the same reasons,
demand in other OECD regions will also marginally decline, while no significant changes are
expected in the remaining non-OECD regions.

With the exception of a few recovery years after the financial crisis in 2008–2009 and COVID-
19 in 2020–2021, global oil demand for electricity generation has been on a declining trajec-
tory since the early 1990s. However, the demand pattern and changes have not been uniform
across regions. The main reason for the declining trend was oil displacement from this sector in
the OECD, China and Russia, while other regions have kept demand broadly stable, or in some
cases increased it, such as most countries in the Middle East. In very broad terms, aside from a
demand increase in Africa, these trends are set to continue over the forecast period.

As presented in Table 3.14, global oil demand in this sector is set to drop by 0.8 mb/d,
falling to 4 mb/d in 2045, from 4.7 mb/d in 2022. The primary reason for this decline will

Table 3.14
Oil demand in the electricity generation sector by region, 2022–2045 mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
OECD Americas 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 –0.5
OECD Europe 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 –0.2
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 –0.3
OECD 1.4 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 –1.0
China 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0
India 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1
Other Asia 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 –0.1
Latin America 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.1
Middle East 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 –0.2
Africa 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4
Russia 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0
Other Eurasia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other Europe 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non-OECD 3.3 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 0.2
World 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.0 –0.8

Source: OPEC.

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130 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

be the almost complete elimination of oil used for electricity generation in the OECD. This is
projected to decline by 1 mb/d over the forecast period and reach a level of just 0.4 mb/d by
2045. By then, virtually no oil will be used in large power plants. The use of oil will basically
be restricted to electricity generation within the refinery gates, the use of diesel aggregates
in remote places and for emergency back-up purposes.

Part of this OECD demand decline in the OECD will be offset by growing demand in several
non-OECD regions. In this respect, the largest contribution (0.4 mb/d) is projected for Africa,
followed by India and Latin America each adding 0.1 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. In these
regions, especially in Africa, additional oil demand is set to help improve access to electricity
and provide a back-up to shortages and disruptions from on-grid electricity.

Finally, some demand decline, especially in the long-term, is projected for the remaining non-
OECD regions, including the Middle East, Other Asia, China, and Eurasia. Consequently, oil
demand for electricity generation in non-OECD regions is set to remain at a fairly stable level
of around 3.7 mb/d during the forecast period.

3.3 Oil demand outlook by product

Demand for specific refined products is largely determined by major trends at the regional
and sectoral levels as there are direct links between demand for several products and 3
sectors. For example, gasoline demand mirrors developments in road transportation,
naphtha is tightly linked to petrochemicals and jet kerosene to the aviation sector. However, other
products, such as diesel/gasoil, ethane/LPG and residual fuel oil are consumed in a variety of
sectors, often with divergent demand patterns.

Global demand for the main categories of oil products is presented in Table 3.15. Figure
3.21provides a summary from the perspective of incremental demand between 2022 and
2045. Light products, composed of ethane, LPG, naphtha, gasoline and ethanol, accounted

Table 3.15
Global oil demand by product, 2022–2045 mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2022–2045
Ethane/LPG 12.9 14.1 15.5 16.0 16.4 16.5 3.6
Naphtha 6.3 7.0 7.7 8.1 8.5 8.8 2.5
Gasoline 26.3 28.1 28.9 29.0 29.0 28.8 2.5
Light products 45.6 49.2 52.1 53.1 53.8 54.2 8.6
Jet/kero 6.8 8.4 9.2 9.8 10.3 10.9 4.0
Gasoil/diesel 28.6 29.5 31.1 31.6 31.6 31.7 3.1
Middle distillates 35.4 38.0 40.3 41.4 41.9 42.6 7.1
Residual fuel 6.7 7.3 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.2 0.4
Other products 11.8 11.6 12.1 12.4 12.2 12.1 0.3
Heavy products 18.5 18.9 19.7 19.9 19.6 19.3 0.7
World 99.6 106.1 112.0 114.4 115.4 116.0 16.4

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 131

Figure 3.22
Figure 3.21
Demand growth by product category between 2022 and 2045


Residual fuel 0.4

115 Other products 0.3
Gasoil/Diesel 3.1

110 Jet/Kero 4.0

Gasoline 2.5
Naphtha 2.5
Ethane/LPG 3.6

95 99.6

Demand Growth in Growth in Growth in Demand
in 2022 light products middle distillates heavy products in 2045

Source: OPEC.

for 46% of global demand in 2022. Combined demand for these products is set to increase by
8.6 mb/d to 2045. This means that they will broadly retain the same share during the entire
forecast period.

The largest demand increase in this category is expected to come from ethane/LPG with com-
bined incremental demand of 3.6 mb/d. Of this, 2.1 mb/d is linked to ethane consumption,
primarily in the petrochemical industry, and the remainder, close to 1.5 mb/d, is for LPG. This
product is mostly consumed in the residential, industry and petrochemical sectors.

Another important observation relates to a distinct consumption pattern over time. While
ethane is projected to grow continuously over the entire forecast period, LPG demand is set
to peak sometime around 2035 (at around 10.8 mb/d) and then start to decline.

Besides ethane, demand for naphtha is also determined by developments in the petrochemical
sector, especially in Asia, OECD Europe and Latin America where the petrochemical industry
is based on naphtha feedstock. As discussed in section 3.2, this industry is set to grow over
the forecast period, with the exception of Europe. Accordingly, demand for naphtha is set to
rise by 2.5 mb/d with the largest increments projected for Other Asia (0.8 mb/d), China (0.6
mb/d) and India (0.5 mb/d). In contrast, naphtha demand in OECD Europe is expected to
decline by 0.1 mb/d.

The demand pattern for gasoline, the largest component of light products with a current
consumption of more than 26 mb/d, witnesses the largest changes over the forecast period.
As presented in Figure 3.22, which splits the total demand change into 2022–2028 and 2028–
2045 periods, gasoline demand is set to increase by 2.5 mb/d during the medium-term.
The main reason for this increase is the continued expansion of the passenger car fleet, the
majority of which is set to be gasoline based.

World Oil Outlook 2023

132 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Figure 3.23
Figure 3.22
Growth in global oil demand by product

Growth 2022–2028 Growth 2028–2045






Ethane/ Naphtha Gasoline Jet/Kero Gasoil/ Residual Other
LPG Diesel fuel products

Source: OPEC.

Gasoline demand will continue growing over the next decade, albeit at a slower rate. During
this period, the number of passenger cars is still expected to expand, but the growth of EVs,
as well as ICE efficiency improvements, will be sufficient to limit gasoline demand growth
that stabilizes at around 29 mb/d for the rest of the forecast period.

The second largest group of products is middle distillates. This consists mainly of diesel/
gasoil (including biodiesel), jet kerosene and domestic kerosene. The overall demand growth
for these products is somewhat lower than light products, at 7.1 mb/d during the forecast
period. Almost 60%, or 4 mb/d of this incremental demand relates to kerosene. Virtually all
this demand is set to come in the form of jet fuel on the back of strong growth in the aviation
sector. In fact, the overall increase in kerosene demand is slightly lower than incremental
demand in the aviation sector. This is because demand for domestic kerosene is set to slightly
decline, hence part of the kerosene volume will ‘shift’ from the residential sector to aviation.

The demand pattern for diesel/gasoil is forecast to be different. Around 60% of this product
is consumed in the road transportation sector, mainly by commercial vehicles, except
for Europe where a significant share of passenger cars still use diesel. With the number
of commercial vehicles set to expand, diesel demand in this segment will also grow. Part
of this incremental demand will, however, be offset by declines in other sectors, such as
marine bunkers, residential and commercial sectors. As a result, demand for diesel/gasoil
is projected to increase by 3.1 mb/d over the forecast period. The majority of this growth
is expected to materialize over the medium-term, at almost 2 mb/d, meaning that demand
growth for this product will slow in the longer-term.

In terms of the heavy part of the refined barrel, consisting mainly of residual fuel oil, bitumen,
petroleum coke, waxes, lubes, still gas and crude oil used for direct burning, projections
indicate virtually no growth for the combined demand of these products. Some demand
increase is projected for residual fuel, particularly during the medium-term period. Part of

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 133

this incremental demand will, however, likely be offset by declines in the long-term so the net
demand increase for residual fuel is around 0.4 mb/d between 2022 and 2045.

Demand for the last group of ‘other products’ is expected to increase from 11.8 mb/d in 2022
to 12.4 mb/d by 2035, then slowly decline over the period 2035–2045. Within this group,
demand for bitumen, lubes and waxes is expected to increase, especially in developing
countries. This, however, will be more than offset by the declining use of crude oil to generate
electricity. Moreover, the increasing complexity of the future refining sector will reduce the
availability of petroleum coke as refiners strive to produce a higher share of ‘better value’
products. Overall, demand for ‘other products’ is expected to increase by 0.3 mb/d between
2022 and 2045.

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134 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

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Liquids supply

World Oil Outlook 2023

136 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Key takeaways

• A degree of uncertainty continues to surround the medium- and long-term outlook

for non-OPEC liquids supply given recent market volatility, with the global economy
still emerging post-pandemic, record-high inflation and corresponding interest rate
hikes, as well as geopolitical tensions.

• Nevertheless, recent liquids production remains robust, with non-OPEC supply

healthy and OPEC+ maintaining a pre-emptive and cautious stance in order to keep
markets well supplied, balanced and stable.

• Non-OPEC liquids supply is projected to grow by 7 mb/d, from 65.8 mb/d in 2022
to 72.7 mb/d in 2028. Incremental supply in the US makes up nearly half of this, at
3.4 mb/d, with other major drivers being Brazil, Guyana, Canada, Qatar and Norway.

• US tight oil supply is set to continue to grow, albeit not as rapidly as in the boom
years of 2018 and 2019. From 12.7 mb/d in 2022, it is expected to rise to 16.6 mb/d in
2028, where it will essentially plateau before declining again from the early 2030s. US
barrels will continue to make up the bulk of global tight oil supply, but Argentinean
tight oil – largely from Vaca Muerta – is finally poised to take off and triple national
output to 1 mb/d in the long-term.

• With US liquids supply peaking towards the end of the current decade, overall non- 4
OPEC production will also start declining from the early 2030s, eventually falling
to 69.9 mb/d by 2045. Guyana, Canada, Argentina, Brazil and Kazakhstan are some
of the few non-OPEC producers set to continue growth beyond the medium-term,
but non-crude liquids including biofuels and other unconventionals will also keep

• OPEC liquids will rise steadily from 34.2 mb/d in 2022 to 37.7 mb/d in the medium-
term, and further to 46.1 mb/d by 2045. Thus, OPEC’s share of global liquids supply
will rise from 34% in 2022 to 40% in 2045.

• Long-term investment requirements for the overall oil sector are estimated at a
cumulative $14 trillion (in 2023 $US), or around $610 billion p.a. on average. Of this,
$11.1 trillion is expected to be required in the upstream sector, or an average of $480
billion p.a. This will represent a considerable challenge and potential risk to market
stability and energy security if it does not materialize. Downstream and midstream
requirements are estimated at $1.7 and $1.2 trillion, respectively.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 137

This chapter describes the outlook for liquids supply from 2022–2045.Width: 135.6WOOs,
As in previous mm
the medium-term projections for 2022–2028 and the longer-term outlook are
Height: 65 mmdiscussed
separately, due to the different methodologies employed. The medium-term view relies
on a bottom-up approach, identifying upstream project start-ups, their progress and the
underlying decline in mature fields, while the long-term outlook is based on an assessment
of the available resource base and other factors. US and other tight oil is also modelled and
discussed separately, as are non-crude liquids.

4.1 Global liquids supply outlook

A degree of uncertainty continues to surround the medium- and long-term outlook for non-
OPEC liquids supply given recent market volatility, a global economy still emerging post-
pandemic, record-high inflation and corresponding interest rate hikes, as well as increasing
political polarization and geopolitical tensions.
Figure 4.1

Figure 4.1
Long-term non-OPEC liquids supply outlook









2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
OECD Americas China Latin America Russia
OECD Europe India Middle East Other Eurasia
OECD Asia-Pacific Other Asia Africa Processing gains

Source: OPEC.

Against the backdrop of calls to transition towards a lower-emissions future, persistent long-
term concerns remain around oil and gas sector investment, especially given concerns related
to financing, shareholder pressure, and ESG interests. Nevertheless, recent liquids production
remains robust, with non-OPEC supply healthy and OPEC+ continuing to act proactively to
maintain well-supplied, balanced and stable markets.

4.2 Drivers of medium-term and long-term liquids supply

The outlook for non-OPEC liquids supply retains the pattern described in recent Outlooks –
healthy growth in the medium-term, followed by a peak in the early 2030s, after which output
gradually declines again. Combined with oil demand projected to grow in the long-term, this
implies steadily rising requirements for OPEC liquids, and hence an increasing market share
for OPEC Member Countries.
OECD Americas OECD Europe OECD Asia-Pacific China
India Other Asia La�n America Middle East
World Oil Outlook 2023
138 Africa Russia Organization of the Petroleum
Other Eurasia
Exporting Countries Processing Gains
Figure 4.2

Figure 4.2
Composition of global liquids supply growth







Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
Supply in 2022 Non-OPEC OPEC Supply in 2045
liquids growth liquids growth
Source: OPEC.

Sustained by projections of robust fundamentals, non-OPEC liquids supply is expected to

grow by 7 mb/d, from 65.8 mb/d in 2022 to 72.7 mb/d in 2028. While concerns remain about
whether upstream investments will remain sufficient, a sizable list of upstream projects is
in the pipeline, many of which were set in place in recent years and due to come online in 4
the medium-term. Moreover, US tight oil will remain a major driver of medium-term supply
increases, even as growth slows. Brazil, Guyana and – to a lesser extent – Canada, Qatar,
Figure 4.3
Figure 4.3
Select contributors to non-OPEC total liquids change, 2022–2028

1.5 1.1
1.0 0.8
0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3
–0.5 –0.1 –0.1 –0.1





















Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 139
Height: 65 mm


Norway, Kazakhstan and Argentina will contribute most other barrels. By contrast, Russian
liquids supply is expected to decline in the medium-term, while mature producers such as
Mexico, Azerbaijan and Colombia are also set to see lower output.

Recent data show that after a massive, pandemic-related downturn in 2020, upstream invest-
ment grew by 22% in 2022. This is set to increase by another 13% in 2023. At the same time,
there has been considerable cost inflation related to such issues as labour, raw materials,
Figure 4.4
Figure 4.4
Global upstream (oil only) capital expenditure

$ billion mb/d
600 75
Upstream investment Non-OPEC supply (RHS)

500 70

400 65

300 60

200 55

100 50

0 45
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028

Source: OPEC.

and energy used in upstream activities. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics,
US upstream costs have risen by 23% since early 2021, reaching levels last seen in 2014.
Nevertheless, the list of firm projects that are under development is sufficient to see average
non-OPEC supply growth of 1.2 mb/d p.a. in the medium-term.

US tight oil, meanwhile, is also set to grow, albeit not at rates seen in the ‘shale revolution’
years of the last decade. Drilling and completion rates, key indicators of near-term supply, are
weaker but somewhat offset by efficiency gains, technology, and the growing significance of
unconventional natural gas liquids (NGLs) in the overall picture.

After US tight oil peaks around 2030, and as a result US liquids supply, total non-OPEC
liquids will also likely peak shortly thereafter at 73.5 mb/d. By 2045, supply is projected
to drop to 69.9 mb/d again, as a decline in the US and other mature producers – including
Norway, Mexico, Colombia, the UK and China, among others – fails to offset continued growth
in Canada, Guyana, Argentina, Brazil and Kazakhstan. Non-crude liquids, including NGLs,
biofuels and others, will also continue to grow in the long-term after crude oil from non-
OPEC producers peaks. Meanwhile, total OPEC liquids supply is projected to increase from
34.2 mb/d in 2022 to 46.1 mb/d in 2045, thereby raising the group’s market share from 34%
to 40% in the long-term.

World Oil Outlook 2023

140 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

4.3 Breakdown of liquids supply outlook by main regions

Regionally, medium-term non-OPEC liquids supply growth remains heavily centred on the
Americas. Collectively, OECD Americas and Latin America contribute over 90% of incremental
supply in the 2022–2028 period, adding around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. The
Middle East, Africa, OECD Europe and China see smaller increases in the medium-term, while
Russia and Other Asia see a decline.

In the long-term, the supply increase is even more skewed towards Latin America, which
makes up the bulk of non-OPEC liquids supply growth to 2045, contributing 3.4 mb/d to
overall growth of 4.2 mb/d. The Middle East, led by Qatar, along with Africa and OECD Europe,
are also set to make smaller contributions in this period. All other regions are expected to see flat
or lower supply in the long-term.

Table 4.1
Long-term global liquids supply outlook mb/d
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
US 19.2 21.7 22.4 21.0 19.7 18.3 –0.9
of which: tight oil 12.7 15.4 16.7 16.0 15.2 14.1 1.4
Canada 5.6 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.5 6.9 1.3
of which: oil sands 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.7 4.1 4.5 1.4
Mexico & Chile 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 –0.5
OECD Americas 26.9 29.7 30.3 29.0 27.9 26.8 0.0
OECD Europe 3.6 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.8 0.3
OECD Asia-Pacific 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 4
OECD 30.9 34.1 34.8 33.4 32.3 31.1 0.2
Latin America 6.3 7.4 8.9 9.6 9.9 9.8 3.4
Middle East 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 0.5
Africa 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 0.3
China 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 –0.1
India 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.0
Other Asia 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 –0.4
Russia 11.0 10.2 10.3 10.7 10.7 10.5 –0.6
Other Eurasia 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.1 0.1
Non-OECD 32.4 33.2 35.7 36.5 36.4 35.6 3.2
Processing gains 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.2 0.8
Non-OPEC 65.8 69.8 73.3 72.9 71.7 69.9 4.2
Crude 43.9 46.1 47.4 45.9 43.8 41.4 –2.5
of which: tight crude 8.9 10.9 11.7 11.3 10.6 9.8 0.9
NGLs 12.5 13.6 15.0 15.1 15.1 14.8 2.3
of which: unconventional NGLs 5.4 6.4 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.1 1.7
Global biofuels 2.8 3.1 3.6 4.0 4.5 4.7 1.9
of which: fuel ethanol 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7 0.9
of which: biodiesel 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.0 1.0
Other liquids 4.1 4.4 4.6 4.9 5.3 5.9 1.8
of which: GTLs 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0
of which: CTLs 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1
of which: others incl. Canadian oil sands 3.6 3.9 4.0 4.3 4.6 5.2 1.6
Total OPEC liquids 34.2 36.5 38.9 41.6 43.7 46.1 11.9
World 100.0 106.3 112.2 114.4 115.4 116.0 16.0

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 141

Figure 4.5
mboe/d Figure 4.5
Non-OPEC liquids supply outlook by region

2022 2028 2045



































Source: OPEC.

As in previous Outlooks, the US remains by far the largest source of non-OPEC liquids supply
growth in the medium-term, with production growing by 3.4 mb/d through 2028, out of a total
projected non-OPEC liquids supply increase of 7 mb/d. This in turn is overwhelmingly driven
by tight oil, which increases by 3.9 mb/d in this period (tight crude and unconventional NGLs
combined), and which will more than offset modest declines in conventional Lower-48 crude
and conventional NGLs. Biofuels supply will also increase marginally.

US tight crude is projected to grow from 7.9 mb/d in 2022 to 10.4 mb/d in 2028, or by a solid
2.5 mb/d. The bulk of this, a full 2.1 mb/d, is projected to be realized in the Permian Basin,
with the Eagle Ford and Bakken adding another 0.2 mb/d and 0.1 mb/d, respectively, and the
other basins essentially flat.

US unconventional NGLs are projected to grow another 1.5 mb/d, easily offsetting the decline
in conventional NGLs of 0.2 mb/d. Unconventional NGLs output largely remains a side-effect
of continued strong growth in natural gas, which in turn has benefited from strong global
demand for LNG amid the recent energy crisis.

Crude production in the offshore Gulf of Mexico is also expected to increase; production in the
region is projected to outstrip pre-pandemic levels and achieve a new record level of around
2 mb/d by 2026, the result of a slew of medium-term projects coming on-stream. These
include a further ramp-up at Phase 2 of the 120 kb/d Mad Dog, with the start-up of the Argos
platform in April 2023. The Shell-operated Vito field also started production in early 2023 and
is set to add 80 kb/d.

Other sizeable projects in the next few years include Anchor and Whale (each with 80 kb/d,
with first production in 2024), Shenandoah and Shenzi North, adding 40 kb/d and 25 kb/d,
respectively, in 2025, and Ballymore and Sparta, each with around 75 kb/d capacity, expected

World Oil Outlook 2023

142 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

to start-up in 2026. However, after reaching a 2026 peak of 2 mb/d, Gulf of Mexico crude pro-
Figure 4.6
duction is projected to then decline gradually due to a dearth of new projects.

Figure 4.6
US total liquids supply outlook

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Tight crude GoM crude Other crude Biofuels
Unconventional NGLs Alaska crude Conventional NGLs Other liquids
Source: OPEC.

Alaska is expected to experience somewhat of a renaissance after several years of stagna- 4

tion. From average production of 440 kb/d in 2022, output is projected to rise to 510 kb/d by
2028. The 80 kb/d Pikka field is due to come online in 2026, followed by the large Willow field,
with a capacity of 180 kb/d, set to see first oil in 2028.

Table 4.2
US total liquids supply in the long-term mb/d

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
US tight oil 12.7 15.4 16.7 16.0 15.2 14.1 1.4
of which: tight crude 7.9 9.7 10.2 9.6 8.8 7.8 –0.1
of which: unconventional NGLs 4.7 5.7 6.5 6.4 6.4 6.2 1.5
US Gulf of Mexico crude 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 –0.5
US Alaska crude 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 –0.3
US other crude 1.8 1.5 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.3 –1.5
US other crude Unconven�onal
1.2 NGLs
1.0 GoM crude
0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9Alaska –0.2
US biofuels 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 0.3
Other crude Conven�onal NGLs Biofuels Other liquids
US other liquids 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0
Memo item: US total crude 11.9 13.5 13.4 12.0 10.7 9.5 –2.4
Memo item: US total NGLs 5.9 6.7 7.4 7.3 7.3 7.1 1.2
Total US liquids production 19.2 21.7 22.4 21.0 19.7 18.3 –0.9

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 143

The fact that the large Willow field will be developed raises the prospect of extended
stabilization or even further recovery in Alaskan crude production. First developed in the late
1970s, oil production in the northern state hit a peak of around 2 mb/d in the late 1980s, and
was still as high as 1 mb/d in the early 2000s.

Willow was only given the go-ahead by the Biden administration in March 2023, after much
deliberation and some modifications, amid worries about its environmental impact and pro-
cedural concerns about the permitting process. With a view towards – in the government’s
own words – balancing energy security and environmental needs, the project saw drilling
pads reduced from 5 to 3, and operator ConocoPhillips forced to relinquish some existing

More generally, the bipartisan IRA signed into law in August 2022 crucially links incentives
to increase renewable energy capacity with offering upstream acreage in regular lease sales
of a minimum of 60 million acres offshore and 2 million acres onshore each year. This along
with revived lease sales held by the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in early 2023 –
the first to be held in over a year, which attracted significant bidding interest – suggest that
the current US administration remains cognizant of the importance of continued investment
in domestic oil and gas production.

US biofuels are projected to increase to 1.3 mb/d in the medium-term, with the increase split
evenly between fuel ethanol and biodiesel. ‘Other liquids’, including refinery additives, kero-
gen and synthetic fuels, are expected to stay flat at 0.2 mb/d over the medium-term.

After peaking in the late 2020s, US total liquids then decline modestly in the long-term to 18.3
mb/d in 2045. Conventional crude and NGLs will decline the most, while tight crude will end
up at 7.8 mb/d, marginally lower than in 2022. Unconventional NGLs will keep growing, rising
to 6.2 mb/d, as will biofuels – driven by mandates – that increase to 1.5 mb/d. Still, over the
entire 2022–2045 period, US total liquids are projected to fall modestly, by 0.9 mb/d.

The outlook for Canadian liquids supply remains steady growth, both in the medium- and
long-term. Projections are for total supply to rise from 5.6 mb/d in 2022 to 6.1 mb/d in 2028.
This increment will be driven by growth in oil sands production from 3.2 mb/d in 2022 to 3.5
mb/d in 2028 – with modest capacity expansions at existing plants, debottlenecking and effi-
ciency gains rather than wholly new greenfield projects. In the long-term, expectations are
for further increases in oil sands capacity, as the national Pathways CO2 capture project is
already well advanced, with investment funding plans in place. The plan is to start injecting
CO2 in 2026–2028, thus allowing for a significant extension of the life expectancy of relatively
high-emissions oil sands production.

Canada is also set to see modest increases in tight crude, rising to 0.6 mb/d in 2028, while
medium-term conventional crude oil output stays flat at 0.7 mb/d. The country’s crude pro-
duction off its east coast is set to receive a minor boost in the latter part of the medium-term
when the 75 kb/d West White Rose expansion project starts up. The smaller Terra Nova field
is also expected to restart production, having been offline since 2019. However, the major
Bay du Nord project – with a planned capacity of 150 kb/d – was discontinued in mid-2023
after operator Equinor questioned its economics, at least vis-à-vis less challenging upstream
developments elsewhere.

World Oil Outlook 2023

144 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

In the long-term, total Canadian liquids are set to keep expanding, rising to 6.9 mb/d in 2045,
predominantly due to higher oil sands output. This4.7
Figure makes Canada one of the most important
drivers of post-peak non-OPEC liquids supply growth.

Figure 4.7
Canada total liquids supply outlook

Conventional crude Conventional NGLs Biofuels
Tight crude Unconventional NGLs Oil sands

4 Width: 135.6 mm
3 Height: 65 mm

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

In Mexico, the investment decisions following the country’s 2013 energy reforms are increas-
ingly visible, with the long-running decline since peak production in the mid-2000s now halted
and output stabilized. In the medium-term,Figure 4.8(gross) capacity of 500 kb/d is expected
total new

Figure 4.8
Mexico total liquids supply outlook
Crude NGLs and other liquids



Conven�onal crude Tight crude Conven�onal NGLs
Unconven�onal NGLs Biofuels Oil sands

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 145

to come online, including the 85 kb/d heavy crude Pit field from 2025, the 150 kb/d Zama field
from 2026, and the 80 kb/d Trion project from 2028, among others. Trion is notable because
it will be the first deepwater oil field developed in Mexico, in the Perdido Basin, adjacent to
existing producing acreage in US waters. This is still a largely underexplored area, with much
of Mexico’s legacy production closer to shore in shallow waters.

National oil company Pemex is investing heavily, setting upstream capital expenditure at
$13.4 billion for 2023, up by a hefty 48% from the previous year. Much of this is set to be
invested in existing fields, including $2.5 billion allocated for the Ku-Maloob-Zaap (KMZ) field,
the country’s largest and mainstay of national oil production, albeit declining, with capacity
of around 550 kb/d.

However, stabilized production around 2 mb/d is not expected to last, despite the new start-
ups, due to pronounced decline rates at existing, mature fields. Thus, projections are for
Mexico’s liquids supply to dip from 2 mb/d in 2022 to 1.9 mb/d in 2028, unless declines can
be stemmed, and/or additional new projects brought online. Nonetheless, Width:even135.6 mm
in the long-
term, the decline is expected to be quite modest, with production slipping 65 by
to 1.5 mb/d mm 2045
on crude’s decline, despite some offset from higher NGLs production.

Norway is one of a handful of non-OPEC contributors to medium-term liquids supply growth.
With several fields continuing to ramp-up output, or starting up in the next couple of years,
production is projected to grow from 1.9 mb/d in 2022 to 2.3 mb/d in 2028. Notably, the giant
Johan Sverdrup is set to reach capacity of around 750 kb/d and the 200 kb/d Johan Castberg
field in the Barents Sea should come online in 2024. Fenja, Balder X, the Grane expansion
and other developments should add to this too. In late June 2023, the Norwegian govern-
ment gave the go-ahead to another flurry of developments, ensuring further investment in its
upstream sector, notably including the 80 kb/d Yggdrasil
Figure 4.9 development. Previously, in 2022,
Figure 4.9
Norway total liquids supply outlook

Crude NGLs and other liquids





2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

146 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

the looming expiry of a pandemic-induced tax break had already led to a high number of new
projects being sanctioned.

Thus, Norway’s liquids supply is projected to remain at an average of 2.2 mb/d until the mid-
2030s, when, in the absence of further major developments, such as the two Johans, output
will begin to slide. By 2045, liquids supply is estimated to average 1.8 mb/d.

By contrast, fellow North Sea producer the UK is projected to see its medium-term liquids
supply remain relatively flat, at around 0.9 mb/d, albeit with a brief dip in 2025-2027. In
the medium-term, notable new upstream additions include the 35 kb/d Penguins redevel-
opment in 2023, Galapagos, with a similar capacity, in 2025, and new capacity of around 40
kb/d, in the Greater Buchan Area, from 2026. In general, however, the UK suffers from a
shorter and slimmer list of upstream development projects, reflecting its smaller remain-
Width: 135.6 mm
ing resource base compared to Norway, and thus fewer attractive larger-scale projects.
Height: 65 mm
In addition, industry bodies and some operators present in the UK have complained of unat-
tractive economics, after the UK government in May 2022 introduced the ‘Energy Profits
Levy’, in effect a windfall tax on production. The tax, which was hiked in early 2023 and is
supposed to remain in place until 2028, was introduced in the wake of high energy prices.
According to industry association Offshore Energies UK, a large majority of its members
are considering scaling down investments in the UK or even pulling out as a result. The
tax remains in place for the time being, but the government introduced a price floor in
mid-2023, which would eliminate the tax if the prices of oil and gas fall below a certain 4

In late July 2023, Prime Minister Sunak announced that 100+ new licences to drill oil and
gas in the North Sea would be granted, in an attempt to shore up domestic production.
Figure 4.10
UK total liquids supply outlook

Crude NGLs Biofuels Other liquids
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 147

Nonetheless, with a degree of uncertainty surrounding UK investment conditions, expecta-

tions are for a further gradual slide in output beyond the medium-term, while projections
indicate that total liquids supply will inch down to 0.7 mb/d by 2045. This total masks the
fact that expected growth in biofuels and synthetic aviation fuel will somewhat offset the
decline in crude supply in this period.

Brazil remains one of the key contributors to non-OPEC liquids supply growth, especially in
the medium-term. Output is projected to rise from 3.7 mb/d in 2022 to 4.8 mb/d in 2028, as
a steady stream of large-scale developments in the country’s deepwater ‘pre-salt’ producing
areas comes online. In this period, the country is expected to see a gross nameplate capac-
ity of 2.5 mb/d start producing, albeit not all of this capacity will be fully utilized or ramp-up
fully within this timeframe. In part, new capacity will be offset by natural decline in older off-
shore and onshore oil fields. Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
In the coming years, however, Brazil will see the start-up of stages 5 to 10 of the super-giant
Buzios field, already one of the country’s most prolific, with each stage adding 150-225 kb/d
of capacity, based around large floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units. In
addition, stages 1, 2 and 3 of the Mero field will start up in 2023, 2024 and 2025, respectively,
each with 180 kb/d capacity. Other large new developments include the 220 kb/d Bacalhau
field, due to come online in 2025, and phase 1 of the 120 kb/d Sergipe-Alagoas project, due
to see first oil flow in 2026.

In the longer-term, Brazil’s liquids supply is also expected to grow, albeit less rapidly. Output
is set to peak at 5.3 mb/d in the mid-2030s and still average 5.2 mb/d by 2045.

While the pre-salt area in the Santos Basin is likely to continue to prove an attractive
investment proposition, the government Figure
has also4.11
set in place a new programme, entitled,

Figure 4.11
Brazil total liquids supply outlook

Crude NGLs Biofuels

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

148 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

‘Potencializa E&P’. This is designed to set incentives to expand exploration activity in under-
explored areas, including Brazil’s ‘equatorial margin’, south of areas that have proven rich in
hydrocarbon resources within Guyana and Suriname’s maritime territories. National oil com-
pany Petrobras’s 2023–2027 strategic investment plan foresees that around half of its $6 bil-
lion exploration budget is directed towards this area, or some 16 of 42 planned exploration
wells. Of note, activity in the area – effectively offshore of the mouth ofWidth: 135.6
the Amazon mm
river – is
being disputed for ecological reasons. Height: 65 mm
Nonetheless, Brazil is expected to remain one of the key sources of non-OPEC liquids supply
growth due to its ample resources, stable policy framework and well-established infrastruc-
ture, ensuring continued investment.

Argentina too is projected to see a meaningful liquids supply increase, both in the medium-
and long-term. With output having averaged 750 kb/d for the past 20 years, total liquids sup-
ply is expected to rise from 0.8 mb/d in 2022 to 1 mb/d in 2028, largely as a result of tight
crude in the Vaca Muerta formation of Neuquén province finally taking off, with production
expected to double in this period. With export bottlenecks gradually easing, further long-term
Figure 4.12
growth is anticipated, with total liquids projected to reach 1.4 mb/d by 2045.

Figure 4.12
Argentina total liquids supply outlook

Tight crude Other crude Unconventional NGLs Other NGLs Biofuels







2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

In addition, there is potential for even further growth. New areas are attracting exploration, includ-
ing the offshore Argentine Basin in the south of the country. Geologically, this area is allegedly
akin to its counterpart in southern Africa, Namibia, where recent large discoveries have been
made, including the large Venus field, with potentially 5 billion boe of recoverable oil and gas. The
Argentine Basin is considered one of the least-explored remaining areas in the world.

The Argentine government is planning a new round of offshore oil and gas exploration
blocks. The last round was in 2019, but plans for a follow-up were stymied by COVID-19.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 149

YPF estimates there are 31 billion boe of potential offshore hydrocarbon resources, which is
even more than its estimate for the onshore Vaca Muerta that has estimated resources of 29
billion boe.

Guyana’s liquids supply is projected to maintain its recent strong ramp up, as the world’s
major emerging oil producer continues to bring on-stream new FPSOs. From 0.3 mb/d in
2022, with Liza Phase 1 operating since 2019, and Liza Phase 2 increasing output since start-
up in 2022, total output is projected to rise to 1 mb/d by 2028. Incremental supply capacity is
well documented, with four new FPSOs likely to commence production in the medium-term,
including the Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail projects. Each comprise several sub-fields
and utilize large 220–250 kb/d FPSOs.

Highly productive wells have led to existing production facilities exceeding 135.6
nameplate mm
ity after debottlenecking, Moreover, new projects are being sanctionedHeight:
at a rapid65
mm and
more are expected. In March 2023, the country announced a new offshore round, with 14
blocks available, after 2022 saw 1.8 billion boe discovered. Of these finds, ten were in the
Stabroek block, while another discovery was made in the Corentyne Block.

According to the partners developing the major Stabroek block, ExxonMobil, Hess Corporation
and CNOOC, the first six FPSOs are largely on track and the plan may eventually to be have as
many as ten operating in the country. This Outlook’s projections are for a further rise in liq-
uids supply, from 1 mb/d in 2028 to a peak of around 1.9 mb/d that is sustained from the late
2030s. As such, Guyana is the single largest contributor to long-term non-OPEC liquids sup-
ply growth, as although the US will add more in the medium-term, output there is expected
to peak and decline thereafter.
Figure 4.13

Figure 4.13
Guyana total liquids supply outlook











2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

150 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm

The outlook for liquids supply in Colombia is facing a degree of uncertainty after the elec-
tion of President Gustavo Petro. Essentially elected upon a platform to wind down the coun-
try’s oil and gas production, while diversifying the country’s economy, the fact remains that
Colombia remains hugely dependent on export revenues from the hydrocarbons sector. With
no new exploration licences being issued, no acreage sales, and a ban on fracking, despite
Colombia’s vast shale potential, projections indicate a gradual decline in supply from 0.8
mb/d in 2022 to 0.7 mb/d in 2028. Thereafter, assuming no major change in policy, and with
a relatively high maturity in existing fields, output is expected to slide further to around 0.5
mb/d in the mid-2030s, and to as low as 0.4 mb/d in 2045.
Figure 4.14

Figure 4.14
Colombia total liquids supply outlook

Crude NGLs Biofuels





0.3 4


2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

Qatari liquids supply is projected to increase from 1.9 mb/d in 2022 to 2.4 mb/d in 2028, as
the next large stage in the development of the super-giant offshore North Field starts to come
online from around mid-decade. Primarily a project to increase gas production and thus LNG
exports, the field is also expected to ultimately add around 0.5 mb/d of NGLs once fully on-
stream. With relatively steady crude output of around 0.6 mb/d, Qatar’s total liquids is thus
projected to remain around 2.5 mb/d from 2030.

Liquids supply from non-OPEC African producers is projected to rise from 1.3 mb/d in 2022 to
1.6 mb/d in 2028, as newcomers Senegal, Uganda and Mozambique all see projects start up.

Senegal is expected to produce first oil at Phase 1 of its Sangomar development in late 2023/
early 2024, with nameplate capacity of 100 kb/d. Uganda is projected to see its Lake Albert
project come on-stream in 2026, with the Tilenga field contributing 190 kb/d in a first phase.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 151

This is set to be followed by the 40 kb/d Kingfisher field, likely to come online in 2027. Lastly,
Mozambique is set to add modest volumes of condensate related to its Mozambique LNG pro-
ject, due to start up in 2026. Moreover, some growth will come from the fast-tracked Baleine
in Ivory Coast, which is projected to add 15 kb/d later in 2023 as the FPSO commences opera-
tions. Later stages should see a further 55 kb/d added.

A lot of excitement has surrounded further discoveries offshore Namibia, adding

Width: to the mm
135.6 giant
Venus field that is expected to hold an estimated 5 billion boe of recoverable
Height: 65 mmgas.
oil and
The new discoveries, including Jonker, Graff and La Rona, raise the likelihood of Venus being
developed and Namibia joining the club of oil producers. First oil from Venus could come on-
stream in the latter half of the 2020s.

Elsewhere, development of the South Lokichar complex in Kenya still looks uncertain, after
TotalEnergies and Africa Oil Corp seem likely to depart the consortium, leaving Tullow as the
sole operator. And in Ghana, development of the Pecan field is on hold given part-ownership
by Lukoil and associated legal complications.

With production somewhat flat in legacy producers, including Egypt, Chad and South Africa,
total non-OPEC African liquids production is expected to remain fairly stable at 1.7 mb/d for
most of the 2030s, before declining slightly to average 1.6 mb/d by 2045.
Figure 4.15

Figure 4.15
Africa total liquids supply outlook










2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Chad Egypt Ghana South Africa Sudan/South Sudan Africa other*

* Africa other includes Cameroon, Senegal, Tunisia, Uganda and smaller producers, but excludes African OPEC
Source: OPEC.

Russia’s liquids supply is projected to decline from 11 mb/d in 2022 to 10.1 mb/d in 2028.
After declining to 10.4 mb/d in 2023/24, Russian supply is set to creep lower to 10.1 mb/d
due to a lack of investment in new capacity, but it is expected to pick up again in the 2030s.

World Oil Outlook 2023

152 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm

The government and state-owned major Rosneft say that the Vostok mega-project will still go
ahead, with Rosneft, for example, starting work on the Ichemminskoye field. This field would
become part of the Vankor cluster, with crude oil to be delivered to the nearby Lodochnoye
field. According to the government, crude exports from the Vostok project will be 600 kb/d,
starting from 2024, rising to 2 mb/d by 2030, mostly using the Northern Sea Route.

This Outlook projects that, having recovered to around 10.7 mb/d by the mid-2030s, total
liquids supply will slide to around 10.5 mb/d by 2045, with strong declines at increasingly
mature fields more than offsetting growth in new fields.
Figure 4.16
Figure 4.16
Russia total liquids supply outlook

Crude NGLs



2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

Kazakhstan’s liquids supply is expected to continue to grow, rising from 1.8 mb/d in 2022
to 2.1 mb/d in 2028. New barrels from the continued ramp-up of the Tengiz Future Growth
Project drive expansion in the early part of the medium-term period, with the total increment
from this redevelopment adding 260 kb/d capacity. Later on, a gas re-injection project at the
Kashagan field and modest expansion at the Karachaganak field will add more barrels.

In the longer-term, further incremental supply at all three of Kazakhstan’s aforementioned

giant fields is likely to sustain supply growth, projected to reach and be sustained at around
2.4 mb/d from the mid-2030s. Export routes would likely need to be re-examined to ensure
future expansions. While the bulk of the country’s crude exports to date travel through the
Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) line, which traverses southern Russia and loads from the
Black Sea terminal at Novorossiysk, Kazakhstan is reportedly also considering expanding
a smaller line that currently carries some 200–400 kb/d to China (a share of which is typi-
cally Russian crude oil). In addition, the country is examining shipping more crude across
the Caspian to Azerbaijan, from where it could be loaded onto the underutilized Baku-Tbilisi-
Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, which terminates on Turkiye’s Mediterranean coast.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 153
Figure 4.17
Figure 4.17
Kazakhstan total liquids supply outlook

Crude NGLs





Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

Despite a large mature base, China has managed to increase production in recent years, and
is projected to see a small increase in total liquids supply from 4.5 mb/d in 2022 to 4.6 mb/d
in 2028. A relatively modest string of start-ups, mostly offshore, will serve to offset natu-
ral decline at the country’s large onshore legacy fields, including Daqing, Shengli and oth-
ers. New start-ups in the medium-term include Luda 21–2, a cluster of Qinhuangdao fields,
Huizhou 26-6 and Jinhuazhen, all with capacities in the 30–50 kb/d range.
Figure 4.18

Figure 4.18
China total liquids supply outlook
Crude NGLs Biofuels Other liquids

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

154 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

With an eye on energy security amid geopolitical tensions, the Chinese majors are under
pressure to increase capital expenditure and maintain, or even boost the upstream supply of
oil and increasingly, natural gas. To some extent, this will be visible throughout the 2030s,
when China is projected to maintain relatively stable production levels until the late part of
the decade, with only a modest decline in the long-term, to average 4.3 mb/d in 2045.

The aforementioned decline in conventional crude will be partially offset by modest growth
Width: 135.6 mm
in tight oil, which is set to rise from 130 kb/d in 2022 to 170 kb/d in 2028, and further to 320
kb/d in the long-term. Biofuels supply is projected to grow from 0.1 mb/dHeight:
in 2022 65 mm
to 0.3 mb/d
in 2045, with a modest increase in CTLs from 0.2 mb/d to 0.3 mb/d, and an estimated 0.1
mb/d of synthetic aviation fuel.

4.4 Breakdown of liquids supply by type of liquids

As in previous Outlooks, crude oil will drive growth in the medium-term, adding around half
of the non-OPEC liquids supply increment of 7 mb/d. NGLs will make up another 2.1 mb/d
of growth, while global biofuels, other liquids and refinery processing gains combined add
another 1.3 mb/d in this period. In the long-term, the crude oil trend is reversed. From 2022
to 2045, non-OPEC crude oil supply declines by 2.5 mb/d, but this will be offset by strong
NGLs growth of 2.3 mb/d, global biofuels and other liquids at 1.9 mb/d and 1.8 mb/d, respec-
mboe/d tively, and incremental refinery processing gains of 0.6 mb/d.

Figure 4.19
Non-OPEC liquids supply outlook by type 4

Conventional crude Non-conventionals (excl. tight oil & biofuels)
80 Conventional NGLs Biofuels
Tight oil (crude & NGLs) Refinery processing gains







2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

4.4.1 Tight oil: US and other developments

Global tight oil supply is projected to grow strongly in the medium-term, rising from 14.3
mb/d in 2022 to 18.7 mb/d by 2028. The bulk of these barrels is in the US, which makes
up 90% of global supply and drives the increase in output. However, Canada and Argentina
are already sizeable producers, with 2022 levels of 1.2 mb/d and 0.3 mb/d. Russia, China
and others are set to remain much smaller producers of tight oil for the time being. In the

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 155

long-term, besides the US, which sees total tight oil output peak in the early 2030s albeit
with long-term growth relative to 2022, the other main driver is Argentina, where total out-
put grows to around 1 mb/d by 2045, as supply from Neuquén Province finally starts to
ramp up.
Figure 4.20

Figure 4.20
Tight oil supply breakdown

US Canada Russia Argentina China Other
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

Tight oil producers in the US remain under pressure to return more profits to shareholders,
concentrate on cutting costs and improve the bottom line over investing in new production.
Upstream cost inflation has become a concern, with respondents to a regular Dallas Fed sur-
vey in early 2023, for instance, highlighting widespread concerns about costs, supply chain
challenges and worries about access to capital.

Nevertheless, US tight oil supply has held up well despite numerous warnings of immi-
nent decline. Essentially, tight crude production levels have returned to pre-pandemic
volumes on an annual basis when comparing 2022 with 2019 output. Moreover, output
has continued to grow month-on-month, despite drilling rig counts stagnating and even
declining slightly since late 2022, and measures of well completion, fracking and other
activity also slowing.

The bottom line is that productivity in the wider sense is still increasing, with output rising
despite fewer rigs, lower investment and cost inflation. A key driver of this state of affairs is
US technology.
advances in relevant Canada As companies
Russia have consolidated
Argen�na acreage China Other
through acqui-
sitions, the larger producers have benefited from contiguous land, maximizing the spacing
and timing of drilling, completion, logistics and takeaway for a larger patch of land, thereby
essentially benefiting from economies of scale. On this basis, for example, ExxonMobil claims
that its Permian drilling efficiency has quadrupled in recent years, only needing one-quarter
of the rig count to generate the same output.

World Oil Outlook 2023

156 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 4.21

Figure 4.21
US tight crude oil supply by major producing basin

Permian Bakken Eagle Ford Niobrara Other


Width: 135.6 mm
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Height:
2040 65 2045

Source: OPEC.

Other technology advances also remain important in determining tight oil’s long-term future.
ExxonMobil, for example, quotes current extraction rates of around 10% per well compared 4
to rates in a range of 20–40% for conventional fields. Raising extraction rates, by improving
fracking techniques, or fracking multiple times, so-called ‘refracking’ and experimenting with
proppants, could in theory all raise the productivity of individual wells hugely. Refracking
in particular, including older wells, appears to be a relatively simple and low-cost means to
extract more oil from the ground. Figure 4.22

Figure 4.22
US producer cost composite index (January 2010 = 100)








Sep 21
Mar 11
Oct 11

Feb 21
Jan 10

Jan 17
Aug 17

Jul 20

Jun 23
Aug 10

May 12
Dec 12

Sep 14

Jun 16

Mar 18
Oct 18
May 19
Dec 19

Apr 22
Jul 13
Feb 14

Nov 22
Nov 15
Apr 15

Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 157

The role of the super-majors and larger producers in terms of growing US tight oil supply
could increase, with ExxonMobil looking to expand output by 10% in 2023, raising it to 1
mboe/d by 2027. Chevron is also looking to increase output by 9% in 2023, to 770 kboe/d,
after increasing output by 16% in 2021.
Width: 135.6 mm
Another crucial, but often forgotten reason for overall US liquids Height: 65 mm
supply growth is the
continued success story of unconventional NGLs. Unlike tight and other crude in the US,
NGLs supply never stopped growing, even against the background of the enormous demand
shock resulting from COVID-19 in 2020. The US retains a significant cost advantage over
other producers in terms of developing new gas supplies, coupled with a long list of new LNG
exporting capacity coming online.

Thus, overall, US tight oil production is still holding up well. Its recovery from the pandemic-
induced crisis and recent performance are impressive, and its short- and medium-term growth
potential is significant. Even though growth has slowed and will most likely remain lower than
in the boom years, US tight oil is nonetheless projected to make up 56% of medium-term non-
OPEC supply growth. In the long-term, even after US tight oil has long peaked, it is still expected
to make up a sizeable 20% of non-OPEC supplyFigure 4.23or 12% of global liquids supply.
in 2045,
Figure 4.23
US tight oil breakdown

US tight crude US unconventional NGLs




2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

Argentinian tight oil prospects are brightening, with interest and investment in the Vaca
Muerta formation in the Neuquén Province increasing, as long-standing infrastructure con-
straints gradually begin to ease. The Trans-Andean pipeline from Neuquén Province to Chile,
a 100 kb/d capacity line, is being revived after years of inactivity. It will allow for supply of
crude to a refinery in Concepcion on Chile’s coast, or potentially crude exports. At the same
time, Oleoductos de Valle is planning to double its 225 kb/d crude pipeline out of Vaca Muerta
by the end of 2024.

World Oil Outlook 2023

158 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

National oil and gas company YPF is also considering another pipeline to the country’s
Atlantic Coast, with a potential capacity of 380 kb/d. The latter would include a crude export
terminal capable of loading Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs). YPF itself has noted that with
plans to double its current domestic production of 225 kb/d by 2027, it will exceed domestic
refining capacity, and thus need export outlets to allow for further growth.

Years of experience in tight oil formations in the US are also helping to unlock barrels, with
techniques increasingly applied in Argentina. These include optimized well spacing, longer
laterals being drilled, better completion efficiencies, and other gains, all resulting in higher
initial production volumes.

As a result of the improved outlook, Argentinean tight oil prospects have been raised.
Projections are for total volumes to double from 270 kb/d in 2022 to 560 kb/d in 2028, and
keep growing beyond, eventually averaging an estimated 1 mb/d by 2045.

4.4.2 Other non-crude liquids supply

The supply of other non-crude liquids are set to continue to make a modest, but meaningful con-
tribution to long-term non-OPEC liquids supply growth. Global biofuels, including fuel ethanol,
biodiesel, and eventually some small volumes of biojet, are projected to grow from 2.8 mb/d in
2022 to 4.7 mb/d in 2045. A desire to reduce emissions, while recycling biological wastes, means
that rules mandating percentage shares of biofuels in petroleum-based fuels continue to tighten.

Recently, given the greater difficulty of fitting aircraft with either electric or hydrogen propulsion, 4
there has been a widespread discussion of so-called sustainable aviation fuels being developed.
For instance, the EU is considering mandating substantial blending rules of up to 70% by 2050,
which could be covered by biological-origin jet fuel (biojet), recycled carbon-based fuels, or
entirely synthetic fuels using captured CO2 and hydrogen. The IATA, the aviation industry body,
has calculated that the production of such fuels would have to rise to 7.75 mb/d by 2050 for the
sector to reach net-zero targets. This compares to estimated aviation demand of 10.2 mb/d in

Table 4.3
Long-term global non-crude liquids supply outlook
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Fuel ethanol 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7 0.9
Biodiesel 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.0 1.0
Global biofuels 2.8 3.1 3.6 4.0 4.5 4.7 1.9
Canadian oil sands 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.7 4.1 4.5 1.4
Gas-to-liquids (GTL) 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0
Coal-to-liquids (CTL) 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1
Synthetic aviation fuel 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4
Other* 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 –0.1
Total 'Other liquids' 4.1 4.4 4.6 4.9 5.3 5.9 1.8
Non-OPEC total 7.0 7.6 8.2 8.9 9.8 10.6 3.7

* Including kerogen, extra-heavy crude, MTBE and other refinery additives.

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 159

2045. However, this must be seen against estimated production in 2022 of only 5 kb/d, or 0.1%
of last year’s aviation demand, indicating the size of the challenge ahead.

This Outlook estimates that biojet production (included in ‘biodiesel’) will rise to 0.3 mb/d by
2045, and synthetic aviation fuel (included in ‘other liquids’) to 0.4 mb/d, on the premise that
currently floated ambitious mandates will not all be implemented, nor attained. However, if
this were the case, higher production profiles would be possible. Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
Meanwhile, supply growth in ‘other liquids’, besides synthetic aviation fuel, is dominated by
Canadian oil sands, which are expected to see steady growth from 3.2 mb/d in 2022 to 4.5
mb/d in 2045. CTLs and GTLs will grow very modestly, to a combined 0.7 mb/d by 2045.

4.5 OPEC liquids

OPEC liquids supply is projected to grow by 3.5 mb/d in the medium-term, from 34.2 mb/d
in 2022 to 37.7 mb/d in 2028, as demand continues its post-pandemic recovery, especially in
the 2023–2025 period. After US liquids supply, and thus non-OPEC liquids, peak in the early
2030s, OPEC liquids will continue to grow, eventually rising to 46.1 mb/d in 2045. In terms
of market share, this means that OPEC liquids will rise from 34% of global liquids supply in
2022 to 40% by 2045.
Figure 4.24

Figure 4.24
OPEC total liquids supply outlook

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

4.6 Upstream investment requirements

Cumulative oil-related investment requirements remain substantial, in order to guarantee
that growing oil demand needs are met, even while accounting for the natural underlying
decline in existing fields. The upstream sector, which accounts for the bulk of investment
needs, is projected to require $11.1 trillion in the 2023–2045 outlook period, or $480 billion
p.a. (all values expressed in 2023 US dollars).

World Oil Outlook 2023

160 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 4.25

Figure 4.25
Annual upstream investment requirements, 2023–2045

$ (2023) billion
Rest of the World OPEC North America



Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm

2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2043 2045
Source: OPEC.

Regionally, the bulk of this, or 65%, will initially be required in North America, both due to its
relative size and importance in medium-term supply growth, but also due to the relatively
high cost of developing Canadian oil sands, deepwater and tight oil in the US. Over time, this
share is reduced, as the relative significance of developing resources elsewhere increases.
Upstream investment needs in the rest of non-OPEC, excluding North America, are set to rise 4
from $107 billion p.a. in 2022 to $177 Figure 4.26
billion p.a. in 2045. Investment requirements in OPEC
mboe/d Member Countries are set to quadruple, from $35 billion p.a. in 2022, to $136 billion p.a. in 2045.

Figure 4.26
Cumulative oil-related investment requirements by segment, 2023–2045
$(2023) trillion




Source: OPEC.

Ensuring that these investments are made and sustained is a key challenge and of utmost
importance to the stability of oil markets and security of supply. Even as upstream invest-
ment is set to pick up in 2023, rising by 13%, to $360 billion, this only just brings capital
expenditure back to pre-pandemic levels. Hurdles to upstream investment, or even calls to

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 161

curtail investment, are not helpful in this regard, and raise the risk of supply shortfalls and
market volatility.

Besides the upstream sector, estimated investment requirements in the downstream and
midstream sectors are calculated to be $1.7 trillion and $1.2 trillion, respectively, for 2023–
2045. Thus, in sum, global investment requirements for the overall oil sector are assessed at
$14 trillion in the long-term, or nearly $610 billion p.a.

World Oil Outlook 2023

162 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 163

Refining outlook

World Oil Outlook 2023

164 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Key takeaways

• During 2022, the downstream market witnessed major stress tests amid strong
demand growth in the post-pandemic recovery and geopolitical tensions. The market
stabilized somewhat in late 2022 and early 2023.

• A large source of uncertainty over the past year has been Russian product exports
in light of sanctions and price caps. Nevertheless, Russian crude oil producers and
refiners have been able to reroute large portions of their product exports to other
destinations, which has contributed to less market volatility.

• During the medium-term, around 6.6 mb/d of refining capacity additions are
projected. Most of the new additions are in the Asia-Pacific (3.1 mb/d), the Middle
East (1.6 mb/d) and Africa (1.2 mb/d). Additions in other regions are minor and
mostly limited to the expansion of existing refineries.

• In the long-term (2023–2045), global refining additions are at 19.2 mb/d (including
creep capacity). Similar to oil demand growth, additions are front-loaded, with a
significant slowdown in the rate towards 2045.

• Almost 85% of long-term additions are located in the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East
and Africa. This continues the trend of refining capacity migration from developed to
developing countries.

• The medium-term balance shows a tightening market due to strong demand growth.
The estimated deficit of potential refining capacity relative to required refining
capacity is set to increase from 0.7 mb/d in 2023 to 1.7 mb/d in 2028, with the
largest deficits in the Asia-Pacific. 5

• Global utilization rates are set to rise above 80% in 2023, similar to 2019 levels. The
utilization rate is then set to increase to 83% in 2028 due to strong demand growth
and refinery closures.

• Refinery runs are expected to increase to almost 90 mb/d in 2035. The growth
continues beyond 2035 with global runs reaching almost 92 mb/d in 2045. US &
Canada and Europe, as well as developed Asia-Pacific, are set to decline from 2030
onwards. This is more than offset by strong increases in developing regions.

• Around 1.2 mb/d of refinery shutdowns are expected between 2023 and 2028. This is
considerably lower compared to closures in the period 2020-2022.

• Secondary capacity additions to 2045 are significant, with 19.5 mb/d of desulphurization,
10.7 mb/d of conversion capacities and 6.1 mb/d of octane units.

• Total required downstream sector investments are projected at almost $1.7 trillion.
More than $550 billion is required for refinery capacity expansions, while $1.1 trillion
is for continuous maintenance and replacement.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 165

This chapter presents the oil downstream outlook for the period 2023-2045. It is fully
consistent with the Reference Case assumptions, including projections on oil demand
(Chapter 3) and supply (Chapter 4). The chapter examines various market drivers and factors
that may influence the future global refining sector, highlighting challenges, uncertainties
and opportunities. Similar to Chapter 3 and 4, the analysis is conducted in two different
timeframes – the medium-term (2023–2028) and long-term (2023–2045).

The chapter initially focuses on recent downstream developments, followed by an updated

assessment of current ‘base’ capacity by region that is the basis for medium- and long-term
projections. These projections are conducted according to different methodologies. First,
new medium-term refining capacity additions are assessed based on a thorough review of
refinery projects and their progress. Second, based on global and regional oil demand and
supply trends, long-term refining capacity additions (i.e. requirements for additions) are
projected. Moreover, the analysis in this chapter shows how the downstream market balance
is anticipated to evolve in the medium- and long-term. This provides insights into regional
market balances and utilization rates.

There are also discussions and forecasts for recent and near-term refinery closures. In the
medium-term, projections are based on announcements (firm closures) and an assessment
of potential closures by 2028. Beyond 2028, the Reference Case makes no explicit forecasts
on closures, but provides an indication on the required refinery closures.

This chapter also examines medium- and long-term secondary capacity additions.
This includes projections for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC), coking and hydrocracking,
desulphurization capacity, and octane units. Based on these secondary capacity additions
and the projected demand by product, the potential medium-term market balance is

Finally, this outlook forecasts global and regional investment requirements related to
medium-term additions and those beyond this timeframe, as well as investments for
continuous maintenance and replacement.

5.1 Existing refinery capacity

5.1.1 Recent developments in the downstream sector
During 2022, the downstream market witnessed major stress tests amid strong demand
growth in the post-pandemic recovery and geopolitical tensions. Refinery runs increased in
almost all major regions, with the exception of China, due to continued pandemic-related lock-
downs. Nevertheless, China’s refinery throughputs recovered strongly in late 2022 and 1H23,
in line with the relaxation of COVID-related regulations and the consequent demand increase.

The pandemic related demand drop in 2020, coupled with mounting competitive pressure by
East-of-Suez newly commissioned plants and stringent environmental standards on refined
fuels, triggered a wave of refinery closures. More than 4 mb/d of refining capacity closed
between 2020 and 2023. The vast majority of closures took place in developed countries and
regions, including the US, Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

Figure 5.1 shows refinery runs indexed to 2019, the drop in 2020 and the recovery in
subsequent years. Refinery runs in 2022 in major developing regions and countries, such

World Oil Outlook 2023

166 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 5.1

Figure 5.1
Refinery throughputs, indexed to 2019






OECD Americas OECD Asia-Pacific OECD Europe
Middle East China India
2019 2020 2021 2022

Source: OPEC.

as the Middle East and China, were significantly above 2019 levels. This was due to demand
growth and the commissioning of new refinery projects. Runs in India were close to their
pre-pandemic levels in 2022. In developed countries, runs in 2022 were considerably lower
than in 2019. This was especially the case for Europe and OECD Asia-Pacific. Slower demand
recovery and refinery closures were the major reasons for this.

The year 2022 was also challenging in term of geopolitics. The start of the conflict in Eastern
Europe, and related EU sanctions on Russian crude and product imports led to significant 5
uncertainties related to the country’s supply. The aforementioned refinery closures and
limited products exports from China also reduced the available refining capacity across the
year. In addition, due to record high natural gas prices many consumers looked to switch to
alternatives, including diesel. In parallel, refining costs increased considerably in 2022, partly
due to high gas prices. Consequently, gasoline and diesel crack spreads reached record high
levels, with the gasoil spread to Brent in Northwest Europe (NWE) reaching levels of $70/b
in October 2022 (on a monthly average).

However, the market stabilized somewhat in late 2022 and early 2023. Despite EU and US
sanctions and price caps, Russian crude oil producers and refiners were able to reroute large
portions of their product exports to destinations in non-EU Europe, Africa, Middle East, Latin
America and Asia. Furthermore, the downstream market witnessed some large capacity addi-
tions in 2022 and early 2023, including the Al-Zour refinery in Kuwait and the Lianyungang
refinery in China. This reduced fears of potential tightness in product markets.

In mid-2023, the downstream market was strong, especially for gasoline, and much more stable
compared to 2022. As the Reference Case shows, however, expected high demand growth in the
years to come is set to be higher than refinery capacity additions. In addition, further medium-
term capacity closures will likely materialize. All this will likely tighten the downstream market,
leading to increasing utilization rates, especially in developing countries.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 167

Nevertheless, a number of uncertainties are forecast to remain. These are related to demand
growth, the timely expansion of new refining capacity, Russian refinery throughputs and product
exports, China’s export policy, to name a few. This chapter will discuss the major driving forces in
the downstream and highlight potential challenges in the years to come.

5.1.2 Base refinery capacity in 2022

This section provides a detailed update on base capacity assessments – distillation and
secondary capacity, including condensate splitters – of refineries worldwide. It includes
additions to existing refineries, new refineries that have come on stream, as well as closures
that occurred during 2022.

It is important to note that the applied approach is that refineries, unless officially closed, are
included in the database of so-called ‘nameplate’ capacity, although effective capacity may
be identified as being well below the nameplate level. Overall, it should be stated that no
single data source for global and regional refinery capacities could be relied upon entirely.
The quality and availability of capacity reporting varies by refinery, so there is always an
element of determining a ‘best estimate’ for base capacity. This applies for primary capacity,
especially secondary capacity, and for new projects and closures.

Table 5.1 provides details by region and process on the 101 mb/d of assessed base refinery
capacity (distillation) as of January 2023. This includes capacity additions and closures that
occurred during 2022, as well as other necessary adjustments to the base capacity. Last year
saw a relatively high level of closures of above 1 mb/d, mainly triggered by the COVID-19
pandemic. While this was slightly lower compared to 2020 and 2021, it was still far above
average annual closures of around 0.6 mb/d that occurred in the preceding five years.
Together, with capacity additions and necessary capacity adjustments to the base capacities
of individual refineries, these factors led to a net assessed capacity of 101 mb/d at the start
of 2023.

At the regional level, Other Asia-Pacific lost 0.2 mb/d, whereas Russia & Caspian and the
Middle East were the regions where capacities increased. The US & Canada, as well as
Europe, each lost distillation capacity relative to 2022. Other regions had very little, if any,
capacity change during 2022. Developments in 2022 confirm the long-term trend of a refin-
ing capacity migration from developed to developing countries. This is clearly the result of
oil demand trends.

Secondary capacity
Recent refinery capacity additions are complex with expanding secondary processing capacity
per barrel of primary distillation capacity. Furthermore, an increasing number of existing
refiners have geared production towards petrochemical feedstock production, and new
refineries are increasingly designed to yield the maximum level of petrochemical feedstock.
This is in line with demand development, given rising demand for high-quality products, as
well as tightening regulations related to product specifications, especially sulphur levels. The
consequence is increasing market competition, which has also led to the closures of older and
simple units, especially in developed regions.

Global vacuum distillation capacity currently stands at an average 38.5% of crude (atmos-
pheric) distillation capacity, upgrading at 44.5%, gasoline octane units at 20.8% and

World Oil Outlook 2023

168 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

desulphurization at 68.5%. A review of data from previous years confirms these ratios reflect
a steady increase over time.

Figure 5.2 summarizes the data from Table 5.1 as percentages of crude distillation capac-
ity. The table highlights refinery complexity variations between regions. The US & Canada
continue to hold the highest levels of upgrading, gasoline production and desulphurization
relative to distillation. This reflects a traditionally complex refining system. However, state-
of-the-art refinery capacity additions, particularly in the Middle East, China and Other Asia-
Pacific, are raising overall secondary capacity there relative to distillation, with some coun-
tries coming closer to US & Canada levels.

For upgrading capacity, the US & Canada has the highest ratio at almost 59% of distillation
capacity, followed by China at 53 % and Europe at 47 %. All other regions show values in the
30–40% range, apart from Africa at close to 18%.

Table 5.1
Assessed available base capacity as of January 2023 mb/d

US & Latin Russia & Middle Asia-
Canada America Africa Europe Caspian East China Pacific World
Crude oil (atmospheric) 19.4 7.8 3.8 14.9 7.8 10.7 17.6 19.0 101.0
Vacuum 8.8 3.4 0.9 6.3 3.2 3.1 7.3 5.9 38.9
Coking 2.8 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.6 0.4 2.3 1.1 9.0
Catalytic cracking 5.7 1.6 0.2 2.2 0.9 1.1 4.3 3.5 19.5
Hydro cracking 2.4 0.2 0.2 2.4 0.9 1.0 2.5 1.7 11.2
Visbreaking 0.1 0.4 0.2 1.4 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.6 4.0
Solvent deasphalting 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.2 1.2
Octane units
Reforming 3.7 0.6 0.5 2.4 0.8 1.4 2.4 3.0 14.8
Isomerization 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 3.0
Alkylation 1.3 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 2.5
Polymerization 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
MTBE/ETBE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.6
Naphtha 4.7 0.8 0.5 2.9 1.0 2.1 2.4 3.1 17.6
Gasoline 2.9 0.5 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.4 1.6 1.4 7.8
Middle distillates 6.5 2.5 0.8 5.7 2.5 3.2 4.8 6.9 32.9
Heavy oil/Residual fuel 3.1 0.4 0.0 1.8 0.4 0.8 1.1 3.2 10.8
Sulphur (short tons/day) 42,428 7,282 3,589 20,091 8,537 14,666 23,296 39,442 159,332
Hydrogen (million scf/d) 6,389 1,251 354 5,047 2,182 3,373 6,875 6,405 31,876

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 169

Figure 5.2
Secondary capacity relative to distillation capacity, January 2023
US & Canada Latin America Africa Europe Russia & Caspian
90 Middle East China Other Asia-Pacific Global









Upgrading Octane units Desulphurization

Source: OPEC.

In terms of upgrading specifics, there are significant regional differences. The US &
Canada, Latin America and China account for the highest levels of coking, around 26%
of total upgrading in each region. They also account for two thirds of total global coking
capacity. This partly reflects the relatively high supplies of extra heavy grades from Canada
and Latin America.

The same regions, plus Other Asia-Pacific, have the highest proportion of catalytic cracking
at around 49%. All regions, with the exceptions of Latin America and Africa, show significant
levels (21–34%) of hydrocracking in total upgrading. The advantage of hydrocracking is the
relatively high flexibility in light versus middle distillate production. The distribution of mild
upgrading, notably visbreaking, varies widely with significant proportions only in Europe,
Russia & Caspian, Other Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.

For octane units, the US & Canada is an outlier at over 30% of distillation capacity. This is
in line with the region’s exceptionally high gasoline consumption. Europe is at around 23%,
which is a significant share of gasoline demand. This also relates to the presence of installed
gasoline capacity that was there before the continent’s dieselization shift, one that led to a
gasoline surplus. The Middle East, China and Other Asia-Pacific are in the range of 18-20%,
while Latin America, Russian & Caspian and Africa, exhibit lower octane unit proportions, in
the range of 13–15%.

Desulphurization levels vary strongly across regions depending on their fuel standards and
the quality of crude slates. The highest share of desulphurization is in the US & Canada at
almost 90%, which is significantly higher compared to other region. For instance, Africa’s
share of desulphurization was at just below 40% in 2022. Refineries in the US & Canada have
traditionally processed a large proportion of heavy and medium-sour crudes, mostly from
Latin America and the Middle East. Domestically produced heavy barrels in Canada are also
almost exclusively processed in the region.

World Oil Outlook 2023

170 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Europe and Other Asia-Pacific, which include countries such as Japan and South Korea that
possess substantial amounts of residual desulphurization capacity, also have relatively high
proportions of desulphurization capacity, at around 75 % and 77%, respectively. The Middle
East is lower at 61%, while in the remaining regions – Latin America, Russia & Caspian and
China – the level is in the 54–57% range. Africa’s lower level (39%) reflects the fact that the
region is in the earlier stages of progressing toward ultra-low sulphur (ULS) standards for
gasoline and diesel. In addition, a large share of Africa’s crude supply is sweet and, therefore,
needs less desulphurization.

In Europe, the high desulphurization ratio reflects strict product quality regulations because
of the implementation of ULS fuel standards. In Other Asia-Pacific and the Middle East, the
high and rising levels reflect a strong movement to ULS standards, plus a situation where
today large new refineries are invariably built for elevated levels of clean fuel output to ULS
standards. The same trend is under way in China.

As would be expected, the regions with the highest levels of desulphurization relative to
crude capacity also have the highest levels of sulphur recovery and hydrogen capacity.

5.2 Distillation capacity outlook

5.2.1 Medium-term distillation capacity additions
This section focuses on the medium-term development of the downstream sector. This is
based on a thorough review of refining projects, their status and progress. New projects and
the expansion of existing units for both distillation and secondary capacities are listed and
examined. It should be noted that these projections do not include small and under-the-radar
additions (so-called ‘creep’ capacity), which is the natural addition of capacity to an existing
facility that has little or no capital expenditure.
Global assessed refining capacity additions between 2023 and 2028 are at 6.6 mb/d. In terms
of total new refining volume, this figure is slightly lower compared to the WOO 2022.

In part, this is due to the significant capacities commissioned in 2022, including the first phase
of the Al-Zour refinery in Kuwait, and in China, Lianyungang and the first phase of the Jieyang
refinery. On top of these, several smaller expansions were recorded, including in Indonesia,
Malaysia, Colombia and Peru.

There remains a trend for refining capacities to migrate from developed to developing regions,
namely the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa. The three regions are set to accommo-
date the largest share of medium-term capacity additions, representing almost 90% of the
total. Strong demand growth, as well as rising product export strategies in these regions, are
the major drivers behind this trend.

Figure 5.3 presents annual global distillation capacity additions and the expected investment
volume related to new refining projects for the period 2019–2028. The global average rate
of capacity additions for the period from 2023–2028 is forecast at around 1.1 mb/d, which
is slightly lower relative to the WOO 2022. It is interesting to note that 2023 is set to see
the largest capacity addition over the entire period, at 2.1 mb/d. This includes many large
and medium-capacity refineries, some of which were partly commissioned in 2022 with full

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 171
Figure 5.3

Figure 5.3
Annual distillation capacity additions and total project investment

mb/d $(2023) billion

2.5 100
Annual additions Cost (RHS)

2.0 80

1.5 60

1.0 40

0.5 20

0.0 0
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Source: OPEC.

commissioning during 2023. These projects are spread across the Middle East, Africa and the

From 2023 onwards, the rate of additions drops to 1.1 mb/d in 2024, then to 0.9 mb/d in
2027 and around 0.6 mb/d in 2028. This reflects the smaller number of refining projects in
the later part of the medium-term, as well as their lower probability of coming online. This is
also due to the conservative approach taken when estimating the probability that a specific
project is commissioned or not, a reflection of the high uncertainty in the refining industry.
These uncertainties are generally related to such issues as funding, technical issues, market
uncertainties and supply chain disruptions.

Medium term projections for refinery additions by region are in Table 5.2 and Figure 5.4. It is
clear that medium-term capacity additions are concentrated in developing regions, namely
the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa. Combined, they account for more than 5.8 mb/d
(88%) of the total 6.6 mb/d. The medium-term outlook contains several large projects, many
of which have petrochemical integration too.

China is set to be the single largest country contributor to medium-term capacity additions.
It is set to add 1.2 mb/d between 2023 and 2028. The country is reshaping its downstream
sector by building several petrochemical-integrated mega-refineries and phasing out
smaller ones. On top of the two projects commissioned this year, this includes several
other projects, such as the 400 tb/d Yulong refinery with commercial operations slated
for 2024 and the 300 tb/d refinery in Panjin by Huajin Aramco Petrochemical Company.
This company is a joint venture between Aramco, NORINCO Group and Panjin Xincheng
Industrial Group.

Refinery capacity is set to expand by 1.9 mb/d in Other Asia-Pacific. Strong demand growth is
the major driver of refinery capacity additions in these countries. India is also developing an

World Oil Outlook 2023

172 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

expansion of existing facilities and focusing on the petrochemical sector. The country’s tar-
get is to reach 9 mb/d of refining capacity by 2030. The largest refinery project in India is the
1.2 mb/d plant in western Maharashtra, developed by Aramco and ADNOC and several Indian
state-run companies. Due to recent land acquisition issues, however, the mega-project could
be redesigned and consist of several smaller refineries.

Other important projects in the region include plants in Indonesia, led by Pertamina, with for-
eign participation from the likes of Aramco and Rosneft, as well as moderate capacity addi-
tions in Malaysia, Thailand and Pakistan.

The Middle East is projected to see its refinery capacity increase by 1.6 mb/d between 2023
and 2028. Almost half of this growth is likely to materialize in 2023. This consists of the
Al-Zour refinery in Kuwait (410 tb/d phase 2 and 3), Oman’s 230 tb/d Duqm refinery and
Iraq’s 150 tb/d Karbala refinery.

Estimates suggest that Africa will experience medium-term distillation capacity additions
of 1.2 mb/d. A significant portion of this increase is attributed to Nigeria’s Dangote refinery,
which accounts for 650 tb/d of much-needed capacity expansion in the country. The refinery
was officially inaugurated in May 2023 with commercial operation slated to start later this
year. Moreover, Nigeria is set to witness several small modular refineries established in the
medium-term, with capacities of up to 20 tb/d each.

In other countries of Africa, there are plans to construct new refineries. This includes the 100
tb/d refinery in Soyo, Angola, set to come online by 2025. In Algeria (Hassi Messaoud) and
Egypt (Alexandria), modest refining capacity expansions are expected. Furthermore, several
sub-Saharan countries, including Ghana, Guinea, Senegal, and the Republic of the Congo, are
projected to commission new refinery units, primarily of a modular nature. These expansions
aim to address the region’s rapidly growing refined product demand and to reduce product
imports at the same time.

Table 5.2
Distillation capacity additions from existing projects by region, 2023–2028 mb/d

US & Latin Russia & Middle Asia
Canada America Africa Europe Caspian East China Pacific World

2023 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.2 0.1 2.1
2024 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.1 1.1

2025 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.4 1.0

2026 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.3 1.0

2027 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.9

2028 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.6

2023–2028 0.3 0.3 1.2 0.0 0.1 1.6 1.2 1.9 6.6

Share 4.7% 4.9% 17.4% 0.3% 1.8% 24.6% 18.1% 28.1% 100.0%

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 173

Width: 135.6 mm
Latin America, the US & Canada and Russia & Caspian are likely to see 65 mm
very modest refinery
capacity expansions over the same period, with 320 tb/d, 310 tb/d and 120 tb/d, respectively.
This incremental capacity represents existing plants expansion or relative small new capacity
projects, the exceptions being the 340 tb/d Dos Bocas refinery in Mexico and the 250 tb/d
Beaumont refinery in the US. The refinery was commissioned earlier this year. No new
projects are planned for Canada.

Europe is the only region where medium-term distillation capacity expansions are
virtually zero. The one small addition is in Türkiye, which is unlikely to be commissioned
before 2025. This reflects the expected peak in European oil demand in the coming years.
Consequently, this could result in additional capacity closures or conversions to bio
Figure 5.4
Figure 5.4
Distillation capacity additions from existing projects, 2023–2028

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028









US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other
Canada America Caspian East Asia-Pacific
Source: OPEC.

The medium-term projection for new refining capacity is derived from a list of announced
projects totalling over 20 mb/d. However, it is expected that only a portion of these projects
will materialize. The total medium-term capacity additions of 6.6 mb/d encompass projects
at various stages of development. Approximately 2.4 mb/d of capacity is either under
construction or near that stage. These represent the projects with the highest certainty of
being realized in the medium-term.

Additionally, there are projects amounting to more than 4 mb/d that are mostly in the early
stages of development, yet have progressed sufficiently in terms of financing and engineering
to be considered as ‘firm’ medium-term additions. Nevertheless, there is a significant level of
uncertainty surrounding these projects, with a potential risk that some may only commence
beyond the medium-term, or be cancelled for various reasons.

World Oil Outlook 2023

174 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

5.2.2 Long-term distillation capacity additions

This section focuses on long-term refining capacity additions. It is fully aligned with the
underlying Reference Case assumptions. The long-term projections also take into account
medium-term refinery capacity additions (Section 5.2.1) and announced refinery closures
(Section 5.2.5).

Table 5.3 shows distillation capacity additions in the medium- and long-term. It includes
assessed refinery projects in the period 2023-2028 and generic projects thereafter. As
already noted, medium-term additions are estimated at 6.6 mb/d, while in the long-term
a further 12.5 mb/d of distillation capacity is required. Long-term additions are not linked
to specific projects, but are estimated as required in order to meet long-term demand for
refined products. They also include debottlenecking additions, totalling around 0.7 mb/d by
2045. In total, refinery capacity additions are calculated at 19.2 mb/d at the global level.
These additions will also largely offset future refinery closures, most of which are expected
in developed countries where demand is expected to decline.

Table 5.3
Refinery distillation capacity additions by period mb/d

Distillation capacity additions starting 2023

Assessed projects* New units Total Annualized
2023–2025 4.2 0.2 4.3 1.4
2025–2030 2.5 3.3 5.8 1.2
2030–2035 0.0 4.3 4.3 0.9
2035–2040 0.0 3.2 3.2 0.6
2040–2045 0.0 1.5 1.5 0.3
Cumulative distillation capacity additions
Assessed projects* New units Total Annualized
2023–2025 4.2 0.2 4.3 1.4
2023–2030 6.6 3.5 10.1 1.3
2023–2035 6.6 7.8 14.5 1.1
2023–2040 6.6 11.0 17.6 1.0
2023–2045 6.6 12.5 19.2 0.8

* Firm projects exclude additions resulting from capacity creep.

Source: OPEC.

Similar to demand trends, the rate of refinery capacity additions is set to decline towards the
end of the outlook period. The initial period to 2025 is likely to see additions of 4.3 mb/d and
capacity growth for the period 2025–2030 is almost 6 mb/d. The subsequent five-year periods,
however, are projected to have somewhat lower additions. In the last five years of the outlook,
the global downstream sector is forecast to see incremental refining capacity of 1.5 mb/d.

The average annual rate of global additions drops from 1.4 mb/d p.a. in the period to 2025
to 0.3 mb/d between 2040 and 2045. This means that refinery additions at the end of the

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 175

outlook period will likely be expansions of existing capacity, rather than many new greenfield

Figure 5.5 compares global refining capacity additions to oil demand, inclusive of all non-
oil liquids, in the period to 2045. Cumulative oil demand growth to 2035 is estimated at 14.8
mb/d, which is stronger compared to cumulative capacity additions in the same period. After
2035, however, cumulative capacity additions are higher relative to total 135.6
oil demand mm
Height: 65 mm
By 2045, oil demand growth relative to 2022 is just under 16.5 mb/d, which is below global
refining capacity additions of 19.2 mb/d.

This is due to refining capacity additions following regional demand trends. The large
majority of new capacity is set to come online in regions where demand is expected to grow.
As already noted in Chapter 3, non-OECD oil demand (mostly the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and
Africa) is set to increase by 25.7 mb/d between 2022 and 2045. At the same time, OECD oil
demand is projected to decline by 9.3 mb/d, which is why relatively limited capacity additions
are expected in this region. As OECD oil demand starts declining and non-OECD countries
increase their refining capacity, the OECD downstream sector will come under pressure
due to declining utilization rates. This could lead to further shutdowns in the long-term (see
section 5.2.5).
Figure 5.5
Figure 5.5
Distillation capacity additions and oil demand growth, 2023–2045

Capacity additions per period
18 Cumulative capacity additions
Cumulative oil demand growth




2023-2025 2025-2030 2030-2035 2035-2040 2040-2045

Source: OPEC.

Regional additions
Global refining capacity additions between 2023 and 2045 are estimated at 19.2 mb/d.
Medium-term additions are projected at 6.6 mb/d, while required additions beyond 2028 are
at 12.5 mb/d. Similar to medium-term trends, the majority of the refining capacity additions
are expected to occur in developing regions, predominantly the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East
and Africa.

World Oil Outlook 2023

176 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Long-term refining capacity increments in Other Asia-Pacific (excluding China) is estimated

at 7.1 mb/d, in line with strong demand growth. India is the single largest contributor to
capacity additions in this region.

China is expected to add 3.5 mb/d over the same period. Oil demand in China is expected
to reach a plateau after 2035. Consequently, around 80% of additions will be required
before 2035, some of which will likely replace old and inefficient refining capacities in
the country.

Both Other Asia-Pacific and China are likely to see new projects involve several OPEC Member
Countries, such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, with joint venture agreements
already in place.

Africa’s capacity expansions are projected at 3.2 mb/d between 2023 Width:
and 135.6 mm
2045. These
additions will help to satisfy domestic demand growth, as well as reduce
imports, especially in West Africa. New refining capacities can also benefit from local crude
oil supplies. However, project implementation, including financing and technical issues,
remains a challenge on the continent.

The Middle East is set to add 2.3 mb/d of new capacity in the long-term. Of this, 1.6 mb/d is
expected to come online by 2028, which means that additions thereafter are only moderate.
The region has commissioned several large state-of-the-art refineries in recent years, which
will not only help meet expanding domestic demand, but also increase refined product exports
to international markets.

Additions in other regions are minor. Total incremental refining capacity in Latin America is
estimated at around 0.65 mb/d between 2023 and 2045. These additions are significantly
Figure 5.6
lower relative to oil demand growth in the same period. This is due to two reasons. First,

Figure 5.6
Crude distillation capacity additions, 2023–2045

2023–2025 2025–2030 2030–2035 2035–2040 2040–2045

US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other
Canada America Caspian East Asia-Pacific

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 177

Latin America has a large number of plants that are currently under-utilized. Some of these
plants could be modernized, which would help to increase refined products output. Second,
the region is likely to see increasing inflows of refined products from the US, where surplus
refining capacity is set to turn to international product markets.

Long-term refinery additions in the US & Canada are expected at 2 mb/d, with more than half
being commissioned before 2030. The region’s downstream sector has reached maturity and
further additions are likely to be limited, generally replacing some older and less efficient

Similarly, in Russia & Caspian, no major refinery additions are expected, with only minor
expansions of existing plants. Total long-term refinery additions in the period to 2045 are
projected at 0.3 mb/d. Finally, in Europe almost no new refining capacity is projected for
the period between 2023 and 2045, which is in line with this region’s expected demand

5.2.3 Medium-term balance for the refining sector

This section focuses on the downstream market outlook by taking into consideration capacity
additions, regional oil demand and oil supply. The outlook is divided into two sub-sections –
the medium-term and long-term – which follow two different approaches.

The medium-term outlook looks at refinery additions as laid out in Section 5.2.1 and compares
this with the so-called ‘call-on-refining’ relative to the base year of 2022. In other words, this
analysis shows how the market may change compared to the base year. The call-on-refining
is based on oil demand growth. It also considers demand for various non-refinery fuels, such
as NGLs, CTLs, GTLs and biofuels.

The analysis covers the global downstream market, as well as major regions. The long-
term outlook looks at modelling results over the period 2028–2045 and projects refinery
throughputs and respective utilization rates at the regional level, including crude and product
movements (see Chapter 6).

Medium-term global balance

As already noted, medium-term primary capacity additions are projected at 6.6 mb/d globally.
On top of these additions, modelling results suggest further debottlenecking or ‘creep’ capacity
additions of around 0.4 mb/d by 2028, mostly in the US & Canada, but also parts of the Asia-
Pacific due to the large base of existing refineries. Consequently, total distillation capacity
additions between 2023 and 2028 are estimated at roughly 7 mb/d. As per the methodology
applied, assumed medium-term refinery closures are not taken into account at this stage, but
are discussed separately later.

The methodology also assumes that new refining capacities may reach the maximum assumed
utilization rate of 90% throughout the year. This is considered a reasonable assumption at the
global level. Consequently, this provides insight into the potential incremental crude runs
or potential refining capacity between 2023 and 2028. Furthermore, as this outlook is on an
annual basis, this methodology attempts to capture uncertainties related to the start-up date
of refining capacity within the year. This is why the calculation takes into account only one-
half of the current year (n) and one-half of the previous year (n–1). With this approach, the

World Oil Outlook 2023

178 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

cumulative global potential refining capacity is set to reach levels of around 6.5 mb/d by
2028, compared to 2022.

In the next step, the cumulative required incremental crude runs at the global and regional
level are calculated. This is the so-called ‘call-on-refining’ and is based on demand pat-
terns that take into account non-refinery fuels, such as NGLs, biofuels, CTLs and GTLs, which
bypass refinery processing. This section covers balances from the perspective of distillation
capacity, crude runs and total demand without considering specific refined products that are
discussed later.

While medium-term global oil demand growth is estimated at 10.6 mb/d, the total required
incremental crude runs are calculated at 8.2 mb/d. In the final step, the potential incremen-
tal crude runs are compared with the cumulative incremental refinedWidth:
product demand
135.6 mm at an
annual level. Height: 65 mm
The analysis is done at the global level and for each of the major regions. The resulting
balances show the incremental refining capacity compared to incremental refined product
demand relative to the base year of 2022. This is a good indicator of the state and the direc-
tion of the downstream market in the medium-term, both globally and regionally.

Figure 5.7 provides a summary assessment of the global cumulative medium-term potential
for incremental distillation refining capacity compared to the required incremental product
supply from refineries relative to 2022. It is important to note that market conditions during
2022 were largely driven by geopolitical uncertainties and expectations of supply shortages.
Many of these expectations did not materialize, however, leaving the downstream market
more balanced than initially assumed.
Figure 5.7

Figure 5.7
Additional global cumulative refinery crude runs, potential* and required** 5

Potential refining capacity based on project list Required refining capacity

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

* Potential: based on expected distillation capacity expansion, assuming no closures.

** Required: based on projected demand increases, assuming no change in refined products trade pattern.
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 179

At the global level, the trajectory of incremental refining capacity and required refining capac-
ity shows a tightening market throughout the medium-term. In 2023, the required refining
capacity is around 0.7 mb/d higher compared to the potential incremental capacity. This then
increases to 1.5 mb/d in 2025 and further to 1.7 mb/d by 2028, due to strong demand growth.

It is important to note that there are wide regional differences that are explained in more
detail below. Furthermore, compared to the WOO 2022, the potential cumulative medium-
term refining capacity has been revised down slightly, whereas the incremental required
capacity has been revised down considerably. This is due to the stronger medium-term
demand outlook in the WOO 2022, part of which was post-pandemic recovery.

Medium-term regional balances

This section focuses on the regional medium-term balances. Figure 5.8 to Figure 5.15 present
a comparison of data drawn for all major regions in the medium-term.
Width: 135.6 mm
Figure 5.8 relates to the medium-term balance for the US & Canada.Height:Relative to652022,
potential incremental refining capacity is expected to increase gradually to levels around 0.45
mb/d in 2028. As already discussed, this region is expected to see the commissioning of only
one major medium-term project, in combination with minor expansions of existing capacity.

At the same time, the required refining capacity increases only gradually throughout the
medium-term, reaching 0.2 mb/d in 2028. The gap between potential and required incremen-
tal refining capacity in the medium-term remains in the range of 0.25 mb/d.

It is worth emphasizing that with its complex refining system and ample domestic sup-
ply, the US & Canada is likely to remain competitive in the international market. This
should keep utilization rates in this region at high levels during the medium-term, which is
discussed later.
Figure 5.8

Figure 5.8
Additional cumulative crude runs in US & Canada, potential and required
Required refining capacity Potential refining capacity based on project list






2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

180 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Europe exhibits a more pessimistic picture for the downstream market, relative to 2022 (Figure
5.9). Cumulative potential refining capacity in Europe is set remain virtually zero between 2022
and 2028, as almost no new distillation expansions are expected. The required incremental
refining capacity for the same period is projected to drop from around –0.1 mb/d in 2023 to
–0.4 mb/d in 2028, in line with declining demand and a rising share of biofuels in the fuels mix.
Figure 5.9
Figure 5.9
Additional cumulative crude runs in Europe, potential and required









Required refining capacity Potential refining capacity based on project list

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Source: OPEC.

As European refineries are less competitive than their US counterparts, it is likely that the drop in 5
the required refining capacity will lead to further closures. Announced and assumed closures in
Europe of around 0.55 mb/d between 2023 and 2028 are likely to partly offset the widening gap
between potential and required refining capacity. At the same time, European refinery through-
puts could see an increase due to a tightening global downstream market, as mentioned earlier.

In China (Figure 5.10), the required cumulative refining capacity increases strongly relative
to 2022. It is estimated at 0.9 mb/d in 2023 and then reaches 2.4 mb/d in 2028. This strong
rise also includes the recovery of refinery throughput in 2023. This compares to the relatively
low levels of 2022, partly due to COVID-related measures and lockdowns.

At the same time, the potential incremental refining capacity is forecast to increase from 0.35
mb/d in 2023 to 1.35 mb/d in 2028. In 2023, the gap between the required and potential incre-
mental refining capacity is estimated at around 0.6 mb/d, signalling a stronger downstream
market relative to 2022. The gap then widens in 2024 to around 1 mb/d on the back of strong
demand growth and is still around this level in 2028. Accordingly, refinery utilization rates
are likely to increase significantly over the medium-term.

Figure 5.11 shows the market balance for Asia-Pacific (excl. China). Due to strong demand
growth, the required incremental refining capacity relative to 2022 is projected to increase
from 0.5 mb/d in 2023 to 2.8 mb/d in 2028.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 181
CHAPTER FIVE Figure 5.10

Figure 5.10
Additional cumulative crude runs in China, potential and required
Required refining capacity Potential refining capacity based on project list

Width: 135.6 mm
2.0 Height: 65 mm





2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Source: OPEC. Figure 5.11


Figure 5.11
Additional cumulative crude runs in Asia-Pacific (excl. China), potential and required

Required refining capacity Potential refining capacity based on project list






2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Source: OPEC.

In parallel, the potential incremental refining capacity increases from 0.1 mb/d in 2023
to 1.6 mb/d in 2028. The gap between required and potential capacity increases gradu-
ally to 1.3 mb/d in 2026 and falls from this level only slightly by 2028. Similar, to China,
this will possibly lead to stronger utilization rates, as well as higher product imports.
Regions like the Middle East and the US & Canada may provide additional barrels over
the medium-term.

World Oil Outlook 2023

182 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

In the Middle East (Figure 5.12), demand growth leads to a strong increase in required
incremental refining capacity relative to 2022. It rises from 0.4 mb/d in 2023 to 1.6 mb/d in
2028. The robust rise in potential incremental refining capacity is due to numerous projects
expected to come online in this region over 5.12
the medium-term.

Figure 5.12
Additional cumulative crude runs in the Middle East, potential and required
Required refining capacity Potential refining capacity based on project list








2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Source: OPEC.

In 2023, potential refining capacity is estimated at around 0.4 mb/d and this increases to 1.6
mb/d in 2028. Consequently, there is a marginal surplus of potential incremental refining
capacity relative to the required capacity in the Middle East between 2023 and 2027. In 2028,
the Middle East downstream market appears balanced, relative to 2022 levels. 5

In Russia & Caspian (Figure 5.13), required incremental refining capacity is forecast to
increase over the medium-term. However, the level is modest, reaching 0.25 mb/d in 2028
from almost zero in 2023. To some extent, this level is followed by rising potential incremen-
tal refining capacity, most of which is linked to minor existing downstream capacity expan-
sions. It reaches 0.15 mb/d in 2028. Consequently, the market in Russia & Caspian is set to
remain largely balanced.

It is important to note that the required refining capacity relates only to domestic demand
trends. However, the downstream sector in Russia & Caspian is largely linked to product
exports. The EU has imposed an import ban on Russian products, effective as of early 2023,
and while Russia has managed to reroute large parts of its EU product exports to other des-
tinations, it remains to be seen whether these exports will be able to compete against Middle
East and US product exports in the medium-term.

Figure 5.14 shows the medium-term downstream market balance for Africa. The potential
incremental refining capacity increases strongly in the early years of the medium-term,
which is linked to the start-up of the Dangote refinery in Nigeria (discussed earlier). It climbs
to almost 0.7 mb/d in 2024, relative to 2022. What follows is slower growth thereafter, with
the potential capacity reaching 1 mb/d in 2028.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 183
Figure 5.13
Figure 5.13
Additional cumulative crude runs in the Russia & Caspian, potential and required

Required refining capacity Width: 135.6 mm

Potential refining capacity based on project list

Height: 65 mm


2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Source: OPEC. Figure 5.14

Figure 5.14
Additional cumulative crude runs in Africa, potential and required
Required refining capacity Potential refining capacity based on project list





2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Source: OPEC.

Required cumulative refining capacity increases more gradually from 0.2 mb/d in 2023
to 1 mb/d in 2028. Consequently, the medium-term balance shows a moderate surplus
of potential refining capacity in 2024 and 2025. This will help to reduce refined product
imports to Africa in these years. This trend, however, will be offset by rising required refin-
ing capacity in the years following. In 2028, the market is more or less balanced relative to
2022, thus possibly restoring the product imports seen in this Outlook’s base year.

World Oil Outlook 2023

184 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm

The downstream balance in Latin America is shown in Figure 5.15. The incremental required
refining capacity increases stepwise to 0.45 mb/d in 2028, based on rising demand. The
incremental potential capacity is mostly projected to increase too, which is largely based on
Mexico’s Dos Bocas refinery. Potential incremental capacity reaches levels of 0.35 mb/d in
2028. Required refining capacity remains above incremental potential capacity throughout
the medium-term, thus supporting the downstream market.

Figure 5.16 summarizes the cumulative medium-term balance by region and globally. It shows
how the difference between incremental Figure 5.15
potential and required refining capacity changes

Figure 5.15
Additional cumulative crude runs in Latin America, potential and required
Required refining capacity Potential refining capacity based on project list Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm




2023 2024 2025
Figure 5.162026 2027 2028
Source: OPEC.

Figure 5.16
Net cumulative regional refining potential surplus/deficits versus requirements







Middle East Africa US & Canada China
Europe Latin America Russia & Caspian Other Asia Global
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 185

over the medium-term. The largest deficit of refining capacity relative to requirements is
expected in the Asia-Pacific (incl. China), due to strong medium-term demand growth. The
deficit peaks at levels around 2.3 mb/d in 2026, and stays at this level thereafter.

On the other side, a surplus of refining capacity relative to requirements is expected in the
US & Canada and Europe, increasing gradually to 0.7 mb/d by 2028. This is primarily the
consequence of stabilizing and declining demand in these regions. Driven by an expansion
of the refining system, by the end of the medium-term the Middle East is expected to see a
balanced market relative to 2022. Other regions show a rather limited surplus and/or deficit
throughout the medium-term.

The global balance in 2028 shows a deficit of potential refining capacity of around 1.7 mb/d
relative to requirements. It is important to note, however, that this analysis does not include
closures (discussed in 5.2.5). This means that if all closures materialize as planned, the over-
all deficit could be even higher. This points towards a stronger downstream market through-
out the outlook period when compared to 2022. Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm

Medium-term refinery utilization and throughputs outlooks

This section discusses medium-term global refinery utilization and refinery throughputs.
Unlike the previous section, this analysis includes assumptions on medium-term closures,
estimated at 1.2 mb/d. It also shows assumed crude runs, the effects of historical and
projected closures and estimates spare refining capacity in the period to 2028.

Figure 5.17 shows global utilization rates in the period 2019–2028. Global utilization rates
were at strong levels of around 80% in 2019, but these dropped to below 74% in 2020 due to
the demand shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The post-pandemic recovery has been
gradual – with levels around 76.8% in 2021 and 79.5% in 2022. For 2023, the average global
utilization rate is estimated at 80.2%, thusFigure
hitting the
5.17pre-pandemic level.

Figure 5.17
Historical and projected global refinery utilization, 2019–2028





Utilization rates 10-year average

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

186 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

In the coming years, utilization rates are projected to increase gradually and reach 82% in
2025, followed by a further increase towards 83% by the end of the medium-term. This is due
to a combination of strong demand growth, somewhat slower capacity additions and refinery
closures. It is important to note that in a tightening downstream market, any potential delay
in capacity expansions could tighten it further.

The global utilization is calculated based on nominal capacities, which are assumed as
available over the medium-term. However, countries can restrain access Width: to 135.6
markets for their refiners due to various reasons, including security of supply. This effectively
Height: 65 mm
lowers the availability of refining capacity and puts more pressure on the rest of the global
downstream system. Furthermore, many countries maintain relatively old and inefficient
refineries, which run at relatively low levels – especially in Africa and Latin America. This
means that refinery utilization rates in some regions have to be well above 80% to maintain
a global rate of around 83% by 2028.

Figure 5.18 highlights the evolution of global oil (liquids) demand, crude and condensate
throughputs, as well as the nominal distillation capacity at the global level. The historical
trend shows a gradual convergence of global oil demand and nominal distillation capacity.
This is due to the increasing share of demand attributed to non-refinery fuels, such as NGLs
(surpassing refinery systems), biofuels, CTLs and GTLs. The increasing share of these liquids
leads to a reduced share of refinery products in total oil demand. This has kept refining
capacity additions lower relative to oil demand 5.18

Figure 5.18
Global oil demand, refining capacity and crude runs, 1980–2028

demand, distillation capacity

capacity & crude runs, spare distillation capacity,
Spare distillation capacity* (RHS) Effect of actual closures
110 Effect of assumed closures (RHS) Crude runs
Oil demand Distillation capacity
100 25
80 20
60 15
40 10
20 5
0 0










* Effective ‘spare’ capacity estimate based on assumed 84% utilization rate, accounting for already-closed capacity.
Source: OPEC.

Global oil demand is projected to increase from around 99.5 mb/d in 2022 to 110.2 mb/d in
2028, an increase of 10.6 mb/d. At the same time, refinery runs are projected to rise roughly
by 8.2 mb/d to 88.5 mb/d in 2028. Figure 1.18 also shows the effects of realized and assumed
closures. Since 2010, more than 12 mb/d of refining capacity has been shut. In the pandemic

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 187

period (2020–2022) alone, more than 4 mb/d was decommissioned. Another 1.2 mb/d is
assumed to be decommissioned in the period 2023–2028.

This is the basis for the calculation of so-called spare refining capacity, where the maxi-
mum global utilization rate is around 84%. This is historically the highest observed level.
Consequently, the level of spare capacity was at its highest in 2020, at almost 11 mb/d.
However, as demand recovered in the years after, spare capacity dropped to 4.5 mb/d in 2022.
The trend is set to continue with spare capacity falling to about 2 mb/d in 2025 and then further
to around 1 mb/d in 2028. This outlook assumes that all projected refining capacity additions
are built on time, which means that any delays could lower the level of spare capacity further.

5.2.4 Long-term balance for the refining sector

This section focuses on long-term crude and condensate throughputs, as well as long-term utili-
zation rates at the global and regional level. These are based on modelling cases and in line with
demand (Chapter 3) and supply (Chapter 4) assumptions. Assumptions on medium-term refining
capacity additions and refinery closures are also an integral part of the modelling cases.

Table 5.4 shows crude units throughputs and respective utilization rates in the period to
2045. While these take expected medium-term closures into account, no further closures are

Table 5.4
Crude unit throughputs and utilization rates, 2022–2045 mb/d
Total crude unit throughputs
Russia Other
US & Latin & Middle Asia-
Canada America Africa Europe Caspian East China Pacific Global
2022 17.7 4.5 1.9 11.9 6.6 7.8 13.5 16.5 80.3
2025 17.7 5.3 2.8 11.9 6.3 9.0 15.6 17.2 85.7
2030 18.1 5.5 3.7 11.6 6.4 9.5 16.3 18.5 89.6
2035 17.9 5.9 4.2 11.2 6.1 9.9 16.5 19.5 91.1
2040 17.8 6.3 4.8 9.8 6.0 10.0 16.4 20.4 91.5
2045 17.3 6.5 5.0 9.5 6.0 10.1 16.4 21.1 91.9

Crude unit utilizations

% of calendar day capacity
Russia Other
US & Latin & Middle Asia-
Canada America Africa Europe Caspian East China Pacific Global
2022 91.1 57.0 50.8 80.0 84.5 72.9 76.5 86.6 79.5
2025 89.9 65.7 63.3 80.9 79.9 75.9 84.3 88.3 82.0
2030 89.6 67.8 72.0 81.4 79.8 76.7 83.0 85.0 81.8
2035 86.6 71.2 70.1 78.7 75.4 78.1 80.1 82.8 80.0
2040 85.1 75.0 71.2 69.2 73.7 78.5 77.7 81.9 78.1
2045 82.1 77.4 73.4 67.1 74.2 78.3 77.1 81.4 77.5

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

188 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

assumed. Global refinery throughputs increase from levels just above 80 mb/d to 89.6 mb/d
in 2030. This is in line with rising demand. However, global refinery throughputs are set to
enter a period of slower growth from 2030 onwards and reach levels around 92 mb/d in
2045. This is due to oil demand trends and an increasing share of non-refinery fuels, including
biofuels and synthetic fuels and rising volumes of NGLs that surpass refinery systems.

The global utilization rate increases in the period to 2025, reaching 82%, up 2.5 pp compared
to 2022. However, as new capacity is commissioned in the medium- and long-term, the global
utilization rate is set to decline gradually to 77.5% in 2045. Consequently, some further
refinery closures are possible beyond 2028, if more sustainable utilization rates are to be
maintained (discussed in section 5.2.5)

There are clear regional long-term trends. Refinery throughputs are set to decline in devel-
oped regions, including the US & Canada, Europe, developed Asia and Russia & Caspian. This
will be more than offset by refinery throughputs increasing in developing regions, especially
Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa.

In the US & Canada, refinery throughputs increase slightly from 17.7 mb/d in 2022 to above 18
mb/d in 2030. Thereafter, however, they start to decline and reach 17.3 mb/d in 2045. The drop
in refinery throughputs in this region is significantly less than the demand drop. As the modelling
results suggest, the US & Canada refining sector would compensate a share of the lost demand by
rising exports to the global market. Utilization rates in this region are set to decline gradually from
above 91% to close to 82% in 2045. While the rate in 2045 is still relatively high, some closures in
this region are possible beyond 2028, especially related to less efficient and smaller plants.

In Europe, the situation for the refining sector looks somewhat gloomier in the long-term.
Refinery throughputs are projected to remain stable at levels just below 12 mb/d until 2030,
but then witness a decline to 9.5 mb/d in 2045. The utilization rate is set to drop from 80%
in 2022 to 67.1% in 2045. This could evidently lead to the decommissioning of some refining
capacity. Some of these capacities could be converted to new business models. These include 5
the production of biofuels, synthetic fuels, hydrogen and possibly recycling.

In Russia & Caspian, refinery runs are projected to drop from 6.6 mb/d in 2022 to 6 mb/d in
2045. The major driver is the expected long-term decline in Russian product exports. On the
back of the Russia-Ukraine conflict that began in early 2022, the EU has introduced sanctions
on Russian oil imports, including oil products since early 2023. To date, Russia has managed
to reroute a large share of its product exports away from the EU to Africa, non-EU Europe, the
Middle East and even Latin America.

However, due to rising competition from other regions (e.g. the US and the Middle East)
and new refining capacities in developing countries, refinery runs in Russia & Caspian are
expected to decline gradually in the long-term. Utilization rates will likely fall accordingly,
from almost 85% in 2022 to 74% in 2045, which may lead to some closures in the next decade.

Refinery runs in the Middle East are expected to grow robustly in the long-term, reaching lev-
els just above 10 mb/d in 2045, up from 7.8 mb/d in 2022. Demand growth is the major driver,
but also rising flows to other regions, thus replacing some crude with product exports. Ample
domestic supplies also support expanding refining activity in this region. Utilization rates are
projected to increase from 73% in 2022 to almost 78.5% in 2045. Some limited closures and
rationalizations are possible and with some witnessed in the recent past.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 189

In China, refinery runs were subdued in 2022 at 13.5 mb/d due to pandemic-related
restrictions and limited product exports to international markets. However, runs increased
strongly in 2023, averaging around 14.5 mb/d in 1H23. Due to strong medium-term demand
growth, runs are expected to continue increasing, reaching 16.5 mb/d in 2035. Thereafter,
runs will likely remain around this level. This is due to limited demand growth, and a higher
share of non-refinery fuels in the overall mix. Consequently, refinery utilization rates in China
are expected to increase from 76.5% in 2022 to 84.3% in 2025, which will be followed by a
gradual decline to almost 77% in 2045. This may lead to some closures, which would likely
affect old and inefficient teapot refineries.

Refinery runs in Asia-Pacific (excl. China) are forecast to increase by around 4.5 mb/d,
from 16.5 mb/d in 2022 to just above 21 mb/d in 2045. This is supported by strong demand
growth, of which India accounts for around 60%. Utilization rates are set to peak at around
88.3% in 2025, followed by a gradual decline to about 81.5% in 2045, as new capacity comes

Refinery runs in Africa are expected to increase significantly from just below 2 mb/d in 2022
to 5 mb/d in 2045. New refineries (including modular ones) contribute most to this increase
in throughputs, but the modernization of existing plants is part of the story too, especially in
West Africa. This is why the timely construction of new plants is crucially important for the
African refining sector. Nevertheless, the increase in refinery runs is set to remain below
demand growth for the same period.

Africa’s refinery utilization rates are also expected to increase, from 51% in 2022 to 73.4% in
2045. This leaves further space for improvements, especially related to the existing refining
system. Further and faster modernization efforts, could lead to refinery runs and utilization
rates moving even higher. However, it is likely that Africa will be exposed to increased inter-
national competition, especially from the US, where refiners will increasingly turn to exports.

Latin America shows a similar picture. Refinery utilization rates are relatively low at 57% in
2022, with many old and inefficient refineries. Another reason is the relatively high level of
product imports from the US, as Latin American refiners struggle to compete against their
US counterparts. In the long-term, runs are projected to increase from 4.5 mb/d in 2022 to
6.5 mb/d in 2045, which is supported by ample domestic crude oil supply. Consequently,
utilization rates are set to increase to almost 77.5% in 2045.

5.2.5 Refinery closures

This section discusses refinery closures in the medium- and long-term at the global and
regional level. Two different approaches are applied in the analysis. Refinery closure
projections in the medium-term include firm and probable closures, largely based on
announcements and analysis of refinery closures. In the long-term (beyond 2028), the outlook
is much more uncertain. Analysis is based on projections for regional utilization rates, and
a conclusion is drawn on how many closures are needed to keep regional utilization rates at
technically and financially sustainable levels.

Refinery closures in the medium-term

Table 5.5 and Figure 5.19 provide an overview of recent and projected refinery closures by
major region for the period to 2028.

World Oil Outlook 2023

190 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Between 2020 and 2022, about 4.3 mb/d of refining capacity closed, mainly affecting older
and less efficient refineries. Although potential closures were anticipated even before 2020,
the primary trigger for most of these closures was the demand collapse caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown measures. Around 90% of these closures
occurred in developed countries in Europe, the US & Canada and Asia-Pacific. China also
closed significant refining capacities. This was due to government policies to close old and
inefficient teapot refineries and replace them with new projects. Africa also witnessed clo-
sures during the period from 2020–2022, primarily attributed to South Africa.

Looking ahead, it is projected that 1.2 mb/d of capacity will end operations between 2023 and
2028. Closures will be located in Europe, the US & Canada and developed Asia-Pacific. No
closures have been announced or are expected in other regions.

Table 5.5 mb/d

Net refinery closures by region, recent and projected
Width: 135.6 mm
Total Height: 65 mm
2020–2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2023–2028
US & Canada 1.2 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4
Latin America 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Europe 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.6
Russia & Caspian 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Africa 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Middle East 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Asia-Pacific 1.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2
Total 4.3 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 1.2

Source: OPEC.
Figure 5.19 5

Figure 5.19
Refinery closures by region, recent and projected

US & Canada Europe Africa Middle East Asia-Pacific








2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 191

Europe is set to account for almost half of the closures to 2028. This includes the closure
of several relatively large refineries such as Shell’s Wesseling refinery in Germany. In the
US, the Phillips 66 refinery in San Francisco was scheduled to shut down last year, but the
actual closure took place earlier this year and it is now to be converted into the world’s
largest renewable fuels facilities. The shutdown of LyondellBasell refinery in Houston was
postponed from 2023 to 2025. The remaining closures will likely materialize in the Asia-
Pacific region, primarily in Japan, represented by the Eneos’ Refinery in Wakajama and
Idemitsu’s refinery in Yamagushi.

It is important to highlight that the projected medium-term capacity closures are signifi-
cantly lower when compared to the closures witnessed in the past three years. To put it in
perspective, the average closures observed during the previous three years exceeded 1.4
mb/d annually. The annual average closures expected in the medium-term, however, are
around 0.3 mb/d. This indicates that after the pandemic-induced closures of the most vul-
nerable refineries, the wave of capacity shutdowns seems have come to an end. Moreover,
high refining margins since the 2H22 have provided relief for many plants. Nevertheless,
increasingly stringent policies could force many refiners to reduce their refining capacities,
particularly the most vulnerable ones.

Refinery closures in the long-term

As per the applied methodology, refinery closures in the long-term (beyond 2028) are not
explicitly projected. Instead, only so-called implied refinery closures are indicated, based on
the long-term modelling results. In more detail, implied refinery closures are back calculated
while targeting a long-term sustainable average utilization rate at a regional level. In devel-
oped regions, this rate hovers around 80%, but it is different in other regions such as Africa
and Latin America.

The general assumption is that most of these implied closures will be composed of simple
and less efficient plants. These refineries would struggle to compete against complex and
integrated plants, once utilization rates start declining. It is important to note that long-term
modelling cases already take into account projected medium-term closures (2023–2028),
totalling 1.2 mb/d.

As already discussed, the global average utilization rate is projected to increase from 79.5%
in 2022 to 82% in 2025, due to strong demand growth and a moderate amount of refinery clo-
sures in this period. However, the global utilization rate drops gradually from levels close to
82% in 2025 to 77.5 % in 2045. This decline is driven foremost by developed regions where
oil demand is expected to plateau and then drop, such as the US & Canada, Europe, Russia &
Caspian and developed Asia. Although increasing, average utilization rates in Africa and Latin
America are expected to remain well below 80% throughout the outlook period.

This development will necessarily lead to a further rationalization of refining capacity in the
long-term. On top of the medium-term closures, refining capacity of up to 4 mb/d could be
closed if reasonable utilization rates are to be maintained.

Due to the demand decline, potential long-term closures in Europe are the highest. In addi-
tion, in the international downstream market, European refiners will likely struggle against
their US counterparts due to generally lower complexity levels, as well as limited access to
ample domestic supplies. Consequently, almost 2.5 mb/d of capacity could face shutdown in

World Oil Outlook 2023

192 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

this region by 2045. It is important to note that Europe serves as a significant refined product
supplier to Africa. If projected additions in Africa do not materialize, this may provide some
support to the European refining market and postpone closures to later dates.

In the US & Canada, the average utilization rate in 2045 remains above 80%. However,
limited closures of some less complex units are possible given the history of strong utili-
zation rates in the US that have at times been above 90%. However, support could come
from rising product exports to international markets. Other regions could also see some
closures. This includes China, where less efficient teapot refiners could be challenged
to operate in a market dominated by large integrated plants. Some teapot plants have
already been shut and replaced by large refineries with petrochemical integration, such
as the Yulong plant.

Finally, in Latin America and Africa, closures are possible throughout the outlook period.
Both regions have a large number of older refineries, which operate at relatively low or even
close-to-zero utilization rates. Some countries are trying to modernize existing refineries, for
example, NNPC refineries in Nigeria, but these efforts remain limited across these regions.
This is why closures in these two regions can be expected.

5.3 Secondary capacity

Refining capacity is generally denoted by primary distillation capacity. However, it is the
secondary capacity that includes conversion and product quality improvement units that
are crucial for processing crude fractions into finished products that deliver most of a
refinery’s ‘value-added’. Secondary capacity provides flexibility to the refining system
to meet final product demand, including seasonal and structural changes. The develop-
ment of secondary capacity goes hand-in-hand with evolving refined product demand and
product specifications, such as sulphur content and/or octane units.

This section looks into secondary capacity additions in the medium- and long-term by 5
major categories of secondary units, including conversion, desulphurization and octane
units. Similar to distillation capacity, the Reference Case provides projections for second-
ary capacity additions in the medium-term (based on review of new refinery projects) and
in the long-term (based on the modelling results).

5.3.1 Medium-term secondary capacity additions

As already highlighted, medium-term distillation capacity additions are estimated at 6.6
mb/d. On top of these, significant secondary capacities are set to be commissioned as shown
in Table 5.6. These include 4.5 mb/d of conversion/upgrading capacity, 5.8 mb/d of desul-
phurization capacity and 1.7 mb/d of octane units. The majority of these additions are fore-
cast to come online in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific, as well as Africa. These regions
account for almost 80% of conversion additions, 84% of desulphurization additions and 87%
of new octane units. This is somewhat lower compared to the share these regions have in
distillation capacity additions. This is due to additions of secondary capacity in other regions,
related to upgrades and/or modernization of existing refineries.

Furthermore, the rate of secondary capacity additions in relation to new primary capacity is
relatively high as many new refineries (especially in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific) are
highly complex plants, built to process medium- and heavy-sour crude.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 193

Table 5.6
Secondary capacity additions from existing projects, 2023–2028 mb/d

By year
Conversion Desulphurization* Octane units
2023 1.3 2.0 0.6

2024 0.8 1.1 0.3

2025 0.6 0.8 0.2

2026 0.7 0.8 0.2

2027 0.6 0.7 0.2

2028 0.5 0.5 0.2

By region
Conversion Desulphurization* Octane units
US & Canada 0.1 0.3 0.0
Latin America 0.3 0.3 0.1
Africa 0.6 0.8 0.3
Europe 0.0 0.1 0.0
Russia & Caspian 0.6 0.3 0.1
Middle East 0.6 1.9 0.4
China 1.1 0.9 0.4
Other Asia 1.2 1.3 0.4
World 4.5 5.8 1.7

* Desulphurization capacity in this table includes naphtha desulphurization.

Source: OPEC.

Conversion units
More details related to conversion capacity additions are provided in Figure 5.20. Out of 4.5
mb/d of conversion unit additions, more than 50% are for hydrocracking units. Hydrocracking
is the preferred technology, due to its inherent flexibility for the production of middle and
light distillates. Furthermore, refiners are set to add around 1.25 mb/d of FCC and 1 mb/d
of coking capacity.

The vast majority of conversion capacities are projected to occur in the Middle East, Asia-
Pacific and Africa. China is expected to add 1.15 mb/d of conversion capacity, while other
countries in the Asia-Pacific are set to commission 1.2 mb/d of new conversion capacity in
the medium-term. The Middle East and Africa are expected to add 0.6 mb/d each. Russia &
Caspian is also likely to see relatively significant conversion capacity additions (especially
hydrocracking) of 0.6 mb/d, in efforts to upgrade existing plants and reduce fuel oil output. It
should be mentioned, however, that delays related to new capacities in Russia & Caspian are
possible due to Western sanctions.

Desulphurization units
New desulphurization capacities totalling 5.8 mb/d are likely to be added over the medium-
term. This level is only slightly lower than the expected distillation capacity addition of 6.6

World Oil Outlook 2023

194 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Figure 5.20
Conversion projects by region, 2023–2028
Coking/Visbreaking Fluid catalytic cracking Hydrocracking






US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other Asia-
Canada America Caspian East Pacific

Source: OPEC.

mb/d in the same period. It reflects the increasingly stringent product specifications and
regulations related to transportation fuels, including the IMO sulphur content cap in marine

More than 30% of desulphurization capacity additions are set to come in the Middle East. This is
even higher than distillation capacity additions and can be explained by the relatively high sul-
phur content of Middle Eastern crudes. It also reflects the modernization of some plants in this
region with the aim to change the feedstock to heavier grades compared to the original design.

China and the Asia-Pacific are forecast to add 0.9 mb/d and 1.3 mb/d of new capacity, respec- 5
tively, and Africa is set to see 0.8 mb/d of new desulphurization capacity. The US & Canada,
Russia & Caspian and Latin America will likely expand their desulphurization capacities by
0.3 mb/d each over the medium-term.

The majority of desulphurization capacity additions, around 2.8 mb/d, is linked to middle
distillates. Around 1.5 mb/d is for naphtha processing, 0.7 mb/d is for gasoline and the rest
is for heavy streams (e.g. vacuum gasoil and residue).

Octane units
The review of refinery projects sees octane unit additions of 1.7 mb/d for the period 2023-
2028, in line with rising gasoline demand in developing regions. Asia-Pacific is set to add
0.8 mb/d of octane units, followed by the Middle East (0.4 mb/d) and Africa (0.3 mb/d).
Additions in other regions are rather modest as gasoline demand is expected either to
stagnate or reach a peak during the medium-term.

Around 70% of the 1.7 mb/d total octane unit additions is for catalytic reforming. This will
be accompanied by around 0.3 mb/d of isomerization capacity and 0.2 mb/d of alkylation
capacity. Only minor capacity additions of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE)/ethyl tertiary-
butyl ether (ETBE) are possible in developing countries, particularly the Asia-Pacific.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 195

5.3.2 Long-term secondary capacity additions

The basic driver of secondary capacity additions is the level and composition of oil demand,
evolving product specifications, as well as crude oil quality. Many recent additions comprised
relatively large and complex units with high levels of upgrading, desulphurization and related
secondary processing, generally with a focus on petrochemical feedstock. This will likely con-
tinue in the future, which is in line with oil demand trends.

At the global level, demand for ethane/LPG and naphtha is set to expand robustly in the
medium- and long-term, supported by a continued focus on petrochemicals. Global gaso-
line demand is expected to increase until 2030, followed by slower growth thereafter. This is
mostly due to the offsetting effect between OECD and non-OECD demand trends. Middle dis-
tillates demand growth is expected to be robust, especially for jet/kerosene. In addition, with
a rising share of heavy barrels in the long-term, requirements for additional upgrading and
desulphurization will increase.

It should be noted that condensate splitters that are currently primarily being built in
the Middle East, are one exception to the overall trend towards increased complexity.
Condensate splitters tend to bring only limited secondary processing, often related to
light products, such as naphtha and gasoline, and are centred on catalytic reforming,
isomerization and hydrotreating. This trend could continue, as the share of condensates
and NGLs is likely to increase.

Table 5.7
Global capacity requirements by process, 2023–2045 mb/d
Existing projects Additional requirements Total additions
to 2028* 2028–2035 2035–2045 to 2045
Crude distillation 6.6 7.8 4.7 19.2
Conversion 4.5 4.1 2.1 10.7
Coking/Visbreaking 1.0 1.1 0.5 2.7
Catalytic cracking 1.2 1.3 0.8 3.3
Hydro-cracking 2.3 1.6 0.8 4.7
Desulphurization** 4.3 9.6 5.6 19.5
Gasoline 0.7 2.3 1.3 4.3
Distillate 2.8 6.6 4.0 13.4
VGO/Resid 0.8 0.7 0.3 1.8
Octane units*** 1.67 2.9 1.5 6.1
Catalytic reforming 1.17 1.6 0.9 3.7
Alkylation 0.16 1.1 0.4 1.7
Isomerization 0.30 0.0 0.1 0.5
MTBE 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.2

* Existing projects exclude additions resulting from ‘capacity creep’.

** Naphtha desulphurization not included.
*** New units only (excludes any revamping).
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

196 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

In setting out to capture the outlooks for global and regional refining, particularly future pro-
cessing needs by type of unit, the modelling has to manage a number of challenges. One is the
evolution of refinery process technology. This tends to be stable, with only gradual changes
over time, mainly as catalysts slowly improve. That said, significant process improvements
and novel technologies warrant close monitoring.

The emerging trend to increase petrochemical yields represents a second potential modelling
challenge. While many existing refineries in the US and Europe have some degree of
petrochemical capability, the number of large integrated refining plusWidth: 135.6‘mega-
petrochemical mm
Height: 65 mm
projects’ continues to rise, especially in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific. Several of these
new complexes are designed to produce a significant share – 40% or more – of petrochemical
feedstocks. In addition, the relatively novel ‘crude-to-chemicals’ technologies are the next
step in this direction.

Table 5.7 and Figure 5.21 show global secondary capacity requirements in addition to required
primary capacity additions in the period to 2045. On top of 19.2 mb/d for distillation capacity,
there are requirements for around 10.7 mb/d of conversion capacity, 19.5 mb/d for desul-
phurization and 6.1 mb/d for octane units.

Similar to distillation capacity, the majority of secondary capacity additions are expected
to materialize before 2035. They mostly cover the expansion and modernization of existing
plants. Figure 5.21

Figure 5.21
Global capacity requirements by process type, 2023–2045

2023–2028 2028–2035 2035–2045



Crude distillation Conversion Octane units Desulphurization
Source: OPEC.

Conversion units
Figure 5.22 shows long-term conversion capacity requirements by region. The majority of
additions are in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, accounting for 70% of the total. It
is important to note that other regions, such as Latin America, Russia & Caspian and US
& Canada are also set to see sizeable long-term conversion capacity additions. In the

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 197
CHAPTER FIVE Figure 5.22

Figure 5.22
Conversion capacity requirements by region, 2023–2045

2023–2028 2028–2035 2035–2045





US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other
Canada America Caspian East Asia-Pacific

Source: OPEC.

medium-term, conversion capacity additions are at almost 68% of incremental distillation

capacity. However, this ratio drops between 2028 and 2035 to around 55% and then further to
around 40% between 2035 and 2045.

The global required level of conversion capacity is 10.7 mb/d, of which 4.7 mb/d is
accounted for by hydrocracking, 3.3 mb/d by FCC and 2.7 mb/d by coking/visbreaking
(Table 5.7). Hydrocracking is expected to remain the preferred upgrading option for many
refiners beyond the medium-term mainly due to the inherent flexibility to alter yields to
emphasize either naphtha/gasoline or distillates. Today, their use is generally associated
with the increasing production of the latter (jet/kerosene and gasoil/diesel). The majority
of hydrocracking additions is required in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, around
3.6 mb/d, where new large refinery additions are required. Significant long-term additions
are also forecast for Russia & Caspian and Latin America, around 0.4 mb/d each. Due to
the expected demand patterns and the already sufficient installed capacities, US & Canada
is set to require only minor expansions of up to 200 tb/d, while Europe will see virtually
zero additions.

FCC additions are driven predominantly by gasoline demand. This is why the majority of
new FCC units are expected in developing regions, where gasoline demand is still likely to
increase in the medium- and long-term. At the same time, gasoline demand in developed
countries is expected to peak in the coming years and then start declining in the long-term,
which would not encourage FCC additions.

A total of 3.3 mb/d of FCC additions are projected as required between 2023 and 2045. Asia-
Pacific alone is set to add around 1.8 mb/d of new FCC capacity. Africa’s FCC requirements in
the long-term are around 0.4 mb/d and reflects the shortage of domestic gasoline production.
The Middle East is projected to commission about 0.7 mb/d of FCC capacity. Smaller additions
are projected for Russia & Caspian, in line with efforts to meet domestic gasoline demand that
requires the further expansion of existing plants. Minor FCC additions are projected for other

World Oil Outlook 2023

198 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

As for coking/visbreaking requirements, the Reference Case sees the need for 2.7 mb/d of new
coking/visbreaking (mostly coking) capacity to 2045. Additions of around 1 mb/d are projected
for the medium-term, with 1.1 mb/d forecast between 2028 and 2035 and 0.5 mb/d beyond that.

US & Canada is expected to add almost 0.7 mb/d of coking capacity over the entire outlook,
while Latin America requires 0.3 mb/d of new capacity. The major driver for these additions
are the increasing flows of heavy supplies in Canada and Latin America. (It should be noted
that the modelling projections exclude oil sands and heavy Venezuelan or other upgraders
as they employ projected volumes for crude streams delivered to market, i.e. downstream of
upgraders and blending.)

Further additions are projected for Asia-Pacific (1.2 mb/d in total), mostly driven by the
increasing imports of heavier crudes. Africa and Russia & Caspian are expected to add around
0.15 mb/d of coking capacity each by 2045.
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
Desulphurization units
Total desulphurization capacity requirements over the outlook period are around 19.5 mb/d.
This is slightly higher than distillation capacity additions by 2045. This reflects the shifts to
higher-quality fuels and increasingly stringent environmental regulations related mostly to
transportation fuels, especially in developing countries. In the long-term, the rising sulphur
content of the average barrel is another driver of these additions.

Around 4.3 mb/d of capacity is set to be added over the medium-term. Additions increase to
9.6 mb/d in the period 2028–2035, followed by slower growth with projected additions of 5.6
mb/d in the last decade of the outlook.

Figure 5.23 shows desulphurization capacity requirements by region and period. Asia-Pacific
is likely to add 8.1 mb/d of desulphurization 5.23 mostly in Other Asia-Pacific (excl.
mboe/d 5

Figure 5.23
Desulphurization capacity requirements by region*, 2023–2045

2023–2028 2028–2035 2035–2045





US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other
Canada America Caspian East Asia-Pacific

* Projects and additions exclude naphtha desulphurization.

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 199

China). The Middle East is projected to add almost 4 mb/d, partly due to the high sulphur
content of Middle East crudes. Africa is projected to see desulphurization additions in the
range of 2.3 mb/d. A large share of Africa’s crude supply has relatively low sulphur content,
thus requiring lower desulphurization additions. Accordingly, the ratio of desulphurization
relative to distillation capacity additions in Africa is around 70%, far lower than the Middle
East at more than 150%.

Desulphurization additions in Latin America are significant and estimated at 3 mb/d. They are
mostly related to exiting refineries and driven by ULS standards. Russia & Caspian and the
US & Canada are forecast to see additions of 0.9 mb/d and 1.1 mb/d, respectively.

In terms of the various products, middle distillate desulphurization capacities of around

13.4 mb/d account for more than two thirds of total desulphurization additions. Increasing
demand for middle distillates (diesel and jet/kerosene) and stricter regulations on sulphur
levels in diesel (towards ULS standards) are the major driver for this Width: 135.6This
expansion. mmis
why the expansion of middle distillate desulphurization occurs mostlyHeight: 65 mm
in developing regions,
including the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

Gasoline desulphurization additions (excluding naphtha) are estimated at around 4.3 mb/d
and also focused on the aforementioned regions. It is in those regions that gasoline demand
is still set to grow, and where regulatory steps towards ULS gasoline standards are taking

Finally, around 1.8 mb/d of desulphurization capacity for vacuum gas oil (VGO)/residual fuel
is expected. One of the key drivers is rising very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) demand due to
the IMO Sulphur Rule. The Middle East accounts for around 45% and the Asia-Pacific for more
than 31%. Both regions process predominantly crude with a high sulphur content. Most of the
rest of the VGO/residual fuel desulphurization capacity will be required in Latin America, with
Figure 5.24
some in Africa and minor amounts in developed regions.

Figure 5.24
Desulphurization capacity requirements by product and region*, 2023–2045

Middle distillates
5.0 Vacuum gasoil/residual fuel





US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other
Canada America Caspian East Asia-Pacific

* Projects and additions exclude naphtha desulphurization.

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

200 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Height: 65 mm


Octane units
As per the modelling results (Figure 5.25), around 6.1 mb/d of octane units will be required
over the long-term. The majority of these additions are expected in the Asia-Pacific and the
Middle East, driven by rising gasoline demand. The Middle East is set to add 1.2 mb/d, China
1.7 mb/d and Other Asia-Pacific 1.2 mb/d. In Africa, additions will be moderate at 0.4 mb/d,
also driven by rising gasoline demand. Russia & Caspian, which is traditionally a gasoline-
driven market, is expected to add around 0.4 mb/d.
Figure 5.25

Figure 5.25
Octane capacity requirements by process and region, 2023–2045

Reforming Isomerization Alkylation MTBE/ETBE
US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other
Canada America Caspian East Asia-Pacific

Source: OPEC.

Octane unit additions are dominated by catalytic reforming, with around 3.7 mb/d in the period 5
to 2045. Isomerization and alkylation account for 2.1 mb/d. Reforming and isomerization
raise naphtha’s octane content and thus enable additional naphtha – including that from
condensates – to be blended into gasoline. MTBE/ETBE additions will be minor, around 0.2
mb/d at the global level during the entire outlook period. Some markets in Asia still use
MTBE as a gasoline enhancer and are the major drivers for these additions.

5.3.3 Implications for refined products supply and demand balances

In assessing the effects of capacity additions on regional product balances, it is important
to note that refiners always have some limited flexibility to optimize their product slates,
depending on changing market circumstances, economics and the availability of feedstock.
This also includes adjusting the yields based on seasonal changes. This can be done by
changing feedstock composition (crude slate) and by adjusting process unit operating modes.
Table 5.8 presents an estimation of the cumulative potential incremental output of refined
products resulting from existing projects by major product category in the period 2023–2028.
It also corresponds with the potential incremental output shown in Section 5.2.3.

The potential refining capacity in the period 2023–2028 is around 6.5 mb/d, assuming a
maximum utilization rate of 90%. The balance is relative to the base year of 2022, and does
not include assumed medium-term closures.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 201

Table 5.8
Global cumulative potential for incremental product output*, 2023–2028 mb/d

Gasoline/ Middle Fuel Other

Naphtha distillates oil products
2023 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.7 2.0
2024 0.8 1.2 0.1 0.9 2.9
2025 1.1 1.6 0.0 1.2 3.9
2026 1.4 2.1 0.0 1.5 4.9
2027 1.7 2.5 –0.1 1.7 5.8
2028 1.9 2.8 –0.1 1.9 6.5
Share 29% 43% –1% 29% 100%

* Based on assumed 90% utilization rates for the new units. Width: 135.6 mm
Source: OPEC. Height: 65 mm

The majority of new incremental production is related to middle distillates, at 2.8 mb/d, or 43%
of the total. This is in line with expectations for diesel and jet/kerosene demand. Gasoline/
naphtha incremental output is at 1.9 mb/d, mostly in developing regions. The potential output
of other products is at 1.9 mb/d too. The potential output for fuel oil is negative and reflects
the increased conversion of fuel oil into high-quality products.

Figure 5.26 presents the resulting balance by major product group and region. It is calculated
based on the difference between incremental potential output and projected demand. Demand
for refinery products is calculated considering any refinery streams, including biofuels, CTLs,
GTLs and NGLs. It is important to mention that surpluses can be the result of declining demand.
Figure 5.26
Figure 5.26
Expected surplus/deficit* of incremental product output from existing refining projects,

Gasoline/Naphtha Middle distillates Residual fuel Other products






World US & Europe Middle Asia- Other
Canada East Pacific regions

* Declining product demand in some regions contributes to the surplus.

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

202 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

The cumulative deficit is estimated around 1.7 mb/d in 2028 with all major products showing
deficits. Gasoline/naphtha lead the way in a range of 1.3 mb/d, followed by diesel in a range
of 1 mb/d.

Regionally, surpluses are visible in the US & Canada and Europe, mostly for middle distillates
and other products. Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
For Asia-Pacific (incl. China), a deficit is forecast. In this region, all major fuels show a defi-
cit, especially gasoline/naphtha and middle distillates. This may lead to higher throughputs
in these regions relative to 2022, and/or increased product imports if projected demand is
to be met.

5.4 Investment requirements

This section provides details related to downstream investment requirements in three differ-
ent categories, as shown in Figure 5.27. The first category includes investment costs related
to identified refining projects (Section 5.2.1) that are expected to be commissioned between
2023 and 2028. Investment costs in this category are based on reported information to the
extent possible.
Figure 5.27

Figure 5.27
Refinery investments by region, 2023–2045

$ (2023) billion
Existing projects Required additions Maintenance/Capacity replacement






US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other
Canada America Caspian East Asia-Pacific
Source: OPEC.

The second category covers investment requirements for refinery projects beyond 2028.
As these projects are generic ones, estimates are based on unit refining capacity costs at
the regional level. The third and final category is related to continuous replacement and
maintenance CAPEX throughout the period to 2045.

For the first category, a total investment cost of $250 billion is estimated. It is important to
note that this is only slightly lower compared to the WOO 2022 despite significantly lower
capacity additions. This is partly due to rising investment costs and cost overruns related to

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 203

several projects in the medium-term. The largest share of medium-term CAPEX is located
east of Suez. The Middle East, China and Other Asia-Pacific are expected to invest $175 billion
in the medium-term, almost equally distributed across the three regions.

As already discussed in Section 5.2.1, there are many new projects in the pipeline, some of
which are large. This includes several projects in China and the Middle East. In Africa, medium-
term investment volumes are at just above $30 billion, while those in Latin America are at
almost $18 billion. Relatively strong medium-term investment of $16.5 billion is projected for
Russia & Caspian, part of which is related to the expansion of secondary capacity. In the US
& Canada, medium-term investments are limited to $8 billion and mostly linked to the new
Beaumont refinery in the US. In Europe, downstream capital expenditures are at $2.5 billion,
linked to minor projects at existing plants.

In the period beyond 2028, total refining investment requirements are calculated at almost
$315 billion. The investment volumes are again dominated by the Asia-Pacific (including
China) and the Middle East. Investment requirements in China and Other-Asia Pacific are
around $145 billion for the period 2028–2045. Investment volumes in the Middle East are at
close to $50 billion for the same timeframe. In other developing regions, notably Africa and
Latin America, required downstream investments are projected at around $30 billion each.
This relates to significant distillation new builds in Africa, as well as the relatively high need
for secondary unit expansions in Latin America.

In the US & Canada, investment volumes are estimated at close to $30 billion. In this region,
secondary capacity expansion is an important driver of long-term investment. This partly
relates to the gradual change in the refinery feedstock, with the average crude barrel
becoming heavier due to additional volumes from Canada, Latin America and the Middle
East. In Russia & Caspian, investment volumes in the long-term are estimated close to $22
billion between 2028 and 2045, most of which will be dedicated to the expansion of secondary
capacity. In Europe, downstream-related investments beyond 2029 are at $5 billion. This
focuses on the limited expansion of secondary capacity.

Finally, maintenance requirements and the ‘capital replacement’ of installed refining capacity
are calculated at above $1.1 trillion for the period 2023–2045. The assessment of this category
assumes that the annual capital needed for capacity maintenance and replacement is around
2% of the cost of the installed base. The leading region in terms of maintenance investments
is the US & Canada at almost $250 billion, followed by Other Asia-Pacific at around $240
billion. China and Russia & Caspian also have relatively large replacement costs of around
$163 billion and $170 billion, respectively.

In summary, this brings the total downstream investment requirements to roughly $1.7
trillion over the entire outlook period.

5.5 Refining industry implications

The global downstream market faces several major uncertainties in the medium- and long-
term. Oil demand in developing countries is set to expand strongly in the coming years,
which is set to tighten downstream markets in these regions with rising utilization rates.
This is especially the case for the Asia-Pacific, where oil demand growth is significantly
higher compared to refining capacity additions. At the same time, oil demand in developed
countries is likely to see slower growth in the medium-term and a decline in the long-term,

World Oil Outlook 2023

204 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

possibly leading to lower utilization rates, but also rising product exports to developing

The Russian downstream sector remains another uncertainty in the years to come. In 2023,
Russian refiners have thus far managed to reroute most of their product exports from the EU
to other regions. It remains to be seen, however, whether this trend can be sustained over
the medium-term. Any decline in these flows would tighten the downstream market further.

Beyond the medium-term, the refining sector is set to follow two parallel pathways. Refining
capacity additions will continue in developing countries with new greenfield refineries. Most
new projects, as in previous years, are likely to have high levels of complexity, including
petrochemical integration. New technologies, such as crude-to-chemicals, can also help to
address the changes in the long-term composition of oil demand. Towards the end of the
outlook period, it is likely that most of the new additions will be expansions of existing
capacity, due to a demand growth slowdown and rising levels of non-refinery fuels.

In developed countries, refineries will already face declining demand for traditional fuels
over the medium-term. This is why many market participants in these regions are trying
to reinvent their business models. There are strong efforts to increase the production of
biofuels, bio-methane, synthetic fuels (including methanol and ammonia) and potentially low-
carbon hydrogen (green and blue). The co-processing of bio-feedstock is also one possibility.

There are further potential strategies in the plastics sector, including recycling, the
conversion of plastics to fuels and the production of bioplastics. All this requires the adoption
and implementation of new technologies and infrastructure at scale. Consequently, given
the required time and investments to scale up new technologies, it is clear that traditional
refining will remain the dominant part of the downstream business in these regions too.

A key future focus is on lowering the downstream carbon footprint, in developing and
developed regions alike. This is possible through rising energy efficiency and the integration 5
of renewables in downstream operations. CCUS can also provide a strong push for emissions
reductions within the downstream sector. To meet the global challenge related to reducing
emissions, as well as ensuring energy affordability and energy security, it is clear that all
available technologies should be employed. With established and new technologies, the
downstream sector is in a perfect position to support the further development of the global
oil and energy sectors.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 205

Oil movements

World Oil Outlook 2023

206 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Key takeaways

• The embargo of major Western economies (especially the EU) on imports of Russian
crude and products has reshuffled global oil flows. In order to replace Russia’s
volumes, the EU has already increased imports from the Middle East, Africa, Caspian
and the US. At the same time, Russia has managed to re-route a large share of its
exports to other destinations.

• This outlook assumes that the embargo will have lasting consequences. This means
that Europe will likely see higher inflows of crudes from other regions compared to
recent years. It also assumes non-EU Europe will continue to import some Russian
crude in the medium- to long-term. Nevertheless, a high degree of uncertainty

• Driven by strong demand growth, global interregional crude and condensate trade is
expected to reach levels around 39.3 mb/d in 2025, up by more than 3 mb/d relative
to 2022. Growth continues in the long-term with total crude and condensate flows
increasing stepwise to 45.3 mb/d by 2045, driven by rising oil demand and declining
supply in importing regions. Major export growth contributors are the Middle East
and Latin America, as well as the US & Canada in the medium-term.

• Middle East exports are forecast to increase from 18.3 mb/d in 2022 to almost 26
mb/d in 2045, in line with rising demand for OPEC liquids and lower long-term
exports from other sources. The main destination is the Asia-Pacific, which is set
to account for around 85% of total Middle East exports by 2045. Flows to Europe
are likely to increase in the medium-term, partly due to the EU ban on Russian

• Due to rising supply, Latin America is projected to increase its crude and condensate
exports from 3.2 mb/d in 2022 to 5.8 mb/d in 2040, before dropping marginally to 5.5
mb/d in 2045. The main destinations for Latin American crude are the US & Canada
and the Asia-Pacific, combined with limited volumes to Europe. 6

• Crude and condensate exports from Russia & Caspian are set to drop from 6.3 mb/d
in 2022 to below 5 mb/d in 2025, in line with supply declines in Russia. However,
export levels recover towards 5.9 mb/d in 2040 and beyond, due to rising supply
and lower domestic crude use. The main destination for these volumes is the Asia-
Pacific, due to the effect of the EU import ban.

• Rising US & Canada supply helps to boost exports from 3.3 mb/d in 2022 to around
4.8 mb/d in 2030. After a period of stagnation, exports are likely to decline gradually
to 3.2 mb/d in 2045, due to lower US production levels.

• The Asia-Pacific remains by far the main destination for global crude and condensate
exports. Total imports increase gradually from 23 mb/d in 2022 to 32.6 mb/d in
2045. This translates into its global market share rising from around 64% in 2022 to
almost 72% in 2045.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 207

Oil trade flows are a crucial part of the global oil and product market and enable the
integration of different regions into the overall global system. They help balance the market,
and alleviate supply shortages and surpluses at the regional level. This integration increases
producer and consumer flexibility and reduces possible demand and supply shocks.

This chapter examines the main trends related to the trade movements of crude oil and
condensates, as well as intermediate and refined products, between major downstream
regions as defined in the Annex B. Projections are based on the assumptions and modelling
results discussed throughout this Outlook, including oil demand (Chapter 3), supply (Chapter
4) and refining (Chapter 5). Projections on trade movements also include assumptions
regarding logistics developments.

6.1 Logistics developments

The development of logistics infrastructure is crucial for maintaining oil trading and exporting
capacity and the availability of crude oil and products for markets. For this reason, significant
inter-regional developments have a major impact on oil flows and are considered among the
key inputs in the modelling of global trade movements.

Both crude oil and product movements are impacted and influenced by infrastructure.
Developments in land-based infrastructure – mainly pipelines and, to a lesser extent, rail
systems – affect both short- and long-distance inland and marine movements. International
market access and export flexibility are especially impacted by infrastructure development,
including long-distance pipelines, coastal terminals and berthing capacity for moving crude
oil, products and other liquid hydrocarbons.

Certain regions require continuous attention because of their potential to alter inter-regional
crude trade. This applies especially to China, the Middle East, the Russia & Caspian, along
with the US & Canada. Over the past year or so there have also been new developments in
Europe, a reaction to recent geopolitical uncertainties.

6.1.1 The US & Canada

The US & Canada has entered into a period of modest crude oil production growth, which
coupled with the completion of several major infrastructure projects over the past few years,
has seen the region enter a period of sufficient takeaway and export capacity that can accom-
modate future growth.

The biggest threat to takeaway capacity still lies with continued public resistance and political
opposition, occasionally leading to legal challenges to already operating capacity, as well as
new projects. It could be argued that with energy security concerns, the chances of shutting
down existing infrastructure are lower than in previous years, but the threat remains that an
unexpected court ruling could change the infrastructure situation overnight.

US crude oil and condensate exports (excluding NGLs) reached 3 mb/d in mid-2019, broadly
stayed at that level through 2020 and 2021, and then rose to a record high of 3.6 mb/d in
2022. In conjunction with record exports, US refinery utilization rates also rose to near pre-
pandemic levels in 2022. Additionally, it must be noted that exports are predominantly very

World Oil Outlook 2023

208 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

light streams not readily suited to US refineries, hence, the continuation of the export of
light grades, while heavier crudes are still imported. The vast majority of US exports, almost
3.5 mb/d in 2022, were from the US Gulf Coast, highlighting the reality that infrastructure
developments in that region are critical to the overall US logistics picture.

Despite the cancellation of several oil infrastructure projects, and given the setbacks to US
production in recent years, the rapid build-out of pipeline capacity over the past few years
has left the US with ample takeaway capacity. This is especially the case with the Permian/
Eagle Ford Basins and from Cushing to the Gulf Coast. Even allowing for a relatively robust
recovery in US tight oil production (Chapter 4), the Permian/Eagle Ford takeaway capacity –
now close to 8 mb/d – should be sufficient, with arguably no new pipeline projects required
to handle Permian production.

Elsewhere, the US interior also has sufficient takeaway capacity with planned and existing
pipelines, but there are regulatory uncertainties that could affect this. In July 2020, a federal
court ordered the shutdown of the 750 tb/d Dakota Access pipeline out of the Bakken
pending further environmental reviews. This marked the first time an existing pipeline had
been ordered shut. Subsequent rulings have allowed the pipeline to remain operational
until reviews are completed, but its future is uncertain. In January 2022, an approval for
an additional expansion of the Dakota Access Pipeline was halted by an Illinois court. This
expansion would have brought an approximate 350 tb/d of increased capacity to the pipeline
allowing for a potential operational capacity of 1.1 mb/d.

Nonetheless, the Bakken region, in particular, has a large amount of rail capacity that can act
as a buffer to mitigate any potential pipeline problems, particularly if Dakota Access was shut
down, which remains a possibility.

Resistance continues to new pipeline developments and existing pipeline infrastructure. Most
projects today are subject to lawsuits, including at the state level. In addition, state regulatory
authorities frequently require lengthy reworking and extensions of environmental reviews.
Several recent rulings in federal courts regarding the inadequacy of environmental reviews
have resulted in project delays and higher costs. The bottom line is that it is becoming
increasingly difficult for US operators to build major new pipelines, with a number of currently
operating pipelines facing costly lawsuits and the risk of closure. 6

Given that adequate takeaway capacity exists for the major US producing basins, and that
new projects are subject to costly litigation, the era of new large-scale pipeline projects in the
US is likely over. The majority of future capacity expansion is likely to be made up of smaller
scale debottlenecks of existing infrastructure. Considering the high costs and uncertain
timing of new pipeline projects, producers are likely to be more willing to rely on rail to clear
the marginal production from any given region.

As for export terminal capacity, currently the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) is the only US
crude oil export terminal capable of fully loading VLCCs. Originally designed to take imports,
and to work with the Capline pipeline to take mainly imported crudes into the US interior,
the facility has also been exporting local Gulf of Mexico medium sour crudes and light sweet
grades since 2019.

The Biden Administration approved plans to build the largest oil export terminal on the US
Texas Gulf Coast. The Sea Port Oil Terminal (SPOT) will add approximately 2 mb/d to US oil

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 209

export capacity, and it is the first approved of four proposed oil export projects on this coast.
The project is estimated to receive a license and begin construction by the end of 2025.

Furthermore, the NOLA Oil Terminal began construction and completed its water-side Phase
1 in mid-2022, with land-side Phase 2 currently in the development stage. This new terminal
will be able to accommodate vessels that would otherwise be too large and deep to dock in
the Mississippi River. The project includes crude oil pipelines, ships, a barge dock system and
land-side storage facilities with a potential 10-million-barrel capacity.

Cross-border pipelines and projects from Canada into the US affect both countries. The
current outlook is for Canadian crude and condensate production to see modest increases in
the medium- to long-term (Chapter 4). On this basis, few additions to takeaway capacity are
required over the next few years. Minor debottlenecking projects and system optimization
on both ‘mainline’ (Enbridge and TC Energy, formerly TransCanada) and secondary cross-
border pipelines into the US could add up to an additional 400 tb/d in the coming years. These
incremental debottlenecking projects may be more politically viable and lower cost than a
new mainline project.

Currently, the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion is the only major capacity addition still
planned. This project will add approximately 600 tb/d of capacity to the pipeline, for a total of
890 tb/d. The project continues to face delays, but is expected to be completed in late 2023,
with deliveries beginning in 2024. The project has also incurred dramatic cost escalations,
with the current estimated price at US$23.2 billion versus US$5.7 billion when the project
was purchased by the Canadian government in 2018. This project would potentially enable
Canada to open up export markets other than the US, for example, the Asia-Pacific, since it
would lead to most, or all, of the additional crude volumes being shipped by tanker from the
pipeline’s Westridge terminal near Vancouver.

Canadian infrastructure is also vulnerable to court action that could change the outlook on
takeaway capacity. Enbridge is locked in a dispute with the State of Michigan over how, and
when, to replace an underwater section of Line 5. Although the US Army Corps of Engineers
have begun the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process for the replacement of the
pipeline tunnel under the Straits of Mackinac, they estimate the statement will not be issued
until spring of 2025. The EIS was originally expected to be issued in late 2023, but with this
new delay, Enbridge expects completion of the project in 2030 if an EIS is approved.

Line 5 has a capacity of 540 tb/d and carries crude oil and NGLs from Western Canada
to the US Midwest and to Ontario. The state has sued to close the line permanently over
fears of leaks, while Enbridge is seeking state and federal permits for a new 8 km tunnel to
replace the existing exposed section of the ageing underwater line. The State of Michigan
ordered the pipeline shut as of May 2021, however, it continues to operate while Enbridge
appeals the decision. The Canadian government has intervened in the process stating
that Michigan’s order to close the pipeline violates a treaty that governs cross-border

Similar to the US, it appears certain that a high-paced build-out of pipelines and related infra-
structure is unlikely. Potentially, it will be some time, if ever, before logistics capacity once
again becomes a constraint to supplying US and Canadian crudes to market.

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210 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

6.1.2 Other regions

The outbreak of conflict in Eastern Europe prompted several countries in Europe to recon-
sider their crude oil and products import strategy, with the aim to strengthen their energy
security. The reflection has led to the exploration of different options, such as debottleneck-
ing or expanding the capacity of existing infrastructures, as well as reviving previously aban-
doned projects or creating new ones.

Seeking new crude oil supply routes, Serbia plans to finalize domestic sections of its new
crude oil import pipelines from Hungary and Romania by 2027. State pipeline operator
Transnafta is expected to proceed with the construction of the national section of the pipeline
to Hungary by 2026–2027. The Algyo-Novi Sad pipeline to Hungary would have a capacity
of 110 tb/d. This link could connect the 95 tb/d Pancevo refinery in Serbia to the Druzhba
pipeline system, with a distribution centre in Szazhalombatta in central Hungary. Serbia also
plans to connect existing domestic pipelines to the Pancevo refinery by developing a short
7 km crude oil import pipeline between the Mokrin dispatch station in the northeast of the
country and its border with Romania by 2027.

Furthermore, to keep operations running at its 190 tb/d refinery after the Russian crude exemp-
tion ends in 2024, Bulgaria is pushing to revive an old plan for a 300 km oil pipeline to transport
crude oil from the Greek port of Alexandroupolis to Bulgaria’s Black Sea port of Burgas.

Poland’s PKN Orlen plans to revive the once abandoned pipeline project to transport Caspian
crude oil from the Black Sea to Poland. The pipeline would connect Ukraine’s port of Odessa
and Poland’s port of Gdansk. The construction would provide Poland with an additional
source of non-Russian oil.

Kazakhstan is looking for ways to reduce its dependence on the CPC pipeline system lead-
ing to the Black Sea, which is its main export outlet. Kazmunaigaz and China’s CNPC have
reached an agreement to expand oil and gas pipelines. This would mean increasing the capac-
ity of the existing oil pipelines within Kazakhstan (Atyrau-Kenkiyak and Kenkiyak-Kumkol).
This would remove bottlenecks in the Kazakh pipeline system and allow for the full utilization
of the existing 400 tb/d Atasu-Alashankou pipeline to China.

Finally, Russia is reportedly preparing to reopen rail-loading facilities on a number of idle 6

tank cars in Eastern Siberia. This would allow it to boost crude oil shipments to China and the
Asia-Pacific region. The reopening of the Meget rail tank loading terminal in East Siberia may
enable producers to transport between 62 tb/d and 145 tb/d by rail from Russia to China, as
well as 145 tb/d to the Kozmino terminal at the Pacific Coast.

6.2 Oil movements

The integrated global downstream sector relies on the ability to move crude oil, condensates,
refined products and various intermediate streams within, and between, countries and regions,
driven generally by economics, but also long-term interest, and in some cases by geopolitics.
The downstream infrastructure (pipelines and shipping capacity) enable downstream market
participants to move large amounts of oil liquids between almost any two regions of the
world, over short and long distances, via a variety of transport modes.

These interregional movements enable adequate physical supply, as well as trade and
competition between different suppliers, as they respond to price signals between regions.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 211

The ability to move crude oil and products also helps avoid short-term shortages of fuel
in specific regions at any given time. For example, the market’s ability to respond to price
signals and swiftly deploy tankers or other logistics can help offset shortages caused by
weather-related issues, as has been shown in the past.

Various factors affect the direction and volume of crude and condensate, as well as product
trade movements. These involve oil demand trends, including seasonal changes; the
production and quality of crude and non-crude streams; product quality specifications and
related changes; refining sector availability and configurations; potential trade barriers or
policy-driven incentives; the capacity and economics of existing transport infrastructure,
such as ports, tankers, pipelines and railways; ownership interests; term contracts; crude
and product price levels and differentials; freight rates; and, at times, geopolitics. In fact,
there is never only one factor influencing petroleum flows, rather a combination of several
influences at the same time.

The downstream sector and its development are key elements in this regard. Based on the
economics of oil movements and refining, there is a general preference to locate refining
capacity in consuming regions due to lower transport costs for crude oil compared with oil

Strategic reasons, including those related to security of supply also play a role. Recent trends
in the downstream sector confirm this – the majority of refining capacity additions in recent
years have materialized in developing regions with strong oil demand growth, led by the
Asia-Pacific. The refining outlook (Chapter 5) shows a continuation of this trend in the long-
term. As a result, crude and condensate account for the majority of trade, especially over long
distances. However, refining hubs in developed countries with highly complex plants, such as
in the US, are competing increasingly in the international product market, in line with slower
domestic demand growth and available feedstock at competitive prices.

Furthermore, for producing and consuming countries alike, there is an emphasis on securing
refined product supply through domestic refining rather than imports, regardless of economic
factors. For producing countries, there is the additional consideration of seeking to increase
domestic refining capacity in order to not only cover domestic demand, but also to benefit
from the export of value-added products beyond crude oil. Benefits for the local economy
including labour markets are also motivation for building refining capacity.

Given the considerations highlighted, oil movements are not always the most economical or
efficient in terms of minimizing overall global costs. In contrast, movements generated in the
models used for this Outlook are based on an optimization procedure that seeks to minimize
global costs across the entire refining/transport supply system, in accordance with existing
and additional refining capacity, logistical options and costs.

Generally, few constraints are applied to crude oil and product movements in the modelling
approach, especially in the longer-term, for which it is impossible to predict what owner-
ship interests and policies of individual companies and countries might be. The differences
between short-term market circumstances, such as constraints resulting from ownership
interests and term contracts, and a longer-term modelling approach, with few restrictions on
movement and that operates to minimize global costs, mean it is necessary to recognize that
model-projected oil movements cannot fully reflect short-term factors. Therefore, they may
project oil trade patterns that are not direct extensions of those that occur today.

World Oil Outlook 2023

212 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Nevertheless, the model-based results presented in this section provide a useful indication of
future crude oil movement trends, which necessarily function to resolve regional supply and
demand imbalances for both crude and products. Of course, these projections are depend-
ent on a number of assumptions used in this Outlook, which, if altered, could materially affect
projected movements.

Key elements in the model-based projections are the volumes and qualities of both crudes
produced and products consumed by region, and how these change over time. Another
element is the location and capability of refining capacity. Over the longer-term, the relative
economics of building new refinery capacity in different regions, and the ability of existing
refineries to export and compete against imports, all affect the trade patterns of crude and
products. There is also an interplay between freight and refining costs (capital and operating
costs). Broadly, higher freight rates tend to curb interregional trade and encourage more
refining investment, while lower freight rates tend to enable greater trade and competition
between regions, and serve to provide more opportunity to regions with spare refining
capacity to export products.

This approach alone, however, is not well suited for modelling and estimating the impact of
geopolitics on oil trade. The conflict in Eastern Europe reshuffled global oil trade flows during
2022 and 1H23. New trade links were established and old ones discontinued. Several coun-
tries and/or regions have introduced an oil embargo on Russian oil imports, including the EU,
the UK and the US. Due to traded volumes, the EU’s embargo has by far the largest impact. It
became effective from late 2022 for crude, except for some countries in Central Europe, and
early 2023 for refined products. In addition to the oil embargo, G7 countries introduced a price
cap on traded Russian oil and products. In 2023, Russian oil exports to the EU plunged. The
EU imported additional barrels from the US & Canada, Africa, the Middle East and the North
Sea (e.g. Norway).

At the same time, Russian oil producers have managed to reroute a large part of their exports
to other destinations, especially to India and China, but other destinations too. Similarly,
Russian refiners have been successful in rerouting their exports of refined products, includ-
ing destinations in non-EU Europe, Africa, the Middle East and even Latin America. This was
possible due to hefty discounts on Russian crude and product barrels.
This reshuffling was not based on economics, but was the result of geopolitical develop-
ments. However, the Reference Case cannot fully mirror the modelling results as they are
based on an optimization procedure, but it is important to reflect geopolitical realities.

This outlook assumes that the EU’s oil embargo will have lasting consequences. This
means that Europe will likely see higher inflows of crudes from other regions compared
to recent years. Nevertheless, it also assumes that Europe (e.g. non-EU Europe) will con-
tinue to import some Russian crude in the medium- to long-term. However, a high degree
of uncertainty remains. It is important to note that the regional definition underlying this
outlook sees Europe as one region (including the EU, as well as other European coun-
tries). Russia is part of a larger Russia & Caspian region, including large oil producers,
such as Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. This has to be considered when referencing this

Figure 6.1 shows global oil trade for crude and products between 2022 and 2045. Only trade
between major regions is shown, which means intra-trade movements are not included.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 213
Figure 6.1
Figure 6.1
Interregional crude oil, condensate and products exports, 2022–2045

Crude oil Products







2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

Global trade in 2022 was estimated at 53.3 mb/d, slightly higher compared to 2021. However,
these levels are still somewhat lower than pre-pandemic volumes of around 56 mb/d. Crude
and condensate trade was assessed at 36 mb/d, with product trade at 17.3 mb/d.

By 2025, oil trade is set to increase to just below 59.3 mb/d. This is in line with rising global oil
demand, especially in developing countries. Refining capacity additions in the period to 2025
are insufficient to cover growing demand, resulting in rising refined product trade. In 2030,
global trade is projected to inch up to just under 60 mb/d. The slower growth in trade can be
attributed to refining capacity expansion in developing regions that leads to lower crude and
product trade. These regions are set to increase the local use of crude, thus limiting their crude
exports and product imports. Nonetheless, after 2030, global oil trade is expected to increase
gradually to almost 66 mb/d in 2045.

Crude oil and condensate exports account for almost 70% of the total interregional oil trade. In
2022, global crude and condensate movements were estimated at 36 mb/d. In line with demand
growth, crude and condensate flows are expected to increase to above 39 mb/d in 2025. In
subsequent years, global crude and condensate trade is projected to increase gradually to reach
41 mb/d in 2030 and 45.3 mb/d in 2045. This is due to strong demand growth, especially in the
Asia-Pacific, as well as declining supply in several importing regions. For example, Europe and
the Asia-Pacific in the long-term.

Total interregional product trade starts from a level close to 17.3 mb/d in 2022, before increasing
to almost 20 mb/d by 2025, in line with strong demand growth. Similar to crude and condensate
trade, product movements drop around 1 mb/d by 2030, due to refining capacity additions,
which limits the need for product flows. In the longer-term, product trade increases gradually
to 20.5 mb/d by 2045. Growing demand in developing regions and the rising availability of
refining capacity in developed regions, where demand is set to decline somewhat, contributes
to this trend.

World Oil Outlook 2023

214 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

6.3 Crude oil and condensate movements

This section discusses global crude and condensate supply developments by downstream
regions, as defined in Annex B. This is fully in line with projections provided in Chapter 4.
Crude and condensate supply developments explain changes in long-term Width:
trade135.6 mm
The latter is discussed later in this section with a focus on the main Height: 65 mm
exporting and main
importing regions.

Crude and condensate supply

The analysis below relates only to crude and condensates, which includes oil sands and
synthetic crudes, but excludes other liquids, such as biofuels, synthetic fuels, CTLs, GTLs and
NGLs. As shown in Figure 6.2, crude and condensate supply is expected to increase strongly
by almost 4.5 mb/d between 2022 and 2025. This is mainly due to three regions: US & Canada
(nearly 2 mb/d), the Middle East (1.4 mb/d) and Latin America (1 mb/d). Minor growth is also
expected in Africa and Europe (mostly Norway). This is partly offset by declines of more than
0.8 mb/d in Russia & Caspian.
Figure 6.2
Figure 6.2
Change in crude, condensate and synthetic crude supply between 2022 and 2045

2022–2025 2025–2045


Europe Africa Latin US & Asia-Pacific Middle East Russia &
America Canada Caspian

* Excludes biofuels, synthetic fuels, CTLs, GTLs, and NGLs.

Source: OPEC.

Between 2025 and 2045, total crude and condensate supply expands by a further 5 mb/d.
This is a combination of strong supply increases in regions, such as the Middle East and Latin
America, which are partly offset by projected declines in several regions such as Europe,
Asia-Pacific and the US & Canada.

The US & Canada supply is projected to decline by 3.4 mb/d as US tight oil supply peaks,
which more than offsets gains from other sources, such as Canadian oil sands. Asia-Pacific
crude and condensate supply is set to decline by 1.5 mb/d given it has a significant share of
ageing oil fields. European crude and condensate supply (mostly the North Sea) is forecast
to drop by 0.8 mb/d, as new additions are not likely to offset natural declines from old fields.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 215

These declines are more than offset by the expected increase of almost 7 mb/d in the Middle East.
This growth is set to come mostly from Middle East OPEC Member Countries. Significant gains of
nearly 2.5 mb/d are also expected in Latin America, including further growth in Brazil, Guyana,
Argentina and Venezuela, which is partly offset by declines in Mexico Width: 135.6
and Colombia. mm
increases of 0.8 mb/d are expected for Russia & Caspian (mostly Russia), and 0.5 mb/d
Height: 65 mmfor Africa.

The developments in the composition of global supply are likely to lead to gradual quality
changes in the average global crude barrel (Figure 6.3). Driven by expansions of US light-
sweet supply (mostly tight oil) and other countries, such as Kazakhstan, as well as higher
condensate volumes, the average API gravity of crude and condensate supply is set to
increase from around 33.5° API in 2022 to almost 33.8° API in 2030. At the same time, the
average sulphur content drops from 1.28% in 2022 to 1.24% in 2029/30.

Post-2030, the average API gravity starts falling, in line with declining tight oil production
and the rising supply of medium and heavy crudes from the Middle East, Latin America and
Canada. At the end of the outlook period, the average API gravity is estimated at 33.3°, slightly
lower compared to the starting point in 2022. The average sulphur content increases from
1.22% in 2030 to 1.37% in 2045.
Figure 6.3

Figure 6.3
Global average API gravity and sulphur content

% degrees API
1.38 33.8
1.36 33.7
1.30 33.5

1.28 33.4
1.26 33.3
1.20 33.1
Sulphur content API gravity (RHS)
1.18 33.0
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

Crude and condensate oil movements

Figure 6.4 presents global crude oil and condensate exports by major exporting region. It
should be noted that only movements between these regions is considered, with the intra-
trade movements not included. Total crude oil and condensate flows were estimated at
around 36 mb/d in 2022, above 2021 levels, but still lower relative to pre-pandemic levels
in 2019. Total crude and condensate exports are set to increase to above 39 mb/d by 2025,
driven by increasing oil demand in the medium-term.

Global crude and condensate exports are expected to expand further to almost 41 mb/d
in 2030 due to strong demand growth. Global trade continues increasing even post-2030

World Oil Outlook 2023

216 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

and reaches 45.3 mb/d in 2045. This growth is not only driven by rising demand, but also
declining oil supply in many importing regions, especially the Asia-Pacific.

In terms of the export mix, the Middle East remains the most dominant exporting region.
From 18.3 mb/d in 2022, crude and condensate flows from the Middle East are likely to reach
levels of almost 26 mb/d in 2045. Another region, which sees steady increases in crude and
condensate exports over most of the forecast period is Latin America. Total export volumes
from this region increase strongly from 3.2 mb/d in 2022 to 5.2 mb/d in 2030, which is in line
with increasing supply in this region. However, the export growth continues only modestly in
the following decade, reaching 5.89 mb/d in 2040. In the last five years of the outlook period,
exports from Latin America are expected to decline and reach a level 5.5 mb/d by 2045. This
is in line with the drop in Latin American supply towards the end of the outlook period.

African crude and condensate exports increase initially from around 4.6 mb/d in 2022 to
5.5 mb/d in 2025. However, due to rising local crude use in Africa, total outflows
Width: decline
135.6 mmto
4.7 mb/d from 2035 onwards. Exports from Russia & Caspian are set to decline from 6.3
Height: 65 mm
mb/d in 2022 to just below 5 mb/d in 2025, which is due to the expected drop in Russian oil
supply over this period. Exports are set to recover gradually in the long-term reaching 5.3
mb/d in 2030 and further to around 5.9 mb/d from 2040 onwards. The increase in crude and
condensate exports is supported by rising supply in Kazakhstan, recovering output in Russia
and somewhat lower local crude use in this region over the long-term.

Finally, US & Canada crude and condensate exports are projected to increase considerably
within this decade. From around 3.3 mb/d in 2022, they increase to around 4.8 mb/d in 2025
and are still at this level by 2030. However, as US tight oil starts to decline, total crude
and condensate exports from the US & Canada region drop to around 3.7 mb/d in 2040 and
further to 3.2 mb/d in 2045.

Figure 6.4
mboe/d Figure 6.4
Global crude and condensate exports by origin*, 2022–2045

US & Canada Latin America Africa Europe Russia & Caspian Middle East 6





2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

* Only trade between major regions is considered, intratrade is excluded.

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 217
Width: 135.6 mm
CHAPTER SIX Height: 65 mm

As shown in Figure 6.5, Middle East exports of crude and condensate represented roughly 51%
of global trade flows in 2022. This share is set to decline to just below 50% in 2025 and 2030
as exports from other regions increase, especially from Latin America and the US & Canada.
However, the share increases thereafter, reaching 57.2% in 2045 following an increase in exports.
This is in line with rising Middle East exports, as well as declines from other exporting regions.

On the import side, Asia-Pacific more than mirrors the dominance of the Middle East. The
region has the major share of total interregional trade, estimated at around 64% in 2022.
Due to rising import volumes throughout the outlook period, as well as the decline of other
regions, predominantly Europe, the share of Asia-Pacific in the global crude and condensate
Figure 6.5
market increases further to almost 72% in 2045.

Figure 6.5
Share of Middle East and Asia-Pacific in global crude and condensate trade, 2022–2045
Share of Middle East in total exports Share of Asia-Pacific in total imports







2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

Figure 6.6 highlights crude and condensate exports from the Middle East by destination. Total
export levels increase from 18.3 mb/d in 2022 to 19.6 mb/d in 2025 and further to 20.2 mb/d in
2030. Thereafter, total crude and condensate exports from the Middle East continue increasing
gradually climbing to almost 26 mb/d in 2045, driven by crude and condensate supply trends.
Asia-Pacific is the prime destination for Middle East barrels with volumes increasing steadily
from just below 15 mb/d in 2022 to 16.6 mb/d in 2035. The growth in Middle East flows to the
Asia-Pacific accelerates post-2035 and increases to 22.3 mb/d in 2045.

Exports to Europe are projected to increase to around 2.5 mb/d by 2025 and further to 3 mb/d
in 2035. Part of the Middle East flows to Europe represent a replacement of Russian exports
to the EU. However, as European demand is set to decline in the long-term, flows from the
Middle East are likely to fall gradually and reach levels of just below 2 mb/d in 2045.

Exports to the US & Canada are projected to increase from 0.8 mb/d in 2022 to almost 1.2
mb/d in 2025, partly due to the high demand for medium-sour barrels in the US. In the
longer-term, Middle East flows to the US & Canada are projected to increase further to 1.8
mb/d in 2040, partly due to strong demand for medium-sour grades. In the last five years of
the outlook, exports are projected to decline to 1.3 mb/d in 2045. This can be explained by

World Oil Outlook 2023

218 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 6.6

Figure 6.6
Crude and condensate exports from the Middle East by major destination, 2022–2045
US & Canada Africa Asia-Pacific
Latin America Europe Middle East - local use




2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 Width: 2045
135.6 mm
Source: OPEC.
Height: 65 mm

lower demand in the US & Canada, the higher supply of heavier grades in Canada and higher
imports of Latin American barrels. The Middle East is also expected to export minor volumes
of just below 0.5 mb/d to Africa throughout the outlook period (mostly East and North Africa).

Local crude use in the Middle East is projected to rise continuously in line with increasing
refining capacity in the region that is required to cover rising domestic demand and product
exports. From around 7.7 mb/d in 2022, local crude use is set to increase to just above 10 mb/d
in 2045.

Crude and condensate exports from Latin America are shown in Figure 6.7. From levels of
Figure 6.7
just 3.2 mb/d in 2022, exports are set to increase strongly to around 4.6 mb/d in 2025, 5.8

Figure 6.7
Crude and condensate exports from Latin America by major destination, 2022–2045
US & Canada Africa Europe Asia-Pacific Latin America - local use

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 219

mb/d in 2035 and 5.9 mb/d in 2040. Only towards the end of the period are exports projected
to drop and reach a level of 5.5 mb/d in 2045.

There are two major destinations for Latin American barrels – US & Canada and Asia-Pacific.
Export volumes to the US & Canada increase from 1.3 mb/d in 2022 to 2 mb/d in 2030 and
further to roughly 2.5 mb/d from 2040 onwards. The physical proximity of the two regions and
relatively low freight costs favour these flows. In addition, Latin America produces medium-
and heavy-sour grades, which are the preferred feedstock of US refiners.

Exports to the Asia-Pacific are expected to increase from almost 1.5 mb/d in 2022 to 3.2
mb/d in 2035. A large share of Asian refineries are highly complex and capable of processing
heavier grades and even extra heavy crudes. However, Latin American flows to the Asia-
Pacific are projected to drop in the last decade of the outlook, reaching 2.4 mb/d in 2045. This
is the consequence of stagnating Latin American crude output and an increasing focus on the
US. Europe is likely to see limited inflows of Latin American barrels, from around 0.35 mb/d
in 2022, volumes are set to increase to 0.5 mb/d in 2030 and 0.6 mb/d Width:
in 2045.135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
Latin American local crude use is set to increase from about 4 mb/d in 2022 to around 5.5 mb/d
from 2040 onwards. This is in line with expectations of higher refinery throughputs in this region.

Figure 6.8 illustrates crude and condensate exports from the Russia & Caspian region. Total
outflows drop from above 6 mb/d in 2022 to just below 5 mb/d in 2025, which is mostly the
result of the expected drop in Russian oil supply. Thereafter, exports increase again and
come close to 2022 levels from 2035 onwards, in line with recovering Russian supply and the
continuous rise of Kazakhstan output. In 2045, total crude and condensate exports from Russia
& Caspian are estimated at 5.9 mb/d. Due to the already mentioned EU embargo on Russian
imports, crude and condensate exports from Russia & Caspian to Europe is expected to decline
from 3.3 mb/d in 2022 to around 1.5 mb/d in 2025. Volumes are expected to increase somewhat
in the longer-term, but are set to stay below 2 mb/d,
Figure 6.8which is well below 2021 and 2022 levels.
Figure 6.8
Crude and condensate exports from Russia & Caspian by major destination, 2022–2045

Africa Europe Middle East Asia-Pacific Russia & Caspian - local use

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

220 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

At the same time, crude and condensate exports from Russia & Caspian to the Asia-Pacific
are set to increase from almost 2.9 mb/d to 3.1 mb/d in 2025 and further to around 3.8 mb/d
in 2040, followed by a minor drop to 3.6 mb/d in 2045. Limited flows to Africa are projected,
with possible buyers mostly in the Mediterranean market. Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm
Local crude use in Russia & Caspian is projected to decline gradually from 6.6 mb/d in 2022
to 6 mb/d from 2040 onwards. It is estimated that Russian refiners will export less products
in the long-term. This is the result of rising competitiveness in the international downstream
markets and the absence of EU buyers due to the import embargo.

Crude and condensate exports from Africa (Figure 6.9) are set to increase from 4.6 mb/d in
2022 to 5.5 mb/d in 2025, in line with rising supply. However, exports are projected to decline
thereafter to levels around 4.7 mb/d in 2035, which is the result of stagnating supply and
rising local crude use. The latter is expected to double from around 1.7 mb/d in 2022 to 3.4
mb/d in 2030 and then further to 4.3 mb/d in 2045. This strong increase in local crude use is
possible only if the refining sector manages to expand its capacities in line with requirements.
Should Africa face delays in the expansion of its refining capacity, crude and condensate
exports could be higher in the long-term. Figure 6.9

Figure 6.9
Crude and condensate exports from Africa by major destination, 2022–2045
US & Canada Latin America Europe Middle East Asia-Pacific Africa - local use


2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

Europe is the main destination for African barrels, particularly following the EU embargo
on Russian crude imports. From around 2.1 mb/d, African flows to Europe are projected
to increase to 3.5 mb/d in 2025, but then see a decline in the long-term, dropping to levels
between 2.3 mb/d and 2.5 mb/d by 2040 and thereafter. The decline is the consequence of
declining European oil demand and lower overall crude and condensate imports.

Africa exported around 2 mb/d of crude and condensate to the Asia-Pacific in 2022. The level,
however, is set to decline gradually to around 1.6 mb/d in 2030 and 2035. Post-2035, due to
lower demand in Europe, higher flows to the Asia-Pacific are expected, climbing to 2.2 mb/d
by 2045. Limited flows to US & Canada are forecast, as African barrels are expected to face
competition from Latin American exports in this market.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 221
Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm


The US & Canada is already an established exporter of crude and condensate to international
markets. These are mostly light-sweet US supplies, suitable for markets with high gasoline
demand and petrochemical feedstock requirements. In 2022, crude and condensate exports
from the US & Canada were estimated at 3.3 mb/d (Figure 6.10). In the first four months
of 2023, exports increased to around 3.8 mb/d. In line with rising supply, total crude and
condensate exports from the US & Canada are expected to increase to around 4.8 mb/d in
2025 and 2030. Nevertheless, with supply set to decline from the end of this decade, exports
are anticipated to decline too, dropping toFigure
3.2 mb/d in 2045.

Figure 6.10
Crude and condensate exports from US & Canada by major destination, 2022–2045

mb/d local use, mb/d

6 16
Latin America Europe Latin America US & Canada - local use

5 15

4 14

3 13

2 12

1 11

0 10
2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

In 2022, crude exports to Europe were at 1.6 mb/d. This was a sizeable increase relative
to 2021, mostly due to the efforts of European refiners to replace Russian barrels. In the
medium- and long-term, however, US & Canada exports are expected to decline to around
0.8 mb/d in 2025 and then to levels below 0.5 mb/d. European refiners are generally geared
towards diesel production, which is not the best match for US light barrels.

US & Canada volumes to the Asia-Pacific are projected to increase from 1.6 mb/d in 2022 to
almost 4 mb/d in 2030, as many Asian refiners have petrochemical integration. Shipments
are set to decline gradually thereafter and reach 2.1 mb/d in 2045. Latin America is also
expected to import more US & Canada supplies relative to the 0.2 mb/d received in 2022. This
is due to the lower complexity of the Latin American refining system, for which US supplies
represent a desirable feedstock.

Local crude oil use in the US & Canada is projected to increase from above 15 mb/d in 2022
to 13.3 mb/d in 2045. This is the result of declining demand and lower refinery runs in the

Figure 6.11 to Figure 6.13 shows crude and condensate imports for the three largest
importing regions, the US & Canada, Europe and the Asia-Pacific.

World Oil Outlook 2023

222 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

While being a significant crude and condensate exporter, the US & Canada is expected to
continue importing crudes, due to the complexity of its refining system and the composition
of demand (Figure 6.11). In 2022, the region imported around 2.6 mb/d of crude oil, mostly
from Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. Imports are set to grow, reaching 4.4 mb/d in
2040, but then dropping thereafter to around 4 mb/d.
Figure 6.11

Figure 6.11
Crude and condensate imports to the US & Canada by origin, 2022–2045
Latin America Africa Europe Russia & Caspian Middle East









2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

The majority of crude and condensate flows to the US & Canada came from Latin America
in 2022 at around 1.3 mb/d, most of which were heavy and medium-sour barrels. With the
expected rise in Latin American supply, these flows are expected to almost double by 2040,
reaching 2.5 mb/d in 2040 and staying stable thereafter.

Imports from the Middle East were estimated at 0.8 mb/d in 2022 and this is set to increase 6
to 1.8 mb/d by 2040, albeit after a temporary drop around 2030. Some limited flows from
Africa are possible throughout the outlook period, but these are not set to be above 0.4 mb/d.

Figure 6.12 shows European crude and condensate imports by origin. The overall import
level is projected to drop from above 9.5 mb/d in 2022 to 8.5 mb/d in 2030 and then further to
7.1 mb/d by 2045. This reflects declining demand and lower refinery throughputs in Europe,
which is only partly offset by declining domestic European supply.

Due to the oil embargo, crude and condensate imports from Russia & Caspian are set to
decline from 3.3 mb/d in 2022 to around 1.5 mb/d in 2025. It is expected that flows will
improve somewhat, but would only reach levels of around 1.9 mb/d in 2040 and 2045, which
is still significantly lower relative to 2022.

This mirrors the increase of imports from the Middle East and Africa. Given the need for
diversification, EU refiners have turned increasingly to Middle Eastern crudes, which in terms
of quality are similar to Russian grades. Middle East flows to Europe were estimated at 2.2

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 223

Figure 6.12
Figure 6.12
Crude and condensate imports to Europe by origin, 2022–2045

US & Canada Latin America Africa Russia & Caspian Middle East

2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

mb/d in 2022, which were considerably higher compared to 1.3 mb/d in 2021. Imports from
the Middle East are expected to increase further, reaching 3 mb/d in 2035. Due to lower
demand, however, these flows are set to drop to just below 2 mb/d in 2045.

Imports from Africa were estimated at 2.1 mb/d in 2022 and are expected to increase strongly
in 2025, reaching 3.6 mb/d. The main reason is the EU’s oil embargo on Russian crude. In the
following years, however, imports from Africa are projected to decline gradually to around 2.5
mb/d by the end of the outlook. Inflows from Latin America are set to remain limited throughout
the forecast period hovering around 0.5 mb/d, which is not far off levels observed in 2022.

Finally, imports from the US & Canada, which were assessed at close to 1.6 mb/d in 2022 are
projected to decline to 0.8 mb/d in 2025. A further drop to levels below 0.5 mb/d is expected
for the remainder of the outlook. This reflects the demand patterns of European refiners,
which are in favour of middle distillate-rich crudes. In addition, it assumes that Europe will
find sufficient additional barrels in Africa and the Middle East.

Figure 6.13 highlights crude and condensate imports to the Asia-Pacific, with overall levels
increasing steadily from 23 mb/d in 2022 to 28.6 mb/d in 2030 and further to 32.6 mb/d by
2045. Consequently, the share and importance of the Asia-Pacific in the global crude and
condensate trade is set to increase further, as already highlighted in Figure 6.5.

The Middle East remains the most important crude supplier to the Asia-Pacific with volumes
increasing modestly from just below 15 mb/d in 2022 to 16.6 mb/d in 2030. However, the
size of exports increases strongly thereafter, in line with rising demand for OPEC liquids and
reaches 22.3 mb/d in 2045.

The Russia & Caspian is set to become the second largest supplier to the Asia-Pacific in the
medium- and long-term. This is in line with the efforts of Russian producers to reroute their

World Oil Outlook 2023

224 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Figure 6.13

Figure 6.13
Crude and condensate imports to Asia-Pacific by origin, 2022–2045
US & Canada Latin America Africa Europe Russia & Caspian Middle East






2022 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Source: OPEC.

exports away from the EU. From around 2.2 mb/d in 2021, imports have already increased
to 2.9 mb/d in 2022, with most of the additional barrels being absorbed by India and China.
Flows are expected to increase further and reach 4 mb/d in 2035 and 2040. In the last five
years of the outlook period, however, shipments are estimated to drop to 3.6 mb/d, as more
Russia & Caspian crude goes to Europe.

Imports from Africa to the Asia-Pacific are projected to decline from 2 mb/d in 2022 to around
1.6 mb/d in 2030 and 2035, as Europe seeks to replace Russian barrels. Nevertheless,
volumes increase thereafter to reach 2.2 mb/d by the end of the period. Imports from Latin
America rise from almost 1.5 mb/d in 2022 to 3.2 mb/d in 2035 as production in this region
increases. In the last decade of the outlook period, however, these volumes drop and reach
2.4 mb/d in 2045.
Inflows for crude and condensate barrels from the US & Canada increase from almost 1.6
mb/d in 2022 to around 4 mb/d in 2030, as US light-sweet grades are a good match for the
light distillate-rich crudes required in the Asia-Pacific. Due to declining supply in the US,
these volumes are set to drop to 2.1 mb/d by 2045.

The resulting regional net crude and condensate imports are shown in Figure 6.14. The
largest increase in net imports is expected for Other Asia-Pacific (excl. China), with volumes
rising from 13.3 mb/d in 2022 to 19.4 mb/d in 2045. Net imports to China are set to increase
in the medium-term, from 9.5 mb/d in 2022 to just under 12 mb/d in 2025. This is followed by
modest increases thereafter, reaching around 13 mb/d in 2045. At the same time, European
net imports are set to decline gradually throughout the forecast period. From around 9.3
mb/d in 2022, volumes are forecast to drop to 7.1 mb/d in 2045.

On the net export side, the largest change is observed in the Middle East, where net exports
are projected to increase from 18.2 mb/d in 2022 to almost 26 mb/d in 2045. Net exports in
Latin America are set to increase from 2.7 mb/d in 2022 to 4.4 mb/d in 2035. However, as

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 225
Figure 6.14
Figure 6.14
Regional net crude and condensate imports, 2022, 2025, 2035 and 2045

2022 2025 2035 2045
US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle China Other
Canada America Caspian East Asia-Pacific

Source: OPEC.

exports decline somewhat, net export levels are projected to drop to 4.1 mb/d in 2045. Net
exports from Russia & Caspian fall from 6.3 mb/d in 2022 to just below 5 mb/d in 2025, but
this is followed by a gradual increase to 5.9 mb/d in 2045.

The US & Canada was a net crude and condensate exporter in 2022, at around 0.7 mb/d. With
rising domestic supplies, net exports are set to increase to 1.9 mb/d in 2025. Volumes then
decline gradually as the region becomes a net importer due to declining supply. Finally, in
Africa net exports are projected to see a temporary medium-term increase from 4.3 mb/d in
2022 to 4.8 mb/d in 2025. However, they are then set to decline to 4.1 mb/d in 2045.

6.4 Refined product movements

As already discussed, refined product movements between the seven major regions are
significantly lower relative to crude and condensate flows. This is due to the preference of
consuming countries to increase domestic refining and import crude and condensates, and
to benefit from lower transportation costs for crude and/or condensates relative to refined
products. This is why the majority of refined products are produced and consumed within the
respective regions.

In other words, a large part of refined product trade remains an intratrade issue (trade within
the region itself). However, there are still significant refined product flows from regions with
sufficient refining capacities to others where local product demand is higher compared with
local refinery output. In some cases, large crude oil producers (e.g. several countries in the
Middle East) choose to expand their refining capacity and replace a portion of their crude
exports with product exports. Consequently, future trends depend on local demand growth,
as well as available and new refining capacity (see Chapter 5).

Figure 6.15 shows projected product net imports by major region. Net imports to the Asia-
Pacific are set to increase from 5.3 mb/d in 2025 to almost 8.6 mb/d in 2045. On the net

World Oil Outlook 2023

226 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Height: 65 mm


import side, increases are expected in Africa, from around 1.6 mb/d in 2025 to 2.5 mb/d in
2045, and in Latin America, from 2.3 mb/d in 2025 to 3 mb/d in 2045. In Europe, net imports
are set to drop and reach a balance by 2045.

This will be covered by rising net exports in the US & Canada, from 4 mb/d in 2025 to 7 mb/d
in 2045, and the Middle East, from 2.8 mb/d in 2025 to 3.8 mb/d in 2045. Net exports in Russia
& Caspian decline somewhat, but remain significant at 3.3 mb/d in 2045.
Figure 6.15

Figure 6.15
Regional net product imports, 2025, 2035 and 2045

2025 2035 2045




US & Latin Africa Europe Russia & Middle Asia-
Canada America Caspian East Pacific

Source: OPEC.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 227

Climate change, sustainable development

and energy policies

World Oil Outlook 2023

228 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Key takeaways

• A rapidly changing global landscape, driven by high inflation, energy security

concerns and geopolitical tensions continues to keep uncertainty elevated for all
countries. The main objective of response actions, policies and measures – many of
which are relevant to the energy sector – is, therefore, to limit global warming and
build a resilient and sustainable future, ensuring that no one is left behind.

• Energy security and energy availability remain prime concerns for all countries,
alongside actions to address climate change and economic disruptions, and to
increase resilience. Many countries currently aim to put their economies on a
pathway toward a low-emissions, high-growth model in the pursuit of sustainable
development objectives and in light of national circumstances.

• At recent UN negotiation sessions, both developed and developing countries have

reiterated their commitment to enhancing their climate-related ambitions in the
context of sustainable development. The importance of addressing implementation
gaps, with developed countries fulfilling their commitments to support provided to
developing countries – including through climate finance – has been highlighted.

• Noting that projected GHG emissions from current pledges would make it likely
that global warming would exceed the Paris Agreement target, UNFCCC Parties
await the outcome of the first global stocktake at COP28, which should consider
the importance of eradicating poverty within and between countries, including by
supporting nationally determined sustainable development pathways.

• Implementation of the SDGs has stagnated and the world is likely to continue falling
behind in attaining SDG 7 on universal energy access. Issues related specifically
to energy poverty eradication need to be addressed, acknowledging national
capabilities and solutions that are context specific.

• Major policy announcements in the US, EU and China, as well as other countries,
continue to drive a change in the makeup of the long-term energy mix, recognizing
that expected future energy demand requires unprecedented investment and
collaboration. The importance of accelerating the diffusion of technologies through
appropriate policies and the promotion of international cooperation are vital. 7
• To this end, hydrogen, CCUS, Direct Air Capture, Carbon Dioxide Removal and the
Circular Carbon Economy are interconnected concepts at the forefront of addressing
climate change and transitioning to a sustainable future. These technologies have
the potential to help transitions to low-emissions economies, mitigate the impacts of
climate change, as well as address energy security and resilience.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 229

As the world continues to enhance its efforts to address matters related to energy security,
energy affordability and the need to reduce global emissions, a wide range of policies and
measures have already been enacted or are being considered for implementation that are
aimed at building resilient and sustainable economies. The key outcome and decisions
of multilateral processes, especially those related to the implementation of the Paris
Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, are also playing a pivotal
role in determining which direction the world could follow on matters related to climate
change and socio-economic development. This chapter includes a brief overview of major
policy announcements, NDCs and long-term strategies addressing climate change and
sustainability issues. These also serve as the basis for the scenarios discussed in Chapter 8.

7.1 Climate change and sustainable development

Almost eight years after the adoption of the Paris Agreement, as well as the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development and its SDGs, there is broad consensus on the need to urgently
scale up climate-related action and support developing countries in pursuit of sustainable
development objectives. The challenges facing the world in reducing global GHG emissions
and fulfilling implementation gaps in line with national circumstances are stark, necessitating
critical improvements in multiple areas.

Intense negotiations under the UNFCCC allowed progress on long-anticipated processes,

especially on matters relating to the Paris Agreement rulebook. However, there have been
setbacks due to inherent implementation uncertainties. Progress towards achieving the
SDGs has stagnated, particularly in developing countries, owing to amplified adverse
impacts arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and the global economic

Countries are effectively called to work together in solidarity, acknowledging that appropriate
policies and sound science would be required to support fair and inclusive growth. Energy
security also remains a key concern for all countries, along with the need for action to
address climate change and economic disruptions, and increase resilience. In this context, it
is acknowledged that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, while the identification of science-
based, viable and coherent solutions is considered essential to find the right balance between
any potentially competing priorities.

Indeed, at the latest UN negotiation sessions, both developed and developing countries
reiterated their commitment to enhancing their climate-related ambitions in the context of
sustainable development. As stipulated in the Paris Agreement, developed countries were
called to take the lead in reducing global emissions, recognizing that significant mitigation and
adaptation actions are needed in order to achieve the agreement’s long-term goals, based on
the best available science and the principle of equity, while taking into account common but
differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. In addition, the provision of support
in terms of climate finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity building have
been recognized as key enablers for increased action and implementation.

Anticipating the outcome of the first global stocktake, the Parties to the Paris Agreement have
also stressed the importance of eradicating poverty within and between countries, supporting
nationally determined sustainable development pathways. Facilitating policies, technological
improvements and innovation could support efforts to maximize co-benefits and minimize
the adverse impacts of climate mitigation response measures. In addition, various suitable

World Oil Outlook 2023

230 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

and flexible options could be identified, particularly for developing countries, taking national
circumstances into account.

Moreover, developing countries have underscored the need to scale up financial support in
the form of grants and concessional finance, noting that peer-to-peer cooperation is essential
to share knowledge and lessons learned. On technological advancement, countries have
stressed their different starting points and national capabilities. Across the board, however,
the use of technologies such as CCUS is considered critical as part of long-term low-emission
development strategies, including in developing countries. Systemic approaches and
capacity building – comprising institutional capacity – are also considered essential for the
implementation of climate policies.

Accelerating climate action in a just, equitable and sustainable manner requires holistic
approaches embedded in domestic priorities, while simultaneously taking into account
alignments with the SDGs and national development strategies. International cooperation
could also address barriers and challenges for all countries to adapt to the impacts of climate
change and mitigate them, including through enhanced access to adequate financing, and
knowledge and experience sharing.

Scientific evidence – as provided by the recently released Synthesis Report of the IPCC
Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) – notes the importance of sufficient financing and the need
to incentivize the uptake of technologies and capacity building in developing countries. In
addition, it indicates that increased ambition and mitigation policies for climate action have
contributed to a decrease in carbon intensity and improvements in energy efficiency. That
said, it also notes that the pace and scale of action are currently insufficient to tackle climate
change and limit global warming to well below 2°C.

More specifically, evidence outlines that an emissions gap persists, exacerbated by an

implementation gap in terms of achieving the long-term temperature target of the Paris
Agreement. Countries are also experiencing an investment gap, especially developing
countries, due to the unfulfilled commitments of developed countries to support them, limited
concessional finance and public investment that is constrained by debt.

As a scientific input to UNFCCC processes, including the first global stocktake under the Paris
Agreement, the recent IPCC report considers for future policies and measures regarding both
adaptation and mitigation. Countries are subsequently called on to reduce global emissions
while scaling up practices to enhance the development of climate resilience. At the same
time, it is acknowledged that those who contributed the least to climate change are often the 7
most vulnerable to its impacts. The lack of access to modern energy services for millions of
people in developing countries is also emphasized. Therefore, fairness is one of the presented
solutions, along with increased financing for climate action.

Similarly to the analysis presented in Chapter 2 of the WOO, the IPCC report shows that total
GHG emissions continue to increase, noting that historical and current emission contributions
vary substantially across regions. It stresses that the remaining carbon budget could be
largely depleted under a 2°C target, assuming that annual CO2 emissions remain at 2019
levels. Projected GHG emissions from current pledges – namely, Parties’ NDCs announced
prior to COP26 – would make it likely that global warming would exceed the Paris Agreement
target. As a result, the report concludes that rapid and deep emission reductions are needed
under pathways consistent with the agreement’s long-term goals.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 231

In addition, the report underscores that a broad portfolio of options is available to transform
global energy systems. That said, different contexts, the availability of natural resources
and national circumstances significantly affect abatement approaches and mitigation
actions – including their pace – across regions and countries. The report presents carbon
dioxide removal (CDR) as being critical to limiting the global temperature rise to well
below 2°C. This entails both natural (conventional) solutions – like sequestering and
storing carbon in trees and soil – and novel technologies that directly take CO2 out of the
air. With this in mind, it is key that technology transfer is supported for ambitious climate

Elsewhere, the report notes that insufficient financial resources are a barrier to adaptation,
and cautions that feasible and effective adaptation options may become less effective
with increasing global warming. At present, as per the report, adaptation is fragmented,
incremental and distributed unequally across regions.

Ultimately, the report highlights the need for collective efforts to adapt to climate change and
mitigate its effects, leaving no one behind, as the world moves towards a climate resilient and
sustainable future. Climate resilient development involves integrating measures to adapt to
climate change with actions to reduce or avoid emissions in ways that provide wider benefits.
Noting that climate change could threaten efforts to meet several SDGs, the report concludes
that it is critical to avoid unintended consequences and mitigate trade-offs through just
transition principles, processes and practices. Overall, challenges stemming from climate
change could be addressed by implementing appropriate policies, while adhering to the
principles and provisions of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.

Given the above, and looking ahead to COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (30 November
–12 December 2023), a record number of mandated technical workshops, high-level events,
ministerial roundtable discussions, global dialogues and summits are taking place. For
example, the Climate Ambition Summit, organized by the UN Secretary-General in September
2023, in New York. These events ensure that a high level of attention is being devoted to
climate-related matters and consider interlinkages with parallel UN processes that could
support global efforts for a sustainable future. As elaborated on further later, these activities
and events aim to build momentum and impact the formation of future policies and climate
actions, and ensure sustainable development.

7.1.1 UN climate process and the Paris Agreement implementation

In an era of considerable uncertainty, challenges and cascading crises at various levels,
UNFCCC Parties gathered at the COP27 in November 2022, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, with
climate negotiations touching on substantive matters required for the full operationalization
of the Paris Agreement.

Following extensive negotiations, a set of decisions was adopted on matters relating, inter
alia, to the work programme for urgently scaling up mitigation ambition and implementation,
the work programme on the global goal on adaptation (GGA) and technical aspects for Article
6 of the Paris Agreement on market and non-market approaches. Further issues concerned
a new collective quantified goal on climate finance, and the first global stocktake under
the Paris Agreement. These decisions contribute to evolving negotiation processes under
the UNFCCC and the evolution of Parties’ policies and measures for climate mitigation and
adaptation actions.

World Oil Outlook 2023

232 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

The Parties could also reach agreement on the establishment of funding arrangements
for assisting developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse impacts
of climate change in responding to loss and damage, including a dedicated fund. Details
concerning this will likely be decided at COP28, expected to be supported by new and
additional resources from a wide variety of financial resources.

Moreover, various announcements were made during COP27. For instance, Indonesia
announced a Just Energy Transition Partnership, agreed at the G20 Summit held in parallel
with COP27. This is expected to mobilize about $20 billion over the next three to five years.
Additional Parties also joined the Global Methane Pledge that was launched at COP26.

A key outcome of COP27 was the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan, composed of two
cover decisions. According to these, the Parties decided, inter alia, to:

• Establish a work programme on just transition that would consider pathways to

achieve the Paris Agreement goals;
• Urge the Parties that have not communicated new or updated NDCs or Long-Term
Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) to do so by COP28, taking into
account different national circumstances;
• Retain the call to accelerate efforts towards the phasing down of unabated coal power
and the phasing out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, providing support to vulnerable
populations and recognizing the need for support towards a just transition (as per
the Glasgow Climate Pact, adopted at COP26). The need for more secure, reliable and
resilient energy systems was highlighted too, supporting cooperative actions; and
• Urge developed countries to provide enhanced support to assist developing countries
in mitigating and adapting to climate change, noting with concern the growing gaps
between the needs of developing countries and support provided by developed
countries for developing countries’ efforts to implement their NDCs while addressing
increased indebtedness.

On other critical issues, the Parties took note of the emission and implementation gaps under
existing pledges, and decided that under the Mitigation Work Programme (MWP), the Parties
would aim to explore topics and identify opportunities and gaps to reduce global emissions,
without establishing new goals on emission reductions. Two dialogues on increased ambition
and implementation and in line with the Paris Agreement’s goals will be held on an annual
basis in this coming decade. The first global dialogue on the MWP and an investment-focused
event has already taken place in conjunction with the 58th sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary
Bodies (SB58) that convened from 5–15 June 2023, in Bonn, Germany. These events focused 7
on just energy transition.

Matters relating to the GGA were extensively negotiated at COP27. A framework to guide
achievements regarding this goal was launched, along with a review of progress in achieving
and enhancing adaptation action and support. Negotiations will continue at COP28, while a
workshop of the Glasgow Sharm el-Sheikh Work Programme on the GGA at SB58 considered
potential metrics, indicators and methodologies for establishing the GGA framework.

In Sharm el-Sheikh, numerous technical and complex issues were considered in terms of a
more detailed framework for trading international carbon credits under Article 6 of the Paris
Agreement. Parties have advanced work on guidance related to cooperative approaches,
noting the importance of capacity building in developing countries. At the same time,

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mandated workshops and technical expert dialogues were held in conjunction with SB58 –
including developing technical reports – with the objective of having balanced treatment and
outcomes on all sub-items of Article 6 on market and non-market approaches.

On climate finance issues, the Parties have expressed concern about current flows that fall
short of the support needed by developing countries, undermining trust and multilateralism.
With developed countries not having fulfilled their collective pledge to provide developing
countries with $100 billion in climate finance per year, negotiations continued in Sharm
el-Sheikh on a post-2025 climate finance target. They eventually agreed to strengthen the ad
hoc work programme on the New Collective Qualified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance, aiming
to achieve meaningful outcomes on all elements and set a goal in 2024, and considering the
needs and priorities of developing countries. A technical expert dialogue convened during
SB58 reflected on the growing needs of developing countries, and, inter alia, highlighted the
importance of ensuring improved access to new, affordable and long-term climate finance.

In addition, the mid-way point of the first global stocktake was reached at COP27. This
process concerned thematic tracks on mitigation, including response measures; adaptation,
including loss and damage; means of implementation and support; and integrated and holistic
approaches. The third and final technical dialogue was held at SB58 in Bonn, thus concluding
the technical assessment phase, while the political phase will conclude at COP28. A
consideration of outputs will take place in Dubai, providing evidence regarding any collective
progress on attaining the Paris Agreement goals.

Given the above, both the Glasgow Climate Pact and the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation
Plan urged Parties that had not yet communicated new or updated NDCs to do so as soon as
possible, and to revisit and strengthen their 2030 targets to align with the Paris Agreement
goals. At the time of writing, a total of 176 Parties had submitted their new or updated NDCs
to the UNFCCC Secretariat, accounting for almost 93% of global GHG emissions.

The majority of the Parties presented a quantified mitigation target, whereas a few do not
have a numerical target and have submitted only strategies, policies, plans and actions for
low-emission development. Many of the Parties included an economy-wide target covering all
sectors (including the energy sector) and/or all GHG emissions, with more new or updated
NDCs incorporating an absolute emission reduction target.

Measures relating to energy supply, transport, buildings and industry are priority areas
for Parties’ NDCs – including those for renewable energy sources and energy efficiency
improvements, but also for supporting CCUS technologies and circular economy strategies.
Many developing countries highlighted their efforts to provide energy access.

About half of the Parties have considered mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation action
and/or economic diversification plans. Moreover, many of the Parties have communicated
information on matters relating to socio-economic impacts of climate response measures. For
example, it is often highlighted that a low-emissions development would entail distributional
consequences within and between countries. Furthermore, some of the Parties stressed the
need to adopt just transition principles and integrate equity principles into climate action.

A higher number of the Parties indicated in new or updated NDCs their intention to use
cooperative approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Moreover, almost all NDCs
referred to the importance of building sustainable and resilient economies, while taking

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into account the SDGs. Besides links between mitigation action and the attainment of SDGs,
an adaptation component is incorporated in many NDCs too. In addition, actions to support
the Parties’ adaptive capacity was highlighted to strengthen their resilience and reduce
vulnerability to climate change.

To this end, a number of the Parties – particularly developing countries – have a standalone
section in their NDC-submissions on means of implementation (namely, their conditional
element), referring to finance, technology transfer and capacity building. Quantitative
information about the financial support needed for NDC implementation was often included,
with some of the latest NDCs presenting updated estimations or providing this information
for the first time. Some also referred specifically to the limited adequacy of international
financial support for adaptation compared with the scale of needs, particularly in developing

In terms of global GHG emission reductions, the full implementation of new or updated
NDCs would correspond to higher emission reductions. However, this would only partially
offset emissions growth and reduce the estimated emissions gap compared to the level of
reductions required to put the world on a 2°C pathway.

At the same time, the number of Parties who submitted their LT-LEDS increased to 67
strategies – accounting for about 72% of global GHG emissions – including from developing
countries. Some of the Parties referred to their long-term targets in their submitted NDCs as
well, while a limited number communicated updated LT-LEDS.

Based on these submissions, the Parties highlighted linkages between long-term mitigation
strategies and the implementation of national development plans aimed at achieving
sustainable development. On potential synergies between climate action and the attainment
of SDGs, many of the Parties referred to matters relating to economic growth and economic
diversification, improved energy security and access to affordable energy, as well as
technology development and innovation. Uncertainties relating to finance, including access
to new sources, the cost and availability of technologies, and different national circumstances
and capabilities, were emphasized as challenges in implementing long-term aspirations.

Some of the Parties stressed the need to ensure fairness, equity and inclusiveness. Moreover,
they presented potential social and economic impacts arising from the operationalization of
their long-term strategies. Similarly to NDCs, the majority of LT-LEDS included a quantified
emission reduction target, whereas a few of the Parties presented specific policies and
actions. The Parties presented different mitigation pathways, indicating their contributions 7
to collective efforts to reduce global emissions, with some focusing on energy. Yet most
emission reductions expected by 2050 are likely to occur after 2030.

Some LT-LEDS also stressed the importance of the provision of means of implementation and
the need for international cooperation when focusing on adaptation actions. To achieve the
Paris Agreement’s long-term goals, the Parties often underscored that there is significant
leeway in policies and actions; however, it would be important to ensure that their contributions
to collective efforts for tackling climate change are aligned with the principles and provisions
of the Convention and the agreement.

In light of the above, many Parties are expected to support a balanced treatment between
mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation at COP28, including through addressing

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the finance needs of developing countries, the critical role of technology development and
transfer, and support for capacity building.

7.1.2 SDG 7 in the context of sustainable development

At the midway point of implementing the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs are in a critical state; the
world is lagging behind in meeting most of the goals, including SDG 7 related to access to
clean, reliable and affordable energy. The current geopolitical context and economic crises
have influenced many nations to redirect their focus towards energy security, especially as it
has become increasingly clearer that energy is indispensable in achieving SDGs.

As global dialogues gear towards managing the energy sustainability trilemma – affordability,
energy security, and sustainability – SDG 7 contains dedicated sub-targets that include goals
for universal access to energy (SDG 7.1), renewable energy (SDG 7.2), energy efficiency (SDG
7.3), and two enabling targets related to financial flows to developing countries for clean
energy development and international cooperation.

While acknowledging the substantial progress made globally to date in expanding electricity
access, considerable efforts are still required to fully achieve SDG 7. According to the 2023
UN progress report, in 2021, 675 million people still lacked electricity access globally, most
of whom are located in the least developed countries (LDCs), while 2.3 billion people still do
not rely on clean fuels and technologies for cooking.

Primary energy intensity also declined to 0.6% in 2020 based on the latest official UN reports,
making it the worst year for energy intensity improvement since the 2007 global financial crisis.
To satisfy the SDG 7.3 target by 2030, the world must have an average annual improvement of
3.4%. Meanwhile, international public finance flows that support clean energy in developing
countries have been constantly dropping since the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, the public
finance made available for clean energy R&D was only $10.8 billion, an 11% drop from 2020,
and 35% less than the decade-long average from 2010–2019.

In 2021, global leaders gathered together for the first High-Level Dialogue on Energy (HLDE),
which provided a platform to discuss the implementation of energy-related goals and the
SDG 7 targets. The HLDE resulted in the Global Roadmap for Accelerated SDG 7 Action, which
serves as a guiding document for collaborative, cross-sectoral energy actions, emphasizing
widespread and intensified impact that surpasses isolated and fragmented strategies. The
roadmap also laid down two sets of milestones for 2025 and 2030 that could ensure cohesive
and consistent achievement of the SDG 7 targets, while also supporting other SDGs and the
emission reduction objectives of the Paris Agreement.

To further support the milestones identified in the roadmap, UN-Energy, the principal
mechanism within the UN system for inter-agency collaboration on energy, released the
UN-Energy Plan of Action Towards 2025. This laid down the thematic orientation of UN-Energy,
including its members and partners. The plan outlines the strategies UN-Energy will adopt
to accelerate actions, catalyze multi-stakeholder participation, grow the momentum of the
SDG 7 global campaign, inform the global agenda, and effectively monitor and disseminate

Another key outcome of the HLDE came in the form of Energy Compacts, which serve as
voluntary pledges for action to drive progress towards achieving the targets of SDG 7. These

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pledges identify key deliverables, milestones, and timeframes that contribute towards the
2030 fulfillment of SDG 7. According to the UN-Energy 2022 Annual Progress Report on
Energy Compacts, more than 200 Energy Compacts were submitted by UN Member States,
regional/local governments, the private sector, and NGOs.

These approaches aim to build on the ambitions that will drive a transformative change
through just, inclusive, and equitable energy transitions. These initiatives also set the
strategic course for the Global Stocktaking on SDG 7, an event mandated by the UN General
Assembly (UNGA), which is scheduled to occur in 2024.

The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) is the central UN platform following up and reviewing
the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Recognizing energy as a central component of the 2030
Agenda has prompted the HLPF 2023 to conduct an in-depth review of SDG 7. This is occurring
alongside the reviews of SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation, SDG 9 on industry, innovation,
and infrastructure, SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities, and SDG 17 on partnerships
in achieving the SDGs. This multi-faceted approach to the reviews has been adopted to keep
in mind the integrated, indivisible, and interlinked nature of the SDGs.

The 2023 HLPF received even more prominence, as the year marks the mid-point of the 2030
Agenda. It helped inform and shape the SDG Summit on the sidelines of the 78th UNGA in
September 2023. The theme of HLPF 2023, ‘Accelerating the Recovery from the Coronavirus
Disease (COVID-19) and the Full Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development at all levels,’ acknowledges that progress towards most of the SDGs is badly
lacking. This has been compounded by the continuing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe, and the financial, food, energy, and humanitarian
crises triggered by these events. The forum was an occasion for the participants to discuss
effective and inclusive recovery measures in addressing the impacts of COVID-19 on the
SDGs, while also exploring actionable policy guidance for the full implementation of the 2030
Agenda at all levels.

In light of the above, the overall advantages of energy-focused actions needs to be emphasized,
especially considering SDG 7’s potentials to yield considerable co-benefits in other sectors.
The 2023 Energy Progress Report, produced by the five SDG 7 custodian agencies, has
identified and examined the specific interlinkages between SDG 7 and the other SDGs.

Reliable and accessible electricity is crucial to attain high quality education (SDG 4) and good
health and wellbeing (SDG 3). The educational journey of students and teachers is enhanced
when stable and consistent access to electricity in educational institutions and homes is 7
ensured. For example, enhanced academic performance, literacy, and school completion
rates can be achieved through more time to study after dark, the use of computers, and the
availability of internet connectivity. The relevance of this link to SDG 4 was underscored
during the pandemic, when some students’ inability to continue their education due to a lack of
electricity and internet connectivity at home became apparent in many regions, perpetuating
inequality. Similarly, reliable electricity is also a crucial requirement for healthcare facilities,
powering critical medical equipment and enabling life-saving emergency operations.

Access to energy is also intertwined with women’s economic empowerment and gender
equality (SDG 5). Electrification policies and regulations that take into account the specific
needs of women and girls and are sensitive to their empowerment can help increase women’s
participation in business activities and drive more inclusive solutions for electricity access.

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This will also enable policymakers and practitioners to develop more robust statistics. This
will help track the impacts of inclusive energy policies on women’s entrepreneurship and

The fulfilment of SDG 7 necessitates the presence of good regulatory and policy frameworks,
which in turn can stimulate income generation and employment (in line with SDG 8) in local
communities. Investment in integrated access planning and the expansion of on-grid and
off-grid systems is essential to make these frameworks a reality. In addition, technological
innovation and digitalization (SDG 9) can be utilized to close the energy access gap, reduce
costs, enhance value chain efficiencies, and improve data collection and accountability. The
integration of digital technologies into national institutional networks and legal frameworks
for energy products and services offers significant opportunities for governments to expand
and improve grid services.

Ultimately, the world has considerable work to do towards achieving energy security,
affordability and access. In the 2023 UN-produced SDG progress report, the necessity for
concerted efforts in achieving energy security was emphasized, including identifying priority
actions required to accelerate energy access. These included addressing the critical obstacles
to the deployment of clean energy in developing countries, tripling finance and investment for
clean energy and energy efficiency, mobilizing funding to support the Energy Compacts, and
fortifying international cooperation and collaboration.

7.2 Energy policies of major economies

Developments in recent years have shown that the energy and climate challenges facing
the world are enormous and complex. This has been demonstrated by tensions and conflicts
over energy affordability, energy security and the need to reduce emissions in regions around
the world. Additionally, geopolitical tensions pose enormous challenges for policymakers,
particularly for developing countries, which are more than ever faced with energy security
and economic issues. For others, the focus is on stricter energy efficiency measures and
increased renewable energy support policies. The result is a variety of policy mechanisms
that seek to address local, nation and international goals.

7.2.1 United States

The US is gradually refining its energy policies and climate change regulations, as
demonstrated below.

The IRA supports new investments in energy production. The Act includes $370 billion
in investment over the next ten years for energy security and climate change and offers
financial incentives to accelerate innovation and the adoption of clean energy technologies.
This is set to be achieved using tax credits or breaks, with the goal being to improve energy
efficiency and foster a gradual switch to renewable energy sources. In turn, this should
result in improved energy consumption in homes and businesses and see a drop in the
general cost barrier to renewable energy sources entering the market. Furthermore, the
IRA encourages additional tax incentives for the use of emission reduction technologies,
including the implementation of CCUS technology and green hydrogen.

Other initiatives include the Federal Sustainability Plan. This regulation aims to contribute to
GHG emission reductions of 65% by 2030 and achieving net-zero in 2050. In detail, the plan

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focuses on generating 100% emissions-free electricity by 2030. The Federal Sustainability

Plan further implies that, by 2032, CO2 emissions in the building portfolio will decrease by
50% and by 100% in 2045.

Pivoting towards the oil and gas sector, the US administration issued a stop on oil and gas
leasing in 2021, suspending operations in various projects. This includes on regulations
limiting the availability of federal land for drilling, and in terms of increasing royalty rates
driven by environmental concerns. These payments constitute a percentage of the overall
value of the resource extracted. However, the ban was lifted in 2022.

The US Methane Emission Reduction Act introduces a regulation that combats methane
emissions and focuses primarily on the oil and gas sector. Its roadmap promotes a decrease
of 65% in methane emissions by 2025. Agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency
have introduced the revised New Source Performance Standards to control methane and
other emissions in the oil and gas sector. Additional regulations govern well closures,
assuring that emissions are controlled until all wells are sealed.

7.2.2 European Union

The EU Green Deal utilizes a number of policy mechanisms for its member states. The most
direct are those that set quantitative targets for the share of renewable sources in the energy
mix. In 2021, an increase to 40% was slated for the EU’s target for the share of renewable
energy in 2030, only for the arrival of the REPowerEU plan the following year that boosted
the target to 45%.

In 2021, the EU also released its ‘Fit for 55’ package aimed at supporting the achievement of
a 55% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels – a target that the EU has
enshrined into law. The purpose of the package was more than a singular initiative, as it set
out to update several existing regulations, directives and standards, as well as to establish
new ones. The result has been a flurry of changes in EU energy policies since 2021. Recent
developments have been particularly important for the transportation sector, for example,
related to overall fuel demand and the type of fuel demand.

Most recently, there has been agreement on the ReFuelEU Aviation proposal, which was part
of the ‘Fit for 55’ measures. Once formally adopted, this legislation will mandate the use of
SAF. This will apply to flights within the EU and to flights leaving the EU. The initiative will
first require a minimum share of SAF in the fuel mix of 2% by 2025 before it increases over
time to reach 70% by 2050. It further requires an increase of Power-to-Liquid fuels or E-Fuels 7
in this mix (35% of the mix by 2050), but this does not include fuels made from food and feed
crops. This followed a similar agreement for using sustainable fuels in the EU’s shipping

New legislation also sets stricter performance standards for new vehicles, which is likely to
support a gradual shift towards EVs. This includes a 55% reduction in CO2 emissions for new
cars and a 50% reduction for new vans from 2030 to 2034, compared to 2021 levels, and a
100% reduction in CO2 emissions for both new cars and vans from 2035.

It should be noted that in some countries there has been pushback against some EU environment
and next zero policies. For example, the Polish government in June said it would file a lawsuit
against an adopted EU regulation requiring all new cars in Europe to be zero-emission as of

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2035. In Germany, the ruling national coalition came close to breaking point earlier this year
over the phasing out of oil and gas for heating, and the policy was eventually watered down.
In Italy, the government has asked the EU to water down a directive aimed at improving the
energy efficiency of buildings and re-write plans to phase out combustion engine cars.

7.2.3 China
Based on the 14th FYP on Modern Energy Systems, China aims to pivot towards a more
sustainable energy system by expanding capacities and investments regarding clean energy

The ‘Two Session’ held on 13 March 2023 in Beijing defined the key macroeconomic
requirements for the end of the year, focusing on economic growth and energy priorities.
The Chinese government has set its GDP growth goal at around 5% and anticipates a
recovery in energy consumption. Additionally, Beijing has put limits on coal-to-gas

China has also established a carbon peaking and carbon policy system defined as the
‘1+N’ policy framework. This top-down policy implementation framework comes from two
documents, namely the Working Guidance and Action Plan. The former defines a high-level
framework that paves the road to achieving the climate goals. The latter provides insights
about the action plans on a more detailed (regional) basis to fulfil energy-related targets. The
framework elaborates on policies such as the following:

• Opinions to Strictly Control Energy Efficiency of Key Industries to Facilitate Energy

Conservation and Emissions Mitigation;
• The Implementation Plan to Retrofit and Upgrade Coal-fired Power Plants;
• Opinions to Strengthen Industry-Financing Nexus to Facilitate Green Industrial
• Opinions to Facilitate State-Owned Companies’ Work towards Carbon Peaking and
Carbon Neutrality;
• The Implementation Plan for Industrial Carbon Peaking;
• The Implementation Plan to Promote Technologies Supporting Carbon Peaking and
Carbon Neutrality (2022–2030); and
• Central bank’s lending tool to support carbon emissions reduction.

China forecasts that its non-fossil fuel energy use leveraging transparent photo-
electro-chemical cells is set to expand from an initial market share of 14.3% at the end of
2021 to a 20.6% share in 2025 and 25.6% by 2030. This meets the set goals of 20% and 25%,
respectively. Adding wind to solar, the government estimates that by 2030 their market
share will surpass coal. Moreover, energy and carbon intensity in China are expected to
drop by 13.5% and 18% by 2025, respectively. By 2030, carbon intensity is set to decline by
65% from its 2005 levels.

The 14th FYP further highlighted a ‘New-Type Energy Storage Development’ so as to move into
large-scale development by 2025. Moreover, the introduction of new electrochemical energy
storage is said to reduce costs by 30%. This is based on breakthroughs in long-term storage
technologies, such as hydrogen energy storage and thermal energy storage. It is expected
that the new-type of energy storage will be fully operational by 2030.

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In terms of pump storage development, it is expected that the Chinese government will
double cumulative operating capacity by 2025 and reach 62 GW. Further sustainable growth
is expected to lead to 120 GW in 2030 and to 412 GW in 2035.

In January 2023, the Chinese government drafted a blueprint on a new type of power
system development, providing a timeline for construction. The Ulanqab-Beijing hydrogen
demonstrator pipeline was also recently launched as the country’s first long-distance
hydrogen project. The project’s goal is to promote large-scale deliveries of green hydrogen,
while reducing the costs and restrictions associated with this transportation mode. The
pipeline has a total length of 400 kilometres. The expected transmission capacity is set to
initially be around 100,000 tonnes per year, before ultimately expanding to 500,000 tons per

7.2.4 India
At COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, India reiterated its commitment to a goal of reaching net-zero
emissions by 2070, meeting 50% of the country’s cumulative installed electric power capacity
from clean energy sources and by 2030 reducing the emission intensity of GDP by 45% below
2005 levels. Additionally, India submitted its long-term low emission development strategy to
the UNFCCC, committing to a just, sustainable and all-inclusive transformation of its energy
system. The LT-LEDS is based on pathways that consider the following:

• Low emission electricity systems;

• An integrated, efficient, and inclusive low-emission transport system;
• Adaptation in urban design, energy and material-efficiency in buildings, as well as
sustainable urbanization;
• Economy-wide growth decoupling from emissions and an efficient, innovative low-
emission industrial system;
• CO2 removal and related engineering solutions;
• Enhanced forest and vegetation coverage consistent with socio-economic and
ecological considerations; and
• Economic and financial aspects of low-emission development.

Each of these pathways is supplemented by a wide spectrum of policy proposals and

programmes including in urban planning, municipal services, improved fuel and energy
efficiency, EVs and recycling. Furthermore, in an attempt to promote international dialogue
and technological exchange, the Indian government, through the LT-LEDS, reminded the global
community that under the UNFCCC, developed countries have committed to transferring 7
technology on concessional terms to developing countries. As part of India’s Third Biennial
Update Report, the country provided a comprehensive list of critical technologies required to
realize its LT-LEDS aspirations.

In February 2023, the Indian government presented its latest full budget, with over US$8
billion directed at the realization of new clean energy projects, including green hydrogen and
renewable energy initiatives. Moreover, an additional US$4.3 billion was allocated solely to
the realization of India’s 2070 net zero goal.

India’s National Electricity Plan 2023 (NEP2023) was released in May 2023. This outlined the
government’s current projections for peak national electricity demand and requirements for

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renewable and fossil-fuel based generation capacity to 2032, taking into consideration the
country’s climate mitigation ambitions. According to the document, the share of countrywide
non-fossil based generation capacity is projected to grow to 57.4% by the end of 2027 and
68.4% by the end of 2032.

7.2.5 Other regions and countries

Currently, the Russian Federation’s ‘Reduced GHG Socio-economic Development Strategy
until 2050’ that was adopted in October 2021 remains the country’s key strategic document
aimed to realize its contribution for the Paris Agreement implementation.

The strategy’s main goal is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 and considers technological,
financial and fiscal policy measures aimed at reducing GHGs as an additional driver of the
economy’s technological renewal. These measures include carbon pricing mechanisms,
GHG quota systems, the introduction of regulatory requirements for the mandatory use and
promotion of technologies with low emissions and high energy and resource efficiency, and
adjustments to the mineral extraction tax, among others.

However, the extent to which Russia is able to realize its climate mitigation ambitions is
predominantly influenced by the country’s ability to tackle and adapt to the impacts of sanctions.

In early February 2022, the Russian government prepared the strategy’s draft implementation
plan containing measures aimed at emission reductions. Such measures included, for
example, ESG and carbon reporting obligations, comprehensive green debt financing support,
tax exemptions, the introduction of emissions’ quotas in separate sectors and the approval of
a carbon credit registration mechanism.

Initially, it was assumed that its final version would be available in March 2022; however,
increased geopolitical uncertainty led to the postponement of its publication. In July 2022, the
Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) requested that the Government
postpone the adoption of the Strategy’s implementation plan until as late as 2023, citing
inadequate access to low-emission technologies.

United Kingdom
The UK government has developed multiple policies, regulations, and initiatives to secure
energy supplies and accelerate the diversification of energy sources while meeting Paris
Agreement-related goals. Its main focus is to ensure the security and cost-efficacy of future
energy supplies.

In April 2022, the UK government introduced its Energy Security Strategy with the aim of
reducing dependency on imported fossil fuel supplies and meeting a net-zero target by 2050.
The strategy calls for the expanded utilization of North Sea resources, which was further
underscored when the government granted 100 new North Sea oil and gas licences in July
2023, as well as the adoption of hydrogen as an alternative to natural gas. It also underscored
the importance of leveraging the expertise acquired in offshore oil and gas to help develop
offshore wind solutions.

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In 2022, the UK’s Department for Energy Security & Net Zero implemented a carbon pricing
policy through the Carbon Price Support (CPS) and the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK
ETS). CPS is a tax on carbon content in fossil fuels used for power generation designed
to promote investment in low-emission energy sources. It provides an incentive for power
generators to decrease emissions.

The carbon pricing policy allocates UK Allowances that determine the amount of GHGs
that companies can emit. Excess emissions require the purchase of additional permits
from the carbon market. This move supports the UK’s goal of transitioning to a low-
emission economy and reaching net zero by 2050. In addition to the CPS and UK ETS,
the UK government has also proposed a carbon border tax, similar to the EU’s CBAM,
which would impose tariffs on imported goods based on their carbon content. The
proposal is currently under consideration and is expected to be implemented in the

In the midst of geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe and the post-pandemic demand
recovery, wholesale gas prices reached extraordinary levels, putting inflationary
pressure on the cost of living in the UK. In May 2022, the UK government responded by
implementing the Energy Profits Levy Act, increasing taxes on energy companies from
25% to 35% until March 2028. As a result, total effective tax rates in the oil and gas sector
have risen to 75%, leading to a substantial reduction in profits. The government also
changed the investment allowance to 29%, but kept it at 80% for investments aimed at
emission reduction efforts.

Based on its NDC, Brazil aims to reduce GHG emissions to 50% by 2030, compared to 2005
levels, and reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

The Ministry of Environment launched the National Zero Methane Program in March 2022.
The objective of the regulation is to stimulate the carbon market and advance sector
agreements. The ministry is mainly seeking to leverage technology in biogas and bio-
methane operations to help mitigate methane emissions.

On the investment front, the Brazilian energy ministry updated its fuel pricing policy to
focus more on production costs than on international price parity. The expansion of gas
processing and the extension of flow capacity are part of a $ 10.8 billion investment in
refining, gas and power and logistics. As a result, Petrobras, the Brazilian state oil company, 7
will reduce fuel costs for gasoline and diesel at the pump.

In addition, the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development is investing
R$ 24 million to support renewable energy expansion, including projects for biogas, wind
and solar energy.

The Brazilian government has also implemented a policy leveraging subsidies for truck
and taxi drivers and state tax breaks are being granted to ethanol producers to leverage
ethanol as a competitive fuel in the transportation sector. Moreover, two resolutions set
the emission standards for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles that will start to impact new
vehicles in 2022, and all vehicles starting from 2023. The emission standards will be fully
implemented by 2025.

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7.2.6 Hydrogen, CCUS/CCS and CCE

Hydrogen, CCUS and the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) are three interconnected concepts
at the forefront of addressing climate change and transitioning to a sustainable future. These
technologies have the potential to help moving toward a low-emissions economy, mitigate
the impacts of climate change, and address energy security and resilience. However, their
value chains are still in their early stages, and their growth and penetration in the global
energy system will depend on policy support and investment.

The importance of hydrogen and CCUS as essential elements in achieving a reduction of CO2
emissions were highlighted in the IPCC’s AR6. In recent years, many countries have begun
to rapidly adopt policies related to these technologies, establishing their own objectives and
action plans, which take into account specific needs and available resources. This sub-section
aims to outline the most important policies and developments in this respect, at both regional
and national levels.

United States
In the US, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) was passed by Congress and signed by US
President in November 2021. This legislation provides $62 billion for the US Department of
Energy (DoE), including $9.5 billion allocated for clean hydrogen and $12 billion to be spent
on CCUS over the following five years. As previously stated, the IRA signed into law by the
US President in August 2022 includes additional policies and incentives for hydrogen, such
as tax credits, which are expected to stimulate the growth of a clean hydrogen market in the
country. The legislation also extended the construction start date of eligible projects to the
end of 2032, lowered capture thresholds, including direct pay, and expanded transferability.

The DoE’s National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap draft indicate that the country has
the potential to generate a significant demand for clean hydrogen in the next few decades.
The department’s analysis suggests that by 2030, 2040, and 2050, the US could have demand
for at least 10 Mt, 20 Mt, and 50 Mt of what it terms ‘clean’ hydrogen per year, respectively.

The DoE also published its strategy for advancing CCS. Its strategic vision establishes a
framework for making informed carbon management decisions regarding emissions

European Union
The EU has adopted several initiatives and measures pertaining to hydrogen and CCUS
deployment, such as the Hydrogen Strategy for a Climate-Neutral Europe, released in July
2020. This strategy notes that the share of hydrogen in Europe’s energy mix is projected
to grow from less than 2% to 13–14% by 2050. Furthermore, it includes a roadmap to 2050
based on three phases.

The first phase is 2020–2024 and is expected to see the installation of at least 6 GW of renewable
hydrogen electrolyzers in the region and the production of up to 1 mt of renewable hydrogen.
The second phase is from 2025–2030 and is forecast to see at least 40 GW of renewable
hydrogen electrolyzers installed by 2030 and the production of up to 10 mt of renewable
hydrogen. The third phase is set to last up to 2050 and see renewable hydrogen technologies
reach maturity so as to be deployed in a large-scale manner, specifically reaching all hard-
to-abate sectors.

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Alongside this strategy, various measures have been proposed to facilitate public and private
financing, such as the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, Clean Hydrogen Partnership and
the creation of the European Hydrogen Bank.

Hydrogen is also a central pillar in packages such as Fit-for-55 and REpowerEU. In terms
of the latest developments in the Fit-for-55 package process, in March 2023 the European
Council agreed on its negotiating positions on two proposals that set common internal market
rules for renewable and natural gases and hydrogen. The next step will see negotiations in
the European Parliament.

These proposals aim to create a regulatory framework for infrastructure and markets
dedicated to hydrogen and the integrated planning of networks. They also lay down rules for
consumer protection and aim to strengthen security of supply.

Several modifications to the package were adopted in June 2022. The Council
differentiated between discounts on the tariffs of gases of renewable origin (100%) and
those on low-emission gases (75%) in the gas network, and introduced a 100% discount
for capacity-based transmission and distribution tariffs to underground gas and LNG
storage facilities.

Early in 2022, the Canadian government released its first Emissions Reduction Plan under the
Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. It provides a roadmap for how Canada will
meet its NDC target to reduce GHG emissions to 40–45% below 2005 levels by 2030, and put
the country on a path to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Part of this plan includes developing hydrogen and CCUS strategies to incentivize the
development and adoption of these technologies. In March 2023, Canada issued its 2023
federal budget, which strongly supports CCUS and clean hydrogen production via an
investment tax credit. It renewed the proposal of an up-to 40% refundable credit for hydrogen
production through electrolysis or from natural gas, provided that CO2 emissions are abated
through CCUS.

In addition, the 2023 budget renewed incentives for DAC and CCUS projects included in the
2022 budget and expanded the CCUS Investment Tax Credit framework to the geological
storage in British Columbia.
In 2020, Norway developed its hydrogen strategy, which aims to establish a domestic
hydrogen industry by 2030. The strategy focuses on promoting the production and use of
both green and blue hydrogen, with the goal of reducing the cost of hydrogen. To achieve
this, the government has provided funding for R&D, pilot projects and infrastructure for
hydrogen production and distribution. Norway is also participating in several international
collaborations to promote the use of hydrogen, including the European Clean Hydrogen
Alliance and the Hydrogen Council.

Norway is a leader in CCUS technology, with the Sleipner and Snøhvit projects being some
of the most well-known examples. The government is currently working on a new national

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strategy for CCUS, which will focus on scaling up the technology and making it more cost-
effective. The strategy will include funding for R&D, as well as incentives for companies to
invest in CCUS projects. In addition, the government is exploring the potential for using
offshore wind to power CCUS projects.

United Kingdom
The British Energy Security Strategy, published in April 2022, includes a target of 10 GW
capacity for hydrogen production in 2030, of which 5 GW is to come from hydrogen produced
from electrolysis. In addition, the 2025 targets of the strategy include achieving up to 1 GW
of electrolytic hydrogen, designing new business models for hydrogen transport and storage
infrastructure and the establishment of a hydrogen certification system.

In respect to CCUS, the UK government has focused its policy goals on creating momentum
around CCUS funding schemes and policy announcements. The government’s 10-point plan
for a low-emission industrial revolution includes commitments to invest in CCUS in four
industrial clusters and to capture up to 30 mt of CO2 per year by 2030. The government
expects two of these clusters to be ready by the middle of this decade, while the other two
should be completed by 2030. This process was supported by the 2023 announcement of a
longer-term funding package of up to £20 billion for CCUS in the UK.

The Australian government issued the Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy in 2019, which
includes 57 coordinated government actions aimed at addressing barriers to hydrogen
development in three key areas: increasing demand, achieving low-cost hydrogen production
at scale and reducing hydrogen delivery costs.

For CCUS, the Low Emissions Technology Roadmap released in 2020 has put the deployment of CCUS
technology at scale among its priorities. In this context, the government has pledged more than $500
million so far to CCUS hubs in seven regions of the country. In addition, it has granted some $50
million for CCUS pilot projects or pre-commercial projects through the CCUS Development Fund.

In March 2019, the country’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) issued the
third Strategic Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells to complement and build on the Basic
Hydrogen Strategy and the Fifth Strategic Energy Plan. Together, they define the overall
policy framework for the development of Japan’s hydrogen economy for the next decade
and beyond, including objectives to develop an integrated hydrogen supply chain; reduce
hydrogen production costs; enhance storage and transportation of hydrogen and expand
industrial and consumer use of hydrogen and ammonia.

Under those strategic objectives, Japan aims to reduce the delivered cost of hydrogen to JPY30/
Nm3 (Nm3 stands for normal cubic metre) by around 2030 and subsequently to JPY20/Nm3;
reduce the cost of water electrolysis systems by 75%; increase the number of FCEVs to 200,000
by 2025 and 800,000 by 2030; and construct hydrogen refuelling stations in 320 locations by 2025.

In July 2021, the government updated its Green Growth Strategy, identifying 14 growth
sectors for the Japanese economy, including hydrogen and ammonia, and presenting a

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concrete national vision and goals such as increasing annual hydrogen consumption to 3 mt
by 2030 and 20 mt by 2050.

In October 2021, METI published the sixth iteration of its Strategic Energy Plan, which adopts
the core targets for hydrogen/ammonia under the Green Growth Strategy (as described above).
The strategy introduced a co-firing target of 30% hydrogen and 70% natural gas in gas-fired
power plants and the construction of pure hydrogen-fired power plants by 2030, as well as
hydrogen/ammonia to comprise 1% of Japan’s overall power generation by the same time

Moreover, Japan’s long-term CCS roadmap includes a target to develop 120–240 mt/y of
CO2 storage capacity offshore by 2050. In order to achieve this target, in January 2023, METI
announced its intention to have 6 mt/y to 12 mt/y of CO2 storage capacity by 2030. Part of this
plan sees the adoption of a necessary legislative framework and the support of research into
technology aimed at reducing CO2 separation and recovery costs.

South Korea
South Korea has set ambitious goals for the use of hydrogen by 2040. To increase consumption,
it plans to expand its annual market from 0.13 mt to 5.26 mt. For the transportation sector, the
2040 target is to produce 6.2 million FCEVs, of which 3.3 million will be for export and 2.9 million
for domestic sales, in addition to establishing 1,200 hydrogen fuelling stations across the country.

To support this plan, the South Korean government plans to import up to 600,000 and 200,000
tonnes of hydrogen annually from Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates, respectively, by
2027 and beyond.

China’s hydrogen strategy is set out in the March 2022 document, entitled, ‘Medium and
Long-term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021–2035)’. The plan
envisages the establishment of a hydrogen energy industry development system by 2025,
with innovative capabilities and core manufacturing technologies and processes. China is
targeting the production of 100,000 to 200,000 tonnes of green hydrogen annually and to have
about 50,000 FCEVs on its roads by 2025.

By 2030, China aims to have a well-established industrial layout, with the extensive use of
hydrogen production from renewable energy. It is estimated that China’s hydrogen demand 7
will reach 35 mt by 2030 and 60 mt by 2050, from 20 mt in 2022.

CCUS is also an integral part of China’s efforts to reduce emissions. Overall, estimates show
that CCUS in the country would contribute to the annual reduction of 0.6 bt to 1.5 bt of CO2 by
2050 and 1 bt to 1.8 bt by 2060. It is worth noting that China currently has about 100 CCUS
demonstration projects in different scales and phases, with a total CO2 capture capacity of 4
mt and an annual injection capacity of 2 mt.

Hydrogen will likely play a crucial role in helping India to mitigate climate change. India
hopes to become a global hub for green hydrogen production and exports. Towards this end,

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the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy released the National Green Hydrogen Mission
document in January 2023. The key objectives are to boost green hydrogen production
capacity to at least 5 mt/y by 2030, with the potential to reach 10 mt/y if export markets grow.
Moreover, India hopes to develop a robust domestic electrolyzer manufacturing ecosystem
by setting financial incentive mechanisms.

The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has initiated efforts to provide opportunities for
collaboration and knowledge sharing, and prepare a unified and practical strategy for the
development and implementation of CCUS techniques in India’s oil and gas sector. A roadmap,
entitled ‘2030 Roadmap for CCUS’, is being prepared to provide the necessary direction and
guidelines for all oil and gas companies to develop and scale up CCUS.

Middle East and Africa

Saudi Arabia aims to be the world’s top provider of carbon-free hydrogen, with a target
to produce 2.9 mt/y by 2030, rising to 4 mt/y before 2035. The United Arab Emirates has
established the Dubai Hydrogen Alliance to accelerate the transition to a low-emission
economy and support the global initiatives of the Hydrogen Council. Qatar has signed several
memorandums of understandings (MoU) with Japanese and South Korean companies to
explore hydrogen cooperation and investment opportunities. Oman announced its Green
Hydrogen Strategy in October 2022, targeting the production of 1 mt/y of green hydrogen by

The potential of hydrogen as an energy carrier has also garnered interest from several African
countries. In May 2022, the African Hydrogen Partnership (AHP) was formed with the objective
of fostering collaboration in this area. The Algerian Ministry of Energy and Mines presented
its Hydrogen Development Roadmap in March 2023, which aims to make Algeria a pioneer
country at the regional and international level in the production and commercialization of this
energy by producing between 30 and 40 billion KW of hydrogen by 2040 at a very competitive

As many agree there is no one-size-fits-all solution to tackling climate change, it is imperative

to pursue all options to manage GHG emissions. To this end, CCE is considered to be a more
holistic and pragmatic approach to managing emissions. It recognizes that CO2 and other GHGs
are not only drivers of climate change, they are also valuable resources that can be managed
in a circular and sustainable manner. Indeed, CCE contributes to supporting sustainable
development by ensuring access to energy for all, expanding economic growth, promoting
innovation, encouraging responsible consumption and production and strengthening efforts
to tackle climate change. This is why countries like Saudi Arabia have made CCE a central
pillar of their net-zero strategy, with G20 leaders also endorsing CCE at the 2020 summit in

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Energy scenarios

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Key takeaways

• Given the increasingly polarized global discourse on energy issues and the recent focus
on steering energy transitions in a particular direction, notably away from some energies,
there is a need to refocus on more comprehensive, realistic and resilient pathways that
support and enable sustainable development, ones that leave no one behind.

• The uneven distribution of adverse impacts across countries and regions arising from the
implementation of response measures, mainly those of climate mitigation action on energy
systems, have raised concerns regarding developing countries’ right to development.

• Subscribing to a dominant narrative about the way forward is unhealthy, given that
solutions can be found in all energies and a plethora of relevant technologies. In this
regard, this Outlook presents two alternative scenarios.

• The ‘Advanced Technology’ Scenario illustrates a technology-driven means of limiting

the global temperature increase to well below 2°C, while curbing the negative economic
impact on developing economies, especially energy-exporting ones, and ensuring
maximum energy security. The scenario assumes a much greater diffusion of CCUS,
CCS and DAC technologies in industrial sectors, stronger investment in hydrogen supply
networks, and the increasing adoption of a CCE framework across the global economy.

• This scenario shows a possible pathway where both a higher share of renewable energy
and technological options that support the continued use of oil and gas complement
each other in a way that mitigates potential adverse impacts on the economies of energy
exporting developing countries.

• Primary energy demand in the Advanced Technology Scenario by 2045 will be almost
55 mboe/d lower compared to the Reference Case. The share of non-fossil fuels in this
scenario is projected to gradually expand to around 45% by 2045.

• Global oil demand in this scenario will stabilize at a level above 100 mb/d in the period to
around 2035 and then slowly moderate to 98 mb/d over the last ten years of the forecast
period. This represents a demand decline of around 18 mb/d compared to the Reference
Case in 2045.

• By contrast, the ‘Laissez-Faire’ Scenario, assumes a faster return to higher economic

growth during the medium-term and maintains this stronger growth in the long-term,
especially for developing countries. Policies will tighten in the future, contributing to
improved efficiencies and supporting the further expansion of renewables; however, in
an isolated manner given the absence of a coordinated move to reduce future emissions. 8
Moreover, protectionism and unilateralism will play a more important role in prioritizing
local development needs over global issues.

• Both primary energy demand and oil demand in this scenario are consistently higher
compared to the Reference Case. Oil demand passes 113 mb/d by 2030 and continues
growing to 122 mb/d in 2045. Compared to the Reference Case, this represents a
difference of more than 1 mb/d by 2030, which then expands to 6.3 mb/d in 2045.

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The continued uncertainties arising from geopolitical tensions, inflationary pressure, high
debt levels and the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic present a systemic risk to the
global economy. This period of uncertain conditions also highlights the need to support and
enable sustainable development, leaving no one behind and setting the world on a resilient
and just pathway. Moreover, one thing is clear, sustainable development requires energy.

As evident from the analysis incorporated in Chapter 7, significant efforts are already
underway to align policies, mitigation actions and response measures. These have the
ultimate objectives of sustainable development, while tackling challenges related to climate
change, ensuring socio-economic development, as well as addressing energy security
concerns. Enhancing energy affordability and reliability also requires adequate investment
and financing to accelerate the transformation of energy systems, including through energy
efficiency improvements and technological advancement.

Importantly, the uneven distribution of adverse economic impacts across countries and
regions arising from the implementation of response measures, mainly those of climate
mitigation action on energy systems, have raised concerns regarding developing countries’
right to development. It is these countries – generally with little or no responsibility for
climate change – that are, and will increasingly be disproportionately affected by it, as well
as the measures taken to respond to it. In addition, they remain without the promised support
from developed countries to help them mitigate the impacts and adapt to the changing

At the same time, oil and gas exporting countries, particularly OPEC Member Countries
and non-OPEC countries participating in the Declaration of Cooperation (DoC), continue to
respond to international markets that require stability and the sustainability of oil and gas
supplies. Despite calls to cease the licensing or funding of new oil and gas projects, as well
as halting the expansion of existing oil and gas reserves, which could undermine energy
security and exacerbate market volatility, producing countries remain focused on efforts to
provide long-term market stability by implementing pro-active and pre-emptive plans. It is
also reflected in their credentials as reliable and responsible suppliers, and their actions and
support for technological innovation, such as CCUS and DAC technologies and hydrogen, in
order to advance low-emission development practices.

As such, different viewpoints are emerging with regard to various possible trajectories
in moving towards a more sustainable common energy future. Subscribing to a dominant
narrative for all nations is unhealthy, and hence the world should remain more open-minded
about different possible solutions to the challenges faced. This is all the more poignant given
the immense breadth and depth of these challenges, as well as the seemingly accelerating
speed at which technology and innovation progresses.

To this end, this Chapter aims to examine alternative plausible energy pathways. This takes
into account the need to urgently accelerate the transformation of energy systems in an
orderly, equitable and inclusive manner that recognizes the importance of energy security,
supports sustainable development and efforts to eradicate energy poverty, while also
ensuring that both adequate finance and advanced technology are available, including in
developing countries.

Specifically, this Chapter describes two alternative scenarios relative to this Outlook’s
Reference Case. First, an ‘Advanced Technology’ Scenario illustrates a technology-driven

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means of limiting the global temperature increase to well below 2°C, while curbing the
negative economic impact on developing economies, especially energy-exporting ones, and
ensuring maximum energy security. Second, the ‘Laissez-Faire’ Scenario demonstrates how
a more optimistic and more equitable outlook for developing economies and a pushback on
current net zero policies and targets could result in higher long-term energy and oil demand.

The analysis in this Chapter serves to illustrate that alternative pathways exist and are
feasible. In particular, the findings provide insights into how future energy demand and the
energy mix are likely to be affected, but also estimates the adverse distributional impacts of
response measures and the corresponding level of global emission reductions.

8.1 Alternative energy scenarios

This Outlook considers two alternative scenarios to the Reference Case described in
detail in Chapters 1–7. Each scenario is based on a distinct set of assumptions in respect
to economic development, adopted energy policies, investment priorities and the use of
available technology options. The first shows a possible pathway to achieve emissions
reduction consistent with the main goals of the Paris Agreement, in which both a higher share
of renewable energy and technological options supporting the continued use of oil and gas
supplement each other in a way that mitigates potential adverse impacts on the economies of
energy exporting developing countries.

The second scenario highlights possible challenges inherent in the ongoing energy transition.
It considers a possible situation where faster economic growth, especially in developing
countries, combined with policies fostering development needs – including improved energy
access and the further eradication of energy poverty, faster industrialization and urbanization
– result in higher future energy requirements and with the continued use of oil and gas to
facilitate this growth.

The results of these two scenarios, in terms of future energy demand, the energy mix, are
compared with the Reference Case to highlight the major differences and assess potential
socio-economic impacts.

The background, key elements and analysis of each scenario is presented below.

Advanced Technology Scenario

The Advanced Technology Scenario starts with the same basic socio-economic Reference Case
assumptions on global population and economic development to 2045. However, it differs from
the Reference Case through a much greater diffusion of CCUS, CCS and DAC technologies
in industrial sectors, stronger investment in hydrogen supply networks, and the increasing
adoption of a CCE framework across the global economy. These technologies and necessary
adjustments in energy policies result in a global emissions reduction pathway that is consistent 8
with the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement to limit the temperature rise to below 2°C.

Moreover, the advancement of CCS, DAC and other CDR technologies, with large-scale
deployment of bioenergy with CCS in the second half of the century, enables a continued
elevated use of hydrocarbons, with the exception of coal as demand for this energy source
falls. Moreover, nuclear power plays a more significant role compared to the Reference

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Laissez-Faire Scenario
The Laissez-Faire Scenario assumes a faster return to higher economic growth during the
medium-term and maintains this stronger growth in the long-term, especially for developing
countries. As a result, Africa, India, and developing countries in Asia and Latin America see
their economies expand faster compared to the Reference Case.

In turn, this leads to higher levels of industrialization and urbanization, which then results in
a larger middle class and improved living conditions for many millions of people. Part of this
change will be improved energy access in the least developed regions, the further eradication
of energy poverty and a quicker transition to modern energy sources, including renewable
Width: 135.6 mm
energy, oil, gas and nuclear power, especially in the second part of the forecast period.
Height: 65 mm
In this scenario, policies will tighten in the future, contributing to improved efficiencies and
supporting the further expansion of renewables; however, in an isolated manner given the
absence of a coordinated move to reduce future emissions. Moreover, protectionism and
unilateralism will play a more important role in prioritizing local development needs over
global issues.

8.2 Energy demand and the energy mix

The implications of the varying narratives for alternative scenarios on global primary energy
demand are summarized in Figures 8.1 and 8.2 (for select years) and Figure 8.3 (for the
period of 2020–2045).
Figure 8.1
Figure 8.1
Global primary energy demand in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios, 2030
Coal Oil Gas Renewables* and nuclear







Reference Case Advanced Technology Laissez-Faire

* Note: Renewables include hydro, biomass, wind, solar and geothermal energy.
Source: OPEC.

Primary energy demand in the Advanced Technology Scenario is projected to decline

by almost 3 mboe/d between 2022 and 2030 on the back of efficiency improvements in
electricity generation, as growing demand for electricity is covered by renewables and
nuclear. Moreover, coal, and partly gas, will be displaced by renewables which, combined

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Figure 8.2
Figure 8.2
Global primary energy demand in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios, 2045

Coal Oil Gas Renewables* and nuclear





100 Width: 135.6 mm

50 Height: 65 mm
Reference Case Advanced Technology Laissez-Faire

* Note: Renewables include hydro, biomass, wind, solar and geothermal energy.
Source: OPEC.

with improved efficiencies in other sectors, contributes to lower energy demand. Efficiency
improvements and the faster penetration of EVs – compared to the Reference Case – will
also partly affect oil demand. By 2030, energy demand in this scenario will be more than
34 mboe/d lower compared to the Reference Case. During the remainder of the forecast
period, however, total energy demand is set to return to an upward trajectory as incremental
demand requirements, mainly from developing countries, will more than offset further
efficiency improvements. Figure 8.3

Figure 8.3
Global primary energy demand in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios,
Advanced Technology Laissez-Faire
400 400

350 350

300 300

250 250

200 200

150 150

100 100 8
50 50

0 0
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Coal Oil Gas Renewables* and nuclear Reference Case

* Note: Renewables include hydro, biomass, wind, solar and geothermal energy.
Source: OPEC.

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Given the ambition to reduce emissions to levels consistent with the Paris Agreement, coal
demand in this scenario is already reduced by almost 28 mboe/d over the current decade and
by another 26 mboe/d by the end of the forecast period. The net effect is that coal demand in
this scenario will be 32 mboe/d lower compared to the Reference Case (Figure 8.4).
Figure 8.4
Figure 8.4
Change in primary energy demand between the Advanced Technology Scenario and the
Reference Case in 2045






Oil Coal Gas Nuclear Hydro Biomass Other
Source: OPEC.

Gas demand will be mostly affected by substitution with renewable sources, electrification of
the residential and industry sectors and energy efficiency improvements in major developed
and developing countries, chiefly the US and China. Therefore, demand for natural gas
declines by more than 10 mboe/d in the period to 2030, but will then stabilize at this lower
level and even marginally increase over the last ten years of the forecast period supported
by available CCS capacity.

The corresponding change for oil demand will be lower. Emissions reductions achieved
via substitution in the power sector combined with the extended use of CCS, and DAC at
a later stage, will lessen the need for oil substitution in hard-to-abate sectors, especially
the transportation and petrochemical sectors. Moreover, CCS technology will also allow
the industrial use of oil and refinery operations will see significantly reduced emissions.
Therefore, oil demand remains close to current levels for another two decades before it
declines to around 89 mboe/d towards the end of the forecast period. It is worth noting that
this future oil demand pattern is the result of the offsetting effects between growing demand
in developing countries and declines in developed ones.

In contrast to oil, demand for renewable and nuclear energy extends its strong growth and is
projected to reach almost 90 mboe/d in 2030 and close to 137 mboe/d by 2045. This is more
than 25 mboe/d higher than the Reference Case level at the end of the forecast period.

The assumed policy setup and choice of technologies in the Advanced Technology Scenario
has a substantial impact on sectoral energy demand too, as presented in Figure 8.5. In the

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Width: 135.6 mm
Height: 65 mm

period to 2030, global energy demand in all major sectors is projected to decline. This decline
in the sectors of final energy consumption is driven by electrification and the use of more
efficient technologies across all sectors. The ‘low hanging fruits’ in this respect are in the
industry and residential sectors where future energy demand is projected to decline most.
The corresponding decline in the industry sector is in the range of 16 mboe/d compared to
the Reference Case, followed by ‘other’ (including the residential sector), with a demand drop
of around 11 mboe/d.

Figure 8.5
mboe/d Figure 8.5
Global energy demand by sector in the Reference Case and Advanced Technology
Scenario, 2030 and 2045
Transformation (incl. own use) Industry Transport Other Non-energy use




Reference Case Advanced Reference Case Advanced
Technology Technology

2030 2045
Source: OPEC.

The overall energy demand in the transformation sector is little different to that of the
Reference Case. However, there will be a shift in the pattern of electricity generation, in
particular, with renewable electricity replacing the inefficient use of coal, which allows for a
comparable amount of electricity with a lower input of primary fuels.

The changes between the Reference Case and Advanced Technology Scenario are even more
pronounced when moving towards 2045. At the global level, the difference in energy demand
between these two scenarios is close to 55 mboe/d, of which 29 mboe/d is associated
with energy savings in the industry sector on the back of the further penetration of energy
efficient technologies, hydrogen use and increased recycling rates. Somewhat lower, but
a still significant reduction in energy demand in the range of 17 mboe/d is projected for
‘other’ sectors, which includes the residential, commercial and agriculture sectors. This could
be achieved by applying stricter building codes and widespread building insulation, more 8
efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems and more efficient equipment and vehicles in
the agriculture sector.

Moreover, the faster penetration of EVs in terms of road transportation, more efficient rail
transportation and further improved efficiencies in other transport modes are projected to
lower (incl. own
energy demand use)
in the globalIndustry Transport
transport sector by aroundOther Non-energy
14 mboe/d, use
compared to the
Reference Case. However, the demand reduction in these sectors is partly offset by higher

World Oil Outlook 2023

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energy demand in the transformation sector by 2045, which is expected to be more than 8
mboe/d higher than in the Reference Case.

Driven by increasing demand for electricity, renewable energy sources continue to expand.
Nonetheless, the potential displacement of coal from the power sector will largely be exploited
by the end of the forecast period; hence, the effect of higher efficiency in electricity generation
will be diminished. Moreover, the availability of CCUS technology enables a revival in gas
demand during the last ten years of the forecast period, which helps to meet electricity
demand without increasing CO2 emissions.
Width: 135.6 mm
The energy demand pattern in the Laissez-Faire Scenario is projectedHeight:
to move in65
a different
direction. Global primary energy demand in this case is projected to continue growing over
the forecast period, predominantly driven by faster economic development in developing
countries. The underlying global GDP growth rates assumed in this scenario are not
significantly different to the ones used in the Reference Case. Nevertheless, the cumulative
effect of long-term annual growth rates that are higher on average by around 0.3% is
sufficient to push global GDP levels in this scenario around $14 trillion higher compared to
the Reference Case by 2045, with a large part of it taking place in developing countries.

Accordingly, as presented in Figures 8.6 and 8.7, global primary energy demand in the
Laissez-Faire Scenario would be 13.4 mboe/d higher than in the Reference Case by 2045.
This gradual emerging gap compared to the Reference Case would mainly be met by oil and
gas, contributing an additional 5.5 mboe/d and 5.1 mboe/d, respectively, to expanding energy
needs in developing countries.
Figure 8.6

Figure 8.6
Change in the primary energy demand between the Laissez-Faire Scenario and the Reference
Case in 2045


Oil Coal Gas Nuclear Hydro Biomass Other
Source: OPEC.

While oil and gas continue to grow in this scenario, solar and wind have by far the fastest
demand growth, increasing by almost 38 mboe/d between 2022 and 2045. This is more than
3 mboe/d higher than Reference Case projections. Adding incremental demand for nuclear,
hydro and bioenergy pushes up overall demand growth for these forms of energy by almost
60 mboe/d over the forecast period.

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Figure 8.7
Global primary energy demand by sector in the Reference Case and Laissez-Faire Scenario,
2030 and 2045
Transformation (incl. own use) Industry Transport Other Non-energy use




Reference Case Laissez-Faire Reference Case Laissez-Faire

2030 2045

Source: OPEC.

Similar to the Reference Case, coal demand is projected to decline in the Laissez-Faire
Scenario. The overall coal demand decline is projected in the range of 24 mboe/d between
2022 and 2045, which is around 2.2 mboe/d more than in the Reference Case.

As discussed earlier, the Advanced Technology Scenario sees a reduction in global energy
demand, particularly from hydrocarbons, compared to the Reference Case. There are two
main reasons for this. First, this scenario assumes a faster penetration of technologies with
better energy efficiency across all consumption sectors, such as more efficient transportation,
heat pumps for more efficient heating and cooling, building insulation, efficient appliances
and lighting, among others. As a result, energy demand declines, reflecting the assumed rate
of penetration of these technologies.

The second reason relates to a higher share of renewable electricity in the energy mix where
transformation/energy losses are much lower compared to electricity produced from hydro-
carbons. Therefore, primary energy demand falls despite the fact that final energy consump-
tion available to consumers might be comparable.

The dynamics of this link between the level of primary energy demand and the share of non-
fossil energy types in the energy mix of specific scenarios is captured in Figure 8.8. It shows
that the Advanced Technology and Laissez-Faire Scenarios, as well as the Reference Case,
evolve in a different(incl.
way own use) Industry
and represent Transport
fundamentally Othersystems
different energy Non-energy
at the enduseof
the forecast period. 8

The share of non-fossil fuels in the Advanced Technology Scenario is projected to gradually
grow to around 45% by 2045. This share, in combination with the use of CCUS in this
scenario, would be sufficient to achieve the required emissions reduction. Moreover, a larger
contribution of natural gas together with a lower reduction of coal demand compared to other
scenarios focusing on a higher share of renewable energy sources, will allow for a larger
electricity baseload. Therefore, the intermittency issue, electricity storage and investments

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 259

to shift to a higher degree of electrification (e.g. in the road transport, residential and industry
sector) is expected to be less of a problem in the Advanced Technology Scenario.
Figure 8.8

Figure 8.8
Global energy system in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios, 2020–2045

2045 Laissez-Faire
Reference Case
Primary energy demand


2025 Advanced Technology



10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Share of non-fossil fuels in total primary energy demand

Source: OPEC.

Obviously, these features are also inherently present in the Reference Case and Laissez-Faire
Scenario as they also gradually incorporate a higher share of renewables and nuclear energy.
Combined, in the Laissez-Faire Scenario, this grows from around 20% in 2020, to 23% in 2030
and then to more than 31% in 2045. However, energy demand in these scenarios continues
growing as other factors outweigh the impact of efficiency improvements and the rising share
of renewables. A visible way to demonstrate this is the declining energy intensity clearly
present in both scenarios, as well as in the Reference Case.

8.3 Oil demand

Figure 8.9 translates projections previously presented in terms of energy content into a volu-
metric basis for readers familiar with the barrel per day unit. In this case, oil demand typically
also includes other liquids blended with refined products, such as biofuels, GTLs and CTLs.
Therefore, these figures are not directly comparable with those mentioned in the previous
part of this Chapter as both units and coverage differ.

Oil demand in the Advanced Technology Scenario is affected by policies aimed at emissions
reduction. In this scenario, lower energy-related emissions are achieved by a combination of
a higher contribution of renewable energy to the future energy mix and by the expanded use
of hydrogen, CCUS, DAC and a CCE framework. The introduction of these technologies allows
for a smoother transition to a lower-emission system in which oil demand is less adversely
affected compared to other scenarios focusing on renewables only.

As a result, oil demand in the Advanced Technology Scenario remains consistently below the
levels projected in the Reference Case. However, it does not drop precipitously to much lower

World Oil Outlook 2023

260 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries


Figure 8.9
Global oil demand in the Reference Case and in alternative scenarios, 2022–2045







Advanced Technology Reference Case Laissez-Faire
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Source: OPEC.

levels as the technology setup either directly supports the continued use of oil, or lowers the
pressure for its reduction by achieving required emission reductions in a more cost-effective
way in other sectors.

Therefore, global oil demand stabilizes at levels above 100 mb/d in the period to 2035 and
then starts slowly declining towards 98 mb/d over the last ten years of the forecast period.
Nevertheless, this represents a demand decline of more than 18 mb/d compared to the
Reference Case in 2045.

Turning to the Laissez-Faire Scenario, oil demand in this case is projected to move consistently
above Reference Case levels. The two main reasons for this demand pattern are stronger
economic growth, mainly in developing countries, and the absence of coordinated efforts to
have stricter policy measures targeting emissions reduction.

Faster economic growth in non-OECD countries helps to create a larger middle class, as well
as higher urbanization and industrialization. This provides governments with more resources
to expand the infrastructure required to improve access to electricity and enable the use
of modern energy sources. As part of this trend, as presented in Figure 8.10, oil demand in
these countries grows to almost 85 mb/d in 2045, which is 5.4 mb/d higher compared to the
Reference Case.

The Laissez-Faire Scenario also assumes stronger economic growth in OECD countries. In 8
this case, however, part of the potentially higher oil demand is offset by additional policy
measures, the faster penetration of more efficient technology and even faster growth in
renewable energy (compared to the Reference Case) that will further displace coal demand
and limit oil and gas demand growth.

Therefore, the overall change in OECD oil demand is less than 1 mb/d by 2045, compared to
the Reference Case. The net effect will be that oil demand in the Laissez-Faire Scenario passes

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 261
Figure 8.10

Figure 8.10
OECD and non-OECD oil demand by scenario, 2022–2045

mb/d OECD mb/d Non-OECD

90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20
2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043

Laissez-Faire Reference Case Advanced Technology

Source: OPEC.

the 113 mb/d mark by 2030 and continues growing towards 123 mb/d in 2045. Compared
to the Reference Case, this represents a difference of more than 1 mb/d in 2030, which then
expands to 6.3 mb/d in 2045.

Figure 8.10 shows that developments in the Advanced Technology Scenario will unequally
impact regional oil demand. In the OECD case, the faster penetration of EVs combined with
efficiency improvements in the industry and residential sectors pushes oil demand consistently
to lower levels, with a difference to the Reference Case of almost 5 mb/d in 2030 and 7.5 mb/d
in 2045. At the same time, non-OECD oil demand is relatively less affected in the period to
around 2035, as more time will be needed for technology transfer to developing countries.

Moreover, large emission reductions over this period will be achieved by the expansion of
renewables, with coal and gas substitution. This, however, will change over the last ten years
of the forecast period when EVs and more efficient technologies penetrate non-OECD markets
too. As a result, non-OECD oil demand under this scenario stabilizes at a level above 68 mb/d
towards the end of the forecast period. It then slowly departs from the trends outlined in the
Reference Case with the demand gap widening to almost 11 mb/d in 2045.

The two scenarios described in this chapter make evident that feasible alternatives to this
Outlook’s Reference case exist, and would have a significant bearing on future oil demand and
the overall energy mix. They also show that there are alternative pathways to reduce future
emissions in a sustainable way that minimize adverse economic effects. Therefore, it is important
that all viable mitigation options, technological innovations, improved energy efficiency measures
and enhanced investment for universal, reliable and affordable energy access, are part of future
solutions. Moreover, innovative solutions could lead to the creation of new jobs and new value-
added potential, reducing the adverse impacts of climate mitigation response measures.

A global challenge such as climate change requires a global response, and a coherent
approach is needed to set the world on a sustainable, more resilient, equitable and fair

World Oil Outlook 2023

262 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

pathway. Therefore, it is necessary to promote partnerships and cooperative initiatives to

invest in technology and innovation that could enable inclusive and just solutions.

Indeed, cooperation is considered critical for the implementation of stringent environmental

policies that aim to catalyze energy transitions. An important role is given to international
cooperation that enhances collective climate mitigation action and stimulate rapid change in
energy systems, while recognizing that sustainable development and just transitions remain
priorities for developing countries. An enhanced provision of means of implementation for
developing countries could play an important role in making socio-economic conditions more
favourable to ambitious mitigation efforts.

To this end, sustainable energy transitions should be socially equitable and just. Shifting
development pathways to increase sustainability is a shared aspiration. Yet the appropriate
set of policies depends on national circumstances and capacities – as reflected in the core
principles of the UNFCCC. Since countries differ in starting points and history, and have
different needs and capabilities in terms of facilitating the economic, social and environmental
dimensions of sustainable development, Thus, countries have different priorities.

Finally, approaches that address emissions within the energy sector provide an opportunity
for the industry to contribute to the Paris Agreement. One prominent approach is the CCE,
which targets emissions avoidance, abatement, and removal. The CCE provides for a wide
range of technologies that form a closed-loop system for managing emissions, and at the
same time, enable economic growth. This approach is being adopted by a number of oil
producing countries. In addition, technological innovation, especially in technologies related
to emissions abatement (e.g. CCUS) and emissions removal (e.g. DAC), must be part of the

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 263

Annex A

World Oil Outlook 2023

264 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

AHP African Hydrogen Partnership

AI Artifical Intelligence
AR6 (Sixth) assessment report

bcm Billion cubic metres

BEV Battery electric vehicle
BIL Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
BoJ Bank of Japan
BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
bt Billion tonnes
BTC Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan

CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy

CBAM Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
CCE Circular Carbon Economy
CCUS Carbon capture, utilization and storage
CDR Carbon dioxide removal
CFCs Carbon fibre re-enforced composites
CGD City Gas Distribution
CII Carbon Intensity Indicator
CNG Compressed natural gas
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
COTC Crude-oil-to-chemicals
CPC Caspian Pipeline Consortium
CPS Carbon Price Support
CTLs Coal-to-liquids

DAC Direct air capture

DoC Declaration of Cooperation
DoE Department of Energy (US)

EEXI Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index

EIS Environmental Impact Statement
ESG Environmental, social and governance
ETBE Ethyl tertiary butyl ether
ETS Emissions Trading System
EU European Union
EVs Electric vehicles

FCC Fluid catalytic cracking

FCEVs Fuel cell electric vehicles
FPSO Floating production storage and offloading vessel
FYP Five-Year-Plan

GDP Gross domestic product

GGA Global goal on adaptation
GHG Greenhouse gas A
Gt Gigatonnes
GTLs Gas-to-liquids

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 265

GW Gigawatt

HEE Hygienic earth energy

HEV Hybrid electric vehicle
HLDE High-Level Dialogue on Energy
HLPF High-Level Political Forum

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICEs Internal combustion engines
IIF Institute of International Finance
ILBI International Legally Binding Instrument
IMO International Maritime Organization
IPPC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRA Inflation Reduction Act
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency

km Kilometre
KMZ Ku-Maloob-Zaap

LDCs Least developed countries

LNG Liquefied natural gas
LOOP Louisiana Offoshore Oil Port
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
LTAG Long-Term Aspirational Goal
LT-LEDS Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategies

mb/d Million barrels per day

mboe/d Million barrels of oil equivalent per day
Mbtu Million British thermal units
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
mpg Miles per gallon
mt/y Million tonnes per year
MTBE Methyl tertiary butyl ether
MWP Mitigation Work Programme

NCQG New Collective Qualified Goal

NDCs Nationally determined contributions
NEP National Electricity Plan
NGLs Natural gas liquids
NGVs Natural gas vehicles
NOCs National Oil Companies
NWE Northwest Europe

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

p.a. Per annum

PHEV Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
POX Partial oxidation

World Oil Outlook 2023

266 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

pp Percentage point
PPP Purchasing power parity
PV Photovoltaic

RCS Regional Connectivity Scheme

RSPP Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
RPKs Revenue passenger-kilometres

SAF Sustainable aviation fuel

SB58 Subsidiary Bodies
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SNR Steam naphtha reforming
SPOT Sea Port Oil Terminal
SUVs Sport utility vehicles
SYR Synthesis Report

tb/d Thousand barrels per day

TTF Title transfer facility
TWh Terawatt hour

UK United Kingdom
ULS Ultra-low sulphur
UN United Nations
UNDESA UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNGA UN General Assembly
US United States

VGO Vacuum gasoil

VLCCs Very large crude carriers
VLSFO Very low sulphur fuel oil
VMT Vehicle miles travelled

WOO World Oil Outlook (OPEC)

y-o-y Year-on-year

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 267

Annex B
OPEC World Energy:
regional definitions

World Oil Outlook 2023

268 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

OECD OECD Asia Oceania, Other

Republic of Korea

OECD Americas
Costa Rica
Guam Latin America
Mexico Anguilla
Puerto Rico Antigua and Barbuda
United States of America Argentina
United States Virgin Islands Aruba
OECD Europe Belize
Austria Bermuda
Belgium Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Czech Republic Brazil
Denmark British Virgin Islands
Estonia Cayman Islands
Finland Cuba
France Dominica
Germany Dominican Republic
Greece Ecuador
Hungary El Salvador
Iceland French Guiana
Ireland Grenada
Italy Guadaloupe
Latvia Guatemala
Lithuania Guyana
Luxembourg Haiti
Netherlands Honduras
Norway Jamaica
Poland Martinique
Portugal Montserrat
Slovakia Netherlands Antilles
Slovenia Nicaragua
Spain Panama
Sweden Paraguay
Switzerland Peru
Turkey St. Kitts and Nevis
United Kingdom St. Lucia
St. Pierre et Miquelon
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
OECD Asia-Pacific Suriname
Australia Trinidad and Tobago A
Japan Turks and Caicos Islands
New Zealand Uruguay

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 269

Middle East & Africa Togo

Bahrain Tunisia
Benin Uganda
Botswana United Republic of Tanzania
Burkina Faso Western Sahara
Burundi Yemen
Cameroon Zambia
Cape Verde Zimbabwe
Central African Republic
Comoros India
Côte d’Ivoire India
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Egypt China
Eritrea People’s Republic of China
Ghana Other Asia
Guinea Afghanistan
Guinea-Bissau American Samoa
Jordan Bangladesh
Kenya Bhutan
Lebanon Brunei Darussalam
Lesotho Cambodia
Liberia China, Hong Kong SAR
Madagascar China, Macao SAR
Malawi Cook Islands
Mali Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Mauritania Fiji
Mauritius French Polynesia
Mayotte Indonesia
Morocco Kiribati
Mozambique Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Namibia Malaysia
Niger Maldives
Oman Micronesia (Federated States of)
Qatar Mongolia
Réunion Myanmar
Rwanda Nauru
Sao Tome and Principe Nepal
Senegal New Caledonia
Seychelles Niue
Sierra Leone Pakistan
Somalia Papua New Guinea
South Africa Philippines
South Sudan Samoa
Sudan Singapore
Eswatini Solomon Islands
Syrian Arab Republic Sri Lanka

World Oil Outlook 2023

270 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Thailand Republic of North Macedonia

Timor-Leste Turkmenistan
Tonga Ukraine
Vanuatu UzbekistanRepublic of North Macedonia
Viet Nam Turkmenistan
Republic of Congo
Equatorial Guinea
IR Iran
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates


Russian Federation

Other Eurasia
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Republic of Moldova
Note: For Chapter 3 ‘Oil demand’, the OPEC region A
Serbia countries are distributed into their respective
Tajikistan geographical regions.

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 271

Annex C
World Oil Refining Logistics and Demand:
regional definitions

World Oil Outlook 2023

272 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

US & CANADA Mexico

Canada Mexico
United States of America

Rest of South America

LATIN AMERICA Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Greater Caribbean Paraguay
Anguilla Peru
Antigua and Barbuda Uruguay
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands North Africa/Easter Mediterranean
Colombia Algeria
Costa Rica Egypt
Cuba Lebanon
Dominica Libya
Dominican Republic Mediterranean, Other
Ecuador Morocco
El Salvador Syrian Arab Republic
French Guiana Tunisia
Guatemala West Africa
Guyana Angola
Haiti Benin
Honduras Cameroon
Jamaica Republic of Congo
Martinique Côte d’Ivoire
Montserrat Democratic Republic of Congo
Netherlands Antilles Equatorial Guinea
Nicaragua Gabon
Panama Ghana
Puerto Rico Guinea
St. Kitts & Nevis Guinea-Bissau
St. Lucia Liberia
St. Pierre et Miquelon Mali
St. Vincent and The Grenadines Mauritania
Suriname Niger
Trinidad and Tobago Nigeria
Turks And Caicos Islands Senegal
United States Virgin Islands Sierra Leone A
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Togo

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 273

East/South Africa Norway

Botswana Sweden
Burkina Faso Switzerland
Burundi United Kingdom
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Chad South Europe
Comoros Cyprus
Djibouti France
Ethiopia Gibraltar
Eritrea Greece
Gambia Italy
Kenya Malta
Lesotho Portugal
Madagascar Spain
Malawi Turkey
Mozambique Eastern Europe
Namibia Albania
Réunion Belarus
Rwanda Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sao Tome and Principe Bulgaria
Seychelles Croatia
Somalia Czech Republic
South Africa Estonia
South Sudan Hungary
Sudan Latvia
Swatini Lithuania
Uganda Montenegro
United Republic of Tanzania Poland
Western Sahara Republic of Moldova
Zambia Romania
Zimbabwe Serbia
Republic of North Macedonia
EUROPE Ukraine

North Europe
Finland Caspian Region
Germany Armenia
Iceland Azerbaijan
Ireland Georgia
Luxembourg Kazakhstan
Netherlands Kyrgyzstan

World Oil Outlook 2023

274 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Tajikistan American Samoa

Turkmenistan Bangladesh
Uzbekistan Bhutan
Russia Cook Islands
Russian Federation Fiji
French Polynesia
MIDDLE EAST Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Bahrain Maldives
IR Iran Micronesia, Federated States of
Iraq Mongolia
Jordan Myanmar
Kuwait Nauru
Oman Nepal
Qatar New Caledonia
Saudi Arabia Niue
United Arab Emirates Pakistan
Yemen Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Sri Lanka
Pacific Industrialized Viet Nam
New Zealand

Pacific High Growth

Brunei Darussalam
Republic of Korea

People’s Republic of China

Rest of Asia

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 275

Annex D
Major data sources

World Oil Outlook 2023

276 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

American Chemical Society (ACS)
American Petroleum Institute (API)
Argus Media
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Baker Hughes
Barclays Research
BP Statistical Review of World Energy
Brazil, Ministry of Mines and Energy
Brookings Institute
Canada, National Energy Board
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Canadian Energy Research Institute
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)
Climate Action Tracker
Consensus forecasts
Deutsche Bank
E&P Magazine
The Economist
Economist Intelligence Unit
Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS)
Energy Intelligence Group
EnSys Energy & Systems, Inc
Ernst & Young
European Automotive Manufacturers Association (ACEA)
European Commission
European Council
European Environment Agency
Evaluate Energy
Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)
Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI)
Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
Global Wind Energy Council
Goldman Sachs
GSMA Intelligence
Haver Analytics
Hydrocarbon Processing
International Commodities Exchange
IEA Monthly Oil Data Service (MODS) A
IEA Oil Market Report
IEA World Energy Outlook

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 277

IHS Markit
Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)
IMF, Direction of Trade Statistics
IMF, International Financial Statistics
IMF, Primary Commodity Prices
IMF, World Economic Outlook
India, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP)
Interfax Global Energy
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
International Road Federation, World Road Statistics
International Union of Railways (UIC)
Japan, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc (JAMA)
Joint Aviation Authority (JAA)
Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI)
Journal of Petroleum Technology
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
McKinsey Global Institute
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)
National Energy Administration of the People’s Republic of China (NEA)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Natural Gas World Magazine
New York Mercantile Exchange
OECD Trade by Commodities
OECD/IEA, Energy Balances of non-OECD countries
OECD/IEA, Energy Balances of OECD countries
OECD/IEA, Energy Statistics of non-OECD countries
OECD/IEA, Energy Statistics of OECD countries
OECD/IEA, Quarterly Energy Prices & Taxes
OECD, International Trade by Commodities Statistics
OECD International Transport Forum, Key Transport Statistics
OECD, National Accounts of OECD Countries
OECD Economic Outlook
Oil & Gas Journal
OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin (ASB)
OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)
OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report (MOMR)
OPEC World Oil Outlook (WOO)
Oxford Economics
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

World Oil Outlook 2023

278 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Petroleum Economist
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly
Rystad Energy
Smart Energy International
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Solomon Associates
Stratas Advisors
Sustainable Energy for All
Turner Mason and Company
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UN Energy Statistics
UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
UN International Trade Statistics Yearbook
UN National Account Statistics
UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
UN Development Programme (UNDP)
UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
UN International Labour Organisation (ILO)
UN Statistical Yearbook
UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Energy (DoE)
US Department of the Interior (DoI)
US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
US Geological Survey (USGS)
Wood Mackenzie
World Bank
World Coal Association
World Coal Institute
World Energy Council
World Economic Forum
World Nuclear Association
World Resources Institute
World Trade Organization (WTO), International Trade Statistics

World Oil Outlook 2023

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 279
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Helferstorferstrasse 17
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
ISBN 978-3-9504890-6-4
ISBN 978-3-9504890-8-8

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