Sepsis & MOFs Student
Sepsis & MOFs Student
Sepsis & MOFs Student
10 million death
50 million per year
Number 1 cause of death
Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International
Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and
Septic Shock new OCT 2021 version
Management of Septic Shock
• To distinguish the different categories of
• To understand the pathophysiology of
• To recognize the early diagnosis and
treatment of shock and multiple organ
failure (MOF)
• To identify the prevention of shock or MOF
Multiple organ failure
Circulatory failure
Optimise cardiac preload
Maximise cardiac contractility with inotropes
Maximise perfusion pressures with vasopressors
Correct anaemia
Treat arrhythmia
Haematological failure Gastrointestinal failure
Criteria for diagnosis Criteria for diagnosis
Leucopenia (WCC < 1000 cell / mm3) Ileus
Thrombocytopenia (PLT < 20,000 / mm3) Gastroparesis
Evidence of DIC Haemorrhage
Management Management
Red cell and platelet transfusion Parenteral nutrition
Fresh frozen plasma Stress ulcer prophylaxis
Correct antithrombin III deficiency Selective gastrointestinal decontamination
What is released…
Shock can be classified into
6 categories
• Cardiogenic shock:
– Due to severe heart failure (e.g. MI, acute
mitral regurgitation)
Shock can be classified into
6 categories
• Anaphylactic shock:
– Due to allergen-induced vasodilatation (e.g.
bee sting, peanut & other food allergies)
• Neurogenic shock:
– Follows high traumatic spinal cord lesions
– Interruption of sympathetic outflow causes
vasodilation, hypothermia & bradycardia
Shock can be classified into
6 categories
• Obstructive shock:
– Caused by circulatory obstruction (e.g.
pulmonary embolism, cardiac tamponade 心臟
• Septic shock
Defining sepsis
Neutropenia in chemotherapy!
Sepsis in Adult
Sepsis is a syndrome comprising an immune
system-mediated collection of physiological
responses to an infectious agent. Clinical
signs such as fever, tachycardia, and
hypotension are common but the clinical
course depends on the type and resistance
profile of infectious organism, the site and
size of the infecting insult, and the genetically
determined or acquired properties of the
host's immune system.
Cellular Effects of Shock
Initial Inflammatory response
7 mmol/L
Septic shock: 50% mortality
• The early symptoms of systemic vasodilatation
can be observed firstly in septic shock
• The release of inflammatory mediators results in
an increase in peripheral circulation and
permeability of the micro-vascular circulating
system creating a loss of volume in blood
• Decrease systemic blood volume leading to
• The consequence of this is the derange of organ
functioning due to a reduction of O2 supply to
cells, resulting from hypoperfusion
Clinical Features of Sepsis
↑ in respiratory rate
Hypoperfusion (vasodilatation)
Reduction in O2 supply to cells
Cellular hypoxia
Change in acid base balance
Excite medulla oblongata
Appear red and flushed
Full & bounding pulse
Rapid capillary refill
Other presentation symptoms
↑ HR
Altered mental state
↓ urine output
Due to ↓ venous return and stroke
An initial ↑ in diastolic pressure, then
drop in BP and alteration in
temperature are late symptoms
PCT: Procalcitonin Vs CRP (Davis & Lockhart, 2014)
As Stroke and Trauma: < 1 hr
Thompson et al., 2019
Haemodynamic support
• In early sepsis: widespread vasodilation
causes hypotension and relative
hypovolaemia. Reduced left ventricular
afterload increases cardiac output but
inappropriate distribution can cause
regional ischaemia.
• In late sepsis: toxic myocarditis impairs
myocardial contractility and reduces
cardiac output.
Prevention of sepsis
Removal of invasive intravenous and urinary catheters that
are no longer needed
Employing a non-touch technique in wound dressing will help
to reduce the complications that can result in sepsis
Early mobilization reduces the risk of hydrostatic pneumonia
and improves circulation
If mobilization is not possible, optimizing respiratory function
with the incentive spirometry and physiotherapy will help
Maintaining hydration and nutrition are effective to limit the
risk of sepsis
Implement modified early warning systems (MEWS) to detect
early signs and symptoms of patient deterioration
Where prevention fail, early interventions is imperative in
prevention deterioration
Sepsis 6 treatment pathway
Glucose control
Reduce level to 8 to 10 mmol/L (insulin)
fluid resuscitation & vasoactive support has
been poor e.g. Hydrocortisone 200 mg/day
Lung protective strategies
Lung protective strategies
• Breathing trial
• Targeted sedation scoring
• Restrict use of paralyzing agents
• Early extubation
• Early tracheostomy for failed
Davis, C. & Lockhart, L. (2014). Get to know the international sepsis guidelines.
Nursing Incredibly Made Easy, 12(1), 41-50.
Leach, R. (2009). Acute and critical care medicine at a glance (2nd Ed.). Oxford:
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome in Sepsis in Medscape
Assessing, managing and treating patients with sepsis
Bacterial Sepsis from:
Makic MBF, Bridges E Managing sepsis and septic shock: current guidelines
and definitions Am J Nurs 2018 118 2 34 9
Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis
and Septic Shock: 2016
Best Practice BMJ:
Thompson, K., Venkatesh, B., & Finfer, S. (2019, February 12). Sepsis and
septic shock: Current approaches to management. Retrieved October 08, 2020,
Care of the relatives in 2021
Imipenem-cilastatin Tienam
Meropenem Carbapenem
Piperacillin Tazobactam
Tazocin Levoloxacin
Metronidazole Maxipime
Augmentin Vacomycin
Aztreonam (-) Linezolid (+)
Ceftriaxone Tigecycline
“We recommend that hospitals
and hospital systems have a
performance improvement program
for sepsis including sepsis
screening for acutely ill, high-risk