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This is the second in a series of three articles that will outline a proposed scientific model with
the goal of stimulating a new vision toward resolving the Mind-matter question and acknowl
edging an underlying connectiveness in the universe. Scientific is understood to mean that the
"parts" or links already exist as useful concepts in the scientific community. The model being
proposed assumes that everyday reality is not simply "out there" nor is it "within." Rather, it
is suggested that everyday reality is a "perception" we construct from aspects of the "unity"
within which we are immersed. Parr I presented the basic assumptions of the model and
introduced the model by exploring aspects of a reality that extends beyond our limited concepts
of three dimensional space plus time. 1 •2 The power of symbolic patterns in the physical for
serving the role of mediator between the happenings in the physical (or outer reality) and the
menral (or inner reality) was emphasized.
Part II, Mapping Beyond Space- Time, discusses a process of interfacing between Mind and matter
consistenr with the concepts of quantum physics. Emphasis is placed upon the quantum feature
of non-locality and upon twistor theory. The issues of causality and reproducibility in science
are discussed. The article concludes with a description of the dynamics of the process-how
the interplay takes place and works. This includes an outline of other symbolic tools of
mathematics such as chaos theory that permit extending out three dimensional thinking.
In Part III the authors will explore [he relationship of their model to human experience.
efore we discuss "mapping beyond space-time," let us review the process
by which modern science describes or "maps" the physical reality within
space-time. Modern physics rests upon the foundation of mathematics,
a symbolic language. But, what is mathematics and why does it work? Indeed,
what is the foundation upon which this "magicar mathematics rests? If we
cannot answer these questions our scientific explanations, i.e.) our scientific
maps, of the universe are based ultimately upon things we do not understand. 3
These questions remain unanswered by modern science, yet are a key in the
quest to arrive at a deeper understanding of the universe. In Out model we
attempt to address these questions.
he tradition of science, with its built-in system of checks, balances, and
continual refinements, has demonstrated an unsurpassed ability to
provide our culture with highly pragmatic pictures and models of
physical reality that reach beyond our unaided senses. Although instruments
have extended the senses so that we can comprehend structures far removed
from our immediate perception, such instruments are themselves constructed
in accordance with the pictures of these deep realities. As we discussed in the
preceding section, mathematics is the symbol system through which the mind
probes these realities and gives them their structure and coherence. So it is
the combination of mathematical models and instrumentation that gradually
evolve the scientific worldview.
escending to the next level of smallness, we encounter molecules and
atoms. These can be made visible if the wavelength of the illumi
nating radiation is comparable to the size of the object being observed.
This requires special instruments like the electron microscope and modifica
tion of the simple classical rules of optics to include quantum effects. Even
though the magnification required may approach 100 million times in order
to resolve an individual atom, there is still a one-to-one correspondence between
the displayed image and the inferred shape.
It is when we leave this level that our pictures of small objects can no longer
be obtained through magnification. This is because the rules for observation
are drastically altered-quantum mechanics (QM) takes over the model
building process. The concepts of particle, location, indeed, measurement itself
lose the preciseness they enjoy in the large-scale, classical world.
It is important that readers have some familiarity with quantum concepts, since
they figure in our model in a crucial way. For this reason we will digress briefly
and mention four of the main implications of quantum theory that are relevant
to the model:
2. Matter is mostly empty space. For an atom, the size of its nucleus
would be like a flea in the center of the vast space of the New Orleans
Astrodome. The electron cloud surrounding the atomic nucleus strongly
resists compression; thus atoms take up space even though the constituent
particles of the atom are no larger than mathematical points. This
example of the vast difference bet\veen the ordinary experience of percep-
his descent into the world of the ultimately small was quantitatively
illustrated in Part I, Figure 2. The journey takes us past the level of
elementary particles another 18 orders of magnitude to the Planck
length of 10-33 centimeters, the bottom of space-time, where the concepts of
measure, length, and location lose their scientific meaning due to quantum
uncertainty and fluctuation. Between elementary particles and the Planck
length lies the "quantum vacuum" a sea of essentially infinite energy that
underlies our physical world of form. Figure 1 is a pictorial representation of
this journey that illustrates archetypes as a further extension of the descent.
Right now our main purpose is not to study the scenery, only to reinforce the
idea that the journey takes place completely in the mind. The objects encoun
tered on the way are as real as the mathematics which gives them their existence
and the models which reveal their "shapes."
World '~o,,,,\
o 0 '\j\~\'o\e
I '
I \
., \
Figure 1. Pictorial representtltion of the descent into the world of the ultimtltely small
and beyond. From the spaceless-timeless "knowledge realm" of archetypal patterns. the
physical world of three dimensional space and time begins to manifest at the Planck length.
ur model is a case in point. The existence of Mind as a realm having
properties rather different from those of physical matter is not a
difficult concept. After all, this is the basis of the famous "Cartesian
split," now over three centuries old, which serves as the core belief for objective
science-the belief that there are no observer complications in experiments.
What may be difficult to comprehend is the idea that the contents of Mind
have a connection to the world of matter; i.e., the Cartesian split is only an
approximation, not an absolute truth. Therefore, the issue that must be
addressed is what is the nature of this connection between the contents of Mind
which are spaceless and timeless and objects in the physical world which are
space-time limited?
In dealing with this and other related philosophical matters, we have chosen
to construct our model from concepts as close to the scientific mainstream as
possible. The reasons for this choice should be readily apparent to anyone who
has tried to present new ideas to audiences grounded in western paradigmatic
thinking. Not only are we interested in communicating clearly with as wide
ver the years there have been numerous models proposed that embrace
a scientific base which address the mind-matter interface and the role
of consciousness. Some of these models invoke spaceless-timeless
realms, others do not. A review of consciousness models for the years 1975
1990 was published as a two part series in The Journal ofMind and Behavior. 4
The review covers the work of David Bohm, Robert John and Brenda Dunn,
].C Eccles, Henry Stapp, A. Goswami, Saul-Paul Sirag, R.W Sperry, G. Bate
son, and others. Two related models outside the scope of the review are the
work of William Tiller on a lattice model of space 5 and an interpretation by
Thomas Bearden of an expanded version of electromagnetic theory that relies
upon the "scalar waves" of Nicola Tesla. 6
Before getting into the details of our model, it is useful to list several
phenomena that present severe challenges to the accepted scientific paradigm.
It is our belief that these and related phenomena should be comprehended by
an expanded view of reality.
1. Non-local connections.
2. Healing and other such beneficial person to person effects that transcend
n 1964 John Stewart Bell proposed a crucial test between the predictions
in quantum theory of non-locality and those of any theory based on the
concept of local reality. This test, known as Bell's Theorem, did not
propose an experimental situation in which non-local interactions are directly
observed. Instead, Bell invented a simple argument that could be tested
experimentally that would indirectly demonstrate the necessary existence of non
local connections. 8
Local reality means that effects that are strong within a given region of space
fall off outside, so that it makes sense to divide the world into separate, self
contained systems that interact by forces and signals that fall off rapidly with
distance. Thus, the idea of non-locality is shocking, because for hundreds of
years scientists have said that if anything moved it was because something else
acted on it. Non-locality suggests that distant systems can be connected in a
totally new way-a way in which distance no longer seems to matter.
The experimental results are now in, and most physicists are well satisfied that
quantum theory has been confirmed and local reality ruled out. The tests of
t is interesting to note that most physicists accept non-locality as a confir
mation of quantum theory. However, it still remains a black sheep of the
quantum family, and physicists avoid drawing too much attention to its
bizarre implications. Most prefer to assume that non-local influences occur only
at the particle level, although quantum physics itself provides no rationale for
this assumption. In fact, quantum physics is now being successfully applied,
not only to the particle level, but to atoms, to bacteria, and even at the
cosmological level. 13.14 We have, therefore, taken the position that non-locality
pervades all phenomena and that the world could be filled with innumerable
non-local influences even at the macroscopic level of human experience.
Bell's theorem and the necessity of non-local reality have not had nearly the
impact on physics that one might imagine, given the startling implications of
here are three principal approaches being undertaken to the TOE which
are potentially capable of providing mathematical pictures of "the other
side" of space-time and of how our physical world unfolds or is "created"
from beyond space-time. They are called superstring theory, knot theory, and
twistor theory. The theory we wish to elaborate upon in connection with our
model is twistor theory, a creation of Roger Penrose, mathematician and
theoretical physicist at Oxford and author of the highly acclaimed book The
Emperor's New Mind. IS
It may be only coincidence that Roger Penrose was developing the beginnings
of twisror theory about the same time that Bell published his famous theorem.
But over the three decades since that time nvistors have received even less public
notice than has Bell. For example, Barrow's 1991 book makes no mention of
twistors while giving considerable coverage to superstrings. 19 This apparent
neglect could be attributed to the somewhat radical approach that Penrose and
his colleagues have taken as well as the difficult mathematics that must be
mastered in order to deal with twistor space.20 The latter problem may be
responsible for the dearth of literature on nvistor theory for physicists who
want to explore its features without roo many mathematical accouterments.
Wistors are inherently non-local in their structure. This is because they
are designed not to embody space-like dimensional qualities; instead
they combine quantum mechanical angular momentum (spin) and
relativistic linear momentum (speed of light). As a result twistor space, which
is made up of these objects, has the property of defining direction but not
separation or distance. Non-locality is therefore an intrinsic and natural
property of twistor space.
However, space-time is where we live, and it is also the abode of the conven
tional fields and formulas of physics. In order to take advantage of the power
of the twistor formalism, the physics of space-rime can be taken over into
twistor space (and vice versa) by means of a set of mathematical rules called
the Pentose transform. 2o When the transform is applied to the space-time
manifold it turns out that a "null line" or ray of light in this manifold
corresponds to a point in twistor space. In other words, the points of twistor
space can be thought of as encoding global or large-scale knowledge about
space-time. Bell's quantum connection, therefore, finds a natural home in
twistor space. The deeper structures of reality do indeed lie outside of space-time.
Combining these two points leads to a picture of the physical world continu
ously "unfolding" or evolving out of the non-local knowledge realm of
archetypal patterns at the finite rate of the speed of light. (This picture is not
unlike that proposed by David Bohm 24 ,25 with his implicate and explicate
orders.) Thus quantum connectedness, which is intrinsic to the realm beyond
space-time, is compatible with the realm of matter with its universal speed limit.
n analogy may help illuminate this picture. Consider a loom which
has a human operator watching the pattern unfold. The machinery
of the loom runs at a fixed speed, but the operator has the ability to
change the pattern at any time so that it conforms better to what she has in
mind. Thus, there is continuous feedback between what is unfolding and what
has already been created. The weaving ofthe fobric ofreality im/olves this contin
uous back and forth exchange between space-time and the higher realms.
There is one more link in the chain that needs to be discussed in connection
with the details of the model. This remaining link bridges the gap between
twistor space and still higher dimensional spaces. The needed connection is
provided by fiber bundle theory. This is a branch of pure mathematics called
differential geometry. Bergman 26 provides this description of these geometri
cal structures:
iber bundles fit into twistor theory in an essential way. Ward and Wells
provide an extensive review of the mathematics that connects fiber
bundles to rwistor space. 20 Twistor space by itself is adequate for certain
of the internal symmetries of elementary particles but not general enough to
handle the quantum forces that operate berween the particles. Fiber connec
tions introduced at each point of nvistor space, give it a much richer geomet
rical structure. Figure 2 schematically illustrates this model. It shows how
mathematical links serve as connectors berween the knowledg;: realm which
includes mind and the physical realm of matter. Note that the association of
mathematical hyperspaces with Mind is unique to this model and would not
be regarded as orthodox science. However, we believe that the evidence and
arguments arrayed in these articles uphold this hypothesis.
Maps made in this fashion can provide guidelines for thinking as well as for
human experience. However, there is a problem in this upward projection to
more encompassing realms of the hierarchical structure of nature. We believe
that the most such maps can do is to provide us with aspects of that reality
since we are exploring a reality from which space-time emerges as a projection.
ause and effect are the heart and soul of scientific explanation. You
To understand how our model treats causality we will need to review the history
of the concept of causality. The earliest and most systematic codification of
the meaning of causality in the West was the teaching of Aristotle who elaborat
ed upon the scattered ideas of Plato. In the Aristotelian teaching of causes
there were four causes. Two causes of "being": 1) the material cause that
provides the passive receptacle upon which the other causes act, and 2) the
formal cause that contributes the essence, idea, or quality of the thing concerned.
Then there were two causes of "becoming": 3) efficient cause which represented
the external compulsion that bodies had to obey, and 4) the final cause that
represented the goal to which everything strove and which everything served.
After the Renaissance there was a major shift in the thinking about causality
due to the emergence of science. Science only considered the efficient cause
since it was mathematically expressible in the science of the time and could
lead to the harnessing of nature. Science took the material cause for granted
in connection with all natural happenings and ignored the formal and final
causes because they were considered beyond the reach of physical experiment. 27
e suggest that reproducibility is an artifact that appears in the so
called "hard sciences" because of the simplifYing assumption that
space-time forms a closed manifold. 29 Under our expanded science,
"real" effects that could originate beyond space-time may not be consistently
reproducible. For example, religious miracles and medical "spontaneous"
remissions would need to be evaluated on this broader scientific basis. We
postulate that experiments involving significant components originating beyond
space-time require a closed manifold that extends beyond space-time to be
consistently reproducible. Since we are now dealing with the realms of mind
and spirit, this appears to require changes in belief systems plus a degree of
on-locality is closely related to the issue of reproducibility. We agree
with John Stewart Bell, Nick Herbert, and others who state that non
local linkages underlie everyday reality.s Thus, we may ask: if a
quantum connection of some kind is estahlished by every interaction, then
why aren't all human beings experiencing this unity? One reason for this
apparent absence of unity might he that, although the strength of the quantum
correlations does not diminish with distance, there appears to he a form of
"coupling coefficient" associated with each connection. The coupling coeffi
cient represents a measure of the degree to which one system influences
The features that are present in these two examples span a range from static
form at one extreme to kinetic-dynamic process at the other extreme. These
features or aspects arise out of a whole that is being generated and sustained
by a motivating "energy/intelligence" that is of a different quality than the
features themselves.
athematicians have been exploring the fabric of form based upon a
formless space beyond dualities, before any distinction has been
drawn. Thus, both "the unmanifest" and a creative process from
which form arises can be symbolically described. The approach is as follows.
In order for any universe to come ro observe itself and therefore learn, even
through intuition, it must somehow split itself into that which is seen and that
which sees. This process involves both distinction and self-reference-two
inseparable and hence conceptually identical ideas. The starting point for this
process is "the unmanifest" called the "Void" in metaphysics. The Void is the
opposite of (and hence the support for) Everything That Is, and hence it can
n entire universe of forms comes into being with the making of one
distinction. It is this simplicity of distinction that underlies the
dynamics of nature, life and movement-the binary choice of yes-no,
true-false, over-under, inside-outside, etc. What the mathematicians are saying
is that this simplicity boils up from the realm of the Void/All via archetypal
patterns into the complexity of the geometry and topology of the perceived
world. They have demonstrated "how a rich world of periodicities, waveforms
and interference phenomena is inherent in the simple act of distinction."3o All
from framing nothing!
Distinction, therefore, implies the more complex and dynamical processes of self
reference, feedback, and learning. Since our model assumes an interconnected
unity in a hierarchy of levels, it then represents a cosmos that is learning through
a multiplicity of feedback paths, both in nature and in human beings. The
mathematical subjects discussed below supply further clues as to how the dynamics
of the feedback process between Mind and matter might be taking place.
In the example of the sand particles on the metal plate, we note that the static
form of a pattern and the kinetic-dynamic process are being generated and
sustained by an essential periodic vibration. In science once a phenomenon
can be recognized as "wave-like," then a great deal about that phenomenon can
be predicted even though the mechanism by which the waves are generated is
not clearly understood. By the use of mathematical "transforms" it is possible
to symbolically span beyond space-time.
But for our purposes the most interesting feature is shown by Kauffman 32 to
be the fact that the self-reference process is precisely mirrored by the formalism
of complex numbers. It should be no surprise, therefore, that quantum
mechanics, the only branch of physics that incorporates the observer as an
integral part of the system, can not be formulated correctly without complex
ractals exhibit "scaling properties" which result in self-similarity among
scales. This means, for example, that one can take a section of coastline
(a fractal) and magnify it, obtaining a result that is equally plausible as
a stretch of coastline. Hence, for patterns in the physical world that can be
represented as fractals, their coupling to the archetypal counterparts in the
spaceless-timeless realm would appear to be independent of their physical size.
In other words, for feedback from an appropriate archetype, it makes no differ
ence if the physical pattern is on the scale of the solar system, a mountain
range, a tree, a crystal, the DNA molecule, or the spin structure of an atomic
nucleus. An important characteristic of fractals is that a small change in the
generating form creates a corresponding change in the fractal pattern
everywhere, and at every scale. Thus, the mathematics of self-similar fractals
could be representing a key organizing principle in nature-one that creates a
type of "holographic" universe.
In Part III we will integrate the key concepts from Parts I & II and address
their implication for human experience and energy medicine.
• • •
CORRESPONDENCE: William C. Gough • Foundation for Mind-Being Research • 442
Knoll Drive· Los Altos, CA 94024 • Voice & Fax: (415) 941-7462 • Robert L. Shacklett
• Post Otllce Box 2128 • Apros, CA 95001 • Voice: (408) 722-6021.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors wish to thank Robert Bourdeaux (8510 Brink Rd.,
Gaithersburg, MD 20882) for his artistic contribution ro rhe creation of Figures 1 and 2 of
this paper. A summary of the concepts presented in this series was first published in The
Journal of Religion and P~ychical Research. Although this second ISSSEEM article represents a
major update, it does contain portions of the copyrighted JRPR second article that are being
published with the kind permission of The Academy of Religion and Psychical Research,
Bloomfield, CT.