1. Introduction.........................................................................................1
1.1 Scope of Guidelines .................................................................................... 1
1.2 How to use these Guidelines ...................................................................... 2
1.3 Glossary ....................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
Permeability is the ability of an aquifer pore spaces or fissures are totally filled
or water-bearing formation to allow with water. Also referred to as the
water to pass through it. Permeability is phreatic zone.
also known as effective porosity because Transmissivity means the rate at which
it is a function of interconnected groundwater can flow through an aquifer
saturated pore spaces. section of unit width under a unit
Potable Water is the water fit for hydraulic gradient. It is the average
human consumption. permeability of a section of the entire
aquifer at a given location multiplied by
Pollution the presence in the
the thickness of the formation.
environment or the introduction into it,
of substances that have harmful or Water Table - The top of the zone in
unpleasant effects which all pore spaces or fissures are
totally filled with water.
Regulations means the Pakistan
Environmental Protection Agency
Review of Initial Environmental
Examination and Environment Impact
Assessment Regulations, 2000
Saturated Zone is the zone below and
including the water table in which all
2. Project Profile
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
Few tips are provided that may improve
the efficiency of the well.
The use of bamboo and mosquito
netting filters is more fuel efficient
(and cheaper) than using PVC
pipes with very narrow slot sizes
(0.2 mm).
Diesel pumpsets
Increasing the engine operating
temperature through alteration of
water-cooling system. For
example, by fitting thermo syphon
drum cooling increases operating
temperature from 35 °C to 80 °C.
Removing the check valve from
the suction pipe to reduce
hydraulic friction losses.
With oversized engines, reduce the
speed of the engine. For example,
reduction from 1,500 to 1,100 rpm
on a 5HP engine reduced fuel
consumption from 1 l/h to 0.5 l/h
with unchanged discharge.
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
General Information
1. Project Name or Title____________________________________________
2. Project Proponent (Department or Organization) ______________________
3. Address ______________________________________________________
4. Telephone ____________________________________________________
5. Fax _________________________________________________________
6. E-mail _______________________________________________________
7. Representative of the Proponent___________________________________
8. Designation ___________________________________________________
9. Name of the person who conducted this assessment ___________________
10. Designation ___________________________________________________
11. Qualification___________________________________________________
Project Information
12. Well Location__________________________________________________
13. Cost of the Well ________________________________________________
14. Proposed Depth _______________________________________________
15. Expected Yield ________________________________________________
16. Expected Daily Discharge ________________________________________
17. Pump Size ____________________________________________________
18. Energy Source_________________________________________________
19. Land Area Required: __________________________________________ m2
20. Purpose of the Well _____________________________________________
21. Brief Project Description _________________________________________
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
Please attach a plot plan of the proposed well site showing the location of the key
structures, access, utilities, units, etc.
22. Who will maintain the well? _______________________________________
23. Who owns the proposed land for the project? _________________________
24. What is the present use of the land? ________________________________
25. Are there any encroachers on the land? _____________________________
If yes, please specify
Number of encroachers ________________________________________
Will any compensation be paid to them? ___________________________
26. Are there any structures on the proposed site now? Yes No
27. If yes, will any structure be demolished? Yes No
28. If yes, where the demolition waste will be disposed? ___________________
29. Are there any trees on the proposed site? Yes No
30. Will any tree be removed? Yes No
If yes, how many? ______________________________________________
31. Period of construction (start and end dates) __________________________
32. Is drilling work during the night planned? Yes No
33. What kind of drilling equipment will be used (percussion, rotary, etc.)? _____
1. Is the proposed well or any of the area that it will irrigate in an ecologically
sensitive area? Yes No
2. Is the cost of the proposed well Rupees one million or more?
Yes No
If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then the project would require
an initial environmental examination or an environment impact assessment.
Refer to the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Initial
Environmental Examination and Environment Impact Assessment Regulations,
2000 for appropriate category.
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
1. Describe the terrain of the project area: Flat or Level (Slope < 3%)
Level to moderately steep
(Slope 3%-30%)
Moderately steep to
mountainous (Slope > 30%)
2. Are there signs of soil erosion or landslide anywhere within 500 m of the
proposed site?
Yes No
If yes, please describe (where, nature) ______________________________
3. Is there any surface water body (river, canal, stream, lake, wetland) within
1,000 m of the proposed site?
Yes No
If yes, describe each water body:
Name (including Dimensions Status and Uses (Is it polluted? Is domestic
type, ie, river, canal or other wastewater discharged to it? What
or stream) are its uses, eg, agriculture, domestic,
industrial, washing, fishery
4. Is there any other groundwater well on the proposed site or within 500 m of
the proposed site?
Yes No
If yes, describe each well:
Type (Dug well, tube Location (Village, Depth and Uses (Drinking,
well, hand pump) road, mohalla, etc. Yield agriculture, domestic,
and distance from industrial, washing,
the site) livestock)
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
5. Are there any reserved forest or protected area within 1,000 m of the
proposed site?
Yes No
If yes, please describe?__________________________________________
6. How are the general hygienic conditions of the project area?
Generally clean
7. Is there any bad odor in the project area?
Yes No
What is the source of the odor?____________________________________
8. Is there any site of cultural importance (graveyard, shrine, mosque,
archeological site) within 1,000 m of the proposed scheme?
Yes No
If yes, please describe?__________________________________________
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
W1B-Tubewell Construction
Tube-well Construction for Agriculture and Irrigation Purposes
Section V: Undertaking
Name ____________________
Designation ____________________
W1B-Tubewell Construction