Adaptive E-Assessment Framework
Adaptive E-Assessment Framework
Adaptive E-Assessment Framework
ISBN: 979-8-3503-0341-4
Abstract— The important part of the learning process is Technology has combined the processes of learning,
practice and evaluation. Evaluation is intended to determine teaching and assessment. Both systems are in the form of
students' abilities so that the learning process can be improved learning management systems, e-learning, e-assessments, and
according to student needs. Unfortunately, exercises and others. Quoted from the number of LMS users
evaluations that are appropriate to the student's personality are is 73.8 million [5]. This proves that the existence of
difficult to do traditionally by teachers. In order to make the technology in education can be accepted to help the learning
evaluation process easier and more personal, a system that is process.
able to assist the process of training and evaluating students is
needed. The adaptive training system allows the system to E-assessment is an assessment system that can be in the
provide questions that can increase students' motivation and form of online exercises or exams [14]. There are many
abilities. In addition, the form of the questions can be in advantages to implementing e-assessment, including more
accordance with the circumstances of the students. A flexibility for students, getting feedback quickly and
methodology based on qualitative research using the Grounded automatically [14]. Likewise, it is easier for teachers to
Theory method was applied in this study. The proposed provide feedback so that the learning process and student
framework consists of several layers, including the User layer, learning outcomes are better [1]. In addition to teachers and
Input Output layer, Model and AI/Machine Learning layers. students, e-assessment is considered to provide many benefits
Input Output can consist of a variety hardware. The model layer
for the school. These advantages include being able to be
can consist of student model and domain model. The
accessed 24/7 and from anywhere [16].
AI/Machine Learning layer can consist of item classification
modules, student condition monitoring, questions Currently the development of e-assessment leads to e-
recommendations, student performance evaluations, learning assessments that can be tailored to the personal needs of
path recommendations, gamification engine, prevention action, students, in other words, adaptive e-assessment. Personalized
questions generator. It is intended that the framework created e-assessment can be based on cognitive level, goal or
would satisfy the proper evaluation requirements of each motivation [16]. The purpose of an adaptive e-assessment
student in order to encourage learning and enhance student system is that the learning process can meet the personal
abilities. This framework is intended for use in secondary
learning needs of students so as to increase student
effectiveness in learning [19].
Keywords—adaptive learning; e-assessment, framework
I. INTRODUCTION In the research conducted [13] by building adaptive
Assessment in education has a very important role [6]. hypermedia learning systems (AHLS) which was tested on a
According to the Webster Dictionary, Assessment means group of students has made the ability of students who learn
appraisal. With the assessment, learning and teaching to use AHLS better than those who do not use AHLS. In
activities in the classroom are measurable. Assessment can be addition, students have a more positive perception of AHLS
used to direct learning activities that need to be carried out on which adjusts to the cognitive abilities of each student. The
students [20]. The types of assessment commonly used in study presented in this paper developed an adaptive
education are formative assessment and summative hypermedia learning system adapted to students' cognitive
assessment [3]. styles, with an emphasis on the Holist-Serialist Pask
Although assessment has an important role, however, the
ideal assessment process has many challenges and is difficult The development of another adaptive e-assessment system
to do [11]. The more students, the more burden the teacher is [4] “a general system to adapt any component of the
will have on checking student answers. In addition, the type assessment process (model, activity, question…) based on
of assessment method carried out by the teacher must be in different evidence gathered from the learning process of the
accordance with the desired learning outcomes [15]. learner.” The system proposed by this researcher has 2 main
modules, namely: evidential module and adaptive module.
This framework consists of several components, namely: function of automatic question package recommendations
[27]. This helps students get good questions that suit their
A. User Layer
personality, which improves student motivation and ability.
This layer consists of 3 kinds of user, namely: student, Student reports are given not just scores on the results of
teacher, and parents. Each user is assigned a unique role. User question packages, but also learning recommendations and
engagement in the system plays a vital role as input data that predictions of student skills [28].
may be analyzed by machine learning to assist students,
teachers, and parents in making important decisions. C. Student Model & Domain model
Students can work on question groups and view The student model is built for the introductory needs of
individualized assessment results reports with comments to students. Student models can be made based on:
help them improve their skills. Teachers can access
• Learning style. Definition of Learning Style by Keefe
recommendations for relevant question packs as well as
[10] which defines learning style as "a combination of
decision guidance in appropriate learning activities for their cognitive characteristics, affective, and physiological
students. Parents have access to view the results of their factors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how
guardian's child's assessment. a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the
The three users access the system through input and learning environment".
output devices. These devices are described in the
Input/Output Layer section. • Cognitive style. Tennant's (1988) define cognitive style
is individual characteristics and a consistent approach
B. Input/Output Layer to organizing and processing information [21].
This framework can be developed into a system that runs
on a certain set of hardware. It used as data input and output
• Problem solving time. Student modeling based on e-assessment is built. In this paper, we propose a framework
problem solving time shows a linear relationship that can be used for the development of an adaptive e-
between problem solving and the logarithm of time assessment. The components that build the e-assessment are
[18]. Input/Output components which can consist of hardware and
user-friendly interfaces, models consisting of student models
The domain model is a representation of several things and domain models, and AI/Machine learning consisting of
including: condition monitoring, questions type recommendations,
• Curriculum. The curriculum is a written plan that is performance evaluations & decision making, learning path,
prepared to facilitate the teaching and learning process gamification engine, prevention action and questions
[23]. generator
• Learning materials. In an e-learning system, learning
content can be complemented by the content of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
learning materials. In an e-assessment, it can be a This research supported by Telkom University. Their
collection of questions and cases given to students. support and consideration are highly appreciated.
• Bloom taxonomy. It is a level of thinking which is
divided into 6 levels of cognitive abilities [8]. REFERENCES
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