Microglia and Development Artigo Gislaine
Microglia and Development Artigo Gislaine
Microglia and Development Artigo Gislaine
Airam Barbosa de Moura1, Morgana Sonza Abitante1, Ritele Hernandez Silva1, João
Quevedo1,2,3,4 and Gislaine Zilli Réus1,*
Translational Psychiatry Laboratory, Graduate Program in Health Sciences, Health Sciences Unit, University
of Southern Santa Catarina, Criciúma, Santa Catarina, Brazil; Center for Translational Psychiatry,
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston, Houston, Texas, USA; Center of Excellence on Mood Disorders, Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston, Houston, Texas, USA; Neuroscience Graduate Program, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences,
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas, USA
Abstract: Microglia are immune cells found in the central nervous system (CNS)
involved in infection combat and cellular debris clean. These glial cells are involved in
synaptogenesis during brain development by their interactions with neurons and other
glial cells. These relations are associated with the secretion of signaling molecules, such
as chemokines and neurotrophic factors. Microglia cells influence synapsis and neuron
morphology during different phases of development. Also, other systems, for example,
Received: January 08, 2021
gut microbiota, indirectly affect microglial functions and morphology. Several factors that
Revised: July 15, 2021 can occur in different development periods, including intrauterine through adult life,
Accepted: July 29, 2021
could impact microglia. Impairment in these cells could be associated with the
development of some psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia, autistic spectrum
10.2174/1566524021666211018112757 disorder (ASD), and depression. This review focuses on describing microglia functions in
the maintenance of CNS and how they are associated with other systems, as the gut-
microbiota brain axis and environmental stressors, such as stress, maternal deprivation,
sleep deprivation, immune activation, and ethanol exposure, that can influence the
function of the microglia during neurodevelopment.
Keywords: Gut-microbiota-brain axis, synaptogenesis, maternal deprivation, microglia activation,
neurodevelopment, environmental stressors.
development was cross-referenced with the following and usually are the first to be activated in response to
words: microglial activation, synaptogenesis, gut- tissue damage or brain infections [11]. Microglia are
microbiota brain axis, inflammation, oxidative stress, known to have different states, including resting and
maternal deprivation, sleep deprivation, immune activated, with the capacity for phagocytosis but not
activation, ethanol exposure, immune activation. limited to it. When in the resting state, microglia cells
Bibliographies from identified papers were also verified are highly mobile even under normal inactive
to detect any other original articles associated with this conditions within the adult CNS, and it owns an ability
review's goals. to secrete neurotrophic factors such as insulin-like
growth factor 1 (IGF-1), brain-derived neurotrophic
2.1. Microglia: What are they? Origin and Function factor (BDNF), and nerve growth factor (NGF) [12, 13]
(Fig. 1). In vivo studies using two-photon microscopy
CNS has as part of its constitution neurons and glia, demonstrated that microglia are in constant movement,
which include oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and
monitoring their microenvironment and communicating
microglia. The total of glial cells in the CNS is about
with neurons and other glial cells through motile
12% of microglia and is mostly known as a mediator of
processes and protrusions [14-16].
post-injury and inflammatory responses in the brain [7].
Besides that, these cells play an essential role in the Microglia can be activated by injury factors or any
healthy development and regulation of structural and kind of pathologic insult in the brain and produce
functional processes, from single synapses to neural several cytotoxic mediators that are involved in multiple
circuits and behavior [8]. Also, being a protector of the CNS disorders [17], such as reactive oxygen species
brain, microglia regulates neuronal precursor cell sets, (ROS), pro-inflammatory cytokines, adenosine
synaptogenesis, and the formation of neural networks triphosphate (ATP), and derivatives of arachidonic acid
in the CNS developing [9]. In recent years, vast and (AA) [18]. At the same time, adjacent cells induce
novel findings have shown that the role of microglia in microglia to release cytokines and chemokines in many
the CNS is more complicated than supposed. pathological conditions [19, 20]. After activation,
microglia change their own morphologic phenotype
Classified by Pío del Río Hortega in 1919 [10],
from a highly ramified cell to an amoeboid cell (Fig. 1).
microglia cells are essential resident immune cells of
the brain presenting a branched, ramified morphology, There are two main hypotheses of the origin of
Fig. (1). General functions of microglial cells: The resting microglial cells are involved in insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1),
brain-derived-neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and nerve growth factor (NGF) release. However, when activated by stress,
pathologic insult or injury factors, such as lipopolysaccharides (LPS), pro-inflammatory cytokines, and interferon-γ, microglia
cells can be stimulated to release reactive oxygen species (ROS), pro-inflammatory cytokines, and chemokines, as well as
protective mediators like interleukin-4, -10, and -13, besides transforming growth factor b (TGF-b). Both inflammatory and anti-
inflammatory mediators secreted by microglia are essential in the central nervous system (CNS) development, synaptogenesis,
and establishment of neural networks. (A higher resolution / colour version of this figure is available in the electronic copy of the
Microglia activation and neurodevelopment Current Molecular Medicine, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 3
microglia: mesodermal and monocytic. The and immune processes. Besides, microglial cells from
mesodermal origin of microglia is well accepted and hippocampal tissue cultured produce pro-inflammatory
proposes that precursor cells developed in the yolk sac cytokines. When in excess, this inflammatory process
through the mesoderm invade the brain [21]. On the can trigger neuronal lesions and be associated with the
other hand, the monocytic origin indicates that development of psychiatric disorders [34].
monocytes present in the circulating blood transform
The exact timing of synaptic regulation by microglia
into amoeboid microglial cells, which consequently turn
is unclear, but some studies have indicated that the
into ramified microglial cells into CNS [22]. Microglia
postnatal period forms numerous synapses,
have been closely related to macrophages that
remodeling and removing them to construct the mature
circulate in peripheral blood [23]. Simultaneously,
circuit [4, 5]. Moreover, microglia appear to contribute
monocytic genes expressed in microglia (HLA-C, to the synaptic maturation process. In fact, in knockout
CD74, CD302, LSP1, and RUNX3) are known to have
rodents for CX3CR1 (spinal fracture receptor), which is
essential functions involved in antigen presentation and
expressed exclusively in microglia, a reduction in
lysosome action [24, 25]. During early fetal
synaptic pruning after 2-3 postnatal weeks was
development, microglia take up residence in the brain.
demonstrated, followed by an increase in postsynaptic
Runt-related transcription factor 1 (RUNX1), which
density protein 95 (PSD-95) immunoreactivity (Fig. 2).
regulates the myeloid lineage's proliferation and These results indicate that pruning defects may
differentiation, is expressed in microglia before brain
represent a function of microglial cells [4]. Another
development [21].
experimental study in mice revealed that the loss of
Microglial activation has been described as a microglia autophagy ability impairs synaptic pruning
process where the microglial cells are involved in the [35], and it is associated with abnormal social
production of protective cytokines related to essential interaction and repetitive behaviors, which are
functions in tissue repair and wound healing, like symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD).
interleukin (IL)-10, transforming growth factor b (TGF- Furthermore, the authors showed that synaptosome
b), IL-4, and IL-13, and in the secretion of inflammatory degradation and immature dendritic filopodia were
mediators, including ROS, e.g., superoxide anion damaged in the co-cultured neuron with the loss of
matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, as well as pro- microglia autophagy [35]. Microglia-mediated synaptic
inflammatory cytokines and chemokines [26, 27] (Fig. changes require the release of BDNF [36].
1). This system can play a role in beneficial or
A recent pre-clinical study that exposed animals to
destructive effects depending on the stimuli, duration,
stress protocols in adolescence found that compared to
and the environment that the cells are residing; thus,
controls, stressed animals showed variations in protein
the balance between neurotrophins, inflammatory, and
expression of the ionized calcium-binding adapter
anti-inflammatory mediators released by microglia can
molecule 1 (Iba1), microglia-specific biomarker, and
be considered a desirable therapeutic goal for tumoral necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in the prefrontal
psychiatric disorders [27].
cortex. The same study also revealed a transient
increase during stress exposure of these markers, with
2.2. Microglia, Synapses, and Neurodevelopment a subsequent gradual decrease over time, leading to
Dendritic spines are postsynaptic components of significantly reduced TNF-α in adulthood [37]. It is still
mainly excitatory synapses that play an essential role unclear how and when immune changes occur after
in synapses' function and efficacy. During exposure to stress in adolescence and whether it is
development, neuronal branches and dendritic spines possible to prevent the late occurrence of cognitive
develop and become complex and dynamic structures impairment through early immune intervention.
[28, 29]. Several neurotrophic factors are involved in Another issue that has been evaluated is the
the neurogenesis process, such as IGF-1 and BDNF, difference in synaptic pruning according to gender. One
which act on neuronal proliferation, differentiation, and study found that females, but not male mice, exhibit an
maturation. These factors are also essential for new increase in the density of axonal terminals and
synapse formation processes and the maintenance and dendritic spines in the hippocampus on the second
survival of existing dendrites [28, 30]. Synapses life's week [38]. These and other studies have shown
morphology plays a vital role in their efficiency since that the process of synaptic regulation by microglia is
the type of dendritic thorn can influence its function and necessary and performs essential functions for proper
effectiveness. Thus, the maintenance of synapses is neuronal functioning in the different periods of
fundamental for proper neuronal functioning. development.
The microglia play a role in the regulation, acting
during development by modulating the formation of 2.3. Gut-microbiota Brain Axis and Microglia in the
brain networks through their interactions with neurons, Neurodevelopment
astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, as well as secretion
The influence of the intestinal microbiota in brain
of signaling molecules, such as chemokines and development is receiving considerable attention in the
neurotrophic factors, thus contributing to the regulation
understanding of mental health disorders. Current
of synapses [31-34]. Recent studies indicate that
research describes a bidirectional communication
microglia are involved in the elimination and refinement
between CNS and guts bacteria, the microbiota-gut-
of synaptic connections in the healthy developing brain
brain axis, which occurs through complex mechanisms
4 Current Molecular Medicine, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX de Moura et al.
involving neural, endocrine, immune, and metabolic an immature phenotype that results in impaired innate
pathways [39-41]. immune responses. Elimination of host-microbiota in
mice led to huge changes in microglia properties.
Microbiota dynamically changes across the lifespan.
Defective microglia are related to a limited microbiota
Infancy composition is affected by several internal and
external factors such as mode of delivery, antibodies, diversity and complexity. However, when a complex
microbiota was induced, microglia got its features
and nutrients provided by breastfeeding, maternal diet,
partially restored. Besides that, mice presenting
antibiotic or probiotic treatments, contact with parents,
deficient free fatty acid receptor 2 (FFAR2) for SCFA
siblings, and hospital staff [for reviews, see 42-46]. The
had microglial dysfunction under GF conditions. These
complex adult-like microbiome emerges by the age of
data evince that the host microbiota is vital for microglia
1-year-old and, later in the development, the
occurrence of significant shifts in the adult diet shows maintenance (Fig. 2).
dramatic changes in microbiota composition [47]. As These data support the concept that the microbiota
we age, it has been shown that the core microbiota is essential for maintaining microglia maturation, as
undergoes a dynamic shift and is reported a decrease continuous input of complex signals derived from the
in the number of probiotic Bifidobacteria strains over microbiota preserves the microglia maturation status
aging. Based on this evidence, centenarian studies actively throughout adulthood. Despite GF mice
have reinforced the importance of microbial diversity in exhibiting reduced BDNF expression levels in the
maintaining health as we age [48, 49]. cortex and hippocampus relative to SPF mice [52] and
present in adulthood increased stress response and
The intestinal microbiota provides nutritional support
marked changes in anxiety and social behavior.
for brain maturation and function [50]. Essential
However, it is unclear if these alterations are due to
vitamins are extracted from the diet, and through the
fermentation of nondigestible carbohydrates, short- changes in microglial function.
chain fatty acids (SCFA) are produced, such as
acetate, propionate, and butyrate providing an 3. INFLAMMATION, OXIDATIVE STRESS, AND
essential source of energy [51]. MICROGLIAL ACTIVATION IN THE
Commensal gut microbes are essential for neural
networking was first demonstrated in animal studies, In recent years, the neuronal inflammatory condition
where germ-free (GF) mice exhibited an exaggerated has been the subject of studies. Many psychiatric
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity, with disorders, such as major depressive disorder (MDD),
plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and have been considered inflammatory events due to
significant corticosterone elevation in response to several shreds of evidence found in experimental and
restraint stress compared to specific pathogen-free clinical studies [57-60]. In MDD individuals, there is an
(SPF) mice, which was reversed by reconstitution with increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines serum levels,
commensal bacteria from control mice [52, 53]. GF such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, interferon-C (IFN-C), and
mice also exhibited reduced BDNF expression levels in TNF-α. Also, rodents subjected to animal models of
the cortex and hippocampus relative to SPF mice [52]. depression showed a decrease of IL-10, an anti-
In adulthood, these mice have marked changes in inflammatory cytokine [61, 62]. Moreover, animals
neurotransmitter levels, plasticity-related proteins such subjected to stress protocols had increased damage in
as BDNF, increased stress response, and marked protein and lipid as well as altered antioxidant enzymes
changes in anxiety and social behavior [52]. [63, 64]. These data evidence the presence of inflam-
matory processes and ROS in the pathophysiological
Gut microbiome immunomodulatory effects and processes throughout the development.
possible commensal bacteria colonization can
modulate the peripheral and CNS, influencing brain Early life adverse events have repercussions over
development and function [54]. Some studies time, as identified in the study by Evans and
investigated whether gut microbiota could influence Schamberg [65], which showed an inverse relationship
microglia activation in animal models based on the between exposure to childhood poverty and/or chronic
knowledge of the role of microglia in the brain's stress events and working memory changes in young
immune defense against pathogens. Apparently, under adults. Exposure to stress in early life can induce
normal homeostatic conditions, a diverse behavioral and epigenetic changes throughout life.
gastrointestinal microbiota is necessary to maintain These alterations associated with inflammatory con-
microglia maturation and activation in a healthy ditions can lead to long-term deleterious consequences
functional state [55]. The intestinal microbiota seems to for synapses, including in the subsequent generations
control the maturation and function of microglia; [66].
therefore, gut commensal bacteria would be necessary Environmental stressors are known to activate the
to prepare the innate immune system, both in the immune system, leading to changes in behavior and
periphery and in the CNS [55, 56]. neural functions. Immune alterations can be initiated
Erny et al. [55] showed robust evidence that the from microglial activation and changes in cell plasticity,
host microbiota is essential to microglia homeostasis, resulting in the susceptibility to disrupt interactions
where GF mice demonstrated wide defects in microglia between glial cells at synapses. Microglial stimulation
with alterations in the proportion of the cell, as well as also leads to an increase of ROS and reactive nitrogen
Microglia activation and neurodevelopment Current Molecular Medicine, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 5
species (RNS) as well as the expression of pro- During neurodevelopment, microglia cells and
inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines may increase the cytokines have not only an immunological function but
activity of the indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) are also crucial for the formation of both neuronal
enzyme, responsible for the degradation of tryptophan, architecture and cellular circuits [36, 75] (Fig. 1).
a precursor of serotonin. IDO also activates pro- Microglia are probably the first CNS cells type to sense
inflammatory genes, leading to a vicious cycle, psychological stress, peripheral inflammation and
increasing neuroinflammation [62]. The process that mediate the effects of perinatal adversities during the
seems to be related to neuronal atrophy results in developing brain [76]. Data from pre-clinical studies
synaptic damage. A recent animal study showed that indicate that repeated stress exposure causes
rats undergoing maternal deprivation in the first ten morphological and functional changes in microglia
postnatal days (PND) had microglial activation markers through an activation state that appears to be mediated
identified during development, including infancy and by several factors, such as stress hormones, purines,
adolescence period, but behavioral changes were cytokines, neurotransmitters, and pattern recognition
identified when the animals were adults (PND 60), receptor (PRR) [77-79]. Moreover, experiments have
suggesting that the inflammatory process may begin at shown that stress exposure caused robust activation of
an early stage of development, but have its microglia in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), amygdala
repercussions in adulthood [64] (Fig. 2). (AMYG), and the CA3 and dentate gyrus (DG) of the
hippocampus (HPC) in mice [80-85].
Early-stage neuronal cells appear to be more
vulnerable to the effects of ROS. In fact, ROS In agreement with these findings, several animal
interferes with the neurological development process modeling studies indicate that microglial activation,
by interacting with neuronal cell lipids, proteins, and decreased hippocampal neurogenesis, and dendritic
DNA [67]. In a recent study, it was reported that alterations occur in response to prenatal immune
animals exposed to anticonvulsant valproic acid (used activation following stressors [86-89]. The most
to induce autistic behavior in animals) during replicated morphological finding appears to be cell
pregnancy it was more susceptible to peripheral and death in white matter and decreased myelin basic
neuronal inflammation associated with microglial protein immunostaining following prenatal adminis-
activation, resulting in elevated ROS production and tration of bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS)
behavioral changes. On the other hand, the and polyinosinic: polycytidylic acid (poly IC) to the
administration of minocycline, an antibiotic, was able to pregnant rodent [90-92].
reverse neuroinflammation and behavioral changes
Microglia dynamically probe the developing brain
induced by valproic acid [68].
and are highly responsive to several mediators of
Microglial cells may be "primed" in response to stress, such as corticosterone, catecholamines, and
damage, for example, in neurodegenerative diseases corticotropin-releasing hormone [93]. Researches using
and the natural aging process [69]. In normal the Brief Daily Stress (BDS) as a model of early life
physiology during microglial activation are released stress in rats observed that microglia play a critical role
inflammatory factors that act triggering immune in guiding many neurodevelopmental processes,
processes, keeping normal homeostasis. However, including synaptic pruning, synaptic maturation,
when microglia turns "primed", including after chronic neurogenesis, axonal growth, and myelination [93]. A
stress situations, the inflammatory process continues, study that explores the effects of early maternal
resulting in an excitotoxic environment, with deprivation during development through the use of Iba-
dysregulation of glutamatergic release and consequent 1 and AIF-1 microglial markers found at postnatal day
maintenance of the inflammatory process by (PND) 10, 20, and 30 the expression of Iba-1 and at 20
expression and release of pro-inflammatory genes (Fig and PND 60 the expression of AIF-1 [62]. Changes that
1). trigger an inflammatory process in animals during the
Environmental stressors: maternal deprivation, prenatal period may lead to an acceleration of the
transcriptomic maturation profile of early postnatal
sleep deprivation, and microglial activation through
microglia in a manner that persists into adulthood [94].
Thereby chronic stress exposure affects not only
Human neurodevelopment is a long and dynamic microglial morphology but also microglial sensitivity
process, particularly during the fetal period, early [79]. This shift may restrict microglial physiological
childhood, puberty, and early adolescence [70]. Studies functions at crucial stages of development, leading to
on neuroplasticity and vulnerability suggest that the alterations in connectivity or excitatory/inhibitory
brain can be "shaped" by the environment, both synapses imbalance and associated behavioral deficits
positive and negative experiences [71]. Moreover, [94].
recent researches have reported a central role of the
Evidence suggests that in response to stress occurs
microglia in specific aspects of brain development,
homeostasis, and disease [72, 73]. These cells a reduction in the formation of new neurons and glia,
decreased neuronal arborization, and neuronal atrophy
mediate the interaction between the immune and
[95, 96]. Clinical studies that search for the
nervous systems, which is crucial for host perception of
pathophysiology of stress and depression report a
the external environment [74].
decreased glial number (including astrocytes and
6 Current Molecular Medicine, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX de Moura et al.
oligodendrocytes) in PFC in postmortem analysis of in which the mothers were exposed to ethanol, had a
depressive subjects [97, 98]. decrease in dopaminergic neurons in the ventral
tegmental area (VTA) and microglial activation. On the
Another stressor that is reported to promote
other hand, the effects of ethanol on microglia were
microglial functional alteration is sleep dysregulation.
Pre-clinical studies describe that after chronic (five normalized by the postnatal environmental intervention
[107] (Fig. 2). Strategies for decreasing the ethanol
days) rapid eye movement (REM) sleep deprivation or
effects and microglial activation have been
chronic sleep restriction, microglial activation is
investigated. For example, minocycline, an antibiotic
observed through morphological changes of microglia
drug with anti-inflammatory effects, was able to
or increased microglial expression of pro-inflammatory
attenuate ethanol-induced damage to the developing
cytokines after acute sleep deprivation [99-101]. The
evaluation of maternal sleep deprivation in rats during spinal cord by inhibiting microglial activation/
neuroinflammation and by restoring the pro-survival
the 4th, 9th, and 18th gestational days demonstrate a
signaling [108]. A cocktail of oral antibiotics reduced
cognitive impairment, anhedonic behavior, increased
the gut bacterial load and circulating endotoxin levels
inflammatory mediators, and microglial activation in the
as well as neuroinflammation (microglial activation,
hippocampus of offspring at PND 20 [102] (Fig. 2).
inflammasome and, elevated inflammatory cytokines
An animal study using serial block-face scanning levels) induced by acute or chronic alcohol
electron microscopy to analyze synapses and administration in 6- to 8-week-old C57BL/6J female
astrocytic processes in mouse frontal cortex after 6–8 h mice [109]. Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol
of sleep, spontaneous wake, or sleep deprivation and component found in plants and fruits, such as grape,
after chronic sleep restriction (∼5 days) showed that known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
astrocytic phagocytosis of synaptic elements is effects, also reduced spatial memory impairment,
upregulated after a few hours of sleep deprivation and inhibited microglial activation, and reduced levels of IL-
shows an increase after prolonged and severe sleep 1ß, IL-6, and TNF- α, induced by ethanol in juvenile
loss, indicating that it can promote the maintenance of Sprague-Dawley rats [110] (Fig. 2). The inhibition of
synapses substantially used and vital to responses in chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-
the increase of neuronal activity in the prolonged wake. 1) and its receptor C-C chemokine receptor type 2
On the other hand, chronic sleep deprivation activates (CCR2) also was able to reduce ethanol-induced
microglia, promoting an increase of their phagocytic microglial activation/neuroinflammation and
activity, even in the lack of neuroinflammation’s signs. neurodegeneration in the developing brain [111].
These data suggest that long-term sleep disturbance
Studies have been shown that immune activation
may lead to microglial activation, increasing the brain's
could lead to microglial cell change during develop-
susceptibility to neurodegeneration [100].
ment. Indeed, many studies have proposed that
Environmental stressors: immune activation, maternal immune activation during pregnancy could be
ethanol exposure, and microglial activation through related to ASD as well as other psychiatric conditions,
development. including schizophrenia [112] and depression [61,62].
The effects of ethanol exposure have been Heresi Venegas [113], in a review, proposed that these
investigated in the context of microglial activation associations could be associated with pro-inflammatory
through development. Li et al. [103] studied the effects cytokines, autoantibodies, and microglial synaptic
of ethanol exposure during adolescence and pruning during early embryonic development. Another
demonstrated an increase in the number of activated study revealed that microglial activation plays a vital
microglia and the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines role in the development and sexual dimorphisms of
mediated by toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). Other research neuropsychiatric disorders in humans. In fact, maternal
investigated the influence of TLR7 from the infection with live porcine reproductive and respiratory
postmortem human alcoholic hippocampus and syndrome virus leads to a fetuses' microglia increased
revealed that ethanol induces TLR7 and let-7b, as well expression, reduced phagocytic, and chemotactic
as danger signaling molecule high mobility group box-1 activity when compared to controls (Fig. 2). Moreover,
(HMGB1) expression in microglia-derived microvesicles at seven postinoculation days, an elevated microglial
[104]. density was found in the fetal amygdala, which was
sex-dependent [114].
Sanchez-Alavez et al. [105] demonstrated that rats
over adolescence period exposed to ethanol for five Maternal upregulation of type-I interferon (IFN-I) in
weeks produced an increase in microglial activation in mice, in response to maternal immune activation
different brain areas. A combination of acute ethanol induced by poly (I: C), was able to interfere with the
exposure and acute stress, as well as the combination offspring's programmed microglial developmental
of chronic ethanol exposure and acute stress, cascade, besides that increase their susceptibility to
interacted to increase plasma endotoxin and microglial postnatal stress, and led to behavioral abnormalities
CD11b in adult rats [106]. Another study analyzed the [115]. Zhang et al. [116] investigated the effects of
effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on the offspring. intrauterine endotoxin exposure at gestational day 28 in
After birth, the rats were exposed to an enriched the fetal and neonatal rabbit brain. The results revealed
environment or a standard laboratory condition. The that the maternal inflammation-induced changes in
results showed that male adult rats (8 to 12 weeks old), pathways associated with glutamate homeostasis,
astrocyte impairment, and an increase in the glutamate
Microglia activation and neurodevelopment Current Molecular Medicine, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 7
Fig. (2). Microglia cells function during development and environmental factors that influence microglial activation. Microglia are
involved in brain functions and activity during development. In childhood, microglia is associated with synaptogenesis by
increasing the postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95); in adolescence, microglia are required to increase the dendritic spine
in neurons mediated by the brain derived-neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Alcohol exposure during intrauterine, adolescence, or
adult life leads to microglial activation. On the other hand, resveratrol inhibits microglial activation induced by ethanol in
adolescence. An environmental enrichment (EE) during childhood can prevent microglial activation in adult life after exposure to
alcohol in prenatal life. An antibiotic cocktail also inhibits microglial activation in adult life after alcohol exposure. Maternal
immune activation, mother's sleep deprivation (SD), or valproic acid contact led to microglial activation and increased glutamate
carboxypeptidase II (GCP II) in early life periods, beyond astrocyte and glutamate homeostasis impairment. Minocycline can
inhibit microglial activation induced by SD. Maternal deprivation (MD) in early life leads to microglial activation in the childhood
period. The germ-free gut is associated with deficits in microglial maturation; however, specific pathogen-free or short-chain fatty
acids can regulate microglia cells during childhood. (A higher resolution / colour version of this figure is available in the
electronic copy of the article).
carboxypeptidase II (GCP II) in the activated microglia spinal cord in human fetuses and found that microglia
in both G29 (1-day post-injury) and PND 1 [115] (Fig. are identifiable by 9 weeks within the ventricular/sub-
2). An exquisite study using the midbrain of people with ventricular zones. In addition, the patterns of microglial
schizophrenia as well as the midbrain of mice exposed migration in the human fetal cord differ from that within
to maternal immune activation during pregnancy the cerebrum but generally conform to a route following
revealed that several inflammatory markers such as white to gray matter.
SERPINA3, TNFα, IL1β, IL6, and IL6ST transcripts A study that analyzed the initial developmental
were elevated in schizophrenia individuals compared
pattern of microglia cell invasion in the SC using
with healthy controls. Furthermore, an increase in the
immunohistochemistry on CX3CR1-eGFP mouse
transcription of microglial and astrocytic markers was
embryos showed that the invasion of microglial cells in
found, accompanied by high inflammation in offspring,
the mouse embryonic SC began at a developmental
following maternal immune activation. The authors
period corresponding to the onset of spontaneous
suggested that maternal immune activation could be a electrical activity and synaptogenesis [124]. First,
contributor factor of neuroinflammation in dopaminergic
microglial cells arrived in the SC by the peripheral
brain areas associated with schizophrenia [117].
vasculature and, after that, invaded the parenchyma at
11.5 days of embryonic age (EA 11.5). The presence of
4. MICROGLIA IN SPINAL CORD AND aggregated microglial cells was found in the
NEURODEVELOPMENT dorsolateral region near to terminal of the dying dorsal
During embryonic CNS development, the microglia root ganglia neuron at EA 12.5. After, microglia present
functions still lack information regarding spinal cord in the ventral marginal zone interacted with radial glial
(SC) colonization with microglia concerning specific cells at EA 13.5, whereas ramified microglial cells
development phases and its role in the CNS neural within the parenchyma interacted with growing
networks formation. The CNS of mammals is invaded capillaries. Also, at the same age, the lateral motor
by microglial cells in two main phases: first during the columns had an increase of microglial activation (Mac-
end of the neurogenesis in the embryonic stage and 2 staining) that led to developmental cell death of motor
the second around birth. Some species like humans, neurons, and this process continued at EA 14.5, but
rodents, and quail, have the invasion of the first with no expression of Mac-2. At the EA 15.5, the
microglial cells at early embryonic developmental presence of randomly microglial cells distributed in the
stages [118-122]. Rezaie et al. [123] investigated the parenchyma was found. This result shows that the
pattern of microglial cell distribution in the embryonic occurrence of microglia in a developing SC during
8 Current Molecular Medicine, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX de Moura et al.
embryonic CNS development correlates with the MCP-1 = Chemokine Monocyte Chemoattractant
presence of apoptotic cells [124]. Protein 1
In adults, the microglia present in the SC plays a AA = Derivatives of Arachidonic Acid
role in remodeling neural networks by the direct FFAR2 = Free Fatty Acid Receptor 2
interaction of synaptic elements [125]. In addition, an
increase in the number of Iba1 immunopositive GF = Germ-Free
microglia in the dorsal horns of the SC of mice that had (GCP II) = Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II
hind limb suspension was observed [125], indicating
that microglial cells can create a response to the HMGB1 = High Mobility Group Box-1
decrease in the afferent stimulation of neurons in the HPA = Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal
related region. The accumulation of microglial cells
number in the central canal may be linked to the IDO = Indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase
heterogeneity of microglia in this region [126] and IGF-1 = Insulin-like Growth Factor 1
alterations in the cerebrospinal fluid dynamic, in which
subependymal microglia react to processes that can IFN-C = Interferon-C
interact with the cerebrospinal fluid [127]. IL = Interleukin
Iba1 = Ionized Calcium-binding Adapter
Microglial cells have long been called guardians of MDD = Major Depressive Disorder
the CNS, acting as a defense system against
pathogens. In recent years, many studies have shown NGF = Nerve Growth Factor
different roles of microglia, and now we know that PRR = Pattern Recognition Receptor
these cells play a critical role in the shape and
functioning of other glial cells and mainly neurons. The PND = Postnatal Days
exact mechanisms and functions of microglia during PSD-95 = Postsynaptic Density Protein 95
development are not still known, but it is acknowledged
RNS = Reactive Nitrogen Species
that these cells can influence synaptogenesis and
dendritic spine processes during childhood and ROS = Reactive Oxygen Species
adolescence. Exposure to unfavorable environmental
RUNX1 = Runt-related Transcription Factor 1
conditions, such as maternal/sleep deprivation,
maternal immune activation, and ethanol exposure, SCFA = Short-chain Fatty Acids
leads to several changes in microglial cells during SPF = Specific Pathogen-free
development, including from intrauterine to adult life.
On the other hand, favorable conditions, such as SC = Spinal Cord
environmental enrichment and chemical compound or MMP = Superoxide Anion Matrix
drug medicine, could be protective alternatives against Metalloproteinase
neuroinflammation and microglial activation through
life. The source of strategies for protecting microglia is TLR4 = Toll-like Receptor 4
important since changes or exacerbated activation of TGF-b = Transforming Growth Factor b
these cells is associated with the development of
psychiatric conditions. In addition, this narrative review TNF-α = Tumoral Necrosis Factor-α
has flaws in explaining in detail the role of microglia VTA = Ventral Tegmental Area
during development, specifically in pathological
conditions, since there are few experimental and AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS
clinical studies in this area. Future studies showing the
importance of microglia in the development of Airam B. de Moura, Morgana S. Abitante, Ritele H.
neuropathologies and mood disorders, as well as da Silva, and Gislaine Z. Réus contributed to writing
environmental factors and other systems that influence the manuscript. Airam B. de Moura and Gislaine Z.
its normal functioning, are suggested. Réus prepared the figures. Gislaine Z. Réus and João
Quevedo contributed to study design, manuscript
revision, and editing.
ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
ACTH = Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Not applicable.
ASD = Autistic Spectrum Disorder
BDNF = Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor FUNDING
BDS = Brief Daily Stress The Translational Psychiatry Program (USA) is
funded by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
CCR2 = C-C Chemokine Receptor Type 2 Sciences, McGovern Medical School, The University of
CNS = Central Nervous System Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).
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funded by the Pat Rutherford Jr. Chair in Psychiatry, phagocytic microglia adjacent to motoneurons in spinal cord
tissue from a presymptomatic transgenic rat model of
John S. Dunn Foundation, and Anne and Don Fizer amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurosci Res 2010; 88(12):
Foundation Endowment for Depression Research. 2736-46.
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[14] Davalos D, Grutzendler J, Yang G, et al. ATP mediates rapid
CONFLICT OF INTEREST microglial response to local brain injury in vivo. Nat Neurosci
The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial 2005; 8(6): 752-8.
or otherwise. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nn1472 PMID: 15895084
[15] Ladeby R, Wirenfeldt M, Garcia-Ovejero D, et al. Microglial
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http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1110647 PMID: 15831717
GZR). JQ is a 1A and GZR is a 2 CNPq Researches [17] Gao Y, Xu X, Chang S, et al. Totarol prevents neuronal injury
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