FIG. 1
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FIG. 9
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FIG. 16
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FIG. 17
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FIG. 19
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1. 2
ALTERNATOR BATTERY SYSTEM TESTER alternator, the operator connects the load tester to the battery
AND METHOD bank and while the vehicle is running, reads the Voltage. The
alternator should regulate the Voltage between approximately
This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application 13.2 volts and 14.8 volts on a 12 volt system. If the voltage is
Ser. No. 12/127,918, filed May 28, 2008, now U.S. Pat. No. 5 not within the specified range, there is a problem with the
7.990,155 which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent alternator or the Voltage regulator. If the alternator maintains
application Ser. No. 11/116,198, filed Apr. 28, 2005 now the Voltage within the specified range, the operator applies a
abandoned, the entirety of which are hereby incorporated by carbon pile load to the system until the voltage at the batteries
reference. is about 12.6 volts. At 12.6 volts the batteries will not be
10 collecting charge or delivering current. At this point, the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION operator reads the current that the tester is drawing. A DC
amplifier probe can also be used to measure the total output of
Traditionally vehicle electrical systems have been tested the alternator. If the output of the alternator is within 10% of
with a carbon pile variable load tester and a voltmeter. A its rated output, the alternator has passed the test.
carbon pile load tester is a variable load tester that utilizes a 15 Before an operator tests the starter, the battery or batteries,
pile of carbon disks as a resistive load. As the carbon disks are the cables to the starter from the battery bank and the mag
compressed the resistance is decreased and the current netic switch circuit should have previously been tested and
through the tester increases. Carbon pile testers are capable of repaired. A magnetic Switch is a Solenoid type relay that
applying a variable load of several hundred amps to a battery energizes the starter Solenoid on the starter when the ignition
or electrical system. To test the batteries on a heavy-duty key is turned to the start position. These tests, however, often
vehicle with a carbon pile load tester, each battery must be do not occur. To test the starter, the operator connects the load
disconnected from the battery bank and tested separately. The tester to the battery bank and monitors the voltage as the
tester is connected to the battery posts and the voltage of the engine is cranked. The operator then applies a load to the
battery is read. If the battery voltage is below 12.45 volts, the battery bank until the voltage of the battery bank reaches the
battery must be charged before proceeding with the test. Once 25 Voltage that was observed while the engine was cranking. At
it is determined that the battery has sufficient charge, a load this point, the operator calculates the current that the tester is
knob on the tester is manually turned by the operator to drawing. A higher than normal current draw is indicative of a
compress the carbon discs. The carbon disks are compressed bad starter.
until a load of one half the rated cold cranking amps (CCA) is More recently automated testers have been introduced that
applied to the battery. The load is maintained for 15 seconds. 30 make testing quicker and more reliable. These testers, how
After 15 seconds, the voltage of the battery is noted and the ever, still focus on the components of the system and not the
load is removed by uncompressing the carbon disks. The system as a whole. Often alternators and starters that are still
operator then compares the noted Voltage to a pass/fail Volt good are misdiagnosed and removed because of another prob
age obtained from a chart or graph that compensates for the lem in the electrical system (i.e., weak batteries, corroded/
temperature. Unfortunately, the accuracy of this test is depen 35 damaged cables, bad connections, or a loose belt)—this is
dent on the skill and care of the operator. undesirable. If these alternators and starters are under war
To test the cables and the connections in the charging or ranty they are sent back to their manufacturer under a war
starting circuits of a heavy-duty vehicle with a carbon pile ranty claim. The manufacturer tests the unit. Because the
load tester, the tester is connected at the alternator or at the units are still properly functioning, the warranty is denied.
starter. The auxiliary voltage leads of the tester (or the leads of 40 High costs are incurred in this type of situation. Even after
a separate Voltmeter) are connected to the battery bank. An high costs are incurred, the real problem has still not been
operator applies and adjusts a load current equal to the rated resolved.
output of the alternator or the specified current draw of the Because many starting and charging electrical problems
starter using the variable load tester. While the current flows, are progressive, a good preventative maintenance test is
the operator notes the Voltage at the alternator or starter and 45 needed to catch and correct these problems before they cause
the voltage at the battery bank. The voltage drop of the system a no-start situation. Additionally, a loose alternator belt can
is calculated by the operator. If the Voltage drop exceeds a prevent an alternator from outputting full current by not turn
specified amount (e.g., 0.5 volts), the electrical system is ing the alternator at full speed. Current testers have no way of
deemed problematic and the operator must determine if the determining whether the inability of the alternator to output is
problem is in the positive or the negative leg of the electrical 50 due to belt slippage. Temperature affects the viscosity of
system. This determination is made by reconnecting the aux engine oil and the amount of current it takes to crank a starter
iliary Voltage leads across the positive leg and reapplying the when the oil is cold is higher than when the oil is warm.
load. The Voltage may not exceed a maximum acceptable Therefore, a system and method for testing a charging and
Voltage drop (e.g., 0.25 Volts). The Voltage may not exceed starting system for testing the systems as a whole, for testing
one half of the maximum acceptable Voltage amount (e.g., 55 for alternator slippage and for testing a starter system incor
0.25 volts). A value exceeding one half of the maximum porating the oil temperature is needed.
acceptable Voltage indicates a possible defect in the positive There exists diagnostic tools that connect to a data port of
leg. Next, the auxiliary Voltage leads are connected across vehicle; these tools are often referred to as scan tools. Typi
negative leg of the system, and the load is again applied and cally, the scan tools stand-alone and do not interface with
adjusted. The Voltage across the negative leg is measured. A 60 other test equipment. Presently, J1708 or J1587 and J1939 are
value exceeding one half of the maximum acceptable Voltage the protocols used with the data port. Society of Automotive
(e.g., 0.25 Volts) indicates a possible defect in the negative Engineers (SAE) documents these protocols outline. These
leg. scan tools, however, fail to provide methods and/or systems
Before testing the alternator, the operator should test the for utilizing oil temperature during a starter test and utilizing
battery or batteries, and the cables between the alternator and 65 the RPM readings in determining alternator slippage.
the battery bank. The operator should make any necessary U.S. Pat. No. 6,650,120 to Bertness et al., U.S. Pat. No.
repairs based on the outcome of these tests. When testing the 6,718,425 to Kramptiz, and U.S. Pat. No. 6,777,945 to Paja
US 8,823,381 B2
3 4
kowski et al., and U.S. Patent Application Publication No. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
2003/0038637 to Bertness et al. describe testing charging and
starting system components, but fail to test the charging and/ FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an embodiment according to
or starting system systematically and connecting to a vehicle the present invention.
data port. FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the testing unit shown in FIG.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,375,672 to Kato et al., U.S. Pat. No. 6,029, 1.
512 to Suganuma, and U.S. Pat. No. 6,466,025 to Klang, and FIG.3a is a schematic diagram of a circuit illustrating how
U.S. Application Publication No. 2003/0155772 to Scherr a SYS. POS output results from a measurement of a voltage
bacher et al. disclose testing alternators to determine whether 10
across the load leads depicted in FIG. 1.
they are good. However, these references fail to disclose a FIG.3b is a schematic diagram of a circuit illustrating how
system for detecting alternator belt slippage where engine a SYS NEG output results from a determination that the load
RPM is read via a vehicle data port and alternator rotation is leads depicted in FIG. 1 are connected in reverse.
read via an R-terminal. FIG.3c is a schematic diagram of a circuit illustrating how
U.S. Pat. No. 5,583,440 to Bisher relates to testing and 15 a BUS VOLTS output results from a measurement of a volt
running AC loads on a backup system. The 440 Bisher age across large conductors of the load leads depicted in FIG.
patent, however, fails to test a battery or bank of batteries in a 1.
vehicle. FIG. 3d is a schematic diagram of a circuit illustrating how
U.S. Pat. No. 6,316,914 to Bertness relates to testing a bank a POS DROP output results from a measurement of a voltage
of batteries using a current sensor. The 914 Bertness patent, drop across a positive leg of an electrical system.
however, fails to disclose testing a bank of batteries without FIG.3e is a schematic diagram of a circuit illustrating how
the use of an inter cell current sensor. a NEG DROP output results from a measurement of a volt
U.S. Pat. No. 6,351,102 to Troy discloses a method and age drop across a negative leg of the electrical system.
system for testing vehicular batteries. The 102 Troy patent, FIG.3f is a schematic diagram of a circuit illustrating how
however, fails to disclose a method and system for testing a 25 an EXT POS output results from a measurement of a voltage
bank of batteries. drop across the voltage leads depicted in FIG. 1.
U.S. Pat. No. 6,759,843 to Bertness et al. relates to testing FIG.3g is a schematic diagram of a circuit illustrating how
storage batteries. The 843 Bertness patent, however, does not an EXT NEG output results from a determination that volt
disclose testing a vehicle's bank of batteries. age leads depicted in FIG. 1 are connected in reverse.
30 FIG. 4 is a circuit diagram of a portion of the system of FIG.
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 3, including a microprocessor and its display, keypad and
nonvolatile memory.
The invention relates to a systematic method and system FIG. 5 is a circuit diagram of a power Supply circuit used in
for testing the charging and starting systems of a vehicle, the testing unit of FIG. 2.
which requires each individual test to pass before proceeding. 35 FIG. 6 is a circuit diagram of a load circuit used in the
In addition, the invention incorporates an improved alternator testing unit of FIG. 2.
test that determines whether the alternator belt is slipping FIG. 7 is a circuit diagram of an analog conditioning and
using data read using a vehicle data port. Further, the inven alternating current amplifier/rectifier circuit used in the test
tion provides a battery bank test that correlates the voltage ing unit of FIG. 2.
before and after a load is applied to the battery bank to the 40 FIG. 8 is a sectional view taken transversely through an
batteries conditions. When testing the starter, the oil tem upper half of the testing unit of FIG. 1.
perature is read via the vehicle data port, allowing for a FIG.9 is a bottom plan view of a printed circuit board used
determination of whether the current draw is abnormally in the testing unit.
high. FIG. 10 is a block diagram illustrating the connections
In an aspect of the invention, a method for testing a bank of 45 between a vehicle data port, the tester and an alternator.
batteries comprises the steps of measuring a Voltage of the FIG. 11. is a perspective front view of an internal structure
battery bank is provided, including comparing said measured of the testing unit of FIG. 1, showing a top surface of a printed
Voltage to a threshold Voltage using the cold cranking amps of circuit board and a side wall of a housing.
each battery and temperature; if said measured Voltage is FIG. 12 illustrates a schematic diagram of the data port
greater than said threshold, applying a load to the bank of 50 cable of the invention.
batteries; measuring the voltage of the bank of batteries while FIG. 13 illustrates an exemplary data port cable firmware
the load is being applied, wherein the Voltage change is cor of the invention.
related to the battery bank condition; and determining FIG. 14 is a flowchart of an exemplary program executed
whether said bank of batteries passes based on said change in by the microprocessor to initiate operation of the testing unit.
Voltage. 55 FIG. 15 is a flowchart of exemplary processing executed
In another aspect of the invention, a system for testing a when a system test is selected.
bank of batteries of a vehicle comprises a tester apparatus is FIG. 16 is a flowchart of exemplary processing performed
provided, including a plurality of leads for connecting to said during the battery test.
bank of batteries; a data cable for connecting said tester to a FIG. 17 is a flowchart illustrating exemplary steps per
vehicle data port; and a circuit for determining the condition 60 formed while testing the charging system in accordance with
of said bank of batteries. the invention.
In another aspect of the invention, an apparatus for testing FIG. 18 is a flowchart illustrating exemplary steps per
a bank of batteries of a vehicle comprises a plurality of leads formed during the alternator test in accordance with the
for connecting to said bank of batteries is provided, including invention.
a data cable for connecting said tester to a vehicle data port; 65 FIG. 19 is a flowchart illustrating an exemplary embodi
and a circuit for determining the condition of said bank of ment of the starting system test in accordance with the inven
batteries. tion.
US 8,823,381 B2
5 6
FIG. 20 is a flowchart illustrating an exemplary embodi Each kelvin clamp 35a, 35b comprises a first jaw 37a, 37b
ment of the starter test in accordance with the invention. and a second jaw 38a, 38b, for facilitating connection to the
FIG. 21 is a perspective front view of an analyzer shown in electrical system under test. Furthermore, the pair of load
FIG. 1 without keys, taken from a lower end of the testing unit leads 18a and 18b includes a positive load lead 18a and a
of FIG. 1. negative load lead 18b. Each load lead of the pair of load leads
FIG. 22 is a sectional view taken transversely through a 18a and 18b also comprise a large conductor (not shown) that
lower half of the testing unit shown in FIG. 1. carries current when a load is applied and a small conductor
(not shown) that is used to measure Voltage. The large and
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Small conductors are associated with the first and second
10 jaws, 37a, 37b and 38a, 38b, respectively, of the kelvin
In the following detailed description, reference is made to clamps 35a and 35b. Additionally, a pair of voltage leads 20a
the accompanying drawings, which are a part of the specifi and 20b with clamps 36a and 36b, respectively, extend from
cation, and in which is shown by way of illustration various the testing unit 5 for connection to a battery (not shown) of the
embodiments whereby the invention may be practiced. These electrical system under test. The pair of Voltage leads com
embodiments are described in sufficient detail to enable those 15 prise a positive Voltage lead 20a and a negative Voltage lead
skilled in the art to make and use the invention. It is to be 20b. The remaining components of the testing unit 5 will be
understood that other embodiments may be utilized, and that described below inconnection with FIGS. 8,9,11,21, and 22.
structural, logical, and electrical changes, as well as changes Referring now to FIG. 2 the testing unit 5 is controlled by
in the materials used, may be made without departing from a microprocessor 20 that receives power from a power Supply
the spirit and scope of the present invention. circuit 21, which in turn is powered by a lead-acid battery/
The invention relates to a system and method for testing the system B under test. A 9-volt battery 22 provides an alterna
charging and starting system of a vehicle. The embodiments tive power source when the testing unit 5 is not connected to
of the tester may utilize the same or similar hardware as that the battery B. The microprocessor 20, which also includes an
described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,771,073, assigned to Auto Meter analog-to-digital (A/D) converter 27, receives input signals
Products, Inc., which is hereby incorporated by reference. As 25 from the four manual keys 13-16, an analog conditioning
explained below, in the present invention, the RS-232 port circuit 23, and an alternating current (AC) amplifier/rectifier
used to connect the testing unit 5 to a computer, may also circuit 24, as will be described in more detail below.
connect to a J1708 data port on the vehicle being tested. The microprocessor 20 provides output signals to a liquid
RS-232 is a common type of serial communication port used crystal display (LCD) 17 for communicating with a user, an
on many products that communicate with a computer. The 30 infrared printer port 25 for printing results, to a serial port 26
tester described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,771,073 is modified to for communicating with an off-board computer 26a. Such as,
include several new features described herein. The preferred for example, a personal computer, a load circuit 28that can be
embodiment of this invention utilizes the J1708 data port connected to the battery/system B under test, and to an audio
because it is present on new trucks as well as on many older buzzer 30 for providing audible alarms or signals. The micro
trucks. The J1939 protocol is present on late model trucks 35 processor 20 is also connected to a nonvolatile memory 29 for
only. It should be noted that the test method and processing of storing and retrieving data that is to be preserved in the event
the invention is not limited to the protocol used to read the of a loss of power. The microprocessor 20 also receives infor
data. mation from the vehicle data port 266.
In an effort to save time or because of lackofunderstanding In one exemplary embodiment, flash memory maybe used
of the interdependence of the components of the starting or 40 as the nonvolatile memory 29. The use of flash or other
charging system, technicians will often attempt to test the removable nonvolatile memory allows for the testing units 5
alternator or the starter without testing the batteries or cables to be customized for each user's implementation. For
first, thereby often misdiagnosing that the problems are in the example, the batter policy may be stored within the nonvola
alternator or starter. The present invention addresses the prob tile memory 29 so that the technician using the testing unit 5
lem of misdiagnosing the functionality of an alternator or 45 will not be required to remember the battery policy, thereby
starter by providing a technique to ensure that the entire decreasing the possibility of human error.
starter or charging system is systematically tested to find the The following description describes one embodiment of
real problem. Furthermore, the present invention provides circuitry used within testing unit 5. It should be appreciated
improved alternator testing by testing for belt slippage; that the invention is not limited to the value of the resistances,
improved starter testing by reading engine oil temperature 50 capacitors and other unit-values described. Referring now to
and comparing the current draw to the acceptable current FIG. 3a, there is shown a schematic diagram of a circuit
draw with the oil at the measured temperature; and quicker illustrating how an output voltage (SYS. POS) 810 results
battery testing by providing a battery bank test. from measurement of a Voltage across the load leads 18a and
Referring to FIG. 1, a perspective view of a hand-held 18b depicted in FIG.1. The circuit is arranged in a differential
testing unit 5 embodying principles of embodiments of the 55 amplifier configuration, Such that a Voltage difference
present invention is shown. A bottom front panel 10 includes between VOLTS+ 811 and VOLTS-812 (wherein VOLTS+
an On/Off key 11, a Print key 12, and a key pad with four 811 and VOLTS-812 indicate the voltage at the positive and
manual keys 13-16 used in conjunction with a liquid crystal negative load leads 18a and 18b, respectively), preferably
display (LCD) 17. The four manual keys 13-16 include an with an input range of 0-15.36 Volts, produces again of less
+/Up key 13, a -/Down key 14, anY/Enter key 15, and an 60 than one. In a desired embodiment, two 187 KS2 resistors 802
N/Esc key 16. The keys 13-16 provide input signals to a and 803, and two 49.9 KS2 resistors 805 and 806 are arranged
microprocessor (not shown) that controls operation of the with an operational amplifier807 in the differential amplifier
testing unit 5, including messages and/or data displayed on configuration to set the gain of the operational amplifier807.
the LCD 17. A pair of load leads 18a and 18b, with kelvin A 2KS2 resistor 808 is coupled with a 1 microfarad capacitor
clamps 35a and 35b, extend from an end of the testing unit 5 65 801 to form a low-pass filter in order to reduce system noise.
for connection to a starter, alternator, or batteries of an elec A diode 809 is included in the circuit to detect a reverse
trical system under test (not shown). connection of VOLTS-811 and VOLTS-812 and also to
US 8,823,381 B2
7 8
prevent transmission of a voltage below 0.3 Volts to the A/D drop across a negative leg of the electrical system. The dif
converter 27 of the microprocessor 20. The SYS. POS output ference between VOLTS-812 (i.e., a voltage at the negative
voltage 810 is input into the microprocessor 20. load lead 18b) and EXT-859 (i.e., a voltage at the negative
Referring now to FIG. 3b, there is shown a schematic Voltage lead 20b) is measured. The schematic diagram is
diagram of a circuit illustrating how a positive output Voltage configured similarly to that of FIG. 3d, however, unlike the
(SYS NEG) 820 results from a determination that the load schematic diagram of FIG. 3d, a Voltage divider is unneces
leads 18a and 18b of FIG. 1 have been connected in reverse. sary since both VOLTS-812 and EXT-859 inputs are main
An inverting amplifier823 reads a voltage from VOLTS+ 811 tained at a value close to ground. The VOLTS-812 and EXT
and converts the voltage of VOLTS+ 811 to a positive signal 859 are transmitted through a differential amplifier circuit
ranging from 0 to 4.096 Volts. This positive signal is filtered 10
865a comprising two 100 KS2 resistors 861 and 863, two 200
by a low pass filter comprising a 2 KS2 resistor 824 and a 1 KS2 resistors 864 and 866, and an operational amplifier865.
microfarad capacitor 826. The SYS NEG output voltage 820 A signal transmitted through the differential amplifier circuit
is then sent to the A/D converter 27 (not shown) and an 865a is sent through a low-pass filter, which comprises a 2
indication of a reversed connection of the load leads 18a and
18b is displayed on the LCD 17. Thus, the circuit of FIG.3b 15 KS2 resistor 867 and a 1 microfarad capacitor 869. A
uses an inverting amplifier 823 to send a positive Voltage to NEG DROP output voltage resulting therefrom is sent to the
the A/D converter 27 if the load leads 18a and 18b are con microprocessor 20.
nected in reverse. Referring now to FIG. 3f illustrating a schematic diagram
Referring now to FIG.3c, a schematic diagram of a circuit of a circuit depicting how a voltage lead output (EXT POS)
illustrating a measurement of a Voltage across the large con 870 results from a measurement of a voltage drop across the
ductors of the load leads 18a and 18b resulting in an output voltage leads 20a and 20b shown in FIG. 1. In a similar
voltage (BUS VOLTS) 830 indicative of a measured voltage fashion to the schematic diagram illustrated in FIG. 3a, the
across the large conductors is shown. An operational ampli circuit of FIG.3f incorporates a differential amplifier circuit
fier834 is arranged in a Voltage-follower configuration and a 876a, which includes two 187 KS2 resistors 872 and 873, two
pair of resistors 832 and 833 are arranged to create a voltage 25 49.9 KS2 resistors 874 and 875, and an operational amplifier
divider circuit. The voltage divider/voltage follower combi 876. The differential amplifier circuit 876a reads input volt
nation measures a voltage (BUS+ 838) across the large con ages EXT+854 and EXT-859, which correspond to voltages
ductors of the load leads 18a and 18b. of the voltage leads 20a and 20b, respectively, and transmits
The microprocessor 20 of FIG. 2 compares the an output signal. A gain of less than one is produced by the
BUS VOLTS output voltage 830 to the SYS. POS output 30 differential amplifier circuit 876a. An output signal transmit
voltage 810 of FIG. 3a, in order to ensure that a proper ted by the differential amplifier circuit 876a is then sent
connection has been made at the load leads 18a and 18b. A through a low-pass filter comprising a 2 KS2 resistor 877 and
difference between the SYS. POS output voltage 810 and the a 1 microfarad capacitor 879. The diode 878 prevents trans
BUS VOLTS output voltage 830 that is greater than a value mission of a voltage of less than 0.3 Volts in the event that the
pre-programmed in the microprocessor 20 indicates a poor 35 inputs EXT+ 854 and EXT-859 are connected in reverse.
connection of the kelvin clamps 35a, 35b shown in FIG. 1. The EXT POS output voltage 870 is input into the micropro
Referring now to FIG. 3d, depicting a schematic diagram cessor 20.
of a circuit illustrating how a positive leg output Voltage Referring now to FIG. 3g, depicting a schematic diagram
(POS DROP) 840 results from a measurement of a voltage of a circuit illustrating how a reversely-connected Voltage
drop across a positive leg of the electrical system. Two Voltage 40 lead output (EXT NEG) 880 results from a determination
dividers, each preferably comprising a 4.22 KS2 resistor and a that the voltage leads 20a and 20b of FIG. 1, have been
649 KS2 resistor (842/845 and 843/846, respectively) divide connected in reverse. The schematic diagram of FIG. 3g is
input signals EXT+ 854 (a voltage at the positive voltage lead similar to the circuit illustrated in FIG.3f, with the exception
20a of voltage leads 20a and 20b) and VOLTS+ 811 to an that the EXT+ 854 and EXT- 859 input voltages (i.e., the
operational amplifier849, such that input signal EXT+ 854 45 Voltages of the positive and negative Voltage leads 20a and
and input signal VOLTS+ 811 is maintained within a com 20b, respectively) are reversed. The reversal of the EXT+854
mon-mode range of the operational amplifier849. and the EXT- 859 inputs, in combination with a diode 888,
The input signals EXT+854 and VOLTS+ 811 are then sent allows for detection of a reverse hookup.
through a differential amplifier circuit 839, which includes Referring now to FIG. 4, which illustrates a more detailed
two 332 KS2 resistors 844 and 847, two 4.99 MC2 resistors 848 50 diagram of the testing unit 5 shown in FIG. 2. The micropro
and 855, and the operational amplifier849. The differential cessor 20, which includes the A/D converter 27, receives an
amplifier circuit 839 measures a difference between EXT+ ON/OFF signal 21a from the power supply circuit 21 of FIG.
854 (i.e., a voltage at the positive voltage lead 20a) and 2, an ON SW signal 11a from the On/Off key 11 shown in
VOLTS+ 811 (i.e., a voltage at the positive load lead 18a). FIG. 1, KEY 1-4 signals 13a-d from the four manual keys
Thus, the input signals EXT+ 854 and VOLTS+ 811 are first 55 13-16 shown in FIG. 1, and a signal from the Print key 12 via
divided, and then amplified. a pull-up resistor network 31. Also received by the A/D con
A 412 KS2 resistor 841 is incorporated into the circuit to verter 27 is an AC VOLTS output 37 from the AC amplifier/
ensure a positive offset by the operational amplifier 849 so rectifier circuit 24, the SYS. POS output voltage 810, which
that the offset can be calibrated out in software. A signal measures the voltage across the load leads 18a and 18b, the
output by the differential amplifier circuit 839 is then passed 60 SYS NEG output voltage 820, the BUS VOLTS output volt
through a low-pass filter comprising a 2 KS2 resistor 852 and age 830, the POS DROP output voltage 840, the
a 1 microfarad capacitor 853 and the resulting POS DROP NEG DROP output voltage 860, the EXT POS output volt
output Voltage is transmitted for analysis to the microproces age 870, the EXT NEG output voltage 880, and data signals
Sor 20. from the non-volatile memory 29. Oscillator signals from an
Referring now to FIG. 3e, illustrating a schematic diagram 65 oscillator comprising a crystal 30, a pair of capacitors C1 and
of a circuit depicting how a negative leg output Voltage C2, and a current-limiting resistor R1, are also input into the
(NEG DROP) 860 results from a measurement of a voltage A/D converter 27 of the microprocessor 20.
US 8,823,381 B2
Output signals produced by the microprocessor 20 include: resistors R16 and R17 to supply a desired voltage level to an
display-generating signals to the LCD 17, which also receives “adjusted” output of the IC 108. The voltage level V, that
Vcc at terminal 2 of the LCD 17 and a reduced Vcc at exists between the resistor R10 and the fuse F1 is supplied to
terminal 3 of the LCD 17 to set a LCD contrast (the reduction the four manual keys 13-16 of FIG. 1.
being achieved by a voltage divider formed by a pair of 5 The power supply circuit can be turned off by the micro
resistors R2 and R3 connected between Vcc and ground, processor 20 by sending a low signal to the POWER signal
with terminal 3 of the LCD 17 receiving a voltage that exists 21b after the On/Off key 11 has been pressed or after the
between resistors R2 and R3); a POWER signal 21b for the testing unit 5 has been on for two minutes with no activity.
power supply circuit 21 shown in FIG. 2; a PRINTER signal When the On/Off key 11 is pressed while the power supply is
19 for an infrared transducer used to communicate with the 10 on, the resulting change in the ON SW signal 11a is sensed
printers; switching signals LOAD1 34a, LOAD2 34b, by the microprocessor 20, which responds by producing a low
LOAD334c, and CCA LOAD 34d supplied via pull-down POWER signal 21b. This turns off the transistor T11, which
resistors 32 and current-limiting resistors 33, to control Field turns off the power supply.
Effect Transistors (FETs) that connect and disconnect various Referring now to FIG. 6, illustrating a circuit diagram of
loads to the battery/system Bunder test; and data signals to be 15 the load circuit 28. The load circuit 28 comprises three par
stored in the non-volatile memory 29. allel resistors R21, R22, and R23, each of which can be
Coupling to a printer is effected by an infrared coupling connected to the battery/system B under test by its own sepa
diode 99 mounted in an upper end of the testing unit 5 (as also rate signal LOAD134a, LOAD234b, or LOAD334c which
shown in FIG. 1). The PRINTER signal 19 from the micro turns on a corresponding switching FET 21, 22, or 23, so that
processor 20 is supplied via a resistor R4 to the base of a current can flow from the battery/system Bunder test through
transistor T1. When the transistor T1 is turned on, current reverse blocking diodes D21-D26 and one or more of the
flows from a Vcc source through the diode 99, a resistor R5, resistors R21-R23 to ground. As will be described in more
and the transistor T1 to ground. detail below, the load circuit 28 is connected to the battery/
Referring now to FIG. 5, illustrating a circuit diagram that system Bunder test when it is desired to load test the battery/
depicts in more detail the power Supply circuit 21 shown in 25 system B to evaluate its condition.
FIG. 2. The BUS+ input 838 to the power supply circuit is Referring now to FIG. 7, illustrating the analog condition
connected to battery/system B under test via the large con ing circuit 23 and the AC amplifier/rectifier circuit 24 of FIG.
ductor of the positive load lead 18a, while ground is con 2. The analog conditioning circuit 23 is connected to termi
nected to the large conductor of the negative load lead 18b. nals or posts of the battery/system B under test for measuring
The supply current from the BUS+ 838 input (indicative of 30 Voltage across these posts. The connections to the battery/
the Voltage across the large conductors of the load leads 18a system B terminals are made with kelvin clamps 35a and 35b
and 18b) passes through a blocking diode D10 and a reset on the ends of the load leads 18a and 18b extending from the
table fuse F1 that trips under high currents, which resets after lower end of the testing unit 5. The VOLTS+ 811 input to the
a period of time. The diode D10 prevents damage to the analog conditioning circuit 23 is derived from the Small con
testing unit 5 if the load leads 18a and 18b, connected to the 35 ductor of the positive load lead 118a, while the VOLTS-812
battery/system B under test, are connected in reverse. When input is derived from the small conductor of the negative load
the load leads 18a and 18b are not connected to the battery/ lead 18b. A pull-down resistor R40 is connected between the
system B under test, the power supply circuit 21 is powered two load leads 18a and 18b.
by a 9-volt battery 22 (also shown in FIG. 2) through a The VOLTS+ 811 and VOLTS-812 inputs are connected
blocking diode D11. 40 to the positive and negative inputs of an operational amplifier
The power supply circuit 21 is turned on by the ON SW 40 via gain-setting resistors R41-R44 in a differential ampli
signal 11a from the On/Off key 11 (FIG. 1), and then is kept fier configuration. An output of the operational amplifier 40
on by the POWER signal 21b (also shown in FIG. 4) output by furnishes the analog SYS. POS output voltage 810 (also
the microprocessor 20. These signals turn on either Switching shown in FIG. 3a) that represents an output Voltage measur
transistor T10 or switching transistor T11 to draw current 45 ing voltage across the load leads 18a and 18b. This SYS. POS
through a pull-up resistor R10. Specifically, the ON SW output voltage 810 is one of the inputs to the microprocessor
signal 11a is applied to a base of the switching transistor T10 20 and its internal A/D converter 27.
through a current-limiting resistor R11 and is also Supplied to Still referring to FIG. 7, the SYS. POS output voltage 810
a pull-down resistor R12 connected to ground. An ON/OFF of the operational amplifier 40 is also supplied through an AC
signal 21a (also shown in FIG. 4) connected to the micropro 50 coupling capacitor C40 to the AC amplifier/rectifier circuit 24
cessor 20 is also supplied from the keypad through a second to produce a DC output representing a magnitude of any AC
current-limiting resistor R13 and a Voltage-limiting Zener ripple in the battery voltage. (An AC ripple is associated with
diode D12, which is connected from the ON/OFF signal 21a an AC component of the DC voltage derived from the battery,
to ground. The POWER signal 21b from the microprocessor and typically originates from the alternator.) The capacitor
20 is supplied to the base of the switching transistor T11 55 C40 is connected through a gain-setting resistor R45 to the
through a current-limiting resistor R14. negative input of an operational amplifier 41 whose positive
A low voltage at a collector of either transistor T10 or T11 input is connected to a pull-down resistor R46. The output of
turns on FET 10, which then supplies current from the BUS+ the operational amplifier 41 is connected to a pair of rectify
input 838 to the input terminal of a voltage-regulating IC 108 ing diodes D40 and D41, which prevent a negative voltage
to switch on the power. A gate of the FET 10 is protected by 60 from going into the microprocessor 20 and its internal A/D
a resistor R15, and a pair of filter capacitors C10 and C11 are converter 27. An integrating capacitor C41 is connected in
connected in parallel from the input of IC 108 to ground. The parallel with the two diodes D40 and D41, and a lowpass filter
output of the IC 108 is connected to a terminal Vcc which is comprising a resistor R48 and a capacitor C48 is included to
connected to a conventional Voltage converter to furnish -5 filter the signal. The resulting DC output of the AC amplifier/
volt power throughout the unit. Three filter capacitors C12, 65 rectifier circuit 24 furnishes an AC VOLTS output 37 that
C13, and C14 are connected in parallel from the terminal represents the magnitude of an AC ripple and is one of the
Vcc to ground. A Voltage divider is formed by a pair of inputs to the microprocessor 20.
US 8,823,381 B2
11 12
Referring now to FIG. 8, illustrating a sectional view of the network arrangement used when interfacing to a data port
upper half of the tester. Structurally, the testing unit 5 of FIG. 410. The four connections to the data cable are VPP, DO/RI,
1 includes a strong, durable housing formed by a pair of DO/RI, and ground denoted by the ground signal. The power
extruded aluminum side members 80 and 81 (see FIGS. 1, 22. Supply 406 comprising U3 (a common Voltage regulator),
8, and 21) joined at opposite ends by a pair of end plates 82 resistor R111, and capacitors C101 and C105 receives power
and 83 attached to the side members 80, 81 by multiple screws via the VPP and ground connections of the data port 407.
84 (see FIGS. 1 and 20). Interior surfaces of the two side Resistor R111 drops the voltage so that less power is dissi
members 80, 81 form a first set of elongated slots 85 and 86 pated in the voltage regulator U3. Capacitors C101 and C105
(FIG.22) for receiving and Supporting a printed circuit board are filter capacitors. The RS-232 driver 402 includes U2 (a
87 that carries all the electronic circuitry except for the three 10 commercially available RS-232 driver) and resistors R105
large resistors R21-R23 of the load circuit 28 (of FIG. 6) that and R106. Resistors R105 and R106 limit the current and
form the high-current load for the battery under test. Because protect the RS-232 driver 402 in the event of a connection
of the high current levels, these resistors R21-R23 dissipate a error or short circuit. The signal conditioning circuitry 401 for
Substantial amount of heat, and thus they are mounted in a the signal from the R-terminal includes resistor R109, R110
ventilated end portion of the housing away from the printed 15 and capacitor C104. Resistors R109 and R110 form a voltage
circuit board 87. The ends of the three resistors R21-R23 are divider to attenuate the signal. Capacitor C104 in conjunction
connected to a pair of insulating mounting plates 88 and 89 with R110 form a low pass filter that filters out high frequency
that fit into mating slots 88a, 88b and 89a, 89b formed in the noise. Resistor R107 connects the ground of the cable to the
interior surfaces of the respective side members 80, 81 (see ground of the testing unit 5 via the RS-232 port. Resistor
FIG. 8). A third plate 90 extends across the upper end of the R107 prevents high current from flowing through the cable
printed circuit board 87 and overlaps the lower ends of the when the ground, on the vehicle, is faulty. U5 (part HDR1X6)
insulating mounting plates 88 and 89. The insulating mount allows a programmer to connect to the micro-controller 410
ing plates 88, 89 and the third plate 90 combine to form an in order to program it during manufacturing.
effective heat shield from the heat dissipated in the resistors FIG.13 illustrates an exemplary operation of the data cable
R21-R23 during high-current load testing of the battery/sys 25 410 firmware. The firmware for the data cable 410 first ini
tem. Bunder test. tializes internal variables and hardware (step 200), which is
Referring now to FIGS. 9 and 11, illustrating the printed common in the art of micro-controller programming. Next, in
circuit board 87 carrying two rows of TO-220 packaged steps 202,205, 212 and 214, the firmware enters a loop where
devices, including switching transistors FET10, FET20, it checks if it is time to poll data on the data port (step 202), if
FET21-23, a voltage regulator 100, and diodes D21-D26, 30 a message has been received from the data port 407 (step
mounted along opposite edges of the printed circuit board 87. 205), if a character has been received on the RS-232 port (step
These TO-220 packaged devices are mounted on a pair of 212), if there has been an overflow or an error condition (step
aluminum strips 87a and 87b that overlap the edgeportions of 214) and then repeats the loop. If it is time to poll data (step
the printed circuitboard 87 and extend into mating slots in the 202), the firmware sends out a request on the data port 407
side members 80 and 81 (see FIG. 18) to assist in dissipating 35 (step 204). If a message has been received on the data port 407
heat from the components, especially when the load circuit 28 (step 205), the firmware will process the message and extract
(of FIG. 2) is utilized. the data from the message (step 206). After the message has
The load leads 18a and 18b that connect the testing unit 5 been processed, if the relay flag is set (step 208), the controller
to the battery/system B are connected to copper plates 96 and will relay or send the message via the RS-232 port (step 210)
97 near the lower end of the printed circuit board 87, as can be 40 and return to the main loop. This loop (steps 205, 206, 208,
seen in FIG. 9. These copper plates 96 and 97 mount to the 210) is mainly for troubleshooting and viewing activity.
back of the printed circuitboard 87 and carry the high current In the illustrated embodiment, if a character has been
that flows through the diodes D21-26, the loads R21-23 and received on the RS-232 port (step 212), the firmware will
the transistors FET21-23 to the load leads 18a and 18b. These check to see if the character is one of the command
copper plates 96 and 97 permit the use of small components 45 characters (“>”, “?”, “:”, “+”, “-”) in steps 216,220, 220,224,
Such as the TO-220 packaged devices, despite the high cur 228 and 232. If the character is determined to be a “' char
rent levels. acter (step 216), the firmware sends out the header identifying
FIG. 10 illustrates an embodiment depicting the hardware the data (step 218). If the character is a “?” (step 220), the
of the data cable 410 of the invention. The cable hardware 410 firmware will send out the data in ASCII format (step 222). If
is controlled by a micro-controller 400. The micro-controller 50 the character is a “:” (step 224), the firmware will send out the
communicates with the data port 407 of a vehicle via a cable data in binary format (step 226). If the character is a "+” (step
driver 405 (shown as a J1708 driver) and with the testing unit 228), the firmware will set the relay flag (step 230). And if the
5 via the RS232 driver 402. The micro-controller 400 also character is a "- (step 232), the firmware will reset the relay
reads the signal from the R-terminal 404 of the alternator after flag (step 234). The only character that the testing unit 5 sends
the signal has been conditioned by signal conditioning block 55 to the cable is the “:” which requests the data in binary format
401 to be in the Voltage and frequency range of the micro (step 226). The other characters are used for trouble shooting
controller 400. The micro-controller 400 and other electron and for monitoring the data and J1708 communications via a
ics on the data cable 410 receive power from the power supply laptop or other PC. When connected to a laptop or PC, “c” can
406, which, in turn, is powered from the battery system B be used to display what each data value corresponds to, “?”
voltage via the data port 407. 60 can be used to display the current data values. “+' and '-' are
FIG. 12 illustrates a schematic of an exemplary embodi used to enable and disable viewing of all J1708 data port
ment of the data cable 410 of the invention. The micro activity, respectively. The final check in the loop is for errors
controller 400 labeled U1 is located in the center of the or character buffer overflow on the data port 407 (step 214). If
schematic. The J1708 driver 405 includes U4 (a commer there has been an error or a buffer overflow the firmware
cially available J1708 driver) and the resistor/capacitor net 65 reinitializes and starts the loop over again. Reading from and
work consisting of resistors R101, R102, R103, R104, and writing to the RS-232 serial communication port and reading
capacitors C102 and C103. This is a common exemplary from and writing to the data serial communication port and
US 8,823,381 B2
13 14
reading the frequency on the R-terminal input are performed and the testing unit 5 displays the data (step 618a). In one
by interrupts using techniques that are well known in the art. embodiment, in order to continue the operator presses the
As previously noted in a preferred embodiment, the testing Y/Enter key 15. If the data cable was not used in the previous
unit 5 is operated with six keys denoted On/Off, Print, +/Up, test (step 624), the testing unit 5 skips to the next test that has
-/Down, Y/Enter, and N/Esc. The unit is turned on by press- 5 not passed (step 620).
ing the On/Off key and then turned offat anytime by pressing At step 602, if the previous test sequence is not to be
the On/Off key again. continued, the testing unit 5 prompts the operator to select the
FIG. 14 illustrates a flowchart depicting an exemplary soft system to test. The operator may choose to test the battery,
ware implementation on the above described testing unit 5 charging, or starting system. At step 604 the operator is
executed by the microprocessor 20, which is initiated when 10 prompted to select the number of batteries in the system. In a
the microprocessor 20 detects that the power supply has been preferred embodiment, the operator is prompted, at step 606,
turned on. Referring also to FIG. 1, the first step 100 displays to enter a vehicle ID number and technician number. At step
an introductory message on the LCD 17, informing the user to 608, the operator is prompted to select whether the vehicle
select “Y/Enter to obtain a menu of options. If, at step 103. has a data port 407. If the vehicle does not have a data port
the “Y/Enter key 15 is not pressed within a time-out interval 15 407, then the testing unit 5 skips to the selected system test
measured by the microprocessor 20 or the On/Off key 11 is (step 610). If the vehicle has a data port 407, the unit will
pressed, the system powers down, as indicated at Step 104. If, prompt the operator (steps 612 and 614) to attach the data
at step 101, the Y/Enter key 15 is pressed, the program cable 410 and turn the ignition on. The data cable 410 reads
advances to step 102, where a menu is displayed to provide the data from the data port 407 (step 616) and displays the
the user with an array of options. The options include testing 20 data on the screen (step 618). In a preferred embodiment, the
the charging cables, starting main cables, magnetic Switch operator presses the Y/Enter key 15 to continue on to the
circuit, alternator, battery, system, V-drop, and starter. Addi selected test.
tional tester options include download, review?print, about, In FIG. 14, if the battery system is to be tested, the testing
J1708 data, and setup. These options respectively correspond unit 5 will proceed to the battery bank test 1001. If the battery
to subroutines 110-115, and 1000-1006 shown in FIG. 14. 25 bank test passes, then the battery system test is finished,
Whenever the menu is displayed at step 102, the testing otherwise each battery is tested separately. If the charging
unit 5 waits for the user to select one of the options by pressing system test is selected, the testing unit 5 will first perform a
e.g., the +/Up key 13 or -/Down 14, to scroll to the desired battery bank test 1001 and if the battery bank test fails, each
option, and then pressing the Y/Enter key 15. Each selection battery is tested separately. Once the batteries are determined
calls one the routines 110-115 or 1000-1004. If, at step 105, it 30 to be good, the charging cables 110 are tested. After the cables
is detected that no option has been selected within a time-out are determined to be good, the unit 5 tests the alternator 1000.
interval measured by the microprocessor 20, or if the On/Off In the starting system test 1006, a battery bank test 1001 is
key 11 is pressed, the menu 102 is exited at step 106 and the performed first. If the battery bank test fails, each battery is
testing unit powers down. The menu 102 may also be exited at tested separately. After all of the batteries are determine to be
107, by pressing the N/Esc key 16 at any time during display 35 good, the magnetic circuit is tested 112, followed by the
of the introduction at step 100 or the options menu at step 102. starter main cables 111. Only after the batteries, magnetic
Any test results that are stored in memory, can be reviewed circuit and started cables are determined to be good (i.e.,
and printed by selecting the Review/Print menu item. The passed their respective tests), the starter 1004 is tested. The
+/Up key 13 and the -/Down key 14 are used to scroll through battery test performed on the individual batteries when the
the data. The Print key 12 is pressed to print the data via the 40 bank test fails is described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,359,442, hereby
infrared (IR) printer port. incorporated by reference.
When J1708 data is selected from the menu, real-time data FIG. 16 illustrates exemplary processing performed to a
is transferred from the vehicle to the testing unit 5 via the data bank of batteries. The battery bank 1001 test begins by
cable 410 and is displayed on the screen. Two different prompting the operator to connect the large tester leads 18a,
screens of data can be displayed by pressing the +/Up 13 45 18b to the battery bank (step 700). If the testing unit 5 is setup
or -/Down 14 keys. The setup feature is used to configure the to require battery date codes, the testing unit 5 prompts for the
testing unit 5, set the time and date, and delete unwanted battery date code to be entered (step 702). If the vehicle ID
stored test results. The download option is used to download number and technician number have not previously been
the stored test results and data to a PC via the RS-232 port. entered (step 704), and the testing unit 5 is setup to require
The About option displays the software version and copyright 50 them, the testing unit 5 prompts for the ID number and tech
notice. nician number to be entered (step 706). In the event that
FIG. 15 illustrates exemplary processing for carrying out a voltage ripple is detected on the large leads in step 708, the
system test 1002. When the system test 1002 is selected from testing unit 5 prompts the operator to turn off the engine (step
the main menu 102, and if a system test sequence was previ 710). When the engine is off and the ripple has decreased, the
ously started but not completed (step 600), the testing unit 5 55 testing unit 5 determines if the battery bank is a 24-volt bank
will prompt the operator to determine if the previous test (step 712). After it is determined that the bank is a 24-volt
sequence should be continued (step 622). If the previous test system, the operator is prompted to test each battery sepa
sequence is to be continued, the testing unit 5 will determine rately (step 714). However, if the bank is a 12-volt bank, the
if the data cable orport was used (step 624). The previous test operator will be prompted to enter the temperature and the
status and whether the data cable/port was used is stored in 60 CAA of an individual battery (step 718). The bank of batteries
electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EE is tested to determine whethera minimum Voltage is met (step
PROM) on the testing unit 5. If the data cable 410 was used 720). If the minimum voltage is met, the testing unit 5 will
(step 624), the testing unit 5 will prompt the operator to attach then load and test the bank to determine the condition of the
the cable 410 (step 612a). Once the data cable 410 is attached, bank. The battery condition results will be logged at step 722.
the testing unit 5 prompts the operator to turn the ignition on 65 If the bank passed the test, the results are displayed and the
(step 614a). After the engine has been started at step 614a, the battery bank test 1001 is complete. If the bank did not pass at
data cable 410 reads data from the data port 407 (step 616a) step 724, the operator is instructed to test each battery sepa
US 8,823,381 B2
15 16
rately (step 714). To perform the individual battery tests, each operator is prompted to start the engine (step 916). After it is
battery is disconnected from the bank and tested. When it is determined that the engine is running, the operator is
determined that a battery is bad or low, it must be recharged or instructed to idle the engine at about 1000 RPM (step 924). In
replaced and then tested again. step 930, the testing unit 5 displays the Voltage at the alterna
Before the load is applied, the voltage of the battery bank is tor and instructs the operator to allow the voltage to stabilize,
tested in step 720 and if the voltage is above a minimum once the Voltage has stopped rising the operator is to press the
amount (i.e. 12.40 V), the unit applies the load to the battery Y/Enter key 15.
bank at step 722. However, if the voltage is not above the However, if it is determined at step 912 that the vehicle has
minimum value, the batteries must be disconnected and tested a data port 407, the testing unit 5 prompts the operator to
separately. At the end of the load period, the unit measures the 10 attach the data cable 410 and turn the ignition on (steps 914
loaded Voltage and Subtracts it from the beginning Voltage and 916). At this point, the data cable reads data from the
thereby calculating the Voltage drop. The unit computes the vehicle's engine control unit (ECU) and the unit reads the
maximum allowed drop at the given temperature for a two, data from the cable and displays it on the LCD screen (step
three, or four battery bank and compares the Voltage drop to 918). After the data is displayed, the operator is prompted to
the maximum allowed. If the drop exceeds the maximum 15 connect the R-Clip to the R-Terminal of the alternator (step
allowed, the batteries must be tested separately, otherwise the 920). The R-terminal is a terminal on most heavy-duty alter
bank passes the test. nators that outputs a square wave that has a frequency pro
The maximum allowed change in Voltage for a two-battery portional to the rotational speed of the alternator. The testing
bank is given by the formula: unit 5 determines if the engine is running and if it is not, the
0.90+(70-Temperature)x0.0027. (Eq. 1)
testing unit prompts the operator to start the engine (step 922).
Once the engine is running, the operator is instructed to idle
The maximum allowed change in Voltage for a three-battery the engine at about 1000 RPM (step 924). The testing unit 5
bank is given by the formula: determines if the R-Clip is reading and reports an error if it is
0.75+(70-Temperature)x0.0023. (Eq. 2) determined that the R-Clip is not reading (steps 926 and 928).
25 The Voltage at the alternator is displayed and the testing unit
The maximum allowed change in Voltage for a four-battery 5 instructs the operator to allow the voltage to stabilize, and to
bank is given by the formula: press the Y/Enter key 15 once the voltage has stopped rising
0.60+(70-Temperature)x0.0018. (Eq. 3) in step 930.
After the user presses theY/Enter key 15, both with the data
A similar formula would be constructed for testing a single 30 cable 410 connected or without, the testing unit 5 determines
remote battery. The formula is based on a temperature mea whether the alternator is a 12-volt or a 24-volt alternator by
sured in degrees Fahrenheit. reading the voltage (step 932). For a 24-volt alternator, the
FIG. 17 illustrates the processing steps and the desired testing unit 5 prompts the operator to turn on accessory loads
order for the steps for testing the charging system in accor to load the alternator (step 950). The engine is revved to a
dance with the invention. The first test conducted in the charg 35 governed speed and the ripple and voltages are read (steps 952
ing system is of the bank of batteries 1001. Once the battery and 941). After each reading of the ripple and voltages, the
bank or the separate batteries have been determined to be load is removed (steps 951, 953. The voltage is monitored for
good (i.e., pass) in step 1001, the charging cables are tested 10 seconds, the results are logged and the data is displayed
110. The test conducted on the charging cables 110 is (steps 943,945 and 947). In the hand-held embodiment of this
described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,771,073, hereby incorporated by 40 invention, the testing unit 5 does not load a 24-volt alternator
reference. After it is determined that the charging cables are because additional or larger load elements would be required.
good, the alternator is tested 1000. Finally, the data is logged In a larger embodiment, the testing unit 5 could automatically
and the results are displayed in step 1110. The results include load the 24-volt alternator.
the condition of the alternator and whether the batteries and However, if the alternator being tested is a 12-volt alterna
cables passed or were repaired. 45 tor, the unit 5 automatically loads the alternator and reads the
FIG. 18 illustrates a flowchart of the exemplary processing ripple and voltage (step 936) and then the load is removed
performed during the alternator test 1000. The alternator test (step 939). After the accessory loads are turned on or auto
1000 is the final test run when testing the charging system, matically loaded, the operator is prompted to rev the engine to
however, the test 1000 can also be selected from the main governed speed for 10 seconds (step 938). The testing unit 5
menu as its own test. The alternator test 1000 begins by 50 reads the ripple and Voltage produced by the alternator and
prompting the operator to perform a visual inspection of the then monitors the voltage for the 10 seconds (steps 942 and
alternator belt, cables and connections (step 902). The opera 944). The peak voltage is recorded. The testing unit 5 logs the
tor is instructed to connect the leads to the alternator (step data and displays the results (steps 946 and 948).
904). Next, if not previously entered, at steps 906 and 908 the The data that may be collected and logged during the
testing unit 5 prompts the operator to enter a vehicle ID 55 alternator test includes: rated alternator output, beginning
number and a technician number (in a preferred embodiment Voltage, loaded Voltage, peak voltage at governed speed,
of the invention). If the ID and technician number were pre ripple at idle, ripple at governed speed, R-Terminal frequency
viously entered, the testing unit 5 retrieves the information at idle (from cable), R-Terminal frequency at governed speed
from EEPROM (at either step 906 or 908). The testing unit 5 (from cable), engine RPM at idle (from ECU via the data
also prompts the operator to enter the rated output of the 60 port), engine RPM at governed speed (from ECU via the data
alternator (step 910). The testing unit 5 determines whether or port), time, date, vehicle ID, vehicle VIN (from ECU via the
not the vehicle has a data port 407 by checking EEPROM or data port) and technician number.
by prompting the operator (step 912). From the data collected during the alternator test, several
If the vehicle does not have a data port 407 (step 912), the different determinations regarding the condition of the alter
testing unit 5 determines if the engine is running by reading 65 nator can be made. For example, if the beginning Voltage is
the voltage ripple at the alternator. If ripple is detected, the below the minimum allowed voltage (e.g., 13.2V on a 12-volt
engine must be running. However, if no ripple is detected, the system), the testing unit 5 reports that the alternator has low
US 8,823,381 B2
17 18
regulation. Or, if the peak Voltage at governed speed is above starter and the voltage drops in the cables (step 774). The data
the maximum allowed Voltage (e.g., 14.8V on a 12-volt sys is logged and results are displayed (step 776).
tem), the unit 5 reports that the alternator has high regulation. The data that may be collected and logged during the starter
Otherwise the testing unit 5 reports that the regulation is test includes: beginning Voltage, loaded Voltage, battery Volt
good. Additionally, if the ripple at idle is above the maximum age, drop in positive cable under load, cranking Voltage, drop
allowed (e.g., 0.35 VAC for a 12-volt system) or if the ripple in positive cable while cranking, starter current draw, oil
at idle is above a lower maximum allowed (e.g., 0.25 VAC for temperature (from ECU via the data port), ambient tempera
a 12-volt system) and increased to be over another maximum ture (from ECU via the data port), time, date, vehicle ID,
allowed (e.g., 0.26 VAC for a 12-volt system) at governed vehicle VIN (from ECU via the data port), and technician
10 number.
speed, the testing unit 5 reports that the alternator has a bad The starter current draw is determined by first determining
diode. When the loaded voltage is below the minimum the resistance of the positive cable. This is accomplished by
allowed voltage (e.g., 12.9V for a 12-volt system), the testing loading the system at the starter with a load of known resis
unit 5 reports that the alternator has low output. tance. Ohm’s law, I=V/R, gives the current the testing unit 5
If the data port 407 was used during the alternator test and 15 pulls through the cable. Where V is the voltage at the testing
the ratio of the engine RPM to the R-Terminal frequency at unit 5 leads and R is the known resistance of the tester load.
governed speed is greater than the ratio of the engine RPM to Next, the resistance of the positive cable is determined, again
the R-Terminal frequency at idle by more that a set amount by using Ohm’s law. Where V is the voltage drop across the
(e.g.,5%), the unit 5 reports that the alternator belt is slipping. positive cable and I is the current that the testing unit 5 pulled
Only when it is determined that the regulation is good, the through the cable. Once the resistance of the positive cable is
ripple is low, the belt is not slipping and the output is good known, the current that the starter draw is determined, where
does the unit reports that the alternator is good. V is the voltage drop across the cable while the starter is
FIG. 19 illustrates exemplary tests that must be completed cranking and R is the resistance of the cable. The test of the
to carry out the starting system test 1006 in accordance with starter cables is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,771,073, which is
the invention. In testing the starting system 1006, several 25 hereby incorporated by reference herein.
components must pass before the starter itself is tested. First, The colder the oil, the more power it takes to crank the
the bank of batteries is tested 1001. If the battery bank fails, engine. Excessive current draw can indicate a faulty starter.
the batteries are tested individually and each must be deter The data collected is used to determine if the current the
mined to be good. After the batteries have passed, the mag starter draws exceeds an acceptable amount. The formula for
netic circuit is tested 112. The test 112 is based on the test 30 the maximum current is a function of the oil temperature. If
described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,771,073, hereby incorporated by the data cable 410 was used, the testing unit 5 reads the engine
reference. However, a select starter function has been added oil temperature from the ECU. An exemplary formula used to
to account for a new gear reduction starter that requires the calculate the current draw is:
magnetic circuit to handle 350 amps instead of only 80amps.
Once the magnetic circuit has passed, the starter main cables 35 1400-(oil temperaturex4). (Eq. 4)
are tested 111. After it is determined that the starter main Where the oil temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit. This
cables are good, the starter is tested 1004. The data is logged formula is only exemplary and will likely be fine tuned as
and the results are displayed 1050. The results include the more data is collected.
condition of the starter and whether the batteries, the mag At the conclusion of the test, the testing unit 5 reports the
netic circuit and the cables passed or were repaired. 40 beginning Voltage, the cranking Voltage, the starter draw and
FIG. 20 illustrates exemplary processing performed by the if the data cable 410 was used. The testing unit 5 also reports
starter test 1004 according to the invention. The starter test the engine oil temperature and the condition of the starter.
1004 is the final test run when testing the starting system. The The data read from the data port 407 and sent to the testing
test 1004 can also be selected from the main menu as its own unit 5 via the RS-232 may include the ignition switch position
test. First, if not previously entered, the unit prompts the 45 (PID43), pedal position (PID91), battery voltage (PID 168),
operator to enter a vehicle ID number and a technician num ambient temperature (PID 171), oil temperature (PID 175),
ber in step 750 (according to an embodiment of the inven engine speed (PID 190), VIN (PID 237), clock (PID 251), and
tion). If these were previously entered, the testing unit 5 date (PID 252). PID stands for parameter identifier. The PID
retrieves the information from EEPROM. It is then deter format and assignments are documented in SAE document
mined whether the vehicle has a data port 407 by checking 50 J1587.
EEPROM or by prompting the operator. If the vehicle has a The processes and devices described above illustrate
data port 407, the testing unit 5 instructs the operator to attach exemplary methods and devices of many that could be used to
the data cable 410 and turn the ignition on (steps 756 and implement the invention. The above description and drawings
758). At this point, the data cable 410 reads data from the illustrate exemplary embodiments of the present invention. It
vehicle's ECU and the unit reads the data from the data cable 55 should be appreciated that the values used to describe the
410 and displays it (steps 760 and 762). After the data is above identified embodiments are only exemplary. However,
displayed (step 762), the operator is instructed to connect the it is not intended that the present invention be strictly limited
large leads 18a, 18b to the starter and to connect the small to the above-described and illustrated embodiments and is
leads 20a, 20b to the battery (step 764). The testing unit 5 only limited by the scope of the appended claims.
verifies that the leads are connected properly (step 766). An 60
error message is displayed if it is determined that the leads are What is claimed as new and desired to be protected by
not connected properly (step 768). After the leads are cor Letters Patent of the United States is:
rectly connected (step 769), the unit loads the system and 1. A system for testing a vehicle alternator comprising:
measures the voltage drops in the cables from the battery to a tester apparatus;
the starter while the load current is flowing (step 770). In step 65 a plurality of load leads adapted to connect to components
772, the operator is instructed to start the vehicle's engine. of the charging system, wherein said components
While the engine cranks, the unit measures the Voltage at the include said alternator,
US 8,823,381 B2
19 20
a plurality of voltage leads for connecting to components of means for reading a ripple and a voltage when the engine is
the charging system, wherein said components include revved to a governed speed;
said alternator; means for monitoring the Voltage for a set period of time:
a data connection cable for connecting said tester to a means for determining the condition of the alternator,
vehicle data port; wherein in determining the condition of said alternator a
a cable for connecting said tester to an R-terminal on said first ratio of a first engine RPM to a first corresponding
alternator; and R-terminal frequency is compared to a second ratio of a
a processor for determining the condition of said alternator, second engine RPM to a second corresponding R-termi
wherein in determining the condition of said alternator a nal frequency.
first ratio of a first engine RPM to a first corresponding 10
7. The apparatus according to claim 6, further comprising:
R-terminal frequency is compared to a second ratio of a
Second engine RPM to a second corresponding R-termi means for connecting said tester to a vehicle data port via a
nal frequency. data cable when it is determined that said vehicle has a
2. The system according to claim 1, wherein said tester data port,
apparatus is hand-held. 15 means for reading data from said vehicle data port when the
3. The system according to claim 1, wherein said means for ignition of said vehicle is on; and
determining the condition of the alternator determines means for displaying said read data.
whether the alternator belt is slipping by comparing whether 8. The apparatus according to claim 6, further comprising
a ratio of an engine RPM to an R-terminal frequency at a means for logging data.
governed speed is greater than a ratio of an engine RPM to an 9. The apparatus according to claim 6, further comprising:
R-terminal frequency at idle by more than a predetermined means for allowing the Voltage to stabilize; and
amount. means for determining a voltage capacity of the system.
4. The system according to claim 1, further comprising 10. The apparatus according to claim 6, further comprising
means for outputting and storing the results. means for conducting a visual inspection of the alternator
5. The system according to claim 1, further comprising 25 belt, cables, and connections to the alternator.
means for transferring the results to another device. 11. The system according to claim 6, further comprising
6. An apparatus for testing an alternator of a vehicle com means for determining whether the alternator belt is slipping
prising: by comparing whether a ratio of an engine RPM to an R-ter
means for connecting leads from a tester to said alternator; minal frequency at a governed speed is greater than a ratio of
means for determining whether said vehicle has a vehicle 30 an engine RPM to an R-terminal frequency at idle by more
data port; than a set amount.
means for connecting said tester to the R-terminal of said 12. The apparatus according to claim 11, wherein said
alternator; determining means is a processor.
means for reading data from said R-terminal when the 13. The apparatus according to claim 6, wherein said appa
engine is idling at a set point; 35 ratus is a hand-held apparatus.
means for loading the alternator system; ck ck ck ck ck