DMCC Approved List of Activities
DMCC Approved List of Activities
DMCC Approved List of Activities
Business Activity License Business
Activity Name Name Activity Description English
Sector Code Type Plan
حفر اآلبار
Well Drilling & Oil وتطوير حقول Includes the process carried
& Natural Gas outside the UAE for the drilling in
Energy 1120-07 Development
النفط والغاز Service the onshore and offshore oilfields No
الطبيعي خارج for the extraction of petroleum
الدولة and natural gas.
Personal & Arabic Gowns خياطة العباءات Includes tailoring the wear over
Community 1810-19 Tailoring الرجالية البشوت Service men gowns from knitted and No
Services crocheted fabrics.
Includes the tailoring, sewing,
embroidering and stitching of
Personal & خياطة العباءات ladies' gowns, such as long Arab
Community 1810-20 Ladies Gowns النسائية Service traditional dresses "Jalabya" and No
Services Tailoring وتطريزها shawls. This also includes cutting,
sewing and embroidering of
ladies' head and face veils and
تجارة الحافالت
والشاحنات Includes reselling different
Buses & Trucks passenger buses, as well as trucks
Automotive 5010-02
Trading (Outside خارج دولة Trading and trailers for transporting No
Transportation UAE) goods, liquid substances, building
العربية المتحدة materials…etc.
Includes reselling specialized
تجارة السيارات motor vehicles including
Automotive Specialized ambulances, fire engines, garbage
Transportation 5010-03 ذات االغراض
Vehicles Trading المتخصصة Trading collectors , street sweepers, truck- No
mounted cranes for loading and
discharging and truck mixers.
تجارة المركبات
Used Vehicles والشاحنات Includes reselling used vehicles
Automotive 5010-05 Trading (Outside المستعملة خارج Trading and trucks for transporting goods, No
Transportation UAE) دولة اإلمارات building materials and liquid
العربية المتحدة tankers…etc
Automotive Tyres & Rims تجارة اطارات Includes reselling of various types
Transportation 5030-03 Trading السيارات Trading of tyres and requisites including No
casings, rims and tubes.
تجارة االسماك
Salted & واالغذية Includes reselling of salted, dried
Food & Agro 5122-08 Preserved Fish & البحرية المملحة Trading or smoked fishs and seafood. No
Seafood Trading والمحفوظة
Personal &
Household 5131-04 Oriental Carpets تجارة السجاد
Trading Includes reselling manually woven No
Goods Trading الشرقي oriental carpet.
Personal & Men's Garment تجارة المالبس Includes reselling men's garments,
Household 5131-11 Trading الجاهزة الرجالية Trading such as shirts, suits, coats, jackets, No
Goods socks, ties and others.
Personal &
تجارة الزهور Includes reselling artificial flowers
Household 5139-36 Artificial Flowers والنباتات
Trading and plants made of fibers, glass, No
Goods & Plants Trading الصناعية ceramic and metal, also, flowers
والمجففة arranging.
Includes reselling of smoking
Personal & Smoking تجارة لوازم pipes, pipe holders, narghile
Household 5139-37 Requisites Trading التدخين Trading (water pipe), lighters, ash trays, No
Goods match boxes, tobacco boxes and
other smokers' requisites.
Personal &
تجارة الدراجات Includes reselling the two or three
Household 5139-52 Bicycles & Spare الهوائية وقطع
Trading wheeled bicycles used for No
Goods Parts Trading غيارها recreation, transportation, racing
ولوازمها and as children's toys.
Includes reselling any type of
formulation that contains one or
more medical substances and
Healthcare 5139-54 Veterinary تجارة االدوية
Trading which is used to deal with the No
Medicines Trading البيطرية prevention, diagnosis and
treatment of disease, disorder
and injury in domesticate or wild
تجارة المنتجات
Trading in الصيدالنية Includes reselling pharmaceutical
Pharmaceutical products directly used for
Healthcare 5139-99 خارج دولة
Products (Outside اإلمارات Trading medication or treatment outside No
UAE) (DMCC) العربية المتحدة UAE only.
Metals & Steel and Basic تجارة منتجات Includes reselling of semi-formed
Minerals 5142-02 Steel Products الحديد االساسية Trading made blocks, partitions, panels, No
Trading rods, or ingots for various uses.
Metals & Metal Cans & تجارة العلب Includes reselling metal cans and
Minerals 5142-11 Containers والعبوات Trading containers for the distribution or No
Trading المعدنية storage of goods.
Metals & Metal Wires تجارة االسالك Includes reselling metal wires for
Minerals 5142-14 Trading المعدنية Trading different uses, in constructions, or No
as manufacturing intermediary.
Includes reselling metal ropes
Metals & 5142-15 Metal Ropes تجارة الحبال
Trading used in pulling and lifting objects No
Minerals Trading المعدنية
and in industrial uses.
تجارة الزيوت
Includes reselling of vegetable
General 5149-16 Non Edible Oil النباتية
Trading and animal non-edible oil used for No
Trading Trading والحيوانية غير
industrial purposes.
General Ropes, Sacks & تجارة الخيش Includes reselling of bags and
Trading 5149-27 Jute Bags Trading والحبال Trading ropes made of natural fibers, No
linen, plastic or other materials.
General Plastic Bags & تجارة العبوات Includes the resale of plastic
Trading 5149-35 Containers واالكياس Trading containers and bags used in No
Trading البالستيكية commercial outlets for packaging.
Includes reselling of mineral ores
and organic raw materials used in
manufacturing and handcrafting
and which are only exploitable
after going treatments, extraction
or formation processes, they
involve pulpwood to make
papers, shells for shell
handicrafts, extracts and natural
General Raw Materials تجارة الخامات herbs for perfumes, medicines
Trading 5149-39 Trading والمواد االولية Trading and cosmetics, also minerals ores No
such as sand and rocks for
extracting metals, salts and other
similar raw materials. This activity
does not include what being
processed, manufactured or semi-
manufactured. It does not involve
any of the activities detailed in
the various classes of this
Includes manufacturing
machinery and equipment to
produce flour such as grinding
General Bakeries & Flour تجارة معدات mills, feeders, sifters, bran
Trading 5159-26 Mills Equipment وآالت المطاحن Trading cleaners, blenders, rice hullers, No
Trading والمخابز
pea splitters, also, bakery ovens,
dough mixers and dividers,
molders, slicers, cake depositors.
Technology & Calculators & تجارة اآلالت Includes reselling the device used
Telecom 5159-53 Spare Parts الحاسبة وقطع Trading to perform both basic and No
Trading غيارها complex operations of arithmetic.
Construction, Designing تجارة معدات Includes reselling stationery items
Engineering & 5159-58 Instruments الرسم الهندسي Trading for engineering designing. No
Machinery Trading
Personal &
Community 5252-03 Shoe Polishing مسح االحذية Service Includes firms engaged in shoe No
Services polishing.
Local Sweets
تحضير الحلوى Includes preparing local sweets in
Hospitality 5520-09 Preparing
والحلويات Service stalls sell directly to the public for No
الشعبية immediate consumption
es which are
regulated by
by DMCC.
التداول في Includes firms whose main
Trading in FX, OTC العمالت وعقود activities are based on the trading
and Exchange المشتقات of their own money in forex or
Financials 6599-97 Traded المدرجة وغير Service OTC and Exchange Traded No
Derivatives on its المدرجة في Derivatives with counterparties
own behalf with ،أسواق مالية which are regulated by authorities
وذلك للحساب deemed acceptable by DMCC as
الخاص مع per appendix A".
أطراف يتم
مراقبتها من قبل
سلطات مقبولة
من سلطة مركز
دبي للسلع
Trading for
التداول للحساب Includes firms whose main
account on
الخاص في activities are based on the trading
Financials 6599-98 regulated
بورصات Trading of their own money in FX, OTC Yes
خاضعة لرقابة and Exchange Traded Derivatives
سلطة مالية on regulated exchanges.
Real Estate & Real Estate Buying الوساطة في بيع Includes firms engaged in real
Facility 7020-01 & Selling العقارات Service estate brokerage or be agents, No
Services Brokerage وشرائها they mainly involve in buying,
selling or appraisal activities.
Automotive 7111-05 Car Rental تأجير السيارات Service Includes firms which lease cars No
Transportation without drivers.
امداد مواقع
الشبكة Includes firms specialized in
Technology & 7229-04 Internet Content المعلوماتية Service providing the internet sites with No
Telecom Provider "''اإلنترنت contents and make them available
بالمحتويات for users.
Includes providing computer
systems analysis and software
design to the firms involved in
education and training process, it
Education & تصميم نظم
involves analyzing the user's
Technology & 7229-05 Training الحاسب اآللي
Service needs and problems and offering No
Telecom Computer التعليمية
consultancy on the best
Software والتدريبية
economical solution and the
programs necessary for realizing
such a solution, also, the software
installation, testing and operation.
Services Relating
Professional to the
خدمات ذات Includes providing services
Services 7414-99 Commodities
عالقة بقطاع Service relating to the commodities Yes
Industry (DMCC)
السلع sector
Includes firms having experience
and knowledge which provide
consultancies to the facilities
involved in oil and gas industry as
regarding optimize production
Oil & Natural Gas البحث والتنقيب and mitigate potential issues
Energy 7421-09 Exploration Service associated with oil and gas No
عن البترول
Consultancies والغاز الطبيعي exploration and production,
including reservoir issues,
production fluids, geological
issues, productivity decline,
corrosion testing, production
delays, risk analysis and
Includes photographing in
specialized studios or on location
to produce pictures for different
Personal & Commercial انتاج الصور commercial purposes such as
Community 7494-03 Photographs الفوتوغرافية Service press documentaries, fashion No
Services Production التجارية shows, tourist items, advertising
agencies pictures, as well as air
shooting of landscape and urban
A center specialized in
scientifically designing and
providing training programs in
first aid and its applications, in
order to save a life or alleviate
First Aid Training مركز تدريب injury impacts to minimal level
Education 8090-34 Center اسعافات أولية Service and facilitate therapeutic Yes
procedures to be done by the
doctor, such firms must be staffed
by highly trained medical
personnel as well as obtaining
due licensing from the competent
medical authorities.
Includes centers specialized in
training and teaching children
with learning difficulties through
Learning مركز صعوبات programs of attention, auditory,
Education 8090-36 Difficulties Center التعلم Service visual discrimination motor skills, Yes
learning skills of reading, writing
and mathematics, including also,
early identification, diagnosing
and perceptual tests.
A center specialized in
scientifically designing and
providing training programs in
Advanced First مركز تدريب advanced first aid and its
Education 8090-53 Aid Training إسعافات متقدمة Service applications, in order to save a life Yes
Center or alleviate injury impacts to
minimal level and facilitate
therapeutic procedures to be
done by the doctor.
A Community-based non-
residential facility specializing in
providing services that are
designed to meet the needs of
functionally and/or cognitively
impaired children. Special need
center facilities provide a caring,
non-institutional setting for
Special Need مركز إحتياجات individuals who, for their own
Healthcare 8519-28 Center خاصة Service safety and well-being, can no Yes
longer be left at home alone.
These facilities often provide
protected settings and include a
mixture of health and support
services. Many offer specialized
services such as programs for
individuals with developmental
disabilities, vision and hearing
A facility provides cupping
Healthcare 8519-29 Hijjama Center مركز حجامة Service therapy (Hijama) by qualified and Yes
licensed professional.
Personal & Men Physical نادي لياقة بدنية Includes firms which offer sport
Community 9241-09 Fitness Club للرجال Service exercises training for securing Yes
Services fitness and losing weight.
Personal & Ladies Physical نادي لياقة بدنية Includes firms which offer sport
Community 9241-13 Fitness Club للنساء Service exercises training for securing Yes
Services fitness and losing weight.
Personal & Electronic Games صالة لأللعاب Includes operating halls where
Community 9249-02 Arcade االلكترونية Service people get together for playing Yes
Services electronic and video games.
Includes shops and indoor or
Personal & open halls equipped with facilities
Community 9249-04 Kids Amusement صالة العاب Service for entertaining children of Yes
Services Arcade لتسلية االطفال
different age categories against
fixed fees.
Personal &
Community 9302-04 Henna Salon صالون حناء Service Includes ladies salons involved in No
Services dyeing women hands with henna.
Personal &
Community 9302-09 Children الحالقة وقص
Service Includes firm salons involved in No
Services Haircutting الشعر لالطفال children hair dressing.
Centre No Restriction 50,000 AED per
Facility company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
or Adherence to Diamond trading 50,000 AED per Dubai Police -
Industrial No Restriction industry best practices company Department of
Plot Undertaking Protective Systems
or Adherence to Diamond trading 50,000 AED per Dubai Police -
Industrial No Restriction industry best practices company Department of
Plot Undertaking Protective Systems
or 50,000 AED per Dubai Police -
Industrial No Restriction company Department of
Plot Protective Systems
or 50,000 AED per
Industrial No Restriction company
Dubai Police -
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Department of
company Protective Systems
Branch No Share
Any Type companies only Capital Dubai Chamber
Branch No Share
Any Type companies only Capital
Branch No Share
Any Type companies only Capital
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Branch No Share
Any Type companies only Capital Ministry of Health
Public Health
50,000 AED per Ministry of Services
Retail Shop No Restriction company Environment & Water Department - Dubai
Public Health
50,000 AED per Ministry of Services
Any Type No Restriction company Environment & Water Department - Dubai
Dubai Police -
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Department of
company Protective Systems
Activity allowed
DMCC Tea for companies Activity allowed for companies
Centre registered with registered with DTTC (DUBAI 50,000 AED per Dubai Tea Trading
Facility DMCC Tea TEA TRADING CENTRE DMCC) company Centre DMCC
Centre only only
Dubai Police -
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Department of
company Protective Systems
Dubai Police -
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Department of
company Protective Systems
Any Type No Restriction 1,000,000 per
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
or 50,000 AED per Dubai Police -
Industrial No Restriction company Department of
Plot Protective Systems
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Roads and Transport
space company Authority
To sign the
Physical undertaking
Office letter for 50,000 AED per Roads and Transport
space passengers company Authority
Outside UAE 50,000 AED per
Any Type only company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Dubai Police -
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Central Bank Department of
company Protective Systems
50,000 AED per Dubai Police -
Retail Shop No Restriction company Central Bank Department of
Protective Systems
- Questionnaire. - Proof of
Funds proving that the net
worth exceeds 1 million US
Dollars for a period of not less
than one year (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an 50,000 AED per
Any Type auditor / lawyer confirmation company
letter or a bank statement for a
year proving that the client
maintained an average balance
each month that exceeded 1
million US Dollars).
- Questionnaire. - Proof of
Funds proving that the net
worth exceeds 1 million US
Dollars for a period of not less
than one year (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an 50,000 AED per
Any Type auditor / lawyer confirmation company
letter or a bank statement for a
year proving that the client
maintained an average balance
each month that exceeded 1
million US Dollars).
- Questionnaire. - Proof of
Funds proving that the net
worth exceeds 1 million US
Dollars for a period of not less
than one year (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an 50,000 AED per
Any Type auditor / lawyer confirmation company
letter or a bank statement for a
year proving that the client
maintained an average balance
each month that exceeded 1
million US Dollars).
- Questionnaire. - Proof of
Funds proving that the net
worth exceeds 1 million US
Dollars for a period of not less
than one year (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an 50,000 AED per
Any Type auditor / lawyer confirmation company
letter or a bank statement for a
year proving that the client
maintained an average balance
each month that exceeded 1
million US Dollars).
Physical 50,000 AED per Real Estate Regulatory
Office No Restriction company Authority
- Questionnaire. - Proof of
Funds proving that the net
worth exceeds 1 million US
Dollars for a period of not less
than one year (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an 50,000 AED per
Any Type auditor / lawyer confirmation company
letter or a bank statement for a
year proving that the client
maintained an average balance
each month that exceeded 1
million US Dollars).
- Questionnaire. - Proof of
Funds proving that the net
worth exceeds 1 million US
Dollars for a period of not less
than one year (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an 50,000 AED per
Any Type auditor / lawyer confirmation company
letter or a bank statement for a
year proving that the client
maintained an average balance
each month that exceeded 1
million US Dollars).
Dubai Police -
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Central Bank Department of
company Protective Systems
- Questionnaire. - Proof of
Funds proving that the net
worth exceeds 1 million US
Dollars for a period of not less
than one year (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an 50,000 AED per
Any Type auditor / lawyer confirmation company
letter or a bank statement for a
year proving that the client
maintained an average balance
each month that exceeded 1
million US Dollars).
- Questionnaire. - Proof of
Funds proving that the net
worth exceeds 1 million US
Dollars for a period of not less
than one year (Can be either a
bank confirmation letter, or an 50,000 AED per
Any Type auditor / lawyer confirmation company
letter or a bank statement for a
year proving that the client
maintained an average balance
each month that exceeded 1
million US Dollars).
- The company can be
individually owned or by a
corporate entity but not as a
branch. - The company cannot
apply for any share transfer or 50,000 AED per
Any Type change of activity. - No other company
activities can be added under
this license. - Questionnaire. -
Undertaking Letter. - Proof of
funds. - Proof of relation.
Any Type DPTG Members Introduction Letter from 50,000 AED per
companies 50,000 AED per
Any Type whether DGCX Questionnaire company
or Proprietary
Traders only
Securities &
Any Type 50,000 AED per Commodities
company Authority
50,000 AED per Securities &
Any Type No Restriction company Commodities
Securities &
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Commodities
company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Real Estate Regulatory
space company Authority
50,000 AED per Real Estate Regulatory
Any Type No Restriction company Authority
Any Type Inside JLT only Insurance Brokers Undertaking 500,000 per
Any Type Inside JLT only 1,000,000 per Insurance Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Real Estate Regulatory
space company Authority
Dubai Police -
Commercia 50,000 AED per Real Estate Regulatory Department of
l Plot company Authority Protective Systems
Physical Department of
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Tourism & Commerce
space company Marketing
Dubai Police -
Commercia 50,000 AED per Real Estate Regulatory Department of
l Plot company Authority Protective Systems
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Real Estate Regulatory
space company Authority
Dubai Police -
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Department of
company Protective Systems
Dubai Police -
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Department of
company Protective Systems
50,000 AED per
Any Type No Restriction company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per
The Government of
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Legal Affairs
company Department
Members Only.
Subject to prior 50,000 AED per
Any Type approval by company
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per
Inside JLT
and/or Outside
UAE. Ministerial
1283: Any
wishing to Executive Search Services 50,000 AED per
Any Type conduct Undertaking company
within the
mainland of UAE
needs to obtain
a specific license
from Ministry of
Inside JLT
and/or Outside
UAE. Ministerial
1283: Any
wishing to Recruitment Services 50,000 AED per
Any Type conduct Undertaking company
within the
mainland of UAE
needs to obtain
a specific license
from Ministry of
Dubai Police -
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Department of
company Protective Systems
Dubai Police -
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Department of
company Protective Systems
Office Inside JLT only 50,000 AED per
space company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Civil Aviation
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Office Tradeflow 50,000 AED per
space Members only company
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Ministry of Social
company Affairs
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Ministry of Foreign
space company Affairs
General Authority of
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Civil Aviation
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Ministry of Social
space company Affairs
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Directorate of Civil
space company Defence
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Directorate of Civil
space company Defence
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Roads and Transport
space company Authority
Physical Knowledge & Human
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Development
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Physical 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
Office No Restriction company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Physical 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
Office No Restriction company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Company to
provide a
license from
Physical Corporation for 50,000 AED per Dubai Corporation for
Office Ambulance company Ambulance Services
space Services after 6
months from
obtaining the
DMCC License.
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Corporation for
space company Ambulance Services
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Health
space company Authority
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Ministry of Social
space company Affairs
Physical Community
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Development
space company Authority
Physical 50,000 AED per Awqaf and Minors
Office No Restriction company Affairs Foundation
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Chamber
space company
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per Dubai Chamber
space company
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
50,000 AED per General Authority of
Any Type No Restriction company Youth and Sports
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
50,000 AED per General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction company Youth and Sports
General Authority of
Any Type No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
50,000 AED per General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction company Youth and Sports
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
General Authority of
Retail Shop No Restriction 50,000 AED per Youth and Sports
company Welfare
No Physical
selling of tickets 50,000 AED per
Any Type is allowed company
outside JLT area
Office No Restriction 50,000 AED per
space company
Subject to prior
Retail Shop approval by 50,000 AED per
DMCC Authority company
Subject to prior
Retail Shop approval by 50,000 AED per
DMCC Authority company
Branch No Share
Any Type companies only Capital Dubai Chamber